#jongup instalive
frost-guardian · 5 years
Jongup is a Slytherin!!!
And that was my question he answered during his instalive! I'm so happy right now! We're in the same house!
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roses-for-jongup · 5 years
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shut-the-jongup · 6 years
on a scale of 1-12, how daehyun are you feeling today?
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bap16 · 4 years
210107 #Jongup instalive 
Jongup said that he had a call from Daehyun recently and that Daehyun is probably having hard times there, he told to Jongup that it’s not joke 
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itsbap · 5 years
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@BAP_Jongup: [종업 생일기념 인스타 Live]
잠시후 19:00 #jongup 님의
생일 파티 인스타 Live 를 진행합니다!
많은 시청 부탁드려요😃😃
[Jongup’s birthday celebration Insta Live]
Later at 19:00
There will be birthday party instalive with Jongup!
Please come to watch it😃😃
trans by bapupdate ; take out with full credit.
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sinsofstrays · 6 years
B.A.P As Single Fathers
Yongguk: He never lets his kid down, always having them on his hip or in a carrier on his back. Willing to spend all his money on them to make them happy. Has to find very creative ways to entertain them. The type to always carry extra socks when his kid inevitably loses theirs.
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Himchan: He lets his kid run around but only within eye sight. The type to give ice cream for breakfast if his kid pouts enough. His social media accounts are filled with pictures of him and his kids’ many adventures. Takes his kid to practice, distracting everyone. 
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Daehyun: He is the type to pretend to leave his kid behind when they don’t follow him. Tells his kid their house is haunted right before bedtime. Always carries candy as a way to keep the child quiet when they start acting up. Does the kid's homework accidentally instead of teaching them what to do.
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Youngjae: He sleeps through his alarm on most days, having to drive his kid to school after they miss the bus. The kid always has the best style, including Gucci. Forgets to ask if kid brushed their teeth. Lost concept of time after the kid's third birthday.
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Jongup: He has to call his parents to help him install his carseat. Can't take his kid anywhere after the Wal-Mart incident. Kid somehow always has something sticky on their face despite Jongup constantly carrying wet wipes. Doesn't sleep until his kid has been asleep for at least an hour.
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Zelo: He always has some sort of prop to enterain his kid. Baby Shark is his ringtone. Though he tries, he isn't very good at storytime. Takes naps with his kid, laying in the floor beside the crib. Debates heavily with himself if he should pierce his kid's ears. Decides to wait.
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coffee-for-himchan · 6 years
B.A.P’s reaction to taking their crush to a haunted house
(A/N) Is it called a haunted house? A haunted mansion, perhaps? Or haunted attraction? I really don’t know, but this is meant as in one of those haunted houses you usually see in amusement parks and such, not an actual haunted house! >.< 
Oh my god has he always been this giggly?
Probably, you just never noticed, or rather he just hasn't had a chance to display his true giggly nature up until now. Point is, this trip is a bit different from how you'd first expected it to be.
He definitely wasn’t the one to suggest it, but when you brought the haunted house up to him in a hopeful and quiet request, he agreed to go there surprisingly fast. Little did you know it was because he was crushing on you so much he’d consider doing so many things for you and with you, but that’s not the main thing here. Main thing is that once you start your adventure in the haunted house, you’d never thought he’d laugh in there so much. 
Apparently, Yongguk gets scared really easily, and it’s just the two of you constantly getting scared and jumping a step or two back, clutching onto each other’s hands just to kind of look at each other the next second and burst out laughing. His heart is jumping out of his chest but he’s not the one who thinks about having to look all non-scared and having to maintain a certain imagine in your eyes while on this journey - Yongguk’s aim is just for both of you to have fun. You clearly look like you’re having a great time, and that only makes him happier. He’s been so busy recently that he values every single moment spent with you together, and since this is another positive memory, he treasures it well.
And he also takes note to do things like this more often, because upon exit you just told him how much of a beautiful smile he has, which is weird to hear after going out of a haunted house and such.. But it makes his heart skip a beat, and that’s all that matters.
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Let's face it - you're both eventually going to leave the house running away screaming your heads off in perfect sync, and if you're lucky - maybe even in perfect polyphony.
Himchan is not exactly the tuffest guy of all. He is lovable. He's a squish, he's huggable, he knows how to work bubbly conversation and is clingy by default which makes him perfect in everyday life and situations. But he's a scaredy-cat, there's no denying that. Easy to terrify and though he laughs it off afterwards, he's even easier to terrify once terrified before.
So you two will end up screaming your heads off while in the haunted house, and the fact that you're clinging onto his arm full-force only makes him sweat more - he's transformed into a waterfall at this point already, and your clinging doesn’t help. Because he can't look scared right now - not in front of you, at least. He has to stay unaffected and strong, has to look his best.
"Ha, that thing?" he points his finger at a ghost installation that had just popped up from out of nowhere and was meant to jumpscare the two of you, "Not even bothered by it."
Yeah, sure. He hopes you can't see or feel how much his legs are shaking, because oh my god that thing had to be real, it looked so goddamn real how the hell can that be plastic.
He's a nervous mess when you come out of there, from both - the actual haunted house, and the fact that his crush had just been just clinging onto him for a solid few minutes. His cheekiness stays present though, and you roll your eyes at his offer while you’re heading out through the exit, though it’s not like you want to object.
"You don’t have to let go of my hand immediately, you know? I can be your knight in shining armor for a little longer."
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Daehyun.exe has stopped working.
He laughed out loud at your offer to go and check out the haunted house of the amusement part he had taken you out to, though when he saw that you were being serious about it, his expression became serious too and he asked you if you were sure about it.
You were, and if it was for anyone else, really.. He wouldn’t have gone.
At least that’s what he thought initially. He was afraid of the building standing in front of him, and right before entry you bumped his side, telling him not to worry. He smiled in response and you two set foot into the building. Maybe this was even exciting, he had to admit. But just maybe.
And the next few minutes consisted of the same thing done over and over again.. A.k.a just insert Daehyun screaming for ten to fifteen minutes straight and we’re good to go with this as a description of your trip.
Despite him getting easily scared, he’s also amused by the things he sees there. His screams don’t entirely consist of utter terror - he’s surprised, he’s excited at some parts even. He smiles a lot and his smiles are the ones of an angel. Plus, you love how he’s shaking a little as you walk out of the haunted house, and still remains upbeat. You hug him for that and melt into the way his arms wrap around you - carefully though firmly. And his embrace is so, so warm that you just want to stay there for longer.
And since this had given him enough courage he just mumbles something about going to his after you’re done at the amusement park. And he’s not even surprised when you actually agree. 
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Prepare for ear bleeding.
