#joxer’s brothers
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missagonyy · 11 months ago
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Sketches from Xena: Princess Warrior
Ted Raimi did such a fantastic job playing Jace and Jett. It’s sad we didn’t get more development on them.
If you look closely, you can see Jett’s outfit is actually very elaborate. Look at the insane detail on that leather! I don’t think Ares even owned anything that hardcore.
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killerwizrd555 · 2 years ago
it's really taking everything I've got to get through the comedy of Eros episode
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fancoloredglasses · 5 months ago
Xena: Warrior Princess (Somehow more popular than a demigod)
[All images are owned by Renaissance Pictures and Universal. Please don’t sue me]
(Thanks to iTs- Abubakardurrani)
Xena started as a recurring character on Hercules, first as a brutal warlord, but slowly coming around to become a hero of the downtrodden. She was popular enough for Sam Raimi to green light a spin-off after her third appearance!
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The series follows the former warlord Xena (played by Lucy Lawless) as she roams ancient Greece (and sometimes beyond) as she atones for her past by helping those in need, using the skills she’s forged to protect rather than conquer.
However, do not think her change in attitude makes her weak. She’s perfectly capable of being ruthless and dealing death to those who oppose her, such as the time she took on the Persian army single-handedly (well, she had a bit of help)
(Thanks to All Action)
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Xena’s constant companion is Gabrielle the Bard. While she does pick up some competence in combat, she’s still not a warrior. And I’ve made my views on bards clear in an earlier review.
(Thanks to Mary Bones)
However, she does prove to be a loyal companion and a reminder that there are good people in this world that need her protection. Over time, the fandom shipped them as a couple (eventually becoming canon) and they became not only feminist icons, but heroes among the LGBTQ community.
Like Hercules, Xena has a number of recurring characters (some of which followed her from Hercules), but the one that appears more than any is…
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Joxer (played by Sam Raimi’s brother Ted), the black sheep of a warrior clan who absolutely sucks at combat. Joxer more often than not is the comic relief on the show.
When Xena was first introduced, she was a champion for what is now one of the primary antagonists…
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…the God of War, Ares
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…only he now has a new champion, Callisto.
The series ran for 6 seasons, with the final seeing Xena and Gabrielle being frozen for decades, then travelling to set right a world (beyond Greece) gone mad!
If you wish to watch the series, it’s available on Amazon Prime or behind your favorite paywall.
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girl4music · 1 year ago
Watching ‘Lyre, Lyre, Hearts On Fire’. There’s a scene between Gabrielle and Joxer where Gabrielle asks him why he was so mean to his brother, Jace, who is identical to him but queer. He has just had a conversation with his brother where he made fun of his unconventional appearance and lifestyle and Gabrielle calls him out on it. Knowing how he feels.
GABRIELLE: “What is your problem? Why were you so rude to your brother?”
JOXER: “Look, Gabrielle, you don’t understand. Things are different. We’re not kids anymore. I’m a warrior now and Jace is still… Jace.”
GABRIELLE: “So you’re telling me that you’re so heartless towards him because he’s-“
JOXER: “-Different! He’s different. And he is…”
*waiting for him to finish his sentence*
JOXER: “He’s wasting his life. He is wasting his life. That’s it. I’m a warrior and he’s-“
GABRIELLE: “Your brother.
*Joxer suddenly looks at her attentively*
No matter what else he is he will always be that.”
I really wanted Gabrielle to say something to him like “Joxer, you do realize that I am also different, don’t you? That kind of different. I might not dress or behave or talk like him but I am no different to his different. So why do you treat me better than him when I am just your friend and he is your family?”
But given the network censorship, I reckon that might have been a bit too on the nose for Gabrielle to say.
You see, the thing is that Jace is authentic to who he is and is very comfortable and confident in how he expresses himself. Joxer never has been that secure so he has always pretended to be something he isn’t. As Xena puts it a little later when talking with Jace. All Joxer knows is who he wants to be. He doesn’t know who he is or can be. And he is the one criticizing Jace, his own brother, for being something that he is not and never will be. The episode itself is a musical and not really all that important to the story of the show. But it’s a moment of queer (I say queer rather than gay because Jace might not be gay and queer also refers to gender identity so it’s the best term to use) solidarity. Of providing queer representation even through network censorship. They’re providing queer representation without specifically using the term “queer” to refer to it as because they can’t or aren’t allowed to use that term or any other queer terms of reference. But you know exactly what they’re implying and you know that they’re not saying that it is wrong.
This is what I mean about how Xena provides queer or specifically WLW representation through censorship. They use the censorship restrictions to dig deeper into their queer narratives. To find a stronger or even more realistic way of addressing and exploring them because they wanted to talk about sexuality and gender identity sincerely without making it seem inorganic and without alerting the censors. And they show that it is absolutely possible to do both well.
