#journals on medical microbiology
biomedres · 4 days
Demographic Features of Common Cancers in the National Cancer Institute, Misurata
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Demographic Features of Common Cancers in the National Cancer Institute, Misurata in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Background: The epidemiological data of cancer cases provides vital scientific information to evaluate and estimate the burden of the disease in Libya. Patient and Methods: A hospital-based registry of cancer was used to document the facts of 974 Libyan patients with different cancers, diagnosed at the National Cancer Institute, Misurata-Libya in the year of 2016. Results: Of the 974 cancer patients, 538 were females with a mean age of 53 years. The number of male cancer patients was 436 men, with an average age of 57.7 years. The data revealed that the most common types of cancer in women were breast (n = 222; 41.3%), colon (n = 69; 12.8%), lymphoma (n = 32; 5.9%), ovarian (n = 31; 5.8). %). and uterus (n = 27; 5%). On the other hand, the most common cancers in men were colon (n = 80; 18.3%), lung (n = 80; 18.3%), prostate (n = 55; 12.6%), lymphoma (n = 42; 9.6%), and leukemia (n = 22; 5%). Conclusion: To improve the cancer registry, it is necessary to have well-developed sources of epidemiological and clinical data in order to determine the cancer’s prevalence and assess any new instances. Second, data on cancer should be shared and used in Libya to enhance cancer management.
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elvensemi · 1 year
I wish "your favorite sidekick" was a book instead of a fanfic so I could use "Excellently written,
Nearly medically accurate!" - actual medical doctor
As one of those quotes on the back.
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
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Lavandula officinalis
Known as: Elf leaf, nard, nardus & spike
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae, there are genus of 47 known species of lavender. It includes well known plants such basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender, and perilla, as well as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga & oriental motherwort.
Parts used: Flowers
Habitat and cultivation: This flowering plant is native to the the Mediterranean
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Most are hardy from Zones 5 to 9 | Spanish Lavender (L. stoechas) is only hardy in Zones 7 to 9.
Harvest: You can harvest all the budding spikes or flowers on your plant during the growing season but avoid cutting into woody growth. Don't want to take more than 1/3 of the plant at this time & limiting your harvest to flowers and buds should keep you within recommended limits. As first frost approaches, snip off woody, leafy stems & branching. You can safely take up to 2/3 of the plant at this time. Harvesting too early can stimulate more growth which you don't want since the lavender is moving into winter dormancy.
Growing tips: To grow lavender successfully it needs well-drained soil, full sun & may be a good idea to check the PH beforehand because soil too acidic may kill off your plants. It survives well in dry conditions, so you'll only have to water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Plant lavender in spring, once all chances of frost have passed. This beautiful, fragrant herb is a great addition to raised beds, in-ground gardens, and growing in containers spacing plants 12 to 18 inches apart.
Medicinal information: Taking lavender products by mouth, including teas and a specific oil supplement or inhaling lavender oil as aromatherapy, seem to reduce symptoms of depression & anxiety. Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal & burns & bug bites. Some studies suggest that consuming lavender as a tea can help digestive issues such as vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach, & abdominal swelling. A study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that lavender oil could be effective in combating antifungal-resistant infections. Using it as aromatherapy can also reduce colic symptoms & menstrual cramp pain.
Cautions: Lavender essential oil is possibly safe when inhaled as aromatherapy, but applying products that contain lavender oil to the skin is possibly unsafe for young cis males who haven't reached puberty. The oil seems to have hormone-like effects that could disrupt normal hormones & in some cases, this has resulted in breast growth.
Lavender might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Taking lavender with sedative medications might cause breathing problems and/or too much sleepiness.
Lavender might slow down the central nervous system. If used with anesthesia and other medications given during and after surgery, it might slow down the central nervous system too much. Stop using lavender at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aradia, Elves, Faeries, Hecate & Saturn
Magickal uses:
• Place in sleep pillows to encourage peaceful sleep
• Wear as a perfume to attract a new love
• Rub on paper when writing love spells or notes for added power
• Add with rosemary to a satchet for preserve chastity
• Scatter around your home to invite protection & purifying energies
• Use in a ritual bath to lighten feelings of depression or sadness
• Wear or use in an amulet to discourage cruelty from a spouse
• Drink lavender tea before bed to aid in astral travel or dream magick
• Burn as an incense for meditation or spirit work
• Use in spells to strengthen friendships
• Purify your ritual candles & tools with a drop of oil to release any negative energies contained within them
•  Hang above your door protect against evil spirits , for home blessings & to cleanse all who enter
• Rub the oil on to the base of the skull or temples to help cure the nervous exhaustion that sometimes happens after intensive magickal workings
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science-lover33 · 1 year
Complement system
1. Activation: The complement system can be activated through three main pathways: the classical pathway, the alternative pathway, and the lectin pathway. Each pathway involves different initiating events but converges on a common cascade of reactions.
2. Cascade of Reactions: Once activated, the complement system triggers a cascade of enzymatic reactions that result in the cleavage of complement proteins. This cascade ultimately leads to the formation of several key components, including C3b, C4b, and C5b.
3. Opsonization: C3b and C4b are opsonins, which means they can bind to pathogens and label them for phagocytosis by immune cells like macrophages and neutrophils. This enhances the removal of pathogens from the body.
4. Inflammation: Complement activation also results in the release of small peptides called anaphylatoxins, such as C3a and C5a. These peptides promote inflammation by increasing blood vessel permeability and attracting immune cells to the site of infection.
5. Membrane Attack Complex (MAC): The final step of complement activation involves the assembly of the membrane attack complex (MAC). C5b, C6, C7, C8, and multiple C9 molecules come together to form the MAC, which can create pores in the membranes of target cells, leading to cell lysis and destruction of pathogens.
1. Walport, M. J. (2001). Complement. First of two parts. New England Journal of Medicine, 344(14), 1058-1066.
2. Ricklin, D., Hajishengallis, G., Yang, K., & Lambris, J. D. (2010). Complement: a key system for immune surveillance and homeostasis. Nature Immunology, 11(9), 785-797.
3. Merle, N. S., Church, S. E., Fremeaux-Bacchi, V., & Roumenina, L. T. (2015). Complement system part I – molecular mechanisms of activation and regulation. Frontiers in Immunology, 6, 262.
Please note that for the most current and detailed medical information on the complement system, I recommend consulting recent textbooks or academic journals in immunology and microbiology.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
In a rare case, a black bear in Connecticut has tested positive for rabies, sparking a warning from state wildlife officials.
The bear was a wild female adult discovered in Canton, Connecticut, in February 2023. Like other bears, it should have been hibernating during the winter months. However, due to mobility issues on the left side of its body, the bear was seen falling over, lying down, and not responding to human presence, according to a new paper in the journal Microbiology Resource Announcements.
