#jordi cuixart
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lescroniques · 1 year ago
Des de Suïssa: l'amor per la llengua i la naturalitat dels referèndums
El país helvètic, similar a Catalunya en població i extensió, és el més innovador del món i busca trencar certs estigmes relacionats amb l’economia iStock Tot i ser un país petit que es troba al cor d’Europa, Suïssa és una de les nacions que provoquen més desconcert als catalans. Suïssa és un país excessivament car, en què es paguen salaris altament competitius, és líder en innovació, se…
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canalsart · 9 months ago
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Un del destacats creadors catalans vinculats amb Sant Cugat i amb aquest espai es Jaume Muxart (Martorell, 1922 - Barcelona, 2019) destacat pintor català, amb projecció nacional i internacional.
El 1955, juntament amb Marc Aleu, Modest Cuixart, Josep Guinovart, Jordi Mercadé, Antoni Tàpies i Joan-Josep Tharrats, constitueixen el grup Taüll.
La seva pintura excel·leix pel color, la textura i la forma i ell ha influït molt en l'art català i espanyol, donant-li importància al que és la pintura.
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 years ago
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Today, the Catalan activists Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart have been in jail for 3 years for their role in the organization of a peaceful march against arbitrary arrests and the unlawful controls of the private homes of Catalan citizens by the Spanish police.
Their arrest and unfair trial are part of the bigger scheme of Spain’s repression of Catalan independentists, which has included many other imprisonments (including the vicepresident of Catalonia, the president of Catalonia’s Parliament and many other members of the democratically-elected government of Catalonia), and different amounts of repression (from jail, home arrest, to significant fines) to 2,850 Catalan citizens between 2017 and summer 2020.
Even though the United Nations’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the UN’s special rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, and Amnesty International among others have demanded Spain to immediately release Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez and other Catalan political prisoners, they are all still in jail and will remain there for many years if nothing is done.
The UN or the EU should force Spain to stop the repression of Catalan citizens and political dissidents.
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ferranhumor · 5 years ago
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renest · 6 years ago
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Die Flagge (Jordi Sanchez, Jordi Cuixart) / 24.08.2019
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darkknessbecomesyou · 6 years ago
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The fight for Catalan Independence, the release of Catalan political prisoners from jail and the return of everyone exiled during these months of oppression, repression and Spanish authoritarianism are some of the ideals the Catalan people protested in favor of, today September 11th, 2018 in Barcelona.
The photos above show the union, support and perseverance of a society that is just getting started and will never give up on their rights, their freedom and the people unfairly jailed that stood up for democracy and against the totalitarian state that is becoming Spain and its corrupted Government.
Thank you to everyone that made today possible and Happy Diada de Catalunya to each one of you reading this! Feliç Diada i Visca Catalunya! Us volem a casa!
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no-passaran · 7 years ago
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This is from a while ago but I just found it on my drafts because apparently I forgot to post it oops
Cospedal [Spanish minister of defense] gives monetary aids to the association of Francoist military because it “collaborates with our own objective”.
And now remember that who are in jail are [the Catalan activists] Sànchez and Cuixart.
For those who don’t know, Francoism was the fascist dictatorship that ruled Spain between 1939 and 1977, named after its dictator Franco. The literal sons and daughters of the Francoist ministers are nowadays in the government of Spain, so it’s no surprise that public tax money goes to funding the Franco Foundation,
So, what do you have to do to go to jail in Spain, you ask? Easy: be an independentist.
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le-journal-catalan · 4 years ago
La Casa de la Generalitat célèbre la Diada Nacional de Catalunya à la Casa Macià de Prats de Mollo avec le président d’Òmnium, Jordi Cuixart
La Casa de la Generalitat célèbre la Diada Nacional de Catalunya à la Casa Macià de Prats de Mollo avec le président d’Òmnium, Jordi Cuixart
La Fête Nationale de la Catalogne, le 11 septembre, est depuis quelques années un événement tout particulièrement important pour les Catalans du Sud, puisqu’il concentre l’esprit de revendication des libertés publiques et politiques catalanes, actuellement durement maltraitées. Pour sa part, la Casa de la Generalitat a inauguré l’an dernier une manière décentralisée et itinérante de célébrer…
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Afganistán y Cataluña
Jordi Cuixart, independentista catalán condenado por sedición y posteriormente indultado, desde el balcón de autoridades en las fiestas del barrio de Gracia de Barcelona, ha dicho que “no renunciaremos nunca a volverlo a hacer, motivos no nos faltan, hay que recuperar las calles” …. Para “combatir el fascismo, la intolerancia y el racismo”. Evidentemente, se refiere a la declaración de…
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leftpress · 7 years ago
Catalonia in Revolt
George Martin Fell Brown | Socialist Alternative | March 25th 2018 A Spanish capitalist crisis In last year’s uprising in Catalonia, bitterness at national oppression merged with anti-austerity anger – above all, for hundreds of thousands of workers and young people. The Spanish state’s brutal response only poured fuel on the flames. Reviewing a new book on the subject, DANNY BYRNE analyses the importance of those […]
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betrosla · 7 years ago
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“Aquesta es la democracia que volem ?”. Barcelona. 30/01/2018. Foto de Pepín.
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canalsart · 11 months ago
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En el nostre espai d'art tenim obra d'en Jaume Muxart (Martorell, 1922 - Barcelona, 2019) destacat pintor català, amb projecció nacional i internacional. Esposa per primer cop a la Sala Pictòria de Barcelona. L'any 1948 participa en l'Exposició Nacional de Belles Arts de Madrid i viatja a París becat per l'Escola Superior de Belles Arts. El 1955, juntament amb Marc Aleu, Modest Cuixart, Josep Guinovart, Jordi Mercadé, Antoni Tàpies i Joan-Josep Tharrats, constitueixen el grup Taüll. Doctor en Belles Arts, degà de la Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de Barcelona i Acadèmic de la Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi.
La seva pintura excel·leix pel color, la textura i la forma i ell ha influït molt en l'art català i espanyol, donant-li importància al que és la pintura.
El 2010 es remodelà l'antiga Casa Par de Martorell i s'hi construí el Museu Muxart, que recopila l'obra de l'artista. Mereixedor de diversos premis, al llarg de la seva intensa vida artística ha realitzat nombroses exposicions al país i a l'estranger i participà en la V Biennal de Sao Paulo representant Espanya.
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 years ago
Video: lawyer of jailed activist Jordi Cuixart denounces his imprisonment at the Human Rights Council of the UN. (Voice in French with subtitles in English).
Today (12th July 2020) marks 1000 days that the activists Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez have been in jail. They are condemned for taking part in the organization of a peaceful protest in favour of Catalonia's right to vote on its own future.
Freedom for political prisoners!
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ferranhumor · 5 years ago
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eclemon · 7 years ago
There is not much more to say.
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vordsua · 7 years ago
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Llibertat presos polítics!🎗
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