#jujutsu kaisen x lector
aledmorningstar · 4 months
-ˏˋ⋆ ᴡ ᴇ ʟ ᴄ ᴏ ᴍ ᴇ ⋆ˊˎ-
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ʚ♡ɞ Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary people welcome to the moment you have been waiting for, the show that will change your life.
ʚ♡ɞ I'm delighted to be your presenter tonight, you can call me Aled and I mean it, call me.
ʚ♡ɞ My pronouns are he/she.
ʚ♡ɞ 20 years
ʚ♡ɞ Spanish is my first language, but i´m practicing my English. Hi
ʚ♡ɞ Gojo mi pookie
ʚ♡ɞ Commissions open!
⋆·˚ ༘ *🔭 master list is here
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venus-giirl · 2 years
Yuji Itadori- Breeding Kink
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuuji Itadori x fem reader (Nsfw). 
Pairing: boy x reader.
CW: reproductive kink, dirty talk, overstimulation play, Itadori being too Soft, mentions of pregnancy and parenting.
Words count: 1771.
N/A: Sorry, Itadori gives me so many soft, lovey-dovey boyfriend vibes with his partner that I couldn't think of anything other than that, but deep down he has a big dominant part (not counting Sukuna, of course). I feel like I was left wanting to write more but here it is. Sorry for the possible mistakes, today the tiredness is killing me.
Itadori had a serious problem to which he had to add the frustration of a frustrated college student at exam time. For almost two whole months, the boy had to stick his nose in his books if he wanted to pass the semester, or at least you forced him to do his homework properly. If it weren't for you that boy would be going from party to party instead of digging his elbows in to get a decent grade.
After those horrible, stress-filled weeks were over, he was ready to spend the rest of the vacations clinging to you like a little puppy dog to its mother.
And he saw you just like that, as a mother figure. In fact you were the mom of the group. Countless times you had saved Nobara when he didn't know what outfit was the best for a fun night out and you lent him some clothes, or when Gojo forgot to bring condoms in case he wanted to...anyway. And Itadori admired you so much for that, falling madly in love with you.
After arriving at the cafeteria Itadori jumped out in search of you, eager to tell you how well his exams had gone.
"T/n, T/n!!!" he shouts as soon as you pass the door frame of the cafeteria, some people turned their heads at such voices.
"Hey, bro!" greets Todo "if you're looking for T/n he's not here yet, apparently he has his last exam right now and just barely finished leaving."
Itadori lowers his smile into a puppy pout "But it's already six in the evening, he's supposed to be done by now."
"Don't be whiny, besides, she already told you she would finish late, since she had exams in the afternoon this semester, instead of the morning." Nobara growls, bringing the steaming coffee to her lips.
"What can I do then? I was planning on snacking with her when we were done, but by the time I'm done it'll be too late and you'll be exhausted."
"Oh well then let me enlighten you." Nobara puts her hand to her chin, ready to blurt out your great idea "Go home and run her a nice bubble bath and set up the room with a nice romantic atmosphere, us girls like those details, I'm telling you, I'm best friends with T/n and I know her tastes."
"Yes, but not more than me" replies Itadori.
"Fine then, I'll do that to please her." Itadori's smile flashes at the idea. It's not like she'd never had that kind of detail with you before, but after two months of not touching you it was her perfect opportunity to let off some proper steam, and she'd had an idea in mind for far too long.
The boys watch Itadori walk away almost running away at the speed of light.
"Will T/n survive what's in store for him?" questions Megumi in a whisper.
"Not if he slips in the bathtub first and breaks a limb." She blurts out Gojo in a huff.
"Gross." They all say in unison.
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The keys jingle as you pull them out of your pocket and a second later the apartment lock clicks, indicating that you have safely opened the door. As soon as you enter you take off your jacket "Baby, are you home?" you say as you walk into the kitchen, rounding the small island to open the door to the living room. The clock read past eleven o'clock at night.