The bear was observed for 24 hours before being euthanized by a Connecticut conservation officer. Its body was taken to the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) at the Unversity of Connecticut's College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources for a post-mortem.
After the CVMDL sequenced the bear's brain tissue during the necropsy, they discovered that it was infected with rabies. This was only the second bear the lab had encountered with the virus.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has advised the public to avoid any animal that "appears to be distressed, which may include symptoms like stumbling, staggering, walking in circles, dragging a limb or the hind end, or otherwise acting strangely," according to a statement from the University of Connecticut.
Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system of mammals, causing the inflammation of the brain. The virus is typically transmitted through the saliva of infected animals via bites, scratches, or even mucous membranes and open wounds. It is almost always fatal once symptoms appear, which generally manifest after around 2–3 months and can initially include fever, headache and weakness, progressing to agitation, anxiety, hallucinations, a fear of water, excessive salivation, and lack of coordination.
If an animal displays neurological symptoms, such as stumbling and falling over, then scientists will first test for rabies. If the test comes back positive, CVMDL does not proceed with a full necropsy to protect staff.
"We rule out rabies because we don't want to do a necropsy that could expose people unnecessarily," Guillermo Risatti, CVMDL director and professor at the University of Connecticut, said in the statement. "So, once we detect rabies, that's it. We don't do anything else with the carcass."
The CVMDL scientists sequenced the entire genome of the rabies virus found inside the bear to compare it with a gene bank of other sequences from animals infected with rabies across the world. They found that the virus in the bear—which was the only bear sample on the whole database—most closely resembled a virus sequence from a raccoon in New England.
By comparing these strains of rabies, scientists can investigate how the virus spreads between animals in certain areas.
"That's the value—to see what the virus looks like and be able to distinguish a new virus coming into the area," Risatti said. "All of the sequencing is done by us, here in house. So that is the value. We have created a sequencing lab inside a diagnostic lab that is allowing us to dig more into what is going on."
Only 1 to 3 cases are reported in humans in the United States annually. If a human contracts rabies, they need to receive post-exposure prophylaxis as soon as possible, which can be up to 100 percent effective at preventing the disease. Around 60,000 people receive this post-exposure prophylaxis in the U.S. every year.
Humans most at risk are those living in areas where wildlife that commonly contract rabies, including bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes, are common. While this case of rabies in a bear is rare, it may become more common in the future, as sightings of black bears in Connecticut have increased lately.
Nine bears were submitted to the CVMDL for testing in 2023 alone, compared to seven between 2019 and 2022.
The DEEP advises calling the local animal control officer or police department if you spot a potentially rabid animal, staying well clear of it, and definitely not attempting to pick it up.
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Case Reports, like we're on a episode of house
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23M in Kenya, presenting with months of LOW, persistent fevers, and abdo fullness, found to have massive splenomegaly.
examination: massive splenomegaly (10 cm below costophrenic margin, and will definitely cross midline) and hepatomegaly
pancytopaenic on bloods, plt's down to 40s
diagnosis confirmed on BMAT (parasite seen)
normal HIV, liver and kidney function
Bodies seen on the BMAT below are part of the lifecycle of the parasite that is intracellular, hence you can see the macrophages/neutrophils loaded with them, even bursting
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What is it:
think of it when you get a patient with pancytopaenia and hepatosplenomegaly, who either traveled to or is in/from a tropical/subtropic region (where sand flies are)
cause - protozoa parasite Leishmania, transmitted by infected sandflies
Epidemio (when to consider it)
tropics, subtropics (South America, Asia, AFrica), Southern Europe
parasite, replicates intracellularly (Leishmania donovani)
transmitted in sand flies (can be unnoticeable and usually bite in dawn or dusk - evenings or night), can also be transmitted via needles/blood
more common in rural areas
I've simplified this, but is more extensively covered in StatPearls and Wiki (there's different species of Leish and sandflies that transmit it)
once bitten, the protozoa are phagocystosed by skin macrophages, which then becomes full of the "bodies" (part of the lifecycle). Eventually these burst to release more of the bodies that infect more macrophages
they eventually are spread via blood to liver/spleen/BM and LNs
Random history:
ancient, records of disease date back to Egyptian mummies from 3000 BC --> positive DNA amplication for Leishmania and on papyrus from 1500 BC
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multiple physicians from different times have described the disease, but it's named for 2 who described the parasite's intracellular ovoid body stage in smears from infected patients in India: Lt General William Boog Leishman and Captain Charles Donovan (Ronald Ross named the bodies after the 2 --> "Leishman Donovan bodies"
significant disease in Allied troops in Sicily in WWII, called "jericho buttons" (image on wiki from a WWI trooper serving in the middle east)
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Leishman: Scottish pathologist and British Army medical officer, later it's director general in the 20s, did extensive research into the parasite named for him by Sir Ronald Ross. He mistook the parasite he observed for trypanosomes (cause of Chagas in South America and African sleeping sickness in Africa)
Donovan: Irish parasitologist, medical officer in India, observed an epidemic across India just after the rebellion of 1857, discovered the "bodies" in spleen tissue as the causative agent for what the locals called "kala azar" (severe visceral leishmaniasis - see below)
Donovan also discovered the "bodies" of Klebsiella granulomatis, hence these too are named after him (cause of ulcerative granulomas)
It became scandalous as both wanted credit for the "discovery" of this newly identified organism. So Sir Ronald Ross named it for both of them.
Sir Ron, by the way, won a Nobel in Medicine for discovering that malaria is transmitted via mossies (this was also a source of scandal, he was meant to share it with another physician who he accused of fraud - and they never received the award)
finally, it was actually a Russian physician who identified it first, but well, he published in a little known Russian journal which was promptly forgotten.
