#jongkey scenarios
Kibum: *mumbling* you look pretty
Jonghyun: what?
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fangirl0121 · 7 years
To Kim Jonghyun
Thank you for being such an inspiration to my life. Although you are no longer with us physically, I believe that you will live on in our memories and hearts 💕. Thank you for creating such beautiful music that lifted me up when I was at the worst of my depression. I’m sorry that I could not do the same for you.
Whether Shinee decides to disband or continue as four, I will always support my beautiful boys in whatever makes them happy.
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You worked hard.
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You did well.
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Goodnight, my sweet prince 💕❤️
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bubltae · 6 years
hmm 45 for jongkey please?!
song: last dance by bigbang
kibum have to go away but jonghyun has one last request
agh i feel like this is so long… but i had fun writing it and sappy jjong is always a fav of mine LOL. hope you enjoy and thank you for waiting!
If Minho wasn’t lounging lazily on Kibum’s couch like he owned the place, he is sure he’d be a complete crying mess. It’s bad enough that Minho’s roommate Taemin brought someone home to his shared apartment earlier that day and Jinki, their other friend, is out of the state for a family reunion. It’s bad enough that Kibum can feel his guilt swallowing him up whole and he doesn’t even know how to properly convey his feelings.
Minho mutes the television and readjusts his body so he can face the entrance to the living room, the space in which Kibum is occupying by pacing in little frantic circles. Minho tilts his head and pops a couple of chips in his mouth from the nearby bag lying on the same couch.
“What’s the matter with you? Is my soccer bugging you that much?” Minho teases.
Kibum gives him a warning look that practically says, Try that again I dare you. Minho raises his eyebrows and bites the inside of his mouth in a demeanor that means he’s sorry but that he’s mostly offended by Kibum’s angry glare. The paper in Kibum’s fist cracks and crinkles between his fingers and for once, he’s not worried that he’ll ruin what looks like important information.
“I got the letter, Minho,” Kibum says quietly. Minho’s blank expression indicates that he doesn’t get it. “The letter. The acceptance letter. For that school-”
“The one in London?” Minho asks, interjecting Kibum’s attempt at refreshing his memory. Kibum nods slowly. “What’s the big deal about that? I thought you’d be a little more excited. You know, since you were so whipped to send your admission.”
Kibum doesn’t reply right away and something uneasy settles in Minho’s stomach. “This doesn’t have to do with Jonghyun, right?”
“That’s hyung to you, Minho.” Said person extends his hands in a way that gestures for Kibum to continue. There is more lying on the tip of his tongue that is ready to be said, yet it holds back. It’s like the gate that releases Kibum’s words has suddenly locked everything up.
“Does it have to do with Jonghyun hyung? Honestly.”
Kibum nods his head.
Minho rolls his eyes. “So what then? You told him you applied for this school and he looked pretty damn excited for you, unless he was lying or whatever. So why do you look like Taemin when he accidentally ingested glow stick juice?”
“I didn’t think I’d actually get in!” Kibum stresses. He rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands, the wrinkled paper still tightly held in between.
“Then why did you apply in the first place?” Minho retorts, stressing his sentence just like Kibum’s, only with more frustration weaved in his.
Kibum exhales shakily. “Jonghyun encouraged me to and I really wanted to do it but the chances of me getting in was like a billion to one. Out of all the people they could have chosen, they chose me! And of course, Jonghyun just texted me yesterday and told me he’s working on a new comeback, so what kind of jerk boyfriend would I be if I didn’t stay and support him?”
Minho, although trying to hide his annoyance with no success, wants to say a million things to Kibum, most of which include encouraging swear words. He tries a different approach. “I don’t want this to turn into some soap opera where you stay back from a once in a blue moon opportunity because you’re worried about Jonghyun hyung. You guys love each other. Distance shouldn’t be a problem at all.”
“But have you seen long distance relationships? They never end-”
Kibum is once again cut off when the front door is kicked open, the person behind such act whistling a tune like he’s playing an instrument. “Hey Kib.” Kibum smiles weakly as Jonghyun practically runs like a puppy to his boyfriend, pulling him into a back hug and pressing his cheek against his back. “What have you been up to?”
Minho frantically but discreetly mouths something along the lines of, “Just tell him already or I will!” Kibum waves at him to stop, gritting his teeth, and then signals for Jonghyun to release him so he can turn around.
