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crowboye · 5 months ago
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When some guy cuts off your arm so you claim his as your bestie forever W/o text below
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endupherefic · 5 months ago
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Chapters: 3/14
Fandom: The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: Mature 
Warnings: Major Character Death 
Relationships: Apprentice/Julian Devorak, Apprentice/Lucio (The Arcana), Julian Devorak/Lucio (The Arcana), Apprentice/Julian Devorak/Lucio (The Arcana), Julian Devorak/Original Female Character(s), Lucio (The Arcana)/Original Female Character(s), Julian Devorak/Lucio (The Arcana)/Original Character(s) 
Characters: Julian Devorak, Lucio (The Arcana), The Apprentice - Character, Original Female Character(s), Nazali Satrinava, Count Spada (The Arcana)
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Enemies, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Polyamory, Blood, Injury, Mild Gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Romance, Slow Burn, Julian's POV, Lucio's POV, Amputation, Sexual Tension, Sexual Content, Alcohol, Plague, Pre-Red Plague (The Arcana), Red Plague (The Arcana), Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Series: Part 1 of End Up Here (Reworked)
Chapter Summary: Doctor Julian Devorak has spent the last 10 years practicing medicine around the world, going on adventures and getting into all sorts of trouble. When he hears of a plague ravaging Vesuvia, he feels compelled to investigate and hopes that he might run into an old friend.
A rework of my fanfiction End Up Here.
Chapter 3: A Mysterious Illness
Julian dives out of the way of a right-hook meant for his jaw, sending his assailant stumbling to the tavern floor, arms flapping comically out to his sides.
“Come on, then, you churlish lout!” he guffaws, raising his fists in front of him, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, “Thought you said you could best me in fisticuffs?”
The hulking man splayed out on the floor huffs in anger, grunting as he raises himself and squares up before a foolhardy Julian. This “churlish lout” towers over everyone in the bar and is packing over two-hundred pounds of pure muscle. As he spins to face the lanky, auburn-haired doctor, he wears a snarl that could scare off even the meanest of wild dogs. But Julian isn’t intimidated. Trouble follows the good doctor practically everywhere he goes, so this isn’t his first rodeo. Besides, Julian has speed and agility to his advantage. And about three fewer pints of beer in him, as well. Normally, he wouldn’t dare pick a fight with someone this wasted.
Rakish, certainly, but I do have some sense of honor, for goodness’ sake! he thinks to himself as he starts to shift his weight between feet. The drunken fool started it, anyway- the doctor is merely finishing it...
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bakuliwrites · 1 year ago
Hey hey hey, first I love your poly arcana thing, then can I ask you -if you had ones- jealousy hedcanon for Lucio and Julian? Can be both goofy/funny or angst, fluff or smut or not, which one you like best!
Pls i love them so much, a damned post made me thinking about itttttt argh
Thank you so much! I do so love writing poly fanfic, so I'd be happy to write this! Thanks for the request! I'll also link my general M6 jealousy headcanons here, for reference!
Jealousy Headcanons with Julian x Lucio x MC
Julian isn't a particularly jealous person. He may have a moment or two where he might feel a twinge of jealousy when someone is flirting with you, but it passes quickly.
Lucio, on the other hand, can vacillate between being extremely jealous or open to joining in on any flirting opportunities. If MC is being flirted with, Lucio might either come stand protectively by them if he's getting bad vibes from the other person and tell them to scram. Or, if he likes the person flirting with MC, he might join in on trying to make MC flustered.
Similarly, if MC is flirting with someone, as long as Lucio likes the other person, he's okay with it. And does, indeed, join in.
And if the person MC is flirting with is Julian, then Lucio is all in. He lives to make Julian flustered. It utterly delights him to watch the doctor's face blush bright crimson at his compliments.
However, there are times where Lucio feels jealous of Julian. If he feels like MC is paying more attention to Julian than they are to Lucio, he gets pouty and upset. He might throw a bit of a tantrum or beg for more attention.
It's best not to feed into Lucio's jealousy, but talking to him and trying to work out his feelings helps to settle him. He's not the best when it comes to analyzing emotions, but if MC is patient and willing to sit down with him, they can have a productive discussion.
Meanwhile, Julian is untroubled if MC's attention is on Lucio. And quite happy when he gets to participate in flirtatious teasing and what-not together.
