#jullie welcome home.
vaedotcom · 2 years
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Julie, are you alright?
From the amazing ARG welcome home, that @partycoffin had created!
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cutepotatook · 7 months
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pjberribear · 4 months
Little face expressions from each character! :
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Extra: Did a little sketch of how I wanted the player/viewer to look like before the official designs were released.
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I hope you guys like these lil squishy's! I'm gonna vanish now.
See ya next week on Friday again! <3
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
Forgive me but what is your WH au specifically about? And what are the other neighbors like in that AU?
I feel like I'm not the best at explaining things.. but I'll do my best <XD
Now just a heads up, this post is the RAMBLE OF ALL RAMBLES. I go into some detail for all the neighbors backstory and try to explain what my AU is, prepare yourself- <XD.....
You see, whenever I get into any kind of fandom, I kind'a make this "base" au that is basically just the main series but everything is viewed through my interpretations-
Uhhh for example- Octonauts.
My main "octonauts AU" is just the show filtered through all my interpretations and headcannons.
I haven't swapped the characters or anything or changed anyone's back stories really. But in my AU the Octopod is a different size than in canon because of the headcannons I have for it. Peso has pink feet, and orange beak and some blond feathers in my AU because I headcannon him to be a Royal penguin. Calico Jack has a the fur patterns of an actual calico because I headcannon him to be a rare male calico, etc etc,
My Welcome home AU is the same. I took the main Welcome Home series and all I knew about it, dumped all my headcannons and interpretations onto it and the result is my "welcome home AU". I call it an AU because I think its different enough from cannon to be named as such. <:D
hhhhh I hope that made senseee DDDDX>
NOW, what is my AU about? To start, the world that the puppets are in is a very real world to them. It is separate from our world, but its a real place and the neighbors are real living things. There is no welcome home show or website with hidden links and secrets, there's no fourth wall breaking.. their world is real to them. And they all live in it like normal people.
Other than that, the AU is mostly built on the different backstories for the characters. I'll list them all here-
First, Wally's house is a living entity. And he is completely unaware of this- Home's intentions with Wally are unknown.. atm what Home will do is watch Wally while he sleeps. This results in Wally feeling intense anxiety and waking up. Wally goes about his life thinking that he just has weird sleeping problems..
The things I mostly changed about Barnaby was his appearance. I made him look more like a beagle and gave him different fur patterns. He's kind'a like the fanon interpretation of sans. This big fun loving guy that seems to take nothing seriously.. but it turns out that he's really observant and is always looking out for his neighbors. If someone's missing or isn't acting like themselves, Barnaby is the first to notice. He is the main one looking out for Wally and was there to help him when he had his big breakdown..
Now Julie is kind'a wild. She grew up in the woods with her sisters as this big horrible beast that scared away anyone that saw her.. now when she was little, she would creep close to the neighborhood, despite her sisters warnings.. and would just.. watch.. The people she observed at the time were Poppy, Wally and Barnaby mostly. She wasn't sure why, but she just loved everything about these people. The little mermaid style, she loved the way they walked, they way they talked, how they dressed and what they ate, she loved and was fascinated by all of it.
As a rainbow monster, she had the ability to drastically alter her appearance if she tried hard enough. And so using the neighbors as refences, she did just that. She suppressed her multiple eyes and formed just two big eyes. She copied Poppy's eyelashes and grew 6 of her own. She suppressed her claws and made cute little hands like Wally. The only neighbor she ever saw barefoot was Barnaby, so feet paws she created! Her mane was overgrown and wild.. so she took time to alter it to flow straighter and downward.
Some of the last few big transformations she was trying to nail was her legs, tail and horns. She altered her legs to be the same shape as everyone else's, but this meant she needed to practice walking.. She figured that once she had mastered walking she could work on reducing her horns and making her tail shorter.
Unfortunately though.. while she stalking Poppy from the bushes and trying to copy how she walked... she tripped and yelped louder than she meant too.