“I got a letter back. They accepted me.”
Jonghyun’s face flashes from confusion to elation to brief sadness all in the span of two seconds. He smiles warmly, though it’s evident that there is still some pain in his eyes. “That’s amazing, Love. When are you leaving? I need to let the manager know so I can get a day off and help you pack.” He speaks with kindness in his voice and wishfulness in his eyes.
“But you just started comeback preparations,” Kibum whispers. “By the time you start promoting, I’ll be halfway across the world. How could I do that to you?”
“This is an opportunity that only comes around as often as Taemin doing the dishes without being told to. Don’t worry about me and don’t even think about staying back because you think I need you. Remember that song I wrote last year? Love has no borders? Well, that’s gonna apply to us for a while, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world. If this is what you love and this is what you want to do, you’re doing it. Because nothing makes me happier than seeing you with a grand ol’ smile on your face, okay?”
Damn it, Kibum thinks to himself. He can feel his vision blurring with hot tears and before he knows it, he’s pulling Jonghyun into the tightest hug ever. “Thank you…” he manages.
“But,” Jonghyun continues, “If you’re going to leave, I need you to do one last thing for me. It’s small and it may not seem like a big deal but I don’t know when I’ll be seeing you after promotions start and you actually do your school thingie.”
“Of course, of course. I’ll do anything.”
“Leave your last night here open and free.”
Kibum obeys. The day before he’s supposed to leave, bags all packed, travel tickets laid out, heart bouncing from his throat to his stomach, Kibum leaves for Jonghyun’s house. According to Minho, he kicked his mom and sister out for the night and Kibum gets a strange feeling. Nonetheless, he puts on his favorite clothes (the fancy suit from a company dinner that Jonghyun told him to wear) and drives with shaky hands to his destination.
When he goes inside, his heart swells with so much love that there isn’t anymore room for it to skyrocket to his throat and pitfall back down to his stomach. The living room, the main room of the house, looks like a scene straight from a Korean drama. Candles. Lots of candles. Jonghyun’s leaning against the wall directly across from the front door, bouncing the heel of his left foot on top of his right foot. His hands are tucked behind his back and he’s smiling.
“Oh my god, you’re not gonna…”
Jonghyun laughs and it sounds like honey in Kibum’s ears. “No, oh God no. Not yet.” He pauses. “Remember when we first met? At that wedding? And you were dancing so prettily that I had to go over and ask you out before the night ended?”
Kibum is starting to see where this is going but he doesn’t say anything.
“Well, I kind of want to do that again. One last time. One last dance.”
Kibum doesn’t have to say anything that will let Jonghyun know that nothing in the world can stop him from dancing with the love of his life. His face says it all. Jonghyun starts the song and he takes Kibum’s hands into his own. They aren’t even really swaying. Holding Kibum’s hand is like holding a heartbeat and Jonghyun wants to savor every moment he has left.
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somaybeimbiased · 7 years
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SHINee 5 - Cabaret
Are requests open? If so is it okay to request a Cabaret au for ot5???  -Anon
Here Life is Beauitful
Lee Jinki | Oh-New 
The newest edition to the Cabaret in town
Ran away from home and needed a job
Met Taemin who brought him to Minho who hired him after Jinki let a few notes loose.
The best singer in the Cabaret
Key hates him for it
Gets so many offers to sleep with higher ups in the audience
Agreed once, but then chickened out
A forbidden fruit.
But basically makes a killing at the Cabaret only for his voice and his physical appeal.
Also has a thing for Jjong and Taem at the same time, so he doesn’t act on anything.
Song: Don’t Tell Mama from Cabaret
Kim Jonghyun | Jongie
Auditioned for the Cabaret the same time as Key
A washed-up actor and singer
This was his best shot.
The Emcee’s right hand man- sings with Key and has soooo many solos too
Second best singer behind Jinki
Taem is his bffl
Also lowkey in love with Key
They sleep together a lot 
But he lives with a broken heart becuase Key.
When Onew joined, he kind of fell for him and is hoping for the kind of love he longs for.
This started a whole big problem for the main cast
Song: Maybe This Time from Cabaret 
Kim Kibum | The Master Key/Emcee
Lowkey Crazy
Has been apart of the Cabaret since it opened
He runs the show flawlessly
The second he says Welcome the audience is already roped in.
