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kmmsthings · 11 months ago
Nine Daily Habits of Happy People
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You may think that happiness only comes with riches, but study after study shows that happiness has nothing to do with being rich. In fact, humans are so resilient they can find happiness even in the worst circumstances. Of course, this isn’t an excuse not to take care of each other and yourself, but it is a truth you can use to find your happiness by developing habits that other happy people share. 1-They feed their spirit – Take a little time each day to do something that makes you feel connected to the universe, such as meditation, reading, walking in nature, or serving others. However, you find a connection with the divine within you is something you should focus on each day. For some, that’s playing with their kitten. For others, that’s kissing on their loved ones, and even others find a connection to the spirit by spending time alone. You’ll know you’ve found it when you lose track of time, and your heart fills full of love and joy, and you are content. 2-They let go of the past – While you can learn from it and figure out how to avoid similar mistakes, dwelling on it will only make you miserable. Instead, examine it, learn from it, and then move on from it so you can focus on today instead of the past. 3-They make happiness a priority – You really can put your happiness before anything else and do it in a good way for you and everyone else. It’s not selfish to put yourself first when you also value yourself and others. 4-They reject distractions – One of the things that cause distress in people today is multitasking. The problem is that no one can multitask. Your brain will not do two things at once. Instead, it will switch from task to task, thus causing you to make mistakes or take longer. Even if the thing you’re doing is for fun, doing it alone will be more satisfying than dividing your attention. 5-They start each day with intention – Building the life of your dreams requires that you set SMART goals and that you work toward them a little bit each day. Start each day knowing exactly what you need to do to affect your life positively, not just today, but also tomorrow. 6-They focus on gratitude – No one’s life is wonderful all the time. However, during the good and the tough times, it always helps to focus on the positive things and take the time to express your gratitude somehow. 7-They take care of their needs – Understanding that you have needs that come before anyone else’s wants will change your life. For example, you have a right to take the time necessary to eat right, exercise, bathe, and so forth. Sometimes this will be challenging, but don’t feel guilty about it. This is your responsibility to maintain your health. If you aren’t at your best, you can’t care for yourself or others. 8-They build strong relationships – The people closest to you are the folks you spend the most time with. So, anyone you spend time with, whether at home or in your career, is vital to build a solid relationship with good communication and kindness. 9-They act with integrity – Your principles, morals, and values are fundamental for you to understand and know. That way, you can consider them as you make choices in your life. When your choices align with your stated values, you’ll feel great, and people will perceive you as a person with integrity. Research on happiness shows that the connections you make with others fill most people with joy. However, how you spend your time focusing on your needs makes a big difference in how you view your life and whether you describe it as happy or not. Living a life you design, based on your rules, principles, morals, and values that fulfill your needs, is the way to happiness. Photo by Helena Lopes: https://www.pexels.com/photo/friends-making-a-toast-for-their-friendship-4034052/ Read the full article
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cannmarie · 5 years ago
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開心早場🏸🏸 #badminton #1july2020 #joyforlife (at Palatial Coast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCFTdS8BPSbTVFlCvdrYWAizrQ5fCVFXZvfFEU0/?igshid=34d3b1nf6hxr
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miras-beauty · 6 years ago
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Бъдете винаги усмихнати и весели. Ключов мотив за деня е "Направи едно добро дело. Помогни на някого да се усмихне." . . . . . . . #exeter #respect #festival #bulgariangirls #bulgariandance #smileface #love #loveyourself #liveyourdream #people #laptoplife #happyfaces😊 #happydays #joyforlife #joyliveshere #motivationiskey #moodgood #redlips💋 #yellowdress #blondey (at Exeter, Devon) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByfoJbRJvd3/?igshid=1v4duj0sah3zk
