#josh washington fic recs
ruerecs · 2 months
𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑤𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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⮕ josh washington
⮕ jessica riley
⮕ mike monroe
⮕ sam giddings
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queenofbaws · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
🥹 well color me flattered you'd send this my way!!! hehehehe
the durellion affair: dragon age 2 | fhawke/varric | T | complete hawke and varric get word of a wondrous opportunity...there's a high-and-mighty orlesian family just begging to get fleeced, and maker's breath, they're ready to do some fleecing! problem is, there might be a murderer on the loose in the estate. there also might be ghosts. and a room full of cheese...? this one's a murder mystery full of intrigue, familiar faces, and - i cannot stress this enough - horrible jokes. i was grinning the whole time i was writing this ;P
still: dragon age 2 | fhawke/varric | T | complete there are lots of things hawke and varric are good at. most of them are illegal. if there's one thing they're both miserable at, however, it's, uh...sitting down and openly talking about their feelings, which is unfortunate really, because there are a lot of feelings to talk about. changing feelings. romantic feelings. BIG feelings. this fic is really just me waxing poetic about the vhawke dynamic the best way i know how: with heaps of angst and banter out of the wazoo! there's a happy ending though, i pwomise
no wealth no ruin no silver no gold: until dawn | gen | T | complete the curator swings by blackwood pines on two very unfortunate nights. he's interested in meeting the washingtons and their friends, you understand, just...well, not all of them. :) this fic is literally just an excuse for me to engage in one of my favorite pastimes - smooshing supermassive characters together like barbie dolls. the blackwood kids meet the curator! what could possibly go wrong???
the not-quite-midnight society +1: until dawn | gen | T | complete hnnnnnnGHHH i love this fic so much. this is an anthology series where, essentially, the blackwood kids sit around and tell each other spooky stories around a campfire. the events of the game do not take place, meaning hannah and beth are a-okay and toasting marshmallows like everyone else. everyone has their own story to tell, and while some are better than others, i think we all know there's only one master of horror on the mountain >:] (and it's not josh)
all in the family: until dawn/the quarry | gen | T | complete the precursor to like wringing blood from a stone, the fic i'm currently focusing on. after (miraculously) surviving the events of until dawn, jack "flamethrower guy" fiddler visits some extended family down in new york state. turns out dear sweet cousin constance and the rest of her brood are experiencing something of a problem there in hackett house...and there's really only one kind of problem you call a fiddler in to fix. this was meant to be a oneshot, but grabbed me by the throat so intensely that it turned into a full multi-chap with a sequel, so i think it's fair to say it inspired something deep inside me. take one grizzled monster hunter, add him to a house of deeply troubled people, toss in a few werewolves, and you know what you got? a bad time. a really, really bad time.
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lorebite · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Thank you for sending me this ask! 💖 Some of own personal favorites that I’ve written are:
1. Upon The Ashes of Eden (Jason Kolchek)
2. Favor For a Darling (Salim Othman)
3. Hour of the Need (Jason Kolchek)
4. Cross The Line (Josh Washington)
5. Odds of It (Jason Kolchek)
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clumsybookworm18 · 4 years
Until Dawn Fic Recs
This was supposed to be a simple fic rec list for @gloriousdarkangelsworld who just got into the UD fandom (welcome! :D) but I got carried away and it turned out to be longer than I expected. I figured I should share these with everyone? In case some of you are looking for something to read while you’re stuck at home or just want to escape the global crisis for a while. To the surprise of no one, these are mostly Josh/Sam because I am complete and utter trash for them.
phantom limbs by a troublesomegoose
This is a hauntingly beautiful one-shot centered around Sam and Josh’s relationship. I made a post recommending this fic a couple of days ago but I have to rec it again because it’s so good.
