#jonas x floor
vera-dauriac · 1 year
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Bleeding tenor on the floor. It’s what opera is all about.
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leahwllmsn · 2 months
the reason
alexia putellas x reader
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When you showed up to your first training session of the season, you weren’t expecting to see your ex-something standing in the middle of the locker room.
; some angst, happy ending though, just a bunch of miscommunication 
“Y/N! You’re here, perfect,” Jonas gave you a huge smile as he directed you towards the woman you hadn’t seen in months. “Meet our new signing!”
You swore you’d never seen Jonas smile that big during your time at Arsenal, which was understandable if he managed to sign Alexia Putellas to this damn club.
You looked at her outstretched hand, acting as if this was the first time you two met—acting as if she didn’t break your heart just a few months ago. 
At once, the memories came rushing in and you looked up to meet her eyes, trying to ignore the way your heart started to pick up its pace. For a second you were shocked at how familiar it was, to have her staring at you like you were interesting to her, but you quickly shook it off. You knew it was all a lie, a façade. Alexia was good at making people think they matter to her when she couldn't care less about anybody but herself. 
You ignored her and you ignored Jonas’ yelp of surprise when you didn’t kiss the ground Alexia walked on. You went straight to your cubby and did your usual routine.
Training gear checked.
Boots checked.
Hair tie checked.
Alexia standing next to you—
“What?” you hadn’t meant to sound harsh, or maybe you did. You didn’t really care.
Out of all the things you expected to come out of her mouth, an apology for breaking your heart, or a simple ‘how are you’ or whatever, you hadn't expected her to say, “I missed you.”
You were indifferent to her being here before (that was what you convinced yourself anyway), but now you were livid. 
“Seriously?” your voice apparently was louder than you intended because you could feel a couple of eyes on you.
“Y/N…” maybe it was hearing her say your name again after all this time. Maybe it was the way she said your name with a hint of longing when she had no right to do so after what she did to you. Maybe it was the way she was standing there within your reach after you thought that you were never going to see her again.
You think it was all of it combined that made the ache in your heart, which you’ve managed to seal tight all this time, to seep through the seams and inject itself back into your veins.
Taking a deep breath, you will yourself to stare into her eyes. “Go fuck yourself, Alexia.”
You heard everyone inhale a sharp breath all at once as you exited the room. You definitely were getting an earful from Jonas but you didn’t care.
Alexia could really go fuck herself for all you care.
It was Leah that Jonas assigned to talk to you.
You hated it because aside from the fact that she was your captain in the Lionesses, she also had known you since you were barely in diapers, seeing as your mothers were best friends. 
You were hiding in your usual spot, the old storage room that no one used anymore. 
“Want to talk about why you were so rude to one of the best footballers on this planet?”
You scoffed. Great. Even your best friend was kissing Alexia’s ass. “She’s overrated.”
Leah sat down on the floor next to you, grabbing the back of your shirt when you went to stand up. “You’re not going anywhere, mate.”
“You can't make me talk,” you scowled at her. “I just hate her. Don’t really care if I was rude to Jonas’ newest favourite.”
Leah laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Chill out will you! You’re acting so tense.”
“I’m not tense! It’s just been a shitty morning, with her being here and all.”
“I feel like there’s something I’m missing,” Leah looked at you questioningly. “You’re jealous of her or something?
You barked out a laugh at that. That was good. “Hell no. Why would I be jealous of her? Like I said, she’s overrated.”
“Then nothing,” you rolled your eyes. God, why was it so hard to be moody about your ex in peace?
“If it’s nothing then you wouldn't mind going back there and being nice to her, yeah?”
There was no way in hell you would be nice to Alexia. No. fucking. way.
“Y/N. Jonas is counting on me to talk some sense into you, he's scared Alexia is going to resign on the first day here if her teammate is rude to her.”
That sounded like a great idea, you thought. Just as you smiled at Leah, she was frowning at you.
“Y/N. Be nice. Please. For me?”
You always did have a soft spot for Leah.
Everyone was already at the field when you returned with Leah.
You weren't sure who witnessed your little interaction with Alexia earlier so you kept to yourself for a bit, not wanting anyone to ask anymore questions.