Youngjae is eager to go in. He grabs your hand and tugs you towards the entrance, giving you a cheeky smile - "the hand holding's for safety reasons, so we don't get separated by the ghouls or you don't decide to run off and leave me all alone with them". He sets foot in there first like the true brave man he is, and on first glance it seems hopeful.
Until he starts screaming bloody murder at every single thing he sees.
Youngjae's very emotional and excitable. If he's not screaming from getting frightened, he's laughing loudly at his own silliness, stomping his feet on the ground, pulling cute, embarrassed faces, doing his regular excited routine, basically. The haunted house thrills and excites him, and he goes back and forth between laughing at your fear though still reassuringly tugging you along while leading the way and hiding behind you, despite your giggly protests pushing you to go in front of him. His eyes are bright and the smile doesn't fade from his face as he's enjoying himself to the fullest, and oops.. You might’ve just fallen in love with him a little. Because of the fact that he’s so giggly about things supposed to seem scary, or rather he giggles at his silliness regarding being scared while he clearly shouldn’t be. No matter the reason, you feel safe by his side, and entertained as well.
And as he sees how you're out of that house for a few minutes already and your hand is still in his, he simply grins to himself and doesn't say a thing. Maybe he should take you to these type of places more often.
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Usually you’d ask yourself - does this guy, like.. Have any emotions?
He does.
There's a big variety of different scares in the haunted house, and this boy transitions from being straight up terrified by everything surrounding him to staying non-affected by any scare. His attitude is the real scary thing here, to be honest. You keep looking at him and furrowing your brows, awaiting if the next thing you'll encounter will set fear into him or not.
The way you're easily scared from everything makes him chuckle though.
He lets himself be cheeky this time around and just enjoys the things he can so inside this house apart from getting scared. Like how he can just casually place his arm around your waist and tug you a little closer to his side, away from a scare. How he can do the same after you yelp at something and how he can chuckle at you and at how cute you look when you’re scared. He's really enjoying this, actually, though he doesn’t want to admit.
All together a trip through a haunted house with Jongup is relatively calm, with a lot of yelps and minor scared followed by chuckles, though nothing serious. And as you two exit the house chuckling at yourselves, he suggests you should go to his place tonight to watch a horror movies or something to which you raise a brow at him and just ask him if he likes seeing you being scared. And he mumbles that no, he doesn't - it's just that he likes comforting a scared you, which is.. A sweet thing to say. He's shy now all of a sudden, but the words have already slipped from his mouth, and somehow.. You want to be in his arms again. Even if that means having to watch a scary movie in just hours.
He never thought a haunted house would be the thing to finally get him to make a move.
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One moment he's getting a scare, jumping lightly and laughing his head off about it afterwards, and the next moment he starts poking at what had just scared him, seeing if he can trigger the mechanisms to do it again. He walks through a corridor of popping out figures relatively unaffected yet refuses to go near the corner with fake spiderwebs on it because yuck, spiders. You spent more time in there wondering what is wrong with him than you actually spent feeling scared - not that it's a bad thing, actually.
Before going in, Junhong had teased you about the house. It’s not like he  wanted to take you there just for you to clinge onto him like your life depended on it, no - okay, maybe that was part of the reason... He just thought it would be fun, and before strolling in, he tells you that you'll be keeping a jumpscare count and whoever has a higher one pays for pizza tonight.
Too bad you're competitive. You're not about to lose this.
But you both somehow do at the very beginning already, and your trip consists of you grabbing onto each other when scared, laughing tons until your stomachs hurt and him even playfully picking you up bridal-style at some point to run through a space he doesn’t want to be in that much longer because it actually terrifies him. The jumscare count is long forgotten as you stumble out of there, and he volunteers to get the pizza even though he’s pretty sure that you had been screaming much more than he had while back in the haunted house.
He's the real winner in this situation anyways, because at some point in there you had told him that you'd never had as much fun with anyone else as you always have with him. And that's the best compliment he's ever received, especially considering how much he’s crushing on you.
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bbbangs · 3 years
daehyun just chilling at jongups house, waiting for jongup to get out the shower so daehyun did a instalive we love best friends 4 life
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wallysbestie · 6 years
Bias Acronym Tag
Lolol welcome to the third installment of this tag. Luckily I have a fuck ton of biases in order to keep doing this tag. @gayforhanbinnie tagged me this time and since I already did Yongguk and Youngk I think it’s only fair to continue the trend and do the final member of my Young Pack so without further ado, here’s Yoo Youngjae. Whenever I think of Yjae I think about falling in love and being content and romantic so here’s a love playlist.
Y - You Are So Beautiful by Eddy Kim
O - Ojos Color Sol by Calle 13
O - Outro: Her by Bts
Y - Your Song by Ewan McGregor and Alessandro Safina
O - Only U by Vixx
U - Ultimately by Khai Dreams
N - Now by Jongup
G - Good Morning by Verbal Jint
J - Just For You by iKon
A - Apricot Princess by Rex Orange County
E - Everything by iKon
Lol eventually I’ll be tagged enough that I get through the my entire bias list. I’ll go ahead and tag random urls again so @hanwooz @kimbobby @mauloveskpop @newkidsrtrn as always feel free to ignore if you don’t wanna do it!
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bapdaydreams · 7 years
Jongup: Prince AU
A/N: So, we are on the final two instalments of my Prince AU series. So, the second last one is none other than Moon Jongup. Even without the Pince AU, Jongup is my prince haha *cringe* I’ll take myself out. Anyway, enjoy!
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You feel a little flustered as you stand there under the gaze of the princes. They all had an intimidating air about them and it made you a little nervous. It was making your palms a little sweaty. But one pair of eyes is looking elsewhere. You recognise the little beauty mark on the bridge of his nose and you remember his duel earlier today.
You also remember that he was the only one who hadn’t introduced himself to you. You must have started at him for a while because Daehyun speaks up.
“You want to pick Jongup?”
You jump at his voice and then you feel your face heat up for being so obvious. But, Jongup finally looks at you. His eyes are sharp and when he looks at you, it almost felt like he was examining you like you were an experiment. It makes a chill run down your spine and you have to hold back the need to hide behind someone.
“Jongup it is!” your mum says loudly and you want to glare at her but you don’t.
Jongup quietly steps forward and bows at you. You nervously bow back and before you know it, your mother announces that the two of you are to have dinner together. And you are sure that your mother literally squeals like an excited teen and practically pushes the two of you in the small dining room.
And now you find yourself feeling awkwardly sitting opposite to Jongup as the two of you quietly eat your dinner.
He must have felt that you were feeling the awkwardness so he puts his cutlery down and looks at you. You freeze up but then his face breaks out in a bright smile, his eyes turning into little crescent moons and revels his bunny teeth. You feel her breathing catch in your throat as you let out a gasp.
