bloch-adrian · 1 year
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thelowestorder · 2 years
Helheim - Vigrids v​å​rd
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
You have opened the applications! I have saved my best ideas for you. I have one that comes and goes, it deals with the Charybdis saga so here it goes; Following the canon line where she is adopted by the valkyries and the human side + hercules, she lives with some gods and recognizes the presence of Poseidon, what if because of the commotion that was the ragnarok some norse god (I don't know much about that mythology) awakened Jörmundgander (which is the serpent that surrounds the world, here he is not the son of Loki, let's assume he is a separate deity) with the intention of ending humans, but he gets out of control and begins to attack everything in his path and to all.
Many gods and mortals fought but it's so big that they can't do much, so Charybdis decides to use her original form (with which she was locked in the sea) to try to stop the giant serpent. He stops the snake but it is badly injured and at one point it would seem that it died, which causes Poseidon to open his heart and speak to him sincerely, begging him for forgiveness and just a lot of anguish. In the end he survives and since he listened to everything, he decides that with the help of his family, he can try to live with him more.
I just want some angst, originally I thought I would die but it was too extreme haha. I hope you like my idea, I have another one that I hope to send soon, take care! (Here is a reference photo of the world serpent, it is from the game God of War)
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-Poseidon could barely focus, the anguish rand rage blinding him. You, his daughter, entered his life again after so many years. He learned after he abandoned your mother, she abandoned you, a young child, to survive and in desperation for food, you stole a cow from Hercules and Zeus trapped you at the bottom of the sea, changing you into a horrific monster.
-He had no idea that you were trapped, being punished for merely being a hungry child, else he would have come to defend you.
-A little voice in the back of his mind had to ask him, ‘Would you have helped her? You abandoned her so long ago, so would you really have helped her?’ which only made his guilt worse.
-Kojiro could see that Poseidon was distracted, as the samurai knew about you, he knew about your past, and now that Poseidon was facing you, his consequences of his actions, as you were afraid of him and not willing to do anything with him, Poseidon couldn’t bear the heartbreak.
-A deep rumbling beneath them that only seemed to get louder and louder before the ground started to shake, a massive earthquake shaking the arena, the sea water draining through the cracks, people to free, and trapping the two warriors.
-An explosion seemed to stun everyone as a massive beast rose from beneath the arena, a massive serpent, Jormundgander, who hissed lowly, baring his fangs, eyes alight with rage.
-All of the noise from the battles and the crowd awoke the World Serpent, sending into a massive rage, now bent on destroying everything and everyone in its path, gods or humans.
-Odin rallied all of the warriors, humans and gods, telling them to work together or else there would be nothing left to fight for.
-You were watching from the safety, for the moment, of the stands, watching Hercules and the Valkyries charge in to attack this massive beast, only to be easily thrown back.
-A sharp gasp escaped your lips as you saw Kojiro, your newest friend and treated you so gently, like a grandpa, be blown back, heading to the wall if Hercules had not been there to catch him.
-Your eyes widened, watching Poseidon leap up to launch and attack, his eyes narrowed darkly, but he too was blown back, landing hard in the stands.
-Your hands clenched together tightly, almost to the point of pain, you couldn’t hear anything but your own heartbeat, your eyes wide in fear, tears streaming down your face. You felt so scared.
-Hercules got hit back, taking out some of the Valkyries and you felt what you could only describe as an explosion in your belly as you instantly roared loudly, morphing into your monster form, screeching out loudly as you crawled down the stands.
-Seeing a worthier opponent, the massive snake went on the attack, trying to stab his tail into your face, but you were quick to start rotating your rows of teeth, it looked like a blender, only with a lot more blades.
-Jormundgander screeched loudly in pain, trying to free himself while you tried to hold on. Hercules shouting out your name, worried about you before his eyes narrowed, “We need to get everyone out of this arena!” the Valkyries looked to the Grecian god and nodded.
-Poseidon was in shock, seeing your other form, but he was terrified seeing you fight, not wanting you to get hurt as the serpent flung you back into the stands.
