#jonathan toews fic
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linskywords · 24 days ago
I was re-reading the wolfverse series and i kinda have a question? Is jonny like matthew with the wolf-type instincts even though he’s not a full wolf?
Good question! I can't remember if I was thinking otherwise when I wrote his rut fic, but I'm pretty sure my thinking on it isn't so much that he's naturally someone with wolf tendencies/instincts, but more that wolf bonds are really powerful and can confer wolf-like traits within the context of the bonded relationship. Like, if Jonny had never met Patrick, he wouldn't have been going around doing wolfy things on his own. But I also think it's possible that there's a range of how susceptible a human is to the more psychic side of wolf traits. Jonny might be much more affected by his bond with Patrick than another human would be in his place, even if none of that those traits were innately his.
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moonyheartbot · 1 year ago
jonny travels dimensions
The first place Jonny goes to is close to home - well, his home, anyway.
His house, and everything in it, look the same; so much so that he doesn’t even notice anything is off until he walks downstairs and finds a small child sitting at the breakfast table. 
He’s halfway to the pantry before the morning fog clouding his mind dissipates long enough for him to whip his head hard enough for it to hurt and blurt out a few select choice words, forgetting to censor himself. It’s his house! He can cuss around an intruder, no matter how old they are.
The little fair-haired kid blinks at him and then his face starts to crumble, just a little. 
Jonny doesn’t do kids - let alone kids he doesn’t know. He starts looking around the kitchen as the child quietly cries at the table, hoping he can find some clue as to let him know he’s dreaming. He even counts his fingers, and leans heavily on the pantry door while his mind spins.
“Hey, what’s going on? Are you just going to let him cry?” He hears a voice behind him, half-teasing and so, so familiar. “Jon? Are you okay?” 
He turns around, half-expecting for everything to shatter in the millisecond it takes for his eyes to connect with Patrick’s, but nothing; it’s him, aged up a little and holding the kid in his arms, now slightly consoled. 
“Am I… Did I get high last night?”
Patrick steps closer, and like this Jonny can see the evidence of age even more clearly; the deep crows feet and that little line between his eyebrows where he furrows his forehead constantly in concentration. He doesn’t even hear the light slapping of another pair of feet on the ground before two clammy arms wrap themselves around his leg. 
A dark-blonde girl with the second bluest eyes Jonny has ever seen stares up at him and grins, toothlessly.
He registers Patrick talking to him, but it’s just background noise below the piercing ringing in his ears, and he only feels a slight twinge of pain as he hits the ground before passing out. 
When he wakes up, it’s night time. He stares up at the ceiling, blinks hard, and turns over to cough. His hand comes away wet, palm sticky with blood and saliva, and he takes himself to the bathroom to wash his mouth out and stare at himself in the mirror.
He’s himself. He knows this much; his face is his, and this house is his, and he can’t hear anything. He can feel the memory of the dream fading away as he stands before his reflection, and when he returns to his bed with the right side rucked up and his socks on the ground, the pillow his scent of cologne and the blackout curtains drawn, the memory’s fully gone.
I love writing Jonny losing his mind. This story is going to be huge, if I can finish it. <3
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putalabelonit · 1 year ago
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfiction recs:
Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews [Part 2]
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"I'm beyond your peripheral vision (so you might want to turn your head)" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 3,418 | It takes the combination of prospect camp, training camp, and their first week on the road together for Johnny to realize Patrick is his soulmate. The first person he calls is Dan.
"red lips, so kissable" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 3,569 | When Pat had finally come to him with this after six months of dating without things imploding, he'd been hesitant. "I just.... I think about making myself pretty sometimes," he had said, blushing. "Like a girl."
"crash into me" (E) by fadeastride | 3,403 | And that’s not some chick. That’s fucking Pat.
"Make The Moves Up As I Go" 🔒 (E) by agirlnamedfia | 30,354 | Patrick has his first Econ 202 class on the second day of the spring semester. It doesn’t exactly go well.
"Sommeil" (M) by MJBadger | 1,622 | Jonny being weird about public bathrooms and lots of sleepiness.
"let it all unfurl" 🔒 (M) by poeelektra | 2,545 | "Brooklyn is not Bumfuck, Tazer. And, you know, irony noted, seeing as you're from Winnipeg." "Whatever," Jon says darkly, punching fists into his jacket pockets like there’s some satisfaction to be had in stressing the seams of their linings. He doesn't care where Brooklyn is—if it belongs to this city, he's already made up his mind about it. "You're paying for the cab ride. There and back." Sharpy just laughs like Jon has told a good joke. "Sure thing, Tazer."
"and it's over, and i'm goin' under" (E) by mockturtletale | 15,011 | And that’s the story of how Kaner finds himself slumping down to the floor against his best friend’s front door, shaking a little and half covered in goosebumps. Sporting a semi and fighting the urge to cry.
"kiss and tell" 🔒 (T) by sloom | 2,169 | “Trust me,” Sharpy says, “this will be good for you.” And then, he shoves Jonny into what appears to be a mostly empty coat closet and slams the door shut behind him. “What the fuck, Sharp!” Jonny calls, pounding at the door which is, of course, locked. “Enjoy your seven minutes in heaven, Tazer,” Sharpy singsongs. Then, the bare bulb mounted on the ceiling flares to life, illuminating one Patrick Kane. Fuck.
"i don't play hard to get (i play to get you hard)" 🔒 (E) by sloom | 4,666 | Jonny starts out in twink porn - of course he does, he’s nineteen, all big dark eyes and delicate features. He never planned on being a porn star, it just sort of happened. He got injured and lost his hockey scholarship and, well, everyone has their story about how they got into porn. Jonny needed the money. Simple as that.
"left standing in the wilderness downtown" 🔒 (M) by poeelektra | 4,051 | They’re friends, though that’s always felt like a watered-down word for what they are, teammates and halves of a whole and things that are too big for language. Jonny’s his person, is all.
"anxious like the ocean in a storm" 🔒 (M) by poeelektra | 4,169 | “Did you know Savvy and Larmer combined for 220 pts in ’87-’88? Last week I watched them pummel the North Stars, a 6-point night for Savvy, with a hat trick.” He leaves off how his eyes were glued to the screen watching the two of them, because Jonny has no poetry in his soul. It just made Patrick wonder—about their futures, if what everyone’s saying is true, what it’ll be like to go all the way like he thinks him and Jonny can do—and the wondering gave him goosebumps.
"Okay, So Now You're a Vegetarian" 🔒 (M) by anonymous | 33,854 | Patrick Kane secretly decides to go vegetarian. Jonathan Toews draws the wrong conclusions.
"Good Times Never Seemed So Good" (E) by juliusschmidt | 21,171 | Johnny is a miserable bastard. Kaner is a needy fuck. They are meant for each other and also for summer on Mackinac Island, fratbro paradise.
"Media Vita In Morte Sumus" 🔒 (T) by jezziejay | 2,556 | Life is standing on the observation deck of the surgical theatre when Death finds him. “Nobody called for the grim reaper,” Jon says without turning around. There’s a soft snicker from behind him. “I’m omnipresent, I don’t need to be called.”
"I Could Dream of Ways to See You, I Could Close My Eyes to Dream" (M) by Frosting50 | 2,686 | Jonny’s head falls back against the metal stall divider with a resounding thud. He keeps making these small punched out grunts, even as he bites his lips in an effort to keep quiet. He has zero desire to get caught by some homophobic Jets fan while he’s getting his dick sucked in the men’s room at the MTS Centre, but -- Jesus Christ -- this kid has a mouth on him.