The (Almost)s by @queenofbaws
I love this fic. I love it, I love it, I love it. It’s a character study of Josh, Chris, Ashley and Sam, spanning from the night the twins went missing, to the aftermath a year later. I sound like a broken record by now but if you’re an Until Dawn fan and haven’t read this then you’re seriously missing out. It’s so well written, the characterization is perfect, the dialogue is fantastic! It’s one of my favorite fics out there and much better than books I have actually paid for. I strongly recommend checking out Queenie’s blog and ao3 page for more Until Dawn stories! She has an awesome ghost hunting AU and a bunch of cute Chris/Ashley and Sam/Josh fics 💕
Sunset by DeiliaMedlini 
These are a bunch of one-shots centered around the Until Dawn kids that take place before, during and after the game. Some are angsty. Some are cute. All of them good!
like thoughts inside a dream by @thychesters
A charming Josh-centric character study with some of that good ol’ Josh/Sam pining. I love the author’s quirky writing and the banter between Josh and the other kids. She also has a collection of Josh/Sam one-shots worth reading!
Aubade by @notaliteraltoad
A fix-it fic where Sam goes back to Blackwood to rescue wendigo Josh. This one is equipped with an awesome playlist and some very cool action scenes!
Unreliable narrator by @smartalker 
Another one-shot centered around Josh and Sam before, during and after the game. I loved the movie talk in this one!
and i tried to hold these secrets inside me by @veryspookybisexual
How can I make a UD fic rec and not include this wonderful story! One of the OG fix-it fics where Sam never made it out of the mines and is stuck with a wendigo Josh. This is the first story I read for this fandom and I still find myself visiting it once in a while. If you read it, you’ll know why. The author also wrote a Sam/Josh neighbors/soulmate AU that is just beautiful! I highly recommend checking that as well!
the balance book by @coldmackerel
A post-game fic where everybody survives that revolves around Josh making up for the shit he pulled while keeping a totally manly diary. Listen, if you love Josh Washington this is a must read.
I Trust You by @slightlyrabid 
Another brilliant Wendigo Josh fix-it fic that will keep you on the edge of your seat! If you liked all of the Wendigo lore of the game, you’ll love this fic. Plus it has a badass Sam!
Wise man say only fools rush in by talverrar
Josh/Sam fake dating AU with mutual pining. Need I say more?
Twist Of Fate by @mogitz & @enulaz
Ten years after the events of the game, Sam has become a successful psychologist. One day she gets a new client who looks exactly like Josh. The problem: his name is Elliot, and Josh died 10 years ago… or did he? Sort of a crossover with Mr. Robot but not really.
I Know Why the Caged Birds Sing by @hanna-notmontana
This is, you guessed it, another fix-it fic! Wendigo Josh is taken to the hospital and the doctors don’t know what to do with him. Chris and Sam take matters into their own hands. I love how the author wrote the friendship between Sam, Chris and Josh and it was so fun to read about Josh going from wendigo to human again!
A different take on the Bathtub Scene™ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
 Deserve by ScribeofRhapsody
A fun little series of what would’ve happened if Josh turned out to be the hero of the night. Featuring Dr. Hill beating everyone at board games and Chris & Mike & Josh being bros.
saved_data.txt by @wells-jaha
A Sam/Josh emotional roller coaster. What makes this fic so brilliant is that it’s completely written in the form of text messages. I know you’re probably wondering ‘is it even possible to cry over two people texting’? The answer is yes. Yes it is.
you’re gonna go far, kid by @sammygiddings
An AU where Mike and Josh are roommates that butt heads a LOT with some great Mike/Jess and Josh/Sam.
I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I did and to all of the authors: THANK YOU for creating, writing and sharing these wonderful stories! They mean a lot ♥️
I feel like I left out a bunch of great fics so I’ll probably have to do a part 2 BUT if there are any other fics you guys think should be on this list, feel free to share them!
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hotdamnitsromy · 4 years
day 4 : favourite fanwork
@queenofbaws’s “The (Almost)s”.
I started to read it in ... December I think? And since then I just fell in love with how she pictures the characters, how she describes them, and her writing style, like I already told her, introduces me in the story like I’m part of it. The details, the storyline, the characters study, the emotions, everything in her work is perfect. If you haven’t read TA yet, just go for it. Really, it’s a real masterpiece.
