#josie threads.
preciiousmetals · 5 months
closed starter for @lustbitten // josie & jude based on: "You never listen to me as your father and when I get a call that you’ve gotten hammered at a club, I decide against driving you home. Instead, we drive out into the middle of nowhere where no one can hear me fucking you. "
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"oh, come on," josie drawls, voice thick with the acrid scent of alcohol as she sprawls out across the passenger seat. the young brunette takes up a rather impressive amount of space, especially considering she barely passes five feet; her dismissive and cocky attitude not helping her seem any more graceful or put together. none of the above help how scantily clad she is, mini skirt riding up and midriff exposed by the shortness of her crop top. "it's fine. i don't even get why you're all worked up about this."
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thirtecnth · 21 days
@lxvenderhxzehv / closed starter / josie reigh setting: benjamin's apartment
"If this tastes disgusting, I'm blaming you for the pressure," Benjamin called, stirring the sauce for his spaghetti. "Just because I lived alone doesn't mean I was ever any good at actual cooking."
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lxvenderhxzehv · 8 months
Where: Huntsville Lake who: Josie and Esther (@estherwestfall)
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Josie hadn't been paying much attention to where she was going. Was she made her way through the crowd she collided with someone knocking they're food out of their hands "Oh shit! I am so sor-" She locked eyes with her. G's older sister she felt her heart race "Oh, hi Esther...." She paused for a moment "I am...so sorry let me replace that! please! I totally should have been paying more attention!"
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damianesco · 3 months
x. status -> closed for @dazeddreams x. location -> thrift haven
According to his sisters, thrifting is the new wave of fashion. Or something of the sort. He mostly checks out when they go on and on about fashion, mostly because his attention span simply does not expand as far as theirs, but he does remember something about thrifting and it being ‘the norm’ now.
He’s not very good at fashion. Or shopping. Or most things. Thankfully, he’s not here for himself. He’s here for Clary, his youngest sister, since her birthday and his are so close together they usually exchange gifts on the same day. She’s a lot more into — this than Damian is. It’s become sort of a competition, who can get who the better gift on their birthday. Last year, she’d definitely won, having given him a signed book from his favorite author with a personalized message. This time…well.
Time will tell.
The shop is cozy and not at all his usual vibe; he stands at the entrance like a deer in headlights, having absolutely no idea where to go first. There are clothes and shoes and handbags and all sorts of whimsical items he’s sure Clary would love, but narrowing them down’s probably going to be difficult.
He looks around until he finds someone who looks like they work here, and waves awkwardly. “Hi,” he greets her. “Uhm, I’m shopping for a 23-year-old girl with an odd sense of fashion. Any recommendations?”
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mmm-corn-syrup · 6 months
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"Ew...they're making another Stab movie?" Josie sighed. "Yes, I hate them because I blame them for getting my mom killed, but didn't the last one pissed everyone off and have two people go on a ghost face murder spree? Have they learned NOTHING with this stupid franchise. Also profiting of people's trauma? Not cool."
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mantlehold · 1 year
starter for: @foolishonewriting based on this ! / for adelaide. the last great american dynasty / taylor swift.
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"another party you're going to go to?" dark hues scanned over the blonde's features as she notes she was focused on her phone. josie wasn't much of a party person unlike adelaide but she didn't seem to mind hanging around her, but, josie came from old money and she needed to keep her reputation on the down low.
she adjusts herself in her seat, releasing a well kept sigh from the depths of her throat. "is it, um, fun going to all of those parties?" she needed to be prim and proper; after all, her parents' law firm was one of the best of the best known in town.
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blushdrunksaa · 9 months
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she took a sip from her drink before she scrolled through the comments people were posting on some of her newer photos with her girlfriend on their holiday, "people are so mean sometimes..." she muttered and set her phone down. "even the fans can be brutal." / @luriddaze
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rorysanderson · 27 days
x. status -> closed for @dazeddreams (josie) x. location -> blue violet blooms
It’s been a quiet day, so far — his shift’s over in about an hour, and Maya’s been kind enough to look after Annie until he’s back home. Annie had, of course, been overjoyed at the prospect of spending time with her favorite babysitter, and Rory had simply been relieved his daughter would be spending his five-hour shift doing something other than coloring, or watching movies on his phone. She needs more enrichment than that, he knows. It’s hard, however, when she’s relegated to the back room while Rory works. So today’s a good day, he thinks. For both of them. It’s where his thoughts are when the bell above the door rings, and in walks Josie, someone he’s gotten used to seeing around the shop more often than not. He’d never thought flower shops would have regulars, but he’s learned differently in his time working here. It seems there are people who are simply — givers. Or passionate about flowers. Which he supposes makes sense, considering who his boss is. He offers Josie his usual welcoming smile. “Hi, Josie,” he greets. “Good to see you again. Special occasion?” 