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brunorommanel · 6 years ago
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Inspirada nos momentos de felicidade de Ana Hickmann, como curtir a casa, a família e a natureza, a Rommanel traz sua mais nova coleção: Joy For Life, por Ana Hickmann. O lema é ser feliz e brindar a alegria pela vida. A coleção conta com peças sofisticadas; cristais coloridos; pérolas sintéticas; zircônias azuis e amarelas; além de cristais na cor cereja, um tom que mistura o rosa e o vermelho. Também trouxemos a Coleção “Família Urso” para simbolizar um dos momentos mais especiais na vida da nossa estrela: a maternidade. São joias folheadas a Ouro 18K, Rhodium e Rhodium Negro para você levar em todos os momentos. Afinal, viver com alegria é um dos maiores sentidos da vida. Conheça a Coleção Joy for Life e viva a alegria que está dentro de você. #rommanel #catálogo2019 #joyforlife #maes #diadasmaes #anel #pulseira #brinco #catálogo Peça seu Catálogo pelo WhatsApp : 11-96326-1175 Bruno Ducceschi https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2EKGWB4_B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4yhk5fudyaid
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lessthanperfectwoman · 6 years ago
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Ach jak szybko zleciał ostatni tydzień. A jednak chcę z niego powybierać wspomnienia, które zostaną ze mną na dłużej. Chcę przytrzymać dzisiejszą radość z występów Wiktorii na zawodach jeździeckich. Dumę, że mam tak mądrą i z tak sportowym zacięciem córkę. Chcę przytrzymać wdzięczność za to, że mam wszystko, którą mogłam docenić przekazując rzeczy dla bardziej potrzebujących. Mogłoby to wszystko zostać uznane za byłe, bo już się wydarzyło. Ja jednak jeszcze pobędę z tym. A Ty też masz coś co zatrzymasz na dłużej? #doceniaj #doceniajmomenty #docencomasz #radość #radośćżycia #radosczycia #szczescie #chwile #cudownechwile #zatrzymajchwile #zatrzymajsienachwile #zatrzymajsięnachwilę #wspanialemomenty #happiness😍 #joyofliving #joylife #joyforlife #lepszejutro #selflove #positives (w: Warsaw, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwz340WAzjw/?igshid=1om0s43bb0l2p
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ccarriganphotos · 6 years ago
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#meditating in #sedona #arizona after completing my 9th #book #writerslife #bestsellingauthor #writinglife #meditation #medicalintuitive #medicalintuitivehealer #naturalhealing #naturalhealth #healing #authorsofinstagram #authorslife #innerpeace #joyforlife #intuition https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJ6kaxl7Kl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2z8q63z3a50z
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morimatea · 3 years ago
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You have a story, just waiting to be claimed. . . . #teastory #teahouse #stove #kettle #claypottery #silverpot #crescent #beautiful #teapot #teatray #quietness #peacemaker #zen #art #slowlifediary #fashionstyleblogs #fashiondesigner #ınstalife #wonderfully #amazing #claimed #rhyme #charmed #elegant #exquisito #nicedesign #liveauthentic #joyforlife #newarrivals #morimatea https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbdy_Pzp3ej/?utm_medium=tumblr
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winivier · 4 years ago
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pollypurpose · 7 years ago
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After 1 full week of low FODMAP, this morning the white coating on my tongue had completely disappeared! Nothing to brush off - whoop! 🌟 Cravings have dialled down to zero, I can go for 6-7 hours now without desire for food, so no urges to snack between meals! This evening I had the longest rallies ever playing #TableTennis, burned 350cals by just playing a game and enjoying myself - there was no pain and lots of gain 🤗🏓🍇 Keeping fit doesn't always have to hurt 🙌 #Positive#Health #Energy #Nutrition #Vitality #Wellbeing #Fitness #DoWhatYouLove #HaveFun #JoyForLife #IfICanDoItSoCanYou #Wholefood #Fruit #GlutenFree #LowFODMAP #FODMAP
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girllibre · 8 years ago