-He noticed Kojiro helping guide people out of the stands before a pillar started to fall towards the samurai, his back to it, and without thinking anything other than that he knew Kojiro was important to you, Poseidon ran, grabbing Kojiro around his waist, holding him like a loaf of bread under his arm and leapt out of the way.
-Kojiro and other gods in the area were stunned, as they knew Poseidon hated humans, but to see him save one was absolutely shocking. However, to be fair, Poseidon immediately dropped Kojiro, who landed on his knees, but not hurt as Poseidon turned to face his child, “Eyes open human, you have someone who cares about you too much to die.”
-Kojiro softened, sensing that despite his icy façade, Poseidon was a nice person underneath.
-The fight was brutal, going back and forth, you had been heavily injured but in the end, it was you who was victorious! However, as the serpent fell, so did you, returning to your true, childlike form.
-Poseidon refused to leave, along with the other warriors, who felt so helpless, watching a child fight, and as he saw you falling, he didn’t know he was running until he caught you, being knocked down hard.
-He gasped, panicking as he quickly sat up, seeing your little body covered with wounds, bleeding out, you looked like you were dying.
-Poseidon panicked, feeling fear for the first time in his life, he felt like he couldn’t breathe as he laid you down, the Valkyries rushing to aid you, seeing the shape you were in.
-Brunnhilde told Poseidon to hold your head, to keep you still, while she and the nurses tried to stabilize you, and he did so, kneeling by your head, his hands on either side of your face, stroking your cheeks gently.
-The Valkyries remained silent, seeing Poseidon weeping, their focus was you as he spoke to you, “I wish I could take everything back, my daughter. Every terrible thing I did. You wouldn’t be in this state if I hadn’t been so selfish- so arrogant.” He poured his heart out to you, watching your glassy eyes fill with your own tears.
-Everything went dark and when you opened your eyes again, you were surprised to find yourself inside, in the infirmary, flowers and stuffed animals all around you.
-There was pressure on your left hand and you turned your head and your eyes instantly widened, seeing Poseidon holding your hand, fast asleep, kneeling beside you.
-There were dark circles around his eyes and his face was red, showing that he had been crying and crying hard, but you were so shocked he was there with you, holding your hand like he was comforting you.
-When you shifted he immediately jolted awake, looking around, a bit delirious before he saw that you were awake and the smile he gave you shocked you, it was so warm and bright as his hands quickly went to your face, holding you gently, asking if you were okay.
-You gave a small nod, confused as to what happened before Brunnhilde entered with Zeus, who she brought to force Poseidon out to at least bathe.
-Brunnhilde told you about the battle, how you won but were almost killed yourself, and that Poseidon had refused to leave your side, wanting you to wake up.
-You were stunned, holding onto her hand as she explained everything, you couldn’t believe that Poseidon was so worried about you, before you remembered, only faintly, hearing him cry, wanting you to wake up and how he wanted to take everything bad back that he did to you.
-When Poseidon came back, still soaking wet from his shower, something Hercules playfully scolded him for, giving him a towel while you were sitting in Hercules’ lap, you held out a hand towards your father, shocking both of them.
-Poseidon took your hand, a soft smile on his lips which you mirrored, “You said you were sorry, and I forgive you. But I might be shy for a while.” He understood your words, not at all bothered, giving you his own promise, “And I’ll do my best to be the father I should have been from the beginning.”
-Hercules smiled, ruffling your hair, congratulating you and Poseidon relaxed, a soft sigh leaving him, he knew he had a long road ahead of him, but now knowing you would welcome him at the end, made it all worth it.
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isa-sketches · 2 years
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Hel (her hairpiece is a homage to her odd brothers Fenris and Jormundgand) Not as pleased with this one, I had a vision but it didnt quite work out the way I wanted.