Loves his job becuase it’s barely a job. He gets to have sex and drink and smoke and then in his spare time he can be the leader of a popular show.
Loves Jonghyun, but also doesn’t believe in love.
Sleeps with other people (like Taem, Jjong best friend) to distract himself of anything feelings
Hates Jinki sm becuase he thinks Jjong might like him more
Cold towards Minho, be he is technically his boss so \(._.)/
Song: Willkommen from Cabaret
Choi Minho
Runs the Cabaret
Dirty Rich
Got a small loan from his parents to start a business 
Then cut them off as soon as he left the country.
Lowkey into the mafia scene too, but he doesn’t bring it into his cabaret
But he always carries a gun.
Only cares about money and Taemin
Sleeps with Taemin, his mistress of sorts when Taem isn’t with a client
Married to some girl back in Korea that he hasn’t seen in years
But he lowkey loves Taem so
Watches every performance unless he is busy dealing with other ‘business’
Song: Money from Cabaret
Lee Taemin | Lee Magic Hands
Tried out for the Cabaret becuase one of his old friends found a rich husband through it
Tired of being poor
At his audition he flirted with Minho like crazy to make his chances better
Performs as a women to get people to like him more.
Has a love/hate relationship with crossdressing
Got tired of wigs so he just grew his hair out
One of the best performers
He likes to ignore the mess that is the rest of the main cast (OT3) but gets dragged into it bc he sleeps with Kibum, is friends with Jjong, and Jinki has a huge thing of him. He is just v confused and wants to stay out of it.
Gets a lot of rich men and women to pay to sleep with him, and is totally into it
Splits the money with Minho, whom he is undeniably in love with.
But he is also in love with his lifestyle of booze and sex and money.
Song:  Mein Herr from Cabaret
A/N I hope this was the Cabaret style you were looking for~ I based it off of the music, which I’m a HUGE fan of! Requests are open!!
Also I left the song that inspired me the most for each off the boys under I encourage you to listen to them bc Cabaret is SO good <3
Find more work on my Masterlist
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leechanluvbot · 7 years
The panic on Jong’s face when he got outed by Key
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smoldinopup · 7 years
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Later that night...
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AU: JongKey - Happy Birthday
More SHINee Scenarios: Here
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shineescenarios · 7 years
JongKey Drabble req by keybummietomyheart
Everytime Jonghyun had the chance to be alone with Key in their shared dorm, it was the best day of the week/month. It felt like sunday no matter what day it actually was because Kibum was Jonghyuns time out. He was his break and his time to relax. So when he was lying next to his beautiful brown-haired boyfried he couldn’t keep the adorable slight smile off his face and Kibum got so used by it already that he stopped mocking his ‘stupid-dinosaur-grin’ already months ago because seing him like this meant that everything was perfect right now.  When Jonghyun sighed happily it was Kibum’s cue to slowly fall asleep and take a nap in his boyfriends arms when he felt his back itching. WIth a slight, grunting sound to voice his displeasure about moving in such a comfortable position, he went on scrubbing his back and laid back comfortable into the puppys arms when only seconds later the back of his upper arm started itching and before he could move on scratching the annoying part he felt his shoulderblades joining the itching feeling and before he knew it, he was already stretched on the bed in the weirdest position to scratch himself. “Bummi.. are you okay?” “Everything is itching.. help”, he whined and Jonghyun couldn’t keep the chuckle slipping off his mouth before he sat up, his boyfriend laying now on his lap so he could help scratch his back. “Do you have an allergic reaction to something maybe?”, Jonghyun asked, kinda amused by Kibums desperate wiggling but also feeling sorry for his sweet, soft boyfriend who couldn’t seem to relax. “I don’t knooow~” Shortly after, Jonghyun realized that he has been scratching his arm too since watching his boyfriend made him feel itchy himself. “For Gods sake what is this?” “I don’t kn- Huh” Kibum said up with a gasp, having found the solution. “Take off your shirt Jonghyun” The black-haired male blushed at the sudden demand, feeling suddenly all to emberassed. “W-why?” “I remember washing our clothes with a different washing powder! I already had a bad feeling about this, so that must be it” Without further ado, Kibum got rid off of his own shirt, making Jonghyun more than happy to see his beautiful boyfriends perfect body and took off his shirt eventually too, making Kibum even more happier by revealing his chiseled abs. Soon they found their old positions in each others arms back, this time with no fabric inbetween them but for some reason they didn’t stop scratching and stroking each other. Just because they didn’t want to and they loved the physical contact.
