#joshler research
smi-automatic · 1 year
related to the prev josh asks. do you have any fic recs? (ignore me if im being annoying sorry)
ur not annoying!!! u guys cant annoy me dw ur good
it feels like it’s been so long since ive done a really good deep dive for joshler fics my memory of cool stuff is totally fuzzy
plus theres lots of bangers that are either deleted or i dont know the names of anymore </3
one of these days I'll make a genuine masterpost for all my favorite fics & all the bottom/sub josh fics that are half decent <3
in the meantime here's some I actually Can conjure up off the top of my head that i remember liking !!
-fics w/ no smut:
^^this one's one of my favorite trench fics !!
-fics w/ Some smut but it's not the focus
^^the tyler & blurry system fic i mentioned once!!
-smut fics <3
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rabidty · 2 months
i agree about tylers dick. now i need to know ur opinion on josh’s tho :p
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okay. now. i love josh with all my heart but i haven’t put that much thought into his dick. but….. imma say he’s like average. actually idk i want his dick to be huge but i just don’t get big fat cock energy from him like i do tyler but maybe im bias idk
all ik is that i bet he fucks like a god.
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uhlik · 4 months
PSA: it’s 2024 and i’m once again on my fanfic obsession era. feels good to be back ngl
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kiitchensiink · 4 months
see now what we're not gonna do is start a stupid joshler ship war on tumblr again, because people are misinformed and refuse to actually do any research into the subject and project onto Josh and Tyler's feelings to push their own expectations of them.
Tyler and Josh consistently like joshler fan art on twitter, consistently have been chill with joshler shippers and have encouraged making joshler fan art (i.e the vessel livestream), make jokes ab the whole thing and are generally good natured and supportive of it.
they're for the most part in on the joke, and as long as people don't go up to them and force it down their throats like a weirdo, it's really a non issue.
I will not allow tumblr to become a hostile place towards joshler shippers expecially because your discomfort on the subject is NOT reflective of Josh and Tyler's feelings.
It's honestly worse to use the language of progressivism as a battering ram to treat others as subhuman when Josh and Tyler are secure in their sexuality.
Your emotional reaction and disgust do NOT give you moral superiority, nor necessarily make you correct in assuming Josh and Tyler feel the same way you do.
You are perfectly capable of using tumblr's tag and word blocking features, and I take the time and do the due diligence of tagging EVERYTHING so that people who dislike stuff are able to properly block those words.
If a community wants to flourish, we have to be respectful and kind to one another and put in the work to be considerate of one another, and that INCLUDES not putting joshler hate in the tags because you had a knee-jerk disgust reaction to it.
And this post even comes from someone with experience!!!!
When I was semi big on the internet, I had people shipping me with my underage friends, and I put my foot down and said publically "No I'm not comfortable with that". I spoke up and expressed my boundaries with that content and stood firm with it.
People made an effort to support me, and I very much appreciated it.
I understand how it feels to be shipped, and I believe as long as a person clearly communicates their boundaries on it, all is totally kosher. Consistently, Josh and Tyler have embraced joshler fan art, and if they spoke up against it tomorrow, of course I'd reconsider my stance on it.
But the world we live in is one where Tyler constantly talks about kissing Josh so if you're still choosing to be willfully ignorant on that, I can't help you, sorry.
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trashthedragon · 3 months
ooh joshler prompt maybe them at an ohio state game or something and they get on the big screen and do something silly hehe
Hehehe I love this. I immediately thought of when they went to the Ohio State game for college game day and did that stupid talk show so kind of spun my writing around that! Hope you enjoy it, friend! <3
Send me a Joshler prompt here!
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Josh didn't really understand the excitement behind College Game Day, not like Tyler did. Every week, the same four guys showing up to a different college campus, having the pre-game debate of who would win week in and week out, while college students decked out in colors of their school surrounded them.
But it was a big deal to Tyler. He'd known from the way Tyler had initially texted him about it when ESPN had first reached out to Tyler. And Josh liked football fine enough. He didn't need to like football to agree to it though. Football could have been Josh's least favorite thing in the world but he would have agreed to this just to see the smile that was plastered on Tyler's face now, as they sat behind the desk, with a sea of Ohio State students decked out in red below them.
