#jude jazza x oc
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judesmoonbeauty · 10 months ago
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I wrote an angst about Jude today, then when I played an escort, he gifted me with 2,000 gold coins over 50 diamonds. Well, played, Jude. Well. Played. Thought about it for while, and said, "Nah, let's mess with him." So, here's a little tit-for-tat fic in which I screw with Jude for his giving me gold over diamonds. Also, this is an introduction to my OC - Isla Corbin - that I will feature in my writing from time to time. This fic was written in like 30 minutes, so keep that in mind..... WC: 1,309 Pairing: Jude Jazza x OC Isla Corbin Pronouns: She/Her CW: Cursing Tags: SWF ┃Teasing ┃Self-Aware Characters ┃Bullying Jude ┃OC Introduction
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Sitting on a bunch crates near the harbor, Jude, Ellis and Isla sat together enjoying their gelato in the summer heat. The sky was bluer than it had ever been after weeks of rain, the people were working hard, but in a cheerful mood and Jude had a good morning of debt collections. There was no reason for any of them to be questioning the ordinary day, but Ellis finally spoke up after a while.
“Hey, Jude. Have you ever wondered if we’ve ever lived different lives?”
“Hah, I knew ya were off you rocker, but this an another level of creepy. ‘Course not…..why?”
Ellis pulled up from the crates he leaned against, and confessed this odd feeling he hadn’t been able to shake for a while now.
“I feel like, I’ve seen other versions of our lives…..as if they were stories written about us.”
Jude raised a quizzical brow at his assistant’s ramblings and then looked at Isla as she was munching on her cone. She didn’t seem to be bothered by Ellis’ prattling nonsense at all.
“I mean, what if we were works of fiction and controlled by some kind creator?”
“Jude, what would you say if you lived in another world and rode around in some kind super fast black carriage that was powered like the steam engine and went on what was called a “road trip”, or if Isla were almost taken advantage of by a bad guy while she was alone in the Scala?
“Say that last part again?!”
Isla kept to herself as Jude became more and more worked up over Ellis’ hypothetical ramblings, but far from being over Ellis continued….
“Yea, what if I you went through months of suffering and pining over her because you were written to be stuffy about your feelings instead of honest about them? Hmm, I feel like I’ve seen some good things to…like you and Isla having a gelato date near the bridge, and reuniting after you saved her……playing with her hair, licking her fingers. But the most recent thing I feel like we’ve lived through was her leaving you soaking wet at the dock over there. Oh! And the creator of that story had a seagull crap on you. Hmmm, I guess you could say they’re like an author. If that’s true, then how’d you feel about it, Jude?”
Furrowing his brows at Ellis and feeling immense anger pipe up like steam, “How would I feel ‘bout it? Ha! What poppycock! Even IF that were true, I don’t remember any of it, and that’s some shitty ass author for writin’ about people like that. I’d roast their ass ‘n sink their ashes in the river Thames.”
“Hmmm, maybe you’re right. But, what if this very conversation were being written as we speak?”
Ellis points up to the vast sky to make his point, “What if they are watching us right now and every word I say, and every reaction you make is being simultaneously written.”
Jude scoffs at Ellis, lights a cigarette and decides to test his little theory.
“Fine, then let’s test it out. Go ahead, call out to this author,” he laughed menacingly.
Standing up Ellis walks a few feet away from Jude and Isla who was finally finishing up her cone, not concerned in the slightest as to what was about to happen. Clearing his throat Ellis calls out to the sky, “Excuse, sir or madam author, um…..if what I say is true……can you make another seagull crap on Jude’s shoulder?”
“Oi!!! What the hell?”
Jude stood up to walk towards Ellis, but within seconds there was a large splatter of white all over his coat.
“Ugh, what the-”
“Wow! See Jude it’s true. Thank you, author!”
A gentle wind ruffled past Ellis like it was patting his fluffy hair in approval. “That’s just a coincidence!” Jude fought back as he took off his jacket and threw it to the ground.
“Then, why don’t you try Jude? Just politely ask them do something as a sign.”
“Outta my way, ya loon.” Jude looked up to the sky too and challenged the unknown being on the other side.
“If this crazy bastard is telling the truth, then make it rain while it’s still sunny outside.”
It was a simple command to control the weather, it should be easy for an author or creator to make happen if it were true. After a few moments, nothing happened and Jude laughed triumphantly, although many onlookers did wonder if they should contact the asylum for a madman screaming commands at the sky.
“HA! See, you’re wrong. Now shuddup.”
Just as Jude was walking back to the crates to take a seat, a sudden downpour erupted and drenched him with bullets of rain and more than that, with small bits of hail pelting him. He covered his head unable to move because of the severity of the storm, and when it finally ended, he was shocked to find that neither neither Ellis nor Isla were wet. In fact, they there wasn’t even a drop of water on them.
Ellis was stunned at what just happened, but Isla just sat there on the crate resting her chin in a thinking position as she crossed her leg, and watched her lover lose his temper. Jude was shocked that what he asked to happen actually happened, no it was not what he asked, it was far more severe than what he asked. Then, if this were true and all of what Ellis said were true…..
When Isla erupted into a giggle over Jude’s tantrum, he turned around to find her sitting there like she was the Queen of Sheba. Her reaction was odd, she’d normally ask if Jude were alright and suggest they go for a drink or something to calm him down.
“Are you cold you, Mr. Jazza? Want me to dry you off?”
With a snap of her fingers, a strong East wind blew past Jude knocking him over, but after the wind subsided he was indeed dry again.
“H-how did you…?” He stood up from the ground and walked to his lover.
“I am she and she is I.”
The confused look on his face was quite adorable, so Isla stood up and walked over to him and pinched his cheek, “She has a message for you, Mr. Jazza.”
“What does that mean? Who is “she” and why is “she” doing this?”
Leaning into his ear - Isla Corbin - the young woman whom Jude had known since her days as a clerk at the solicitor’s office that he frequented, the daughter of the well-to-do merchant of a business called D’Lune, and his fiancee who now worked with him and Crown, now seemed to be some one completely different as she whispered in his ear….
“Because you’re fun to bully Short King.”
“Short King? I’m not s-”
Isla grabbed his head before he said another word.
“This is what you get for giving me 2,000 coins during an escort over 50 diamonds you petty, lovable bastard. Do it again, and I’ll melt your brain by stuffing it with all the fan-fiction I’ve written about you.”
“Isla, you’d better-”
The author typed for Isla to quickly give the love of her life a kiss on the cheek, and instantly the entire scene rewound to the start of the fic, leaving the author smiling happily on the other side of the sky - through her screen - as she watched the three precious darlings she loved with all her heart go about their day enjoying gelato and collecting debts - completely ignorant of the fun she just had with them.
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@ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you want to be added to my tags list.
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nyxthepixystick · 2 months ago
Birthday Fails
Jude Jazza x Lillianne (oc)
Content Warnings: Fluff, A god-awful inedible cake, mentions of throwing up, idk pure chaos
Word Count: 890
A/N: Jude's birthday fic that is 11 days late. Better late than never...I hope you enjoy the chaos that I have created. Also, I have a Christmas fic I gotta post that I also hope will be done well. Also thanks to @wistfulwanderingone for beta reading it.
Lillianne looked at Ellis in the kitchen, then she looked at the mess of cake in front of her. 
“Can you decorate it to make it look better?” Ellis questioned as he tried to make sense of a cake that was half inflated and the other half barely risen. It also was burnt on top. Luckily the insides wouldn’t be seen because no one would eat it after that. 
Lillianne rarely baked. She was a savory meats type of person, so when she attempted to make a cake, she didn't even look at the recipe and, instead, winged it. “I mean. We can try?” She hadn’t even considered decorating it. 
“Did you make the frosting for it?” 
Lillianne shook her head. “I mean, can't we just throw some fruit on it and call it a day?” 
Ellis gave her head a pat. “No, you have to actually attempt to hide it. I know you want to make Jude happy.” 
Lillianne groaned as she picked up the package of powdered sugar and started to add it into a bowl, “Alright, alright. Hopefully, this will work.” 
“That's too much.” Ellis grabbed the bag before she let the entire thing go into the bowl. “Do you want me to take over?” 
“No. I can happily do this myself.” She was determined. She knew there was powdered sugar in frosting. What else could there be? “Can you pass me the eggs?” She heard of the basics of royal icing before. She cracked the eggs into the bowl and started to mix it. 
“It’s egg wh-” 
“I know what I'm doing, Ellis.” She mixed the eggs and powdered sugar together. She had this. Lillianne wanted to add a little color so she grabbed random berries from the basket in front of her. “I am an esteemed baker, and the cake just decided not to work, that's all.”  
Ellis nodded at Lillianne with all her stubbornness. He wondered how there weren’t more fights between her and Jude. They were two of the most stubborn people he knew. “Why are you just smashing a bunch of different berries?” 
“For color.” Lillianne smashed the berries before throwing them into the bowl.
Ellis, once again, sighed at his friend. Why was she like this? “You're going to mess up the consistency even more.”
Lillianne just kept mixing the frosting. “It's fine. It's still frosting and it's still edible.” She smiled before pouring it onto the cake. She took a spatula and spread it over the top and sides of the cake. It had an interesting look to it, but it was a perfect cake. “Jude is going to love this cake.” 
Jude did not love the cake. “The fuck is this shit?” He stared down at the piece his lover had cut for him. The cake on the inside was not good. It looked gummy. It looked inedible. 
“Your birthday cake!” Lillianne exclaimed in pure excitement at her boyfriend. “I made it with love and care for you!” She looked down at her piece. Sure, it wasn't the prettiest, but she did work hard on it. 
Jude poked his piece with his fork, And the cake jiggled. A birthday cake shouldn't be moving like this. “Ya sure? It looks like someone is trying to poison me.” 
“I am sure! I worked really hard on it,” she huffed. “I'll even take a bite for you!” She took A small piece with her fork and placed it in her mouth. As it hit her tongue, she almost audibly gagged and wanted to throw up. She forced herself to swallow It without making a weird face. “See, told you!” 
Jude rolled his eyes as he knew her stomach wasn't going to be able to handle that bite. In no time, she ran towards the trash can. “Yea, doesn't seem to be edible.” 
