#josephine x female cadash
anneapocalypse · 1 year
In the years since my first playthrough I genuinely forgot how good Josephine's romance is, like I'm only on the first flirt and the game is already giving me everything I want for Josie and Calla:
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Josie: You weren't a violent criminal, were you? 😲 Calla: That depends, would you find that sexy? 😏 Josie: 😲 🤔 😳
10/10, no notes.
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dapolyshipping · 1 year
One Week Left for Nominations!
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✨ 160 tags featuring 86 unique characters have been been approved. ✨
Nominations Close: September 9, 2023 12:00 PM EDT
▸ nominated tags:  gSheets | ao3 | autoao3appp
Four Tags Need Corrections:
The Warden in the below tags needs to have a last name, i.e. Female Tabris. Please update.
Alistair/Leliana/Female Warden (Dragon Age)
Alistair/Leliana/Male Warden (Dragon Age)
Alistair/Leliana/Nonbinary Warden (Dragon Age)
The below tag was nominated already! You can update it to another tag, if wanted. Otherwise, mods will reject when the nomination period ends.
Leliana/Josephine Montilyet/Cassandra Pentaghast
Note: If your tags are not corrected by the time nominations close, they will be rejected.
To Make Corrections:
Go to the 2023 Tag Set.
Click the My Nominations button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the Edit button on the top right of the page under the menu bar.
Click the X to the right of the tag, and reenter the corrected tag in the text box that appears.
Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
how to nominate tutorial | ask | discord | email: [email protected]
Tumblr’s asks are famously unreliable. If you don’t see a response within 72 hours please feel free to resend the ask or send an email.
Nomination Stats Under the Read More
Ship Type Mixed Gender     55% Male Only     21% Female Only    24%
Gender Stats Per Total Characters Male     50% Female     47% Nonbinary     3%
Top 4 Nominated Characters Josephine Montilyet     20.63% Leliana     19.38% The Iron Bull 18.13% Anders, Zevran Arainai     17.50%
Top 5 Female Characters Josephine Montilyet 20.63% Leliana 19.38% Cassandra Pentaghast, Isabela 11.25% Merrill 10.63% Female Hawke 9.38%
Top 5 Male Characters The Iron Bull 18.13% Anders, Zevran Arainai 17.50% Cullen Rutherford, Fenris 17.50% Dorian Pavus 10.00% Solas 8.13%
Nonbinary Cadash, Hawke, and Surana are the most nominated Nonbinary characters!
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cappynomwrites · 4 years
dragon age fanfic
Probably not the best but it’s the first thing I’ve written I’m sharing publicly(also the first thing I’ve written in a couple years). It’s a series of short stories that follow my inquisitors and their adjustments to their lives after Trespasser. If you’d like, please give it a read and let me know what you think. Just posted the first story of my female Cadash and will hopefully add more to it later.
Thank you for your time!
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dapromptexchange · 5 years
Prompt: the Inquisitor wants to try one of Josephine's carastan candies. How do they go about it? Try to sneak one? Say please?
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honda-cvic · 6 years
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josephine’s biggest flaw is assuming i wouldn’t kill for her
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mrs-theirin · 4 years
Ashariani Lavellan as a Companion
hello!! a few of my friends have done this so i’m excited to do this and i think i might try my hand at a da2 version...we’ll see!
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(sorry i have no in-game screenshots i play on console :///)
Name: Ashariani Lavellan (she/her)
Race, Class, & Specialization: Elf / Mage / Knight-Enchanter
Varric’s nickname for them: Glimmer
Default Tarot Card: The Empress (upright)
How they are recruited: Ashariani can be found talking to the druffalo from Where The Druffalo Roam. When approached, she will:
(if Trevelyan) - Step back cautiously, but look on in amazement, introducing herself.
(if Lavellan) - Introduce herself, asking you if you remember her from the clan. You can either say yes, which will allow her to respond with excitement, or no, which will make her smile fade as she shrugs and mumbles, “Figured.”
(if Cadash or Adaar) - Show visible excitement and claim she’s “never met your people before” before panicking and expressing she hopes that doesn’t offend.
She will explain her clan sent her to look for another member who had not returned and either bring them home or report back what happened to them. She tells you she’ll return the druffalo home if you help her find her clan member. If you agree, the cutscene ends and she and the druffalo disappear, Where The Druffalo Roam being replaced by the quest Lost and Found. Following the quest marker, you find her in the hills. When spoken to, a cutscene begins where she expresses she doesn’t feel safe. A battle with a few Templars takes place. After combat is over, another cutscene starts, and this time Ashariani finds her missing clan member. They are badly injured. She will heal them with her magic, and expresses disappointment as they rush off without a word to her. She’ll turn back to you, explaining that as much as she loves them, she feels out of place with her clan. She offers to join the Inquisition, offering Dalish knowledge (if not Lavellan) and friendliness. If you agree, the cutscene ends and you can add her to your party. If disagree, she will become upset and rush away quickly.
Where they are in Haven: She can be found next to Varric. The two of them seem to be in constant conversation. She is normally sitting on the stone wall behind him, but will occasionally get down and walk around, usually to warm her hands in the fire. The initial conversation with her will have her remark on every companion you have so far, focusing heavily on Varric and/or Iron Bull, if you’ve recruited him by then. She will also express her delight to be accepted in the Inquisition and promises she won’t get into too much trouble, then asks you how you’re doing.