That smile was not what you expected from Jongup who had such an intimidating aura about him.
You manage to smile back at him.
“I’m Jongup, by the way”, he says as he shyly looks away.
“I realised I didn’t actually introduce myself”, he says, looking at the floor.
You can’t help but think he was cute as you laugh before introducing yourself to him.
“You have a pretty name”, he says and it makes you blush.
But as he realises what he just said, he too feels a blush creep on his cheeks. The two of you end up falling into silence and being awkward again. You shyly look up just as Jongup looks up too and when your eyes meet his, the two of you can’t help but laugh as the tension melts away.
With the tension gone, you feel more at ease but the intimidating aura around Jongup doesn’t change. He is still quiet and speaks very little as you talk to him about small things like your interests. He listens to you in interest and somehow you find it comforting as you pour over your frustrations about picking a husband.
“I can’t believe they are doing this to me. Can’t they just get me a puppy or something?” you say and Jongup laughs.
His laugh makes your heart skip a beat and you can’t help but smile at the sound of his laughter.
“But a puppy is hard work”, he says.
“Yeah, so is a man”, you say and he raises a brow at you.
“I can’t argue, all the other princes are such hard work”
He somehow talks for hours about the rest of the princes and how they all seem to enjoy picking on him. You found it so amusing and listen to him quietly. It felt like he was putting his guard down but as the night comes to an end, Jongup is back to being quiet.
You internally sigh as he walks you to your room.
“I enjoyed dinner”, you say with a smile.
He nods and returns your smile before leaving you for the night. You sigh out loud before collapsing on your bed.
That night you toss and turn in bed as you keep on thinking about Jongup. You know you are being stupid, you had only met him today but there was something about him that was interesting. Somehow you drift off to sleep. When you wake up, you hope it was all a bad dream but as you open your door to go have breakfast before going to your lessons, you see Jongup, who had his hand hanging in the air as if he was about to knock on your door.
He shyly pulls his hand away and scratches the back of his neck. You can’t help but find him cute again.
“I was told to spend the day with you”, he says simply and his intimidating aura is back.
You nod and before you know it you are spending the day doing what you normally do while Jongup follows you like a shadow. He doesn’t say anything so sometimes you forget he is even there.
When lunch comes around the two of you are led to the garden where a small picnic is set up. The two of you quietly end up having lunch as you just enjoy the sunshine and his company while he has his nose in a book.
“The sun feels great”, Jongup comments and you agree.
The small talk flows slowly but surely and it’s comfortable just to be next to him and you enjoy it.
This becomes a routine. You wake up, get ready, meet up with Jongup, have breakfast, go to your lessons, have lunch, go to more lessons, have dinner and then Jongup would walk you to your room before he left you for the night.
A few days later, while having lunch in the garden with Jongup again, the rest of the princes join you. The normal quiet lunch becomes loud and cheerful. Daehyun and Youngjae bicker, Himchan is making sure everyone has plenty of food; Yongguk is quietly enjoying the weather, and Jongup and Junhong are playing with Mochi.
You can’t help but think of Jongup was cute as he made silly noises at Mochi. You want to laugh but you think it’s rude. Lunch comes to an end and Yongguk asks you to let Jongup off for the rest of the day and promises to return him for dinner. You agree and go to the rest of your lessons and once you finish your lesson, you go out to find Jongup. You had guessed he was probably on the training grounds so you walk there.
You weren’t wrong though, you see Jongup holding his training sword, patting and sweating as he fights Daehyun.
“Come on Jongup!” Junhong cheers and you find yourself saying the same thing in your head.
The two carry on duelling as you watch in amazement. Daehyun was so good and you admired him for his skills but Jongup was so graceful while sword fighting. You already knew this from the first time you had seem him. It truly looked like he was dancing around Daehyun. He has the same smirk on his face from the first time too and you can’t help but stare.
“He is good”
You look to your side to see Yongguk.
“He is”, you agree.
“Jongup works hard for his skills because he isn’t a natural like Daehyun and Junhong”, Yongguk says.
“He is something else”, you say.
The two of you watch quietly and soon Daehyun has disarmed Jongup. Jongup groans and practically collapses on the ground.
“You did great, Jongup”, Daehyun says and offers Jongup his hand.
Jongup grabs it and Daehyun pulls him up. Junghong is pouting at Jongup’s loss. Jongup just pats the tall boy on the head with a smile.
“We should train harder”, Jongup says and Junhong nods in agreement.
“Jongup, you are free to go now!” Yongguk announces and he gives Yongguk a nod.
As he is talking to Junhong about when they should train together, you see Daehyun come behind Jongup and for a second you think you are seeing things, but Daehyun does indeed bite Jongup’s shoulder. You see Jongup just sigh as Junhong tries to get rid of Daehyun. Himchan is next to ruffle Jongup’s hair and Youngjae is yelling at them.
You realise that Jongup really did think his prince friends were trouble and hard work. Eventually Youngjae manages to take Daehyun off of Jongup and while Himchan laughs Junhong hugs Jongup tightly and protectively.
“Let Jongup go, the princess is waiting”, Yongguk says.
The rest of the princes slowly back off from Jongup, Junhong is the last one to hesitantly let go of Jongup.
Jongup walks up to you and Yongguk. He bows a little at you and you bow back with a smile.
“You did well, Jongup”, Yongguk says and Jongup gives Yongguk a salute.
Yongguk smiles and tickles Jongup. Jongup jumps away from Yongguk’s touch and pouts. Then Yongguk pinches his cheek.
“You are too cute”, Yongguk says and pats him on the shoulder before leaving the two of you.
You really find his little tender moments with the rest of the princes endearing. You find him cuter and less intimidating. The two of you exchange greetings and he asks you how the rest of your lessons went and the two of you just talk about random things as the two of you have dinner.
You realise that these days, it was more relaxed between the two of you and he was becoming more open to you. It was nice.
As the week with Jongup came to an end, you were told to go to the ballroom for some dancing lessons. You sigh. You were tired from everything else you had to focus on for the week and on your final day with Jongup, you were told you had an extra lesson. Jongup hadn’t met you this morning so you had dragged yourself around the castle going through your lessons alone. You also realised that Jongup by your side had become something of a habit. You missed him.
But when you walk into the ballroom, you gasp.
Jongup is in the middle of the beautiful ballroom, being illuminated by the sun. He looked absolutely beautiful. He was facing the side as he slowly moved, gracefully to nothing but his own soft humming. You were mesmerised by the way he moved.
You stare at him as he slowly twirls in the middle of the ballroom. He was absolutely gorgeous.