okay ew i hate this but this is the best I got. please dont be too disappointed! Also I started scratching myself writing this lol
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shineethinks · 7 years
shinee turns nine
the babies are nine!!! happy SHINEe9 day everyone! today, almost a decade ago we received the gift of 5 shining stars ^^
calculating the members’ ages when they debuted (onew: 19, jong: 18, key: 17, minho: 17, taemin: 15)
wow they were so young.... who let taemin join a boygroup he didn’t even go through puberty yet 
omg he needs a minute 
launches himself at taemin (onew: TAEMINNIE YOU WERE SO SMOL WHY ARE YOU SO BIG NOW / taemin: pls don’t cry on me)
smiles SO brightly when he sees shine9 stuff like wow we made it mom
he’s not crying you’re crying 
on the couch watching 누난 너무 예뻐 (replay) dance practice 
rainbow skinnies!!! 
lol taemin’s bowlcut (jong: i can’t believe you did this again in 2017 who hurt you / taemin: I LOST A BET TO YOU!!!!!!!!! / jong: :D)
is this the reality you wanted????? (key: do NOT bring that back / jong: i’m so bringing it back) 
@ members: i love you a LOT
couldn’t have asked to have been in a better group
“should i get shinee tattooed on my ass” / ot4: honestly jonghyun you probably have it already and just waiting for the opportunity to moon us
“we’ve known each other for too long STOP HUGGING ME I CAN’T BREATHE”
they’re dogpiled on his bed and if shinee is going to reach a decade they need to stop suffocating him 
bought a cake with candles that spell out shinee and lil pop up sticks with their faces on them (his is the only non-ugly one bc kim kibum has no ugly photos no stop pulling out his shameful past and unfortunate screenshots) 
he swears their first performance of 누난 너무 예뻐 (replay) was maybe a week ago 
what do you mean it’s been nine years 
wonders what would happen if they bring back the rainbow skinnies 
forever shinee’s #1 fan 
bought a banner that says “congratulations shinee for 9 years, here’s to many, many more, lee jinki, kim jonghyun, kim kibum, choi minho, lee taemin” 
it’s absolutely huge and covers their entire living room (it’s literally the ones you see at sporting events) 
it also has all of their ugly faces on it and he’s honestly so proud of it (onew: hey minho want to tell us where our floor went) 
passes out shinee official lightsticks and they all spend the day waving them around 
rolls down the window and yells “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHINEE!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO SHINEE YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!”
i’m nine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he’s been hugged today a lot more than he’s used to 
there, there you big crybabies
bouncing around tho bc he’s hype af 
they’re the sunbaes now and that’s crazy 
@ members: call me sunbae / ot4: *sigh* sunbae
has confetti in his pockets and have been throwing it over their heads the entire day 
his supply is never ending
throughout their day they keep bringing up memories from hello baby & yuhanam, concerts, performing hungover, practices, various fuckups and their bouncebacks, hilarious wardrobe choices (and *cough*malfunctions*cough*), first meeting each other and they’re kind of just marveling how much they’ve gone through and wow
they’re a family going STRONG 
shinee: “if we were to be born again, we would still choose to be shinee as long it’s with these members” 
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jonghyunsin · 8 years
group message;
degrading, daddy kink. annnnd poly!jongkey x you, don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable.
to you, key.  
[Jonghyun: princess? what are you doing right now?]   
[Key: yeah kitten, we want to know.]   [You: nothing, missing you two~] 
[Jonghyun: we want you to touch yourself kitten.] 
[Key: and send a video of you cumming, alright?] [You: okay. you’re finally letting me touch myself?] 
[Jonghyun: yes, I figured you’ve been a good slut. so why not allow you?] [You: thank you daddy.] 
[Jonghyun: you’re welcome. I wish I was there myself, to fuck you until you see stars, until you beg me to stop. you’d love that, right kitten?] [You: yes daddy, please. I need you so badly right now] 
[Jonghyun: you need my fingers, my cock, your needy little pussy needs it. always a whore for daddy aren’t you?] [You: yes yes fuck daddy.] 