Where they are in Skyhold: She can be found by an empty spot near Cassandra. The initial conversation with her will have Cassandra looking up, yelling at her to come down. You can ask Cassandra who she’s talking to, which will make her scoff and begrudgingly admit it’s Ashariani. You then call up to her and wait a few seconds as she climbs back down. She admits with a smile that she likes to climb and Cassandra walks away, throwing her hands in the air. You can then talk to Ashariani about how she likes Skyhold. She’ll say it’s magnificent and that she’s happy you closed the Breach, but will then sober up and ask you how you are. You can:
tell the truth, admitting Haven shook you up
crack a joke, but eventually admit you’re fine/you’re shaken up
lie, telling her not to worry and that you’ll be just fine
ask her if she’s alright
If asked if she’s alright, she’ll be taken aback and confess Haven scared her a lot, gaining you approval. With medium-high approval, at the end of the conversation, she’ll admit she likes that you’re friends. With high enough approval, you can flirt for the first time, and she’ll become flustered before the conversation ends. Neutral-low approval will gain you a “I’m glad you’re okay” with no follow-up.
Things They Generally Approve Of:
Greatly Approves - 
Allying with the mages
Disbanding the templars
Helping the Dalish clan
Bringing her to the Temple of Mythal
Completing the Elven rituals
(Lavellan-specific) Drinking from the Well of Sorrows
Approves - 
Bringing her to the Winter Palace
Finishing any of Cole/Varric/Iron Bull’s quests
Returning the histories to the Dalish
Saving the Chargers
Putting Briala in power
Choosing kind/merciful options in judgement
Slightly Approves -
Leaving Loghain in the Fade
Choosing her for your party
Finishing any of Dorian/Solas/Sera’s quests
Returning Lord Woolsley back home
Killing templars
Things They Generally Disapprove Of:
Greatly Disapproves - 
Leaving Hawke in the Fade
Leaving Alistair in the Fade
(Trevelyan-specific) Drinking from the Well of Sorrows
(Lavellan-specific) Letting Morrigan drink from the Well of Sorrows
Allying with the templars
Sacrificing the Chargers
Disapproves - 
Picking mean dialogue options when speaking to her
(Cadash/Adaar-specific) Drinking from the Well of Sorrows
Letting Morrigan drink from the Well of Sorrows
Selling the histories to the Chantry
Being mean to Cole
Leaving Celene in power/Reuniting Celene and Briala
Slightly Disapproves - 
Killing dragons (unless Iron Bull is in party)
Picking mean dialogue options when speaking to others
Putting Gaspard alone in power
Creating an alliance between Celene, Briala, and Gaspard
Picking anti-mage/anti-Dalish dialogue options
Flirting with her as a male
Mages, Templars, Other: Supports mages (being one herself) and hates Templars. She’s willing to give them a chance, but only if they truly show any sign of changing. She becomes uncomfortable around nobility and is more comfortable with “the little people.” Will not hesitate to point out injustices, but usually does so calmly.
Friends in the Inquisition: Dorian, Iron Bull, Varric, Cole, Solas, and Sera.
Rivals in the Inquisition: Blackwall (after Revelations).
Neutral towards: Blackwall (before Revelations), Vivienne, and Cassandra.
Romanceable: Yes, only by female Inquisitors. (Note: If not romanced by the Inquisitor, after visiting the Winter Palace, she will begin to speak about a woman named Eloise D’Arlesans, a half elf she spent time with there. A romance between them will begin.)
(sharply) Inquisitor
(if Trevelyan) Shem
Romance [to/about Inquisitor]: 
[to/about Eloise]:
War Table: 
A Very Important Request
(after reaching Skyhold)
Scouts desperately need to go to this location I’ve marked on the map. It’s for very important things. Please send them quickly and report back to ONLY ME what they’ve found. Thank you.
>Leliana: Maybe it truly is important. I’ll send out a few scouts.
>Josephine: I do not believe Ashariani would waste our time and resources for something frivolous. However, to be on the safe side, I will send ahead to the nobles in the land to send their own scouts, if it pleases you.
>Cullen: What? This sounds like a waste of time, she won’t even specify what she needs them for! Fine. Two guards, but that’s it.
>Leliana: My scouts found some rare stones and herbs, but nothing more. I wonder if this is what she wanted?
(Ashariani approves, Prophet’s Laurel x4, Royal Elfroot x2, Everite x2)
>Josephine: Perhaps I was incorrect. Nothing but some rare materials. The scouts were sent home with plenty compensation, so at least we have been put in a better light.
(Ashariani approves, Influence x30, Amrita Vein x3, Felandaris x4, Stormheart x2)
>Cullen: We cannot be wasting our resources like this. We acquired some materials along the way.
(Ashariani slightly approves, Ghoul’s Beard x4, Felandaris x4, Silverite x3)
Another Very Important Request
(after A Very Important Request)
Sorry to bother you once more. Please send people to Val Royeaux to obtain these materials. They’re for a very important project, I promise. Mae gen ti fy ngair [you have my word].
(below is a list of materials: ring velvet, silk brocade, dales loden wool, and imperial vestment cotton)
>Leliana: Again? What could she possibly be making? I can send one or two scouts out to fetch these items.
>Josephine: She is persistent, is she not? A few favors can be exchanged for these materials at no cost to us. It will be done.
>Cullen: (not participating in this mission)
>Leliana: The materials were easy enough to obtain. Our scouts being spotted in public created quite a buzz.