"Here I am, baby." His distant voice indicated he was in your room.
"What are you doing at this hour and why aren't you sleep-" Your voice was interrupted by his tempered hand, silencing anything you had to say.
"Sh, sh, sh, sh, don't growl anymore" he says in an apologetic smile. "We're done with our exams so just relax and listen." You nod your head to indicate to him that you were attentive to what he had to tell you, breathing with some difficulty through your nose.
"I've prepared a surprise for you, come." He gently pulls his hand away to take yours and pull you into the room.
You make your way into the room and look at the bed with wonder and surprise in your eyes. The boy had spent what was left of the evening to set the mood and decorate the bed with candles on the nightstands and some rose petals strewn across the sheets.  
"Itadori, you didn't have to do this for me, honey. I'm sure you'll be very tired too." You turn to him, stroking his pecs as you look up at him with slightly guilty eyes. Your heart leapt with joy at how special your boyfriend had been to want to pamper you and take care of you for tonight, but on the other hand, you held back knowing that he was also tired and needed to get some rest.
"Easy my girl, this is for both of us, so let's enjoy each other together for the whole night, will you do that for me?". He begs bringing your hands to his mouth to kiss them slowly as he looks at you. "You're freezing, what a fool I was not to come pick you up." He moves on to kiss your knuckles, biting them a little.
"Oh no, my love, I'm fine now that I'm with you." You lean in looking deep into his eyes, capturing his attention with the nickname that so melts him.
"Fuck...I can't take it anymore." A hissing sound rings out, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss and without being begged he thrusts his tongue in as far as he can.
Itadori squeezes your hips and begins to guide you backwards towards the bed in stumbling, sloppy steps without breaking the kiss at any single moment. You grab onto his back as you feel yourself falling backwards without any support and pull Itadori along with you, crashing both of you into the softness in a thud.
You lift his hoodie eagerly to see his body and he does the same with his shirt, freeing your bra-less breasts.
"Fuck...don't tell me you went to the exam without a bra...oh, baby, you're so hot." Silva biting her lips as she eats your breasts with her eyes.
"Shut up and don't make me wait." You reply feeling your juices overflowing down your already wet panties. It was so amazing the ability Itadori had to turn you on like a misto and get you wet with almost no need to do anything.
The smell of the cologne you gave him for his birthday and the slight hint of body sweat made your nostrils flutter inhaling his scent. This man drove you so crazy.
"Yes, my lady." Itadori rips your pants from your waistband along with your panties and throws them somewhere unimportant in the room, then does the same releasing his aching erection.
"Love, I don't care what you had planned to do, but please fuck me now, I can't wait for you to be inside me...". You see stars as he settles between your legs, aligning his shaft against your center and with one thrust he inserts himself deep inside you. You cry out in relief. You'd almost forgotten how well this boy stretches you when he's inside you.
"Just what...I...wanted." He moans, starting to give you a few slow lunges so you can get used to him.
"Did you need it so badly, my love?"
"Yes..." He hisses in pleasure "I so needed to be so deep in you." Itadori begins to work magic with his hips and moves in the way he knows you like best. Her hips gyrate looking for your sweet spot without waiting a few more seconds.
You wanted to carry out what you had read a few weeks ago when, instead of studying, you rambled on your cell phone looking for something that had been troubling your mind and needed answers, even asking good old Megumi for her opinion.
Your eyes sparkle as you feel it deep inside you, too deep, pressing a new button that made your back arch and your eyes squeeze shut letting out a deep moan of insatiable pleasure, generating a tingle in your lower belly.
"There it is love, I just touched your cervix" he again delivers a few thrusts in the same spot and your mouth opens in an O-shape from the constant pleasure.
"Where...mmh...have you...have you learned...e...that..." you say interrupted by each lunge and moan escaping your lips.
