lassie-farce · 2 months
If the writers were not cowards we’d get an episode on President Sam Seaborn and first Dude Josh Lyman but the entirety of the episode would focus on Secret Service’s efforts to keep him from accidentally killing himself via clumsiness.
At the end of the season the only ones opposing reelection would be his security guards bc how is this man still alive?!
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starship21zedna9 · 7 months
I've started watching The West Wing for the first time since it aired. And I was in grade school when that show started. I always shipped Josh and Donna but Josh and Sam didn't occur to my young, foolish mind. Totally seeing it now though. And it doesn't take away from Josh and Donna. Josh has two hands etc. etc.
Also seeing some crazy tension between CJ and Toby that I definitely didn't notice when I was 8.
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sparklygraves · 3 months
just a small moment that sent off my joshsam alarm: s2 when Sam goes into a tv studio for some kind of interview & he’s friendly with the reporter & the guy asks him, “How’s Josh?” doesn’t ask about anyone else at the office, just Josh. it just gave me, “How’s your husband?” vibes.
also side note: this is Ainsley Hayes’ first episode!! I’m so stoked cuz I heard an interview with the actress on the west wing podcast & she & her character seem so cool!
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qvid-pro-qvo · 2 years
another prompt: samjosh + late nights
it’s in a sleepless haze that josh looks over at sam, and maybe for the first time, truly sees him.
he doesn’t know why now. there’s nothing particularly special about tonight. a deadline they have to meet. a bill that has to be signed. a speech that has to be written. there’s been plenty of nights like these, where the caffeine has long since gone cold and the hours wind on and on. they don’t seem to be any closer to their goal than they were five hours ago, but there’s a comfort here anyway, because while there’s nothing special about tonight, there’s something special about sam.
maybe it’s the light, the new LEDs really playing tricks on josh’s eyes. maybe it’s the fifth (sixth, seventh) cup of coffee. but there’s something there that josh hasn’t seen before.
because an hour ago sam’s laptop died, and yet the guy hasn’t stopped writing. he takes out a pen and paper and keeps at it. surely his hand should be cramping by now, but with each stroke he seems more determined, more incensed, more…. sam.
his hair’s loosened from its careful styling. josh’s fingers twitch. right there. that’s where he’d kiss him, if he could.
weird thoughts. but all centered around him.
sam. sam, sam, sam.
the veneer shatters. sam looks up, looks at him, and josh realizes his thoughts have been spoken aloud. and as sam looks at him, josh can’t help but look right back, frozen, pen between his lips.
“you…” sam blinks. confused. eyes bleary. he’s been broken from something sacred, and josh curses himself for doing that to him. “you said…”
“right. i was just -“
the two of them sit there, in the glare of new LEDs, in a kitchen that in two hours will have breakfast on display, and stare at each other.
see each other.
“we should really go to bed,” josh finally murmurs. “i - i gotta call holihan in the morning.”
“it is the morning,” sam replies, and there’s a quirk to his lips that makes josh laugh.
“right,” he says again.
neither of them bother moving. josh looks, and sees sam, and he thinks, with that little smile, sam sees him, too.
“sam?” he says. their eyes are already meeting, but there’s a sharpness to that gaze that wasn’t there before. “i’m - i’m really glad you came to new hampshire.”
and sam grins. which josh wishes he never had to stop seeing.
“me, too, josh. me, too.”
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
Petere Krause and Rob Lowe both playing fire chiefs in the same cinematic universe is unnerving. Aaron Sorkin is haunting the narrative somehow.
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the-hipster-nugget · 2 years
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Saw a text post saying this was them and I wholeheartedly agree. JoshSam for life have I mad made it clear how much I love them yet
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josh x sam gifs I paired together. Not sure what kind of AU this is, just vibes I guess
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tcnysncrk · 3 years
What if I was just in a really silly goofy mood and wrote west wing fanfiction maybe an au since I don’t want to look at politics that much or maybe not an au and just full send
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ratboi463 · 5 years
Some josh x Sam fanart sjrjejrjkejr from a head canon from this post: https://saimotass.tumblr.com/post/130839598164/joshsam-headcanons riefnekke
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lassie-farce · 2 months
rewatching in the shadow of two gunmen and sam is so very gay for josh it'd be endearing if it wasn't so very tragic
headcannoning so hard right now that he had let josh/donna relationship bloom bc he knew josh's political career would be over if he was caught with sam
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zimmermanns · 8 years
Could u rec some joshsam fics pls I'm in a Mood
yall i would but i rarely read fic so i got nothing to rec sorry bud ://
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sparklygraves · 3 months
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qvid-pro-qvo · 2 years
sam is a senior advisor to the president. he is deputy communications director. and at some point, he's gonna run for president (says the president, of course - sam's not quite sure if he believes him yet). he's a speechwriter, and a lawyer, and a major political player in the democratic party. he works with some of the best minds in the damn business, and keeps up with them.
