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gretascatchlove · 3 months ago
"I said that you can't enjoy life without having friends that are like family. Imagine having to go through each day without that support system. I'd be really sad."
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。・:*:・゚★ OPEN STARTER !
Head cocked to the side as she looked at the person opposite her through curious eyes. "Wait, say the last thing you said again." She'd only been half-listening, in truth, but something had caught her attention. She grabbed a spare napkin and the self-inking quill she always kept on her, and scribbled down some words, before looking back up. "It sounded really poetic."
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badassxkane · 3 years ago
The place was so quiet compared to what he was used to, Kane wondered if Friday night was just not the night for most people in this place. He suspected that this was just the beginning of social constructs around here he would not understand. Then again, he hadn’t participated in society around him much for the past fifty years. After he had reached what humans decreed to be a certain age of adulthood when you were supposed to settle down, have a wife and kids, he had fully devoted himself to his family’s illegal activities. Let his father retire with grace and be the face of the arms dealing. Living from job to job, you didn’t really go out much or spend a lot of time in public. 
Returning to the bar, where he had been eying the sexy bartender all night, Kane waited until she had taken some other guys order before he caught her gaze and smiled. “Any chance you’d do some shots with me pretty?” 
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kadrixbadem · 3 years ago
While it was difficult to go outside, especially during the night time, Kadri had braced herself and found a not to short dress and some eye make up before leaving the apartment. She’d needed a push, and being invited to visit Juliet at work had been a big enough one to make her dare face the outside world, despite her reservations. It took her a bit to find the bar. A few wrong turns made the place a tad harder to find, though eventually she reached her destination. Stepping inside the place, Kadri let her eyes swipe the place quickly, watching for danger. She didn’t trust the humans here, much less the vampires. But they all swore they were here to live in peace, so she kind of had to at least tolerate them. Finally finding that familiar face, the shifter moved to take a seat at the bar, giving the other a brief smile. “Its bigger than what you described.” she said in greeting, letting her eyes wander for a bit before looking back at Juliet. “How have you been?” 
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edenxgreen · 4 years ago
The only time really that Eden got to truly get away from the city was when she and Juliet went out to the cottages to practice. Safe to say she really enjoyed being in the space but then once it was actually time to gear up for training her enjoyment usually ended. Not because Juliet wasn’t an amazing witch, or bad teacher but because each set back made her feel like an epic failure. Not to mention that the second she felt like control was within reach it scared her.. “J? Can we just hang out for a bit before we start today?” she asked her friend, leaning her head against the bannister of the staircase down into the garden where she was seated. 
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blake-michaels · 1 year ago
She can't help but begin laughing at the very image of Juliet just booking it down the length of the ocean, leaving poor Gavin in her dust. So the cage of the Ferris Wheel makes sense in her scenario. Forced to face her feelings, and forced to finish that conversation.
"Alright, alright. I get it, you needed to be trapped." A string of giggles still follows that statement, Blake can't herself. It is just an adorable thought, but in the end of it she is truly glad they had the opportunity to get things off their chest. "So… what does this mean for the two of you?" she asks in between snacking on the appetizers. "I've just been working. Sorta lost on what I want to do, I can't be a waitress forever. Even if the money is amazing in the tourist season."
It is, and it carries her through the slower winter months, but the serving industry was never known for its amazing benefits package and retirement plan.
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"I've just been trying different things to figure out what I want to really do. I should find a career fair to attend, huh?"
"it was actually the perfect place if we had started to talk on the beach like we normally do, I think I would have run away before we finally understood what the other was trying to say." as much as they always talked, communication had been a problem, always avoiding the subject when things got too real.
Juliet also thanked the food and wasted no time to fill her mouth, everything was perfect as always. "I'm trying not to ask too much and lose what I got." Juliet answered she couldn't help but still be afraid that if Gavin would wake up one day and realized he could do better, that she would ask him to be his boyfriend and he would just laugh at her face. "But come on, that's enough about me, tell me more about you!"