Itadori doesn't respond concentrating on your own pleasure and his, the head of his cock was pounding the new warm bulge he just unlocked, being so sorry he didn't realize sooner how much he could feel if he concentrated just a little more.
"Deeper, aa...love, I want to fill you so.... thoroughly with my cum." He grunted increasing his thrusts. "I want to fill you until I . overflow.... and get you pregnant." You groan in response and your skin crawls with goose bumps at the words of a newly unlocked Itadori. I've never spoken in such ways before, let alone to confess all that to you.
"See how well you take me, princess, promise me you'll take my entire orgasm in your womb?". You roll your eyes as his thumb caresses in circular motions your clit.
"Yes.. Yuuji...I will do whatever you want..."
"That's my girl, you are so...good to me." Your hips start to waver and move carelessly. You already feel how she was about to climax and you were too close too.
Yuji lowers his back to kiss your lips in a passionate and tender kiss of love. You were in heaven with him so deep inside you, fucking you so good and so deep, showing that new reproductive side of him.
"Love I'm going to..." You say no longer holding the knot in your belly.
"Shh love...I can't hold on either..." he couldn't finish his sentence as the walls of your womb suck his head and you reach the peak of your orgasm as he touches your cervix again, your rubbery, velvety walls contracting in heartbeats over his length pulling him into his orgasm as well.
His grunt echoes throughout the room along with a few babbles of your name. You feel thick strips spread filling to the bottom of your womb with a soft warm sticky mass that disperses until you feel it dripping down your ass and dripping down the bed.  Itadori had stuffed you to the bottom.
"Holy shit, baby, that was amazing." He comes down to give you a quick kiss, biting your bottom lip as he pumps his slickness next to yours so he doesn't waste any of it.
"Itadori." You say after a few seconds realizing what had just happened.
"Yes?" he hums in a sigh of love as he looks at you a little too pleased.
"Tell me you put on a condom."
"Oops...I forgot." He says as he bites his tongue throwing you a wink.
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lekkkkz · 2 years
¡Ey! Hola, mi nombre es Alek, soy nuevo en este sitio web, mis pronombres son masculinos (Él / Él) tengo 20 años, es un placer saludarlos, estaré escribiendo para los mejores lectores.
I'll be writing for these fandoms.
— Naruto
— Twilight
— Twisted Wonderland
— Tokyo Revengers
— HunterxHunter
—Una pieza
Avatar:El ultimo Maestro Aire
° Haikyuu
° Dorohedoro
° Los Caballeros del Zodíaco
○ Blood Of Zeus
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Male Reader
Male x Male
Polyamorous relationships
Character x Male Reader
Alpha Reader
Modern Au
Platonic relations
Submissive Top Male Reader
PowerBottom Character
Kinks (I will accept things related to BDSM, But nothing too risky)
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Adulto x niño
Cualquier cosa relacionada con flujos (vómitos, etc.)
Cosas tristes (a menos que estés de humor para eso)
Lector pasivo, Esa mierda no está permitida en mi perfil.
Violación, violencia doméstica, etc.
Creo que eso es todo por ahora
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
Bully! SatoSugu x Bully! Reader
Shoko Lieri x Nezuko Reader(+ Tanjiro) PLATONIC
Yandere Nobara Kugisaki: Dress up Darling (Drabble)
Platonic Yandere Nanami/ Higuruma x Necro! Reader: you'll be Back(Drabble)
Platonic Principal Yaga x Kanguro!Reader
Platonic! Yandere! Nanami/Higuruma x Necromancer! Reader: Jelousy Hc
Bully! SatoSugu x Bully!Lectora
(Platonico)Shoko Lieri x Nezuko lectora(+Tanjiro)
Yandere Nobara Kugisaki: Dress up Darling (Drabble)
Yandere Platónico Nanami/Higuruma x Lectora: volverá.(Drabble)
Platónico! Yaga Masamichi x Kanguro! Lector
Yandere Platónico Nanami/Higuruma x Necromante! Lectora: celos Hc
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# sobre mí !!
