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jayz4 · 1 year ago
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نعيش في بعض الأحيان في بيئة "كهربا"، محيطك مشحون بشحنات إيجابية، طاقة حماسية هائلة، لحظة دخول الفنان للمسرح، لقائك بصديقك المفضل، ومذاق كعكة غنية بالشوكولاتة.
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أحيانًا، يكون المكان مشحون بشحنات سلبية، تخضع لتوتر عالي، وضغط شديد، جهاز لا يعمل رغم قضائك الظهيرة بين مقاطع اليوتيوب التعليمية والكتيبات الإرشادية، تحول الإشارة للون الأحمر بسبب بطء السيارة التي أمامك، ترجّح أن صاحبها كان مشغول بهاتفه، وبرودـ قلة اهتمام، وكسل من حولك.
 حرقة الحركة، الشعور بالحنق لأن الأمور لا تمشي كما ينبغي، معلقة، حفرة، وعثرة في طريقك.
الانزعاج من الأشياء، نفاذ الصبر، من الأصوات، والحركات، والسكنات، الأشخاص، والشمس، والطقس، وكيف الحال!
أكتب وأنا أنعس، أسوق وأنا أنعس، أتحدث وأنا أنعس، أستيقظ نعسانة .. لا بُدَّ ولا خلاص من النعاس.
لكن لا أنزعج من النعاس، يدخلني النعاس في حالة من الاستكنان، ينساب القلم بين يدي، وترتخي أصابعي على العجلة، أتثاءب، وترتاح عيني، وتنبسط العقدة بين حاجبي.
"هناك من ينام في راحة وأمان يستسلم سريعًا للأحلام"
يعجبني مفهوم "الاسفنجة"، تمتص الاسفنجة الماء، اعصرها لينساب وتتخلص منه، يبقى القليل منه متمسكًا فيها، تحمل الاسفنجة كمية هائلة من العصارة، وإذا أردت التخلص منه، اعصرها.
أعرف أن ترك الأمور و"التخطي" مهارة مهمة، والتمكن منها صعب وطويل، لكنه غير مستحيل. وأدرك أن معظم حالاتنا ومشاعرنا وأفكارنا تتطلب إتقان فن التخطي، لئلا تستقبل كل الشحنات، تختار الماء الذي ترغب بامتصاصه، وتميز الماء الذي دخل خلسة، فتعصره، تستكن، تترك القلم، ترخي يدك من الرغبة في التحكم، وتستسلم سريعًا للأحلام.
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أن تصل متأخرًا خيرًا من ألا تصل، ولا؟
ويكند سعيد. x
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raurquiz · 4 months ago
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#happybirthday #stanleytucci #actor #Transformers #AgeofExtinction #TheLastKnight #CaptainAmerica #TheFirstAvenger #whatif #Conclave #IWannaDancewithSomebody #TheKingsMan #bignight #spotlight #julieandjulia #TheDevilWearsPrada #PercyJackson #SeaofMonsters #TheHungerGames
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theundyingfireinme-blog · 6 years ago
Cooking is an art !!!
10th July, 2019
As everyone says, Cooking is an Art.. well it is.
While I have been trying to master this art from few months, I happened to watch a movie named “Julie & Julia,” which inspired me to write this. Julie is a blogger and is hell bent on emulating cooking techniques of Julia Child(an American Chef who mastered the art of French Cooking) Julie’s passion for cooking inspired me in many ways, she decides to challenge herself by preparing 525 dishes(from Julia Child’s cook book) in the course of one year. What inspired me was even when she arrived home too exhausted from work, she would muster the courage to cook and put together all her delicacies.
While I was wondering about this, with no offence to anyone, servant-less indian cooking is a thankless job. Mentioning this as many of us take cooking for granted and not as an art, which one should savour and bask in. I never used to like to cook, but after the movie I cook with love, with technique, just like a master chef, even if the dish burns out :P 
So all my lovelies out there trying your hand at cooking, just be confident enough to say - Cooking is an art and I have the courage to muster it, no matter how the end result turns out.
