#blackwall x cadash
inky-does-art · 11 months
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Blackwall and Cadash Inquisitor commission for @rohirrim1996
Thank you again, it was a pleasure to draw them for you <3
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captainreverie · 1 year
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🔥☠️Captain Delvaaaa ☠️🔥
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trekwanderer · 2 years
I cant stop thinking about Blackwall
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mogwaei · 1 year
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Chapter 167: The Mycologist & the Carver    
Rating: explicit
Pairings: Solas/OFC, M!Lavellan/Dorian Pavus, F!Lavellan/secret companion
Fic summary: Agent of Fen’Harel defects to search for an alternative solution and–oh no. An Inquisitor who is Not Well. His sister who likes to complicate things. Time travel with consequences. Lore exploration and expansion. Friends, rivals, lovers, and endless explanations. Do u like bagels, ‘cause this one has everything on it.
Word Count: chapter [~6k] | entire fic: 940k+
Snippet below:
Thom was smiling under his great beard, thick arms crossed in a thoughtful manner.
"Where'd you learn this?" he asked with a darling softness, gesturing to the runic language at the bottom. "I'm not literate, but I've seen some dwarven writing in my day."
"The dwarven men I travelled with were…worldly." It felt like a script at this point. She wished she could tell the whole truth of what they had been, as their memory deserved.
"Really? I've heard you mention them offhand. Sounds like quite the tale. You should tell me more one day," he said, and she didn't bother to hide her surprise this time. He wasn’t pushing boundaries with potential hurt…and she respected that. He gave her a self-satisfied grin she couldn't resist returning. She quickly wrote out the directions and tore the page out for him. "Funny. I could have sworn I'd seen another healer today with the same thistles and dandelions in her hair. Similar journal too. Looked nothing like you though, save perhaps the height."
Rainier was more perceptive than she thought or she was a full blown fool. How had she not seen him in the infirmary? And furthermore, stupid, stupid me for not removing the weeds. You were so cocksure about not getting caught.
"For what it's worth," Rainier shifted so his back was against the opening, stretching his pained leg out beside her. "Defying Miss Head-Healer Thera to give me that dragon's spit salve you whipped up instead of the same tired elfroot-embrium one–"
"I  treated  you?" she blurted. And…there went her cover. “  Fenedhis , I must have been high off Enoki’s herb not to have noticed.”
Rainier belted out a merry laugh. If she weren't mildly panicking and reassessing, it would have been infectious. "Don't worry. Genuinely wouldn't have known if not for the flowers." He leaned in until she could smell him—woodsmoke, a bit of spicy dragon's spit, and straw. "But…I’m tickled curious. Why are you in disguise?"
Maordrid plucked up her carving tool, giving him a knowing glance. "I don't think we are so different, Rainier."
Read the whole chapter here
Chapter 1 for new readers
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lelianaslefthand · 4 months
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i be like "y'all mind if i make this 'straight' character bisexual?" and then not wait for an answer. your honor i love them
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bumblewarden · 2 years
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it is time to make a strong first impression
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thinking about my blackwall-mancing cadash, fletcher. they're not especially cutthroat compared to some family members, but they also don't feel bad about their job. it's the family business, it pays the bills. nothing more, nothing less. if ppl look at them like a criminal, well they'd already be looked down on for being a dwarf so what does it matter really
and they like blackwall, a lot. but his thing with Goodness and Heroism and such makes them. hesitant. a bit. he doesn't seem to think badly of THEM, but he's clearly got specific ideas of what's Right. and half the time it seems like he forgets that they're a criminal, as if blackwall is buying into their reputation as a holy figure
and then Revelations happens. and fletcher is like oh i see. you hate yourself becuz you couldn't live up to your own ideals. and you project that loudly onto everything else becuz you feel hopeless. but it's not really about anyone or anything else, it's about your own pain. because you believe in better but don't believe YOU can be better. i see.
still, couldn't you have told me all this before i rode all the way out to val royeaux?
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hunnybadgerv · 2 years
Dragon Age: Inquisition | Cold Sunlight | Blackwall/Cadash
Summary: Blackwall is no stranger to the coldness of exile, but somehow it is worse after knowing the warmth of the sun.
a/n: Yet another sensual/aesthetic prompt sent to me some time ago for the DADWC @dadrunkwriting. I never got to it, but it seemed to work in this moment.
