#joseph joestar headcanon
iniheritt · 8 months
JoJos playing minecraft headcanons (I hope you enjoy it!!)
Jonathan- tried playing with a keyboard but his fingers are too big so he uses a controller. Refuses to kill the iron golems in villages and loves trading with villagers, even though he wishes they had dialogue. Killed a pig because he was on the verge of starvation and then decided to stock up on bread and potatoes right after because he felt so bad. Cannot figure out redstone for the life of him; can only work a lever and button. He prefers sleeping through the night because he doesn't want to deal with the zombies but can somehow deal with the skeletons and creepers. Jonathan likes to play on easy mode to explore and find pottery sherds to make at least a few pots to decorate his house. Has yet to get into the nether or enter the end. Has not started a raid and does not plan on ever doing so. 
Joseph- plays with the keyboard and has almost broken it multiple times due to how hard he accidentally presses on the keys. Can only do simple redstone and even then, he somehow messes it up to the point it works out in the end (he doesn’t know how he did it but pretends he knew what he was doing like always) Likes trading with the villagers and has made a mini villager trading hall so he doesn’t have to run to catch any villagers or worry about them dying in a raid. Yes, he had died a few times because he was not prepared for them. Would like to try mods but he can’t figure out how to install them properly. Once he went into a server and figured out how to get a multiple diamond glitch but got banned once the other players found out how he had so many diamonds without ever being in a cave. He’s still mad about it. Once died in a wooden mansion and got so mad he didn’t place down a bed in it to save his progress, he quit and almost deleted the game.
Jotaro- didn’t care about the game and only knew the basics until he heard about the aquatic update. Looked up everything that would be included in the update and tried to play it on the keyboard so he could figure out how the game works. Prefers the controller over the keyboard. Knows how to do some redstone but barely makes anything using it. He had accidentally made a fishing pole while crafting; immediately went to find the nearest ocean or river to use it. Gets disappointed when the fish he pulls out are dead and looks up how to keep them alive. Uses the last few iron ingots he had to make a bucket and capture a fish. Makes a temporary pond until he makes a huge aquarium that connects to the ocean so the fish are all free to swim along with the other sea creatures. Has named at least one of each sea creature with the name tags. Once played for almost 6 hours straight due to being super focused on building something and didn’t realize it until he looked over at the clock. 
Josuke- uses the controller instead of the keyboard. Only plays on multiplayer or different servers but has a few testing worlds so he won’t mess up as much (like his father, he does mess up quite a lot, even after perfecting whatever he’s working on in his testing worlds, but it always works out in the end) he loathes the skeletons to the point where he was searching for a mod on reddit and other sites at 2am to get rid of the skeletons in the game. Knows alot about redstone and has many redstone builds in his testing worlds. Has killed almost every turtle he sees in the game by pure accident and feels guilty everytime, even with his fear of them. He is the player to go afk and have dinner while he leaves one of his farms to fill up his chests. He almost died to a skeleton doing this but managed to save himself; that was the night he went hunting for a mod to get rid of the skeletons. Has named his pet cat and dog after his best friends; has also named every spider after another person (I’m sure we all know who we’re talking about) He has a custom skin and surprisingly, people like his skin. Starts raids so he can get totems, but has not realized he can turn it into a farm to make it easier; no one has told him yet.
Giorno- likes using a controller but can play on the keyboard as well. Made a huge animal farm for every animal he could get. Loves using the bonemeal to gather more flowers and make it look nice around his house. Can do some complex redstone but likes keeping it simple. He owns a server and had banned a player for using a multi diamond glitch; he probably would have allowed them to keep using it in private as long as he got a few out of it, but he and a few others had caught him using it when they went to surprise him with a bunch of food when they heard they didn’t have much food. Died a few times because he forgets he’s not in creative mode. Makes a ton of cookies and shares them with everyone once a week because he always makes too much. Has no weapon preference. Can never find a village without someone’s help. 
Jolyne- started playing once she found out about the nether and the end. Prefers the end because it’s easy for her to kill the ender dragon. Loves getting gold for her golden apples since she has amazing luck when it comes to finding resources. Once made a nether portal before getting iron armor and hasn’t been able to do it since. Really good at using the bow. Loves playing multiplayer with her friends and being stupid late at night until early morning. Watches playthroughs of the game during dinner at home (she’s so me haha) and uses any tips from said playthrough into her own worlds. The one to go to if it involves the ocean monuments; she has a strategy that she uses almost every time she needs to enter one. Really good at complex redstone and uses it for her hidden base in a server she has with her friends. Loves making the cookies and cakes since she always liked how they look; sometimes has to go grab a snack to feel immersed within the game.
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What would the joestars (part 1-9) reactions to their darling (gender neutral) skirt getting lifted/flinged up by a kid?
( I got inspired from that one scene from frieren where a boy lifts up her skirt...and i personally wanna see the yandere joestars reactions lol.)
There’s the resounding thought of “is it wrong to beat up a child?” going through the Joestar’s heads.
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar
He’s fast enough to pick up whatever kid did this to his poor darling. No amount of smacking and thrashing will make him let go until they apologize, and Jonathan is pretty upset and makes it clear never to do it again. He appears to almost be a very stern parent talking to them, but there’s just a little bit of an intimidating aura behind it that it scares the kid off. Not to mention his large muscular stature helps fend them off as well.
He’ll probably walk you home after and make sure the kid doesn’t try jumping you (He knows how petty an angered person can be sometimes).
Yandere! Joseph Joestar
He can play petty, and he’s not going to let some snot nosed brat just upskirt his darling like that. (that’s a view he’s only allowed to have) The kid doesn’t get far at all, and probably even trips with whatever hamon trick Joseph decides to play off. He flicks the kids nose, maybe even pinches it.
“Cheeky little….you think you’re clever, but you’re not getting far with me, go home already”
He’s absolutely petty enough to give the kid a shaken up soda, and have it explode all over him later, (and maybe pants him, himself at some point). He’ll deny it later when you bring it up
Yandere! Jotaro Kujo
Under normal circumstances he’d be pissed, but being obsessive puts that anger through the roof. Star Platinum grabs the kid by the collar, and pulls them backwards. His stare is cold as ice, there’s zero patience in his voice as he also trips the kid with his stand by the feet. “How about you run home before something that you don’t like happens punk” is about the most restrained Jotaro can be at this point. He’s definitely tempted to punt the brat into the sun
The kid likely has a bloody nose, freaks out and books it out of there in a blink of an eye terrified. Alternatively there’s a chance Jotaro catches the kid early with a little use of his time stop, and smacks the kid in the back of the head with his hand. (Nothing concussion worthy) but it still sends the perpetrator packing.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (P4)
It irritates him almost instantly as insulting his hair, he’s on a similar level as Joseph when it comes to these things and the kid is going to have something not quite looking right after the use of Crazy Diamond. Who knows how the kid ended up in a fountain later, it totally wasn’t him! There might be a few other embarrassing stints and the kid eventually never walks your or his way ever again.
Yandere! Giorno Giovanna
His reaction would be interesting here, there’s a weird mix of calmness and pettiness wrapped into one. Firstly the blonde likely manages to pickpocket the kid right off the cuff. Tells the kid he forgot something while waving a wallet or a small amount of money around. Giorno has an obviously fake smile on his face, talks to the kid for a moment or two out of your earshot, perhaps you see an ear pinch out of your peripheral vision.