(Ashariani approves, Influence x50, Ring Velvet x3, Silk Brocade x3, Dales Loden Wool x3, Imperial Vestment Cotton x 3)
>Josephine: The materials have been collected. We’ve created quite a stir with all this running around.
(Ashariani approves, Influence x50, Ring Velvet x3, Silk Brocade x3, Dales Loden Wool x3, Imperial Vestment Cotton x 3)
Companion Quest:
For What?
(after Another Very Important Request)
When spoken to, Ashariani will request you personally go to the map location previously mentioned in A Very Important Request. If denied, she will disapprove and claim she is going there herself and the cutscene will end. If this happens, she will not be available for your party the first time you leave Skyhold after that conversation (she will return after). If accepted, Ashariani is locked into your party and a temporary location appears on your map.
Upon arriving, you are immediately attacked by bandits who had heard the Inquisition had visited. After the battle, Ashariani apologizes and asks you to collect the metals and herbs. Once you find all of the materials, she will exclaim, “Perfect!” which will gain some confused remarks from your companions, which she will not truthfully respond to. You are then allowed to leave the location and it disappears from your map.
After visiting two more locations after that, upon returning to Skyhold, Ashariani will run up and greet you. She will ask if you’ll take her and Iron Bull to slay a high dragon and collect its bone and webbing. You can:
say yes / say yes and flirt (female only)
say yes, but ask her why
say no
express confusion, as she has protested to killing dragons before
Option 1: Causes her great joy, she jumps in the air before giggling and running off, thanking you in the process. The cutscene ends.
Option 2: She’ll get excited, then give you a cryptic answer before thanking you and running off. The Inquisitor says, “She’s determined to keep it a secret, huh?” and the cutscene ends.
Option 3: She will ask you if you’re serious, to which you can reply yes or no. If yes, she will become very upset and mumble something about you disappointing her, and the cutscene ends, gaining you major disapproval. If no, she’ll breathe out a sigh of relief and smile, punching you in the arm for teasing her. She thanks you and the cutscene ends.
Option 4: She’ll shrug, trying to look nonchalant, and say, “someone has changed my mind.” You can press this further by asking who, but she’ll only press her finger to her lips. Options A, B, and C are offered again and the cutscene follows accordingly.
If accepted, she and Iron Bull are locked into your party. You’ll get a few lines of dialogue between Iron Bull and Ashariani as they approach the high dragon, and some after. After collecting the bone and webbing, she thanks you and you gain major approval. After a visit to Skyhold and back, when arriving at Skyhold again, a cutscene immediately starts.
All of your companions (minus Blackwall and Vivienne) and the advisors are found in the Herald’s Rest. Upon your arrival, the tavern bursts into cheers, and Ashariani reveals that she’s been making gifts for everyone, explaining that Vivienne already has hers and she didn’t want to come to the party and doesn’t even mention Blackwall (but implies he didn’t get a gift). Some are clothes, jewelry, weapons, and armor, and each companion has their moment of showing off their gift. Iron Bull makes note to mention that his is a pink shawl with dragon bone accents, and he loves it. Ashariani then tells the Inquisitor she arranged the party and they had a gift of their own, which is a powerful set of armor. You can:
accept the gift and thank Ashariani / accept the gift and flirt with Ashariani (female only)
accept the gift but shut down the party, telling everyone to get back to work
deny the gift and lash out at Ashariani for wasting so much of your time
Option 1: She will give you a hug and the cutscene will end, fading to black as the crowd sings and dances. (note: flirting with her will gain some positive teasing companion comments).
Option 2: You will gain disapproval from every companion present, mostly Ashariani. Iron Bull will try to convince you to change your mind. You can accept or deny. If denied, you will walk out and the cutscene will end with Iron Bull comforting Ashariani. If accepted, Iron Bull punches you in the arm and the mood shifts back to a good one, the cutscene ending with a fade to black as the crowd dances.
Option 3: You will gain major disapproval from every companion present, mostly Ashariani. Iron Bull and Varric will step up to defend her.
Iron Bull: Come on, Boss. She was trying to do something nice for us. 
(if in a romance with Bull): Kadan. Is that necessary? She was trying to do something nice for you.
Varric: (sarcastically) Calm down, Inquisitor. We’re all just having a bit of fun during the apocalypse.
(if in a romance with Solas) Solas: (sternly) Vhenan. May I speak to you privately?
You can then choose to apologize or leave the party without a word. Leaving the party will gain more disapproval from Ashariani, enough to completely end the friendship. If apologized to, Ashariani will put on a brave face and accept your apology, but leave the party looking dejected, earning you disapproval. Sera will exclaim, “What’s up [their] arse, huh?” and the cutscene will fade to black with companions filing out of the Herald’s Rest, looking angry/upset.
Romance Quest:
A New Beginning
(after For What?)
Upon visiting Ashariani’s normal spot, you find Varric instead. He tells you he hasn’t been able to find Ashariani all day, and he’s getting worried. Not knowing where to find her, you go to Solas, who tells you she’s swimming in a lake not that far from Skyhold. You can ask him if anything’s wrong, to which he will simply purse his lips and say, “It is not my place to say.”
The scene shifts to approaching the lake, where you find Ashariani sitting outside of the water, talking to a halla. When approached, she will become startled, then bashful, hiding her face. Tears are noticeably glistening on her cheeks. She then draws attention to the halla, petting them again. She explains that the halla’s name is Annwyl, and she was her friend back in the clan. Clan Lavellan had sent Annwyl to Ashariani for her efforts in the Inquisition, as well as some gifts for the Inquisitor, which she gives to you. You can ask her why she’s crying, to which she will respond with, “I don’t know.” You can press further or leave it be, which will end the cutscene.