“It is! It just-” She stopped herself as she tried to make up some excuse. There was no excuse for this monstrosity. “You try baking! It's extremely difficult,” she pouted. She truly tried for his birthday. 
Jude chuckled at her, “Ya ever heard of a recipe?” 
“Well, of course! But I know the basics of making a cake, so it couldn't have been that hard,” Lillianne defended herself. It's not like cooking where you don't need to be accurate with measurements and be on point, but how was she supposed to know that? She picked up the pieces of the cake to just toss them out. “Maybe I should have just asked Victor to make it. I mean at least he knows how to bake.” 
Jude shrugged. “Next year, yer not allowed off to attempt to decorate and make a mini birthday celebration for me. It's redundant.” 
“Well, if you make a cake, then you'll see how hard it is!” 
“Why don't we make a wager? Yer birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I make a cake, easily, and show you how easy it is to make. If I fail, I owe you something. If I win, you owe me something. Deal?” 
“Oh, it's a deal, but Ellis isn't allowed to help.”  Lillianne was going to watch him as he made his cake, and of course, try to distract him during. She was going to win a bet for once. She, in fact, did not win the bet. 
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nightghoul381 · 7 months ago
OH WOW THIS IS SO PRETTY!!!!!! It looks amazing they both look so happy and the coat over her shoulder 😭😭😭😭 it’s so sweet
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My contribution to the ikevil gift exchange organised by @aquagirl1978 - thank you for arranging this, it was really fun! my giftee was @judejazza - I hope you like it!!!! I had mostly finished this before her newest designs went up, so if there's anything you'd like me to change, let me know! (also if you'd like a higher quality copy to save bc I will fight w tumblr's posting system until the end of days probably smh)
Reading about Aurelia, I just thought it would be cute if this woman who gets flustered around her crush accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder during their return from a mission. And he liked it. (gasp)
I do not remember the last time I did any art with a proper background, so this was definitely a learning experience! The concept was just so clear in my mind, there was no going around it lol
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razzmatome · 9 months ago
The Webs We Weave (Jude/f!OC)
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A cautious witch stays alive.  Five words the Calloway sisters have lived by for as long as they can remember. They live like humans even though they’re not; a letter carrier, a dress maker, and a baker. They practice their craft in secret and never so much to draw the eyes of others. The hardest part of Bea’s day has always been playing peacemaker between her overprotective older sister and free-spirited younger. But everything changes when one of her sisters suddenly disappears. To make matters worse, the new investor in the dress maker’s shop is more than human himself and has taken too sudden an interest in her.  Caught between the urge to find her sister and the desire to stay safe, Bea must decide how fully she wants to step into the shadows and join the world she was hiding from.  A cautious witch stays alive, but a clever witch lives.
Pairing: Jude/f!OC
Word Count: 2354
CW: Swearing
Note: Since we don't know what's going to happen on Jude's route, I thought I'd play with him and my oc in a different way. This story is technically set during William's route which is happening in the background and there are a couple relationships brewing in the background as well. I have ideas but we'll see if I can pull it off. I mostly just wanted to write a 'canon' setting for Jude and Bea. Borders from the lovely @/natimiles
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         “Cate didn’t come home.”
         Bea looked up from the newspaper. Maggie was hovering at the edge of the table, twisting her fingers together. Worry was radiating from her, filling the room. She frowned as the words properly registered. “At all?”
         Maggie flopped into a chair, shaking her head. “Her room is exactly the same as yesterday.”
         That didn’t necessarily mean anything. Cate was particular about her things, liking everything to be in a certain place. But Maggie wouldn’t say that based on that alone. Setting the newspaper aside, Bea said, “What else?”
         A pained look crossed her face and she glanced away. “I came home late last night and I replaced your lock. It’s still mine on the door.”
         Something whispered down her spine, leaving a chill in its wake. There was no way Cate would forget to replace the lock when it was her rule in the first place.
         “Bea, something happened. There’s no way Cate wouldn’t come home. Not without telling us first.”
         No, she would have come home. She always came home. Since their mother had passed, Cate had taken her role as eldest sibling seriously. Too seriously if Bea was being honest, but they’d all processed Eleanor’s death differently.
         “We need to look for her.”
         Damn it. “No.”
         Maggie stared at her. “What do you mean no? Bea! We have to-”
         “Not yet,” she interrupted before her younger sister could start to spiral. “We can’t look without a plan. If we do, we might put her or ourselves in danger.”
         “She could already be in danger!”
         “We would know, Maggie.” Except if Cate were actually in trouble the last thing she would do was expose that trouble to her sisters. And judging by her expression, Maggie thought the same. “Tonight.”
         “We’ll look for her tonight. We need to prepare so that we don’t make anything worse.” Or expose themselves if Cate was fine.
         Maggie pressed her lips together, clearly displeased, and reached for her hand.
         Bea let her wind their fingers together, ignoring the tiny jolt her touch caused. She kept her mind clear, holding fast to the idea that Cate was fine. Maggie was a loose cannon on the best of days but adding a missing sister to the mix? She hadn’t dealt well with their mother dying, her emotions turning into a deep-rooted fear of the rest of her family abandoning her. Cate not coming home would have amplified that fear.
         She normally played mediator between the two of them so she understood both of her sisters’ emotions. But it was hard to keep a lid on her own concern to make sure Maggie didn’t act on her own.
         Her sister slumped after a few minutes, sighing. “You promise we’ll look?” she said in a small voice.
         Squeezing her hand, Bea murmured, “I promise. I’ll get everything ready.”
         Dark eyes searched her own before she sighed again. “Alright. I need to help open the bakery. Did you have breakfast?”
         There was no hiding her flinch this time and Maggie’s eyes narrowed.
         “You aren’t skipping meals again, are you?”
         “No. I’ll eat.”
         “You will,” Maggie said firmly. “Come to the bakery before you leave. I’ll give you something to eat on the way.”
         “You don’t have to. I’ll make something.”
         “I don’t trust you. You never eat properly if we leave you alone and you have that meeting with the investor today.”
         “Mr. Hale has a meeting, not me.”
         “You’re the only reason they’re still open to get an investor,” Maggie huffed. “They’ll want to talk to you if they want to know anything about the shop.”
         She really hoped they didn’t want to. “Get going before you’re late.”
         “Don’t forget to stop by before you leave!”
         Bea forced herself to smile as Maggie left before sagging in her chair. This wasn’t how she thought today was going to go. First, one sister missing and the other on her ass. She’d merely wanted to get through the day without incident. It was bad enough that with the investor wanting to visit, Richard and Sissy would likely be at the shop. They’d be in the way and make things harder on the ones that actually worked there.
         Twisting in her seat, she looked into the next room. What could have happened to Cate? It wasn’t like her at all to not come home. If she’d been running late, she would have sent word. Forget sending word; she couldn’t remember her sister ever spending the night out. Despite the fact that she and Maggie were grown adults, she was fairly certain Cate still checked to make sure they were in their rooms at the end of the night.
         Bea pushed out of her chair and walked into the sitting room. She approached a small side table in the far corner of the room. A flower arrangement took up most of the surface and in the center of it was a trio of candles, each a different colour.
         Taking a steadying breath, she passed her hand above the candles and watched flames flicker to life on all three. Each flame burnt the same colour as the candle. The yellow and black ones were steady, burning smoothly. But the orange one’s flame was diminished and flickering wildly in distress.
         “Why didn’t you call, Cate?” Bea muttered. She gripped the coin hanging around her neck and tried to focus. If Cate had been caught, any word or sign she sent would be traced and bring more harm than good. But there was strength in numbers and, even being cautious, there was little the three of them couldn’t overcome together.
         Closing her eyes, she let go of the coin and said, “Come to me.”
         A moment later she felt something curling around her legs and purring filled the room.
         She needed to make a choice now because she knew only one of them would leave her side. She couldn’t command both to. So did she send one to find the stable sister who had disappeared or to keep an eye on the chaotic sister who might not wait for tonight?
         “Jynx,” she said softly, “find Catherine Calloway.”
         A pleased meow before more purring.
         Looking down, she saw a single black cat at her feet, yellow eyes staring back at her. She leaned over to scoop him up and dropped a kiss between his ears. “Stay with me today, Grimm,” she whispered. “I’m going to need all the support I can get.”
         A soft paw touched her cheek, the purring growing louder.
         She took a deep breath and strode toward her bedroom. The sooner this day was over and they had answers, the better.
         Blowing smoke out the carriage window, Jude reviewed the contract in his hand. He knew every line, every word. He’d drafted it himself but he wasn’t above another check. He doubted the one who had signed it had done so as thoroughly as he should have. Wasn’t his problem though. Worked more in his favour that way.
         “You look happy.”
         “The fuck I do,” he growled, putting the contract away. “Shouldn’t have to check on a business ‘cause the shit who owns it doesn’t know shit about it.”
         Ellis hummed softly. “He did say it was his father’s shop.”
         “Family business and he’s family. He should know how to run the shop.” The fact that he didn’t was another point in Jude’s favour. It was highly likely that they were going to default on the contract in one way or another.
         Before drafting the contract, he’d gathered enough information on this family to know it was going to pan out for hin in the end. The dressmaker’s shop had been in the family for generations but neither the current nor former generations had picked up the trade. Despite that, they were still popular enough and seemed successful on the outside. But the family itself was a mess. A father who doted shamelessly on his daughter and a mother who preferred drink to her own family. A shameless son with a gambling addiction and a spoiled daughter who spent her every moment trying to climb the social ladder.
A single look at their personal habits had told him all he needed to know about why he’d been approached for help.
         Yet their shop remained afloat. That was the reason on paper for this visit. Even with everything he’d learned about the family, it had been nearly impossible to find any information on those that worked there. Any he’d sent had merely come away confused which wasn’t right. So now he was going to see what the hell was going on.
         His upper lip curled back. Victor had caught wind of the situation and made it something official to be investigated. It pissed him off that, on top of taking in that unlucky woman last night, the idiot was poking his nose where it didn’t belong. He had no interest in collecting more cursed; he just wanted to know what the fuck was going on in this shop and if it was going to interfere with his contract.
         It was far more likely the people he’d tasked this with were idiots and got drunk instead.
         An irritated noise left him. He had better things to do than check up on spoiled brats that were an easy mark. But here he fucking was.
