#jrwi 109 spoilers
toffeebrew · 9 months
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With Halloween coming up, I just had to combine my two (currently) favorite undead things :)
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here-there-be-drag0ns · 8 months
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A snippet of storyboard from a jrwi animatic set to You Gotta Die Sometime, because undead chip is soooooo interesting to me especially with the potential memory loss thing
I am not likely to ever finish this particular animatic, but this scene from it would not leave my head until i drew it, so here Take This. Enjoy it. it might be all you get for this particular song.
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Yknow how thru the campaign everyone alwaysss points out chips haunted eyes and how just fucked up he looks from his gaze alone. What do u think his eyes would look like now after 109(if they say it in the episode pretend they didnt i forgot everything abt it). Would they get even more haunted and fucked. Or maybe after hes dead they just look emptier and yknow almost. Calmer. Like im no writer so idk how to describe any of this, but if b4 where he seemed to always be vigilant and have perhaps a slight frenzy 2 his eyes what if now its just like. Theres nothing there. No frenzy no panic no fear no obvious-traumatic-and-tragic-backstory-type-gaze. Just sorta fuckin. Not even there. Just fuckin empty.
And what if gillion, his favourite colour being brown like chips eyes, notices how after hes dead theyre no longer brown. Idk what colour theyd be, whether it b the typical black sea sludge colour or like a grey or a foggy white or whatever. But especially with gill immediately seeing undead chip as "one of them", what if he looked into chips eyes and just didnt see Him.
And how like. Idk despite chip havin haunted eyes, its much more haunting 2 chip and jay 2 see him without that fear. Which is fuckin fucked man. Anywayz.
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rock-ettz · 10 months
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the tittle and thumbnail for the new episode........
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candlewick-art · 10 months
Slight spoilers for jrwi 109
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bluequillss · 9 months
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// episode 109 spoilers
hey wait thats mine give it back
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skywerse · 10 months
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missing parts
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kutakunagasblog · 10 months
“ why did I let this happen to you”
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Something something their jewellery shining red like the strings of fate
Is it too soon to introduce chip with a white streak ?
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Stuff I forgot to post from episode 109 ^^
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ghostnorm · 3 months
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enjoyerofsoup · 2 months
jrwi riptide 109 spoilers also a little gorey???/////
listen i love the fanon design of chip with the hole in his chest, but i am always thinking about how in canon, chip’s heart is ripped out through his mouth. for reference, the human heart is roughly the size of two fists held together.
the fucking pain of something that size being torn from its home in your chest and dragged through your throat and out of your mouth would be fucking unimaginable.
just thinking about the anatomical implications of that, even though it was done through magical means. your heart’s being ripped from its place in the ribcage, and it’s not like theres an easy entrance to the throat from there. it would need to be dragged through the lungs surrounding it and rip its way into the esophagus. i wouldn’t be surprised if something that size traveling up your throat could have enough force to snap your neck. and after the lungs and esophagus and trachea and all the surrounding tissue and blood vessels and arteries have been fucking mangled, the heart has to come out of your mouth. the size of your two fists held together. probably with enough force to shatter your jaw and knock out your teeth. and even after it’s done, after your heart’s been stolen, all that viscera had to come with it.
and thankfully, with how captain widow’s magic works, chip does not die, but becomes undead. after she’s eaten his heart. after he gains the effects of a long rest, and he seems to be alright aside from the obvious issue at hand.
but he felt every second of it, and that’s not something you can just forget.
(obviously the actual canon description of this event is NOT as gorey as this post so it doesn’t all line up but please just let me LIVE i love when things are fucked up and gross)
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vastlaundrybear · 3 months
canon trusttt grizzly told me himself 🙏🙏🙏
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toffeebrew · 10 months
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raebonnz · 3 months
glad we’re all in agreement on who’s who
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based on:
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sw-oops · 5 months
he needs that (riptide ep 109 spoilers)
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drawtime-itive · 3 months
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recent ms paint doodle
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under-lok-n-ki · 8 months
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happy halloween 🎃
here’s Chip getting obliterated + a wholesome aftermath
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