He eventually stops his movements and faces you. He smiles at you and bows. You smile back and bow back at him.
“I hope it was ok to request for you at this time”, he says.
“You requested for me?” you ask in surprise.
He nods and offers you his hand. You take it. His hand is warm against yours and it feels comforting.
“I wanted to do something different for our last day”, he says as he leads you to the middle of the ballroom.
“I hope it’s ok to have this dance, princess”, he says.
“It’s a little late to ask, isn’t it?” you ask with a smile.
“Indeed”, he says as he raises the hand he was holding in the air next to the two of you and then takes your other hand and rests it on his shoulder.
He then takes his free hand and holds the small of your back with it and before you know it Jongup is leading you to a simple dance. You can hear soft piano music playing and you wonder where it’s coming from.
“You are really good at this”, you say and he smiles at you.
“You really are something else”, you say.
“Oh really?”
You nod.
“At first I found you intimidating and I thought you were avoiding me”, you admit and he frowns.
You laugh.
“I realise that that’s not really who you are”, you say.
“If I’m being honest, I did try to avoid you at the start…I didn’t know what to say or how to approach this because when I came here I had no intentions of trying to court you”, he admits.
“That is interesting”, you say.
“But things change”, he says.
“What changed?” you ask out of curiosity.
“Feelings”, he says simple and before you can ask anymore, he is twirling you and then lowers you into a dip.
You laugh a little at his sudden movements and you are really impressed by how well he is keeping up with the music. He pulls you closer to him so you are pressed right against him. You feel his heart beat pounding and you smile as your own heart was pounding.
But without any words, you understood what he was saying. You smile at him and squeeze his hand and he smiles back at you. You can feel his breath against your face and you want to be close to him, just like this. He is still staring down at you and his eyes are warm which are different from when you first met him.
Silently as always, Jongup leans down to you and you tilt your head as his lips meet yours. His lips are soft and warm. It fits perfectly against yours. The two of you have stopped dancing and his hands wrap around your hips and pulls you closer while your hands wraps around his shoulders.
The piano has stopped playing and you hear someone cheering. Your kiss with Jongup comes to an abrupt end as Jongup pulls away and glares at the source of the cheering. You look up at the little balcony area and finally spot the rest of the princes. Himchan was sitting in front of the piano so you guessed he was the source of the music. Junhong and Daehyun were the ones cheering loudly while Youngjae is trying to get them to shut up as Yongguk and Himchan just quietly watch with smiles on their faces.
Jongup sighs.
“Men are hard work”
“You should have befriended puppies instead”
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dltjsdk2658 · 3 years
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문종업인스타그램(업뎃)   종업인스타그램  moonjongyeup 1:1 영상통화 OPEN🤍⠀▫ 신청일자 : 6/26 6PM - 7/2 6PM (회차 당 30명 선착순 마감)▫ 신청방법 : 1️⃣ 헬로라이브 어플 설치하고, summer in the moon : 문종업 1:1 영상통화 찾아서 예매!2️⃣ @pgnpictures 프로필 링크(링크트리) 타고 들어가서 신청하기⠀---------------------------------⠀[summer in the moon : 문종업] 1:1 video OPEN🌙⠀▫ Application date: 2021.06.26 (Sat) 6 p.m. - 2021.07.02 (Fri) 6 p.m.(Finishes on a first-come, first-served basis for 30 people per session)▫ How to apply : 1️⃣ Install the Hello Live app, [summer in the moon: Moon Jong-up 1:1 video call] Find and reserve it!2️⃣ Enter the @pgnpictures profile link (linktree) to apply⠀#문종업 #MoonJongUp #종업 #JongUp#MoonJongUp_US #US #어스 @bigoceanenm  👏👏👏  #종업
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roses-for-jongup · 5 years
his little wave 🥺
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bap16 · 4 years
210107 #Jongup instalive
Jongup said he didn’t watch a lot of episodes of Mr. Queen yet, he is on the third or fourth episode and he waiting to watch it all at once 
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min-teez · 7 years
B.a.p ‘Ego’
Ok, this might be far reaching but any time I thing of ego im reminded of Frued’s theory of the structure of our psyche.
His theory is that our psyche is made of three components, the ID, Ego, and Super-ego.
ID- disorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic, instinctual drives. Id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. It is the source of our bodily needs, wants, desires, and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives. The id contains the libido, which is the primary source of instinctual force that is unresponsive to the demands of reality. The id acts according to the "pleasure principle"—the psychic force that motivates the tendency to seek immediate gratification of any impulse—defined as seeking to avoid pain or unpleasure (not "displeasure") aroused by increases in instinctual tension. According to Freud the id is unconscious by definition (taken from Wikipedia).
Ego- The ego acts according to the reality principle; i.e., it seeks to please the id's drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bring grief. At the same time, Freud concedes that as the ego "attempts to mediate between id and reality, it is often obliged to cloak the [unconscious] commands of the id with its own [ preconscious ] rationalizations, to conceal the id's conflicts with reality, to profess...to be taking notice of reality even when the id has remained rigid and unyielding." The reality principle that operates the ego is a regulating mechanism that enables the individual to delay gratifying immediate needs and function effectively in the real world. An example would be to resist the urge to grab other people's belongings, but instead to purchase those items. (Taken from Wikipedia)
Super-Ego- The super-ego reflects the internalization of cultural rules, mainly taught by parents applying their guidance and influence. Freud developed his concept of the super-ego from an earlier combination of the ego ideal and the "special psychical agency which performs the task of seeing that narcissistic satisfaction from the ego ideal is ensured...what we call our 'conscience'." For him "the installation of the super-ego can be described as a successful instance of identification with the parental agency," while as development proceeds "the super-ego also takes on the influence of those who have stepped into the place of parents — educators, teachers, people chosen as ideal models". (Taken from Wikipedia)
So my take on this is that the drastically different group teasers and individual could be the ID and the Super-Ego fighting for what they want. And the fact that yongguk and jongup both have the second face in their photos, it’s conceivable that it’s a representation of the psyche. And knowing what I know about the boys it’s not inconceivable for them to know about Freud and his theory’s.
Ultimately it could be alter-ego, it could be Freud’s theory, or it could be something different, just wanted to put in the thoughts I had! Thank you for reading!
