#julian brandt oneshot
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footballxixstars · 3 years ago
I’ll Always Have You • Julian Brandt
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Child/Parent Prompt List • Number 5
“Don’t cry baby, daddy’s got you,”
“Don’t cry baby, daddy’s got you,” Julian said as they rocked side to side in a calming motion as well as rubbing one of his hands up and down their back. You and Julian try not to react when they fall knowing that always makes it worse and usually your child will just get back up and continue but this time they were really hurt. Tears were falling down their face and they continued to whimper saying that something hurt. They were crying too much for the two of you to work out what they were saying hurt but you knew something was hurting. Luckily they were clinging onto Julian so whilst Julian held them tightly you managed to get a good look at the injuries so you knew what to grab for them. It only looked like a few grazes, a small cut on his forehead whilst a deeper one on his knee. Overall not too bad.
“Shhh, shhh, everything’s going to be okay. Should Daddy kiss it better?” Julian questioned. He felt a soft nod against his chest so he managed to rearrange himself so your child was sitting on the sofa whilst he was kneeling in front of them. Julian first pressed a very soft kiss, he didn’t really let his lips touch the skin, against both of their knees before placing one on their elbow and grazed hand. The final place that he placed a soft kiss against was their forehead so Julian placed a very tender kiss upon there before taking your child into his arms again cuddling them close telling them how brave they are right now. Meanwhile, you had gone to grab the plasters and stuff to wipe off the dirt and blood to make sure that their injuries don’t get infected and that they are carefully looked after.
“No need to cry, it's all better now,” Julian said once he picked them up once again. He had kissed everything better so in a child's logical mind it should all be better now. A parents kiss makes everything better. Slowly the tears seemed to come to a stop. Occasional whimpers would leave their mouth still but the tears were no longer falling and they seemed a lot calmer than they were a few moments ago. Julian kept bouncing on the balls of his feet knowing the movement would keep them calm whilst waiting for you to come back. Come back with the awesome plasters which always makes them feel better. The plasters were pretty cool to be fair. Julian would sometimes use them when he gets a cut himself, they are so much better than the plain ones that adults get but anyway he continued to rock your child when he saw you standing by the door with a goofy looking smile on your face.
“Why are you smiling like that?” He questioned stopping moving for a little bit.
“Just you with our child,” You said, keeping that smile on your face. Before you had a child you’d imagined a moment like this with Julian for a while and now you were getting to experience it.
“Shall we sort this one out,” Julian said pointing to the teary-eyed child that was still in his arms with blood bleeding down their leg. You nodded, placing a soft kiss on both Julian’s and your child's heads before allowing Julian to put them on the sofa so you could sort out their cuts and bruises before they run off to get even more.
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danielxricciardo · 4 years ago
Hiii! Can I please ask for 4 from the regular prompt list with Julian Brandt? Maybe something about him being jealous at some of his team mates when y/n is being touchy with them unintentionally (she is just touchy)? Thank you very much <33333
4. “That mouth of yours, does it ever stop making noise”
You were at the boys practice, filming how stupid they were. From time to time Julian would look back to you and send you a kiss.
You were standing on the sidelines next to Edin, the coach. They were preparing for the last match of the season, so there was not a lot of pressure on them and they didn't pay much attention to practice.
After they finished and went to take a shower, a few guys came back to you: Julian, Erling, Gio and Jude. Julian leans over and kisses you.
"Don't tell me you missed me." you say and laugh.
"Oh, yes, I miss you very much. I thought I was dying without you."
Erling comes towards you and ruffles your hair. Since he came to Dortmund you have become best friends and after two years of friendship you have learned something Norwegian so that you can have a conversation with him.
* in Norwegian *
"How bored were you looking at us?" Erling asks and you laugh.
"It wasn't that bad, I filmed you guys being idiots and I really had fun. It's good that the season is over and I won't have to watch you anymore." you say and put your hands on his chest, pushing him lightly.
"I'm not going anywhere next season." he grinned.
Julian coughs next to you and you see how ugly he looks at both of you.
"The boys and I are leaving, we're going to my place for a beer, do you guys want to come?" Erling asks.
"Sure, that sounds..."
"We already have plans, thanks."
Erling nods and leaves with the other boys. You turn to Julian and put your hands on your chest.
"What was that, Julian? We have no plans."
“That mouth of yours, does it ever stop making noise” he says, massaging his temples.
"What does that mean, Julian?"
You look at him intently, studying every expression on his face and then you realize.
"You are jealous!"
"Just shut up, okay? My head hurts. Let's go home."
"You are jealous! On Erling! For what? That I spoke a little Norwegian?"
"That and because you touched him a little bit longer than normal when speaking in your Norwegian."
You laugh and kiss him on the cheek.
"You're so hot when you're jealous..." you say and bite your lip.
"Yeah, no, we're definitely going home, come on, move faster!"
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florianwirtz · 7 years ago
No Catching Feelings - Julian Brandt & Kai Havertz
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Warnings: strong language
Kai sighed when he turned his phone off. Then his glance switched to his friend Julian who sat on the other side of the couch, concentrating on playing his video game, not paying attention to anything else. Distracting Julian from the current situation by organizing a so-called boys night out was the plan which turned out to be a harder task than originally thought because no one was able to convince him to leave his house. It ended with Kai staying with him inside, trying to make him doing something productive, but every attempt was met with a grunt or silence as an answer. At least he let him play with him when everyone else was gone. But even then, so far, nothing significant changed since Kai visited every day.
In fact, it has been like this for a while now. Ever since Julian and you broke up, both of you began to change. It wasn't a bad break up, both of you agreed that it would be better this way. Nevertheless, it wasn't easy for any of you to leave a someone you still loved in some type of way. In fact, you were both miserable since then.
Which is why Kai was endeavored to be the supporting friend for both of you. Julian was his best friend and over the years, you also became a close friend of his. It wasn't easy for him to be there equally for you two.
Especially when in reality, it was much harder for him to play the comforting friend in front of you. Because what none of you knew was the fact that Kai secretly developing feelings for you for a long time now.
It all started during a game of truth or dare when his task was to make out with a person he got to choose. He remembered how uncomfortable he had felt even with alcoholic influence because he didn't have wanted anyone to feel weird about this. But luckily, you volunteered without hesitation and as soon as his hands had rested on your waist and yours had played with his hair while pressing your lips together over and over again, he had never wanted this to stop. His other friends had been rooting for you two and after you slowly had broken away from him, he had been stunned, still progressing what even happened, unlike you who afterward had been grinning cheekily into his face. And after the game had continued and you had returned sitting on Julian's lap who had shown no sign of jealousy or whatsoever, Kai had realized that it was only him who felt that way.
So he forgot about his feelings, focused on what was important to him, but on some days he caught himself imagining how things would have been if he would be the one at your side and not his best friend.
Not only reminded him the break up of his feelings, it also rose his hope that it might not be impossible to overstep the line between friendship and lovers.
But he also knew that it was wrong and selfish to even think about it. Primarily, because you didn't separate because you weren't in love anymore. He should focus on bringing you back together, but did it make him a horrible human being when he stayed egoistic?
"I was wondering if you already talked to her properly since the breakup." Kai tried to open up a conversation, but with no success.
A simple "no" was all that he received as an answer. Understandingly, Julian didn't want to talk about it, but how was Kai supposed to help when he didn't even know what exactly had happened due to both of you being stubborn not to speak about it.
Which is why he persisted in asking.
"Maybe you should make a step towards her, it would be pretty sad if you erase each other from your life without knowing that you possibly could work it out."
Kai was aware that his advice sounded lame and basic, but he hoped that his effort was hearable. After all, he still wished for the sake of all that things could back to how they were before so he could forget about his feelings again.
However, once again there was no change in reaction from Julian and his answer was silence.
"I should go now." Eventually, Kai gave up from the couch and indicated to leave.
Shortly, Julian glanced at his friend but immediately paid his attention back to his game. "Finally having enough of me?"
"You know as good as I do that hiding inside won't help you forever." Slowly annoyed by Julian's behavior, Kai rolled his eyes mockingly.
"Probably, but maybe it would already help if people would stop acting like they would care and start to treat me like before my break up," Julian replied just as annoyed as Kai sounded before.
Shockingly Kai, who already stood at the door frame, turned around to him. "Excuse me?!" He couldn't believe what just came out of Julian's mouth.
He, on the other hand, didn't seem bothered and was still not looking in Kai's direction which made Kai even madder.
"Mate, we are all trying to help! Because we do care because we know how much she meant to you. You are the one who is making it harder than necessary!”
Finally, Julian paused his game and for the first time in this conversation, he looked directly at Kai's face. "And you think I believe any of your lame phrases?! All of you want just that I function as soon as possible, so it won't affect my performance on the field. You want to force me to say that I'm fine. And I totally get that I need to get my shit together. But I can do that without your concern."
