#july astrology
turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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Astrology of July 2023
July is another big month, astrologically -- especially the second half of the month when the North Node transitions from Taurus to Aries and makes an intense square to Pluto in Capricorn just a few days later. We also have Mars changing signs from Leo to Virgo, and Venus in Leo beginning her retrograde journey, which lasts until September 3rd, 2023.
✨Follow me on instagram @turningwheel360✨
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esotericfaery · 2 months
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imagineastrology · 1 year
10th July 2023 Astro Forecast themes:
☽ in ♈ fiery, enigmatic, ambition, anger
☽ Δ ♀ knowing how to harness this anger into charm.
☽ Δ ♂ standing up for yourself and knowing you can do it.
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gigileeuniverse · 2 months
Collective Energy Reading Shedding the Shady Crew? 🧑‍💻 🐍
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soospiritualjourney · 2 months
July 2024 astrology
A Wild Ride with Pockets of Hope
Main Takeaways:
⭐️Navigate the chaos with a clear head and good intentions. ⭐️Focus on long-term goals and take every small steps at your pace. ⭐️Communication might be confusing, but thinking through helps. ⭐️Obstacles are just opportunities. ⭐️Be patient, information flow improves later in the month. ⭐️Acts of kindness create positive ripples. Most importantly, be kind to self. ⭐️Success comes from balancing logic with intuition.
July's astrology is a mixed bag. Expect tense situations (think pressure cooker!). There are opportunities to chase that dream. The wind at your back and it is up to you to either sail your ship or land it.
There will be confusing communication during the full moon period (one week before and after) but with the dreamy energy comes too creative solutions to issues that seems ruined, like re-creating a ripped shirt into a work of art.
Celebrate successes, small wins, which may seem insignificant- they will uplift your spirits. Detours are expected with this kind of astrological weather, so load on your resilience, communicate your thoughts and intentions both within and outside of - that may be the thing you need, to improve your energy levels.
Life is paved with responsibilities. Take time for healing and kindness to self. It is okay to take a break.
The month ends on a high note - you got this - so take action and shine!
Key Events:
July 15th: Explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction with Algol speaks of political landscape tension (not surprising given the assassination attempt)
July 20th: Mars cooperates with imaginative Neptune lets us take action for our dreams - focus on ideals and dreams
July 21st: Powerful Capricorn Full Moon helps us stabilize our trajectory, set the tone for the next few months.
July 21st: Confusing communication (Mercury-Uranus square) that can be balanced by strategic thinking
July 21st: See through illusions and find sustainable solutions (Sun-Neptune trine, Mars-Pluto trine) allows us to see through illusions.
July 22nd: Sun enters Leo (express desires, even through play) Leo Sun encourages heartfelt expression (even playful!).
July 22nd: Leo Sun opposes shadowy Pluto (obstacles, but facing them builds strength) Leo Sun opposes Pluto, creating seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
July 25th: Mercury enters Virgo (reliable information, but be patient) Mercury in Virgo improves communication (but be patient!).
July 25th: Sun sextiles Mars (extra energy and confidence) Sun-Mars sextile boosts energy and confidence.
July 26th: Sun squares Saturn (reality check, meet responsibilities) Sun-Saturn square reminds us of responsibilities.
July 26th: Chiron turns retrograde (potential for healing)
July 30th: Venus trines Chiron (positive impact, kindness)
July 31st: Sun trines North Node (encouragement, find the right moment for action) Sun-North Node trine brings encouragement.
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houseofchirontx · 3 months
July Astrology Forecast
Welcome to your July 2024 Astrology Forecast! This month’s celestial movements promise transformation, inspiration, and deep introspection. Let’s explore how these planetary transits will influence our journey towards personal growth, mental health, and cosmic harmony, and provide practical tips to navigate these energies.
Mercury Enters Leo
July 2nd - July 25th
Opposes Pluto Rx in Aquarius
Insight and Meaning: As Mercury enters Leo, our communication style becomes more expressive, confident, and bold. This transit encourages us to speak our truth with creativity and passion. The Leo influence makes our words dramatic and heart-centered, urging us to share our stories and perspectives with flair. The opposition to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius brings a need to delve deep into our subconscious and confront hidden fears or unresolved issues that may surface in our interactions. Pluto's transformative energy challenges us to let go of outdated beliefs and embrace new ways of thinking
Individual and Collective Influence: On a personal level, this transit can lead to powerful self-expression and the uncovering of hidden truths. Collectively, we might witness significant public debates and revelations, challenging societal norms and prompting transformative change.