Tyler was talking to the announcers into his head set, the funny kind that Tyler joked about giving Josh to make him sing while he drummed on stage. He smiled some, nodding along with what Tyler said but mostly just letting himself marvel at the way Tyler's eyes lit up excitedly while he name dropped players Josh knew he'd been researching all week so he could make sure he knew what he was talking about.
When their segment ended they made their way through the side of the pit of students and followed a production assistant from the show who was taking them onto the field to watch the teams warm up. It was chilly out, cold enough where you could see your breath, but the buzzing pre-game excitement throughout the stadium was certainly keeping Tyler warm. His blonde hair was messy and he didn't even have a hat on.
"Thanks for coming along with this. I know you'd probably rather be sending your Saturday doing almost anything else," Tyler said to him, suddenly at Josh's side, his hand suddenly on Josh's shoulder. Josh turned to look over at Tyler and broke into a grin.
"Dude, of course. You're like. so pumped about this it's making me pumped about it," Josh exclaimed over the sound of the crowd.
Tyler grinned sheepishly and Josh pulled his phone out. "C'mere, lets get a photo of this," he said, moving his arm around Tyler's shoulders. Tyler threw up a peace sign and Josh snapped the picture. Josh looked about as cold as he felt, and Tyler looked cool, as always.
A moment after the photo, the production assistant from the show was directing them towards a spot on the field, where cameras were set up.
"Alright, can we get some shots of you two leading the crowd in some cheers?" The PA, distracted with her own head set in her ear, asked them. She didn't even give them an opportunity to ask her questions before she was walking away and the guy behind the camera was cueing them in.
Josh looked up at the camera that was suddenly very close to his face and then saw, on the large screen on the score board of the stadium, his and Tyler's giant bodies, in real time, in front of the camera. It was being projected to the whole stadium.
This wasn't anything new for Tyler or Josh. They'd had their images projected for shows hundreds, if not thousands, of times. But for some reason, Josh seeing himself in the little red jacket and the beanie that was crooked on his head, while Tyler immediately jumped into action next to him.
In moments Tyler was leading them through the O-H-I-O cheer, hyping them up exactly like he knew how to. Josh followed along, doing his best to match Tyler's confidence and energy, but found himself looking to Tyler a lot the entire time the camera was in front of them.
Finally, after what felt like an hour, it moved on again and Tyler and Josh were left alone, able to watch the rest of the warm up before the game in peace.
As his best friend stood next to him, Josh dug through the pocket of his red jacket and pulled out a small handfull of starbursts.
"Want one?" Josh asked Tyler. Tyler started to laugh, but plucked a red one from Josh's hand. Josh took a pink one, placed the leftovers back in his pocket, and set to unwrapping it with his cold fingers.
"This must be why you smell like candy right now," Tyler remarked, popping his star burst into his mouth and starting to suck on the hard, cold candy to soften it.
"I smell like what?" Josh asked, thinking maybe he hadn't heard Tyler right.
Tyler leaned in towards Josh, pressed his mouth and nose to Josh's shoulder, sniffed, pecked Josh's shoulder, and pulled back with a smirk.
"Candy," Tyler repeated. "I like it."
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Sorry sorry I HAAAAD to bring in the mention of Tyler saying Josh's jacket (the red one) smelled like candy I just HAD TO!
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gooddaydema · 3 months
how dare this research paper interfere with my joshlering. i should be writing about emo men kissing rn not beowulf!!!!
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3 hour research for a 300 word scene 
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DEMA Masterlist Part II
you can check part I here!! there will be a part III after this one as well :) stay tuned lmao - ana 
Kaleidoscopic by timidphantom (4/? | 15396 | Teen and Up)
A resident of Dema looks up and realizes that the city around her is still asleep. This year, she decides, she needs change of pace - but can she take the pace of change? Unsure of her purpose, her worth, and herself, she must learn to accept the flaws of her world, to lean on others, and to love.
//implied/referenced suicide, depression, mental illness, mild gore, acrophobia
Keeper and Protector by dreamertyler (56/56 | 114657 | Teen and Up)
"My name is Tyler Joseph, Keeper #12011988. I was abused by my Protector for months but I was finally able to escape. My Time Keeper is dangerously low now and I'm afraid I only have weeks, maybe days left to live. If someone out there is reading this... please help me. I don't want to die. I need someone to love me so I can stay alive."
