#OC: Isla
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reginalusus · 3 months ago
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Birthday gift for @pajamagurll - sketch of Harvey and her DC OC, Isla. ^^ I liked how it came out so I decided to post... (and I fixed the heart layer, lmao).
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cowplant-ate-my-sim · 2 years ago
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Sims 4 Lookbook 28
its beach themed
Look 1
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Look 3
Credits: @wildmelon @saruin @uh0htaj @daylifesims @nsves @simancholy @ikari-sims @enriques4 @plumbobgrrrl @charonlee
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judesmoonbeauty · 7 months ago
Art Comm completed by @ reliafutu on X. My OC: Isla x Jude⌛️🌊
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Isla’s Lore: Most know that her Victorian version isn’t cursed, but her mod AU version is. However, the water plays a large part in their lives, and both girls are excellent shots. Their fathers took them hunting quite a bit growing up, and although modern Isla can drown anyone with within her line of sight, she’d rather shoot someone dead because she can lose control of her ability when her emotions are too high. Although, Jude loves watching her victims struggle for their lives as they drown, so she humors him when she’s not emotionally involved
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lamemummy59 · 1 year ago
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Gift for my friend @pajamagurll !!! This is her OC Isla!
rbs very appreciated!
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chadchadsonthesnail · 2 months ago
Giveth me all of your HSR OCs favorite foods so I can be like "woah that's cool"
So, I had to think about this, because I myself don't really think much about foods. But with some suggestions from Ame and some research on my own, I think I've managed to figure some things out that I like.
Cyane, like me, would probably struggle if she was asked what her favorite food is. However, she has a different reason than I do. However, with some suggestions from Ame, I decided she is partial to Oshi Sushi, specifically when made with salmon. She probably prefers Oshi Sushi because, from my research, it seems pretty easy to just hold in your hand, which Cyane would appreciate.
Caidian doesn't have a preference when it comes to flavor, but if asked what her favorite food is, she would quickly answer that it is hotpot. This is mainly due to the positive associations she has with it, as it was the first meal she had with Jiaoqiu, at what is now her home, after being alone for years.
Feilin has a bit of a sweet tooth, and especially enjoys any type of fruit cake. If she were able to eat chocolate, she would definitely enjoy it, but alas, Foxians, like dogs, get sick if they eat any. Otherwise, she enjoys anything that can give her energy, and won't turn down spicy foods.
Isla enjoys breakfast foods the most, and is partial towards any bread-based dish. Breakfast pastries are at the top of her list, enjoying croissants, cinnamon rolls, and more. She also enjoys the iconic buttered toast, and likes both waffles and pancakes equally. She won't say this aloud, but she find the waffles vs pancakes debate to be ridiculous, since they are both made from cooked batter, just in different shapes, and with some differences in how well they absorb things.
River is the easiest to do. She has very much evolved past this point, but the OC I based her on was based on myself. River prefers foods that are easy to make, like boxed mac & cheese, instant ramen, or microwave rice. But if she is given the option, she loves seafood, with her favorite being steamed clams with lemon slices.
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toliveistohide · 1 month ago
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recent drawings of my fantasy OCs
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bottomthor · 2 months ago
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Name: Isla Mahariel
Age: 26
Race: Elf
Faction: Grey Wardens
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pan
Romance: Taash
Born Isla Thorne in Denerim's alienage, Isla's life turned around shortly after her fifth birthday when darkspawn rampaged through her home- and her life was saved by a young Warden. Marina Mahariel remained to help rebuild, and Isla was hard to tear from her side. When Marina left Ferelden to go to Antiva with Zevran, they took Isla with them and she claimed their name.
Ten years and five adopted siblings later Marina felt her Calling and gave Isla, her only child who considered herself Dalish and who she had given vallaslin personally, her bow and drakescale armour. "You are a child of Clan Sabrae, no matter your blood," she told her daughter. "I know you will do our clan proud." It was the last time she saw her mother, who sacrificed herself to ensure the Inquisitor could escape the Fade at Adamant.
Isla watched her littlest brother grow up having to be told who his mother was, and every time she became angrier and demanded to know who was responsible for the mess that had killed her mother. Finally the Inquisitor, who had kept in contact with and supported her family, told her: Solas. Fen'Harel. The Dread Wolf.
Learning the truth about the pantheon her mother had died revering nearly destroyed Isla and she became reckless, stumbling over a blighted elven relic. Blackwall put in a good word for her abilities and the Wardens allowed her to undertake the Joining at twenty, never knowing how closely her path hewed to the mother's she missed so desperately and was trying to emulate. She used her birth name, however, not wanting her mother's reputation to be her own. She soon made one for herself as impulsive and a troublemaker and the First Warden was glad to release her to Varric.
She uses her mother's bow to this day, though she does not fit her armour, being stockier than her mother ever was. She is angry as she hunts Solas and Varric worries for her, but knows someone needs to keep an eye on her- a charge from the Inquisitor herself.
