#jonathan hops
skeletonzimms · 1 year
brb thinking about hops vibrating out of his skin making bitty watch yuri on ice with him
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morganski-19 · 1 year
Jonathan driving Mike home after his and Will’s first official date:
Jonathan: Wait a second
Mike: Look, I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend to El and I know you hate me, but I really care about Will and-
Jonathan: That’s not where I was going with this
Mike: *confused* Where were you going with this then?
Jonathan: Are you happy, with him?
Mike: *smiles* Yeah, I am
Jonathan: Good. It’s been nice to see the old you again.
Mike: Thanks
Jonathan: I will kill you if you hurt him though
Mike: I would expect you to
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friendsdontlieokay · 4 months
I want Jonathan to get hurt in s5, don't get me wrong I love him, really very much but I need to see Will to have a fit and threaten anyone and everyone out of anger and sadness while El snaps Vecna's head off from his body for hurting her brother, because killing her "siblings" off was the first crime he did in front of El and tried to convince her saying that they weren't her siblings in the first place cause they never cared, but it wasn't a good enough reason, but this? This isn't even in the ballpark, because Jonathan is her sibling, her brother, her big brother who cares, cares to the point that he decided to drive across the country to ensure her safety and get her back home in fact while staying under government quarantine and almost being halfed threatened to death, no this isn't happening at all!
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ok not to be controversial but if you think that joyce byers (joyce byers!!!) would choose to stay with hopper over her boys?? i’m so sorry but you’re crazy for that
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groovinrightalong · 2 months
“Will Wheeler” “Mike Byers”
I’ll do you one better. Will and Mike Hopper.
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soupy-sez · 7 months
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OutKast, 1998, © Jonathan Mannion
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5yours-yours2 · 1 month
Season 2 Theories
Possessions. Jon and Elias, the eye and the thing from angler fish respectively.
Not Sasha. Large part of season 2, table too. Tim involved?
Jon and Martin. Jon's paranoid, I am worried about what happened in the panic room because bonding might be broken. This will most definitely effect martin for the worse, leading to later problems.
Gertrude's death. Reasons Jons paranoid, gonna have to do with martin (as listed above), Dreamer says it was violent, three shots to the chest.
The Church of the Divine Host. The eye? Unsure of its connection to anything. Please note: the man burning. Edwin Burroghs possession was a ceremony in session? Kathy unscrewing lightbulbs and the spinach-like substance.
Jergen Leitneir. Fuck this guy, rich ass pimp, going to be the deaths of way to many (almost surely innocent) people. The tomb and under the building.
Tims dying. Only character w/out side plot (so far, Not Sasha? Unsure.) All signs point to yes.
New characters? Maybe Melanie King??? Unsure.
The sky???? Maybe????????? Unsure.
Beacon and Hope Deliveries. In two episodes, will be important. The delivery men from 35, was it? Coffin reappearance?
Places to remember. 93 Lancaster Rd, Hilltop Rd, St. Thomas Hospital,
The family with straight faces. Related to 34? (Thoughts are going to 24 as well, but doubtful.) Unsure.
Lost Johns Cave. Unsure of connections, has to do with the dark, like the guy from angler fish, amogst other things.
Major Tom. He better show up or I'm throwing HANDS. The spider on the shelf that Jon broke? Jon has Arachnophobia, has to do with this episode? Unsure.
The Meat. Where did the man upstairs get it from? Has to do with the Killing Floor?
The Circus of the Other (specifically Nikolai Oretsev) Unsure of its connections, but will be important.
Micheal, has to do w Not Sasha? I am almost positive there are more of him.
The spirit haunting Paul Macenzie, unsure of connections, possibly 24?
Death. Unsure of its connection to the main plot, but death is a largely feared thing. so will be connected somehow I believe.
Jon's fear. Connected to Martin somehow? He has a fear of many a thing.
The Hiker. Or, more accurately, The Hunter. Unsure of its connections but will be important to something.
The crew of the Tundra. Possible connections are as follows; The Church of the Divine Host, other sacrifice cult things?
Gertrude's filings. She solved it and thats how they were filed. By major plot lines (or…fears)
The sickness. similar to the man upstairs? Unsure. Trevor makes and appearance however and might reappear?
The Vase. Or, more accurately, the creature within it. I am unsure of its connections to the main plot but it will reappear in artifact storage
Mikilaie Sailsa. No i didnt spell that right but alas. He is the keeper of things that are 'lost' in my opinion. Connected to Leitner. Sold table to Graham? Unsure.
No more Jane. No more worms. Please.
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emblazons · 1 year
—woke up from literal sleep to write down the thoughts that clicked for me after I made this post about the Mike/Hopper hug last night, so. Here's the expansion of all of that lmao.
people always talk about the way Mike looked conflicted when El kisses him in S3, on top of the way he seemed fine with them breaking up until she initiated the relationship again (because of the absence of Hopper). I think this is 100% true, and it’s also the start of Mike’s spiral about protecting her we see through S4.
Mike’s “care” in lieu of "love" for El (and lack of ability to tell her he loves he romantically) is directly correlated to Hopper telling him to BE CAREFUL re: El right before he died. Almost as though Mike didn’t even have space to think of El as a true romantic partner— he was too busy trying to hold up the end of her missing “dad," and why he didn't know what to do when she started talking about how she didn't belong (because he's fourteen and not capable of filling the shoes of her father lmao).
