#jugglin new
🎵 Martinaise, Terminal B
3. "I'm not opening this door for myself. I'm opening it for all working men."
+1 Communism
CALL ME MAÑANA- "I knew this man was a commie." He smiles, tilting his head. "And it's a good thing you're doing too. Thanks."
"What you're looking for is a basement door behind the greenhouse -- that's behind the Whirling-in-Rags -- that's all I know. Our organisation is what you call *compartmentalized*. Means we keep out of each other's business."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay, but where did you get the key from?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "The janitor gave it to me. Nice fella. We talked about life and things that really, *truly* matter." His gaze wanders off into the distance.
"None of this mess we're in. This jivin' and jugglin'... What's it for?" He doesn't wait for your answer. "To feed our children I guess."
"*Anything* else I should know about this task? This weasel person? When he'll be home?"
"Got it."
CALL ME MAÑANA- He shakes his head. "I'm more of a philosophical dockworker. I like to talk about the big picture stuff. Who I am. Who you are. What we are fighting for..." The man takes a big sip from his flask.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Who *he* is and what they're fighting for? This is interesting.
"Why are you striking?"
"Any idea who killed the hanged man?"
"Good talking to you. Gotta run." [Leave.]
CALL ME MAÑANA- "We're negotiating our share."
"Your... share?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "Aye." He seems pleased with himself.
"Wait, so not wages or pensions or..."
"How large a share would you like?"
"Oh, okay. Economy stuff. I get it. I want to talk about something else."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "This stuff -- they already covered."
"Shouldn't you be grateful then? It's a lot more than most people have."
"At least you got the benefits, that's something."
"However much you feed the wolf..."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "... the wolf always wants more. I like wolves."
"How large a *share* would you like?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "All of it. However, right now we want all the harbour workers to be on the company's board, so they could take part in *the decision-making process*."
"Are you a... communist?"
"The bossman, Evrart, what can you tell me about him?"
"Got the picture. Let me ask you something else."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "No," he pauses to think for a moment. "I don't think I'm a communist. Seeing something of value and saying *I want it all to myself* is a much older and simpler notion. No science to it at all..."
Even a weak child can think it. The only things holding someone back are *I can't* and *I shouldn't*."
"But the stuff you do aligns admirably well with the World Republic, why not call yourself a communist?"
"Right on, brother."
"You shouldn't take what's not yours."
"Cool. I don't have anything to add to that."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "I have nothing against communists, they are honourable boiadeiros." He takes a swig from his flask. "And they have good analysis."
"But my own code serves me well. If my code starts failing -- a code can fail a man as well as a man can fail a code -- then I will have to submit to a new one. Which may well be communism."
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - He knows who he is. Firmly grounded -- has no need to reinforce or elaborate his political identity to himself or others.
"I guess I understand..."
"I'm not sure I understand."
"It sounds like you're a communist who thinks he isn't doing well enough to call himself one."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "See, I am primarily a lazy person." He looks very amused, as if thinking about some private joke or mystery.
2. "The bossman, Evrart, what can you tell me about him?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "I think it's best you make up your own mind, now that you've met him." He shrugs. "In my eyes, he is a capable organizer and a decent businessman."
"What does bossing the Union entail anyway?"
"I guess you're right, I should." (Conclude.)
CALL ME MAÑANA- "I guess you kinda get to be the village chief. He oversees the harbour, makes deals with the owners or other relevant parties. Watches out for his own."
KIM KITSURAGI - "By that you mean corruption?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "By Heavens, why would he not be corrupt? We live in a harsh and disordered world, see. And in this world..."
"… the old man is corrupt for our *benefit* and we know it. Appreciate it, even. He is, personally, not too lavish."
"That desk seemed lavish to me."
"You're right. He's very ascetic."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "He is *reasonably* lavish, sure. That's his prerogative. It's not like you want a saintly demeanour on a corrupt motherfucker. That would be a manipulative illusion."
"Besides, there are no non-corrupt systems in the world anyway. And *moralism* is the most corrupt of them all."
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - Not you, you would like to say... But then there's that weasel door.
3. "You seem to have spent a lot of time thinking about the political situation."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "Sure, I've had the necessary free time." He spreads his arms wide, using the reach to show how much time he has. "Fortunately, there's always time."
COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] - The look in his brown eyes conjures up an understanding: for him, having command of his time is the most important thing.
CALL ME MAÑANA- The man sits on the railing, his hands reaching far and wide, yet it feels as if he could effortlessly go even wider, if need be. An endless torrent of time.
2. "Any idea who killed the hanged man?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "The mercenary, aye?" He shrugs. "Who could have killed him, that's indeed the question. Why even do such a thing?" He shakes his head solemnly.
"The harbour is a prime area of suspicion. In your opinion -- are the dockworkers involved in the killing?"
"Let's change the topic."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "What a thought!" He scoffs, looking shocked. "Why would noble workers resort to such a thing. Unless they were *pushed*, of course."
"Pushed how?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "Your dead guy -- was an enemy combatant."
"Hold up, what does that mean?"
"Did you kill him?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "He was an agent of the opposition, attempting to undermine our honourable efforts."
"Did you kill him?"
CALL ME MAÑANA- "I ain't the murderin' type. But that's just me. Large organizations like our Union have all sorts of men -- with all sorts of skills."
+5 XP
KIM KITSURAGI - "Understood." The lieutenant takes a note. "This has been of limited use -- still, thank you."
CALL ME MAÑANA- "No problem. I wish the best to you in your search. Sure am glad it's not *my* search..." He takes a sip from his flask.
3. "Good talking to you. Gotta run." [Leave.]
Now we're going to keep heading towards the crime scene - but as we do, we're going to make sure to look at everything with our newly Medium level Perception and Visual Calculus.