         The carriage rolled to a stop and Ellis hopped out. Jude followed, finishing his cigarette. He stared up at the sign proudly proclaiming the business and exhaled a waft of smoke. “Let’s get this over with,” he muttered, striding toward the door.
         A little bell overly enthusiastically announced their arrival and every eye turned to them. Jude paid it no mind, heading to the counter and the official looking person standing behind it.
         For his credit, the man didn’t run but Jude didn’t miss the balk. “Welcome, sir. How can I assist you?”
         “Richard’s expectin’ me.”
         Pale eyes widened. “Ah, Mr. Jazza? Of course. Wait here and I will fetch him.”
         Watching as the man scurried away, Jude could feel the eyes still on him. It wasn’t surprising. This was a woman’s shop and he stood out like a sore thumb.
         Whispers raced around the shop as he waited and, while he didn’t outright pay attention, he heard every word they said. Drumming his fingers on the counter top, he counted the minutes he was kept waiting. They’d known he was coming at this time; what the fuck was the hold up?
         “Mr. Jazza!”
         That was not Richard. He watched with disinterest as the young woman flounced over to him. The daughter. What was she doing here? Everything he’d learned had said she rarely came to the shop. Meaning she was here because of him. “I was expectin’ your brother.”
         She stopped abruptly, a mix of emotions racing across her face. But he saw them and wasn’t about to forget them. Clearly he wasn’t what she’d been expecting. She quickly settled on the smile again but the edges were fake. “Richard’s coming. He wanted me to entertain you first while he finished his business.”
         There wasn’t anything entertaining about her. She looked like an overdone doll and didn’t sound much better. “My time’s valuable and I’ve only got so much to spend here. If your brother doesn’t value our contract, I can take my business elsewhere.”
         Something in her eyes shifted, a calculating look filling them for a moment. That he recognised. She was trying to figure out what she could get out of him. “I can show you whatever you want to see,” she said, reaching for his arm.
         He smoothly dodged her attempt. “Haven’t even told me your name.”
         She didn’t look pleased with him at all but her smile stayed put. “Oh, how rude of me. You can call me Sissy.”
         He really wasn’t going to do that. “I want to see the shop, see what I invested in.”
         Panic for a moment now, quickly stifled. “Oh, of course. Come this way.”
         She didn’t look confident at all which just further proved she didn’t know anything about the business. Had Richard thought he’d be distracted by his sister enough to forget why he was there?
         Anger coiled in his gut at that thought. If Richard thought that would work on him, he was in for a rude surprise. The contract between them was the only thing keeping his ass safe if he kept trying that shit. The moment he broke it….
         Ellis fell into step behind him as they moved toward the back and Jude took a slow breath. He’d dealt with idiots all his life. This wasn’t going to be any different. All he needed was some answers and then he could be done with this place.
         But he frowned immediately as they stepped into the workroom to find it empty. “Where are they?” he asked.
         “Oh, we sent them on break,” Sissily said breezily, waving a hand. “They don’t know anything anyways.”
         Jude took another breath. “How long does it take to finish a custom order?” he asked.
         She blinked at him. “Pardon?”
         “How much does it cost in materials to finish an order?”
         She took a small step back from him, pressing a hand to her chest. “Oh, well, I don’t-”
         “How many repeat clients ya have that put in regular orders?”
         He wasn’t surprised when he saw tears flood her limpid eyes at the questions. “Mr. Jazza, I-”
         “Get the head seamstress or your brother. I wanna see if this was actually worth my time.”
         She quickly fled the room, a further sign that she had no idea how to run this business. Yes, he was an investor but to leave him unsupervised among their goods?
         Jude made a sharp noise and strode toward a window. He shoved it open, wanting fresh air. They hadn’t even been here ten minutes and he already wanted out. These people were going to set his teeth on edge every time he dealt with them. But he would deal with it until they ultimately created their own doom.
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backinotomehell · 2 months ago
Curse of Alice - Prologue
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What's a girl gotta do?
From zero to one hundred, Dawn Butcher experiences her first big trauma in life to end up in a world where only her eleven-year-old self could dream of. The only issue is Dawn isn't eleven, she's a twenty-four-year-old woman who now has to face the reality of reincarnating into a new world, a new world with some backwards views and no modern-day technology.
Game: Ikemen Villains Pairing: OC x Undecided (may use this to my advantage ;))
Future Content Warnings: detailed descriptions of death and murder. Explorations of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), anxiety and depression. Swearing. Potential smut.
AN: Omg this is the first time I'm writing fanfiction in like ten years which feels insane but also lowkey exciting? Really hoping I can keep this up cause I'm completely raw dogging this.
I do not own anything of Cybrid this is just a silly little fanfic idea I had day dreaming at work. I do not own any of the images for the banner either, I just used picsart to put two different images together.
I’m sat in front of an older woman, greying hair frames her face like a halo and a smile graces her wrinkled lips as she hands me some sort of sweet biscuit from her shaky hands, “So.. Dawn, can you tell me how a pretty thing like you arrives here?” Children scream in delight, loud chatter from the adults and horses hooves clop in the background through the old brick walls and just barely over Gaye's frail voice.
How I arrived here? I can barely answer that question. Thoughts swim through my head trying to connect any sort of dots but nothing is connecting. I pull the shrug that I was lent earlier when I first woke up to help cover my shoulders even closer to me and cough as the cold air and rushed thoughts hit me.
How did I end up here?
Romance once upon a time was on the agenda, when I was 11 years old and had unsupervised access to the internet that is. Tweenage and teenage years I would spend my spare time in between school and extracurricular activities getting my hands on whatever romantic anime or otome game I could get my unchecked horny hands on. I’m 24 now, grown up enough to know that 1. I should not have had access to Diabolik Lovers, and 2. I should have saved my money instead of spending it on every Voltage story before the economy went down the drain. 
Manager money has to go to medication and a physical hobby that helps the chemical imbalance in my brain and rent - not to the pretty 2D men. As much as I wish.
Adjusting my bangs in a large mirror I can hear the recognisable sounds of someone knocking, no, smacking their hands on the gross plastic door that keeps me protected from customers until I have to open them. It’s only 8:50 in the morning? A mum, possibly 30, stares me down as I try to just get ready for the day. Exhausted eyes demand my attention as her young child fusses about in the trolley. Starting up the computer I can feel the pressure of her stare start to get to me, I love my job and customer service but people don’t understand boundaries do they?
It’s 8:58 now and I’m feeling nice, twisting the key into its little slot and a loud mechanical noise starts as the roller door goes up. I can distinctly hear the lady but considering the roller door I cannot distinguish what she says but on closer inspection I do recognize her from yesterday. Anna had come in looking for a nice dress to wear to go to her best friends hens night, this was the first time she would be going out on the town after having kids and wanted to look her best after not paying any attention to herself for a long amount of time. We spent an hour together crafting the perfect outfit and truly reminded me why I loved my job working in a clothing store after seeing her confident smile when we found the one but considering she's here before the vyvanse and lexapro cocktail have kicked in tells me one thing.
"I'm sorry lovey... Could you explain to me everything you just said?" Gayes voice interrupted mine, if I explain what any of that was is she gonna send me to an asylum and explain I have Hysteria? Oh em gee wait would that mean I get a vibrator? "Uhh I opened a door for a customer a couple of minutes before opening, before my daily medication that helps me focus had settled into my body?"
Gaye although visibly confused, nodded lightly urging me to continue.
“Hi! I’m so sorry I’m here so early! I was wondering if I could get a refund? My husband didn’t like the way the dress looked on me,” a nervous chuckle leaves her lips.
Ah yes and the reason why romance also wasn’t on the agenda, this shit. Day in and day out I see gorgeous theys and ladies walk in with their partner and their partner is the crustiest thing to exist. They will walk out the store in boredom, not give an actual opinion to how something looks, take the crappiest photos and the worst sentence I could hear when an opinion is asked “Well if you like it, we can buy it” in theory, great! Perfect! In practice it’s a no from me. It’s dismissive. It just hurts seeing a customer be built up only for their partner to tear them down.
The girlies are strong for handling these walking icks, the romance life is not made for me at least in this universe.
“Well you need to get a new husband!” a bright smile adorns my face.
A sharp gasp had rung my ears as Gaye looked on with a shocked face, "Stop looking at me like that! Women are allowed to divorce their husbands where I'm from," Her mouth closes but her eyes still stay wide and attentive, albeit a little judgmental.
God what a day.
On top of customer service, I had to move the whole store around to make room for the 20 boxes of new stock we received along with an hour-long meeting over zoom that more felt like a theft of my time. Guess I should make a game plan for tomorrow, maybe I should look at schedules as they’ll be due soon. The new brief will be released soon right? Training? Too much to do and certainly not enough time.
I was complaining about romance before but in truth, I’m married to my job. I guess there is romance for me in this universe.
"Do you not have a husband? What about children?"
"Gaye I just told you women can divorce their husbands, do you think we care if a woman in her 20's is unwed?"
“Dawn! Arch your back woman!” Immediately I start listening to the dance instructor in front of me as I catch up to where I lost myself in the routine and not in a good way. Despite the scream of my body to take a break I continue to move my body to the heels routine. Flexing, strutting and twirling my way through and ensuring I don’t literally break a leg in the 6 inch heels, although if I did at least I can use up some of that sick leave I never use while my girls can fend for themselves.
Another shocked gasp graces my ears, "You get paid to be sick?" "Only if we have doctors note requiring us to not work as we recover, on another day let me teach you about annual leave," I should've taken more leave now that the subject was bought up, stupid company gets to keep the 150+ hours I haven't used.
I toss my damp aqua hair out of my face as we come to the end of routine, sweat drips down everyone's skin and heavy breaths blend in with Rompe by Daddy Yankee playing loudly on the sound system. Asha leisurely walks over to her phone to put a stop to the repeating music. Usually, she would be fine by the end of every lesson but with the hot Australian nights, no one is immune to its heat. Everyone falls to the ground in various degrees of dramatic and it's silently decided that the next 20 minutes of this class will be to stretch and gossip, physical exercise be damned for the rest of the night.
"Yes it's where I... Lived? I'm assuming from how cold it is this is not 'Straya," A quiet few seconds pass "Where are we?" "London my sweet," Worried eyes stare at mine as I take a moment to process what she said. "Right... where was I?" My blood starts to run cold, "I think this is where things went downhill," I can feel my pulse start to quicken.