What was a Keeper without his Protector's love and affection to keep him alive? Tyler Joseph.
What was a man who had never been a Protector before but was willing to fight to give one special Keeper another chance at feeling loved and cherished? Josh Dun.
//depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, past abuse, emotional/psychological abuse
what dema is like by beterbarker (1/1 | 379 | General)
Blurbs/One Shots-Dump by Mr-MistyEyed (tallxboys) (12/12 | 6667 | Not Rated)
exactly what the title says hey
jyler/jebby/joshler-the whole nine yards
this is so messy who let my brain let me do this
//panic attacks, homophobia, internalized homophobia, violence
Floras Amarillas by bandiito (24/? | 145471 | Teen and Up)
"For someone who lived in Dema all her life, you're pretty good at running."
"It's probably just about the only thing I'm good at."
Running and lying, she reminded herself. Both of things had gotten her to this point in her life, and she didn't know whether or not it was a good or a bad thing. Well, she supposed to herself, being free of Dema and of the Bishops was a good thing, but having to lie to those she was growing close with, well... That was probably the bad thing.
//paranoia, depression
Bleed Into One by bluejoseph (43/43 | 21975 | Mature)
In which Tyler learns to use his voice. Or, five times Josh rescues Tyler from Dema, and one time he gathers the courage to leave the city on his own.
//anxiety issues, anxiety, panic attacks, implied/referenced sexual assault
Wicked by pbisnotlily (10/? | 60790 | Not Rated)
When Josh sees his best friend Tyler being tormented by a strange force, he seeks help from a group of paranormal researchers named "Defenders of Faith". Meanwhile, a cult member from LA gets a hold of the legendary key that can change their world.
(This is a crossover between the fictional worlds created by Panic! At The Disco, twenty one pilots and Fall Out Boy - not the real life people. Suspension of belief might be needed.)
//major character death 
Drink It Anyway by CatLovePower (1/1 | 13280 | Teen and Up)
In which Tyler works for DEMA, a multinational corporation selling hot beverages, and Josh is a member of a gang called the Banditos, creating a wave of social unrest and rioting throughout the city. In other words, they meet in a coffee shop.
//blood and violence, abuse, suicide attempt 
fall back home by ellathebanditobitch (3/? | 3874 | Teen and Up)
they had a solid plan, leave in the night and return to their family out in trench.
it's when tyler mysteriously decides to take nico's offer of becoming his apprentice is when the plan starts to fall apart.
//torture, mild blood, PTSD
Banditos by tylerjosephh (8/? | 9137 | General)
Five times he had tried. No avail. Five flowers had protected him from the true wrath, the terror of the bishops. It came to a point where he didn't know if this whole pursuit for freedom was worth it. What was he holding out hope for? A yellow haired Bandito?
No, Tyler reminded himself, he was holding out hope for his life. For his freedom. For his family, Jenna and Josh. For those that had escaped before him and those that would escape thanks to him.
there’s an infestation in my mind’s imagination. (you were made holy.) by holdingnotoyou (1/1 | 14510 | Teen and Up)
The sand settles, as does Tyler.
//religious guilt, major character death
A Complete Reversion by glamtrashbandito (custodian) (1/1 | 1724 | Teen and Up)
All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again, but it matters every time.
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I just listened to Trench and I love it.
