#julius hurt/comfort
peggysousfan · 1 year
We're Not Alone Chapter 2 is up now!
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Another year passes and Julie and Marcus' marriage has never been better. Like a flower reborn in the spring the Alexander's marriage has bloomed though the cold, shriveled, times. Over the past year they have grown to trust and find love again. With plans anew on the horizon for the future growth of their family, Julie and Marcus find themselves in a better place than when they first wed.
But what will happen when old affairs return and past troubles come back to life?
@bellamyblake@bellamyblakru @loveforbobandeliza, @april-showers86, @the1oo, @kizo2703, @togetherkru, @natassakar, @m31amanda, @okmcintyre, @jeanie205, @sableu3, @xxawalkinwonderlandxx, @bellarkeselection @ohsupernaturall @pendragaryenn
Chapter 1!
Chapter 2!
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kresnikcest · 1 year
I am once again thinking about how accurate Fractured Ludger and that Fractured anthology Ludger are to Prime Ludger... Julius what do you want
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Take Your Time
Pairing - captain!julius x reader
Fic type - fluff / hurt-comfort
Warnings - none
notes - this ones kinda short sorry- still cute tho
You joined the gray deer squad recently. Your captain is surprisingly accepting of you. Sometimes, your emotions take over. You usually never cry in front of anyone. Usually, you cry somewhere else. You’re in your room, crying from what happened today. It was overwhelming, and you needed to express it alone. Without you knowing, captain Julius walks by your room and hears sobbing. He notices the door is unlocked, so he walks in to check on you. When he finds you, your head is buried in your pillow as you’re laying in bed. He walks up to you, and you don’t hear him over your cries. He places his hand on your shoulder, causing you to get up to see who it is. You’re panting with tears still streaming down your flushed cheeks. You can’t get any words out as he sits in bed next to you.
“Y/N… what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Julius asks, slightly panicked because of how upset you are.
“Captain…” you manage to whimper. You then wrap your arms around Julius, quietly sobbing as he hugs you back. You feel him petting your hair, and you lean into his touch as you sigh. You feel safe and protected, but you also notice how your face feels warmer than usual, and your heart flutters. You open your eyes, and you notice how calm and sweet his smile is.
“I’m glad you’re calm now, Y/N,” Julius sighs. You then realize you’re sitting in his lap.
“I-I’m sorry, captain,” You mumble about to get off his lap, but then you feel him hugging you tighter. You sigh and relax yourself in his arms.
“You’ve been going through a lot lately. You poor thing,” Julius murmurs as he plays with your hair. You clutch his soft robe. Julius then does something even more unexpected. He kisses you softly on the forehead, and you look up at him, your face reddening even more.
“C-Captain-?” you ask, flustered and surprised. Julius is slightly embarrassed that he did that.
“Sorry, Y/N, I should have asked first,” Julius frowns, blushing and looking away. You sit up a little more and press your face into his neck. He adjusts his arms so you’re more comfortable. He notices how your cheeks are damp and your face feels warm. You then kiss his neck and jawline, making him gasp and blush as well.
“Is it okay that I love you, and I’ve loved you for a while now?” you whisper into his ear.
“Of course, Y/N, I love you too,” he whispers back to you. Julius takes off his and your robe, lays down in your bed and pulls you down with him. He pulls your blanket over the both of you and kisses your face, cupping your cheeks in his hands.
“You’re beautiful…” Julius mumbles. You both noticed that it’s dark out.
“Can I sleep next to you, hon? I don’t want to leave you alone,” Julius whispers into your neck. You softly kiss his forehead as you fall asleep next to him. He falls asleep soon after.
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queers-gambit · 11 months
Save Me From Myself
prompt: ( requested ) in a moment of unparalleled anger, you learn what Joel really thinks of you.
pairing: Joel Miller x female!reader
fandom masterlist: The Last of Us
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
word count: (short as hell at) 1.9k+
warnings: very mild spoilers, there's probably cursing, oneshot (no part two), hurt no comfort, mild angst, shorty shorty short short shorty! author is disappointed in this one, she wanted to give much more.
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"Gimme that," you grunted at Ellie, picking her backpack from her shoulder with ease as the shorter young lady protested with a small growl.
"I got it - "
"Take a break," you smiled at the kid, shouldering her pack. "Tell me another one of those shitty jokes you love so much."
Ellie smirked and whipped out her book, flipping through a few pages, scanning the pages, then deciding on one. "What... Is Beethoven's favorite fruit?"
You shrugged, "No idea."
You laughed, you couldn't help it. "Goddamnit. That's a good one," you praised, eyeing her for a moment as she silently read down the page. You wondered, "You know, I meant to ask, but why that book in particular?"
"My friend gave it to me... It was a present," she explained softly, seeing your head nod of understanding. "What did one ocean say to the other?"
"Nothing, they just waved," you smirked.
"You shithead," she tisked. "Okay, okay, here's a good one. What's brown... And sticky?"
"Oh, Ellie, don't be gross - "
"A stick."
There was a long pause.
"Oh, you know what? Fuck you," You laughed heartily. "I gotta remember that, I like that one."
"You'll like this one, too. Why should you never trust stairs?"
You knew the answer, but humored her, "Why?"
"Because they're always up to something."
You chuckled, "Good one, kid, yeah. Okay, okay, wait, I got one."
"Lay it on me."
"How do you cut a Roman Emperors hair?"
"How?" She grinned, ready for the punchline.
"With Caesars."
Ellie paused, offering a confused look, "I don't get that one."
You both stared at one another for a long moment, still walking through the cold, dead field.
"You don't know Julius Caesar?"
"No? Who the hell is that?"
You chuckled, "You know what? Just as well, who fucking cares about the Roman Empire when we're living in the end-of-days?"
"It's a decent joke," Joel spoke for the first time in hours; holding his rifle protectively as he lead you both through the wilderness, "for what it's worth."
You smirked at Ellie and teased, "Told you I was funny."
"You used the term punny."
"Both are accurate."
"I think you're just an idiot."
"I think you've got a helluva mouth on you."
Ellie grinned and flipped through her book, your gaze trailing to Joel and eyeing him for a long moment. You've known him since you were 19 and hired to babysit his daughter, Sarah. Joel was everything you could've asked for - loyal, sweet, protective, respectful. You had been at their house, doing coursework for your university program when the Outbreak happened. You did what you could to help protect Sarah, but in the end, nobody was safe, nobody was immune, and Death stretch His hand unto all of mankind alike.
He left only select few, you, Joel, and Tommy being amongst the survivors.
The past twenty years had been anything but easy, and while you had gone into this pandemic together, you and Joel didn't actually stick together the whole time. When you settled in Boston with Tommy, Tess, and a few other nomads, you were exhausted from the brutality you were forced to survive in, and so, first chance you had, you broke away.
Technically, you and Tommy broke away. But still.
Joel turned to a life of shadiness with Tess at his right hand (and on his cock). The two of you becoming estranged, until he saved your ass from a pair of FEDRA agents harassing citizens.
He didn't just distract your assailants, but put them in the dirt, helped pick you up, dust off, check for injury, then escort you home. Once at your apartment, he ensured you weren't hurt and was truly okay, and after that, he was back in your life - like the snap of fingers.
You hated to admit it, but it felt nice having a constant back in your life. Joel was your tether to reality, and without him, you felt akin to a kite with the string cut - useless and drifting away.
After that, you came around a little more to see how much your old neighbor had changed in your time apart. Joel was familiar, he was family; had always been something of a source of peace for you. He was usually protective of your wellbeing - even if he had a strange (and borderline unhealthy) way of showing it - creating a bubble of safety.
You eventually left the Fireflies and met Bill and Frank, venturing out and about with Joel and Tess; the latter of who simply despised you for just existing. She was never fond of you, more so now that Joel was obviously attached to you.
Joel never let her argue about you; he never cared for her opinion nor what assumptions she had. He kept you close, he liked your close; and if she sneered any hateful slander, Joel was swift to push her away in favor of you.
One time, he even literally locked her out of the apartment because she was rude to you and told you to "get lost!".
How could you not feel safe? Comfortable? Secure?
When you made it to Jackson and found Tommy once more, you were overjoyed by his familiar face and scent, but quickly pulled him aside to voice your concern for Joel.
"He's been clutching his chest, walking slower than I've seen before," you whispered to Tommy. "I don't think he's havin' a heart episode, but somethin' ain't right, Tommy. He's not doing the best."