Poppy heard a child yelp and came looking. Julie panicked, her body wasn't normal enough yet! She still needed to fix her tail and horns! Julie tried to scramble away but she got tangled up in the black berries vines nearby and couldn't escape. With Poppy coming closer and closer, she knew she was doomed. All those months of hard work trying to look like a normal girl was about to go to waste. Poppy would see this ugly monster and scream. Her dreams of being a normal neighbor were crushed.. Julie just curled up in a ball and started to cry...
To her surprise, Poppy didn't scream and run. "Oh dear, oh dear! Are you alright little one? Oh no- here let me help you," Poppy got her untangled and helped her out of the bushes. She brought her home and patched up the poor girls wounds. Also gave her some clean clothes while she was at it..
She still looked like a monster, and Poppy knew she was some kind of beast.. but all Poppy truly saw was a sweet little girl that was all alone and needed a home.. She took Julie under her wing and ended up raising her somewhat, she was probably around.... 14-18-ish?? When Poppy found her? After a few years living with Poppy she ended up moving out into her own home and finally lived out her dream of being a normal neighbor.. yeah.. normal...
Now Frank is kept somewhat the same.. ish- but a big thing I wrote for him is his and Julies friendship. Their friendship started out as a spongebob/squidward sort of deal. XD Frank was more annoyed by her than anything.. But at some point Julie got sick and didn't leave hew house for several days.. Frank would never admit it, but he was worried. The other neighbors respected Julies wishes and stayed away, but Frank was having none of that. He brought soup and medicine to her house and was ready to break the door down if he had to.
..well it turns out he almost kind'a had to- he knocked on the door and called out. He heard a crash from inside and Julie crying.. so Frank got inside and found blood sprinkled on the floor and walls with Julie locked in the backroom crying..
It turns out that when Julie gets sick or weak, she has a really hard time maintaining her "normal" form and reverts back to a monster.. She had been a monster for several days and was kind of having a mental breakdown over it. She desperately wanted to look normal and see her friends again. She thought she could force her way back to looking normal, starting by getting rid of these nasty claws.
She tried to trim her nail with scissors but with her clumsy monster hands she cut too close and cut her finger pretty good. She started to cry out of frustration.. but that's when she heard the knock at the door- now she was crying out of panic and tried to scramble away. But it was too late.
Frank ended up seeing her true monstrous form.. she was afraid that her dream life with her friends was over... but surprisingly enough, Frank accepted her the way she was. He said as far as he's concerned, no matter what she looks like. She is still Julie. And Julie is a beautiful young lady and a wonderful friend. He patched up her hand, cleaned all the blood from the floors and took care of Julie until she had recovered. Frank respected Julie by keeping her true form a secret from the other neighbors, as long as Julie promised that she wouldn't keep the truth from everyone forever..
This whole event has changed their friendship forever. Frank is now a true friend of Julies that she can tell anything to. Because Frank knows the real her and chooses to be her friend anyways. And Frank sees Julie as a true friend of his because now he really understands her more than he ever did..
Eddie's story is a little hard to explain.. he's supposed to be a human from another world. Is it our world? Was Home the one that did this? I haven't figured out all the details yet... but I do know that Eddie is supposed to be very forgetful and clumsy. So its very odd that he always delivers the mail on time 100% of the time and has never forgotten a package before.. its almost like Eddie the mailman and the Eddie off duty are.. different.. somehow.. he doesn't really remember his childhood and has a lot of hallucination and night terror type problems.. Eddie's kind of an odd ball. <:/
Sally is intended to be a real star that crashed down nearby the neighborhood for similar reasons to Julie. She was fascinated by the neighborhood and wanted to be a part of it! She ended up staying with Poppy for a few years before moving out into her own house just like Julie did. Working on her personality has been tough- but I have ideas for her biology though-
She can wear any clothes she wants year round because she isn't effected by the blistering sun or the freezing snow. If she puts on wet clothes they will dry completely within minutes. I haven't decided what happens if she jumps into a pool.. her character still needs a little work <XD
Now Howdy is.. still kind'a blank. I have ideas for his biology and different patterns he has on his skin.. I have ideas that he is super active in the summer and a real husk in the winter.. ideas for his friendships with Barnaby.. but nothing super specific yet.. <:(
Poppy is unfortunately the same. Beyond her motherly relationship with Julie and Sally, I have few ideas in mind.. <:(((
WOW this post was insanely long. I kind'a got lost there <XDD I hope this answers your question though! <:D ...
