saiikavon · 2 years
pink blood by utada hikaru
(Given the theme of the song, I was hoping to capture this sense of growth and change; a sort of 'what it means to be human' vibe. I hope it worked out! Thanks for the prompt!)
Fatigue. Kaiba Seto had not suffered it a day in his life. He could get tired, like anyone, and he remembered how difficult the sleepless nights used to be - when Gozaburo was still putting him to the coals.
But this was...no, this was not him.
"People change, babe," Jounouchi said, buttoning up the sleep shirt where Kaiba's shaking fingers had failed. He sat Kaiba down onto the bed and, with a teasing smile, added, "Even you."
"But this is--it's absurd." Kaiba angrily swiped at the frustrated tears pooling in his eyes. "I'm--I don't--I haven't cried since I was a child."
A sob pulled at his chest, only half-stifled into a watery, shuddering breath. Jounouchi shushed him, easing his tired limbs underneath the comforter.
"So you're overdue. Lay down already. Doctor said bed rest today."
"I should have him fired." The threat was a humiliating, half-sniffling growl. Jounouchi just snorted, then pressed a kiss to his temple. The gesture should have only added to Kaiba's shame, being treated like an unruly child throwing a tantrum. Instead, his chest warmed and he fell back against his pillows with a defeated sigh.
Jounouchi was still smiling at him, he noticed, his eyes like liquid amber. He should feel mocked. Would have, in the past. But there was something in that gaze that went deep, quiet, yet unrivaled joy.
Kaiba could not remember the last time he'd seen Jounouchi smile like that.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Jounouchi blinked, as though he hadn't been aware Kaiba could see him. "You're gonna get mad at me."
"You're inviting it when you say it like that," Kaiba reminded him, scowling. Jounouchi chuckled.
"You got a point. Okay. It's just..." He reached out to run his fingers through Kaiba's hair, adoration melting his every feature. It almost hurt to look at.
"I'm just happy. I know that sounds weird, since you're sick and all, but...you're letting me see it. You don't like it, but you're not pushing me away. And I...I guess I didn't know if I could have that. If we'd ever get there. So I'm happy."
He shrugged, as if to say, What can you do?
Kaiba processed the words. Jounouchi was right, he didn't like it. Maybe he'd changed, but Kaiba Seto had never been much of anything without his pride. But...
"Anyway, that's just what I was thinking," Jounouchi said, capturing Kaiba's full attention again. He seemed hurried, and there was a pink flush to his cheeks. "You should get some rest. I'll come back and check on you in a bit."
Long fingers latched onto Jounouchi's wrist, almost without their owner's command. Jounouchi looked back at them, startled, then slowly raised his eyes to Kaiba's face.
"I don't sleep well alone." So long as he was already vulnerable, he supposed. And watching Jounouchi light up like a ray of sun through a windowpane...that was something.
"Okay." Quickly, Jounouchi shed his jacket and shoes, then slid underneath the covers. Kaiba shifted to the side to welcome him, and Jounouchi brought Kaiba into his arms in return. Both settled against the mattress, and something in Kaiba's chest eased.
"Sleep tight, Seto. I got you."
Kaiba drifted off to the feeling of Jounouchi's fingers in his hair, and marveled at the feelings of safe and loved that had seemed so foreign to him for so many years. Things he'd forgotten that he needed, like anyone else.
He supposed he could get used to the change.
(Send me a song and I'll write a drabble or ficlet for Kai/Jou.)
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artnijna · 2 years
Angst is my jam so here some DSOD sad with Joey and Kaiba in a relationship already but the need to beat the Atem consumes Kaiba and he leaves without even telling Joey, coming back 4years later to a pissed off / hardened heart blonde…..then Kaiba works his ass off to get Joey back to the smiling idiot he left. Will draw more of this and than a happy ending if y’all are interested.
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sworntolight-a · 5 years
10 / 11 for the ship meme
Shipping with a Pom~
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10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)? 