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threshie · 7 years
5 Stories by Me
@cenedrariva tagged me for the favourite 5 fics written by me meme by @silver9mm. Thanks for the tag! Here are some of the fics on my Ao3 that I like the most:
Hand in Hand Supernatural, 50k (32.8 posted so far, new chapters twice a week as I edit them), Mooseley, Destiel
Somebody’s slapped a symbol on Crowley that keeps him out of Hell -- and that is slowly killing him. Sam wants to research a way around it, but the demon seems content just to spend his last few days in the Moose’s company. Meanwhile, Dean and Cas are avoiding their feelings for each other, which gets a lot tougher when the angel uses up most of the stolen grace he has left buying Crowley a little more time. This is co-written with @beingcouy, takes place in roughly early season 10 timeline, and features Crowley possessing Sam, plus Juliet the Hellhound being around a lot, both things that were super fun to write about.
The Dreamscape Resident Evil game series, 233.3k, Chrisker, Nivanshake, other ships on the side, UNFINISHED (we’d love to finish it, just has been sitting a few years.)
@beingcouy‘s and my epic-length 41-chapter co-written Resident Evil story about RE6 ending on an alternate, more apocalyptic note, a bunch of favorite RE characters struggling to survive in the aftermath, and the lifelong denied relationship between Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker maybe finally getting a chance. Chris is living a second, domestic married life with Wesker whenever he sleeps, Wesker and Piers are somehow back from the dead, and Wesker wants to cure Piers of the J’avo advanced C-virus infection he still carries. The key to curing Piers might just be the key to saving the world.
Silver and Cold Supernatural, 33.2k, Sastiel
Another one co-written with @beingcouy. A cursed necklace turns Sam into a merman, and anybody not related to him is head over heels in love with him on sight -- including Castiel. Mer!Sam has playfully violent tendencies and a driving desire to get to the ocean. Luckily, Castiel will do anything for him right now... As the only one in his right mind, it’s up to Dean to try and save the day, but he’s got to catch up to them first.
Double Dare Supernatural, 6.8k, Sastiel, Destiel (but not Wincestiel)
Sam and Dean each dare the other to kiss Castiel, and the angel is curious so he goes along with it. What’s a little drunken kissing between friends? The brothers joke about it like it’s nothing, but Cas can’t stop thinking about the kisses -- especially when he sees Dean kissing someone else.
For You Until Dawn, 1.3k, Climbing Class, Fix-it
The “Josh lives” ending I wish the game had programmed in somewhere. Josh wasn’t a saint, but he wasn’t evil, either -- just sick and grieving and off his meds. For Josh, his friendship with Chris just cuts off in the game after he’s left tied up, and I can’t help thinking if he knew Chris went back for him even after everything he did, Josh wouldn’t have succumbed to the Wendigo spirit in the mines.
Okay, gotta tag some people. Don’t feel pressured, but if you do reply then I get to see some fic recs, so...I kinda hope you’ll do it, haha. 
I tag: @aini-nufire @yifera @thayerkerbasy @ozonecologne @majesticduxk @jhoomwrites
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“I’m sorry,” he says. Josh knows what he means. ‘I’m sorry we were drunk. I’m sorry we couldn’t find them. I’m sorry I haven’t called.’
He wonders selfishly if it also means I’m sorry I kissed you.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
What are your top 10 fic recs?
This is like asking me to choose favorite children, but here goes:
and my burden to bear is a love (i can’t carry anymore) @clumsybookworm18​ This is a WIP, but I am addicted! Beautiful writing, intriguing plot, and I LOVE JOSH WASHINGTON (and SAM, of course)! 
Pacify by @r-ahh-mi​ Sinfully smutty and so well-written. I highly recommend just hitting up my girl’s Masterlist. 
Elliot’s First Time by @imnottiredofgettingoveryou​ Sweet, soft, and hot. Elliot’s characterization is perfect.
Bird Watching @aboutthatmelancholystorm​ Do yourself a favor and just check out their Masterlist. Their characterizations of Sledge and Snafu are canon as far as I’m concerned.
Black Friday @alottanothing​ Characterization is so on point for Elliot, Darlene, and Mr. Robot. I can’t get enough of the Alderson sibling dynamic.
A Whole Snack @rami-malek-trash​ Christ. Bathe me in holy water.
Ice Cream and a Joint @daddymenrah This was probably one of the first fics I read when I stumbled into this fandom. Muy caliente!
Late Night Blackout by @angeleyesmalek​ I love the concept and the characterization of Elliot. 
