#jong says sorry again also and its all good all around
absolutebl · 2 years
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Quick pitch 
Happy Ending Romance 
(Korea Gaga) 
Tropes: office romance, identity theft, cohabitation
JungWoo (Karam of The Boss) disappeared after being treated unfairly in the publishing industry. TaeYoung (Ha Jong Woo) is a publisher who adores JungWoo and wants him to write again. JungHyun (Leo of VIXX) is the writer who became famous by stealing JungWoo's talent. 
Formerly known as Happy Ending Outside the Fence - thank fuck they changed the damn title (although in the final episode it all makes sense). For a change I like the OST, Leo is one of my favorite main singers among the honey-voices of Kpop. 
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Speaking of, Leo is stupid pretty in this show and highly charismatic. So even though he is playing the anti-hero (normal for him) he eats up all the air in the room (also normal for him), which also diminishes the impact of the romance between the other two characters (for a better love triangle execution see Light On Me). 
Happy Ending Romance has a complicated and engaging plot revolving around professional ego, reputation, safety, and trust, but is not much about romance. Or maybe it is, but it’s a romance about a publisher’s love for a writer’s work? Or for the writer himself? And is there a difference? 
This would have worked better as a romance if the Writer had known the Publisher in (at least) a friendly way in the past/at school as well - so there was more established dynamic to their instant affection and shacking up. 
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Apart from my qualms around the romance thread, the plot is actually good. It’s very angsty and tense for something so simple, which suits this length of show. I also loved the ending which may hint at a poly future for the three characters (like Tinted With You did.) 
As a BL it kinda isn’t (sorry to say). There’s no tropes dropped and no real romance beats. It is about dishonesty and pride and there is an elegance to its theme. Which is essentially the idea that possession (around the human or his creative endeavors) is not love, and therefore, those who love the Writer have to prove their love by letting him go. Honestly, I’m not sure how to rate this show as a result. This is a blog about BL and this wasn’t that. MDL review.
RECOMMENDED (but not if BL is what you’re after)
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katrinawritesthings · 7 years
Jonghyun/Taemin; Problematic Fave (Part 4/4); PG
He still has to ask Key what their favorite song is, too. He’s fairly certain that it’s “White T-Shirt,” but it might also be “Orbit,” because “Orbit” is exactly the kind of gay shit Key is into, even if it is a little slow.
Hey!! Taeminnie again. I’m on my couch writing this, all snuggly in blankies because Spring still hasn’t made up her mind and it’s raining pretty hard outside. I do love the rain, but I prefer to experience through a window rather than in the middle of it. I’m watching Key’s little pups while they’re at work so they’re up here with me. Key doesn’t like them on the couch but they’re really really warm and what Key doesn’t know won’t hurt them. I’ll send a pic for you to see!
Speaking of Key, they told me that they saw you coming out of a recording studio as they were going in the other day. Honestly, at this point, I think their feelings towards you are more complicated than mine ever were. They’re still mad at you in defense of me from nine months ago, but I think that’s mostly out of spite because I told them that they couldn’t stay mad forever. They also lowkey want to book you again for another shoot, really love your little line of accessories, and are extremely bitter that they like more than three songs on your She Is album. They won’t admit it, but ??????fuck i forgot??????? is their favorite song.
As for me, I think I’ve finally come to a conclusion for my favorite. I know, it’s been, like, three weeks, and I’ve cycled through all of them being my favorite (except “Moon,” and I’ve already explained what was wrong with that one), but I’m serious now. I really think that I like “Dress Up” the most. It feels weird to say that, seeing as how I always liked your softer songs the most, but I can’t deny that “Dress Up” is fun to jam to.
I wanted to tell you again that this comeback of yours has been so good and healing for me. The fun songs, the bright colors, the inherent and blatant queerness of everything, your pink hair…. All of it makes me feel bright and fuzzy on the inside. Before, your stuff would cheer me up just by being gentle and uplifting, but now it cheers me up by making me feel all excited and bouncy and validated. So, thanks for that!
Thank you for letting me love you, too. I know I say it a lot, but it’s just nice to have a fave to think of and love and feel all fuzzy about again. Maybe I’ll get a real romantic datefriend one day and be able to be super gay with them, or maybe I’ll friend marry Key and get all of my emotional fulfillment from that, but until then, it’s nice to draw comfort from you. Thanks for letting me and, really, all of your fans do that. I know it’s kind of part of the job description of being an celeb, but still. It means a lot to a lot of us that you put so much of yourself out there and act as support for us, even from afar.
This is getting kind of long, so I’ll stop here. I know this week is your last week of promotions, so good luck on all of your music shows and I hope you’re having a nice day!!
Love, Lee Taemin ❤
P.S.: If you ever see Key again and they try to give you two dollars, just take it and pretend like you know what it’s for.
Taemin hums to himself as he reads his letter over. That’s a pretty good first draft, he thinks, and he’s pretty sure that his opinion isn’t affected at all by how he’s hanging half upside-down off of the couch and squinting at it on his phone.
Key’s little pupps snooze gently, one in his lap and one nuzzled against his leg. Taemin scrunches his nose. Hmm. Maybe he won’t send Jonghyun a picture of his lower half, even if there are cute dogs in it. That would be kind of weird, he thinks. Maybe he can get Key to--oh, no, he’ll have to scoot them off of the couch before Key comes to pick them up so he doesn’t get in trouble. Dang.
He still has to ask Key what their favorite song is, too. He’s fairly certain that it’s “White T-Shirt,” but it might also be “Orbit,” because “Orbit” is exactly the kind of gay shit Key is into, even if it is a little slow.
Taemin’s left eye scrunches when he reads over the little paragraph about his favorite song. Every time he thinks about “Moon” he feels all gross inside and he should really stop thinking about it, but he just. Wants to passive aggressively remind Jonghyun that it was gross at least one more time in his letters. After this one he’ll start working on forgetting it exists. At least it helps him keep his love for Jonghyun grounded.
“Dress Up,” though. “Dress Up” is good.
The whole comeback is good, and as Temin scans his letter he feels himself warming up inside all over again. A smile cracks open his face, cheeks flushing as pink as Jonghyun’s lovely, lovely, lovely hair. It’s so nice and fun and bouncy and--
“Fuck,” Taemin hisses. He was turning halfway over to smile into his carpet and his legs slipped off of the couch. He crumples gracelessly, grunting softly as he struggles to get his hands under him and push himself up. “God, fuck,” he mutters. Pushing his bangs out of his face, he leans against his couch to just blink for a moment and let the blood rush out of his brain and into the rest of him.
Key’s little pups whine and snuffle at him, Garcons's wet little nose booping his temple. Taemin leans away, then lifts a hand to pet their soft little heads.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he tells them. “Mwah.” He kissies Garcons's little head when he keeps nuzzling at him. The press of his lips seems to calm the pup and Taemin vaguely wonders if that has anything to do with the way Key pulls themself out of anxiety attacks with a million little kissies to who or whatever is nearby. Probably.
Instead of trying to clamber back onto the couch, he slowly slides himself the rest of the way off and rolls to lie on his tummy. Tugging a pillow down from the couch, he holds it under his chin as he finds his phone again. A pup hops down from the couch and wiggles to curl up on his butt; glancing over his shoulder, he finds Comme Des. He lazily reaches behind himself to give him a little pat before he looks back to his phone to finish scanning his letter.
Blah blah blah, blah blah dogs, Key blah blah, songs blah, the comeback makes Taemin’s soul feel alive, blah blah… aha. Taemin reads over the next paragraph with his top lip between his teeth. Hmm. Feels a little repetitive in places. He’ll work on that. The P.S. he has to work on too; he wants it to be in the actual letter and not a P.S. He’ll figure out how to add it in without making it seem too bulky or whatever. Besides that, though….
“I think this is good,” Taemin hums to himself. He lifts the phone up to Garcons on the couch so he can see. “What do you think?” he asks. The little pup sniffs his hand and then licks him. Taemin assumes that means “yes” and gives Garcons a little scritch behind his ears. Then he rolls to his back--apologizing again for disturbing Comme Des and letting him snuggle up under his arm instead--and taps his letter to edit it.
Honestly, he missed how fun this was; just sitting here and editing out his thoughts and feelings. Thinking them over and figuring out exactly what he wants to say is so… calming. Even his first letter back where he sent, like, three pages detailing his entire emotional response to everything was soothing. Since he started writing to Jonghyun again his anxiety has been better than it has in months and he’s been able to reason his worries away almost as well as he could before he even got all hecked up in the first place. He thinks he might start up a diary anyway, in addition to his almost-weekly letters to Jonghyun. It might get him back to where he started.
As he’s deleting a word in the third paragraph, his phone vibrates in his hand with a text from Key. He hums. Now would be a good time to ask about their favorite song, yeah, before he forgets again. He opens the texts of the day and scans them quickly: “good morning egghead,” “I’ll bring you a muffin when I drop the kids off,” “do you think thick stripes or thin stripes look better in plaid,” “one of these days I’m gonna say something important and you’re gonna regret letting my texts pile up,” and “wow okay I know I just said that as a joke but I can not Fucking believe this and u gotta reply rn or I’m gonna call you!!!”
“Hmm,” Taemin hums again. He scrunches his face in confusion. What. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Key use any punctuation in a text, let alone three whole exclamation points. He sits up, resting one elbow on the couch so he can focus better on his phone as he texts back, “Thick stripes and also what’s your favorite song of Jonghyun’s again and also What???”
Taemin isn’t sure if it’s the immediateness of Key’s reply or the contents of it that makes him drop his phone. Either way, he hisses and scrambles to pick it up and confirm that what he thinks he saw is really is what he thought he saw.
It is: Key sent him a picture of them with Jonghyun, like, right next to each other, taking a selfie, together, Key looking huffy and annoyed and Jonghyun smiling gently with one hand kind of blurry in a little wave.
Taemin can’t fucking believe it, either.
“Ohmhy fuc k ign gdo,” he texts back. He is so upset and jealous. What the fuck. This is so unfair. It’s not even that Key is with Jonghyun and he isn’t, or that Key doesn’t appreciate Jonghyun’s loveliness, or even that he’s so far up Jonghyun’s ass again that it burns him up on the inside to not be there; it’s that that morning Key literally offered to take him to work with them and he declined. It’s his own dang fault that he isn’t blushing and smiling and hiding behind Key’s arm with his heart making him all giddy right now.
“I went to a radio station to grab a friend to hang out with and he was here and he says hi,” Key texts him next. Taemin groans quietly and wilts back down to the floor, texting back a single frowny face. Then he throws his arm dramatically over his eyes and whines again. Heck. Hecking fuck. He does not believe. Lifting his arm just enough to see his text, he types “Tell him i’m in the middle of writing a letter to him.”
“I’m not playing back and forth between u two jfc,” is Key’s reply. Taemin huffs, then sighs. Yeah, that’s kind of what he figured they would say. “listen tho he’s trying to give me a free album bc I guess that’s a thing that singers do but I don’t want it so do u want me to tell him to just sign it to you instead,” Key sends next. Taemin gasps this time, suddenly all excited again. He sits up quickly, then grunts and lies back down, pressing his hand to his forehead under his bangs to fight the sudden wooziness. Whoops. Key’s pups nuzzle and whine at him; Taemin doesn’t know if it’s from worry or annoyance at his constant movement.
“Yes pls,” he texts back, and then scoops both dogs up in his arms to snuggle them under his chin. With two soft little fuzzballs against him and the prospect of a bright, shiny, new, signed album coming his way soon, Taemin feels his inside get all warm and fuzzy again very quickly. He’s never been more sure of anything in his life than the fact that he loves his fave and he loves being able to love him.
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whereforarthur · 4 years
The Green-Eyed Monster: Part 1
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Requested by @slutforthegubes​: smut fic that's mgg x female reader, maybe something where he is on set of a movie and he has to film a sex scene and she gets really jealous. then they go back to his trailer and have some rough sexy times.
A/N: This is my first time ever writing smut so hopefully you guys enjoy and this is also my first request! And please let me know what you think and if there were any warnings I forgot to mention also going to post a part 2 later in the week since this one got away from me and is already at 2k words.
Taglist: @slutforthegubes
Requests are open!
Category: SMUT (NSFW)
Couple: Matthew Gray Gubler x Girlfriend!reader
Warnings: Smut, cursing, chocking, degradation, oral sex, penetration, Daddy kink.
Word Count: 2,018
“Jealousy is all the fun you think they had.” 
- Erica Jong
You loved whenever Matthew invited you to set for Criminal Minds especially when it was for the episodes that he directed. Those were his favorite, you loved to watch his eyes light up as he told the actors what emotions they should be expressing for this particularly scene and when he told the cameraman to pan the camera down as the actress wept and fell to her knees. You loved to see your boyfriend in his nature element, he was born to be an actor and you were there to support him in every single acting job and adventure that he embarked on.
But this, you did not love to see.
Matthew had just invited you on set for a Netflix movie called Horse Girl that he had a small role in, you loved to see him work so of course you agreed to go with him, without even knowing what scene he was about to make you watch.
He knew you were the jealous type, right, RIGHT?
You knew the struggles of maintaining a relationship among actors, you being one yourself, but after 3 years of dating you had gotten use to the crazed teenager fan girls for the one and only Dr. Spencer Reid. Though you never experienced the feeling of jealously whenever you visited him on Criminal Minds because Spencer didn’t have many sexy scenes that you could have gotten jealous from.
But this ohhh, you had the slightest of inklings that Matthew knew exactly what he was doing when he invited you to set that day. You knew that he wanted to watch you squirm. Push your buttons to where you were at the point of walking off the set, but your legs betrayed you as you couldn’t help but watch the scene that unfolded in front of you.
That chain, That Stupid Fucking CHAIN
He just had to wear it to set that day. You watched it dangle back and forth as he relentlessly pounded into Alison Brie, his co-star, a sight that you were accustomed to. (Although it was always you that he was pounding into not some actresses) You would usually tug on it as he pounded into YOU, curses slipping from your lips as you felt his fingers rub circles on your clit, begging you to “come for daddy” which you did like the good girl you were for him.
You think that that’s what pissed you off most about watching the sex scene. The thought that you should be the only one to see him like this, the only one privileged enough to watch him as he experienced euphoria, the only one able to make him come undone.
You couldn’t stop yourself from raking your eyes up and down his shirtless torso, a sight that you swore you could never get enough of. You lifted your eyes back up to look at his face, loving the way his stubble perfectly accentuated his chiseled jawline. The one that you would tease him about, telling him that he was like a work of art, joking that his jawline was sculpted by Michelangelo himself. And those lips that you told him were gifts from Aphrodite herself.
You adored this man
As soon as the director yelled “CUT” you smiled gently at Matthew and gave him two thumbs to tell him that he did a great job, too good of a job in your opinion. You turned on your heels away from the sound stage and began to walk to Matthews trailer.
You were ashamed of yourself for getting jealous from his acting but also by the fact that you were extremely turned on right now. To the point where you could feel your arousal through the thin fabric of your leggings. You began to mumble curses at yourself as soon as you entered the trailer, slamming the door shut behind you. How were you going to explain yourself to Matthew when he asked you why you practically ran away from set?
Oh, I’m sorry that I”m acting like the spoiled little brat that I truly am
I’m the only one you should be destroying, not her
Not Her
Knocking you out of your thoughts, was a gentle hand being placed on your shoulder, who you immediately recognized as your loving boyfriend Matthew. Which only made you feel worse about running off of set. You turned to face him, your cheeks flushed from both embarrassment and arousal, you couldn’t place the look on his face, but as soon as your saw his plump lips turn into a smirk and you locked eyes with him. You saw how dilated his pupils were, you knew exactly how he felt.
Turned on
It was like you two didn’t even have to communicate with words, because just with a couple of seconds of staring into each other's eyes you knew exactly what was in store for you.
You began to choke slightly as he applied just the right amount of pressure against your throat as he pushed your front against the trailer door. Releasing his grip on your throat, he raked his hands up and down your torso till they landed on the curve of your hips.
“Jealousy is an ugly color on you” he whispered in your ear as he roughly thrust his impressive bulge into your backside leaving you a whimpering mess as he bought one of his hands up from your hip back to your throat, squeezing tightly exactly like he knew you loved.
“Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to see you run off of set, getting questioned by Alison, wondering why you didn’t want to meet her,” he began to shout into your ear, tears beginning to prick at your eyes as his hold on your neck tightened. You couldn’t even muster out a response (even though you knew that whatever you said wouldn’t dissuade him from giving you the punishment that he had in store for you) before he spoke again.
“No, of course you don’t because you were just acting like the selfless, fucking brat that you are! Isn’t that right y/n...” Wanting you to respond he softened the grip on your throat just enough so you could whimper out those words.
“Yes, daddy”
“Good girl at least you know how much of a fucking brat you are.” He lowered his voice this time now gently saying this into your ear as he bought his right hand up from its position holding your hips in place to stroke your hair before he removed the hand from your throat to spin you around so that you were now facing him.
He began to wipe the few tears that fell from your eyes and gave you a gentle peck on your lips raking his eyes up and down your body with concern, making sure you were okay before he continued his assault.
“Now are you going to be a good girl for daddy or am I’m going to have to punish you” he simply stated as he made direct eye contact with a glimmer of lust and darkness in his eyes.
“I will be a good girl for daddy” you gladly said back to him. Even though you did love his punishments. Right now all you wanted to do was worship this man, to tell him that no other women could make him feel as good as you did.
“Good choice princess, now why don’t you get on your knees and put that pretty little mouth to good use.”
Before the last word even came out of his mouth you were on your knees massaging the outline of his cock through the fabric of his jeans. Licking your lips you could feel how hard he was, which turned you on even more.
He began to undo his belt before you even got the chance to, you are way to entranced in stoking him through his jeans. As soon as he got his belt undone he tossed it behind him, not having a care in the world where it landed.
You helped him push his pants down to his ankles not caring right now about taking them off.
You brought one hand up to grip his shaft while the other one was pressed against his thighs. You licked your lips once again before you began to kitten lick the tip of his cock, the grunts that fell from his lips were the only thing you needed to hear from him that told you that you were doing a good job.
As soon as you brought your mouth directly on his tip, finished with teasing him and licking up his pre-cum, his hand was on the back of your head making a makeshift ponytail with your hair.
He roughly forced you to take him down his throat, clearly fed up with your teasing. Which only allowed you to moan against his length as you began to choke on his cock. He released the hold on your head slightly as you began to bob your head up and down his length, stroking whatever length couldn’t fit into your mouth.
You opened up your eyes to gauge his reaction and a moan fell from your lips when you were might with the sight of sweat beading on his forehead as he threw his head back in pure bliss. Another moan fell from his lips as you gagged on his cock. He bit down on his lips in between every moan. He was absolutely breathtaking.
Matthew began to set his own pace as he began to thrust into your mouth, you slacked your jaw to allow him to fit better and rested both of your hands against his thighs. Your eyes met as he threw his hand forward to look at you, a whimpering mess with tears streaming down your face and spit running down your chin. But to him, it was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen. Upon making eye contact with more groans fell from his mouth, and the grip on the back of your head tightened, signaling to you that he was close.
“Now that’s my good girl letting daddy fuck himself with that pretty, little mouth.” With every word muttered he thrust deeper into your mouth hitting the back of your throat every time.
But before he came Matthew pulled you off of his cock, grabbing your hands from their position previously gripping his thighs which left crescent shape marks at which he giggled at.
As you stood up wobbling a little bit from the numbness of your legs after being dormant for so long, he held you in place as you wiped the spit from your chin. When you were finished cleaning your face up, he once again brought one of his hands up to rest against your neck, like the necklace that you could never leave home without. He roughly kissed you with so much dominance and passion.
You were aggressively making out, you let him win the battle of your tongue's fight for dominance as his hands made their way behind your knees as he picked you up and sat down on the little couch that the trailer had.
Since you were straddled on his lap you began to grind your clothed pussy against his bare cock, moans began to fall from both your mouths as you threw your head back a slight giggle falling from your lips of how good this felt.
