#josep carner
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months ago
The Catalan authors who were kept out of the Nobel Literature Prize for being Catalan
Did you know that there have been a handful of Catalan writers who were candidates to win the Nobel Literature Prize, but because of Spanish interference they never did?
The Nobel Prize discloses its debate and reasoning process 50 years after each edition. This means that we already know the details of what happened in the earliest editions of this Prize, which was started in 1901.
The name of the Catalan play-writer Àngel Guimerà (author of Marta of the Lowlands, Mar i cel, La filla del mar...), whose works have been translated to many languages and played all around Europe and the Americas, with many film and opera adaptations, sounded often in the Nobel committee. He was presented as a candidate to win the Nobel Prize 17 times in a row, since 1907 until his death in 1924. In the editions of 1917 and 1919, many were convinced he would win. However, the declassified documents show why he didn't: as written by the man who was then president of the Nobel Committee, Haralg Härne, Guimerà wasn't given the prize "to avoid hurting the national pride of the Spanish". In 1919, Härne writes that the objective of the Nobel Prize is to promote peace and thus to award Guimerà and show support for a minority culture would be to encourage internal conflict (🤦). The Academy decided that they couldn't give a prize to Guimerà "before awarding another writer who expresses himself in the most ancient noble language of the country" (weird way to mean "the official language", aka Spanish, because they surely didn't mean Basque). In summary, if a Catalan is to be considered, he must always be second to a Spanish man. Even when the Catalan is, in the words of the Nobel Academy, "the most eminent writer of our times", he can never be considered an equal, always must be behind.
Àngel Guimerà wrote in the Catalan language, which was discriminated against by Spanish and considered an enemy by the Spanish government and much of Spanish society. Guimerà was a firm defender of the right to use the Catalan language and that nobody should be forced to speak the imperial languages instead of their own, and was involved with the political movement for the rights of Catalan people. For this reason, every time the famous Swedish academy was considering Guimerà, the Spanish Royal Academy of Language (RAE) fought it with all its might. Nowadays, Guimerà's theatre plays continue to move thousands of spectators every year.
The same happened again with the poet Josep Carner. In the 1960s, Josep Carner was on exile, because he was a Catalan poet writing in Catalan and who stood against the fascist dictatorship of Spain, which persecuted the Catalan language and identity. Famous writers from around the world, including T. S. Eliot, François Mauriac, Giuseppe Ungaretti and Roger Caillois, supported Josep Carner's candidacy to win the Nobel, but the Spanish Government did everything possible to obstruct it. We don't know if Carner would have won or not, but he was deprived of even trying because of the Spanish government's hatred of Catalan.
Something similar seems to have happened between the 1970s and 1990s to three other Catalan poets: Salvador Espriu, J. V. Foix, and Miquel Martí i Pol, where they did not get any support from the Spanish authorities, so we don't know how it would have ended up.
Another example of what it means to have a state actively working against you because of bigotry against your cultural group.
Sources: book Det litterära Nobelpriset by the president of the Nobel Committee Kjell Espmarck, Pep Antoni Roig (El Nacional), Joan Lluís-Lluís (El Punt Avui), and Jordi Marrugat (Institut Ramon Llull).
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pedripics · 5 months ago
I wonder how can Marc and Roberto can speak Catalan. I thought it was forbidden for a long time in bcn and that's why the new gen can't speak it well.
Most of the La Masia kids as well as players born in Catalonia (or Valencia like Ferran) are actually pretty much fluent in Catalan. They all learn it in school as well as at home if they are Catalan. Cubarsí even said that he has problems when they interview him in Spanish because he has spoken Catalan his entire life but that he is practising and slowly getting more comfortable speaking Spanish
Between 1939 and 1975, during the dictatorship that followed the Civil War, the persecution of Catalan was very intense and systematic, particularly during the 40s and 50s. Franco's regime prohibited the use of Catalan in education, in the publication of books, newspapers and magazines, and even in telephone conversations. Everything was required to be in Spanish from road signs, to administrative or judicial documentation. So during the 50s and 60s, when none of the Catalan-speaking regions had educational resources or democratic freedoms, there were few opportunities to become familiar with and learn the Catalan language. The language was however maintained through for example parents teaching their children, as well as many writers writing their works from exile (for example Josep Carner, Carles Riba or Josep Maria de Sagarra i de Castellarnau).
After Franco's death in 1975, when democratic freedoms were restored, the Constitution of 1978 recognised linguistic plurality and established that Spanish languages other than Castilian could be considered official languages again.) Catalan was recognised as the language of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and declared as the official language jointly with Spanish.