Clinical features
cutaneous type vs visceral organ type (spleen, liver, bones)
From wiki
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can be asymptomatic
cutnaeous: can be there for years and resemble leprosy, causes an open chronic wound (most common), incubation 2-4 weeks on average (nodules at site of inoculation that eventually form ulcers), can heal spontaneously in 2-5 yrs
in diffuse cutaneous cases, can affect face, ears, extensor surfaces
can be muscosal = eg nasal symptoms/epistaxis, severe: perforated septum, this occurs in 1/3 after resolution of cutaenous symptoms (can be severe/lifte threatning, as it can affect vocal cords and cartilage, but oddly not bone)
visceral (incubation periods of up to years until immuncompromise): fever, weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly (spleen more than liver), pancytoaepnia, high total protein and low albumin with hypergammaglobulinaemia
this has seasonal peaks related to sandfly habits and humidity
interestingly it is an infective cause of massive splenomegaly, such that it crosses the midline
Extreme - but noticeable hepatosplenomgealy/abdo fullness, from medscape
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can be atypical in HIV co infected patients, LAD in seom regions like Africa
Kala azar = black fever in some severe cases (fatal due to secondary mycobacterial infection or bleeding), refers to damage fto spleen, liver and anaemia
serology not great (minimal humoral response to the parasite), so often requires histopath (tissue sample) for which BMAT is safest in visceral organ involvement
visualisation of amastigotes (or Leishman-Donovan bodies), as intracellular --> can be seen in macrophages (small round bodies) post Giemsa staining
PCR of DNA also possible (as done in the Egyptian mummies)
Image source:
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liposomal amphotericin B (holy shit strong stuff) in visceral, PO: miltefosine (caution in pregnancy), all have significant ADRs, or paromycin. however, mortality of 10% if visceral left untreated
mixed results with azoles
in HIV co infection - start the HAARTs! can improve survival, mortality is 30% in HIV patients
cutaneous: stibolgluconate (have never heard of these drugs) and megluaine antimoniate, but limited disease often spotnaeously gets cleared by the innate system
use DEET insect repellant at dawn and dusk
loose fitting clothing that covers all skin
no vaccine (were attempts at vaccinating dogs, which decreased rates)
sandflies are smaller than mossies, so requires small netting
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Differentials for hepatosplenomegaly
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WHO guidelines
CDC guidlelines
Wiki - Haven't covered pathophysio, but wiki does extensively
DermNet - great resource for all things derm, that my derm colleagues pointed out to me
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mightyflamethrower · 2 months
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Authored by Martin Hoyt via RealClearHealth,
It did not have to be this way. The COVID-19 pandemic cost American citizens their lives, their livelihoods, education, mental health, reputations and, ultimately, civil and religious freedoms. “The U.S. accounts for less than 5% of the world’s population, but more than 25% of total COVID-19 cases reported across the globe, and it currently ranks among the top 10 countries in COVID-19-related deaths per capita,” wrote the authors of  2023 commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association. And for all that, we have government to thank.  
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For years leading up to the pandemic, the nation had spent billions on preparation and planning for a biohazard attack or event. Whatever we learned was quickly discarded or undone by a lack of accountability, transparency, and humility. Decades of planning and untold man hours of research and training were rendered ineffective by a corrupt culture of greed, self-importance, scientific misconduct, and outright fraud. Because, while the government worked to prevent the worst, it was also helping to create chaos and contagion by funding and facilitating gain of function (GOF) research. 
GOF research refers to laboratory efforts to make viruses deadlier or to increase their transmissibility. The potential for disaster is obvious. Almost five years prior to the pandemic Dr. Marc Lipsitch and Dr. Alison Galvani noted that GOF pathogenic research posed “a risk of accidental and deliberate release that, if it led to extensive spread of the new agent, could cost many lives … Furthermore, the likelihood of risk is multiplied as the number of laboratories conducting such research increases around the globe.” 
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails and other NIAID communications obtained via FOIA – those that weren’t deleted by the now-infamous “FOIA lady” – the Wuhan lab was working on Covid research with the U.S. as early as 2015. And the worst happened. Dr. Richard H. Ebright of Rutgers University told a Senate committee hearing on June 18, 2024, that “… lapses in U.S. oversight of gain-of-function research and enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research likely contributed to the origin of COVID-19 …” 
While Ebright said GOF has no medical utility, he emphasized that there are “major incentives to researchers worldwide, in China, and in the U.S. The researchers undertake this research because it is easy, they get the money, and they can get the papers [in science journals].” 
Not surprisingly, China was selected because it was quicker and cheaper to conduct research without U.S. government entanglements or oversight. Dr. Steven Quay also testified on June 18 and said the Wuhan Institute of Virology is a “level-2 lab,” as opposed to highly secure level-4 labs elsewhere. Moreover, Dr. Fauci et al were able to fund this research because the law was silent. Ebright again:  
… in this category of research, which is the most significant in terms of consequences and potentially existential risk there is almost no regulation with force of law. No regulation with force of law for biosafety or any pathogen other than the smallpox virus and no regulation with force of law for bio risk management for any pathogen.
But the U.S. and the world, may have temporarily escaped imminent catastrophe. Consider, according to Dr. Quay, what Wuhan obtained from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in 2019: “two vials each of 15 strains of virus: seven varieties of Ebola virus, the Hendra virus, and two strains of Nipah virus, Malaysia and Bangladesh.” These virus samples, according to Dr. Steven Quay, are “the top three most deadly human pathogens on the planet.” The samples were obtained under murky circumstances (“described as a possible policy breach”) from a level-4 lab and surreptitiously flown on a commercial flight to Beijing where they were subsequently placed in a level-2 lab overseen by a country with a long history of a disregard for proper safety protocols.
Gain of function research probably created COVID-19, but our legislative and executive branches created the conditions for the disaster. Congress failed to pass laws governing specific GOF research, both Congress and the executive branch failed to effectively manage the federal health and science bureaucracy, and various agencies failed to monitor the behavior and performance of grantees and vendors engaged in GOF research. When catastrophe struck, self-interest and political survival of those responsible overrode the best interests of our citizenry. 
Who in the government benefited? How and to what extent did they benefit? Did any GOF research contribute to the U.S. global or response? Is GOF research being rerouted to our defense and security agencies to avoid scrutiny? NIAID continues to stall, obfuscate, and otherwise restrict transparency to its current and past activities. We know there was a concerted effort by senior leaders like Anthony Fauci to hide or delete emails but many other records still likely exist that remain uncovered.
This must change. Any research activity or sponsorship of scientific endeavors that are capable of mass extinction, such as GOF, must be subjected to a higher level of accountability and scrutiny by our elected leaders and the American public. Accountability, transparency, and public debate after an international crisis like Covid-19 can’t undo the global catastrophic harm that was done. It can, however, reduce the ability of our public health bureaucracy to contribute to the next disaster or looming crisis.
Borrowed from:
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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How can medicinal mushrooms support your mood and emotions?👀⁠
[Hit SAVE so you can get these little miracle workers later!]⁠
🍄Lion’s Mane: In a study of 30 women who were randomly assigned a snack of cookies containing Lion’s Mane or placebo cookies for 4 weeks, the Lion’s Mane group reported a significant reduction in feelings of helplessness, irritability and anxiety (Biomedical Research, 2010).⁠
🍄Maitake: Researchers in 2017 found that Maitake had promising effects on mood and suggested it could be “a safe medical food supplement for the patient with depression” (Pharmaceutical Biology, 2017). This mushroom also acts as an adaptogenic food and can lower the stress hormone cortisol (Northern American Journal of Medical Sciences, 2011).⁠
🍄Poria: Researchers in 2020 discovered that by calming the overreaction of the immune system and regulating our important neurotransmitters, including feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine, Poria had a positive effect on mood. They also suggested that it could be “a traditional herbal⁠
potential medicine for the treatment of depression.” (Journal of⁠
🍄Reishi: This powerful mushroom has been shown to reverse the decline in serotonin in the brain, meaning more of this happy hormone is circulating the brain to keep a positive mindset (Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2021). Additionally, Reishi can help avoid low blood sugar, a common trigger for bad moods.