When pressed further, she will get emotional, exclaiming that she’s found out her brother has died. She explains the incident and sits back down, crying into her hands. You can:
sit down next to her and talk to her (flirt)
ask her if she wants to go back to Skyhold (flirt)
leave her alone without a word (no chance for romance after this)
Whether you sit down with her or ask her to go to Skyhold, the conversation is the same: after telling you a bit about him, she asks you if she can attend her brother’s funeral. A yes answer is locked in, however she will ask you to go with her, and this is what you can say yes or no to. You can:
say yes (flirt)
say no (no chance for romance after this)
ask why she wants you to go with her
If no, she’ll nod her head and say she understands and that she appreciates the time you’ve given her to talk about him. The scene will end there. If yes, she’ll smile, and it will cut to his funeral. If asked why, she’ll tell you she holds you close to her heart and it would mean a lot to her if you were there with her. After the funeral, when you return to Skyhold, Ashariani will express her gratefulness for your support. You can then kiss her (starting the official romance) or accept her thank you and move on, ending the scene and any chance of romance.
If kissed, she will hold her hand over her mouth in shock, her face becoming red. She’ll then surge forward and kiss you again, throwing herself into your arms. You both kiss for a moment before Ashariani whispers, “Thank you,” while looking at the ground. Here you can make a sweet, snarky, or silly comment, to any of which she will smile and kiss you again. With that, she’ll grab your hand and say goodnight, holding onto your hand for as long as she can before your fingers slip out of hers. The cutscene fades to black.
Side Quest(s):
For Him
(after Demands of the Qun - only if Chargers were saved)
Acquire a powerful axe for Iron Bull hidden somewhere in the Hissing Wastes. You will gain approval from both Ashariani and Iron Bull, and later, when talking to Iron Bull, will experience a cutscene where Iron Bull is thanking her for the gift.
(after Here Lies The Abyss - only if Hawke was sacrificed)
Acquire enough materials to craft a powerful addition for Bianca for Varric. Once crafted, equip Bianca with it. Once equipped, a cutscene will play where Varric is shooting with Bianca, showing off to Ashariani. As you walk away, Varric has a soft quiet moment where he thanks Ashariani and promises her he’ll be okay.
It’s A Date Then?
(after A New Beginning)
Acquire a gift for Ashariani and she’ll say she loves you. The gift (a pressed leather journal) can be obtained from the Dalish clan in the Exalted Plains. This will trigger a small cutscene where she expresses excitement over it and confesses that she loves you. You can say you love her too or that you’re not quite there yet, and either way she will be happy.
Cole’s reflection on their thoughts:
“So engulfed and yet, so alone. She fights and fights to stay something they could be proud of.”
“Bubbles, popping to the surface of a still lake. Change, but not too much. Warm, fuzzy feelings in her chest. Happiness is in reach, she hopes.”
“Friend. She helps, not harms. She sings, not screams. She is nice to me. I am nice to her.”
“Lost, fighting, breaking through the surface. He’s gone. But they’re here. They can make it go away. They can make her whole again.”
“She climbs and climbs, knowing there is a possibility of a fall. But she’s fallen before. No fear, she bounds from building to building, tree to tree. Where she’s free. Where there is no green, no screams, no evil. Just free.”
“Warmth. Warmth when they approach, their smile shining in the sunlight. Sunlight, beaming into her heart and warming her insides. Safe.” [about the Inquisitor]
“Warmth. Warmth when she’s nearby, honey sweet on her tongue. She is safe. She is warm. She is home.” [about Eloise]
Comment(s) on Mages: “Poor souls...if only we could help them.” / “They don’t deserve this.” / “I get that some are dangerous, but this?”
Comment(s) on Templars: “I hope one day they can admit their wrongdoings.” / “Never go near them!” / “This is wrong. What they’re doing is wrong.”
When looking for something: “I think something’s nearby...should we look?” / “I think we should take a look around.”
When finding a campsite: “Can we rest here? I’m hungry.” / “This is a nice spot to camp!” / “Inquisitor, I think we should stop here.”
When the Inquisitor falls: (low approval) “Inquisitor!” / (neutral approval) “No! Get up!” / (high approval) “Wait! Inquisitor! We need you!” / (romance) “Vhenan, no!” / “Sunlight, get up! Don’t leave me now!”
Upon killing an enemy: “I’d prefer it didn’t have to happen that way.” / “I guess you didn’t have anything better to do.” / “Such a waste…”
When they are low on health: “Oh no…” / “Inquisitor, help!” / “I need some help!” / “I don’t feel very good.”
When a companion is low on health: (Iron Bull) “You are strong, Bull! Fight on!” / (Varric) “Watch your step, Varric!” / (Dorian) “Dorian, stay strong! I’ll be right there!” / (Sera) “Be careful, Sera!” / (Cassandra) “Cassandra, you are hurt!” / (Solas) “Letha’lin, please be careful!” / (Cole) “Cole, watch out!” / (Vivienne) “Madame, your health is low!” / (Blackwall) “Fight stronger, Blackwall.”