Before you could even try to get yourself off he gripped your hips holding them in place and stopped your grinding. A whimper fell from your lips as you pouted, which would have normal pissed him off but with how turned on he was now he couldn’t even think of punishing you. 
He brought your lips back up to his and muttered into between kisses that you were both wearing too many clothes and that if you were going to cum it was going to be with his cock buried deep inside of you and when he commanded you to.
Part 2 coming soon!!!
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imgucciking · 4 years
Mmmh [KAI]
Listen as you read
Pairing: Idol!Boyfriend!Kai X Fan!Reader 
Genre: Smut, Smut, Smut. After care fluff. And some fluff at the start.
Words: 2k
Warning: Masturbation! Cursing! Marking! Eating out! Penetration! Size kink! Unprotected sex! [stay safe y'all] 
A/N: My first work on tumblr, I wanted to start of with Kai.
Kai was your boyfriend, and he had been for a total of 3 years last month. You had spent the time well at home, he had even cooked some dinner for the both of you! A surprise cake was baked by him as well, in the flavour of chocoltae, your favorite [ You didn't tell him how you found a few egg shells in it]
But right now though, the pair of you were separated. You lived near the outskirts of Seoul, while the headquarters of SM, as well as Kai's house was in the middle of the busy city. Kai was busy with the preparation of his new solo, whiich he hadn't even revealed the name for to you.
He said it was super secret and it would be ruined if he revealed. You of course had pouted, and even tried some aegyo, which you never did in order to get him to tell you what the song was called, atleast. Somehow though, he never told you. On the november 25, the teaser of mmmh had been revealed. 
You had watched the video, then went straight to your bed, your phone in hand, already dialling kai. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? WHY YOU GOTTA KILL ME?" He had laughed. He fucking laughed. That. Was. It
You were so excited for today! Mmmh was finally getting released and of course you were excited! You got your big computer ready, put it on full screen, 4k quality and the volume was full on. Your phone was right beside ou incase kai decided that he was going to kill you in this mv like the teaser. 
You used the phone a lot. You called him the moment the song started, and of course, he was there, like the sweet boyfriend he was to listen to you fangirl over him, and then gasp and pretend to die when he revealed his abs. He found it very endearing that you did all this. Then, once you were done watching the mv for about the 100th time, he asked ou to always call him like this cause he found it awesome.
You blushed before replying with an ok and then cutting the call. 
It had been a month since then. You were going through the many memories you and Kai had created right now, looking through the million selfies and photos on your phone, your background music being a 10 hour version of mmmh. Bless the soul which made such an awesome repeat.
"You make me feel so mmmh hmmm~" You mouthed the words. All of a sudden, the repeat got over. You pouted to yourself, your hands reaching over to your phone to see what was going on. But suddenly, the song played again, only this time his voice sounded deeper, sexier. Your thighs automatically came closer, his deep voice doing something to your inside. 
Tentatively, you let your hand travel lower down your body, underneath jong-in's hoodie which you had on. You let out a breathy gasp as your fingers came in contact with your heat. You allowed your hands to travel the rim, but not deep in. You wanted to tease yourself. 
And oh were you doing a good job at it. You lied your body more comfortably on the bed, then spread your legs wide, your/kai's hoodie pulled up until it was bunched up underneath your neck. Your nipples had formed hard pebbles due to the cold air in the room, and your left hand was currently playing around with your left breast, twisting it around, rubbing it, and playing with your tits. 
One hand still rested comfortably within the folds of your clit, gently flicking it and pinching at the sensitive nub. One important rule of kai's was that you never played with yourself, because he wanted to be the one to please you, but the thought was long gone from your head, and besides, it wasn't like kai was coming home today, was he?
Oh how wrong could you have been.
The door clicked open loudly, as Jong-In stepped into the house. "I'm home baby!" His words, however were left to drift into the silence, as you were far too lost in the pleasure your fingers were causing you. Granted, they weren't as large as Kai's, but it did the deed and that's all you wanted. 
You were edging closer and closer to your high. "O-Oh! Kai!~" You screeched, as you finally cummed all over your fingers, the white sticky substance coating your hand. Kai heard you. And judging by the way you sounded, he also knew what you were doing right now. 
His cock twitched in his pants, like waking up from a long nap. "God Y/N..." He groaned, before pulling his shoulder back off and placing it on the table. Unbuttoning the top 2 buttons of his top, he walked into your shared bedroom. God how you lay on the bed, his hoodie all bunched up on you, your fingers still buried deep within your cunt. The tent in his pants became painful to handle as he stalked closer to you.
Your eyes were shut from how you rode out your high, your breathing heavy as you rested. Jong In edged closer to your body, before he put his lips very close to your ears. "Didn't I teach you to not touch yourself?" Your eyes shot open as you looked up at his figure hovering over your tiny self. 
His lips were curved up in a smirk. "K-Kai I-" You were cut of by him placing his finger on your lips. "Hush...." He removed his finger once he was sure you would keep quiet, his fingers now wrapped around your airpods, as he plugged one of them off your ear. "What were you listening to, baby?"
He puts one into his ear, greeted by his voice singing out. "Ahh baby.... My song?" You nod furiously, not wanting to do anything that might displease him. He let out a groan seeing you so submissive. He pulled it out, then curled his fingers round your phone which lay forgotten beside you. 
He disconnected the earphones, allowing his voice to sing out loud. "I'm going to fuck you, with my voice in the background. Is that okay babygirl?" You nod once more. His fingers curl around your neck, a tight grip. "Use your voice~" You quickly let it out. "Yes, kai!"
"Ah ah!" He tutts, his grip around your neck tightening. "What is my name?" Your eyes widen before you remember. "Yes s-sir!" He nods, before smiling, his fingers unravelling from you neck, to your hair as he gently strokes it. "Such a good girl for me, aren't you?" His tugs at your hair, pulling you up into a sitting position. 
"Such a good, good girl.... But you've been bad now.... Should I punish you?" Your eyes widen. "No sir! I'm s-sorry!" He smirks, before pulling the hoodie of your body entirely. He inches close to you, and you think he is about to kiss you so you pucker your lips. "Ah ah! Only good girls get kisses!" You pout, and Jong in almost wants to kiss you now.
"I'm sorry!" You say again, as you try to pull him towards you. But he, is able to resist, and he buries his face deep into your neck, gently breathing in and out your scent, his breath hitting right on your sensitive area. He knew how crazy you get when he does that.
"Sir!" You moan, your voice sounding foreign to even yourself. Kai's teeth sink into your soft unmarked skin, as he paint art on you. He was the artist, and you were the canvas, nothing you could do would get you out of this. Once he was done with the hickeys covering your neck, he stood up and went to the chest of drawers were you stored your... toys..
Kai was a bit overexcited with the usage of toys and such, so the pair of you had bought an entire cupboard to keep in the stock of your sex toys. 
He selects a black blindfold, and fuzzy cuffs. Mmmh...Your favorite.
He ties the blindfold around your eyes, and seats you up on the bed, with your hands cuffed tightly. Not too tight enough for it to hurt, but tight enough to not allow you to escape its grasp. You struggle a bit, adjusting your body, till you feel a flat muscle lick against your cunt. 
Your body goes rigid and you stop moving around. He smirks against you, and he knows you can feel him right there. He lets out a soft groan, when you start grinding yourself onto his face, but his hands go to your thighs and he quickly stops you by holding your thighs. 
You whine and whimper at the sudden hold, but he teases you by letting his tongue wander all over your heat, but not where you want it this most. "Kai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!" He suddenly stops. "Ah, ah... What's my name?" "Sir!!!!!"
"Good girl, I'll award you, shall I?"
He starts lapping at your juices, sucking, pinching, and stroking at your cunt. Your eyes had rolled back so far into your sockets, that you thought it might get stuck right there. His tongue was much better at pleasing you than your fingers, and the tightening in your stomach only increased. 
"Jong In!! I'm gonna c-" His warmth suddenly leave you. You look up at him, to see him smirking at you. You whine at not being able to release. "I think you've been stretched quite enough, right Jagi?" He unlocks the handcuffs, before tying it again onto you, except this time its not against the bed.
He undresses himself quickly, and as soon as he gets his underwear off, his large member flips against his lower abdomen. Your eyes feast on his naked body, all the ripped muscles on it. You want to trace your fingers over him, but your hands are unfortunately locked. 
You groan at this fact. His hands curl around his member as he strokes it, coating it with his pre cum. Once its enough, he bends over and produres his head into your heat. You groan at the feeling, clenching him and trying to pull him. "So thirsty for my dick, babygirl? Well then, I'll give you what you want!" 
He suddenly pounds into you, thrusting hard and not even allowing you to adjust to his length and girth. "God!" You screech, the pain and pleasure mixing together to cause something totally new. Your hands tug of your blindfold, wanting to see Kai fuck you deep. 
He lifts your left leg up, and places is onto his shoulders, reaching to places within you that had never been touched. "Feel me there? Right in that pretty little stomach of yours baby?" "Oh god yes! You scream, and you know your neighbours will be able to hear you quite well. 
But Kai liked that. He liked to show them all who you belonged to.
He grunts as you clench tightly around him, nearly not allowing to thrust. You were close and he got that. He pound into you even harsher, like an animal unleashed and allowed to do whatever it wanted with your body. He reaches over to your hair, and tugs you up. 
You comply, placing your head on his chest as he continues his work. These move was all you needed for you to come, and you let your cum flow, your eyes rolling to the back of your socket and all you can see for awhile is white. 
He continues pounding into you, chasing his own high. You, being hypersensitive clench tightly around him. This pulled him over the edge, and he cummed into you, releasing his load well. 
He lied next to you, both of you panting and sweaty. His cum flows a bit out of you, wetting the bed below. "That was-" Kai smiles at you. "I love you, Jagi" 
You grin, feeling a bit sleepy. "I love you too baby" 
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myrwritesfootie · 3 years
Like The Old Days - Chapter Two - Mason Mount
Who: Mason Mount x Original Female Character Words: 1629 Disclaimer: I do not know Mason Mount or anyone else mentioned in these writings. Note: So the first chapter was just mainly an introduction, this chapter is nearly double of the previous chapter and I hope you all like it.
July 31st, 2017. Arnhem, Netherlands
The weather was quite chilly for a day in the middle of the summer. Not that it was a strange occurance in the Netherlands. It was one of the things I disliked the most about living in this country. I am someone who preferred the sun and the warmth. Unfortunately that was not going to happen anytime soon.
Despite the dreary weather, I knew that I would have to enjoy the summer as much as possible before it was over and before I would start on my last year of education. Just one more year and then it was time to find work. Something I just didn’t want to think about just yet. I actually liked my school years until now.
The voice of my friend next to me pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Iris? This is like the third time you blanked on me, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Marie asked and I quickly blinked, a guilty expression on my face. “I’m sorry Mar. What were you saying again?”
The blonde sighed - clearly exaggarating, the smile on her lips giving that away as well as she looked at me  over the edge of her sunglasses, bright blue eyes looking into my own hazel ones. “I was asking if you were up for going out for a drink this afternoon, after I finished work. It shouldn’t be a long day and they say that the weather will only get better by the end of the day. Pretty please?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. It was an ever returning question from Marie whenever the weather was nice in the city. “Fine, we are going out for a drink, but we are going to bring our own drinks and we are going to the park,” I encountered. Marie squinted her eyes for a moment, but then nodded. “Deal. I’ll ask Frances, Yvette and Sanne as well to see if they want to come.”
Even now I could already tell that the park was going to be packed. The park in the middle of the city was one of the most beautiful places in Arnhem, at least in my opinion. Whenever the sun was shining, it was busy. The slight slope in the grass made it a perfect place for sunbathing but also to have some barbecues in the summer. It was as if a big part of the city made its way into the park and my friends and I were definitely no exception.
The morning at our secondary school was one that finished pretty quickly. Marie and I were busy with our second year, with two more years to follow after this. After that university would probably follow if we were to choose for that, but so far I have not been interested in that. It meant more years at school while I knew what I wanted the most; I wanted to do something physical. I wanted to mean something for people, I wanted to travel. I did not want to get back in the school benches once more when I was done with this level of education.
So while Marie left to get to her job, I went back home. A home where a young brother had been bouncing around the house for some time now because our local football team Vitesse had been having a good pre-season so far and new names had been signed. With the Johan Cruijff Shield coming up at the start of the season, the football vibe was big in our house, with my brother bouncing off the walls. I liked football too but I had to admit that I didn’t like our own competition much. That’s what you get when you get hooked on the Premier League. The pace and level of that league was so much higher than our Eredivisie so who can really blame me, right? So where Sam - my younger brother - had a yellow and black obsession, I had a red one. A Liverpool shaped one.
The moment I walked into the house, it was clear that my mum was pissed off. “Sam de Jong, how many times do I have to tell you that you don’t get to kick that ball around inside.” The sight of shattered pieces on the floor that had previously been a longdrink glass came into my view as I walked into the living room.
“I’m sorry mum! I was trying to score the winning goal.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the words of my ten year old brother. As soon as I saw the look on my mother’s face, I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing.
“I just came by to let you know I’ll be at the park for the afternoon and also probably for dinner,” I quickly said, before leaving the room again so I could get upstairs, not wanting to witness the disaster that Sam was about to face.
It was only a short visit at home. While I freshened up after school - and listened to my mother yell at Sam while making him clean up the mess that he had made, I quickly looked through some messages on my phone where the other girls already showed that they had bought drinks and food already for the park.
Once I got the message from Marie that she was on her way to the park, I left the house as well. The park was only a short walk from my house but because I was known as the lazy one of my friends (and it was probably true as well), I picked the bike as my form of transport to the sunny greenery in the centre of the city. It didn't take long for me to find my friends, who had perched themselves on a large blanket in the grass. Many people had thought the same thing as we did. Other little groups had formed on the grass, some guys were kicking a football around while yelling at each other. In English. Which wasn't that rare here in Arnhem.
As I reached my friends, I just heard the last bit of a sentence Francis had said. "- is pretty cute." I rolled my eyes at the words, Francis was probably one of the biggest guy crazy people I had met but I loved her for it. I followed her gaze and found the footballing guys on the end of it. Oh, and Francis had a preference for athletes.
"Of course you have found the cutest guy in the entire park already," Marie said as she waved at me, holding out a glass with some fizzy drink in it. I looked over my shoulder and had to agree with Francis, however. The brown haired young man standing closest to us was not bad on the eyes. They were probably around the same age as us.
It was always good to spend free afternoons in the sun with my friends. For a moment there was not a worry in the world - although my mother would counter that at my age I did not have any worries. Laughing seemed to be the best remedy against long boring school days. I tried my best to zoom back into the story that Marie was telling. "So my brothers were in the backyard, mum kept yelling at them to grey inside for dinner, that they had to stop fooling around. They didn't listen at all, continued playing rugby and next moment, the ball went through the window. Mum was livid." I shook my head, a laugh escaping me as I thought back at the scene between my own brother and mother. 
"Your brothers aren't the only ones good at breaking glass. Sam wanted to score the winning goal for the Johan Cruijff Shield and thought it was a good idea to do that inside. I walked in on -"
Before I could finish my sentence, this time I was interrupted by a sudden football hitting in the middle of our picnic cloth and knocking glasses over, the ball ending in my lap. I was too surprised to jump up like some of the other girls were doing. 
"I'm so sorry ladies, my friend over there did a terrible job controlling the ball." A male voice spoke up in a British accent. It had to be one of the guys who had been kicking the ball around just a few meters away from us. A look up confirmed that it was the cute brown haired one who had come over to collect the ball in my lap. From up close he was even closer. Dark eyes matched his hair and a smile was on his lips, a shy one at that. He was our age, maybe just a bit older but when he smiled he had crinkles next to his eyes. It was Marie who found her voice back as the first one, of course she was. 
"You can definitely say that. He should learn how to play football." The guy standing with us left out a chuckle, even though I did not understand why it was so funny what Marie had said. 
"I'll let my friend Mitchell know." His gaze moved in my direction, since I had the ball. "I really am sorry…" he trailed off, not knowing which name to add to the end of the sentence. A very smooth way to ask for my name although I didn't even realise it. I scrambled onto my feet finally with the ball in my hands. "It's Iris. Here's your ball back." I held out the ball to him, his fingertips brushing mine for just a second as he took it from me. 
"Thank you Iris. I'm Mason."
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teeztheflag · 4 years
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Ateez! Reaction to getting intimidate with you while the members/ a member are/is in the same room
warnings: some of them behave like fu*kboys/di*kheads, argument, disrespect, alcohol, strong language, suggestive, teasing, doing unholy things in a church
a/n: this turned out so dumb I am sorry anon but I finished it lmfao also they’re more like teasing? because I cannot get my head into people fu*king in front of others and not caring about it 😂
k i m h o n g j o o n g
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Hong Joong always has been a mixture of someone who liked to show off his girl and keep her to himself so you weren’t really shocked when he started to kiss down your exposed neck at a gathering at their mansion that night.
First you were really flustered and giggled but the sexual tension quickly arose when he took a good hold on your hips from behind breathing hotly down your cleavage.
You gulped unsure of what to think about the situation and gasped when you saw Park Seong Hwa standing at the other end of the room a glass of wine in his hand and a mischievous smile on his face.
Was he watching you?
You frowned trying to stop Hong Joong in his motions but quickly realized that he already saw the other one seemingly enjoying the scene.
You turned around and hurt took over your features.
„I am not a cheep whore Kim Hong Joong. Whatever you and Seong Hwa have going on don’t ever dare to involve me in it again.“ You hissed out trying to push away the tears and stormed away.
p a r k s e o n g h w a
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Seong Hwa‘s birthday was known to be the biggest event of the year in his hometown. As the bachelor always threw the most outrageous and glamorous parties it was his friends this time that wanted to prepare something special.
They booked you: a student with little to no money but good dancing skills on the pool.
You started your show and even if Seong Hwa first wasn’t into the idea at all while he sat down in front of you on a single chair the moment he layed his eyes on you his heart skipped a beat.
You personated everything the young rich loved; you were so beautiful he got flustered and tried to hide his reddening cheeks.
The dress on you was way too short and the show went on with the cheering from his guests that the young bachelor zoned out completely by now. He felt himself shuddering and becoming nervous when the young lady started walking to him with confident steps but a deer like gaze.
You sat down on his lap your arms casually wrapping around his shoulders and he cursed lowly at the sweet scent you gave off when you leaned down to whisper in his ear.
„Happy Birthday, Mr. Park.“
You were about to dance on him when he stopped you in your tracks and you were panicking if you did something wrong. Seong Hwa looked you into the eyes and clenched his teeth.
„I swear you don’t know what you’re doing to me right now so stop.“
„Y - you’re joking, right?“ But the desperate look in his eyes told he was more than serious about this.
j e o n g y u n h o
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You just couldn’t look away. It was always something you wondered about. And not only you... definitely your whole circle of friends.
You really didn’t want to look but your gaze just seemed to magically find its way down to Yun Ho‘s crotch where - wait a sec. Is it what you think it is?
Gosh, you had a drink too much. When you looked up you weren’t really sure anymore if this was the reality but on the other side of the room on the couch Yun Ho caught your gaze and suppressed a smirk.
Since it was embarrassing you quickly averted your gaze back to the movie hoping the two of you would just forget about the incident.
„Another round? I am getting shots!“ The others agreed and you got slightly nervous when Yun Ho came back with a tablet and handed everyone a shot.
„I am suggesting brother shots because we’ve all been so busy lately!“
„Why do you sat down next to (y/n), then? Very calculated don’t you think.“ Jong Ho eyed the latter suspiciously and Yun Ho sent him a kiss.
You were so dizzy that you were thinking about what brother shots were again when Yun Ho already linked your arms and drank. Right in the moment you remembered he already placed a cherry tasting kiss on your lips.
You couldn’t hold yourself back to lick the remaining droplets off while Yun Ho watched you eagerly.