So don’t give me the excuse that it can’t be done. It is all about the creators/cast/crew’s intention. And if the intention is sincere, then regardless whether it’s censored or not, you will still get true representation.
You just have to ask yourself these questions:
Do they intend to provide representation?
Do they intend it for the right reasons?
If the answer is yes to both, the censorship doesn’t matter. It can be used as a vehicle to write better queer stories but only if the intention is to do that.
There is no such thing as “better representation”
It’s not the representation that needs to be better.
It’s the creation and specifically intention of creation.
*speaking directly to art/entertainment creators*
Because if Xena can provide this level of quality in representation even while under strict censorship…
Then there is no fucking excuse that you can’t even when it’s not. The question is - do you intend to?
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smallhatlogan · 9 months ago
So I think both the first two times I watched Xena it was on Netflix which for whatever reason didn't have Lyre Lyre and I couldn't hunt it down back then? So I just had a couple clips of the songs from youtube and I saw people talk about Jace as Joxer's gay brother but I never knew he was like, actually Joxer's fun, explicitly gay brother
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stelladonna · 8 months ago
thinking about Joxer and how he’s the opposite of the nice guy trope, but in a good way. Joxer is not a nice guy—but he is kind and a good person. On the surface, he presents as entitled and misogynistic and braggadocios. That’s because the world he was born into expected him to be these things and bc of his perceived inadequacy, he tries to overcompensate.
But when it comes down to it, he’s not a cutthroat. He literally does not cut Gabrielle’s throat when given the opportunity to join Callisto’s gang.
But he’s not a nice guy either. He’s not pretending to be nice because he wants things from others (unless it’s for one of Xena’s missions or he’s trying not to be killed).
He is kind and loving and compassionate (e.g. toward his evil twin brother) and wouldn’t hesitate to die for those he cares about, even knowing he’s not getting anything in return. He (mostly) accepts that Gabrielle will not have the same love for him that he does for her, but he decides to carry on loving her bc that is who he is, not what he expects.
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sniperct · 10 months ago
with xena being from the 90s is there anything specificically dubious or of the time that people should know of ahead of time before going in? ie the similar vein to warning people of tng test of honor and other drek in 90s trek?
hope you dont mind the ask, youre just one of the few people I see around still chatting about xena
some of it is YMMV. the entire show plays fast and loose with all kinds of mythology and magic from not just Greece/Rome but as far away as brittania, norway, china and egypt. (all the gods of each culture seem to exist simultaneously and occasionally interact/chat with each other.) But generally plotlines are one of the following:
Xena's evil past has consequences
Warlord/God acting up and needs to be defeated
A god is being mischievous and needs to be outwitted (aphrodite, cupid, some others are common here)
something silly/over the top/campy
Gabrielle is trying to figure out her life's direction
Xena's Personal Beef with Rome and Caesar in Particular
sometimes multiple or all of the above (see Fish Femmes and Gems)
Up to season 5 on my current rewatch, I'd say The Way is still probably the most culturally insensitive (they actually had to record a PSA on hinduism over it). The two leading up to that didn't seem to get any backlash that I could tell when reading about it. (its a three part story that's super important to the plotline and character development of the show and hammers home the soulmate angle, especially the second one). But I'm no gonna speak for that culture or anything, just what I read on the wiki. But the third part I know enough to feel uncomfortable with it). Ripped from the wiki:
The episode was pulled from syndication after protests from Hindu groups. It was finally allowed to be reshown with the addition of a public service announcement at the very end by Lucy, Renée, as well as a spokesman for the Hindu community explaining that the producers took liberties with the Hindu religion.
In general, jokes and silliness overall tend to land well, especially if you enjoy camp.
While it can be clumsy in some respects overall it handles gender and race pretty well, there's a variety of women of various roles. They had someone in drag at a fashion show episode who (who late IRL came out as trans) that was handled really well. The Amazons are very much sexy but also deep and spiritual.
Casting generally appears to be race blind with regard to heroic roles, evil roles and the more complicated grey area 'seeking redemption' roles and mostly seems to try to cast appropriately on a cultural basis. Like warlord casting seemed to be like 'are you a big guy? you're hired!'
Nothing ever seemed to approach test of honor's level of bad IMO, except maybe The Way.
(I'd argue there's even some meta commentary with regard to centaurs and centaur culture and how its treated)
Its got some of your standard 'guy likes girl, does stupid shit for girl' type stuff but he gets character growth and ultimately he's family. He's the little brother, 'only we can bully him but god help you if you bully him' type of dynamic. Someone hurts our proto-himbo joxer and xena and gabrielle go for the throat. Then ten minutes later are roasting him.
