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djfrancuz · 1 year ago
The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in The Sky
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unblogparaloschicos · 2 years ago
Cine: Le Lycéen / Winter Boy (2022)
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Lucas Ronis (el excepcional Paul Kircher), su madre Isabelle (Juliette “nunca una mala actuación” Binoche) y su hermano mayor Quentin (un notable Vincent Lacoste) acaban de sufrir el golpe de sus vidas tras el fallecimiento de Claude (Christophe Honoré, tan multifacético que también opera aquí como director y guionista) en un accidente automovilístico. Aunque la noticia sacude a todos, es Lucas quien parece llevar la peor parte porque presiente que él ha sido el causante directo del hecho. O, mejor dicho, el desagrado de su padre al conocer su homosexualidad, lo cual le habría motivado a encubrir un suicidio automovilístico con un incidente inevitable.
Buscando que despeje su mente, Quentin, cuyo trabajo esencial está en el arte, lo lleva por unos días a París, a vivir en su departamento y a recorrer diversas zonas turísticas. El duelo del adolescente (al fin y al cabo, es el tema principal de la película) tiene muchos caminos y lo lleva a buscar sexo ocasional o a sublimar la pasión que siente por Lilio (Erwin Kepoa Falé), amigo de su hermano, mientras la depresión va consumiéndolo.
Narrado en primera persona (Lucas es una figura casi omnipresente), el filme es, tal como puede esperarse de una cinematografía tan experimentada a la manifestación de la sensibilidad y a la humanidad de sus personajes como la francesa, un disfrute de comienzo a fin. Kircher reina en cada segundo del metraje (no por nada se ha llevado la Concha de Plata a la Mejor Interpretación Protagonista en el Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián), mérito más que suficiente cuando cuentas con semejante elenco acompañando tu trabajo. 
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mabhollywood · 1 year ago
(Matías Antonio Bombal)
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wherever-i-look-blog · 1 year ago
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The Taste of Things (2023) – Movie Review/Summary https://tinyurl.com/ykt2pjq8
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inemi · 5 months ago
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photography by Marianne Rosenstiehl, Juliette Binoche, 1995 @m_rosenstiehl_photography
#mariannerosenstiehl #juliettebinoche #simpleisbeautifulphotography
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movienized-com · 9 months ago
The New Look
The New Look (Serie 2024) #BenMendelsohn #JulietteBinoche #MaisieWilliams #JohnMalkovich #EmilyMortimer #ClaesBang Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2024- (Januar) Genre: Biografie / Drama / History Hauptrollen: Ben Mendelsohn, Juliette Binoche, Maisie Williams, John Malkovich, Emily Mortimer, Claes Bang, Hugo Becker, Alexis Loizon, Thomas Poitevin, Zabou Breitman, Jodie Ruth-Forest, Yahli Cohen, Glenn Close, Nuno Lopes … Serienbeschreibung: Paris, während der Besetzung der Nazis im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Christian Dior (Ben…
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ralphfiennesblog · 2 years ago
New!! After 20 years away Odysseus decides to come back. The King has finally returned home but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war.