„How does it taste?“
You frowned at him still progressing what a wasted night this was. Suddenly Yun Ho wipes away the last droplets off with his thumb and brushes it also over you bottom lip.
Your mouth opens but no words seem to leave your lips while he smiles mischievously.
„G-good... too good.“
„Ah, you want another one?“
You debate and your gaze drifts to the others around you but they seem much too intoxicated themselves to notice.
„Yes.“ Yun Ho chuckles and you close your eyes waiting for his lips to finally touch yours again. When a cold material instead meets you your eyes shoot open and you see Yun Ho laughing at you.
„I meant another shot, (y/n).“ He winks and you roll your eyes pouting at him for getting the wrong ideas...
k a n g y e o s a n g
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Yeo Sang‘s family and yours were good friends since ages and it was a must to attend the sunday‘s service together.
Like usually your families sat next to eachother again but Yeo Sang tended to sit next to his friends in the last row this day. Just when you went up to get to your parents a voice stopped you.
„(y/n)! Come sit with us!“ You turn around and see San smiling at you and also the other boys were together. You just grew close to them a while ago and you didn’t see a reason to say no.
When you realized Woo Young made place for you between him and Yeo Sang your mood quickly changed. You frowned at the boy exactly knowing what you told him a month ago when you were drunk - that you had a crush on Yeo Sang since forever...
Problem was... Yeo Sang probably has been asexual or simply ignoring you for his own sake. As you expected he didn’t even greet you but just relaxed further into the bench.
The service started and the boys next to you seemed to fall asleep one after another while the priest was really into his game. You also weren’t the biggest fan of it but you knew how to be respectful.
It was time to pray with your eyes closed when you suddenly tense up. Your eyes immediately shoot open and your gazes drifts to the site where Yeo Sang is watching you intensely.
You are frozen and not able to move a muscle while he digs his hand further into your tigh. You quickly look around to see if someone notices but stop when you hear a giggle coming from right next to you from Woo Young.
Yeo Sang starts to draw slow circles into your skin and you recognize how warm his hand feels against your exposed flesh. You don’t know how to put it but your body tells you to invite his touches rather than scold him and retrieve his hand...
When he leans down you flinch and close your eyes uttering the last words of the prayer hoping to not die at how hard your heart beats against your ribcage.
His breath tickles the hairs on your neck and you can smell a strong perfume coming from him before he whispers.
„(y/n)... you’re a little whore squirming like this in a church...“
s o n g m i n g i
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„Well, a bet is a bet.“
„Min Gi, you aren’t serious about this? I thought it was a joke! If I knew you would be a dick I wouldn’t have obliged!“
Min Gi let’s out a laugh and drags you back inside the karaoke room where your friends were partying like there’s no tomorrow.
He sat you down next to him and brought his arm over your shoulder to keep you close so you couldn’t escape. He side glanced your form and smiles to see your arms crossed and a pout adorning your face.
„Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the view.“ His eyes turn into crescents while he grins at you.
Times flies by and you know your boyfriend good enough that he wouldn’t let his price slip. So when your food arrives everyone gasps when you start to feed Min Gi like he was the king of South Korea.
„Damn, what the heck are you two doing?“
Some couldn’t control their laughter and you feel like sinking into a hole of embarrassment when Min Gi explains that you just realized how he should be really treated.
Everyone knew you were sassy and didn’t take any shit and so it has also been with your boyfriend. Min Gi loved to tease you endlessly and he knew that having you serve him in front of your friends was something you wouldn’t like. He took it as a revenge for you making him jelous the last week and a dangerous glint appears in his eyes thinking back to the evening.
„Mh, my love. I have some sauce on my chin...“
„So what?“
„Lick it away.“
„You are unbelievable!“
c h o i s a n
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San always has been an affectionate person that needed a lot of attention from his s/o. You on the other hand liked to stick to simple holding hands in public and a little peck here or there but nothing too exaggerated.
San knew you were shy but sometimes he couldn’t hold himself back to tease you openly so people would see who you belong to. No, that wasn’t the only reason he liked to show off he was just fully engulfed in your form and needed to touch whenever he could.
This caused you scolding him from time to time when he did inappropriate things in the different areas.
For example in a car. With Jong Ho and Seong Hwa in the back. You were standing at a red light when you felt San‘s hand sneaking up your thigh leaving a tickling sensation in the process. The boys were tired but you were sure they were still awake in the back.
Quickly you try to retrieve San‘s hand but his grip just strengthens and the nerve this boy has! When you glance to him he’s just sheepishly looking outside acting like he does nothing. He always messed with you inside his car but this time it was worse because there were your friends in the back!
„San!“ You whisper-yell to your boyfriend who looks up to you for a second before leaning in to your side.
„No!“ Then he leans back and when you try to forcefully pull his hand back you’re suddenly with a clap to your thigh leaving you flushed and aroused because of the mixture of pain and pleasure.
„Mh... are we already there?“ Oh, Jong Ho probably actually fell asleep.
„Five minutes.“ San ignites with a big smile to the back.
After you drop off the two San suddenly locks the car and leans over so his arm is around the lean of your seat. Out of reflex you lean back clearly intimidated by his posture but also confused what he wanted to do now.
„Did it hurt, baby?“
You shyly nod and your gaze falls to your lap where you’re playing with the hem of your skirt. San’s tongue pokes out to wetten his bottom lip and a low chuckle leaves him.
„Can you whine like that for me again when we’re home?“
j u n g w o o y o u n g
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Jung Woo Young meant danger; that’s what everyone knew. You couldn’t deny the fact that he intrigued you beyond everything that was appropriate... meaning you fantasized about the boy way too much. Everything about him was perfect.
If you just could have a taste of his lips once in your life... It was just a little joke and daydreaming for you; nothing serious. And maybe his image also helped you to relieve some stress in lonely nights but really nothing more.
Although you didn’t expect this houseparty to be too spectacular things actually spiced up when you saw the boy and his friends entering the party. You suddenly felt more excited and thanked god you decided to join your friends this night.
You saw Woo Young quickly being accompanied by a girl and immediately your face fell. Dammit... Just stop dreaming of somebody you will never have!
„(y/n)?“ Oh, yes! You were currently playing beerpong and it was your turn. Well, if you didn’t get the boy you would at least just win this game. And you did. With a big crowd around you the other girls cheering for you because you won against the best of the boys in this game.
With a big grin and clearly tipsy by now you dragged your friend inside to dance accompanied by the others. You swayed your hips, laughed and had a lot of fun. Until you felt someone’s hand sneaking around your waist to level your rhythm up to his.
You turned around and saw no other than the Jung Woo Young eyefucking you shameless.
„What are you doing?“
„Getting revenge for my friend; but in my own way.“
You look over to Yeo Sang the one you just managed to destroy and see him winking at you from afar.
Your eyes quickly drift to Woo Young’s chest and you mumble to yourself. „This would be more like a prize...“
Woo Young is able to hear your words because instead of you he didn’t touch a single bottle tonight and because of that he decides to take things a little further. Suddenly the boy leads you out of the crowd upstairs to a secluded room where he’s quickly placing hungry kisses over your exposed collarbone.
You’re feeling like paralyzed both of the boldness and the pleasure.
Your eyes open wide when you hear a chuckle coming from the other side of the room and you frown seeing Yeo Sang sitting casually in a chair enjoying the show.
„Like you said. Your prize and our revenge.“
c h o i j o n g h o
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Another one of those boring business nights with Jong Ho and you were quickly deciding to roam around the big mansion you landed in this time.
Gosh, how rich was his boss again? This house looked more like a palace to you and made you again wonder; what the hell was Jong Ho even working?
You turned corner after corner and whined knowing you got lost.
„Dammit... I am so stupid!“
„Here you are. Mrs. Choi we‘re missing your presence!“
Choi san comes out of the dark with a smile on his face and a hand tugged into his pockets. He looked ravishing but you guessed he already knew that by the way he always held himself. For you, San was a friend. A good one because he helped you and your husband in more than one way.
You puffed out some air and rolled your eyes. „What could be so interesting that you would need me?“
„Tsk, always so sassy... Jong Ho is currently leading in the game you should join us.“
„How much?“
„That’s for you to find out.“ A chuckle leaves you and with quick steps you get to San and link arms so he can guide you back.
The room was dark and huge with a single poker table in the middle where only three very young and dangerously looking gentlemen were still deeply engulfed into the game. Woo Young who stands next to the table winks at you and you try to hide the uneasiness he’s causing you every time with his little flirt attempts.
Hong Joong and Yun Ho still played with Jong Ho and being the bold human you were you emerged the table with confident steps and sat down on Jong Ho‘s lap to make your presence very clear to everyone.
Jong Ho immediately maneuvered his hands so he could sneak one of his arms around your waist and adjust your position; what the hell...
You were practically sitting widespread on his right thigh now but Jong Ho only seemed to be interested in the game.
They played silently while the others were casually getting drinks from the bar. You on the other hand were busy in understanding the game and Jong Ho‘s cards. You shuffled your body and position from time to time trying to not put too much pressure on your husband‘s thigh.
After a while with a lot of struggling Jong Ho groaned out annoyed and gave your hip a squeeze only to push you down on his thigh stronger than before.
All eyes were on you immediately and you know you shouldn’t have teased him so much...
„You want to distract me or put on a show for my friends?“
You were flustered beyond everything and just looked down to hide the embarrassment. „Neither.“
„Neither what?“
„Neither, sir.“ It was only a whisper but everyone clearly heard the word coming out of your mouth.
Jong Ho smiles triumphantly at the others knowing he not only won the game when he shows his cards but also that he would teach you a lesson in a few minutes.
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mysterygirl51 · 5 years
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Jill Roord and Vivianne Miedema: best friends and teammates  with a magical connection ♡
Part three of this interview with Vivianne Miedema and Jill Roord (translated from Dutch, you can find part one here and part two here)
VM: “My career in the national team has been a rollercoaster. Before we went to the World Cup in 2015, I had made 18 goals in 18 games. I was very young, but everyone expected that I would make The Netherlands the world champions. I had just finished my first season at Bayern and I had to train a lot more than I was used to, so I was very tired. I felt the pressure that I was the one who had to do it. When you’re 18, you don’t know how to handle that kind of pressure. In Canada [during the WWC 2015] I felt homesick for the first time. 
JR: “Me too. We were far from home and the time difference with The Netherlands was big [6-9 hours]. I had just turned 17 and had joined the national team shortly before the tournament.The world cup was a nice experience, but also disappointing. I had hoped to make my debut, which didn’t happen.”
VM: “The atmosphere in the team wasn’t as good back then as it is now. We weren’t a real team. There were two groups of ‘oldies’ who had been through a lot together but who weren’t on the same page. We as youngsters were stuck between those two groups. That was on an emotional level pretty difficult. During the Euros in 2017 that was different. We made a fresh new start with a group of young girls. I was two years further in my development. Of course I felt a bit of pressure, but because of the experience in Canada I now knew how to handle it. I think I also showed that in the final games with some goals.”
JR: “Ahead of the euros I was close to a place in the starting 11, but I still ended up on the bench during the euros. I was the number 12, always the first sub. That was difficult. I really wanted to be important for the team but it just didn’t click. I didn’t complain. I’m not really good at that anyway. The eleven girls who were playing played so well, I wanted them to hold on to that feeling. I was genuinely happy with that title, only during the tournament there were definitely moments that I wasn’t happy.”
VM: “After the euros I had a lot of small injuries after one another and I missed quite a lot of games. I was very tired and needed a rest. I had played football non-stop for 6 years and had never really had a break during the summer. During that period I didn’t really manage to score for a while. All strikers go through that sometimes. It’s very frustrating when you can’t score during 4 consecutive games. It damages your self confidence a bit and can end up in sort of a syndrom [idk how to translate this sentence, sorry!]. In a situation like that you have to hope for a chance that’s unmissable or a lucky shot that goes in. When that happens, it’s a big relief. Suddenly the confidence is back and then it can go really well again.”
VM: “At the start of last season I was a lot more fit and fresh. At Arsenal it immediately felt right and I scored a lot of goals. Still in October I wasn’t allowed to start for the WC qualification play off games against Denmark, because I had a few small pains at the beginning of that week.”
JR: “It was fun to sit on the bench together for a change.”
VM: “As a team it was important to win from Denmark, but at the same time I was working on getting fit again. Back at Arsenal I showed that I was fit and that I was supposed to be playing at Oranje. A month later against Switserland, that happened.”
JR: “Because of Jackie Groenen’s injury I was allowed to start the second game against Switserland. It was a big game, we could qualify for the World Cup if we won this. I was really looking forward to playing. But when Anouk Dekker got a red card after 7 minutes of playing, I knew what was going to happen. You [viv] said to me that you were going to be taken off the pitch now. I said that she wasn’t going to be taken off, that I was. I was right. It felt really bad. In the changing rooms there were some tears. That always happens when I’m angry. Anouk felt really bad for me, but I told her she couldn’t help it. When we ran on the pitch after the final whistle, when we celebrated qualifiying for the World cup, I felt awkward. I was happy, but I also felt bad. Later that night I felt better again. I can switch quite easily, I don’t see the use of drowning in disappointment. No one gets something from that.”
VM: “After the play-offs I continued scoring with Arsenal. Last season I scored 22 goals in 20 games during the league, and there were some goals with those that I thought of: goals like that are never going to happen again. Apparently you kind of enforce luck like that. Besides winning the league I was named best [female] player in England. That was a really nice honor and appreciation, especially because I was chosen by people from the football business, so people who knew what they were doing. It was also nice that Virgil van Dijk won the [male] best player award. Two dutchies the best players in England, that might never happen again.”
Next generation
VM: “After we won the euros everyone at Oranje saw that this was the moment to take a step. Not only we as a team, but the whole female football has undergone a huge development. The only thing that was still behind was the money we got for it. With a few girls from the players association I negotiated about that with the KNVB [Dutch football association]. Lieke Martens and I spoke out on behalf of the group, we wanted the get the best possible for the team. For people on the outside it’s easy to think that that was only the opinion of Lieke and I, but it wasn’t like that. I didn’t really notice the criticsm in The Netherlands that came because of that, because I was in England. Look, here teams have to pay their players a minimal wage. Still, the differences [with men’s football] are immense. Mesut Özil earsn 350.000 euros a week. In our team no one makes that a year. We do train at the same training complex as the men and use the same facilities. That’s really great. I think that’s a nice development. We see the men daily and talk a bit. Petr Cezh is a real fan us ours.”
JR: “Just look at the followers on our social media and you can see how popular women’s football has become theses past years.”
VM: “In the past, we walked around with Van Persie or Huntelaar [dutch football players] jerseys. Now girls have Miedema or Roord on their jerseus. That’s the biggest step we made. It’s really nice that we are an example for so many girls. We know what we are fighting for. Not just for ourselves, but also for the next generation.”
JR: “And it’s not just girls. My little brother and his friends are also fans. They all think it’s really interesting.”
VM: “My little brother Lars plays with the ‘promises team’ of PEC Zwolle. When he plays, the first thing you hear in the stand is ‘Huh, isn’t Miedema a girl?’. He has to handle the pressure of being ‘the brother of...’. Apparently right now it’s not just interesting what for example Frenkie de Jong does, but also what we as internationals do.”
Strong connection
JR: “The loss in Norway which resulted in us having to play play-offs to qualify for the Worl Cup was good for us. It brought us back down to earth. For a long time everything happend almost on its own, and we had a lot of luck. Because of that loss we realized we really had to work for it again. The play-offs brought us closer together as a group.”
VM: “The world cup will be a very different tournament from the euros. We know that. It’s not realistic to say we’re big favourites. We just have to try to get in the same flow as during the euros. With my 22 years I’m technically a youngster, but I don’t feel that way. I’ve played almost 75 interlands and belong with the experienced girls.  I can even become The Netherlands all time top scorer just before or during the World Cup. That’s really cool and an honor.”
JR: “We have already been through everything together, and I haven’t even played everything. Sometimes I talk with national team coach Sarina Wiegman about my role in the team, but that’s often the same conversation. It’s basically that I’m playing well, that I have to continue this way and that it’s just unlucky that there’s so much competition on the midfield.”
VM: “I want to play with Jill. She has the qualities to be one of the starting 11.”
JR: “I can’t do anything else besides showing my worth during practice and during the playing minutes I get. I’m only 22, I still have the time. But sometimes it is frustrating.”
VM: “For some people it’s sometimes hard to see that natural connection between us. When I’m in the same team as Jill during practice, we immediately feel that click. That means we can come across pretty strong together against coaches or teammates. They are afraid we exclude the others or they wonder why we have that click and other people don’t.”
JR: “I think they’re scared we have a negative influence, but that’s not based on anything. That connection we have is just there and will always be there.”
VM, laughing: “But nowadays we do do less hakkepak [a word in twents, the dialect from the region Jill is from, for jumping on someone’s back]. That wouldn’t be good for my back. Now we only do it when we score.” 
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"You?" (Part 2)
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Pairing: Kwon Jiyong (G Dragon) x Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Romance, a dash of fluff
Soulmate AU Prompt: Soulmates have identical counters that count the number of times they have passed their soulmate.
Part: 2/?
Part 1 | Part 3
Alternatively titled: Y/N and GD think too much.
A/N: Thank you everyone who read the first part and everyone who liked/left comments/reblogged. It means the world to me. Also, I’m so so sorry for not updating sooner. As an apology, accept this really long part! Another thing I want to add is that I’m more used to writing OC stories rather than reader centered ones. I really tried to make Y/N gender neutral but for some reason I couldn’t make that work. I’m really sorry about that too. Please bear with a Fem!Y/N here. For my next story, I’ll definitely make a gender neutral Y/N.
You swore under your breath as you veered around an elderly couple. You had overslept and if you didn’t reach the train station in another minute, you were going to be late for class. You lived at the university dorms so you had never really been late before. But you and one of your best friends had had a sleepover at your other best friend’s house and last night had been spent binge watching Lee Jong Suk’s dramas (in honor of his enlistment, and because you just loved him). Unlike you, they didn’t have morning classes so now they were sleeping soundly at home while you were just hoping you reached class before your professor.
Luck was not in your favor though, because you encountered one of the largest crowds you had ever seen (and you had seen a lot, considering how much of your free time you spent going to music shows and fan meets) at a little distance from the station. You saw some people taking pictures and, while you were offended on behalf of their center-of-attention whose privacy was being invaded, a part of you was tempted to stop and see which idol or actor was causing this commotion—you were sure it was either of the two because that was the only logical explanation. But your professor’s angry face appeared before your eyes, and you seriously wanted to not fail, so you pushed through the crowd and got to the station.
About ten minutes into your journey, your phone began to vibrate. Intensely. You pulled it out of your pocket and saw a ton of notifications. Most were from twitter, accompanied by a single one from a tabloid. You clicked on that, figuring it would make more sense than the frenzy of tweets. The headline read:
BIGBANG’S G-DRAGON spotted enjoying his military leave with his sister.
The article went on to say that he had “attracted a lot of attention.” So GD was on a leave? And so-called fans and paparazzi—or should you say Dispatch—wouldn’t even let him relax on his break. Now, you wouldn’t call yourself a VIP, but you had been listening to K-pop since you learnt the language and regarded BIGBANG as one of K-pop’s legendary groups. You could sing along to most of their songs and many of their solos (maybe you should call yourself a VIP). Which made you not exactly happy about how GD was being treated.
The tabloid article also had pictures. Dispatch is fast, you thought. He was wearing a black mask and a cap, so his face was barely visible. It was surprising how anyone had managed to recognize him. But then again, you had recognized him in the photos immediately so it wouldn’t have been hard for longtime VIPs to do the same. Taking a closer look at the photos, you noticed something strange. His surroundings looked familiar. Two years of living in Seoul had made you quite well-acquainted with the city and with a start, you recognized his location. The crowd you had just encountered had been caused by him.