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zainbap · 7 years
I am screaming at Himchan’s subbed instalive video omg
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praydastles · 7 years
Title: Think you can hack it? Yes this is a bad pun Fandom: BAP Member: Jongup Genre/Warning: Smut, Sir!Jongup, skydive!au, SNAKES THIS ONE IS FILLED WITH SNAKES, death (sorry guise blame the snakes), this is very smutty, EXTREMELY EXPLICIT (this will not be everyone's cup of tea) and very rough; includes slapping (not of the face), spit play, foul language and more.  Summary/Request: Jongup smut with sir would be p coolio. Maybe smth like a gang!au and jongup being the boss and the reader smth like a hacker/tech worker for the team?? A/N: Have a sir!Jongup gif x On his merry way to get him some pum Sorry this took so long me long to finish and I’m sorry that you have to read this x_x ALSO!!! MASSIVE THANK YOU TO @jongup-is-an-enigma FOR BEING AN ENCOURAGING AND SUPPORTIVE BABE! (follow her guys!) Word Count: 5751 (fml)
You chew lazily on the now stale popcorn, monitoring the activity on your computer screen as you had been doing for the last six hours. Today was the day and if you fucked this up then you may as well be dead.
You had to rely purely on your skills, following the boy’s movements through traffic cameras, security surveillance, street cameras, anything that allowed you to track them.
The car they used, black through and through weaved through back roads, trying to avoid traffic, trying to keep to schedule. You briefly wondered how each of them were feeling. You especially wondered about the feelings of a particular person and felt your lips twitch to the tiniest of smirks knowing that he was just anticipating the downfall, the surprise when it comes to an end. You knew he would get off on the fact that they were so unaware, so unprepared, unsuspecting of a single thing, you knew this, because that’s how you felt too.
It was harder to track them now, the car meeting the dust roads of abandoned Seoul, old cars and other rubbish building up in the dirt. The roads were more open, no clear marks of roads and rarely any cameras. When they reached more open space you were cut completely from their view and instead looked down at your watch.
They were give or take a few minutes behind schedule, but that didn’t matter. You only cared that they reached their destination. From the cut off point they should be there in about 15 minutes, especially if the heavy footed Himchan was driving.  And so, you waited patiently, slowly chewing more stale popcorn as you switched to the cameras you had personally installed in the warehouse.
Inside was empty, or so it appeared. Dark corners held worthless money seeking thugs, lives that could be disregarded easily. They were nobodies. You smile, remembering the reward you had got for finding them, for fitting them into this little plan that had taken over your being for the past 6 months. You bit your lips, shifting in your seat as the heat surged through you at the mere thought of what your reward tonight would be. You were even tempted to give yourself a little pre celebratory reward, knowing he wouldn’t like it,  but much too excited to wait.
Too bad you were much too focused on your task. One thing that all the boys liked about you was that you put your work - no matter that it was illegal - first.
The time passed slowly, with your eyes burning as you focused on the monitor until eventually you saw the dust clouds when their car had pulled up.
They piled out and you licked your lips looking at one particular delight, but quickly focused again to watch them briefly speak and then head toward the opening of the warehouse.
You switched to the cameras inside. Your heart rate suddenly picked up; a number of emotions ran through you as you memorised their faces. A sliver of something foreign ran through you; it wrapped around the contents of your stomach and stirred till you were left with a sick feeling. You briefly pondered your actions, briefly debated with yourself: Does it have to be this way? But the moment your eyes landed on his face, sweet eyes soft and calm, you knew your answer: Yes.
It was rather comical. To watch the great leaders face slowly morph into an expression of confusion. The other boys taking glances around the nearly bare warehouse. You grinned, already knowing their thoughts: Where the fuck is the stuff?
But the answer was clear. Nowhere. There never was anything in that shitty abandoned warehouse. And Guk probably had a feeling that would be the case too. God, that man asked too many fucking questions and you were even surprised with yourself that you were able to convince him to go for it. It was all worth it. This was the main event after all.
And in that moment your trusted thugs, clad in police wear appeared from the cracks to surround your precious boys. Your boys were quick and obviously would not go down without a fight.
Guns were drawn and with a sickening smile you watched the beautiful scene unfold. Bullets ripped through the air and you could only imagine the surprise of your little army of lowlifes when they began to drop one by one like flies. Oops, I guess the uniforms aren’t bulletproof.   
Another twinge was felt however, when Jongup was shot. But that’s not what got to you. It was the way you saw the shout leave Youngjae’s mouth when his arm wrapped around a dying Jongup, shooting haphazardly.
The way the blood splattered on the camera had you shooting up in your seat. You were momentarily worried that the bullet hit Jongup in a soft spot, but when Youngjae fell atop of Jongup unmoving you realised he was fine.
It was quite the show. To watch the boys, to watch the anguish as their brotherhood was broken. It was just so typical for them to put themselves in the line of fire together. Maybe if they thought to themselves to pull out, they’d be alive.
It was a bloody mess, something resembling a Shakespeare play. Everyone was dead. Well, nearly everyone.
Youngjae, a cold carcass, useless for anything now, was pushed without a care to the side and you watched with glee as Jongup slowly rose to stand. You checked your watch, already counting down the minutes for the building to be demolished. Everything had happened on time and now Jongup could come home to you and celebrate and what the fuck is he doing?
There were times Jongup reminded you of a sloth. He could be slow and unbothered, taking his time with no care in the world. So when you saw him lazily stumble toward a person you couldn’t help to grind your teeth in irritation.
Upon closer look you could see Jongup crouching down to someone. Daehyun.
You nervously checked your watch again, but you knew this was the cherry on the top for Jongup. To personally watch Daehyun suffer and die. But still, was he really that stupid?
Jongup reminded you of a sloth. So when you saw the 2 minute mark as you counted down on your watch you couldn’t help but panic, suddenly shooting out of your seat causing it to fall backward. You slammed your hands down on your desk, face drawing closer to the screen as you watched a weak Daehyun pointlessly lift his gun toward Jongup. You zoomed in, catching the smirk on Jongup’s face. You could tell he enjoyed watching the pointless efforts of this dying man. Jongup gripped the gun easily, leaning forward while he turned the gun onto Daehyun and you could only imagine how cold Daehyun must’ve felt to see such empty eyes up close. Only imagine the question in his eyes when Jongup, his brother pulled the trigger so easily.
You breathes harshened, the timer under a minute when a splay of blood left Daehyun’s mouth in his final moment. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE YOU SHIT!” You couldn’t help to voice your displeasure. This was not the plan. He should have gotten out of there with enough time to be clear of the explosion. But there he was with fucking seconds!
The monitor cut off and you realised why. Your eyes widen. Rage bubbling to the surface as hands shoved at whatever was on your desk, including your monitor as your anger got the best of you. You in destruction mode was not the best so when you calmed down just a little, sweat coating your forehead and empty space filled with your rough breathes, you realised you had no chance to find out if Jongup was alive.
Your monitor was effectively destroyed and anything else was useless. The thought suddenly had your chest aching, your heart violently clenching as the thought materialised within you, twined itself into your reality and you just wanted to cry. But you couldn’t. You refuse to cry for that idiot.