Kai's face darkened as he realized that Julian didn't appreciate his attempts at helping at all and actually even accused him of only doing it because of the sake of the team.
"Wow, nice to see how you feel about us trying to help. Of course, we want you to perform well on the pitch, but getting back your happiness and personality was always a priority. Sadly, I don't recognize the person I see as my best friend right now. Maybe you should overthink a thing or two and take one of our advice before you accuse us of being egoistic. Because the only person who is egoistic at the moment is you."
With these words, Kai ultimately left the apartment and angrily slammed the door. Having a certain destination in mind, he hurriedly walked down the streets. After calling out his friend for his behavior, he definitively needed to calm down.
You couldn't visibly deny your surprise when Kai showed up unannounced at your door.
"I thought today was Julian's turn of receiving comfort." You jokingly greeted him, but as soon as you saw Kai's despising expression while entering your apartment, you knew something must have happened.
"Seriously, fuck this guy. Can you believe that he really said that we're annoying and selfish for trying to help him? I don't know what he's thinking, but I probably won't waste my time for him any longer. He's older than me and still acts like a child in front of me. I can barely recognize him!" While taking off his shoes, he frustratingly let out his emotions.
Suddenly, your small smile died away and your expression changed to a guilty one.
"Sorry for causing trouble, I didn't know it would be that big of a deal." Apologizingly you looked on the ground. In some way, it was your fault that Julian was acting like a douche bag as well.
Only now Kai realized the woeful condition you were in. Your eyes lost the sparkle he adored so much, your face looked exhausted as if you didn't get any sleep and your figure seemed smaller and thinner. Overall, you looked even worse than a few days before. The last time he had visited you he even had considered that you were fine to some extent, but appearances are deceptive.
"God no, it's not your fault by any means. Tell me, what can I do for you? When was the last time you ate something or went out?" Kai pelted you with questions, concerned about your well being. He didn't want to imagine how even more awful you would've looked if he didn't decide to make his way to you.
Denyingly you shook your head. "Honestly, I can't remember and I don't feel like eating or going outside, I just want to lie in bed."
"Come on, you seriously don't look so good. You need to eat at least something." Kai tried to convince you, but couldn't assert himself.
Stubbornly you shook your head and eventually, Kai gave in.
"Fine, at least let me bring you to bed."
And there he was, sitting on the edge of your bed and observing you lying in your bed and staring at empty space. The sounds of the TV were quietly in the background, but other than that there wasn't a single sound.  For a short time, both of you stayed silent until you decided to open your mouth.
"In case you didn't know, I appreciate you. Even though I'm just the ex of your best friend, you still take care so much of me. I probably would be even more a picture of misery if you wouldn't visit me every time."
Kai had to bite on his lips to not reveal what he really wanted to say. That you were much more than the ex of his best friend for him. That he would give the world to you if he could.
"This might be a dumb question, but how are you doing right now? He asked instead. After experiencing what Julian had been saying about his efforts, he was rather cautious about asking questions.
But the differences between Julian and you were like day and night, you were answering willingly without a fuss.
"Maybe I'm overreacting, but I'm doing horribly. There are days where I think I'll make it through, but then there are days like today where I have the feeling I'll never get over it. Of course, I can't say how bad it is with Julian, so I'm not trying to play the suffering one in this situation. After all, it was a mutual decision."
"Not saying Julian is feeling great, but you look far worse. I mean, he still shows up to training and tries to act as normal as possible, however, you notice that he's kind of hurt too."
"At least he attempts to act tough, the last thing I want is messing with his life or career. Even though we’re not talking right now, I only have love for him left." Now was the first time you looked in Kai's face, tears were beginning to appear in your eyes.
Kai really wanted to do something to comfort you but was afraid to overstep a line. Luckily, you solved the problem for him by asking yourself.
"I'm sorry, but can you please give me a hug if that's not too much to ask?"
Almost immediately he shook his head as an answer. "No no, of course, it's fine."
You put a bit of your blanket away and slid a bit to the side. Kai took this an invitation and carefully made himself comfortable beside you. Then he slowly put his arms around your head which immediately disappeared in his chest.
"What are you thinking of right now?" Kai asked, not moving because he was afraid of doing something he might regret.
"For the first time in a while, I'm thinking of good times." It was barely audible, but these words made him happy nevertheless.
"Really? Tell me about them."
"One time when we were all drunk and played truth and dare, that was fun. Everyone was happy and I think that was the first time I saw you from another side." You said with a small chuckle and Kai blushed at the thought of the night. Still, he slowly pulled away from the hug and positioned your head, so you looked at each other directly.
"Do you still remember what our dare was?"
You nodded enthusiastically. “Of course I do.” Then you hesitated to say out loud what you thought, but then did it anyway. “Can’t deny that you’re a great kisser.”
Kai didn’t know how to react to this compliment, so he chuckled shortly. In reality, his heart was beating fast and the tension between you was almost unbearable.
“Can’t deny that I enjoyed it. He boldly answered back which made you laugh in return.
For some reason, your faces were closer than before. And none of you could say who began, but ultimately your lips landed on his.
Immediately, you were kissing like the world was dependent on it. The addictive and smooth feeling from the night returned which made none of you stop.
First, the kisses were slow and deep, but when Kai began to hold your face between his hands, they became quicker and more aggressive. It was everything Kai ever wished for, so long he had been craving this feeling and he could barely believe that this was all happening.
But suddenly you decisively pulled away from him. Kai expected you to scream hysterically and telling him to get out. Surprisingly, you stayed still afterward and didn’t leave his glance once.
“We shouldn’t have done this. It’s wrong.”You calmy concluded and Kai barely nodded his head.
“I know. Sorry, my job is to bring you and Julian back together. I wasn’t in the position to act like this.” Approvingly he agreed with you and already prepared himself to get up from the bed.
“Stop.” You immediately put your hands over his stomach. “Can you please stay anyway? I still like you a lot and I don’t want to make things weird between us.”
Kai didn’t know why exactly he stayed, but he did.
The next morning Kai was the first one to wake up. You slumbered calmy in his embrace, he had spooned you the entire night. Carefully, he removed his arms from you, he didn’t want to wake you up because this was probably the first night in a while you slept normally. Then he ordered food because he couldn’t find anything in the fridge and he was too lazy to make his way to the supermarket himself.
Right after, you appeared in the living room, looking dozy, but still more alive than yesterday.
“You’re already up.”, was the only thing Kai managed to say.
“Something was missing.” You replied sheepishly and you both shared a smile.
An awkward silence appeared, none of you really knew what to say about last night.
Luckily, the doorbell interrupted it and Kai made his way to the door. “Food’s coming.”
But as soon as he opened the door, he froze when he saw the figure in front of him. It was the last person he expected to see.
It was Julian.
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footballrecs · 7 years ago
where the heart is
pairings: julian brandt/allison (oc) oneshot by: quack-and-yellow
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allthemenofmydreams · 4 years ago
Reading Fanfics About You
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“Nothing, just reading fanfiction about you”
“Abou who?” he asked while sitting next to me.
“About you,” I said, lifting my eyes from my phone and looking at him.
“Oh, really? People write about me?” he was confused.
“Yeah, there are some good ones”
“And what are these about?” he said, laying his head on my legs.
“Oh! You don’t want to know”
“Please, tell me. I’m curious” He sat up to get a better look at me.
“Well… the one that I was reading... was a smut one” I blushed. We’ve talked about many things, we don’t hide anything and don’t feel ashamed, but this time I felt embarrassed.
“Why are you reading it? When you can have it, I mean like actually have me… in real life” he raised his eyebrow and gave me the look that we both know pretty well.
“‘Cause you're not always here, so I have to distract myself when you’re not around,” I sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck.
“Well… I’m here… what about making your fanfic reality?” He looked at me and then kissed my lips.
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varanest · 4 years ago
one thing i’ve left to do, discover me, discovering you
a/n: this is a ‘whoever you want to read it with’ piece i have posted and deleted twice but i decided i will post everything that’s on my drafts so - any feedback is appreciated. 
As soon as they were in their Uber, he was all over her. His hand slipped between her thighs, slowly working his way up. His face was buried in her neck, his tongue and teeth mapping out the column of her throat. She fisted his hair as he assaulted her neck, keeping her lips firmly together so that her moans didn’t reach the ears of their driver while she dragged his hand up to her cunt.
“Impatient little thing… can’t even wait ‘til we’re home to have my hands on that pretty cunt,” he growled into her skin as his fingers traced the damp circle soaking through her panties. The heat rose to her cheeks, though she wasn’t sure if it was from the filthy words dripping off his lips or from the way their driver’s jaw clenched in annoyance. Didn’t really matter which, though. Maia still grinded against his hand while he murmured cheesy praises into her neck.
Once inside his building, Maia barely got a chance to catch her breath. He had her caged between him and the wall during the elevator ride, letting his hands trail over her sides as he pressed his full weight into her. His thumbs reached just below the underwire of her bra when the elevator doors slid open.
