#jrwi ts theory
clownfire · 3 months
Honestly so pissed that ArmoredPheasant discourse completely overshadowed the INSANE lore implications of the Queen's name drop.
Evalyn Bathory-Tepes.
(I got the suspicion that the backstory we saw in Shilo's vision was inspired by Castlevania, but this confirms it.)
And she NEVER mentioned him to Shilo? Like I get that he disappeared hundreds of years before Shilo was born, so she couldn't use that to legitimise him as an heir (and I guess she was turning vampire society into a successive monarchy, if she was raising Shilo as an heir?). But being the wife of Dracula would have legitimised her rule and would have been a powerful propaganda tool, NOT leaning into that is such a bold statement.
We love a girl boss <3
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clownfire · 6 months
(I am referring to the vampire queen from just roll with it. Do Not want to lose context in the tags)
Spoilers upto episode 10 btw
1: Bathory. As in actual serial killer Elizabeth Bathory (and yes I did check the episode transcripts it IS spelt the same way).
2: Her unconditional compassion is was what got her seated at the right hand of FUCKING DRACULA. She then used that power to burn down an entire village.
We love a girlboss who contains multitudes <3
3: Everything about Luna's ritual could imply SO much about the Queen.
Firstly, she sought the tremere Luna to help her. Luna, of the Lunarchive? In all likelihood a very powerful, and influential vampire, if not the clan's primogen. That's a lot of trust to give, and makes me wonder if the two are particular close (maybe over being perceived as witches?). Second, the degree of intentionally opposes the theory/assumption that this was the result of some hook-up with a mortal that miraculously resulted in a pregnancy she decided to keep. And Shilo being born a vampire was something that went wrong with the spell. She wanted to raise mortal children. Shilo being a vampire was the thing that threw off her plans, not Emizel being born mortal. What was she planning to do before this happened? Was she going to do a Dracula and ditch the throne?
3: Why does she straight up have Lisa Tepes' backstory.
(And on that note, I don't follow the theory that Dracula is the twin's father. In fact, the magical nature could call into question if they even have a biological father)
4: Is Lazarus actually her brother, or is she doing that thing where you call your parents make you call their close friends aunt and uncle?
The former could mean a couple of interesting things. He looks a fair bit older than her, was he turned later in life? You could even see this an an early example of her consolidating power for her family.
If you've read this far, I'm assuming you're as insane about her as I am. And I'm serious, message me and I WILL send you brain-worms from my Hellish timezone.
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clownfire · 3 months
I need to know if Lazarus is old enough to have known Dracula, and how he felt about Arthur's making himself look like him.
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clownfire · 9 months
Theory discussion! Spoilers for ep 4 of The Suckening.
I wanna talk about Edward and the spiked blood real quick.
Either Edward spiked one (possibly more) of the bodies himself or knew that they would be ahead of time.
Edward drinking from his own glass, and not touching the body in front of him makes me think that more - if not all - of the other bodies were drugged as well.
This can't just have been to spite Shilo and/or Arthur - they were invited the night before + there doesn't appear to have been a guest list, since the bouncer outside was writing names down as people came in. (mini-theory but I think the invitations were just a way to ensure only other kindred knew of the event)
So Edward was totally prepared for something to go wrong at the Elysium. I'm not certain that he knew about the Grimmslayer raid, but they do have vampire informants like Arthur so it's a possibility.
Alternatively, Edward may have had his own power-grab scheme that got interrupted.
Comment or RB if you have anything to add on!
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clownfire · 8 months
So... before tomorrow's episode drops:
What is up with the Fangs?
theory talk + spoilers for episodes 0-5 of the suckening
Emizel has been described as (at least mechanically) being part Ventrue, part Brujah. The Ventrue part was inherited from his mother, the literal Ventrue queen; so Emizel's sire was from that clan.
The guy mentioned needing to 'prove himself', probably to his higher-ups who are also vampires, maybe even the ones who embraced him. The name too - with such overt theming - makes be think that the gang was founded and run by vampires.
Interested in seeing if the Fangs are affiliated with the local vamp society aligned with the Queen - working to maintain influence over organised crime, similar to how Deacon has some control over the LAPD - or if they're part of a faction trying to undermine her rule (think the Sabbat or Anarch movement of base-game VTM).
Both would have interesting consequences on the Demons, now that Emizel's aware of his claim to the throne.
Either 1) Emizel can take over the Fangs, or 2) He just became their prime target after he put a 'kill me if you want any chance of securing the throne for yourself' sign on his back with that little announcement at the Elysium.
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