Tips to Navigate:
Affirmations: Use daily affirmations like “I express my truth with confidence and compassion” to reinforce positive communication.
Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings to process any deep-seated emotions that arise.
Meditation: Practice mindfulness to stay grounded during intense conversations.
Historical Context: Historically, similar transits have coincided with important cultural and political debates. For example, previous Mercury-Pluto oppositions have sparked movements for social justice and transparency.
Neptune Stations Retrograde at 29º Pisces
July 2nd - December 7th
Insight and Meaning: Neptune’s retrograde in Pisces invites us to revisit our dreams, spiritual beliefs, and subconscious patterns. This period emphasizes introspection, meditation, and the unveiling of illusions. The retrograde motion of Neptune dissolves the veil between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing us to see through deceptions and connect with our deeper truths. This is a time for spiritual awakening and heightened intuition, making it ideal for exploring mystical and artistic pursuits.
Individual and Collective Influence: Individually, we are called to reconnect with our inner selves and spiritual practices. Collectively, this transit might bring about a reassessment of societal ideals and spiritual values.
Tips to Navigate:
Reiki and Meditation: Engage in Reiki sessions and guided meditations to enhance your connection with your intuition and inner wisdom.
Essential Oils: Use oils like lavender and sandalwood to aid relaxation and spiritual insight.
Dream Journals: Keep a dream journal to capture insights from your subconscious during this introspective period.
Historical Context: Neptune retrogrades have historically aligned with heightened spiritual awareness and artistic inspiration. For instance, the 2020 Neptune retrograde saw a rise in global interest in mindfulness and meditation practices.
New Moon at 14º Cancer
July 5th
5:57 pm CST
Insight and Meaning: The New Moon in Cancer is a potent time for setting intentions related to home, family, and emotional well-being. This lunar phase encourages nurturing our inner world and creating a supportive environment. Cancer’s influence focuses on our roots, prompting us to connect deeply with our emotional foundation and to seek comfort and security in our surroundings. It’s a time to honor our feelings, embrace vulnerability, and build a strong emotional base.
Individual and Collective Influence: On an individual level, this New Moon promotes personal growth and emotional healing. Collectively, it emphasizes the importance of community and family connections.
Tips to Navigate:
New Moon Ritual: Light a white candle and write down your intentions for the month. Focus on themes of emotional security and family harmony.
Numerology: Use the numerological energy of the number 5 (the date) to embrace change and adaptability in your personal life.
Healing Practices: Incorporate practices like Reiki and heart chakra meditations to foster emotional balance.
Historical Context: New Moons in Cancer have often been times of reflection on familial and societal structures. In 2012, a similar New Moon marked a period of increased focus on community building and social support systems.
Insight and Meaning: Venus in Leo brings a vibrant, expressive, and passionate energy to our relationships and aesthetics. This transit encourages grand gestures of love and creativity, making it a time for romance, celebration, and artistic expression. The Leo influence enhances our desire for recognition and admiration in our relationships, urging us to showcase our affection openly. The opposition to Pluto retrograde highlights the need to transform and heal relationship dynamics, pushing us to confront power struggles and deepen our connections.
Individual and Collective Influence: Individually, we are prompted to reassess our relationships and personal values. Collectively, this transit may inspire shifts in societal views on love, beauty, and creativity.
Tips to Navigate:
Self-Love Practices: Engage in activities that promote self-love and self-expression. Use rose quartz to enhance emotional healing.
Heart Chakra Meditations: Balance your heart chakra to harmonize your relationships.
Creative Pursuits: Channel the fiery energy of Leo into artistic and creative endeavors.
Historical Context: Similar transits have marked periods of significant shifts in cultural expressions of love and beauty. The 1980s saw a Venus-Pluto opposition that coincided with transformative changes in fashion and the arts.
Mars Enters Gemini
July 20th - September 4th
Insight and Meaning: Mars in Gemini fuels our drive with curiosity, versatility, and intellectual energy. This transit is excellent for exploring new ideas, engaging in stimulating conversations, and multitasking. Gemini’s influence makes us more adaptable and eager to learn, encouraging us to embrace change and seek out new experiences. This is a time for mental stimulation and networking, where our actions are guided by curiosity and a desire for variety.
Individual and Collective Influence: On an individual level, this energy can enhance mental agility and adaptability. Collectively, it might lead to increased communication and exchange of ideas across various platforms.