Cold Sunlight
In the Hinterlands, a day with the sun so bright in a cloudless sky would grant a warmth that could seep through into the bones and keep you warm into the dark of night. But as Rainier stepped outside the stables of Skyhold and raised his hand against the sharp light of the midday, a cold shiver ran through him when he saw her.
The inquisitor stood on the walkway leading to the keep, reading over something a messenger had just handed her. Her auburn hair trailed down her back in a thick plait and Thom clenched his hands remembering how inexplicably soft it had been when he freed it from those confines and let it play wildly over her back and shoulders. As if she somehow sensed his gaze, or his fall back into memory, her sharp dark eyes pinned him in place like an insect in a  spider’s great web.
Everything warm flooded out of him like he’d been pierced with a million tiny holes. Not even the sun could save him from the icy daggers cast in his direction.
With a sharp turn of her head, she disappeared from his line of sight and Rainier closed his eyes and turned his face toward the brightness of the sun. He could feel the chill deep in his bones. Nothing could soothe it … Nothing besides her.
He shook his head and dropped his gaze to the pale green sprigs of grass at his feet.
“And there is no hope of that,” he mumbled to his shadow.
With a sigh, he turned back to the stables and stared at the unfinished woodwork. A distraction to soothe his addled mine and still aching heart.
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herearedragons · 4 months
...saw a post saying that we should use poetic/descriptive ship names more, and you know what, why not. let's try making some for my own ships and maybe finally establishing their ship tags in the process
(note: I'm going to be referring to a specific type of ship names as "BG3-like". I know the BG3 fandom probably didn't invent those but that's where I know them from and that's what the post was referencing, so that's the name they get)
Pillars of Eternity
Edér x Selene - I saw "tide and shore" on that character dynamics poll and I don't think I can come up with anything that beats that.
Aloth x Lorenzo - honestly not sure. The best ones I have are "mirror image" (because their dynamic is about The Parallels and also, wizard reference) and a BG3-like "spellsong" (because. wizard and chanter) but I'm not too attached to either of those. More research required.
Dragon Age
Zevran x Kyana Amell - my absolute first thought was "ill omen" because. uh. he's a Crow. and she's ominous. and if you're not from their friend circle seeing them together is probably a sign of bad luck for you, specifically. I could go BG3-like and call them "crowtower", which sounds pretty metal, but a little less personal to me. (I like the name combination method for them better though, "Zevkya" just sounds cute)
Sera x Evelyn Trevelyan - "lightning in a bottle" (Evelyn is a lightning-specced mage; Sera is a Tempest; both have a chaotic streak that feels less like a problem and more like fun when they're together). this one was kind of a stroke of genuis tbh.
Dorian x Neilar Lavellan - "water and wine". this one has layers. the first layer is Dorian being used to Comfort and Civilization and Neil being a Chronically Outside type. the second layer is the religious/miraculous imagery. the third layer is kind of mean because it references their worst moments (Dorian trying to drink away his problems - wine; Neilar losing control to the Well of Sorrows - water), but no one said that the ship names had to be nice. or did we all forget "ill omen" just a few seconds ago
Blackwall(Thom Rainier) x May Cadash - god, I really want to come up with something that would reference the "white king, black pawns" line from Leverage, just for the timeline where she becomes a righteous mob boss. "white queen, black knight"? "black queen, white knight"? kind of a mouthful but the reference is worth it in my book.
...I don't know how to end this post. I'm putting it in the main tags so. uh. reblog with your own poetic ship names and their explanations? I'd read that. it's pretty fun to make these, actually. also if anyone has suggestions for a ship name for Aloth and a death godlike chanter, send help
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queenaeducan · 1 year
first lines of my last ten fics!
tagged by @skyeventide. i’m skipping the ones that i wrote a few years ago but only posted on ao3 this year, so if you for some reason look at my ao3 and find they don’t match that’s why.