hola ♡ mi nombre es Charlie, tengo 19 años y mis pronombres son she/her (ella). llevo escribiendo desde que tengo 12 años, tengo 2 blogs en inglés y aquí publicaré solo y exclusivamente en español. tengo muchísimas ganas de enseñaros todas las cosas que llevo planeando desde hace tiempo y de interactuar con vosotres y conoceros. <333
para más información (mis redes sociales, lo que voy a escribir, lo que no, requisitos para las peticiones...) seguid leyendo. un placer conoceros a todes y espero que podáis disfrutar de mi contenido!!
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# mis redes sociales !!
cuenta en inglés
cuenta para repostear
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# sobre el contenido (qué voy a escribir) !!
ante todo, me dedico a escribir fanfics, drabbles, one-shots y headcanons. estoy metida en 5 mil fandoms diferentes y todos me encantan por igual por lo que os garantizo que veréis contenido bastante variado. Voy a dejar una lista de aquellos con los que me encuentro más cómoda escribiendo/disfruto más escribiendo además del contenido que envolverán mis escritos.
x reader (amab o afab. voy a intentar que el género del reader sea lo más ambiguo y neutro posible, si no es así aclararé la identidad del reader al principio de cada publicación)
nsfw y sfw.
headcanons, drabbles y fanfics.
Slasher y Horror (+ Dead By Daylight)
Resident Evil.
Final Fantasy VII (pendiente de jugar y ver gameplays del resto)
Jujutsu Kaisen.
Boku No Hero Academia.
Genshin Impact.
Mystic Messenger.
Corazón de Melón.
Inazuma Eleven.
Tokyo Revengers.
Shadow Hunters
Sally Face
(se irán añadiendo más con el transcurso del tiempo)
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# dni & requisitos para hacer peticiones !!
hay cosas que son bastantes obvias pero mucha gente no lo da por hecho así que no viene mal aclararlo.
Personaje x Oc / Personaje x Personaje
Pedofilia / Age play / Age gap... 
Zoofilia / Furry.
Piss / Vomit / Shit kink.
Incesto. (Incluyendo hermanatro, hermanastra, hermanastre)
BDSM extremo.
(iré añadiendo con el tiempo)
ABRO INCISO (y tw): Hay escenarios en los que se hablará de ello. Por ejemplo, si un anon me pide un escenario comfort sobre x personaje de x fandom ayudándole a recuperarse de un trauma que tenga que ver con eso que no estoy dispuesta a escribir, es decir, los aceptaré en escenarios que tengan de finalidad afrontar un trauma.
Ahora, sobre los requisitos, que tienen que ver mucho con el inciso. Si vais a pedir un escenario así por favor, poner Trigger Warning, ya no solo por mí, sino por les lectores. Yo también pondré TW en las publicaciones al principio de los blogs. :))
Pedid sin miedo. Después de ver vuestra petición decidiré si colgarlo o no. (Os lo haré saber si no lo hago)
Ahora bien, vamos a hablar de la audiencia que no quiero tener en mi perfil tanto por el contenido que publico como por mi comodidad.
Pedofilos, zoofilicos, incestuosos...
Simpatizantes de ideologías que defienden la opresión de minorías (lgbtiq+fobia, racismo/xenofobia, capacitismo, clasismo...)
Los menores SÍ pueden interactuar con las publicaciones SFW. Menores y ageless blogs por favor no interactuéis con el contenido NSFW.
(iré añadiendo con el tiempo)
Si veo interacción por parte de esta gente, los bloquearé. Por favor respetad los límites que os ponen porque de verdad me incomodan. Gracias.
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Dicho todo esto, espero con muchas ganas vuestras peticiones y vuestras interacciones.