"Go, Johnny, Go" (E) by juliusschmidt | 4,387 | Jonny gives Kaner a ticket. To the courthouse. Kaner gives Jonny a ticket. To the love shack hockey game.
"don't look up, down, or to the side" 🔒 (M) by hazel | 8,282 | His mom had told him not to fall in love with houses; so had his dad, made some crack about them being worse than women, son, while his mom fake-punched him in the arm and then added, "and like people, it's what's underneath that matters, Johnny." But this is the first house he's looked at that he's liked, though he doesn't know why: it's got narrow, pointy windows with stone pieces on the tops like eyebrows, and it sits between its larger, tidier, neighbours like a poor cousin. Johnny thinks it maybe just needs someone to love it; and then he thinks: fuck.
"Let It Be" (E) by juliusschmidt | 60,127 | There’s one person who knows more about Pat than Brisson, one person who’s closer to discovering Pat’s secrets than his mom, one person who always, always, calls bullshit on him: Jonathan Fucking Toews. And following the launch of the Sun-Times article, which runs with the unfortunate headline “Patrick Kane Admits He’s Not God,” Jonny does not disappoint.
"Power Balance" (E) by thisissirius | 13,476 | The body of the email just says, “don’t fuck seguin” because Jonny doesn’t know what capital letters are and he’s a controlling asshole even when he’s miles away, and attached to it is a spreadsheet that Patrick reluctantly opens. It’s color-coded with tabs and he’s not sure whether he wants to punch Jonny in the mouth or laugh in his face. Calling him in the middle of the airport is a really bad fucking idea and Patrick knows something about those, so he settles for sending Jonny a message. YOU SENT ME A JERK-OFF SCHEDULE FOR SWITZERLAND?!
"break me in" (E) by thundersquall | 5,386 | Today Patrick comes into the locker room, shrugs off his coat, and underneath he's wearing a fucking tight tee that clings to every dip and curve of his musculature. It looks fucking painted on, and the sight of it slams Jonathan like a puck to his face, stunning and somehow primal and just bordering on the edge of obscene, how good Patrick looks in that.
"the high road is hard to find" (M) by anonymous | 11,304 | Patrick guesses this is his “third strike, you’re out” in the Jonathan Toews friendship book and he doesn’t know how to remedy that. He doesn't think he deserves the chance, to be honest.
"you look so perfect" 🔒 (E) by tarcanza | 4,270 | His eyes land on Jonny, and his rage chokes in his throat. Dries right up and flips on a dime like a fucking chemical reaction. Jonny’s lying on his stomach in the middle of his bed, reading a book. He’s in nothing but those stupid, tiny black boxer-briefs, stretched tight over the swell of his ass. One side’s jacked, fabric pushed up so that his cheek’s just hanging out all casual, fucking taunting Patrick.
"easy does it" (E) by robokittens | 2,137 | Jonny tips his head forward, rests it against Patrick's shoulder. "You got this, baby," he whispers. "You can take this; you were made for it. Made for me." It doesn't even feel like dirty talk, just like the truth.
"The Scars That Words Have Carved" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | 15,694 | “Forgive me for asking, Peeks,” Sharpy says, slowly. “But did you just kiss our illustrious captain, here?” “Um.” Patrick’s not sure what this captain business is about, but: “Yes?” Jonny’s still staring at him like he’s grown four or five extra heads, and, okay. Patrick definitely read this wrong.
"Wide Eyes" (E) by Tedda | 44,832 | When he starts hooking up with Patrick, Jonny slowly begins to realize a few things about himself.
"a hot summer night" (E) by Tedda | 5,267 | Patrick arrives in Arizona on a hot summer night. He hasn't talked to Jonny in five years, and it would have felt weird to do it over the phone for the first time.
"Dress Well, Test Well" 🔒 (M) by Kerfluffle | 9,649 | A liberal arts college AU.
"Streets of Chicago" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | 79,749 | Patrick is 29 years old when he finds out he is HIV positive. Patrick is 29 years old when he realizes that despite giving up everything for hockey, he still might lose it over one stupid mistake, one careless, reckless night.
"a hot summer night" (E) by Tedda | 5,267 | Patrick arrives in Arizona on a hot summer night. He hasn't talked to Jonny in five years, and it would have felt weird to do it over the phone for the first time.
"blue eyes, velvet lips" (E) by Tedda | 10,356 | Prince Jonathan finds a runaway slave. Clearly, the only solution is taking the boy home.
"Wide Eyes" (E) by Tedda | 44,832 | When he starts hooking up with Patrick, Jonny slowly begins to realize a few things about himself.
"The Scars That Words Have Carved" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | 15,694 | “Forgive me for asking, Peeks,” Sharpy says, slowly. “But did you just kiss our illustrious captain, here?” “Um.” Patrick’s not sure what this captain business is about, but: “Yes?” Jonny’s still staring at him like he’s grown four or five extra heads, and, okay. Patrick definitely read this wrong.
"It Must Be Something in the Water" 🔒 (E) by allthebros | 40,228 | After five years away, living on the west coast, coming to terms with his sexuality, Patrick comes back to his coastal hometown to be with his family again and to start working at his dad's dealership, determined to get his life back on track, to leave behind all emotional messes and complications. But on the first morning of his return he meets Jonny, his sister's new boyfriend, and falls hard in lust with him, throwing an enormous wrench in his plan.
"Sleepless in Chicago" 🔒 (E) by sahiya | 4,894 | “Babe,” Jonny said, “how long has it been since you slept?” “Three nights,” Patrick said.
"Muscle Stim" 🔒 (E) by sahiya | 7,672 | The last thing Patrick needed was a stupid crush on the dude whose job it was to get him back out on the ice as quickly as possible.
"Didn't Know That Was a Thing" 🔒 (T) by AnythingThrice | 1,303 | Patrick notices it as he's searching the shelves in Jonny's bedroom for Madden 08: a weird glass sculpture, glossy black with bands of a trippy, swirling white pattern that seem to sit just under the surface. He figures it for a knickknack at first, some art piece his decorator suggested or—more likely—one of those locally-and-sustainably crafted souvenirs Jonny tends to bring back from his vacations.
"Not Something You Rub in (Just) Anyone's Face" 🔒 (E) by AnythingThrice | 6,736 | "Don’t wanna talk about it," Patrick cuts in, voice firmer now. As far as he's concerned they'd done all the necessary talking back in April. Offseason rules – offseason lives – set and followed and fucking done. World Cup over. Summer gone. Long past time to get back to the good stuff: friendly ice, Blackhawks hockey and being first star in Jonny's eyes.
"Shitshow" 🔒 (E) by AnythingThrice | 19,989 | Jonathan thought they'd outgrown this. Or no, if he's being honest with himself, he thought Pat had outgrown it while he'd merely shoved it aside, banished it to the realm of things it didn't help to dwell on.
"Fill Up Your Mouth with Something Sweet" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | 3,904 | The amazing thing, Jonny reflects after a couple of months with the Blackhawks, is how Patrick Kane manages to be such a good hockey player and yet so wrong about everything.
