#jugghead jones
anninhiliation · 6 years
Not Good Enough Part 1
A/N me again :) so yea I'm babysitting an elderly lady so why not put out imagines and smut of my men (Sweet Pea and Fangs) (Thirsty bitch for both) In addition, I own nothing except for my words. Gif belongs to the rightful owner.
Part 2
Y/N = Your Name
Warnings: cursing, sad precious baby Fangs, blood, mention of anxiety.
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"(Y/N), I am so fucked." Fangs dolefully said.
You and Fangs met because of the merger. Since there were so many new students, Riverdale Highschool literally copied your schedule to make his. Being in all the same classes had made you two to become friends. In fact, you had even developed feelings for him but never said anything because of how positive you were that he only saw you as a friend. Yet, in your defense, he never showed you any signs that he was interested in you.
"Fangs, you are not going down for the murder of Midge! There is no way I will let that happen." You cheerfully said hoping to lift his spirits.
His saddened, and scared expressions killed you inside.
"(Y/N) I don't expect you to understand cause of how privileged you are, but people like me always go down for shit we didn't do." Fangs replied coldly. “And people like you get to do whatever the fuck you want, and Daddy's always there to fix whatever fucked up shit you decided to do.”
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"Listen, Fogarty," you snap back hurt that he would ever snap at you. His usual friendly smiles and flirtatious comments had been destroyed lately due to all the stress. "My privileged ass will not allow you to go down for anything. I may not be a serpent, but I fucking know loyalty. I am loyal as hell to the people I care about."
You snapped back at him with full sass inches away from his face. If it weren't for the bars separating the two of you, Fangs might have kissed you from all the sexual tension that was building up. The sassy comeback made Fangs regret snapping at you. Softening his features he leaned against the bars, fingers curling around the bars and almost whispered,
"Sorry (Y/N). It's just stressful cause I got one of those free lawyers and he's shit. Doesn't care how long I rot in jail or why I am even here in the first place. And I can't afford a good lawyer, which leaves me with a moron."
Seeing Fangs regretting snapping at you, you softly smile and reply, "That's why I came to visit you during school! I hired McCoy to represent you! Shes really good and will have you out in no time!"
With that, you waved Fangs good-bye strutting away in your maroon mid-thigh skirt. Fangs was left shocked, as attorney McCoy appeared from the hallway ready to take over.
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Attorney McCoy had worked her magic, making Fangs once again a free man.
"I don't want to die." Fangs spoke scaredly. 
You hear the serpents speaking trying to form a plan to safely get Fangs back home safely. The mob outside had grown dangerously large and the police seemed to not care. For they only saw it as one less gang members permanently off the streets. As you walk up to the core four serpents, Sweet Pea noticed you first and growls
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"What are you doing here North Sider? Lost? This is none of your business so turn around and walk away."
Being 5ft and having a 6ft 3inch man growl at you while staring you down did frighten you, however, you could not let that show if you wanted to help Fangs.
"I am here to help Fogarty." You state confidently. Standing up straighter as if you were going to match his height.
"Why should we trust you?" Sweet Pea lashed out.
Sweet Pea looked like if he was given the chance, he would murder you in a split second. Fangs steps in before things get more out of hand. The tension outside was bad enough, but Fangs` friends fighting only made him feel worse. 
"Dude shes the reason why I get to leave and I'm not rotting in prison right now." Fangs says as he pulls Sweet Pea back.
Jughead, being the leader of the younger serpents formulates a plan to leave the building with everyone surrounding Fangs. Before leaving everyone forms a huddle and chants
"In unity, there is strength!"
Being the short girl you are, forces you to protect Fangs' back. The riot that had formed outside was petrifying. No matter how many people Sweet Pea would push away they kept coming. Like a swarm of angry bees. You were really grateful that the Serpents were just a huge family and that more joined in as you walked through the irate crowd. People had been pulling your hair, spitting at you, screaming in your face, yet all you could focus on was protecting the boy you secretly loved. Yet, Fangs never safely made it home. Everything happened in what felt like slow motion. You saw from the corner of your eye Reggie Mantle with a gun. Sending you into a panic, as you think to fast you push yourself in front of Fangs but its no use because he just shoves you to the ground as the sound of a gun goes off.