You got through the training smoothly and it was over before you knew it. You kept on avoiding Alexia’s gazes, trying your best to pretend that she wasn't there at all. In your mind, Alexia was still in Barcelona, right where she should be.
Not in London Colney here with you. Definitely not.
Damn it.
You were putting your stuff into your duffle bag aggressively, lifting your head just for a second to glare at her. 
Alexia seemed unperturbed at your cold gaze, sitting down on the cubby next to yours so she could look up at you and catch your eyes.
You were always a sucker for her stupid puppy dog eyes.
But you were stronger now. You were.
“Y/N,” she tried again, her voice a whisper. “Can we talk? ”
You replied with a simple “No.”
“We are going to be teammates, we should at least be civil to one another, no?
“No,” you rolled your eyes, who did she think she was? “I’ll pretend you don't exist and you can do the same.”
Alexia scoffed at you. “Why are you being so difficult?”
That got your attention. “Me?” you raise your voice and Leah suddenly stepped in between you two, probably fearing that things might escalate.
“Hey,” Leah gave you a pointed look. “People are watching.”
You glanced back and people were watching, most had a curious look on their faces. No one knew you and Alexia knew each other, but everyone knew you and they knew you were anything but hostile. So this attitude might be slightly disconcerting for them.
You took a deep breath and willed yourself to calm down. You need time to process the events that happened today.
“I’m just gonna go,” you told Leah. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
Not sparing Alexia another glance, you grabbed your bag and took off.
Tomorrow. You’ll face her again tomorrow and maybe you can try to be civil with her. Only for the sake of your teammates.
“You know… if you keep on staring at me like that, one might think you’re in love with me.”
You thought you were being discreet with your gazes towards the brunette who was sitting a few seats apart from you, acting as if you were staring at the ocean instead.
But apparently that wasn’t the case and as soon as you heard those words come out of her mouth, you choked on your ice tea and patted your chest repeatedly to stop the coughing fit. 
The brunette beside you laughed and you halted your movements to stare again because wow, the pictures really didn’t do Alexia Putellas justice.
She turned towards you and held out a hand for you to shake. “I’m Alexia.”
You accepted her hand with a bashful smile. “I know.”
She raises her eyebrows at you.
You could feel the blush rising to your cheeks, trying to play it cool with a simple shrug of your shoulders. “Who doesn't know Alexia Putellas at this point? It would be weird if I didn’t.” you paused. “And I wasn’t staring at you, by the way.”
“Oh, you weren’t?” Alexia smirked. She slid into the empty seat between you and you could feel your heartbeat racing once she caught a whiff of Alexia’s perfume. A strong flowering scent. Huh. You've never thought about what Alexia Putellas would smell like, but it probably wasn’t this. It somehow made you even more attracted to her.
You nodded, playing with the straw of your drink. “I totally wasn’t.”
“Then what were you staring at?” 
“The… sea.”
Alexia laughed once more and you couldn’t help but laugh with her. Her laugh was infectious.
“Okay, sure,” Alexia took a sip of her drink. “Just so you know though, I wouldn’t mind if you were staring at me.”
You hummed, pretending to be in thought. “I’d rather not.”
“No?” Alexia raised her eyebrows. “Why not?”
You shrugged. “Then you’d think I’m into you, or something.”
“Well aren’t you?”
You clicked your tongue. Her ego was through the roof. You get it though, if you looked like that, you’d think everyone was into you too. “No.”
“Your stare suggests otherwise.” Alexia smiled smugly.
You stepped down from your stool and put your hand out. “Why don’t you take a stroll around the beach with me?”
When Alexia was still staring at your outstretched hand, you motioned for her to take it. Alexia complied and let you drag her away to the shore. 
“It was getting kinda boring, wasn't it? Just sitting by yourself at the bar,” you explained, swaying your hands back and forth as you walked along the coast. “I don't know if you know me, but I play football professionally too. For Arsenal and England. I’m here on holiday with my family but they can get kind of crazy sometimes so I want to have some alone time for a bit.”
“I know the feeling. I'm here with my sister but she drives me crazy most of the time.” you laughed along with her. 
“So you’re free then,” you halted your steps. “Spend the day with me?”
Alexia gave you a huge smile and you wanted the waves to swallow you whole, because how can someone be so gorgeous?
“I thought the answer was obvious the moment I let you drag me away from my unfinished cocktail.”