[Key: I see we’ve gotten greedy, remember she’s mine too, jonghyun.] 
[Jonghyun: sorry, I’ve missed this little princess though..] 
[Key: anyways, I know you’ve missed me the most, my good little slut, touching herself for us.] [You: daddy. bo th of you. please I can’t take this anymore i’ m gonna c um] 
[Jonghyun: take the video slut.] 
[Key: be a good girl. and when we’re home I swear we’re both going to fuck you senseless.] [You: (video)] 
[Key: good. I love hearing you say our names. and the way your thighs shake. so beautiful.] 
[Jonghyun: beautiful princess. ♥] [You: i love you bothh so much, thank you..for letting me touch myself.] 
[Key: you’re welcome kitten.] 
[Jonghyun: be a good girl more often and we’ll let you do it more. ♥] 
ANYWAYS THIS IS MY WAY OF SAYING I LEFT FOREVER, I’M BACK? slightly. i have tons of requests i never ever got to, i need to. sakfsafl ALSO I BIAS JONGKEY NOW SO.,, i have a lot of ideas for this blog now... that’ll be in a different post though so.
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aurora-moonmoon · 8 years
Would you Rather - SHINee Edition !
So it’s been a while since I made my would you rather EXO edition, so now I’m back with a SHINee edition (because you all know I’m the original SHINee trash Queen before EXO invaded my life)
So once again feel free to tag anyone you want or do it yourself! Have fun and don’t die!
1.  Would you rather lick Onew’s eyelashes or Key’s Eyebrows?
2. Would you rather get run over by Jonghyun or get your forehead flicked by Onew?
3. Would you rather touch Taemin’s butt or squeeze Jonghyun’s biceps?
4. Would you rather fight Minho or Key?
5. Would you rather go shopping with Onew or Minho?
6. Would you rather tell Teamin that his dancing sucks or tell Jonghyun his voice sounds terrible?
7. Would you sit on Jonghyun or Key?
8. Would you rather have Onew sneeze on you or Taemin smear you with Garlic?
9. Would you rather have a Jonghyun write you a break up song or have Minho set your room on fire?
10. Would you rather kiss Key or give Taemin hickeys?
11. Would you have a cat fight with Minho or Taemin?
12. Would you rather have Onew or Minho as your older brother?
13. Would you rather tell Minho he’s a horrible human being or tell Onew he’s a disappointment?
14. Would you rather watch anime with Jonghyun or sightsee with Key?
15. Would you rather get drunk with Key or Minho?
16. Would you rather have JongKey or 2min as parents?
17. Would you rather play Soccer with Minho or Record with Jonghyun? 
18. Would you rather go with Key to a Lady Gaga concert or to a Fashion show?
19. Would you rather be stranded on an island of Llamas with Jonghyun or fight an angry Ajumma squad with Onew? 
20. Would you rather meet all of SHINee once but never see them again or date one of the members but you never get to meet the rest of the group?
To start off I tag @snakian , @crunchycatbread , @youngdeathexol , @on-ho and @taeminsdicksuckinglips to start this off.
So have fun doing this kids !
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Kibum: Why are you drinking coffee at 10pm?
Jonghyun: Time is an illusion. Once you realize that, you can transcend and live in a bliss.
Jonghyun: *takes sip*
Jonghyun: also I have to stream Taemin's concert.
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pearlescent-shine · 8 years
Mobile Masterlist
Late Night Interventions
2:34 am An Unexpected Visit Ass Eating At It Again Break Time Comforting Arms Crazy Capitalist Carrots Dear You Dear You Pt. 2 Didn’t Have To Go Fortune Cookie Headache Cures “I’m your idiot.” JongKey’s Know How Late Night Snuggles Memory Jogging My Angel on Earth 1 | 2 No Matter What
Ice Cream Brats
Banana Cows
First Meetings
Method of Distraction
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bubltae · 6 years
5 for jongkey !
song: peek-a-boo by red velvet
kibum is a pizza delivery boy and he delivers a pizza to a guy visiting an art museum because he was Hungry
i tried lmao i’m sorry if this sucked anon. if you would like me to redo or add on, i’d be more than happy to. 