"I'll talk to him," he assured.
You believed him, there was no reason not to. You (willfully blindly) believed Tommy would go about this subject with sensitivity and wouldn't mention your words of concern, but you were wrong. Very wrong. Joel had a known temper and if he caught wind that you spoke his name, even in passing, he would lash out, so, truly, you thought Tommy wouldn't tip Joel off.
The moment you returned "home" (to the house you, Ellie, and Joel were offered), you were met with a fuming Joel and an awkward looking Ellie. "What's going on?" You felt worried, fearing for the worst, asking, "What's wrong?"
"You," Joel snapped. "You're what's wrong."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Joel," Ellie tried with a frown, "she just walked in 0 "
"You had a word with Tommy now, did'yah?" He demanded, ignoring Ellie to focus his glare fully on you.
"Well - yeah - I mean - "
"No," he seethed with narrowed eyes and furrowed brow, "where the hell you get off talkin' to my brother like that? Huh? You worried 'bout me, you say somethin' to me - otherwise, the hell you talkin' for?"
"Joel - "
"You overstepped," he shook his head and pointed a scolding finger at you, "and my health ain't your concern - "
"Of course, it is! Fuck's sake, how can you even say that? I get you're mad, fine, okay, you know what? I get it, I'm sorry if I overstepped by telling Tommy how worried I am, but for the love of God, Joel, I am worried about you because you're not the same man you once were!"
"Are any of us?" He huffed.
"You don't think we've noticed the way you've slowed? How you clutch your chest? I'm allowed to be worried - "
"You know, if you weren't so Goddamn clingy all the time, you wouldn't feel whatever compulsion this is to concern yourself with something that ain't got shit to do with you."
You blinked in shock, feeling disarmed by the harsh tone and bruising words he offered. "Joel, we're both worried about you,," Ellie stepped in again. "Don't be such a dick, she's just looking out for you."
"By involving those that don't need to be involved?" He sneered, glaring at the girl before rounding on you. "From now on, you stay in your place - enough with this - this fucking - this protector bullshit you think of me as. You cling any fucking tighter and I'll suffocate, so back the hell off."
You nodded slowly, watching him storm off; door slamming after him hard enough to make both you and Ellie flinch. "I, uh..." You cleared your throat, "I should... Um, uh, you know what, I'll jusy - uh, yeah, no, I can just... Yeah, I should - yeah."
"I'm sorry," she mumbled.
"You didn't do anything."
"No, but that wasn't very nice of him to say."
"No, I suppose not," you smiled ruefully, giving a hearty, heavy sniffle. "I should, you know, go and find somewhere to crash - "
"Why wouldn't you stay here?"
"I don't exactly like to linger where I'm not wanted," you mused, keeping your tears at bay. "I just need to clear my head for a bit. Go for a walk or something. Maybe he just needs some space, I don't want to be here and upset him more... You two have a mission at hand," you tried to smile, "that's bigger than us all, and whether I see the end of it or not doesn't matter now - what matters is you, Ellie. This petty squabble will pass," you lied, "because you're all that matters. I won't risk further upsetting Joel, gambling with this already sketchy-ass plan and put everything we've worked towards so far at jeopardy."
You both smiled ruefully.
"I know when to walk away," you ended softly.
She nodded, opening her mouth but closing it instantly; knowing you were stubborn enough that she didn't even attempt to stop you. So, she did the only thing she knew she could do: offered her joke book.
"Oh, Ellie, no," you breathed, "no, no, I can't take that, it was a gift."
"And now I'm gifting it to you," she shrugged, holding the book out. "C'mon, just take it, it'll make me feel good knowing you're cracking shitty jokes to yourself - or whoever will listen."
"I can't take this," you whispered.
"Just make sure you stay alive to give it back," Ellie compromised.
"Deal," you smirked, opening your arms and embracing the girl the moment she rushed into your chest. "I'll miss you," you whispered. You promised to see her as soon as you could (so you could return the joke, of course), kissed her forehead, then grabbed your bag, which had yet to be unpacked, and left the house.
You managed to find lodging in the old cantina, and you'd never know that when Joel got back that evening and saw your items gone, he breathed a sigh of relief. In his head, with you gone, it was one less painful reminder of Sarah, the life he had before; and while his mind played tricks into thinking he saw Sarah in town today, he realized you were the constant trigger.
The single strand that kept him in the past.
Constant reminder of who he was, who he wanted to be.
Prevented him from truly moving on.
Though not done in the best or most respectful way, in his heart, Joel knew he needed to shove you into the mud to get you to let go; you saw too much "good" in him. You saw him in the same light as Sarah, and he couldn't handle that; could not fathom that there was anyone left in this world who saw anything remotely humane in him.
So, Joel did what he did best: made his own life infinitely harder by pushing away those who loved him.
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requesting rules and masterlist
TLOU masterlist
Clingy Baby masterlist
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wordstome · 1 year
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Last night I did what I always do when I can’t fall asleep: think about fictional men. Here’s a list of wonderful stories written by incredibly talented people who have helped me think about fictional men by providing the most delicious playgrounds.
In the interest of keeping my recommendations brief, I'm going to talk about what I liked about the fic instead of summarizing what it's about. To know what it's actually about you're just gonna have to click through and read the fic <3
(and just in case anybody's gotten lost, this is all COD, mostly modern MW)
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✦ complete ║ ➠ ongoing
✦Just Friends by @kneelingshadowsalome Salome is so good at capturing a very unique interplay between König’s social awkwardness and his deep, dark, nasty inclinations. He’s so feral and enjoyable to read, and the sheer force of his desire for Engel is downright intoxicating. I find it difficult to describe how much of an impact Just Friends has had on me and my portrayal of König, to be honest. There's a reason why three of Salome's fics are on this rec list.
✦Fatum Nos Iungebit by kneelingshadowsalome Five words. König with his cock out. That's it. Okay, but in all seriousness, I love his character applied to this setting. All the raw visceral violence a König could ever want, a pretty little lady in his bed—he's so boyish and happy in this au it brings me such joy. The way their relationship between him and Fee develops is so natural and so sweet. Please for the love of God read this.
➠Cat/Mouse/Den by @papaver-decervicatus The chase. The pursuit. The adrenaline when Mouse dances out of König's reach once more. I'm a little biased because I adore Julius and Jenny (I could call her Lucretia but the double J names make me giggle) as ocs already, but CMD is so, so well written. The tension, the flirting, the scene where he catches her falling out of the tree?! As I said in a reblog, I shrieked. You know when you're reading something that's so good you want to bite down on it and shake like a dog with a toy? (No? Just me?) That's how I feel about CMD.
➠Anything by @darklordofthesimp Anything, in only 7 chapters (they are hefty, don’t get me wrong), has turned König and Birdy’s dynamic from “THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS IRREVERSIBLY SCARRED MY BODY AND MY BRAIN, AND I CANNOT TRUST HIM” to “these two are going to get married someday”. (author if you’re reading this, I say that not as an expectation or prediction, but as a vibe reading.) This one is for the hurt/comfort girlies. Also, shoutout to all the other stories set in the Anything-verse. Sunshine and Ghost are just soooo *grips my hand in a fist so hard it shakes*
➠If you need to be mean by @gremlingottoosilly This mostly serves as a blanket recommendation for all of Gremlin’s fics. I found If you need to be mean, and then visiting Gremlin’s author page was like opening a treasure chest. Want to be König’s pampered, (unwilling) little housewife? That’s If you need to be mean. Want a harem fic with almost all of the COD MW men? Gremlin has two, both with their own little spin to keep it fun. Do you want König to keep you in his basement or hunt you down as a serial killer? Gremlin's got it. Monsterfucker? Gremlin has that too. Special shoutout goes to 1295 kilometers. I think about fucking König on a train a lot now.
➠Break my mind by @kaiasdevotion (kaiasown on ao3) There’s no way around this. This fic has the most unhinged, kinky, downright dangerous smut I’ve read in the cod fandom so far (positive). Just Friends König is the metric by which I judge all other Königs’ nastiness, and Break my mind König is tipping so hard on the “unhinged horny violent freak (affectionate)” end of the scale he’s about to fall off. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I've developed a taste for writing/reading from König's perspective, and he's so chillingly deranged in the most controlled way possible during the chapters from his pov. Incredible writing. Chefs kiss.