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GRAAD FACTORY OF MAGNETS AND MIRACLES U49 - A lorry stuck in the traffic jam. This big, heavy Graad-made machine is well kept for such an old machine.
Look in the window.
GRAAD FACTORY OF MAGNETS AND MIRACLES U49 - The windows are clear, they've been recently washed. You can see a lorryman's cabin with personal belongings, stickers, insignia...
PERCEPTION (SMELL) [Medium: Success] - Fumes of heavy fuel oil waft over you, making your eyes sting. The odour mixes with cigarette residue.
What kind of stickers and insignia?
GRAAD FACTORY OF MAGNETS AND MIRACLES U49 - The driver has adorned his space with a substantial collection of peculiar paraphernalia. Proclamations about *honour*, *strength*, and *purity* are glued to various panels.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - A large metal pendant hangs from the rear view mirror. The pendant features a sun crowned with wavy rays.
Nothing else new here.
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ABANDONED LORRY - A lorry, abandoned by its owner, stuck in the interminable traffic jam.
Open the door.
ABANDONED LORRY - The smell of cigarettes and perfume welcomes you. The cabin inside is plastered with old movie posters, actresses smile from the walls. There's a radio transmitter in the front and a toolbox tucked under the driver's seat. Some tools lie scattered near the pedals.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - There's something odd about the passenger seat... The seating fabric has been pulled tight over the lower side of the seat where the toolbox should be.
4. Peel off the cover on the passenger seat.
ABANDONED LORRY - Voila! A stack of neatly folded papers has been stashed behind the seating fabric. You see three maps depicting a large metropolitan area. It's Revachol, some of its routes and highways have been outlined with a pen.
KIM KITSURAGI - "*Bonne prise*," the lieutenant commends you as you shift through the treasure -- well worn and folded into neat squares.
Fold open the topmost map.
Return the papers under the seat.
ABANDONED LORRY - This large map displays the elevated motorway called 8/81. The intake leading to Martinaise is marked with a blue X. There's another X on the off-ramp at a place called the Old South.
Tollbooths at the intakes are marked with a circle. It looks like there are scant few ways of getting onto the elevated motorway that runs over Jamrock -- and this person knows them all.
SHIVERS [Easy: Success] - There, hundreds of thousands of motor carriages roar on the 8/81, high above the mass of brown and red roofs that is Jamrock. The commuters don't even look down; the world ceases to exist outside the windshield.
Where does the road lead...
Fold open the second map.
Return the papers under the seat.
SHIVERS - To Couron, through the middle income neighbourhoods there -- by the river -- and then to Stella Maris and La Delta, for work. While the men and women of Jamrock scuttle to their fates below the road.
Fold open the second map.
ABANDONED LORRY - This municipal map from the Thirties displays a complex system of storm sewers underneath a sub-district called The Pox (Old Military Hospital), right adjacent to the 41st Precinct.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - No storm will ever drown Revachol, the great solution to the riddle of history.
Look at the third map.
Return the papers under the seat.
ABANDONED LORRY - The final map displays a labyrinth of service tunnels left over from the construction of Motorway 8/81. A few routes have been marked with a pen -- where the tunnels and sewers surface near the Eminent Domain and a traffic island in Central Jamrock, by the lake.
"What does this all mean?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "It means that the smugglers are secretly using the motorway to transport their goods and materials. They've infiltrated East Motor Tract, most likely..."
"The RCM patrols most of these auxiliary roads, though apparently not all of them."
"Where does the contraband end up?"
"Who do you think is behind this?"
Return the stack of papers under the seat. (Conclude.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Hard to say. This distribution network looks certainly large, yet still vague enough... It doesn't reveal much about the *besmertie* behind it."
2. "*Besmertie*? That sounds vaguely familiar."
KIM KITSURAGI - "A besmertie is a Revacholian crime syndicate. They see themselves as the inheritors of the 14 Revacholian indotribes, but really they're just violent gangs vying for control on the West side of Revachol..."
"...with *cool* names," he adds with contempt. "Like *La Puta Madre* and *Ahura Mazda*. It's a dark parody."
3. "Who do you think is behind this?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's definitely not the Union. They just do *some* logistics. This operation has spread everywhere in Jamrock. If it's that widespread, then Madre remains the most likely suspect."
"He's *bad news*." The lieutenant removes his glasses and polishes them with a handkerchief. "There have been attempts at a serious investigation before, but they… haven't ended well for those involved."
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - Lieutenant Kitsuragi is a brave man for saying Madre's name without the winces and whispers that usually accompany it.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Challenging: Success] - Somewhere on a hidden field, a flash of light, a whirring sound. Camera lenses focus on a man in a ragged police uniform standing in a field of blood-red poppies. A blurry figure dressed in white stands right by the camera...
The bedraggled cop is holding a manure fork. "Don't hurt me," he whimpers.
"But why... why would I hurt my own *peone*?" asks the man in white. "What kind of an *animal* would do such thing?"
4. Return the stack of papers under the seat. (Conclude.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Best not to disturb the scene." The lieutenant nods. "I'll have Forensics go over the lorry and pick these up later."
The stack of maps looks just like before -- barely noticeable. The movie stars look silently by and the pull-out toolbox has a rubber handle, worn from years of use.
6. [Close the door.]
ABANDONED LORRY - You close the rusty old lorry door.
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HORSEBACK MONUMENT - An old monument stands in the middle of the traffic island, pointing toward the sea. It looks as if it's been reassembled piece-by-piece, secured and mounted in the air with the aid of numerous ropes and rods.
Who is this?
HORSEBACK MONUMENT - A silver plaque on the statue's pedestal reads: 'I am Filippe III, the Squanderer, the Greatest of the Filippian Kings of Revachol; Son of Filippe II, the Opulent; Father of Filippe IV, the Insane.'