Though a scream erupts shortly after and the kid is running off slapping insects off themselves.
Yandere! Jolyne Kujo
She’s not the type to take stupid crap like upskirting happening to you (much like her father). The kid almost instantly gets caught by stone free, tripping him up. “What do you think you’re doing kid?” She’ll be asking them if they think their age is a get out of jail free card for acting like a brat. Jolyne will absolutely clever enough to make it look like she’s a sibling of this kid while giving him a taste of their own medicine.
Since they likely cant see stone free, the kid keeps tripping over and over. She might keep him still enough for a few birds to come over and do their business. Maybe hold their mouth open a bit, and suggests not telling anyone about this unless they want their parents to know them as the town pervert.
Yandere! Johnny Joestar
He’d pretend to almost not even notice this kids antics, but the kid quickly gets tripped up by spin. If there is any objects around they would just happen to trip into them. “Not sure what you’re trying to pull there, but it’s not a smart idea to pull that stunt to someone I like” Johnny tells them bluntly. This kid probably ends up “falling” again in mud or another unsavory mix from horses. He just gives the kid a cold stare and gestures them to leave for their own safety.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (Gappy) Part 8
There’s some soft humming as he goes to stop the kid who decided to upskirt you. There’s a dark look in his eyes as he grips the kid’s wrist firmly. He makes it clear he’s upset, and likely embarrasses the kid by messing with their hair, making it an obnoxiously ugly style or generally dumping something on them. With the bonus of the kid walking into a pole before rushing off, ( all of that may or may have not had to do with Soft & Wet)
Yandere! Jodio Joestar
There’s really no going back when you mess with his darling. Anything he does to this kid, he doesn’t regret in the slightest. “Want to see my sense of humor?” He’ll probably ask almost mockingly. He asks how’s the weather to kid, and casually uses November Rain on them. If he has food or a drink he doesn’t hesitate to dump it on the kid either. “I don’t think I want a sorry honestly….seems too…insincere for what you did” he shrugs.
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sovereignjojoz · 2 years
how they carry you/you them (ultimate edition)
Pairings: Jonathan x reader, dio…x reader?Joseph x reader, Ceaser x reader, jotaro x reader, polenarff x reader, Avdol x reader, josuke x reader, Rohan x reader.
Warnings: weird, partial fluff, partial crack, idk, dio?, tired at Rohan’s.
Notes - for all the love on the Bucci gang edition!<3
Jonathan Joestar
Gotta be Bridal style
The og gentleman
Very traditional
He just loves to carry you he would carry you always if he could.
He’ll probably spin you around too, he’s just so sweet!
Carrying him
I mean if you insist!
It’s quite unusual in Victorian society so he’s a bit befuddled.
But if it pleases you then go ahead!
Dio Brando…
He’s just gonna be a manhandler.
He’s not sweet or nice, none of that lovey dovey stuff he’s gonna do what he wants.
He’ll carry you, drag you, whatever, he fr doesn’t care.
Not very romantic.
Carries you however he wants even if it’s never been heard of.
Kinda possessive, he might squeeze you tight if others look at you.
Honestly bad overall, but you dio simps probably don’t care, that’s why you like him after all! (Affectionate)🥰
Carrying him
He expects this, don’t be daft.
And he’s not gonna make it easy.
He might even make u carry him on a throne, after all he’s dio and it’s what he deserves.🤷🏽‍♀️
Joseph Joestar
To put it simply, he’s a troll.
Every time he carries you, he’ll pick you up bridal style and secure you in his arms, and only once you’ve wrapped your arms around his neck or have gotten comfortable he’ll either a) pretend to drop you (if he’s feeling kinder) or b) actually drop you.
Then he’ll laugh rambunctiously.
“C’mon babe, ya fall for it every time and it gets funnier every t-“
“ ouch my ear! ‘m sorry!”
Seems like the kinda guy who likes to carry you whilst doing squats or other gym activities just to show off his strength, he especially loves it if it gets a ride out of you.
Overall annoying
Will not put you down.
Likes to make you squirm by carrying you with one arm and touching/tickling your feet like the weirdo he is.
Kinda touchy.
So so annoying.
Will definitely show off in front of Caeser
Carrying him
Never offer
He gets even more annoying.
As soon as you've picked him up, he'll make himself as heavy as he can and literally drop all his weight on you just so you struggle.
And he's so audacious and sassy.
He'll taunt you with comments like, "oh, is that struggling I see, huh? You insisted on carrying me so chop chop."
He even snaps his fingers at you.
Just drop him.
Caeser Zeppelli
Hm, ever the charmer isn’t he?
You just know he absolutely loves carrying his s/o.
It’s obvious knowledge that he has a notorious history of being a playboy, and because of his experience with women, he knows what women like, what little gestures make them blush, how they prefer to be held etc.
So he’s going to put the knowledge he’s accumulated on you, he wants to make you swoon.
He somehow manages to always gets the timing right too, he will literally sweep you off your feet like Prince Charming.
He’ll probably want to kiss you too and like pull you really close to his chest.
He definitely wants a s/o who gets easily flustered when he carries them! No matter if you cover your face, blush, squirm he doesn’t care, he wants that reaction!
“Caeser put me down!” You whisper-shouted, trying and failing to push him away, you were literally in front of Lisa Lisa!
He kissed your neck chastely, “why Cara? I quite like you in my arms.”
Likes to show off in front of Joseph.
Carrying him
He’ll blush out of surprise.
It’s feels so foreign to him, he’s not quite sure if he likes it!
He’ll definitely be more vulnerable to getting flustered!
Overall, he prefers to do the flustering and carrying.
Kujo Jotaro
Listen, I’m not even going to lie, you’re probably going to have to jump/floor him to get him to carry you…
Or you’re going to have to annoy him 24/7 so he considers it, just so he can get you to finally shut up.
“Jojo, Jojo, Jojo, please! I really really love you jojo! And you would do the same if you love meee-!”
Literally knocks you off of your feet.
Might just leave you on the floor.
Or he’ll hold you for one second, the drop you (heart eyes).
Jump on his back and you’ll get a piggy back for like 5 seconds or something before he pushes you off.
Small bonus! Part 4 jotaro! (+ jolyne)
Becomes more open to carrying you.
Still would rather not but if you insist fine.
He’ll brashly pick you up, stand still and hold you bridal style.
Baby Jolyne will make grabby hands and he’ll pick her up with one hand and carry you and her both.
Carries both you and baby Jolyne like sacs of potatoes.
Will put baby Jolyne on his shoulders.
Carrying him
Don’t try it, he’s got good reflexes, you might get knocked out.
He’ll probably wobble around because he doesn’t get carried.
Hates it.
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
My babygirl.
He’s such a romantic.
He just wants to pamper you and spoil you by making you not have to do anything ever, including walking!
“Ma Cherie! Please, don’t dirty your beautiful shoes in that puddle, allow me.”
Loves the feel of you close to him.
Wants you to jump on him, in his arms, any place any time.
Lil bit touchy.
He��ll speak to you in French too even if you can’t understand it (especially if you can’t) just to make you swoon more.
Sometimes he’ll carry you and dance just because.
Just lifts you when he’s extremely happy.
Give him affection!
Carrying him
If you love it he loves it.
He doesn’t care he just wants you to be happy.
Surprised at your strength though!
And he becomes very blushy too.