"the whole of him" 🔒 (E) by allthebros | 2,258 | Patrick did nothing else for this moment but live with inconvenient erections since they talked about doing it, only showing up at Jonny’s door in sweats and a t-shirt and his morning-long semi he’d made sure to trap in the kind of tight underwear that would make Jonny proud. Well fine, Patrick also did some video research. Watching review tapes is important. But Jonny--fucking Jonathan Toews--he got ready for this.
"What It Means" 🔒 (T) by allthebros | 1,312 | They’ve never been like this with each other before. He doesn’t know if it’s the sun, being away from Chicago and their lives, or just them finally being able to have this, but it catches inside Jonny’s chest. Little swoops in his stomach that surprise him every time, make it hard to breathe.
"Tell the Stars I'm Coming Home" 🔒 (E) by allthebros | 15k WIP | Jonny and Patrick have three weeks left to live. Three weeks to find their way back to each other.
"La Piscine" 🔒 (E) by allthebros | 2,484 | Pat didn’t think it was possible, but if anything, Jonathan Toews has gotten hotter since Pat saw him last summer. It’s kind of a bummer that they don’t go to the same college, but Pat appreciates the surprise. He doesn’t know what’s in the water up there in Montreal, but God Bless Canada.
"S(t)ick" 🔒 (E) by allthebros | 2,842 | “What’s gotten into you, man,” Jonny says, softly. The ‘you’ is on Patrick's lips before he can realize he’s thought it, hysterical laugh bubbling into his throat at the cheesiness of it, the disgusting idiocy, but instead he says, “it’s this heat, man, I can’t—” Think. Sleep. Fucking drink a beer like normal. Look at Jonny and see what he used to see.
"Shawty With You" 🔒 (E) by allthebros | 6,764 | 5 times Pat and Jonny needed mistletoe to kiss, and one time they didn't.
"134 Days" 🔒 (E) by allthebros | 3,406 | It's been a long winter without him.
"Nothin' But Blue Skies" 🔒 (T) by allthebros | 2,708 | Perhaps the middle of Wisconsin wasn't the right place to tell Jonny.
"Sonoran" 🔒 (T) by allthebros | 2,177 | Somewhat newly retired, Patrick makes his way to Arizona where Jonny's ostensibly getting his own shit together. It's summer in the desert, and it's been too long since they've seen each other.
"Just to Break My Own Fall" 🔒 (M) by Linsky | 9,092 | Patrick used to play a game with himself, when he was younger and considerably dumber: see how close he could get to Jonny, for how long, and not do anything to give himself away.
"trouble when you walked in" (T) by tourdefierce | 2,253 | The only thing more confusing than Twitter is Patrick Kane. Thankfully, Pat keeps Jonny busy enough that the former doesn't even matter.
"farmer au" (E) by anonymous | 13,940 | “No offense, man, but who steals a bunch of corn? It’s not really in short supply around here?” “It’s or-gan-ic,” Jonny says, pointedly drawing out each syllable. Deputy Kane clearly doesn’t fucking get it. His corn is probably full of pesticides and fertilizers.
"Loosen Up My Buttons (Babe)" (E) by tourdefierce | 4,848 | Tazer is always pushing him to be better—little psycho that he is—so it doesn't surprise Pat when he finds himself looking at a too tense, wound up Jonny and saying to himself, "Someone needs to fuck that douchebag silly". And then obviously high-fiving himself because heyoh, that's totally his job.
"High and Tight" (E) by tourdefierce | 2,609 | Jonny Toews gets a hair cut.
"the quiet between us" 🔒 (M) by tarcanza | 13,852 | There are screams. Thousands of them. Thousands of people. Claps, chants, cheers of victory. It should be loud. But it’s not. Here with his face hidden in the curve of Kaner’s neck, it’s not. There’s only Kaner. And Jonny wrapped around him, never letting go.
"(All My Life I've Been) Burdened by the Dreams" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | 30,170 | Patrick has two goals for himself when he comes to Chicago: Win the Stanley Cup. And don’t let anyone find out he’s a wolf.
This list is ongoing.
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taz19hagel38 · 2 years ago
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deathbysports · 2 years ago
My Hockey Edits Compiled into One Post™
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Features: Four different Panarin edits and a Kane/Toews edit where I fucking blurred the bench because I am an idiot. (DON'T REPOST WITHOUT MY PERMISSION).
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distressednoise · 1 year ago
WIP ask meme
I got tagged in this by sweet summer child @notasapleasure, who has not yet realised that rather than ever "finishing" "fic" I just endlessly rearrange outlines in gdocs and resent myself.
Most of the things I laughingly call WIPs are about a hockey pairing that peaked ten years ago, because I am current and cool and fun, BUT let's say these the two (brassian in the balerics, 197 cabin fic) are real and will be written haha
I am bad at tagging but if you have read any of this please consider yourself tagged! I am ALWAYS down to have a sneak peek of a WIP and do some cheerleading, and also to explain the fics I will not write at great length, so feel free to comment, ask, etc etc etc
Veo Veo (aka the Brassian Magaluf AU, because Cassian is a terrible tourist in every timeline)
So this is a scene from after we meet Cinta and Vel, who are having a far more functional holiday romance than Cassian could ever conscience, and I will probably ditch this version of it for one with different geography and fewer references to masturbating over the queen.
Rich people don’t have any fucking manners, Brasso thinks, as the noises from the bedroom pick up. Or any fucking fears. Vel and Cinta are in there having sex, in front of each and every one of Pegla’s nan’s crocheted donkeys, even the French one whose eyes follow you round the room.
“Are they having sex?” Cassian asks. “They’re having sex.” He’s skinning up, compressing the last of Vel’s weed into one of his tight, neat little joints. 
“Bit rude.”
Cassian shrugs, lights, inhales, exhales on a laugh when one of the girls swears. “At least they’re paying the tax,” he points out, taking another hit and then handing the joint over to Brasso. Cassian’s fingers are blunt and thick and bitten-nailed and have no business producing the kind of neurotically compacted, weirdly uniform joints he always rolls. They look too small for his hands. They look lost in Brasso’s, who finds himself holding the joint with slow, exaggerated carefulness and thinking maybe he’s smoked enough already.  But then there’s a high, thin noise from the other room, and perhaps he hasn’t.
He inhales and lets himself slide down to the floor, eyes closed, and tries to astral project into a universe where he regularly said things like no Cassian and that’s not my problem Cassian, rather than this one, where he has to say - 
“If you’re wanking when I open my eyes I will punch you.”
“No you won’t.”
“It’s grim, Cass.”
“They started it! If we’re all having sex - ”
“We're clearly not.”
“And whose fault is that?”
"The one who said we should talk to the lesbians, probably." Brasso doesn't let himself think about Cassian's reaction to that bit of news, the way he'd leant heavily back into their booth, somehow managed to find his way under Brasso's arm. It didn't mean anything. “You can’t rub one out behind the door like some kind of grubby -”
“I’m not anywhere near the door.” Cassian kicks at his ankle, hooks a leg over Brasso’s. He’s made it to the floor too, then. “I can’t even see it.” Shuffling, clinking. Not the sounds of a man not preparing help himself out. “All I’ve got is you and the queen.”
“As long as you come on the right one,” Brasso mutters. Things next door have really hit their stride, if the knocking is anything to go by. “This is grim.”
“Queen’s loving it.” Brasso cracks open one eye to reassure himself that the china plate with the queen’s face on it remains a safe distance away and instead sees Cassian, hand on his dick and eyes firmly on. Well. The only other person there.
the amount of work is the same (aka the endless Brent Seabrook/Jonathan Toews/Jonathan Toews' collection of chronic illnesses fic)
This would probably be the opening, if I ever actually finished anything!