A side note: I have a couple other poly headcanon sets from my old blog that I ought to get around to posting on here. I have some Julian x Lucio x MC angst ones that are somewhat relevant to this post, so I'll find those and get those posted soon!
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pop-culture-diary · 9 months ago
Matki, żony i kochanki (Wieszczów dwóch)
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“M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór” Samodzielny Zespół Teatralny Organizowany w Staszicu (SZTOS)
Libretto: Olga Warykowska
Reżyseria: Hanna Słyk
Muzyka: Katarzyna Koselska
Rap: Marcin i Michał Parafiniuk
Choreografia: Antonina Grupińska, Magdalena Olędzka
Kostiumy: Antonina Grupińska
Występują: Olga Warykowska, Natalia Majewska, Sebastian Krupa, Michał Parafiniuk, Antonina Grupińska, Zofia Ziatyk, Karolina Kisielińska, Anna Maria Wysocka, Krystyna Dryjańska, Urszula Radziszewska, Jakub Murawski, Bartłomiej Gawryszewski, Juliusz Pawlus
Tekst pisany na podstawie spektaklu z 12 maja 2024
hyba każdy polski uczeń zna nazwiska Mickiewicza i Słowackiego, większość potrafi też wymienić choć jedno z ich najsłynniejszych dzieł. Niektórzy zdają też sobie sprawę z długoletniego konfliktu między dwoma słynnymi poetami. Jednak w szkołach zwykle nie wspomina się o najbardziej kontrowersyjnych wątkach z ich życia. Właśnie na tych nieznanych wątkach SZTOS oparł swój najnowszy projekt, rapowany musical “M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór”, w którego premierze miałam okazję uczestniczyć. 
Założenie jest proste. O życiu Mickiewicza (Michał Parafiniuk) i Słowackiego (Jakub Murawski) opowiadają najważniejsze kobiety w ich życiu: Maryla Wereszczakówna (Olga Warykowska) najsłynniejsza muza Mickiewicza, jego żona Celina (Zofia Ziatyk), a także matka Słowackiego, Salomea (Krystyna Dryjańska). Posród bohaterów nie może też zabraknąć mistyka Towiańskiego (Bartłomiej Gawryszewski), do którego sekty należeli Mickiewiczowie czy osławionej Ksawery Dejbel (Anna Maria Wysocka). 
Jak informuje nas już opis musicalu został on napisany całkowicie wierszem za co twórczyni, Oldze Warykowskiej należy się ogromny podziw. Forma ta idealnie pasuje do tematyki spektaklu. Piosenki to głównie musicalowe songi, choć pojawia się i rap, genialnie wykorzystany do przedstawienia mitycznych wręcz kłótni dwóch słynnych wieszczów. Perfekcyjnie napisane przez Marcina i Michała Parafiniuków i równie fenomenalnie wykonane utwory idealnie sprawdzają się w spektaklu skierowanym przecież do młodego widza. Bitwy budzą ogromne emocje zarówno na scenie jak i pośród widowni. To najbardziej widowiskowe elementy spektaklu i aż szkoda, że pojawiają się w nim jedynie dwa razy. Zachwycają się rymy, uderzająco przypominające styl Mickiewicza. 
Jeśli chodzi o scenografię to postawiono na minimalizm. Białe, ruchome podesty mają wiele zastosowań, bez problemu mogą pełnić rolę stopni, czy krzeseł, jednocześnie pozostawiając wiele wyobraźni. Ciekawiej jest w kwestii kostiumów, które choć dość nowoczesne, sprawnie nawiązują do stylu epoki: Słowacki nosi koszulę typową dla przedstawień romantycznych poetów, a Mickiewicz majestatyczne bokobrody, z których wszyscy go kojarzymy.  
Bardzo dobrze ogląda się też choreografię Antoniny Grupińskiej i Magdaleny Olędzkiej. Zarówno duety jak i sceny zbiorowe świetnie wykorzystują ruch do wzmocnienia przekazu. Sposób poprowadzenia zespołu, który w beżowych, jednolitych strojach perfekcyjnie tworzy tło, wprowadza rekwizyty i z którego wyłaniają się postaci poboczne, przywodzi za to na myśl ‘Hamiltona’. 