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - Not a good track record of mental health in that family.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] - As you look up, you notice something about the statue. There are some odd indentations on the king's chest piece...
2. What indentations? What do I see?
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) - Something with great kinetic energy seems to have impacted the cuirass... around where the 'heart' is. A bullet?
VISUAL CALCULUS [Easy: Success] - Someone's shot him in the heart. Interesting.
"Lieutenant -- has someone *shot* the king?" (Point to the indentation.)
Don't mention it.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay..." He cleans his glasses before looking up. "I can't see it. But I'll take your word for it."
"What do you think?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Well... Martinaise is riddled with bullet holes. This place saw a lot of action during the Revolution. But the statue *is* recently renovated -- so maybe a joke? Target practice? Or a political statement?"
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fil2 · 1 year
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this drawing isnt any new but i still want to show it because I am really proud of it, this is for my custom tower for pizza tower called "Jumpman's Tower". Woah, I said tower three times, now four. Anyway, this will consist of 6 levels, featuring:
Retro Avenue
8-Bit Boneyard
Acoustic Approach
Jugglin' Jungle
Expiration Date
wrath/Final Hour
heres the download link if you want to play it: https://gamebanana.com/mods/447800
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drogba-prospect · 7 months
Sean Paul - We Be Burnin' (Recognize It) [Official Video]
Just gimme di trees and mek we smoke it yo
(Smoke it yo)
It don't mek we please so don't provoke it yo
(Voke it yo)
We nuh need nuh speed so we nuh gon coke it yo
(Coke it yo)
Set we mind at ease we gotta take it slow
So when yuh see di S.P. floatin', don't provoke him
Cau di weed weh we smokin' need fi soakin'
Best ting fi di meditation
And di best hygrade a Jamaican
When we a bun a weed we supportin' and promotin'
Lau di crack and di coke ting yeah we soakin'
Herb a di healin' of di nation
Legalize it right now we wanna blaze one
Everyday, we be burnin' not concernin' what nobody wanna say
We be earnin' dollars turnin'g cau we mind deh pon we pay
Some got gold and oil and diamonds all we got is Mary J
Legalize it, time you recognize it
This purple haze it mek mi crazy
Mek mi write new tune yeah dat's what pays me
But I'm not di only occupation
Goin' to get some I give yuh education
When a farmer grows it he knows to close it
Economical benefit help fi those who a fi
Deh yah pon di hard jugglin'
Cau di system only keep man strugglin'
Studyin' people a use it don't abuse it
Cau di concentration well reputed
Dat's why herb man dem a di wise one
And it found on di grave of King Solomon
And it good fi di eye sight and di chest sight
And it give yuh nuff insight just gimme di light
And, mek we blaze it we should a neva waste it
Again, we be burnin' not concernin' what nobody wanna say
We be earnin' dollars turnin' cau we mind deh pon we pay
Some got gold and oil and diamonds all we got is Mary J
Legalize it, time you recognize it
Just gimme di trees and mek we smoke it yo
(Smoke it yo)
It don't mek we please so don't provoke it yo
(Voke it yo)
We nuh need nuh speed so we nuh gon coke it yo
(Coke it yo)
Set we mind at ease we gotta take it slow
So when yuh see di S.P. floatin' don't provoke him
Cau di weed weh we smokin' need fi soakin'
Best ting fi di meditation
And di best hygrade a Jamaican
Cau we know it as a great ting no debatin
While incarceratin true dem hatin
Cau dem don't wanna see we a remain calm
Even though dem got dem sirin on
Everyday, we be burnin' not concernin' what nobody wanna say
We be earnin' dollars turnin' cau we mind deh pon we pay
Some got gold and oil and diamonds all we got is Mary J
Legalize it, time you recognize it
Again, we be burnin' not concernin' what nobody wanna say
We be earnin' dollars turnin' cau we mind deh pon we pay
Some got gold and oil and diamonds all we got is Mary J
Legalize it, time you recognize it
Again, we be burnin' not concernin' what nobody wanna say
We be earnin' dollars turnin' cau we mind deh pon we pay
Some got gold and oil and diamonds all we got is Mary J
Legalize it, time you recognize it
Just gimme di trees and mek we smoke it yo
(Smoke it yo)
It don't mek we please so don't provoke it yo
(Voke it yo)
We nuh need nuh speed so we nuh gon coke it yo
(Coke it yo)
Set we mind at ease we gotta take it slow
0 notes
reggae-vibes-com · 9 months
Various - Reggae Jugglin
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Reggae Jugglin. New EP out on Massive B, with cuts from artists like Cocoa Tea, Anthony B, Chezidek, King Kong, and Richie Spice. #ReggaeJugglin #EP #MassiveB #CocoaTea #Chezidek #AnthonyB #KingKong #RichieSpice #Review Read the full article
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news-fyi · 5 years
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Decisions, Decisions: A Look At The Banging Baby Mommas And Models Pee Thomas Has Been Juggling http://bit.ly/2Nmzh1F
0 notes
twary · 3 years
Hello? So, I'm re-watching Deadpool now, and thinkin' about a new team member for Bucci Gang! With a stand ability, that is very close to that character. Like, they can heal any wound in less than a minute, somebody even calls'em immortal. And... Well, that ability made them really fearless and even a bit crazy. Oh, poor guys would get the worst headache in their lives. Like, dangerous mission, if you're not careful, they'll rip you to shreds? COUNT ME IN! - a newbie sayin, while jugglin' with some sharp knives. Or even grenades. And it's always like this: meet the most chaotic person ever, with the worst jokes and insane tricks.. If you don't know about their stand, you may think that they're tryin' to kill themselves in the most creative way possible. Like in one song... "Teenagers scare the living shit outta me"
I JUST LOVE IT?!?!?!!?