The summer he was 21, Jonny spent most of his time feeling sickly and tired, drooping miserably along his friends’ lakeside properties and fidgeting his way around the decks of their newly tricked-out fishing boats, too wired to sit still and too tired to sleep, until Seabs had eventually snapped and railed him into unconsciousness during an otherwise disappointing fishing trip on Lake Comox. 
The thing with Seabs had turned out to be a bright spot in a confusingly miserable year; one during which he was handed everything he’d ever wanted and while somehow feeling the worst he’d ever felt.
It was shocking, really, how little things had changed. 
He owned the boat now, he supposed. They were on a different lake. But Seabs was still an excellent fuck and Jonny’s body was still a traitorous sack of shit, and -
He felt the sharp red sting of the slap before he even registered that Seabs had moved. 
“I’m not doing this on my own, Jonny,” Seabs said, squeezing almost painfully at Jonny’s dick. “Get your fucking head in the game.” 
So Jonny blinked his eyes open, focused on Seabs’ face, inches from his and so intent he looked furious, and let Seabs hook two fingers into his mouth and jerk his chin down so he could see between them to where Seabs’ hand was wrapped around both their cocks. 
“Wander off again and you’ll regret it,” Seabs told him, and Jonny, stuck between the promise of feeling anything and the horror of letting yet another person down, bit down on Seabs’ fingers and came. 
That still worked, at least.
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bropunzeling · 1 year ago
Hi! Sorry to bother you, I really love your work on ao3, you're an amazing writer! I have a request, which I totally understand if you don't want to grant, but I was wondering how you would feel about giving me access/letting me read your "and it's you I hear" fic with Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews? I missed out on the many fics posted about them, many of which are now deleted (understandably), but I've totally fallen for the pairing and I'm so intrigued by the description I found of your fic.
hello! i do not provide copies of that fic or any other deleted fic involving patrick kane or jonathan toews. i deleted those works for a reason and have only gained additional reasons to have done so in light of the kyle beach investigation, and i don't feel comfortable resharing those works even privately. thanks for your understanding!
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linskywords · 3 months ago
I don't get how Jonathan Toews/Auston Matthews isn't at least a rarepair.. they're like non-existent?!? Knowing Auston's fav player growing up was JT and watching this video already gives me so many hero-worship fic ideas:
Especially with Auston missing in front of Jonny while his childhood hero gets hit after hit after hit, and then his "I can't focus with you here" at 2:14 and him knowing Jonny's diet...very shippable to me!
Oooooh, anon, I had never seen this video before, and this is very compelling! "I can't focus with you here," honestly, Auston. At least TRY to hide it. 😂
Not sure why they don't exist as a pairing -- I'm guessing they wouldn't have had a lot of chances to play together aside from this video? NolPat tends to be the high-level draftee Jonny gets paired with, given the Winnipeg connection (and I think they actually trained together), but, you know, no reason Jonny should get only one draftee love interest. I could totally see them grabbing a beer after shooting this video, Auston all nervous and trying to play it cool, Jonny putting a hand on his arm as they finish beer number one, then moving it down to his thigh...
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moonyheartbot · 1 year ago
little 1988 excerpt
“You need to tell him you love him.” His future self insists.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” He grimaces.
“Dude, we’re not even gay! Don’t listen to him.”
Future-Patrick cuts an unimpressed stare at their younger self. “You’re not part of this conversation.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with him on this one. Might have to wait a few more years.” Patrick nods. 
Future-Patrick snorts in agreement. Past-Patrick looks like he’s going to have a stroke.
This has been stuck in my docs for ages now and I am putting it out here to see if anyone likes this concept - I might continue it, I really like it but the only thing putting me off is that it would probably be a pretty long one.
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putalabelonit · 2 years ago
Men's Hockey (RPF) fanfiction recs:
Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews [Part 1]
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"This Heart Is Not For Wasting" (E) by thefourofswords | 16,007 | Patrick puts his head in his hands. “How could this get any worse?” “Wait, it’s not like, a big deal is it?” Duncs asks, looking at him and Jonny in turn. “The way you and Jonny are weird about each other? She’s gotta have made her peace with it ages ago.”
"Keep You On My Arm" (E) by rsadelle | 6,732 | In which the gay bar is Stalberg's idea and Kaner doesn't notice Jon pretending to be his boyfriend.
"Words They'll Write on My Tombstone" (E) by thefourofswords | 10,507 | In which Patrick Kane gets a little hysterically obsessed with Jonathan Toews' sexual prowess.
"Tympani" (E) by demotu | 45,143 | Jonny’s prostate is a gift from the gods. Patrick’s patience, also.
"Learning As We Go" (E) by purplecatsweater | 30,207 | Patrick lets out a sigh, kind of heavy, and says, “You have to look at me when you’re talking, man.” Jonny fumbles at that, pushing his feet over the edge and looks up. He thought he had been, but Patrick is watching him, waiting for him to talk again, paying attention like he knows he’ll miss it if he’s not. All Jonny can think is how much that has to suck.
"22" (T) by purplecatsweater | 12,598 | There’s no other explanation. His soulmate must have turned twenty-two yesterday.
"Disproven Hypotheses" (E) by thefourofswords | 16,367 | In which everybody thinks Jonathan Toews is chaste like a nun. Everybody, it turns out, is very, very wrong.
"in close" (E) by demotu | 2,719 | It’s been undeniably cuddling for a couple of weeks, now, and Pat’s taken to tucking his face into the crook of Jonny’s neck while they talk, his lips catching on Jonny’s skin as they go over the last game or the upcoming competition.
"let them leave you up in the air" (E) by sorrylatenew | 8,632 | It feels so fucking good and Patrick can already tell, already knows this one’s gonna leave him messed up afterwards.
"Fight or Flight" 🔒 (E) by sophiahelix | 2,173 | Jonny lifts his hands to rest on Patrick's shoulders, warmth seeping through the cloth of his t-shirt. He leans in, pushing his nose into the hair at Patrick's temple, and takes a long sniff. A trembling starts between Patrick's shoulder blades, like he's freezing cold or he's been up way too late. "Yeah," Jonny says, low and rumbling, and Patrick can feel his voice. "That smells right."
"Chosen" 🔒 (M) by sophiahelix | 2,510 | "It's not what it looks like," Patrick says. Jonny clears his throat, tracing the tiny blue lettering that curves along the pale skin of Patrick’s exposed hip, above his waistband. “That says Jonny.”
"Written All Over My Face" (E) by rsadelle | 4,678 | He and Jonny hook up sometimes, sober on the road, drunk at home, but Pat isn't thinking about that, not when he takes Jonny's jersey and not later, when he's getting ready for bed in a room that's too empty with just him in it and he opens his bag to the bright red of a jersey. He just takes the jersey out of his bag and pulls it on over his t-shirt.
"Orbital Resonance" (E) by joyfulseeker & thefourofswords | 80,825 | “Jonny, sometimes when you look at me like that...” Patrick trails off. Jonny runs his thumb along Patrick’s jaw, dipping down to his throat as if he could urge him to complete that sentence. Patrick’s adam’s apple bobs under the press of his fingers. “Like what?” Jonny asks. “Like you lo—” Patrick stumbles again, cutting off the word before it’s fully voiced. Jonny’s barely seen him appear anything less than fearless. He looks terrified right now. Jonny breathes out. “Yeah,” he replies, finally throwing that down.