Tips to Navigate:
Mindfulness Practices: Stay grounded through mindfulness and use grounding stones like hematite.
Breathing Exercises: Incorporate breathing exercises to manage the restless energy of Mars in Gemini.
Learning and Exploration: Take up new courses or hobbies to channel your curiosity constructively.
Historical Context: Historically, Mars in Gemini has coincided with periods of rapid information exchange and technological advancements. The early 2000s, with Mars in Gemini, saw the rise of social media platforms.
Full Moon at 29º Capricorn
July 21st, 5:16 am CST
Insight and Meaning: The Full Moon in Capricorn highlights our achievements and long-term goals. This is a time to celebrate your hard work and reassess your career and ambitions. Capricorn’s influence brings a focus on discipline, responsibility, and practicality, urging us to evaluate our progress and make necessary adjustments to our plans. This Full Moon sheds light on our professional lives and societal contributions, encouraging us to take a pragmatic approach to our aspirations.
Individual and Collective Influence: Individually, this Full Moon brings clarity to professional and personal aspirations. Collectively, it emphasizes the importance of societal structures and progress.
Tips to Navigate:
Gratitude Lists: Create a list of your accomplishments and use the Full Moon to release limiting beliefs.
Numerology: Employ the energy of the number 3 (2+1) to embrace creativity and expansion in your professional life.
Grounding Practices: Use grounding practices like yoga and nature walks to stay centered.
Historical Context: Full Moons in Capricorn have historically marked significant societal progress and structural changes. The 2010s saw major shifts in global economic policies during such transits.
Sun Enters Leo
July 22nd - August 22nd
Insight and Meaning: The Sun’s entry into Leo brings a month of creativity, joy, and self-expression. This is your time to shine, embrace your individuality, and follow your heart’s desires. Leo’s influence is all about confidence, leadership, and embracing your true self. This period encourages us to pursue our passions and share our talents with the world, making it a time for celebrating life and radiating positivity.
Individual and Collective Influence: Individually, this transit boosts confidence and self-expression. Collectively, it inspires a celebration of creativity and individual talents.
Tips to Navigate:
Creative Activities: Engage in activities that bring you joy and allow your inner light to shine. Use citrine crystals to boost confidence.
Solar Plexus Meditations: Practice solar plexus chakra meditations to enhance self-esteem and creativity.
Social Engagements: Participate in social events and gatherings to celebrate the Leo energy.
Historical Context: Historically, the Sun in Leo has been associated with cultural festivals and celebrations. The Renaissance era often saw significant artistic expressions during such periods.
Mercury Enters Virgo
July 25th - August 15th
Retrograde August 5th - August 28th
Insight and Meaning: Mercury in Virgo enhances our analytical and detail-oriented thinking. This period is excellent for organizing, planning, and refining ideas. Virgo’s influence brings a meticulous and practical approach to our thought processes, making it an ideal time for critical thinking and problem-solving. The upcoming retrograde will prompt us to review and reassess our plans, ensuring they are grounded and practical.
Individual and Collective Influence: Individually, this transit aids in practical problem-solving and meticulous work. Collectively, it emphasizes efficiency and clarity in communication and systems.
Tips to Navigate:
Organizational Practices: Use this time to declutter your space and mind. Lavender essential oil can help with mental clarity.
Preparation: Prepare for Mercury retrograde by double-checking plans and allowing extra time for adjustments.
Detail Work: Focus on tasks that require precision and attention to detail.
Historical Context: Mercury in Virgo transits have historically aligned with advancements in healthcare and technology. The late 20th century saw significant developments in medical research during such periods.
Chiron Stations Retrograde at 23º Aries
July 26th - December 29th
Insight and Meaning: Chiron’s retrograde in Aries urges us to heal our wounds related to identity and self-worth. This period is ideal for self-reflection and seeking therapeutic practices that promote personal healing. Aries’ influence focuses on individuality and personal power, encouraging us to confront and heal past traumas that impact our sense of self. This is a time for embracing vulnerability and taking courageous steps towards self-empowerment.
Individual and Collective Influence: Individually, we are called to address and heal past traumas and wounds. Collectively, this transit emphasizes the importance of mental health and self-empowerment.
Tips to Navigate:
Reiki Healing: Engage in Reiki sessions to address and release deep-seated emotional wounds.
Numerology: Use the energy of numerology’s number 8 (2+6) to focus on personal power and transformation.
Healing Crystals: Explore healing crystals like amethyst for spiritual growth and inner peace.