Co do obsady, to Michał Parafiniuk gra Mickiewicza jako człowieka przekonanego o własnym geniuszu i znaczeniu dla świata. Jest perfekcyjnym archetypem romantycznego kochanka, jednocześnie melancholijnego jak i cholerycznego, który raz po raz zmienia zdanie i nie zdaje sobie sprawy z krzywd jakie wyrządził. 
Jakub Murawski fenomenalnie sprawdza się jako Słowacki, ukochany Julcio swojej mamy, poeta i patriota, inteligentny, a także świetnie wykształcony, ale żyjący w wiecznym cieniu Mickiewicza. Jest wycofany i subtelny, póki nie przychodzi do konfrontacji z rywalem. To w scenach rapu może w pełni pokazać swoje umiejętności i to właśnie on finalnie wychodzi z nich obronną ręką. 
Ale to nie oni są prawdziwymi bohaterami tej historii, lecz trzy kobiety, bez których świat pewnie nigdy nie usłyszałby ich imion.  
Olga Warykowska olśniewa jako targana między sercem i rozumem Maryla, która musi wybrać miłość do Mickiewicza, albo wpływowego męża. Jest wspaniała w gniewie na kochliwego wieszcza i jeszcze lepsza na drugim planie, gdzie wielokrotnie kradnie całe sceny swoimi reakcjami na słowa i zachowanie Adama. 
Krystyna Dryjańska jako Salomea jest uosobieniem zakochanej w swoim syneczku matki, która podporządkowała dziecku całe życie. Emanuje z niej ciepło i troska, ale także zazdrość o syna. Ma też do odegrania chyba najbardziej dramatyczną scenę, a jej interpretacja rozdzierającej piosenki po śmierci dziecka to prawdziwa perła. 
Zofia Ziatyk gra Celinę Mickiewiczową jako uroczą, skromną dziewczynę. Jej błogi uśmiech idealnie ukrywa dość przewrotny umysł kobiety, która potrafi wykorzystać poczucie winy męża, by przejąć kontrolę nad domem. To postać tragiczna, panna z dobrego domu, która wyszła za biednego człowieka nieświadoma tego jak będzie wyglądać jej rzeczywistość i przytłoczona nią została wysłana do szpitala psychiatrycznego przez człowieka, który miał ją wspierać. 
Niestety znacznie mniej do zagrania ma Anna Maria Wysocka w roli Ksawery Dejbel, diabolicznej, ale i ponętnej kochanki Mickiewicza. Chętnie zobaczyłabym ją w większej roli, szczególnie, że jej wpływ na wieszcza był podobno równie silny co żony, jeśli nie silniejszy. 
Warto też wspomnieć Bartłomieja Gawryszewskiego, który odgrywa Towiańskiego jako mistrza marionetek dążącego do przejęcia władzy nad umysłami wszystkich członków Koła Sprawy Bożej. Jest w tym bardzo przekonujący, aż szkoda, że jego występ ogranicza się do kilku krótkich scen. 
Kończąc chciałabym jeszcze pochwalić marketing musicalu. Przez ostatnie kilka tygodni fanpage SZTOSU aż roił się od filmików, zdjęć czy nawet memów przybliżających po kolei wszystkie postaci. Twórcy perfekcyjnie podtrzymywali zainteresowanie tytułem, a także jednocześnie edukowali i bawili swoich obserwatorów, pozwalając im poznać bohaterów, jak i aktorów. Takiej promocji mogą pozazdrościć SZTOSowi największe teatry w Polsce. 
Podsumowując, “M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór” to naprawdę dobry, świetnie wykonany musical, pełen ciekawie napisanych piosenek i porządnych kreacji aktorskich, dzięki którym postaci z podręczników stają się prawdziwymi ludźmi. Polecam fanom Mickiewicza, Słowackiego, rapu, ale i musicali jako takich. Mam też nadzieję, że spektakl na dłużej zagości na warszawskiej scenie, bo spokojnie może rywalizować z produkcjami renomowanych teatrów. 
Ale to tylko moja opinia, a ja nie jestem obiektywna. 