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tedious-malcontent · 11 months ago
Selkie Kevin AU for Wip Wed! :D
sure! :D
"Road trip," Isla says, "East coast. Boston, New York, Pennsylvania- Abby suggested going to Gettysburg." "That's a lot of driving," Jean points out. "Yeah, but we have a fair bit of time. And we could fly out there." Jean tilts his head, considering it. "Two weeks, tops," he says shutting off the sink. "So you agree?" Isla says, grinning. "Fine," Jean says, despite the niggling feeling that he's going to regret agreeing, and Isla whoops in excitement. "Fuck yeah," she says, and her enthusiasm is so infectious that Jean can't help smiling.
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sprunkisunshinesuburbia · 19 days ago
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The smaller keeper had been talking for quite some time- So much so that the duo had tuned it out along with the occasional bell ringing as the father drove and his son jotted down notes.  Nymn: So anyways- That's why ain't nobody really messes with us- I gots da confidence- Syno's strong as 'byss and da Lighthouse is MASSIVE!- But she's a sweetie I swears-- Would nevah hurt nobody 'less they was askin' for it! And like who woulds even?? She'd smush em underfoot!
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Nymn: Oh hey fellas! Lookit dat! We're almost to da Suburbs!
He snapped his fingers a few times then pointed forward at something ahead-  
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A sign reading "WELCOME TO THE SUNSHINE SUBURBS!" adorned with various little trinkets.
Nymn: So like- All dat decor round it is like- From da residents and us! It kinda became a tradition and sorts to have somethin close to your color there at the welcome sign... Dat lil mousie up there's mine! Right next ta Syno's Ship-weight thing! Syno: It's an anchor lad.
Nymn: AH- Right right- Anchor!  
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Sky: Dad?-
Jevin: Mhm?... He had lowered his head to hear his son's whispers a bit better- Eyes still glued to the road after briefly looking towards the sign.
Sky: If I'm counting all of the stuff there right- There should be maybe... About maybe more than ten people there?... We've dealt with worse numbers before back with those villagers-
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Jevin: Sky... I do not think we have to worry... We were invited to be there- And surely these folks mean well if they so openly speak of themselves and others... Sky: I dunno could be lying to us.
Jevin: Or maybe they are not... At least I hope they are not...
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dr9com9ge-ix · 1 month ago
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I’m glad to have finally gotten the first page out! Really proud of these so here’s the full panels— Also
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Telling myself NOT to sketch the next panels tonight to give my wrists and brain a BREAK!!!!
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nottoonedin · 8 months ago
Behold.. my ALNST OCs:
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And Monica!
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These aren't their final designs, just rough drafts(?) but I'm happy with how they turned out for now!
They're lesbians.. (One's in denial, one's head over heels, I'll let you figure out which is which lol)
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cowplant-ate-my-sim · 9 months ago
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Sims 4 Lookbook 30
Look 1
Look 2
Look 3
Look 4
Credits: @livixo @destinationboogie @maximoons @astya96cc @seoulsoul-sims @fukkiemon @thatonegreenleaf @waterblue @xiuminuwu @cazhan @boonstoww @greenllamas @daylifesims @sentate @ruchellsims @cocoelleansims @charonlee @wildmelon @loreleisims @cloudcat @wonder-bitter
tumblr won't tag the others
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kiwi · 1 year ago
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@brothenjoyer real "taking your little sister to hot topic" vibes
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dayspring-aurora · 1 month ago
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chadchadsonthesnail · 2 months ago
Sorry for accidentally unfollowing, stupid fingers
All of your oc's favorite colors please
I've somehow managed to avoid unfollowing anyone. However, I did once accidently use ~ instead of ! when wishing someone good night.
Feilin, the lesbian that she is, likes bright blues and teals. The color that is both that of the hottest fire, and coincidentally also the color of Feixiao's eyes.
Caidian likes softer colors, like lavender, baby blue, or pink lace. She finds them comforting, and also somewhat reminiscent of sweets.
River likes shades of blue and yellow, and tends towards more natural blues, and at the same time, electric blue.
Isla likes spring green and mint green, while also liking cooler shades of browns.
Metzi... she struggles to pick a favorite color. If asked, she'd probably have a different answer every time. But her favorite shades of colors are always more natually occuring. She especially likes colors that you can see in the sky, like the blue of a clear day, or the oranges, pinks, and purples of sunset. She also likes rich leafy green colors.
Cyane is difficult. She always is, when picking favorite things for characters. But the color that seems to be present in those who she does manage to open up to is purple, usually somewhere around royal purple or violet.
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cupidbedsy · 2 months ago
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♡ JUST LET ME ADORE YOU ; CB98 + LR73 + KK14 + AV72 ♡
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where isla grace carson befriends four hockey players and learns to let them love her
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➪ isla grace carson
➪ their relationship
➪ teases
➪ trying to dance the blues away
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for all thoughts 'just let me adore you', click here -> ♡ adore you !
for all thoughts isla, connor, alex, lukas, and kevin, click here -> ♡ isla and the boys !
for the 'just let me adore you' pinterest board, click here -> pinterest !
if you want to join the taglist, click here -> taglist !
this is an interactive au, please send thoughts and asks in!
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