Historical Context: Chiron retrogrades have historically aligned with significant advancements in mental health awareness and healing practices. The 2010s saw a rise in holistic health movements during similar transits.
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spiritofthemeadow · 2 months
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July 2024 Buck Moon
ig - afternoondreams
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elysiansparadise · 3 months
Schedule: What posts to expect in July?
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Aspects of Venus in the Composite Chart || Mars in the 10th house || Saturn in the 2nd house || Neptune in the 9th house || Uranus in the 2nd house || Jupiter in the 11th house || Sun in the 2nd house || Sagittarius Rising
🫧A guide to Composite charts🫧
🫧Risings done so far: Taurus Rising || Gemini Rising || Cancer Rising || Leo Rising || Virgo Rising || Libra Rising || Scorpio Rising || Capricorn Rising || Aquarius Rising || Pisces Rising
🫧Planets masterlist I (Sun -> Mars) || Planets masterlist (Jupiter -> Pluto) II
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sheoftheforest · 8 months
2024 Full Moon schedule
(all times Eastern)
Wolf Moon
Jan. 25 — 12:54 p.m.
Snow Moon
Feb. 24 —7:30 a.m.
Worm Moon
March 25 — 3 a.m.
Pink Moon
April 23 — 7:49 p.m.
Flower Moon
May 23 — 9:53 a.m.
Strawberry Moon
June 21 — 9:08 p.m.
Buck Moon
July 21 — 6:17 a.m.
Sturgeon Moon
Aug. 19 — 2:26 p.m.
Corn Moon
Sept. 17 — 10:34 p.m.
Hunter’s Moon
Oct. 17 — 7:26 a.m.
Beaver Moon
Nov. 15 — 4:28 p.m.
Cold Moon
Dec. 15 — 4:02 a.m.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 1 - Astrology
@jegulus-microfic July 1, Word count 789
James was sitting at the back of the library, hidden from the majority of the other students so he could concentrate on his homework. 
He had his star chart out and was using it to complete his divination homework. Astrology, he decided, was a load of rubbish. So far, his prediction was telling him that soon there would be a strain on his friendships because of the way the Leo moon was leaning or something like that. He checked the charts again but couldn’t find the flaw in his workings. It also said he had to learn when to hook, whatever that meant. 
He scribbled down a bit more and put down his quill. Someone walked past his table, pausing for a second to look at his parchment and scoffed at his work. James looked up to see who’d been so rude, and there stood Sirius’s little brother, Regulus Black. 
“And why might I ask are you scoffing at my homework?” He leant back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at him, copying the way Sirius did it. Regulus’s eye twitched, but the rest of his face gave nothing away. 
“Divination is a waste of time. Why on earth did you take it? Also,” He added, bending slightly over the table to point something out. James stilled, he’d never been this close to Regulus before. He’d never noticed the elegant way his neck swooped down to his shoulders or the perfect beauty of his alabaster skin. He was so lost in lustful thoughts that he never thought he’d have, that he almost missed what Regulus was saying. He immediately focused on Regulus’s words. 
“You’ve predicted this incorrectly.” Regulus pointed at the last part of his prediction. James leaned forward to look closer at it. Trying to ignore the way his heart sped up when he inhaled Regulus’s scent. 
“What’s it supposed to be?” He asked, his voice only slightly squeaky.
“And why would I tell you that?” Regulus sneered at him.
“Because you pointed it out,” James replied, his eyes locked on the way Regulus’s plump lips were curling up at the corner. 
“How will you ever learn if I do your work for you, Potter?” Regulus asked, his eyes dancing with wickedness. 
His hand was right beside James’s. All he’d have to do was reach out with his fingers and they’d be touching. Regulus must have thought he was trying to figure out his mistake because he huffed impatiently when James took too long to figure it out. “Oh for Salazars sake. Here look.” He traced the star chart with his slender fingers and then flipped through James’s divination textbook and landed on a passage. “It’s duck not hook. You have to learn when to duck, and with that monstrous head of yours, Potter, it is a skill you should learn quickly.” Regulus suddenly ducked his head as if demonstrating. But before James could react to the movement, an ink well hit him square in the forehead, splattering ink all over his face, robes and, most annoyingly, his homework. 
“Oops, sorry, James. I was aiming for Reggie,” Sirius waved at him from across the library, disappearing when Madam Pince came to investigate the noise. 