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the reason why Mike said “I was worried too much about El” is because he was—he was worried in a way suited for a father, not a boyfriend (thank you @emily-tumbles-on for that tag lol).
It’s also why he was so willing to let El go back to Owens—it’s a trusted (-ish) adult figure who could help El in a way his 14 year old self could not. It’s also why he immediately seems okay with letting her go once she says she wants to + throwing away her letter, right up until he realizes where El went is dangerous again, which meant he has to restart the protector-in-Hop’s place worry (which he doesn’t want, but feels powerless to step away from in his paladin-oath-responsibility mind).
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When Mike & Will get into it at Rink O Mania over Will not telling Mike what was going on, Will interprets it as romantic attachment when it’s really giving “worried parent” not boyfriend.
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That entire “you should have told me” also DIRECTLY REFLECTS the way Mike sees Will as his actual partner and equal no matter the time or distance (like in S2)—and expects him to help shoulder leadership responsibilities the way romantic/life partners would by helping him look after his charge (El).
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The whole painting is confusing af for Mike because he does not see El as his partner or lover, but his responsibility in Hop’s absence—and Will, in his projection, is conflating his romantic love for Mike into the familial one between Mike & El. That's also why Mike feels so insecure about not being responsible enough (!!!) and why he looks dejected the way a parent would when you tell them you want do something they used to think was fun before having a kid when Will says “we could just play DnD and Nintendo for the rest of our lives.”
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The van scene takes on a whole new meaning when you think about how the second Will made it about El, it forced Mike into a mental conundrum because he felt loved as himself at first…only to have it thrown back in with this wildly inappropriate parental responsibility he has for El because of Hop’s loss. (I watched the van scene again with this in mind and...lmao. Mike's expressions make absolute sense once you keep this conflation / confusion in mind)!
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Yet another reason Mike and Jonathan need to have another conversation is because both of them have been suffering from a severe parentification—Jonathan for Will, and Mike for Eleven.
Hopper returning leaves space for both of them to move back into age-appropriate selfishness/relationships (aka think about their own wants and needs with Nancy and Will for a change) because Joyce doesn’t need Jonathan to fill the “man of the house” space, Will is going to “come of age” and have Mike, and El is gonna have her dad.
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....all that to say these (and probably a million more things) become WAY clearer when you realize Mike is carrying the burden of Hopper's absence not as a boyfriend, but as 14 year old boy filling a parent space...which makes me really glad Hop didn't really die in S3 all of a sudden lmao. And also...Duffers. FREE MIKE WHEELER 2025
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elias-magnussy · 14 days
Attention British supernatural community! I am starting an auction the winner of which will get the right to throw my Archivist at the wall see if he squeaks. All profits will be versed to VICTA UK. Bids start at £1. Be generous, it's for a great cause and I know you people are scammy enough to have big bucks stored away! Best of luck to everyone!
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lilitunoirrr · 10 months
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Jonathan Davis, Snoop Dogg and Linkin Park (Brad, Mike, Chester) - 2004.
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So, after season one, Nancy and Steve don't get back together for like a month, right? Okay, what if they reconciled by Steve approaching her and telling her that he wanted to give her space, that he didn't want to push her, but he wanted to make sure she was alright after Barb. He told her how he wished he had gotten to know her, and if she was up for it, then maybe she could tell him about Barb. I have a hard time believing that no one acknowledged Nancy and her grief for Barb. (I mean, did Hopper even think to check on her?) To me, I think that this would explain why she was holding on to Steve for so long even though she had feelings for someone else. In her darkest moment, Steve was so sweet to her. Jonathan was busy with his own family, and that's understandable, but you're telling me that he couldn't pick up the phone? I think it's also why Steve went to the dinners because he did feel guilty, and he did feel guilty about not getting to know Barb. I think if she and Jonathan hadn't gotten together in that moment, then she would have found her way to actually talk to Steve about Barb to get closure. It's one of the things that annoys me about Jancy. That and the photographs. I wish they had written Jonathan better. Anyway, I just wonder how they reconciled after that month, and I think this is it.
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sdhsmysteries · 2 months
jonny sims you cannot be jingling jonmartin keys in front of me like this i’m trying to figure out the NEW MYSTERIES because Y2K????
LIKE. i’m 100% sure the eldritch boyfriends are inside those computers (and jonah magnus is there too ig) and we know celia is the celia from the TMAverse. there’s a lot of mention about the turn of the millenium amongst other things (tech from before 2000, a whole statement on something happening in 2000 regarding the magnus institute before it burned down, etc etc) but what i can’t wrap my head around is what good would talking to the TMA people in this universe do?? what is celia’s ANGLE why is she doing this—
like. i like it. im fucking with it; usually when someone says “you don’t need to listen to the previous series to listen to this one” i just kinda assume they’re lying but honestly its pretty evenly split between new perspectives of old mysteries and the NEW mysteries they present and i’m here for it. they kinda handle it like nier where if u played replicant the mysteries are played out in a different way than if you just started with automata.
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whynotimtired · 10 months
There's something so crushing about the theory that Hopper is actually Will's father, and it truly is the Jonathan of it all. Imagine Jonathan finding out and thinking what? really? For a split second before realizing that no, it's not both of them. That would be crazy. It's just Will. Of course it's just Will.
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hopscotch081 · 7 months
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Y’all seem to like my Scarecrow art so who am I to refuse.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
They gave the nail bat from Jonathan to Steve so they could give Jonathan a chainsaw in season 5 btw
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