She whined quietly as he pulled off her, already missing the feeling of him practically engulfing her. He was taller than her, maybe six feet tall if she were to guess. When she was pressed up against him, she almost felt small. Little. Like a fragile thing surrounded by him.
It was a foreign feeling. She had never really felt small.
And as his large hand engulfed hers as he pulled her toward his apartment, this giddy, warm feeling pooled in her stomach. Just his hand covering hers made her feel little. That feeling only grew as he tugged her into his apartment before pushing her up against his door. “Fucking finally,” he grumbled before his mouth took hers.
As greedy and hard as his lips on her neck had been, his first kiss to her lips was surprisingly gentle. And warm. His entire body was pressed hard against her, squeezing her body tight between him and the door, but his lips remained soft. And the way his tongue dipped into her mouth… she’d call it filthy if it were more urgent, but the slow pace made it feel reverent.
It was so easy to respond to him, to just shut her mind off and only think about reacting to the tongue exploring her mouth and swallowing his quiet grunts. It wasn’t until minutes later when he pulled away and they were both breathless that she realized how urgent it had become. His hand was now fisting her hair, her hands were gripping his collar, and the two of them were gasping for air.
“Bedroom.” She meant for it to come out like a command. After all, Maia was a little bossy in all aspects of her life, but especially when it came to getting laid. But her voice sounded smaller than it usually does, a little breathless and pleading. And it wasn’t without an effect on him, whose lips smirked and eyes darkened as he took a step back. She almost whined at the loss of contact, but he kept both his hands on her as he walked her toward his bedroom.
This time, he had her up a dresser. He flicked the lights on before slamming his lips back onto her neck, this time on the other side… perhaps his way of making sure there was an even distribution of his marks when Maia woke up in the morning.
She tried to get back into it, but she was itching to turn the light back off. Its presence transformed her excitement into fear. Fear of him seeing her naked. Fear that he wouldn’t like what he saw. Fear that every dimple on her thighs and roll on her stomach would repulse him.
Before her thoughts took the dark turn into a full-on body-loathing spiral, she asked, “Could we keep the lights off?”
He blinked several times, his brows furrowed as he processed her question. He was going to ask her why. They always asked why. And then Maia would try to downplay it, but he wouldn’t buy it. And next thing she knows she’s spilling all her body image problems onto a stranger instead of having sex. Fuck, she should have just kept her mouth shut and suffered through having the light on.
After a beat, his face faltered. “Yeah, okay,” he murmured before flicking it back off. Relief should have washed over her once the lights were out. No longer did she have to fear him seeing her naked in a well-lit room. It meant that Maia could fuck him however she wanted without her anxieties about her body ruining it.
But something lurched in her chest at this visible disappointment in his eyes. As he leaned forward to kiss her, she stopped him. “Is that okay?”
“Of course, whatever you want, baby,” he shrugged it off, but Maia stopped him again when he leaned forward. “Okay, I just…”
“You just what?”
“I just wanna see you.” There was no smugness in his voice. No teasing tone that came with all his pick-up lines. No endearment or praise. Just him, with a hint of sadness in his voice, admitting that he wants to see her.
Maia bit down on her lip and stared back at him. The lamppost outside his building illuminated his face in the dark, meaning she could see the sincerity in his eyes.
So, even though her stomach lurched at the thought, she leaned over to flick the light back on, and the change in his demeanor was immediate.
“There you are,” he grinned as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She tilted her head up in time for his lips to glide against hers again, and the contented moan that escaped his throat sent a chill down her body.
He kissed her like he did before, his mouth demanding her full attention. She felt her mind go blank again, only vaguely aware of him tugging off his own jacket. She kicked off her heels next, giggling a bit into his mouth when she realized just how much shorter than him this made her.
She tugged at his shirt next, whining until he helped her get it off. Maia wanted to run her fingers all over the warm, newly exposed skin, but he had other ideas. His fingers worked the zipper of her dress, and Maia felt a familiar panic set in.
Maia tucked her face into his neck, pressing kisses to distract herself from the fact that her dress was about to fall to the ground, exposing every stretch mark to him. “Baby,” he murmured right into her ear. The zipper was completely undone, meaning he was just waiting for Maia to pull her arms out of it and let it fall.
He tilted her chin up with his finger, and Maia locked eyes with him. His were warmer than they had been, not the dark, smug eyes that had watched her for most of the night. She relaxed under his gaze, letting her dress fall to the floor with an easy exhale.
His body snapped back into focus. His hands gripped her waist as he walked her back to his bed. “Fuck, look at you,” he growled right into her ear, his breath hot on her earlobe. “Gorgeous.” She was about to roll her eyes again when the back of her legs hit his mattress. She fell back onto the comforter with a thud. A giggle escaped her lips. There was no way that was hot or graceful.
When she looked up at him, his eyes were raking over her… staring at her uncovered body for the first time. God, she should have kept the lights off. His soft eyes lingered on her chest, which wasn’t surprising. One silver lining for Maia’s weight gain had been the massive breasts that came with it. But when his gaze drifted lower, her arms automatically came up to cover her stomach.
”Maia.” His voice broke on that one syllable. It was low, gravelly, and forlorn. “Will you let me look at you some more?”
She kept her eyes trained on his face as she removed her arms, and there was a small twitch at his lips, curving the corners of his mouth up. His eyes didn’t leave her body as his hands slid up and down her bare thighs. And just when she got her heart rate down again and relaxed into his touch, he whispered one quiet, earnest word that sent a shudder through her entire body.
a/n: who did you picture this with? let me know.
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penguintransporter · 4 years ago
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Part II. Read it with whoever you want it to be and I apologise if it’s a bit rushed, I kinda need to edit it, but I am too tired. 
As soon as he closes the doors behind the two of you, the music from the inside of the house quiets and with each step that you take it becomes quieter and quieter until it was just a buzz in your ears, fighting against the deafening silence between you and him. 
Yet, as you two walk out on the empty street, you realise how much you miss the times like these. How much you miss the two of you and all those times when you would sneak out, spending your night away chatting about things you found interesting. 
If only you have kept your mouth shut.
He is quiet the entire time, his face expressionless as he sticks his hands back in the pockets of his trousers, looking at his expensive shoes. You mouth is dry, you want to say something, anything, but your mind is blank as you look everywhere but him.
“Your date might wonder where you are,” you mutter quietly – hand reaching out to touch your earring yet again. It was an awful habit, but you couldn’t help yourself.
He gives you a look as he shrugs once, “She’s not my date. Denise works for the club.”
For some reason, you expected his voice to sound defensive and protective, but it is not. Instead, it’s calm and collected.
“That’s not an obstacle for dating someone,” you answer, your eyes looking down at your pointy shoes. “It’s just a little bit of sneaking around and a bit of bureaucracy.”
He never gives you an answer but rather a harsh glance before he runs a hand through his hair.
The silence sets upon two of you again and you hate it. You hate every second of it with every fibre of your body.
You cannot comprehend.
How is it possible for two people who used to be best friends to become strangers? 
To be unable to say something, to hold a conversation?
How is it possible for two people to just stop caring for one another?
But you still care, and that was what is killing you. You still care – more than you should; more than you can handle.
“Look, Y/N,” he starts, turning around to look down at you – his eyes searching  yours and he finds them almost instantly. “What I said inside, I…” he starts – body tensing for a slight of a moment and even if he doesn’t show it, you can feel it. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened that afternoon… about us.”
Your heart flutters for just a second, reaching out for surface, takes a short breath, but then it stops and sinks back. Sudden feeling of weakness overpowers you and you find yourself walking towards the raised foundation of the high railing, sitting down – not caring that you might get your dress dirty.
“There’s no us,” you whisper back, looking away and towards the empty road that stretched in front of you. “You wanted this—”
“—oh no!” he interrupts suddenly and you can hear a trace of bitterness in his voice but it was nothing compared to a bitter taste in your mouth. Still, he makes sure to stay calm even if you know that deep down he is getting furious – that was one of the things he was good at. “Out of all people, you should know that I never hold back when I’m disagreeing with you, Y/N. I’ve did it before and I will do it now.”
“You know what I mean,” you answer, trying to keep your voice steady, but he just shakes his head a little.
“There was always us. A different kind of us, but nevertheless…” he trails off, “so don’t push all the blame on my side of the plate because you know very well that eight months ago I was committed to someone else.” You open your mouth to say something, but he interrupts you by lifting his index finger as he breathes out. “What were you expect me to do? Before that you—I didn’t understand...”
“What?” you urge, looking up at him as he rubs his face once again before leaning against the wall next to you, crossing his legs at his ankles.
“How could you be quiet about it for so long?” he finally answers, and you steady your gaze – eyes moving over his profile as you struggle with the fact that he is so beautiful. “You had the worst possible moment.”
“Would I have mattered if I said something earlier?”