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cyanwyrmy · 1 year
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(Fan Art!)
Whose Nose? Who Knows!
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bairmeidwhaaat0172 · 1 year
A small (lies, it's big) lil welcome home comic that I've been working on for the past 4 days is done!
I have been losing my mind over these puppets and so I wanted to share something with y'all too!
Hope you enjoy it!
Part 1/2
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kaybl · 5 months
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littlelightfish · 1 month
Welcome Home Mini Comic: Homewarming
⚠️TW: eyecontact
[Read left to right up+down. No wierd combinations. No, I didn't look up their Homewarming clothing if you're wondering. I messed up.]
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AAAAAAH oh boy the love I have for Eddie I CANNOT explain. LIKE HES SO LOVELY OUGHHHH favourite local mailman. <3
Idk if I made correct use of the image ID? I hope I did.
Hm... this was suposed to be a ramble about my guy Eddie but here, have a short fic under the cut.
He is just there. Uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. The feeling of doom is there. Why. Why is home looking at him like that? What is going on? He wants to go home. He needs to go home. Does he have a home? He has his post office... does that count? Why is home looking at him like that. He needs it to stop. Stop. Stop it. Please. Stop. Oh? Who...? Frank? He can't talk. He realizes vaguely. His eyes go up. Frank... He needs to tell him... His vission is blurry and he feels overwhelmed. He feels... overestimulated..? He doesn't know. He doesn't feel good. Too much... he needs to go home... he needs... he...
And Frank gets it and goes to tell Wally that he wants to leave. Leave? On homewarming? Why? What's wrong? Because something has to be wrong if Eddie of all people wants to leave. So he goes check up on him. Of course he does. Barnaby close behind because... Why does Eddie want to leave? They don't know. But he isn't looking great. He is staring. Shaking. Sweating. Crying silently. That doesn't looks good.
Wally gets it. He would like to do the same. Because Home is now looking at him. Because of course it does. Just... staring. Meanacely. He feels the dread. A chill goes down his spine. Home... what did you do to Eddie...?
Barnaby, fortunately, catches up somethings off with Home. And that means Wallys distressed. So he puts a paw on his shoulder and asks Eddie. He doesn't answer. He tells him what he's going to do as he puts his arm to support Eddie and help him walk so he can go home. He is worried. Wally is worried. Frank is worried. Eddie doesn't look good. He shakes. He won't stop crying. He looks... terrified..? He tries to loose up his shirt. He needs to breathe. He can't. But he is. The others realize a bit too late that he is hyperventilating. Wally does only when he sees Eddie's legs wobble. But then he just... shuts down and goes limp. What. What. What. Why. Why. What. What. No. No. No. What. No. Wait. He can help. Yes. Bed. Bed! He needs... yes, yes! He in bed now. He better? What? What? He better? Please... He opens eyes! He better! Low sugar? More sugar then! He bring sugar. Yes. He better now?
Eddie tries to calm Wally with his words. He doesn't know what just happened. He just... sat down at that couch and suddenly was at Wallys bed, all neighbors worrying sick over him. What happened? He just... has this feeling... something changed.
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wampabampa · 1 year
(note: if your account said no reposts im sorry, i didnt see it anywhere when i looked!!)
Credits: pixle art is designed by @kindestegg
Characters belong to: @partycoffin
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Look at that silly little guy hes just sitting there on his silly rock being a silly lad
Also also !! Love how the border changed to! I do not have a picture of it on my phone but i noticed !!
More below
Note: Welcome Home slide show has been updated accordingly! While some slides are still under the works, all new information has been updated (not including story book audio transcripts, still getting in the “Happy Hauntings to Boo and Yours!” Transcript.) To look at the slide show please refer to my Carrd or pinned post!
Thank you @muted5ilence for helping me last night :-) love u pookie snookie wookie
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no0dlecatk · 11 months
took a while but l finally finished Julie!!!
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conon-t-t · 8 months
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pjberribear · 8 months
Welcome to Doki Doki Literature Club!
