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Groundhog Day (1993) - Harold Ramis
Groundhog Day Jeep Commecial (2020)
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Times are hard for dreamers
Street art: unknown
"Monday Blues" (x)
#street art#graffiti#snoopy#monday blues#labour#murals#days offf#jours feries#music#new order#blue monday#monday mood#Youtube
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5/5/2024. Greetings, not from the Gare de Lyon but from my hospital bed yet again. This date is an anniversary I would rather forget, it is a year to the date since I was “blue lighted” to the hospital at Troyes, where the following day they gave me the news that my cancer had returned. However, a year down the line, although still receiving treatment, I am continuing to write my blog.
As you can imagine (or maybe you can’t) being confined to one room, looking out onto other parts of the hospital, there could be very little to report. However, as you will also know, family and friends keep in touch and so a part of my normality returns.
One of the comforting things about this hospital is that you can choose your own meals. The dietitian came to see me on Monday, she said don’t worry if I can’t eat the hot food as long as I am eating something she is pleased. I showed her “my stash” and she was impressed with what I had brought in. She is sending me extra’s too on my food tray.
Anie, has messaged sending photos of her garden, Monique too has been working in her garden and sent me photos. We have had strong winds and rain (apparently) and I am hoping that those budding cherries have clung onto the branches. I also hope that the wind hasn’t scattered the primulas, in their pots, far and wide around my garden. My American friends are back in Bar-sur-Aube and are waiting to give me a big greeting on my return. They had been back in the states for over a year now so it must be wonderful to return to their dream house in France. I know what it was like when I had four weeks away from my home last year, I am not ashamed to say, I cried as we approached Bar-sur-Aube.
One of my friends in the UK celebrated her 60th birthday at the end of April. Of course my card had been posted off in advance.
We have had the 1st May “jour férié” and people will be looking forward to 8th May “jour ferie”, celebrating Victory in Europe back in 1945. As my son informed me May is the month of holidays here in France.
Yesterday, my granddaughter had her birthday party at her Daddy’s house. Daddy, “The Photographer”, took some photos of her reading the card I had sent and opening her birthday present. I had a video call yesterday afternoon, it was wonderful, I was pretending to be asleep and my grandson was saying cock-a-doodle-do to wake me up. I saw the presents for the birthday girl. It was amazing and at one point the nurse came in to change the drip and my conversation continued with my grandson.
“The Jetsetter” took off for London on Thursday, stayed overnight at the airport and flew to Vancouver on Friday. This was something I had been thinking about doing before I was ill. Not to stay in Vancouver but to make my way to where my Great Uncle went to live back in early 1910’s. His life is something I would love to have more information on but there is no-one now still alive who can give me the information. I do know that he signed up in Victoria BC for World War 1 and was killed in France. I have visited his final resting place.
“The Trainee Solicitor” and the “The Reconnect Navigator” have had a relaxing end to the week. It’s good to recharge your batteries and although a week by a pool may appeal, sometimes it’s just as good to be at home. Of course they went to celebrate my granddaughters birthday too, I am sure she had a smile from ear to ear when she saw her Uncle.
It’s time for the music part of the blog again, I know that a lot of this music is so old but I do throw in “more recent” records like Maroon 5 last week.
This week however, they are still oldies I suppose. The first is from 1980 it’s by Sad Cafe and is “What Am I Gonna Do?”. I actually remember buying the album, having just returned from holiday, with spending money left over. I was in Darlington and saw the album “Sad Cafe Live in Concert”, so I bought it. Loved it so much and still do.
The second song is from Melanie C from 2003 and it’s “On The Horizon”. I loved her “Northern Star”Album and also the album “Reason” from which this song is taken.
So Saturday and Sunday have been days without treatment and Monday is the day of my CAR-T cell treatment. It’s a big day but hopefully for me just a day nearer going home.
I will still be in hospital next week, but as with this week, God Willing, I will be back next week.
Have a good week until then.