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mercurialkitty · 11 months
Scientists Offer a New Explanation for Long Covid (NYT)
"A team of scientists is proposing a new explanation for some cases of long Covid, based on their findings that serotonin levels were lower in people with the complex condition."
By Pam Belluck
Oct. 16, 2023
The News
A team of scientists is proposing a new explanation for some cases of long Covid, based on their findings that serotonin levels were lower in people with the complex condition.
In their study, published on Monday in the journal Cell, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania suggest that serotonin reduction is triggered by remnants of the virus lingering in the gut. Depleted serotonin could especially explain memory problems and some neurological and cognitive symptoms of long Covid, they say.
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Why It Matters: New ways to diagnose and treat long Covid.
This is one of several new studies documenting distinct biological changes in the bodies of people with long Covid — offering important discoveries for a condition that takes many forms and often does not register on standard diagnostic tools like X-rays.
The research could point the way toward possible treatments, including medications that boost serotonin. And the authors said the biological pathway that their research outlines could unite many of the major theories of what causes long Covid: lingering remnants of the virus, inflammation, increased blood clotting and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.
“All these different hypotheses might be connected through the serotonin pathway,” said Christoph Thaiss, a lead author of the study and an assistant professor of microbiology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
“Second of all, even if not everybody experiences difficulties in the serotonin pathway, at least a subset might respond to therapies that activate this pathway,” he said.
“This is an excellent study that identifies lower levels of circulating serotonin as a mechanism for long Covid,” said Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University. Her team and colleagues at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai recently published a study that identified other biological changes linked to some cases of long Covid, including levels of the hormone cortisol. These studies could point to specific subtypes of long Covid or different biological indicators at different points in the condition.
The Back Story: A series of disruptions set off by bits of virus in the gut.
Researchers analyzed the blood of 58 patients who had been experiencing long Covid for between three months and 22 months since their infection. Those results were compared to blood analysis of 30 people with no post-Covid symptoms and 60 patients who were in the early, acute stage of coronavirus infection.
Maayan Levy, a lead author and assistant professor of microbiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, said levels of serotonin and other metabolites were altered right after a coronavirus infection, something that also happens immediately after other viral infections.
But in people with long Covid, serotonin was the only significant molecule that did not recover to pre-infection levels, she said.
The team analyzed stool samples from some of the long Covid patients and found that they contained remaining viral particles. Putting the findings in patients together with research on mice and miniature models of the human gut, where most serotonin is produced, the team identified a pathway that could underlie some cases of long Covid.
Here’s the idea: Viral remnants prompt the immune system to produce infection-fighting proteins called interferons. Interferons cause inflammation that reduces the body’s ability to absorb tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin in the gut. Blood clots that can form after a coronavirus infection may impair the body’s ability to circulate serotonin.
Depleted serotonin disrupts the vagus nerve system, which transmits signals between the body and the brain, the researchers said. Serotonin plays a role in short-term memory, and the researchers proposed that depleted serotonin could lead to memory problems and other cognitive issues that many people with long Covid experience.
“They showed that one-two-three punch to the serotonin pathway then leads to vagal nerve dysfunction and memory impairment,” Dr. Iwasaki said.
There are caveats. The study was not large, so the findings need to be confirmed with other research. Participants in some other long Covid studies, in which some patients had milder symptoms, did not always show depleted serotonin, a result that Dr. Levy said might indicate that depletion happened only in people whose long Covid involves multiple serious symptoms.
What’s Next: A clinical trial of Prozac.
Scientists want to find biomarkers for long Covid — biological changes that can be measured to help diagnose the condition. Dr. Thaiss said the new study suggested three: the presence of viral remnants in stool, low serotonin and high levels of interferons.
Most experts believe that there will not be a single biomarker for the condition, but that several indicators will emerge and might vary, based on the type of symptoms and other factors.
There is tremendous need for effective ways to treat long Covid, and clinical trials of several treatments are underway. Dr. Levy and Dr. Thaiss said they would be starting a clinical trial to test fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor often marketed as Prozac, and possibly also tryptophan.
“If we supplement serotonin or prevent the degradation of serotonin, maybe we can restore some of the vagal signals and improve memory and cognition and so on,” Dr. Levy said.
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rishdin · 2 years
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#لعاب الكلب قد يكون #قاتلا #نعلم طييا وبيولوجيا أن عضة الكلب تنقل للإنسان أمراضاً قد تنتهي بقطع رجله أو يده (مكان العضة). ولكن الدراسة الجديدة تحذر أن لعاب الكلب قد ينقل نفس البكتريا الخطيرة التي تتواجد في لعابه من خلال تربيته في المنزل والاقتراب منه كثيراً.. فالكلب يلعق جلد صاحبه تعاطفاً معه ولكن هذا الأمر قد ينقل أمراضاً خطيرة قد تنتهي بالموت! داء الكلب مسؤول عن موت 60000 إنسان سنوياً.. ولكن لعاب الكلب ملوث بشكل دائم بعدد من البكتريا الضارة والتي تنتقل للبشر عبر مداعبة الكلب أو تربيته وتقبيله.. مثلاً داء السلمونيلا Salmonellosis ينتقل بسهولة من الكلاب للبشر.. وهذا المرض له أعراض مثل التقيؤ وارتفاع درجة الحرارة وأعراض أخرى. تقول دراسة علمية نشرت في مجلة Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand بتاريخ ديسمبر 2003 : إن لعاب الكلب يحوي أكثر من 20 نوعاً من البكتريا.. دراسة أخرى نشرت في نوفمبر 2005 في مجلة Journal of Microbiology تؤكد وجود أنواع من البكتريا في لعاب الكلب مثل Actinomyces - Streptococcus - Granulicatella وأنواع أخرى. هناك كثير من الحالات التي انتهت بالموت على الرغم من عدم وجود عضة كلب، فقط مجرد المداعبة وترك الكلب يلعق أجزاء من وجه صاحبه ... قد تكون قاتلة بالفعل.. وهذا تقرير عن حالة وفاة لسيدة بسبب لعقة كلب! https://www.instagram.com/p/CpEAegisGJu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anmcollege · 4 days
B.Sc. Nursing College in Samastipur: DT Institute
DT Institute has emerged as the leading B.Sc. Nursing college in Samastipur, recognized for its commitment to excellence in nursing education. With a mission to prepare competent and compassionate nursing professionals, the institute combines innovative teaching methodologies with practical training, ensuring that students are well-equipped to meet the challenges of modern healthcare.