The only episode I really skip is the gross one involving lice and a skin rash(but at least they let the lady heroes be gross, quite frequently in fact). Maybe also skipping the married ...with children parody episode too. The Way could maybe get by with a summary but I wanted to watch it again specifically to see where it fell on the character part. Pretty important to jumpstarting Gabrielle's peace arc.
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liebgirl · 2 months ago
also. dick = xena, nixon = gabrielle, spiers = callisto, webster = joxer. and what are you gonna do, check my work? are you gonna become the second person ever to be annoyingly obsessed with both xena warrior princess and band of brothers at the same time and check my work??? yeah. that’s what i thought….
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thefirstknife · 1 year ago
Has there ever been a case where a Ghost is killed during a crucible match? I've always wondered what would happen to a Guardian who accidentally or even deliberately kills a Ghost during what is essentially a live round training exercise turned sport
Yep! With a few caveats.
Deliberately, yes. Dredgen Yor permanently killed Pahanin and Thalor in the Crucible with Thorn. Thorn can drain Light so it's unclear if their Ghosts were also killed or just the Guardians that then couldn't be rezed, but messed up stuff definitely can and did happen in the Crucible, especially early days when it was much more lawless.
Accidentally, sort of. A Guardian died in the middle of Trials of Osiris permanently because the death happened in the exact unfortunate moment when Ghaul put a cage on the Traveler and blocked the Light. The Ghost was destroyed at the same time:
Many lives were lost today in a barbarous skirmish across the Last City, but none as important as the life lost in our Trial. I believe Guardians have adopted the term "final death" for these such instances. A competitor was defeated at the precise moment the Light was stripped from him; his Ghost destroyed in the concussive blast from a pulse grenade.
This obviously only happened because of Ghaul's attack, but there's something else interesting in the same lore book from a prior entry:
"Brother Vance. I believe a Ghost is in danger. It is against Sanction-C2-1 to harm a Lightbearer's Ghost."
The fact that there's an actual rule for all Crucible engagements that states that it's against a specific sanction to harm a Ghost, means that this sort of thing probably happened before or at least that there's a real risk to Ghosts in the Crucible. Ghosts either got injured or killed and rules were established to monitor this sort of thing and act on it if a Ghost is in danger. In this case, the threat to the Ghost was deliberate, for no reason other than Trials players are canonically kinda assholes.
There were also incidents in Gambit, when Drifter was setting up Gambit Prime. A Titan, Joxer, was one of the people that volunteered to test the game and he ended up being the only survivor; the rest of his team permanently died, though that wasn't anything between Guardians, it was due to the uncontrolled Taken that the team couldn't save themselves against. Incidentally, Joxer is the Titan that died trying to enter the portal in the cutscene we've seen at the start of Season of the Deep, identified in a tab that summarises the scene.
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raisinchallah · 3 months ago
like not to say later seasons of xena dont have good comedy episodes i sorta dont count been there done that because it was filmed for season 2 and is very much in the season 1 and 2 style though it is the best comedy episode of the whole show but warrior priestess tramp is legendary to mee i think most of the xena double episodes you know fulfill the most important part of all the comedy episodes which is to have something to say about our main characters and you know are also very good though they kind of have to be since i think what makes the bad later season comedy episodes so wonky is theyre often kind of just written to be placeholder break episodes for lucy lawless and renee o'connor so they can get well needed rest... so theyre kind of by necessity disconnected from the rest of the show though i still dont get why king of assassins is so hated of that grouping of comedy episodes like gina torres is fun and it feels like one of the more enjoyable self referential self indulgent applications of ted raimi and bruce campbell sort of making a joke on the fact he was like the lame younger brother hanging around sam raimi and bruce campbells bestie hangouts and again gina torres is literally there tho it is one of the worst offenders of the put gabrielle in a corner and make her hate everything going on recurring comedy episode problems... anyways theres also of course the classique fins femmes and gems which i do think again has the problem of being a sort of disconnected magical world cuz the characters are not acting as they are but it does find you know good equally funny bits for both xena and gabrielle i do always like the jokes about gabrielle being self obsessed again finally jokes that feel built around their actual characters and of course the ever present and iconique fishing = gay sex jokes are a dime a dozen here but again brought down by the very bad joxer subplot they literally havent figured out how to make him work as well in a comedy episode as he did in been there done that but you know theyre not all winners.. the plays the thing also really great because as i mentioned it feels rooted in the events of the season and you know has a fun and meta premise that feels like its beginning to forecast the season 6 shift... i mean im an insane person who finds lyre lyre and married with fishsticks to be camp classics by totally departing any realm of comprehensibility and connection to the rest of the show we have blasted into outer space and there are mermaids here tho both are kind of jokes about like the medium of television heralding the vibes of the season 6 comedy episodes old ares had a farm trying to comically wrap up and continue to bait their complex relationship angles and things... you are there i honestly cannot figure out if i like the episode or not but its well its again fascinating new dimension to the greater meta commentary of xena and really heralds a brave new decade of queerbait to come i think and then of course many happy returns which is really up there as well in the beautiful golden trifecta of best comedy episodes with been there done that and a day in the life its very much trying to bring back the season 1 and 2 styles of comedy for the later show and delightfully makes fun of a lot of the show while also just being like a good episode that is enjoyable to watch and has a lot of fun things to say about xena and gabrielle and the recurring plots and tropes of xena very full circle moment..