“Oh shut up, H/N,” you whine as you get up from where you were sitting. Your shoes are uncomfortable and you can feel the pulse in your toes, but you try to keep it cool as you fold your arms across your chest.
“You don’t believe me?” he asks, surprised by your outburst as you get the sudden urge to laugh out loud.
You shake your head. “How can you expect me to do? Have you ever given me any kind of sign, a lead? How many girls of yours have I met, H/N? All of them, and how many times have I planned out a date for you and bought presents? Many, many of them,” you huff, unable to breathe properly. “For fucks sake,” you start quietly, “you even had sex with that dark-haired girl and then called me to pick you up in the middle of the night when you realised she has a boyfriend. That doesn’t validate your maybe, H/N. Not even a bit.”
“Okay, okay—“, he starts but you shake your head, riled, agitated, annoyed.
Not with him, but with yourself.
For letting you fall so hard that it was impossible to pick yourself up.
“It is not. If there was ever a maybe, you would have acted differently,” you add, your voice reaching the normal octave. “I was tired, H/N. Every person has a limit, and that afternoon I reached mine. I waited, hoped that one day, you might miraculously see,” you laugh at your own misery before continuing, “see me differently for once, but I should have known. Life isn’t…” you sigh, “well it doesn’t matter now. I do regret that I said anything, but I am not regretting what I felt, what I still feel—“
You quickly close your mouth, taking a step back when you realise what you just said.
You said too much.
“Y/N…” he speaks quickly, walking closer to where you stood, trying to keep your balance. “Do you still—You just said,” he reaches out, catching you by surprise and you nod slowly – eyes fixed on where his arm was touching your forearm.
But then you remember how it felt to be left to sit alone in your apartment. How much it hurt when he slammed the doors, deciding to erase himself out of your life as if he was never a part of it. All the suffering, all the tears – desperate drunken calls and texts that have been unanswered; mutual friends taking up his side.
Eight months of wondering.
Eight months of suffering.
“I do,” you voice your thoughts, looking up.
His eyes don’t move – they are still boring into yours and you can see a flash of something run across his face. 
“I want to—,” he starts, swallowing, “Do you think we…”
You shake your head – whatever that was left of your heart shutting off completely. “Please, stop there. Don’t even dare to continue, plea—”
“Y/N…Why are you— “
“It hurts, no?” you quietly ask, watching him – those eyes, the shape of his eyebrows, curve of his lips.
He nods only once, trying to keep his composure but for the first time in the entire evening, you see the glimpse of the person you used to know, and it breaks you because you want nothing more than to kiss him, to leap into his arms, to fill yourself up with unspoken emotions that are floating inside your empty chest.
But you don’t.
And you know, deep down, that you never will.
“Nothing will disturb my heart and spirit; nothing will perturb me giving pain; – He’s who’s been in love will not retrieve it; He who’s burnt will not be lit again. “   – SY
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marcdurm · 4 years ago
Principessa - Julian Brandt
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This is the last part of the series, the previous parts are here. ONE | TWO
This is also a combination with a request for the prompt “I would do anything for one more chance.” anon I hope you don’t mind I used your request for this story ♥️
Word count: 3.2k
notes: there might be some mistakes, I still need to check it again in the morning to find them as I couldn’t spot any more before posting. I hope you like it and it’s what you wanted as the ending you asked for ♥️
Life went on. She struggled a lot, and she still does after more than two years have passed but she learned to live with the absence. She learned how to wake up everyday and fake a smile or two throughout her day but she never got to learn how to not miss him at nights or mornings when she would be by herself. She missed him, and even though she got used to it and it became her new reality, she often found herself feeling like she can’t take it anymore. She often found herself almost reaching out to him but she knew better than that. Even if she had already betrayed all her morals with and for him, she found the strength to fight back the urge of doing it once again.
“Smile, principessa!” Her grandma called as she pulled her closer while her mother was taking a picture of them together. Birthdays always used to be fun for their family. They would often have celebrations that would last for a week but what never changed was a dinner at the oldest traditional italian restaurant in the region. It was the same italian restaurant her grandparents would bring her mother every Sunday when she was a child, and the one they would bring too when she was born. And even though, when she grew up she couldn’t attend Sunday lunch every week, she made sure she would on special days. The past two years though, she would come less often and even told them that they didn’t have to come on her birthdays. It wasn’t only because she closed to herself and didn’t feel any joy on celebrating her birthday but it was mainly because she was embarrassed. Even though her family didn’t know what had happened, she knew that she failed them. Especially her grandma.
Describing her grandmother as her second mother would not be enough. As a family, they were all close to each other but the connection she had with her grandmother was the strongest. She had been her role model and the one she always looked up to since she was a child; the one who taught her how to be powerful but also how to be fair. And she knew that everything she has done that involved Julian in it, was against everything that her grandmother taught her. Julian knew that as well. He was aware of the connection she had with her, and how much she valued her. He heard so many stories about her grandmother and so many things that she did for her that it was inevitable for him to not understand that she viewed her as her heroine. It was also inevitable to not wonder if she talked to her about him or if she was too embarrassed to do so because he knew that she would be feeling like she failed her.
Despite her not mentioning anything about Julian to them, they knew that a man must be the reason for her sudden change. Her parents tried to talk to her, her little brother tried to cheer her up by “taking her” on play dates to the park -because bless him, that’s what he thought someone needed to cheer up- , her grandfather would try to ask things too but immediately tell her one of his same old jokes when he would see she wasn’t into sharing, and her grandmother spoke as if she knew. She didn’t know what had really happened to her principessa but somehow she knew what the right things to say were. Maybe because she knew how she acted on her past breakups and if she was now like  that it meant something worse had happened. She also could guess that he must have been special to her if she let herself end up like that. And she wished she could share with her but she never forced her because she could tell she was embarrassed or not ready yet, and even though she would never really be upset with her, she understood that she needed her time.
“Mia Vita!” she kissed her cheek hard once the picture was taken. She chuckled softly and smiled at her for a second before it faded again, her eyes went wide and her skin went so pale as if she saw a ghost. He looked different but at the same time, exactly the same as she remembered him. His hair looked as soft as it felt on her fingertips, his cheeks were still getting the same shade of red as they would back then, his eyes sparkled like they always did when he would look at her and his smile was still bright and warm.
Julian knew about the restaurant, the story and their tradition. He was even privileged enough to once celebrate his own birthday there with her when they were still together. And he knew she would have been here today, or at least hoped she wouldn’t have changed their tradition. He tried a lot to forget about her, he stopped himself from reaching out way too many times but this time he couldn’t. He wanted to see her and even though he wasn’t sure if it would result to anything more than just an awkward eye-contact, he dragged his friends along to dinner at the restaurant. He almost did it on her birthday again last year but he didn’t.
“He’s handsome.” her grandma commented when she followed her principessa’s gaze and smiled at him, “and he’s still got feelings for you too.” she added.
“What? I don’t know him Nonna, he’s- he’s just famous.” she looked away and to her plate.
“I’m not a child, principessa. I know you like the back of my hand, and even though your lies were never that good, your ability to hide your feelings is far worse.” she reached to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear so she cannot hide behind it and so she can look at her profile. “And I mean what I said, not that he’s handsome- well he is but, that he’s still got feelings for you just like you do.” she took her hand in hers and caressed it, “whatever he did, or you did, I don’t think that it can be stronger than what you both feel for each other. Look at me, look at my arm. I got goosebumps, you can’t tell me let alone convince me that there is nothing strong between the two of you.” she turned to look at Julian again who was now standing up from his sit and continued. “He’s going outside to wait for you. Go talk to him- No principessa, he’s not leaving. He hasn’t been here for ten minutes and you can’t tell me he didn’t know you would be here, because if he’s here then he did. He’s here for you so go talk to him.”
“Oh my God!��� her brother spoke up loud enough that brought everyone’s attention on the table at him and for a second she was thankful he did but she was soon not, “is that Julian Brandt?!” he whisper shouted but unfortunately not whispery enough for him to not be heard by Julian who was making his way out of the door.
“Yes, piccolino, that’s him. And guess what? Your sorella happens to know him.” Her grandma knew nothing about football, even if it was her husband’s life, but she knew that if principessa now looks like she wants the ground to open up and swallow her, and as red as she can get, then it means the mysterious lover and the Julian whatever his last name is, are the same person.
“What? And you didn’t say anything? Please please please can you ask him to come and take a photo with me? Please?”
“I don’t know him that well Carlo, he’s just a friend of a friend.. of a friend.. of a friend.. I think.” she said only to earn a soft pinch on her thigh by her grandma.
“But I’m sure you can go ask him, and your dad and Nonno would love to have a photo with him too.” her mum jumped in, realising what’s going on.