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Achecia Achida Achivia Acholmo Acixia Adano Adenxa Adoco Afecha Afelxa Afigo Afocho Afufio Afumo Ahiso Ahoshia Ajira Ajithio Ajurla Akapio Akormio Akuto Alaxio Alesa Alindo Aliphia Alonza Alortha Anarma Anugo Apevo Aphenchia Aphoquio Aqualgio Aquoza Arofia Asarwia Aseja Ashiza Ashorbia Ashurfa Athalthia Avezo Awurmo Axazia Axelnia Axonmo Azorro Bano Bathia Baxio Beha Belquia Betio Bezo Bixia Calio Cavo Cequo Chalquio Chirmo Chisha Choco Chorria Chulpha Chupho Chuqua Copa Coquo Dacho Dalquia Daro Davia Dephia Dica Dinchio Dishia Dorpia Dunsha Durxa Ebaha Ebedio Ebelquia Echalia Echarnio Echema Echillo Echorsha Ecilchio Ecunia Edanto Edashia Edenhia Ederwia Eduhio Egelpho Egevia Ehirquio Ehuso Ejantha Ejorja Ejorpa Ekannio Ekicio Ekincha Ekolko Ekulcio Eleko Elolla Emorko Ephunquio Equapha Equila Equinia Eralshia Erenio Eruvia Esinsa Ethajio Ethillio Ethulmo Evajio Evulno Exiqua Exizo Exuha Ezefio Ezida
Fafo Faho Faquo Fasio Fawo Femio Fiwia Fulshio Gacio Gadio Gaxa Gebio Gevo Gilio Gotho Govio Gumia Gunko Gunzio Hashio Hedia Helzio Huno Hunphio Hurquo Ibenlio Iberxa Icanho Iderphio Idilra Ifillia Ifolia Igerta Igola Iguna Igurpo Ihatha Ihuwio Ijirsio Ijolhia Ijurha Ikipa Ikurfa Ilorma Ilunria Inalko Iphewio Iphirwia Ipilxo Ipudio Iquermo Iquimio Iquolsio Iquulro Iroha Irorcha Irubia Iruthia Ishalko Ishinza Isilga Isulho Isunjia Itoquio Ixokio Izaco Izethia Izollia Janca Jardo Jilho Jilo Jirnia Jirto Jizio Jortha Juda Jugio Julcio Juxa Kahio Karrio Koldio Kulthia Lathia Lazio Lelka Lencho Lewa Libio Lincia Linia Lirbia Lirshia Lishia Lixa Lorra Lorzo Lultia Luwo Luzia Mango Melpio Melzia Milquio Mishio Mogio Molno Naca Nensio Nenzo Nilmio Nimio Nirba Nolquia Nolxo Obilho Obugio Ocevo Ochekia Ochuha Odalko Odalzia Odefo Odizo Odolko Ofanwio Ofipia Ofortha Ogaljio Ogoba Ohenba Ojelhio Ojinia Ojipo Ojonbia Ojoria Okimio Olajio Olato Oludia Omacha Omacho Omirpha Oniso Opapo Opelgo Oquoshio Orina Orogia Osavia Oshelhio Oshonso Oshorhia Oshuljo Otajia Othuthia Otonquia Otugo Ovetho Ovohia Ovontho Owanno Oxolio Oxuda Ozunwia Palchio Palla Pherphio Phidia Philquio Phintia Phonbo Phophia Phorqua Phoxa Phumo Phuta Pija Pinio Polhia Pumo Purha Purwa Puza Quaga Qualtia Quecho Quelia Quengio Quenpio Quinfo Quinzo Quirio Quumia Ralchia Rawio Ridio Rovio Saka Sanpha Seka Shafo Shihia Shocia Shonlio Shurquia Sihia Siltia Sinio Sisio Solpha Sorphia Sorquo Sudia Sugo Tanphia Taro Tebo Tegia Tenbo Tephio Tequa Terdo Theldia Thitho Tolfo Tonko Tono Torpa Tuco Tulra Ubenbo Ubenhia Ubero Ubiho Ubontho Ubopio Ubuxia Ucema Uchelso Ucunvia Udesha Udilfio Udilsho Uduno Ufanzia Ufarmo Ufasia Ugarkio Uhuha Ujarwio Ukungia Ulonkia Ulufa Ulunla Umarvio Umasha Umogo Umorrio Unima Unumio Unuzo Upathia Upeho Uphajia Uphalfa Uphalso Uphogo Uporca Upuncha Uquichio Urachia Ushuta Utejia Utilpa Uwaria Uxitho Uxuko Uxunha Uzendio Uzesia Vavio Velda Velnia Velqua Veno Vercha Verzia Veto Vono Vorva Vurxa Wando Waso Wejo Worquo Worva Wotio Wufio Wulcha Xanva Xarqua Xenro Xerbia Xiqua Xircia Xoquo Xowa Xuda Xurro Zama Zatio Zolha Zopio Zubo
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a-spookys-doodles · 5 years ago
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Dramatic Boyfriends.