“Sorry,” you laughed. “I’ll buy you a new one.”
“That’s okay,” Alexia leaned forward and whispered in your ear. “As long as you admit that you’re attracted to me at the end of the day.”
You gulped, the close proximity was making your head spin. “Never,” you stuck your tongue out at her.
“We’ll see.” Alexia leaned back and grinned. “For now, can we go see some dolphins?”
You had already seen the dolphins the previous day. You hated it because the dolphins thought it was a good idea to splash water all over your brand new Dior bag and you swore you would never come back. 
But Alexia was looking at you with wide, excited eyes and a smile so bright that you didn’t have the heart to say no to her. So you went to see the dolphins and you did everything Alexia wanted.
The entire day, Alexia didn’t let go of your hand and you swore you had never been happier.
You and Alexia ended up talking to each other everyday ever since the Ibiza trip. She didn't exactly tell you that she felt the same way you did, but you figured that her constant flirting was supposed to clue you in. 
It went on for months and before you knew it, you were hopelessly in love with Alexia. 
Alexia was kind, thoughtful, she was so passionate about the sport that you both loved so dearly and you were just a goner. 
Who wouldn’t be, honestly?
It was certainly a bonus point that she was super attractive too. 
In the morning when Alexia would call you on facetime, and you were greeted with her face still full of sleep, blanket engulfing her as she recounts to you her plans for the day, you couldn't do anything but stare helplessly at how good she looked and how extra raspy her voice was. 
You and Alexia never put a label on things but you figured you were sort of… dating? Or it was a… situationship? Whatever it was, you knew it was beyond the level of friendship.
You loved your friends and you called them on the daily, but you couldn't imagine doing it to this extent. Alexia would call you in the mornings and at night. You’d call her when you got off training, you’d call her when you heard a funny joke Kyra said and you wanted to tell Alexia about it. She would call you when she got anxious because she was starting her match and her doubts of still being not good enough post ACL still haunted her.
You loved Leah, your bestest friend in the whole world, but you couldn't imagine telling her the things you told Alexia in the early hours of the morning. There were some things that you didn’t think you'd share with anyone, but with Alexia, it was… simple. It was easy. It felt right.
But maybe it was all in your head.
It went on for so long that you didn’t even think labeling it was important anymore. You were Alexia’s and she was yours.
She told you she loved you, for fuck’s sake.
She told you she loved you and one day when you were at camp, Lucy mentioned how Alexia was seeing someone.
Someone who you thought was you, but how could that be if Lucy was talking about having a double date at the best paella place in Barcelona with Alexia and her girlfriend when you were all the way in London. 
Apparently Alexia’s girlfriend was someone named Olga and they'd been dating for a few months and your blood pressure went through the roof.
A few months.
You thought you were dating Alexia for a few months (one year actually, but you didn’t give a fuck anymore).
You ignored Alexia’s call that night because, what the fuck? She had a girlfriend in Spain and you were what? Her side piece? That thought made you sick.
You didn't reply to Alexia’s messages anymore. Too hurt, too embarrassed at everything.
don’t text me again, Alexia 
I mean it
You declined all her calls and never bothered replying to her texts that were pleading to tell her what was wrong.
Eventually when weeks passed by and you still gave no response, she stopped trying.
You didn't know if you were relieved or disappointed.
It seemed like the universe had something against you because as soon as you got out of your car, Alexia was also getting out of her car across from you.
If you weren't so pissed off at the reminder that she was actually a part of Arsenal now, you would laugh at how comical this sight was—you scowling at her and Alexia scowling back at you.
“Bon día,” Alexia had the decency to greet you.
“Morning,” you grumpily greeted back.
You walked side by side into the building. you didn't know why, you could have walked faster, or slower, or turned in the other direction so you wouldn't have to walk by her side, but you did it anyway.
Despite only having hung out with her in person a few times during your time together/not together, you kinda missed her.
“Is this you finally being civil with me?” 
“I still hate you.”
“Okay ouch,” Alexia placed a hand over her heart, pouting at you. You continued to scowl at her, trying to hide how your heart had betrayed you and skipped a beat.
Before you had the chance to respond, you two arrived at the locker rooms. Only Leah was there, who immediately came over and sling an arm around your shoulder and grinned cheekily at you. “Best mates already, are we?”