✦Experimental by @uhohdad (surgeoninspace on ao3) Alright, enough of just König being nasty. He is still nasty in this one, but he’s not the only one who gets to have a little fun and be a total creep. Our little scientist here is a grade A pervert, and I was delighted the whole way through. The most important thing I need in a fic is suspension of disbelief, and Experimental takes an unrealistic, maybe a little bit silly situation and makes it so believable. Everybody reacts the way you would expect them to, even if the scenario they're in is A Lot.
➠Little Mouse and Rotes Madchen by @sprout-fics I'm combining the recommendation for these two because while they are both very much distinct, unique fics, I love them the same way. Sprout is such an engaging writer, and the internal dialogue of her characters is so well done. It reveals their personality, motivations, and internal conflicts without being overly expository. Do you guys remember that post I put on the König bible about instant obsession? It's this inexorable attraction borne from obsession that sticks me to Little Mouse like a glue trap. (Is that too morbid?)
✦Hot in Sarajevo by @50cal-fullauto Rags' König characterization post is on my Königcore bible, for very good reason. They get it. König is a feral dog forced to live as a man and loves like a total maniac, emotionally and sexually. I marked Hot in Sarajevo as complete but I don't know how many parts there are going to be, and frankly, I do want more. However, if you're going to only read one part (which. why would you do that??? read both.) I recommend the second part. I want to write love like that. Goddamn.
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Yeah, this list is a little bare bones right now. I'm gonna get back to it, I promise.
✦Anhedonia by kneelingshadowsalome The way. Salome takes the "I would take a bullet for him but he's so cold to me" premise and then flips it entirely on its head for the second part is so important to me. The way Simon craves the reader is like human catnip. I reread this fic all the time.
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✦For the Weak and Weary by @halcyone-of-the-sea Read this if you want to believe in true love. That's all. Go on now.
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✦Easy by @danibee33 When people say "I wish this were a book!" about fanfiction, they usually mean it in a "this is good enough to be published by the traditional publishing industry" way. When I say I want Easy (and Diablesa) to be a book, I mean it in a "I want to get this story bound in a beautiful ass cover and keep it on a shelf so I can take it down and reread it whenever I want" way. I don't want the traditional publishing industry to get their claws in this, because it's perfect as it is. This fic is so wild and fun, and the character moments are so special and well done. Do yourself a favor and savor this one.
➠@ghouljams's entire blog [masterlist] "What do you mean someone's entire blog" YOU HEARD ME. Those aus are some good shit. Good characterization, delicious premises, love the group effort of it all. To absolutely nobody's surprise, my favorite couple is König and Bee from the cowboy au (ditzy but well-meaning and competent in her own way woman x big strong man who is obsessed with her and maybe also creeping on her, my beloved), but I also have a fondness for Ghost and Die from demon darlings au. Trust me on this one. Dig into those masterlists babey.
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Hello I want to request for headcanons or fics whatever you're in the mood for with fue, nozel, nacht and Julius they wake up in the morning and see their s/o whos period spills onto their bed and she wakes up and is super embarrassed about it
If you're uncomfortable with the topic you don't have to write for it tho it's okay
Hello! No worries, I'm not uncomfortable with blood or periods ^^
This turned quite long, but hopefully you don't mind. The guys are worried about reader being alright, but do comfort the reader, all in their own ways. ^^
Pairings: Fuegoleon x f!reader, Nozel x f!reader, Nacht x f!reader, Julius x f!reader Fanfic type: Headcanons Genre: general/comforting Total length: ~2.1k Warnings: a lot of mentions and depictions of blood (since periods are a main topic of this), the guys being a little worried since blood spilling in the bed isn't common at all to them, but it's a kind of .. hurt-comfort I suppose
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He has always been one to rise early. That is not to say that if he can spare the time, he doesn’t mind sleeping in, especially after you came a part of his life. And it was also this morning that he was the first to rise.
For a while he simply lied there, next to you and admired your sleeping form next to you. But he didn’t want to wake you up, so he thought that he might just as well get up and do a little morning exercising.
He pushed aside of the covers and sat up, but as he turned to take one more glance of you, he saw blood, under you, staining the covers.
His immediate thought was about you being alright. But you were breathing, and there weren’t signs of distress, which meant that it must’ve been your periods. And for a while he wondered if he should really wake you up, instead of having you lie on bloody sheets.
But as you begun shifting around, and woke up, little by little, he didn’t need to wonder about it.
He sat onto his side of the bed, and placed his hand onto your side, stroking you. “Good morning,” he wished with gentle syllables. “How are you feeling?”
You stretched and greeted him with a smile, but as your consciousness came through from dream lands, you realized that you were feeling a bit… sticky, and the sheets felt a bit wet. Which could mean a couple of things. That you had been sweating in your sleep, or…
So, you sat up, without a reply, and uncovered yourself, only to see bloody sheets, which is why you hastily pulled the covers back over you while staring down to your hands.
You couldn’t believe that your periods had come in early. Or was it really early? Had you just forgotten about where you were in the cycle? In any case you started doing the math in your head, while not daring to look at him. But still, you managed to mumble out a “I’m sorry…”
He placed his hand onto your shoulder, and, even without looking at him, you heard his tender tone. “It’s alright,” he told you. “Periods are a completely natural thing to have.”
Carefully your eyes started to lift from the sheets to him.
“Are you… in pain?” He inquired, telling you that the sheets were the least of his worries.
“A… little bit,” you admitted because the period pains were also creeping in on you.
He pulled you close, and assured you that it’d be alright. His right hand settled onto your lower stomach, and added a bit of warmth to soothe you. “It’ll be alright,” he repeated, and simply held you close, stroking you and focusing on being there for you.
And you… you did feel loved and cared for. For a moment you even forgot about the sheets, but it felt wonderful to know that there was no shame in showing him that you were on your periods.
Light started to filter through the curtains to Nozel’s eyes, waking him up. And he knew that he should get up. Get to work. Complete tasks that were on the list for the day, but… the bed was warm. Soft… and most importantly, you were there.
So, he rolled over, and wrapped his arms around you, as much as he could while lying down, and snuggled close to you. But as he settled there, next to you, his hand brushed something… wet? Sticky? And as he ruffled the sheets, there was a faint scent of iron.
He felt his stomach twist, and his heart begun racing, which made him wide awake. But as soon as he was, awake, eyes open. He tried to reason to himself.
No one could have gotten in. And hurt you. So it must’ve been something else.
Regardless, he sat up, and tried to inspect if anything seemed amiss.  And as he pulled his hand away from under the covers, there were red stains covering his skin, which caused him to promptly pull aside the blanket to see the sheets under you stained with blood.
You awoke to the sudden movement, and looked at him with a frown, as he looked under you.
Your eyes followed his gaze and saw the stains as well, filling your mind with questions about if you were supposed to have your periods already. But the questions only crossed your mind for a fraction of a second, as embarrassment took its place, making your cheeks feel warm.
“I’m-, sorry,” you apologized not daring to meet his gaze, as you were afraid that he’d say something… something less than pleasant about it. Or perhaps would wish to have separate beds from now on, so that he wouldn’t have to worry about waking up in a pool of blood.
But instead, he took your hand and looked at you. His lips were parted, as if he was thinking about what to say. And he continued to think for quite a while, until he frowned at his own ability to say The Right thing, if there was such.
Then he closed his mouth, only to open it up again as his eyes averted. “If you wish, we can… go wash up as the servants change the sheets,” he stated. “And we’ll… find a solution.”
“I’m… sorry,” you apologized again, while looking down again.
“It’s not your fault,” he interjected. “It was unexpected,” he continued while giving your hand a squeeze, which gave you the reassurance you needed to look at him.
His cheeks were tinted with a hint of red, and his eyes were still to the side.
He wasn’t trying to guilt you, but instead he was trying to solve it. Solve the situation where you were still sitting on bloody sheets, while circling around commenting on the state of the linen.
But most importantly, he wasn’t trying to blame you.
“I’m certain it’s unpleasant to wake up in… such a state,” he said. “So, if you wish, we can-, freshen up.” He meant well. And honestly, it wasn’t fun to sit there, feeling the sticky, drying period blood on you, along with the creeping period pain.