but tonight, he's doing nothing of the sort. tonight, his brain is static.
they're in black tie. he's in a tuxedo. or he was. now his tie is off, thrown to a corner of josh's office, and josh's hands are on his lapels. the room is dark, and so are josh's eyes, and they're both breathing heavy against each other's mouths.
static. static buzzes in his ears, trickles down his spine. his hands are on josh's wrists, because he just can't believe what he's feeling.
he was a speechwriter, earlier. a few hours ago, the president said words that he had written down. he has no recollection of this, however, because right now all he can think about is the fact that josh lyman just kissed him when he came to see him in his office and has half a mind to kiss him again.
"i'm... guessing you liked the speech," sam says. his voice is hoarse.
"yeah, the speech," josh murmurs. swallowing. his brow furrows as he says it.
sam reaches up with one hand. smooths the furrow, because he can do that now. he's always thought about it, a press of his thumb right over the stress lines, hand moving over his forehead and cheek and cupping his jaw.
he feels the grip on his jacket tighten at the motion. he squeezes josh's wrist with the hand that's still there before both hands settle on josh's chest.
sam breathes, in and out, a little ragged. "josh -"
josh kisses him again. mouth on his own. hot and heated. sam's head hits the doorframe, and josh's body presses against his. when he pulls back, their foreheads touch. sam blinks a few times, wonders if his tie is going to be the only thing on this floor.
"i like you, sam," josh murmurs, mouth falling open a little as he works his jaw. he seems just as shocked with this new revelation, and his brow furrows again. "the words you write are just a bonus."
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udislove · 8 years
Josh and Sam - Mercy
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cinnamon-lady24 · 8 years
12. Sam and Josh (Until Dawn)
A kiss that shouldn’t have happened
(the everyone lives ending for the game)
She’ll always remember it. Before everything happened with Beth and Hannah. Earlier, when she’d wandered in on him and Chris drinking in the kitchen, both of them talking over each other in the sort of over-excited but lazy arguments they always got into when they were drunk or stoned. And, yeah, Josh is pretty fuckin’ stoned, but he’s keeping up with Chris as far as drinking is concerned, she’s sure, and as if she needed more evidence, Josh pours them each another shot.
“What’re you boys fighting about?” she asks and Josh rises from his stool, arms wide in his normal, overly dramatic manner.
“Sam!” He drags out her name, like he’s Indiana Jones and she’s the little golden monkey or whatever. He reaches toward her, bottle still in his hand. Chris grins at her too, his eyes a little unfocused behind his glasses. Josh stumbles in his walk toward her and Sam rushes forward to catch him by the elbow.
His smile as he looks up at her before dragging himself back up to his feet. His always slow and lazy smile with his always wide and distant eyes. His broad, warm hand closing over her shoulder. He rises laboriously, like he’s moving through water. A lock of hair escapes from his half-hearted attempt with pomade and falls into his eyes, which are always just this side of too pale, too clear.
He keeps a hand on her shoulder and he says, softly, his words sliding together from liquor, “May I?”
She blinks, her head tilting to one side out of instinct more than anything. “Huh?”
His grin broadens and he bites his lip for a moment, like he’s holding back a laugh, before falling towards her and closing his mouth over her upper lip. It’s barely a kiss, more a sort of sloppy collision of skin and teeth. He licks her left cuspid and the moment that that thought occurs to her, she can’t help but breathe out a laugh. She’s really putting that AP biology knowledge to ill use, she supposes. Josh tastes like liquor and something a little too sweet and that’s can’t be healthy, right?
He pulls back and there’s a string of saliva connecting their lips for a moment before it breaks and falls against Sam’s mouth. She licks her lips carefully, speechless for the first time in her life, as Josh tosses a glance over his shoulder at Chris, who’s drooling on the counter top, his glasses slipping sideways on his face.