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Fangs fell to the ground next to you with a pool of blood forming around his upper abdomen. Sweet Pea began to yell for someone to call 911. Tears form around your face as you apply pressure against the wound. You were outright petrified, you felt your heart break into millions of pieces.
"Fangs stay with me!" You sob "You are going to be okay."
You sob so hard your makeup runs down cheeks making Fangs weekly smile.
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"I'm not dead yet." Fangs choked out as paramedics came and took over. Pushing you out of the way.
In all the stress you push your hair back with Fangs' blood all over your hands. Watching the love of your life being placed in an ambulance. You pull out your car keys ready to follow the paramedics, still crying when suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder. You turn around and its Sweet Pea, with Jughead and Toni behind him.
"I'm driving you're a mess right now." Sweet Pea states prying the keys out of your hands.
Toni gives you a weak smile as she gets into the car sitting next to Jughead in the backseat. The drive is silent minus the sounds of your weak sobs. Until of course, Sweet Pea breaks the silence.
"You know you should just tell Fangs you like him more as a friend." Sweet Pea states bluntly.
You suddenly stop sobbing to choke out, "I don't like him like that! Why would you even think that?"
"Oh, yea?" Sweet Pea answers in amusement. "Than why did you pay for his lawyer? Put yourself in danger by coming here to help escort him out of an angry mob, and freak the fuck out the second he gets hurt but not even notice the grab marks, bruises, and cuts that have formed around your skin? Oh, and you couldn't even drive because of how emotionally wrecked you are."
Shocked you quickly answer "Yea well- uh- well ya know you- hmmm- I- that's what friends do?" You finish with more of a question than a thought.
"Thought so." Sweet Pea says as Toni cuts in before he can add anything else "Sweet Pea leave the poor girl alone. Feelings for Fangs or not, nows not the time."
You turn your head slightly back to mouth "Thank you."
As Toni nods with a soft smile. The car suddenly parks as Sweet Pea gets out. Everyone else follows as you are at the hospital, but you stay back to take a deep breath. You are the last one to enter the hospital emergency waiting room, as Fangs suddenly appears on a gurney.
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Seeing Fangs in what looked like a worse condition made your tears pile up all over again. You sit in the waiting room, leg shaking and your anxiety has clearly risen up. You got up from the chair you sat at with your purse to go outside to smoke. The fresh air always helped you calm down. Mixed with the tobacco from the cigarettes was a way you copped with your mental illness. It was a way for you to clear your head.
It doesn't take long for, you feel a presence behind you. 
“If you are here to talk to me about feelings and Fangs I will punch you. I might be small but I can pack a punch.” You threaten already knowing its Sweet Pea. 
“Can I have a cig?” Sweet Pea asks. 
You were taken back a bit, but nod as you open your camel menthols and offered your lighter along with a cigarette. After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence, Sweet Pea speaks up once again.
“Fangs likes you too.”
You looked up staring at Sweet Pea in the eyes trying to see if he was joking or not. But to your surprise, he was not kidding. 
"I'm going to ask you a question and I expect you to cut the bullshit and answer me." You replied. "Fangs is dying. We don't know if he is going to make it through the night. So why the hell do you think its okay to bring up feelings you know nothing about. Even if I did have feelings for Fangs it's not like I can do anything with them. So whats your game? Butter me up with shit like "Fangs likes you." An-" you didn't get to finish as Sweet Pea cut in,
"Fuck you." While throwing his cigarette butt by your feet and storming away with your car.
You threw your cigarette butt by his, and gingerly walked back into the hospital. You sat back down in your seat. By the time you made it back, FP had sent everyone home. However, luckily for you, FP didn't know you, so you got to stay After all the serpents had left, you deemed it safe to fall asleep, without anyone messing with you. It was around 9am when Toni woke you up with a cup of coffee. 