“Let’s do that,” you finally admitted with soft syllables, with which he lead you, still holding you by the hand, to the wash room. He made sure you had the softest towels, and that the water was warm enough, before telling the servants to change the sheets.
Nacht usually wakes up quite early. That is if he has fallen asleep in the first place, since he is quite a bit of a night owl. Though he might prefer “creature of the night”, if he had to choose, not that he necessarily would take kindly being called either by anyone aside of you, because from you it comes with love.
However, this morning, he was up, walking around with a book in hand instead of sitting down to read it, as he passed by the bed where you were still sleeping.
You rolled over in your sleep, pushing aside a lot of the covers as you did so, which revealed a large crimson stain under you, which made Nacht stop.
There was a passing, split second of pain in him for seeing so much blood under you. But he is able to keep himself calm, and collected, because this must simply be your periods. After all, you were moving around and breathing with no sounds of distress, so it was something natural. And periods were by far the most common explanation.
But there was still something so unsightly in the idea of you having to lay in, essentially, a pool of blood. It must’ve been rather uncomfortable.
So, he sat down to the edge of the bed, and gently shook you awake.
“Good morning,” he wished with a gentle tone of voice, to which you replied with a sleepy tone of your own.
But as you regained your consciousness from the dreamlands where you had ventured in your sleep, you begun to feel… something sticky? Wet and… less than nice?
You tried to prop yourself up and as you did, you looked at your hand which was now covered in a thin layer of blood, which was when it dawned on you: the bed was stained from your periods.
You averted your gaze, still looking down to the sheets and apologized. It’d be a pain to get the stains out of the sheets, not to mention the mattress. And you didn’t want to be a burden on him.
But after the apology had flowed out from you, he asked: “Why are you apologizing?”
You looked at him, and there was that smiling expression, but in his smile, you could see a faint frown. Because he didn’t really understand why you needed to apologize for something that you had no control over.
“Because… I stained the sheets…” you replied.
“It was an accident, of which you have no control over. But we can get around it by tracking your cycle in a calendar and taking precautions,” he stated, trying to find a solution.
You nodded, because it did sound sensible. And he was solution oriented to a lot of things, but that didn’t really help with your emotions right there and then.
“We will manage,” he still continued, and took a hold of your hand, while pulling you close. His left hand settled to your head, and pressed it against his chest, as his right held you from the waist.
He might not have been the best at offering words of comfort, but he wanted you to know that he was there for you when you needed it. And he always would be.
If he can, he likes to sleep as late as possible. That is if he doesn’t have a plan on going anywhere, aside of work.
And thus, in his sleep, he rolled over and snuggled close to you, smiling widely. Because… why wouldn’t he? He was right there, with the love of his life, in a warm, soft bed without a care in the world. If he didn’t count Marx bugging him about paperwork, which wasn’t really a care in itself either, since there was a point in doing the work. A very valid point at that.
But for now, he simply wished to snuggle next to you for a few more minutes, so he pulled you closer, reached a little further around you and there was… dampness? Stickiness? But it didn’t feel like anything he was necessarily familiar wi-
Then it dawned on him. It felt a lot like blood. But you were sleeping blissfully in his arms. He could feel your chest rising and falling, and there were no signs of uneasiness.
He propped himself up, nudging you unintentionally in the process, which caused your eyes to flicker open.
“Good morning,” you smiled to him as you were coming to from the sleep.
“Good morning,” he wished back. “How are you feeling?”
You hummed for a while, then realizing that there was something… something damp and it… wasn’t quite sweat, because sweat wasn’t this sticky and… You got up, and reached under you, only to pull your bloodied hand back and look at it.
You could have prepared to this, or that was what you thought to yourself. You could have been counting days there was to your periods. Though there was sometimes bound to be some variation, and considering everything that had been going on lately and-
“Are you in pain?” He asked, waking you from the train of your thoughts.
“I’m sorry… for staining the sheets,” you replied, not really answering to his question.
He blinked for a moment, before letting out a laugh. “We can always get more sheets,” he smiled to you while pulling you closer. “There’s nothing to worry about,” he assured you.
You turned to look at him, the best you could, and quite simply looked at him. And he just smiled in return.
He smiled that bright reassuring smile of his that made you think that everything would be alright in the world, no matter what. He wasn’t mad, or upset with you. To him it was simply a part of life.
And you could always get more sheets.
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rotdistressxox · 3 months
Hiiiiiii, I've been stalking your page because your writing is yummy and you capture the essence of the characters really well😫.
Can you write some nsfw headcanons of Julius, Meguro and Wakatsuki with an inexperienced afab s/o who is embarrassed when it comes to sex . Like s/o is shy when the fighters strip naked, they are shy to show their figure to the fighters, they are shy when the fighters try to touch them, they try to hold back making sounds etc.... and how would the fighters react/respond to that. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
yes Yes YES. My baby Meguro needs some lovin
Kengan Men with an Inexperienced S/o
Content: 18+, Afab bodyparts, kinda smutty
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Julius Reinhold
• Has had his share of one night stands and short lived relationships. When he was younger that is.
• He's good at comforting them, saying that they don't have to go through with 'the deed' if they don't want to. But despite their shyness, they have to reassure him that they do.
• He's already half naked, because clothes don't fit him. But when he's holding his s/o close to him, they can't help but blush and squirm.
• "Can you take off my clothes for me?" His s/o was too embarrassed to do it by themselves, and infront of him.
• His face got red, no doubt what they said had turned him on. And thus, taking off their clothes became a kink for him.
• He thinks it's sexy when they're shy. Hiding their breasts with their arm while closing their legs. And fuuucckk he thinks it's even sexier when they try to be confident and touch him.
• The best part is when he touches them. Massaging their breasts with his big hands, this thumbs grazing over their nipples. Their whimpers are music to his ears, and only tell him that they want more.
• His muscles are stiff enough for you to hold onto while his giant fingers curl inside them and stretch them out. He's a gentle giant, and has to hold himself back when he's turned on by their noises.
Meguro Masaki
• Despite being a freak, he has 0 experience with sex and has never even been romantically involved with anyone. So he's in the same boat with his s/o, more or less.
• The first time was...experimental. His s/o has to tell him what feels good, what hurts, the same goes for him.
• If anyone initiates sex, it's him. Mostly because he's curious. However he has no idea why they're so shy in the first place.
• Meguro doesn't care about being naked, it feels more natural to him. It confuses him why his s/o keeps staring at him and stuttering.
• Most importantly, he likes going down on his s/o with his abnormally long tongue. It makes his s/o extremely embarrassed because he's looking directly at their needy pussy. Drooling and foaming at the mouth.
• Pries their legs open and goes to town anyways, looking up at them as they mewl. The shyness they had vanishing in an instant and wrapping their legs around his neck.
• Enjoys being dominant and watching them squirm as a sorts of whines escape their mouth. It fills him with carnal urges, watching his s/o submit for him.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• Has had a few healthy relationships, so he knows how to take the lead when his s/o is nervous. Whispering sweet nothings in their ear, instilling enough confidence in them to take off their clothes
• He knows what his body does to their s/o. Blushing and hiding their face while he hovers over them in bed.
• Loves to tease them, palming their clit while making his s/o work through their embarrassment to beg him to put a finger in.
• When he buys them lingerie he likes seeing them get flustered when he pulls it out of the bag. As soon as they have it on they cover their breasts and look away from him, only for Wakatsuki to pry their hands away. Carrying them to the bed and making sure to ravage them.
• Slow thrusts, just enough to drive them crazy.
• "You're so beautiful, taking my cock like that" only for his s/o to whimper in reply. Never fails to make his cock twitch when his s/o is speechless while taking him completely
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pixeldolly · 2 months
Walden BACC
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They talked about it, at length.
Imogen explained that she had been struggling with her pregnancy, and went to Larkin for comfort. Then one thing led to another...
Why not come to me, your husband? he'd asked, lamely.
Because you were so happy, she replied.
It was true. He had been over the moon, unable (or unwilling) to see his wife's struggles.
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All the lies he had told himself were coming back to haunt him.
The biggest lie of all? That Imogen had chosen him in the end, that she wouldn't have gone running if Larkin beckoned.
Would she still go, even now?
He was too old to keep lying to himself anymore. No matter how much it hurt.
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And yet, he couldn't hate her for it.
This was the fae's fault. He, better than anyone, knew what she was capable of. She had killed Imogen's brother and visited unspeakable horrors upon him. Imogen was just another of her victims.