Also, Frosting. I wanted to rec one piece per author, but I just … HAVE to include this smutty delight! I seriously love all of her work.
Eyes Closed by @sherlollydramoine​ This piece, from my friend the smut-master, is just sooo pretty. I love it.
See The Light in My Eye and Come to Me by @makesiteasier​ I. Am. In. Love. with their style. I look forward to every piece they publish.
I hope you enjoy the fuck outta this list, Anon 😘 
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etraytin · 5 years
Hi! I asked for some J/D fic at Thanksgiving and you were so kind. Any chance you have a list of recs for Christmas? Can't wait to snuggle up with some holiday fanfic!
Hi Nonny! Sorry to sit on this for almost a week, but between holiday travel and bar exam study, I have had zero time for anything lately. Even now I’m tapping this out while the dishwasher runs and my relatives are at church, so it won’t be a deep dive, I’m afraid. But hey, a little Christmas fic is good too. 
I’ll start with my own fic because that is super easy for me to find and I love things that are easy. During my 100-Day Fic-a-Day I did a whole week’s worth of Christmas stories, and a few others cropped up along the way. Most of them are named after carols.  
Sing We Joyous All Together  The first and last Christmas parties of the Bartlet administration
Baby It’s Cold Outside  Sam and Ainsley flirt like nerds in the hottest room in Washington
 The New Old-Fashioned Way  Carol throws the office Christmas party during the MS hearings
On A Cold Winter’s Night  Sam and Donna look after Josh in the aftermath of Stanley Keyworth’s visit 
O Christmas Tree  Home in Manchester after the administration, Jed and Abbey talk about Christmas traditions and how things change 
In Sin and Error Pining  CJ gets a kiss from Santa, but all is not merry and bright with Danny 
Weary World Rejoices Fix-it fic for Holy Night, Josh finally comes out and tells Donna why he doesn’t want her to spend Christmas with Jack 
Also a bonus Hanukkah story, We Kindle These Lights, a post-administration fic where the Lyman and Ziegler families get together to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah. Its title comes from a Hanukkah song because I love consistency. 
Of course, other people have also written some excellent West Wing Christmas fic that deserves a read. If you have time, I recommend you to to AO3 and sort the The West Wing tag by the word “Christmas” in the “Search within results” field. There are lots! Here are a couple I especially love. 
Aftershock by greatestheights  This is technically a bit more of a Noel pre-ep than a Christmas fic, even though it happens on Christmas Eve, but it’s one of my favorite fics ever and I won’t miss a chance to rec it! 
Gift of the Magi by spitzthecat  I was going to rec this story, till I remembered that it is like part twenty of a much longer series and won’t make sense. Then I figured IT’S CHRISTMAS! and so I’ll link you to the whole series instead. The Joshua Monologues 
After the Impact by august  A melancholy and atmospheric Toby story, measuring time by other peoples’ holidays 
If Your Time To You is Worth Savin’ by Ryo Sen Leo’s perspective on Christmas and the White House during Holy Night. The companion piece, In Proud Fulfillment, is less Christmassy but still quite good. 
There’s more, but the dishwasher is done and I’m out of time, so I hope you enjoy these and have very happy holidays this year! 
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until-dong · 8 years
Fandom Fic Rec Days - Until Dawn Edition
Whoa, one of my favorite fandoms and video games, so of course I have to make a fic rec for it! If you have any fic recs for this fandom, make a post and send it my way, I’m always down to read more UD fics!
Please read all tags on these fics fully before reading them, as a lot of these deal with dark themes, such as suicidal thoughts and self-harm, and many include ableist slurs. Most of these fics are Sam/Josh, Mike/Josh, or gen, with one Chris/Josh, and all of them are complete.
And as always, if you enjoy a fic, leave a comment! After all, that’s what this post and these fic rec days are all about--giving fic authors some recognition for all their hard work!
1. Transformation by KateShepherd (Sam/Josh & Chris/Josh - Rated T+)
Maybe they’ll be gone when I wake up, he hopes as he diffs off to sleep.
They’re still there when he wakes.