“He’s waiting.” her grandma whispered at her which made her look outside through the window and see him sitting on the bench outside. “Go, at least for Carlo if not for you two.” Her grandma knew what she was doing. She had a soft spot for Carlo, everyone knew it and she knew if she didn’t go, he would be upset and sad. Something that she hated.
“Can you also ask him to sign this for me if he can’t take a picture with me?” he pleaded when he saw her standing up and handed her a paper napkin, earning a soft nod from her as she took it and made her way outside.
“My brother asked if you can sign this for him, you don’t have to but I had no other choice than to come and ask you.” she whispered so softly that her barely heard what she said, when she sat down next to him.
Julian remained silent for a minute or two, not sure what he was supposed to say because even though he rehearsed it a thousand times in his head for the past years, it was hard for him to find the words to say now that he was finally seeing her again. “I missed you.” he finally spoke up only for silence to fall again and for him to break it again, “have you?”.
“Did you ever feel anything for me to justify what I had to go through?” she asked back, ignoring his question and letting all the thoughts and emotions that she had been holding onto the past two years, finally out.
“I loved you. I still do, I never stopped. And I know, my actions might have not shown that, but I did. And I was stupid to not make the right decisions on the right time before it was too late, but that’s my only truth. I wish I could turn back time and do everything in the right order but I can’t. All I can do is say my truth now and hope for the best.” he sighed and turned to look at her in the eyes for the first time. “And no, whatever I felt for you cannot justify what I made you go through, but I still loved you like I never loved anyone else and I wish I can have the chance to show it now and do it the right way. I would do anything to have one more chance.”
“It’s too late for that, Julian.” she turned to look at him too, not bothering to stop herself from crying in front of him again.
“It’s not too late if you want it too. And as selfish as it sounds, I know you do. You are hurting as much as I do, if not worse, even after all this time. You want me just as much as I do, and you know that away from me you will keep hurting, while you can’t know for sure how things will be if we get together again. Yes I could fuck up again, or you could too but it won’t be like the first time. You love me and I love you too, and this time we know we need to be careful. We saw what it’s like to be far from each other, I doubt we would do anything to risk ending up like that again.”
“You know that that’s just all a dream Julian. The glass is broken enough for it to not be fixed anymore. No matter what you say or how hard you would actually try this time, there won’t be any trust and it will always haunt us and ruin us.” she shrugged her shoulders and tried to wipe her tears.
“That’s not true. You can’t know that for sure unless we try..” he reached to hold her hand in his, making her flinch at his touch. A touch that her skin has been craving all this time. “At least let me see you again. Just one last time, to talk and answer all your questions. If you aren’t giving me a chance to try again and treat you the way I should then please give us a chance to have a closure.” he begged while tightening his hold on her hand.
To his surprise, she nodded her head softy “Okay. One last time to talk and that’s it. And that’s not because I am dying to but because I know that this is what my grandma would want me to do. She’s the only person I could trust my life on and if she hadn’t sensed your feelings and intentions I may wouldn’t have been here talking to you neither believing that you do feel a thing for me. So I am giving you a chance to talk and end this so we can move on without this weight on us, and so I can at least do something she would expect me to and not let her down again.”
“You haven’t let her down.. Without knowing her, I know that even if you had murdered a dozen of people, she would have been there by your side and help you learn your mistake and support you not leave you. Let alone now. She knows you are human and that you’ll make mistakes, and even if what you did was against everything that she once taught you I am sure she understands you and that her love for you is stronger than to be let down by it.” he caressed the back of her hand and earned a soft smile from her in return.
“Thank you.. It means a lot.” and she really meant it. Maybe it would take time for her to actually believe it but his words meant a lot to her, they always did anyway.
“And for the record, you do look like her now that I see her in real life.” he smiled back at her as she let a soft laughter out to his reference of that one time she showed a picture of her to him, for him to insist that they don’t look alike and her to not talk to him for the rest of the night refusing to accept he would have been that disrespectful to dare to say that principessa doesn’t look like nonna. He reached to place his free hand on her cheek, making her look at him, “You do have her eyes, and you have the same head shape. And your smile, is almost the same. And please don’t tell her that because I don’t want her to change her opinion on me but yours is much more beautiful.” he said as he leaned closer to her, looking back to her eyes for any sign of permission, “The most beautiful.” he whispered against her lips before placing his against them.
She kept telling herself that she shouldn’t be doing this, that this was all wrong again but just like it was always the case with him, she couldn’t stop herself. She once again let herself melt in his touch and let him make her his again, even for a few moments. She missed him and that was not doubtable. She missed the way his skin felt against hers, the way his lips felt against hers. The way he touched her while his lips were working wonders on hers, making sure there was no doubt his kiss would make her feel things. Since they met, since that first kiss, every single one after it felt like it was the first one. Always felt new to her and as impressive as ever before.
And just like every time since their day one, the butterflies in her tummy were awoken, dancing around to the rhythm of her heartbeat that he was once again making it beat faster. She reached her hands to his hair, to feel them one more time, just like she always did.
“No Papa! You promised I would give the first happy birthday kiss to Mama!” Carina screamed, making them pull away as she run into their bedroom only to find out that Papa had broken his promise.
“I haven’t kissed her cheek yet, so I kept my promise.” he winked at her and patted on the bed. “C’mon before I change my mind.” and he didn’t need a lot of effort to convince her, she had already jumped on it and almost jumped on her Mama too, making Papa place his hand on her stomach protectively, “Hey, hey, be careful. You don’t want to hurt our baby do you?”.
Carina shook her head and leaned to kiss the baby bump before whispering “I’m sorry baby.” and then reaching out to wrap her arms around her Mama’s neck as she kissed her cheek hard and repeatedly. “Happy Birthday Mama!” she said in between kisses and giggles.
A number of birthdays had passed since they first saw each other after their break up, but they were all spent with the two of them together, and at some point they were joined by the first most beautiful thing that had ever happened to them and soon, on the next birthday, they would be joined by the second one. He’s still not sure how he convinced her to give him another chance, neither does it matter. It took him a lot of time and effort to prove that she can trust him again and even if at first she wasn’t willing to give in, at some point she did. And she never sees herself regretting it. Julian had changed a lot, and he turned out to be a lot better than what he was promising to be. He was always careful with her, tried to create enough beautiful memories to make her forget the bad ones and made sure that everything he did was to their relationships' benefit, but most importantly, he was the perfect father she could ask for her kids.
And after all this time, even with the lack of free time between his career and growing up their kids, he still made sure she was happy and that she was his priority along with their children. He made sure she knew she was special to him and that instead of falling out of love after so long, he was still falling in love with her over and over again each day that he would wake up to her smiling at him. And after all he taught her that may the glass be broken but that doesn’t mean you can’t create a new one. It might be different, yes, but that’s the reason you need to create a new one anyway. If you wanted the same glass, it would probably break again while if you try to create a new one, with care and much more stronger, then the chances of it to break are less, or at least it won’t be because of the lack of care towards it.
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arrrseeenalfc · 6 years ago
Please some of these are really old and bad😭
Anthony Joshua
Soft Punches
Danny Rose:
After defeat smut
Dele Alli:
Learning to Drive
Ethan Ampadu
Emile Smith-Rowe:
Out open
Eric Dier:
Football Fan
Federico Bernardeschi:
Car treat smut
Hector Bellerin:
Kiss for a winner
Jadon Sancho:
Watch what you say
James Maddison:
Meeting the Beckhams
Joao Cancelo:
In bed
Jesse Lingard:
Secrets out
Fan Passion
Dad delay
Jesus Navas:
Morning release smut
John Stones Imagines:
Kiss me through the phone smut 
Jealous (2x)
Third Wheel
Red Card smut
Start over
Trophy treble
My jealous boy
Room occupied smut
Julian Brandt Imagines:
Car Accident
Crazy Hormones
Friends? smut
My Name smut
Julian Draxler:
Your winner smut
Kepa Arrizabalaga:
Marcus Rashford:
Little Mistake
Neymar Jr:
best way to celebrate (smut)
Paulo Dybala
Singing in Turin
Rafinha Alcântara:
365 days ago
You tease him
He Forgets part 1
He Forgets part 2
He thinks you’re cheating (Smut)
I do too
Someone walks in on you two
Netflix and chill
How much I want you
Worth It
Date Night
Riyad Mahrez:
Ross Barkley:
Roman Burki:
Thilo Kehrer:
Trent Alexander-Arnold:
Surprise visit
Virgil van Dijk:
Dripping smut
Game smut
Sweat smut
Control smut
His first time
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loserkusen · 6 years ago
Do you know accounts that post good footballer - oneshots?
Omg omg where to start there is so many amazing writers out there so I’m going to name some of the main ones I enjoy
If you’re looking for Julian Brandt writers which are all hard to find gems I have a separate post for this here!
And the place to go to find amazing works is @footballrecs
Additionally you can look through my #fics tag to find some of my favorites on here :)
I hope this helps and feel free to reblog this with more writers y’all !!