Kibum hates being a pizza delivery guy. He only really took the job because his friend Minho said it paid well and had flexible hours. He must have lied though, because Kibum thinks he’s underpaid and his boss has made him stop going home to see his dogs so he can help deliver.
“Kim! You have another delivery,” Heechul shouts from his office. He’s been signing some huge lease form for several weeks, making Kibum, Minho, and all of the other employees way busier than usual.
Kibum groans. “I just finished the last one like, thirty fucking seconds ago. Where is it?”
“The art museum near the plaza, I think,” Heechul replies, waving Kibum away.
Kibum moans again. “That’s twenty minutes away and it’s rush hour right now. It’ll take me like five years to get there. And who the hell orders a pizza from a fucking art museum?”
Minho suppresses a laugh. “Well, if you don’t wanna be fired, I suggest you just fucking do it,” Heechul snaps. Kibum scoffs quietly, grabbing the pizza from the backroom and then walking over to his car. He would gladly be fired if he had another job lined up after this one. Sadly, he doesn’t.
The drive surprisingly doesn’t suck and Kibum’s mood is just a tad bit better by the time he reaches the art museum. He double checks the address to make sure he’s actually supposed to be there. Grimacing, he walks up the steps and pushes the glass doors open. Kibum knows he looks absolutely ridiculous with his stupid pizza delivery polo and hat in the middle of a high end and upscale area. Seriously, who the fuck ordered a pizza from an art museum?
“Finally! The pizza is here!” A voice suddenly shouts. Kibum looks to his right and a guy is half walking, half running over to him, face lit up with excitement and relief. Kibum checks the little tag on the pizza. He must be Kim Jonghyun.
“What the hell, hyung,” another guy says, following the one in front of him. Kibum recognizes him as Taemin from his econ class at University. “You ordered a fucking pizza?”
Jonghyun grins evilly, nodding. “Of course.” He looks up at Kibum and his face softens. “Thank you for coming all the way here.”
Kibum’s just a bit lost in how god damned pretty this Jonghyun guy is. He has nice eyes, big ones and they have an entire universe in them. When Jonghyun takes the pizza from Kibum, he swears it felt like some kind of teen chick flick because his heart is fluttering at how tender Jonghyun’s hands are. Kibum nods slowly, having finally registered what Jonghyun has just said to him. His face is hot and he wishes he didn’t cut his hair so it could at least cover some of the redness.
“If you have a sec, you can stay with us and eat some. We’re only here because Taemin’s brother Jinki was invited to like, a stupid fancy event. He made me come,” Jonghyun says kindly. He’s got an aura that reminds Kibum of pure sunshine and he fucking loves it.
He lets out a laugh. “I’d actually really like that,” he says quietly. He follows Taemin and Jonghyun, who lead them to a bench near the entrance of the building. Jonghyun sets the pizza down on his lap while Kibum and Taemin sit on either side of him.
“Jinki hyung still thinks we’re there listening to his speech. Maybe we should go back in…” Jonghyun mutters, gesturing to the huge double doors across from them, leading to the huge entertainment room where Jinki is supposedly talking for hours. Kibum readjusts by scooting his hand over, accidentally overlapping Jonghyun’s free hand resting by the back of the bench. Jonghyun’s face turns a lovely shade of pink as he looks at how sharp but course Kibum’s cheekbones are and how velvety his lips look.
“Actually, maybe later…”
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somaybeimbiased · 7 years
Can everone either send me a message, ask, or reply to this in the comments or tags and let me know what work of mine you like best.
Here is my Masterlist for reference
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leechanluvbot · 7 years
The signs as kpop ships
Gemini: NamJin (BTS)
Taurus: 2Jae (Got7)
Aries: YoonSeok/ Sope (BTS)
Leo: Navi (VIXX)
Aquarius: VernKwan (Seventeen)
Libra: ChanBaek (EXO)
Sagittarius: Hyungwonho (Monsta X)
Virgo: Jeongcheol (Seventeen)
Scorpio: Soap (ASTRO)
Cancer: JaeSeong (SF9)
Capricorn: JongKey (SHINee)
Pisces: YuWin (NCT 127)
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smoldinopup · 7 years
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AU: Long Distance Midnight Talks Previous: LDR | Date Night | Dog Talks |
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