Aka Sole Survivor Josh
2. you’re gonna go far, kid by KateShepherd (Sam/Josh, Mike/Jess, Emily/Matt, & Ashley/Chris - Rated M)
Mike's life is made a living hell once he meets his new roommate. The problem, they're stuck with each other until their lease it up in a year. Pranks, heart aches, broken bones, parties, and more personal problems for both of than they can even count.
AKA: Mike and Josh Roommates AU
2. We Have Made Mistakes by ThisShallNeverBeMentioned (Chris/Josh - Rated M)
The people who have been hurt the most are sometimes the most likely to survive, because they've already survived worse. Or, where Josh survives until dawn and gets himself out of the mines.
3. We Deserve a Do-Over by ghostvinyls (Sam/Josh, Matt/Emily, Jess/Mike, & Chris/Ashley - Rated T+)
It's been five years since the night Hannah and Beth Washington died. It's been four years since the first anniversary, when Josh Washington lost the trust of his friends and wendigos began creeping into their nightmares. It's not nearly enough time for eight damaged kids to heal.
But they have to try.
4. Old Friend, Come Back Home by zach_stone (Sam/Josh, Mike/Jess, Emily/Matt, & Ashley/Chris - Rated T+)
Everyone lives; they've escaped the terrors of that night on the mountain, and even Josh has been rescued. But will this broken group ever be mended? And is Josh more alone than ever now?
5. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by hannanotmontana (Sam/Josh - Rated T+)
Fix-It fic where Wendigo-Josh is taken to the hospital, but the doctors don't really know what to do with him. Chris and Sam try to help him, although it's hard for them to forgive. Doesn't mean they will let their friend turn into a monster. And besides, if anyone can trick an ancient spirit, it's probably these two.
6. I could be your perfect disaster, you could be my ever after by queenlara (Sam/Josh - Rated T+)
Sam has always had uncommon opinions regarding soul marks and hates hers in particular, but a chance encounter with her reclusive neighbor, Josh, after a thwarted burglary attempt might just change her mind. Soulmate AU. .
7. They Don’t Teach This in Chemistry Class by skilfulwolfman (Josh/Mike - Rated M)
One moment on the verge of tears because of a misunderstanding, the second making dirty jokes and rolling around; Josh is truly a force of nature.
Drunk or not, he's amazingly relentless.
8. You’re a Horror Hero, Start Acting Like It by skilfulwolfman (Josh/Mike - Rated M)
“Look, that’s what you get when your date for the evening is a filmmaker. Deal with it or get yourself a girlfriend.”
9. Appetite by banhmi (Gen - Rated T+)
Josh has a hard time readjusting after his rescue from the mountain.
10. Loop by banhmi (Gen - Rated G)
She should have reached the peak by now. (or: Sam's first encounter with the strangeness of Blackwood Mountain, in the form of a hike)
11. and i tried to hold these secrets inside me by queelara (Sam/Josh - Rated T+)
Mike makes it out of the mines, but Sam doesn't.
When Sam regains consciousness, she’s deep within the mines, cold, tired, and with a broken leg—she realizes she’s not alone.
12. the balance book by coldmackerel (Sam/Josh - Rated M)
josh keeps a totally manly diary, everyone learns some things, and everyone pays a price. a story about the comedic undertones of some distinctly not funny things.
13. there’s an albatross around your neck by CallicoKitten (Mike/Josh - Not Rated)
Mike ignores it mostly, focuses on getting back to normal. Tries and fails to get back into the swing of college, has awkward get togethers with friends he feels like he has nothing in common with anymore, joins a gym, goes on a few dates that go appallingly.
It might not sound like it but he's doing well.
Like Dr Hill says you don't get over something like that, not ever, it's always going to be there and pretending it isn't isn't going to help. What you can do though is learn to live with it, get used to it. People, Dr Hill says, can get used to just about anything.
And then they find Josh.
Note: Though the story is not rated, there is some semi-explicit sex.
14. leave some morphine at my door by physique (Sam/Josh - Rated T+)
Sam doesn’t really dwell on the doctor’s words too much even though they repeat in her head like a broken record: The Washington boy’s gonna be okay.
Note: This isn’t the first fanfic I ever read for UD, but it is the earliest one I have bookmarked, and it holds a special place in my heart.