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noor-chaidi · 3 years ago
who: @julietxreign​ where: study hall when: sometime the first week of february
“Can I help you?” Noor asked with a bored tone when she realized her table was being hovered over, glancing up, though she didn’t immediately place who the girl was that was standing there. When she didn’t say anything immediately, and it clicked into Noor’s brain, she let out a sigh, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she looked up at her. “If this is about Jack, I’m not sleeping with him anymore, so you can go find one of the other girl’s suffering a serious lapse of judgement who still is.” 
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taylorroberts · 2 years ago
How could this woman, who looked like a reasonably mature adult by the way, be so rude about something like this? Taylor was becoming more wound up with every word she said. "A spill is one thing but the three drinks you've just dumped on me is another!" This would have been let go a lot quicker had this girl not opened her mouth, Taylor thought to herself with a grimace. "Keep it," She snapped. "I need a clean shirt not more drinks." The temptation to give her the finger was all too string, but that wasn't really the kind of person Taylor was.
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"Well... yeah." Juliet said chuckling a little more, it was always funny when people got mad over simple things, especially when she was a little drunk. "You're at a beach party, did you honestly expect to stay dry and clean." If this was a normal day, of them walking by the town, it would be bad, but this woman really needed to chill, besides a bunch of people had bumped into her and spilled drinks on her dress and she did not make a scene about it. "But as an apology, you can have one if the drinks I managed to save." She offered it
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blake-michaels · 1 year ago
Blake smiles, fond of Juliet's blunt honesty. Though, she wouldn't class anything she's done or still does as 'stupid', she does understand the sentiment.
"Not going to lie, a confession in a ferris wheel, though very rom-com, would have me crawling up the walls. I'd be so panicked!" She laughs, not at Juliet or the situation, but herself just at the idea. The rom-com bit sounds fitting to how everything else has unfolded, however. From her confession to a kiss, then she had to leave for a little while.
Blake's smile turns more sympathetic, only breaking when the server arrives with some of their appetizers to offer them a 'thank you' before refocusing on Juliet. "Once a week works, but wait. Go back a little. How did he take it? Are you guys… going to try for something now that you're back?"
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"I know." She pointed out. "But lucky yours, I'm still the same person, doing the same stupid things, so you still have time to catch up." She chuckled, the last party they had in town, she ate so much candy and fried things, that she couldn't sleep from how full she was, the same thing she did when she was 16, but now she didn't have to sneak back to the house.
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"We actually spoke before I left, it was kind of a mess, we were in the Ferris wheel, and he was trying to say that he liked me, but I thought he was joking, and I finally let it slip that I loved him, and he said he loved me too. we kiss, and after that, I had to leave town for a few months." It sucked hard, but she had no choice. "How about we try once a week?" She suggested.
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blake-michaels · 1 year ago
"I miss my youth, but only because… well, you know." Blake could've been a regular teenager, going out with her friends and hitting up parties to have fun, but she stuck to the books. Academics, extracurriculars, and study study study. It paid off for scholarships and then the job she had back in San Francisco, but now?
The admission of some very important news does shock her, and Blake freezes to stare at Juliet for a long silent moment. "Uhm, excuse me? I need all of the details, and not in a girl talk, gossipy fashion, but you are back in town and you tell him that?" Blake wonders if there was a lead up, some hints, or even communication prior to Juliet returning home.
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"Yes, yes! But more than once a month, I would like that. So, tell me. How did Gavin take that?"
Everything that Blake said sounded delicious, so much that made her stomach growl. "Yes, yes, and yes. " Yes to all that food, she missed ordering a bunch of things her mother would never allow her to eat at home and just have fun with Blake.
"We might be older, but is way better than having eighteen, eighteen sucked, and I'm way better now." She pointed out, at eighteen she was stuck dating someone she didn't like, Gavin was leaving and she wouldn't hang out with him anymore, and there was no one to lie to her mother about where she was, not that her mother believed in Gavin half the time, but still, things only started to get better once she left town.
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"Besides, it only took me 19 years, but I finally told Gavin I loved him something that the old Jules never had the guts to do." She chuckled. "Since I'm finally back in town, we should hang out more often, at least once a month, and I won't have less than that."
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blake-michaels · 1 year ago
"It's been… very long, actually. Wow, it's — Jules!" Blake gasps at the sudden realization. Her own concept of time has been warped since coming home from San Francisco. "I'm not sure what we have in terms of cheesy. We do have nachos, but they're not as good as the Cantina's."