Exceptional Curriculum
DT Institute offers a comprehensive B.Sc. Nursing program that adheres to the highest academic standards. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in nursing principles, healthcare practices, and patient care. Courses cover a wide range of subjects, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, nursing ethics, and community health. This diverse curriculum not only enhances theoretical knowledge but also emphasizes practical skills through hands-on training in clinical settings.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
One of the distinguishing features of DT Institute is its state-of-the-art facilities. The college boasts modern classrooms equipped with audio-visual aids, simulation labs for practical training, and a well-stocked library featuring the latest books and research journals in nursing and healthcare. Additionally, students have access to advanced medical equipment and simulation tools, allowing them to practice essential skills in a controlled environment before entering real-world scenarios.
Experienced Faculty
At the core of DT Institute's success is its dedicated faculty, comprising experienced nursing professionals and educators. The faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom, fostering an engaging and supportive learning environment. They are committed to mentoring students, providing personalized guidance, and encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This mentorship plays a crucial role in shaping the future leaders of the nursing profession.
Focus on Clinical Exposure
Understanding the importance of real-world experience, DT Institute emphasizes clinical exposure throughout the B.Sc. Nursing program. Students participate in internships and clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals and healthcare facilities. This hands-on experience not only enhances their practical skills but also instills confidence as they interact with patients and healthcare teams. The institute has established strong partnerships with various healthcare institutions, ensuring students receive diverse clinical exposure.
Holistic Development
DT Institute believes in the holistic development of its students. In addition to academic excellence, the college encourages participation in extracurricular activities, workshops, and community service initiatives. These activities foster teamwork, leadership skills, and social responsibility, essential qualities for a successful nursing career. The institute also organizes seminars and guest lectures featuring industry experts, providing students with insights into the latest trends and advancements in healthcare.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of DT Institute are highly sought after in the job market. The college has a robust placement cell that assists students in securing employment opportunities in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and community health organizations. Alumni of DT Institute have gone on to have successful careers in nursing both nationally and internationally, contributing significantly to the healthcare sector.
In summary, DT Institute stands out as the top B.Sc. Nursing college in Samastipur, offering an exceptional educational experience that blends academic rigor with practical training. With its dedicated faculty, modern facilities, and a focus on holistic development, DT Institute prepares its students to become skilled, compassionate, and confident nursing professionals ready to make a positive impact in the healthcare field. Choosing DT Institute is not just an investment in education; it’s a step toward a rewarding and fulfilling career in nursing.
Visit: https://www.dtinstitute.co.in/
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biomedres · 1 year
3-D Dental Measurement Using A Non-Contact Optical Technique
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3-D Dental Measurement Using A Non-Contact Optical Technique in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
This research is aimed at creating a system of automatic acquisition of three-dimensional data with one or more teeth and oral cavity so as to be able to reconstruct a more accurate substitutive prosthesis. Its purpose is to reduce the disturbance to the patient due to impressions (imprints of teeth, abutments and jaws) and bite registration (imprints of how the teeth and the jaws fit together) and to provide greater precision in the production phase while giving therein a greater reliability in the time. In the classic construction of a dental prosthesis the low accuracy modeling gives an imperfect matching between the prosthesis and the oral cavity which in turn causes lasting disturbance to the patient. Moreover, the creation of a solid model from the impression or mold taken of the patient’s teeth requires contact between the model material and the dental mold and may result in contamination if either is not properly sterilized. Therefore, a non-contact measuring system is essentially required. In order to achieve these results, an automatic system based on a smart sensor with an opto-electronic technology will be realized. All the data will be treated to obtain a model of the tooth adapted for a tool machine. A prototype can be obtained by means of a laser sintering process for the execution of the final prosthesis. An advanced interferometric technique with an automatic image processing system (Holostrain) has been applied. Dental Measurement Required The shape of the abutment is frustum conic Figure 1 and the cap, which substitutes the tooth, will be mounted on it using pressure instead of glue. The goal is to obtain the most accurate and reliable reconstruction of the abutment with a precision of 30µ. in accordance with international medical prescriptions. Another important request is that the distance between two contiguous teeth is large enough to guarantee the use of standard sized dental floss.
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ejesgistnews · 1 month
Achievers University Recruitment : Internal And External Advertisement For Academic And Non-teaching Positions.   SCAM ALERT Application is free for all Applicants As a result of rapid expansion and the urgent need to reposition the University for the sustenance of our remarkable achievements, we are currently seeking exceptionally qualified staff with integrity and demonstrable leadership qualities to join our team in moving the University forward in its next phase of growth and development. Applications are thus invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions either on full-time basis or for sabbatical placements:   Also Apply for Wigwe University Massive Recruitment for Non-Academic Staff   A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES. 1. FACULTY OF PHARMACY. (i) Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration (ii) Pharmaceutical Chemistry (iii) Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology (iv) Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (v) Pharmacology and Toxicology (vi) Pharmacognosy 2. FACULTY OF NURSING SCIENCE (i) Community-Public Health Nursing (ii) Maternal-Child Health Nursing (iii) Medical-Surgical Nursing (iv) Mental Health Nursing (v) Nursing Education, Administration and Informatics 3. FACULTY OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE (i) Medical Microbiology and Parasitology (ii) Chemical Pathology (iii) Histopathology and Cytopathology (iv) Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science 4. FACULTY OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES (i) Physiotherapy (ii) Public Health (iii) Health Information Management B. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 1. FACULTY OF BASIC CLINICAL SCIENCES (i) Anatomic Pathology (ii) Haematology and Blood Transfusion (iii) Medical Microbiology and Parasitology (iv) Pharmacology 2. FACULTY OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES (i) Human Anatomy (ii) Human Physiology (iii) Medical Biochemistry C. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (i) Biomedical Engineering (ii) Computer Engineering (iii)Mechatronics Engineering (iv) Mechanical Engineering (v) Electrical and Electronics Engineering (vi) Civil and Environmental Engineering D. COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES (i) Biochemistry (ii) Industrial Chemistry (iii) Computer Science (iv) Geology (v) Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information System (vi) Microbiology (vii) Plant Science and Biotechnology E. COLLEGE OF LAW (i)Private and Business Law (ii) Public and International Law F. COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (i)Accounting (ii) Business Administration (iii) Economics (iv) Mass Communication (v) Political Science (vi) International Relations (vii) Public Administration (viii) Criminology and Security Studies (ix.) Sociology (x) Procurement Management (xi) Banking and Finance G. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (i) Guidance and Counselling (ii) Library and Information Science QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Professor The candidates must possess Ph.D. in the relevant subject areas with at least twelve (12) years of teaching, research, community service and professional experience in a university or any other tertiary research-oriented institution. Applicants must have a record of substantial publications in local and international journals, evidence of postgraduate supervision, and ability to initiate and develop research. For disciplines in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences , candidates must possess MBBS or BDS, which should be registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). They must have Ph.D. in their respective fields (Physiology, Anatomy or Biochemistry) or Fellowship of any of the Postgraduate Medical Colleges with a minimum of nine (9) years’ teaching and research experience in a university. The candidates, who must have been Readers (Associate Professors) for a minimum of three (3) years, must be willing to initiate and develop courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and must be able to supervise postgraduate students, including doctorate students, in his/her area of discipline. In addition, candidates must demonstrate
