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le-journal-catalan · 1 year ago
Diada de Catalunya Nord / traité des Pyrénées
Comme chaque année, la société nord-catalane se mobilise pour défendre et revendiquer sa langue et sa culture catalanes. Cette manifestation se déroulera cette année le samedi 4 novembre, comme à son habitude dans les rues du centre de Perpignan, commémorant par la même occasion le traité des Pyrénées du 7 novembre 1659 qui a eu pour effet l’amputation du Nord de la Catalogne au profit du royaume…
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months ago
As it is Catalan national day tomorrow, is there a parade or festival in Barcelona do you know? I had heard that it starts at parc guell
Like every year, there's the demonstrations for the right to choose and independence. This year, it won't be centralised in Barcelona as it had been for many years, but each area will do it in their main city. Each one of the 5 marches will focus on one of the most important losses we get for being subjects of Spain and the way it treats us (housing in Barcelona, the fiscal theft that damages healthcare in Girona, the trains disaster in Tarragona, the abandonment of the countryside and farmers in Lleida, and the theft of water and centralisation and territorial inequality in Tortosa). You can find all the information in ANC's website:
The demonstration in Barcelona (unitary call by ANC, Òmnium, CDRs, AMI, Intersindical, CIEMEN, and Consell per la República) will start at Estació de França and walk to Arc de Triomf.
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I haven't heard anything about anyone doing something at Park Güell though. Who is calling that? It seems strange because it's so far away from the main thing. CUP always does its own block so they meet either right before or right after the unitary one, this year they're meeting at 18:30 at Urquinaona, after going to the unitary march. But the most important thing is to attend the unitary one, so it seems suspicious that anyone would call at the other end of the city.
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timriva-blog · 10 months ago
El rescat alguerès de Gavino Balata
Amb la novel·la negra Soldats abandonats (Pagès Editors), on el protagonista rescata dos ancians que han estat tancats en un soterrani més de cinquanta anys, l’alguerès Gavino Balata presenta la primera ficció escrita en alguerès normatiu, un salvament literari de mots i expressions amenaçats. L’obra va ser premiada amb el Premi Ferran Canyameres que atorga Òmnium Cultural de Terrassa. Gavino…
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ferrolano-blog · 1 year ago
1 de octubre: nada que celebrar... Pese a estar alentada por ERC, Junts, la ANC, Òmnium y como unas trescientas entidades más de la sociedad civil separatista, la magna concentración en la barcelonesa plaza de Catalunya se redujo, según la Guardia Urbana, a 4.500 personas... Pese a los esfuerzos de TV3 por hacer como que lo del domingo fue un éxito, la realidad era imposible de ocultar: a la mayoría de los catalanes se la sopla la independencia, sea porque siempre han estado en contra o sea porque han dejado de creer en su verosimilitud y se han cansado de hacer el canelo... después de todo, qué celebraba el lazismo el pasado domingo. ¿La república que duró ocho segundos? ¿La evidencia de que sus principales partidos políticos están a matar? El desahogo del pasado domingo, triste, desangelado y con escaso poder de convocatoria, difícilmente puede considerarse una celebración, sino, en el mejor de los casos, otra muestra de masoquismo nacionalista (Ramón de España)
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La Diada pierde fuelle en plena negociación de la investidura
La manifestación de la Diada, organizada por la Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC) y Òmnium Cultural, ha perdido fuerza en la calle en plena negociación de la investidura. Según la Guardia Urbana, la participación ha sido de 115.000 personas, siendo el peor registro de participación a excepción de los años de la pandemia[1]. La delicada situación del independentismo catalán se ha visto reflejada…
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canalmenorca · 4 years ago
¡Ni el "Efecto Illa" ni el "Efecto Iglesias"...el que sigue vigente es el " Efecto Puigdemont!
¡Ni el "Efecto Illa" ni el "Efecto Iglesias"...el que sigue vigente es el " Efecto Puigdemont! Acuerdo exprés entre ERC y JUNTS para repartirse el 'Govern' al 50% #puigdemont #catalunya #generalitat #perearagones #salvadorilla #erc #juntspercatalunya
Acuerdo exprés entre ERC y JUNTS para repartirse el ‘Govern’ al 50%, ante el peligro de unas nuevas elecciones en Cataluña. Pere Aragonès será investido nuevo President…¡a ver quién se lo dice al flamante ganador de las elecciones de hace 3 meses, Salvador Illa, exministro de Sanidad, del PSC, con la ilusión que tenía el hombre! ¡Al fin y al cabo el PSC ha hecho lo mismo que le reprochaba a…
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ferranhumor · 5 years ago
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miquisteps · 3 years ago
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👁‍🗨 Traient foc pels llagrimals #urbanart #graffiti #streetart #murals #notoriouswalls #art #stencil #artalcarrer #graff #sprayart #instagraffiti #artsvisuals #visualarts #instaart #instaartsy #òmnium #instaartwork #instaartist #bigwall #wall #graffitiart #urbanartist #miquisteps #graff #sprayart #instagraffiti #08930 #SantAdriàdeBesòs #Barcelonès #Catalunya #Catalonia (at Sant Adrià de Besòs) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNHmbgLqqs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tinovalduvieco · 5 years ago
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Manifestació Llibertat .