The Sea Shanty Shack is as it sounds - heavily seafood based.
"Coconut shrimp, and we have a smoked fish dip. Delicious. You know what, lets add some onion rings if we're going for beer." Blake settles herself into a seat, sipping her current beer happily.
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"All of the above?" she asks, leaning toward Juliet with a grin. "We have not. Gosh, I forget I'm thirty-one already and not eighteen anymore. So much time has flown by, and I barely update my Facebook. But I've been back in town for three years? Four? Who knows!"
Juliet smiled, glad that her shift was over and that wasn't getting in the way of her job, but if Blake had to work, she would gladly wait 30 minutes to be able to speak with her friend.
"Is good to be back in town again." Juliet said, she left when she was 18, then got back a year ago and had to leave for a few months. "Good! so that means you have no excuse to not drink with me." Juliet teased. "I need something with a lot of cheese and a beer." She chuckled happily. "But while we wait for the food. how have you been? I feel like we haven't spoken properly since high school."
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blake-michaels · 1 year ago
Blake is sat at the bar after her shift. It'd been a slow night, so her cut came earlier than expected. She isn't in any rush to get home once her side work is complete, and the idea of a shift drink is appealing enough to keep her lingering.
"Hey, sunshine!" Blake greets Juliet when addressed, instantly sliding off her barstool. "Of course." She gestures to her coworker about how she is switching to a table, throwing a few dollars at the spot where she sat to cover her tip. 
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"How've you been? Wow, I feel like it's been a minute. Good timing, though. I was cut early from my shift like thirty minutes ago."
What better place to go to eat than the Sea Shack? After a full day, she wanted to sit down and relax instead of cooking, and she hoped that most people wouldn't have the same idea she did and the place would be quiet instead of packed as it normally was.
Maybe it was because it was still a little early for dinner, but she was happy to get a table with no problem, and when she saw a familiar face she smiled at her. "Will you join me? You know how much I hate eating alone."
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blake-michaels · 1 year ago
That’s enough of a sign for Blake to not press the matter further. She knows Juliet will keep her in the loop where she wants, and how much she wants. It’s the least she can offer her in terms of respect for the details of her love life. As much as it’s easier to talk about that versus the next step on her own ‘figure yourself out’ path, she does answer.
“I was a travel agent, but now I play with watercolor. And the pottery studio has been fun, and they have job openings but it isn’t a career. But I also like running and exercising, I just don’t know if I have it in me to go back to school for it. The choices are endless, and I find I run with an idea out of excitement until it loses its shine. Who knows where I’ll land.”
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"I'm trying not to think about it." It was funny, even when things were all out, she still felt like she was going to mess it up, she never felt like that with anyone else, not even when her marriage fell apart, it was easy to leave it all behind if she overstep and somehow lost Gavin, she wasn't sure her heart could take the disappointment.
"Well, I kinda bumped into being a cop, so I know how is like not knowing what to do, don't overthink it, just try to find something you like to do and with luck money will follow. And of you ever need a friend to try new things out, you can always call me."
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taylorroberts · 2 years ago
This party had seemed like a good idea when Taylor had heard about it a few days back. Attending had temporarily placated the niggling voice in the back of her mind telling her she needed to get out more. She'd hoped she would at least run into a few familiar faces, although she hadn't thought to check in with anyone. 'Oh well,' she thought as she sipped on a mojito at her lonely table of one.
But before she'd even gotten a chance to enjoy herself a women attempting to carry a frankly ridiculous number of drinks had tipped nearly half of them down Taylor's front. She jumped to her feet and yelped in shock, pausing to gape at the woman's comment. "Oh, I guess this is all pretty funny to you?" The spill was bad enough without her being so snarky about it. "This is just what I bloody needed."
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Juliet figured it would be more efficient if instead of going to the bar every time she needed a drink, why not get four or five at once? She placed her order and immediately chuckled as she tried to carry everything to the table, of course, she had to bump into someone as she was almost at her table. "Well, that was a complete waste of time." She said amused, at least there were still three drinks left.
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