evidence of academic leadership, evidence of teamwork as well as administrative experience in working with interdisciplinary groups. Registration with professional bodies, where applicable, is compulsory.   Reader (Associate Professor) The candidates must possess Ph.D. in the relevant subject areas with at least ten (10) years of teaching, research, community service and professional experience in a university or any other tertiary institution. They must have a record of substantial publications, with focus on distinct areas of research, in local and international journals; evidence of postgraduate supervision; and ability to initiate and develop research. Registration with professional bodies, where applicable, is compulsory. For disciplines in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences , candidates must possess MBBS or BDS, which should be registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). They must have Ph.D. in their respective fields (Physiology, Anatomy or Biochemistry) or Fellowship of any of the Postgraduate Medical Colleges with a minimum of six (6) years’ teaching and research experience in a university. The candidates, who must have been Senior Lecturers for a minimum of three (3) years, must be willing to initiate and develop courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and must be able to supervise postgraduate students in their areas of discipline. In addition, the candidates must possess a good measure of academic leadership, evidence of teamwork as well as administrative experience in working with interdisciplinary groups. Registration with professional bodies, where applicable, is compulsory. Senior Lecturer Candidates must possess Ph.D. in their relevant subject areas with a minimum of five (5) years of teaching, research, community service and professional experience in a university or any other tertiary research-oriented institution. They must have a record of substantial publications with distinctive academic quality, originality and contribution to knowledge in a focused area of research and in reputable local and international journals. Registration with professional bodies, where applicable, is compulsory. For disciplines in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, candidates must possess MBBS or BDS, which should be registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). They must have Ph.D. in their respective fields (Physiology, Anatomy or Biochemistry) or Fellowship of any of the Postgraduate Medical Colleges with a minimum of three (3) years’ teaching and research experience in a University. Lecturer I Candidates must possess Ph.D. in the relevant subject area with at least three (3) years post-qualification experience in teaching, research as well as a good number of publications with outstanding academic quality, originality and contribution to knowledge in an emerging area of interest in local and international journals. Holders of a good master’s degree with evidence of registration for Ph.D. and progress report as well as a substantial number of publications and teaching experience can also apply. Registration with professional bodies, where applicable, is compulsory. For disciplines in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, candidates must possess MBBS or BDS, which should be registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). They must have Ph.D. in their respective fields (Physiology, Anatomy or Biochemistry) or Fellowship of any of the Postgraduate Medical Colleges. (v.) Lecturer II (For disciplines in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences) Applicants must possess MBBS or BDS, which should be registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). Applicants must have master’s degree in their respective fields (Physiology, Anatomy or Biochemistry) or membership of any of the Postgraduate Medical Colleges.   NON-TEACHING POSITIONS 1. Deputy Registrar Candidate must possess a bachelor’s degree plus at least fifteen (15) years’ post-qualification
experience, eight (8) of which must be in the administration of higher education OR a master’s degree plus at least twelve (12) years’ relevant post-qualification experience.   2. Principal Assistant Registrar Candidate must possess a bachelor’s degree plus at least ten (10) years’ post-qualification experience, six (6) of which must be in the administration of higher education OR a master’s degree plus at least nine (9) years’ relevant post-qualification experience.   3. Senior Assistant Registrar Candidate must possess a bachelor’s degree plus at least eight (8) years’ post-qualification experience, four (4) of which must be in the administration of higher education OR a master’s degree plus at least six (6) years’ post-qualification experience, three (3) of which must be in the administration of higher education.   4. Assistant Registrar Candidate must possess a bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in humanities, social sciences or Law plus at least six (6) years’ post-qualification experience, three (3) of which must be in the administration of higher education OR master’s degree plus at least four (4) years relevant post-qualification experience.   5. Administrative Officer Candidate must possess a minimum of bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in humanities, social sciences or Law. Membership of the University’s alumni will be an added advantage.   6. Assistant Chief Accountant. Candidate must possess a bachelor’s degree in Accounting plus ten (10) years’ relevant post-qualification experience OR a bachelor’s degree plus master’s/membership of ACA, ACCA, ACMA or their equivalent with eight (8) years’ relevant post-qualification experience.   7. Principal Accountant Candidate must possess a bachelor’s degree in Accounting plus eight (8) years’ relevant post-qualification experience OR a bachelor’s degree plus master’s/membership of ACA, ACCA, ACMA or their equivalent with six (6) years’ relevant post-qualification experience.   8. Senior Accountant Candidate must possess a bachelor’s degree in Accounting plus six (6) years’ relevant post-qualification experience OR a bachelor’s degree plus master’s/membership of ACA, ACCA, ACMA or their equivalent with three (3) years’ relevant post-qualification experience.   9. Head of Corporate Affairs Unit/Public Relations Officer Candidate must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication or humanities with at least nine years’ post-qualification experience in print, electronic and practical public relations. The ideal candidate must have hands-on experience in the use of the social media and event management. Membership of NIPR or its equivalent is a key requirement for this job.   10. Corporate Affairs Officer I (Editorial and Publications) Candidate must possess at least a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication or humanities with three years’ post-qualification experience in print and new/social media. Membership of NUJ or NIPR is required.   11. Operations Manager (Achievers University Ventures) The successful candidate will assist the General Manager of the University Ventures in coordinating the University Bakery, Water Processing Plant, Sawmill, Guest House, etc. Applicants must possess a minimum of bachelor’s degree Second Class (Upper Division) in a Management Sciences discipline plus at least eight years’ relevant post-qualification experience. Possession of postgraduate certificates and managerial experience will be added advantage. Laboratory Technologist Cadre The University needs laboratory technologists to man its specialized laboratories in the College of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, and College of Natural and Applied Sciences.   12. Chief Technologist Candidate must possess Higher National Diploma (with Upper Credit) or bachelor’s degree in Science Laboratory Technology or other relevant areas with at least thirteen (13) years’ working experience of practical skills and competence. Fellowship of NISLT is compulsory.