"Accepted Practice" 🔒 (E) by thefourofswords | 25,665 | People have started referring to Jonny as Patrick’s little buddy, and every time Jonny looks over him, that hidden smile appearing at the corner of his mouth. He’s a little demon—Patrick has long since come to realize. The thing is—he likes Jonny. He likes talking to him about hockey, and hearing his funny stories about his family. They talk about UMass and Patrick’s complete lack of a major. How can he even be sharing this with a 14-year-old? He doesn’t know.
"A Climate of Competitive Egoism" (M) by thefourofswords | 3,000 | Sometimes you just need these ego-defense mechanisms to justify making out with your teammate.
"No, I Never Told Lies To You" (E) by thefourofswords | 6,112 | And then there was Patrick, head turning, drawing Jon’s eyes in powerful magnetic flux, the slow smile dawning into a grin, and all Jon could think, as his heart burst in his chest, amidst the sound of the dagger and the cheers they hadn’t heard in far too long, was, oh. Oh.
"This Is What A Love Song Sounds Like" (E) by thefourofswords | 7,237 | Ten years after they fucked around in high school, Patrick and Jonny meet back up at their high school reunion.
"Vitamin K" (E) by thefourofswords | 9,373 | That time Jonny and Patrick got together because they scored 10 points together.
"When The Heart Finesse Won" (E) by thefourofswords | 3,782 | A story of two idiots who've been in love for twenty years finally getting together in 2021.
"Action Reaction" (E) by thefourofswords | 12,213 | A story where Johnny and Patrick definitely don't get along off the ice.
"The Reeducation of Misters Kane and Toews" 🔒 (T) by jezziejay | 15,955 | In which Kaner sort of has a kid, and Mr. Toews doesn't know which of them is the bigger brat. AU featuring teacher!Jon and hockey-player!Kaner. With bonus 'Hawks characters, love notes, pasta jewelry, Be Better Pizzas, pirouettes, a sprinke of angst and guest appearance by Derek Jeter.
"bona fides" (E) by demotu | 12,248 | “I’m gay, Patrick,” Jonathan interrupts, voice somehow still even and steady when Patrick feels ready to bolt. “I’m gay, and I played hockey. I thought about going pro. I have friends in the league, so—” he shrugs. “Like I said, I’m not crying in any gay bars over this, but I get why you might.”
"Call Me Baby" (E) by demotu | 7,115 | Patrick's text says: sometimes all I can think about is rubbing my dick all over your tits. It's not meant for Jonny, but maybe he wishes it were.
"still waters" (E) by demotu | 7,803 | “Why did we stop doing this?” Pat asks, softening against Jon’s hip. “We wanted different things,” Jon says, curling his arm around Pat. “Did we?” Pat asks, sounding doubtful. “Yeah,” explains Jon. “I wanted a relationship, you wanted to fuck.” Pat uncurls, sits up. “That’s not how it went at all.”
"it's not gay if they don't come" (M) by Penelopiad | 12,812 | They always wrestle for it. It’s like, tradition at this point.
"Somewhere Only We Know" 🔒 (M) by jezziejay | 21,705 | Kaner kicks off his twenty-eighth birthday party with an exponential crisis. Jonny frowns at him. “You’re having a crisis of ever-more-rapidly-increasing numbers?”
"Like Cupping Water (In Your Hands)" (E) by boxparade | 13,144 | "Are you sure it’s in there?" Kaner asks, poking indelicately at Annie’s stomach and squinting. "Kaner," Jon hisses, slapping at his hand. "What! It’s my baby, Jonny, I gotta make sure Annie’s mutant body didn’t, like, absorb its powers or something."
"Sunday Edition" 🔒 (NR) by twentysomething | 2,903 | And of course, because Sharpy is the most ill-mannered Canadian ever, he opens up the newspaper like he doesn't have the most entertaining thing in Chicago across the table from him anyway. He's totally pretending to read it, just to make Patrick salty, but two can play at that game, so he snatches the Sunday inserts out of the folds, smirking at Sharpy. But he glances down and staring up at him, looking like, all of eighteen and strangely soft and sweet is Jonathan fucking Toews.
"no guarantees, maybe that’s what i need" (E) by 19red & littlelocaldreamer | 4,397 | He thinks how easy it’d be just to ask, how hard it is to imagine an answer that wouldn't be yes, that wouldn't overlap with a plea.
"when you give that look to me" (E) by littlelocaldreamer | 2,210 The tension’s been building for years.
"too young for love" (E) by littlelocaldreamer | 1,430 | Patrick’s always been his most reckless self when drinking.
"something i can breathe in" (E) by littlelocaldreamer | 1,901 | He never put his heart into sex the way he put it into hockey.
"the only one my body loves" (E) by littlelocaldreamer | 3,416 | Everyone has something to say about Patrick’s size. Everyone but Jonny.
"to follow all the paths you choose" (E) by littlelocaldreamer | 20,788 | He should stop this before they cross a line they can’t come back from.
"his voice is a familiar sound" (E) by littlelocaldreamer | 2,178 | They’ve never slept in the same bed together before.
"Put My Key In Your Ignition" (E) by joyfulseeker & thefourofswords | 34,371 | Patrick has gotten used to getting it exactly the way he wants, when he wants. Jonny's got something to say about that.
"The Winning Strategy" (E) by SimoneClouseau | 10,560 | Jonny doesn't lose at gay chicken.
"end game" (T) by 19red | 1,400 | Patrick wants someone to touch his dick.
"dress me in your favorite disguise" 🔒 (E) by 19red | 7,250 | Just two boys... having a threesome and definitely not thinking about each other's dicks 'cause they're not gay!
"i think of you in colors" 🔒 (E) by toewsin | 24,893 | Patrick's calm and uneventful life as a figure skating coach at Shattuck-St. Mary's is rudely disturbed when recently retired NHL-star Jonathan Toews arrives on campus as the new hockey coach.
"our decades in the sun" 🔒 (E) by toewsin | 21,017 | Jonny meets Patrick in 2009, when the team stays at the Kane Regency Buffalo hotel.
"safety first" 🔒 (T) by toewsin | 1,645 | It's not that Jonny doesn't like Connor. He's a solid guy and a good teammate. Now if only he could stop yanking Kaner around like a sack of potatoes, that'd be great.
"Not a Heart of Gold" (E) by Anonymous | 14,451 | For the longest time this fic was unofficially titled 'Kaner's not a hooker but Tazer probably wants him to be', and I really can't think of a better way to summarise it than that. Many words of Tazer fantasising, pining, jerking off, and paying for sex, because that's apparently how he rolls.
"Do It Better Than Anybody" 🔒 (NR) by twentysomething | 2,916 | And Johnny is just lounging over Patrick's breakfast counter, looking like something a Pay-Per-View channel devoted to farm-bred Canadian ass would spit up, his gray, threadbare sweatpants doing nothing to prevent Patrick from staring at his stupidly perfect everything. It's unsporting to give Patrick a semi in his own kitchen just by existing.
"Reaching Out" 🔒 (E) by elisera | 2,628 | He’s already dozing by the time the last guys make it on the bus, and he barely registers it when Johnny strokes the back of his knuckles over Patrick’s cheek on his way to his own seat, just twitches at the tease, the tickle, rubs his beard against his shoulder.
