#judo man!!
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samgirard · 5 months ago
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└asher hong and john jayne
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jackalopedaily · 2 months ago
Jackalope Daily Day 357
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invinciblerodent · 25 days ago
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god, it never ceases to entertain me how this beanpole boy is taller than pretty much everyone he meets by like, a noticeable chunk
especially because his clothes are on the more form-fitting side, it really highlights that he's built like someone grabbed the crown of a regular person's head, and pulled up a couple inches to kinda just stretch that mass out a little- not to a ridiculous degree, but just enough to fuck up his posture for life, and make everyone feel a little uncomfortable when he gets too close, and they catch themselves needing to actually raise their gazes to look him in the eye
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miyku · 7 months ago
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marblebees · 16 days ago
Judo is so fucking cool. Magic is dense and multilayered in a really technical specific interaction way but Judo is so technical and fast and Unspoken in a way that makes capturing it in words, let alone any media, really difficult.
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marimuntanya · 7 months ago
this judo game !!!
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sorasan000 · 1 year ago
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Chapter: heart-wretching, punching you in the gut, including this scene btw
Me: he could still wriggle his way out of Yun's grasp but he doesn't the 2nd time because he gets it. This is hard.
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dakrisart · 10 months ago
Ich liebe die offizielle TKKG Seite einfach, weil sie der grösste Scheiss ist. Es stehen dort keinerlei relevanten Informationen über die Charaktere/Schauplätze, sondern bloss Zeugs, das entweder komplett bullshit ist oder bloss in einer Folge vorgekommen ist.
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clochanamarc · 1 year ago
i had a group of students today and they said i was very good and like. i know i'm struggling but jesus christ that just healed my soul, yk? like i barely speak any italian, i'm far away from home, my voice is in danger of quitting on me, but my students seem to like me, and that just. makes me feel really okay.
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kayden-i-guess · 2 months ago
why oh why must all my faveourite female character get such unwarranted amounts of hate :(.
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marblebees · 6 months ago
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mmatigers2023 · 6 months ago
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genderkoolaid · 7 months ago
He is competing in the women’s division because he has not undergone hormone replacement therapy or gender reassignment therapy, despite identifying as a trans man. In fact, Bacyadan has proudly claimed several times that he has never taken testosterone and even stood up to the Russian vovinam team in 2023 after they requested that his gold medal win be nullified because he was a “man”. Bacyadan won the 2023 world championship in women’s vovinam, a Vietnamese martial art that combines elements of boxing, judo and wushu, a Chinese martial art. If Bacyadan earns a medal in Paris, he will become the first trans male medallist in Olympic history. He told ABS-CBN News that he is proud to represent the LGBTQ+ community. “We will perform better to make a difference,” he said. “My biggest motivation is my family, my tribe in Kalinga, and the people who believe I can win a medal at the Paris Olympics.”
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teddybeartoji · 9 months ago
toji taking little gumi to his first judo match and you know that toji is sitting in the first row with miki, cheering him on with strong words.
and by that i mean that he's not yelling, he's barely raising his voice but he the tone is just so confident, so sure and determined that it makes gumi feel stronger too. simple things like "c'mon, gumi." and "ya have him, ya have him." are enough to clear the boy's mind – there are so many sounds and noises all around him, he's not even the only one who's doing this right now. bright lights and what feels like a hundred pairs of eyes on him were distracting before, overwhelming. but when he sees his dad, clear as day, he knows he can do it.
taking a deep breath in, little gumi eyes his opponent while thinking about everything his old man has been teaching him. patience. the other boy is excited (though gumi is too) and he's more hyper, bouncing around, trying his best to grab onto megumi's attire but he keeps getting swatted away. toji's green eyes meet gumi's over the kid's shoulders and it's the final boost of confidence he needs – in two swift moves, megumi has the boy on the floor, signaling that the match has finally come to an end.
he hears the deep rasp and his head snaps to the voice.
"that's my boy."
he doesn't yell, he doesn't scream – toji now stands by the bleachers with a proud grin on his face with a cheerful miki right beside him. his voice is steady as ever as he praises his from the distance. megumi will never forget this moment.
