rosenbergh · 3 months
They really were not that subtle with Joyce/Patricia. Patricia being feral about Joyce’s disappearance. Saying the new student will be Patricia’s true love only for it to end up being Joyce. Looking like That in the intro from s2 onwards. Sharing a little kiss on the mouth (“Just testing!”). Calling it cheating when Joyce is making a new friend. Joking about a proposal with the friendship necklaces. Their ending on the show being the ditching of their boyfriends to go to a different continent together. They were literally endgame. Not bad for early 2000s Nickelodeon is all I’m saying
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yackers · 1 year
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name a time and place we'll be fine
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
No actually if there’s one thing— ONE THING— in the entire show I would have changed, it’s that I needed more genuine hurt from Patricia in her and Joy’s final argument of S2.
Honestly even a reaction would do, because without even just a cut to her face after “Well, I don’t know need you anymore,” I simply don’t buy the point they were trying to make, which was that by perpetuating her own isolation, Joy pushed away her one true ally, and that this was the breaking point for their relationship.
Patricia’s lack of reaction makes it seem like the breaking point for her was ages back… which we don’t really see? Like yes Patricia was angry with her over the article, but she still obviously cared deeply for Joy. The whole point of their friendship was the clear need they had for each other. Joy saying she doesn’t need Patricia anymore should have been a visible slap in the face.
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lialovesstuff · 2 years
Rewatching season 3 of house of Anubis and I didn’t realise how segregated the house feels. Like Sibuna was always an exclusive club but in season 3 it just feels like sibuna interacts with no one but sibuna and then the rest of them have their own things going on (namely the Jerome revenge plot).
And what I don’t like is that it feels like the writers forgot abt a lot of the og friendships such as Joy and Patricia, and Alfie and Jerome. Also, season 2 friendships like Eddie’s friendships with Mara and Jerome.
I really don’t like how it feels like everyone in season 3 is involved in one of two primary storylines and there’s little to no overlap.
I would have loved to see Alfie and Jerome get up to shenanigans or Patricia talking to Joy about her getting back together with Eddie.
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
Couples Color Vibe Aesthetics whatever I don't know.
This is just what color some of the couples give off. In my opinion. This is not all of them. Because I don't have a color for every couple.
Nienke and Fabian:
Nienke and Fabian for me is green. Kinda light green. Reminds me of nature as they are both down to earth people. I also associate it with Spring. Being the first Season and also being their first relationship alot of the stuff is still new. Like a beautiful meadow with yellow flowers that's how I see them. As I mentioned being their first relationship they still have alot to grow but eventually become something beautiful like flowers. ( that's so chessy oml). They are both sunshine characters which also fits the color.
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Nina and Daniel
Nina and Daniel for me is pink. Different from Nienke and Fabian their relationship feels alot more childish and fake. This isn't to trash pink as a color. But when I think of pink I see something kid like, which their relationship also feels like very childish at times. It's also very superficial in a way, fairytale like. In a way fairytales can be still kind of magical. On the other hand pink is a very cute color which they can be. Their relationship kind of reminds me of bubblegum, It's sweet at the beginning but after a while you get bored of it, in my case that is.
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Mara and Magnus:
Mara and Magnus to me are purple. Which I kind of see as very mysterious and secretive. And their relationship is very mysterious. Atleast in the eyes of the others, because they are suddenly together and nobody really knows how it happened. Purple also is a very deep color which fits as they both form a deep connection with eachother. As they are the only people who understand eachother emotionally. I also see it kind of as a moody color. Which they are (or used to be) both. I also see it as a vulnerable color. Which also fits as they both get really vulnerable around eachother and open up.
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Noa and Jeroen
I see them as red. As their relationship starts quickly and get's intense at a very short time.
But it's also blue like the ocean as they both flow with eachother. Like Jeroen, Noa said she also never really had a real family. ( If I remember it correctly). So they were both kind of lost. Like in the ocean. And they found a place with eachother, aka the land. ( Jesus.). Blue is also a very stable color. As they both found this stability with eachother. As Noa never had a place where she belonged to and Jeroen never felt like he could really open up to someone (except Mara) . So they both found this stability with eachother.
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Patricia and Joyce
I see them as red. Not because they are started quickly. But because their relationship seems to be very passionate and intense. Patricia doing everything to get Joyce back in S1 and then her jealousy issues when someone else hangs out with Joyce in S3 just scream red to me. Red is also a very vibrant color. I also see them as very vibrant energetic people.
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house-of-secrets · 2 years
Patricia shifting her romantic focus from Joy to Eddie: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I'm actually bi.
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dykelittlemy · 2 years
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them <3
(i don’t think joyce played guitar but feel like it fits her character lol)
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joysmercer · 2 years
between the Sinners and the saints
it takes, and it takes, and it takes.
sometimes, the best of motives have the most disastrous of consequences.
(the breakdown of three relationships that were meant to withstand the test of time.)
She’s cornered by her (disheveled and dust-covered) roommate an hour after everyone wakes up. “Try to forgive the others,” she’s told, “they weren’t themselves.” She doesn’t quite know what to make of that. Not when the person she had loved—first platonically, then romantically, and finally back down again—hurt her as he did without an ounce of remorse.
He walks up to their group afterward. Her group, now, so different from the one she had just two years prior, but somehow her closest friends nonetheless. He smiles, although she can’t be sure if it’s directed to her or to—
Yes, there it is, a cup of hot chocolate passed to the other girl, arms quickly and casually thrown across shoulders and wrapped around waists. She watches them walk away, waiting for the familiar twinge in her heart to appear. But it doesn’t.