This character and the gang dinamic would be so freaking good!
Bucciarati would be mad 24/7, poor momma...
Narancia and Mista would be soooooo into that crazy shit, like "aW YEA, LESGOOOOOO-" Then fugo hit the two of them before they both die in a dumb way.
Fugo thinks-
No...Fugo is SURE that it WILL go wrong in some point.
Giorno is actually impressed by this regenerate power, it's so powerful...But "Please, stay away from me while doing ya crazy stuffs, momma don't want me to get hurt" energy.
I feel like Abbacchio would be like "bruh" ya know? The song really represents him right now.
Trish is actually scared? Like, "dude, wtf? get this chainsaw down, you will lose your arm or make ME LOSE MINE"
Like, this character would be really useful, but, omfg, the gang will go crazy in one week.
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charlesjosephwrites · 4 years
Another Character from my WIP The Magician
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As the son of the ringleader of the world-renown “Ramone Family Circus,” Edgar spent much of his childhood hanging around grizzled old carnies who thought that nothing was more hilarious than teaching a little boy how to lie, steal, and cheat money out of unsuspecting circus guests. By the time he was just eight years old, Edgar had become quite the expert pickpocket, and he could often be found hiding out behind a big top tent after a show with a pile of wallets he’d taken from unsuspecting patrons, counting up all of his earnings.
When Edgar was twelve years old, he discovered an uncanny ability to throw any object and have it come flying right back into his outstretched palm. At first, he used this ability to help him out with a couple simple juggling tricks that some of the circus clowns taught him, but soon enough, he was using his powers to pull off insane juggling tricks that would otherwise take years to master. His father was immensely impressed with his newfound juggling prowess, and he set him up with his own act in the show under the name “Jugglin’ Ed.” At first this started out as a relatively minor part of the main show, but as more and more people became enamored with his juggling skills, he quickly morphed into the main attraction.
When Edgar was sixteen, his father was arrested for trying to murder the owner of a rival circus, and the “Ramone Family Circus” was quickly disbanded. Edgar was placed into a foster home, but after growing up on the road, he found the mundane, static life he had been thrust into practically unbearable. He was only with his new family for about two months before he ran away. He adapted to life on the street rather quickly, using a combination of his juggling skills to make money as a street performer and his pickpocketing talents whenever he needed money just a bit faster than people were willing to dole it out to him.
He eventually met April, a young street magician whom he immediately took a liking to. He taught her everything he knew about stealing and pickpocketing to rope her into his little operation, but soon they were planning out bigger and grander schemes. They carefully put together new identities for each other (him as “the Juggler” and her as “the Magician”), but they never actually got their plans off the ground before their whole relationship crashed and burned.
Now that the Magician has started popping up around the city, Edgar has decided that it’s time to jump into the game himself. While he doesn’t care quite so much about taking over the city the way April does, Edgar relishes the way his antics keep landing him on the news, and so he keeps pulling bigger and bigger schemes with no real goal other than garnering even more media attention.
TAGLIST (lemme know if you want to be added or removed!): @adaparkwrites​, @andiwriteunderthemoon
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meldaciomartyr · 4 years
“I was just trying to prevent an argument”
Star Trek original series:
Get back to HQ and make sure the boy was still in custody where he’d left him before goin’ to Formouth, and almost getting killed by Reno. But Dave could hardly believe his eyes when he found the small buildin’ unguarded an’ Selena inside starin’ at Micah in his dark shackled corner.
“What in hells’ bells are ya doin’?” Reaching out to grab her arm, the head hunter pulled Kaleb an’ Sarah’s daughter out an’ away from Micah. He was gonna find the hunters he’d left to guard the hut an’ tear them them a new one, but right now his priority was Selena.
Lookin’ her up and down, Dave saw no injuries on her and let out a breath he’d been holdin’. He really didn’t know whether he was relieved or jus’ plain astounded she’d gone into the hut. Micah was one of the most dangerous folks he’d ever come across an’ Selena was no stranger to that; he’d damaged people closest to her. Her little girl, her mother an’ Selena herself.
Wasn’t all that long ago Fortis had had to yank her back from the gates.
‘I was just trying to prevent an argument.’ The words were quiet and almost a whisper; a poor excuse. Lookin’ down into her dark eyes, Dave didn’t even know where to start with this; she knew better. She should’a known better. He didn’t often get angry, but he felt like there were too many balls in the air an’ he couldn’t keep jugglin’ them all. One was bound to fall; somethin’ was bound to get loose from his grasp and he just couldn’t afford for that thing to be Micah.
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“Selena, jus’ go home. I don’t want ya anywhere near this hut again an’ that’s an order.” Glarin’ at her, he had to wonder if Micah would see her similarity to Sarah an’ exploit that. And it was something he couldn’t let happen on his watch; she’d already been too close to breakin’ when Julia and Sarah had been gone. Micah would find that crack and infect it.