(toji knows how flustered his son can get if he's under the spotlight and while it is, sometimes, fun to tease him just a little for it – he would never do it in a situation like this. he wants gumi to feel good about his win, he wants him to have fun. he wants him to feel proud of himself too.)
a tiny smile, the faintest one, creeps onto megumi's lips and toji's heart is about to give out. his boy. his son. his little blessing. he watches the coach? grab his tiny hand to rightfully end the match and to show the winner to the crowd around them and toji takes a mental picture of the sight.
gumi's hand reaches up high with the help of the man beside him and he looks like a proper winner. the little boy's cheeks are flushed red from the tussling and his outfit is all disheveled from being yanked around but he looks happy. toji couldn't be more pleased.
and then gumi makes his way over to his dad and sister with haste steps. his arms reach out for toji and he's quick to reciprocate, pulling his baby boy up into his embrace. he hold gumi's head to his neck, knowing that he likes to hide there whenever he's feeling a bit too much.
"ya did s'good, gumi."
tiny fingers dig into toji's sweatshirt and toji knows that megumi heard him. really heard him. he will, of course, keep saying it again and again throughout the day but right now, he just really needed to make sure that gumi knows.
tsumiki fiddles with the hem of gumi's pants and toji gives her a smile before ruffling her hair. her scrunched up face, makes the corners of his own lips tug ever wider as he rumbles out a chuckle.
"wanna go home now?"
toji scratches gumi's warm back in order to get an answer out of him and the only thing he gets is a nod against his neck. and that's more than enough.
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zylev-blog · 1 year ago
Danny and Sam were enjoying a date out in Metropolis when it happened. Superman had been mind controlled again, and was taking hostages. Neither Danny or Sam were worried, and were amongst the only people not running for their lives. They just sat outside the cafe, sipping their coffee and eating their food. As the ground began to rumble, they simply picked their coffee cups and held them in their hands to not spill the coffee within.
“So then Tucker says, ‘not my pda!’” Danny finishes, laughing along with Sam.
“I swear, he loves that thing more than life!” Sam laughs.
That’s when they heard it. The sunlight outside got a shade darker, and Sam and Danny turned to see the outline of Superman hovering in front of them. They both glanced at him, then at each other.
With a loud sigh, Danny out down his coffee. “Can you move a little to the left, Superman? You’re blocking the sunlight.”
Without warning, Superman reached out and grabbed Sam, who was closer to him. Sam grunted out in surprise as she was lifted into the air by her neck. Danny looked unconcerned.
“Seriously?” Sam asked, gesturing at Superman. “You’re going to ruin my necklace.”
“I don’t think he’s worried about your necklace, babe.” Danny leaned against the table, watching the encounter.
“Well, he should be!” Sam exclaimed. “I paid good money for it!”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re impossible. We can just buy you another one once he stops choking you.”
“It’s not really like he’s going to get anywhere.” Sam agreed.
Superman seemed to take offense to this. His grip on her neck tightened, and while Sam’s face did flush red, she wasn’t gasping for breath or having her neck snapped.
“You remember the other day when I said Black Canary could strangle me and I’d be happy about it?” Sam asked, her voice a little breathless.
“Yeah?” He raised an eyebrow, wondering where she as going with this.
“I like Superman choking me better. He would probably be better at it than a human.” Sam grinned at the Kryptonian.
“Shouldn’t he at least buy you dinner first?” He asked.
“You know, most boyfriends don’t talk so freely about their girlfriends being choked by other guys.” Sam pointed out.
“You’re right.” He agreed.
“But this is getting kinda weird. Superman, do you mind letting me go? This isn’t really working for me anymore.” Sam pointed to the ground.
A large crowd had started to gather around them. Some looked horrified, while others looked curious. Curious at Sam, who hadn’t died yet. Superman made no moves to remove his hand from her neck.
“Hey babe?” Sam asked.
“Yeah?” He took another sip of his coffee, completely calm.
“Can you record me beating up Superman so we can send it to your sister?”
“Why her?” He tilted his head.
“Little sister.” Sam clarified.
“Ohh. Yeah, sure, she’d love that.” He took a second and pulled his phone out—a latest WayneTech model. “Go for it.”
Sam wrapped her hand around Superman’s, and with an audible snap, broke his hand and pulled it off of her neck. Superman gasped in pain, but Sam wasn’t done yet. She proceeded to judo flip him and send him crashing to the Earth while she continued to hover in the air. She clapped her hands together and cracked her knuckles.
“This is going to be fun.” Sam grinned wickedly.
“You know, I could just touch his temple and cure him of the mind control.” He offered, but continued to record Sam.