  13. Principal Technologist Candidate must possess Higher National Diploma (with Upper Credit) or bachelor’s degree in Science Laboratory Technology or other relevant areas with at least ten (10) years’ working experience of practical skills and competence. Fellowship of NISLT is compulsory.   14. Senior Technologist Candidate must possess Higher National Diploma (with Upper Credit) or bachelor’s degree in Science Laboratory Technology or other relevant areas with at least six (6) years’ working experience of practical skills and competence. Associate Membership of NISLT is compulsory.   15. Technologist I Candidate must possess Higher National Diploma (with Upper Credit) or bachelor’s degree in Science Laboratory Technology or other relevant areas with at least three (3) years’ working experience of practical skills and competence. Associate Membership of NISLT is an added advantage.   16. Technologist II Candidate must possess Higher National Diploma (with Upper Credit) in Science Laboratory Technology or other relevant areas. Membership of NISLT is an added advantage. Achievers University Recruitment SALARIES AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. Salaries, allowances and other benefits, including contributory pension scheme, are as approved by the Governing Council of Achievers University, and are favourably compared with what are obtainable in other public and private universities. Achievers University Recruitment METHOD OF APPLICATION. Candidates are required to submit 10 hard copies of their applications along with their credentials (O Level results inclusive) and curriculum vitae, which should contain, among other things, Full Name, Place and Date of Birth, State of Origin/Local Government of Origin, Nationality, Permanent Home Address, Email Address, Telephone Number, Marital Status, Names and Ages of Children, Name and Address of Next of Kin, Names of Educational Institutions Attended with Dates, Academic/Professional Qualifications with Dates, Work Experience, Posts Held with Dates, Present Employment, Status and Salary (attach pay slip), Service to National and International Bodies, Conferences, Training and Workshops Attended, (for Academic Posts – Current Research, Details of Publications, including Authorship, Names of Journals in Which They Are Published, and Location and Date of Publication), Other Activities Under Current Employment, Names, Addresses (including their emails) and Telephone Numbers of Three (3) Referees, and Proposed Date of Availability for Duty if Appointed to The Registrar, Achievers University, P.M.B. 1030, Owo, Ondo State. Applicants should request their referees to forward their references directly to the same address. CLOSING DATE for Achievers University Recruitment All applications must be received by the University not later than 23rd August, 2024. For further information, please contact: Adebayo – [email protected] – 0803-343-2195 Adeniran – [email protected] –0803-222-9522 Rev. Canon S. B. Oladimeji Registrar Achievers University … Knowledge, Integrity and Leadership
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netseg · 2 months
How Technology Shapes Scientific Discovery?
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Technology and science have always been closely intertwined, driving the other forward. Technological advancements have continually opened new doors for scientific discovery, allowing researchers to explore previously unreachable realms and solve complex problems. From the invention of the microscope to the development of artificial intelligence, technology has profoundly shaped how we understand the world around us.
Historical Perspective
Early Technological Tools in Science
In the early days of science, simple tools like the abacus and astrolabe were revolutionary. These tools enabled early scientists to make observations and calculations that were previously impossible, laying the groundwork for future discoveries.
The Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Science
The Industrial Revolution marked a significant turning point, introducing machinery and tools that transformed scientific research. For instance, the steam engine revolutionized transportation and industry and provided new ways to conduct experiments and gather data.
Technological Milestones in Science
The Invention of the Microscope
The invention of the microscope in the 17th century allowed scientists to observe microorganisms and cellular structures, revolutionizing biology and medicine. This breakthrough laid the foundation for numerous scientific fields, including microbiology and genetics.
The Development of the Telescope
Similarly, the development of the telescope expanded our understanding of the universe. Galileo’s improvements to the telescope in the early 17th century enabled detailed observations of celestial bodies, leading to significant astronomical advancements.
Advancements in Medical Imaging
Medical imaging technologies, such as X-rays, MRI, and CT scans, have revolutionized healthcare. These technologies allow doctors to non-invasively examine the inside of the human body non-invasively, leading to better diagnoses and treatments.
Computational Power and Data Analysis
The Role of Computers in Modern Science
Computers have become indispensable in scientific research. They allow scientists to perform complex calculations, simulate experiments, and analyze vast data. The speed and accuracy of computers have significantly accelerated the pace of scientific discovery.
Big Data and Its Implications for Research
The era of big data has transformed scientific research. With the ability to collect and analyze massive datasets, researchers can uncover patterns and make predictions that were previously unimaginable. Big data is precious in genomics, climate science, and epidemiology.
Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Discovery
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a powerful tool in scientific discovery. AI algorithms can analyze data, identify patterns, and even generate hypotheses. In areas such as drug discovery and materials science, AI is helping scientists make breakthroughs faster than ever before.
Communication and Collaboration
The Internet and Global Collaboration
The internet has revolutionized communication and collaboration among scientists. Researchers worldwide can easily share data, publish findings, and collaborate on projects, breaking geographical barriers.
Open-Access Journals and Data Sharing
Open-access journals and data-sharing platforms have democratized scientific information. These resources allow researchers to access and contribute to a global pool of knowledge, fostering innovation and accelerating discovery.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Scientific Research
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are emerging as powerful tools in scientific research. These technologies enable immersive simulations and visualizations, providing new ways to explore complex data and phenomena.
Technological Innovations in Specific Fields
Biotechnology: CRISPR and Genetic Engineering
CRISPR technology has revolutionized genetic engineering, allowing scientists to edit genes precisely. This breakthrough has vast implications for medicine, agriculture, and environmental science, enabling advancements such as gene therapy and genetically modified crops.
Nanotechnology: Manipulating Matter at the Atomic Level
Nanotechnology involves manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular levels. This field has led to developing new materials and technologies with applications in medicine, electronics, and energy.
Space Exploration: From the Hubble Space Telescope to Mars Rovers
Technological advancements have propelled space exploration. The Hubble Space Telescope has provided stunning images of the universe. At the same time, Mars rovers have explored the surface of Mars, searching for signs of life and advancing our understanding of the red planet.
Case Studies of Technological Impact
The Human Genome Project
The Human Genome Project, completed in 2003, was a monumental scientific endeavor that mapped the entire human genome. This project was made possible by advances in DNA sequencing technology and has had profound implications for medicine and genetics.
The Large Hadron Collider
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It has enabled physicists to study fundamental particles and forces, leading to discoveries like the Higgs boson.
Climate Modeling and Environmental Science
Advanced climate models rely on powerful computers and vast datasets to predict future climate scenarios. These models are crucial for understanding and addressing climate change, guiding policy decisions, and environmental conservation efforts.
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Challenges and Ethical Considerations
Ethical Dilemmas in Genetic Editing
Technological advancements in genetic editing, such as CRISPR, raise ethical concerns. Questions about the morality of altering human genes and the potential for unintended consequences must be carefully considered.
Privacy Concerns in Data Collection and Analysis
The collection and analysis of large datasets raise privacy issues. Ensuring that personal data is protected and used ethically is a significant challenge in the age of big data.
The Digital Divide and Access to Technology
Access to technology is not equal worldwide. The digital divide can exacerbate existing inequalities, making it essential to address issues of access and education to ensure that technological advancements benefit everyone.
Future Prospects
Emerging Technologies: Quantum Computing, AI, and Robotics
Emerging technologies like quantum computing, AI, and robotics hold tremendous potential for future scientific discoveries. Quantum computers could revolutionize cryptography and materials science, while AI and robotics will continue to advance various scientific disciplines.
Predicting the Next Big Scientific Breakthroughs
Predicting the future of scientific discovery is challenging, but continued investment in technology and interdisciplinary collaboration will likely lead to groundbreaking advancements.