DDLC AU 💖✨💌📝
Normal version!
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Chaotic version! ⛓🔪📕👁️‍
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I FINALLY finished it! It took a freaking month to make both. Hopefully the wait was worth it, was planning to make this as a game first since it might be easier to create but I don't think so. Depends if this thing even last long, don't worry about the "It Takes Two" AU. I'm still working on concept art for each character, I just had to put that on hold for a while. Which reminds me, if you have any interest helping me in any way by either voice acting, creating background characters or with the storyboard for the AU then ask me! Sadly, I'm broke so I can't pay you. Right now I'm looking for people to help me with the script and storyboard, one so far said yes! Anyways, I hope you like it! Have best day! <3
I made a new server, If you want to voice act any of these guys then click the link on here! <3
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double-banana · 1 year
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Frank was caught slipping in 4K LOL
It originally started as a silly sketch so I make a meme  and it turned into a 4 pages fully colored comic.
Frank and Eddie are an adorable couple and they are my favorite ship in Welcome
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portal-geist · 1 year
ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝔹𝕠𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 & ℍ𝕠𝕨𝕕𝕪
「Detective duo??」
(Reader is a robot character, helping kids get more familiar about their feelings therefore they are powered by love with a single heart on their chest but everything else is up to you! They also are the one to provide goods to Howdy, basically being buisiness mates.)
(Also, this overlaps with the Narrator reader au I have made. They are only mentioned though so do not worry. {And I will continue writting them as well :)} )
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"26, 27, 28, 29...."
The robot pointed at each and every shinning apple that was set on the tabletops. They moved slowly yet precisely, though suddenly shuddered as they found a miss calculation.
They stood quiet and slowly walked away from the isle until stopping dead in their tracks being called by Howdy.
"Were they all there this time?"
The catapillar asked with hope.
The robot looked back at their paper, then looked back up from it. They pulled out a small thumbs up, knowing that obviously there weren't.
There were only 29 apples, even though the list said 30. There's been an apple thief going around the neighborhood, though it was kept secret between Howdy and... Y7/N4... err, Heart bot was their secondary title.
They were the provider of goods at Howdys place, having an eco friendly wind factory near Poppys barn.
They found the Catapillar sobing on the floor next to the apple section, full of despair and agony of the loss of a singular apple.
Due to respect and not wanting to embarass their friend, the robot kept this a secret, working together to find who it is.
Although that also means more work hours than usual... But hey! That also means more time with their friend!
"All good Howdy."
The bot gave a thumbs up.
"Nice! I'm gonna need to recount them in a sec, I just need to-"
"-Bring this to the corner right there."
Howdy placed the box that sounded packed from behind the counter, pointing to the isle you just checked. The emotion driven robot could tell how he was espeacially eyeing the apples they have just restocked.
Although slightly offended, as it also kind of ment that Howdy didn't trust their decision of coding, from all of the times the apple isle was targetted for some mysterious reason, it was very understandable.
However, Y/n's circuits shocked up knowing very well that they had lied, sliding right before Howdy's path.
"It is alright, friend. I ensure you that my calculations are correct. Ah, please let me do this for you as well."
That being said, the Heart Bot grapled on the sides of the box harshly, trying to take it away from the poor shop keep.
"Oh nono it's totally fine! Err... umm.."
"It is Y7/N4."
"Err... y/n."
Howdy said, not letting go which the opposing bot didn't either.
They insisted on carrying the heavy box strongly, being backed up with crucial evidence that they are more fit for the job while Howdy kept on awkwardly refusing out of guilt and empathy.
Nobody is calm about this.
"Really y/n, I know that you have a big ol' heart and I'm sure you are more sturdy than I but I don't wanna work yourself ou-"
"Oh, helloooo?"
A familiar calm and soothing voice entered the shop.
The two froze, not expecting someone to walk in despite the 'OPEN' sign clearly still hung up.
The charismatic puppet followed up by a shinning star took notice of the two and greeted them.
"Hello, Howdy! Hello Hearty!"
Sally chirped.
"You guys seem to be in a kerfuffle!"
"What's inside that box if I may ask?"