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feelin-woozy · 6 years ago
Now im on an ask sending thing so i have to send more GIVE 👏 ME 👏 NASTY 👏 JULIAN 👏 HCS 👏 if ur stuck on where to go maybe make it abt lucioxjulian and ur thoughts on it
🍋N🍋S🍋F🍋W🍋 || @majuulian
I know I talk abt his clawed hand a lot but hhh, his clawed hand wrapped around Julian’s throat, digging into his thighs, raking down his back. Julian just lives for it.
Lucio loves to make Julian flush. Will whisper dirty things in his ear, slide his hand over Julian’s thigh or ass. He just lives for riling him up. Especially in times where he shouldn’t be doing so.
Lucio has begrudgingly accepted fucking Julian senseless in some back alley near the Rowdy Raven. Though once they’re doing it, God is he into it.
Doesn’t care if they get caught, he’ll just flash them a grin as he continues to turn Julian into a puddle. Probably whispering to Julian asking if he wants to ask if they’ll join.
Julian has no gag reflex and that was a shock to Lucio the first time Julian pulled that one out. Lucio just loves to fuck his face till fists are clutching at his thighs, tears streaking his cheeks. Pulling back to let Julian desperately gasp for air, a string of saliva still connecting him to Lucio’s cock.
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belphegor-chyan · 6 years ago
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im going through a very hard time.
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mari-pos4 · 6 years ago
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Delete later
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majulian-dr-ilya · 6 years ago
Haven’t played Heart Hunter in a while
(since earning coins through ads became a thing hehehe)
But seeing Lucio & Julian interact feels so weird???
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Lucio? Complimenting ?? Julian ???
(Lowkey ships it heeheee)
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bernnegi · 6 years ago
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ha... haha my first arcana related that i post here is this lmao 
bonus : 
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lost-samuraissoul · 5 years ago
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Gifts for my mate.
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endupherefic · 6 months ago
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Chapters: 1/13 Fandom: The Arcana (Visual Novel) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Apprentice/Julian Devorak, Apprentice/Lucio (The Arcana), Julian Devorak/Lucio (The Arcana), Apprentice/Julian Devorak/Lucio (The Arcana), Julian Devorak/Original Female Character(s), Lucio (The Arcana)/Original Female Character(s), Julian Devorak/Lucio (The Arcana)/Original Character(s) Characters: Julian Devorak, Lucio (The Arcana), The Apprentice - Character, Original Female Character(s), Nazali Satrinava, Count Spada (The Arcana) Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Enemies, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Polyamory, Blood, Injury, Mild Gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Romance, Slow Burn, Julian's POV, Lucio's POV, Amputation, Sexual Tension, Sexual Content, Alcohol, Plague, Pre-Red Plague (The Arcana), Red Plague (The Arcana), Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 1 of End Up Here (Reworked)
Summary: “I- I thought of a name you could call yourself,” Julian ventures, voice shaky. Montag merely looks expectantly back at the young man, wordless for once. Julian takes a deep breath before he speaks. “Lucio,” he almost whispers, voice catching in his throat, “It means, ‘light.’”
Julian Devorak's life is changed forever when he crosses paths with an enigmatic magician and a mercenary with a troubled past.
A rework of my fanfiction End Up Here.
Chapter 1: First Meetings
Montag’s eyes are wild, piercing, and bright despite his overall weakness. Julian can feel them boring into him from across the room, their keenness unnerving in the dim light of the medical tent. Montag is not what Julian had been expecting when he had first heard that Count Spada, himself, had requested the presence of the battle-hardened mercenary for this war. Julian wouldn’t have been surprised if some ancient, brooding, beast-of-a-man were to have hacked his way through the battlefield and come storming into Julian’s tent. But Montag Morgasson is quite the opposite: lean and compact, his youthful features sharp but delicate. His blonde hair, though grimy now with sweat and dirt, is otherwise silken in quality. He’s striking, really. But what is most striking about him, Julian notes, are his eyes: Montag’s eyes are almost as pale as the moon, feral and glimmering with determination. It’s hard for Julian not to lose himself completely in them.