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lovelybrandt · 10 months ago
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(REUPLOAD) I Saw This Private Wattpad From VamosBareclona Roses Julian Brandt Football Oneshots Stories 💗😍🌹End Of The Year February Valentines Day 2024
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footballxixstars · 4 years ago
Swimming Pool in the Garden • Julian Brandt
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“Have you set it up?” You asked Julian as you got your youngest changed into their own swimming costume as well as your own whilst your oldest son was getting himself changed into his swimming costume. He stated that he could do it all by himself so you obviously let him. If he wants to be more independent you have to let him no matter how little you actually want him to.
“Yeah,” Julian replied whilst looking for his own swimming shorts to get on.
“Papa, papa swimming now?” Jaydyn, your oldest, asked running into the bedroom changed into his own swimming shorts. The correct way as well since usually he puts them on the wrong way around.
“Yeah let me get changed first Bärchen,” Julian told him. Your son nodded his head and ran off elsewhere in the house. You trusted him to be fine for a little bit and not get into any trouble. Okay there was a possibility that he would but he'd only be alone for a minute or so, so he can’t get into that much trouble. A young child can’t get into that much trouble, can they? You and Julian didn’t actually want to find out. As quickly as Julian could, he undressed and got changed right in front of you, not like you haven’t seen it all before and your youngest is too young to remember. As soon as his swimming shorts were on and clothes were in the washing basket because you would have a go at him if he kept them on the floor. He then made his way around the house trying to find where Jaydyn was currently at.
When Julian finally got outside he saw Jaydyn standing there staring at the pool and water slide like he wanted to go on it but he knew that he wasn’t allowed unless you or Julian were with him. You didn’t want to risk anything and you’re lucky that he actually listens to the both of you because you know some kids at his age who would still go in the pool. As soon as Jaydyn spotted Julian coming out of the door he started to climb the ladder thinking that he could go straight into the pool but Julian stopped him. There were some things that he had to do first.
“Sunscreen first Bärchen,” Julian stated as Jaydyn started to climb the ladder to get into the pool. Jaydyn turned around and started to whine but Julian didn’t give in. After having his tantrum about having to put on sunscreen Jaydyn walked over to Julian and allowed him to apply sunscreen all over him. He wasn’t going to win the battle and Jaydyn soon realised this so gave up. He’ll be able to go in the pool quicker if he just listens to what Julian wants him to do.
“Pool now?” Jaydyn asked as soon as Julian finished applying the sunscreen.
“We have to wait a little bit,” you said to Jaydyn as you made your way outside with your youngest, Isaak in your arms. Both of you changed into your swimming stuff. Jaydyn let out a huff but did sit down on the sun lounger playing with his mini cars that Julian had brought out earlier. He was vroom vrooming his cars around the patio whilst you lathered sunscreen over yourself, Julian and Isaak as well. Julian played with Jaydyn whilst you kept Isaak busy waiting for the sunscreen to keep to the skin so it doesn’t just wash away as soon as you get in the water.
“I’m going to swim,” Jaydyn said stubbornly once he got bored of playing with his cars so he was obviously planning what he was going to do when he was allowed in the pool. He was going to swim, have a splash fight with both you and Julian which he is going to surprise you with. Yes, he told you about the splash fight that he was going to surprise you with when you all get into the pool together. You and Julian are going to be so surprised. All he wanted to do was get in that pool which he was promised yesterday and had been bouncing around all morning to do. Recently you and Julian had been teaching him to swim properly and he was really into it wanting to prove to both you and Julian that he could swim. He may also have some kind of bet with one of Julian’s teammates so therefore wants to learn to swim as soon as possible.
“Are you?” You asked him and he enthusiastically started to nod his head.
“Come on then let’s go and see,” Julian said before walking over to the pool to get in it knowing already that Jaydyn was going to jump into it. Once Jaydyn registered what Julian had said to him he ran off to the pool and climbed the ladder to get into the pool taking it slowly like you always tell him to do because it may be wet and slippery. Once he got to the top of the ladder he set himself before jumping off of it into the pool exactly like Julian knew he would do. As soon as he went under the water Julain grabbed him and pulled him up above the water so he could breathe properly. Once he was up he started laughing his head off obviously finding jumping in the pool fun even though he can’t swim. He turned to Julian asking to do it again because he found it so enjoyable although he was gasping for air. Julian allowed him to do it once more knowing that he’ll never stop asking if he doesn’t get to have at least one more go at jumping in so to get him to move on Julian agrees. He helps Jaydyn to the top of the ladder before moving back, giving Jaydyn space to jump into the pool which he immediately did. He was breathing heavily as he tried to get air in his lungs again as Julian held him above water. He had just got his breath back before splashing Julian in the face. He did it once and then tried to gauge Julian’s reaction and then when he saw it was fine he did this a couple of times before Julian managed to manoeuvre him around to help him learn to swim.
“Mummy come in,” Jaydyn shouted over to you once he realised that you weren’t in the pool with him. You looked over to Isaak who was biting on one of his teething toys to see if he was ready to get into the pool as well. Jaydyn shouted over to you again telling you to hurry up since he was so impatient so you told him that you’ll be there in a second. You went and picked Isaak up, taking the teething you out of his mouth and throwing it onto the sunlounger and Isaak whined a bit at having to let go of the toy but as soon as he realised that he could play with your clothes he calmed down immediately. You carried him to the pool and passed him to Julian to hold whilst you got in yourself not wanting to risk falling in or over whilst holding him. That would most definitely not end well.
Julian was helping Jaydyn swim whilst you were holding Isaak who was splashing the water around and giggling every time his little hands came down on the water. It would splash up onto his face and he would scrunch his nose like he didn’t like it before bursting into giggles. He had the same reaction every single time so you would think the shock of the water would stop but apparently, if you’re a baby it constantly comes as a shock. Jaydyn did also splash you but carefully because he knew that you had Isaak in your arms and he didn’t want to hurt his little brother which was honestly surprising. When Jaydyn wasn’t expecting it you decided to splash him back causing him to hide behind Julian who started to dunk him a little bit as well which Jaydyn found hilarious and fun. He tried doing the same to Julain but probably more accidentally than anything since he was clinging onto him but only to keep himself above water. You turned your attention away from the two of them and looked towards Isaak who looked like he was getting tired. Time to get out, you thought.
“I’m going to get Isaak out because it’s getting a little cold,” You told Julian. You could tell that Isaak was slowly getting cold and at his age, they should only be in the pool for a certain amount of time anyway. Maybe he can get in later if it’s still okay. You moved to the sunlounger and got under the sun to dry off whilst Isaak sat in the shade with a towel around him playing with his toys as you watched Jaydyn and Julian continue to play making a mess of the grass that surrounded the pool. It wasn’t long until Jaydyn was looking a little bored though and he wanted to get out of the pool as well. It was hard keeping him entertained for a prolonged period so it was no surprise that he wanted to go and do something else. He was probably hungry as well, to be honest, but it was a little early to get lunch so he would have to wait for a bit. You’d have to keep him entertained until then.
“Shall we go on the water slide?” Julian asked Jaydyn. In other words, Julian really wanted to go on it but didn’t want to do it alone so has to persuade Jaydyn to go on it as well. He shook his head like he was terrified to go on it. It was only a small one laid out on the grass and there wasn’t that big of a hill in your garden, only a small one but enough to slide down it.
“Why not?” Julian asked him.
“It’s scary,” Jaydyn replied, pouting. Taking his hand Julian pulled him towards the top of the waterslide to try to show him that it wasn’t that scary. When Jaydyn still didn’t look too sure Julian knew that he had to get some other idea to get him to have a go on the waterslide. He needs to show him that it’s not scary. He doesn’t want Jaydyn not to do stuff because it seems scary to begin with; he wants him to go and try everything no matter how scary it sounds or seems.
“Come on I’ll show you,” Julian said, taking Jaydyn’s hand in his and near enough dragged him to the start of the waterslide. Whilst this was happening you were sitting on the sun lounger that was in the shade with your youngest so you could dry him off. You moved yourself so you were facing the waterslide wanting to see this all unfold whilst also watching your youngest at the same time who was playing but his eyes were also fluttering close showing you that he was tired.
“Watch me,” Julian started talking to Jaydyn.
“Like this,” Julian said, running up to the water slide and sliding down it at some speed. He managed to slide past the end of the slide as well because of the momentum that he had he ended up rolling down the grass which caused Jaydyn to burst out into fits of laughter. Julian was making some strange noises though as well which probably made Jaydyn laugh harder because they were so strange.
“My go,” You heard your son say, obviously enjoying what had just happened to Julian so you turned away to grab your phone so you could record it. Your son ran up as fast as he could to the waterslide and you had to hold back a laugh as he slowed down to sit on his bottom before sliding down the slide. It wasn’t what he was meant to do but he seemed to be happy though so you let it go. Maybe he’ll work on running and sliding straight instead of stopping and sitting down which ruins his momentum.