#barsuraube#paris#france#canada#vancouver#photography#architecture#livingwithcancer#80’s music#2000’smusic#family#friends
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La petite lecture vraiment sympa du moment. Avec Sorcellery Faery (paru aux @editionsdanae), Emily Carding ouvre les portes d’un charmant royaume à mi-chemin entre la Wicca éclectique et le Songe d’une nuit d’été de Shakespeare. J’avoue avoir été très sceptique au début, puis rapidement happée par le livre, que j’ai dévoré en 3 jours (et puis il y a une interview de Brian et Wendy Froud, donc fatalement je ne pouvais qu’aimer). Je ne suis pas fan pourtant de la voie Feri (un peu trop codifiée pour moi) mais vraiment ce petit livre est un charmant éventail d’idées, de sagesse, de beauté et de légèreté aussi, qui font plaisir au cœur et à l’âme. Bref, je n’adhère pas à tout, mais globalement me voilà enchantée ! Un seul regret, vu qu’il est illustré de nombreuses photo, c’est qu’il n’ait pas été imprimé en couleurs. Mais c’est un détail. Et vous ? La Faery, ça vous dit ? #faery #sorcelleriefaery #emilycarding #book #bookreading #read #reading #bookworm #faerywitchcraft #readingtime #witchcraft #witch #magic #paganism #pagan #folklore #petitpeuple #fees #lecture #livre #sorcellerie #wisdom https://www.instagram.com/p/CQEPST6htPF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Le saviez-tu ? Un certain 20 octobre 1848, un homme prononça ces mots sur une île située à plus de 11000km de la métropole : "Mes amis, les décrets de la République française sont exécutés : vous êtes libres. Tous égaux devant la loi, vous n’avez autour de vous que des frères. La liberté, vous le savez, vous impose des obligations. Soyez dignes d’elle, en montrant à la France et au monde qu’elle est inséparable de l’ordre et du travail …" Cet homme était Sarda Garriga un commissaire général de la République fraîchement nommé pour la mise en application du décret du 27 avril 1848 abolissant l'esclavage dans toutes les colonies françaises. C'est en juin 1983 que l'assemblé nationale vote à l'unanimité la loi permettant de faire du 20 décembre un jour férié à la Réunion. Pour cette occasion, je te conseil de lire l'essai de Mohammed Aïssaoui, l'affaire de l'esclave Furcy. L'essai à obtenu le prix Renaudeau en 2010. Ce roman est sur ma PAL depuis un moment et même si je ne l'ai pas lu, il a eu de très bonnes critiques. Je vous le recommande donc 😉 "Bon fet kaf zot toute" Sources : Abolition de l'esclavage : https://www.portail-esclavage-reunion.fr/documentaires/abolition-de-l-esclavage/l-abolition-de-l-esclavage-a-la-reunion/20-decembre-1848-labolition-de-lesclavage-a-la-reunion/#:~:text=Joseph%20Napol%C3%A9on%20Sarda%2C%20dit%20Sarda,dans%20toutes%20les%20colonies%20fran%C3%A7aises. Promulgation de la loi sur le jour férié: https://www.temoignages.re/culture/culture-et-identite/20-decembre-jour-ferie-loi-votee-a-l-unanimite-de-l-assemblee-nationale,94697 #974 #fetkaf #abolissiondelesclavage #20desamb #mohammedaissaoui #bookstagram #livresaddict #livrestagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CJApfpoFfIbFw8Hjc3crBNZ9pNWot8DoCWnpes0/?igshid=1jfbqgljhb8b