15. On the Mend by Havoka (Gen - Rated G)
Emily visits Jess in the hospital.
16. Where You Go, I Will Follow by Havoka (Gen - Rated G)
Emily awakens in her house to find that things are strangely different...and that an old friend is waiting for her.
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holeybubushka · 6 years
Yea!! Basically recommend any and all sath fics you can/ want to lol, and I totally agree we gotta stick together. I feel like there’s a lot of us but it seems to be a low key ship unfortunately..
Hi! Then of course, I’ll including some other stories that are either at risk of not being completed or I think are definitely on the dead list. But I am always willing and eager to help a fellow Sath fan out.
Also, since these are all incompleted and haven’t been updated in a while, I haven’t included the label since by their very nature, all these works are WIP.
‘Sink or Swim’ by @bigcatchuck19​. Full disclosure I have looked over both his major Sath stories. Look, the author just does Beth so well. Grumpy, quick to anger, gay as hell, loyal to those she loves, and utterly hopeless at romance. This is a very sweet story, and well worth the read. Beth and Sam going on their first date, out on a very relaxing  kayak ride. What could go wrong? ;) Beth is aided in this adventure by trying-to-be helpful Hannah and a very mischievous Josh (the author’s has a great grasp of Josh, too. He’s a highlight.). It’s full of romantic tension and will make you smile. Also Sam is so great, and knows EXACTLY how to make Beth squirm with just one comment. 
‘Brother Keeper’ by @sammygiddings​.  This hasn’t been updated in a year and I doubt it will be updated but that’s just me. I don’t speak for the author who may think differently. This right up there some of the most emotional stories I have ever recced. The premise is: what if SAM instead of Beth raced out after Hannah? It’s harrowing to see Beth hollowed out this way - her twin and girlfriend are missing and she’s so incredibly angry that it feels like the rage has burnt a hole through her heart. She’s still Beth, though, loving and loyal, especially to Josh who is shattered after Sam and Hannah’s disappearance. This is an action packed story, and there’s a real MENACE that pervades every paragraph (mostly because I have an inkling that Sam became the wendigo, not Hannah. I don’t know this, mind you, but that was always my guess. Honestly there is something so terrifying about the thought about how competent a Samdigo would be). It’s frustrating where it’s left off, but it’s still worth a read and a review, because the author is terrifically talented and also the Sath scenes (which are all in flashback) are so bittersweet it’ll make you want to cry.
‘Broken Parable’ by @onlyashremains​. This one has less Sath in it though what we do get is perfect. It’s canon compliant and has the ‘everyone lives’ scenario, but of course, the Mountain doesn’t want to let the kids go and has it’s own way of coaxing them back into danger.The author does a good job of giving a plausible explanation why a bunch of traumatised college kids would go back to the place where they almost died. And yes, since this is predominately a Sath rec list, both Washington girls play an active role in the story. While the central romance is Sam/Mike, Sam’s love for Beth shines through and I’d argue she is still clearly in love with the youngest Washington and hasn’t properly managed to move on. The story only has one more chapter to run, but the MAJOR caveat is Beth’s arc is still incomplete. As a Sath fan, that’s incredibly annoying since just about every character has secured closure except the Washingtons and Sam. Not to mention one of the best overarching plot points in the story is Sam’s rather complex relationship with Beth and Josh in particular (on a separate note, the depiction of Hannah in this story is amazing and terrifying and worth the price of admission alone). The author has on numerous occasions said she will finish this , but I cannot attest she will since it’s been a long time between drinks. #shrug emoji#. It’s a shame since this is one of the best stories in fandom, but one must respect that life can get in the way and can stop an author from completing their work. As a story, I would certainly recommend it, as a Sath fan, there are some problems, chiefly Beth’s arc is not satisfactory as the work now stands. Maybe a review will nudge her along, who knows ;)
And finally,
‘Oh Beth’ by @bigcatchuck19​. Oh, this story. It’s one of the ones that first made me fall in love with Sath so I have a soft spot for it. Again, the author does Beth justice. This one is another post canon story, but Hannah is the only one missing. And Josh still wants them all to come back on the mountain, one year later. I love, love, love Sam and Beth’s relationship in this. They love each other. They both KNOW they love each other. But due to Hannah’s disappearance (and the guilt they both feel for being too caught up in each other to stop the prank) means they are stuck in this excruciating limbo that’s wearing them both down almost as badly as the grief they both feel for Hannah. Again, it’s an action packed story but one that doesn’t ignore character motivations (and the others play a large role here, too, with Josh a particular standout.) I am a little biased so I know the twist (which is amazing) and know why Beth’s rage plays a huge role in the story, but regardless, it’s a terrific story that does Sath right. It’s one I would definitely recommend reading, for many reasons, including Beth trying not to make double entendres about Sam and failing spectacularly.