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temple-of-roses · 2 years
Fiches d’aide
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Kolga, Duva, Blodughadda, Hronn, Hevring, Bylgja, Bara, Unn, and Himinglava
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the-kaiju-lodge · 1 year
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En la mitología nórdica, Jörmungander, también llamada la "Serpiente de Midgard" (Miðgarðsormr en nórdico antiguo, Midgårdsormen en sueco y danés modernos, Midgardsormen en noruego moderno), es una gigantesca serpiente que ronda Midgard (o Midgård) hasta el día del Ragnarök. Es un monstruo masculino. Tiene al dios Loki como padre y a la gigante Angrboda como madre, y cuando los Æsir se enteraron de este ser maligno engendrado por tan terribles padres, y vieron con su don de la adivinación las cosas terribles que haría, decidieron encargarse del monstruo. Thor lo lanzó al mar que rodea Midgard, donde quedará atrapado hasta el Ragnarök, el día de la destrucción total.1​ Jormundgander creció tanto que mordiéndose la cola podría abrazar toda la Tierra.
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sjalavgodgifu · 1 year
-Kyskhet skrev inte de där dikterna åt dig men jag läste raderna för dig
koketteri  kastanjebrun bygdemål
det rimmar ja, det rimmar ja
viljeakt Interludium
utan medveten vilja backade hon in i hans dikter
Någon som är snabbare än AI är verkligen oväntad
dina lärjungeimpulser
vi är de största manipulatorerna i världen
Ansvar för över tiotusen sidor
tusentals sidor som jag var tvungen att läsa på två månader
jobbig läsning
din kropp rycker
ditt nackhår dina ljumskar dina våta fingertoppar
det rimmar ja, det rimmar ja
Tusentals sidor jag måste studera*
torra utmattande avläsningar
våta flytande avläsningar
på gatorna fulla av kaos som jag aldrig visste
mig medan jag cirklade runt banan i blodsvett
Jag fick min dos av djupa samtal hallelujah igen
det rimmar ja, det rimmar ja
Du bygger dina egna barrikader djupa överväganden som en arg vänsterfågel På de glada öarna* dröm en önskan att förkroppsliga viljan att fortsätta
Bortom de mörkaste slöjorna av inre ondska
bakom djupet, före höjden, omgiven av ormen jormundgand, (människans) värld i mitten av värme och is, byggd av ymerbrynet.
människans värld - varmt och svalt - högt och lågt
utan medveten vilja backade hon in i hans dikter utan medveten vilja backade hon in i hans blöta dikter utan medveten vilja backade hon in i hans heta dikter
glupska läsningar
impulsiva avläsningar
det rimmar ja, det rimmar ja
Räfsa upp mina löv, det rimmar ja, det rimmar ja
Åh Jas, ta min stora kuk uti din hand
Jag ska uti skogen å gå, å när jag runkar får du titta på För du har ju inte uti da' stått å borstat tänderna Men när du har gjort det så kan du ta å
Sug min kuk varje da', suuuug min kuk
sugen på avsugning
sug min kuk
Ja, du kan ta och suga min kuk
det rimmar ja, det rimmar ja Sug min kuk varje da', sug min kuk, sug min kuk
Sug min kuk varje da', sug min kuk, sug min kuk
Jag vill knulla din mun och hals
Svälj min kuk
Berätta för mig: 
knulla mig, 
knulla mina hål
knulla min hjärna
knulla mina drömmar
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stheffadv7 · 5 years
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Loki Laufeyson/Jörmundgander Lokison
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incorrecthelaquotes · 6 years
Fenrir: Good morning
Sleipnir: Good morning
Jormundgander: Good morning
Vali: You all sound like robots. Why don’t you spice it up a bit?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Charybdis Reader Masterlist
Charybdis Reader
Charybdis Reader 2
Charybdis Reader: Poseidon Aftermath
Charybdis Reader 3: Kojiro vs. Poseidon
Charybdis Reader- Kojiro vs. Poseidon Alternate
Charybdis Reader: Poseidon's 2nd Chance
Charybdis Reader: Poseidon’s 2nd Chance Part 2
Charybdis Reader: Big Brother Hercules
Charybdis Reader: Uncle Hades
Charybdis Reader: More Relatives
Charybdis Reader: Jormundgander
Charybdis Reader: Sacrifice
Charybdis Reader: Slaps
Charybdis Reader: Goodbye Little Friend
Charybdis Reader: New Friend
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akaitries · 7 years
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I liked a lot this series. Jonah and Koko are great characters :D
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enosai · 2 years
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Charon: Height: 5 foot 5 inches. They are boatmen/women reploids that come in two different types: the Ocean type, the ones who work at the prison island, where the hallways of the prison are flooded and they are the only way for people or supplies to get through the prison safely. The Pond/Royal type is a luxury item, if you have one you have enough money to waste water and have a pond or lake for yourself. Many can be found in the Palace working the inner castle water ways that cool the main computer. Both types can swim well, creating fins to swim through the water. 