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Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler de l'accident de chasse de David L Carlson et Landis Blair Paru aux éditions Sonatine. Genre : roman graphique. Paru le : 27 Août 2020. Public : à partir de 16 ans. 🏆 a reçu le prix Quai des Bulles - Ouest France en 2020. ~~~ L'histoire : Chicago 1959, Charlie Rizzo est un garçon de banlieue comme tant d'autres, qui vient de perdre sa mère. Il emménage dans un nouvel appartement avec son père aveugle. Charlie Rizzo croit que son père a perdu la vue à cause d'un stupide accident de chasse comme le lui a toujours répété ce dernier. Mais un jour un policier frappe à leur porte. Le père, Matt Rizzo, décide alors de raconter la vérité à son fils. Il lui révèle la véritable raison de sa cécité... ~~~ Un roman graphique intrig ant. Des dessins à couper le souffle et un scénario qui m'a subjugué ! ~~~ Ce roman graphique est vraiment volumineux (environ 450 pages). Dès le départ, j'ai été surpris par la qualité des dessins et par l'atmosphère particulière qui y règne. Le style graphique de l'illustrateur est bluffant, il joue avec le noir et le blanc pour créer des ombres et des lumières ce qui donne un aspect assez sombre aux dessins mais qui se mêle plutôt bien avec le scénario. L'histoire est elle aussi très prenante. L'ambiance est oppressante dès le départ et il est très captivant de suivre la vie de Matt Rizzo tout au long de la bd. Le style graphique de Landis Blair m'a fait penser à l'album de Emil Feris "moi ce que j'aime c'est les monstres" qui a un univers proche du sien. ~~~ Ce roman graphique m'a fait plonger dans un monde hors du commun, à mes yeux c'est une véritable œuvre d'art ! Il a demandé plus de 4 ans de travail et cela se ressent à travers ces 450 pages. J'espère que vous aurez l'occasion de lire cet album bouleversant je ne saurais que vous le conseillez !! BONUS : clicker sur le lien dans ma description pour regarder le Trailer de ce magnifique roman graphique qui a été créé par les éditions Sonatine. Notes : Scénario : 8,5/10 💭 Dessin : 9/10 🗯️ #laccidentdechasse #davidlcarson #landisblair #sonatine #sonatineeditions #litterature #romangraphique #bandedessinee #instabd #instabook #bookstagram #bdstagram (à Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJBxGU9HFOc/?igshid=1vakyjv8010sa
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french forenames BUT ending with "e"
Ache Adrie Adège Agane Agaude Ailie Aille Alaurine Albanne Albaume Albaurie Albe Albele Albette Aliane Alie Amaine Amane Amanne Amaëlle Ambe Ambrie Amélère Anace Anadine Andielle Angelle Anste Anthie Antine Appolère Arcelle Arie Arienne Arilette Armance Arnatte Arnique Arniste Arsèle Arthie Aste Astine Aube Augue Augène Aure Auriance Aurie Auriste Avrie Axenne Ayme Aïde Baphaine Baptine Barie Barle Baronie Baudette Baudine Bautine Beantise Belie Benne Berge Berine Bermane Bernie Bertine Blaine Blainede Blane Blarjole Brie Briline Caliane Camie Camue Carbelle Care Cargette Carilie Cathelle Catrie Chaise Chandre Chanie Chanore Charine Chrice Chrie Chrine Chritte Claine Clane Clanne Clarine Claure Clodonne Clorane Clémie Cléstine Condre Corane Cordaine Core Corge Corgelle Corine Cyrice Cyrie Cyrile Cyrite Cédre Cédée Cédérie Célaine Céloëlle Césanne Céste Damue Dane Danisse Danne Dantine Daphelme Darce Davie Delle Delline Dence Dene Denne Diannie Dombette Dordamie Dore Dorgette Edmonne Elie Eline Elodine Elémine Emmane Emmanthe Erne Esmaëlle Esmée Estanne Estrise Eulie Evaire Evanne Evarbele Evare Fabe Fabele Fabelle Fabine Fance Fançoise Ferie Fermaine Fidore Fire Firgile Flaine Flargine Flomaine Flome Frabelle Fraine Frane Franne Fréaline Félie Gabe Gabine Gasse Gaste Gastie Gatre Gaude Gaudrie Gaurie Gaétale Gaétanne Gaëlle Gaëtave Geonie Geore Gerthée Ghilde Ghiline Ghine Giline Gine Girgane Girge Gise Guine Guite Gédriche Gére Henge Henne Herile Hervie Hubine Hugue Hyane Hyanie Hyanne Héliasce Héline Hélintie Ignatre Inée Irie Irèce Isanne Isiline Isine Isinine Jachane Jache Jane Jeane Jeauline Jeautie Jesselle Jolaine Jole