“Don’t spoil my fun.” Sam flipped him off, then dove towards the ground. She kicked Superman in the nuts, then kneed him in the face hard enough to draw blood. She punched him a few more times until he fell unconscious.
Danny got up and stopped the recording. He walked over to his girlfriend and looked at the unconscious Superman. He bent over the man and pressed a finger to the man’s temple. Blue power briefly illuminated Superman’s skin, but it was gone as quickly as it came.
“You’re going to cause trouble for us.” He chastised her.
“But you love it.” Sam took his hand. “Let’s go home.”
She flew into the air first, but Danny took another second to dig into his wallet, leaving a $20 bill on the table they were sitting at. He then flew into the air after Sam, chasing her all the way to Amity Park.
Six months later, and Danny and Sam were on another outing in Gotham when they were interrupted by Batman. They pulled a chair up for him, and eventually the man took it. They ordered him a coffee and a bagel.
“So, what brings you here?” Danny asked casually.
“How did you defeat Superman?” Batman asked, straight to the point.
“Huh?” Sam asked. “When did we do that?”
“Six months ago.” Batman responded.
“Ohh, wait— remember the day we went to Metropolis?” He hummed.
“Oh. I already forgot about that. Superman’s not pressing charges, is he?” Sam asked. “I do have a good lawyer, he’s just an asshole to deal with.”
“No, he is not pressing charges.” Batman grunted.
“Then what’s this about?” He asked, tilting his head.
Without answering, Batman opened a box on his lap. At once, the kryptonite took effect of both Sam and Danny, making their skin turn green and to writhe in pain. Just as Danny was about to take the box from Batman by force, the man had closed the lid and tucked it away.
“I had my suspicions.” Batman said, as if that explained everything. “So how did two more Kryptonians land on Earth when the planet was destroyed thirty years ago?”
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hautsreadsmarvel · 2 months ago
Another threefer
Alright, let’s pick up the pace. Here’s our spread for this post:
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Technically the second Ant-Man story (1958)
They don’t respect the hyphen here either, as you can see on the cover. They also don't respect your time with this one, so I'll be quick in covering it.
Henry discovers that ants use telepathy thru their antennae to communicate, devises a helmet to send and interpret ant telepathy, he learns his strength is unaffected by shrinking, he does judo on another ant, and he uses these newfound powers to defeat… SIGH… commie spies here to steal the scientific work of good red-blooded AMERICANS (O BEAUTIFUL FOR PATRIOT DREAM/THAT SEES BEYOND THE YEARS).
The cincher? Nothing remotely resembling the scene depicted on the cover occurs.
Technically the third Thor story (1952)
Loki gets free of his centuries-long imprisonment and wreaks havoc, largely by playing pranks (although he does push some people into the path of a subway train to distract Thor). Aside from introducing Loki, this is a pretty mid story. Some things that bring it down:
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I like the silhouette art at the bottom of the page, but what is this new fucking power. He can make anti-matter particles? How? Proof? Source? Show me the passage in the Eddas?? What do you mean, “anti-matter”??? I don’t think that word means what you think it means, and this sequence is in fact too baffling for me to add any concrete text about it to the Marvel physics handbook.
Loki also uses hypnosis (again involving bright lights and visual elements), but Thor just has some inbuilt resistances to obeying specific commands because obviously. You know how gods have resistance to specific hypnotic commands.
Loki apparently loses his magic when wet.
This comic invokes one of my most hated phrases in all of fiction, the “speed of thought”. There are circumstances when it makes sense to invoke it. Describing the speed of a thrown hammer is not one of them.
And oh, of course, I forgot to point this out in the last Thor comic - the love triangle! Don Blake secretly loves Jane Foster, and Jane Foster secretly loves Don Blake, but Jane is also falling in love with Thor! AUGH! This is literally her entire personality. Jane even swoons for Loki, what even is this character. Oh. My. God!
“The Fantastic Four” (1961, issue 7)
This story is so irrelevant we can skip any attempt at a synopsis. Introduces a new alien species we will probably never hear from again, a “hostility ray” technology that can turn anyone affected angry and upset with whoever they’re interacting with, and a “shrinking gas” developed by Reed (but no antidote to it as Ant-Man has).
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The one enjoyable part of this issue is the added characterization we get for the Four, altho Sue once again draws the short stick, while even Reed gets fleshed out to some degree.
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