Larkin Meade was to blame for everything.
There you have it, folks! 🤷‍♀️ Julius decided to blame it all on Larkin and his relationship with Immy only took a relatively small hit after she "Confessed to Cheating."
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
can i request julius caesar yandere love letter? ilysm !!
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Dear Y/N,
I haven't written to you for so long, hasn't it? I'm sorry about that, I haven't had much time on account of my campaigns in Gaul and it's taken up all my time. Surely you've heard of my victories, right? Of course you do, you always knew everything about my life and that makes me more than happy. It's mutual, we both know so much about each other but it never seems to be enough. In fact, I am never satisfied when you're not with me, my nights have been so lonely without you by my side and my heart aches more and more as I move away from Rome and your comforting arms.
I wanted so bad to take you with me to Gaul but I cannot risk your safety. I am sure I'll emerge victorious but there's always a chance the gods might decide not to favor me and I could never put your life at risk because of my arrogance. As much as my bed stays cold without you and my heart aches, I know it's for the best in the end. I could never put you at risk, at least not any more than I already have.
Speaking of which, how is your life in Rome going? Are all the gold and denarii I sent you being put to good use? I hope so, you deserve all the best and I will do everything in my power to make your wishes come true, my love. Everyone's treating you like the you deserve, right? My enemies in the senate know what will happen to them and anyone who tries to harm you, they are not stupid enough to think of using you against me. Everyone is already well aware of what happens to those who dare to hurt you. I promised to protect you with my life and I will.
There's so much I want to be able to tell you but I am afraid in this letter I won't be able to. I need to prepare my legions to continue advancing deeper into Gaul and that takes a lot of time and unfortunately time is not something I have at the moment. But I am glad I had at least some free time to write you this letter. I promise to write you as soon as I can and detail everything and I cannot wait for your reply. Your letters are what keep me most motivated. It's amazing the effect love has on a man, isn't it? The love we both have is so perfect that I feel ecstatic just thinking about you, even if I do all the time.
With all the love and longing,
Gaius Julius Caesar.
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mymultiverse00 · 10 months
It was a quiet Friday afternoon in Volterra Castle, and as Marcus signed his name on the day’s last edict, he couldn’t help but smile. Friday meant the end of the work week under the new Volturi work/life balance guidelines, instituted five years ago by his beautiful mate, Y/N, thank you very much, and it also meant the end of the school week. Marcus always looked forward to Friday, now that he was a father, as he could not wait to spend the weekend doing normal human activities with his wonderful wife and darling daughter. They had been with him for just under a decade now, and every second spent with them filled in the cracks from a millennium of hurts, and he cherished every single one.
He looked down at his watch with a small frown, noticing the hour was later than normal, but it was quickly erased as the air around him shifted, and the light, airy scent of oranges and vanilla filled his senses. His daughter had just arrived home from school, and as was her custom, she was making her way to the King’s study to greet her father and uncles. She was moving quickly - too quickly - he thought, and suddenly he had a feeling that something wasn’t right. The intensity of the feeling actually scared him a little, and he had just risen from his chair to go meet her when he heard his daughter arrive.
Wham!! The door to the study was flung open heavily, causing it to bounce off the wall behind it. He could see his daughter was extremely angry, and her eyes blazed with rage.
“Uncle Aro!” She shouted, her eyes scanning the room in fury. “Where are you?”
Marcus looked to his right, noticing that his brother had indeed abandoned his desk, and was forced to hold back a smile as the man in question casually reentered the room from the adjoining balcony. Aro was doing his best to appear surprised to see the girl, but Marcus knew better than to believe the act.
“Ah, principessa! You are home!” Aro enthused, greeting the girl with a wide, happy smile. “How was your day?”
“You know how it was, Uncle,” she hissed. “You promised you would stop doing that!”
“Doing what, my heart?” Marcus asked, coming to stand next to his daughter, offering her a careful hug. “What has Aro done?”
The girl sighed, leaning heavily into her father’s embrace. “He helped me with my homework again!”
“Aro!” Marcus chided. “We’ve discussed this, brother.”
Aro said nothing for a moment, looking down to brush an imaginary piece of lint away from his jacket. “I had to do it darling, your essay was incomplete. I was only thinking of your grades,” he explained.
“Incomplete!!” The girl screeched. “It was fine before you tampered with it!”
“There, there, little mouse.” Marcus patted his daughter’s back in a comforting gesture. “Do you have the essay with you? May I see it?”
She nodded, untangling herself from their hug, and reached down into her discarded backpack. “Here. Read it, and you’ll see, Daddy.”
He took the papers from her hand and moved back over to his desk, turning on his reading lamp as he took a seat. He read aloud to the room.
Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman. A member of the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating his political rival Pompey in a civil war.
“A fine start, darling, well done.” Marcus praised her.
“Skip down to the last paragraph, Daddy. That’s where you see a last minute edit someone added.” She glared at Aro as she spoke.
Marcus looked down again and flipped to the last page of the report, focusing on the final lines, mysteriously written in flourishing red ink. The penmanship was familiar to Marcus. After having to read it for the last several thousand years, he would recognize it anywhere. He grimaced and read aloud again.
In conclusion, Julius Caesar was a pompous bastard who got what he deserved. He was an uncultured swine and a blight on society. Shakespeare’s play is nothing but gross exaggeration and, frankly, not worth the paper it’s printed on. The Italian school system needs to do better.
“Aro!” Marcus scolded, setting down the paper and giving the dark-haired man a disapproving look. “Shame on you, brother.”
“What?” Aro questioned. “Tell me which part of my statement is untrue, Marcus. You hated that asshole as much as I did!”
“Maybe so, but you cannot put those things in her homework. What will the teacher think?”
“She’ll think I’m being insolent and give me detention, that’s what!” The girl cried. “I had to write lines about not using inappropriate language in my reports and I have to read Romeo and Juliet as extra homework now!”
“Ah! How delightful!” Aro rejoiced, clapping his hands in excitement. “Now the Montague family, there was a family that understood diplomacy!”
“Daddy! Please make him stop!” The girl begged her father. “Tell him he can’t help me with my homework anymore, please?”
“Aro, brother, I have to agree. As much as you want to share your first-hand knowledge of historical events with our princess, you cannot do so by changing her homework. I want you to give your word; you won’t tamper with her work again.”
Aro considered Marcus’s words for a moment, looking into his niece’s pleading eyes before silently acquiescing. “I am sorry, little dove. I should not have changed your paper and I will not do it again. I was only trying to help, but I can see my help was not needed. Forgive me?”
The girl smiled at Aro, moving to his side to embrace him in a hug. “I forgive you, Uncle. And I’m sorry I shouted at you. I was just upset about getting detention.”
“Well, I’ll find a way to make it up to you eventually, love. “Do you want me to have your teacher killed?” He asked innocently.
“Aro!” Marcus scolded. “You will do no such thing!”
“We can discuss it later,” Aro whispered to the girl, smiling at the giggles spilling from her lips.
“Ok, Uncle Aro.” She kissed his cheek and then crossed back to her father to do the same for him. “I’ve got to go talk to Mama about our plans for the weekend, so I’ll see you two later. Love you!” She called as she darted out of the room, backpack in hand.
Marcus shook his head as he returned to his desk, packing away his books and ledgers, chuckling all the while. He looked over at his brother and gave him a wry smile. “He was a pompous bastard, Aro. You were right about that.”
“Of course I was, Marcus. Wait until she sees what I wrote in her report about Henry VIII.”
