josephthesnailshow · 3 months
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Who wants to eat here with me
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FINALLY, AN ACTUAL GAMEPLAY TEASER! I am sorry for how long I am taking on this game-
Either way, thanks to everybody waiting patiently!
Before you ask, yes, this will be like FNaW 3 due to the hide-in-room mechanic lol
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tobyblogger · 4 months
Seabass narrated my story!
I just noticed this when searching about it via youtube.
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eddiemcroy · 11 months
I Encountered a Sighting of Prototype Fredbear
For those confused about the title and this being a first random post, don’t worry; I will explain this in a minute. Allow me to start my proper introduction first. 
Hello everyone! It’s me, Eddie. I’m the cousin of Toby (who posted here before). I usually hunt in the forest nearby my town, somewhere next to an abandoned chuck-e-cheese building that nobody and the government care about.
Basically, according to a blog that my cousin posted here, there’s a fangame of some horror game online called “Five Nights at Prototype Fredbears.” He messaged me about it, and the creator of that game wasn’t even aware of this occurrence that happened in the post; it wasn’t even in the game either. I also recall from the post that Toby had a vivid nightmare about a yellow bear named “Prototype Fredbear” killing his poor little cat, but luckily, he was fine.
But judging by this being a nightmare, it can’t be real, right? Well, I will tell you about my encounter with this creature (which can’t possibly be real) too. If my cousin saw this figure, I would need to believe it when I saw it. This has to be a video game character, right? Right? 
I got prepared for this entity to arrive at my house. I grabbed my shotgun (which I use for hunting and self-defense), turned on my backyard camera, and hid in my house for safety. It should be noted that I live alone, and I have no pets or anything to keep me company. I had my camera set to record everything, and sadly, this camera was cheap.
I mean, you would think that’s a good thing, but it makes things appear in black and white, which is not what I expected, but it’ll work.
While I was waiting for this figure to appear, I was wondering if there’s a point in snapping a picture of this creature as evidence. I think Toby and I are the only ones who can see it.
Though an unsettling feeling of being watched would overcome me at this moment, and then there was something running outside, I immediately took a picture of whatever was on the camera, and when the picture came out, there was something I couldn’t explain.
It looked normal, but you see, on the left of the photo, you’ll see a figure. I zoomed in and snapped a picture of it on my phone to make it easier to notice, but in the photo, it looked ghostly. It was a humanoid creature that looked like a bear from my perspective. You could see the ears on top, but it had features as an animatronic; you could see an endoskeleton (which wasn’t an actual skeleton) underneath. It had a bowtie and hat, and the creature was literally looking straight into the camera.
It was Prototype Fredbear...
The creature that Toby was talking about in his post, looking at the photo, quickly grabbed my shotgun and ran straight outside. The creature was still out there, and it noticed me; it was just sitting there eating a little opossum.
The bear was indeed yellow, and it was angry at me for disturbing it, I guess. It ran straight towards me, and it jumped right on top of me! I started kicking and struggling, but the creature started growling at me.
It spoke.
“How dare you disturb my breakfast? It seems like you will be my next breakfast, maybe for lunch too with my friends.” 
The voice started deep and angry, also distorted, and he continued to speak.
“You know, things would’ve been different if you stayed in your house and not came here to disturb me–”
I started grabbing at the bear’s jaw, using as much force as I could, and as it slowly started to disconnect, blood started coming out, which I didn’t know was possible for an animatronic-like creature. It started screaming, and I also tried avoiding its sharp teeth.
I finally tore off the jaw, and blood started gushing out and on to my face, including the bear’s bowtie on his neck. Holding his jaw, I dropped it, and the bear was looking angry at me.
I started laughing at it, laughing like an insane person would, and I started rubbing my eyes and making sure I was just going insane about what just happened. It was real, and the bear turned its head around at a 360-degree angle towards me, and something that sounded like human bones cracking was audible. It slowly walked towards me, and I started shooting at it.
Blood, and I mean, so much blood, started coming out of the creature; this is when the creature’s jaw slowly started coming back, and it went attached. I looked down, shocked, but the original jaw that came off was still lying on the ground. While distracted, the creature ran straight forward at me, but luckily, I noticed, and judging by how strong I was, I pushed it into the outdoor pool.
The creature was struggling to get out of the pool, and I laughed as the pathetic bear suffered until it finally got out of the pool, completely wet. It made the water red from all of the blood on its body. I ran away, starting to shoot it while it was chasing me.
It was screaming; obviously, it was feeling the pain, but the wounds weren’t showing until my shotgun eventually ran out of bullets.
