areigahto · 1 year
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forcebookish · 2 years
trying to watch kai's mnet interview and I keep forgetting to read the subtitles because I'm just staring at his pretty face
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exoluxionlove · 6 months
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240319 baekhyunee_exo Instagram Story Update
"Thank you, members ❤️ I didn’t get to take a picture with Minseokkie hyung who came on the first day of the concert.. ㅠㅠ Thank you to Sehunnie and Jonginnie too 🥰"
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kaisooficrec · 5 months
my hyung
Author: goldenpotato
Genre: Non-AU, Friends to Lovers
Rating: R
Length: 5,229 w
Summary: In his twenty-nine years of life, Jongin had dated several people before. But none of them had ever made him feel like the day when his friend of thirteen years returned back to the childhood dormitory they used to stay together.
Admin’s Note: i love fics with small chapters because they’re so easy to read and this was certainly delightful but it also had me screaming at 2 am. jongin’s feelings for kyungsoo are very intense and tho this jongin only realizes he's in love with kyungsoo after kyungsoo comes back from the military i couldn't help remembering all those looks our jonginnie has sent kyungsoo's way over the years as i read the author describe jongin's feelings.
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
Old admin Asahi told me long agi that Jongin gained weight because he's being spoiled by his Chef Bf at home and his mom during the weekends, because now he's in military he doesn't have to worry about his weight as he doesn't have performances or stages to attend. And I didn't believe him, but I guess we got our 2015 Thick and bulk Jonginnie! The way he towered over Ksoo while Ksoo was clapping for Jongdae and immediately Hid him by his Big body . Yey! Finally we got Bulky Jongin back.
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jongbross · 1 year
sweet lies (byun baekhyun x reader)
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pairing: byun baekhyun x reader, kim jongin x reader
word count: 🤷‍♀️
genre: angst
warnings: suggestive themes, poor baekhyun, poor jongin
a/n: i was on my kaibaek shit when i wrote this
baekhyun locked eyes with you. he could feel such a burning heat raising up his chest, engulfing his heart and part of his soul - and he didn't like that. he didn't like how the way you looked at him made him gasp, he didn't like how your parted lips were much more invating than it should.
"i love you", he blurted out without a second thought.
"i want you", you replied, pulling him down by his neck and wrapping a leg around his waist.
it took every single cell within baekhyun to get off you. he just grabbed your waist while kneeled between your legs, looking at your perfect figure and taking a second to caress the skin he was touching - he could have at least that, right?
"i love you", baekhyun repeated. "i can't do this because i love you."
he passed his fingers through his pinkish hair, pulling it all the locks back and sighing the deepest and heaviest sigh he ever let out. you weren't sure if it took too long for him to move, but when you realized he was already seated on the edge of the bed, head between his hands. so you seated too, beside him, shoulder brushing his shoulder.
"i...", you tried, but what exactly should you say?
"it will never be just sex for me, you know that."
he didn't have to look at you to know that you nodded.
"i wish i could say the same thing to you", you confessed in a whisperer, even though you knew it was a lie.
before baekhyun could even reply, the phone next to you started to ring - that special ringtone, that made everyone know who was calling. just to torture himself, baekhyun looked up to see "jonginnie ❤️" lighting up on the screen. he watched as you picked the phone call.
"hey, love", you casually said. "yeah, i'm fine. how you're doing? oh... that's nice, i'm glad to hear to it. tonight? yeah, i think it works! didn't know your sister was in town though. okay... yeah, okay. i'll be ready... what? um, no... no, i didn't talk to baekhyun today, why? i see... i'm sure he's okay, don't worry. fine, i'll see you soon then. love you too, bye, babe."
baekhyun only breathed again when the call ended. for a few moments, nothing could be heard in the room except for the buzzing of the lamp and baekhyun's heart breaking little by little.
"he's... he's been calling you. he's looking for you", you told him.
"i'll text him when i get home."
he got up from the bed all of a sudden, picking up his shirt from the floor and putting it on again. before he could walk out the door to the corridor, an overwhelming feeling that you needed to say something took over you.
"i'm sorry, baek", you sincerely said, licking your lips - but you could still taste baekhyun's sweet kisses upon it. "i'm really sorry."
but you always were. for not loving him back, for putting him through so much, and for being selfish enough to never let him go because you needed his friendship.
"i know."