The fangirl inside you freaked out. You had walked right past THE G-Dragon. A part of you cursed yourself for wanted to be a good student and not stopping, while another part tried to convince you to get off the train at the next station and run back. The more rational part of you, however, curbed all these stupid ideas. Enough people had swarmed him already without you joining them. Besides, you had a class to get to.
Scrolling through the comments, you were in the midst of adding one of your own to rebuke Dispatch for invading his privacy and making him uncomfortable when something on your wrist caught your eye and you almost dropped the phone. Setting it down on your lap, you turned your wrist over.
And gasped.
The 0 you were accustomed to seeing on the inside of your right wrist was not there. In its place was a cursive 1.
You ended up skipping the first class, not because you didn’t reach the university on time, but because you spent about half an hour in the toilet bawling your eyes out. You had finally passed the boy you had wanted to meet your entire life. Only, you had simply passed him, without even realizing it. What were the odds of meeting the guy you passed only once in your two years in Seoul, especially when you had passed each other at or around a busy train station? You weren’t one to be pessimistic usually, but it was frustrating how you moved to an entirely different country for your soulmate, but you hadn’t even been able to find out what said soulmate looked like.
Your bad (awful) day didn’t end after that. Sleep deprivation combined with narrowly missing your soulmate lead to a terrible mood and a terrible headache, you learnt, and you were not able to concentrate in any of your classes. So, several consecutive classes later, you had a clear plan in your head. You were going to crash onto your bed in the dorm and catch up on at least a bit of the sleep you had forsaken for Lee Jong Suk. You would worry about your soulmate when you were thinking straight.
Naturally, you forgot to set your alarm.
For the second time that day, you overslept. This time you were running late for work. Unlike class, you had been late for work several times and knew that your manager would absolutely kill you if you were late again. So, you got dressed in a frenzy, almost left all the lights switched on, and, for the second time that day, you ran for your life.
You reached the coffee shop you worked at ten minutes after your shift started and thankfully your manager thought a warning glare was enough punishment. You hurried to the employees’ room at the back of the shop and changed into your uniform. A quick peek in the mirror informed you that you looked like a mess. Your dark circles had somehow intensified and your hair resembled a bird’s nest, courtesy of the fact that you hadn’t bothered to brush it. It was frustrating how this was what you looked like the day your soulmate showed up (though you were sure he hadn’t noticed you either). You pulled it back into a ponytail in a measly attempt to tame it. While it was not the most effective, at least now you looked less like a homeless sleep deprived person and would gladly face your soulmate if he showed up at the coffee shop. Which was next to impossible, because he had never come here in the two years you had been working here.
The smell of coffee began to put your mind at ease once you settled down at the counter. As you prepared two teenage girls’ orders—a strawberry shake and an iced americano (totally contrasting drinks, you mentally noted)—you fell into a sort of routine, unlike the events of the morning. That put you in a comparatively comfortable state of mind and your thoughts finally began to align themselves. Usually, you kept a novel or a textbook with you during your shift but having very conveniently forgotten to bring anything with you afforded you the opportunity to think of your soulmate—who hadn’t really left your mind all day anyway. Maybe he took the morning train from that station everyday and you hadn’t ever crossed him before because that was not your usual route? You often stayed at your friend’s house, so you had taken trains from that station many times though. Had the timing always been wrong? Or had your soulmate recently moved to Seoul? Was he from another city? Busan? Daejeon? Pyongyang, North Korea?
A loud grumbling sound broke your train of thoughts. With a start, you realized it had ensued from your stomach. The only thing you had consumed the entire day was a cup of coffee and some cookies you had found in your bag. You were starving. A particular red velvet cupcake, with cream cheese frosting, had caught your eye and was enticing you to have it. The only customer in the shop was seated at a table by the window, typing away at his laptop. He had been like that for about an hour, his now cold coffee abandoned on the table. You could afford a snack break, then. There was at least one perk of working at a place that had food. You retrieved cupcake and quickly punched yourself a receipt which included the 20% employees’ discount, adding the due amount to the cash register. You settled down on a stool and indulged in a bite of the heavenly cupcake (that you enjoyed more than you normally would because of the lack of food in your system).
The bell above the door rang, and you tried to swallow it down so that you could greet the new customer. You glanced towards the door and nearly choked on said cupcake. Walking towards the counter, wearing a black hoodie and the same cap he was wearing in the picture you had seen earlier but having somehow lost the mask, was Kwon Jiyong. Aka GD. Aka G-Dragon.
What? How? What is he doing here? Is it really him? But-
Incoherent half-thoughts ran through your mind, but the gist was wondering why he was here of all places. Was it because this particular coffee shop was not in a mainstream area? Or had he suddenly craved coffee and had been tempted by the fact that there was only one other customer?
You were able to regain some of your composure and uh, not choke by the time he got to you. Your manager’s hawk eyes were on you and you could not afford to appear unprofessional, no matter how much you wanted to squeal and ask this man for an autograph. He probably noticed that you knew who he was though because a wide smile appeared on his face and you nearly melted in a puddle (Be professional, Y/N! you scolded yourself internally.) Either that, or he had found your almost-choking antic amusing. Possibly both.
“Good evening, sir!” At least your voice hadn’t betrayed you.
“Hello,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “Your Korean pronunciation is pretty good.”
“Oh, thank you.” A blush threatened to appear on your face. “I’ve been living in Seoul for a while.” And I’ve been learning Korean for more than a decade, you decided to not add.
He ordered an iced Americano and you began to prepare it for him. Unlike with most customers, you felt extra nervous, mainly because you could feel his eyes following you. You were just hoping not to mess up.
“You know,” he began, “I thought you would ask me for an autograph. I know you recognized me.”
Whoops, busted!
You smiled. “I want to, but my manager would kill me if I do, so I can’t.” Conversing with him had seemed like a hurdle two seconds ago but now that he had initiated conversation, it was just…natural. As if talking to Kwon Jiyong was the most normal thing in the world and something you had been doing your entire life.
He chuckled. “You’re that scared of him?”
“I can’t afford to lose this job,” you said, shrugging as you handed him his drink. You had never seen him in person before, and you were a pretty big fan of his, but after your initial shock, you couldn’t help but wonder at how comfortable you felt talking to him. It was strange because you were the kind of person who could never be completely relaxed talking to an ordinary person for the first time, much less talking to an idol.
“I guess I can give it to you the next time I come here, then.”
Now that was something that made you almost freak out. “You’re going to come here again?” you asked. It was hard to mask the excitement on your face, and he seemed to find that very amusing. At least, that was what you inferred from the wide gummy smile that adorned his face, and you couldn’t help thinking of how cute it looked.
He took a sip from his drink. “Well, the coffee’s good,” he grinned, “So yeah, I am.” His phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen.
“I need to go now.” He stepped back from the counter. “See you next time.”
“Bye!” you called out. He waved at you over his shoulder as he opened the door and for some reason you were waving back, not caring that your manager was rolling his eyes at you.
“Oh, sit down already!” your roommate and one of your best friends, Soo-jin, whined. You rolled your eyes as you plopped down on your bed next to Min-ji, your other best friend.
“Okay, now spill,” Min-ji ordered. You had briefly told them what happened the entire day and they had deemed it too important to discuss in the morning, so the three of you were now gathered at your dorm room. Min-ji was the friend whose house you had had a sleepover at the previous night. She had decided to stay at your and Soo-jin’s room that night so you could talk peacefully.
“What do I start with, GD or soulmate?”
“GD!” they cried in unison. Both of them had been BIGBANG fans since they were kids. You told them how you had seen a crowd in the morning which had turned out to be because of him, and then how he had showed up at your workplace. When you finished, they just stared at you for a second.
“Woah,” Min-ji breathed out finally. “You’re so damn lucky.”
“But he is so sweet!” Soo-jin exclaimed. The fangirling was starting now. “He even asked if you wanted an autograph.”
“I know right. And telling her that he’d come again!” Min-ji was almost squealing now. She looked at you. “How did you even survive it?”
“I almost didn’t. I’m just glad I didn’t totally freak out and left a, you know, terrible impression.” You shrugged. Now that you thought of it, it was odd that he had talked to you at all. Hadn’t he been ambushed by enough fans already for one day? He knew you knew who he was, so why talk to you any more than necessary? In any case, the three of you discussed (err, fangirled over) him a little longer before Min-ji remembered you had another important matter to discuss.
“What about your soulmate, though?” she asked. “When did you pass him?” Both of your friends had already found their soulmates. Min-ji’s happened to be her neighbor so they had known each other almost their entire lives. Soo-jin’s soulmate was one of your seniors and they had met a little after she started university.
“My counter changed to one in the morning.” You leaned back into a pillow. “I noticed when I was on the train. We probably crossed on the station, or when I was rushing to it.” You sighed. If only you had been paying more attention to your surroundings, you would have met yours too.
“Hey, what if your soulmate’s one of those Dispatch photographers?” Soo-jin exclaimed. You snorted.
“Dispatch? Seriously?” You rolled your eyes at her. You could always count on your friends to find all sorts of weird ways to cheer you up.
“That’s totally possible, though,” Min-ji added, playing along. “Didn’t you say he’s older than you?”
“You’ll have to start stalking Dispatch’s professional stalkers!”
“That might actually end up being a good thing.” You laughed. “I’d know all the latest gossip.”
Min-ji nudged you with her foot. “Show us your counter.” You thrust your wrist towards them. They promptly gasped, as you had expected them to. Your friends tended to be quite dramatic too.
“I know,” you began, “it is surprising. I was so shock—”
“Y/N,” Min-ji interrupted, “when did you last check your counter.”
“When I was leaving for work, I think. Why?”
“Well, it’s not Dispatch, for sure,” Soo-jin whistled.
“Look at it again.”
You did, and you gasped too. Your wrist didn’t say 1 anymore. Now it read 2.
To say that Jiyong was confused would be an understatement. He was far beyond confusion. He was conflicted in the worst possible way. His entire day had been…chaotic. It hadn’t entirely been bad—he had experienced intense excitement and adoration at one point—but it had not been an ideal way to spend his break. Even trying to make sense of everything that had happened made his head throb.
When he had managed to disengage himself from the swarm of paparazzi at the station, he noticed that the counter that had read 0 for the past 20 years suddenly read 1. He had always imagined he would be overjoyed at this occasion. Strangely, he hadn’t been anywhere near overjoyed. He had become too used to living as if he had no soulmate. The discovery that not only did he have one, but that his soulmate was very close was a change he hadn’t seen coming, and it was not entirely welcome. And, he had to admit, he was also frustrated because he had only passed his soulmate, rather than actually meeting.
He had decided he needed coffee to clear his head and had taken great pains to find a place where he could get it without attracting public notice (again). At least, he had thought that was his consideration. But, in hindsight, it could have been the soulmate pull. They did say it worked in strange ways. How else could he, out of all the coffee shops in Seoul, have ended up at the one his soulmate worked at? Crossing her once in a day could be a coincidence but meeting her again in the span of some hours could most certainly not be one. In any case, he had winded up at her workplace. There, he had encountered a cute, albeit quite young, foreign part-timer who knew him, he had realized immediately. After the rough morning, he should have bolted but something had compelled him to stay. And he had discovered that the part-timer was fun to talk to.
He hadn’t realized she was his soulmate until he got back to his car and his manager pointed out that his counter had changed again. That was when things had begun to click in his head and the reason talking to her was fun started to become clear. He had been tempted to run back inside and tell her this new turn of events. But that had been accompanied with thoughts of rejection that held him back, and he had felt suffocated beneath a variety of emotions. Instead, he had told his manager to drive on.
That was why he was currently lying on his living room couch, a steaming bowl of ramen he suddenly did not want to eat abandoned on the mahogany table in front of him and all the lights expect the one in the hallway switched off. The atmosphere was gloomy, but he liked it better that way; it was a perfect representation of his inner turmoil. Her eyes, wide with excitement and surprise as they had been when he had mentioned coming again, seemed to be permanently etched in his brain. Now that he had uncovered her identity, the pull felt even stronger. His entire being was craving her. And she had moved to Seoul, so that would mean she was looking for her soulmate too. Had she put two and two together yet and realized she was actually looking for him?
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake off the doubts. He had gotten his counter when he was ten, so that would mean she had to be twenty. He had always known about the age gap, so it didn’t really bother him. It wasn’t like she was a minor or anything. But was she okay with it? All her knowledge about her soulmate came from whatever he had first said after she was born. He didn’t even remember what he had said. He just hoped it wasn’t something stupid. In any case, the most she could have inferred from that would be that he was a Korean man a few years older than her. There was a big difference in being a few years older and around ten years older. And did she even want him as her soulmate? His life hadn’t really been a pure, sinless, scandal-free one. She probably knew about that.
And most importantly, he didn’t like the pull. His mind was sort of sick of the effect the bond was having on him. It wasn’t her fault, but it made him want to avoid her at all costs.
What was he to do now? Go to her the next day? Or pretend his counter still said 0? Coming to a conclusion was not easy. He told himself to wait until his enlistment was over and then approach her. If she wanted to find him, she wouldn’t leave before she did. But even when eventually he drifted into a light, troubled slumber, he had not managed to convince himself.
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ft-dads-au · 5 years
Traces of You
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Stingue Week 2019 Prompt: Reminisce Home for the Holidays 2019 Prompt: Written A collaboration by @mdelpin and @oryu404​ AO3 | FF.Net Notes: This story contains lyrics from a song called ‘Time spent Walking through Memories’ and are originally written by Kim Jong-Wan, the amazingly talented lead singer of the Korean band Nell. For anyone who is interested, here is a link to the song that includes the English subtitles:  https://youtu.be/FS_WGNOufbg
November 14th, 2013 No matter how many times Rogue had come home to an empty house, he was still struck by the same feeling of desolation he felt every time he stepped over the threshold. There was no smell of food being cooked in the kitchen, no face turning away from the tv for even a brief second, just to say hello, no pair of shoes in the hallway other than the ones he had just put there himself. The only thing that greeted him was darkness and silence.
He hung up his coat in the hallway closet and flicked on the lights, then unpacked his bag. With a heavy sigh, he walked into the kitchen to rinse out his water bottle in the sink and clean his lunch box so they would be ready to use tomorrow. The house was as good as spotless, no dirty dishes or other personal belongings were lying around as he had kept everything tidy to keep himself distracted. But a spotless house was just another reminder that there wasn’t anyone but him to leave their mess behind.
Either way, he had to move on. Sitting around and feeling sorry for himself wasn’t going to do him any good, so from the moment he had said goodbye to Sting at the airport, he had tried to keep himself busy as best as he could. Today wasn’t any different, and after he had taken his textbooks and notepads out of his bag he sat down at the dinner table to do some studying.
But it was too quiet.
Rogue closed the textbook he had been blankly staring at and put it away again, not being able to focus on anything but the lack of sound surrounding him. The other chairs at the table were empty, triggering thoughts about the ones whose presence they used to mark. His father’s coat wasn’t draped over one of them for his mother to complain about as she took it off to put it where it should have been in the first place, Gray wasn’t bent over his homework in his usual seat at the other end of the table, and Sting wasn’t sitting across from him, playing footsie with him while trying to don a mask of feigned innocence.
His own chair scraped across the floor loudly as Rogue rose up to find something else to focus on, but he already knew he’d be confronted with his solitude no matter where he went or what he did.
When he ate, there was only one plate on the table, one glass of water to be filled. When he showered, Sting’s half-empty and forgotten bottle of shampoo was sitting next to his own. When he went to bed he swam in a sea of empty space and unstolen blankets, mapping the irregularities in his ceiling like constellations in the night sky. And when he curled up on the sofa to watch Netflix he was presented with the profiles of his family members who hadn’t been watching anything in a long time, with favorite picks that weren’t all his own and with suggestions to continue watching series he used to binge with someone wrapped around him.
The only thing he had left to throw himself into when he was alone, was art. Both writing and music had always been his escape from reality, letting him dissolve into worlds of his own creation. He went to his room and grabbed his guitar, carefully tuning it as he sat at the edge of his bed. Mindlessly plucking at the strings for a while, he eventually found a melody that embraced the gloom he was carrying around, and before he knew it, it started leading a life of its own.
Rogue wasn’t sure what made him decide to grab his phone and record the song he had composed on a whim, or why he felt the sudden urge to provide it with a set of lyrics. He had written songs for Phantom Lord before, but always in collaboration with Gajeel. This was all his own doing, a solo-project born from the emotions he had refused to fully surrender to.
But now he had opened the hatch and everything came pouring out like a rainstorm, as memories and sentiments were taking the shape of words hastily scribbled onto a piece of paper.
And surrender he did.
Even now, I still hear your voice Even now, I still feel your touch And today I lived within traces of you
Even now, I still see you Even now, I still feel your warmth And today I lived within your time
In the shape of a stranger passing by on the street, In the desolate dance of the fall leaves playing in the wind Even in the evening air that grazes my cheek In everything I see, hear and feel You’re there
So how about you, how about you? Are you feeling the same? How about you?
At the empty chair, discarded by the roadside In the glass of water I thoughtlessly raise to my lips Even in the mirror I face to see myself Even in the gentle music that sits in my ear You’re there
What do I do now, what do I do now? You must have erased me So what do we do now?
Rogue put his pen down and stared at the words that had just flowed out and onto the paper, playing back the recording to let the sounds of his guitar merge with them inside his head. The last notes had yet to die out when he crumpled up the paper and tossed it across his room, and the pen right after it. Not because it wasn’t good enough- it might just be the best song he had ever written- but because it was way more than what he was willing to share with anyone. This was just too personal, and upon realizing what he had just tapped into, Rogue was faced with the sad truth.
He wasn’t moving on at all.
Instead, he had been walking around in memories, unable to let go of what could have been but wasn’t meant to be.
But enough was enough, so he made a radical decision. In a sudden fit of resentment, he tossed the guitar onto his bed and stormed out of the room. He found an empty box in the laundry room that he took with him under one arm as he went through the house and filled it with everything Sting had left behind.
A pair of sunglasses from the kitchen’s clutter drawer, a winter scarf from the hallway closet, the bottle of shampoo from the bathroom, a comic book that had fallen behind the bed, and one lost sock that Rogue had kept in his sock drawer for no rationally explainable reason.
All that was left as a tangible reminder of his presence in Rogue’s life was a slew of pictures and text messages on his phone, and that was up last to be removed. Rogue dumped the box on the floor and picked up the phone from his bed, where he had left it after replaying the song he had recorded. Since the application was still open, it was the first thing to go, deleted without being given a second thought.
The pictures were up next, but there were so many of them, and as Rogue selected them one by one he was taken back to the times when those pictures were taken.
Delete selected items?
Rogue's thumb hovered above the screen in a few moments of hesitation, because although these pictures were painful to look at now, they were also keepsakes from precious moments. But before he could make a decision, another screen popped up that made him hold his breath.
Incoming call: Sting Eucliffe
Rogue stared at the screen unsure of what to do. Perhaps this was the sign he’d been waiting for. His chance to make a clean break of it all. All he had to do was tell Sting that they needed to just stop. Talking, texting, all of it.
The ringtone he’d chosen for Sting as a joke rang in his ears, reminding him of yet another moment they’d shared. He was going to do it. He took one deep shaky breath, bolstering himself for the conversation that was bound to be uncomfortable. He swiped his finger to accept the call.
"Hey…uhm, is this a bad time?"
Rogue had to bite back a 'You have no idea', but he managed to keep himself in check and act like nothing was wrong.
"No, it's fine."
"Okay…so, how's your day?"
Rogue looked at the box that lay at his feet and almost laughed, "About the same as usual.”
Even through the awkwardness in Sting’s words, Rogue could sense something was up and despite his intentions, he couldn’t help but be curious.
“Right, uhm so listen, I can’t talk long but I wanted to ask you something.”
Rogue’s heart began to beat faster as he detected the underlying excitement in Sting’s voice. “Ask?”
“Yeah, my parents want to know if you’d like to spend the holidays with us, you know, visit Edolas over break.”