Barcelona. 26-10-2019
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carlesgaldon · 5 years ago
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I tant que ho tornarem a fer! Bona Diada a tothom! #11s #hotornaremafer🎗 #diadanacionaldecatalunya #òmnium https://www.instagram.com/p/B2RwgOuokmUrszgsyZSp3a_K2kSNTSTLpSzh4k0/?igshid=2k6nnkdvveed
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le-journal-catalan · 2 years ago
L'Etat français ne doit pas interdire l'utilisation du catalan !
Les maires d’Elne, Els Banys, Port-Vendres et Tarrerac sont convoqués au Tribunal Administratif de Montpellier ce mardi 18 avril à 11,15h pour avoir modifié un article du règlement du Conseil Municipal à fin de faire possible l’utilisation de la langue catalane, avec traduction en français… Nous ne pouvons pas accepter que l’utilisation du catalan soit jugée : L’Etat français ne peut interdire…
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months ago
Law of Amnesty: not what it seems?
On May 30th 2024, the Spanish Government (after a long time of negotiating with Catalan parties) finally approved the Law of Amnesty which will allow some Catalan people who have been repressed for taking part in activism in favour of Catalonia's right to self-determination and referendum to be subjected to an amnesty (meaning they will be pardoned). However, it has been written to be as useless as possible.
Amnesty laws are not unusual around the world, neither in Spain. The most famous one was passed at the end of the fascist dictatorship (1977) to give amnesty to political dissidents who had been sentenced for fighting against the Francoist dictatorship. In the less than 100 years prior, Spain had approved at least 20 amnesties and 70 general pardons, even though some of these amnesties applied to all Spain but left Catalan people out (like General Berenguer's during the dictablanda). In the 2000s, the Spanish Government granted amnesties, most famously the PP party's government led by Aznar granted "hidden amnesties" through mass pardons to 5,948 people, most of which were convicted of corruption and tax evasion. Now, the PP and Aznar are criticizing and recurring the new amnesty for Catalan political prisoners, saying it's illegal and anti-Constitutional. (sources on the previous amnesties)
The new Amnesty Law has gone forward, fruit of a long negotiation process between the Spanish Government and Catalan parties. But the Spanish Governments has the last word on how the law is written, so they made sure to make it very restrictive. It may grant amnesty to those convicted for taking part in Catalonia's self-determination and independence process, but only for some of the crimes they're attributed.
Out of the 4,584 people who have been repressed by the Spanish judicial system for their participation in the Catalan independence movement between 2017 and 2024, the NGO Òmnium explains that only 1,616 of them are elegible for amnesty (source). And even then, amnesty means they have to go to trial again and have the judges agree that the amnesty can be applied to them. The same judges who sentenced them guilty, often twisting the law to do so, like saying that people who acted peacefully can be convicted of crimes that are defined using violence because the violence is metaphorical. And in case anyone still believed in the separation of powers, a group of judges has already created a guide on how to make the Amnesty Law not apply to anything and have sent it to more than 5,000 judges (source).
And, of course, an amnesty is only retroactive. Any "rebellious act" committed after the Law of Amnesty is approved will not be elegible for the amnesty. And, unsurprisingly, on the very day that this law was approved, a Catalan man was already imprisoned for being part of a counter-protest against the Spanish police's rally to homage the Spanish police who brutally beat up Catalan people who were peacefully trying to vote on October 1st 2017, being accused to watch out while another man pushed a policeman (all context here). He is first victim of the new wave of Spanish repression of Catalan people, a wave in a sea that never stops.
Don't get me wrong, the amnesty is good news. These 1,616 people don't deserve the repression they received. It's good that they can be freed from it. But it solves nothing because it doesn't solve the discrimination against Catalans and the fact that Catalans aren't allowed self-determination. We will continue being treated like second-class citizens by Spain, a culture to quietly or loudly exterminate (depending on if it comes from the Spanish "left" or the right, respectively), and we will fight back again. The Spanish Government is saying that this amnesty will put an end to Catalan independentism, but it will not, not until we are equal and free.
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timriva-blog · 1 year ago
L’inventor del barrufar, Albert Jané, 56è Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes
Òmnium Cultural premia l’ànima de Cavall Fort durant 34 anys, Albert Jané i Riera, també autor del Diccionari de Sinònims, traductor de més de 200 obres -sobretot infantils i juvenils- i poeta. Albert Jané i Riera en la roda de premsa de presentació del 56è Premi d’Honor Escrit per Àlex Milian Sense Albert Jané seria impossible barrufar. Ell va inventar el nom català dels éssers blaus creats pel…
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ferrolano-blog · 2 years ago
Pocas instituciones en los años 60 había más franquistas que Foment, el Barça y Òmnium... Y no había nadie más franquista en España que los abuelos de los actuales políticos independentistas
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aneddoticamagazinestuff · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/help-catalonia-save-europe-omnium/
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What���s happening here, in Catalonia, is not an internal Spanish affair. It concerns to each and every European citizen.
Help Catalonia: https://helpcatalonia.eu
Òmnium: https://omnium.cat
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revolutionaryeye · 7 years ago
Welcome Catalonia
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