Kicking and flipping chairs and destroying what you could was your only solution for the time being so when you heard the slow clap of applause and turn to see none other than Jongup, you’re wrapped in a new kind of anger, frozen with narrowed eyes aimed at the smirking man.
“Miss me baby?”
Your heels never turned so fast, your strides angry as you approach the bane of your life, Moon Jongup. “What the fuck?”  Jongup is barely surprised by you snarling at him, nor is he surprised to find you fired up and in the middle of destroying your little room. He’s taking enjoyment in watching the way your eyes ink out into a colour so dark, it nearly blends in with your pupils. You’re pissed and that was an understatement.
You’re in his face breathing heavily and your hands come up to shove at his padded chest with a snarl, “What the ACTUAL FUCK YOU BASTARD?” Jongup is smirking, titling his head slightly as specks of spit fly onto his face. He’s never seen you so angry. Eye’s wide and face marred with lines of your anger.
Jongup side steps you, slowly walking around as he states in a bored tone. “I’m not sure what you’re pissed about, but the job is done. The plane to Russia is boo-” Your hand roughly grabs his arm to swing him around to face you and neither of you have time to register your actions when Jongup's head snaps to the side, cheek already reddening; the aftermath of you slapping Moon Jongup.
You’re breathing heavily, hand deadweight at your side as you stare back at an impassive Jongup. He’s silent and just as still as you, actually it seems like he isn’t even breathing and as the realisation of your actions wash over you, it's your turn to freeze, blood seeming to slow to a stop as each cell, nerve, organ shut down.
It happens in a blur. Jongup’s fingers press into the back of your neck, holding your face down onto the cool surface of your work desk. “It seems you were worried baby girl?” His voice was light and playful, but you knew better as you struggle beneath him, trying to push yourself up. “I’m not in the fucking mood. You could have died, do you rea-” His fingers tighten, nails pinching your skin. “But, I didn’t baby girl. I’m here. So don’t you think you were a little out of order for your actions back there?” You harshly swallowed, thinking your answer through, knowing it would determine your punishment. “I’m sorry… sir. I just got scared.” Jongup shifted so his crotch pressed into your behind, bringing his other hand up to stroke your hair. “Aw baby girl I know,” he cooed, “But, you shouldn’t have doubted me.” He spat. You immediately shook your head, which was difficult under his grip, denying his accusations. “No Jong- sir! You were on the screen and then the explosions went off and I, AH!” Your bottom stung, his palm coming down harshly on your arse cheek that rippled with the force. “Baby girl I really wanted us to celebrate our victory today.” He told you, hand tightly gripping an arse cheek till his nails dug in. His breath fanned against your ears, the tips hot and red. “I really did want us to but, I think we’re going to have to put that on hold hm?” You inhale sharply, heart speeding as the anticipation fills you. “Is that okay baby?” You whimper, not trusting yourself to talk, because the possibilities are running through your mind and it nearly has you salivating. You yelp when Jongup’s hand on your neck quickly shifts to fist into your hair and drags you upwards, twisting you till you're facing him. “Let’s see how pretty we can get you baby.” Your vest top was pulled down beneath your bra, breasts pulled out shortly after, jutting over the material. You braced yourself, the sting still making you whimper when Jongup slapped a breast. “Back straight and legs apart… please.” He added, a sickly sweet smile on his face. You straightened up, back arching just slightly and Jongup licked his lips. “Like that sir?” You asked quietly, looking straight ahead as you voluntarily placed your arms behind your back, eager to please. Jongup chuckled lowly, his hand shifting your head back by the hair so your neck was more exposed to him. This close you could smell the strong odour of industrial site on his clothes.
“Just like that baby girl.” His mouth sucked the skin of your neck into his mouth, coating you with saliva as his tongue drew patterns against skin. He bit where he could, teeth sinking in to elicit your little whimpers of pain. Your hands resisted the urge to push him away as his own came up to pull and twist your breast. Your neck was a pretty painting of dark blues and reddening skin and Jongup was determined to paint you all over.
His lips left your neck, mouth immediately lowering to your sore breasts to bite. He was slow and enjoyed watching your expression change the more his teeth sunk in. He enjoyed how you tried to hold your noises in, tried to act unaffected and to be honest he admired your tolerance for pain, especially when he was the one dishing it out.
Your nipples were sore and slick with his saliva and Jongup pulled back to admire the shine of spit and discoloured skin before he released a long trail of saliva from his mouth. A hand came up to rub his fluid over your breasts before he was slapping your breast again, dick hardening as he watched the way they bounced and sprung back to their position. He alternated between your mounds, slapping at times and harshly pulling your nipples till your skin stretched at others. Your breast fitted comfortably in his hand and you nearly jerked away feeling how uncomfortably tight he was gripping. His nails made dents in your skin, little white crescents that stood out against the deep red.
One last slap and then his hands were on your hips pushing you back till you met the desk. You were lifted and shifted around in quick succession, Jongup wasting no time in positioning you to his liking. Your head hung off the table, blood rushing to your head while Jongup's fingers rushed to unbutton your shorts.
“Let me fuck that mouth of yours baby girl.” Your mouth dropped open, throat relaxing even when you felt Jongup shove a hand through your unbuttoned shorts. “Thats a good girl.” he whispered as his other hand guided his semi hard cock toward your mouth.
The feeling of him sliding against your tongue and slowly filling your mouth, the thickness of his cock stretching your lips had you moaning.
He wasn’t gentle or caring as his rough fingers parted your slit for his fingers to find your clit. The harsh circling immediately had you moaning; his fingers slid to your hole to find your wetness seeping out.
“Just how I like you baby.” You release a long and deep groan around his dick feeling his fingers work you. Your mouth clamps around his cock when he slips one, then two fingers inside of you, immediately setting a fast pace, his fingers scissoring into you till you felt the heat building upside of you. Jongup looked down at you as he pulled out of your mouth; he saw the way your throat was taught as your scream remained trapped, your mouth wide open, drool slipping past your lips, your eyes frantic, just a little bit crazy and it was all because of him.
“Keep that mouth open.” His voice was rough but soft and Jongup grinned when he felt you tighten around his fingers, slick with your wetness. He pushed his hips forward again, slowly filling your mouth as much as he could before he slowly pulled back. He continued this pace, rocking steadily into you, each time going just a bit deeper. He enjoyed watching his cock disappear into your mouth, he enjoyed the way you would try to take a quick breath when he pulled back. “You take me in so well don’t you baby? I’m sure you can take some more.” Jongup thrusted his hips, his cock gagging you as it slipped into your throat. He looked down in amazement at how he could see the bulge of his cock in your throat. “Fuck baby, you look so good.” Jongup resumed scissoring your pussy just as he began to throat fuck you, your eyes watering from the effort. In your position it was hard to properly breathe and you choked around his cock, drool spilling copiously.