#newmovies2023 #juliettebinoche #ralphfiennes #TheReturn
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faces-of-7th-art · 4 months ago
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@juliettebinoche @ralphfiennes.official portraits. Cannes 1996. On the occasion of their appearance at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, I am publishing two of my portraits of the iconic actors. I had captured them repeatedly in Paris and Cannes… Two great figures of the 7th Art who met for the first time in the iconic film "The English Patient" awarded with 9 oscars, (2nd female role for Juliette Binoche and nomination for first male role for Ralph Fiennes) by #anthonyminghella. However, the reason for the arrival of the two actors in our country was their new film signed by Uberto Pasolini and entitled "The Return". This is the third time that they have joined forces in their career after the Windswept Heights. "I visited your monasteries, walked your streets, felt your stones and the shade of your trees, tasted your bread, fish and vegetables, admired your Byzantine treasures! What a beautiful day it was!" said Juliette Binoche in her speech. "Your sky, your sea is an inspiration to me," added the French actress, referring to Sophocles and Homer, the great Greek philosophers and Saints. After greeting the audience in Greek, Ralph Fiennes expressed the gratitude he feels, both for the honor of the Festival and for the fact that he is "with this great woman". "Working with her is something like a dream. She's a great artist, unique, unusual in her energy, she inspires you to work, I haven't experienced that with any other co-star," he said visibly moved. … In the portraits I created with them, I noticed that they both had this smirk that revealed a restrained discretion, a "timidity", but at the same time an enormous stubbornness and will…
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nealrover · 10 months ago
Flavigny-sur-Ozerain and the filming of the movie Chocolat in Burgundy
Flavigny-sur-Ozerain Burgundy and the movie Chocolat #france #chocolat #burgundy #movielocations #free #johnnydepp #juliettebinoche #books #kindleunlimited
Please Enjoy my Travel Books on Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited https://bit.ly/bookneal Taken from my French Travel book – OFF the AUTOROUTE OUT NOW on Amazon for Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, paperback & hardback Flavigny-sur-Ozerain – L’Ange Souriant Chambres D’Hotes Chocolat This destination is one of our favourites – Northern Burgundy. It is a much neglected part of France from a tourist…
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librairiemelodieensoussol · 2 years ago
Alex est cracheur de feu et dort sur le Pont-Neuf, fermé cet été-là pour travaux. Il y habite avec Hans, un vieux clochard qui lui fournit les précieuses ampoules de somnifère indispensables à son sommeil. Alex est attiré comme un aimant par ce pont, solide paquebot échoué au coeur de la capitale. Après avoir passé une nuit au centre d'hébergement de Nanterre, il retourne dans son repaire et trouve, installée à sa place, Michèle, endormie
#melodieensoussol #oiseaumortvintage
#lesamantsdupontneuf #pontneuf #leoscarax #juliettebinoche #denislavant #instaparis #igersfrance #igersparis #streetphotography #streetstorytelling #parisjetaime
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cinelogy · 5 years ago
“Bu müzik öylesine güzel ki böyle şeyler yok edilmemeli.” Üç Renk: Mavi “Trois couleurs: Bleu” (1999) Reklamsız Türkçe dublaj ve altyazılı seçenekleriyle izlemek için sitemizi ziyaret ediniz.  #filmtavsiyesi #filmönerisi #gününfilmi #filmizle #türkçedublaj #türkçealtyazılı #Replik #Replikler #FilmReplikleri #evdefilmizle #evdefilmkeyfi #ThreeColoursBlue #troiscouleursbleu #kieslowski #krzysztofkieslowski #juliettebinocher https://www.instagram.com/p/CA50kyGg579/?igshid=lxmik15rn6nm
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terrain-vague · 2 years ago
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Close-ups. Les amants du Pont-Neuf, Leos Carax, 1991. #juliettebinoche #leoscarax #lesamantsdupontneuf #colorpencildrawing #carolineandrieu (à Pont Neuf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnokMG8r3cn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Chocolat (2000)
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While visiting with friends, the idea of watching a movie was brought up. Our host picked Chocolat because she thought it would please everyone attending regardless of our affinities and prejudices. She later admitted it's her favorite movie. No matter what mood she's in, it brings a smile to her face. Johnny Depp's presence helps - I'm told his face is worth a lot. I wouldn't put Depp as a key selling point since he's not in it that much but the rest of her reasoning is bang on. It's an erotic fable (without being too raunchy) that's just like its namesake: warm and satisfying. It’s a delight.
Vianne (Juliette Binoche) and her daughter Anouk (Victoire Thivisol) move into a quiet French village to set up a chocolaterie. Despite the town’s obsession with tradition and piety (much to the satisfaction of the mayor, played by Alfred Molina), Vianne’s chocolates slowly begin charming the residents.