Ruego ante todo paciencia porque además de estar intentando salir de un bloqueo creativo, voy a la universidad y eso me quita mucho tiempo. Un placer conoceros y espero conocer a gente maravillosa con la cual compartir mi escritura y mis ideas. ♡♡
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chessypiie · 1 year
Aquí mi primer publicación con un dibujo de Megumi Fushiguro, del anime Jujutsu Kaisen. Espero les guste.
Al está ser mi primera publicación, me alegra compartirles que está cuenta se dedicará a los Headcanon y lector x (personajes)
Espero les guste mucho mi contenido, intentaré traer también con estos pequeños dibujos como guías de algunas historias que traeré, un saludo ❤️
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About the Doll:
Commissions: Open, Details or see link at the bottom of post.
Names: Doll, Ary, A, most terms of endearment or pet names are also fine if we are mutuals with some DM contact
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 26 ==> 27 🥲😞
Zodiac: Taurus, Sun: Taurus, Moon: Libra, Rising: Taurus
16 Personalities: INFJ-T: “Advocates gravitate toward work as counselors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, teachers, yoga instructors, and spiritual leaders. They may enjoy service industry positions that allow them to interact directly and build genuine relationships with their customers. Careers in health care can also be rewarding options, including occupations such as nursing, physical or occupational therapy, medicine, nutrition, or more holistic paths such as acupuncture.”
Education: Eventually going back to school for Paralegal studies and Massage Therapy, early Human Services training completed, Early Childhood and Psychology independently studied, Registered Behavior Tech certified (I help individuals with Autism acquire and improve life skills)
Personality: Mom/Dad friend (have adopted younger friends, will do again), neurodivergent, omnisexual, gender fluid, polyamorous (exercised only when partner is consenting), Borderline Personality (pardon my mental illness)
Hobbies: Writing (original and fanfiction), Visual Art (original, fan pieces, portrait, character, still life, traditional, digital), Reading, Knitting (not very well), Fairy/Wiccan Bottles (very proud, will sell customs)
Belief Systems: Ars Goetian (Lucifer, Astaroth, Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub), Norse (Loki, Thor), Greek (Athena)
Interesting Tidbits:
Top 5 ships: Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson), Hannigram (Hannibal Lector x Will Graham), Denji x Power (Chainsaw Man)- I will argue endlessly don’t try to tell me I’m wrong, Geto Suguro x Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen), Rin x Bon
Other Ships: Stilly (Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove- under Alternate Universe Billy redemption head canons only- we do not stan racism or anything of the like in this family)
Last Song Listened to: Frog by Cavetown
Last Movie Watched: actual = The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, YouTube= Sam and Colby’s The Conjuring House (paranormal investigations)
Currently Watching: Stranger Things (re-watch all seasons), The Boys (re-watch all seasons)
Currently Reading: Chainsaw Man (manga), Fanfiction mostly (last read: Can’t Fight This Feeling by thatbitttchbeanie on A03), In Search Of and Other Stories by Will Ludwigsen (I have a signed copy from a writer’s workshop at a university that is in the lap of a haunted porcelain doll I bought from a secondhand/thrift shop)
Collections: Tangled/Rapunzel dolls (i.e.: Disney Masquerade edition, Disney 10 year anniversary, porcelain variations), Porcelain dolls, dead moths (ethically collected post mortem), dried flowers, four eyes tees/shirts from Spencers, Wizard of Barge shirts and blankets, stones (ex: aventurine, Opal, and more)
Tattoos: moon and stars below corner of my right eye, a giant chest piece of a tree of life with a Celtic knot shamrock as the trunk and Aurora borealis behind it, left hip has Sans the skeleton with an echo flower crown and two Gaster blasters one on each side of him, right hip has Rin Okumora with Kuro, neck right side has a little water color fox
Piercings: nose on the right side (current), belly button (former, rejection from agitation- hit it with too many boxes while working order fulfillment), snake bites (former, took out for a surgery but holes closed before I could get the jewelry back in)
Other Appearance Facts: fun size/short, somewhat visually impaired (glasses/contacts at high strength)
Stories I’ve Written: Master Post
I love to interact! Send Asks and Requests!