Regulus whipped out his wand and cleared away the mess in one fluid wave. By the time Madam Pince had stormed towards them, Regulus was sitting in the seat next to James pointing out Saturn’s trajectory. 
“What’s going on here?” She scowled at them. 
“Potter here is incorrectly using his star chat and I am teaching him the way it should be utilised, Madam Pince. I’m sorry were we being too loud?” He said it in such a way as though daring her to question his story. 
“Not at all, Mr Black, please carry on,” She turned on her toes and left them to it. 
Regulus pulled out a book from his bag and settled in. 
“Get on with it then, Potter. I’ll check it over once you’re done.” James stared at him, completely bewildered. 
“Because I’m feeling charitable. Now hurry up, you have exactly one hour of my time, so make it count.” Regulus went back to reading his book. James picked up his quill again and began working on his homework. Marvelling at the companionable way they were sitting. He relaxed and finished his homework in record time, only making three mistakes that Regulus quickly corrected. 
Regulus sat with him often after that at the same desk, either completing his own homework or simply reading his current book. It took weeks for their fingers to brush as they reached for the same textbook. Their eyes had met and James knew Sirius would probably never forgive him for what happened next. 
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elminx · 2 months
Energy Update: Mercury Retrograde, August 2024
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Starting on August 5th, Mercury enters retrograde 3/4 of 2024. The retrograde runs from 04° Virgo to 21° Leo and makes thrice repeating trines with our Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries and squares to Uranus in Taurus. Retrograde Mercury will also conjunct the Sun and Venus once (as it does most retrograde cycles) and sextile Mars in Gemini once, as well.
The Basics
Mercury, our planet of communication, technology, and travel, is the fastest-moving planet in our solar system and retrogrades 3 to 4 times every year. This means that Mercury’s retrograde cycle is “business as usual” and isn’t something that should be feared but it is a change in the energy signature of one of our personal planets, so it’s worth paying attention and making adjustments where necessary.
Retrogrades don’t mean that the planet ACTUALLY is moving backward, of course. It is a perspective shift in our perception of the planetary movement through our skies. In this way, our perspectives and perceptions can get a bit twisted during these times and it is easy to miss key details or communicate ineffectively.
During Mercury’s retrograde, Mercury traces its path backward in our skies and it is considered better to go over your work rather than start something new. Mercury passes over these degrees in the sky thrice: the first time during its pre-retrograde shadow, the second time while it moves backward during its retrograde, and again a third time while it moves forward in its post-retrograde shadow. Because of this, we all get the cosmic opportunity to relearn and refocus on certain things that are going awry in our lives.
By looking at the degrees of Mercury’s retrograde and comparing it to your birth chart, you can understand how Mercury’s retrograde cycle might affect you. If you don’t want to do this yourself, you can always purchase a Mercury retrograde transit chart from me on Kofi.
Mercury retrogrades affect some people more than others. By order of significance, these people are most likely to be affected by a Mercury retrograde:
If you have Sun, Moon, Ascendant in Gemini and Virgo, or Mercury closely conjunct (within 2°) to your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant
If your natal Mercury was in retrograde or out of bounds
If the current retrograde crosses over your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (in conjunction) or makes a square or opposition
If the current retrograde crosses over your Mercury, Venus, or Mars or makes a square or opposition with them
If the current retrograde makes a trine with one of your personal planets or a sextile to your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant
If you work in a job that involves technology, communication, or travel or are currently undergoing a task that involves one of these domains during this retrograde cycle
If you live with, are in a relationship with, or closely work with a person who meets the above criteria
One can assume that the more of these factors in play, the stronger you may experience the effects of a Mercury retrograde cycle. This isn’t to say that what you experience will be bad or wrong – some people experience a lot of freedom from Mercury’s journey. The more open you are willing to give up control and stay open to the ever-changing landscape of a Mercury cycle, the easier it will be.
The Nitty Gritty
Now that we’ve gone over the basics let’s take a look at the specifics of THIS Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury will retrograde backward from 04° Virgo to 21° Leo. This puts the stressors of this retrograde on the early mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and late fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). The switchover from Fixed to Mutable signs can be viewed as the energy of relaxation, both of effort and intent. It’s important that we need both types of energy in our lives (both fixed/controlled and mutable/relaxed); this retrograde cycle is likely to bring up issues of imbalance between these two differing energy signatures. You may find yourself stuck on one side of this equation (all relaxed and unable to accomplish anything or all fixed and unable to stand down).