That’s… Kind of hard, since I don’t ship much to begin with aside from my muses? XD I guess out of YGO as a whole I might have to say Chazz/Manjoume and AlexisxAsuka, and Kaiba and Kisara. I’m slightly partial to Judai/Jaden and Edo/Aster, too?  Iunno, I’m kindda picky with my canon ships-
11.A ship in your fandom that you dislike (that does not include your muse)?
Rox askin’ me the hard questions. XD As I said above, I’m super picky when it comes to canon ships to begin with, but Disastershipping is a NOTP for me, and so is whatever the ship name is between Takeru and Kengo. Also a NOTP is Fianceshipping in GX. I’m not fond of a lot of ships including Takeru - Not because of my own ships, but just because they hit me the wrong way for whatever reason (that I won’t get into here)? I don’t like KusanagixYusaku, Jaden/JudaixYubel, either - I just… Don’t ship much outside of my muses. There’s more than just romances out there and I’ve had a lot of ships ruined for me over the years, so… *shrug* @w@’
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saiikavon · 2 years
Stay by Victoria Justice please???
(Okay, take two! Thank you for the request; this song is so lovely. I think this new draft turned out even better!)
Kaiba had made two mistakes that evening. The first was allowing Yuugi and his band of misfits into his hotel room. The second was not kicking them out the second alcohol entered the picture. Even if Kaiba himself didn't partake very much, the room quickly became a hazy place. He somehow couldn't keep track of the chatter dispersed among the group, but one voice kept filtering in, imposing itself upon Kaiba's attentions as though it felt entitled to do so.
It may as well have been. Jounouchi had certainly been harder to ignore, recently. For reasons Kaiba hadn't quite been ready to admit.
But this was exactly why the alcohol was a mistake. Kaiba determinedly kept his own inhibitions in check - allowing himself only a glass or two of wine - but he was afraid of what Jounouchi would be like with several pints of beer in him. He was already full of humor when sober, not to mention tactile, and loud. Those things Kaiba suffered without imploding, thankfully, but as it happened, the thing he should have been worried about was when he'd finally worn himself out like a toddler on too much sugar. It might not have been so terrible had he not decided that Kaiba's lap was the perfect place to pass out.
The impromptu party had fizzled out after that, Yuugi and friends cruelly abandoning Kaiba to his fate with whispered farewells and sympathetic smiles. Yuugi had the audacity to say, "Take care of him for us, Kaiba-kun," before departing like the rest.
So. Here he was. In the dim light of his own hotel room. On his bed. With a sleeping blond in his lap.
He was more than just difficult to ignore, if Kaiba were honest with himself. He demanded to be noticed, bursting like a firework at every encounter, yet somehow refusing to burn out. Kaiba could dismiss him only to turn around and find brown eyes staring him down yet again.
Even now, masculine features softened in low lighting, eyelashes dusting pink cheeks, Jounouchi seemed to be silently commanding, Look at me, only at me,
Kaiba was helpless to obey.
He lost track of how long he sat staring at Jounouchi, but eventually, he watched those eyes flutter open to blearily scan the room. Jounouchi's lips parted in a wide yawn, seeming only to half-register that his friends were gone, then looked up at his involuntary pillow.
"S'everyone gone?"
Kaiba restrained the urge to scoff. "Yes. They left some time ago."
"Mmkay." Jounouchi began to lift himself up, leaving Kaiba's thighs momentarily cold. "I'll get outta your hair."
And before he could stop himself, Kaiba made what might have been mistake number three, gently guiding Jounouchi's head back down with a hand in his hair.
"Sleep off the alcohol a little longer," Kaiba said. "You had quite a bit."
It was one part shameless excuse, but perhaps it was true, too. Jounouchi lay back down without a word of protest, letting out a sleepy sigh.
"Kay. G'night, Kaiba."
As Jounouchi's breathing evened out again, Kaiba resigned himself to his choices - he was ultimately content to stay here, petting the feather-soft blond locks until he, too, fell asleep.
(Send me a song and I'll write a drabble or ficlet for Kai/Jou.)