"squeezing blood from a stone" 🔒 (E) by achilleees | 25,300 | Kaner’s voice wavers, losing composure. “It’s a platelet disorder.” Johnny frowns. “Like… the shit that clots your blood?” “Right,” Kaner says. “I don’t have any.”
"tightened my belt around my hips (where your hands were missing)" 🔒 (E) by sarapod | 10,757 | Getting dumped by Jonny is sort of like being in a hit-and-run: Patrick doesn’t see it coming and by the time he can react it’s over.
"lean a little to the left" (M) by demotu | 18,791 | Kane leaned to his left, trying to coax the insolent puck wide with a little body English. Then he leaned harder. Then he smacked himself on the forehead when he realized what was about to happen.
"Tell Me I'm Pretty" 🔒 (E) by sarapod | 7,745 | Patrick Kane’s not that kind of girl. Jonny’s just not sure what kind of girl he is.
"Right Number" 🔒 (E) by brutti_ma_buoni | 9,571 | He texts Kaner, just quickly. Just to get himself out of his head. 'Hey buddy. Think you misdialled. But I’m here for you, whatever you need. Let’s talk.'
"Just Maybe" 🔒 (M) by altri_uccelli | 86,102 | "I have something to tell you," Jon says. He thought he'd have to be a little drunker to manage it, but Kaner's sitting there looking relaxed, his arms stretched out across the top of the sofa and the breeze ruffling his hair. He's become one of the most constant things in Jon's life, and Jon wonders now if all the forced closeness in the first five years, and the consequent conflicts, somehow led Jon to putting him in a friend category that he’s—they’ve—outgrown.
"Five Times Jonny Touched Patrick's Hair (and one time he didn't)" 🔒 (T) by altri_uccelli | 709 | “You gotta be more careful, man,” the text said, with a link to tumblr. Jonny grimaced; if it was another of those stupid cats saying stupid misspelled...he froze. It was them, a gif of them at the awards, and... He stared at it. He didn’t even remember.
"Same Time, Same Place" 🔒 (E) by brutti_ma_buoni | 15,576 | It should be a one-off, an awkward airport first meeting that goes nowhere. But this one goes somewhere. Back to Jonny's, for a start. It shouldn't go any further, a one-nighter with no strings, and plenty of reasons for Patrick not to go back there. But Patrick won't let it go. It should be a disaster, a mismatch, a scandal, a shoddy secret regret. But... maybe not?
"You and Me" (E) by my99centdreams | 4,696 | Pat and Jonny are sweethearts.
"Baby, You're the One" 🔒 (M) by jezziejay | 6,049 | 6k words of Jonathan Toews having feelings about babies. And feelings about Kaner. And feelings about putting a baby in Kaner.
"Q and A" 🔒 (T) by jezziejay | 1,464 | Which would you rather,” Patrick says one rainy night in November. “Be able to run a hundred miles an hour or be able to fly?” Jonny turns in the bed a little. “Why isn't one of those options go to sleep?” Patrick sighs. “Bear with me, Jonny. I'm going somewhere with this.”
"Ice-cream Castles in the Air" 🔒 (M) by jezziejay | 27,013 | This end of Buffalo smells like it always has - too hot, too stiffling, too saturating. Patrick finds Jonny almost exactly where he last left him five years ago, as if suspended in time. (or the sweet home alabama au)
"Occasionally" 🔒 (M) by jezziejay | 3,655 | Occasionally, Jonny has sex with Kaner. On special occasions.
"Castles" 🔒 (E) by thefourofswords | 3,666 | In 2007, Jonathan Toews disappeared. Fifteen years later Patrick finds him again.
"Start Again" 🔒 (T) by trademarkgiggle | 4,268 | Patrick's never been sure if Jonny's retirement plans have room for him or not.
"Three" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | 18,469 | Patrick doesn’t think he’s a pervert. But how would he know? Maybe a pervert is just a thing you are, and it doesn’t feel any different from being a normal person, until you do something perverted. Maybe that’s him. After all, he does have two names on his wrist.
"under starlight" 🔒 (E) by tarcanza | 16,236 | Jonny stretches like a cat, all lithe and limber, bringing a hand to scratch lazily against his stomach. “Truth or dare, Peeks?” Jonny asks, eyes slitted open, peering up from under his lashes. He’s sprawled all loose on the bed, leaning back on his elbows, back arched enough that Patrick can see the hard press of his nipples through the thin white cotton of his shirt. Thighs spread a little wide—a suggestion.
"A Very Good Bad Idea" (E) by 🔒 Linsky | 2,981 | Patrick doesn’t think before he takes the screenshot.
"They're Writing Songs of Love (But Not for Me)" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | 34,208 | It’s a little raised piece of plastic on the underside of his wrist, parallel to the veins and about the size of a razor’s head. Patrick would expect it to get broken in two seconds in a hockey game, except that it seems to be made of some kind of indestructible material that never cracks. It has a little inset screen where numbers can display like on an old digital watch, and in theory, those numbers count down the days until he meets his soulmate. Patrick’s has been blank his entire life.
"Words get tangled up in good intentions" 🔒 (E) by mermaid | 5,564 | They've been hooking up for more than a year, undefined and mostly unspoken, when Johnny first speaks French in bed with Kaner.
"When I Say When" (E) by anonymous | 5,431 | Patrick gets back from Switzerland and lets Jonny reclaim some territory.
"It's You Next To Me (And It Is Me Beside You)"🔒 (M) by Tirsh | 782 | Pat’s all pouty and stompy and muttering under his breath while he throws shit in an overnight bag because he’s leaving for Nashville in the morning and Jonny is, well, Jonny is not doing any of those things.
"You Will Always Be the Rest of Me" 🔒 (M) by Tirsh | 4,459 | Reaching the couch, Jonny threads his fingers into the soft curls at Pat’s nape and leans in, pressing his lips to Pat’s, soft and sweet, before asking, “How ya doin’?” Pat is ready with a pissy ‘it was two days asshole’ on the tip of his tongue, but then he looks at Jonny who looks flat out exhausted. And worried. And really fucking great, because he’s still Jonny and Pat can feel the tension he didn’t even realize he was carrying bleeding out of his neck and shoulders as Jonny’s fingers work their magic, so he sighs and goes instead with the truth. “Better, now you’re home.”
"Together in this Place" (E) by joyfulseeker | 12,952 | Practice is another reassuring mix of faces Patrick knows, drills he understands, Coach’s calls from the side. It feels good, like he’s flexing muscles that had gone tired and unused while he was over in Europe. He and Jonny are put on opposite sides playing keep-away, and he feels easier and easier on the ice, his pads and helmet a familiar weight on his body. He is going to light it up this season.
"Your Daddy's Aim Is True" 🔒 (E) by thefourthvine | 14,896 | And then he sees Johnny, who is crazy-eyed and holding a tiny infant. "What the fuck -" Patrick starts, and all three adults in the room look up and hiss at him in scary unison. The tiny infant in Johnny's arms starts wailing. The sound makes Patrick want to kill someone.
"Fizzle" (E) by cupstealer | 4,338 | Jonny pretty much knows when he’s playing well. Pat likes to tell him anyways.
"What I'm Trying to Say" (E) by cupstealer | 4,256 | Patrick loses his voice for a few weeks in the summer.