Jose Jouise Jouitte Joure Jule Julpice Jéréme Karie Laelette Laette Laude Laudore Laulette Laulphe Laumenne Lildette Liline Listonie Lisène Lorgilie Louitte Loulie Loustie Loïsette Lucaline Lucine Lucise Lude Lydine Lydinine Léane Léodine Léonde Léonne Made Madège Maette Mandele Maranne Marce Mardamue Mardine Marice Mariche Marienne Marinne Marise Martre Mathe Mathelle Mathille Matie Matine Matte Maudie Maulie Maurenne Maxelle Maxise Mice Micelle Miche Michette Michiste Mictane Migine Mimonnie Miraine Mire Mirge Monnette Morice Mylvie Myrie Myrine Mégitte Mélaiste Mélie Méline Méliole Mélique Nanne Natine Natte Noele Noraine Nore Norne Odie Odiotine Olianne Pasianne Paudette Paure Pautine Phile Phise Pientine Pierine Piette Quine Racaine Race Rafanne Raphie Raptie Rayace Rayme Renatre Riche Ricolde Roche Rochette Rochille Rochèle Rodole Roge Rolie Romaline Romanice Romanne Rome Rémile Sabelle Sale Salie Samue Sane Saricole Sarie Sermaine Serrose Side Simelle Simonde Sixtie Sofianne Solaine Sole Solphie Stavie Staviève Stée Stére Sulainne Suline Suzane Suzardie Sylve Sylène Séve Sévesce Tanie Tanne Thie Thiline Thine Thomane Thée Thélène Théondre Timonse Tippolie Touine Tourdie Valette Valiance Valise Viche Vine Vire Virette Vivie Vérène Xavidine Yance Yandille Yandre Yane Yanie Yanistre Yantine Yoanise Yoanne Yoannie Yveline Yvondrie Yvonine Yvonse Zache Zine Èveste Èvette Édone Édonne Égile Égiline Égélie Égérarie Élielle Éline Élinne Élisaine Élise Élizée Élotte Émiline Érie Étine Évrie
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THS Night présents : Ghôst Flo Nation - Thème : Egypt to Caribbean Ground // 3 DECEMBRE 2022 📣📍 Venez découvrir 2 jour de plongeons artistiques dans les mondes du Ghôst Flow à l'occasion du Ancient Ground Battle organisé par le Too High Spirit https://too-high-spirit.assoconnect.com/collect/description/275180-x-ths-night-presents-ghost-flo-nation-theme-egypt-to-caribbean-ground-3-decembre-2022 Information > Programme complet : Au détail : VENDREDI 2 DECEMBRE 2022 Sortie Spectacle Sublime Avec la Compagnie Michel ONOMO @salle daniel fery , Nanterre 20h SAMEDI 3 DECEMBRE 2022 Ancient Ground Battle : special House dance Gwokâ et Hustle (disco) 14H 19H JURY Daneshiro DJS Prophet Rudy Foxx Battle costumé pour kidz Théme Egypt to Caraibes All Style Battle Hip Hop House Babacar Maui Serge Martina Eva +guests + surprise Hustle Dance Prix et surprise à gagner Special Prix pour le meilleur costume de l'apres midi Spectacle Afro- Caraïbeen : Groupe Gwada Kâ Danse et Chant Gwo Kâ SHOWCASE DAY THS Kidz THS Jr Ghôst Flo Nation Hicham dance Project Projet 8.0 Ayilé & April Speaker Meech Infos : ou email : [email protected] +33 627689766 Entrée 3 eu pour les adhérents 5 eu pour les non- adhérents (Faire le point en arrivant à l’entrée ) (à Too High Spirit) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClogLj1t2KJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hedy Lamarr, The Heavenly Body (1944)
photography: unknown
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Tuesday 19 November 2002 - long journey home - three flight segments - change of gauge to SFO with a “jiggance clause”
19 November 2002
EN Hi everyone! Twenty years ago today, I ended my vacation in Germany and returned to the United States. It would be the longest day in 2002 that I would remember, topping even the 9th January 2002 and 7th June 2002. Luckily Portia de Rossi was not around to shout "Jiggance!" at me that day. More will be explained later about that. I was sad to leave Europe for the last time for 2002, but also happy to return to the USA with gifts.