You gotta be practical with him.
He won’t refuse but he certainly won’t endorse it unless you both have privacy, he’s not a fan of pda unlike others on here (cough Caeser, Joseph and Polenarff).
He’ll carry you if you’re injured though, and he’ll be so tender, making sure not to hurt you.
In terms of carrying you, he prefers the more romantic side of things such as carrying you to bed.
Although if you want to be silly and like do challenges he may indulge you once or twice even though he may not be so fond of such things.
One thing is though you absolutely cannot get caught by Joseph! He wouldn’t be able to handle the teasing!
Carrying him
The first time you attempt it, he’ll definitely grip you tightly out of surprise.
“Oh my!”
The look of pure shock on his face is so cute.
He might ask you to put him down after a while though.
He may let you carry him once or twice more.
The best Jojo Higashkiata Josuke
Similar to Mista, he LOVES to carry you in any way he can.
Like he’ll tackle you in order to carry you, in fact a lot of the time him carrying you stems from you and him play fighting.
His favourite way to carry you is putting you on his shoulder and doing whatever he wants, like he might even put you on his shoulder then go about having a normal conversation with okuyasu???
I can’t get this out of my head but I envision running at you at max speed and just picking you up, putting you on his shoulder and continuing running.
And the reason varies like sometimes it’s valid like kira will be in the vicinity and other times it’s so random.
“Oh shi- [name]! We have to go we’re gonna be late to meet my mom at the dentists.”
Carrying him
Again you’ll probably struggle.
And he’ll laugh at you and tease you.
Maybe even take a picture.
This is the time for him to relax, y’know?
He’s shameless too, like he’ll call okuyasu whilst you struggle and be like “you got this babe, anyway…”
If Rohan ever sees this is just another reason on the list of why he doesn’t like Josuke.
Kishibe Rohan
He doesn’t have time for such trivial things, he’s got to work on things such as his manga.
This is something that idiot Josuke would do, not him.
But then he remembers that you’re his s/o and this will make you really happy, so he sighs and closes his sketchbook and indulges you.
Keeps it short and sweet.
When he puts you down they’ll be a couple of lingering touches.
Throw your arms around his neck, and kiss him, and tell him how much you love him then he’ll indulge you more.
Carrying him
Absolutely not, will jump out of your hold immediately and scowl.
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minyicho · 2 years
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ughhh why is this so truuuu. theres too many characters to tag :(((
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bexalert · 1 year
Jojo characters reactions to you being hurt
(Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Dio)
(mentions of violence)
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Jonathan Joestar:
• Since he can heal, he’s not too worried
• But he’s still freaking out a bit inside.
• He’s SUCH a gentleman
• “Are you alright? Here, let me carry you.”
• Even if you’re fine, this man is watching you like a hawk.
• He just doesn’t want to lose anyone else :(
• If it’s a more severe injury, broken limb, stab wound, etc. He’s more jittery
• Like if you’re visibly in pain he’s gonna feel awful.
• “Please don’t cry- it ok. I’m here.”
• If he can’t be there, he’s gonna have Speedwagon or Baron watching you.
• He’ll fight for your honor 😤
• He’ll just do to your attacker what they did for you
• And a little bit more 🤭🤏
• But he’s still honorable! So he won’t go too far
• He knows you’re capable he’s just really worried and paranoid.
• He just cares so much :(
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Joseph Joestar:
• He’ s gonna be making jokes
• Not because he doesn’t care, he just wants to make you feel better
• He’s so confident it’s almost annoying
• “Don’t worry, Joseph Joestar is here!”
• *wink*
• But if someone did this to you, you best believe Joseph is messing them up.
• “You made a big mistake hurting Y/N!”
• It’s gonna be night and day
• He’s so gentle and nice with you
• And then he’s beating someone half to death
• If it’s a more severe injury, he’s PISSED
• Tells Caesar or Lisa Lisa to watch you while he murders someone
• Skipping the witty quip
• Just going straight into destroying them
• He’s gonna be a lot nicer if you’re genuinely hurt
• Doesn’t want to make jokes if it’s more serious
• “Everything’s gonna be alright, Y/N.”
• He’s not leaving your side
• If medicine isn’t making you feel better, he will.
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Jotaro Kujo:
• If silent but deadly was a person
• He’s not even gonna have to fight whoever hurt you
• He’s just gonna walk up to them and they’re already on their knees apologizing
• “Don’t apologize to me.”
• Now they’re desperately apologizing to you, and you’re confused cuz it’s just a scrapped knee.
• You’ll have to tell Jotaro that you’re ok and it’s not a big deal.
• Cuz at this point you feel bad for this random guy
• But if it’s a severe injury
• This person is fucked
• He’ll make sure you’re ok, and leave you with one of the other Stardust Crusaders
• And then Star Platinum is killing someone
• And Jotaro is just glaring
• You are not leaving his line of sight
• “Are you ok?”
• You won’t notice, but he’s gonna be hyper aware of what you’re doing
• Helicopter parenting
• He’s gonna make sure you’re happy and safe.
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s very worried
• If it’s something small, he’s probably not gonna go after whoever did it
• He’s just gonna make sure you’re ok.
• “Are you hurt? Let me see, I’ll help.”
• He’ll patch you up, and you’ll go on about your day
• But if it’s a worse injury
• He’s FREAKING out
• His eyes are going all wide and he’s gonna go straight to you.
• If it’s an easier enemy, he’ll stay with you and have Hierophant Green get them, or vice versa
• But if it’s another stand user, he’ll leave you with the Stardust Crusaders and destroy them 🥰
• He’s making it quick, cuz he just wants to make sure you’re ok
• He feels guilty that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt
• He doesn’t want to seem clingy, but he’s gonna stay right by you’re side
• “I’m sorry you got hurt. I won’t let it happen again.”
• And he means that
• He’s going to keep you safe
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Dio Brando:
• oh boy
• You gotta try and calm him down
• Like you’re frantically trying to convince him not to kill this poor dude
• “How dare they touch you?!”
• If you’re able to convince him to leave the guy alone, his mood will be soured, and you won’t hear the end of it.
• But eventually he’ll let it go
• If you’re seriously injured, however, he’s not letting it go.
• He’s going to take his time and make them suffer.
• He’ll have one of his lackeys take him away, and make sure you’re fine.
• If you’re not, he’ll get you the best care
• And he WILL make this person suffer
• “They will not get away with doing this to you, believe me.”
• He’ll do to them what they did to you, but tenfold.
• And he’s gonna be clingy, but will deny it
• He’s gonna act like he’s on top of you 24/7 for your sake
• But he was actually just really worried
• He knows that he has many enemies, and doesn’t want you involved
• He’s not gonna forget about it for a while.
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What kind of hugs do you think the Stardust Crusaders give? 🥺
Not sure if you meant platonic or romantic so I put some of both :>
• You'd probably have to be rather close for him to hug you, and he'd probably rather have you initiate.