 "Well, the teacher had to leave the room for a little bit, but she was taking longer than expected so I went… To check on her…” Memories start to flood my memory. The blood. Oh god all the blood… My blood.
Gaye was witness to the young woman to quickly go from white to ghostly and passed out on the floor with a large thud. Dawn was far too tall for Gayes frail bones to pick up so instead she covered the passed-out woman with the shrug she was wearing to keep warm and hobbled out the door to go get help.
"I'll go get you a nice, strong man..."
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adreaminthesea · 6 months ago
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I’m a little late with posting this, but better late than never. This is for one of my best friends, @atelierquinn. She was the one who introduced and inspired me to the OC world (pre-tumblr days). If it weren’t for her and her girls, Violetta & Mallory, then neither Isla nor Estella (& a couple more TBA), would have ever come into existence.
It’s her OC’s (Mallory’s) birthday, and this is a little gift to celebrate Mallory & Jude’s relationship. Happy Birthday, Mallory 🪡 Jude loves you so incredibly much!
Pairing: OC Mallory x Jude Jazza WC: 1,327 SFW, Fluff, Surprises Summary: Jude’s birthday gifts for Mallory.
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From a private box in a darkened theater, Mallory sat in quiet anticipation as the whispers of the audience rose up from below. Smoky sandalwood wafted into her nostrils from the man sitting next to her, the one who orchestrated the very unexpected surprise.
The lights of a grand chandelier slowly illuminated the stage below, and the fashion show that she’d been dying to attend finally started. Her eyes lit up as she watched the models strut elegantly down the walkway, and filled with gratitude she turned to her fiancé and said, “Thank you, Jude!”
Twinkling amethyst eyes darted over to his beloved as she smiled at him radiantly, it was a rare sight for her to show so much emotion, but that was repayment enough…for now.
“Tch, ya wouldn’t quit yappin’ ‘bout it. Figured I wouldn’t get any peace ‘til ya attended.”
Crossing her arms she snipped back playfully, “Liar. I only mentioned it to you once, unless you heard it from Ellis, and you didn’t have to come did you? You could’ve just handed me the entry ticket and went back to work, but you tagged along because you wanted to be with me. Isn’t that right?”
“If that’s what ya wanna think, princess,” Jude dodged the question with a sip of his cognac.
”Yeah, yeah,” she chirped back before she returning her focus on the stage, knowing Jude of all people would never own up to it, but that’s one of the things she loved about him.
He watched her as she observed the models astutely, jotting down notes and quick little sketches into her small notebook that she always carried around.
A thin lock of hair fell in front of her face accentuating her loveliness, this moment was no different from when he watched her working so diligently in her tiny shack she called a studio. She’d often get lost in her own world, bringing her fashion designs to life into the early hours of the morning, as if nothing else mattered.
“Such a mess,” Jude sighed as he twirled the loose lock of hair around his finger before kissing it and pinning it back in place.
When her concentration finally broke, she lifted her head up only for the tips of their noses to touch, her breath hitched at their closeness, and soon the craving to taste his lips bubbled up inside her. The feeling of Jude’s long fingers creeping along her jawline beckoned her to lean into him, but she suddenly found her gaze facing the stage again.
“Pay attention. I don’t wanna hear ya whinin’ later on that ya missed somethin’ important,” he ordered.
“Ugh, asshole,” she affectionately mumbled as she obeyed him.
After the show ended, they left the theater, but they weren’t heading back to Crown.
“Where are we going?”
“Anyone ever toldja ya talk too much?”
Mallory rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand holding it tightly, “Yep. You. At least once a day.”
He looked at their clasped hands and recalled the time when he once chaffed at the idea of being in a relationship, being loved or loving in return, and now there was no turning back. He was in too deep to go back living without her, he’d never let go of her, even if the world had to burn he’d make sure she’d never get away. Even so, he knew that she’d never run from him, that she’d never be one that he’d have to take revenge upon; if he smoked cigarettes to fuel his rage, then she was the source of his peace, and for that….
I’ll give you anything to see you smile.
Once they reached their destination, Jude and Mallory stood in front of a large ornate building in the heart of London, her heterochromatic eyes stared with curiosity in the dead of night.
“Hurry up,” he commanded has he unlocked the door of the darkened building.
After they entered, Jude turned on the lights that revealed a large empty storefront with several rooms, and as they reached the back of the building a staircase guided them up to higher floors.
They ascended the spiral staircase until they reached the third floor, halting in front of the door, Jude turned to Mallory and handed her a gold key with a brilliant ruby set in it’s head.
Jude rolled his eyes, took her hand and placed the key in it, “Open it.”
She stepped forward, unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open, “Where’s the light switch?”
Her fingers fumbled around until she found it, and after flipping the switch on she gasped at the sight of the room, her mind went blank as she covered her mouth in disbelief.
Jude lit a cigarette and leaned against the doorframe as her purple and pink eyes brimmed with excitement at the walls lined with numerous bolts of high quality fabrics, mannequins, shelves lined with a plethora of laces, threads and buttons; catalogs of the latest textiles available to order, books about fashion from around the world, design tables, and the latest sewing machines.
Mallory spun slowly towards Jude with tears in her eyes, she didn’t need to ask because she knew that he was giving it to her, but she couldn’t understand…..
“Why?” she asked with a cracked voice.
“Ain’t it your birthday?”
“What,” Mallory asked with a perplexed expression. She looked down at the key again, and recalled that ruby was her birthstone.
She had completely forgotten it was her birthday, because her parents…..well, her past wasn’t exactly an affectionate one, so she never received much other than ridicule.
She’d celebrated Jude’s birthday last year, but never thought much about hers. Clenching the key tightly she held it to her chest completely speechless.
Jude isn’t the type to say, “I love you,” but he never fails to express it in his actions.
“Three floors,” Jude finished his cigarette and started walking towards her.
“This’ll be your atelier,” he grabbed her by the arm and walked her to the design table.
“The second’ll be your business office. I’ll send someone with brains from Raven to help ya keep the books,” he picked her up and sat her on the table, trapping her between her his arms.
“The bottom floor’ll be your boutique or whatever ya call it. I’ve got suppliers on standby, so make your decoration choices by the end of the week, or I’ll choose ‘em for ya.”
“My….own business? But what about the danger you say I’m constantly in for being with you? A-are you sure about this?”
“Lookin’ down on my ability to protect ya know matter what, huh? Think I ain’t competent enough to keep ya safe ‘n make your dreams come true?” His face scowled defensively, but all Mallory could do was smile as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Of course not,” she sniffled as Jude’s face softened, wiping away her tears gently.
“Then let me keep cursing ya like I promised,” he said with a low voice, his lips eagerly locking with hers like he wanted to do earlier in the theater. His hand snaked down her waistline before pinching it in his favorite place, causing her to let out a soft moan, “Jude.”
“Now, how’re ya gonna repay me, princess?” he snickered as he bit onto her earlobe. The sweet sting moved Mallory to grab a fabric tape measure near herself, which she wrapped around Jude, pulling him closer to her. There was no way she was letting him escape from her. Ever.
He chuckled and whispered hotly into her ear, “Happy Birthday, Mal.”
In the middle of night, they threaded their bodies together, creating the most beautiful design of cursed love.
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drachonia · 4 months ago
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𝐦 𝐢 𝐝 𝐧 𝐢 𝐠 𝐡 𝐭 𝐭 𝐫 𝐲 𝐬 𝐭 𝐬 .
Kinktober Day 25 & 28 Jude Jazza x OC insert
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: wanted to do more Jude stuff before the months end. i like the funny sadistic fairy man. also give us more lore on this man, that trailer gave me nothing. 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @candiedcoffeedrops @candied-boys @natimiles 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚��𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: pwp (porn with plot), mild s&m, semi-public, fear of getting caught.
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Jude hated false pretenses. Jude hated flattery. Jude hated people.
But most of all, Jude hated parties…and tonight was certainly no exception. He strode through the hall like he owned it, even though everyone knew damn well he didn’t. His shoes clacked against the marble floor until he reached the place the host was chatting with some friends, his expression steeling into a blank one.
“Mr. Brocke, pleasure to see you again.” Jude nodded once, moving to talk with the fellow tradesman.
“Ah, a pleasure as always Mr. Jazza! How have you been?” The older man shook his hand firmly and moved aside for a moment, “Just a moment…”
Amethyst eyes glanced across the ballroom, catching a familiar pair framed by silky raven hair that curled around rosy cheeks. His gaze lingered long enough that her cheeks turned red and she moved toward one of the refreshment tables, leaving him to turn his attention back to his business partners.
“Ah, Jehan, have you met Mr. Jazza? Mr. Jazza you remember what I told you about Mr. Alexandre, his company owns and operates that new theatre in the West End as well as a few other ventures. I thought you two might be able to form a decent business partnership.” Jude was met with a man that sported warm blonde hair and dark brown eyes with smile lines and crows feet etched into his slightly tanned skin, the older man giving a smile and a respectful nod.
“A pleasure.” Jude offered an amicable smile, seeing that familiar face from earlier give a polite curtsey to what seemed like a very persistent young man. The sight of the one-sided chase nearly made his right eye twitch in irritation.
“Unfortunately I’ve got some business to attend to tonight, but I’ll be sure to talk more with you both tomorrow, if your schedules allow it, of course.” He watched the older men exchange glances before both nodded.
“Anytime,” Mr. Brocke nodded, “I’ll make us all reservations. Thank you for your time, Mr. Jazza.”
Jude gave one last pleasantry before striding out toward the hall Camille had vanished down, hearing voices not far off, giving a click of his tongue as the soles of his shoes clacked against the floor with an irate rhythm.
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“Jude! W-Would you wait—“
“This princess doesn’t get to make demands.” Jude growled as he pressed his hips to hers against the railing, lips sucking harshly at her neck while her fingers dug into his forearms, making little crescent moons on his skin as he ran his tongue along her neck. One hand pushed up her skirt as he looked down at her, stroking her through her laced garments roughly enough to draw out a whimpering cry.