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writermuses · 9 months
To say that Rhett was spent would be an understatement. There wasn't a surface of Josephine's hotel room that they hadn't covered a few times. Still, seeing her move around the room looking for clothes had him aching for more. His legs protested, a familiar twitch to the muscles not unlike when he had to push himself to the limits during his decade in Marine recon. He came up behind her and wrapped her up in his arms, "Josie girl, I'm Montana through and through. I thought that was pretty obvious." Rhett pressed his lips to her temple. "Why the hell else would I be so upset when it turned out you weren't stickin' around." Spinning her around, he gently took her chin in his hands and bent down to kiss her. "You're a damn spitfire. Feel like telling you how good you look naked or in my shirt is just going to go straight to this pretty little head of yours."
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continued from here for @missautumn
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archxngxl · 1 year
Closed Starter
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Any life would be better than the life she had with her father. She had been with Ellis for little over three weeks now, and things have been...strange, to say the least. He had been kind to her, kinder than she expected. The blonde was fed, allowed to do what she wanted, speak to whomever she wished. She was without a doubt not a prisoner of this bargain, despite being tied to the vampire by it.
A loud noise woke Josephine up from her sleep. Her heart leapt into her throat, fear settled into her stomach. She slowly got up from the bed, letting the blanket fall to the side. Ellis had been gone for a while, so perhaps he had returned? Josie made her way to the long hallway, eyes falling on the staircase. She cast her gaze down from the railing, catching a glimpse of a shadow in the living room. "Ellis?" Josie called out, but there was no answer.
The blonde was finally downstairs and upon making a turn, she was met with a rather gruesome sight. Her husband (which was so strange to say) was covered in blood. A gasp escaped her, hands came up to cover her mouth. There was a feeling around him, a dangerous one. He was like a predator just back from the hunt. Despite that, Josie slowly approached him. "Ellis..." As she got closer, she reached a hand out. "A-are you okay?" // @elpida
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wefxundwonderland · 2 months
open to: f mutual or non mutual
connection: they've been dating for a while but your muse have suddenly decided to end it (because they're closeted?)
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" why? " josie asked, not able to meet the eye of the woman in front of her. " i thought that we had something good here? why are you ended it? it's the least i deserve to know. "
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saltedair · 2 months
closed for @wvsteria ( josie ! )
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the most unusual thing that happened to rory gilmore was that she had to deal with paris following her to yale, a lot of small town quirks, and adjusting to another sibling after a lot of years being an only child. otherwise, her life was pretty normal. so when she saw someone across the shop who looked identical to her, she thought maybe it was just one of those weird mirrors or something. but then it wasn't. and being the investigator that she was, rory just had to get to the bottom of it all, so she walked over and spoke, a bit quiet and cautiously, "hello."
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thirtecnth · 5 months
@lxvenderhxzehv / closed event starter / josie reigh setting: minnie's dancehall - the ball
Benjamin wasn't sure if he was surprised or concerned to find Josie at the ball. He knew she wouldn't have wanted to miss it but the day was already so exerting that he was concerned both as a doctor and more importantly, her brother.
"I thought we might be going home after the festival," he said, offering her a weak smile. "Are you sure you're up for this?"
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lxvenderhxzehv · 2 months
Where: The lake
Who: Josie and Nico ( @ambercast)
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Josie was enjoying her time at the lake, so much so that she didn't even notice who was next to her. She was in line for one of booth when she saw him "Nico...I um-" she frozen "I'm just going to come back later..."
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justcallmecal · 1 year
WHERE: Library WHO: Josie (@lxvenderhxzehv)
Cal had been in his office for the better part of an hour, a large calendar spread out on his desk. Running his hands through his hair, he groaned in frustration. Hosting events at the library was difficult to say the least, that and lending out space when people wanted to have their own small events. People were always happy to volunteer or donate supplies, especially for the younger kids, but trying to keep things fresh and new pushed his creativity to the limit.
Figuring he needed a fresh set of eyes he got up and looked around before spotting Josie with a cart of returns. Walking over he leaned against the cart, "Yoyo, Jojo, got a minute? Having a bit of mind blank over events we could do for next month."
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backmaskcd · 6 months
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closed starter for @lxvenderhxzehv (josie) location: bucky's diner
Jäger had been doing his best to find just about any other place to stay ever since Josie got pregnant. He didn't want to be stressing her out or adding to her do to list now that she had a whole other human to be thinking about - but he still tried to connect with her when he wasn't sulking or getting into other shenanigans.
"So, have you settled into a nesting phase yet?" He didn't know a lot about having kids, but he knew a little. "Or have you been in one and I just haven't noticed yet?" He paused before continuing. "Also who're you hanging around with lately? Seems like you gained a new friend." He knew nothing about her brother, but he was observant.
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