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angelhardy13 · 2 months
Entre el otoño y el invierno
Fanfic - Jujutsu Kaisen
Language: Spanish
Genre: drama, comedia, Alternative Universe- Teachers, Sin poderes
Ship principal: Kento Nanami x Satoru Gojo (no se especifica quien es el bottom)
Ship secundarias: Suguru Geto x Yu Haibara; Choso x Hiromi Higuruma.
Otros personajes: Suguru Geto; Shoko Ieiri; Hiromi Higuruma; Utahime Iori; Mei Mei; Sukuna; Choso; Yu Haibara.
Sumary: En Jujutsu School Kento Nanami es un serio y estricto profesor de matemáticas, lleva una vida relativamente tranquila hasta que Satoru Gojo, el nuevo entrenador, le propone ser el profesor auxiliar para un nuevo club deportivo
Las edades de los personajes han sido modificadas
Contenido +18! Escenas explícitas y no sólo de la ship principal. Lenguaje vulgar
ao3/ Wattpad (versión censurada)
En Tumblr: Puede que los capítulos vayan desfasados. En las otras dos plataformas está al día. Apenas decidí subirlos aquí más que nada para tenerlos en mi blog.
1. Este fic comenzó a ser escrito para participar en la Nanagoweek 2022. Es la propuesta para el primer día. Tomé la idea de "Maestros".
2. Es una historia más o menos corta, (corta a nivel lo que suelo escribir, si vienes de Moondust sabes a lo que me refiero con LARGO) el reto personal de este fic es ese hacerlo lo más corto posible (tal vez 10 capítulos o menos) y no sólo eso... también el reto es escribir escenas de sexo explicitas por lo que: ¡Alerta de contenido puerco! ¡Atásquense que habrá lodo!
3. El evento es Nanago por lo que Nanami debería ser el activo... pero como a mí me gusta jugar con los sentimientos de las personas... pues digamos que puede que sí, puede que no, quien sabe, a veces se me antoja ver a Gojo como el activo...
4. Habrá otras ships involucradas. Por ejemplo: GetouxHaibara y HigurumaxChoso que no es muy común pero yo me volví loca. Tal vez... no lo sé pero luego me pega la locura haya contenido explícito de esas ships también, pero no lo sé. Los personajes menores de edad están al margen divirtiéndose y siendo felices como los niños que son <3. NO HABRÁ ESCENAS SEXUALES DE ELLOS EN ESTE FIC.
5. Con respecto al tema de alumnos saliendo con profesores... éste no es un fic de ese tipo por lo que sólo hay una mención a ello pero ningún adulto de los personajes de JJK corresponderá algo así. Como dije, los personajes chiquitos son sólo niños jugando y siendo felices no esperen SukunaxMegumi, es lo que quiero decir. Así que no... aquí los menores de edad no salen con adultos. En el primer capítulo se hace mención de una sola relación de un adulto con un menor pero más que nada como algo que no funcionaría. También se menciona al inicio con respecto a Nanami y la alumna que se le declara pero es sólo para sacar el tema a relucir como un problema en la escuela y para aclarar que Nanami no correspondería eso en este fic. Digamos que él prefería cofcofcogerconprofesorescofcof.
6. Sobre el título: técnicamente tiene que ver con el periodo de tiempo en que se enamoran Nanami y Gojo XD además de que para el fic Nanami es "el hombre que viste el otoño" y Gojo es "el que viste el invierno" <3
7. Ahora como este y los otros fics fueron escritos casi al mismo tiempo para la Nanagoweek 2022 aún no hay tantos capítulos para serializar este fic (aunque esté corto), técnicamente fui saltando de una a otra historia! y es la primera vez en mi vida que hago esto, mi cabeza es un caos con respecto a ideas y por lo mismo estoy un poco cansada. Además de que mantengo la serialización y escritura de otros dos fics largos que no entran en el evento. Por todo esto les pido paciencia para las actualizaciones, yo lo sé mi lado lector quisiera de verdad darles más pero es mejor esperar :3.
