#jotaro kugo
are-you-unwell-about · 4 months
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cesarinthefreezer · 4 years
Chapter 1: Fearless
You were never scared of anything, even as a child. Never scared of the dark, or spiders, or even guns. In fact you were good with guns even since your grandfather taught you to shoot you became an excellent marksmen, tracker and hunter. You never hesitated to take the life of an animal, even when you could see fear in its eyes, but that was your favorite part. Your lack of fear is what drew DIO to you ,even face to face with a being of his power you never flinched. He was sure you’re fearlessness would make you a strong game piece in his plans to eliminate the Joestars. Planting a flesh bud in your head and giving you exact orders you made your way to Japan. Your task; kill Jotaro Kujo.
Being only 18 years old you were able to attend the same school as your target. You watched his every move ,memorized his every habit. After weeks of watching you decided today was the day. Loading you gun in the thigh holster beneath your uniform skirt you head to school on your motorcycle. As you park on the street you see Jotaro approaching the grassy area in front of the school at 7:45 right on schedule. At 8:15 he’ll come out the the yard for his first cigarette of the day and that’s when you’ll pull the trigger. Sitting on your parked bike you wait patiently your heart never skipping a beat in anticipation, you were completely calm. 8:14 rolls around, it’s almost time, a minute later Jotaro makes an appearances. As he looks down to light the cigarette you pull the gun from your thigh holster underneath your skirt. You want to see the fear in him before he dies, you make sure the click of the hammer catches his attention. Jotaro stares right into your eyes as you pull the trigger. You expect to see Jotaros body on the ground but instead he’s is standing where he was, but now there is a ghostly purple hand in front of his head where your bullet was aimed. Jotaro has look of extreme anger in his face, yet you do not fear for yourself, even now when he’s running full speed at you. Staring you motorcycle up you steer it to leave the school but when you got to accelerate you don’t move. Looking behind you you see the same ghostly arm gripping the back tire of your bike. You are then meet with Jotaros gaze, lifting his hand he reveals a Bullet in between his finger tips.
“I figure you might want this back you bitch”
Seconds later you black out from the hit landed from Jotaros elbow on the side of your head.
You didn’t dream much or rather if you did you didn’t remember them but now was different. You were standing in front of DIO his cold smile revealing pure white fangs.
“You’ve failed me (y/n) I have no use for you now”
He takes a few steps till he’s almost inches from your face, raising his hand he pushes his sharp fingernail into the top of your forehead. The pain is excruciating, but this is a dream how could you be feeling this much pain?
With star platinums steady fingers Jotaro pulls the flesh bud from this strange girls forehead. He throws in towards the light of the sun where it turns into ash. He looks to kakyoin who watching the (h/c) girl spasm in her sleep
The pain is too much for you to handle, you open your mouth to scream. In a matter of seconds you wake up, springing to a sitting position, screaming. Hand rushing to the top of your forehead you feel for a wound but there is nothing there. Looking around you see 2 men standing above you, you move to run away but you find yourself restricted by several Green tendrils.
“What the hell.... let me go!”
You writhe around trying to free yourself when the man you know as Jotaro Kujo bends down and grabs your chin.
“Will you shut up already you stupid bitch we have questions and you better give us some answers”
The red haired man who seems to be controlling your restraints smacks swiftly at Jotaros arm.
“Jotaro, be gentle with her she probably confused and scared”
You look to the red haired man
“I don’t need your help asshole and I’m not scared of you idiots, I was sent here by some DIO person to kill Jotaro I don’t know why but I heard a voice telling me to do so”
Jotaro and the red haired man take a seat on the floor. The green tendrils release you and the red haired man looks into your eyes
“My name is Noriaki Kakyoin, I was once where you are, we aren’t going to hurt you we want to help you and hopefully you can help us”
Your body relaxes
“My name is (f/n) (l/n) I don’t k ow where I am or how I got here, I just remember DIO telling me he admires my fearlessness and marksmanship. I don’t remember much after that other than my mission to kill Jotaro. But now I feel free I’m not being told to kill anyone.”
You pause and try to remember more
“I was in Egypt with my father for his business trip when I met DIO and I’m pretty sure my father is dead now”
You start to feel choke up and faint. You fall backwards from your sitting position, before you head can hit the floor you feel a strong hand on you back. You look to see that it’s Jotaro, still looking pissed but he gently lowers you to the floor.
“I’m sorry I tried to shoot you, you’re lucky to have that purple ghost with you”
Jotaro raises an eyebrow as a very muscular purple ghost like man appears behind him. Your eyes widen
“You mean you can see my star platinum?, you don’t appear to have a stand”
You look at him confused
“A stand?”
Kakyoin places a hand on your head to check your temperature. But he then realizes you’ve passed out. You are shaking and sweat beads are forming on your head.