In Catalonia, the Language Standardisation Act of April 6, 1983, introduced a process that promoted the recovery of the knowledge and use of Catalan in institutions, the media and education, which have determined the main lines of action on the path towards normalcy. Catalan was also adopted as the language of everyday communication (internally and in relations with the public) in the Catalan Government, Parliament and councils.
In 1982, Catalan also became the language in which students are taught in all schools, and it is mandatory to this day. Younger people are actually more likely to be fluent in Catalan since they were officially allowed to learn it. Among people between 15 and 29 years old, the knowledge of Catalan stands at over 80% in all language skills (reading, writing, speaking). The oldest segment of the population (the population who were not schooled in Catalan) shows the lowest levels of writing skills in Catalan.
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cucullas · 2 years ago
M'agrada molt la dualitat del catalá, soc llatina i lo parec, a frança quan parlo catalá los yayos roselloneses me observen i no entenen res (pensen alguns que soc gitana de perpinya) perque aquesta dona marró parla de josep carner.
Los catalans del sud entenen, una vegada a prats de molló un poblet perdut dels pirineus nord- catalans un yayo barceloní ha arrivat, saludat i m'ha mirat i vaig dir "Jo sé que ets", juro con la má al cor, i jo no vaig dir res i m'ha dit "ecuatoriana" i jo he estat la representació del mem del pikachu sorprés.
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villings · 3 years ago
Oh, mujer que andas sólo por atajos, veredas que parecen secretos campesinos; oh, nunca deseada a plena luz del día; tu labor, qué afanosa; de luto es tu vestido.
La afanada | Josep Carner
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joaquimblog · 3 years ago
S’ha presentat un doble CD titulat Carneriana que ja es pot adquirir i m’atreviria dir que cal adquirir per la importància de la proposta, la qualitat de la presentació del producte i sobretot i més important, per l’excel·lència de l’obra presentada i la interpretació.. El tenor David Alegret sempre enmig de tots els projectes imprescindibles i difusors de la música catalana i ja per això li…
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gilgarriga · 7 years ago
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‘Nabí’ / Barcelona, 2017. By Gil Garriga - @ger_kaar▪️Follow my projects on ger-kaar.tumblr.com.
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forsoothsayer · 6 years ago
Company by Josep Carner
Like a tyrant slanting to his ruin, I grow each year that passes more alone; death growls around the basement of my palace; and all my flatterers are now reduced to four.
Until the night sinks down, all four stay with me, moving swarms of light thoughts about; they are my fine-voiced intimates, they give disillusion a cradle, dreams to the heart.
When everyone is sleeping they draw still closer, can suit their measure to my desire; they hide, from these eyes, all other things,
wishful that my delight be not disturbed. The light, a book, a rose, are they, and a great tree blacker than the night.
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elpaisdellop · 8 years ago
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Aquest camí tan fi, tan fi, ¿qui sap on mena? ¿És a la vila o és al pi de la carena? Un lliri blau, color de cel, diu: -Vine, vine-. Però: -No passis! -diu un vel de teranyina. ¿Serà drecera del gosat, rossola ingrata, o bé un camí d'enamorat, colgat de mata? ¿És un recer per a adormir qui passi pena? Aquest camí tan fi, tan fi, qui sap on mena? ¿Qui sap si trist o somrient acull son hoste? ¿Qui sap si mor sobtadament, sota la brosta? ¿Qui sabrà mai aquest matí a què em convida? I és camí incert cada camí, n'és cada vida.
Josep Carner
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myowncentralperk · 8 years ago
A un auró
Farà aviat un any que cada dia et veig per la finestra al meu costat, oh noble auró d'un jardinet, que muntes més alt que no el teulat! T'he vist perdre la fulla, trasmudar-te de gronxada pintura en fi dibuix: gran pomell d'angles, dominant el ròssec de fulles en garbuix. T'he vist, en afermada primavera, movent a flocs el teu ramatge espès, i entaforant-hi mes de cinc finestres i retallant-ne tres. Ja encambres dues merles amoroses; gais, pluja i vent vanen ton delit; mous fulles fosques i arracades tendres i el sol juga amb ta nit. I en l'alt escaig de la claror del día, quan als carrers la fosca, s'ajaçà, dalt de ton cim els falciots fressegen com dalt d'un campanar. Sovint em veus entre papers i llibres, arraconats de la cortina els plecs, o cercan ton consol en la fatiga o solament perplex.