Jormundgand: Height: 7 foot 3 in tall, 14 feet long. These ferocious animaloids guard the canals in the sea prison, catching anyone who enters the waters. They have designated spots for each of them in the prison’s waters and when they sense someone other than Charon’s in the water they go and investigate. If an intruder or prisoner is in the water they go after and attack them until a Charon comes to bring the prisoner or intruder back to a cell. The chains on its wrists are to connect it to prisoners that need to be moved but are on strict watch.
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monumental-darkness · 3 years
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Helheim | Jormundgand
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catattacksposts · 3 years
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Wedgie is called "skogkatt" in Norwegian, which translates to "forest cat," this breed is a favorite animal among Norse mythology and tales.
The goddess Freyja was said to have the giant cats pulling her chariot into battle. Thor once lost a contest of strength to Loki's son, Jormundgand, who was disguised as a forest cat at the time.
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eirikrjs · 3 years
What new demons would you want in the SMT collection? Personally I feel some more modern inspired demons would be nice to have.
Honestly, the series still has its work cut out with ancient stuff before we get modern influences (that can be of somewhat dubious "religious" merit).
Shin Megami Tensei (emphasis on the Shin) doesn't have usable designs for significant figures of world myth and religion like: Marduk, Gilgamesh, Brahma, Ahura Mazda, Melek Taus, Shamash, Enlil, Jizo, Manco Capac, Sophia, Olokun, Anansi, Ninigi, Leviathan, any major Native American spirits, Ninhursag, Ravana, Vainamoinen, Veles, Zalmoxis, Nuada, Amaymon, Jormundgand, Huitzilopochtli, Hina, and you could just go on and on. A few of these per game wouldn't just be nice but rather necessities.
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jotun-appologist · 4 years
Blessed Midsommar to all
May Gerd and Freyr insure bountiful harvests and fertility this year
May Eir’s grace heal the sick, and Hela tend to those who fall
May Freyja guide the honored EInherjar to Valhalla
May Odin bless us with wisdom in this year of conflict,
May Braggi and Loki bring us ample entertainment and laughter, 
May Balder’s light grace the world\
May Nott grant us peaceful nights to look at the stars 
May Frigg inspire us to love one another
May Lofn and Sofn aid those who love in vain or in conflict
May Njordr and Ran bless us with calm seas 
May Skadi Help us to fight global warming
May Hodr teach us that there is beauty and love even in the darkness
May Tyr and Forseti bring justice and order to the world
May Vali protect and avenge the downtrodden
May Eostre sleep easy as we welcome Sol and the symbolic light of Baldr in for this summer season
May Mani smile on us at night
May Jormundgander bring fish to the hungry, Fenrir bring strength to the weak, and Sleipnir speed things along back to joyous times.
May Sigyn teach us loyalty, 
May Sif teach us that beauty come from within,
May Jord teach us that this world we live in is the only one we have. may we learn to cherish her
May the Union of the Vanir and Aesir teach us that we are stronger together and that racial divides only cause chaos and death,
May the gods bless the reminder of this year to turn around for the better!
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