“That’s it…let go.” He purred, “Ya got so tense ‘fore i got here, didn’t ya? Waitin’ to be rescued?” He teased in her ear, giving it a nip with his teeth, “Ya like when I can’t take my eyes off ya? Huh, princess?” He pushed one leg between her thighs and nudged her core with his knee, delighting in her whines and soft pleas with flushed cheeks and dewy eyes. She was very much enjoying it despite knowing people were close by.
“Where’s that fiesty attitude ya had with that earl, hm? Nowhere to be seen…such a naughty princess.” He hummed in her ear, feeling how her hips rubbed into the fabric of his trousers, “That’s enough.” Jude growled, holding her hips steady, “Ya get off when I say ya can, princess.” His eyes oozed lust despite his words, yanking down the garment to push it down her thighs to her knees as he shoved the heel of his palm against her clit, fingers circling her folds slowly at first, “Feel good? Stay still for me, that’s it princess.” His voice softened a tad as he commanded her, but his actions stayed brisk and abrasive.
“You really get off to doing this in public, huh?” He taunted, watching her face turn red as she quietly looked into his eyes, gentle and adoring as the night washed over them.
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nyxthepixystick · 5 months ago
'Til Death Do Us Part
Jude Jazza x Lillianne (oc) Content Warnings: Mentions of Death, Character Death, stab wounds, blood, weapons, and pregnancy Word Count: 1790 A/N: I hope I do this justice. This is the first fanfic I am posting here, and I actually finished it. I generally hope it makes sense and works. I will eventually be making a post about my oc Lillianne. She is super fun to write. Also giving my thanks to @drachonia for being forced to read this a million times due to me overthinking.
The moonlight shined from the window as Lillianne pressed her hands against the wounds of her lover. It was too much, and she had to try to stop the bleeding. Deep down, she knew that this was the end. Lillianne knew this would be the last time she would be around Jude. He made a contract and did not back down from it. He never breaks promises. 
Lillianne looked up at Ellis who stood there looking at the bleeding Jude and the knife that he held in his hand with the blood still dripping down. She pleaded with him, “Ellis, please, please help Jude. We need Roger here.” 
“Lil’ wolf, no can do,” Jude smirked at her, “I never break any promise. Ya get that?” 
Lillianne shook her head, “But I can’t lose you, yet. We have years left.” 
Jude shook his head as he knew it was coming to an end: his life, and his curse. He couldn’t keep his head up anymore and slammed it back on the door. He had no energy left, and everything was in pain. Jude didn’t know what was left of his energy. 
Lillianne felt his chest start to stop moving, and grabbed his hand, “Jude, please. I love you. Stay with me.” She was not ready to lose him and was not ready. That was the moment she knew. He was gone. Lillianne felt something warm come down her cheeks as she choked back a sob. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head. How was she supposed to know that today was going to be Jude’s last day? She would have slowed down this morning or wake up on time. 
Lillianne groaned as the cold air hit her naked body. She tried to reach for the covers, but they were nowhere to be found. The morning light blinded her eyes as they opened. 
She opened her eyes again in barely a squint to look over to her boyfriend holding the covers, “Why did you take them? I have not been oversleeping! The clock has yet to ring eight.” 
“‘Cause ya overslept” A grimace appeared on his face as he looked at his pocket watch, “Princess, it rang over an hour ago.” 
Lillianne immediately woke up and cursed, “Fuck! You just decided now to wake me up! I told you that I needed to be by the latest eight! I have so much work to do, and I am so behind as is!” She freaked out as she started to run around her room to get ready. 
Jude laughed at the scene in front of him, “‘Cause every time, I woke ya up. Ya decided to curse me out! I just gave up, ‘til I realized that ya weren’t gonna wake up.” 
Lillianne walked over after finishing getting ready. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled, “I’m just grateful at least you decided to wake me up.” 
After snapping out of her daze, Lillianne found herself sitting on the sofa in the parlor in new clean clothes. The other members of the Crown were discussing the loss of the member. Due to the contract that Jude and Ellis made, plus the fact that everyone was destined to die based on their curse, nothing was going to happen to Ellis. Even Lillianne herself could not be mad at him, Jude never broke a promise, even if Lillianne felt like he did. Lillianne just did not know what to do at this point. She knew that in this conversation; she was not paying attention. Even when people started to try to get her attention, she left the room and walked somewhere in the castle. 
The door loomed in front of her as she knocked, but there will never be an answer. Lillianne opened the door and walked in. It was cold and empty now, but the smell was the same: Sandalwood and cigarettes. Her body moved towards the bed and lay down to be engulfed in the scent. He’s not here anymore. Even if he was not a light, he was a light in her life. He helped her when he rescued her in the past. He gave her a job in his “trading company”, and invested in her sewing business. She did provide him with details, and when they joined the crown, Ellis alongside them, everything just clicked into place. Mission after mission, it was a long road. They were all cursed and all did different things. 
What was even the happiest moment of what happened? Why did she not see it? Why was she not there to stop it? Looking at her hands, she can only envision the warm, sticky blood on them. There had to be more that she could have done.
A voice came from inside the room as the door clicked shut. How did she miss it? How did she not hear them coming or not smell them? When did her senses all dull? 
Lillianne sat up staring at the man who entered the room, “Go away.” 
“I am not leaving you alone, Lillianne. You need someone with you. I need to make sure that you are happy as well,” Ellis walked over to the bed. He pushed her legs to the side and sat on the edge of the bed. Ellis knew Jude would be complaining if he saw that Ellis sat on his bed. 
“Why should I care? How can I be happy if I can’t be with him? He died in my arms,” Lillianne shook her head, “I never imagined my life without him. Ellis, I can’t even hate you. I have no one to blame for this.” She leaned her head against his shoulders before starting to cry again. “I hate it here. I hate it. How can he decide that now is the happiest to leave me? What about me?” 
Ellis sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “He was just ready. He was happy with you and still knew that if it was not me. It would have been tortured, and I think he just did not want people to get to you.” 
“Bullshit. I can take care of myself. I am the strongest one here. I can handle anyone who comes my way. Why else do you think I have wolf claws?” She curled her hands and her sharp nails gleamed in the moonlight. 
Ellis shook his head, “I think you just sharpen your nails, but I will not deny your strength. You are the strongest crown member.” 
Lillianne smiled at him and closed her eyes. One day, she will be able to understand Jude’s choices. She opened her eyes again feeling Ellis’s shoulder move, “What is it?” 
“Jude wanted you to have this,” Ellis pulled out a ring box and a folded letter from his pocket. He handed the letter over to Lillianne. 
Jude’s handwriting scrawled out on the front of the letter, addressing it to Lil’ Wolf. 
Lil’ Wolf,  
If ya see this, I must be dead. Dead before I got a chance. I never told ya much, but I do love ya. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with ya. ‘Cause, your entire being means everything to me. I never thought I would make this promise to anyone else, but I guess ya just happened to be the one. I can imagine the shit-eating grin on ya face. I gave this note to Ellis. The box is the promise for us. I told him to give it to ya when the time was right. So keep the ring as a promise. 
‘Til death do us part,
Lillianne placed the letter on her lap as soon as she finished reading the letter. There was not a shit-eating grin on her face as Jude predicted, but in fact, a softer, sadder smile. Lillianne took the ring box from Ellis’s hand and choked on a sob as she opened it. The ring was simple, but it was gorgeous: a simple silver band and an amethyst stone sitting in the middle. It reminded her of all the times that she stared into his amethyst eyes. She slipped the ring on and made a silent vow to him. 
 A few months after Jude’s death, Lillianne looked at the Crown’s “doctor”, and shook her head, “You are lying. You are fucking with me right now.” 
“Do I look like I am joking, little wolf?” Roger stared back at her, “I am telling you the truth. All your symptoms add up. Being sick, weird cravings, weight gain, mood swings, and I hear two heartbeats. You are pregnant.” 
Lillianne shook her head, “You mean that I have a baby growing inside me. How did it even get there? Who’s his father?” 
“Most likely whoever had sex with you last.” Roger replied bluntly as a soft smile appeared on her face, “You just remembered, didn’t you? Must be a gift from him.”
The realization slammed right into her face like the times that she slammed a door right into Jude’s face when he pissed her off. 
“It is. He’s paying me back after all this time.” A hand rested upon her stomach, and she smiled even bigger, “I just wish he knew that his happiest moment would be later. He would have been able to experience this.” Lillianne started to walk up the stairs from the basement room as she had more to think about. She couldn’t believe that she was pregnant, but it was different since Jude would not be here to help raise their child. Lillianne walked towards Jude’s room. She always went there when she wanted to speak to him, but she never moved a thing. She only moved his covers when she wanted to sleep near him. 
Lillianne walked over to the window, and looked at the forest surrounding them, “Well, my love…” she started as she touched the ring on her left hand; the amethyst glowing in the sunlight. “If you were here, you would be helping me with our family. Can you believe it? I got your last present. One that neither of us expected. I know that I made a vow to you, and I want to make another promise to you. Ones that I will never break. I will always protect our little one: cursed or not. This little one will have the best life that I can provide. Our child will be raised in a good home, even if there are a few oddballs here. Our child will never have to suffer the evils that we’ve had to face throughout our daily lives. Curses or not, I will protect them until the very day that I join you in hell.” 
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judesmoonbeauty · 7 months ago
Art Comm completed by @ reliafutu on X. My OC: Isla x Jude⌛️🌊
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Isla’s Lore: Most know that her Victorian version isn’t cursed, but her mod AU version is. However, the water plays a large part in their lives, and both girls are excellent shots. Their fathers took them hunting quite a bit growing up, and although modern Isla can drown anyone with within her line of sight, she’d rather shoot someone dead because she can lose control of her ability when her emotions are too high. Although, Jude loves watching her victims struggle for their lives as they drown, so she humors him when she’s not emotionally involved
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razzmatome · 9 months ago
Beauty III
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         Bea glared at Jude, half-slumped against his chest. While she’d managed to get out of his hold on her wrist, he’d spun her around to face him. Now both arms were locked around her, trapping her against him.          “We need to work on your stamina, princess.”          “Shut up,” she panted.          He smiled lazily at her, clearly pleased with himself.