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"Eyes, don't lie..." I love this picture of this old man sitting comfortably in his door watching the street life In Havana Vieja. This is a prototype of a Cuban for me - chilled, sweet, genuine person... Unfortunately, many tourists leave with bad (or very bad) impressions because during their vacation they are approached mostly by people that target them as "walking wallets" and want a piece of them... My best advice in Cuba and mostly in big cities & touristy places like Havana, Trinidad, Santiago is - You choose people who you want to talk to. You approach people you find interesting to strike a conversation with them. Don't let strangers approach you on the streets. Make it clear that you are not interested... All Cubans are nice to tourists, no matter where they come from, but usually if they are not in a "tourist industry" (to put it mildly not to offend anyone), they mind their own business. They will not be saying you randomly Hi on the streets, they won't be overly sweet, asking you how your vacation is... They don't care, they have their own life and things to do... When someone is doing this, watch out... Most likely it's not genuine (although you're the one to analyze the situation. Off course, can be a guy or a girl that is hitting on you because they find you attractive (but that's a whole other chapter or better a book that I am actually writing ;) To make it short - Scan people and engage conversations with locals sitting on their porches, waiting in the lines (there are many of them in Cuba), university students... If you won't be naive and will treat locals with respect, you will have a trip of your lifetime! Cuba does get under your skin and Cubans are amazing human beings if you meet and talk to the right ones. I have a big respect for them, for being so strong and enduring so many years of embargo. Their lives are not easy, and everyday they have to invent and reinvent how to meet the ends, but what I love about them is that they know how french say "savoir vivre". No one can take away their joy for life. Photo @dianamrazikova #havanavieja #cubanos #dnescestujem #traveladvice #cubatravel #eyes #genuine #eyesdontlie #havana #joyforlife (at Vieja Linda, Ciudad De La Habana, Cuba)
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lovetray · 8 years ago
These two are so hilarious!! #lovethem #beachdays #livelovelaughlearn #happiness #goodtimes #blessings #pointdume #slowmotion #votd #vibes #joyforlife #beaches #beautiful #memories #friends #xoxo (at Point Dume)
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valeria8685 · 8 years ago
We keep this love in a photograph... #memories #mylife #convention #friends #family #joyforlife #partofme #hearth #amazingdays #rome #florence #unofficialconvention #tvd #tvdforever #myheroes #funnydays #smile😊 #divertimento #love #rincontrarsi #ritrovarsi #fantasyevents @iansomerhalder @paulvedere @claireholt @mkmalarkey @immatthewdavis @rickcosnett @jamiechristlow @michael_trevino @chasecoleman #charlesmichaeldavis #sebastianroché @fe_event @fe_events #loveandblood3ditacon #loveandblood4everitacon ❤
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dustypage-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Stay curious,
Stay childlike
Stay joyful and alive 
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ivangzama · 4 years ago
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Anne Scottlin @AnneScottlin ❦Who says your sails must be cut from the same cloth as other ships? Be master of your own truth and let the wind in your sails is be love. ~Anne Scottlin
❦¿Quién dice que sus velas deben cortarse con la misma tela que otros barcos? Sé dueño de tu propia verdad y deja que el viento en tus velas sea amor. ~ Anne Scottlin
#sails #Art #VladimirKush #JoyForLife #truth #directionsoflife #surrealism
⏩ #VacunarseEsClave 🇻🇪🕊️🖥️💯😷💙 #PalestinaEstamosContigo 🇻🇪😷🕊️❤️😷😷😷 #ConChávezBatallaYVictoria 🇻🇪
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thezenstore · 6 years ago
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A Lifetime is made of a thousand challenges and a hundred surprises. #ZEnstore #innerjourney #life #lifequotesandsayings #innerwisdom #challenge #suprise #sunday #gemstonesjewelry #goodvibes #positivemindset #positivethinking #personaldevelopment #strawberry #beyourself #authenticity #authentic #joyforlife #joyful #dontgiveup #path #smile😊 — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2UehSqV
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tom-sarig · 5 years ago
Craig Cardiff = straightup #masterful #songwriting and voice, insightful #humanistic #comedic commentary and most of all #joyforlife ! Last night at @RockwoodNYC got me #lifted @CraigCardiff is a world class… https://t.co/Z4qi2gZGwW
Craig Cardiff = straightup #masterful #songwriting and voice, insightful #humanistic #comedic commentary and most of all #joyforlife ! Last night at @RockwoodNYC got me #lifted @CraigCardiff is a world class… https://t.co/Z4qi2gZGwW
— Tom Sarig (@tomsarig) October 12, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/tomsarig October 12, 2019 at 02:01PM
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