“You can’t stop sitting down. You need to keep going,” Julian said to him as soon as he got to the bottom. So apparently you’ll let it be but Julian won’t. Julian wants him to go and do this properly. Run to the slide as fast as his little legs will let him and then without slowing down throw himself down on the slide so he can slide down it quickly and hopefully it’ll be more fun for him as well. Julian was going to make him do this by the end of today no matter what it takes.
“Here hold my hand,” Julian said, holding his hand out so Jaydyn could hold it as they walked back up the slope to the top of the waterslide. You kept the camera rolling wanting to just capture everything on camera. It was great memories and you’re glad that in this day and age you are glad that you are able to record everything and watch later down the line.
“Ready,” Julian asked, already getting ready to start running. He could see that Jaydyn was nervous so waited for his reply before moving on. Jaydyn nodded his head so Julian counted down from 3 and as soon as he said go both of them ran. Julian is obviously slower than usual so Jaydyn could keep up because he’d rather not be dragging him across the grass even if Jaydyn finds it hilarious. You sat there watching and recording, Isaak now asleep next to you. Your free hand running up and down his back soothingly whilst the other was holding your phone. You allowed your head to run just admiring your family. Honestly, you couldn’t believe how lucky you were with everything.
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danielxricciardo · 4 years ago
promt 35 angst with julian brandt please? he rarely gets blurbs on tumblr :(
35. "What will you do if we break up?"
Falling into a void? This is a pretty good description of the last few months of their relationship.
Although the relationship had become toxic and no one was happy, they had been together for 8 years. Who could give up on that thing? The thought of taking it from the beginning scared them both.
They always hoped that it was just a phase and they will recover but that phase started a little over a year ago.
It started with little lies that they told each other that were painful at first, because they never lied to each other, then slowly they didn't care what the other person was telling, even if they knew the truth.
Julian spent more and more time with his teammates, sleeping at their place and going home just to get some clean clothes.
She stayed in the apartment they shared, not because she wanted to, but because she had nowhere to go. Her friends were actually his friends. The girls she went out with for coffee were the girlfriends and wives of his friends. Her parents were in another city and she could not leave all the life she had built there to run in the arms of her parents. Although that life was sad and toxic, she still wanted to fight for the boy that she once saw as the father of her children.
Even though they no longer beared each other, she still went to all his games and hugged him after each one. Yes, he upsets her, he was the reason she cried more than five times a day, but she still loved him.
It was after such a game in which Borussia Dortmund lost when she went to to hug him. Julian sat alone in the corner of the pitch after the game was over.
"Hey, I'm sorry for the result. You did everything you could." she says, stretching out her arms to embrace him.
Julian avoided her hug and stares at her as if she was the reason they lost. His eyes, which were once blue, had turned black.
"What are you talking about? I played horrible. Do you even hear yourself?"
She had taken a step back when she heard Julian's hateful words.
"What do you want me to say? That it would have been better if Edin wouldn't have put you onto the field and you're the reason the team lost? You only played 25 minutes and the score was already 3 to 0."
"Just shut up! Shut the fuck up, I can't stand to hear you now." he yelled at her.
"Sure thing, Julian. Can't stand hearing me come to comfort you after a lost game, but you can bear to hear yourself spitting poison around you? How much longer do you think I can last? I just want the boy I fell in love with and been with for 8 years to come back."
Julian snorts and looks at her.
"Take a good look at me. That's me now. You're ok with it, fine. No? Goodbye."
She laughs even though she has tears in her eyes.
"No, I am not ok with this."
"Fine by me." he says, shrugging.
"Then that was it, wasn't it?"
"That was it? What will you do if we break up?" he asks curiously.
"Damn it, I'd be happy! Maybe I'd be with someone who loves me! Someone who appreciates me and doesn't make me unhappy every day. It hurts my soul to say this."
Julian nods. "Maybe you'll find someone like that. I can't."
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florianwirtz · 7 years ago
No Catching Feelings [3] - Julian Brandt
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Part 1, Part 2, Kai’s ending
Warnings: strong language
You couldn’t sleep well this night. The events of the last day had you up the whole night and at some point, you had given up the hope of getting some rest. Beside you, Kai was lying who unlike you was in a deep slumber.
Although you still remembered what happened the night before and what consequences it had for both of you, you didn’t mind sharing a bed with him at all. This time you had yourself under control. After all, you had both agreed that you should wait until you made something you regret later.
You were still unsure about your decision. If someone had asked you a few days ago if you would give your relationship with Julian a new chance, you would have said yes in a heartbeat. But after yesterday you had the feeling that all your effort would be useless. Julian had clearly expressed how he felt about the situation and that he was done for good with both of you.
Yet when you said you wanted to move on, you secretly weren't ready to do so.
Suddenly, Kai's phone began to ring. You winced shortly at the loud sound and next to you Kai groaned annoyedly but didn't move to take the call. Eventually, the tone stopped and it was quiet all over again.
But the caller didn't stop trying and finally, Kai gave up and picked up.
"Hello, who is there?" He greeted the other person unfriendly.
With a loud sigh, you reached for your phone as well and checked the time. It was almost 4 AM but you still felt wide awake. Your messed up sleep schedule will probably take revenge as soon as the day began.
"Wait are you serious? Why me out of all persons?" Abruptly, Kai's annoyed expression and voice changed to a confused one.
After a short explanation by the caller, he took a deep breath. "Alright, I'm coming. Thanks for telling me."
As soon as Kai hung up, he immediately stood up turned to you.
"Come on, get up, we're going outside." He said in a demanding tone which made you raise your eyebrows.
"What do you mean? Where are we going?"
"To... Julian." He almost didn't dare to speak out his friend's name so he said it as unclear as he could.
At the mention of Julian's name you almost dropped your phone out of unbelievableness. "What?! Why in the world would he want to see us both at 4 AM?"
Concernedly, Kai bid on his lips. "Listen, it was Karim who called and apparently, Julian drank a bit too much on his night out. Karim told me that he seemed absent and depressed the whole evening. The others had to force him home to prevent him from drinking more and now everyone is concerned because they believe that Julian might do stupid stuff when he's alone. But they couldn't stay as well because Julian was forcing them out”
For you, these words seemed absurd. Normally, Julian was the responsible one in the group and it was a rare occasion already that he went out at all. And you never heard someone say that he was grieving about something because he rarely showed any deep emotions in front of everyone.
It was the moment you realized that he was just as broken as you.
Still, you disliked immensely the idea of showing up at his apartment.
“And you really think he wants to see us out of all people?! The two persons who were the closest to him and betrayed him behind his back? He made it clear that he doesn't want us in his life anymore.”
Disagreeing with your words, Kai shook his head. “That's what he said. But is it really what he meant? Come on, you know as good as me that Julian doesn't erase close people easily from his life. Even though he wants us to push away, right now, we're the ones he needs the most. And I am sure, deep inside him he knows this as well.”
“You might have point.” You stubbornly admitted, but still refused to give in completely. “But there's a difference between us. You’ve been friends with him for like years and a friendship like this won't break because of me. Because he'd rather leave me than see you suffering because of your unrequited feelings. Please understand, I'm no longer wanted in his life. And I will rather leave you both voluntarily than being the reason why you're not getting along anymore. Go alone and fix your friendship.”
Frustrated by your way of thinking, Kai began to pack you by your shoulders, forcing you to stand up.
“Are you even listening to yourself once?! I guess not, because otherwise, you'd be aware of the nonsense you're babbling.” His voice was dangerously calm and you didn't dare to talk back or move because his glance was never leaving your sight once.
"I know you want it too. I know you want him back. Don't tell me anything else." His sharp tone made your whole body shiver. "I can see it when someone mentions his name. I used to see the sparkle in your eyes when you were with him. How they lightened up whenever someone mentioned him. You can't tell me you don't love him."
This was the moment your walls tumbled down. The moment you admitted defeat and stopped fighting against what you thought was the right thing.
"Alright. You convinced me. We're going."
You were going to try to give him and you one last chance. One last time.
Neither you nor Kai could deny that the nervousness you felt. You didn't know what reaction you had to expect. Was his condition really as bad as Karim described? Or were you gonna make a fool out of you with believing your relationship deserves a second try after all that happened?
Hesitantly, you pressed the doll bell, still debating if you really wanted to do this. Now there is no turning back.
Anxiously, you waited for an answer together, but nothing happened. Then you pressed it a few times more, this time with more force. But no matter how many times you pushed the bell, there was no reaction or answer.
You tried to call him on phone, but all that you reached was his mailbox.
"That's not a good sign," Kai concluded worriedly. "Karim said they brought him home safely, but no one stayed afterward. I hope he's not doing something stupid."
"What if he went out again? I don't wanna imagine what possibly could happen. We have to enter his apartment, no matter what!" Tears began to build up in you as soon as your imagination began to envision the worst cases. Slowly you began to panic and repetitively hit the doorbell as if it would change a thing.