(honorary mention goes to ‘Take Two, Mr. Munroe’. It’s a Mike story, and mostly Mike/Jess and Mike/Emily, but Sath is clearly a burgeoning and Beth is an A plus badass. Worth a read) 
I hope this is satisfactory! There isn’t a tonne of Sath work out there, but what there is pretty darn good. Let me know if you like these ones, and most of all, leave a review, and maybe it’ll inspire one of the authors will be inspired to pick these wonderful stories will start being updated again.
Thanks for your ask, anon, you’re a star.
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ruerecs · 2 months
𝑗𝑜𝑠ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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clumsybookworm18 · 4 years
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Story Aesthetic » The (Almost)s by @queenofbaws
All they could do was cling to the normalcy life would let them have; or, at the very least, the moments that were close to normal. Almost normal.
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clumsybookworm18 · 4 years
It’s past midnight and I am having way too many feelings because of @queenofbaws and her brilliant and epic fic The (Almost)s.
I know I never shut up about this fic, but I just can’t. shut. up. about this fic. It’s excellently written, the characterization is perfect, the dialogue is amazing. I always have a blast reading it. I don’t want to spoil much of it, but the content always hit so close to home for me. It has a little bit of everything, horror, humor, angst, romance. The best part is the relationships between the characters. The friends AND the couples. It’s everything.
If you enjoy the character dynamics between Sam, Josh, Chris and Ash and character driven stories are your jam then you should give this fic a read (and all of Queenie’s fics lbr). She has put so much care and love into developing and exploring these characters beyond what we see in the game. It’s one of the best things I have read in a long time and legit better than some published work out there. It’s long as heck but it’s so SO worth it!! Fair warning though, it will make you ugly cry (I am not kidding). Also the Chrashley and Jossam are A++++.
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clumsybookworm18 · 5 years
I’ve been doing a lot of reading this week and I stumbled across a jossam fic called phantom limbs by atroublesomegoose and I am having too many FEELINGS. It’s haunting, it’s beautiful, it’s sad. It perfectly encapsulates the melancholy that surrounds Sam and Josh’s relationship and everything that makes you clutch your heart when you think about them. So if you want a good emotional heart squeeze, go check this fic out!
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clumsybookworm18 · 5 years
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The (Almost)s 
by @queenofbaws 
Summary: Hannah and Beth Washington go missing from their family's lodge after a pretty terrible prank their friends pull. When they STAY missing, things get really complicated really fast--particularly for their brother Josh. It's hard to find comfort from your friends when they're the ones you blame most for your pain. Grief, grudges, and growing up all have their own effect on friendships, but just because a relationship is changing...well, it doesn't always mean it's changing for the best. 
A character study meant to examine the relationships between Josh, Chris, Ash, and Sam, spanning from the night the twins went missing, to the aftermath of when they were found a year later.
An aesthetic for one of my favorite multichapter fics ever and one of the best Until Dawn fics out there. I cannot express enough how much I love love love this fic! The writing is excellent, the characterization is on point, the atmosphere is perfect, the references and foreshadowing are perfectly woven into the narrative of the game. The author does an amazing job with the tone, shifting from humor to horror to angst to romance. The characters and their relationships are so well written, they’re the best thing about it. 
I always have such a good time reading this. It has great humor, friendship, romance, horror, angst, and mutual pining *blows chef’s kiss*. It’s perfect.  If you haven’t read this awesome fic, do yourself a favor and give it a try, you’re missing out! 
Thank you @queenofbaws for writing this amazing story, you’re the best! <3
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