“They do?” Rogue felt like an idiot, but he was so surprised by the turn the conversation had taken that he couldn’t seem to put any words together.
“They wanted to thank you for everything you did for me when I was over there, and well you know, I wouldn’t mind seeing you again,” Sting chuckled nervously.
Rogue stared at the wall in disbelief. Visit over the holidays? And that last bit, it almost sounded like Sting missed him too. He looked down at the box again, frowning as he tapped it with his foot.
He listened absently as Sting continue to babble on with his usual exuberance about the things they could do and how fun it would be, all of his previous awkwardness disappearing as he described places Rogue had never heard of, and people he’d never met.
“So, uhm, what do you think?”
Rogue blinked at the question, not sure of how long Sting had been waiting for him to respond.
“I’d have to speak to my parents about it first,” Rogue lied, cursing himself, knowing Sting would immediately recognize it for what it was. But what choice did he have, five minutes ago he’d been considering cutting all ties and now he was being invited to visit? He couldn’t really process this right now.
He hated the disappointment he heard in Sting’s voice when he responded, “Oh, alright. That makes sense I guess. Give me a call when you know so I can tell my parents whether to buy a ticket or not.”
“Sting?” Rogue wanted to say something that would somehow save this conversation from the disaster it had become but he was still too conflicted so all he could manage was, “Thank you for the invite. I’ll call you soon.”
“Okay, I look forward to it,” Sting replied, sounding awkward once again, and Rogue recognized the switch to more formal language for what it was. He may not have spoken the words he’d meant to say at the beginning of the conversation, but the message had gotten through regardless.
As the call ended Rogue couldn’t help but feel the house closing in on him again. He grabbed the scarf from the box, running the fabric through his fingers, wanting to touch something that made him feel closer to Sting.
He wrapped it around his neck thinking about the upcoming holidays, and how he would be alone once again. Last year there had been no tree, no big Christmas dinner, no singing carols, and no skating in their backyard pond which had fallen into disrepair after his parents had left. Nothing but Rogue, and Netflix.
But he didn’t have to do that again, not if he didn’t want to. This year he had a choice. The question was, should he take it?
He knew what he should choose, but listening to Sting’s voice had cinched it for him. He wasn’t quite ready to let go yet. And if he chose to visit, maybe they could find a way to make things work despite the distance that would be between them again once it was time for him to return home.
With that thought in mind, he unwrapped the scarf from his neck, tossing it back into the box. From the corner of his eye, he could see the crumpled up sheet of paper. He picked it up and smoothed out the creases to his best ability before folding it twice and adding it to the box. Instead of dumping all its contents in the trash like he had planned to do, he walked over to his open closet, finding a spot on one of his shelves to plop it on. Likewise, he refrained from deleting the pictures on his phone. He would hold off for a little while, and after he returned from his visit he would make his final decision.
Remembering that Sting had said he couldn’t talk for long, Rogue brought up the messaging app on his phone.
I’d love to
He chuckled at the almost immediate response full of so many emojis, it made him worry for Sting’s sanity. And with something to look forward to he found the house no longer felt so empty. 
(PS, by DivineBurrito: ) I love this band and this is one of the first songs from them I fell in love with, but I can recommend their other work as well! Thank you for reading!
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Love is insane, Baby and we are too. [M]
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Author: julietsoddeye Genre:  Smut | Non-Idol AU Pairing: Jongdae x Female Reader Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: Uuuuhh, jealous Jongdae being a little rough? Also, a bit of arguing and language thrown here and there and katoptronophilia (mirror kink), a little bit… and a very quick unprotected sex, sorry. *shifty eyes*
Plot: It’s your birthday and you had an argument with your secret fuck buddy.
A/N: HELLO!!! It’s the birthday of one of my favorite Tumblr unnies, Jangmi a.k.a @oh-beyond and this is my birthday gift to her!
I love you to Pluto and back!!! I hope you’re enjoying your special day! You deserve all the love this world can offer because you’re a great friend to everyone you encounter!!! Also, I was thinking of writing Luhan or Junmyeon, buuuuuut… I’m evil so I wrote Jongdae instead lol. I hope you will like this!!!
Another also, SURPRISE!!! I’m in this, sorry lol. I’m the evil bestfriend of Y/N, or OC, or MC, or YOU, or whoever reads this! I just have to! SORRY! D:
And another also, sorry I haven’t written smut in a long while so this is really bad, I am really sorry. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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The sound of people’s happy shouts and party poppers blew all up in your face the moment you opened your apartment door.
Your shared apartment with your best friend, Aikie, to be precise.
You don’t like surprises that much. This is probably why none of your past relationships worked because for some reason all you ever attract in your life are guys who are inclined to the element of surprise.
One ex surprised you one Valentine’s with multiple (you don’t even know how many it was, to be honest) balloons in the trunk of his car, and all of it accidentally flew off when he asked you to open it up to “get something” there for him. You were so mad, so furious that he contributed to the Earth’s plastic problems that you immediately broke up with him that instant.
She knew you’re not exactly ecstatic about surprise parties or surprise anything, but she still did it. She said she will just randomly throw you one at least once in your lifetime, and here you are now...
“I’m going to kill you once all these people leave our house.”
Your words seethed through your closed teeth, you tried smiling as you went through people greeting you a happy birthday and congratulating you on adding another year to your life. But you can feel the smile that you have doesn’t meet your eyes, and they are ignoring it probably because they’re all a little smashed already as they wait for you to get home.
“Can’t wait…”
Aikie replies sarcastically in a sing-song manner. She was guiding you through the sea of bodies of your friends to the center table where your already lit birthday cake and food & drinks are located.
When the last few people parted ways in the middle, you were faced with Junmyeon holding your birthday cake and Jongdae next to him holding a camcorder pointed at your face in his hands. Gaddammit!
“And you even invited Junmyeon and Jongdae. Great, I really can’t wait to murder you later tonight.”
You whisper to your best friend with the same fake grin still plastered on your face.
She started clapping and singing and the people around you followed.
“Hey… Happy Birthday!”
Junmyeon greeted once he put down the cake and everyone started partying. He opened up his arms wide and you almost hesitated but took the hug anyway.
“Thank you, Junmyeon. I– I am so sorry about the other day.”
“Heyyy, it’s fine. I know work’s a bit crazy lately, can’t blame ya!”
He smiled so sweetly and gave you a nose scrunch as well. Gosh, why is this man so nice? You rain checked on your date with him the last hour, saying you have to work late all of a sudden. But that wasn't exactly the truth…
“Hey, can I borrow the birthday girl for a bit?”
Jongdae came out of nowhere and wrap his arm around your shoulder, his hand squeezes on your arm. His other hand that wasn’t holding you was playing with a few pieces of his hair in a cool manner.
“Yeah sure, I need to ask Aikie about something anyway. See you around!”
Junmyeon shrugs his shoulders and gave both of you a sweet smile before turning around to find your best friend.
Jongdae then drags you across the room to the bathroom, locking the door as he slams it shut.
“What was that?”
He almost pins you to the door, his eyes burning with passion looking straight in between your eyebrows.
“What was what???”
You raise one of your eyebrows as you return the question to him.
“Why was Junmyeon Hyung hugging you?”
“Uh, it’s my birthday and he greeted me???”
You scoff, ‘why is he asking me these questions?’ you think to yourself.
“Why do I sense some kind of tension as I watch you two interact?”
Jongdae’s moves towards your face and you lower yourself as he did.
“I was just apologizing to him for canceling our date the last minute, Jongdae. What’s your fuckin’ deal?”
He smirks, this jerk smirked and was about to laugh when you poked your pointer finger at his chest.
“And it’s your fault why I canceled that date, Jongdae and you’re smiling like you’re so proud of it?”
The laugh that was interrupted quickly came out of his lips.
“I am proud of it! You can’t date other men, especially not Hyung.”
“Why not? The last time I checked we’re not exclusive!”
Jongdae purses his lips in a thin line as he exhaled through his nose, obviously starting to get furious. You can’t lie though, you love it when he’s mad. You press your legs together tightly when he cups the left side of your face with his right hand and slightly squeezes your cheek with his thumb.
“I know that, but you also know I get extremely jealous when your attention is not on me.”
His lips curl in a mischievous smirk and his other hand found its way sweeping stray hair behind your ear.
“Do you hear me complain when you’re flirting with other girls?”
“No, but I know you get jealous too, don’t lie.”
“Yeah, but I’m not a jerk about it!”
You snapped and attempted to push him off, but he grabbed your face with both hands and smashes your lips together in a heated kiss.
Jongdae spins you around and pushes you roughly to the bathroom counter, your butt being squished in between him and the edge of the sink.
You chirp out successfully as his tongue sweeps along your teeth, asking for entrance. He just hums a response, continuing his attack on your mouth.
“Jongdae, not here.”
You manage to push him just enough to make him stop from devouring your lips.
“We’ll make it quick.”
He leans in towards you again, but you blocked his lips with your palm.
“What if someone hears us? This is crazy!”
Jongdae grabs your wrist, pinning it down to your lap.
“Love is insane, Baby and so are we too. We just gotta make it quick and silent.”
You snarl at him and one side of Jongdae’s lips quirk up slyly. His mouth found yours again as you help unbuckle his belt and it was a challenge to unzip his fly because of how tight his pants were and how unbelievably turned on he is.
“Gaddamit, Jongdae, why do you keep wearing these tight pants?”
You spout, still struggling to unzip him when the doorknob was suddenly being twisted. Knocking comes next when it didn’t open.
“Is someone using the bathroom?”
Both you and Jongdae freeze still when you hear Junmyeon on the other side of the door.
“I–It’s… It’s me, Junmyeon.”
You stutter and Jongdae successfully freed himself from his tighter-than-life skinny jeans. Without warning, he turned your body around so you’re facing the sink counter and you squeal a bit with the motion. Your eyes grew wide in warning when you see his shit-eating grin on the reflection of the mirror in front of you.
“Are you okay in there?”
Junmyeon asks in concern, he probably heard you squeak through the door.
“Y–Yeah… Sorry, I–I just have an upset stomach, oof–”
Jongdae hikes up your skirt and snags your underwear down to your mid-thigh, just enough for him to spread your ass for a look.
“Are you sure about that?”
Junmyeon asks again.
“Y–Yeah. If you need to use the toilet, th–there’s another one u–pstairs.”
“Okay, thanks!”
At this point, Jongdae has already freed himself from the constraint of his underwear and you felt his cock sliding in between your dispersed butt cheeks.
“Fuck! You’re so wet, how long have you been this wet?”
All you can reply is a needy hum as his tip swipes onto your clit just enough to make you want for more.
“Don’t you like the rush, that feeling of being caught by someone, huh?”
Swiftly, Jongdae inserts himself, hands letting go of your ass completely. You brace yourself by grabbing onto the edge of the sink counter.
He screamed silently, one hand settles on your stomach while the other lands on your pussy, fingers promptly played with your clit. Your eyes closed right away and your head tilted and fell back on his shoulder, but Jongdae hissed at you when you did. You open your eyes just enough to see him looking so displeased with you.
“Look towards the mirror.”
It wasn't a request, but more of a command and you instantly pick your head up to look at him through the reflection.
“Good girl, now watch yourself get fucked by me.”
You let out a moan when one particular thrust was so hard. Thank God the music outside is loud enough for you to be able to make noises without anyone noticing.
“Don’t close your eyes again or you won’t get to cum!”
“Fuck you, Jongdae!”
You spat, your hand hovers over his, the one over your pussy, and you push it vigorously to create more friction.
“That’s the point, my darling!”
His thrust gets rougher and sloppier and you feel yourself nearing the edge so you brace yourself again by holding onto the counter and letting Jongdae do the rest for you.
It didn’t take him long after you clench yourself on him, he silenced his moans by burying his face on the conjunction between your neck and your shoulder.
Both of you are a sweating mess as you wait for your breathing to recompose to normal, with him still inside of you.
“Happy Birthday, Noona.”
Jongdae whispers in your ear and gives your neck a gentle peck. You smiled at him through the mirror and kisses his knuckles in return.
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onepumpofsyrup · 5 years
ON THREE, QUIETLY II Cha Hakyeon II Part 4
On Three, Quietly // Cha Hakyeon // Part 4
Pairing : N x Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Humor, Romance
Words :  1.5k+
Summary : Trouble comes and goes for every idol. At times its best to combat it with a well minded publicist. VIXX though, hate their new publicists. She’s bossy, nosey, and seems to care more about her paycheck than them. Her only goal is to prove them wrong. Their goal is for Hakyeon to seduce her into leaving.
(A/N)This story is another huge ass thank you to all of my followers.
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Part 4
He had a huge problem. One he hadn’t ever imagined happening. He was in control of his life. He didn’t have time to develop feelings for anyone. It just wasn’t in the cards for him at this time. He had the group to lead. Fans to make happy. Parents to care for. Not to mention his upcoming military enlistment. 
But yet.
You stubbornly wouldn’t leave his mind. 
For the last 3 months that you had been with them, every day his thoughts consisted of you. On days you didn’t see them, his thoughts were of visiting your office. Taking time out of his schedule to annoy you, bother you, talk to you.
Anything for attention from you. He found himself becoming protective when the boys would tease you. Quickly coming to hate the plans he and the others had made. You’d become his drive, in such a sneaky way that he had barely noticed it.
He wanted it to annoy him.
He wanted to push it back and pretend it wasn’t happening.
But it had, and he was powerless to fight it.
He’d fallen in love with you.
And he feared you learning of his plans to use your feelings for revenge.
He didn’t even know if you felt similarly.
He hoped...no he prayed that you felt the same.
In the end of all of this.
From the beginning of planning for you to fail and leave them.
To getting to know your true character.
It was him that had fallen. If she finds out too soon...I’ll never have a chance with her.
But if she finds out after she’ll leave me.
Honestly, I’m fucked.
Either way I lose.
I’m stupid.
I’m so freaking stupid.
Why did I do this to myself?
Have I always had this little of self control? 
I’m stupid.
I’m stupid.
This is dumb.
I’m stupid.
Hakyeon punctuated his last thoughts with a groan, throwing his head back against the couch. 
He was pulled from these thoughts as Jaehwan threw himself into his lap. “What’s up with you? Looking all sad and stupid?” 
He lifted his hand in a simple unconscious move to slap the younger dumb boy.
“Come on. Cheer up,” he jeered, reaching forward to push Hakyeon’s lips into a false smile. “Look alive. Look cute. (Y/N)’s left us alone all week.” 
And that’s why I’m sad!!
...I miss my bossy girl. 
The other boys sat on the couches around him, settling in before looking over to him. “So, what next to get rid of little mama,” Hyuk asked while draping his legs over Hongbin’s. 
Hakyeon sighed, pushing Jaehwan off him as he leaned forward to rest his head in his hands. “I think, I think I’m in love with her.” 
And then…
Hakyeon’s eyes flashed over to Taekwoon. Eyebrows furrowing into a deep glare. “And what the hell is so fucking funny?” 
Taekwoon quieted, wiping the little tears from his eyes. “Sorry, nervous reaction. I wasn’t sure how to react so I just started laughing. Not laughing at you. Laughing at the situation. And also the implication that Woon will bury you..” 
Hakyeon gulped at the thought of giant Woon above him as he gently shovels dirt over his body. He groaned loudly, vigorously rubbing his hands over his eyes. “What do I do? What if she doesn’t like me?” 
“I guess we’re giving up on the plan.” Hongbin mumbled to himself. 
“Of course we’re giving up on the plan! She’s proven she’s good at her job! She’s fixed everything for us!” Wonshik crowed proudly.  
“She’s still bossy and annoying.” Hyuk whined. “I tried to go out with some friends and she made me go to bed.”
Hakyeon rolled his eyes at the younger man. “She made you go to bed because it was 2 in the morning and you were drunk.” 
“Poor (Y/N), she’s always having to come in the middle of the night.” Taekwoon interjected, looking genuinely apologetic.
Wonshik’s entire face lit up, “We should set up a room for her here. So if she has to come in at 2 am she can just sleep over.”
“I volunteer Hakyeon’s bed” Hongbin snickered. 
He smirked, “While I’m fine with that, how about we just be a little nicer to her?”
Jaehwan seemed to be withdrawing from the conversation, guiltily refusing to look the others in the eyes. 
Hakyeon’s own gaze rolled, knowing the younger boy was guilty of something and the loud scream of frustration from the office down the hall confirmed it.
Just breath, calm down, and breath. Use your soothing words.” Woon encouraged, moving his hands up and down in a calming fashion. “Lee Jong Suk. Kim WooBin. Ji Chang Wook. Dong Yong Bae. Choi Seung Hyun. Come on (Y/N) say them with me or you won’t feel any better.” 
Flames licked at your skin, burnishing your complexion with a reddening hue. “Soothing words aren’t going to help me!!! I’m going to kill one of them! I don’t care which one! They were all behind this. WHERE ARE THEY!” Your voice was raw, hurting your throat as you forcefully screamed the words.
You strained to pull away from Minhee’s grasp but her arms around your arms and waist were like a vise, locked tight. A “calming hug” she’d called it. An annoying amount of affection.
Hakyeon pushed his way into the office. Moving to stand in front of you he placed his hands upon your shoulders, looking you over for any injury. “I heard you scream, are you okay?” 
“Dude, bad idea. She’s not in the mood to be touched.” Minhee warned, using her hold on you to pull you back from him. 
“You’re touching me.” You sneered, again pulling from her hold.
She cuddled into you closer, smiling, “I’m giving you a calming love hug.” 
“Calming words, (Y/N), don’t forget your calming words. Ji Chang Wook. Kim Woo Bin.” Woon began again. 
“Ji Chang Wook...Ji Chang Wook...JI CHANG WOOK WOULDN’T HIRE AN ACTOR TO STAND OUTSIDE MY WINDOW LIKE A MONSTER ALL NIGHT!!!! I thought I was going to die! What if he had been shady? What if he had used the opportunity to hurt me! Do you hate me so much that you’d put me in a situation like that? What is wrong with you?” The words hurt to be spoken, ripping at your sore throat.
You’d screamed repeatedly that night, each and every time the actor knocked on your windows, doors, every time you saw him, harming your vocal chords. You’d whimpered while hiding in the back of your closet, terrified that the situation was real. Waiting, and praying the police would arrive before something horrible happened. And then, arriving at work, to find your desktop had been changed to a picture of the actor...it was like experiencing the entire situation all over again. 
The other boys had gathered outside the door, along with a few members of your team. They peered in with concern. Very rarely had they seen your professionalism break.
“I’m sorry…” Jaehwan’s admittance of guilt was quiet, nearly unheard to you. “I hired him. He was only supposed to stand outside your window for a few minutes. I only asked him to scare you. I didn’t think he’d go that far.” 
Tears filled your eyes, exhaustion fully settling in. Knees buckling you’d relaxed into Minhee’s hold. They’d thoroughly exhausted you. You’d foolishly assumed that you had finally won their trust and respect.How stupid I’d been.
No matter how hard I work.
No matter how much I do.
I will always be a joke to them. It pained you to look at Hakyeon. Wishing he didn’t need to be a part of this. You’d felt yourself growing close to him. Enjoying the times he’d come to visit you. Lapping up the attention he’d give you. You’d come up with excuse after excuse to insert yourself into his schedule, just for a chance of a few minutes with him. He’d quickly become something to depend on and adore. And you were a joke. 
A sigh left your lips. “You guys seriously suck.”
Hakyeon took your hand in his own, rubbing his thumb across the top of it. “I’m sorry I let this happen. He didn’t mean any harm by it. Please forgive him.”
Exasperated, you tossed your hands into the air before walking towards the door to your office.I’m getting a hotel room.
I’m moving out of that damn house.
I’m never telling anyone where I live.
And I’m never talking to Jaehwan again.Pulling your phone from your pocket, you sent out a quick email to your staff, announcing that Minhee and Woon would be in charge for the next week as you were going on vacation. 