Tu vas dir-me en hivern: —He de reviure; tu no m'hauries d'envejar aquest do: ara, en el fred i amb testa esblanqueïda, encara dones flor—.
Oh noble amic sobre lilàs i hortènsies! Si algú roba el meu nom, temps a venir, que no retreguin una tasca incerta, sinó el teu cor veí. Josep Carner (Barcelona, 9 febrer 1884 - Brussel•les, 4 juny 1970)
Source: Amics dels arbres
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segledepericles · 5 years ago
Hola! què són alguns bons llibres catalans o poesia? :)
Òbviament n'hi ha moltíssims pero alguns que a mi m'agraden personalment i que són moderns:
De poesia: Vicent Andrés Estellés, Miquel Martí i Pol, Maria Mercè Marçal, Josep Carner, Joan Maragall.
I poesia de la Renaixença a mi personalment m'agrada molt (💕Jacint Verdaguer💕) i teatre d'Àngel Guimerà però està escrit l'ortografia que s'utilitzava abans de la reforma de Pompeu Fabra i si encara estàs aprenent la llengua potser et costa. No és gaire diferent (a part de lo=el i algunes paraules) però l'ortografia és diferent i potser despista o et costa buscar paraules al diccionari.
Contes: Trajecte Final de Manuel de Pedrolo, qualsevol cosa de Pere Calders, El perquè de tot plegat de Quim Monzó, El cafè de la granota de Jesús Moncada.
Teatre que vagi bé de llegir: LA CANÇÓ DE LES BALANCES DE J.M. CARANDELL m'enamora aquesta obra, de debò 😍 però no crec que sigui gaire fàcil trobar-la si vius fora dels Països Catalans. Homes i no del Pedrolo no l'he llegida però sempre m'han dit que és una passada.
De novel·la n'hi ha moltíssims però els top moderns serien Jo confesso i Les veus del Pamano de Jaume Cabré, Mirall Trencat de Mercè Rodoreda (o moltes altres seves), diverses coses de l'Albert Sánchez Piñol (a molta gent li apassiona La pell freda però a mi personalment tampoc em va semblar per tant, la que tinc més ganes de llegir-me des de fa temps és Pandora al Congo però aviso que es veu que és una bogeria. I no puc no mencionar la gran obra mestra del Sánchez Piñol, Victus, tot i que la va escriure en castellà és un dels meus llibres preferits). També m'han recomanat molt les de Rafel Nadal.
I de novel·la juvenil el típic seria Jordi Sierra i Fabra, que en té algunes en català i d'altres en castellà. O per infantil-juvenil qualsevol cosa de Vaixell de Vapor.
Jo la veritat és que llegeixo relativament poca literatura catalana, pots trobar més coses al Twitter de la Institució de les Lletres Catalanes o de Catalan Culture, i alguns posts al tag #literatura de @useless-catalanfacts
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 months ago
I'm going to university now (in Germany) and the uni i'm at offers catalan as a side course. Tomorrow i'll finally be at an event where they introduce the subject among others. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! ^^ Finally! >< Sadly, there won't be a class for catalan literature (omg actually - if you have recommendations of important works from the recent centuries, i'd love to hear, but i'm just rambling, no pressure xD). There will be linguistics and speech praxis. I can't wait! :D
That's great!! I hope you enjoy it very much ☺️
Some of the modern classics (from the late 19th century to the present):
L'Atlàntida (Atlantis, 1877) by Jacint Verdaguer. Epic poem that re-interprets history and legends. Jacint Verdaguer is the most representative poet of the Renaixença/Romanticism movement in Catalan literature.
Other poems by Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) and Joan Maragall (1860-1911) are the most important poetry of the Renaixença.
The theatre plays Terra Baixa (usually published in English with the title Martha of the Lowlands, 1896) by Àngel Guimerà. Also Mar i cel ("Sea And Sky", 1888) by him.
La febre d'or ("The gold fever", 1892) by Narcís Oller, the most representative of the realist movement.
The monologue La infanticida ("The Child Murderer", 1898) by Víctor Català (pseudonym of Caterina Albert). And her novel Solitud ("Loneliness", 1905), which is considered the most representative book of the modernist and naturalism movement in Catalan literature.
The satirical theatre plays by Santiago Rusiñol like L'auca del senyor Esteve (1917) —personally I really like his play El bon policia ("The Good Policeman", 1905).