Tyler is soooo amazing, and I do think they could have gone over the top with this album. I don’t think that’s Tyler though. He’s open to different music, but I think he needs a rest. And don’t say “but he had a whole year to rest already.” Because, one, that was a well earned year of rest and he’s said that right after the last show from the BF tour he went straight to working on ideas and beats for Trench. I love how Tyler isn’t afraid to talk about things that he’s going through personally with us. In Neon Gravestones and Legend Tyler seems to be talking about his grandfather, who passed away. Now, I didn’t do research on his death just out of respect for the family and I don’t want to intrude on personal information, but Tyler makes it sound like he died of Alzheimer's disease. That's is actually awful. He couldn't remember Tyler, his grandson who idolized him for years. One of my grandparents passed away at the beginning of this year, and I would just like to say that Tyler writing this I feel less alone. One of my favorite songs, and probably everyone else's, is Pet Cheetah. It's very much like BF. The dark beat switching to a lighter riff. The chanting of "Pet Cheetah" in the middle of the track. I love it so much because it feels like something that was just scribbled down to let out feeling and just follows a wild train of thought. Smithereens is amazing and you can't change my mind. We need to stop ignoring Jenna and stop shipping Joshler because oh my god Tyler is so in LOVE with her! On the last two albums he's taken time to write and record two whole songs just about her. He'd do anything for her. Chlorine actually made me cry several times. He's saying that he feels like nothing. He feels like a chemical in a lab that the only job he has it to be tested on. Cut My Lip is different. I got the feeling of being at a party that you didn't want to go to. Like, kinda trapped and forced to go with the crowd kinda vibe? Anyways, Bandito goes back to the concept of the album completely. They came up with such a beautiful song if you listen to the words. This is a song the Banditos sing when away from the others or in a time of trouble or something along those lines. It's to keep them humble and it helps them remember what they believe and how they are. Leave this city is obviously about breaking out of Dema and trying to shut it down completely. The fire in that song is the Bandito spirit and yeah. All in all, the layout of the songs felt a little obvious. Maybe a chorus/pre-chorus at the front, verse one, chorus/pre-chorus, verse two, either an instrumental or chorus/pre-chorus, instrumental, if there wasn't one before, with little to no speaking to show off Josh's drumming and/or the beat, then maybe one last chorus/pre-chorus. A lot of the songs didn't get as noisy as they used to and we're just good over all. I think Pet Cheetah was the most explosive song along with Levitate. They mainly focused on lyrics though, and I really do think that's what redeems all the songs. Hi, I'm bird, welcome to my Ted talk
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bathtimeboy · 3 years
*Taking notes for the next fic to skip the stretching thing in order to make people gasp in surprise when there's no fingering before penetration at all*
That was a good rb. We need to change the fanfiction culture and take a little side road with the things we write. Is there any other things you think should be fixed? I mean things that are written in a very specific way but you wish were written kinda differently. Joshler or in general. I'm just curious.
I'm glad you liked it! I am interested in sex education and fanfic and writing about sex.
I think things don't have to be super realistic but if you're trying to portray safe sex then know what you're doing. The example being what you mentioned with anal sex and how we have this weird standard that isn't realistic but we treat it as such
Another thing would probably be not using the same cliches for body sensations. I feel like that's an area people can do research on (through other people's accounts or like actually having sex) and has the most potential for beautiful and unique imagery. People have tried for hundreds of years to describe what love and sex feel like and there's a lot of possibilities! Yet fanfics re use the same ones often. Not their fault, most aren't professional writers (and even professional writers can be cliche).
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kieranwalker · 7 years
buzzfeed unsolved joshler au
i came up with this idea myself so all creds go to me ty xoxo
Josh was so sick of Tyler rambling about ghosts. It was a long flight and car ride from LA to Philadelphia and Tyler had not shut up once about how this was going to be their big break for their YouTube channel, Buzzfeed Unsolved. He was dead set on filming a ghost and becoming famous; Josh just wanted a break from making damn listicles.
Now they were at Eastern State Penitentiary, one of the most haunted sites in the nation, and Tyler can’t stop running his mouth. No wonder Josh didn’t get any sleep each episode. He can’t even enjoy the creepy (but ghost-free) scenery without it being ruined by Tyler’s monologue about energies.
Josh wanted to get this show on the road. He hit record, prompting Tyler to shut up and start talking about the history of the place. For this part, Josh’s job was easy; he got to sit back and just make comments on Tyler’s research. That was mostly his job in general, seeing as this was Tyler’s passion project and just Josh’s assignment, but Tyler would have cried on camera much sooner if it weren’t for Josh.
Josh was really the MVP of this whole thing.
The summary went on for a bit, detailing not only the history of the building but the personal accounts of visitors and even reviews from the tour website. Tyler was fully convinced the building was haunted by the time they’re done and Josh continued to roll his eyes.
When they walked around the place, things started to get interesting. Even if he didn’t believe in ghosts, the Penitentiary was undeniably creepy, with mysterious stains in its cells, the whole bit. At one point he shut Tyler in a cell and left him there as a joke and he nearly cried. Josh had to apologize and the cameraman thought the whole thing was hilarious.