Skyhold’s cells were home to a new prisoner. -- The wolf must die for the lamb’s sweet dream, Anders & Solas, Dragon Age
In this corner of the Fade autumn leaves fall in perpetuity. -- Lessons Learned, Solas solo, Dragon Age
The earth shakes like the sky before a storm. -- The Ascent, Solas & f!Cadash, Dragon Age
Once there was a cruel king who ruled from a bald hilltop. -- The Last Laugh from Tales of Fen’Harel, Dragon Age
Charter has never been one for parties. -- Homecoming, Charter & Agents of Fen’Harel, Dragon Age
The dwarf hasn’t said a word all day. -- Remembering Well, Solas & Varric Tethras, Dragon Age
They were twins, alike in every way, down to the finest strands of their DNA. -- Prayers of the Father, Thane Krios & Miranda Lawson, Mass Effect
Morning comes too quickly to their home. -- Because I Asked, Solas x non-binary!Lavellan, Dragon Age (explicit)
Lantos used to say duels were like lovers, and if you didn’t end up soaked it was a sure sign you’d had a bad time. -- 14 Days of DA Lovers, f!Cadash x Blackwall, Dragon Age
The battle had been brutal, or so she’d heard. -- Common Ground, Vivienne & f!Orlesian Warden, Dragon Age
It’s funny b/c I find that some of my sentences get long and overwrought but then I look at these and I’m like. Well I guess you can’t say that about my openers!
tagging: @rosella-writes, @dreadfutures, @oxygenforthewicked, @nirikeehan, @rakshadow, or anyone else who would like to do this!
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queenaeducan-writes · 2 years
2022 in Fics
I did a little fic round-up here, but before the year is out I wanted to make a list of the things I published on AO3 this year because you can never have enough self-promotion.
Satinalia & Harvestmere | G | Dragon Age Leliana & Zevran & Isabela / Dragon Age: Origins Ensemble My two entries for the 2022 Dragon Age Annual Calendar. The first is a little celebration between a party of rogues and the second a bonified ghost story told by renown griffon-hater Wynne.
Common Ground | G | Dragon Age Vivienne & Orlesian Warden Written for Shellepink for the Platonic Ideal Exchange. Vivienne meets an unexpected former colleague in the aftermath of Marquise Bouffon’s defeat. I liked the idea of Vivienne having a friendly rivalry with the Andras Warden from Awakening, and I inventing a Warden OC for the prompt was fun.
Because I Asked | E | Dragon Age Solas x Non-binary Lavellan My first explicit fic ever! Set in Solas and Ian’s much softer Modern Thedas verse. Ian wakes up with a thirst and he decides to make it Solas’s problem. Writing the intimacy in both their domestic lives and their sex was really fulfilling, I love this couple so much no matter what universe they’re in.
Prayers of the Father | G | Mass Effect Thane Krios & Miranda Lawson Written for CelestialArcadia for the Spectre Requisitions Exchange. Mass Effect 2 is my favourite of the ME games, but one thing I often find disappointing in it is the lack of dialogue between companions. This fic was one way I sought to explore what I wish the game would. Set after Miranda’s personal quest, but before Thane’s, I wanted to set up the similarities between these characters and their desires and how they might talk to each other about them when Shepard isn’t in the picture.
Remembering Well | G | Dragon Age Varric Tethras & Solas Written for the Solamancy 2022 Zine. Solas and Varric are both two characters who are (potentially) mourning the loss of one of the oldest friends. They’re also both storytellers, albeit of different flavours. I wanted to write Solas engaging with Varric’s loss by talking about his own, and keeping Hawke’s name alive in the wake of her death.
Homecoming | T | Dragon Age Charter & Agent(s) of Fen’Harel Written for YouWoreBlue for the Arlathan Exchange. Charter attends a party in pursuit of rumours of an ancient Elvhen artefact, and finds herself in a race against the agents of Fen’Harel to find it first. I wanted to depict the agents presented here with sympathy and compare them with the Inquisiton agents still in operation because I am overly fond of paralleling Solas’s forces with the protagonists’.
Onomatology | G | Dragon Age f!Cadash & Solas This was written for my roleplay blog a while ago, but I only got around to publishing it on AO3 this year. Solas is a name I headcanon he chose for himself and I wanted to write a conversation of him sharing why with Thora. Despite the secrets between them, they have a close friendship, one where he shares a lot while concealing what he must. Depicting that here was important to me.
Good-bye Kiss | M | Dragon Age f!Cadash x Blackwall  Originally written and published on my multimuse roleplay blog. It’s a little scene exploring Thom and Thora’s intimacy post-Revelations. Him leaving without saying good-bye rocked Thora almost as much as everything else about that quest, and when they eventually reunite good-byes become an important part of their daily rituals as a reflection of that.
The Storyteller’s Game & The Last Laugh | T | Dragon Age Fen’Harel & a Miscellaneous Cast After a long hiatus I finally got around to writing more Tales of Fen’Harel! I love writing fables, and two myths I heard about Aengus inspired me to create Elvhen interpretations. The Storyteller’s Game veers much closer to the fable I heard, whereas the second I lean into Fen’Harel as the noble’s nightmare, divvying justice where Mythal can’t (or won’t?) intercede.