Mercury will interact with all of our other personal planets (the Sun, Moon, and Venus through conjunction and Mars in sextiles), which shows that this retrograde will take on a more personal nature. Although we experience Mercury’s retrogrades 3-4 times a year, not all of them pack as much punch as others. This Mercury cycle will be inside our homes and likely impact our daily lives and our interactions with our Others.
Additionally, Mercury will make three trines to Chiron in Aries (sitting on top of that touchy point from our total solar eclipse back in April) and three squares to Uranus in Taurus. Unlike our personal planet aspects, these don’t influence our personal lives as directly, but they will impact the general energy of the world at large, which sometimes can trickle into our personal lives. [Note here that if you have personal planets that interact in aspect with these Mercury-Uranus and Mercury-Chiron moments, this may impact you personally.]
Let’s start with Chiron because it’s the energy we’ve already stewed in. Chiron isn’t one of the planets but an asteroid that has caught the interest of many astrologers in recent years. Often called the Wounded Healer, it represents a pain point or an unhealed wound. Back in April, we experienced a Mercury retrograde that coincided with our eclipse season, and during the total solar eclipse, the Sun was conjunct with both Mercury and Chiron. This was a whopper of a day that many people are still reeling from. Although Chiron has kept moving, it is still only 4° from this fate-filled spot. That means that, to a greater or lesser degree, each connection between Mercury and Chiron is another chance for us to revisit this energy.
“Revisit,” being one of the big re’s, is one of the keywords to understanding Mercury retrograde lessons. We are being given a chance to revisit, revise, rework, and reimagine. With Chiron involved, it’s likely to hurt (at least at first). It may feel like too much. But its worth remembering that Chiron isn’t something that happens TO you, it is considered to be a force of strong healing energy working FOR you.
It’s also worth remembering that Mercury will pass over this point with Chiron three times: once in forward motion during its pre-retrograde shadow, a second while moving backward in retrograde, and a third time in forward motion during its post-retrograde shadow.
Newsflash: you don’t have to get it right the first time through.
A common metaphor for imagining retrograde cycles is as a lesson or “hole” in the ground with which we must fall in/pass over/encounter trice to gain the full experience of the situation.
The story unfolds something like this:
Oh, there’s a hole in the ground! I fell into it because I didn’t know that it was there. It’s not my fault. (pre-retrograde shadow phase)
Oh, there’s a hole in the ground. I fell into it again. I did know it was there…maybe I should learn to avoid this hole? (retrograde phase)
And, if all goes well: Oh hey, that’s a hole in the ground! It’s the same hole I fell into before. I know how to walk around this now. (post-retrograde phase)
If the solar eclipse in April passed by uneventfully, you may find that this Mercury-Chiron set of trines also does. If the eclipse was especially difficult, consider this a chance to gain better insight into what happened and why. We can re-frame these transits to be for our own good by being open to the experiences of Mercury’s underworld journeys.
Lastly, we should discuss Mercury square Uranus. Mercury and Uranus have a lot in common—they both involve and control our brain processes to a certain point. If Mercury is the thinking brain, Uranus can be viewed as pure inspiration. Mercury is quick-moving and changeable; Uranus is slow-moving but enacts drastic and lasting change. Many modern astrologers view Uranus as the higher octave of Mercurial energy; it is Mercury’s energy infused with the beyond.
For the most part, Uranus’s energy simply happens to us. It is the lightning bolt in the Tower card, the hurricane that washes away a whole floodplain, or the volcano that awakens to bring destruction and rebirth. What I mean by this is that it is so far beyond us that it can often feel catastrophic, but – like the eclipses – Uranus has a way of blowing open opportunities that we couldn’t even have imagined. We are all stuck little humans who don’t like to change our own lives and sometimes something beyond us seems to reach down and make that change FOR us so that we are forced to move.
We don’t get a choice in what happens to us in situations like this, but we do get a choice in how we respond.
Two out of these three Mercury square Uranus days are full moons, which puts extra emphasis on their energy signatures. On one of these two days (8/19), the Sun in Leo will be conjunct to Mercury and also square to Uranus in Taurus, making a fixed t-square in the sky. Of the three days, this is the one to watch out for and potentially lie low through. The other two dates are days to encourage divine inspiration if that is your thing.
Watch out for how you speak during these rough squares, as misunderstandings will run rampant, and tempers may be at an all-time low. Uranus is never a patient planet, but in Taurus, it can become a raging bull in about six seconds flat. Give yourself and your others as much grace as you can during this time. Shut your mouth entirely, perhaps, and work on listening (something Mercury in egoic Leo definitely can have a problem with at times).