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judememories · 5 years
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lady gaga voice slowly fadin in: oOoohohOhoh im in love w judas.... ju-Das juda-ah-ah... i rly missed jude tbh so i decided to bring him in as a second. i hv faith i cn manage jugglin i... ...... .. . have faith. in case u dnt kno it is me (nai) n this is like. the one (1) male chara iv ever managed to play longer than jst a few weeks. truly jst Zee Fruit Of My Womb! bt anyway. jst gna leap right in to the intro. we die like men
he pinterest: 
me in the voice of a card magician performing on the street: round up round up pick a pinterest any pinterest!
ta-da it’s aesthetics:
lead marbles instead of eyes, a stolen hearse careening down the wrong lane, wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, bags under the eyes that are so big they could pack enough clothes for a three week vacation, a cigarette wobbling from your bottom lip as you squint against the sunlight, passing out on a stranger's rooftop, placing sunglasses over the eyes of a biology lab skeleton, gangling around the place like shaggy minus his scooby snacks, saying "fuck off" to inanimate objects
about tha Bitch:
he hd to do community service bc he kind of... hd a bit of a breakdown before the funeral of his elderly neighbour who bsically raised him bc her kids rly didnt care abt her they jst wanted her inheritance?? so he... stole the hearse w her casket still in it n ws jst like... drivin around the place sort of... tryin nt to cry.....KJJFHSFKJGHKFG i mean. it isnt funny its actually sad bt :/ in a very bizarre n jude way. he gt caught n taken in fr questioning bt her son kind of realised hw... broken up abt her death jude ws n had a heart n didnt press charges. regardless he stil hd to do community service bc it ws like taken seriously even tho it ws his first proper offence. doin it rly exhausted n depressed him so when he wsnt doin tht he ws just hibernatin in his room....... n thts where hes been 2 explain his absence to any of u whose charas had... connections w him Way Back When
in a new development in terms of sexuality i jst am nt quite sure....... hes always thot he ws straight... fooled around w a 90s hugh grant lookalike once n ws jst a bit like :/ my rocks rnt blasted off? bt who knows wht the future holds... who KNOWS wht the future holds ladies n gentlemen
frm this point on i wnt lie iv pasted in his old intro bc. a bich is lazy! a bich is predictable! and a bich! is! unapologetic!
born in sheffield in england, bt they went back and forth between there n san fran a lot jude was an unhappy accident. his parents never rly used protection bc they were super Liberal n Au Naturel n believed in the pull out method bc… they were maniacs. bt then the ONE time they used a condom in an effort to b safety conscious it broke n hence…. jude was bornthey just kind of ran w it bc they had such a passionate relationship tht they were like What The Hell…. may as well! itll be fine we’ll learn to be good parents n love him like normal ppl do
spoiler alert: tht didn’t work outthey were ok to him like they weren’t abusive or anything like that bt they just found him to be a massive burden n hindrance to their plansthey literally….. had sex all day every day n acted like a pair of teenagers. it ws a super weird environment for a kid to grow up in bc he literally had no role models or… guidance or…. anything rly. occasionally they’d joke around w him or pretend they even knew what grade he was going into but for the most part they just Didn’t Care one bit
they were both suuuuper into the arts. they’re both rly good sculptors bt they paint too n they actually own a rly successful gallery in san fran
as a result he grew up around a lot of creative n sometimes pretentious ppl. the friends of his parents were more present in his life than his ACTUAL parents bc they were always jetting off to diff countries to scout out new pieces fr their galleries n just have a gd time in beautiful places without…. the annoyance tht ws their son forcing them to b responsible n look after someone else. tbh some of his parents friends were rly damaging too bt….i won’t go into that just yet. it doesn’t rly…need properly explaining bc jude never talks abt it anyway n it….is rather triggering so i’ll jst….leav it for now tbh fgkhdfgh. basically they just were Not Nice n jude had a lot of bad memories he keeps repressed
bc of how he ws raised he has a p cultured taste. he luvs classic lit, especially kerouac, n p much anything artsy. he can play piano 2 n sometimes gets rly high n thinks he’s mozart level gd at composing. i mean he’s gd bt… Calm Down Judepersonality wise he acts out sometimes bc he’s so frustrated. he tried rly hard to be someone his parents wld care abt by doing wild or stupid things so he’d hav funny stories to tell them n tbh sometimes it works n he gets them to laugh w him but it isn’t a parent/son bond n it never rly wil b. 
he’s rly sarcastic, sleeps around a lot, has an overflowing secret sketchbook n if he cares abt someone he’ll probably draw them n get rly defensive if they find out abt it fkjgdhfkj bcos he’s an Independent Boy without a sentimental bone in his body. or so he says. at heart he is jst a very Sad Boy w lots of repressed issues like depression genuinely just does NAT giv him a single break bt he plasters over this w wise cracks n never discusses his emotions ever. he’s actually p decent or at least tries to b. he’s kind of like tht bit in superbad where michael cera gets rly drunk n makes a toast to women. tries to b? a feminist bt sometimes fucks up n offends ppl n is like dam..... my bad fr :/
he has p bad insomnia so he like never sleeps fgjkhfgjkf he always has rly sleepy eyes n rubs them tiredly mid conversation. he smokes a lot of weed to try n compensate fr this n make him tired bt he still struggles a lot
ANYWAY that aside he’s at lockwood doing fine arts. he luvs painting n photography n philosophy n all tht. a pretentious fiend sometimes? maybe_so.gif
ummMMMMmm honestly idk i’m blankin on what else to say. ull find him smoking weed reading an american classic or gnawing at his thumbnail n getting charcoal smudges along that Dramatic model jawline. he’s p broody n scruffy n he’s mostly here fr a good time. o and he’s That Guy that would die fr morrissey (his vibe not personality bc i hc jude was depressed n shut himself inside all day when he actually found out what a dick he is dfjkfhg) and all that stone roses the smiths etc stuff music wise. HMU FR PLOTS!!!!!! i’m down fr anything
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bigbooda · 8 years
Willy Chin - Jugglin' V.1 by willychinremix
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Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Tagged by the wonderful @write-like-an-american
The rules are as follows. Got to page 7 of your WIP, then go to the 7th line, share 7 lines and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
I usually write dialogue first, so this will likely be interspersed with some bumps in the final edit. From an upcoming fic tentatively entitled “No Regerts.” In this scene, Kraglin gives Peter some pointers on how to craft a convincing cover story. Lie, Petey; lie like the wind.
“If Yondu asks ‘bout it, keep it simple. Bar fight. Tripped an’ fell on a sharp edge o’ the nav console. Dropped a knife on yer chest when you were practicin’ jugglin’ ‘em like an idjit. That sort’a thing.”