The End
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Creepypasta Masterlist Vol. 4
It's that time again! The previous masterlist is full, if not nearly full! But I have some news to share! Now that I'm writing romantic for a few characters, they will now be given their own sections in the masterlist! Hooray! There will still be an other section for characters, whether me not writing romantic for them or them not being very popular! As per usual you can find the other creepypasta volumes in my pinned under the masterlist section! you can also find the rules there so if youre interested, give them a read! do note that as of the day im writing this (5/24/24), i work on a queue system so be aware it may take a while for your request to become public! you can always ask what day to expect it! with all that being said! p.s. if you're ever unsure for what creepypastas i will write for, just ask! putting it out there though that i do not write for offender, julius, or clockwork (clockwork is just personal stuff for me, as far as im aware there isnt much problematic with her or the creator) (dont quote me on that though, because i dont keep up with the creators all that much AS OF AUGUST 29TH THIS LIST IS COMPLETE
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Various crps x sculptor reader
Various x reader who does horror pod costs
Pocky w/ various crps
Various x streamer reader
Various crushing on the reader 1/2
Various crushing on the reader 2/2
Ej, masky,hoodie x picky eater reader
Sleepover at slender mansion
various crps x reader with moles and freckles
various x reader who has leg pains
various x reader who struggles with self care
slenderman and lj x reader who sleeps a lot
various x reader who has anxiety
ej and nina x reader who has psoriasis
petnames remake
various x slasher fan!reader
ticci toby, masky, and tim getting comfort from the reader
masky and hoodie when their child gets hurt protecting them
ej and ticci toby x ballerina!reader
calling various crps pretty boy
various crps w/ reader who struggles with self care 2
masky and hoodie x pregnant reader
various x caseoh!reader
leaving lipstick marks on them 1/2
Making a pillow fort w/ various
leaving lipstick marks on them 2/2
drawing each other 1/2
drawing each other 2/2
ej and brian x oblivious reader
giving lj masky and splendor kisses before going out
carrying/being carried when injured (jeff, masky, toby, lj)
giving various crps flowers
getting them treats (slender, nina, lj, bloody painter)
kissing ninas, bloody painters, and maskys scars
various x reader who cant cook
putting your hands in the pockets when youre cold
various crps x reader who can take their head off
various x picky eater!reader
kissing jane and nina
various x injured reader who doesnt realize theyre injured
laughing jack eyeless jack and puppeteer celebrating the readers birthday after its forgotten
masky hoodie and ticci toby x lactose intolerant reader
LJ, masky, hoodie x reader who has a sweet tooth
jeff nina and hoodie x bimbo!reader
dancing w/ slender splendor and bloody painter
x angel reader
x male immortal reader
i n p (angst alphabet)
y t ♥ (fluff alphabet)
n s x fluff alphabet
Laughing Jack
body swap prompt
X scene reader
X mime reader
X reader who dyes their hair a lot
X reader with curly hair
x reader who is clingy and has abandonment issues
accidentally making sensitive reader cry
x ball jointed doll reader
x bubbly trad goth reader
Eyeless Jack
X cute reader who likes sweets
X vampire reader
X reader who dresses in menhera/yami kawaii
x popular!fem!reader (human/collage au/pre monster jack)
x demon reader who eats raw animals
saving him from the cult and life after
w y s (fluff alphabet)
x reader who has father issues
x reader who is a professional figure skater
x sick reader
x ftm reader w/ dysphoria
boo, haunted house, and snacks (fall prompts)
Jeff the Killer
Platonic jeff x teen reader
X slasher fan reader
z d r (fluff alphabet)
w e y (fluff alphabet)
k j z (fluff alphabet)
Ticci Toby
X mom friend reader
reuniting with him
r y l (fluff alphabet)
v x i (fluff alphabet)
toby x fem!reader except youre both oblivious
scary movie, haunted house, and wrapped up prompts
c s w (fluff alphabet)
X fem lead singer reader
Pup x reader who has abandonment issues
j p x (fluff alphabet)
Nina x reader who reads fanfics
ben drowned x reader playing animal crossing together (platonic)
ben drowned x reader who hates him
platonic ben x older sibling figure reader
bloody painter x pregnant reader
c f h w/ bloody painter (fluff alphabet)
bloody painter x reader who has a small eye
s u v w/ ben (platonic alphabet)
kissing bloody painter after the first date
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radioactive-dazey · 6 months
My orange side dreams (I've had 4)
A description of my multiple orange side dreams and some of my commentary on them.
The first one
I had this dream back in 2022. Logan was sitting in a closet looking into a mirror. But his reflection wasnt himself, it was Thomas with a scraggly beard, dirty grey hoodie, messy hair, etc. Logan was talking to him about backing off, the reflection was mocking him, and all of a sudden the reflection reaches out and pulls Logan into the mirror. He starts laughing evilly and takes on Logan's appearance, walking out of the mirror and out of the closet. The dream changes to me scrolling through the comment sections of youtube trying to look for theories about this video, when i find in the description for the video theres a single name: Julius.
What I find super funny about this dream was that, the original appearance is super similar to an old dark side OC I had before Remus was introduced. He represented procrastination.
The name Julius is also funny because I'm fairly certain my subconscious took it from the drink "orange Julius"
Also lmao me predicting Thomas having facial hair is wild, God damn 2022 Dazey.
The second one
Previously posted elsewhere on my tumblr, I'm basically copying and pasting the post here.
I had a dream that Thomas posted a sander sides video featuring Janus, Remus, and the orange side. The orange side had no defined appearance, he was constantly switching between looking like Patton, Virgil, and Logan.
Janus and Remus didn't like him. The orange side did things in the video that actually made REMUS feel disgusted. I wont describe how (info in the replies of the original post), but he was able to completely shut down other sides. He picked them off one by one and made them faint, disappear, etc...
You could tell by the end of the episode Janus was majorly unhappy but before he could do anything, the orange side rendered him unconscious and Thomas was left alone with him. The episode ended with the orange side laughing as the screen faded to black. The endcard featured Thomas announcing the next episode would come out in 2 years :) (ouch, the accuracy still hurts a bit)
The third one (short and sweet)
Orange side had this ability to influence other sides, like a temporary possession. He wore glasses, which let me tell you, I don't see many orange sides interpretations with glasses so this was just wild.
Despite the fact I know he wore glasses, he also didn't have a set appearance, like he was invisible. Similar to dream 2, he was constantly changing how he looked through this possession concept I brought up.
He was influencing Logan to lash out a lot. Weird huh *gestures vaguely to my complicated feelings to the wrath theory*
Different dream again, the final one
The orange side adopted the appearance and actions of my personal theory for what the orange side should be. Those who have read my orange side theories will already know what im about to say: He represented ignorance, his dark side animal was a bird (some sort of falcon or hawk), his name was Icarus. The entire dream (read: episode) was more or less about how the others fucking suck when it comes to addressing their issues. It felt like they were going in circles. Why did they have to constantly fight?
I've seen the arguments against my particular ignorance theory, saying it's basically just lying to yourself and we can't have two Deceits. But ignorance is more than just 'turning a blind eye.' It's purposefully ignoring new nformation to stay in a comfortable and familiar idea space. Most of the dream works from the angle of Logan not being listened to. The other sides ignorance is what makes Logan angry.
This means nothing but I feel like sharing. In this dream I got to meet Thomas and I asked him "so, Is the orange sides name icarus?" And he looked personally so offended that I guessed it.
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unalivedblogger · 2 years
The creeps types of laugh
Offenderman has the car won't crank laugh around his best friends.
Jeff is the smoker laugher who hits you
Ben definitely the "my stomach hurt" type of laugh because he laughs so hard
Candypop is either the asthmatic laugh or that one auntie who cackles. Definitely does the Scooby laugh for shits and giggles
Candycane "the one who can't laugh or she'll get in trouble"
Nathan around the people he's close to "I know it's been 30 minutes but I can't stop" laugh
Ciara has a nice laugh with wheezing and a "I'M GONNA PEE MYSELF"
April fool's actually has tears when she laughs
Nina definitely snorts and makes Windex bottle noises
Jane wheezes. Prove me wrong.
Toby has a mix. His tics make him laugh when Jeff is around "nappy emo mop whistles"
X-virus has a contagious laugh (pun intended) especially with the snorts coming out of the mask
Lui just either doesn't laugh or full out seal laughs
Slenderman. Very deep ehahaha. Only by himself.
Laughing Jack has an animalistic laugh or that one uncle who's laugh is funnier than the joke.
Jason has a proper practiced laugh and one where he's comfortable with a person enough to wheeze and yell laugh.
Brian definitely yells first then laughs with a good ol knee slap
Tim covers his eyes and has that mom laugh where he sighs once he's done
Ej has the muted laugh with the hand on his chest or if in social area he purses his lips under the mask and crosses his arms to control his laugh
Julius probably won't laugh at anyone's jokes genuinely unless it's Killian or he'll have to place his hands on his knees to catch his breath
Killian probably runs around laughing and falls to the floor cackling his breath away
Puppeteer definitely has those weird funny laughs that make him cover his mouth
Morivin either has a theatrical or a dad laugh. Prove me wrong.