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yoshimickster · 6 years
Whose a worse adaptation on Riverdale, Dilton Doiley or Jugghead?
I’m leaning toward Jugg, given that him having a romantic arc goes against the very freaking CORE of his character, but I also consider changing Dilton from a kindly nerd type character to an insane hardcore survivalist with access to WAY to many guns is bad as well. Your thoughts?
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Can’t tell which twin it is... but it’s a Sprouse
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hottopic · 7 years
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IT'S HERE! If you love hamburgers, writing and amateur sleuthing then you need this beanie.
Click on the link to shop now!: http://hottopic.me/AlhfqZ
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kayka136 · 7 years
TumblrFrostbite's Public Message: Do you think during the next summer Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica would get their own separate summer spin-off specials (that would center on each of the teens as well as any exclusive characters who might appear in those series) next year if Riverdale becomes MORE popular by then? Do you also see the SSSS appearing on the web first before going to television? Note: I gave you "what if" questions and SSSS stands for separate summer spin-off specials.
if you’re asking asking about webeisodes or a series mainly based on episodes on the CW app or CWtv.com i don’t think that’s an option at this point just because of the massive popularity of the show. If the minor webisodes were about the Pussycats or / Jugghead maneuvering a new turf in a new school, i can see that being an option but not Archie, Verinica or Betty. 
But my overall opinion is that the actors are too big, or too popular on their own to pitch a side series with limited release. And they are too tied up in Riverdale for a spinoff. 
That being said, there is a Riverdale spinoff in the books for CW, what is have heard speculated is-Basically it is taking that spookiness we sense from the Blossoms and the overall sense we get that something else is happening in RIverdale that cant be explained with simple real world logic. Supposedly it is going to revolved around a neighboring town. More details haven’t been released yet by the CW or any casting news posted.
I hope this answers your questions. and also sorry but i just came from Brunch so my typing is crazy and my minf on a loop
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“you saw things that shook your core
things you've never seen before
could've walked away instead”
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sixfootedbuffalo · 8 years
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i'm either kj or i'm cole there's no inbetween
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Riverdale's got me fucked up
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luminarybeings · 7 years
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Riverdale photocall in Mexico City
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fandomerrrrrr · 7 years
Bughead is back and all is right in the world
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using your black magic on me
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rxthii · 7 years
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Cole in bnw
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siremasterlawrence · 4 years
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“What’s the matter my pal Archie boy? Cat got you tongue oh that is my right, and I proudly know why too. Watch the magi watch in on my and let it spiral out of control. The thoughts, worries and all else fade away. My dear pal Archie Andrews you belong to me and are my slave.” Sire Lawrence.
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“Oh Jugghead Jones take a look at my watch and sleep in ten. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6...7..8..9..10 erasing away entirely no way out just to fall in to a deeper widening void of nothingness. Serving is a pleasure for you nothing matters more to her, a life with little thoughts of rules except for obey me in all ways. Completely be at my feet to fo whatever it is I please.” Sire Lawrence.
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topfied · 7 years
💕🌲🐢 (and wow i haven't talked to you in the longest time😣😣)
💕 FMK: maknae line*
*I seriously have no idea if this considers pre-ot9 era but yeah that’s what I did anyway, lol. (AND YEAH MADDY SIASJ im gonna hove more time soon! let’s catch up lots
F: TaoM: SehunK: Jongin (Nini and his pureness can’t be subject to my presence so he can just go be an angel for somewhere else, *cough*rizzi* lmao)
🎄: You get to give ONE Christmas gift to all nine members, what do you give them?A WEEK-LONG TRIP WHERE THEY CAN ALL BE TOGETHER, RESTING AND ENJOYING THEMSELVES SILLY…it’s not cheating if kristaolu are coming with 🐢: Who’s your dream sub-unit? Answered here!
exo askbox meme! 💌
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I love you, Jugghead Jones.
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