• He's 100% not a PDA person and kinda of in his emo phase so if he hugged you it would be in private
• I feel like he'd be a surprisingly good hugger after the awkwardness passed
• If you initiated and you were close he'd probably tense up a bit before awkwardly hugging back
• After that he'd probably ask for them rarely putting his head on your shoulder
• I feel like if he felt needy he would end up hugging too hard and apologizing very awkwardly
• His hugs would be surprisingly nice, I feel like he would be rather warm
• Would probably bury his face in your neck if you were dating when cuddling alone
• Emo
• I feel he'd be awkward but would be more approachable for that
• My homeboy hasn't had much experience in the friend department mkay leave my guy alone
• He'd be awkward with PDA but more willing to give you a side hug or straightup cuddle alone in a bro way when watching movies
• He wouldn't know where or how to put his hands when you first hugged him and would be rather nervous
• I feel like he'd be secretly touch starved
• He'd be very chill with cuddling when watching movies or stuff like that but wouldn't really do it around people
• Tbh I feel he'd be rather awkward but would get the hang or it soon enough
• He would probably hug you a lot when dating when there aren't many people around
• Not hugging but I feel like he'd offer his arm for you nervously when walking around if dating bc he's a polite boy (gentleman)
• This man has no shame
• He would bear hug you and crush your organs in front of everyone without a care in the world
• Would tackle-hug you after not seeing you for a long time
• If you're Jotaro's age he would ruffle your hair too
• Would probably treat you as a second grandkid
• Lifts you up
• Very warm hugs (ignore the crushed ribcage)
• My silly banned from seven airline companies man
• Another one with zero shame
• Would give zero fucks if there were people present
• Swings you in circles
• Tight hugs but not rib-crushing like our guy Joseph here
• Makes a fucking spectacle
• PDA fan
• If you are dating he will pick you up and kiss round your face while saying french shit you dont understand because french isn't a real language BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT-
• Biiiiiiiig cuddle fan
• Turns into a fucking octopus wrapping around you
• Baguette
• His hugs would be so nice just bdbrnrbfn
• I feel like he'd feel very fatherly
• And caring
• jdbdnfbfnnfn
• Very warm hugs, man's a human heater
• Comfy
• Makes you feel safe easily with em
• It wouldn't be rib crushing or light, just perfect like that house stealing goldilocks bi-
• I wanna hug him
• Bites you
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tangytiramisu · 2 years
Stardust Crusaders Touching Your Breasts
Fem Reader!
Warnings: SFW + NSFW but SFW is still a bit spicy!
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Jotaro Kujo
Honestly, you either asked him to touch them or he accidentally did.
Either way, he’d grunt and mutter his catchphrase before adjusting his hat to hide his blush.
Though if you request for him to touch them, he reluctantly would, glaring at you in disapproval, though you know that it’s a tough facade hiding curiousity.
He’s never touched anyone like this, so he hesitantly cups his hand upon your left breast, feeling the softness beneath his palm before squeezing. His grip is slightly tight due to his inexperience and flustered state.
If you moan his soul will leave his body
Never looks you in the eye while doing this. His gaze is invisible underneath his hat but is fixed onto your breasts.
Under normal circumstances it goes no further than this and he immediately lets go before walking off, cheeks blushing a scarlet red as he grits his teeth.
If you decide to go further, it’s because you insisted that he keep going and both of you ended up horny.
This is when he would make eye contact, glaring while biting his lip before grabbing your other breast and squeezing both at the same time.
After some time he’d order you to lift your shirt and bra, staring at your breasts for a while (you swear that you see him swallow) before grabbing them again.
He’d subconsciously be rather rough because of his arousal, but if you show any signs of pain he’d soften his touches to the point where you can barely feel them.
He’ll play with your nipples, flicking and pressing them them with his thumbs before squeezing the mounds together, admiring the view for a while. While he may hold his perpetual glare, you can see awe meddle with the roughness of his gaze.
You can tell by his expression that he's holding back some kind of urge; in reality he desperately wants to suck the life out of your tits but is too shy to.
Unless you plan to have sex, this is the furthest he’d go when messing around, but it still feels amazing having your breasts fondled by his warm, callous hands.
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Noriaki Kakyoin
This is a rare moment where you’d catch him off guard. He’d flinch slightly but immediately regain composure, despite the pink on his cheeks.
“Hmm? You’d like me to do that right now, dear?” His tone is casual, but you can definitely notice a hint of seduction. “Alright, I don’t mind~”
He slowly reaches for your breasts and cups and squeezes them with just the right amount of pressure, watching your face intently as he gently fondles them.
For the most part he’d look rather poised and focused, though he’d lightly tease you by whispering in your ear every now and then.
“Wow (Name)~ They’re so soft~”
He will breathe against your neck to rile you up, leaving a couple of slow, teasing kisses on your skin.
There is so much sexual tension between the two of you during these moments, which you're both keenly aware of.
When he’s done he’ll kiss your cheek. He wouldn’t do it for too long unless you’d like to go a bit further with it.
If you are both in the mood, he’ll kiss you intensely while holding your torso close to him.
After you give him permission, he’ll lift your shirt and bra before kissing you again, leading kisses down your neck towards your chest.
He’ll gently squeeze your breasts together and bury his face in between them, enjoying your scent and pillowy warmth while playing with your nipples.
Kakyoin will use his skilled tongue to good use and lick your skin teasingly while looking up with you with a seductive glint in his eyes. He leaves the skin of your breasts lightly coated in his saliva and plays with your nipples with the tip of his tongue, flicking it back and forth.
He will suck your tits every few seconds to get you to moan out loud for him. The sucks grow a tad harsher when you don’t give him what he wants.
He’s kinky so he may leave one or two hickeys if he’s really in the mood.
While he may be great at maintaining his calm demeanor, make no mistake, he can be a beast if coaxed.
If you insist that he give it his all, he will waste no time in expertly ravaging your breasts, using his hands, lips, teeth, and tongue to squeeze, suck, nibble, and lick every inch of your chest until you’re a moaning and whining mess.
Never underestimate him when he’s horny.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
It would either start from him playfully groping you and you telling him you enjoy it, or you straight up asking him (that always noticeably flusters him). Either way, he’s onto you in less than a second.
“Anything for you, ma belle~!”
He’d start off frisky from the get go, squeezing and burying his face between your breasts, leaving excited kisses along your neck.
He gazes up at you most of the time to watch your expression and smiles gleefully at signs that you’re enjoying it.
He’d leave hickeys all over you and you’d have to urge him not to do so in noticeable parts.
It would honestly be pretty difficult not to go further than this at this point, but if you really can’t/don’t want to he’ll respect you, albeit with a little pout.
Let’s be honest, it wouldn’t take long for things to escalate.
He will lie you down on the closest surface to continue your little tryst, though he prefers a bed because it’s the most romantic.
He’d rather hastily take your shirt off and unclip your bra before kissing all over your breasts, leaving a couple hickeys.
He is much slower after getting rid of the obstacles in his way, gently sucking on your tits, alternating between them while his fingers lightly flick and roll the nipple that isn’t currently in his mouth.
He makes sure to be as delicate with you as possible. Even if you request that he be rougher, he will be very hesitant, only making his actions more passionate (even if he already was) rather than blatantly rough.
He will praise you endlessly, complimenting your beauty and softness and how delicious you smell and taste, all the while blushing and in a daze. All of his words are romantic.
70% of the time, you end up making sweet love 💕
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Muhammad Avdol
He never does anything blatantly sexual without asking for permission, so you’d have to ask him to touch your chest. Of course, he’d be caught off guard and red faced at your request.
He’d ask you if you’re certain and, after a lot of reassurance, he’d comply, though his touch would almost be ghostly. He isn’t extremely nervous, but is a tad shy and wants to respect your boundaries so you’d have to gently tell him to be a little rougher if you want him to be.