"do it like they do on the discovery channel" 🔒 (E) by hazel | 11,251 | It turns out that buddyfucking your best friend without shit getting weird requires constant vigilance.
"The Importance of Swimming in Clear Water" 🔒 (E) by turningterrific | 25,019 | One week during the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Games are lost, opposing captains are concussed, feelings are recognized, TV is watched, naps are shared, games are won. In other words, it's a big week.
"the courtship of patrick kane" 🔒 (E) by hazel | 9,673 | “Well,” Kaner says finally. “If you want to keep cockblocking me with the ladies, you’re gonna have to make it worth my while.” He’s smirking like it’s a challenge, like he knows Jon can’t ever let a challenge drop, and that’s it. That’s how Jon realises that he’s totally, completely, embarrassingly head-over-heels in love with Patrick fucking Kane.
"Royal Blue" (E) by cupstealer | 52,038 | Patrick and Jonny haven't been close friends in six years. Nothing a little friendly competition can't fix.
"it’s you and me moving at the speed of light" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 3,795 | “Come on,” he says, voice breaking as Jonny closes his mouth over Patrick’s neck. “Show me how much you liked my goal.” No one’s ever argued against the fact that he’s got an arrogant streak, so it’s probably a good thing Jonny matches him in that respect, too. “I’d have liked it more if it’d been one of three."
"Make His Brown Eyes Blue" 🔒 (T) by jezziejay | 8,802 | Jonny's an FBI agent. Patrick's on the Most Wanted list. Occasionally they tie each other up and make out.
"If I'm Crazy, It's You and Me Both" (E) by thefourofswords | 2,024 | It would be different if Jonny were an unknown to everybody else. If Patrick’s entire history with him wasn’t so visible and public. Maybe he could’ve hidden it better. People had both expected him and Jonny to be something and simultaneously thought it was never going to happen, because surely if it could have, it would have. Patrick got it, he’d been there himself. People were naturally curious as to what finally tipped the scales.
"Separate the Game from the Truth" (E) by cupstealer | 3,459 | The singing is a constant thing. Jonny’s theory is that it’s just something to keep Kaner's mouth and part of his brain busy, because it’s all the damn time. Lyrics seem to stick to his brain the way stats do. Jonny’s gotten used to it; it’s mostly easy to ignore. Mostly.
"Full Service" (E) by joyfulseeker | 3,015 | "Walk me through your stretch-out thing. You've done it enough, I bet you can show me what to do." Jonny swings his feet to the floor. “Okay,” Patrick says slowly.
"On the Line" (E) by anonymous | 26,788 | In which Kaner finds out Jonny wants to fuck him and is pretty okay with that turn of events. Phone sex, picnic baskets, crazy eyes, hockey and insanity ensue.
"Hockeysexual" (E) by thefourofswords | 14,445 | Kaner and Tazer might be the straightest straight dudes to ever straight. They want to bone each other anyway.
"I Know For Sure" 🔒 (M) by turningterrific | 32,972 | Patrick laughs. “Oh, so we’re allowed to make fun of it then? Cause I’ve gotta say—” “No,” Jackie says, turning to him just as two wolves go flying through the air to attack each other laughably. “We get to make fun of it. Just like we get to make fun of you. But no one else gets to make fun of you, because you’re our dumb brother, and we love you.” Erica and Jessica choose that moment to enter without knocking, loudly pushing and shoving for a place on the couch, smacking him on the thigh until he scoots over far enough for their liking. “So I’m the ‘Teen Wolf’ of brothers?” Patrick asks, for clarification. The girls all share a look and then burst out laughing.
"Irreplaceable" (M) by anonymous | 23,631 | Pat has seen Jonny naked of course. He’s seen him in less dignifying moments than he would care to admit. And on a far more regular basis. Which is why he laughs out loud when he skims through the July edition of the Blackhawks magazine that he’s found lying around in his living room and gets hung up on the monthly section of “pick a teammate”. Jonathan Toews having the best tattoo? A solid lie. Patrick knows Kopecky, and he can practically see him laughing his ass off while sending his bullshit answers to the editor. Good one. He chuckles, turns the page, and forgets about it. Only he doesn’t.
"Take me to the edge so I can fall apart" 🔒 (E) by linaerys | 13,718 | Jonny's weird about his bruises, and Patrick wonders why.
"in a shower of" (M) by thisissirius | 1,389 | Jonny washes patrick's hair; Patrick doesn't hate it.
"Ode to Posterior" (E) by thisissirius | 1,398 | Jonny’s always been an ass person.
"where only we tread" (E) by thisissirius | 1,267 | “Fuck, we’re getting too old for this,” Patrick says, from somewhere under a mound of sheets. He’s fairly sure this isn’t his bed, at least not the one in Trump Tower, it’s too big and there’s an arm slung across his back. His head is pounding, and he feels slightly sick, though his constitution for holding his alcohol has improved a lot. He barely remembers the night before, just a blur of cheering, drink, music and Jonny screaming obscenities in his ear. There was the cup and - fuck. Patrick shifts on the bed, dislodging Jonny’s arm, but throws a leg over his thigh. “Wake up, asshole.”
"Stories sticking to your skin" (E) by linaerys | 7,406 | Johnny can’t stop looking at Patrick and wanting things, like to grab Patrick in front of all these people and kiss him so everyone knows that Patrick’s his. Even in this state, he knows that's not a good plan, but he’s even drunk enough and high enough on winning that he thinks it might be time to tell Patrick that he’s done sharing him with everyone else.
"love is a contact sport" 🔒 (E) by hazel & mermaid | 109,901 | And the tragic reality of Patrick's life is that even though they broke up over a year ago, he and Johnny still play beautiful hockey together.
"what i did on my summer vacation" 🔒 (E) by hazel | 8,971 | Patrick meets Johnny on his third day working at Greg’s Emporium, the summer after his freshman year of college.
"under your skin" 🔒 (E) by hazel | 5,898 | Patrick goes to bed that night in Tazer’s guest room. It’s not the first time he’s slept there, but it’s the first time he’s tried to sleep in Tazer’s body. His legs want to kick out weirdly into the corners of the bed, and his head can’t find a comfortable position on the pillow. He drops off eventually anyway, worn from the current of rage he’s been carrying around all day and the constant slow rhythm of Tazer’s heartbeat, drumming in his chest like a cage.
"a light-handed approach to regulation" 🔒 (E) by hazel | 34,078 | The Blackhawks are the first North American professional sports team to have an alpha and an omega on the roster at the same time; Patrick guesses that makes him pretty special, even if he’d rather be known for his hockey skills and not what his dick would do if he was banging an omega.
"must've lost your wits" 🔒 (E) by anonymous | 1,867 | Jonny is staring at him. Jonny – is staring at his mouth. Patrick smiles a little bit, feeling every slow moment of it; feeling strange, as though under scrutiny he has forgotten how to use his own muscles.
"He's All That" 🔒 (E) by claudine | 2,217 | “Thought you'd say no,” Kaner says, soft. “Saw that hit on you in the second.” His fingers play with the edge of Jonny's T-shirt collar, callouses skimming hot against skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Jonny resists a shiver. “Got my hip good," Jonny says. "Wanted your mouth though.”
"Generation" 🔒 (T) by altri_uccelli | 35,319 | In which Patrick’s daughter and Jonny’s son are discovered making out under Seabs’ dock at a 2010 Cup team reunion, and become a catalyst for other discoveries.