When a companion falls: (Iron Bull) “Bull, no!” / “Creators, please don’t let him die!” / (Varric) “Varric!” / “Somebody help Varric!” / (Dorian) (affectionately) “Come on, you slacker!” / “Dorian, get up! Not now!” / (Sera) “Sera, I told you that was dangerous!” / “Oh, Creators, not Sera!” / (Cassandra) “Seeker!” / “No, not Cassandra! We need her!” / (Solas) “Solas! Please!” / “Letha’lin! You cannot fall!” / (Cole) “Cole, no!” / “Cole, please get up, please be okay!” / (Vivienne) “Madame!” / “Oh no, they got Vivienne.” / (Blackwall) “Get up!” / “Watch yourself.”
When revived: “Well...that was embarrassing.” / “Thank you for your help.” / “I’m back! What did I miss?” / “Ugh...my head hurts.”
When they see a dragon: “Wow...so beautiful.” / “So fascinating to see one up close!” / (If Iron Bull is not in the party) “We’re not hunting her...are we?” / (If Iron Bull is in the party) “Bull, look! So beautiful, isn’t she? Excited?”
When doing their small side quest: For Him: “I appreciate this.” / “It’s quite relaxing out here, isn’t it?” / Bianca: “I hope this will help.” / “Thank you for doing this.” / It’s A Date Then?: “It’s so wonderful to see more of my/our people.” / “Is that...is that a gift? For me?”
Default saying: (when you talk to them in Skyhold, how do they respond?) (low approval) “Yes?” / “What do you need?” / (neutral approval) “Inquisitor!” / “Hello!” / (high approval) “Friend! Good to see you again.” / “Where are we going, Sunshine?” / (romance) “Wonderful to see you, Vhenan.” / “Hello, Sunlight.”
Cassandra: What is that touching fists thing you two do all the time? It is ridiculous.
Dorian: Never heard of a fist bump, Seeker? What’s wrong with having a bit of fun?
Cassandra: It’s distracting.
Ashariani: Aw, come on Cassandra. You should try it sometime! Really forms the bonds of friendship.
Dorian: (laughs) You are simply adorable.
Varric (if in party): Oh, don’t worry, Glimmer. Cassandra just doesn’t know the definition of fun.
Sera (if in party): That’s nothing compared to our secret handshake, yeah? You should see it, Seeker. It involves our butts!
Cassandra: (Disgusted noise).
Iron Bull: You know, you’re surprisingly light.
Ashariani: Really? I didn’t hurt your shoulders?
Iron Bull: (laughs) Kid, you’d have to weigh about 60 pounds more to even make a dent on me.
Inquisitor: You really have to stop letting her ride on your shoulders during battle.
Ashariani: But it’s fun!
Sera (if in party): Can I have a go? No reason why she should have all the fun, yeah?
Vivienne (if in party): Fun does not always mean safe, my dear. I would proceed with caution when tempting fate as such.
Ashariani (to Sera): Of course! (to Vivienne): Yes, ma’am.
Solas: Do you miss home, Ashariani?
Ashariani: Sometimes. Do you?
Solas: No. Though the thought of a home to return to is a pleasant one.
Ashariani: You have no home?
Solas: (chuckles) The Inquisition is my home now. Isn’t that more than one could hope for?
Ashariani: Yeah...I guess so. I’m glad you feel at home here.
Solas: I wish the same of you, Letha’lin.
Varric (if in party): Are you guys done with the sappy, cryptic talk yet? This isn’t good material for my stories.
Ashariani: (giggles).
Leaving the Inquisition: It takes a lot to get Ashariani to leave, but if you gain enough approval, she will come to you in tears, and tell you she doesn’t think the Inquisition is the right place for her anymore. She will wish you well and ask you to tell the others she says she’ll keep in touch. You can choose to beg her to stay, in which she will, but only if you don’t net any more disapproval before new approval, or tell her she can leave. She will then say goodbye, muttering bad things, and walk off, the cutscene ending and her leaving the Inquisition forever.
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pellelavellan-a · 4 years
Ship Bias - for Pelle, Mallas, and Durgen
Pelle x Dorian: This one is gonna be a bias for sure as his canon romance. Everything about it is just *chefs kiss* It has angst, it has drama, and I just really love the idea of both of them becoming better people by learning from each other. Personally I don’t see them being functional at first but they grow into each other and that’s why I like it. 
Pelle x Elven Inquisitor/Companion: I like that they can relate to each other one way or another. If Pelle is the Inquisitor he sort of accidentally shook up Thedas for elves a little. It’d be nice for him to have a lover who understands what he’s going through. As a companion he’d support an elven Inquisitor more devoutly than say a human or dwarven Inquisitor. Dwarves and Qunari it’s no offense to them at all he just f doesn’t feel he has the knowledge to fully judge them. But with a human he almost expects them to act beyond themselves and make choices for the benefit of everyone not just their people.
My crackship for this boy...Pelle x Fenris: I just think that with Fenris being older like post Inquisition and Pelle also in his like...bard verse would make a great duo okay. Like they’re both down to fuck up some humans...but like within the realm of taking down humans who are actually evil, keep slaves, etc. 
Mallas x Josephine: I just....think they’re neat. Mallas seems to be drawn to soft people. He thinks Josephine is adorable but he also really admires her. He likes listening to her stories and actually thinks she’s funny in her own way. Also she’s beautiful??
Mallas x Qunari Inquisitor/Companion: He’s actually a little bit afraid of qunari thanks to the Tal Vashoth he encountered in his teens. However he is 100% the type of person to attempt to assert his dominance over them and accidentally for in love with them in the process. I would say this applies more to male qunari but I don’t female qunari are safe from his ego either. 