Despite his initial nervousness, it doesn’t take long for him to ease into it and regain his usual poise and confidence. His touch is still gentle, but he is an attentive person and quickly picks up on where and how to touch you.
He may tease you a bit, but it’s always subtle and full of praises as he lightly squeezes your mounds in his large hands.
“Relax my dear~ You’ve worked so hard lately, it means a lot to me that you trust me to relieve you of your stress~”
He wouldn’t go any further than this unless you ask him to, though if you do, he’d gladly comply.
Like Polnareff, he prefers somewhere romantic like a bed. He’d slowly lie you down upon it before gently stripping you of your shirt and unhooking your bra, admiring the sight before him while complimenting your appearance.
He’d then trace your curves with his fingers as if you’re a delicate work of art, taking his time before lighting squeezing your flesh in his palms.
He’d fondle your breasts for a little while, only focusing on making you feel good. He uses your body language to dictate whether he should continue the same treatment or move on to the next step.
He will move on accordingly, pressing slow kisses all over your chest before licking your nipples as preparation. After that, he gently begins sucking and nibbling on them, only being slightly rougher if you ask for it.
With him there’s no sense of urgency; if there is no immediate threat, he will do it for as long as you desire, and the stress relief from this experience has you feeling lighter than a cloud.
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Joseph Joestar
There’s no doubt that he’s the type to tease you whenever he gets the chance, especially if it involves physical touch. His favorite is playfully groping you, and he isn’t afraid to do so in public either. Though whenever he gropes you, it’s always mostly just a quick squeeze.
Needless to say, when you request that he do more, he’s giddy.
“I knew you’d come ‘round to it, sweetheart~!”
After finding a private spot, he starts it all off by giving you a passionate kiss while groping you roughly, which is enough to knock the breath out of you.
He doesn't hesitate to immediately give you a couple of dark hickeys on your neck. In his younger days he wouldn't give any qualms about whether they were visible, however he is far more mindful now, only giving you one or two in a visible area just to tease you.
He’d motorboat you just to tease you, and he loves it when you laugh. Both of you are quite giggly the entire time.
He's rather rough with you overall, so you may have to ask him a couple of times to be a bit gentler. He doesn't mean to make you uncomfortable, he's just very physically affectionate.
It wouldn’t take that long for you guys to get steamy.
Once you give the ok you swear that only a millisecond passes before your chest is bare before his eyes. He grins widely.
“You’re as gorgeous as ever~” he says with a wink.
He’ll nip lightly at your skin, using his hands to feverishly grope the soft flesh of your breasts and squeeze his face between them.
A couple of playful hickeys are littered along your collarbone and all over your breasts, a couple dangerously close to your nipples.
He takes some time ignoring your nipples and is satisfied when you finally become a moaning and whining mess. That’s when he finally gives you want you desire, suckling, nipping and flicking his tongue at your buds enthusiastically.
Despite the intimacy of this moment, he’s still a jokester, tickling your sides slightly with the light touch of his fingertips to make you squirm and laugh.
If you have free time you go at this for a while, and the chances of things escalating are quite high. 😉
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Guys I suffer from jojo brainrot, I know its not my usual writing , but I need to get this out of my system. NO SPOILERS they/them pronouns, sfw, Request open
Also for obvious (and legal) reasons in josuke and okayasu ones reader is like 16.
Also I didnt finish jojo part4 yet so some stuff might be eee not accurate?
More jjba dating headcanons!!
Including Kars, Santana, young Joseph, Jonathan, Josuke, Speedwagon, Okuyasu
Homie will litteraly pet them. My guy has god complex, thinks that humans are so so smol and so so tiny
Picks them up like some lil baby and probably carries them around everywhere
S/o mostly just vibes in his huge mansion while Kars plots some evil emo stuff (again)
Quick reminder that this guy was doing ah mimimimi ah mimimimimi😴 for last few centuries so s/o has to explain him a lot of stuff
Imagine him getting jumpscared bcs your phone made a noise, or him just walking up to light switch and turing lights on and off repeatedly. Mans fascinated
Also guy is a walking muscle so no matter how big or smol s/o is they going to be picked up and carried around, probably he uses only one hand too btw
Pls brush his hair he will litteraly melt
"Human why you carry tiny talking square everywhere? Is it magical?"
My guy will take their phone and 'accidently' take 50selfies, but not in sexy way, but in 'his face is zoomed to camera and you see only his eyes and forehead' way
His love language is quality time, understanding and gifts
Hates germans btw
Will give them random stuff, like he will litteraly bring them a microwave and be like "human explain meaning of this". But also gives them shiny rocks, jewellery, hair accessories. If s/o wants a new car, my man gonna litteraly pick up first car he sees and bring it to them
I am convinced he eats food with his bare hands. S/o has to give him tutoral how to use knife and fork, he won't like it >:(
Young Joseph
Homeboy hands are everywhere, if my guy doesn't hold their hand, he is putting his hands on s/o shoulders or waist or just kisses them
Doing make-up together. And nails. And hair. All of this while shittalking his enemies and talking about all the drama.
Tequila Joseph first dragqueen in history btw
Never go on plane with him, no matter how romantinc he promises it will be. Do not
Also makes fun of Ceasar that Joseph was the first one to find a partner not him😍
S/o and Ceasar probably meet up sometimes to just complain about how dumb Joseph sometiems is😭
Will litteraly do anything to impress them frfr
Not boyfriend, but Husband material
My guy will be on walk with his homie speedwagon and litteraly act like teenager girl with crush. All blushy, shy and asking for advices
Gives them handfuls of flowers, but like Jonathan's sized handful (alot)
Loves walking with s/o and holding hands ofc
My boy will blush and die if s/o does first move
Pls s/o beat dio up he sucks
The best boy husband
Bros gonna be so protective, like fr my guy will be worried if s/o goes to shop and doesn't come back in more than 20minutes
He will blush if s/o tries to hold his hand
Mumbles a lot about hair routine and hair products, and probably likes to comb s/o hair
Okayasu probably cried when he found out that Josuke has a partner btw
The sweetest boy alive
Guy will accidentally spoil them. Also they are basicly immortal due to all crazy daimon stuff
If s/o sees stands... OMG PLS pls hug his lil man, his stand i mean. It looks very hugable
Playing video games when s/o and josuke lied to his mom that you came over to teach him some school stuff>>
This dude
This guy
Will litteraly beat anyone up, for no reason anyways. He just do be like that.
He is very dumb, please be patient
Isn't romantic, he tries to act cool and tough, but he is unintentionally cute! Like he will go to s/o house in middle of day, knock on door and he like "sup babygrill I bought you some ice cream"
If you guys play any kind of competitive game he might let them win! But he never tell them that of course
Also he is very physical, but not in romantic/sexy way but in 'dub me up homie/sup give me high five' hes very bromance. he also enjoys just leaning on them, like yall just stand waiting for bus and this dude will put like half his body weight on them
Once he had a nightmare and called them at 3am
Btw sorry that characters are all over place and not organised, I am sleeby
My guy will shank anyone for you babe
Talks, a lot. So if s/o is a listener type, they will get along well
Goes to Jonathan and asks for advices about relationships!
S/o steals his hat and he pretends that he's offended, but pls dont stop you look cute!