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saiikavon · 2 years
not sure if it’s been requested but The Last Time by Taylor Swift and Gary Lightbody :)
(Nope, that's a new one! Thanks for the request! As you can tell, I had some fun and kind of got carried away with it, so it's very much not a drabble...oops.)
"What are we?"
The question was not new, nor was the setting in which it was asked. Kaiba lay on his back, staring at his bedroom ceiling. The skin on the right side of his body tingled with Jounouchi's nearness. Jounouchi had asked the question the first time they'd come together, and several more times after while they both lay in the dark, tracing patterns in the bed sheets with idle fingers.
But it was Kaiba who asked.
There was silence in its wake, and then Jounouchi scoffed. "What's that thing you always tell me? 'Don't ask questions you don't wanna know the answer to.'"
"You've never been satisfied with that answer."
Jounouchi's breathing was the only sound for a moment. "No. Guess you're not, either."
"No." Non-answers would never be satisfying, even if he was the one giving them. "I've just been trying to...make sense of it. Gather data. I just haven't found an answer."
Jounouchi snorted and choked on a laugh that made Kaiba turn his head, schooling his features into an unimpressed expression. Jounouchi tried and failed to stifle more laughter behind his hand.
"Sorry, sorry, just--data. Of course you'd word it like that." He was next to turn, now laying on his side with his cheek propped on his open palm. His eyes glittered with a playful light. "Okay, so let's hear your findings, Professor Kaiba."
Kaiba scowled, but felt the answer rising in his throat anyway. Jounouchi had a way of beckoning things out of him that he otherwise would have kept on a tight leash.
It was easier to give in. No matter how many times he thought they might stop, it was always easier to give in.
He sighed. "I just meant that I've been...paying attention to how I react to you. How you react to me. How it compares to the way we interacted at the beginning. How I...feel...about the changes."
He watched Jounouchi's expression turn more serious, bright amber cooling to a deep brown. Jounouchi didn't say anything this time, but moved to rest his head on the pillow instead of his hand. More comfortable for listening. Something fluttered in Kaiba's chest.
"It's not conclusive," he said. "I won't bother with the details. But I understand you less than ever, and what I knew of myself is in question. In the past I would have tried to dismiss you, but your absence now makes even less sense than your presence."
He caught the flash of teeth in the dark, only a moment before the grin settled into something softer. "You saying you'd miss me if I stopped coming around, Kaiba?"
Again, an answer stuck in Kaiba's throat. A warning from his subconscious, fighting against the vulnerability as his body would an infection. But with his eyes still on Jounouchi, laid out like artwork in the private gallery of Kaiba's bedroom, it was impossible not to speak. Impossible not to reach out, fingers snaking towards Jounouchi's unattended hand to coil around it like a tether.
He heard Jounouchi's gasp almost as though from a distance, but he saw amber flicker like fire as Jounouchi's eyes widened. Calloused fingers tightened around his as though by instinct.
"What are we, Jounouchi?"
Kaiba had already stewed over the question far too much. He knew better now than to try and measure what was unmeasurable, and Jounouchi had always, always been that. Improvising, going on faith; those had never been Kaiba's strongest abilities. His own answer would never matter to him as much as Jounouchi's.
He felt the fingers move again, Jounouchi's grip dancing along his own until they came to rest, woven together like the strongest of threads. He was smiling again.
"Guess we gotta figure it out together."
(Send me a song and I'll write a drabble - or ficlet - for Kai/Jou.)
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saiikavon · 2 years
For Kaijou drabble, "Cemetery" by Run River North. Thanks!
(O-oh man, I haven't thought 'senpai noticed me' in years. XD Thanks for the ask, I love your writing!)
It was probably against the rules, somehow, for Jounouchi to wake up next to Kaiba Seto - who was only half-covered by Jounouchi's cheap flannel comforter and scowling with his eyes closed at the ray of sun that dared to creep across his face.
Cute. And definitely against the rules.