P.S: Meryl Streep as Julia Child was a treat to watch
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suecranberry · 4 years ago
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Hope you had a nice tuesday. 🧈💛🌼 . . . #illustration #theydrawandcook #cookingquotes #illustrationartist #julieandjulia #foodillustration #fanart #instaart #artistoninstagram #butter #illustragram #illustratorsofinstagram #ilovebutter #foodiegram #artistsofinstagram #juliachild #merystreep #quoteoftheday #keeptrying #keepcooking #artworkzz #amateurdigitalartist #suecranberryrecipes #suedrawsandcooks #suecranberrryrecipes #suedrawsfood #quotes #moviequotes (at Julia Child's Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWCXp-Dlgs/?igshid=1ld67hb7lf99f
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lboogiepopworld · 4 years ago
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#TuesdayMotivation #writingcommunity #Screenwriting Coming from the screenwriter of such iconic films as #WhenHarryMetSally, #YouGotMail, #JulieandJulia and #Bewitched, this statement carries so much more weight of importance. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNU9L5zLW5m/?igshid=1spoea9iwpi3u
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jones-jonesnyc · 7 years ago
Change of Plans
Today, Sunday I am reviewing What to Have in the Freezer, What to Have in the Refrigerator and Essentials for the Vegetable and Fruit Bins while watching Julie & Julia for the 4th or 5th time. I won’t bore everyone with more lists. I am making a shopping list but I won’t actually shop until the next, next week. I’m heading out East to Sag Harbor, Thursday for the weekend. I will cook out there but it will be for more then one. I’m planning on starting my cooking my way through, The Pleasures of Cooking for One the week of May 14th. BTW I’m at the scene where Jane Lynch as Julia’s sister arrives. Hilarious.
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I will admit I’m learning the finer points of blogging. I hope you will bare with me as I go. Any suggestions and/or guidance is appreciated. Wish me bonne chance!
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strandbooks · 7 years ago
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Throwing it back to my brush with fame 😎 in OK Magazine with Amy Adams circa 2008. They even mentioned me by name! 📸 •• #almostfamous #bookstore #strandbookstore #okmagazine #amyadams #julieandjulia #tbt #throwbackthursday (at Strand Book Store)
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hazalcerengazatecigezen · 4 years ago
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Herkese Merhaba Sizlere bu hafta Julie and Julia filmden bahsedeceğim.Julie and Julia filmin konusu yemek aşkını anlatıyor.Film iki kişinin yaşadığı gerçek olayı ve iki ayrı zaman diliminden ve Fransız yemeklerinin iki farklı kadının hayatlarının nasıl değistirdiğini anlatan sıcacık bir filmdir.Siz de filmi izledikten sonra yemek yeme ve yapma aşkı daha çok olacaktır. #julieandjulia #film #filmgünü #filmkeyfi #filmtavsiyesi #filmönersi #haftanınfilmi #bodrum #bodrumdayasam #bodrumbodrum #yalıkavak #muğla #pazartesi #pazartesikafası #pazartesimotivasyonu #eylültavsiyeleri #eylülayı (Yalıkavak, Muğla, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1NDI4H2ZI/?igshid=1mbjv3fu2itbw
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#merylstreep #merylstreepday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #devilwearsprada #julieandjulia #academyawards #oscars #actor #legend #love #growing #inspiration #hollywood #quotestoliveby #quote #whatever #success #struggle #blackandwhite #quotes #dailyquotes #motivation #dailymotivation #pretend #act #friends #friendshipgoals #couple #relationship #fake #fakepeople https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu58Kwg3S0/?igshid=1kyepan9h2uob
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cookrunwrite · 5 years ago
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Oh, just me watching #julieandjulia while working on my cookbook! 🥰 #authordeannamartinez #writerdeanna #writer_deanna #authorscommunity #writerscommunity #writingbooks #authors #bookworm #book #cookbookauthor #copyediting #bloggerscommunity #iwrite #weekendvibes #happysaturday https://www.instagram.com/p/CAh3Gm9AxN-/?igshid=1hgtfbdxiqnhd
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raurquiz · 8 months ago