"we took the slow way" 🔒 (T) by fadeastride | 4,505 | Pat’s still thinking about all the obnoxious door-to-door things he could be when the door swings open and holy shit. He has got to be better about meeting his neighbors if more of his neighbors look like this guy.
"the show goes on" 🔒 (E) by hazel | 4,507 | “Sharing clothes now, boys?” Grace asks, while a Chevy ad plays. Johnny tenses, but Kaner just shrugs. “So?” he asks. She grins. “Nothing. It’s just so cute.” “Yeah, well,” Johnny says. “Nobody cares who I sleep with.”
"not your baby" 🔒 (E) by claudine | 975 | “We’re friends,” Kaner had explained once. “So we’re helping each other out.” Helping each other out is buying Jonny’s favorite from the sandwich store when it’s on the way. It’s going to the gym together, competing on the bike. (It’s not afterwards, when they’re sweaty and disgusting, Kaner whispering filth into Jonny’s ears.)
And that's 100.
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mischievouschan4 · 10 months ago
5 Fandoms, 5 Ships 🚢 🛳️ ⛵️⛴️ 🛸
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms! Tagged by the lovely @dark--whisperings!!
I’m not exactly sure what the criteria is, so I’ll try and pick ships that I’ve written fanfic for!
1. Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
I MEAN 😌🤗🤗🤗 what can I say, I love a good power difference dynamic 🙌
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2. Lan Zhan/Wei Ying
THEY’RE CANON, YOUR HONOR 🗡️ the only instance where heartbreak is acceptable (bc MXTX fixes it, THANK GOODNESS); also kinda related but I am still firmly camped out in BJYX land so……
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3. Jonathan Toews/Patrick Kane
These dumb boys, my forever 1988 heart 🥲 had to sneak some RPF in here 🤭
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4. Galo/Lio
Even dumber boys 😪 the enemies to lovers trope is strong with this one, and who doesn’t love that WAIST in Galo’s huge himbo hands LOL (this fic also happens to hold the record for most kudos for me on AO3 🍆 💦 )
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5. Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (aspirational)
The childhood friends to lovers is also a fav 🥹 I identify with Iwa-Chan to my core lol
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This was so fun!!! No pressure tags @thesilverqueenlady @emerald-fire-3510 @sanerontheinside and anyone else who wants to partake! 🥰
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theemporium · 11 months ago
we’re the same age but I got into NHL in 2015 and my team is the Penguins and it’s so wild seeing the difference in which guys are the “popular” ones like I was reading Sidney Crosby and Jonathan Toews and Tyler Seguin so now I venture into the tags and I’m like “who is that? A child.”
oh bless😭no but I do get what you mean!! I kinda get it in the same way with f1 when I go into the tag and see fics for some of the younger boys in f2 and f3 and I’m like “what are you doing here??”
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pierremcguire · 1 year ago
top 5 ships in your ao3 hockey bookmarks ?
I genuinely debated on whether or not to share this because, since I have been here since 2013, some of these pairings include people we have since learned not so great things about. I have never deleted any of my bookmarks on ao3, so this ranking pretty much encapsulates my entire hockey rpf tenure. alright here we go I guess.
5. (tie) eric staal/jeff skinner (2 works) and paul martin/james neal (2 works)
4. (tie) mitch marner/dylan strome (4 works) and jamie benn/tyler seguin (4 works)
3. (tie) danny briere/claude giroux (8 works) and sidney crosby/evgeni malkin (8 works) and nico hischier/jack hughes (8 works)
2. connor mcdavid/jack eichel (13 works)
1. patrick kane/jonathan toews (31 works)
I'm slowly adding more recently popular pairings but I didn't read much hockey fic outside of the mceichel tag from mid 2020 up until like a month ago.
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ficfinding · 1 year ago
Sorry if there isn’t enough info
Hockey rpf -possible tags-(Patrick Kane, Jonathan toews, alternate universe, non hockey player, Chicago blackhawks, Jonathan Toews/Patrick Kane)
So in this fic, Patrick is not a hockey player. He is pretty poor but he won a blackhawks raffle or something (I think he donated to a soup kitchen). The only blackhawks shirt he owns is something raggedy. He then goes on a date with Jonathan toews who is the captain
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fullsundiall · 2 years ago
my findings on the breakdown of hockey rpf ships:
the 2000’s era
- these are ships mostly made up of players drafted from 2003 to 2008
- they are our eras legends, the ones that ruled the 2000’s
- most popular ships include sidney crosby/evgeni malkin, jonathan toews/patrick kane and alexander ovechkin/nicklas backstrom (with frequent crossover pairings)
ships from this era definitely have the most content and can be found of all varieties. most recent fics of these pairings are more on the nostalgic side but you can go all the way back.
the 2015 draft era
- ships mostly made up of players drafted from 2014-2017
- these are the players that a currently dominating
- juniors and the ohl are especially big for ships in this era. that means lots of angst and rivalry.
- most popular ships include travis konecny/nolan patrick, mitch marner/auston matthews, leon draisaitl/matthew tkachuk and dylan strome/connor mcdavid
fics in this era more often then not have various characters from this era as good friends (mitch marner, connor mcdavid, dylan strome), (jack eichel, noah hanafin) and the pairings between players from this time are very mixed. basically everyone is shipped with everyone. also everyone from this draft is cursed so be prepared for very angsty fics.
the rookies
- players drafted from 2019 to 2021
- babies. just babies.
- a large portion of fics with players from this era include the usntdp boys (jack hughes, trevor zegras, cole caulfield, alex turcotte, etc)
- the most popular ship is jamie drysdale/trevor zegras by a long shot, but you can find lots of rare pairs with any of the characters above
players from this era ARE actually friends so lots of things are based off of real life. also there’s a lot of cute friendships and figuring each other out together because again BABIES. although, if you don’t like quarantine/covid fic then maybe skip on some of these cuz they are the quarantine babies of the nhl.
obviously, this isn’t conclusive of every ship and there are a lot between teammates or across age groups that don’t fit into these pairings. however, from my time in the fandom this is the distinction i’ve made between the types of fans!
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gu3ntzel · 1 year ago
baseball violence ask: 4 + 9 + 10 and nhl violence ask: 14 + 16 + 25
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
i dont think ive blocked anyone in baseball community??? baseball's so small on tumblr that its pretty easy to ignore/avoid ppl. i think ive only blocked one person on the nhl side bc they were legitimately insane.
9. worst part of canon
rob manfred that the owner of the cards and our head of BO are completely fucking spineless and wont pay the money for good pitchers and are effectively wasting goldy/nolan. i mean, ffs, you signed two starting pitchers that are both 35+???? ffs. if the money doesnt go to signing yoshinobu yamamoto them im kms
10. worst part of fanon
listening to other cards fans during the season if things arent going our way.
astros fans.
dodgers fans thinking theyre going to get nolan arenado
theres soooo fucking much im so irritated with and 100% of it has to do with other cardinals fans
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
that sid is some?? sad little uwu socially anxious boy?? even when he was young i dont think he was ever like that, like hockey is a highly social sport and he may be an intense hockey freak but hes not sad lil uwu
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
literally any ship with tyson barrie. what is your guys' obsession with him
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
honestly im sick of ppl talking about ppl like patrick kane and jonathan toews and other shitty players like them, just stop fucking talking about them and theyll fade from the memory of social consciousness like they should
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