I had to drop my shotgun and run to the garage; the bear was still chasing me. I grabbed my keys, hands shaking, until my hands started to cooperate and finally unlock the car. The bear was behind me, and it grabbed me until the claws dug into my shirt and the skin underneath my sleeves.
I kicked the bear away and got into my car.
I started it up and drove out of my garage. The bear got down and started crawling on all fours. I have to leave this neighborhood, but this was my chance.
I had the idea of killing the creature, so I went as far as I could to kill the bear. The bear was behind my car, so I backed my car in with the force I could give, and I finally hit the bear as I heard a slight bump. I stepped out of my car, and I looked at the damage.
The bear was losing blood, but it was trying to get the wheel off of his body; it was clearly crushing him, and it was now screaming loudly.
As I went to my house and closed the door, I heard a creepy music box coming from my room. It sounded like the Swedish rhapsody number station, which sent chills down my spine. At first, I hesitated, but something told me to go to my room and check it out.
As I slowly went into my room, the music got louder and louder, and standing there in the middle of the room was something I couldn’t explain. I looked down; there was a big pentagram, which I don’t remember seeing before.
But standing on top of the pentagram was a shadowy bear, but it wasn’t Shadow Fredbear; it was something else. It looked like the creature had a white bowtie and hat.
I was repeating no over and over, and I thought I was just having a nightmare, but judging by the fact I knew better, I didn’t approach it. I just closed the door and walked away, but I felt myself being dragged back to the door, and the bear turned its face at me; the mouth and eyes were completely white and bright.
“So... you killed him?”
The shadow said, staring at me. Though the shadow seemed a bit calm about this, I don’t know if I should trust him. He spoke again.
“I’ve been watching everything, and I’m glad you killed the bear. You may also be confused by the fact that I haven’t killed you yet.”
I asked the shadow a question about more entities I had to worry about, and he said that there were, but they didn’t feel like attacking. The conversation was surprisingly short. The shadow disappeared, and the pentagram left a note behind. 
The note reads:
“Remember Eddie, nobody is here to save you, not even God, but if you want to see God, we need to sacrifice you. Please, our demons and the devil will let you rest, and to make the process quicker, you can praise me, the devil, and if you praise me, I order you to jump from the balcony and end it all.
From: Shadow Kennedy”
I didn’t jump from my balcony or praise the devil, though. I heard my front door creak, and I heard footsteps coming; they sounded like they were getting close to my room. I looked at my computer, and it was off, but that music box was still playing.
I saw eyes coming from the hallway, and it was Prototype Fredbear, looking angrier than before. He started twitching, and he ran straightforward, and I slammed the door in his face, locking it shut.
I heard his footsteps getting away from the door.
I opened the door, but I noticed the doorknob was about to fall off. The bear was standing there in the hall, and I had nothing to protect myself with. This was it... For those who are still reading this, I guess this is my final goodbye, and as I say this, the bear is getting close.
If this somehow gets posted online, someone else found it, and this is in my journal, and one thing I apologize for is the fact I lived alone. I never lived alone. I have a brother, you see, and his name is Julius. I haven’t seen him in ages.
Well, anyway.. This is it; the bear is now inside my room, and I’m huddled on my bed, hugging my knees. I can’t sneak under him or anything. It’s in my sight.
Goodbye, best wishes...
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To Proto and Lolbit:
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Prototype Fredbear: bet.
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eeriewhispers · 6 months
My Cats Has Gone Missing….
Hello tumblr, I am a new user here. Now, normally, I wouldn't believe in the paranormal, but this specific game was created by JosephTheSnail, a semi-popular creator on the internet. I hope he sees this post, as I know he has a Tumblr account under the name JosephTheSnailShow. If anyone finds this post, send it to him. No, I didn't make this post in order to get attention from him so I could get this post added to the Spiral Nightmares wiki. Yes, I am familiar with that wiki, and I read most of the stories there, like Sammy the Cat and Burnt Luigi, which were written by him.
This post is about a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame that I feel needs attention. Now that I know my experience, as read in this post, I will not let you play it, as you will be scared of your system breaking and your loved ones and pets will be missing. If that's the case, then as long as you download the games on Gamejolt and Itch.io, you won't experience the messed-up events I had to witness. 
So, with that being said, I wrote this post as I read a popular account written by TobyBlogger, which encouraged me to write this one as I had a familiar experience that he had. Here is my story:
In the dim glow of my computer screen, I stumbled upon a forgotten relic of gaming history: Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's. Intrigued by its nostalgic charm, I eagerly downloaded the game, heedless of the warnings that accompanied it.