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Pairing: Jude x f!OC
Word Count: 1534
CW: Body insecurity, Jude being Jude with a cameo of soft Jude
A/N: And the conclusion! This was nice to write even though it touched on insecurities I have myself. But it's nice to explore them in fiction and have someone say good things about them. Header and dividers from @/natimiles
Part I (sfw) // Part II (nsfw) // Part III (sfw)
Read on Ao3
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         Sinking deeper into the tub, Bea sighed softly. The water was hotter than she normally preferred, but it felt amazing on her aching muscles. It seemed like she found a new set of them every day. Or rather Jude was.
         She blew out a breath, bubbles forming in the water. He’d been like a man possessed this last week. Something in their relationship had shifted, something in him had shifted. He hadn’t pushed her to wear the outfit again. He didn’t need to. Every night, he had stripped her out of whatever she’d worn to bed, hands moving over her body like he hadn’t thoroughly mapped it the night before. He wouldn’t let her get away or hide from him for an instant and he had taken to leaving the lights on.
         Just this morning, she’d woken to stinging kisses and firm fingers on her before he’d taken her again. It was a miracle she’d been able to get up after.
         Lifting an arm out of the water, she studied the faint bruises around her wrist. They had faded from that first night but she could still feel his hands around her, holding her right where he wanted her. So he could do what he wanted to her.
         “That’s a lewd look, princess.”
         Her nose wrinkled at the sudden voice. Why did he always have to catch her when she didn’t want him to? “I was thinking about you,” she admitted, looking at him.
         “Me or what I do to ya?”
         Jude snorted and came into the room.
         She watched as he started shrugging out of his clothes, letting them fall to the floor as they would. A warmth filled her that had nothing to do with the bath. She rolled her eyes when he smirked at her, no doubt at whatever expression she was wearing now. “I like looking at you,” she said softly. Which wasn’t a lie. She would gladly watch him, clothed or naked, whenever she could.
         His smirk remained. “Shove over.”
         Moving forward in the tub, she watched the water ripple and rise as he stepped in behind her. A laugh bubbled out of her when he gripped her waist to pull her into him.
         “Why’s this so fuckin’ hot?’ he growled at her.
         “I wanted it to stay warm longer.”
         A thoughtful pause from behind her. “Waitin’ for me?”
         She nodded, flushing. Her lips pressed together to contain her moan as his fingers dug in. She glanced at him and wasn’t surprised at the satisfaction in his eyes. Letting her head rest on his shoulder, she smiled at him.
         “You’re too simple to please.”
         Rolling her eyes again, Bea let her fingers stroke along his thighs. The words sounded mean but she knew better. The tips of her fingers traced patterns on his skin, feeling the raised edges of scars marking the toned muscles. He wasn’t the only one that liked touching the other but she so rarely got to. He’d taken to restraining her hands the moment she tried to cover herself and sometimes he didn’t let her go until she was ready to pass out.
         “No,” she said quietly when he grabbed one hand and lifted it out of the water.
         He didn’t listen to her. Long fingers stroked over the bruises and he muttered, “I should give ya more. Let those idiots know you’re taken.”
         Oh, how she wanted to tell him no. The girls had gotten one look at her high collars and the marks around her wrists that the lace hadn’t fully hidden and been in titters all week. They’d been merciless in their teasing and desire for details, but she knew they were genuinely happy for her. Thankfully, they’d behaved the few times Jude had stopped by the shop.
         She jumped when he bit her ear. “H-Hey!”
         “Pay attention.”
         “I am!”
         “Now ya are.”
         Bea huffed and tried to push away from him. His arm around her tightened, his fingers pressing into her belly. “Jude!”
         “Thought ya learned not to run from me.”
         He was being ridiculous! “I’m hardly running.”
         “Then sit still,” he growled.
         “Stop it!” she squeaked when he pinched her.
         Water splashed out of the tub as they struggled. But she quickly found herself in a worse situation.
         Bea glared at Jude, half-slumped against his chest. While she’d managed to get out of his hold on her wrist, he’d spun her around to face him. Now both arms were locked around her, trapping her against him.
         “We need to work on your stamina, princess.”
         “Shut up,” she panted.
         He smiled lazily at her, clearly pleased with himself.
         Bea gave up and fully slumped on him. Here she’d hoped they could just enjoy each other’s company after a day apart. She should have known better. But now that she wasn’t struggling, his grip was a little looser and the tips of his fingers were tracing along her back. Maybe…maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
         Her own fingers began to wander, following the edges of his scars. There were so many littered across his body, ranging from relatively minor to leaving her baffled how he could still be alive. It spoke of the life he had lived, was still living. And she….
         “Spit it out.”
         “I can hear ya thinkin’ so spit it out.”
         She hesitated, trying to find the right words. “I was thinking about what you said, about….” She took a breath. “About marks on the body.”
         “What ‘bout it?”
         Bea pursed her lips. The marks on his body were a testament to his will to survive. Hers were a result of a cycle of punishing her body and it lashing back. She made a noise when he pinched her ass. “They’re not the same!” she said quickly before he could do it again.
         “’Course they ain’t. We ain’t lived the same life, have we?”
         “Then why would they be the same? Princess, I know you’ve got a brain in there so use it.”
         She considered biting him but that would only prove his words wrong because there was no way he would let her get away with that.
         Jude fell quiet as she did but she could feel his fingers tracing along her hips. Along the stretch marks there. It was hard not to tense at the touch but she tried.
         She blinked when she felt him brush against the top of her head, his breath fanning over her. Had he just kissed her? She tried to move to see him but his arms tightened again, one hand moving to cup the back of her head and press her into his chest.
         “Different battles, Beatrice,” he said quietly. “That doesn’t make yours any less than mine.”
         Tears pricked her eyes, her breath catching. “Jude….”
         “It ain’t gonna be easy unlearnin’ that shit in your head, but ya need to. You’re worth more than ya give yourself credit for.” His fingers flexed. “You’re worth more to me.”
         Oh. Oh. Bea squeezed her eyes shut to keep herself from crying. She wasn’t ready for this side of him, she never was, and it was always so devastating to her heart when he let her see it.
         His arms squeezed her briefly. “I ain’t gonna make ya promise me. Yet,” he added. “I’m gonna trust ya to try.”
         To be kinder to herself. He didn’t need to say it for her to know what he was talking about. It had been loud and clear in everything he’d done this week, showing without words what he felt for her. But he was right, it wasn’t going to be easy. “I’ll try,” she said softly.
         “Good girl.”
         His praise made her feel too damn good. Her toes curled in the water and she kissed his chest before pressing her flushed cheek to him. He was still stroking her, following the lines in her skin. She shivered as one hand moved lower, her nose wrinkling as he found the dimples on her thighs. “Stop it,” she muttered.
         She hadn’t thought it would work. Even before the incident, he’d spent a lot of their time together touching her. Through clothes, against bare skin, he hadn’t seemed to have a preference. But it had gotten worse since that night.
         “You’re not gonna take away my favourite part of the day.”
         “Damn you,” Bea whispered.
         “Too late for that, princess.”
         He always had to have the last word but she found herself smiling despite it. Listening to his heartbeat, she sighed quietly but even she could hear the contentment in it. She made a small noise when he shifted them both in the tub, letting her lay more fully on him. “Too heavy?’ she asked when he sighed.
         An annoyed noise left him and he pinched her. “Never. Fuckin’ stay put, Beatrice. I ain’t got anywhere to be ‘n neither do you.”
         “Bossy.” Her smile stayed and she relaxed back into him. It was still hard not to flinch a little when he found something new to touch but there was nothing but love behind his touches. He was right that this wouldn’t be easy but she’d try. For the both of them.
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judesmoonbeauty · 8 months ago
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Let’s work hard and stay together forever 💜💜💜
You can’t see it, but his avatar includes his wedding ring.
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judesmoonbeauty · 8 months ago
Highway Kisses
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Apparently, it's international kiss day or something like that, so I thought I'd write a tiny drabble. It was supposed to be a fic inspired by a chat the IkeVil server about theme parks, so I intended it to be longer, but it turned out this way. Maybe I'll write a follow-up to their misadventures at the theme park one day. WC: 269┃Fluff ┃Kisses ┃Love Bites CW: Mild cursing Pairing: Jude x My OC - Isla
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On their way back from an intel mission, a large theme park came into sight as they were driving on the highway. Noticing her eyes brighten as she caught sight of the lights, Jude expected Isla to mention that she wanted to go, but she didn’t say anything. It was probably because she knew he had a business meeting the next day that he wanted to prep for once they returned from their mission.
“Tch….if ya wanna go then say so.”
He suddenly swerved the vehicle into the next lane just barely merging onto the exit needed to get to the theme park, leaving Isla to feel like her heart was going to leap out of her chest.
“Jude, what the hell?! You’re such a jerk.”
He snickered at her while enjoying every bit of the expression on her face. Picking up her free hand he bit down on the top of her knuckle, quickly grazing the sore spot with his hot tongue before gently kissing it, a sweet tingle traveled up her arm before it settled in her heart.
As he locked his fingers with hers, she lifted his hand to her mouth biting him back with as much strength as he bit her with. With a sweet peck over the mark she left she responded, “And I love you.”
Those words wrapped around his heart like a returning promise.
“Ya better, if ya know what’s good for your ass, princess.”
With a warm summer night ahead of them, the dangerous pair continued onto their destination, enjoying sweet kisses throughout the evening.
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Dividers: @/natimiles I have a taglist, but I don't usually include that for my OC fics/drabbles, but if you want to be tagged for this or any of my writing, then please comment or DM me.
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razzmatome · 9 months ago
The Webs We Weave (Ch 2)
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         He studied her. “What’s that tell ya?”          “You’re agitated. Frustrated likely that this visit isn’t what you expected.”          “Ya some kind of mind reader?” he demanded.          Wrong sister, she thought to herself, picking up a spool of thread. “I’ve worked here for five years,” she said. “I know the Hale siblings and I know what I see here.”          “What else ya see?”
Pairing: Jude/fOC
Word Count: 2350
CW: a hint of fat shaming (not from main oc nor suitor), swearing
Previous // Next
Borders and headers from @/natimiles
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         Lazily stroking Grimm, Bea watched people walking by the entrance of the alley. She’d told the other girls to go for a walk when Sissy had demanded they leave the workroom. They apparently weren’t needed for the visit with Mr. Jazza and would only be in the way. But she’d stayed nearby. Neither Sissy nor Richard had any idea about how the shop ran beyond money came in and dresses went out.