Hobo heart is the joke repeater "he said __" followed by his laugh
Vine snorts and bangs his fist on whatever object he's close to
Dark link definitely has those laughs that sound like the car has something wrong with it
Splendorman has a wholesome contagious laugh
Trenderman holds his stomach also has a few tears
Kate the chaser covers her face and rolls around snorting
Sally has a really nostalgic laugh that just lifts everyones mood
Lazari kicks and holds her stomach laughing uncontrollably
Lulu has a sweet laugh followed by asthmatic noises
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candyistoosweet · 4 months
Hellcrew OC: Wilma Louise
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Wilma Louise
Age: Physically 13~15 (minor)
Species: Ghost / Vengeful spirit; formerly human
Birthdate: 18/9 1876
Deathdate: 25/9 1889
Personality (Now)
-Extremely cautious; suspicious
-Kind towards most of others
-Despises specific people
-Mood swing
Personality (Before death)
-Laughed at most of the time
-Numb to danger
-Easily got hurted (Emotionally)
Weapon / Powers
-Mainly uses a small awl she had when she was a human, but also knows how to use guns. (Doesn't really use guns very often)
-Moving through walls, objects
Body Type
Small height (5.1ft, 155cm)
Small body / weight (45kg)
Easily get damaged
Low strength
Family Members
Brian Louise (Dad): Dead
Willow Louise (Mom): Dead
Willson Louise (Older brother): Dead
Jessica (Pet): Dead
Wilma was a latest child born in a wealthy class family in 1800s. There was a boy named 'Willson Louise' who was Wilma's 8 years old older brother and having a treatment in Lucien's asylum earlier. But he got killed by Lucien when Wilma was 7 because he tried to tell his parents about the thing Lucien did to other patients and to himself. Wilma and her parents were very sweet and having a nice relationship with Wilson, but there was no way to figure out why exactly Willson died, because of Lucien's manipulative and clever lies. After older brother's death, Wilma started to get depression, insomnia, and other mental illnesses which caused her to get in the Lucien's asylum at the age of 12~13. In the asylum, she first met Julius at 15 who was also in the asylum, and they quickly bacame friends by showing each other's flaws. Since Wilma was in a wealthy family unlike Julius', she sometimes gave Julius a bag of groceries, coins, or cashes. But Lucien did not like her showing friendship with his 'favorite patient' and forced her to stop helping Julius in any kinds of ways.
But Wilma was too numb and careless about the warning. She ignored what her doctor told her and this made Lucien to slowly raise a hatred towards her. Lucien at first had no plan to do the same thing he did to Julius and other patients to her because of the amount of money Wilma's family gave him, but money couldn't protect Wilma so long. He had no choice but doing it to stop his jealousy growing.
After Wilma going through all the stuff from her doctor, Wilma slowly started to realize Julius, other patients and also her dead brother Willson has been through the same thing she was and it caused Wilson's death. This made Wilma trying to tell her parents about Lucien's crimes and stab him with an awl Julius gave her which he used for making dresses. But Wilma's body was too weak and fragile which made nothing more than Lucien pushing her through stairs and making her head crush.
Friendship / Alies
Julius Doherty (Friend figure) @sanityshorror
Killian Lynch (Dad figure) @sanityshorror
Seraphina Shaw (Sister figure) @gracilissart
Duvessa Doyle (Sister, mother figure) @sanityshorror
Seamus Wrynn (Another dad figure) @gracilissart
Kelly Duffy (Uncle figure) @sanityshorror
Octavian "Vivi" Doherty (Another uncle figure) @sanityshorror
Sullivan Sweeney (?? figure) @sanityshorror
Cian Lynch (Uncle, dad figure) @sanityshorror
Devlin Doherty (Another uncle figure) @scarfaxia
Lucien Delaney @scarfaxia
Anyone who's trying to put her or someone ese she thinks precious in a danger
Others / Facts
Wilma's sexuallity is straight.
Wilma doesn't actually kills but helps others murdering or cleaning the corpses.
Wilma's MBTI is ENTJ.
Wilma once had a very catchy and unique voice, but now she communicates with pens and papers or by hand languages.
Wilma's favorite hellcrew member is Duvessa and Cian.
Jesssica was a dog Wilma used to take care of, and Wilma has a plushie looking alike her. It's one of her comfort objects.
Wilma is allergic to carrots, eggs and specific kinds of metal.
Since Wilma is a ghost, she isn't really trapped in the pocket dimention of hell. She can go wherever she wants to go.
Wilma studies by herself cuz she doesn't want to go to the school. Also she's clever and smart enough to understand school topics by herself.
Wilma is Irish.
Wilma cannot talk because her left side of head is damaged. She uses pens and papers or hand languages to talk.
"I'm not the one to blame."
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Character: none, i left this blank so you could insert your comfort character :) I used male pronouns for the character but none were used for the reader
Warnings: the shirt is said to be oversized but a size is not mentioned/ boys being able to wear a shirt too big for reader, size of reader is not mentioned (I try to keep my fics as reader friendly as possible!!)
the song is just somethin for you to listen to if you so please😌 kindly accept it as an apology for not being able to come up with a title for this drabble thingy🥹
I had a random thought of Washio wearing my oversized JJK comfort shirt and wrote this AHHAHAHHA
You could feel your cheeks hurting with how wide you were smiling. You feel your heart start to pound and your knees get weak the longer you stare at the sight in front of you.
Standing in your kitchen, hair messy and expression that of a man who just slept one of the best sleeps he’s ever had in his life, was your husband.
Your husband who was holding the coffee mug your sister had gotten him for his birthday, wearing the flannel pajama pants your grandmother got him for Christmas (and by some miracle fit him).
But by far your favorite part of his wardrobe this Saturday morning was the oversized anime t-shirt you had bought when you were a teenager.
The shirt you bought when you were just learning to express yourself.
The shirt you wore longer than socially acceptable and longed for when it was in the wash.
The shirt you sought for whenever you had bad days, as if it possessed some magical ability to make all your problems just a little bit better.
The shirt you had gushed to him about when unpacking your shared belongings into your first home (like he hadn’t seen you in it a bajillion times).
And now that shirt, by far your favorite and of great sentimental value, was being worn by the man you had chosen to spend the rest of your life with.
The man who pulled you from dark places and held onto you through rough patches, who anchored you to this world even when the going got so tough you started to wonder if you could handle it. 
And there he was, yawning as he sipped his morning coffee and basked in the sunlight in your decade old, worn out anime shirt. “Good morning,” His raspy greeting was met with a chuckle as you made your way across the cold floors and into his waiting embrace.
You snaked your arms around his torso and softly dug your face into his neck. Your hands grasped onto the soft, well-known and comforting material as your lips placed gentle kisses on his neck.
You heard the clink of the ceramic mug as he set it down on the counter, and felt the warmth of his hands as they locked around your shoulders. His own kisses placed on the side of your head as the two of you soaked in the sunlight shining through the windows and the love radiating off of one another.
You whispered his name, he hummed for you to continue, you smiled against his neck and moved to hold him just a little tighter as you tried not to get too emotional.
Your favorite person and your favorite shirt, who would’ve thought the shirt you dreamed in, hoped in, hurt in would ever be worn by the person who wiped your tears and held your hand through all of life's greatest and hardest moments.
Another shaky inhale before you softly laughed against his neck, “I like your shirt.”
WASHIO, Kawanishi, Ennoshita, KUROO, Hawks, Todoroki, Fuegoleon, JULIUS, Nacht, Kakashi, Ibiki, ITACHI, Aki, TOMIOKA, Rengoku, Geto, MEGUMI
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agendabymooner · 1 year
matilda ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
“you showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days.”
summary: sylvie ford wasn’t fond of the older men who stuck around in her life and those who didn’t even try to be there for her, but she couldn’t speak for him. one thing was clear, though: there’s a silent agreement that they’d take a different route from those who brought nothing but pain into their lives. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)
content warning: angst angst hurt/comfort, use of explicit language, mentions of emotional traumas, brief description of paternal relationship issues (character’s father and max’s dad), emotional breakdown/crying (max) and support (ofc), “you talk of the pain like it’s no big deal”, christian horner is funny- ofc just hates him but he's cool
note: posting this because i want a lil context for the post after this lmfaoooo. i am sharing my view on max’s relationship with jos based on what i experienced btw— i have problems with paternal figures so 🫡 cheers enjoy xx
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She never once liked any older men to exist in her life. All but one, but it was mainly because Toto Wolff truly cared for Tilly. Otherwise, older men were the shittiest people to exist and they can choke for all she cares. 