Mallas x Female Cadash/Harding: He just...really thinks dwarf girls are cute. Like really cute. 
Durgen x Cullen: Most ideas of ships for Durgen are very like...experimental ideas cause I don’t get to write him as much. But I think him and Cullen would be able to bond on a number of things. That and Durgen does not have the same like reservation to look down on former or current templars. He prefers to judge the person, not their profession. 
Durgen x M!Hawke: I could see him and Hawke getting along really well depending on the Hawke in question. They both care about their family deeply but also understand that their family was not the greatest. They both were sort of a favorite by their parents in some shape or form but it never really felt good to be in that position. I could probably go on about how I think they’d be able to understand the other pretty well but I think you get it. 
Durgen x M!Human Inquisitor/Companion: He doesn’t hate the Dalish so to say. But he does have his criticisms. But I think he is more likely to fall for a human over another Dalish elf. He isn’t an Inquisitor so idk who would be if they're both companions but ya know.
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Songday Sunday Collection (SSC) for December
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Alistair x Warden So I Could Find My Way - Enya One Foot - Walk The Moon
x Cullen King And Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
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Anders x Hawke  Glittering Cloud - Imogen Heap
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Bethany x Varric Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
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Carver and Hawke In your Shadow I can shine - Tokio Hotel 
and mage hawke Brother My Brother - Blessid Union of Souls
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Cole A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers 
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Cullen Youngblood - 5 Seconds of Summer
x Female Amell/Surana  Blindness - Metric
x Alistair King And Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
x Inquisitor The Panic In Me - Elton John
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Dorian x inquisitor Sweater song - Hedley Hard to say I’m sorry - Chicago Anywhere - Rita Ora
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Fenris x Hawke Keep Your Head Up - Um Jammer Lammy
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Grey Warden Ser Gilmore x Female Cousland  Love - Lana del Rey
Gorim x Female Aeducan  If a song could get me you - Marit Larsen
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Hawke Human - Rag'n'Bone Man 
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Inquisition Remain Nameless - Florence + the Machine
Lavellan The Voice - Celtic Woman Unconditionally - Katy Perry
Cadash I See Fire - Ed Sheehan
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Josephine x inquisitor Josephine - R I T U A L
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Leliana Beautiful Beautiful - Francesca Battistelli
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Morrigan She's so Mean - Matchbox Twenty
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Solas x inquisitor It must’ve been love - Roxette If I Never Knew You - Pocahontas Here Without You - 3 Doors Down  You’ll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins Don’t Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John Over You - Marc Scibilia Clarity - Zedd
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Varric x Bethany Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
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Zevran My Type - Saint Motel
x Warden Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows 
Other Samson Last Man Standing -Hammerfall
Jowan x Lily  How could this happen to me - Simple Plan
Celene x Briala  I will remember you - Sarah McLean
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selkiesoup · 6 years
Best Pairings for DA Companions
Morrigan x Warden Amell
Alistair x Warden Cousland
Leliana x Warden Tabris
Zevran x (Male) Warden Mahariel/Tabris
Not really sure about the dwarven Wardens tbh
Female Mahariel remains single forever bc Tamlen
Fenris x Garrett/Marian Hawke
Anders x Garrett Hawke
Merrill x Garrett Hawke
Isabela x Marian Hawke
Tbh this is self explanatory, though Isabela and Merrill is a good pairing
Blackwall x Inquisitor Adaar
Solas x (Rogue) Inquisitor Lavellan
Cullen x (Mage) Inquisitor Lavellan
Josephine x Inquisitor Trevelyan
Sera x Inquisitor Cadash/Adaar
Dorian x Inquisitor Trevelyan/Lavellan or The Iron Bull
The Iron Bull x Inquisitor Cadash/Adaar or Dorian
Cassandra x Inquisitor Trevelyan/Adaar
These are all personal opinion so feel free to add your own
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World Building (Meme)
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B A S I C S full name: Anthracite Armeria Cadash gender: Female sexuality: Pansexual. pronouns: She/Her/They/Them/ age: 38  race: Fine Dwarven Goods class: Rogue/Assasin
O T H E R S family: Mother (Deceased) Father (Unknown)  birthplace: Kirkwall job: Thief, Assassin, Gambler, Rogue, companion or horrible Inquisitor. phobias: Spiders guilty pleasures: Cake, food in general, wine, smutty novels. hobbies: Throwing daggers, learning to play a lute (secret), singing (secret), writing poetry and cliched smutty romance novels (secret), sketching horribly (known), sketching semi-ok (secret), eating food (known), sweet tooth (known), coffee addict (known)
M O R A L S morality alignment? Chaotic Good sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth (Yep, all ) virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience (Yep, all)
T H I S - O R - T H A T introvert / extrovert (Both? Both. ) organized / disorganized close minded / open-minded calm / anxious disagreeable / agreeable cautious / reckless patient / impatient outspoken / reserved leader / follower empathetic / unemphatic optimistic / pessimistic traditional / modern hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S otp: Varric x Anthracite , @kaaras-adaar x Anthracite, Iron Bull x Anthracite, Josephine x Anthracite, Scout Harding x Anthracite, Cassandra x Anthracite, Arishok x Anthracite, Saarebas x Anthracite, Anthracite x Alistair, Anthracite x Cullen, Anthracite x Anyone With Chemistry Really Acceptable ships- Any with chemistry that works for both players.  ot3: @kaaras-adaar x Iron Bull x Anthracite, Kaaras-Adaar x Any other male/female player should they wish x Anthracite, Anthracite x Male/Female Player x Other player if willing (shrug! We’re both cool) , brotp: Anthracite x Dorian, Anthracite x Ironbull, Anthracite x Josephine, Anthracite x Sera, Anthracite x Alistair, Anthracite x Anyone Whom She Is Friends With notp: Anthracite x ??? I don’t think I have/She has one yet I was tagged by @kaaras-adaar and I tag anyone who follows me who would like to do it! Otherwise, feel free to skip. <3 
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ripplesofaqua · 5 years
2019 Black Emporium Exchange Letter
Dear Author/Artist
I cannot wait to see what you create! Please write/draw whatever you are most comfortable with, and feel free to follow your own ideas. Thank you so much for creating something for me!