As I launched the game, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy shroud. The menu screen flickered to life, revealing the haunting visage of Prototype Fredbear, his empty eyes boring into my soul. Ignoring the chill that ran down my spine, I dove headfirst into the nightmare.
From the moment I entered the abandoned restaurant, I knew something was amiss. Doors swung open and closed of their own accord, and the animatronics moved with an unsettling fluidity. But it was the disappearance of my cats that truly unnerved me.
One by one, my beloved pets vanished without a trace, leaving behind only a lingering sense of dread. Desperate to find them, I scoured every inch of the game, but they remained elusive, as if swallowed by the darkness itself.
Then, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I stumbled upon their mutilated bodies hidden within the game's code. Their once-familiar faces were twisted into grotesque parodies of their former selves, their eyes empty and lifeless.
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Terrified and alone, I realized the true nature of the curse that plagued the game. It was not merely a game but a portal to a realm of unspeakable horror, where reality and nightmare converged in a twisted dance of death.
As I fled from the cursed game, vowing never to return, the echoes of my lost companions haunted my every step, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within.
To this day, the memory of my haunting experience serves as a grim warning to those who dare to venture where others fear to tread. For in the darkest corners of the digital world, there are secrets best left undisturbed, lest they awaken forces beyond mortal comprehension.
But for those who have tasted the bitter fruit of curiosity, the scars of their ordeal serve as a constant reminder that some nightmares never truly end.
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phantomechoes1 · 6 months
Curse of a haunted FNaF Fangame.
In the annals of gaming history, there exists a chilling tale that transcends the digital realm and delves into the realm of the supernatural. It is the legend of the haunted Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's game, a cursed creation that ensnares unsuspecting players in its malevolent grasp.
The story begins innocently enough, with a gamer stumbling upon a seemingly forgotten gem: Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's. Despite its outdated graphics and mechanics, there was something strangely compelling about the game, drawing players in like moths to a flame.
But as one brave soul delved deeper into the virtual nightmare, they soon discovered that there was more to the series than met the eye. Glitches and anomalies plagued their gameplay, turning what should have been a simple night shift into a harrowing ordeal.
Doors swung open and closed of their own accord, animatronics appeared where they shouldn't, and eerie whispers echoed through the corridors of the abandoned restaurant. It was as if the game itself was alive, feeding off the fear and uncertainty of its players.
But the true horror lay in the game's darkest secret: the presence of Shadow Fredbear, a malevolent entity that lurked in the shadows, waiting to claim its next victim. As the players struggled to survive each night, they could feel the cold grip of Shadow Fredbear tightening around their souls, threatening to drag them into the abyss.
And then, just when they thought they had escaped the clutches of the game, the horror followed them into the real world. Strange occurrences plagued their daily lives, with objects moving of their own accord and eerie whispers filling the air whenever they closed their eyes.
It soon became clear that they were not alone. Shadow Fredbear had crossed over into the real world, stalking its prey with relentless determination. And as the line between reality and nightmare blurred, the player found themselves trapped in a waking hell from which there seemed to be no escape.
To this day, the haunted Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's game remains a cautionary tale for gamers everywhere. While the allure of the digital world may be strong, one must always remember that some games are best left unplayed. And the price of curiosity may be higher than anyone dares to imagine.
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josephthesnailshow · 1 month
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josephthesnailshow · 6 months
Me casually sitting there booping random ass people and my fellow friends:
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josephthesnailshow · 2 months
Me and Earth reading a Creepypasta together
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( psssssst- @artoutoftheblue )
You guys can guess what creepypasta they’re reading, hint: it’s one of mine.
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josephthesnailshow · 3 months
Oh, sorry, I was just looking at whatever shows up on my following on home.
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josephthesnailshow · 2 months
Hey, I am planning to do videos on Minecraft horror maps, what should I do?
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josephthesnailshow · 2 months
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josephthesnailshow · 2 months
POV: you broke pasta
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If you watch youtube shorts daily and saw two certain italians get angry over people doing food the wrong way, you will get the reference.
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josephthesnailshow · 2 months
Prototype Fredbear (The Fallen Hero AU) visits the Sun and Moon Show universe.
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The SAMS universe didn't have anything that Shadow Kennedy and Shadow Afton wanted, so he just turned around and left. He only stepped out into Kill-Code's base and was like "I hate this place already).
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josephthesnailshow · 1 month
Alright, listen, so I was watching a video by Seabass and they brought something up which confused me as well about the Spongebob episode, Squidville, and I have the same things to say- uh...
when it got to this specific part, uh.. can someone tell me what the hell this is???
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The official spongebob wiki makes no mention of this-
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