They were exploring one cell, Tyler poking the camera and mic everywhere, when Josh actually did get a shiver up his spine. He kept quiet about it though, not wanting to encourage Tyler’s hysteria. Tyler had just gone into the adjoining bathroom to stand in the dark and “commune with the ghosts” when Josh heard his small voice call out to him.
“Josh, is that you holding my hand?”
Josh burst out laughing at Tyler’s terrified voice, which, in retrospect, was not the nicest thing he could have done. Tyler gave a shriek from the bathroom and came sprinting out, looking like he pissed himself.
Babbling and shaking, he yelled at Josh about how ghosts were real, that they really haunted the Penitentiary, and one of them just tried to flirt with Tyler.
Typical, in Josh’s opinion. Tyler was so gullible he fooled himself.
“I don’t think you’re ghosts’ type,” Josh merely said when Tyler paused for breath.
Tyler’s eyes bulged out in outrage. “That’s your refutation? That I’m not attractive to the ghosts? Holy shit dude…”
He was pacing now and Josh was trying to stifle his laughter. He silently thanked the ghost, or the wind or whatever, for giving him the opportunity to mess with Tyler even more.
“Hello!” He whispered to the empty room. “Hello, would the ghost who just tried to pick up my friend please stop that? He’s shy and you’re moving too fast for him.”
Needless to say, this only made Tyler freak out more. “Goddammit dude! Fuck you, now they’re gonna be angry, you’re making it worse.” He was on the verge of tears.
Josh nodded. “You’re right. They’re going to be angry that you’re not putting out. Tyler, I hate to say this, but you’re going to have to whore yourself for the ghost shot. Do it for the advancement of the field!”
Tyler moaned some more, Josh’s melodramatic taunting aggravating him more than it was any nearby ghosts.
After a few minutes, Josh gave in, clapping Tyler on the shoulder and telling him to buck up. The ghost obviously hadn’t decided to come back for more. “Looks like they’re willing to wait until the second date, bro.”
They continued searching through the nearby rooms, finding the usual dirt, graffiti, and trash. “Spooky,” Josh would always say and point at something like a Coke can left there by teenagers. Tyler just gave him the cold shoulder, his face twisted into a permanent pout.
In the fourth room or so, their flashlights died which sent Tyler spiraling again. He immediately started claiming he was cold and getting shivers up his spine. Josh, per usual, rolled his eyes and took it with a grain of salt.
He was caught by surprise when something cold wrapped itself around Josh’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. It’s lips were clammy and eerily light on his, so Josh began to suspect that this wasn’t Tyler or the cameraman. Still, though, incorporeality aside, this ghost wasn’t that bad of a kisser.
Josh deepened the kiss until they were full-on making out in the prison cell.
Once the kiss broke, Josh grinned like an idiot, excited to tell Tyler that his ghost was a little more promiscuous than they had thought.
“Hey Tyler, I just kissed a ghost! I believe in ghosts now!” He called out like an idiot to wherever Tyler had got to in the maze of nearby rooms.
“Oh, you idiot,” a voice said right in front of him, and when Josh flicked on his flashlight, to his surprise it was Tyler! He had kissed Tyler!
Tyler frowned at him. “Dammit, Josh, I really thought I had evidence there.”
“WHAT, that you made out with a ghost off-camera?”
“Yes, of course.”
Josh didn’t know how to respond to that so he just kissed Tyler again, even though it still felt kind of like kissing a ghost. The guy was just so small and cold.
While they made out, all the ghosts of the Eastern State Penitentiary flitted by and they captured none of them on camera. The end.
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chmpn-remix · 8 years
why can't my Master's capping project be compiling all the significant Joshler moments, both in articles and videos and all that. it would require a lot of research
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For the writer ask post, questions 2, 11, aaaaand 18 :DDD
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
i know i'll never write anything better than this joshler fic: Bright And Early For Their Daily Races no matter WHAT i write, for what fandom, this one's my best work to me <3
11) What perspective do you write from most and/or least and why? (1st, 3rd limited, 3rd omniscient, deep pov, etc)
3d limited!!
18) What's the most obscure thing you've researched for a fic?
not that obscure, but cluster headaches, treatment, overdosing on meds; i've googled lots and lots and lots of medical things; also types of fighting stances in boxing; read everything i could find about HIV/AIDS and then never used it in a fic
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