The Role of Policy and Funding in Technological Advancements
Government policy and funding play crucial roles in supporting technological advancements. Ensuring adequate investment in research and development is essential for fostering innovation and maintaining scientific progress.
The symbiotic relationship between technology and science is undeniable. Technological advancements have continually pushed the boundaries of scientific discovery, enabling researchers to explore new frontiers and solve complex problems. As we look to the future, continued investment in technology will be crucial for driving the next wave of scientific breakthroughs. You can find more details at Netseg about it.
How has technology accelerated scientific research?
Technology has accelerated scientific research by providing tools and methods that enhance data collection, analysis, and collaboration. Innovations like high-performance computing, AI, and advanced imaging techniques have significantly increased the speed and accuracy of scientific discoveries.
What are some major scientific discoveries made possible by technology?
Major scientific discoveries made possible by technology include:
The mapping of the human genome.
The discovery of the Higgs boson.
Advancements in medical imaging.
These breakthroughs were facilitated by technological innovations such as DNA sequencing, particle accelerators, and MRI machines.
How do scientists ensure ethical considerations in technological advancements?
Scientists ensure ethical considerations in technological advancements by following established guidelines, seeking input from ethics committees, and engaging in public discourse. Ethical review boards and regulatory agencies are critical in overseeing research and maintaining ethical standards.
What role does AI play in scientific discovery?
AI plays a significant role in scientific discovery by analyzing large datasets, identifying patterns, and generating hypotheses. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of information quickly and accurately, making them valuable in drug discovery, genomics, and climate science fields.
How will future technologies shape scientific research?
Future technologies like quantum computing, AI, and robotics will continue to shape scientific research by providing new tools and methods for exploration and analysis. These technologies will enable scientists to tackle increasingly complex problems and uncover new insights across various disciplines.
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science-lover33 · 10 months
🍄 Embarking on the Enigmatic Journey of Kingdom Fungi🍄
Greetings, curious minds! Today, let's unravel the intricacies of Kingdom Fungi, a fascinating realm teeming with diversity and significance. 🧫🌐
1. Morphological Marvels:
At the heart of fungal wonders lies an array of captivating structures. From the towering mushrooms in our forests to the microscopic threads known as hyphae, fungi showcase an unparalleled morphological diversity. Join me as we delve into the labyrinthine world of mycelium, sporangia, and spores, where each component plays a crucial role in their life cycle and ecological impact. 🕵️‍♂️🔬
2. Ecological Ballet:
Picture the dance of fungi in the grand theater of ecosystems. As decomposers, fungi break down organic matter, recycling nutrients and sustaining life cycles. But their role extends beyond, as mycorrhizal partnerships with plants reveal a harmonious interdependence. Together, let's explore how fungi shape the intricate tapestry of ecological balance and contribute to the health of our planet. 🌱🍂🔄
3. Pathogenic Prowess:
Venture into the shadows where fungi wield their pathogenic powers. Discover the intricacies of fungal infections in humans, plants, and animals. How do these formidable foes infiltrate our defenses, and what strategies do they employ to thrive in their chosen hosts? Uncover the mysteries of fungal pathogenicity and the ongoing battle between host and invader. 💉🦠
1. Hawksworth, D. L. (2001). The magnitude of fungal diversity: The 1.5 million species estimate revisited. Mycological Research, 105(12), 1422-1432.
2. Blackwell, M. (2011). The fungi: 1, 2, 3... 5.1 million species? American Journal of Botany, 98(3), 426-438.
3. Tortorano, A. M., et al. (2014). European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) epidemiological survey on invasive infections due to Fusarium species in Europe. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 33(1), 1623-1630.
Embrace the fungal odyssey! 🌐🔍
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argroupofedu5 · 2 months
Pursuing MBBS in Nepal: A Comprehensive Guide to Gandaki Medical College
Choosing the right destination for your medical education is a crucial step in your career. For Indian students and those from neighbouring countries, pursuing an MBBS in Nepal is a promising option. Among the many prestigious institutions, Gandaki Medical College stands out for its quality education, experienced faculty, and excellent infrastructure.
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Why Choose MBBS in Nepal?
Nepal offers a unique blend of high-quality education and cultural richness. The medical colleges in Nepal follow a curriculum similar to that of Indian medical schools, which makes it easier for Indian students to adapt. Additionally, the cost of education and living is comparatively lower, making it an affordable choice for many.
MBBS in Nepal provides the following benefits:
Affordable Tuition Fees: The cost of pursuing an MBBS in Nepal is significantly lower compared to other countries like the USA, UK, or Australia.
No Language Barrier: English is the medium of instruction in most medical colleges, including Gandaki Medical College, eliminating language barriers.
Cultural Similarities: Nepal shares many cultural similarities with India, making it easier for Indian students to adjust.
High-Quality Education: Medical colleges in Nepal are recognized by global bodies like the WHO and Medical Council of India (MCI).
Overview of Gandaki Medical College
Gandaki Medical College (GMC) is one of the premier medical institutions in Nepal. Located in the beautiful city of Pokhara, GMC offers a serene environment conducive to learning. The college is affiliated with Tribhuvan University and is recognized by the Nepal Medical Council and other international medical bodies.
Academic Excellence
Gandaki Medical College boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members dedicated to providing the best education to their students. The college offers a comprehensive MBBS program that includes theoretical knowledge, practical training, and clinical exposure.
Facilities and Infrastructure
The college campus is equipped with modern facilities, including:
State-of-the-Art Laboratories: GMC has well-equipped laboratories for subjects like anatomy, biochemistry, and microbiology.
Library: The college library is stocked with a vast collection of medical books, journals, and online resources to aid students in their studies.
Hostel: The college provides comfortable and secure hostel facilities for both local and international students.
Hospital: GMC has its own teaching hospital where students get hands-on experience and clinical training under the guidance of experienced doctors.
Admission Process
The admission process for Gandaki Medical College is straightforward. Indian students need to have completed their 12th grade with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as their main subjects. They must also qualify for the NEET exam. The college conducts its own entrance test followed by an interview for final selection.
Student Life at Gandaki Medical College
Life at Gandaki Medical College is not just about academics. The college encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities, sports, and cultural events. This helps in the overall development of students, making them well-rounded individuals ready to face the challenges of the medical profession.
Career Opportunities
Graduating from Gandaki Medical College opens up numerous career opportunities. The college's MBBS degree is recognized worldwide, allowing graduates to pursue higher studies or practice medicine in different countries. The college also provides placement assistance to its students, helping them secure internships and job opportunities in reputed hospitals and healthcare institutions.
Pursuing an MBBS in Nepal at Gandaki Medical College is an excellent choice for students seeking quality education at an affordable cost. The college's comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and modern infrastructure ensure that students receive the best medical education. With its unique blend of academic excellence and cultural richness, Gandaki Medical College is truly a gateway to a successful medical career.
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