8. Vamos con calma quiero tomar esto con paciencia y amor y darles lo mejor de mí como escritora así que no desesperen bombones no lo abandonaré pero sí tardará un poco más.
9. ¿Sobre derechos de autor? Los personajes ¡no son míos! Los tomé prestados xD pertenecen a Gege Akutami, pero la historia en cuanto a estructura, ideas etc etc… es mía la he escrito con amor para mí y también para ustedes. Por respeto a mí y a mis amados lectores queda prohibido modificar, plagiar robar o repostear sin autorización este trabajo. Lo que sí se puede hacer es proporcionar el link de la historia a otras personas y tomar de referencia el fic, quiero decir si el fic te inspiró a crear una ilustración o a escribir un fic por favor házmelo saber!! Me hace feliz que inspire a otros a crear más cosas para el fandom <3.
11. En fin... comentarios, sugerencias incluso comentarios diciendo que no entienden algo son bienvenidos siempre y cuando sean respetuosos <3.
Capítulo 1 🍁 Capítulo 2 🍁 Capítulo 3 🍁 Capítulo 4 🍁 Capítulo 5 🍁 Capítulo 6 🍁 Capítulo 7 🍁 Capítulo 8
© 2022 ZAnka— queda prohibido modificar, plagiar, robar o repostear sin autorización este trabajo.
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ao3feed-nanago · 7 months
One Shots Jujutsu Kaisen
by Nephthys_Lee Serie de one shots del anime/manga de Jujutsu kaisen. Aqui se encontraran one shots hetero y homosexuales, así como de fantasía, au, omegaverse, equis personaje x lector/a, personaje x personaje, etc. Sobre el mundo de Jujutsu Kaisen y sus personajes. Si gustan pueden etiquetar mi cuenta de TikTok (@nephthys_lee) en alguna imagen o video para inspirar algún one shot o enviarlo por mensaje aqui mismo, se les dará su respectivo agradecimiento. ADVERTENCIAS: Esta serie podría contener lenguaje vulgar, violencia, agresiones, consumo de sustancias, situaciones peligrosas, ideas de suicidio, entre otros temas que podrían herir la sensibilidad de algunas personas. Los personajes pertenecen a Gege Akutami a excepción de algunos au/oc que son de mi autoría Words: 6083, Chapters: 5/?, Language: Español Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Getou Suguru, Kenjaku | Fake Getou Suguru, Gojo Satoru, Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Fushiguro Toji, Nanami Kento, Chousou (Jujutsu Kaisen), Haibara Yu (Jujutsu Kaisen), Muta Kokichi | Mechamaru, Itadori Jin, Zenin Maki, Zenin Mai, Inumaki Toge Relationships: Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru/Reader, Gojo Satoru/Original Character(s), Getou Suguru/Original Female Character(s), Fushiguro Megumi/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna & Original Female Character(s), Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna/Reader, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Itadori Yuuji/Reader, Chousou/Itadori Yuuji, Chousou (Jujutsu Kaisen)/Reader, Chousou & Itadori Yuuji, Chousou (Jujutsu Kaisen) & Reader, Chousou (Jujutsu Kaisen)/Original Female Character(s), Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento, Nanami Kento/Reader, Nanami Kento/You, Nanami Kento/Original Female Character(s), Fushiguro Megumi/Reader, Fushiguro Megumi/Original Female Character(s), Fushiguro Toji/Reader, Fushiguro Toji & Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Curses (Jujutsu Kaisen), Pre-Shibuya Incident Arc (Jujutsu Kaisen), Post-Shibuya Incident Arc (Jujutsu Kaisen), Alternate Universe via https://ift.tt/GevXaA3
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Your Fellow Passengers
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Bumping up his age)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Scott Lang
Bruce Banner
Dr. Strange
Helmut Zemo
My Hero Academia
U.A. Highschool.