The sound of your wetness around his fingers and the sound of you gagging as you took his cock into your mouth heated your body impossibly and you knew you wouldn't last long. He shoved his hips against your mouth, leaving himself buried inside your deep cavern, circling his hips so his balls rubbed on your face while he almost violently shook his fingers inside you. You tensed, legs raising in the air and upper body twisting as the heat in your stomach broke, a mass wave of pleasure twisting your body as you screamed around his cock, eyes bulging out. Jongup thrusted into your overly sensitive hole before pulling out to land slaps against your clit. Your legs jumped and you squeal. “There,there that’s a good girl.” He pulls his cock from your mouth, your chest burning as your lungs fought to take in air. Jongup watches you struggle, thinking how adorable it was that you could barely breathe because of his cock. “Aw baby, struggling a bit there?” He questioned with a cute smirk. Before you could think to retort his words with some colourful language, he was manhandling your body again, pulling your legs back toward him so he could pull your shorts and underwear off of you. Then he was lifting you easily so you hung upside down. “Hmm, your pussy smells especially delicious after I’ve made you cum baby.” Jongup doesn’t struggle at all to hold your body, despite your weight, his arms wrap around you easily and shuffle’s your split legs closer to his face so his mouth can dive for your pussy. He licks long stripes, not giving you those usual kitten licks and slurps up your juices. He mouths your folds and clit messily while your cry out, feeling the blood rush to your head way too quickly. “Sir, please.” You find yourself saying as your hips try to twist away from his mouth.
Jongup wasn't into denying, he thought it was a waste, he much rather enjoy fucking your oversensitized body until you were crying and crawling away from him, barely able to speak or move.
His fingers dug into your hips as he lifted your body so he could drag your pussy up and down against his tongue. Your toes curled and your muscles tightened as Jongup lifted you up and down against his tongue. He held you to his mouth and shook his mouth against your wet cunt with a groan.
You were groaning and you felt your wetness spread to your inner thighs, more and more seeping from your hole even when Jongup was there to slurp it up. You didn't know how Jongup didn't drop you when your body convulsed with each stroke of his tongue but somehow he managed and as he messily ate you, you felt the pleasure push the scream from your throat when you came again, just as hard as the last, thighs squeezing and your ankles crossing as Jongup wiggled his tongue into you, catching every delicious drop till you stained his tongue with your juices.
You had barely caught your breath when Jongup had quickly, yet carefully turned your body the right way up and placed you on the floor. The blood rushed to your head and your weak limbs gave out as you fell tiredly against Jongup's clothed chest.
“Not tired already, are you baby?” It wasn't a question. Behind his words was an order: you better not be tired yet.  Forcing yourself to put space between you two and stand on your own two feet, you shook your head looking at him with big eyes. “No sir, I can take what you give me sir.”
Jongup smirked. Fingers stroking your cheek and then playing with the rough strands of your hair. “You can take what I give you?” You nodded immediately, stepping a little closer to him as you eagerly told him, “Yes sir, I will always take whatever you give me.”
You can see the devious look clouding those brown eyes, much like a sandstorm in the desert and traced the permanent smirk on his face as he took in your words.  
“What can you give yourself?” Your brows drew together, frown lines forming when you became confused by his question. “I don't understand sir… What… what you mean?”
He grinned, enjoying how naive you could be even in this situation. His large hands found your hips and you felt goosebumps erupt from the soft and slow strokes of his thumb against your skin.  He tilted his head at you with a little smile and leaned forward, his warm breath tickling your skin as they brushed your ear. “How hard can you fuck yourself for me?” Your cheeks burned, his erotic words and the mere thought both turning you on and making you feel shy, because although this was for him, it was strange when you were bringing yourself to orgasm for someone else.
You stuttered. Which was unusual for you and you found your eyes fluttering downward in embarrassment. “Show me baby girl.”
“But sir-”
His voice was slightly sharper and his cat eyes  were predatory as they dared you to do anything but what he commanded. Swallowing harshly you turned and walked back over to your desk.
“Let's get these off first baby girl.” You shivered feeling the little kiss on your neck and his warmth behind you as his arms rounded to pull up your vest top. He unclasped your bra and you let it fall to the floor. You didn't turn to look at him as your took the few steps toward your desk and then sat on the table, meeting his eyes.
“Touch yourself for me baby.” your eyes fluttered shut when you heard the softness in voice, it was almost affectionate and affectionate Jongup made you weak. Almost in a trance, your hands drifted over your body. One hand trailed up your stomach to your breast, a thumb stroking your nipple. Your other was brought up to your lips. You sucked your digits one by one into your mouth and then lowered your hand toward your pussy.
You spread your legs wider and when a finger grazed against your clit you gasped with a jump.
You heard a little chuckle and knew Jongup loved the fact that you were over sensitised from your last two orgasms.
With light pressure you made slow circles over your clit and your hips jerked at the sensation. You bit your lip as breathy moans escaped, brows scrunching together as your mind focused on the sensation.
You gasped, eyes shooting open when you felt the light touch of fingers pulling your fingers away from your clit. Your eyes were locked with Jongup; his were dark and swallowed you whole, a whimper escaping at the look in his eyes. He used both hands to pull your index finger lower to your hole and he pressed. You redden, feeling just how wet you are and let out something close to a sob when Jongup pushes your finger inside yourself.
“You can do it baby.” And again that spell like voice has you captivated, another finger already joining as you stretch yourself out. Jongup leans forward, a hand on either side of you and tilts his head to bring you into a soft and warm kiss that has you gushing around your soaked fingers. His lips move slow and sensual, tilting his head to capture your lips with his at different angles and when his tongue comes into the mix you're whining into his mouth, fingers speeding up while he slowly strokes his tongue against yours. Your wetness is a mess over your pussy lips, thighs and your desk, but you pay no mind as you speed up just a bit more when you bite Jongup's thick lip.
“I think we can get another one in that sweet cunt.” He says, pulling back from you. The warmth he exudes has your body nearly melting and without thought you're pulling your fingers just slightly out before you're pushing back in with a third. Your eyes roll back till they close, mouth dropping open as the feel of the stretch has you quaking.
“Eyes on me baby girl.”
No matter how difficult, his wish is your command and your force your eyes open swallowing and then taking a stuttered breath as you moan out to him. “You like this sir? You like me fucking myself like this?” your movements are more erratic, your orgasm so close yet unable to reach it.