“Why am I such a klutz in all your scenarios? Why couldn’t I have gotten hurt doing something cool, like James Bond.”
James who?
“Trust me on this, Pete. The less detail given, the less potential witnesses, then the less complicated the lie, an’ the easier it is to keep straight. Plus, ya want it to be believable, right? Ya got’a work with what ya got. Yer a reckless kid who’s always doin’ stupid shit. That’s who ya are. Use it to yer advantage. Embrace yer many, glaringly-obvious shortcomings.”
I’m tagging @havi-cat, @shurisgroot, @ladypolaris, @peregrineroad, @theinfernalwhistler, @grison-in-space, and I think everyone else I know of has probably been tagged already. (I’m new, I don’t know a lot of people on Tumblr.)
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sovinly · 7 years
Okay okay i have one: Taakitz, Fake Relationship? Like to make a relative happy or to piss odd a crotchety homophobe. Ofc they had Feelings the whole time
Oh man, okay! Thank you for the excellent choice of prompt! I am not entirely sure on the mechanics of this AU - is it an always!Faerun au? A two-suns planet non-Hunger au? WHO KNOWS, but we’re rolling with it! Oh my god this got long.
“You can’t borrow Barry, I’m using him,” Lup tells Taako mercilessly. “Barry is a babe who doesn’t mind looking pretty while I do the heavy lifting. Drag along one of the others.”
Taako scoffs. “Please. Half of them are chucklefucks who’d throw off my game and the other half would drink the cooking wine and bitch about its vintage. Who the fuck decided this class had to be a couple’s only gig? That’s fuckin’ bullshit, my dude.”
Lup shrugs, tosses a grape in her mouth. “You open a cooking school, you can prohibit couple’s classes. Y’wanna borrow Kravitz? Bet we could bill it as workplace bonding time.”
Despite himself, Taako considers it.
“Oh!” Kravitz says, flustered and faintly red. “Uh, I’m no good in the kitchen, but uh, sure, if it would help. I’ll go.”
“Rad,” Taako replies and throws in a wink for good measure, and ignores the faint flutter in his chest.
Cooking isn’t fucking romantic. It can be, Taako is no stranger to wooing people with food, but it’s a goddamn crime to act like that’s a good way to learn it.
Take Lup and Barry, the next bench over, where Barry stands with perpetual hearts in his eyes while Lup tosses through the drawer with an expert eye. They’ve got their vibe figured out, but it’d be a disaster if they were actually here to get Barry some mad cooking skills.
So yeah, Taako’d rather be doing this alone. Or hell, even with Lup, because they still work in perfect, unconscious synchronicity.
Instead, he’s working with Kravitz, who admittedly seems pretty chill and pretty fuckin’ handsome, all dark dreadlocks and crisp shirtsleeves. Awkward and anxious, too, cutting Taako occasional glances like he’s worried he’ll upset their cooking station if he leans on it.
Not that he’d mind, really, going on a date with Kravitz, checking out the maybe-vibe Taako thinks he’s picking up, but he’s thinking that’s more of a wine-and-pottery dealio, not a fucking cooking workshop. But Taako wants those good good Halfling pastry secrets, so they’re doing this.
“You ready, my fellow?” Taako asks him, glancing up from testing the edges of the knives.
“Bit late if I’m not, isn’t it?” Kravitz replies with a crooked, charming smile - it could be the edge of flirtatious, but Taako doesn’t want to read too much into it, not yet.
“Would you like me to chop the coriander for you?” Kravitz offers, two nights in.
“Hell yeah,” Taako agrees, flashing a brief, sparkling smile, and then, because the instructor is glancing at them, tacks on, “babe.”
It’s always been Lup’s endearment more than his, and it feels awkward on Taako’s tongue, strange to apply to this co-worker of hers that Taako finds devastatingly attractive.
Kravitz just smiles back, red and a little bashful, and holds his hand out so Taako can hand him the right knife.
Barry and Lup have gone rogue and are no longer even pretending they’re equally invested in the class. Barry sits perched on a stool, elbows on the bench, and chatters about optimal angles in necromantic magic arrays while Lup hums sounds of interest and applies her wicked knife skills to a fatty cut of chicken.
It’s fuckin’ adorable is what it is.
Taako thinks about asking Kravitz if he’s elbowing in on some romantic opportunities, asking this favor, but Kravitz doesn’t seem wistful when he glances over, just amused.
“If cooking’s not your jam, what is?” Taako asks instead, a normal get-to-know you question. A normal new-relationship question.
“Jamming,” Kravitz says, a little dryly and a little too self-amused. He’s trying to slice nuts like a tomato, but he’s trying to be helpful, and Taako is more amused than disdainful. “I, uh, I play a couple instruments. Also card games.”
“Cool, cool.” Taako nods, wondering how long it’ll take Lup to find that out and rope Kravitz into Music Time. He shifts absently into Kravitz’s space and sets his hand on top of Kravitz’s, tilting the angle of his knife. “Oh boy. Boy howdy, that’s a clammy one. Look, uh, here’s the thing, you just rock the knife like this, yeah, you’re gonna chop ‘em with like, half the effort.”
Lup and Barry’s situation is so weird, Taako forgets sometimes, what death means. What dead means. But Kravitz doesn’t pull away, and Taako leaves his hand there for a moment more.
“Thank you.” Kravitz looks over and his smile is so soft.
“You, uh, don’t have to answer, obviously,” Kravitz prefaces, giving Taako plenty of space, and deftly brushes pastry with egg wash. “Taako, why do you do all this, uh, freelancing? It seems like you could do something, I don’t know, safer? Steadier?”