The Ascent | M | Dragon Age | In-Progress f!Cadash & Solas My first proper longfic! I’ve had this idea in my head for a while and deciding I wanted to start publishing it this year. It’s an expansion on a drabble I wrote years ago. Thora’s faith in the Stone and her ancestors is an important aspect of her character, and it dovetails beautifully with Solas’s own interest in remembering the past. Given Cadash Thaig’s history with ancient Elvhenan, them travelling to it together just feels right. I’m looking forward to continuing this fic in 2023!
Ten fics may not be much by some estimates, but I’m really actually kind of proud of what I’ve written. I’m looking forward to the stuff I have in the works for 2023 and I hope it’ll be another good year for writing. I even have a WIP I began yesterday which isn’t Bioware-related.
Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and promoted my fic this year. I appreciate each and every one of you. 💖 Have a happy New Year!
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dinosaurfucker · 2 years
Trying to immerse myself in Blackwall fanfiction.... disgusted at the lack of cadash x blackwall.... he deserves a short, chubby and sturdy gf who understands the need for redemption better than most.
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kojottek · 2 years
The fact that I don't have tools to edit and fix dai romance scenes animations drives me crazy. I want to unsmash their faces. I want to unclip their hands. I want to adjust who leans to whom in blackwall x adaar and blackwall x cadash scenes
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merrybandofmurderers · 2 months
more of this
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Adia Cadash x Josephine Montilyet
Roan Lavellan x Cassandra Pentaghast
Bashaar x Iron Bull
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Daviri Lavellan x Iron Bull
Fletcher Cadash x Blackwall
Hael Lavellan x Josephine Montilyet
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Neveah Lavellan x Solas / Neveah Lavellan x Iron Bull
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Jude x Harding
Aisling Trevelyan x Harding
Kost x Harding
@mrs-theirin, @calicostorms, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @ringneckedpheasant, @midnightbluejay, @transfenris-truther, @curiouslavellan, @spainkitty
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hunnybadgerv · 2 years
Dragon Age | Highlight of the Day | Blackwall x Zejne Cadash
Summary: The inquisitor hasn’t allowed anyone else to brush her hair since she was a girl, but that will clearly have to change.
a/n: “Fingers curled up in hair” from a sensations prompt list. Sent about 300 years ago for the DADWC @dadrunkwriting before I fell out of the habit.
Highlight of the Day
“Sit down on the bed,” Blackwall ordered, his voice gentle but underlined with that enticing hint of command.
Zejne looked over her shoulder at him with a smirk.
He shook his head and grabbed the tools from the dresser. Turning again, he found her strutting to the center of the bed, where she sank and perched with her legs crossed. Leaning back on her hands, she studied his every move as he approached. A curiosity crinkled her brow when he set the brush and comb on the blanket near her and moved behind her.
She sat up as he scooted closer, framing her his with his thick thighs.
“Lean forward.” His breath tickled the shell of her ear with his directions, then he placed a kiss just behind her ear. Now his voice was softer, lower, with a hint of gravel mixed with that insistence.
The sides of her head were clean-shaven, but the rest of it she gathered in a thick braid that trailed the length of her back. Blackwall couldn’t help but wonder quite how long it was when it was loose. He’d yet to ever see it not plaited with precision.
She pulled her legs up and leaned against them as the warden set to his purpose. Thick fingers worked the thin leather cord securing it loose.  He stretched and set it on the bedside table for later. With care to not pull or break her hair, he worked the braid loose. Once her hair lay pooled in his lap, Blackwall set one hand on her shoulder and the other at the base of her head. With firm pressure, he rubbed small circles against her scalp.
“Stones,” she breathed, her head falling forward onto her forearms.
Blackwall just smiled, and continued inching his way upward. Her auburn hair contained strands of gold and fire, as well as the colors of wood from a dozen types of trees. His massaging of her scalp drew low rumbling sounds from within her chest. He brought his other hand to bear in an attempt to steal more.
“By the Ancestors, that should not feel this good.”
A soft laugh passed his lips, and he bowed his face to brush a gentle kiss onto the back of her neck.
“Now, don’t start that, too.”
Wearing a wide smile, he did just that and pressed light lingering kisses over her neck and shoulders, never losing focus on his work or his indulgent affections.
“Infuriating,” she purred.