“I’m taking a vacation. I do not want to be bothered by ANYONE. I will not be staying at my house. I will not be available for contact. If there are any problems, Minhee and Woon will handle it. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear.” The final words were punctuated while looking directly at the 6 boys that had become the bane of your existence. 
They nodded guiltily as Hakyeon watched you with an expression that you couldn’t place, and currently, you didn’t care to. 
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Mine (KSJ Oneshot)
Paring: Seokjin x Reader
Words: 3262
Genre: Royal AU
Warnings: a really poor attempt at smut. Please don’t read if you’re not comfortable with that
A/N: this really is a poor attempt at smut because I’m still not comfortable with writing it. Hopefully you enjoy it anyway
Y/N looked out the window of the carriage as it approached the castle gates. She marvelled at the massive structure before her, slightly intimidated at the vast expanse of the place that would be her home for the next few months. She took a deep breath to try steel her nerves for the days to come. She had never been in this kingdom, never mind its palace, and now she was expected to make it her home for the weeks to come. Her father had insisted that this would be best for her. He and King Jong In were old friends, having known each other from childhood, and the king had agreed to take his long time friend’s daughter into his home to protect her from the war that ravaged her home country. 
This is how y/n had found herself in a new land surrounded by people she had heard of but never seen before. As the carriage stopped before the palace doors, y/n let go of the breath she had forgotten she was holding. Holding on to whatever strength she had left in her, she composed herself. When the carriage door opened, she got up and took hold of the page’s outstretched hand while he helped her down and prepared herself to meet her hosts.
Stepping out of the carriage, she was momentarily blinded by the sun. Regaining her vision, she was greeted by the sight of the smiling king and queen who stood directly ahead of her. Taking one last calming breath, she walked up to them as the herald announced her arrival. “Lady Y/L/N of …,” he stated as she bowed deeply before the king and queen. Her heart dropped from hearing her newly acquired title out loud but she pushed that from her mind, determined not to be sad in front of these people she was meeting for the first time.
“Your Majesties, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am so grateful to you for being kind enough to host me during this time and by father sends his deepest regards,” she greeted them politely while still bowing before them. She stood up when she was done and looked back up at the smiling faces of King Jongin and Queen Hana. Observing them, she could see why people always spoke so highly of them. The king and queen were both individually attractive and made quite a complimentary pair. Where the king had hard and sharp features to his handsome face, making him look kind yet intimidating, the queen had soft, rounded features to her beautiful that made her seem sweet and caring. Although both of them smiled, neither smile reached the eyes of the owner as they looked sadly at their guest. Nonetheless, the king stepped forward to pat her shoulder reassuringly.
“We are very happy to have you here, y/n,” the king replied warmly.
“You are most welcome in our home,” the queen added, moving forward to hug her. After a while the queen pulled slightly back from the hug. “We are very sorry to hear of the horrors you’ve faced but we do hope you enjoy your stay here. We would all like to make it at comfortable as possible.” She gestured around at the people surrounding her and only then did y/n look at the princes surrounding their parents.
The seven princes of Bangtan were well known throughout the world. Their remarkable looks had made them quite famous and there wasn’t a single person from any kingdom who didn’t know them. They were known for being good, charitable princes who always did their best to help their kingdom but, having been blessed with the looks of their parents, they had also developed reputations as playboys. Their looks had attracted the attention of many ladies over the years, and they were known to bed any pretty little thing who batted her eyelashes one too many times at them, having collectively made their way through all the women in their kingdom at least once. 
Y/n swept her eyes over the princes before her. First they landed on Prince Hoseok, the third son. He was known as the active one and quite a Mama’s boy which was shown in the way he stood protectively beside the queen. Despite this fact he was one of the more notorious amongst the ladies, being a highly skilled dancer. He would use his skills to woo women on the dancefloor then later in his bedchamber. On his other side stood the youngest, Prince Jungkook. Talented at almost everything he put his mind to, he would use his angelic voice to seduce women and have them singing his name late at night as he pleasured them. 
Beside him stood the tantalising twins, Jimin and Taehyung. Although they couldn’t have looked and sounded more different, Jimin having inherited more of his mother’s soft features and her gentle voice, and Taehyung having inherited more of his father’s handsomeness and his deep voice, you couldn’t have found a more inseparable pair. They were hardly ever seen alone and were known to use a buddy system to seduce their prey.
Shifting her gaze over to the far opposite side of the twins, y/n’s gaze drifted over Yoongi, the second oldest. He was well known for being pretty inactive, choosing to laze in his room most days, but he was a gifted pianist, and his tongue technology always left the girls lucky enough to experience it speechless. Beside him was Namjoon, the middle child. He was well known for being a philosophical poet and was so well-spoken, he could have his conquests excited and ready for release before even having laid a hand on them. 
Her eyes finally came to rest on Seokjin, the Crown Prince and heir of Bangtan. She had heard stories of the man’s beauty but could not have ever prepared herself for what she saw before her. Looking at him, she finally understood why so many girls would practically beg him to make a woman out of them. She didn’t notice that she had been staring at him until he smirked and cocked his head to the side.
“We really do hope you’ll enjoy your stay. If there is any way we can make it more comfortable for you, please don’t hesitate to let us know.”
He winked at her, causing her to scowl at him before looking away, taken aback. “Thank you all so much,” she replied, smiling. She was then led into the palace by the queen, where she would begin her new life.
                              ━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━
The next few months passed by quickly. Y/n got along with the youngest six princes quite well. The twins and Jungkook had made it their mission to keep her smiling and she’d find herself constantly giggling at their silly antic and mischievous ways. She quickly learned that although the servants adored their youngest three princes, they were often exasperated by the things they did, which would always cause her to laugh even more, albeit guiltily.
Namjoon, she had come to learn, was quite scholarly, speaking a variety of languages it had not been necessary for him to learn and always finding topics to debate with her. He would often recommend good books for her to read, and she would always return to him the next day worn out from finishing the book in one night but excited to discuss it with him.
Hoseok had also decided that entertaining her should be his number one priority. He would steal her away whenever they were both free to teach her dances from places she’d never even heard of before. He would spend hours helping her until they’d eventually land up exhaustedly sitting on the floor, laughing at her failed attempts at learning the dances, although he kept insisting she was slowly improving.
Even Yoongi, who generally didn’t like people, wouldn’t object if she’d sit with him whenever she’d need a break from his more hyperactive brothers. She’d stay with him in the music room and watch him come up with new compositions, always astounded by how naturally his fingers flew over the keys of the piano. They hardly ever spoke to each other but it was obvious from their interactions that his was the friendship she cherished the most.
The only problem came with Jin. All of the princes had realised quickly that she would not be falling for any of their charms and so had quickly stopped trying to bed her. Jin had been the first to do so because it had been very evident from the start that she did not like him. He would often tease her, be condescending or just flat out insult her, which annoyed her greatly. She did not care much for him and it was obvious that he felt the same way about her. Something about his cocky attitude and conceitedness grated on her nerves, so she tried to avoid him as best as she could. The others had tried to intervene but eventually gave up one they realised it was just better to not try and get in the middle of their fights. So, even though she got on well with the rest of the family, it was clear that she was meant to be enemies with the Crown Prince of Bangtan.
                           ━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━
One afternoon, y/n wondered off to her favourite reading spot with the latest book Namjoon had recommended. She’d accidently found the spot while exploring the castle grounds one day and had often used it for reading. She settled herself into her nook and had just become absorbed in the book when she heard people approaching. As they neared she heard a female voice giggle and heard what was undoubtedly Jin’s voice respond, although it was too muffled to hear what he was saying. He and his female companion stopped under the shade of a nearby tree that she could see and she watched them while they flirted. She was aware that they couldn’t see her in her crevice as they continued to flirt. Rolling her eyes, she started reading her book again and successfully drowned them out until she heard her name.
“…so sad that you have live with someone like Y/N. It’s clear that she doesn’t appreciate someone as amazing as you, your highness. She doesn’t know how lucky she is,” the girl was saying while Jin kissed along her neck. “If I was her I would make sure to remind you how wonderful our future king is.”
“I’d rather not discuss Y/N right now,’ Jin replied into her neck between kisses.
“But I just don’t understand her. She’s really odd and it puzzles me that your brothers find enjoyment with her. They must be using her for sex because there is no other reason I can see that they would want to spend time with her.”
While Y/N watched, Jin lifted up the girl’s skirts and placed his hand under them. He started moving his hand back and forth while the girl started moaning softly.
“Yeonwoo, if you want me to keep doing this, you’ll stop talking about Y/N. Do you understand?”
Yeonwoo nodded her head and kept moaning in pleasure as Jin continued his ministrations. Y/N turned away from the scene and buried her face back in the book, trying desperately to ignore the moans coming from the two people ahead of her.
                                   ━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━
Later that night she was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling when she heard the door open, the way it had countless nights before. She continued to stare up at the ceiling as footsteps approached her and stopped at the side of the bed.
“I thought you’d be off fucking your little slut again tonight,” she said without looking away from the ceiling.
“I thought you were my slut,” he replied as he got on the bed and hovered above her.
“First of all, I am not your slut. Second of all, I meant the slut from this afternoon.” She shifted her gaze to him and stared at him angrily.
“I guess you saw that, huh?” he asked guiltily as slid his hand up her naked torso to her breast, squeezing it.
“Don’t play dumb with me. You knew I was there,” she snapped back, willing her body not to react to his touch but feeling herself become wet anyway.
“You’re right, I did know you were there,” he conceded, dragging his hand back down her torso and to her womanhood. He slipped a finger between her folds and rubbed it over her clit, feeling how wet she had become for him.
“Then why did you do it?” she asked, furious. He shrugged and smirked.
“I know you like to watch. It turns you on and makes it easier for me to do this…”
He slipped his finger into her entrance, finding little resistance, and started to pump it in and out. She automatically arched her back into his touch and he added another finger, curling them to hit her g-spot and pumping them faster.
“That doesn’t make what you did right,” she continued complaining through her moans. ‘I know,” he simply stated before kissing her.
She continued moaning into the kiss as he pumped faster, trying to get her to her orgasm quickly. She tried to fight of the pleasure growing inside her, still frustrated with him, but she quickly realised she was fighting a lost battle as she came. Her juices trickled down his hand and he pulled his fingers out of her to suck on them. “Mmmn…I don’t think anyone tastes better than you,’ he said around his fingers.
She tried to scowl but it turned into a soft smile as she felt herself come down from her high. He looked over her body lustfully. “Am I forgiven? I don’t want to fuck you if you’re still mad at me.” He looked at her imploringly, lust making his pupils blown up to full size. She bit her lip as she looked at him thoughtfully before finally nodding her head.
Smiling, he quickly got rid of his clothes before he got between her legs and positioned himself at her entrance. He looked her in the eyes and gently pushed in, filling her completely. She groaned as he entered her and pulled him down for a kiss. While they wrestled with their tongues, he slowly thrust into her. She reached up to tangle her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.
She started to move her hips in time with his thrusts and pulled away from his lips as his thrusts became more rapid, making her moan out loud. She closed her eyes and mumbled incomprehensibly as he snaked his hand down to rub his thumb against her still swollen clit. He smirked while surveying how she looked below him and became even more turned on. He removed his thumb from her clit, prompting her to open her eyes while letting out a mournful groan, and placed both hands on either side of her head. He then proceeded to pound into her, making her scream out in pleasure. Smiling, he kept up his pace as he spoke to her between pants.
“Go ahead…and cum…babygirl. I…can see you…really want to.”
That was enough to push her over the edge again and she moaned his name amidst a string of profanities as she came. He slowed down to let her ride out her orgasm then pushed himself up on his knees and grabbed her hips to hold onto as he started to pound ruthlessly into her again, chasing after his own high. After a few more thrusts he grunted and stilled as he spilled his seed into her.
Once he had filled her with everything he had, he pulled out of her collapsed beside her, exhausted. He lay a hand across her stomach and rubbed it gently while catching his breath and she smiled at him.
“Do you think anyone knows about this? That is, other than the servants,” she asked him quizzically.
He shrugged his shoulders while looking back at her. “I’m not sure but I hope my brothers do. I want them to know that I’m the only one you would ever let touch you and love you and be inside you like that. They need to know that you’re my babygirl.”
“I’m not anyone’s babygirl,” Y/N scoffed, making Jin chuckle softly for a little while before he let his laughter die down. He was quiet for a while as his hand kept rubbing her abdomen, lulling her to sleep, so she almost missed what he whispered next.
“I want you to be.”
She opened her eyes and looked at him confused. “You want me to be what?”
“I want you to be my babygirl. I want you to be only mine and I want everyone to know you’re only mine. I want to stop fooling around with the other girls because none of them are as special as you. I want to be able to do this without having to fear getting caught and I want to be able to stay the night without having to drag myself back to my bedroom. I miss your warmth every time I go.”
He propped himself up on his elbow to look at her better. “I want you, Y/N. I know this may not have started as anything more than just sex but I want it to grow into that. I…I think I’m falling in love with you.”
She silently stared up at him as she took time to process what he was saying. “If…if that were really true then you would have stopped messing around with other girls already. I have no interest in being exclusively yours if I can’t trust I’m getting the same back from you.”
“Then give me a chance to prove it. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it. I’ll give you anything you ask for even if it’s a star from the sky or a pearl from the deepest parts of the ocean. I’ll banish every other girl I’ve ever slept with. I’ll even give up my claim to the throne if that’s what you want me to do. Anything to be with you.”
As he spoke she could see the sincerity in his eyes. Taking her bottom lip between her teeth, she bit it as she considered everything he was saying.
“I think…I think I’ll need time to decide. This is a lot to process.”
He looked at her sadly but nodded understandingly. “Okay. I’ll go back to my room now and give you space to think.” He sat up and was just about to swing his legs off the bed when she grabbed onto his arm to stop him.
“Maybe, just this once, you could stay the night?” she suggested hesitantly.
He looked into her eyes to make sure that she wanted this. “Are you sure? What happens if someone finds us?”
“It doesn’t matter. We’ll deal with it then. I think for now it would be nice to have your extra warmth there.”
She smiled softly and he laid back down, taking her in his arms. Pressing a kiss to her forehead he whispered, “Sleep well, my beautiful princess. May tomorrow hold many good things for us.” She sighed in content and slowly drifted off to sleep again.
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7livky · 5 years
Dionysus - Park Jimin
Author's POV
"Jimin, come here!"
The strong voice stopped him from letting his lips touch the edge of the glass. His eyes landed on the long corridor through which the voice echoed once more. Slowly he put his wine glass back on the table.
Putting his crossed leg back down, he got up before his feet touched the cold ground. The ends of the ribbon that hung at his waist streaked across the steps as he ran down the stairs.
"What happened?" His angelic aura filled the hall-like living room. But it went out as soon as he spotted two people on the floor.
With his accelerated pulse, he ran towards him and bent down too. His eyes widened as he saw her face, in her right hand a large brush, which was just dabbed in white paint.
"What happened, Jungkook?"
Carefully he laid her head on his thigh. "She was about to start painting the wall, and then..." with his big eyes, he blinked at Jimin.
"Bring her to my bed, please."
Jungkook nodded frantically and lifted her up slowly. Her arms hung down loosely, her light brown hair taking on a golden shimmer since the place was brightened by a large golden chandelier.
With big steps they walked through the corridor that led into Jimin's room. Jungkook laid her on the round bed, stepping aside. Jimin took the last sip of the wine and sat down on his bed. He looked over his own shoulder to look at her.
"Do you think..." Jungkook began, but stopped.
Jimin just smiled at him before lifting her right hand and letting it find its way to his heart. As her fingers touched his chest, he closed his dark eyes and took a deep breath. He pressed his inner palm against her outer one and could only wait.
Jungkook ran through his long black hair and bit his teeth. He hated to wait. Impatience was his number one enemy in this life.
Just as he was about to let go of her hand, the whole floor vibrated under their feet.
It was Jimin's very loud heartbeats that echoed.
"Oh my God" ,Jungkook whispered as he caught sight of the lamp swinging back and forth over him. As if there was an earthquake. Something brushed against his foot, making him look down until he realized that with every heartbeat an object was falling from the shelves.
The moment Jimin looked at her lips, the crack started to speed up. And even louder when he imagined how they must feel.
And then, she opened her eyes.
With a wry smile he said, "So... Would you like to have some grapes?"
Three hours before
Jongsuk pulled her back in. "And I won't let you do it!"
She placed her hand on her waist. "And I won't let you do it!" ,she imitated him, rolling her eyes.
Jongsuk grabbed her cell phone and read the message one more time. "Why should you?! That's totally strange."
"What's strange about that? It doesn't matter what you paint on. As an artist you have to be able to paint on all kinds of surfaces. If I miss this opportunity, I'll hate you the most. You know how important this is for my studies."
Jongsuk suddenly nodded while putting on his leather jacket. "Okay, you're right. Let's go."
He stepped out of his penthouse, but Diona didn't. "I swear to God, come after me, and I'll cut your most precious one into a hundred pieces and serve them with your blood as a sauce on top to all the one-night stands you've had so far."
He raised his finger and ignored the fact that he had almost vomited, "You.. are the.. greatest psyhopath.. I have ever known!"
She stared at his finger that was pointed at her. "Whatever, Jong-suck."
They heard a loud giggle coming from the room behind them. Diona half-smirked and opened the door immediately. A slut (please forgive the author) stood at the door frame and stared at them.
"Oh, whoops. Sorry" ,she said in her shrill voice, adoring Diona's best friend. "Babe maybe you can help me? I can't get my dress buttoned."
Jongsuk scratched the back of his head as Diona laughed at him, leaving the place.
To a customer's home. She knew he was right, but she also knew that she had never had the opportunity to paint on a huge unpainted wall before. Especially these godlike people. That someone thought she was capable of something like that showed her that her work must be really good. She was paid in advance, which motivated her even more. She was so excited that she had only slept two hours last night, partly because of her nervousness and partly because of him.
She had spent her whole night watching videos of him. Park Jimin from BTS. Videos in which he sang and danced, of course. After only a few videos, she already knew what kind of person he was.
The devil works hard but Park Jimin works harder.
"You have reached your destination."
Her blood was freezing in her veins. She watched the columns illuminated by her car's lights, so she stopped the engine. The oldest type of pillar: the Doric pillar. She had to spend a whole year studying architecture, which is why she could analyze such buildings even in her sleep.
"Since when are there buildings like this in Korea?"
She shook her head and opened her door. She was already late, no need to upset the kookie monster. She sighed loudly after taking out her super heavy bag with dozens of brushes and paints that waited to be used. Neither a name nor a bell at the entrance. Diona licked her lips and looked around. Not a soul in sight. If she was played with from the beginning and the person who lived here was really a psyhopath, then she would be honoured to be murdered in such a Greek-antique villa.
Diona knocked on the door.
And again.
She waited exactly five minutes. From then on, she knew she should leave. But one last time she shouted, "I am here for the painting!"
She kicked it with her shoe. "I knew it. I knew I was just being fooled." Her eyes filled with tears, all her anticipation ran down her cheeks in tears. She turned around as the waves of outrage surged.
"Hey wait!"
Someone turned her back quickly. "Oh no, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to" ,he spoke distressedly while she only looked at his lips. Thin upper lips, but the lower ones so nicely full, with a mole and quite big teeth-
Immediately she raised her head so that her eyes met his. She knew him..
With raised eyebrows and a worried look, he blinked through his long dark lashes. Suddenly he bent. "Please forgive me."
Diona shook her head, although he couldn't see it. "No, I'm sorry. I could have been more patient."
„Aaah" ,he said as he stood up straight again. "I can never do that either." He grinned so much that his eyes, which were actually so big, became tiny beady eyes that formed laugh lines. The corners of his mouth were almost touching his ears, such full cheeks that you wanted to pinch them.
Which one of the boys from BTS was he?
She remembered all the respective pictures, but she couldn't remember the names yet. Her vocabulary had only included Jimin so far.