“Fuckin’ lightweight,” Josh says, even though he’s wavering a little where he stands. Sam almost laughs, but then Josh looks back at her, hand still on her shoulder and all trace of a smile gone from his face. He drops his hand, shakes his head. “I shouldn’t’ve done that, right?”
“I don’t know,” Sam says, because she’s still pretty lost for words. Beth would kill her, right? And Josh is obviously a lot farther gone than she originally thought. “Maybe we should talk about it when you’re not…” She gestures awkwardly at the bottle in his hand. “You know…”
He laughs at that, whispering, “I figured.” He takes a quick step back from her and swigs from the bottle, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows, eyes still fixed on her. He licks his lips, bites the lower one. “You wouldn’t wanna be with someone too fuckin’ crazy, right?”
Sam rolls her eyes. “Okay, Josh. I’ll talk to you later,” she says and turns away.
Sometimes, she still thinks about his eyes as she walked away, empty and unfocused with booze, too pale in the dim light of the kitchen, and she wonders…
Send me a number and a pairing and get a kiss! (already requested: 2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, 19)
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Sam x Josh (Until Dawn) 81 & 72
Josh/Sam - #81
“I need you to leave.”
Josh looked taken aback by Sam's words, said so calmly andseriously, and swallowed hard. His feet backtracked over the carpet, eyes onher.
Sam stood in the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, hair wet andloose over her naked shoulders. She leaned over the counter toward the mirror."Josh, really, I need you to leave." She plucked at her eyebrows witha pair of tweezers, but this time her gaze drifted to Josh.
Josh was frozen in the bedroom, shock and hurt evident inhis features. He looked like she'd kicked his puppy, and this time, Samrealized how cold she must have sounded to him. Her expression softened and shetook a step toward him. "No, Josh, not like that."
Josh flinched when Sam reached out a hand to cup his cheek,but leaned into the touch when her thumb gently stroked his skin. He slowly beganto relax his stance.
"I just want to get ready in peace. That's all. Maybesurprise you for once?" Sam smiled, face lighting up before she stood onher toes to kiss his cheek. "Wait for me in the living room, huh?"
Josh nodded. He leaned in for a quick kiss when Sam tiltedher head up. His hands shook with the want to dig his hands into her drippinghair, to say 'fuck that' to their date night and curl up with her in their bed right now, but he knew there'd be timefor that later. His fingers tightened momentarily around her wrists as he camedown from his worried high. Playing it cool, he gave his girlfriend a wink."Just...don't take too long, or I might have to come get you."
Sam smirked, heading back into the bathroom. "Just getyour ass outta here. I'll be done in a little bit."
 Josh/Sam - #72
“I will knock you on your ass if you eventhink about it.” Sam's eyes narrowed at Josh over the arm separating theirchairs. His eyes were full of amusement at her words, fingers twitching againsther shoulder from where his arm was draped around her. "Seriously, Josh,don't you dare."
The horror movie Josh had started in his parents' cinemaroom was going largely ignored by the two of them. The blood-curdling screamsdidn't seem to bother either of them. "I haven't the faintest idea whatyou mean, Samantha." The mandrawled as his hand slid down her arm. "I was just enjoying our littledate."
Sam shifted again, trying to pin his arm to the back of thechair before he could- "Hey!" She twitched violently when his fingersdug into her side. "Don't!"
Josh just grinned. His free hand came up to join in theassault, tickling Sam as best he could when she began to thrash. He narrowlymissed an elbow to the sternum, but took the shoulder to his jaw. A groanescaped him. Josh's hands dropped from his girlfriend."Ow...Sammy..." He moved to set his hand over the painful spot. Histeeth had clacked together at the impact, and now his mouth only radiated pain."Fuck."
Sam's look of annoyance melted into worry in a matter ofmoments. She leaned close, pulling at his wrist. "Hey, hey, let mesee." Her finger traced over his jaw. There was no mark, no sign ofbruising, thankfully, but she could tell she'd hurt him. Her hand dropped tohis shoulder. "Sorry." She murmured. "You started it, though. Ifyou hadn't tickled me..."
Josh pouted. "You don't have to play so rough." Heteased before screwing his face up with exaggerated pain. "Maybe youshould kiss it all better."
Sam gave Josh a playful shove, but gave in, touching herlips softly to his jaw and cheek. "And maybe you shouldn't tickleme...ever again."
Josh's eyes narrowed slightly, hand creeping onto Sam's leg."We'll see about that." He muttered with a smirk, before his fingersdug into her knee.
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