Not that they'd ever set any, in hindsight, even though Jounouchi had expected them. Maybe that's why he imposed them on himself, never allowing for moments like this, until Kaiba did what he always did: Whatever the fuck he wanted.
And if that meant Jounouchi could reach over Kaiba to close the curtains against that intruding sun, brush aside a lock of soft brown hair to kiss his forehead, then settle back down to go back to sleep...yeah. That was good.
Screw the rules.
(Send me a song and I'll write a drabble for Kai/Jou.)
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saiikavon · 2 years
For the song prompt. Maybe 10/10 don't recommend by Nico Collins if you'd like.
Jounouchi didn't know why bothered sometimes.
Look, he had a working pair of eyes and a healthy libido; he knew sexy when it walked down the street in tight pants and a long, flowing trench coat. Found it hard to say 'no' to a pair of blue eyes that cut him clean through with the promise of a damn good time.
Good times only existed between the sheets, though. After which point, Kaiba could dutifully pretend that Jounouchi hadn't just plowed him into his obscenely expensive mattress.
The guy was a walking red flag, and yet Jounouchi still knocked on his door, time and time again. It was stupid. He didn't know why he bothered, when he and Kaiba wouldn't be anything more than a scandal in a dark room.
But, hell, Kaiba was hot, and maybe Jounouchi wasn't looking for anything more than that, either.
(Think this is my last one for tonight; thanks for a fun time, everyone!)
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saiikavon · 2 years
“my enemy” by chvrches
(Oh this is nice, I'm adding this to my playlist for these two. Thanks anon!)
Kaiba's touch was easier to bear when it bruised.
Jounouchi's lips were sweeter when they drew blood.
They weren't so foolish as to think themselves incapable of love. Both knew what it meant to give it to the people they'd chosen, but receiving it was something else. Kindness. A gentle word. A soft touch. Uncomfortable at best and at worst, a shock to the system. Jounouchi had only just learned how to receive friendship. Kaiba still had so many shields raised and he wasn't ready to take them down.
But they could do this. Crash together until something cracked, bite and scratch and growl until the wounded beasts inside them tired out. And maybe when they laid down to rest for good, something true and warm and faithful could grow from the scorched earth, but until then...
Well, until then, they could at least go hand in hand into the fire.
(Send me a song and I'll write a drabble for Kai/Jou.)
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saiikavon · 2 years
:) Song for Kai/Jou:
They used to pretend they fell together in the wake of the disasters they left behind. Adrenaline surged with nowhere to go, no villains to outmatch and no gods to survive, and so they reached with anxious hands and breathless mouths to start a fire on their own.
Deep down they knew they had almost always been stoking the flame, waiting to see whether it would consume them both.
(Send me a song and I'll write a drabble for Kai/Jou.)
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saiikavon · 2 years
Here’s a twist on an old favorite of mine:
Send me a song and I’ll write a ~100 word drabble. Kai/Jou edition.
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artnijna · 2 years
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Happy Pride!!!!
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artnijna · 3 years
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artnijna · 3 years
I'm in love with this dork y'all. I love drawing him so much.
Seto Kaiba dreaming about kissing this beautiful man and I don't blame him.
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artnijna · 5 years
In 2017 I did a prompt challange for Yugioh where I got a character and a Disney movie. So I got Joey, and Tangled.
I didnt want to just draw him as Flynn so I flipped it and drew him as Rapunzel. Today I picked the air as a warm up and my progress is...well...apparent. I also wanted to draw another pic so I picked the hair chair scene and Added Kaiba as Flynn. Hes a tired goblin man and inlove Seto Kaiba very much
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artnijna · 8 years
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okay cause a nerd and have listened to a lot of Disney lately, thanks Moana, i wanted to start a series of drawing characters, male or female, as Disney characters. I’m on a Yugioh! kick so why not start off with this since the Tangled soundtrack plays a billion times on my Pandora and i am a slave to Puppyshipping right now lol Gonna draw Seto Kaiba as Flynn, and possibly give him a tiny Blue Eyes so Red eyes will have a friend. 
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