The probably world-famous member in front of Diona walked in and waited for her to do the same. He wore black silk clothes, a black collar and silver long earrings that resembled feathers.
Something felt very odd. At that moment so many questions arose in her head, but she had to deal with them later. The only thing she could think about at that moment was the painting.. that didn't exist yet. If she couldn't do a perfect job in a villa like that, for someone like that, for so much money, she would hate herself forever.
Closing the door, he walked ahead until he stopped at some point. Right in the center. Which contained a large mosaic picture of the ancient world. Diona ran towards him with small steps, unable to believe her eyes.
"Sadness and solace," she swallowed loudly. "The journey of the Argonauts to the end of the world. The Europa, kidnapped by Zeus, and-"
Does he/she also deal with Greek mythology? was the first thing both asked themselves.
"Hmm" ,she just nodded, followed by an awkward silence.
"Can I offer you something? We have..."
"Uhh" ,he went through his wavy hair, which he then tied up in a ponytail. "To be honest, I can only offer you either water or wine."
Her eyes glistened at the second word. "Wine please!"
"And another alcoholic" ,he muttered, but loud enough that Diona heard it too.
"Water would be fi-"  Too late, he'd already left.
She still couldn't realize that she stood in a complex like that. It reminded her of something very familiar. But the place made her feel like she was in the wrong timeline.
"What's your name?" ,she finally broke the ice.
His eyes widened as he handed the glass to her. "You... you don't know who I am?"
Ashamed, she looked down. "One of BTS" ,she whispered. When he heard that name, he took a deep breath in and out, unable to make another sound.
"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" She still hasn't taken a sip.
"No, no. That's right. I am Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook of BTS." He bowed again. "Nice to meet you, -" He stopped.
"Diona" ,you helped him along.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow and started to cough. "That's not your nickname or anything?"
She took a sip as they walked somewhere. "No",she simply said.
"Wow, you're the first girl with no typical Korean first name."
"Maybe that's because I'm half Greek."
Right in that moment, he stopped. "Really?"
They stopped in front of an enormous white wall. "Really." She put her bag on the floor. "Is this the wall you want me to paint on?"
Jungkook didn't take his eyes off her for a second. "Where exactly are you from in Greece, do you perhaps know that?"
His curiosity confused her a lot. "Thessaly",she replied nicely and drank up the glass. His mouth opened to an O.
"I'll bring you a new one right away" ,he said and disappeared again. Diona could not resist. Never in her life had she drunk such delicious wine. It tasted indescribably good.
By the time he returned, she had already unpacked her things and put on her cape. Jungkook handed her the second filled glass, which she accepted without delay. "Hmm" ,she grinned after the sweet red consistency touched her lips. She drank it all up before thanking him.
She dabbed the large brush in the white paint he had opened up for her to begin with the base of the painting.
"Please.. please." His whispering was the last thing she could hear before her vision turned completely black.
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shitfics · 6 years
hi, im a fanfic writer who is trying to break into original fiction and publication. i noticed in the notes of one of your short stories that you were trying to write longer chapters. One of my favourite stories by you, One of These Nights is 90,000+ over 11 chapters. what kind of advice would you give to someone like me who struggles to break over 2,500 words per chapter? how can i work to make my chapters longer and still be interesting like yours? thank you x
Oh gosh, thank you so much! I'm hoping to break into original stuff too, and maybe get published, but don't have much hopes for it yet...still slugging away at my wip. ^^; It's sweet that you hold my stuff highly! And I'm sorry this got a bit long…I'm not good at being succinct when trying to talk about writing things, since I still feel so clueless myself. I’ve put most of the rambling behind a read more. 
For me really, writing longer things has just taken time…not in the sense of taking time to write a story (tho obvs it does), but like, each thing I wrote naturally got longer and longer as I got more used to storytelling, I guess? At this point, I think everything I write is almost too long, so I'm wondering what story it was I wanted longer chapters on…lol. It was kinda like lifting weights in a way, lol…I took a long time before I could get to 90k, and you can kinda see how each story got longer and longer (copy and paste was 12k, synchronicity/book of blood were around 20k, da au was 40k in part one/60k in part 2, and the hyung au was 90kish). 
Ofc I have a few breaks from that pattern, but those were kinda 'side projects' for fun that I wanted to keep short, like the esports ontae. Wherever you're at right now in terms of overall story length, I think writing regularly is the most important for building the "endurance" for longer stories and scenes -- and being as patient with yourself as you can about getting there is ideal. It’s a lot like working yourself up to lifting heavier weights, imo.(And full disclaimer though, my confidence/mental health wrt my writing is generally rock bottom, so I know it's not easy lol.)
Once I got into writing longer stories, I've kinda grown to see writing as having two kinda moods: gut-level writing, stuff you HAVE to get down and are dying to write, and the 'fill-in', less exciting parts or parts you really have to discipline yourself to get through.
For writing fic (especially shorter fic), I know I started with just gut-level writing. And for short stuff, that's generally all you need! I really struggled (and still kinda do) when I got to the point where that wasn't enough to fill in a long story, but I've kinda found a way of dealing it.
I don't know if it's a good habit, depending on how you work and how your ideas come about, but for me, I start by writing as much as possible for the scenes I do have fairly established in my head, then create an outline and fill in/revise the rest. It makes it easier for me to feel like I'm working off of inspiration and not just a rigid outline, so I get a good mix of the story/characters 'developing naturally' and 'not going entirely off the rails.' I will say that I think I struggle with endings because of it tho, since the 'gut-level' stuff for me rarely/never touches that part of the story. I usually have to outline to figure out where I want things to end up or what I want to show last.
For the your chapters question -- I'm not sure if by 'chapters' you might mean scene (since a lot of people break things up that way), or if you just mean in terms of other chapter divisions, but I'm gonna try and address both!
Personally, I don't really think in terms of chapters, if that makes sense? That part comes way later when I'm writing. Like right now, I'll be honest and say I don't have set 'chapter' divisions in my head yet for my wip, lol, tho the scenes might be long enough for stand-alone chapters. When I start a story (either with just inspiration or from an outline), it's a matter of scenes, and then after that, I figure out how many scenes I want in a chapter and what would feel "right" in terms of dividing them.
Usually, when I end a chapter it's either because it's an emotional high-point, it feels like a "natural" place to break (due to a jump forward in time for the next scene/resolution to a current conflict), or it's somewhere I need to change the point of view (if I'm writing a story with multiple). Like, for a high-point, I'd think of ending after the scene in hyung au where Jinki comes out, or in the esports thing, where ontae sleep together the first time. For "natural" break places, it's often a matter of time/resolutions, like…jongyu parting ways before jinki starts japanese promotions in hyung au, or in my current wip, them kinda breaking up for a few months after a fight. Pov changes for breaks are pretty self-explanatory and I could go on forever about how I try to pick which pov to use for a scene/chapter, but I think the most important thing is to use those breaks to avoid confusion.
As far as interest goes -- making sure scenes have enough "meat" to them without dragging can be hard, esp if you're trying to setup a plot. Imo, scenes are interesting when there's conflict or emotional high points of some kind (which can be a lot of different things). Once you figure out which of those you want in a scene, I think it gets easier to write around that.  Like, to go back to hyung au, when Jinki came to visit Jong at Blue Night and they hung out after -- I started the scene just knowing I wanted Jinki to surprise him, because I thought that'd be cute.
So in thinking about what purpose the scene might serve to move things forward…I knew mood-wise I wanted to capture some more of the uncertainty of how to act around each other, now that they're both know the other is gay, have Jinki be torn between making a move/confessing and his fear of changing things for the worse, set them up for some messy revelation of feelings in the next scene, and ofc have them both be horny because how else are you gonna feel being around your crush for the first time in a month.
Once that was kinda setup in my head, it was easier to fill in what the characters say/how they act. Jinki flirts with Jong on air, because that's 'safe' (it can't go anywhere since they're in a studio and it'd be easy to dismiss as not serious since he's in Onew-mode), Jong is defs very
And as another note…. I just think some parts are always going to be difficult to write, because we all have different strengths when it comes to writing. Like, I hate writing setting descriptions, so I don't do it much and generally provide a bare-minimum for scene context -- but when I need more for the purpose of mood or plot or whatever, it feels like pulling teeth. Since it's such a miserable process for me, and that's so long, I assume that means it sucks or it's a real slog for whoever's reading it, but…they don't always correlate.
Not every part of a project is gonna be fun -- which sucks! -- but it's also why it's important to take mental breaks and imo, step away from your story at milestones. It's not great to make yourself miserable for writing, (I say while I doing just that most of the time), but I think going in with the knowledge that it IS going to be hard sometimes can help. The more stories you write, the more you'll be able to hone your instinct for like...if you're struggling because there's something wrong with the plot/scene/prose or if it's just because writing be like that sometimes.
Oof, this got too long, and I don’t even know how much of it is useful, but I hope it might help a bit? Thank you again for the compliment and best of luck with your writing!!
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lunarimagines · 7 years
Tumblr media
Summary : Practically everyone knows that “Touch It” is about getting a handjob... So what happens when you confront your boyfriend Jongdae about it?
Warnings : smut (handjob/penetration), language 
W.C. : 1.8k + 
A/N : I’m sorry this is... I’m sorry.
“Jongdae what the actual fuck?” you hissed into your phone.
You heard Jongdae chuckle on the other end of the line, low and with a hint of embarrassment.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific babe. What the actual fuck what?”
“That didn’t even make sense,” you replied, pacing in your bedroom.
You heard Jongdae sigh and springs creak as he most likely laid back on his bed.
“Is this about that song?” he finally asked, already knowing the answer.
Oh yeah. It was about that song. Touch It. Junmyeon may have tried to cover for it, but you still knew- as did practically every other fan of EXO- that the song was clearly about getting a handjob. You knew for sure that Jongdae had written about you, which royally pissed you off. He’d hinted for weeks before the release of the album that he’d thought of you when writing a song so no matter how you looked at it… it was about how good your handjobs were.
“It’s not my fault you’re good!” Jongdae whined, and you heard him shift on his bed. “Besides, nobody knows that it’s about you specifically. Well… maybe Baekhyun does but nobody else does!”
He was right, nobody else but Baekhyun knew it was about you. You let out a breath of air you didn’t know you’d been holding in.
“Am I really that good?” you asked softly, your voice low.
Jongdae cleared his throat, his bed springs creaking softly in the background.
“So good baby. Fuck I love the feeling of your hands around me,” he replied, groaning.
You couldn’t hold back the smirk making its way onto your face. You could imagine him on his back, his hand ghosting over the growing bulge in his pants. You wanted to tease him and make him beg for you.
“Hmm,” you hummed, “just imagine me there.”
Jongdae’s breath caught again and he moaned loudly.
“I- I already am baby,” he choked out.
“Are you imagining my hand around you, running my finger over your tip as you moan and-”
“Shit, stop,” Jongdae interrupted you.
You felt a frown form on your face.
“Why?” you asked, pouting.
Jongdae stayed silent for a few moments before answering.
“Because I want you to actually be here. I want to feel your hands on me, I want to feel you get me off, I also want to make you feel good,” he whispered, his voice slightly strained.
You weren’t sure how to answer. One part of you thought it would be hot if he got off just to the sound of your voice. The other part of you really wished Jongdae was by you so that you could actually touch him and see the way his face relaxed in pleasure.
The latter half won.
“I’m not getting you off at the dorms. I’ll leave the door unlocked,” you finally replied, sighing deeply.
Jongdae said something you didn’t catch before he hung up. You shuffled into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the bar stools and turning on the T.V. as you waited for Jongdae to show up. In all honesty you had no idea how far away the dorms were as you’d never paid much attention before. They couldn’t be more than ten minutes away though… right?
You hoped not. You really needed Jongdae. You needed to touch him and kiss him and feel his arms around you and his hands ghosting over your bare skin. You clenched your legs together at the thought of his hands on you. Fuck, you really needed him.
You heard the doorbell ring and you tried your best not to run to answer it. You swung the door open only to see your elderly neighbor. The smile dropped off of your face. Of course it wasn’t Jongdae. Jongdae would have just come in.
“Hi Mrs. Kim,” you said, putting a polite smile on your face.
“Hi dear. I have some of you mail again. I think it’s a bill, so you might want it,” she replied, handing you an envelope.
You sighed. Being an adult was rough.
“You can keep it if you’d like,” you joked before taking the envelope from her.
She opened her mouth to reply when Jongdae burst out of the stairwell, looking frazzled. The bulge in his pants was embarrassingly obvious.
He straightened up and walked towards you calmly, smiling and greeting your neighbor before embracing you to hide his bulge. Your neighbor looked between you and Jongdae and you felt your cheeks heat up. You knew she knew… Maybe having a member walk in on the two of you at the dorms wouldn’t have been so bad. It would have been preferable to this.
“Well… I just wanted to give you your mail back. Have a nice night,” she said, smiling.
You nodded.
“Thank you. You too.”
Jongdae huffed impatiently before he pulled you into your apartment, slamming the door shut with your body. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed you deeply, slipping his tongue inside of your mouth. You moaned as he pressed his bulge into you, grinding slightly.
“Do you see what you do to me? How you embarrass me?” he asked, his voice deeper than usual. “I think you need to be punished.”
He began kissing your neck, occasionally nipping roughly before soothing the spot over with his tongue.
“Please. At least I didn’t write a song about how good your dick feels,” you replied, breathless.
You felt him smirk against your neck.
“You don’t need to. You screaming my name tells me just how much you love it.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment.
He picked you up, his hands cupping your ass as he carried you to your bedroom. He placed you on the bed and pushed you back so that he was hovering over you. His lips found yours as he pulled at the hem of your shirt before breaking the kiss and pulling your shirt over your head. He raised an eyebrow when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra. He left kisses down your neck before reaching your breasts, kissing the valley between them.
You hands gripped the neckline of his shirt, hinting to him that you wanted him to take it off. He complied, sitting back and yanking his shirt off, throwing it to the side. You ran your hands up his toned stomach and chest before gripping his hair and pulling him back down to kiss you deeply. Your hands travelled down his sides before you boldly grasped his bulge, rubbing slightly to create friction. He groaned against your mouth.
“That feels so good baby, oh my God,” he moaned, leaning down to kiss your neck again.
Your hand slipped up underneath the waistband of his jeans and boxers to grasp his dick, making him groan loudly. His hand came down to undo his jeans and slide them down along with his boxers, leaving him open to you.
Your hand grasped his base before you began pumping slowly, teasing him. You watched as he grit his teeth to keep from moaning. Your thumb swiped over his tip, collecting the precum gathering there and spreading around his length as lube.
“God could you go any slower,” Jongdae hissed.
You smirked as you stopped completely. Jongdae whined.
“Please Y/N, please. I need you,” he begged.
You began to slide your hand up and down his length again, your pace getting faster. Jongdae’s eyes were closed in pleasure and he bit his lip to smother his groans.
“I want to hear you,” you whispered.
Your pace became even faster and he groaned loudly.
“Fuck that feels so good. Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
You swept your thumb over his tip again to tease him. You didn’t want him to cum. You wanted to tease him more. You watched as his breathing became less controlled and you knew he was getting close. He was a moaning mess above you, occasionally letting out strings of curse words.
Suddenly, you stopped. His eyes snapped open to look at you, his cheeks flushed.
“Why’d you stop?” he groaned. “I was so close.”
You didn’t say anything as your brought him back down to kiss you. His hand slid down your side to the waistband of your shorts and in one swift motion he pulled them down along with your panties. His fingers ghosted over your heat, teasing you.
“You’re already so wet baby. I haven’t even touched you yet. Do I really get you that worked up?” he teased. You could tell he was a little annoyed at the fact that you hadn’t finished the handjob.
“I need you to fuck me Jongdae.”
He froze at your words. You’d never been so forward with him before. To say that he was surprised would be an understatement and to say that what you said didn’t turn him on more would be a lie.
He leaned over you to the bedside table. He was skipping foreplay with you and for once you were incredibly relieved. You needed him. Now.
He pulled a condom out of the drawer and ripped the foil open, discarding it who knows where. He rolled the condom onto his length and aligned his tip with you entrance. He seemed unsure.
“Can you handle it?” he asked.
You nodded and Jongdae’s eyes turned darker with lust. He pushed in quickly, causing you to arch your back in pleasure. What had started off with you wanting to tease Jongdae and pleasure him ended up with him fucking you into the mattress… and hard.
Your eyes were shut in pleasure, your hands gripping his shoulders as he slammed in and out of you. You were a moaning mess underneath him and he was a groaning mess above you. You tried to smother your moans, however they got louder with each thrust from Jongdae. One of his hands was gripping your hip harshly and you were positive there would be fingerprint-shaped bruises there the next day.
You clenched around him, making him groan loudly. You were close, so close. The heat in your stomach was building.
“Jong-Jongdae I’m so close,” you murmured, burying your head into his neck.
He hummed in response, his pace becoming even faster. He was sweaty, his hair sticking to his forehead and his body slightly shiny. He was close too, you could tell as his thrusts became less controlled. He stilled inside of you as he came, groaning as he dropped his head on your shoulder. He kept thrusting, snapping his hips up to reach your g-spot. You gripped his shoulders as you released. Jongdae drew out your high before stilling inside of you.
The two of you caught your breath before he pulled out. He discarded the condom before falling onto the bed beside you and pulling you close to him.
“Maybe I should make more songs like that,” he joked, his voice deep and scratchy.
“I think the fuck not. Unless you’re making them for me- and me only- to hear,” you mumbled back, rolling over to drape an arm across his chest.
He was silent for a moment before replying.
“I think I can do that. There’s plenty more of you to brag about..”
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lady-une · 7 years
Chapter 12
Here it is chapter 12...just about done with the story now. Please like and share if you could.
The ride to the studio on the bus was getting easier to deal with as the weeks dragged on. I still hated myself every minute of the day for putting us all through this. Gray was so right when he told me this wasn’t something to get confused on. I not only hated myself for basically stringing Gray along but for almost destroying his friendship with Jay. I was that girl you always hear about who inserted herself into a strong group of friends only to come between two of them. To pit friend against friend only because I was a selfish person. Every night when I got home I would look at social media and see the pics of everyone and you could tell there was some strain between Gray and Jay. Gray didn’t deserve this at all, that man deserved the world! He was the sweetest and most loving man I had ever met. Neither of the guys ever tried to contact me once I had moved, that stayed true to the agreement we made and I was thankful. I wish my mind was clear now but it still wasn’t, Hua even told me to just come back home after the contract was up and I was starting to wonder if that was the best option. I loved what my career had become but not who I had become.
I walked briskly from the bust stop to the studio wanting to get inside and get a cup of coffee before the day started. When I walked into the break room Simon and Gray were there talking. Simon smiled up at me while Gray kept looking at the ground before excusing himself and walking right past me without even giving me a glance. The pain I felt at his cold shoulder was justified, I was the reason things were like this. I walked over to Simon to make a cup for myself trying not to let the pain show.
“Still not talking to you?”
Clearly, I suck at concealing my feelings, “He hasn’t said a word to me since the night he left the apartment.”
“He will come around.”
“It’s been a couple of months Simon, I don’t think he will and I can’t really blame him.”
“Don’t stress it.”
Simon gave me a sad smile before he walked away as well. Gray won’t look at me, won’t speak to me, and he leaves the room when he has a chance. I disgust him, my presence sours the mood and it only makes Hua’s suggestion more appealing. No one ever brings up the distance that came between me and Gray but I know they noticed it. The glances my way followed by hush conversations when they don’t think I am looking. The quick finger pointing across a crowded room followed by laughter, that’s what I have been reduced too. I doubt anyone outside of the four of us know the reason for the coldness between us but I still had my fears. It honestly felt like I was back in high school but worse, the anxiety I haven’t had in years slowly was resurfacing. The fear of being the social outcast and having nasty rude comments written about you on the bathroom stall had now evolved to comments being written on social media. While the comments back in the day could be painted over, today once a comment was out there it couldn’t be taken back. It just takes one comment and then it spreads in seconds, tweets are shared from one person to another. Blogs pick up on it and screen shots are taken, the receipts as people call it now. Those are shared through conversations and posted online, the spilling of the tea if you will. Everyone loves to hear the drama that is hot at the moment, I didn’t want to be that drama and it was my biggest fear.