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exo-wvrse-bbl · 8 months
13/01/24 - kai
Jongin replied to the fans' comments there's a lot so its all under the cut
f: ah I really missed Kim Jonin!! k: me too (cutely)
f: our bday is 5 days apart. Yours is Jan 14th, mine is Jan 19th k: happy birthday hehe
f: omg the day when jongin said dessert is delicious is finally hereㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ k: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm in trouble
f: you can eat the cake everyday too ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ k: no i really cant
f: ah really i haven't tried that (butter cake) k: try it soon
f: Kai! Have a happy birthday! Are you having a good time🫶🫶 k: I'm always happy ㅎㅎ
f: if u like butter bar then you seems like financier too!! Hv u try it k: i did ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Turns out there are many things that I should've [stayed] not knowing the existence of in the first place (T/N: Because now he knows how tasty and tempting they are)
f: what birthday gift do you want? k: i've been receiving it for 12 years already hehe
f: 2024 without Jongin is so boring I'm going to die k: then 2025 will be so fun that you're going to die (said cutely)
f: jongin-ah you're healthy right??? ㅠㅠ i miss u so much ㅠㅠ k: I'm the healthiest in the world right now
f: did u get a bday present? k: i dont need a bday present hehe there are a lot of my presents here in weverse
f: how long is ur hair that has been growing now? k: it's short. Bc I've had to cut it 3 times
f: i need to go to work soon but i want to play more with jongin… i don't want to sleep ㅠㅠ k: dream of me
f: jongin-ah please eat a lot of food and don't get sick. Eat 19940114 piece of rice k: i eat a lot of food and now i'm in trouble..
f: lets meet asap i miss you k: me too but lets enjoy this moment hehe
f: oppa did u meet raeon today? k: i received a message saying happy birthday from raeon for the 1st time sine he's born ㅋㅋㅋㅋ i'm really happy
f: I am envious and jealous of the people that Jonginnie is replying to and am in pain and sad and my heart hurts and jealous 😭 k: Don't be jealous (said cutely)
He wrote another post k: tell me how to get rid of the autocomplete as my birthday present
f: jongin-ah u can set it on setting>general>keyboard>automatically complete off k: you're an angel❤️
f: I have to go to work tomorrow. I've been out today. I'm exhausted, It seems like I'll have recharge. Our baby. k: Go sleep soon, I'm [usually] in dreamland around this time too
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chensoosworld · 1 year
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stay safe and healthy jonginnie ❤️
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honeybearspeach · 1 year
To be honest, my heart is impatient as I type this. I feel like a mother, worrying for her child, and I'm younger than you, imagine!
At first, I was of the opinion that you should enlist fast, with the thought that in doing so you will come back to me faster. To be honest, now, I just want to stay with you forever. It was a sudden overwhelming feeling of anxious thoughts I suppose. Jonginnie, my heart is not ready to let you go, but I am certain it will never be prepared enough.
Probably, two years later, I will read this and remember how much you cried on your Instagram live, and how I took a break from my job to cry with you in the washroom of my office. That was a lot of crying for someone who claims they don't cry; no I'm not talking about myself when I say this. Although, I'm glad, and I feel honored that you trust us enough to show us your vulnerable side. I cannot even imagine your frustration when you received the sudden news. I just felt sorry for you, for me, for EXO and us.
Believe it or not, I always knew that you're the member that I will worry about the most because of how sensitive you are.
I have so many thoughts I want to put down, but I don't even know where to begin.
Actually, after the aKaive live, I came back home and I thought a lot about what I know about the person Kim Jongin. I realized I have lived learning a lot from you. My sweet Jonginnie, sometimes I wonder; how do you still maintain your child-like innocence, when you've experienced so many harsh realities of the world?
Kim Jongin who lived diligently for 20 years, I cannot be more proud of the person you have become. You embody such a perfect balance of personality and stage presence that it's hard to not fall in love. I most especially admire your passion for your art. You are a perfect example of practice makes perfect. You're so hardworking and diligent, I remember you saying "practice until it's still fun, not until you get tired." While other idols looked to sneak out of the practice room, my Nini loved to sneak in at night to practice his dancing and singing. I'm still surprised at how you managed to not get in trouble for that. But that's what makes Jongin, Kai isn't it? I've had the pleasure of seeing you perform live, and it is undoubtedly one of the best performances I've had the pleasure of experiencing. On the same note, why are you such a perfectionist? It makes me go crazy when you get frustrated over tiny things when it comes to your performance. I can recall all the times you've cried in ments over a misstep or a mistake. It just makes the performance more unique my Nini. While thinking about this, its making me worry. Please promise me you won't stress about tiny things in the military Jongin ah.
Of all the things, my favourite characteristic about you is your benevolence, selflessness, genuine character, and empathy. It makes me want to wrap you in a baby blue blanket and protect you from the world. You have such a befitting name, Jongin, which means to "spread kindness."
My precious Jonginnie whose heart is always full of warmth, and who cares about everyone and everything around him. I could see the love you have in interaction with your family. Taking care of your mom and sisters, playing with Rahee and Raeon (Kaichun is the best), and let's not forget Monggu, Jjangah and Jjangu. You are not one to always show your love through words but your emotions speak through your actions. There is a thousand examples I can give, but one comes effortlessly to my mind. It is of the time when you would carry Junmyeon on your back up and down the stairs of the practice room when he had injured himself.