My guy is very very...unorganised... total mess of a men if it comes to life. I dont even know if he has a house btw
Cuddles on couch when he's sure that noone is around>>>
Will read them to bed if that helps s/o fall asleep
He has poor eyesight but he doesnt wear glasses. Bonk him pls
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honeyyhivee · 3 months
best friend!joseph joestar ⠀ྀི
⠀ྀི in which joseph joestar can change your mind every time ⠀ྀི
cw ⠀ྀི minors dni! black!fem reader in mind but read as you please, explicit smut with a little bit of plot, battle tendency!joseph joestar, unprotected p in v (wrap it up, folks!), dumbification, petnames (pretty girl, babe, my girl, pretty, doll), joseph's lowk a perv
word count & thoughts ⠀ྀི 701, lowercase intended, not proofread :(, reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated ♡
“look at you! ya’ didn’t need to get all dolled up for me.” 
you laughed at your best friend, joseph's comment before rolling your eyes. “who said i was dolled up for you? it is one of the dresses you got me for my birthday though.” you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. his hands held onto your waist for a moment before he tried to sneak one hand towards your ass, quickly you let him go and grabbed his wrist.
“i got a date in like an hour, jojo. don’t be a perv.” you pouted a little while moving away from him. “a date? with who?”
“with my business, jo’. i was coming over because i wanted to talk to nana erina.”
he scoffed and folded his arms. “are you trying to get back at me for something because this isn’t a funny joke. she’s not here at the moment anyway.”
“then i have no reason to be here myself.” as you went towards the door, he followed and waved his hands. “pretty, pretty girl, don’t tell me you’re being serious.” you avoided eye contact with him as you nodded.
“hm, fine, if you think your ‘date’ can take better care of you than i can, go on.” he actually left you alone, walking towards the couch. with your hand on the doorknob, you began to hesitate. you knew that joseph was sitting there right now with a smirk on his face, if you stayed you’d prove him right yet you still opened the door only to close it right back.
things were messy between you and your best friend, they always had been, but this time was worse. this time, joseph was making sure that you could never even dream of getting with another man.
you gripped onto him as he roughly fucked himself into you. you were laid on your back, both of your legs resting on his shoulders with your eyes shut as he continuously hit that spot that made you squirm.
“all mine, babe. you’re all mine.” dumbly, you nodded and recited “all yours” back to him, which only made him grin wider. “keep those eyes open on me, pretty. you gotta know who you’re talking to.” he teased.
once you had your eyes open, he began to slow his pace down a bit, giving hard thrusts. your mouth stayed open with no sound, as your eyes threatened to roll back. “look at my girl. fuck-” he leaned down more, continuing to give you these deep strokes while sucking on your neck.
“more, please.” you whimpered, stuttering your words. “more? you want more?” he asked in a mocking tone but all you could do was nod in response. “why should i, hm? go ask your date for more.”
joseph was always so unbearably annoying at the worst times. you began to twitch around him, which gave him this signal that you were close.
he leaned back up before fixing your legs and holding them still. luckily for you, he was one moment closer to his release. he settled before speeding up his pace again, the sounds of your squelching getting louder as his dick pushed into you relentlessly.
“sorry, doll. ‘m gonna cum in you.” he groaned, remembering that the two of you had no protection at all. to his surprise, you replied back with a whiny “please, i need it.” he couldn’t hold back anymore while he pumped himself into you, you clenched tighter around him.
your moans grew louder, as your eyes rolled and your manicured fingers gripped onto the couch. your essence painted a white ring around his dick and simply seeing that pulled joseph into his peak, his cum finally releasing into you.
his hips stuttered against you before he got your legs from off of his shoulders and pulled out completely. his eyes widened looking at his seed spilling out of your hole while your legs were spread wide open.
you laid there trying to catch your breath only to feel a tongue lapping up your pussy, causing you to jump and nearly shut your legs. joseph caught them before they closed and looked up at you.
“can i finish?”
© honeyyhivee (2024)
don’t use or steal my work, thanks!
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jojoforthesoul · 7 months
Stardust Crusaders With A Partner That Loves Iggy
Request: Can i request the stardust crusaders with a s/o who loves/is super close with iggy~~~ HAHAHA (iggy is my BABY) I'll do anything, please!!! I love reading your works!!!! Also, I'm going on anon bc my ass is shy LOL
Note: Hello! Sorry for the long hiatus but i’m back! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy!
gender neutral reader
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We all know that this man knows what’s it’s like to prefer the company of animals over people, but did you have to bond with the ankle-biter.
You help the little shit steal food, but he thinks the way you smile and giggle as you “sneak” around is cute enough to ignore the left overs going missing.
After every thing in Egypt, he goes on a hunt for a puppy that resembles your fallen companion to help you cope.
He finds your closeness with Iggy absolutely adorable.
He often is very willing to give you his table scraps for you to feed to Iggy later on.
While he himself is not very fond of the little beast, he’s willing to entertain your love for him.
He resents this beast from hell for all his antics. However i also like to headcannon Pol as needy for your attention, so he also hates the mutt for stealing some of your love from him.
Obviously as time goes in he slowly hates Iggy less and less, but refuses to show it.
Though, he still slyly puts his table scraps in the bag you keep for Iggy thinking you don’t notice.
Not because he like the dog, but because your love for him is just so god damn cute.
He is like a more enthusiastic version of Kakyoin.
He absolutely loves that you have formed a bond with this unique little stand user.
Of course he gives you his left overs from dinner for Iggy if you ask; hell, he’ll order the pup his own steak if you bat your laches enough.
He absolutely admires you for taking on the hefty role of being a safe person for this poor animal.
Sometimes, late at night when he can’t sleep, he just watches and smiles at you and Iggy cuddled together in peaceful slumber, and it helps him to feel that same peace.
He is more on the route of buying food specifically for Iggy when at stops where you can find dog food.
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fee-fi-fo-dum · 1 year
How I feel being stuck in year 3 of my jojo phase:
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iniheritt · 2 years
How the Jojos play animal crossing: new horizons
this is my first time writing for jjba so please bare with me, I might make more in the future beyond head canons. Anyways, hope you enjoy!!
Jonathan loves helping the villagers find any lost items and likes helping Tom Nook (and the twins) turn the island into a nice place to live for everyone. He helps out other players if they are stuck (mostly Speedwagon or his mentor William) on what to do next or short on bells (he saves up and doesn’t buy that many items) Jona likes all the villagers he gets but will be kinda sad when one of them wants to leave; he lets them leave even if it makes him sad. Jona has a special place in his heart for Gonzo, mostly because he reminds him of his father (and refuses to let him leave because of it)
Joseph likes to have villagers with opposite personalities in order to cause drama and makes up little stories to entertain himself (basically The Amanda Files on youtube) but has his favorites, like Cesar (Only because the name reminded him of Caesar) and Alli. His island gets covered in weeds alot and will get cleaned once Caesar visits (he’ll sell most of it for bells or use it as decor for his island) He likes to hit Caesar with a net but gets yelled at thru voice chat because Caesar almost caught a bug he needed for his museum but Joseph scared it off.
Jotaro only plays to either catch fish/sharks or catch up with Kakyoin. He often visits Kak’s island to see what new build he made or if he finally finished his flag design. Jotaro doesn’t touch the natural structure of the island and works around it if he decides to make a nice build (mostly inspired by places from his childhood) He and Kakyoin made a build on each other’s islands. They leave them on their islands and save their islands so they can visit them in the future; they have two saved islands for each of them. Jotaro’s fav villagers are Daisy and Eugene.