Chocolat might as well be set in the same town that banned Kevin Bacon from dancing, except set in France and in 1959. Spend enough time there, however, and you'll see things aren't so simple. Mayor Comte de Reynaud initially seems to be a one-dimensional bad guy. He’s manipulative and obsessed with order. He even oversees the pastor’s sermon on Sunday - making countless alterations to it - before it can be read. He’s the main antagonist and you hate him until you realize he’s a real human being. Everyone here is. Even Vianne is a person with her own set of strengths and weaknesses. It isn't long before you recognize something of yourself in every one of them.
The film is about a woman who doesn’t fit in. In every way possible she’s the odd person out in this small town. What it's really about is an artist who decides to take on the stuffy establishment. A chocolaterie is a perfect analogy for her rebellion. Like a beautiful painting or a song, it seems to have no nutritional value. In fact, totalitarian autocrats will argue that it’s bad for you and easily conjure charts that demonstrate how a diet composed entirely of chocolate will kill you. They’d be right but wrong as well. The absence of what chocolate represents is just as detrimental to your health. It may not add years to your life, but it adds life to your years.
The performances are uniformly excellent. I was going to enumerate those who stand out until I realized I’d be naming everyone. Let’s just say that from the youngest child actress (Victoire Thivisol) to the veterans (Judy Dench) everyone shines. It’s got the right mix of laughs, romance, and the kind of drama that gets you all riled up. It’s light and frothy, but at being a sweet treat of a film it’s so good you can’t hold its humble ambitions against it.
Chocolat sucks you into this world and makes you fall in love with its characters. For all those reasons and more, it's a great pick for date night. (On DVD, March 20, 2016)
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yekuana · 3 years ago
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🎬⛈️🎞️ #CumbresBorrascosas (1992) Sinopsis Heathcliff es hermano de crianza de Cathy Earnshaw; mas bien, es su otra mitad. Cuando los fuerzan a separarlos, Heathcliff da rienda suelta a la venganza contra aquellos que considera responsables. Algunos años antes de que protagonizaran "#ElPacienteInglés", Binoche y Fiennes ya habían trabajado juntos en esta adaptación de la famosa novela homónima de Emily Brontë. (FILMAFFINITY) Dirección Peter Kosminsky Reparto #JulietteBinoche #RalphFiennes Sophie Ward Simon Shepherd Jeremy Northam Jason Riddington Simon Ward Robert Demeger Paul Geoffrey John Woodvine Jennifer Daniel Año / País: 1992 / 🇬🇧 Reino Unido Título original: #WutheringHeights Género #Romance #Drama #DramaRomántico #EmilyBrontë (en Isla de la Cuarentena) https://www.instagram.com/p/CatMJ04MGpt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
La passion de Dodin Bouffant (2023)
La passion de Dodin Bouffant (2023) #AnhHungTran #JulietteBinoche #PierreGagnaire #JanHammenecker #BenoitMagimel #JeanMarcRoulot Mehr auf:
Geliebte KöchinJahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Drama / History / Romantik Regie: Anh Hung Tran Hauptrollen: Juliette Binoche, Pierre Gagnaire, Jan Hammenecker, Benoît Magimel, Jean-Marc Roulot … Filmbeschreibung: Ganze 20 Jahre kocht Eugénie (Juliette Binoche) bereits für den berühmten Gastronomen Dodin Bouffant (Benoît Magimel). Nach dieser langen Zeit ist aus ihrer anfänglich rein…
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3sc-me · 3 years ago
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Damage (1992) DamageMovie Director #LouisMalle Writers #DavidHare (screenplay) #JosephineHart (novel) Stars #JeremyIrons #JulietteBinoche #MirandaRichardson #اقتباس #اقتباسات #اكسبلورر #اقوال #حكم #اقتباسات_مترجمة #3SC #QuotesofTheDay #Inspiration #Life #Saying #Love #Truth #BestMovie #Cinema #film #movie #Explorer #Viral #Quotes #films #movies https://www.instagram.com/p/CZtejiBM_SS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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