DE Hallo allerseits! Heute vor 20 Jahren beendete ich meinen Urlaub in Deutschland und kehrte in die Vereinigten Staaten zurück. Es sollte der längste Tag im Jahr 2002 werden, an den ich mich erinnern würde, und sogar den 9. Januar 2002 und den 7. Juni 2002 übertreffen. Zum Glück war Portia de Rossi nicht da, um „Jiggance!“ zu rufen. bei mir an diesem Tag. Dazu wird später noch mehr erklärt. Ich war traurig, Europa 2002 zum letzten Mal zu verlassen, aber auch glücklich, mit Geschenken in die USA zurückzukehren.
DK Hej allesammen! For tyve år siden i dag afsluttede jeg min ferie i Tyskland og vendte tilbage til USA. Det ville være den længste dag i 2002, jeg ville huske, og den toppede endda den 9. januar 2002 og 7. juni 2002. Heldigvis var Portia de Rossi ikke til stede for at råbe "Jiggance!" hos mig den dag. Mere vil blive forklaret senere om det. Jeg var ked af at forlade Europa for sidste gang i 2002, men også glad for at vende tilbage til USA med gaver.
SE Hej allihopa! För tjugo år sedan idag avslutade jag min semester i Tyskland och återvände till USA. Det skulle bli den längsta dagen under 2002 som jag skulle minnas, och toppade till och med den 9 januari 2002 och 7 juni 2002. Lyckligtvis var inte Portia de Rossi med och ropade "Jiggance!" på mig den dagen. Mer kommer att förklaras senare om det. Jag var ledsen över att lämna Europa för sista gången för 2002, men jag var också glad över att återvända till USA med gåvor.
FR Salut tout le monde! Il y a vingt ans jour pour jour, je terminais mes vacances en Allemagne et retournais aux États-Unis. Ce serait le jour le plus long de 2002 dont je me souviendrais, dépassant même le 9 janvier 2002 et le 7 juin 2002. Heureusement, Portia de Rossi n'était pas là pour crier "Jiggance!" à moi ce jour-là. Plus sera expliqué plus tard à ce sujet. J'étais triste de quitter l'Europe pour la dernière fois pour 2002, mais aussi heureux de revenir aux USA avec des cadeaux.
Guten Morgen! Good morning! It was the day to return back to the USA. My almost two week long journey in Germany, Scandinavia and Switzerland came to an end. I had to fly from Nuremberg to Frankfurt Rhein-Main airport, then to Washington Dulles, and finally to San Francisco. It would be a long day but it would feel good to return home, and see how well the paint dried on my car after it had been in the repair shop.
It was about 6 AM that I woke up. I took a shower, packed my suitcase, and went downstairs for one final breakfast at the hotel. I did not eat too much, just enough to last until I arrived at the airport. Then I checked out. I took the line 38 bus from Lenkersheimer Straße, changed to the U1 at Maximilianstraße, changed to the U2 at Plärrer, was easy because it was a simple walk from the platform, and I had to alight at Ziegelstein because the train terminated there. In ten minutes another train would arrive. Ziegelstein is unique because it has lights that will turn on when the train is at the station platform. The lights will be animated when the train arrives and departs, and shuts off when the train has left. Another train to the airport arrived, and I boarded. It was a DT2. The train went through its single tunnel and ended at the airport. I alighted and went inside the terminal building to the departures desk.
At NUE, the airport, I went to the departures desk on the second level. I was about three hours early for the flight. I checked in my wheeled bag, and it would be a long time before I would see it again, likely in Washington DC for customs inspection, and again in San Francisco. Then I was free to go through the security post. At the time, they did not check luggage for any liquids over 100 mL, and it was not necessary back then to take off shoes or belts. Mostly it was about electronics. I had just my radio, camera and Siemens S40 phone that I did not use until I arrived in Washington Dulles.