Montag is supported by two other soldiers, both weary and haggard, but a lot better off than him. His left arm is hanging loosely at his side, as limp as the strands of blonde that have fallen in front of his vision. But even through the muss of golden hair, Julian can sense the mercenary’s unrelenting gaze. As the tent flap falls shut, the din of soldiers calling out orders and the clang of sword-against-sword hushes to nothing. Julian must practically wrench himself from the mercenary’s hypnotic hold on him when one of the soldiers asks where Montag’s broken form ought to go...
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bakuliwrites · 2 years ago
An Exchange- Julian x Bakuli x Lucio
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Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Tags (for this excerpt): Slightly suggestive, Julian recounting the time he had to dart across the deck of a ship completely in the nude
Pairing: Julian Devorak x Lucio Morgasson x Bakuli Björnsdottir
So, I'm editing a version of End Up Here to feature my fan apprentice, Bakuli. I'm not sure that I'll ever release the full thing, but for fun, I might post some of it on Tumblr from time-to-time. So here's a bit of it from the segment An Exchange in Chapter 8.
Over the next several days, Lucio tries to rid his mind of pointless, wistful dreams, busying himself with concocting plans for his next party. But as soon as he sees Julian and Bakuli, the strange, soft yearnings return. It nearly puts him in a foul mood, but the attention showered upon him by his companions is enough to stave off any potential lashing out on his part. Though as soon as Bakuli and Julian have drifted off to sleep, Lucio’s irritation returns in full force. 
He hates how much he’s enjoying their company. He hates how- fluffy he’s starting to feel about them both. How attached he’s getting. He tells himself he’s doing this to distract them. Not that he thinks either Julian or Bakuli will get to the bottom of what he’s up to and where this plague came from. But still, the threat is present.
Lucio tells himself that all of this is just a bit of fun. He’ll get bored of the two of them eventually. He’s never been one to maintain prolonged affection or interest, with the exception of Noddy. Yet, he finds himself snuggling closer to Julian and Bakuli when the nights get cold, when the anxiety comes creeping into his mind. In his sleep, Julian will drape an arm over Lucio’s shivering torso. In Bakuli’s slumber, she lets out a soft sigh and reaches for Lucio’s hand. 
In their waking hours, Julian is a riot. Lucio can’t remember the last time someone made him laugh like Julian can. In fact, it was probably Julian that last made him laugh this hard, way back when Lucio was still Montag and Julian was still wet behind the ears. 
“The next thing I know, I’m running stark naked across the deck, shielding my bits with a rag while trying to hunt down a cargo crate or a barrel I can duck into before anyone can see me-” Julian is re-enacting, darting across Lucio’s bedroom, holding a kerchief in front of his “bits” to feign decency. Meanwhile, Bakuli is beside herself with laughter and Lucio is practically wheezing, clutching at his sides in pain from all the giggling he’s done. 
“La-” Julian tries to continue, nearly doubling over with laughter, “Lady Delphine pulls off the lid of the barrel and peeks inside to find me desperately trying to cover myself with the rag. I'm sputtering apologies and have got no good explanation for my unfortunate predicament. She merely looks at me for a moment and then- with a smirk, mind you- says, ‘I would scold you for the sheer audacity you have, but you’ve already embarrassed yourself enough for one day.’” 
“My Gods, Ilya,” Bakuli manages, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes with how hard she’s been laughing, “How do you go on after that?” 
“No wonder she gave me a funny look when I mentioned you were coming to that banquet a couple months back,” Lucio posits, recovering his breath after this ridiculous story. This comment just sends Bakuli into another fit of laughter.
As the night winds down and all three of them begin to fall into a daze of exhaustion, Bakuli waves her hand and extinguishes the candlelight. Julian settles in on one side of her while Lucio claims the other. Lucio isn’t surprised that Julian quickly dozes off, his animated storytelling no doubt exhausting. Meanwhile, Bakuli is wide awake beside the Count, her eyes curiously roving Lucio’s face in the silence. It’s a bit unnerving and he’s about to ask if she likes what she sees when she reaches out a hand and tenderly sweeps some of the gilded strands of his hair back.