         She expected one of them to come running in a panic before too long. It wasn’t her job to save their asses but she had no desire to deal with the temper tantrum either one of them would throw if no one was here. She did find it curious, however, that it hadn’t been their father that had facilitated the deal. Mr. Hale at least came by the shop frequently so he had some idea of what the business was doing. Even if he generally only spoke with Charles to review the books.
         Leaning against the wall, she sighed. She was tired already and it was barely noon. Too much was happening today. Why was it all happening today? Was it some kind of warning? Was it a sign that something more was coming?
         Her lips quirked up when she heard pounding footsteps from inside the shop. That hadn’t taken half as much time as she’d anticipated. She didn’t bother to move off the crate she was sitting on, scratching between Grimm’s ears. She wasn’t going to make it easier for anyone that came looking for her.
         The door banged open and Sissy spilled into the alleyway. She looked completely out of place in her brightly coloured dress, not that she’d looked at home in the shop either. She hadn’t even had the decency to wear something from the shop for the visit. As soon as she’d walked in, it had been clear that she was there for one thing when it came to Mr. Jazza.
         Bea waited as she frantically sorted herself out before looking around. The panic melted into annoyance as she saw her. “Of course, it’s you,” she spat. “Where are the other two?”
         She didn’t even know their names, did she? “You told them to leave so they did. They’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
         Grimm’s ears folded back at Sissy’s shout and Bea kept petting him. “Is there a problem?” she asked mildly. “Is Mr. Jazza not happy?”
         “He has questions about the shop.”
         That you can’t answer. “I see.”
         Sissy huffed, tossing her hair. “Well? Get your fat ass up and come inside!”
         Grimm hissed, the sound louder than a cat of his size should have been able to make.
         Sissy pressed a hand to her chest, eyes wide as she took a step back. “Get rid of that thing and come inside!” she said, stomping her foot.
         Bea stared at her calmly. “Go inside. I’ll be right there.”
         She opened her mouth to argue but fled inside when Grimm growled.
         Waiting a moment, she looked down at the cat in her lap. He looked back at her, a growl still rumbling through him. “No,” she said softly, “you can’t eat her.”
         His eyes narrowed, clearly displeased.
         “No,” she repeated, keeping her voice firm. If she wavered for even a moment, he would take it as approval and do something she absolutely did not want to deal with.
         He flicked his ears before leaping to the ground as she stood up. His tail lashed a few times before he wound between her legs.
         She waited, watching as he slipped behind her to disappear into her shadow. Perhaps she should have kept Jynx today. She wasn’t as excitable as her counterpart.
         Taking a deep breath, she gathered herself and went inside. She found Sissy at the door of the workroom, tapping her foot.
         “Finally!” she snapped, yarding the door open.
         Bea grit her teeth and followed her in, stopping just inside the door. Sissy didn’t seem to notice, flouncing over to her brother but Bea kept her focus on the pair she didn’t recognise. They were both looking at her as well, which made it hard to breathe. Something about them made it hard to breathe. Were they…witches?
         “This is Bea,” Richard said, informally introducing her and making her frown. “She’s in charge of the girls.”
         She slanted a glance at him. Oh, was she? That was news to her.
         “She can answer any questions you have, Mr. Jazza.”
         Bea started to sigh when one of the men made a sharp noise. “Ellis, review the sales logs with ‘em.”
         “Oh, we can do that later, Mr. Jazza. I want-”
         “Neither one of ya could answer my questions and I’ve wasted enough time waitin’ for answers already. We’re leavin’ once I’m done talkin’ to her.”
         Bea fought to keep her face expressionless, but she was shocked. No one had ever talked to the Hale siblings like that. Hadn’t Richard sought this man out? Why had he helped them to turn around and berate them?
         “Let my sister stay to confirm-”
         “Why? She doesn’t know shit. Ellis, now.”
         “Sure, Jude.” The dark haired man smiled and approached the siblings. “Nice to meet you, Miss Bea,” he said politely before ushering the siblings out the door.
         She blinked as he ignored their protests and closed the door behind him. “Huh,” she said quietly.
         “Ya really in charge?”
         Getting right to it was he? He really must not want to be there any longer. Turning back to Mr. Jazza, she shook her head. “No, that would be Mrs. Turner.” When his face clouded with frustration, she added, “She’s been away for some time now, sick.”
         His head cocked. “They said you’re in charge.”
         “Because they won’t replace her. I was working as her apprentice so her responsibilities fell to me.”
         He made that sharp noise again and sucked on his cheek. His hands were steepled in front of him but she saw the way his fingers were twitching slightly.
         Oh. She recognised that and it probably wasn’t helping his mood at all. “We can move to another room if you want to smoke,” she offered.
         “You’re acting like you want a cigarette.”
         “Ya just met me and ya think ya know me?”
         Bea shrugged and moved to a workbench to sit down. It wasn’t as overwhelming now that there was only one but something about him made her skin itch. Keeping the room between them was probably for the best. “You had questions?”
         “How’d ya know I smoke?”
         She frowned. Why was he stuck on that? “One of the girls smokes,” she explained. “We don’t allow smoking in the workroom to keep the smell off of the fabrics. She has certain tells when she wants one but can’t have it yet.”
         He studied her. “What’s that tell ya?”
         “You’re agitated. Frustrated likely that this visit isn’t what you expected.”
         “Ya some kind of mind reader?” he demanded.
         Wrong sister, she thought to herself, picking up a spool of thread. “I’ve worked here for five years,” she said. “I know the Hale siblings and I know what I see here.”
         “What else ya see?”
         Bea paused in unwinding the thread to consider him. What was he really asking her? He didn’t seem the type to beat around the bush, but did he want that honesty from her? Was he testing to see if she was loyal to the people who employed her? “A sinking ship,” she said, cutting the thread loose.
         “Most people don’t stay on those.”
         “Some people don’t have a choice.” She pushed the thread across the table, twisting it absently around her fingers. “While the situation leaves something to be desired, there is some security here.”
         “Not much.”
         “Do you know how hard it is to find a decent job, Mr. Jazza? That doesn’t see you worked to the bone every day? Or to not have any advances made on your person? They might not know what they’re doing, but we do.”
         He studied her, clearly thinking about something. She didn’t care what; the majority of her attention was focused on the sigils she was using the thread to conceal she was making.
         Sighing softly, she pressed her hands to the tabletop and looked fully at him. The spell released slowly, carefully, shivering up her fingers before spreading through the room. Silently. She watched as his shadow flickered behind him, the edges warping and turning jagged, but mostly keeping its shape. Not one of her kind then but more than human. The list of what ‘more’ could be wasn’t very long, but she didn’t have the desire to figure out what. She scrunched the string into her palm before letting it and the spell drop. “Was there anything else?” she asked politely.
         “Turn around time on orders.”
         Bea blinked. “That depends on the order and the availability of the client. We strive to have all orders completed within two weeks. It is harder with only the three of us as they haven’t decreased the amount of orders we take but the machines make up for it.”
         “Who purchases materials?”
         “I generally do if they don’t bring it themselves,” she said slowly.
         He gave her a look, waiting for her to continue.
         “Why would I tell a man I don’t know where I shop? You may have business with Mr. Hale but I’m not a fool.”
         “At least one of ya has a damn brain,” he muttered, “but you’re alone in here with me.”
         “Across the room and closer to the shears than you are,” she said mildly. The shears would be the least of his concerns if he decided to try anything.
         Why did he look pleased with that answer? “Ya hafta stab anyone here?”
         “No.” She had better tools to deal with wandering hands and had already used them. There was a reason why the girls were safe when a man like Richard Hale worked here.
         Bea watched as he pulled out a pocket watch and made a face. “Not a complete waste of time,” he muttered, putting it away. “Ya here every day?”
         Her eyes narrowed and she didn’t answer.
         He smirked at her and, even across the room, she could see the wicked way his eyes danced. “Good. I don’t trust either of ‘em to tell me the truth about shit. Money is meant to go into the shop. Books will tell me if they ain’t; you’ll tell me why.”
         “Why should I? You’re asking me to betray my employer.”
         “Given the amount of money I gave, I am your employer.”
         That wasn’t what the Hales thought. “Not much of a deal when you aren’t offering me anything in return?”
         His lips quirked again. “Whaddya want?”
         Was he seriously offering her a deal? To keep tabs and spy on her employers for him? He didn’t seem like he was lying or trying to pull her leg. There was an odd light in his eyes that made her nervous to even continue the conversation. “I’d like to think about it,” she said honestly. “I’m not rushing into anything with a man I just met.”
         “Three days. I’ll be back ‘round again in three days.”
         She watched as he moved toward the door and left without waiting for her to say anything back. Sighing again, she braced her head in her hands. What had just happened? She’d gone from not thinking she would meet him at all to being offered a deal to rat out the Hales. Because she was certain that everyone who knew about the deal was aware it was unlikely that money was actually going to go into the shop. But why pick her to be his spy? What would he gain if they defaulted on whatever contract they had?
         Why did things keep happening today? Couldn’t it just stop? Was something trying to punish her and her sisters? Hadn’t they already been through enough?
         But he was going to be the least of her problems for three days. She had bigger things to worry about.
         Ignoring Ellis as he ate his gelato, Jude worked on his cigarette and rolled the earlier conversation around in his head. Miss Bea had been oddly forthcoming given she kept saying she didn’t know him, even if she’d had the self-preservation to not give him details about herself. But that told him the situation was worse than he had initially thought.
         “Did you get what you wanted?”
         Did he? He’d gotten answers to questions he didn’t really need the answers to but…. “Won’t say I know how but I’d wager she’s the reason,” he said.
         Ellis hummed and ate another bite of gelato. “Should we tell Victor?”
         “No.” He had no proof she was cursed. He had absolutely no answers about why his men hadn’t learned anything. Maybe he should have hired a woman to try to get those answers but it was too late now. But he doubted even that would be enough to get close enough to her to find anything out.
He did respect the fact that she hadn’t simply accepted his offer. Her wariness of him was good to see after the Hales; at least she recognised that a deal wasn’t something to rush into. She didn’t seem to like the idea of feeding him information but she hadn’t denied him outright so she was open to the idea.