Immediately, he gently took you by your wrist so you were forced to stop. "Okay okay, calm down, you're right. I'm going to call everyone who was involved and ask them if they know anything about his whereabouts. Maybe he's just with one of them."
It was clear that Kai barely believed in his own words but his main goal right now was to reassure you anyway. He tried not to think about the worst cases and hoped that Julian was just sleeping in his room, overhearing the sound of the bell.
However, this time his words had no effect on you and you continued to speak in fear.
"That's not enough! Kai, I'm not going to stop worrying until I know that he is in there, god isn't there anything we can do additionally?"
Almost simultaneously a situation changing thought came into your mind which made you startle for a second.
"Wait a second. I have spare keys." How could you possibly forget that? He had given you these in case there was an emergency which you couldn't fix at your home. Well, in some kind of way this was an emergency too, right?
Impatiently, you searched through your jeans and jacket pockets, in hope, you'd have them with you. And you were lucky, eventually, you grabbed a small keychain connected to two keys out of your mess of things in your jacket pocket.
A huge sigh of relief came over you and Kai as you managed to open the door of the entry.
Without hesitation, you both stormed the stairs up. Before you opened the door of Julian's apartment on your own, you tried to ring the bell once more, now you even knocked on the door a couple times.
There was still no answer from him, so you unlocked the door with the help of the spare key.
You were greeted with silence and darkness in the hallways. There was no single light burning in one room and it looked like no one entered the apartment the last few hours.
"Hello? Julian? Someone here?" Kai screamed from the hallway. You, on the other hand, were already searching in every room for Julian.
It didn't take long until you found success in the kitchen. "'Kai, I found him, he's in the kitchen!" You shouted to Kai who was still standing in the hallway.
First, a huge wave of relief overcame your body, knowing that Julian didn't go anywhere. But then you realized the state he was in and it was definitely not a sight you wished to see.
"Oh my god...", was the only thing you managed to aspirate out of your mouth as you saw him lying unconsciously on the floor. Instantly, you went down to him on the ground, once again you felt tears starting to spill from your eyes. What in the world happened to him? How did things go that far?
Meanwhile, Kai arrived in the kitchen as well. His face began to pale when he saw you silently sobbing beside his best friend who didn't seem to react at any word you said.
He spotted the bottles of alcohol on the table. It was very likely that he just continued drinking after the rest left him. But who could blame them, it was very uncharacteristically for Julian to get drunk, let alone on his own.
Fastly, he joined you on the ground, taking control of the situation because you didn't seem like you could think straight right now.
The worst-case scenario was out of contention as Julian was still breathing and his pulse was running regularly, but other than that he seemed totally passed out. Still, Kai was almost sure that he was just in a deep sleep.
"Julian! Can you hear me?" Gently, Kai moved Julian's head from one side to another.
And in fact, he was right because Kai believed that he saw a small movement.
"Julian, wake up!" He repeated his actions, this time he slapped him on the cheek in addition.
"Ouch!" Julian winced out of pain. Finally, he showed a sign of life as he opened his eyes slowly but immediately closed them since the bright light was hurting his eyes.
"Holy shit, what is going on? And why out of all persons are you here?" He asked while holding his hand at his forehand, most likely because the hangover was starting to hit him.
"You're a fucking idiot. Made us all worried due to not opening the door. Almost drank yourself to faint. Dude, do you even know how irresponsible this was?!"
Not holding back his anger, he reproached his friend and slapped him once again, so he was fully aware of his surroundings again.
Kai couldn't help, but let out his anger he bottled in the whole time. Of course, he had been worried about his friend, but as soon as he had woken up, his wrath had been unleashed.
After all, in his opinion, it was Julian fault in the first place. He was the one who decided on one day to another to end everything even though he saw a chance that they were going to fix the issue. He made everyone worried sick, especially you who almost freaked out the whole time. Even now, you were just staring at Julian's figure, not able to say one word.
Nevertheless, there was still the wish of Kai that things were going to be as they were. He wanted the person back who he called his best friend. He wanted you to be happy again. But most importantly, he wanted to finally forget his stupid feelings for you and move on.
It took you both a while until you managed to bring Julian to his bed. But somehow you were able to do it and right now you were alone with Julian in his room, sitting beside his bed. Kai had voluntarily left to the kitchen to look if there was anything against hangovers. Obviously, he just wanted to give you some alone time with Julian, in the end, the whole plan was to bring you back together.
At first, you didn't speak at all. After the last time, you spoke, the conversation took a fatal ending, so now it was just awkward for you to face each other again. It was you who decided to break the silence since you spotted a familiar item in his room.
"You kept the flowers." You simply pointed out and rested your glance on the tulips, dunked in the water of the vase.
"Yeah. I don't know why I couldn't dare myself to throw them away. Reminded me of you I guess." Julian answered back, still avoiding to face you.
Guiltily, you bid on your lips. "You even remembered that tulips are my favorite flowers..." The fact that he remembered such a simple detail of yours just made you so happy and sad at the same time.
"You always said that roses are way too cliché and that you hated them." You chuckled quietly and agreed noddingly.
After another deafening silence, you finally managed to say out what you wanted for the whole time.
"I am so sorry for everything. You were trying to fix things and I just hurt you as a response.” The third time today you were close to tears again. And this time they were rolling.
Ultimately, Julian began to look at your face and when he saw you fighting with your tears, guilt won over him.
“You’re not the only one who is guilty in this situation. I should’ve never made the definite decision to end it. Because I wasn’t ready at all. I know we agreed both to break up, but I always thought it was only a pause and not a final break up. But when I saw you with Kai in the morning, I really thought you were already moving on. It just made me crazy to picture you with someone else. And yesterday everything just went out of control. I’m so sorry too.”
Julian hated to admit it, but slowly the tears were coming for him as well. You were the only one who could make him feel vulnerable like this.
“Fuck, I didn’t know. I am so sorry, I only love you. I could never love someone else. Deep down, I always wanted you back.” You admitted your feelings and now you were sobbing fully.
Now Julian couldn’t hold back any longer and cried with you. Every emotion he tried to suppress the last few days came out. He rarely cried, but when he did, it was because he admitted weakness.
A few days went by and Kai didn’t hear much of you. The good thing was that Julian and he were on old terms again. They had a long and telling conversation and agreed that the whole situation was misleading from the beginning. But not even a messed up situation like the one he just experienced could destroy a bond like they had.
When Kai asked him if you were back together, he only received cryptic answers. But he assured him that you weren’t on bad terms anymore which could only mean that you were on your way.
Coincidentally, Kai became a witness of a scene which he probably wasn’t meant for his eyes.
But when he wanted to leave for home, he saw you passing by the locker room and making your way to the pitch. And of course Julian was the last one who was still there.
Kai’s curiosity won over him and he couldn’t help, but sneak after you.
He saw Julian’s face brighten a little as soon as he spotted you joining him on the pitch.
“Still not finished?” You grinned at him cheekily.
“Well, I have to get back on the level I was before,” Julian answered you and kicked the ball to you which you stopped with your foot as elegantly as you could.
For a while, you only passed the ball to each other until you opened your mouth again.
“What are you thinking about right now?”
“About when the last time was we were happy together. I miss you.” He answered truthfully and smiled to some extent. “What about you?”
“I’m thinking about how we both deserve a second chance. And I’m wondering if you’re willing to give us a second try. Because I’m ready.”
Suddenly, Julian kicked the ball in another direction and began to slowly move towards you. You did the same and eventually stood in front of him.
“You know what?” He asked you while putting his hands around you and caressing your hair. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Does that mean it’s you and me again?”
Unbelievably, he laughingly shook his head. “You ask too much.” Then he sealed his answer with a gentle kiss which you gladly accepted as an answer. Sometimes actions spoke louder than words.
It’s been so long since he had held you like this which is why you didn’t want to let go of him. Julian thought the same so he continued to kiss you again and again. This moment just confirmed that giving your relationship a second try was all worth it. Because no one else but him made you feel so special and happy.
Even Kai couldn’t deny the smile from his hiding spot. He decided to leave now so he could give you some privacy. Finally, things were like they used to. It took him some time, the last few days helped him realize that he can’t interfere something which was meant to be. And this sight of you being happy in Julian’s arms will definitely help him in getting over his feelings for you after all the right person will eventually come for him.
 And it wasn’t you. At least not in this universe.
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footballrecs · 6 years ago
things you said
pairings: julian brandt/ocs miniseries:
under the stars on the grass
when you thought i was asleep
with no space between us
things you said when you were drunk
by: quack-and-yellow
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footbaliimagines · 8 years ago
i was linked to your julian brandt oneshot because you used my gif and WOW your writing is so good and thank heavens for whoever requested that! you writing is truly amazing :) x
wow thankyou so so much that means a lot!!!!! you are far too nice ☺️💗
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