The distasteful feeling that she got from knowing Christian Horner had subsided as she continued to work with him and the team. She was outspoken and passionate about what she believed in for that moment. She told him upfront about how she respected him but preferred to keep her personal life separate from her work. She never shared anything about her family. Everyone around them only got the gist of her life, but never did she share to everyone who she was. And with her dislike for her employer, she preferred to keep it that way. 
Toto merely earned her respect as he treated their relationship as if there's no man’s land. At least that was what had happened at the beginning, when he and her sister became official.
The end of the term exam ended and coincided with the summer break of the 2015 season. She wondered who he was as a person and had asked her chauffeur to take her to the Mercedes factory. Toto had surprisingly picked her up from the lobby when the receptionist called him about a “college student who would like to get an interview with him” named Sylvie, asking her if she actually needed some help with her research. 
To which she replied, “It’s nice to know you’re a considerate man. No, I don’t. I don’t have any paper to write. My term just ended, in fact.” 
She then spent her days in the factory with him being stuck on his desk. Oftentimes, she followed him like a duckling and asked him questions left and right about how communications between drivers and the public worked. 
It started there and she continued to visit the factory, now gaining a special access ID just in case she wished to barge in to pester the Mercedes staff with questions. Well, not to harass them but rather ask questions or observe here and there should they allow her to sit in.
Now the frown that she etched in her face while she worked became a permanent part of her routine. Christian once joked that she was Toto’s clone, to which her frown deepened in annoyance before she continued to work on whatever task she had in hand. 
She wouldn’t admit to Christian that she found it hilarious few hours after because her pride was bigger than her fondness of him.
But she was proud of herself for reaching that phase of mentorship. Toto was the only older man she tolerated. Having to grow up with no father and with only sisters — while both your stepmother and mother coparented — would give you that feeling. 
There was just something about father figures that made her feel so little and stupid. Perhaps it was her father’s expectations to make her a prodigal F1 driver — to put the Hearth name back to the motorsports community after being absent from the tracks for thirty years.
Julius wasn’t subtle when he’d put Sylvie in a private schooling program just as she started karting at the age of 5. He’d long given up on Tilly and Stevie, but Sylvie was his star driver. How her mother never got full custody of them, she didn’t know, but she disliked the fact that she had to attend driving classes with her father during his week and somehow still had to take the classes despite not living with him. 
She could remember having her piles of books being stored away once after she ended up on the 7th place of their tournament. He said that she didn’t need all of that kind of intelligence and that her education was an easy thing to pursue— it wasn’t a big deal to him. Everything that she wanted, he’d refuse. He wanted her to focus on racing, because the next time she ended up in such a position he’d burn the books. She began to race and fight against other competitors to get a good shot at winning trophies. She became somebody that she didn’t want to be. 
Maybe it was his arrogance and greediness that made her think that all fathers were the same. That… or maybe because she’d seen how Max’s father acted towards him after landing on 5th in Monaco. She felt her heart breaking at the sight of a defeated Max. She had seen it all before, but to hear it up close this time— it was even worse. She could feel his heart pounding, his need to clear his head and possibly cry it out— she could feel it. Because she was in that position before, and it takes a traumatized child to know one. 
Sure, Sylvie had grown a backbone to tell her father about leaving the academy without his knowledge and had somehow loosened her grip on her own ambitious thoughts, but she didn’t think that she’d witness a version of herself in the form of her best friend. This was what she didn’t see after abandoning her friendship with him. But it wasn’t as if she did it just to spite him. 
She merely needed the courage. At some point, Max Verstappen managed to win against his own father — but there was something about the father figures they’ve had in life that were too determined to keep their children on a tight leash. 
She pretended as if she didn’t eavesdrop on Jos’ berating and merely gave him a curt nod and a stink eye before she approached Max’s drivers room. She could hear him throwing his bag in rage… then silence.
He was seething in disappointment. He wasn’t disappointed in anyone but himself. And the anger that he had told Sylvie that he needed to sit down for a moment. By himself. 
There was just something about their fathers that drove them mad. They’re always too greedy and arrogant, and they both damaged their bloodlines at a young age because of their vile desires and lack of empathy towards others and their own children.
Thankfully, his father had flown back to the Netherlands right after the race. Max, from what Christian had told her (with a sympathetic smile), had retired early to his room instead of partying. Good, she told herself, because he needs someone and some ice cream right now. 
Marinara was going to sleep in Stevie’s room tonight. Sylvie was very good at begging until others cave in to her pleading face, and it obviously worked on her older sister too. So after dropping her dog off, her fluffy sandal-cladded feet made their way into another floor and directly to his room. 
She patiently waited for him to open the door after knocking, her plaid pajamas hanging on her hips while she wore a blue jumper over her white cropped shirt. She could hear the faint footsteps gradually moving their way to the door. She was met with Max’s reddening eyes just as he swung the door open. 
Her hands held a tub of ice cream as she shuddered at the cold water the dripped down her hand, “It’s melting. And there’s less calories on it so you’re not gonna fully ruin your diet.” 
He stared at it for a moment, then looked back at her as he stepped aside to let her in.
The night they spent together consisted of watching Miss Congeniality and Easy A (again). While Sylvie laughed along at some jokes, she could hear how he took deep breaths before regaining his composure. It happened every other minute. 
She decided to put the ice cream on the table and turned to look at him. He, acting as if he wasn’t grounding himself ten seconds ago, asked her with a croak, “W-what?” 
She didn’t answer, observing all of him. His facial features. His surprisingly messy bed hair. His bloodshot eyes. His lips were more plump than usual. His cheeks were tinted pink. She could just tell that he wanted to let it out. But he grew up being told that, “his feelings wouldn’t be a big deal when he’s competing.” 
Sylvie pushed her sleeves back and wiped the tear away from his eyes, smiling faintly at him and breathing evenly. She was more grounded than he was, and her simple gestures helped him get back. Somehow. 
Then his deep breathing method didn’t work out, now quietly sobbing as Sylvie hugged him on his side, her hand circling his back gently. Sandra Bullock’s voice tampered his sound of defeat, but it wasn’t as if it mattered. He could cry for as long and as loud as he wanted. 
She hadn’t even realized how late it was until he fell asleep in her arms, head resting on her chest while she ran her fingers through his hair. She could barely see the digital clock and couldn’t figure out if it said eleven or one, having to squint and adjust a little to look closely. 
These days, she has been able to sleep before midnight. After that intimate moment she shared with her best friend, she had been able to close her eyes peacefully. He’ll have to figure out what helps him sleep better. It’ll be easier if he sought help from professionals— that’s what the team was for. He’ll give them success and in exchange, they make things easier for him. Nobody really knew what eased Max off, because he seemed more calmed and relaxed for the past few races. But that was because he knew that she was only a few footsteps away from him.
It was as if they had their little sanctuary that nobody could find. They couldn’t find themselves in the arms of other people, already used to each other’s affection and the solace that came with it. As if it was normal for friends to be this… considerate. 
Everyone who knew the two as a pairing would simply laugh when you tell them about the peculiarity of their “friendship.” You would think that they’d have intervened by now, but their relatives and friends merely shrugged it off. They returned to their old routine, except they’ve grown. It was normal for their families to see the two together, much to Max’s father’s dismay, knowing that whatever they may have planned was already thought of and agreed on. 
Their closest friends laughed at the thought of their relationship being platonic. What a fucking dream it would be if best friends can just casually buy a house together, or decide to adopt a puppy together (which happens more frequently than not). It would be a wild experience for anyone if their best friends would just platonically steal glances from their other half. 
And friends don’t create their own little family like that. Just the two of them, and their dog. They don’t play mum and dad while they’re just “friends.” No friends would silently agree with raising their kids the way their fathers hadn’t treated them before, just to avoid that pain all over again.
So no, if you were to ask anyone who knew them well — they’d say that Mustang and Cadillac being friends would be a load of rubbish. Even the two knew that the thought was ridiculous. 
Peering down at the Dutchman, she sighed softly while snores escaped his mouth quietly. His weight on top of her was comforting, immediately lulling her to a dreamless sleep. 
They really need to work on not bottling their feelings up.
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