The theatre play El cafè de la Marina ("The Marina Café, 1933) by Josep Maria de Segarra.
Poetry by Pere Quart (1899-1986)
La Plaça del Diamant (it has been translated to English with the titles In Diamond Square and The Time of the Doves, 1962) by Mercè Rodoreda. Her novels Mirall trencat ("Broken Mirror", 1974), La mort i la primavera (Death in Spring, 1986) and Aloma (1938) are also iconic.
The short stories books by Pere Calders, most famously Cròniques de la veritat oculta ("Chronicles of the Hidden Truth", 1955).
The short stories book El cafè de la Granota (1985) by Jesús Montcada,
Poetry: Josep Carner (1884-1970), J.V. Foix (1893-1987).
The novel Bearn, o la sala de les nines ("Bearn, Or The Doll Room", 1961) by Llorenç Villalonga.
Poetry: Vicent Andrés Estellés (1924-1993), Salvador Espriu (1913-1985), Maria Mercè Marçal (1952-1998), Miquel Martí i Pol (1929-2003).
The essays by Joan Fuster, most importantly Nosaltres, els valencians ("We, the Valencians", 1962).
Mecanoscrit del Segon Origen (Typescript of the Second Origin, 1974) and Totes les bèsties de càrrega ("All The Load Beasts"?, 1967) by Manuel de Pedrolo, also personally by him I really liked the sci-fi short stories collection Trajecte Final ("Final Journey", 1975), and I will add my dad would be upset if I didn't mention his theatre play Homes i no ("Men and no", 1957).
Incerta glòria (Uncertain Glory, 1971) by Joan Sales.
Les veus del Pamano (Voices of the Pamano, 2004) and Jo confesso (I Confess, 2011) by Jaume Cabré.
I know some of them, at least Jaume Cabré's novels, Àngel Guimerà's plays, Uncertain Glory, and some Mercè Rodoreda novels have been published in German and/or English. In fact, Voices of the Pamano was a huge success in Germany.
I hope you enjoy the class very much!
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poemasdeamoryamistad · 8 years ago
Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed.) – Josep Carner
Título del Libro: Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed.)Autor: Josep CarnerDescripción del Libro: Libro de Josep Carner, Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed )Adquiere este maravilloso libro deJosep Carner,Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed.)cliqueando aquí. No hay etiquetas para este libro. http://dlvr.it/NvLvsC (Amor)
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librosdepoemasypoesia · 8 years ago
Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed.) – Josep Carner
[LIBRO de POESIA] Título del Libro: Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed.)Autor: Josep CarnerDescripción del Libro: Libro de Josep Carner, Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed )Adquiere este maravilloso libro deJosep Carner,Les Bonhomies I Altres Proses (3ª Ed.)cliqueando aquí. No hay etiquetas para este libro. http://dlvr.it/NvLvrN
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automatichottubarbiter · 8 years ago
Res a témer
Res a témer, el llibre de Julian Barnes, per no haver de pensar en la mort massa a la tremenda. Com que és un llibre en què es parla també de Montaigne i de la seva mort, gairebé ve a tomb recordar aquelles seves paraules en el sentit que d’alguna manera és absurd témer la mort perquè, quan tu hi ets, ella no hi és i, quan ella apareix, tu ja deixes de ser-hi. ¿Quin temor, doncs, cal tenir-li? I…
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villings · 3 years ago
Si mi destino fuesen las tierras extranjeras, me agradaría envejecer en un país donde la luz se filtrase cual sonrisa amarilla, grisácea, y prados hubiera con ojos de agua y aceras ornadas de olmos, arces y perales; vivir en paz, nunca señalado, en una nación de buenas gentes unidas, cual corazón junto a corazón, ciudad junto a ciudad, y calles y faroles avanzando por el césped. Cielo y nubes, dóciles o crueles, cautivos quedarían en canales de trémula agua, toda ella deseo de reflejar a las estrellas.
Josep Carner
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joaquimblog · 4 years ago
CANIGÓ, l'òpera d'Antoni Massana
CANIGÓ, l’òpera d’Antoni Massana
Els antecedents. El 2 de gener vaig sortir a caminar per Collserola i la gratificant excursió em va dur fins a Vila Joana, la casa on el poeta Verdaguer va passar els seus darrers dies i on ara, envoltada d’un magnífic entorn natural i a la primera planta, hi ha un petit museu dedicat a ell, amb documents i vídeos que repassen la vida del sacerdot i poeta, símbol d’una Catalunya popular, mística,…
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