After going through security, I stopped by the souvenirs shop. I bought some more Nürnberger Lebkuchen, as I did not know if there would be any in Frankfurt. I sat around the gate to the flight to Frankfurt which would leave about 11 AM, and arrive about 12:15 PM. The flight was operated by Lufthansa, and I would receive airline miles to my United Mileage Plus account, I think, 500 in total. At 10:20 AM, the flight boarded, and I was in the Airbus A320 coach / economy class. The plane closed its doors at 10:55 and pushed back and went to the takeoff formation about 11 AM. The flight left Nürnberg for Frankfurt am Main. It landed about 12:05 PM and arrived at the Concourse A part of Terminal 1, about 12:10 PM. Everyone alighted from the aircraft. My wheeled bag would be on its way to Washington Dulles. I had about 45 minutes to get one last bottle of Apfelwein, so I left the secure area, went to the grocery store close to the Regionalbahnhof, and came back through security. In 2022, this might have been impossible, because I would require access to my checked bag.
The United Airlines flight to Washington Dulles would not depart until about 2 PM. I was in the Terminal B part of the airport. I had to check my passport with the German customs agents, and I received my Schengen exit stamp for the year, with "Frankfurt/Main" and 19th November 2002 as the exit date. Then I was free to explore the Concourse B Duty Free shops and buy more booze %) I could not drink it on the plane until I crossed the US border. About 1:15 PM, the flight to Washington Dulles started boarding. I had my ticket ready. I think I was in group 4 or so. My seat was sort of in the first third of economy class, though I could not say exactly where. The plane I boarded was a Boeing 777. The plane closed its doors about 1:50 PM and pushed back shortly thereafter. The safety demonstration was live, as the screens on the seatbacks were too small to properly show a safety video, in comparison to the 2010s onward with larger screens. The plane took off about 2:10 PM, and that was the last time in 2002 until August 2003 that I would set foot in Europe.
The plane flew sort of on a path north of Wiesbaden, sort of south of Boppard am Rhein where I stayed in July 1991, then over Trier, Luxembourg City, Arlon in Belgium, south of Brussels, Lille, Caterham in the UK, the extreme south of Ireland and onwards past Iceland and Greenland. About the time the plane left continental Europe, the flight crew served lunch. Beer was free, so I ordered Heineken. They did not have any proper German beer unfortunately, but lunch was good. I had the beef and potatoes.
The inflight movies included "Who is Cletis Tout" which starred Christian Slater, Tim Allen, Richard Dreyfuss, Portia de Rossi and RuPaul. It was quite bizzare. It was a film about an ex-convict reuniting with his elderly cellmate, sharing the spoils of a heist, and having to share it with the elderly cellmate's adult daughter. The daughter added a so-called "Jiggance clause" where he had to behave a certain way, otherwise there would be a reduction in his share of the diamonds. If he failed, the daughter would shout "Jiggance". The movie is meant to be a comedy.
The flight went on for a while, the skies were sort of getting dark, but the sun did not quite go down until around 4:30 PM, when the plane landed in Washington Dulles. Before landing, we were given a small snack and extra drink. Also we had to fill out the customs declarations forms. I put in my purchases that I had made, and it totalled $500 at most, not enough to send me to the "goods to declare" red lane. Everyone alighted from the plane, upon landing at Washington Dulles, and I had to follow the purple lane, for connecting flights, as opposed to the yellow lane which was for passengers collecting their luggage at the main terminal, taking a mobile lounge from Terminal C. The purple lane did not take too long. For me it was fairly straightforward. I was allowed to go into the line for US Citizens, and would have my passport checked quickly. I handed in my passport and the customs declaration card. My passport was stamped and the agent told me "Welcome home".
Once my passport was stamped, I went along to pick up my wheeled bag. I had to make sure that I could open it for inspection. However, when I gave the customs declaration card, the agent took it and he said "thanks". I walked to the connecting flights luggage area, and gave my wheeled bag to the agent, and I would collect it at SFO. I left the customs area and went upstairs to the regular part of Terminal C. I found the flight to SFO. The flight to SFO was delayed due to an aircraft issue with the Boeing 767 plane, scheduled for that specific time. United would find a replacement at about 7 PM. Until then, everyone had to wait.