Any time a retrograde bridges the cusp between signs, you can guess that we will need to dig deep into the differences between the two signs somehow. Virgo is our mutable earth sign, often concerned with work, perfectionism, and effort. Leo is our fixed fire sign, more likely to be the lazy lion basking in the sun while the gruntlings do the work. Remember here, there is no judgment on these energies: there is a time to do the work and a time to bask in the Sun. The problem comes into play when you only do one and not the other.
Standard Mercury retrograde warnings apply:
Technology tends to go a bit wonky, so save your work often and proofread twice before you hit send on an important document. Mercury retrograde is considered the ideal time to edit: reread, rewrite, rework. Travel will take twice as long and almost inevitably involve detours—pack your patience and determination to enjoy the ride. If a person from your past shows up again, look into the unfinished business, but don’t expect it to last past Mercury stations direct. Mercury is a trickster: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
All that glitters is never gold during Mercury’s retrograde cycles, but Fool’s Gold can be its own reward.
The Details
7/16 – Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 21° Leo 7/18 – Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 7/21 – Full Moon 29° Capricorn, Mercury in Aries square Uranus in Taurus 7/25 – Mercury enters Virgo 8/5 – Mercury retrogrades 04° Virgo 8/8 – Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus 03° Virgo 8/14 – Mercury enters Leo 8/18 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 26° Leo, Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 8/19 – Full moon 27° Aquarius , Sun conjunct Mercury 27° Aquarius 8/22 – Sun enters Virgo 8/23 – Retrograde Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 8/24 – Retrograde Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini 8/28 – Mercury stations direct 21°Leo 9/2 – New moon 11° Virgo, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 9/7 – Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 9/9 – Mercury enters Virgo 9/11 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 04° Virgo
Do you like my work? You can tip me over on Kofi, sign up to be a monthly supporter of my work or purchase an astrology commission. I have a limited number of spots open for personalized Mercury retrograde reports.
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@jegulus-microfic, July 1st - Astrology, G, Word Count - 384
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James was sitting with Remus in the library so they could study for their potions test tomorrow. Of course, Remus was doing the majority of the work and James was just copying whatever he did. Not that James didn't know it, he was just tired.
Even as he was copying down the notes now, he could feel his eyes closing on him.
James stretches in his chair, seeing as him and Remus had been there for nearly three hours. He yawns as he stretches and looks around the library.
In the opposite corner of the library, James spots Regulus Black. His boyfriend is sitting alone, leaning over the desk. He's flipping through a book and making little notes on what he's reading. James wants to go and see what is happening, hoping maybe that will keep him awake.
He turns to face Remus, who is one of the only people that know about him and Regulus. "Moony?"
"Yeah Prongs?" Remus looks up from his books to face James.
"I'm gonna go say hi to Reggie."
"Okay, do you still need my notes?"
"Yes please." James smiles, getting up from his chair and stretching some more. Remus nods to him and then James walks off.
When he gets to where Regulus is sitting, James slides into the chair next to him and peers over his shoulder at what he's working at. Regulus doesn't seem to mind this at all, simply continuing with his task. "Astrology?" James asks, taking note of the stars and planets on the textbooks Regulus was using.
"Astronomy," Regulus corrects.
"What's the difference?" James looks up at Regulus through his eyelashes.
Placing a bookmark on the page and closing the textbook, Regulus looks over to his boyfriend. "Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and Astrology is divination practices, such as zodiacs or tarot."
"You're doing the first one?" James asks, already forgetting which Regulus was working on.
"Mhm. I've got a test tomorrow."
James smiles, "Need a good luck kiss?" He rests his chin on Regulus' shoulder.
Regulus looks down to James, a smile on his face and a knowing look in his eyes. "You're cheeky, you know that?"
James nods with a tired and mischievous look in his eyes, then leans forward and plants a small kiss on Regulus' lips.
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esotericfaery · 2 months
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Algol & the empowered feminine? Here’s a different view on it, which is useful to know during this stellium we have now of Mars (aggression) / Uranus (shock) / Algol.
Algol represents Medusas head (third eye). Medusas origin is as an oracle Goddess, yet became a weapon after being turned into a Gorgon by Athena. If in front of her in battle, she would turn warriors to stone.
Medusa became powerfully transformative, with her snakes which warded off evil, thus enhancing her psychic abilities.
It’s believed by some that it’s an example of patriarchy for Algol to have been given such a darkly violent reputation.