“Who were you? Before you became Lucio, Count of Vesuvia?” she whispers. Bathed in moonlight, Bakuli’s eyes appear almost green, a lush forest thankful for days of rain. Lucio doesn’t quite understand what she means, quirking an eyebrow up in confusion before realizing that perhaps she's asking what his position in the palace was before he was named Count. 
“Oh, I was Spada’s right-hand man,” he explains, propping himself up on his elbow. But Bakuli shakes her head, the dark ringlets of her hair gently brushing against her shoulders with each motion. Her gaze is utterly penetrating. It spooks Lucio how deeply she’s looking at him, like she’s trying to puzzle out his soul. Like she’s trying to see beyond him in this present moment and figure out the scared little boy trapped in the swirling eddies of snow.
“But who were you? Like what did you do before this and how did you get here?” she specifies. Again, Lucio looks at her with confusion. It’s well known that Lucio, Light of Vesuvia, was a well-traveled, highly respected mercenary before he found his way to Count Spada. It’s common knowledge that he is the reason Vesuvia’s military was and is still so successful. With Bakuli being a Vesuvian citizen, she should know all of this already. And it’s then that Lucio realizes he actually doesn’t know much about Bakuli. Maybe she hasn’t always lived in Vesuvia. Maybe she’s from somewhere else. 
Like under a rock, you mean? a snarky thought pops into his head. Even if she were from elsewhere, word of Lucio Morgasson would have reached her. There isn’t a corner of the world where his name hasn’t been spoken. Before he has a chance to speak, however, Bakuli says something that gives him even further pause.
“I know you were a highly successful mercenary,” she clarifies with a small laugh, holding her penetrating gaze, “I guess what I mean is-”
She pauses, looking nervous to finish her own question. 
“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you,” she finishes, dark brows knit together and forehead crinkling with a sheepish worry, “About your childhood. Some of them good, some of them not so good.”
Lucio’s heart jumps into his throat, vibrating rapidly, fear setting in. Where is this line of questioning going? This isn’t the first time over the last few weeks that Bakuli has, in some way, made him feel- anxious. There have been a couple times where he’s caught the magician staring curiously at him. He’s chalked it up to her somewhat odd personality and introverted nature, but the way Bakuli is looking at Lucio tonight makes him wonder if, perhaps, there’s more to it. 
“Oh yeah?” he tries to say as casually as possible, feigning nonchalance though his mind is reeling, “Do you believe them?” 
He hopes she can’t see how utterly terrified he is. Maybe the Devil was right. Maybe he shouldn’t have invited this magician into his palace, let alone his bed. Maybe she’s fishing for information. Maybe-
“I’m not one to let rumors cloud my judgment,” Bakuli states, the worried look on her face replaced with one of indignance, “Rumors aren’t always fair and, more often than not, they’re untrue. I’ll make my own opinions of you. I was just curious what you thought of them.”
“Ha,” Lucio lets out a false laugh, leaning back against his pillow and smiling mischievously, secretly relieved that she wasn’t more direct, “Well, all the good ones are certainly true. And all the bad? A load of crap. You can take that to the bank.”
Bakuli merely casts a kind smile at him. But the glimmer behind her eyes tells Lucio she’s thinking, contemplating.
“You’re a curious one, Lucio,” she chuckles, leaning towards him and pressing a featherlight kiss to his lips. She lingers for a moment, the pad of her thumb gently smoothing over the angles of Lucio’s cheekbones. Despite her aura of mystery, there’s something about her that Lucio can’t help but like. Maybe it’s the way she makes him feel heard. For as strange as her gaze may be, he can admit to some part of himself that Bakuli makes him feel seen. When he or Julian tell their stories, even if it’s the millionth time she’s heard them, Bakuli still looks at them like they’re the center of her attention. She seems to do this for everyone she meets. Her focus is unparalleled and Lucio finds himself appreciating this.
“Alright, Miss. Bakuli, your turn,” he smirks, beaming impishly and expectantly at his companion, “Who were you? Before you became such an illustrious magician.”