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miraculousbohemian · 11 months ago
Found a Vine site while procrastinating so I'll bless you with this thing.
Gabrielle: Xena, oh my gods...
Xena: what??
Gabrielle: Is that a hickey?
Xena: What? No, it's my Pop Tart, I was saving it for later. *eats it*
Ares, yelling into a valley: PENIS
Also Ares: *trips over a bag of McDonald's*
Joxer: Who's coming to my party on Saturday, there's gonna be a taco guy there.
Ares: we're going to Aphrodite's, there's gonna be a spaghetti guy there.
Joxer: fuck the spaghetti guy.
Ares: fuck you.
Leah: Yeah, that's the bee's knees.
Meg: The cat's pajamas!
Diana: ...the chicken's trousers???
Meg: what the fuck was that diana.
Leah: you guys, come on-
Random dude: yeah, I actually gave my horse swim lessons
Xena: oh that's cool dude... My horse gave me swim lessons.
Dude: what.
Xena: she's a life guard.
Con man: so you'll do it?
Joxer, sipping a drink: yeah man I'll kill him
Con man: for how much?
Joxer: *fucking around and about to find out* i dunno, 30?
Con man: Thirty grand?
Joxer: *spits out drink*
Ares: so i invite my dad to my birthday party and he shows up, but only to take a shit and leave. what's up with that?
Xena: hey guys, happy Ares Sucks Thursday!
Ares: what's Ares Sucks Thursday?
Gabrielle: why would we ever tell you ares.
Xena: and you wrote here that you were an assassin?
Eve: yes sir.
Xena: h-h-how? how many confirmed kills do you-
Xena: yo dude. we can talk with our minds now so we'll be in each other's heads.
Ares: forever?
Xena: exactly bitch.
Ares: ...oh no.
S6 Gabrielle: I'm you from the future
S6 Gabrielle: I don- I don't remember acting like that-
(if ares wasn't a girlfail in S5EP17/18 I can't remember the one with fake death hijinks)
Eve: mom, dad, why isn't Argo moving?
Xena and Gabrielle: *share a look*
Gabrielle: Argo killed herself.
Xena: killed herself, honey.
S1 Gabrielle: alright, so your total will be 2.29 dinars and a kiss on the lips
S1 Xena: no.
S1 Gabrielle: hah. yes.
Julius: wow me in five seconds, go.
Xena: waddup my name's Xena, I'll stab you if you do not hire me and i love horses
Julius: ...i guess you're hired.
Gabrielle: hey, we think school maths sucks so we made our own, show 'em Eve
Eve: alright, so, instead of, like, numbers we use trees
Aphrodite: hey everybody today my brother pushed me so I'm starting a Kickstarter to put him down. The benefits of killing him would be I would get pushed way less.
Gabrielle: how much money would you give me to fall asleep right now?
Xena, visibly sleep deprived: I dunno, like a billion dinars?
Gabrielle, internally: i woke up the next morning, a billionaire.
Meg: can I use the restroom?
Leah: i don't know, can you?
Meg, getting up: yeah
Leah: where are you going?
Meg: I'm gonna go poop.
Meg: stop copying me
Xena: stop copying me
Meg: I'm gay.
Xena: you are?
Meg: I've been waiting so long to tell you
Xena: it's okay man-
(first two are it's just luke, others are Josh Kennedy, both from Vine)
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ashyy-slashyy · 1 year ago
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ange-de-la-mort · 2 years ago
the show: Joxer is homophobic towards his queer brother
me: Joxer has internalized homophobia because he's queer himself, fixed it for you, hire me
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kendallroysmethpipe · 2 years ago
TAGGED BY @lemonyans TYYY 💞💞💞💞
Tag 9 ppl u want to know better
Last song I listened to: dancing in the moonlight but the one in Xena that joxer's gay brother sings
Current watching: unicorn warriors eternal
Currently reading: adult children of emotionally immature parents. And house of leaves
Current obsession: succession forever and ever 🫶 and villainous
Tagging: ummmm anyone who wants to do it.... Just say I tagged u :]
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xena-wolfgang · 2 years ago
why does he look like Joxer's serial killer brother (the other other one)?
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Sam Raimi’s three laws of horror (x)
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theboost · 4 years ago
I understand the side characters of Xena more than anyone ever
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