Tenya Ida
Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari
Eijiri Kirishima
Mezo Shoji
Hanta Sero
Fumikage Tokoyami
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Hitoshi Shinso
Pro Heros
All Might (Toshinori Yagi)
Endeavor (Enji Todoroki)
Hawks (Keigo Takami)
Eraser Head (Shota Aizawa)
Sir Nighteye (Mirai Sasaki)
Vlad King (Sekijiro Kan
Fat Gum (Taishiro Toyomitsu)
Dabi (Toya Todoroki)
Tomura Shigaraki
All for One
Mr. Compress (Atsuhiro Sako)
Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)
Overhaul (Kai Chisaki)
Yo Shindo
Inasa Yoarashi
Seiji Shishikura
Male Celebrities
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr.
Shawn Mendes
Tom Holland
Jeremy Renner
Sebastian Stan
Henry Cavill
Zac Efron
Colby Brock
Brennen Taylor
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Anthony Mackey
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Misha Collins
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Matt Cohen
Bryan Dechart
Joe Manganiello
Pedro Pascal
Kim Nam-Joon/RM
Kim Seok-JIn
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-Kook.
Ryan Reynolds
Robert Pattinson
Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp
Scott Eastwood
Ben Affleck
Ewan McGregor
Channing Tatum
Luke Evans
Tom Hiddleston
Ben Barnes
Tom Hardy
Mark (Markiplier)
Liam Hemsworth
Oscar Isaac
Jake Andrich
Andrew Garfield
Harry Styles
John Cena
Dylan O'Brien
Charlie Cox
John Krasinski
Andrew Lincoln
Norman Reedus
Jon Berthndal
Noah Beck
Josh Richards
Richard Madden
Dwayne Johnson
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Jack Kline
Young John (Michael)
Dean (Michael)
Adam (Micheal)
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Kevin Keller
Hiram Lodge
F. P. Jones
Fangs Fogarty
Attack on Titan
Eren Jaeger
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Kenny Ackerman
Bertolt Hoover
Moblit Berner
Zeke Jaeger
Kenny Ackerman
Mike Zacharias
Marco Bott
Porco Galliard
Connie Springer
Eren Kruger (?)
Floch Forster
Clark Kent/Superman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Arthur Curry/Aquaman
Billy Batson/Shazam (Bumping up his age)
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Damian Wayne
Tim Drake
Barry Allen/The Flash
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Captain Cold
Captain Atom
Chris Redfield
Leon S. Kennedy
Albert Wesker
Carlos Oliveira
Ethan Winters
Karl Heisenberg
Piers Nivans
Mr. X
Lord Dimitrescu (Genderbend of Lady Dimistrescu)
Cassander (Genderbend of Cassandra)
Daniel (Genderbend of Danielia)
Benjamin (Genderbend of Bela)
Vampire Diaries/The Originals.
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Tobio Kageyama
Kei Tuskishima
Toru Oikawa
Tetsuro Kuroo
Asahi Azumane
Daichi Sawamura
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Hajime Iwaizumi
Kotaro Bokuto
Atsumu Miya
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
Toji Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Brahms Heelshire
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Stu Matcher
Billy Loomis
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Norman Bates
Pyramid head
Sweeney Todd.
Bobby Drake
Scott Summers
Logan Howlett
Erik Lehnsherr
Young Professor X
Male Pornstars
Alexander Mecum
Topher Dimaggio
Paddy O'Brian
Hoss Kado
Michael Delray
Colton Grey
William Seed
Luke Wilder
Tell me if I missed any characters or should I add anymore!
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