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#HappyBirthday @janelynchofficial #janelynch #actress #comedian #TheFugitive #fatalinstinct #amightywind #foryourconsideration #the40yearoldvirgin #rolemodels #AlvinandtheChipmunks #anothercinderellastory #WreckItRalph #glee #julieandjulia #theXFiles #criminalminds #icarly #bostonlegal #twoandahalfmen #TheMarvelousMrsMaisel #onlymurdersinthebuilding @streammaxla @netflixlat @disneyplusla
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acotovialiteraria · 5 years ago
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Tem um texto lindo no site sobre esse livro da Julia Child! . Todo cheio de amor e esperança! . Deixei o link na bio! . Bjo, gente! . #minhavidanafrança #julieandjulia #juliachild @editoraseoman (em Belo Horizonte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAF4tO5DdMf/?igshid=bh7w5y5jftuv
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suecranberry · 4 years ago
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This is the best motto to start cooking! 👩‍🍳 There are no RULES in the kitchen! --Even when you are baking. 🍰 Hope my drawings inspire your culinary creativity, remember to trust your palate, don't be afraid to experiment and try new flavors. 📽 P.S: Have you seen the movie Julie & Julia? I loved it! and loved trying all the recipes in that film, will post them soon. Stay tuned! . . . #recipes #recipesillustration #illustrationoftheday #illustration #illustagram #illustrationartists #drawing #artist #artistsoninstagram #womenofillustration #womenoftype #ladieswhodesign #artwork #movieart #julieandjulia #juliachild #staycreative #suedrawsfood #suecranberryrecipes #suecranberry #suedrawsandcooks #quotes #famousquotes (at Julia Child's Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM5cfauDMaQ/?igshid=1ldu6b5mjce3w
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mldisarno · 5 years ago
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On tonight’s episode of the Coronavirus Cooking Diaries, I give you Julia Child’s inspired Boeuf Bourguignon! Felix and his sister have watched Julie and Julia about 100 times. The first time they saw it I think was about a year ago. Ever since they are huge fans and totally hooked on the movie and on Julia Child. The movie was on the other night and Felix said to me “Dad, we need to make Boeuf Bourguignon for dinner.” What’s a Dad to do but oblige that request. Felix wanted to do everything so I thought him how to hold and use a knife so he could cut the beef. He was with me through the entire process and did most of it himself. Check out my InstaStory for more pictures and details. We wished we could share the Boeuf Bourguignon with you, but for the record, it came out perfectly! There was barely enough for leftovers the next day. Be well, stay safe, and if you don’t know how, learn to cook! . . . . . @food52 @eater_ny @saveurmag @foodandwine @bonappetitmag @juliachildfoundation #julieandjulia #julieandjuliamovie #juliachildfoundation #juliachild #coronaviruscookingdiaries #boeufbourguignon #cooking #lovetocook #beefburgundy #nycmanofmanytalents #delicious #ilovetocook #mancancook #212 #manhattan #outrageouslydelicious #chefswhorock #foodislove #nyc #nyc🗽 #nyclife #nyclifestyle #scenefromny #scenefromnyc #washingtonheights #newyorker #newyorkcity #newyorkny #frenchcooking #newyorkcitylife (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B__q8KLJOvL/?igshid=19rnkoxgd44ax
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themoviejunkieblog · 5 years ago
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𝟛𝟘 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕄𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖 📽 🍿 🎞 DAY 20 a favorite actress 🎭 Meryl Streep 👸🏼 Kramer vs. Kramer 💔 She-Devil 😈 Mamma Mia 🎶 Sophie’s Choice 😢 Iron Lady 💪🏻 Into the Woods 🌳 Doubt ⛪️ Devil Wears Prada 👠 Julie & Julia 🍳 Out of Africa 👒 A Cry in the Dark 👶🏻 Death Becomes Her 💀 #30daychallenge #Day20 #favoriteactress #moviechallenge #MerylStreep #KramervsKramer #SheDevil #MammaMia #SophiesChoice #IronLady #IntotheWoods #Doubt #DevilWearsPrada #JulieAndJulia #OutofAfrica #ACryintheDark #DeathBecomesHer #movie #movies #TheMovieJunkie #MovieJunkie101 #ForTheLoveOfFilm #PeaceLoveAndMovies #HappyQuarantine #CovidApocalypse https://www.instagram.com/p/B_OptN_F8WM/?igshid=187w2kx14mo2
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lyricalspirits · 5 years ago
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A few weeks ago I watched this movie again. It sparked my idea of starting a blog again. The other day we went to a bookstore and this book was front and center - I took it as a sign. . . .
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