Jongup is silent, watching you grit your teeth as your other hand comes up to rub and tap your clit. “Cmon, cmon,” you whine just wanting to cum. “Sir, please I want to cum.”
Jongup's lips are by your ear and with the whisper of “cum then baby girl,” your fingers are mechanical as they thrust in and out while your hips lift from the table. You moan brokenly into the air as your third orgasm has you coating your fingers thickly.
You're still shaking and breathing heavily when your orgasm eventually dies down. And you whimper when you pull your fingers from yourself. Jongup is quick to grab your hand and you watch as he pulls them to his lips and into his mouth. He holds your gaze as he sucks with the most satisfied groan that has you quivering and when he released your fingers from his warm mouth with a pop you're hands are reaching out to pull him closer. Begs leaving your lips. “please fuck me sir, please fuck me now. Please please please I need your cock inside me please fucking ruin me.”  
You were face down again. As soon as those filthy words left your lips Jongup had dragged you off the table by your ankle and bent over your desk.
“You want me to fucking ruin you baby girl?”
“Please.” you gasp, drool spilling over your lips and cheek to gather at the table when you felt the pads of his fingers dip lightly in and out of your hole.
He growled as he leant over you, hands slamming down on either side of your head making you jump. “you beg so well don't you? You want my cock that badly?” you nodded against the desk, repeated yes leaving your lips as you sobbed.
“yes sir, please just fuck me already.” Jongup growls again, rough hands coming up to spread your arse cheeks apart and releasing them with a jiggle. He began to spank you again, slapping your arse cheeks and thighs and you felt how your wetness escaped with each delicious slap on your reddening skin. He leans over your back, hand fisting your hair to pull your head up, his voice rough by your ear when he growls out, “baby girl you're such a whore for my cock. You want it so bad, put the fucking work in.” then he shoves your head away from him, watching as you are already reaching behind for his cock, stroking it quickly before guiding it to your awaiting hole.
Just the feel of his tip brushing your cunt has your eyes squeezing shut with a broken breath leaving your mouth when you push back to take him in. Your pussy sucks him in, walls clenching in search for more and finally you shove your hips back quicker, a loud moan leaving your lips as he is finally buried in you. You still, feeling his cock awaken nerves deep inside of you, your body alight in immense pleasure.
When you're ready, you set a fast pace for yourself. Forearms on the table as you push yourself backwards and forwards as quick as you could manage. Your lower back working in circular movements, spine allowing you to round your hips when he was buried inside of you.
“Does it feel good sir?” you choke around your cries. “Does it feel good when my pussy uses your cock?” His hands are in your hair again, pulling you back so much your back arches uncomfortably. His other hand comes up just beneath your chin so he can pull your head back, using your hair as extra leverage to stare you down.
You clench around him, eyes desperate as you see the dark look in his eye. “AH!” Jongup suddenly shoves his hips into you, cock reaching as far as it could as his balls pressed against you. “I always” he pulls back only to give you another hard thrust that has your moaning loudly. “Love.” another deep thrust. “How well.” again. “your pussy” again. “takes me” he rasps, thrusting so harshly your hips hit against the table.
You can barely register anything except the feel of his cock driving into you at a speed that has you quaking. Jongup continues to stare you down, keeping your head stretched back so he can watch you lose it around his cock. His teeth clench together and an almost animalistic growl leaves his lips as his sharp eyes intensify just as his hips are bruisingly hitting against yours as he fucks into you impossibly quicker.
Your screams are stuck in your throat and the wild, begging look in your eye’s drive Jongup into a frenzy as he pushes the thick muscles of his thighs against you more. “That’s it, take this cock.” Jongup’s has to hold you up when your orgasm has you spasming wildly, body flailing of the desk and if it weren’t for him gripping your hair you would have feel. Your twitching, face shining with your drool and slightly dizzy as you remember how to intake a breath again. Your harsh pant’s fill the room as you lay spent on the desk and you nearly forget about Jongup until you feel his cock pull out of you with a squelch. “Umpphh…” Your lower body quakes, hips uncontrollably shaking and you realise just how sensitive you’ve become.
A hand drags your body up by your arms and you whine, sensitive and tired body just wanting to stay still. Jongup turns you around toward him and then his hands are gruffly lifting you by your thighs till your legs are wrapped around him.
When he sink’s you onto him you scream. Your nails clawing at him back and legs tightening around his hips and his large hands take a hold of your arse cheeks. He lifts you and down onto him, you impossibly deep on his cock and Jongup groans feeling how you clench so tightly around him.
A chorus of cries leave your lips and you’re already shaking in his arms, even at his slow pace. But when he speeds up your voice is hoarse from the screaming, your pussy constantly being dropped onto his dick harshly and then Jongup’s fingers are tightly holding your arse cheeks and he’s drilling up, knees slightly bent as he fucks into you. He starts pushing down on your arse and you’re feeling the sensations overwhelm you as your pussy meets the thrusts of his cock. In no time you’re screaming again, cumming harshly as you leave bloody scratches on Jongup’s back. You’re breathing quickly, trying to take as much air as possible as Jongup thrusts a few more times, pushing you over the edge and then he’s lifted you off his cock.
Your weak body sinks to the floor. Knees harshly connecting with concrete and you’ve no time to prepare when Jongup’s fingers slide into your hair, pulling so harshly your scalp burns. His cock pushes past your lips and you're choking as he fucks your mouth. “Good girl, good girl, good girl~” He holds his cock in your throat and your nails are scratching at his thighs, tears slipping down your cheeks as you struggle. You being to feel light headed and when Jongup pulls off, your chest burns are air rushes in making you cough repeatedly. Your head is tilted back and you feel the thick warm spurts of cum as Jongup fists his cock till he’s cumming on your face. You blink, feeling it land on your lids. “Well done.” Jongup finally say when he’s finished cumming. Your voice is hoarse and broken as you reply, “Thank you sir.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Breathes settled and a moment to yourselves to relax and not have to think of anything, but the bliss you felt. Jongup had helped you up and used your vest to clean your face. You would shower when you had the strength to walk again. Now you were resting with your legs over his lap and head against his chest.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers and you feel his fingers begin to stroke through your hair - a habit of his that he did absentmindedly when he needed to get his thoughts together. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I should have thought about you more… But, when I saw him there… I just had to see that look in his eyes and remember it…” He’s quiet again and you hear the little frustration in his voice. “But, it’s just you and me against the world now, okay?” His fingers stop their calming movements and the light kiss on your head prompts you to turn to look up at him and he can read the look in your eyes when with the faintest of smiles he leans forward and places a sweet, almost innocent kiss on your lips.
“I’ll forgive you this time you crazy bastard.”
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