As a fan I can always feel your love when you tease and make fun of us, or when you take extra efforts to communicate with us, be it threatening the company for aKAIve, sharing pictures of your vacation on creating challenges (like the one where you ranked the bear fanarts some 8 years ago and presented awards) on EXO-L app, making vlogs or doing Instagram lives and most importantly your silly bubble messages.
What's beautiful is how this extends towards not just your loved ones but everyone in general. One instance I can think of is when the Big Issue magazine where you worked for free because 50% of the profit went to the homeless vendors. I absolutely love that you believe in the greater good and live by your father's principle of "being human above all."
Jonginnie who has the most love to give, I hope you will protect that generous heart of yours the most while we are apart.
How did you grow up so much? I remember your highschool graduation, now I'm sending you off to military. One day you're on knowing brother saying panty oppa, and the next moment you're a variety show king with a blue dragon award? I remember the days when you would burn toasts and spill coffee in electric sockets, but now you're having cooking competitions with Kyungsoo? That reminds me, I've not heard positive reviews about the food in military, so don't be a picky eater there. Have 3 meals a day, besides, it's just for the first few weeks, then you can have your favorite meals at home.
Today, as you take a turn around the corner, there is a new, different world that awaits you. Take utmost care of yourself Jongin ah. I want my Jongin back exactly as I am sending you.
I want to assure you, that even if everything changes; at the end of the two years, you will see me waiting for you.
My clumsy jongin ah, I hope you don't break things there, don't mess with electrical appliances, don't leave your phone unattended, don't forget your apple ID, actually, just get a Samsung please.
My shy Jonginnie, please make a lot of new friends in the army. On the weekends, don't forget to eat chicken. Take this opportunity to go out with friends more. Go dance in the studio, maybe pick up ballet again. Oh, and build lego, do things that will make you happy, okay?
You said I should make my dream come true, but my dream is vague and very far away. So instead, I promise to work hard towards it until you come back. It's crazy to think I will already be working somewhere for two years when you come back. Time will fly, hopefully.
Six hundred and forty days seem like a lot, and they are, speaking from past experiences. Can't you just teleport us all ahead in time?
No matter how much of a Rover you pretend to be, I hope you don't feel Blue. Come back soon to perform for me.
Until I see you again, take care and serve with pride, my Pride.
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asksuchen · 1 year
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Suho: He’s not going anywhere yet, Jongdae.
Chen: But he will eventually! Just like our Jonginnie! >A<
Suho: Oh, Jongdae... ;;
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littleprincehyun · 1 year
hellooo!! how r u doing??? the comeback is coming closer and closer.. while jonginnie is about to leave.. so my emotions are everywhere.
Anyhow, I was wondering if you heard anything about cy's alleged " japanese gf" from 2019 if I'm not mistaken? I have just been stumbling upon some weird discussions and this has come up once or twice.. but yeah that's all I've seen (◑_◑)
Yes, I remember when that happened too. It was because he kept going to Japan. And then we slowly got hints of Chanbaek being together in Japan 😉😌
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namjoohyuk · 1 year
omg me…….. ravi u made urself some enemies 👺👺👺
The pics on chanyeol’s ig 😭😭😭 I can’t believe we got taemin back less than a month and now they’ve taken jonginnie, this is a crime against humanity 😭
ravi about to get hit in that jail cell by the voodoo magic i’m performing.
I KNOWWWWWWEE !!! SM is such a bitch loser for not trying to prolong this even for another month and a half so we can enjoy shinee & exo cb with dance challenges omggg that label really lost their ability to slay
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bookshelfofwonder · 1 year
Him taking pics of fans is so cute 🥺🥺🥺 Please treasure the photos while you're gone Jonginnie
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dirtykpopsnaps · 2 years
Can u make like a hard Dom jonginnie maybe with exhibition like wanting to sho the others what a brat tamer looks like
Sure thing. It’ll be up later on tonight
Snap 4/5
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exo-wvrse-bbl · 8 months
15/01/24 - suho
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From yesterday hehe Jonginnie misses exo-l a lot I didn’t make the cake lol, the cafe is ran by someone I know so I asked the cafe to design it ㅋㅋㅋ You thought I turned into Picasso? ㅋㅋ But I’m pretty good at cooking, and I can do everything I want to well if I put my my mind to it now..; How old are youㅎㅎ Have you ate? I’m eating LA galbi (beef ribs) Everyone have a Mondayting~ (Monday + Fighting) Now it’s Tuesdayting ~_~ (Tuesday + Fighting) You worked hard today too See you soon ㅎㅎㅎㅎ But that doesn't mean very soon ㅎㅎ The filming of the drama is long~ But it will be really fun ㅎㅎ
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brbcrawlingtokorea · 4 years
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KAI - Super One
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