Taako is a fuckin’ master of Transmutation, let slip to Kravitz that he’s top of his field, has enough cooking cred that he could open a culinary academy, has a fucking PhD in philosophy while he’s at it. Flip wizard, hella combat expert, pretty damn good alchemist for not even minoring in the subject. Taako loves the spotlight, and Taako is good out here.
“I’m worried I’m gonna fuck it all up,” Taako says, easy as breathing, and transmutes the cinnamon to nutmeg, tastes it to be safe. “Like, fuck, y’know?”
Kravitz, incredibly, nods. “I’m, well, that’s a lot of honesty. But, yeah, I, uh, I get that. I mean...”
“I getcha, my dude.” Taako does, though. Taako knows Lup and Barry and the whole Raven Queen deal. It’s not easy stuff. Lup and Taako are still always ready to go off the grid, and Barry doesn’t seem to think it’s weird - they’re fucked up people, Kravitz probably has some fucked up shit, too. “We’re just doin’ what we can to get by, like jugglin’ fuckin’ chainsaws or some shit. That’s a Taako original, don’t wear it out.”
“I won’t,” Kravitz replies, laughing.
“Don’t get so distracted you don’t get to finish your dish,” the instructor chirps from behind them, but she’s smiling and gives them a wink, like they’re a legit couple, and it’s only then that Taako realizes how close they’re standing.
“So, my guy,” Taako says, out in the cold behind the community center, last class over.
“Mmn, yes?” Kravitz, wrapped up in black wool, a faintly shiny purple handknit scarf peeking through the collar, hands shoved in his pockets even though he can’t really be cold.
Taako could just walk away with a thanks and head home with his Best People, squishing in on Barry’s other side and giving him and Lup shit about all their PDA. He could just see Kravitz next time he dropped by after work, or at some weird metaphysical reaper work party. Fuck that, though.
“Y’wanna hit up the Chug’n’Squeeze next weekend?” Taako asks, slouching further into his own coat, left open over about five layers of cardigans and scarves. With Kravitz, there’s no real temptation to tilt his ostentatious wizard’s hat to shade his face, which is weird, but cool. It’s good. “Just pleasure, this time.”
Kravitz lights up, a warm smile crossing his face, sincere and sweet. “I’d love that. I had, um, I had a lovely evening, you know. Even if it wasn’t, uh, strictly pleasure this time.”
“S’cool, ch’boy did too,” Taako says, and leans up to kiss Kravitz’s cheek. “Listen, it’s cold as fuck, so Taako is not good out here, for once, but, uh. Hey, I’ll catch you this weekend?”
“I’ll look forward to it,” Kravitz promises, and catches Taako’s hand, pressing a cool, soft kiss to his palm before turning to slash open an interdimensional portal.
Taako rocks back on his heels to watch him go, warm.
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huffmaster · 5 years
the beat
Runnin’ up the wall, goin’ through the floor, sittin’ on the ceilin’ 
Thinkin’ the sky’s about to fall, christmas lights still on
Yule tide log, fannin’ the fire of confusion for us all
Stay inside just call, pick up N just go, visit gramps through the glass
No hugs just shrugs, elbows touch instead of hands
Deadlocked on a plan, while the hands, on the clock spin
Round N round N round, makin’ Life decisions, do I shop or do I not
Do I go to work today, am I gonna get my rent paid
No easy way to say, I’m jugglin’ it all on my brain
Gettin’ close to insane, this don’t seem like no game
I’d play if I could, layin’ in my bed, unable to sleep
Just tryin’ to take a nap, can’t hardly eat, feets
Gettin’ cold not knowin’ what to do, talk to who I can
Let um know here I am, flickin’ paper footballs at the wall
Writin’ stupid songs, wantin’ to be nearer to ya’ll 
Sayin’ stupid things, lookin’ for the play, laughin’ all the way
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It’s touch and go, sanity a little hazy, blurry
Humor is like a merry goes, dreamin’ of livin’ life
Livin’ the make believe, shoutin’ “hello!” can you hear me
Doin’ the worm down the road, no one notices me
Is this Bizarro World, where up is down, social is
Anti, and I’m still pennnin’ to pad - man
Here I am leapin’ tall buildin’s, like I wear a suit
And a tie, but underneath is blue, draped in a cape
Feelin’ the great . - . ness, of speedin’ bullets unable
To catch my mind in Time, then I wake up again
Still playin’ checkers with myself, & guess what I’m winnin’
But you knew that, the streets emptyin’ with a quickness
We’re in a war, of the bore - dom, what the fuck we do now
Is this the end of Cable Guy, people startin’ readin’, paintin’ 
Learin’ cursive, I guess anything to keep the web, of anxiety
Away 6 feet may - be enough to stay, essential got a new
Meanin’, 600 dollars do too, like due to, in months time
You’ll be due 2, and a straight line is far off
Telescope says, eat more fortune cookies, stay out your head
Your Ramblin’ Rabbit, play go to bed, or words with friends
Better yet combine them, and just say we fucked the game up
What the hell was I doin’, oh yeah
King me
I win  
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All right hand wash break, put your masks down
I want you all to see the magic of a sanitize drop
Swish it round, warm your hands up, gouge that price up
Wal-mart, menards, Hero’s in our backyards, nurses, doctors
Grocery store workers, gas station clerks, etcetera stand up
While the rest file for, unemployment, what a terrible mess
What a terriblbe mess, what a terrible mess we’re in
Watchin’ the news has my mind racin’, facin’ the fight from afar
Wonderin’ when it’s gonna be outside my door, is my temperature 
Risin’, are my friends coughin’, how many are dyin’
In 24 hours cases are jumpin’, in my place bouncin’, dancin’
Learnin’ how to Dougie, flossin’ then the carlton, Soul Train
Linin’, lookin’ for the shinin’, foldin’ paper triangles to make
Balls aimin’ up the walls, goofin’ like a mememade man
Cloaked in a silk like clothe called happenstance, makin’ fish fried 
Shipments, glad I’m out of my apartment, smellin’ like coleslaw 
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botheyessareshut · 5 years
Jahzo releases new single 'Dutty Wine'
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The songwriter and producer of reggae and dancehall music known as Jahzo has released his latest official single, “Dutty Wine.” The single has been proudly published as an independent release without the involvement of the corporate music industry. In addition to the considerable talents of Jahzo, himself, “Dutty Wine” also features the talents of popular S. African artist Swazi K. Fun, danceable, and bringing that legitimate SA reggae sound, “Dutty Wine” showcases Jahzo as one of the most intriguing dancehall music artists of summer 2019 and promises he has plenty more where that came from. The single “Dutty Wine” has been presented by Rudebwoy Entertainment.