There seems to be truth on both sides. How a person lives life will determine which type of experience will be presented.
There’s a lot of fear over Algol (meaning “evil spirit”, through root word “Al Ghoul” in Arabic) joining conjunction with Mars (aggression) & Uranus (shock, eccentricity).
This star can also be experienced as a sword removing a monstrosity. This is all in the combination of factors we have going on, and if or how a person lives with or without an honest sense of higher purpose. A desire and a striving to better oneself is required to pass this “ghoul” into the higher self.
In conjunction with Mars, Algol promotes headstrong, at times unreasonable fearlessness, & the desire to bluff ones way through situations. A strength of conviction promotes disregard for the views of the public, through a minority opinion which is loudly expressed.
There are two options; integrating of shadow healthily by passing through without causing disharmony, or destruction.
The Mars / Uranus conjunction goes exact (most intense) on July 15th, and Algol joins closely on the 21st.
No, the stuff about Algol isn't about spreading fear. Astrology is about the difficult stuff, as much as it's about the easy stuff.
Astrology is pattern recognition, not superstition. We see the patterns we don't want to perpetuate, and find ways to build better patterns, when we can, and cope easier when we can't. We see when certain energies are presented to us and so can choose how (or if) to react.
If it helps, depending on how your charts are configured, this energy may be presented personally to you, or only socially / politically.
Also, the rumours that only people with placements at 25°-26° Taurus, or any of the other fixed signs are effected aren't true.
Accidents happen easily when Algol is conjunct Mars, causing tempers to quickly flare. Both Mars & Algol are known for their boldness, so they easily make a rash pair.
Uranus involved makes these occurrences particularly shocking, so be careful. This is not for fear. It's only for awareness.
We're already seeing things start to heat up, but this stellium is most intense from July 15th to the 21st.
Expect people to be stubborn, as this takes place in Taurus, and yet there is resilience and groundedness available there also.
However, I'm not one of those Astrologers who sugar-coat it. This is going to be a weird, sometimes disturbing time.
Mars, Uranus, & Fixed Star Algol stellium in Taurus, + More During Capricorn / Aquarius Full Moon: July 21st, 2024
This Full Moon is on the Cancer / Capricorn axis, so it’s a mix of domestic and public life, and a push for balance between the two.
Shock (Uranus) and emotional explosions (Mars) occur. Algol represents the severed head of Medusa, so expect people to “lose their heads”. Algol means “head of the ghoul”, so don’t be ghoulish. Sometimes things need to be shaken suddenly, in order to make people move into the changes which are necessary to eventually create harmony. In Taurus, this will present the ability to eventually find practical solutions.
A lot of this will translate socially and politically, particularly as this Moon switches from Capricorn to Aquarius in just over an hour. This brings in a mix of grounded ambition and political organization or disorganization. Algol is also known for mob violence, and as it’s known to have energy similar to Mars & Uranus (along with Pluto), expect this stellium to be intensified even more.
We have a few harmonious transits, along with one of the most difficult.
Social, financial or legal luck. Feeling of peace & benevolence. Watch out for laziness. (Venus in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus).
Watch out for idealism, yet take the time for meditation or introspection if possible, as this is a good opportunity for spirituality and mystical experiences. It’s also a good time for service towards others. Enjoy idealism, yet don’t allow it to turn into lack of realism, or doormat behaviour. (Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces.)
Unlike other transits between these planets, this one allows for easy, active change without the risk of threat. This high energy is good for planning long term changes and for projects which require sustained effort. This can express as an easy, yet transformational energy of a new type of understanding, as long as you make certain your work is not ego-based. If it is, then you will cause yourself stress. Work for the social good along with the personal. (Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Aquarius).
If inflexible, little things keep going wrong, which upsets the nerves. Thoughts are quick, yet results tend to be sloppy, and sometimes the fast pace causes anxiety. Double-check work tomorrow if possible. Try not to be impulsive, and be extra careful to avoid accidents as you travel. (Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus).
It's said that, as with anything, even Algol has a higher spiritual nature. Though at the same time, there are still obstacles to overcome.
This nature can only be reached and expressed without, when a person is securely balanced within.
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Intimate Horoscope, March-April 1969
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gigileeuniverse · 3 months
Untangling the Knots in Your Tree - Collective Energy Reading
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shelovesplants · 2 months
Happy birthday to everyone born on today July 20th ✨️💨 July Cancers Rule 🙌♋️ 🦀
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