Josuke loves making designs for new outfits he wants irl. He definitely used all the design slots for both clothes and other patterns he uses or makes himself. If you pay him enough irl, he’ll help you design your island to what he thinks you’d like or demolish it (like give him your switch and it’ll be done within a few hours). His mom bought him acnh as a present. Okuyasu only recently got a switch with acnh and asks Josuke how to play alot, which he doesn’t mind answering. Josuke’s favorite villager is Freya and likes seeing her in outfits he picks out for her.
Giorno (after becoming the new mafia boss) doesn’t play the game enough and gets sad about it. He’ll take some time off just to play for a day or two in order to relax. Trish convinced him to take those days off. He’s the guy to go to when you need to dig up a bunch of flowers because he doesn’t have the heart to dig them up himself and will give them away for free. Mista has to go to him when he’s low on bells. Giorno can’t decide if Melba or Marcie are his favorites because he likes any that visit him via campsite.
Jolyne (au where she never went to prison and met everyone at a park due to an incident involving Emporio, which I will possibly write about soon) likes playing acnh with her friends when they hang out. She lets Emporio play it whenever he wants to make something on her island, which will usually be a small build he thought she’d like. Her and Ermes visit each other’s islands as often as they can to hang out and collect nook mile points. They use them to buy mystery island tickets and go villager hunting together on call. Jolyne will visit Anasui’s island to do trades with him and he still flirts with her, causing Jolyne to use her net and hit him with it if he tries anything weirder. Her favorite villager is Olive since she reminds her of her mother. But her favorite character in the game is C.J. because he reminds her of her dad.
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Which joestar do you think would be the worst yandere? And why
Pick your poison! I like to think the Joestar’s all have their little traits that shine the most based on their personality (so whose the worst can depend on what you’re uncomfortable with). Going to do just the og verse jojo’s for this 1-6.
Jonathan : Very sweet almost intoxicatingly so, but he tends to end up a bit overprotective/just a bit babying. Insisting he does things for you, if you have some issue somewhere else? Why not let him resolve it. Don’t fret over too much he has the means to take care of you. There might be a time or two your room might be locked if you’re a little more stubborn than usual
Joseph: What is this thing called “personal space” ? It almost sounds like a foreign language to this man. He totally didn’t mess certain things up so you happen to meet up with him. Not sure why your date stood you up? He couldn’t possibly give an answer other than they’re not worth your time since they didn’t bother showing up. He should take you to this great place he loves going to after a long day.
Jotaro: Stalking type usually, and mows past anything that he might feel gets in the way of you and himself. He’s used to punks, so he’s not afraid to pummel someone if they don’t get the message to scram. When it comes to classes, he’s glancing at you every so often, maybe there’s a “doodle” or two in his notebook. Need to walk somewhere? He’ll walk with you. If you’re hiding out to be alone, he ends up finding you. You’re probably the reason he learns any building’s layout in the first place. Clubs or class cleaning doesn’t stop Jotaro either, he’ll wait as long as it takes. Being sick at home doesn’t stop him either, usually there’s some kind of hot soup/dish that’s good to eat while sick sitting in your room somehow. (Not to mention potential kidnapping later down the line if you’re not really cooperating)
Later Parts like 4 and 6, he’s pretty similar in dropping you off things even if you never once told him your address. (He has a decent memory of these things). Similarly Jotaro has any phone numbers you have in his contacts, and he’ll have a talk personally with anyone that he isn’t fond of approaching you. He tends to have you in the back of his mind while out on his studies, or writing a paper, and yet again drawings somewhere he’s compelled to place them. Every so often he checks in on you (whether you want this or not doesn’t matter). Broken down car? It’s either replaced swiftly or he’s driving you places himself. Maybe he somehow (forces) nudges you to live with him.
Josuke : He’s head over heels for you, and similar to Joseph he’s going to take any opportunity to squeeze himself into your life. He just so happens to have some leftover lunch from that place you like? You looked sad when they had sold out of your favorite meal there, so why doesn’t he help with that? Speaking of, maybe your eyes are drifting somewhere else. He steals any potential love letters to a crush and rewrites them, making it look like you’re confessing to him. He may also leave one of your favorite treats you like in its place. It’s an enigma to you how he found that out.
Giorno : He’s the don of the Italian mafia, he’s almost constantly worried about you. So if he has eyes on you, it’s almost immediate you lose autonomy whether born in Italy or a tourist. He’s clever in his ways to trap you, whether you’re resistant or not doesn’t matter. (he does think you’re cute with a strong head on your shoulders). There’s some of that charisma he possess all the same just like his father. Even if it doesn’t work on you, it makes others around you to trap you easily. Giorno likes to think he gives you a lot of leeway with voluntarily coming to him. He’ll meet you casually in coffee shops or wherever you’re willing to shop at. The bill is covered without you having to say a word. Any cash you used is miraculously brought back to you somehow. The blond isn’t afraid to get his hands a little dirty however when it comes to you. If he has to take something for you to step into his arms (whether it’s your ability to walk around outside or someone close to you) he’ll do whatever it takes.
Jolyne : Sure she stalks somewhat, but like her father she can be bold in taking care of the competition. She’s not afraid to hold your hand or finding a way for you two to do so. Eavesdropping is something she does occasionally, and anyone that wants to stomp on your heart is going to get stomped themselves. She does delay you with stone free (or outright captures you) if Jolyne doesn’t want you to leave. It’s impossible to shake her off, no matter what you try to do. Of course she made a copy of your apartment key, what if there’s an emergency? Maybe she wanted to make you breakfast. Huh? What do you mean she can’t just walk in unannounced? Don’t be ridiculous.
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Jojo’s kink hc (except for minors)
Jonathan Joestar
praise: Jonathan loves praising you. “You’re such a good girl, y/n.. your body is so cute, quivering for me..”
He also loves spanking though he doesn’t want to hurt you he does enjoy doing it while he praises you.
“Why are you acting up, darling?” Smack! “You’re usually such a good girl for me~” he lifts your chin to look back at him and kisses your cheek as he rubs your red ass
Size difference: seeing your tiny form take his big cock just does something to him. He loves feeling you tighten around him as he breaks your tight cunt.
Breeding: Filling you up while he praises you, imagining you full of him and his child so you two can finally start a family together. It’s not just because of the possibility or risk if you getting pregnant but the fact that you two can be one and creat a family together
Joseph Joestar
Loves dirty talk, anything he can say, he will.
“You slag, you know I love it when you toy with me like this! Don’t you!? You know what you’re doing to me!” As long as you two are fucking expect him to call you whore, slut, dirty bitch, he just loves degrading
Roleplay: loves when you dress up for him and just make up something on the spot, boss x secretary is especially his favorite. “Well, looks like you want that promotion real bad, huh? Well you’ll have to work for it~ good girl..”
Bondage: seeing you tied up or vice versa is just a turn on in general, but if you’d like to tease him while he’s tied up he’ll be cumming in minutes. If he ties you up then you’d almost always end up being teased and overstimulated until you can’t even properly think.
Toys: using a vibrator on him while he’s being forced not to cum until you tell him to would have him shaking. If you use a vibrator in front of him, he’ll get hard from just watching you, watching you please yourself to the sight of him watching you.