As her own boyfriend presses a kiss to her forehead, she realizes that there's no fondness for him, or any ounce of longing, left. He’s just some person that she used to know (but doesn’t anymore).
He finds her afterward and offers to help her wash up. She shrugs. He takes a sponge.
“I have no idea what I said to you earlier, but please know I didn’t mean it,” he starts. She raises an eyebrow.
What kind of apology is that? How could he just forget?
He sighs. “it’s a long story,” he attempts to explain, but she shakes her head. She’s so tired of the drama and the lying and the going-behind-her-back of it all.
“Listen, I saw you earlier. I’m happy for you, truly,” she mutters, then brushes past him before he stares at her with those chocolate-brown eyes she used to love and realizes she’s only ambivalent toward the situation, toward him, at best.
It starts as a small crack (a hand suddenly pulled away, a smile doesn’t quite reach the eyes), then a larger rift (suffocating clinginess, an obvious look over the shoulder anytime they venture out), and eventually, a gaping hole (the screaming match in the living room heard by every house resident waiting anxiously for Victor’s 10 o’clock pin-drop to put a stop to it).
She whips around to face him, cheeks hot and hair, released from its careful style, blazing behind her. “Do you even see me anymore?” she asks, a growl in her voice. “believe me when I say she’s gone?”
His silence speaks more than his words ever could.
“Recently,” she whispers, so softly he startles at the sudden change in volume, “I’ve been wishing you left me trapped. Whatever hell awaited me there is certainly better than the one I’m living now.”
She’s halfway up the stairs when he calls her name and she turns, immediately cursing her innate reaction to soften at the sound of his voice.
“This isn’t my fault,” he reminds her. As if that fact hasn’t been weighing on her mind every day since she woke up.
“I know. but it isn’t mine, either.”
“I’m sorry,” he says simply, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“No,” she nods. “That’s exactly the problem.”
they once thought they were invincible together. the two of them against the world.
Now they sit on beds across from each other (one in a room that isn’t even hers) wordlessly, each wishing they were alone.
Finally, the smaller one breaks the silence. “You should have been there for me. Stopped it from going so far.”
“I couldn’t, you know that,” the other says, exasperated. They’ve had some version of this conversation for weeks. Doesn’t she understand?
“You always have a choice. I had one, and you did too,” the first responds, voice dripping with vitriol. Her eyes narrow into a familiar sneer, though this is the first time it’s directed at the person in front of her. “You just made the wrong one.”
(She knows, in her heart of hearts, that that isn’t entirely true. But it isn’t entirely false, either).
“And where were you?” the second snaps. “When I needed someone to talk me off a ledge?” She shakes her head and laughs hollowly. “No, we haven’t been that person for each other for a while. I think it’s time we acknowledged that.”
A look of understanding passes between them. For the first time in ages, they’re on the same page.
Something has irrevocably changed here, for the worse.
Finally, the one closest to the door takes a shaky breath, then does what she does best. She runs.
The girl she once considered closer than her own sister watches her in silence, resisting the urge to follow.
What can she do? There’s nothing left to say.
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parkiiinson · 3 years
things that would’ve been better than the joy-fabian-nina love triangle:
- them being single, they’re like 17 it’s not that deep
- joy and patricia
- joy and nina
- fabian and nina
- fabian and joy
- anything
- literally anything
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fawncrw · 3 years
Favorite friendships <3
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ironicsopsychotic · 4 years
i can’t believe i forced myself to write this s3 humor drabble less than 24hrs after i had the idea *surprised pikachu face*
eddie miller’s attempted american indoctrination
summary: eddie really shouldn’t be allowed to pick netflix shows.
s3 drabble; this is for comedic purposes and also my personal opinion. like [redacted], i couldn’t care less.
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rosenbergh · 3 months
Okay but when Nienke asked Patricia to describe Joyce and the first thing Patricia said was that Joyce is pretty
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yackers · 1 year
joytricia in s3
they're more solid in the start but I think the first thing that starts to put some distance between them was patricia not telling her she broke up with eddie. I think patricia knew she'd acted somewhat irrationally and not wanting to face up to her own actions yet, she started to push joy away because she knew that joy wanted the best for and she knew what she was going to say. and then with joy wanting to pull away from both sibuna and fabian (I think she was only ever interested in sibuna for fabian tbh) and joy know knowing what sibuna was meant that they had to put more distance between them. the saddest thing for me was the room swap because that was one of the key things that always tied them together and with how busy they both got this was one of the main things that stopped them talking.
one of the things I did always like at least was how they still showed that they were like sisters and would always be close. while most of the house still treated patricia like she was scary, joy told her off about the way she treated kt and she listened, the could always see through her lies and even if the way joy first acted when they got to the gatehouse was annoying for the audience who knew the stakes, the way she took patricia's phone off her and told her off for being rude was still very best friend/sisterly.
idk they make me sad in s3 because of how important their relationship has always been to the show but I get that for joy to heal from her past with they mysteries (something she does through her relationship with jerome), it was inevitable that they'd have to take a step back from each other, especially since they didn't want her to notice that patricia was a sinner and s2 joy so would've. I'm also happy that we at least got them back as besties in tor
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me when i make a romantic hha joytricia edit: 🌈🧚🏻‍♀️🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🥰
the comments: aww the best FRIENDS ever! such good FRIENDS! i HATE gay people
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nothingnessautumn · 7 years
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fav dorks <3
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
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