“She’s burning up, we need to get her to a bed Jotaro”
With a quick smooth motion Jotaro picks you up bridal style and carried you to one of the guest rooms. He covers you in several blankets and leaves you to rest. Laying there shaking and covered in sweat you slip into the same dream. But the difference in this dream is the figure standing next to you, she is about your height with pale blue skin and all black eyes. But she doesn’t appear to move she just stands beside you. Once again as DIOs finger nail pierces your forehead you sit up screaming, but you haven’t woken up yet. You are trapped in the painful dream. And for the first time in your life, you are scared.
Jotaro rushes into the room to see you shaking and crying but you are still asleep. He rushes to restrain your spasming body when a pale blue figure raises a sword to him.
“She’s manifesting a stand” he says under his breath
Jotaros stand appears pinning down your stand with a loud ‘ORA’ Jotaro looks your stand in the eyes
“I’m just trying to help her I don’t want to hurt her”
Your stand disappears and Jotaro pulls you into his chest to keep you still. You wake up covered in tears with your face pressed into something warm. Jotaro lets go of you and you pull back quickly. In that moment your stand manifests next to Jotaro. You lunge back and reach to you thigh to pull the gun that is no longer there
“Where’s my gun, what is that thing!?”
Jotaro rolls his eyes
“Your gun is safe, away from you for the time being.... you might shoot someone if I give it to you now. And this is your stand, it’s a manifestation of your soul. Something must have triggered it recently if it’s only appearing to you now, besides DIO has anything in your life changed?”
You swallow nervously remembering you dream and you shave your head.
“For the first time in my life.... I was scared”
Jotaros gaze softens
“If you’ve never been scared then you never needed anyone to protect you and now that something has changed your stand appeared to protect you”
You bring your knees to your chest and take a moment to process everything. What the actual fuck is happening to you. You look up to see Kakyoin standing in the doorway.
“(Y/n) are you alright?”
You nod at him as your stand hovers over to meet him
“So she does have a stand after all, I’ll have to find Avdol and Mr. Joestar and explain the news”
Kakyoin turns and walks away but Jotaro still remains seated in front of you on the bed. Your hands are still shaking as they rest in the tops of your knees. Jotaro places one hand over both.
“You’ll be fine, I’ll let you get some rest”
He stands up and turns to leave when you grab the sleeve of his jacket.
“ can you stay and sit with me for a little bit ?...please”
He rolls his eyes
“Good grief you’re a grown woman you’ll be fine”
Your grip tightens on his jacket. He stares at you with annoyance but you don’t let up. He finally sits back down on the bed.
“I know I said it once already but I’m really sorry I tired to shoot you”
You look into his eyes that are almost hidden by the shadow of his hat.
“You couldn’t help it, just don’t think about trying it again. But I have to admit you’re a good shot”
You smile at him
“Thanks.. I guess”
The two of you share a few more words before Jotaro finds you asleep resting in his shoulder. Realizing he’s stuck there he kicks off his shoes and throws his hat in the night stand.
“I didn’t know you were such a softy Jotaro”
Jotaro looks over to see Kakyoin in the doorway
“ not a word kakyoin or I’ll kill you”
Kakyoin nods as he pulls the door shut and leaves. Relaxing his body Jotaro drifts off next to you.
Chapter 2 coming soon hope y’all enjoyed
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despairbox · 4 years
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this-is-midori · 4 years
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Here’s a WIP of my Jotaro drawing I’m working on. Wait until you see the full piece 🤭😘😩🥵.
I’m considering transferring this over to digital but I’m not great at coloring on digital.
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punnysher · 5 years
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Stardust Crusader’s Last Train Home, IN SPRITE FORM Please Reblog and follow for more sprites!
So this was supposed to be a warm up so I could sprite things again. It was gonna just be me using existing assets from the Capcom CPS3 game and rearranging the sprites into these poses. But unfortunately it ended up not being that simple...
Click below for some background:
I knew I was gonna have to alter and redraw some of it, afterall these poses don’t exist at all in the game, but it ended up taking ALOT longer than I anticipated because I had to remake ALOT of it, Especially their faces. Its weird that I’m criticizing Professional Capcom artists for their sprites, especially since Heritage for the Future is one of the best uses of Sprites in a fighting game ever, but look
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Especially Kakyoin lol. I wasn’t satisfied with these. so alot of what you see is custom. I also recolored them in their Anime colors because ..why not? I also added some shading to Iggy, his colors were too flat. I hope yall enjoy!
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sherlockholmes08 · 3 years
Hi everyone, my name is Georgia and I will be using this space to create small fancfics based off of a wide variety of fandoms.
Just a note, with requests there will be periods where I take a while to complete them as I am currently going through a uni degree which can become quite full on at times!
Below the line you can find some of the fandoms of which I am currently writing for (though not limited to!)
These links for the time being will lead you to AO3 as I am still figuring the ropes out :)
Request Status: OPEN
Mystic Messenger
Tears of Themis
Obey Me!
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
My Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen
Vanitas no Carte
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
Attack on Titan
Demon Slayer
and many more!
If I have missed one you really want request it and, so long as I have watched/read it, I will add!
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despairbox · 4 years
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