He could feel a relaxed ease enter her body, and as much as he wanted to pamper her with pleasant sensations and delicate kisses, he had a task awaiting him. One he truly did wish to finish. Drawing his fingers back from her forehead, he began to gather up her long wavy locks until he was holding the bottom twelve inches or so. Then he finally took the comb and working from the ends he brushed through her hair with a careful hand.
As he worked his way up, the silky strands would catch the breeze and tickle his arms and face. Once he turned to the brush, Zejne leaned back against his bare chest, forcing him hold her hair in front of her in order to brush it. But she didn’t seem to mind in the least. Her fingers drew soft shapes against the top of his thighs while he tended to her luscious hair. Once he neared her shoulder, he signaled his need for her to sit up again with a kiss to her temple.
A reluctant sigh fell from her lips, and she shifted forward.
“I don’t think anyone else has brushed my hair since I was a child,” she mused.
She peeked over her shoulder at him. He understood the look; she didn’t hold back who she was or who she had been. Or the fact that her life was not one with a great deal of lingering companionship.
“To be fair,” he replied. “I’ve just wondered how long it really was.”
She flashed him a crooked smile. “So, this was all just a ploy?”
“Indeed. A carefully crafted one.”
Her warm laughter settled into his chest. “Hopefully it might not be a one-time ruse.”
He hummed as if mulling the idea over in his mind, though he already knew he would do this as often as she might allow. “This seems a maneuver that will take skill and practice to master.”
“Oh, I would have to agree.”
He could hear her smile in her voice as he pulled long strokes of the bristle brush through her hair. “Then it’s settled.”
Zejne turned curled her fingers in the end of his beard, giving it a genial tug to bring his lips to hers. Discarding the brush, he held her chin in one hand and twined his arm around her. He could kiss her for hours if the world would only allow it. Eventually, too soon, for it was always too soon for Blackwall’s tastes, she punctuated her slow deep kiss with far briefer pecks that eventually lead to her resting her cheek against near his heart. One arm draped around him; her other hand teased through the dark hair on his chest.
“I’ll have to return the favor and brush yours for you sometime,” she mused.
“That would be nice.”
She hummed in agreement, her face turned and pressed a quick kiss over his heart.
It stung him like a dagger. Tightening his jaw, he laid his cheek against the top of her head and held her close, trying to blank his mind once more and sink back into the moment and nothing more than the moment. He held her tighter when he couldn’t fight back the accusations prodding at the edge of his mind.
Eyes screwed closed, he ground his jaw together trying to steal the feeling of warmth and comfort back from the cold edge of his reason.
When he opened his eyes, she was looking up at him with concern, her calloused fingers on his neck.
“Are you all right?”
“I— Yes. Just—”
She caressed his neck tenderly. “The past?” she asked with a knowing smile.
He couldn’t answer, couldn’t wrap his tongue around the lie when she was looking at him with that open softness. He rested his forehead against hers, wishing for the words to come. The truth and with it whatever might come.
Instead, it was her lips that claimed his. Cradling her face in both his hands, he kissed her with every ounce of feeling he could muster. As if somehow, the truth could travel from his lips to hers in this manner. Even as he clenched his eyes closed and kissed her with passionate fervor, he knew it was wrong. He didn’t deserve her, not now, and surely with every moment he held back from admitting everything to her he was only less and less worthy.
For a moment, he almost convinced himself that when she broke their kiss he would tell her. But it didn’t happen. Not when their kisses broke for the shedding of clothing. Not when their lips parted with the sounds of shared pleasure. Not when she called out a dead man’s name as he brought her to climax. Not when they lie together in the cool of the evening, trading soft kisses as the sheen of sweat dried upon their exhausted bodies. Not when her breathing slowed, and her body softly wound against his. Not as he threaded his fingers through the unwound silk of her hair.
No, the words did not come that night. Just more guilt. More reasons why the truth could not be voiced. More excuses to pull the mask tighter.
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hipsterbrigadier · 1 year
I have a bad habit of restarting Inquisition, I think I’m going to have to make characters and align them to specific romances even if I don’t play them all. So I think this is how it’s going to go
M!Cadash x Dorian (Rogue)
F!Cadash x Sera (Warrior)
M!Adaar x Iron Bull (Mage)
F!Adaar x Blackwall (Rogue)
M!Lavellan x Cassandra (Rogue)
F!Lavellan x Solas (Mage)
M!Trevelyan x Josephine (Warrior)
F!Trevelyan x Cullen (Mage)
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