The two customers leaned in with curiousity. Y/n suddenly let the box go, Howdy struggling for a second before softly placing it down.
"Now friends, hold on your horses... Let me ask what you are in need first?"
The robot pointed at their list.
"Oh! Me and Wally were able to come up with an idea for our play! We're just here for some materials!"
"Well! The handcraft items should be other there!"
Howdy pointed in the direction from behind the robot.
"While you lot do that I'll handle this."
"But I'm just so curious!"
"What's inside that box if I may ask?"
The box was so stunning that it seemed just impossible to take everyone's attention off of it!
"I'm... not sure actually. I only know that Eddie sended it to me saying it was from Frank."
"I definetley don't remember providing him any products to send you."
Howdy looked at Y7/N4 who seemed to furrow their brows.
"...How about we open it?"
Wally suggested. Howdy looked back at him in surprise.
"B-but we can't just do that! I've been told not to open it before Frank arives!"
"Why did Frank even send this anyway?"
"Do you have any more information to provide, Howdy?"
Y7/N4 the provider of Howdys products questioned their friend. The catapillar began to recall his memories.
"Hmm... Well, all that Eddie told me was to be gentle with it and wait until Frank comes back just as I said. Though... I did hear some weird noises coming from it..."
"Ooh! Ooh! A mystery to solve! Does that help, detective Hearty?"
Sally faced Heart Bot with expectancy.
The Robot gave a shrug before snatching a pair of scissors from behind the counter. Howdy paniked at this.
"Wha-what are you doing?"
"Procceeding to open the package. Is it not obvious?"
Heart bot tilted their head.
"We can't just do that! It'll be rude!"
"As far as I'm concerned, maybe you should start considering the safety of your shop first, friend."
The catapillar opened his mouth to say something though quickly slumped back down.
Howdy mumbled something but stood back, clearly not excited as the star next to him. Wally looked between the two though shrugged it off. He seemed to prioritize his curiousity first.
The singular organic heart, wired through Y7/N4's circuits stinged for a moment.
They didn't understand much, though they continued to follow through their inicial plan.
Wally and Sally stood by with interest, Howdy not so much enthusiastic as the scissor made it's first cut.
Then the next, then the box now had an opening in an instant. It was still closed, ready to open at any given moment. The room filled with suspence as the robotic hands slowly made it's way to open it.
"...Everybody ready?"
"Alright, on the count of three. Three, two, one..."
The doors of the shop opened in sync with the reveal of the package.
Inside the box was a pink, snoring friend who was curled up in a ball, wincing at the sudden exposure to light.
As her groan echoed, Frank who slammed the doors of the shop took notice and rushed over, pushing the others aside.
"Jullie! I told you to not slumber upon the packages!"
"But they're soooo comfyyyy...."
Jullie began to snuggle back into the small box while Frank tried to pull her out.
"Inside the mystery box was... A FRIEND?! Golly, what a shinning discovery! Good job, detective!"
Sally playfully hit the shoulder of the robot next to her.
"Detective? Mystery? What in the world are you going on about??"
Frank angrily demanded an answer, pulling up sleepy Jullie who mumbled complaints annoyed.
"First of all, may I know how... this, ended up here?"
Y7/N4 got up, brushing off debree from their legs.
"I was packaging framed butterflies for Howdy as he was looking at my prized collection with great intent! Jullie insisted on asisting with boxing but..."
Frank glared down at his friend who made an innocent face.
"... decided that she wanted to be one with the cat..."
"Hm... A cat I see."
The group looked back in surprise, jumping at the sudden voice behind them.
It was Barnaby, with Wally suddenly appearing on his shoulder.
"What a Catastrophy of events! It seems that Jullie is purrmenantly banned from helping with boxes eh?"
Barnaby joked earning a few laughs from a few.
"Since when were you there, Barnaby?"
Jullie peeked through her silky hair.
"Just a few moments ago! The Narrator and Poppy were talking bout somethin I wasn't really interested in particullar so I came down here out of boredom. And for treats!"
Barnaby smiled with glee.
Again, the room filled with giggles.
Frank rolled his eyes though sighed in relief that he was able to find his friend safe.