As I walked with my hot glass of coffee I spotted Jay walking with Simon up to the office and I just moved out of sight and watched him. Jay wasn’t like Gray, he actually spoke to me when needed. The conversations were short only quick answers from him but if he didn���t need to he wouldn’t talk to me. Had he not been the boss I doubt he would have talked to me, it would have come off as unprofessional if he completely ignored me. He never averted his eyes from me but some days I wish he would. I could see the pain in his and I knew it was pain because it was the same thing I saw in my own every time I looked in a mirror. The two of us were the main cause of the pain, while I was the primary reason of the pain we both played equal parts in this. If we didn’t play into our feelings for each other and kept it professional this would never had happened. The only good thing that came from this was the fact that he had finally kicked Baem to the curb. She was finally out of his life and never came around the studio. If it wasn’t for the problem between the three of us then things would have been back to how they were when I first started this.
I wish I could go back in time and change this.
I thought as I held back the tears that were wanting to surface yet again. I had spent more than enough nights crying over this. I rarely went out with the group unless it was needed. If I wasn’t at the studio then I was at home or doing something else that was needed for work. I just didn’t have it in me to fake my happiness around people. I just like Gray through myself into my work and that was good enough for me.
I was just finishing up some lyrics for a new song and getting ready to go grab something to eat when Simon walked in.
“Hey Sarah do you have a second?”
“Sure Simon.”
I sat back down and he sat down next to me.
“So with your MV out now and the release of your album coming up I thought it would be a great time to get you some screen time.”
“Screen time?”
“Yes, not acting or anything. I was thinking more along the lines of a variety show. I think you will be pretty happy because it’s going to be ‘RUNNING MAN’.”
I sat there looking at him with my mouth hanging open, that was my favorite show and a guilty pleasure of mine. Whenever I would get stuck I would take some time away from my work and watch either the new episode or old ones.
“So what do you think?”
“Oh my god yes! WOW! I can’t believe this, I am going to be on RUNNING MAN?”
“You sure will, they had a spot open and called us to see if you were free. It was super short notice but we didn’t have you scheduled for anything. So the filming is set for tomorrow, again I know super short notice and I am sorry for that.”
“No don’t worry, you could have said it was later today and I would have been fine with it. I mean its RUNNING MAN for crying out loud!”
“I am glad you are happy with this, it’s been awhile since I have seen a true honest smile out of you. I think this will be good for you.”
“Thank you Simon, for everything.”
“Don’t mention it, I have some other things to handle but I will send you all the info for tomorrow.”
I stood and gave him a side hug before thanking him again for doing this. The rest of the day was spent with a much happier atmosphere then I had been in for a while. Even Loco and Chase brought up how I looked happier and I was very thankful I still had them to share the news with. Of course, they teased me with going on the show because they knew I thought Lee Kwang Soo was attractive and adorable, it was always funny watching him on the show being teased by Jong Kook. They asked if I wanted to go out for drinks but I declined wanting to get a good night’s sleep so I would be refreshed for filming. I walked with the guys out of the studio and ran into Jay who was waiting for them. We all just stood there waiting for someone to make a move, Jay broke the silence first.
“I heard about RUNNING MAN, you must be pretty excited.”
“I am.”
“Well have fun.”
“I will.”
Jay cleared his throat and started walking towards his car and I started walking towards the bus stop when he called out to me.
I turned around, “Yeah?”
“It’s going to be cold tomorrow, make sure you dress warm.”
“I will.”
“Ok…..good. See you later.”
Jay didn’t say anything else before he got into his car and sped off. I didn’t allow myself to think anything more into his comments, I needed to stay strong in my attempt at having space. I didn’t make any stops before going home and getting ready for bed.
The next morning, I woke up and got dressed making sure to dress nice but comfy going with a pair of jeans and long sleeve shirt. I figured if we were doing anything like I have seen in the past I wouldn’t need a big heavy jacket because we would be none stop moving making sure I would stay warm. I grabbed a lighter jacket and a hat and gloves before going to catch a cab. I arrived at the filming location and was met with the PD of the show who went over everything with me but didn’t tell me what we would be doing today.
Filming began and I was introduced to the cast and was surprised that they even knew who I was. I mean yeah they could have been told about me but Haha looked to be super happy to have me on the show. They asked me a bunch of questions about coming here from the states and how my experience has been in the industry. It was fun being able to talk about everything and they were all so welcoming to me. Then the next guest was introduced and even I was super excited to see that it was Kim Woo Bin. We greeted each other and he went on to tell them about the fashion show I was in which earned me more questions. Eventually the show started with the first game which was a game of talent where we were measured on different talents from dancing to impressions of people and animals to reenacting lines from our favorite movies or shows. It was so much fun and thankfully I didn’t embarrass myself too much. The next game was also outside and I was starting to regret my choice in jackets as even with all the movement I was getting cold. This was the normal race to find an object hidden on the compound and there was a hidden guard within the cast who ripped off name tags of people to banish them from the game. If the item was found then the guard would have to suffer a punishment. Had the guard not been Jong Kook I am sure we would have won but the man was a beast and took everyone out before we could find the item. Since he won he got to pick the person up for penalty and of course he picked Kwang Soo who suffered a water bomb in the freezing cold weather. After the filming was over I thanked everyone for having me and they wished me luck with my album release.
I took a cab home and thankfully the cab driver cranked the heat for me as I tried to thaw out my frozen body. When I got home I stripped my clothes and jumped in the shower turning the temperature as hot as it would go not caring if I gave myself any kind of burns from the heat. When the water started getting cold I got out and made myself some soup for dinner and went to bed under a few layers of blankets.
The next couple of weeks I started to feel the repercussion of my poor choice in jackets for the filming. It started off as just a couple of sneezes and a runny nose where the guys all suggest home remedies to kick the cold but none of them worked. Eventually this sneeze morphed into coughing and a fever. I was supposed to be working on some tracks with Loco for his new album and couldn’t be missing work. I was taking every kind of medicine I could get my hands on to help keep me functioning. I don’t know if it the over use of medication but my stomach was starting to hurt. The pains weren’t anything too concerning, just a stomach pain here and there so I just decided to ignore it and push through the pain.
I was walking into the studio with my layered jackets and medical mask on trying to keep my germs from spreading. I saw Simon walking out of the break room and stop in his track when he saw me. He looked horrified and slowly approached me as if I would attack him in some way. He stopped just out of reach of me and looked me up from down.
“Jesus Sarah, you look like shit.”
“Thanks.” I sneezed and coughed trying to hold my lungs in with my hand that shot up to cover my face.
“Fuck Sarah, you really do look like crap. Please get out of here, I don’t mean to be rude but go home. No in fact go to the doctor. It’s been a couple of weeks and you still aren’t better. Please go see the doctor and come back tomorrow.”
I tried to protest but Simon shook his head and extended his arms out blocking me from entering the studio and spreading whatever cold I had. I eventually conceded and turned and made my way home. I knew my body could kick whatever this bug was if I just gave it time to rest. So instead of going to the doctor I just went home and went back to bed. For the rest of the day I slept and only woke up because of a coughing fit or needing more blankets. When the morning finally came I tried to make myself look as healthy as possible in hopes that Simon or anyone else who saw me wouldn’t think otherwise.
When I walked into the studio I tried my best to hold back the coughs or keep from flinching from the pain in my stomach that was starting to get worse. I was slowly walking back to my room feeling the world get fuzzy and heavy, instantly regretting my choice to come in. When I opened my door I was welcomed with the sight of Simon sitting down going through his phone. The door opening alerted him to my presence and when he looked up I knew I failed at trying to pull of the healthy look.
“Oh for fucks sake Sarah, you look worse then you did yesterday. What did the doctor say? Is it contagious? You should really be resting.”
“I rested all day yesterday.”
“And the doctor?”
“I never went, I figured I could fight off whatever this is.”
“Jesus Sarah, I don’t have time to walk you down there and hold your hand. Just stay there.”
Simon pulled out his phone first calling Loco and then Chase to see if they were free to run me to the hospital, neither of them were free as they were all recording at the moment. When he finished his call his hand dropped and he looked up at me and shook his head before picking his phone up.
“Sarah, I really hate that you didn’t go to the doctor. This is a last resort and you better act on your best behavior.”
I stood there puzzled by his comment but then understood his warning when I heard him talking on the phone, he had called Gray.
“Gray, I am so sorry to ask you this and yeah it’s going to go against everything I told you not to do. I need you to come take Sarah down to the hospital before she takes the studio down with whatever she has.”
He was silent listening to Gray talk before he thanked him and ended the call. He walked me out of the studio and to Gray’s waiting car where he was already in it waiting for me. The car ride to the hospital was tense not just from the awkwardness between Gray and I but because I was trying my best to hold in the groans of pain. My arm crossed over my stomach and I doubled over unable to contain the pain any longer.
“You ok over there?”
“Yeah, don’t worry.”
I clutched my stomach tighter and cried out from the sharp pain I felt, it was as if someone had stuck a rusty old kitchen knife into me and was twisting it. I tried to hold my stomach with one hand while I unzipped my jacket to cool off as I felt I was burning up.
“Sarah what’s wrong?”
“I will be fine, just a little hot.”
I turned my head to face Gray and tried to give him the best smile I could. Another wave of pain came over me and the world became fuzzy and I heard Gray call out my name before everything went dark.
I looked over at her as she tried to smile but all I saw was the sweat covering her face and the flushed look on her face before I saw her clamp her eyes shut and grimace in pain before she slumped forward.
I pulled the car over and parked it cutting off other cars but ignoring their honks as I pushed Sarah back in the seat to check on her. She was breathing but it was labored and when I checked her head she was burning up. I knew I had to get her to a hospital and quickly. I put the car back into drive speeding off down the road weaving in and out of lanes trying to get their quickly. It felt like everyone in Seoul was out driving and causing me to slow down but eventually we made it to the hospital. I threw the car in park and ran to her side of the car taking her into my arms and running into the emergency area demanding a doctor for her. We were shown to an empty bed where I laid her down and the nurses began to strip her down and started checking her vitals. One of them came over to me asking what was wrong and I told her of everything that I knew. That she has been sick for a couple of weeks but recently it just started to get worse. They asked some other questions about her being around other sick people or if she has had any surgeries and I answered no to both. Then they asked if I was a guarding and I said yes, they had me some sign some forms to examine her to rule out things such as her appendix since she was having stomach pains. Once the forms held my signature they rolled her out and I was shown to a waiting area.
After about an hour a nurse came back and told me they had her resting in a room and that I could go see her but that she was sleeping. I thanked the nurse and she showed me the way, when I walked in they had her hooked up to machines to monitor her vitals and had her hooked up to some IVs. The nurse told me that a doctor would be in shortly and I thanked her again before she left me alone. I walked up to her sleeping form and took a spot in a chair next to the bed. I took her hand in mine and held onto it, she still felt very hot but knew that whatever this was she would beat. A knock came at the door and I turned around to see a doctor and nurse walk in, I stood and bowed to them.
“Good afternoon.”
“Good afternoon doctor, will she be ok?”
“She will be fine, we did some tests and it’s safe to say it’s nothing too dangerous. It wasn’t her appendix as we had thought, it was in fact just the flu. I don’t see that she got a flu shot yet and this year we have been seeing an increase in people coming down with the flu. We really wouldn’t worry too much but since her fever was so high it could be a concern for the fetus. I would like to keep her here under observation until the fever has broken and to monitor the fetus. If you have any questions the nurse here can answer them for you.”
The doctor bowed before exiting the room leaving me there trying to understand what he had just said. I grasped onto the chair to keep myself from falling, I shook my head trying to make my mind comprehend what I just heard. I sat myself down and looked up to the nurse who was watching me.
“She has the flu?”
“Yes, she will be fine as we have already started administering medication to help with the fever and liquids to help her body fight off it.”
“And…..” I swallowed hard not wanting to say the word.
“The fetus?” the nurse answered for me.
“Yes, that……is it ok?”
“As far as we know yes the fetus is strong, the stomach pains she was feeling was caused by the fever putting the fetus in distress.”
“How far?”
“4 weeks, we will go over this once she wakes up. If you need anything else feel free to come find me.”
I slowly bowed my head and the nurse left me closing the door softly. I turned my body back to take in the sleeping form and my eyes landed on her stomach. I still didn’t want to believe what the doctor had said but knew it had to be true because there was no way they would have been wrong about it. I sat there watching her body raise with every breath she took and the sounds of the beeping from the machines being the only sound in the room. I couldn’t believe this was happening, she was laying here with his baby…..with Jay’s baby inside her. My anger began to raise, as if it wasn’t hard enough knowing that she had fucked him, as if it wasn’t a knife to the chest to see his mark on her skin. But this…..this was the worst thing that could happen. The pain I was feeling from this was the worst kind of pain. I had still hoped that some way or another I would be able to find my way back to her. Now I knew there was no way that was going to happen.
It was another 20 minutes before I saw her arm twitch and watched her slowly regain consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly blinking against the brightness of the hospital lights before she turned her face to me.
The loud beeping coming from the machines slowly brought me back. My body was still very hot but my arm was cold and I knew I must be hooked up to an IV. I blinked a few times before turning my head to see Gray sitting in a chair next to me, whatever the reason I was here for must not be good by the look he had on his face.
“What did they say?”
“It’s the flu.”
“Then why do you look like that?”
“You had a fever and that caused your stomach pains…….your body was trying to tell you that you were putting your fe…” he paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “The pain was from you putting the fetus in distress with the fever.”
I laid there blinking at him thinking this must be some kind of joke. He couldn’t possibly have just said what I think he said.
“Come again?”
“The fetus Sarah, your pregnant. I guess I should congratulate you.”
“Your joking, this is some kind of sick joke. Your just mad at me and now you’re trying to have your revenge. I won’t be mad, I know I deserve it.”
“I would never joke about this, you have HIS child inside you.”
“There is no way.”
“Of course there is a way, you were fucking him.”
“No, it’s not possible.”
“It’s not possible? Not possible your pregnant or not possible it’s his child? Because I know for damn sure it’s not mine! I never got the chance to do that with you! Or is it some other guy? Were you fucking another man?”
The pain from his words hit me hard like a building had just been dropped on me, I know I hurt him but for him to think I was that kind of girl to be messing with more than Jay hurt. Then again, I did nothing to prove him I wasn’t that kind of girl, in fact he only saw things that proved I was in fact that kind of girl. I let the tears make their way down before closing my eyes and telling him to leave. He didn’t say another word and left the room.
I laid there for a few more minutes before calling a nurse. They came in and gave me a rundown of everything they had told Gray. I was in fact 4 weeks pregnant and I would have to stay there until my fever broke and that they knew the fetus would be ok. I thanked the nurse for everything and she left me in the room to think over everything. I had a choice to make, I could terminate this pregnancy and leave never to return back here. Or I could keep the child and leave. Either way I knew my time was up here, I had ruined everything and there was no coming back from it. I let myself cry for the pain I had caused with both Jay and Gray and the pain from making the choice I had to about this baby inside me. Then I cried because I was going to have to give up on music, there wasn’t any way I could make this work. I cried until I felt like I had nothing left to give when a thought came to mind. I could possibly make this work if I were to leave and be signed onto H1gher music instead, I could be based out of the states and I wouldn’t need to worry about Jay or Gray as neither came to the states unless there was a reason. I knew what I was going to do but I needed info, I grabbed my phone and called Simon.
I was just walking back into the studio as Simon was walking out.
“Where are you heading off to so quickly?”
“Sarah called, said she needed to talk to me.”
“Not sure but she said it was important. How is she doing? It’s nothing serious right?”
I shook my head no and he smiled before walking towards his car and getting in. I watched him drive off and wondered why Sarah wanted to talk to him.
She couldn’t possibly be thinking of telling Simon about the baby?
I thought as I watched his car turn the corner. I stood there thinking of what she could want but eventually turned towards my car and driving off to go back to the hospital. I pulled up and got out of my car just as Simon was walking into the hospital. I followed him up to Sarah’s room making sure to stay a good distance from him so that he wouldn’t notice me. When he knocked and entered the room I went up to the door and slid it open enough to hear them talking.
“You ok Sarah?”
“Yeah I will be fine, just the flu.”
“You should have listened to me yesterday when I told you to go in.”
“I know and I am sorry.”
“So what did you need?”
“How much longer do I have on the contract I signed with Jay?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Just tell me?”
“I think two or three months, now tell me why you need to know?”
“I want to go back home. If you two are thinking of signing me on for good please sign me to H1gher and not AOMG. Let me be based out of the states and I don’t want to work with Jay only you.”
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. Is it because of everything with Gray and Jay.”
“You know you don’t need to run away.”
“I know, but Simon this is beyond repair. It’s time for me to go back home. I want to continue with my music but I can’t do that here. Please if I am signed sign me to H1gher and let me go back home.”
“I know we want to sign you, there is no doubt about that. I guess I can understand your reasoning behind this but just give me some time to think on this.”
“Simon if I’m not signed and able to work from the states then I won’t be signing. I will give up everything and will return home.”
“I see, well then I guess I will have something to seriously consider. Rest up Sarah and I will talk to you when you come back to work.”
“Thank you.”
The door opened the rest of the way and Simon walked out and I walked in closing the door.
Sarah shot her head towards my direction not expecting me to be there.
“Why what?
“Why are you running away?”
“You know why Gray.”
“Because of the baby?”
“Because of everything, everything that has gone down between the three of us. There is no repairing this Gray now more so than before. Before we might have been able to find a way back from this for us three but now there isn’t. It’s time for me to go back home.”
“You can stay.”
“I can’t and you know it. I just want you both to be happy and to get back to the way things were before I came into the mix.”
“You can stay and I will raise the baby as mine.”
“You know that’s not right.”
“So what, I don’t want to lose you.”
“Gray you deserve to be happy with someone who loves you for you and with someone who isn’t carrying another man’s child.”
“Just think on it please. Don’t make such a drastic choice while you are sick. It’s the medication that has you all messed up.”
“Gray you know it’s not the medicine.”
“Just think please.”
I didn’t give her an option to say anything else before I walked out the door ending our conversation. I wasn’t about to let her leave just like that, no I had to do everything in my power to get her to stay. Over the next few days I went to the hospital to visit her on my lunch break and after work. I brought her stuff to work on that she asked for and just kept her company. Every day I asked her to stay and every day she turned me down, I knew I was fighting a losing battle but I refused to let her go without a fight.
“Sarah just stay.”
“Gray we have gone over this so many times already, I can’t stay here.”
“You know I said I would raise the kid.”
“Oh yeah how’s that going to look? Your mom would kill you if you had a child outside of marriage.”
“So what, I can handle my mom.”
“You could never do that to your mom, you are too much of a mama’s boy to hurt her.”
I kicked the at the invisible dirty on the ground because she was right, “So even if I don’t claim the kid as mine you can still raise the kid here.”
“Gray it’s not that easy, you know how the Korean society is. Being a single parent is so frowned upon. It’s not the same as being a single mom back at the states. Add on that I am part of this company and it could end up hurting you guys in the long run. I can’t do that.”
“Don’t give up ok, I will find a way to make this work.”
“Gray please just let it be.”
I looked down at my watch before I stood up from my chair, “Wow look at the time, I have to get going.”
“Gray I mean it.”
“I will be by tomorrow to pick you up ok.”
I didn’t give her a chance to answer me as I walked quickly out of the room. She made some valid points, my mom wanted a grandchild but she wanted it the right way. I had to find a way to get her to stay and I was running out of time because I knew Jay and Simon would want to get her contract settled soon. I went right home and didn’t bother eating, I just laid there in bed thinking of ways to get her to stay.
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