She beams, a bright smile that seems to reach her eyes. 
“No one special,” she laughs.
“Pshhh,” Lucio returns, “I highly doubt that.”
“No, really!” Bakuli insists, absentmindedly tracing Lucio’s collarbone with the tip of her fingernail. The sensation sends delightful shivers through him, goosebumps settling as quickly as they raise with her touch. 
“I want the whole story,” Lucio quietly demands, drawing her closer, “Tell me who Bakuli Björnsdottir is.” 
She glances at him hesitantly, blushing softly, no doubt at the one-on-one attention she’s receiving from The Count of Vesuvia. Lucio likes it when she’s flustered, likes to watch the way she sheepishly glances down and smiles quietly to herself. 
“Alright, fine,” she acquiesces before launching into a detailed account of her life. And for once, Lucio listens, perhaps too tired to interject with his own stories. Or maybe too invested in gauging if there’s anything in her past he should be worried about. Either way, he learns a fair amount about her. 
Bakuli was born in the South, to a tribe not unlike his own, though her mother is Prakran. She spent her early years in the frigid snows of the Scourgelands, before her parents and three other siblings relocated to Prakra, to be closer to her mother’s family. Things were good, until they weren’t. Her parents split up when she was twelve, something she’d made peace with a long time ago, though the mention of it still seemed to bring a quiver to her voice. Her father, a merchant by trade, went back to the Scourgelands, where Bakuli would visit once a year. Their relationship is somewhat strained.
“I love my father, very much,” she explains, eyes downcast at this part of her story, “But he wasn’t always present, even when he was around. Sometimes, it felt like his spirit was wandering somewhere else while his body stayed behind.” 
Lucio doesn’t dare say anything about his own father, pushing the image of a withered Lutz out of his mind. He doesn’t have to think about the man for long, as Bakuli goes on with her tale. 
Lucio learns that she inherited her magic shop from her mother, who inherited it from her sister, who inherited it from their mother. 
“It’s been in the family for generations,” Bakuli explains proudly as Lucio tries to follow the lineage of the shop, his brain starting to hurt, “You should come by to visit sometime. I think I have a couple things there that you might like. I can even do a tarot reading for you,” she adds with a wink. Lucio isn’t quite sure what that entails, but he’s down to give it a go.
Vesuvia was a summer destination for her family, to visit her grandmother when she was still alive. It didn’t become a permanent residence for Bakuli until her mother inherited the shop when Bakuli was fifteen. 
“And I’ve been living here ever since,” she finishes with a smile. Lucio knows there’s more to her story than this condensed version of it. He can see it in her eyes, a lingering sorrow that wavers in and out as she looks at him. But he’s far too exhausted to ask for any further details. And he’s certainly not going to press for more, knowing that it will open the door for Bakuli to question him in return. Lucio is certain that he does not want to share the intricacies of his own childhood with this magician. He’s never even done that with Julian, and he trusts him more than he trusts Bakuli at the moment. 
Their conversation fades to a whisper and soon enough, Bakuli is out like a light, leaving Lucio to stew in confusion. He’s grateful to have gotten a glimpse into the magician’s background. So far, there’s nothing to alarm him. It does sound like she’s come from a background none-too-special or threatening. Still, the feeling of paranoia lingers. Why is she asking him questions about his childhood? Is it genuine curiosity? Or is she trying to dig up dirt on him and spread it around a city that already seems to secretly hate their Count? Is this Aisha and Salim all over again? Or is it something else entirely? Something that scares Lucio even more. 
Lucio pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut in frustration. Bakuli’s interrogating, her inquisitive gaze, fills him with a perplexing mixture of caution and warmth. He doesn’t dare divulge the details of his childhood to anyone, let alone her and Julian. Yet, he finds himself feeling grateful that someone is paying attention to him. And genuinely so, it seems. 
Have to keep an eye on that one, Lucio notes, tired of mulling over possibilities in his head.
Something has changed. In this small interaction, everything has changed. Lucio can feel it deep in his heart. He can sense it radiating out from the brightness that slumbers beside him, and he’s not quite sure what to make of it all.
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ddddddamn · 6 years ago
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oh, doctor :(
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daveedulce · 6 years ago
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i fuckt up julians nose but just pretend i didnt bc i spent forever on this bad boy
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