South Africa's Jahzo cites as main artistic influences Jamaican artists such as Mavado, Agent Sasco (AKA "Assassin"), Alkaline, Buju Banton, Bob Marley, Busy Signal and Popcaan. Jahzo's own sound takes elements from each of these and adds something fresh and unique for a result unlike anything today's reggae fans have heard before. With an emphasis on rhythm and a heavy dose of mellow good humor, “Dutty Wine” by Jahzo is sure to please every longtime listener of the style.
Asked to describe the overall meaning of “Dutty Wine,” Jahzo writes, “'Dutty Wine' shares a message of fun and happiness in the spirit of summer, making it a good jam for the season.”
Jahzo was born Khathutshelo Trevor Muambadzi in Venda, Limpopo, South Africa.
“I fell in love with dancehall music during my varsity years in Cape Town,” he writes. “It was not until 2008 that I had my first opportunity to record my first song at Rudebwoy Entertainment Studios, which I now co-own with my brother.”
From that beginning it was clear Jahzo would be a popular name in the scene. His first track featured Major and Selector Jugglin. He has said that that’s when he realized he could contribute towards the South African dancehall movement.
2011 saw the release of his popular “Dem ah Fraud” single, which received play on public radio such as Phalaphala FM and YFM. The track later got an official music video which surfaced in 2013. This was followed by “Step Weh from Bottom” and “Burn Dem,” produced by Flyweh records in Cape Town and released in 2015. 2016 found Jahzo dropping his “Where Mi Come From” single, which also aired on Phalaphala FM, YFM and Tshwane FM, and which also received an official music video in 2016. His “African Queen” 2017 single saw him paired with Ghanaian artist June Hype, with whom he shot another video, this time directed by the country's best director, Kofi Awuah, who would go on to present this current release of “Dutty Wine.” 2018: Jahzo drops “Kuff Dem” feat. Bun Pot and Muzzla Kartel. The song goes on high rotation on YFM and other stations. Again a music video, again it is well received and makes it to Reggaeville and Channel O, as did “African Queen.”
Jahzo's 17 track EP, “The Intro,” appeared as a free download in 2018, featuring artists like Bun Pot and Swazi K, the latter of whom is also featured on “Dutty Wine.”
“Dutty Wine” represents the first taste of Jahzo's official debut LP album of the same name, “Dutty Wine,” which commemorates his tenth year in music. The entire album has an expected drop date of December 2019.
“Dutty Wine” was produced, mixed and mastered by Paul Hauss in Germany. Hauss has worked with dancehall artists such as Busy Signal, I-Octane, Beenie Man, Bounty Killer and many more.
“Dutty Wine” by Jahzo is available from over 600 quality digital music stores online worldwide now. Get in early, reggae and dancehall music fans.
-S. McCauley
Lead Press Release Writer
“Dutty Wine” by Jahzo –
Jahzo Official Instagram –
Jahzo Official Website –
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Hey uh, this is pretty self absorbed, but I had to walk home in the rain. Can I get some comfort from the circus cast, and Sebastian?
Joker: Walkin’ home in the rain ain’t good. No, not good at all..come ‘ere, we’ll make sure yer back t’ smilin’ in no time!
Dagger: Oy Black, you come along too! Yer part of our troupe and you gotta help them feel better!
Sebastian: If I must. I shall try my best to put a smile on that face. Smiles are what the Noah’s Ark Circus revolves around, isn’t that right?
Joker: ‘Course! Circuses are fun places! Let’s get down t’ smilin’ business, hmm..what should we do t’ help ye?
Peter: Can’t think of anythin’? Heheh, here I thought you were the king of smiles! Give ‘em one of those special jugglin’ acts ya do, that’ll cheer them right up.
Joker: Jugglin’? Oh aye! That’ll do the trick, I’ll try me best at doin’ some classic circus magic too! That sound alright? *he pulls some juggling balls from his purple coat..they apparently just appeared out of nowhere..ok
he begins juggling with a smile, tossing the 3 balls up into the air with a big grin*
alright now, Peter..if ye could throw a few more up into the mix.
*he does so, Joker now juggles 5 balls at once, this man must be magic*
Sebastian: Impressive, very impressive. You don’t hold a candle to my ability however, I’ve been practising for quite some time. *begins to juggle 15 balls at once to the utter amazement of the troupe*
Dagger: What? H-how the hell is he doin’ that?! I’m seein’ things, surely!
Sebastian: There are no illusions, only skill is involved in my acts.
Joker: I knew ye were amazin’ but this is a new level..15 at once..my, my.
Peter: We’ve found y’ a real competitor, how’re y’ gonna top that?
Mun: I hope this little thing managed to cheer you up :D
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news-fyi · 5 years
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Decisions, Decisions: A Look At The Banging Baby Mommas And Models Pee Thomas Has Been Juggling http://bit.ly/2V3cPM1
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