DNWs: major character death, underage, incest, non/dub-con, depictions of abuse/homophobia/racism/transphobia/etc, whitewashing or straightwashing, excessive gore/torture/violence, serious illness, body horror, A/B/O, hardcore bdsm/kink, bestiality, infidelity, angst without at least a hopeful ending
Feel free to write whatever rating you're comfortable with. If you do write smut, I tend to prefer it on the slightly less graphic side, and always with clear communication and lots of feels
Things I enjoy: strong ladies and admiration between them, fluff, banter, angst with a hopeful ending, humor, balanced and respectful relationships, mutual pining, slow burn, (rivals to) friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, oh no there's only one bed, huddling for warmth, secret admirer, long awaited reunions
From my prompts, you can also probably tell that I really love the Avvar women we meet in DAI! I’d love get to know them, and the rest of Stone-Bear Hold, better! What are some moments from their everyday lives, or how might they work together to solve a problem or defeat an enemy? Some general ideas include hunting or fighting together, sparring, rock climbing races, swimming, and telling stories and history around a campfire. They also have the warmest looking hoods, which might lend itself to huddling for warmth situations! Also, bonus points if you include Storvacker! Here are some screenshots if you need visuals: [x] [x]
1. Cassandra Pentaghast/Svarah Sun-Hair, Female Cadash/Svarah Sun-Hair, Lace Harding/Svarah Sun-Hair, Original Female Avvar/Svarah Sun-Hair
I absolutely adore Svarah! She’s so capable, confident, intelligent, wise, strong, an incredible leader with a good sense of humor... I could go on forever! I just really want to see her being the badass woman she is, and falling in love with another badass woman!
What would happen if Cass, Harding, or Cadash lived with the Hold for a time? Maybe they’re there to help open up trading or to deal with the Jaws of Hakkon. Maybe they get injured and have to spend time there recuperating. I’d love to see the slow development of mutual respect and understanding as they work, live, and fight side by side - and especially to see Cassandra/Harding/Cadash deal with some of their prejudices and come to respect Avvar culture.
Alternatively, what sort of woman might Svarah fall for? The best friend she’s had from childhood, her second-in-command who’s not afraid to challenge her judgment, the Thane of a rival Hold with whom she must learn to work together to reach a common goal?
For art: Svarah really knows how to sit on that throne of hers! Also daily Avvar life, warm hoods, bears, rock climbing, fighting side by side, arm wrestling, sunsets over the lake, blizzards, Svarah fighting with her hair on fire
2. Fullna Hethsdotten/Gyda Myrdotten
“We are not the largest hold, but our warriors are strong and our singers are pretty.”  - Svarah Sun-Hair
Fullna is the Hold’s skald (vaguely like a bard), and responsible for keeping their stories and history alive. She’s only had the position a few years and hasn’t yet earned her legend-mark. Gyda is responsible for the Hold’s funerary rights. Would they nerd out together over lore, histories, and nature? They’re both fairly young and new to their positions - how might they support each other? Would they have an adventure (or perhaps something less grand!) that earns them their legend-marks? Would Fullna woo Gyda with a song?
For art: campfire stories, wooing with song, stargazing, gathering items from nature
3. Female Trevelyan/Sigrid Guldsdotten
Mage Trevelyan meets Sigrid while exploring Frostback Basin - how would each react given their backgrounds with magic? Perhaps Trevelyan chooses to recruit Sigrid, would they bond when Sigrid joins the Inquisition? If she’s sent to give lectures, Josie receives a letter that says “Sigrid Guldsdotten was a delight! Such a fresh perspective... she brought down the house during a practical demonstration of spheric-energy projections! (Both figuratively and very nearly literally. Quite invigorating!) I cannot tell you how gratifying it was to see all the old goats from the Fereldan Circles outdone by an Avvar. We must have her back. Also, I believe Verixsus invited her to his summer villa.” So perhaps some lecture circuit, Skyhold, or summer villa shenanigans and bonding - or would Sigrid and Trevelyan try to outdo each other with explosive results?
For art: something from one of the ideas above, maybe
4. Linna & Runa
In Up and Away, Linna, a fisher, cannot find her cousin Runa, who got lost climbing. Perhaps you could show that quest from either of their povs? What is the relationship between these cousins like? Did they often get lost and cause lots of trouble sneaking out to climb together while they were kids?