Master/ mistress kink: you calling him master or him calling mistress depending on what you two are doing that night will get him more than in the mood to rock your bed springs out of place.
Jotaro Kujo
Spanking: loves spanking you for being a bad girl and disobeying him. He can’t get enough of seeing your ass red from him spanking you and pussy soaked while he does so. You can obviously feel his buldge in his pants beneath your tummy as your say over his lap.
Degrading: calling you names while he plows into you as he’s gripping onto your hips, “you slut. I know you like this, beg me for it. Beg me to let you cum” calling you whore, cumslut, etc..
Fingering: fingering you in public or private just turns him on. Maybe because you’re getting so worked up over just his fingers, or it could be because he’s eager to feel your right, wet pussy on his big cock. Either way he loves doing it, especially in public, if you wear a skirt he take advantage of it immediately. Taking you to a fancy restaurant and pulling your panties aside so he finger you while you’re ordering.
Breeding: filling you up while he uses however he wants. You begging him to fill you and fuck you full of seed and give you his baby are just a few reasons why he likes doing it so much<3 otherwise he just loves seeing his seed drip out of you while you whine.
Daddy kink: calling him daddy switches something on inside of him for some reason, maybe because he likes being power.
Jolyne Cuhjo
Pussy eating: she gets off to pleasing her partners more often than not. Hearing her partner whine and whither under her because of her talented tongue. Lapping at your needy cunt while she’s taking in tasteful noises.
Edging: either giving or giving, she doesn’t really care. In cooperating it into foreplay almost every time seeing you fall under her spell of ecstasy, begging to cum while she takes complete utter control of your pleasure. Now if you do it to her she’s definitely gonna be whining and begging you to let her cum already, she might start hurling insults but they don’t mean anything.. it’s the edging talking.
Mommy kink: same as jotaro, doesn’t really know why she likes it so much but it’s just the position of power.
Johnny Joestar
Doing it in public: the thought of getting caught is so thrilling it’s almost enough for him to cum on its own. Having someone seeing you both in such a submissive state together.. it’s too much!
Body marking: kissing and nipping on parts of your body he knows people see most definitely see while he fucks you. Thinking about how people will react and how flustered you will be when people notice.
Mutual masturbation: jerking off to the thought of you when he’s right next to your sleeping form. When you awoke, you didn’t move or say anything you stayed still and listened to his moans. A pool began forming in your panties, you couldn’t take it anymore so you reached down your panties and started toying with yourself, eventually gaining Johnnys attention and leaving his shocked.
“Keep going, don’t stop now that you’ve been caught”
Buy me a Kofi! ☕️
Definitely not required but they do help:)
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gatitties · 7 months
─Crusaders x reader [Stardust Crusaders]
─Summary: Everything you touch seems to be doomed to be torn to shreds, your clumsiness doesn't help matters, but the journey can't stop.
─Warnings: none
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─ Luck follows you but you are faster.
─ Your hands seem to want to grab something at the least opportune moment, and of all the things that can happen, you always end up breaking what you touch.
─ You really think that one day you will break someone's bone by touching them.
─ Regardless of whether you have a stand or not, you end up breaking things.
─ The boys will be stressed seeing you break something in the middle of something important and attract the enemy's attention.
─ You're playing with Jotaro's patience, if you weren't a valuable member he would have kicked your ass for breaking some of his things.
─ Joseph won't stop making fun of you for that, this man will cry with laughter whenever you smash something, even if it's just a cookie.
─ Surely he tried more than once to throw you at an enemy in the hope that you would break them somehow.
─ Probably the only ones worried about your clumsiness are Avdol and Kakyoin, sometime you will break some part of your body yourself, in fact, your skin is already covered in bruises from crashing into furniture or objects.
─ Polnareff is in the middle, he makes fun of you and worries, he could use you as a wall if a stone goes towards him but he will help you if he sees that you step on your own pants.
─ Iggy stays far enough away from you, he won't even bother attacking you when he's in a bad mood, he knows he'll lose if you hold him.
─ They are definitely not putting their lives in your hands, at least, not if you have to hold them, they prefer to rest on the ground than in your hands.
─ Were you a destroyer of worlds in another life?
─ The good part is that you always have funny stories to tell about moments that were uncomfortable but now funny, you lighten the tension of the trip in these small breaks.
─ Jotaro scolds you a lot because before you can do anything you're already apologizing, it's not like it's your fault that the objects seem to come to life in your hands and self-immolate.
─ You're going to start using your feet to grab things as your problems continue.
─ Although it's just a joke, Polnareff will surely support you with the idea of using your feet instead of your hands.
─ They wonder if you can magically rebuild something that is already broken if you touch it, obviously it doesn't happen.
─ Kakyoin jokes that after the trip you will form a demolition company.
─ Be prepared for a lot of bets on what will be the first thing you break when you arrive at a hotel.
─ Sometimes you even apologize to enemies because you broke something of theirs that was unnecessary to determine the victory of the battle.
─ Joseph seriously thinks that if you die you will cause an explosion that will destroy everything around you.
─ But despite everything, they are happy to have you as a companion, despite your clumsiness and your unwanted destruction, you were reliable, determined and gave moments worth remembering in this adventure.
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gayboyasher · 8 months
Caesar & Joseph (SEPARATE) x pillar men reader!!
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He was searching the caves, looking for evidence of his family. But then, suddenly, he heard extra footsteps, echoing his. At first, he thought it was Joseph’s, but, knowing the arrogant Joestar; Joseph would let himself be known. He turned and suddenly activated his hamon, ready to strike, but then he saw you instead. You were so… curious.
“Are all humans pretty like you?” You asked him, and that absolutely gagged him. He was stuttering, trying to think logically, but you just circled him and started acting coy. Somehow, present day, he’s sitting down on the couch reading a book while you’re sitting next to him.
*You quite literally be witched him, gagged him even.
Didn’t know that he could even love your species/race (IN THE PILLAR MEN SENSE)
You proved him completely wrong when you picked him up like a cat and walked away
If you ever introduce him to the other pillar men (if you even have a relationship with any of them) it’s a shit show
Genuinely didn’t trust you for a long time
Almost killed you
When he started to fall for you, he had NO WHERE to turn.
To hell if you think he’s going to Joseph
He actually almost did
He ended up figuring out his feelings himself, but he waited for you to approach him.
Turned out he was your first damn near everything romantically.
Tries to get you used to human life, even if you can’t go in the sun.
Genuinely, you’re the only pillar men/being he loves.
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When Joseph agreed to fight the other three pillar men, Wammu told you about this news. You wanted to see the man who challenged them and said he would only need a month to train.
When he caught you, he was about to challenge you to a fight as well, but that was until you started to started to compliment him about his bravery.
God forbid you feed into his ego
Surprisingly flattered
So so SO glad he didn’t agree to fight you he wasn’t gonna be able to do it anyway
Tries to impress you so so so much
Also another one who reasonably can’t get along with the other pillar men
Only has beef with Kars though, the others just find him a bit annoying
He confessed his love to you right before he left to fight Wammu
Did NOT know or was prepared to find out that he was your first romantic relationship
I mean, you’re practically a god, what do you mean you haven’t had a boyfriend before??
Doesn’t care, will still do anything to be with you
Doesn’t give a fuck if you want to change to act human like or not; he likes you the way you are, even if you are different than humans
Will make you put on extra clothes though
Stop walking around with your parts out
Absolutely loves you though, absolutely
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