She’d called the shop a sinking ship; what was she going to want in return as her life line off of it?
         “I think they might be worse off than we thought,” Ellis said after a moment.
         Jude looked at him with a frown. “What?”
         “The lights nearly went out while we were reviewing the books. They both seemed spooked when it happened but denied there were problems with the building.”
         “What?” he said again.
         “Didn’t you see it? I even heard people in the shop yelling about it.”
         Staring at him, Jude silently swore. Cursed or not, something was going on in that shop that wasn’t normal.
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adreaminthesea · 6 days ago
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OC Isla x Jude art comm. Credit: @.cinnamo_oon0 on X.
Isla actually isn’t the super energetic type, but she has her moments💜
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nightfoxqueen · 9 months ago
Thank you so much Ciele! This is beautiful and I enjoyed the giggles it gave me! ❤ Thank you for featuring my OC and one day I hope I can do the same for you! (Once I get to know Jude better!)
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This fic is a gift to one of my dear friends @nightfoxqueen featuring her OC Lottie x Roger. It also includes my OC Isla x Jude, along with Ellis briefly. This story has already been read and approved by her. Lottie (as she is described to me), has a fiery personality, she didn't always get along with Jude, but learned how to care for him like a little brother over time (she adores teasing him), and she also loves the other Crown OCs like little sisters. When Sophie and I where talking about our OCs this scene just popped into my head and I wanted to write it out for her. This was my first Roger fic, maybe more in the future?
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WC: 1,197 Tags: Fluff, Friends, Drinking, OC x Roger CW: Death, Blood, Suggestive Remarks Dividers: @/natimiles
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The pumping sound of a shotgun gun echoed in an underground basement before it fired at point blank in the target’s face. Roger flung his gun into his back holster, before walking up to the body to search for the formula he and Jude had been after, when he heard a spiteful voice lash out.
“Tch. Ya got that bastard’s blood on me.”
Roger continued to search the body while he ignored Jude, and once he found what he’d been looking for, he held up a piece of folded paper with a big grin.
“Found it. Don’t worry you moody ass prick, I’ll buy you a drink.”
“Don’t look so pleased with yourself, now let’s go.”
Jude closed his pocket watch and took his leave first to meet up with Ellis at the entrance, while Roger chuckled at him from behind, “Come on, Lottie. Let’s get a drink or two in him.”
Wrapping his muscular arm around the neck of his navy-haired lover, Lottie quickly finished writing her notes about the mission, wrapped her arm around Roger’s waist and made her way back outside. Walking a few blocks down the cobble-stoned street they made their way into a bustling and rowdy pub, the cheers of drunks and merry-making the filled the previously stiff air. Lottie, Roger and Ellis sat at the bar chatting and enjoying the scene, while Jude quietly brooded over a glass of whiskey and a cigar. The scent of smoke and spirits was so strong it could burn ones nostrils, and before long Roger was sitting Lottie on the bar in front of him, with his hands sliding down her curves feeling every inch of her.
“Disgustin’. Take that shit to a room.”
Lottie’s clear teal eyes pierced Jude’s temperamental remark as she teased him, “Don’t be a grouch just because Isla isn’t here with us, she was assigned to another mission tonight right?”
Putting her arms over Roger’s shoulder she taunted Jude even though she knew full well where the other Crown girl was at, but she couldn’t resist messing with the resident mobster she thought of as a little brother. Ellis innocently answered her question not realizing she was messing around with him.
“She went to France with her brother Rivera, remember?”
“Ellis!” Jude snapped at his assistant as though he didn’t want to be reminded of that fact, and looking at his pocket watch he gritted his teeth because there was still another day before she was to arrive back in London.
“Wow, so it finally happened. She finally left your ass…..good on her!” Lottie threw her head back in laughter, and Roger buried his face in her lap trying to hide his guffawing even though his shaking shoulders betrayed him.
“Is that why she left with Rivera, Jude? It wasn’t a business trip, after all?” Ellis tilted his head as his large twilight eyes widened in pity at the thought of his boss being abandoned.
“Now, you’ll never be happy.” he sighed with disappointment.
“Hah?! As if she’d ever do that. Drag her ass all the way back here if she did anyway. Idiot.”
Roger finally raised his head from Lottie’s warm lap, and called the bartender over to refill Jude’s glass. “Geez, Jude. No wonder you’ve been so pissy, you haven’t been getting any lately have you?”
“Oh, is that the problem?” Ellis asked with a cheeky grin on his face while he lightly sipped his drink, finally catching on that everyone was just jeering at Jude.
Jude crushed his cigarette in the tray and got ready to take his leave when Roger challenged him to a drinking competition.
“Aw, come on, Jude. Loosen up a little, she isn’t coming back anytime soon.”
“Tch. Stupid.” Jude turned on his heel to leave for the castle when Lottie slid into Roger’s lap and then called out to Jude.
“Woooow, I can’t wait to tell Isla how weak and soft Jude Jazza’s gotten since he’s been with her. She may just die of shock that he was too afraid to take you up on your challenge Roger.”
Amethyst eyes turned to meet sparkling teal ones, and with a loud sigh Jude strolled back over to the bar, knowing full well what Lottie was doing, but his pride was too great not to respond to her barbed words.
“Ahaha, bartender start us off with three beers each!” Roger shouted with excitement as his hand slid around Lottie’s hip, and Jude couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy as they continued to flirt and and drink in the clamor of the night. Roger watched Jude drink glass after glass with him and Lottie, and couldn’t help but to love his woman even more. She was fierce, a true spit-fire, someone who would do anything for others, hell she even came to like Jude. He twirled a lock of her dark hair between his fingers as his warm amber eyes stared at her, thinking back to the night they had first met - it was a drinking competition just like this one actually.
She could drink even him under the table, though he wouldn’t let her because he’d be too worried that she’d damage her beautiful body. As Jude and Lottie continued their banter, Ellis listened to them with rapt attention, and it was nights like this the Roger felt a bit more complete. Still, Jude no doubt felt the opposite. Poor bastard, hurry back Isla, he misses you.
After a couple of hours drinking into the early morning, the quad of Crown members left the pub and made their way back to the castle. Roger and Lottie sang songs loudly in the alley way and jested together. It was beginning to weigh on Jude’s nerves as he was checking his pocket watch yet again, when all of a sudden his entire body staggered forward. He became heavy as a pair of sleek black boots wrapped around his waist, and arms choked his neck. Dropping his cigarette on the ground, he quickly grabbed her thighs to support her as he yelled at his attacker.
Isla greeted him with a big kiss on the side of his cheek and smiled at him. Completely startled by her sneak attack, he turned his head and met with her frosty sage eyes, “The hell are ya-”
“I’m back my, love.”
The scent of rose water wafted over and calmed him. Pinching her thighs he turned his head toward hers and kissed her lips softly, “Took ya long enough, princess.”
She was about to hop down, but he wouldn’t let her go, and he quickly walked towards the castle’s carriage with her in tow, as Lottie called out to them in the background, “Whoooo, tear her up, Jude Jazza!”
As they disappeared into the night ahead of them, Ellis went his own way, leaving Roger alone with Lottie. Backing her against the wall, his large hands fondled with her corset top and his hot breath tickled her cheek as he whispered, “ And I may just tear you up here.”
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drachonia · 4 months ago
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𝐨 𝐧 𝐜 𝐞 𝐮 𝐩 𝐨 𝐧 𝐚 𝐝 𝐫 𝐞 𝐚 𝐦 .
Kinktober Day 18 Jude Jazza x OC insert (Camille)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: teehee. 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @candiedcoffeedrops @candied-boys 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: praise kink, jude realizing he might be down bad, blue balling (im so sorry).
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The sickbed in Roger’s Crown clinic creaked quietly as Jude shifted to his uninjured side, heaving an irritated sigh. Every bit of his mind was screaming at him to get up and hunt down anyone who had ever broken their contracts with him. He smacked his closed fist lightly against his skull in irritation, a slight curl to his upper lip.
Her scent hit him before her presence did, a sweet fragrance that didn’t burn his nose like most. His eyes flicked open to stare intently at her, “Whadaya want?” He snapped, resisting the urge to curl his lip again. That voice banging against the walls of his skull shook and rattled his head once more.
She’ll do.
“I fuckin’ warned ya what’d happen if ya came down here, princess.” His face twisted into a wicked sneer, hand shooting out and yanking her over him as he rolled onto his back, her hips pressed against his as he pushed up his knees to brace her lower back. The heat of him pressed against her as if to foreshadow exactly what was to come.
“C’mere.” Jude grunted as he grasped her chin firmly between his fingers, lips covering hers. Shockingly, he felt her relax into his kiss. Well then…perhaps he shouldn’t hold back on her after all, if this was really what she was fine with.
His other hand grasped her waist and forcibly ground her against his hips, pressing down on his own with a teasing hum as he broke the kiss, tongue retreating from her mouth to marvel at the unfocused eyes and flushed cheeks against her raven hair.
“Naughty princess, gettin’ all dressed up and walkin’ into a den of wolves…” he purred, “Are you naughty?” He squeezed her cheeks between his fingers as they shifted from her chin, “Tell me, Princess, are ya a naughty girl?” Jude growled a second time, watching her nod slowly, teeth sinking into her bottom lip slightly. Damn, he wanted to tear into her so badly.
Fingers squeezed her cheeks as his hand on her hip shoved up her skirt and came down on her backside hard enough to sting. The yelp that rewarded him was nothing short of sugary sweet, like peaches swathed in sweet clotted cream.
“Good girl.” He hummed, sadistic grin widening as he moved so both hands rested on her waist, “Now, what do you want?”
“I want—“
Her voice seemed to muffle slightly, and the more Jude strained to hear it, the less he could hear until…
“…de. Jude! Don’t tell me you’re dead already…”
Out of pure instinct, the mob boss shot out his fist to take a swing, only to have his arm caught by Roger, staring down at him on the sickbed.
“You alright? You’re sweating bullets.” The hunter pointed out, “You getting a fever?” Roger reached out to press the back of his hand to Jude’s forehead only to have it smacked aside.
“Just do yer fuckin’ job, ya damn hack.” He snarled, running a hand through his hair as he shifted uncomfortably under the blankets.
Just another thing to take care of later, wonderful.
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