The ticket agents at the podium had asked some passengers to take an even later flight, as if the flight was not late enough. There would be one to San Francisco at 9 PM, but I could not do that, because I was on an international flight already, so my body clock was six hours ahead of the current time at Washington Dulles, namely -5 GMT, as opposed to +1 GMT where I was for over a week. A replacement flight was found, a single-row Boeing 757. Most of the affected passengers were those with seats in the "L" position, namely if you were in a 767, there is AB DEF KL seating, there would be in a 757 a ABC DEF seating arrangement. Luckily I was not affected, and was allowed to fly to SFO on the 7 PM flight. At 6:10 PM, the flight boarded, and I was in my seat, ready to take off. The flight closed its doors at 6:55 PM and it pushed back. The safety demonstration was on the CRT monitors, complete with Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue". The flight took off about 7:15 PM, as there was congestion.
About 8:30 PM, the flight attendants served supper. I had the chicken and pasta, and a white wine. After supper, the inflight movie started. It was on the overhead CRT monitors, and sound would be from the electronic headphone jacks. They played "Who is Cletis Tout?". I got to see it a second time but on a larger screen. I did not watch all of it as my body clock said it was past 4 AM. I slept the majority of the journey back. The plane arrived about 9 PM in San Francisco airport, so it was like 6 AM for me. I felt a bit groggy waking up after the plane landed at United's Terminal 3 at SFO, San Francisco International. I used both travel movers to the escalator at security where I would go to baggage claim.
My mother was at the baggage claim at SFO. I was happy to see her again. We went to go find where my wheeled bag would appear. It took twenty minutes for it to roll along the caroussel. Then we went to the parking structure and found the Jeep, and we drove to my apartment in Foster City. It felt good to be home. I would give the presents meant for my family, the next Sunday, I think the 24th, when I went to visit and do my laundry. The car was sitting in its spot, I think it was spot 104, nothing had happened to it, thankfully. I did not dare to check it until the morning. I went to sleep in my own bed, the first time since 7th November.
Well, that pretty much ends the journey from the 7th to the 19th November 2002. Or does it? Maybe not. I had to go to work the next day, so please tune in for one final episode, to hear how my colleagues reacted to my gifts of delicious food.
Gute Nacht! Good night!
#NUE#Albrecht Dürer#Plärrer#Ziegelstein#Washington Dulles#Frankfurt#Rhein Main#FRA#United#Lufthansa#Schengen#passport#Terminal C#Germany#USA#Boeing#Airbus#A320#B767#B757#Cletis Tout#Christian Slater#Richard Dreyfuss#Portia de Rossi#Jiggance#SFO#Foster City#California
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Jour férié aux USA, Memorial Day, range en Europe ? https://www.andlil.com/jour-ferie-aux-usa-memorial-day-range-en-europe-206890.html
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C’est l’heure du petit dej ! Pas d’ouverture aujourd’hui mais l’eshop est là pour vous !!! En livraison ou en click and collect à retirer dès demain… Noël se rapproche à grand pas ! Bon jour férié et à demain 🖤 #decorationinterieur #deco #decoration #decoaddict #design #designer #designinterior #inspiration #picoftheday #lifestyle #amiens #wanderlust #conceptstore #boutique #shopping #shoppingaddict #eshop #cabinetdecuriosites #designstore #ideescadeaux #mug #muglapin #marius #bellocabinet #ceramique #ferie #11novembre #noelapproche (à Hauts-de-France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWISfe8MyBa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Comme toujours les jours fériés, nous serons ouvert mais de 14h00 à 18h00 👍 