#josephine baker quote
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artdecoandmodernist · 2 years ago
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Madame d’Ora (Dora Kallmus), Entertainer Josephine Baker, 1928.
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. "I have walked into the palaces of kings and queens and into the houses of presidents. And much more. But I could not walk into a hotel in America and get a cup of coffee, and that made me mad. And when I get mad, you know that I open my big mouth. And then look out, 'cause when Josephine opens her mouth, they hear it all over the world ..." – Josephine Baker
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onenakedfarmer · 18 days ago
A violinist had a violin, a painter his palette. All I had was myself. I was the instrument that I must care for.
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sarahtorribio-blog · 2 years ago
That cool quote by Josephine Baker
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libraryleopard · 9 months ago
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decided to revisit the bingo that @kazz-brekker and i made in advance of s2 of interview with the vampire before i watch episode five tomorrow.
thoughts on things i have crossed off:
multilingual armand: speaks french and mentions he speaks other languages (french, italian, hindi?, english). still curious about him speaking kazakh in season 1! i wonder if that's a language he picked up during his time enslaved? i started going down an internet rabbit hole of researching stuff like the khivan slave trade but that is perhaps something better suited for examining after the season finishes airing.
lestat hallucination: actually didn't expect there would be that much but it's been interesting! however now i am ready for louis and armand to develop their own special hellish issues without lestat literally hovering over their shoulders.
lestat backstory flashback: more of an armand flashback but i'm counting it.
arson: they burnt down the mansion during the first group hun + foreshadowing for the theater burning has been heavily dropped already.
human rashid turns up: and he looks very fed-up with his bosses tbh.
african american expat communities: some discussion of being african american in midcentury france in episode 2.
daniel challenges armand's narrative: "disregard" had me screaming at the tv
armand quotes shakespeare: simply did not think they would let a season pass without having shakespearean actor assad zaman quote shakespeare and i was right!
lestat's wolfkiller cloak: wearing it during his confrontation with armand in the street.
nicki flashback: and he did not have a good time. rip.
biased armand flashback: and HOW!
french colonialism: mention of france colonizing algeria and also quang + tuan pham being from vietnam when it was a french colony.
some of these are probably not happening (james baldwin namedrop, josephine baker cameo), two are almost definitely not but i don't regret wishing for them (armand ate marius, bricktop williams comes back) and some i think will play out during the rest of the season so i'm just waiting to see how that shakes out (bi/gay daniel, claudia is queer)
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childeproof · 2 years ago
big word dump abt everything related to my clone high s/i..
her clone mother is josephine baker! she’s a modern clone but i want her to be. less. than the modern clones in the show they have such bright designs (minus topher he looks like a shit stain I like that) I think she’d be rlly chill design wise, still with clear homages to her clone mother.
anyways, I think she’d be middle crowd in terms of popularity. sort of like background character that reoccurs every now & then (for tv reference) … she has her own crowd she runs with but she wld have classes with the more popular clones leading to them being friends. i think she wld be the type of person to easily float between friend groups but she has 1 main friend group if that makes sense?
she is bisexual like her clone mother & had a down low relationship with frida at one point (they’re still friends after the break up and do once a month ex dates for fun)
loves cheetah print!!! never rlly wears it tho lol
she owns a cat named chiquita.. wld like more pets but can’t have more. she’s also pretty good w kids :) she wants one of her own but sort of only imagines it as a baby so it’s complicated (but it’s ok she has her whole life to figure it out)
more of a comedienne & singer or dancer, she’s very clever but can NOT dance. she can act but she enjoys singing more…
relationship wise.. exes w frida, thinks abe & toph r both odd /neu, thinks cleo is cool & eventually befriends her, silly billies with confucius (they fllw each other everywhere on socials n hype each other’s posts), met frida through harriet & has barely talked to her since the break up lol, joan & her share classes so I think they’d meet through that & joan wld develop a crush… meanwhile jfk is also crushing. love triangle ish where jfk & joan like each other but also separately like josephine so they’re figuring it out. josephine likes joan first btw so at first it’s josephine likes joan & jfk likes josephine & jfk + joan r dating but it morphs into joan liking josephine & josephine liking jfk (lots of like pining & stuff if that makes sense also jfk & joan eventually talk out their feelings abt it)
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current joanfk selfship Pinterest board (ignore the fact I’m on the website) (black & white photos r josephine & jfk) Also. The Dostoyevsky quote is Joan vs jfk “ur mad hot” ughhh
RAHHH this is so long and incoherent I feel
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hollywoodlady · 4 years ago
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Her magnificent dark body, a new model to the French, proved for the first time that black was beautiful. - Janet Flanner, "New Yorker" correspondent.
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goodblacknews · 3 years ago
20th Century Global Superstar, Activist and Spy Josephine Baker's Cheeky Quote on Getting Ahead From Behind (LISTEN)
20th Century Global Superstar, Activist and Spy Josephine Baker’s Cheeky Quote on Getting Ahead From Behind (LISTEN)
by Lori Lakin Hutcherson (@lakinhutcherson) We celebrate the iconic, internationally famous entertainer Josephine Baker in today’s GBN Daily Drop podcast with some history along with her humorously clever quote regarding her ticket to fame, fortune and freedom in her adopted homeland of France, and around the world. It’s based on the Wednesday, March 23 entry in “A Year of Good Black News”…
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1991diamondaries · 3 years ago
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loosinganchor · 4 years ago
The things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains.
Josephine Baker
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lifeinpoetry · 5 years ago
We had to prove
ourselves different . . . for what? In the end, we still pined for shelter.
— Sally Wen Mao, from “Anna May Wong Meets Josephine Baker,” Oculus
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ballumlicious · 5 years ago
“Surely the day will come when color means nothing more than the skin tone, when religion is seen uniquely as a way to speak one's soul; when birth places have the weight of a throw of the dice and all men are born free, when Understanding breeds Love and Brotherhood.”
The Dazzling and Heroic Josephine Baker  💖💖💖
Her life mattered then and now... Black Lives Matter!💞
Josephine Baker Portrait (1999) 
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universitybookstore · 6 years ago
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“Surely the day will come when color means nothing more than the skin tone, when religion is seen uniquely as a way to speak one's soul, when birth places have the weight of a throw of the dice and all men are born free, when understanding breeds love and brotherhood.”
-- Josephine Baker, African American stage and film star, member The Order of Légion d'Honneur for her work in the French Resistance, civil and human rights activist, born June 3rd, 1906.
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ultraozzie3000 · 5 years ago
Risky Business
The Irish American gangster Jack “Legs” Diamond was often referred to as the “clay pigeon of the underworld” due to surviving several attempts on his life.
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Nov. 1, 1930 cover by Rea Irvin.
In his “Reporter at Large” column, Morris Markeychecked up on the fleet-footed bootlegger, adored by the public for his various brushes with the law and escapes from sure death. In his opening paragraph, Markey…
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lxvelifee-blog · 5 years ago
the things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains
~Josephine Baker
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samanthag16 · 6 years ago
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genderfluidpositivity · 6 years ago
"You must get an education. You must go to school, and you must learn to protect yourself. And you must learn to protect yourself with the pen, and not the gun."
- Josephine Baker
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