For art: something from one of the ideas above, maybe
5. The Lady of the Skies/Tyrdda Bright-Axe
Something based on the Saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe [x] please! It could be a brief tender moment, something adventurous, or something angsty after the Lady of the Skies leaves - but ideally with at least a little hope at the end: “Skyward, one last trek she made, / To her lover, dream-delivered, / Raven-feathered, reunited, / Hearts both whole, now neither aching.“
For art: Hinterlands scenery, tender moments or something angsty, perhaps like this [x] momument
6. Cassandra Pentaghast/Original Female Seeker
Was there someone who Cassandra had feelings for in the past, but didn’t realize until they meet again post-Inquisition? Or perhaps meets someone new while looking for recruits. Would they rebuild the Seekers together off in the middle of nowhere? Or would they send letters from afar? Or maybe some only-one bed, huddling for warmth, mutual pining, or other tropes might fit?
For art: something from one of the ideas above, maybe
7. Leliana/Cassandra Pentaghast, Josephine Montilyet/Cassandra Pentaghast, Leliana/Josephine Montilyet
I love them all, so much, in any and all combinations. They’re so different, but they work together SO WELL and are all so skilled at what they do. Feel free to have tropey fun with them. Or maybe think about what their relationships are like before and after Inquisition. How did they meet? Did they have early feelings, which they pushed away in order to work together? Did they get involved in palace intrigue? What happens after they all go their own separate ways? Do they reconnect and confess feelings when they’re older, long after the events of Inquisition? Does one of them become Divine? Though please, not TOO much Divine Cassandra angst, if you go that route! Or maybe switch things up with a Victorian AU!
For art: I especially love rich, romantic colors and scenes for these three. Intrigue, reading novels, the theater, gardens, hiding feelings behind a fan - or a *disgusted noise* if you’re Cassandra
8. Female Hawke/Cassandra Pentaghast, Female Cadash/Cassandra Pentaghast
Feel free to throw all the tropes at these pairings! Disaster!Hawke, awkward flirting, banter, meeting heroes, smutty romance novels, secret admirer, Victorian AU - have fun!
For art: same as above!
9. Lace Harding/Leliana
“Sister Leliana glanced at me today. I think she’s going to have me killed.” But what if there were another reason Leliana took notice of her newest scout?
How would Harding’s optimism and romantic heart affect a softening Leliana? Would they banter? Would Leliana show up to Harding’s dance classes? Help Harding with her fear of heights (she mentions she hates those Frostback Basin treehouses). How does Harding become one of Leliana’s most skilled and trusted agents? You could even explore what might happen after DA:I with a Divine Leliana and Harding continuing on as an agent. Or a non-Divine Leliana and Harding dealing with what’s left of the Inquisition post-Trespasser.
For art: glances from afar, hesitantly touching hands, working late together, Harding’s dance classes and fear of heights, Leliana’s birds
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lifeofkj · 7 years
Another DA canon in the books
It's been a week for finishing video games; first ME:A, and now this. I've been slowly working on a Qunari mage Inquisitor, Nazlin Adaar since about ten minutes after I finished up my Trevelyan warrior playthrough, and I wrapped her up through Trespasser yesterday. She is easily my favorite Inquisitor so far: fun and snarky, thoughtful and caring, and I loved playing out the Josephine romance with her. I went into this playthrough with three goals in mind, besides the obvious ones of seeing how the game plays out for a Qunari and with a mage, and wrapping up my Garrett Hawke's canon: 1) an F/F romance; 2) seeing a different outcome at the Winter Palace (both of my previous Inquisitors put the same person on the throne); and 3) befriending Solas, something that neither my Cadash nor my Trevelyan remotely managed. Other than that, I let Nazlin make all her own decisions, which may be why I enjoyed her so much. It was a fairly light playthrough, all things considered -- I didn't quite finish Jaws of Hakkan (even with difficulty turned down to Casual, it was clear that I was never beating the final boss with the team I wanted), didn't even start Descent, and left a lot of the optional areas only half explored. And I'm okay with that, considering how little bearing most of the sidequests, even the major ones, have on the outcome. Even the ones that are interesting for their own sake tend not to differ from Inquisitor to Inquisitor. I doubt I will ever play a thorough game again, which is kind of too bad, but I feel like that's the best way to feel like I'm seeing different stories each time: concentrate on the content that can change. Next up is DA2, where I will continue Loral Mahariel's universe. I started that game awhile back and got a little into Act 1 (meeting Merrill and her clan). This Hawke is a female mage, mostly aggressive so far but with a side of snark; I want her to romance Isabela, but otherwise I don't have much of a concept for her yet. That will set up my elf Inquisitor, probably my first male, probably to romance Dorian or maybe Cassandra. Since Loral was my Morrigan romance, I'm pretty much dying to see that play out in DAI, but I do need to get through DA2 first. It'll be nice to get back into that story -- it's been quite awhile. x-posted from My Dreamwidth Journal | Feel free to reply here or comment there
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dapromptexchange · 6 years
Josephine is in love. Leliana and Cullen make it very clear to her LI what would happen if they ever break her heart.
Fill by flowerslikemadness
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dapromptexchange · 7 years
Lady Josephine Montilyet is the under-appreciated backbone of the Inquisition. The Inquisitor notices that Josie's been putting in some sleepless nights recently and decides to thank her for her hard work.
Posted to DA Kink Meme on 2014-12-03 12:22 am
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dapromptexchange · 7 years
The Inquisitor has exactly $4.25 left in her bank account and goes to the store to get what little she can just so she can eat that night. She adds up what she wants but reads a label wrong and when she gets to the register it's over by another $2. Feeling like she's about to break down at the counter she doesn't notice someone behind her slide two dollars to the cashier. Josephine smiles at her and asks her to dinner, since it seems like she could use someone to talk to and a real meal.
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