Excellente journée à tous 🤜🏻🤛 #ferie #fetenationale #onestdesfous #mangadokaze (à Manga Dokaze) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRRKLprFfeq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Le saviez-tu ? Un certain 20 octobre 1848, un homme prononça ces mots sur une île située à plus de 11000km de la métropole : "Mes amis, les décrets de la République française sont exécutés : vous êtes libres. Tous égaux devant la loi, vous n’avez autour de vous que des frères. La liberté, vous le savez, vous impose des obligations. Soyez dignes d’elle, en montrant à la France et au monde qu’elle est inséparable de l’ordre et du travail …" Cet homme était Sarda Garriga un commissaire général de la République fraîchement nommé pour la mise en application du décret du 27 avril 1848 abolissant l'esclavage dans toutes les colonies françaises. C'est en juin 1983 que l'assemblé nationale vote à l'unanimité la loi permettant de faire du 20 décembre un jour férié à la Réunion. Pour cette occasion, je te conseil de lire l'essai de Mohammed Aïssaoui, l'affaire de l'esclave Furcy. L'essai à obtenu le prix Renaudeau en 2010. Ce roman est sur ma PAL depuis un moment et même si je ne l'ai pas lu, il a eu de très bonnes critiques. Je vous le recommande donc 😉 Sources : Abolition de l'esclavage : https://www.portail-esclavage-reunion.fr/documentaires/abolition-de-l-esclavage/l-abolition-de-l-esclavage-a-la-reunion/20-decembre-1848-labolition-de-lesclavage-a-la-reunion/#:~:text=Joseph%20Napol%C3%A9on%20Sarda%2C%20dit%20Sarda,dans%20toutes%20les%20colonies%20fran%C3%A7aises. Promulgation de la loi sur le jour férié: https://www.temoignages.re/culture/culture-et-identite/20-decembre-jour-ferie-loi-votee-a-l-unanimite-de-l-assemblee-nationale,94697 #974 #fetkaf #abolissiondelesclavage #20desamb #mohammedaissaoui #bookstagram #livresaddict #livrestagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CJApV6-nPq6/?igshid=jsyearicg06j
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Poème #780
Hâte de voir le maillot de l’Italie pour la CDM
Tweeté par @JorisNgr
les taxis travaille les jours feries jme ss tjr dmd ?
Tweeté par @Myriamuse
Nevermind maintenant les deux sont erronés
Tweeté par @Jordan_D
je suis tellement énervée que je saigne du nez
Tweeté par @HippoARoulette
oh les batard ils allait passer al horford
Tweeté par @SamyMDL8
il m'a dit que j'avais pas de cœur, aucun remord
Tweeté par @byfatsss
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THS Night présents : Ghôst Flo Nation - Thème : Egypt to Caribbean Ground // 3 DECEMBRE 2022 📣📍 Venez découvrir 2 jour de plongeons artistiques dans les mondes du Ghôst Flow à l'occasion du Ancient Ground Battle organisé par le Too High Spirit https://too-high-spirit.assoconnect.com/collect/description/275180-x-ths-night-presents-ghost-flo-nation-theme-egypt-to-caribbean-ground-3-decembre-2022 Information > Programme complet : Au détail : VENDREDI 2 DECEMBRE 2022 Sortie Spectacle Sublime Avec la Compagnie Michel ONOMO @salle daniel fery , Nanterre 20h SAMEDI 3 DECEMBRE 2022 Ancient Ground Battle : special House dance Gwokâ et Hustle (disco) 14H 19H JURY Daneshiro DJS Prophet Rudy Foxx Battle costumé pour kidz Théme Egypt to Caraibes All Style Battle Hip Hop House Babacar Maui Serge Martina Eva +guests + surprise Hustle Dance Prix et surprise à gagner Special Prix pour le meilleur costume de l'apres midi Spectacle Afro- Caraïbeen : Groupe Gwada Kâ Danse et Chant Gwo Kâ SHOWCASE DAY THS Kidz THS Jr Ghôst Flo Nation Hicham dance Project Projet 8.0 Ayilé & April Speaker Meech Infos : ou email : [email protected] +33 627689766 Entrée 3 eu pour les adhérents 5 eu pour les non- adhérents (Faire le point en arrivant à l’entrée ) (à Too High Spirit) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClofnyDNePh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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