"At least I know you're here. It is very unusual for you to disappear without a sound so I was worried sick!"
"Oh Frank, you're such a friend!"
Jullie hugged the grumpy neighbor.
Everyone began to chat, laughing about the silly situation. Laughter combined with Frank's light scolding and Jullies nonchalant jokes echoed through the building.
Though, opposing to the light and peppy atmosphere, the shop keeper and factory worker stood at the side, away from the party.
It was very quiet.
It was very tense.
It was also pretty awkward, to say the least.
Howdy fidgeted with his two sets of hands, while 7Y/N4 kept on buzzing ominously in silence. They felt short glances being flick at them from time to time, which they took notice easily. Their circuits were screaming to break the silence, a weird grip was tugging on their organic heart.
So that's what they did.
"... My deepest and sincerist apologies from earlier, Howdy. I understand that I may have scarred your pride and care for your buisiness."
That sure was one way to start.
Howdy was surprised by the sudden ice breaker, though quickly formed a reply.
"Oh no no no! It's totally alright! You haven't done anything wrong really!"
"Ah, then I must've irritated you by trying to carry the box as you seemed to be in distress and how I keep on visiting you through business purposes."
"What? No! What gave you that idea?!"
The robot tilted their head as if they were confused.
"Dear Howdy. Howdy Dear. Howdy... pillar. Yes? no? Well, for my reasoning, you seem awfully tense escpeacially in my presence. "
They put a hand on his shoulder.
"It is alright if you are uncomfortable. You are my friend after all."
Howdy looked back down at Y7/... ahem... y/n's face in an attempt to sort out his thoughts.
"It's erm... nothing much really it's just... may I ask you a question?"
"You just did."
"Oh, er... of course!"
"... Well, do you really think that I'm... careless about my own business?"
There was a moment of silence.
The robot seemed to freeze at the question. It was a long period of time as Howdy began to wonder i they had crashed in some way or another. As he was waving a hand infront o their face, y/n snatched his hand suddenly making him jump.
"Of course not. Do you even think that I am not observant enough to realize the passion and love you put into your prized and most beloved, sweet, cozy Bugdega?"
The catapillar was not expecting such a detailed response.
"Err- well, no but you said-"
"Apologies for my unclear intentions... What I was trying to say was that-"
They looked back at everyone who seemed to began going back to what they were originally doing, getting over the Jullie incident.
"-you should focus more on how you percieve your customers, and how that can affect your shop, Yourself even. It is not uncommon to have strange and dangerous orders to my factory."
Y/n let go of the catapillar's arm as they faced him with sincerity. Howdy took ahold of his wrist surprised by his friend's words but noded understandingly.
"Oh, um... I see. "
He looked around.
"Well, now I think I understand actually. I usually struggle to question most but... Thanks y/n. You're really such a friend!"
A genuine smile spread across his face.
"What can I say? Is there anything this detective can't solve?"
y/n attempted to imitated a silly yet smug pose, successfully earning a laugh from their friend. They imitated a sigh in relief, also making static giggle noises at their happy friend.
Although the two failed to notice, the others were actually watching from afar, content to see that the tense atmosphere died down between the two. Sally and Wally had completely forgotten about the materials!
Y/n patted Howdy's shoulder lightly as they motioned to the sky. Looking up at the sky, it was begining to get dark. Taking notice, they flipped the sign to 'CLOSED' and began to start tidying up the place.
Howdy soon rushed over to help, thinking back on the last thing the Factory worker said.
"...No. I don't think there's anything you can't solve with that determination mate."
"Oh, there's only 28 apples by the way."
Hello, and hello. Thank you all for the read :) Apologies is this was a bit on the nose and out of character but hope you enjoyed!
The heart reader design is mainly up to you other than it's main concept as I still need something to write off of...
As stated at the start, I also have a Narrator reader fic, and I'll be overlapping their existence with the robot reader though I can do seperately if desired.
I shall take requests and asks for this one as well.
Of course I will continue with the Narrator! But just wanted to put this out as well :) Thanks again!
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roseidiot · 3 months
Uhhhhh.... Coraline did this :_)
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