You flicked Leah’s forehead, causing her to yelp and do the same to you. “Leave me alone, Leah,” you grumbled.
“Someone’s moody this morning,” Leah whispered to Alexia, to which the latter hummed in agreement.
“Have I mentioned how much I hate you both?”
Leah chuckled, whispering something to Alexia that you didn't quite catch. Nor did you care enough to find out. 
How funny was your life right now? Your best friend and your… something were friends. Ugh. Your ex-something, now your teammate. Ugh.
You were too caught up in unpacking your things that you didn't notice Leah calling your name.
You turned around and raised an eyebrow at her. “What?”
“I’ve been calling you twice! Alexia distracting you that much?” Leah said teasingly.
You looked towards Alexia who was changing her clothes, leaving her in a Nike sports bra and her abs on full display. Fuck. Bad idea.
“Oh fuck off,” you quickly turned back around, feeling the heat rushed to your cheeks.
“Stop being so moody,” Leah shook her head in amusement. “You’re terrible when you’re moody.”
“Not moody.”
Leah chuckled like she couldnt believe you but she let it go. “We’re planning a welcome party for Alexia this weekend at my place. You’ll be there, yeah?”
Your reply was immediate. “No.”
“Oh I’m hurt,” speak of the devil. Alexia joined in on your conversation with Leah, now all dressed in her Arsenal training kit. Your eyes raked up and down her body. You didn’t have time to admire her in her Arsenal kit yesterday. (You wouldn't admit that it looked good on her.) “You won’t attend your own teammate’s welcoming party? Dios mío. So much for being a team.”
“Not if the teammate is you,” you retorted.
Alexia pouted at you. Leah looked like she was having the time of her life watching your interaction. “Do not be like that, darling,” Alexia teased. You badly wanted to smack her in the face. “You did say you have always wanted us to play together. Now we are on the same team and you are acting like you hate me?” 
At that your eyes bulged out of its sockets. Leah looked mostly confused. “I never said that!”
Alexia only smirked at you as she passed by, blowing you a kiss before she went off to the pitch. 
“She’s so bloody annoying,” you grumbled after her. “I never said anything like that!”
The first time you argued with Alexia on the pitch, it was entirely your fault. You could admit this. 
Alexia was dribbling the ball—looking so good doing it, like everything was so effortless for her, that you sort of got annoyed and went in to tackle her. It could’ve ended badly if it weren’t for Alexia’s quick reflexes.
“Oh come on! That’s a yellow!” Alexia looked genuinely pissed off, she quickly stood up, throwing her hands in the air. 
“Oops,” you shrugged, mockingly patting her cheeks. “Good reflexes though.”
All your teammates looked away as Jonas scolded you in front of everyone—not that you care, you weren’t hearing a word he said. You were too busy sending a smirk Alexia’s way. You didn’t look guilty in the slightest and that was probably what made Alexia’s blood boil.
She took her water bottle and she didn’t just spray water on you, she turned the cap and poured the whole thing on top of your head.
“Oops,” Alexia mocked your earlier words. 
Oh you were livid. “What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!” 
Alexia leaned in and whispered in your ear, “You should work on your reflexes, babe,” before walking away. She didn’t get to walk very far before you ran after her and jumped on her back, tackling her to the ground.
You didn’t know what you wanted to do but you were so annoyed at Alexia—annoyed that she was able to get under your skin, annoyed that she was so attractive and you were still so attracted to her even though she broke your heart! It was ridiculous.
You were tackling each other on the field, and you could hear Alexia start to laugh and you realized it was because you were tickling her and Alexia was ticklish.
“Y/N! Stop! What the hell!” You sure as hell weren’t stopping now.
(It was definitely not because of how addictive the sound of Alexia’s laughter was.)
“Say sorry!” You shouted back, you were straddling her at this point, your hands still poking at her sides.
“Alexia! Say sorry!”
“No! Get off!”
“I’m not getting off until you say sorry!”
All your teammates were watching the scene with bewilderment on their faces. Earlier, when you tackled Alexia, everyone was holding their breath, anticipating the bomb that was due to explode anytime (the bomb here being the tension created by you and Alexia being in each other’s vicinity). 
Now, everyone was just amused. You two were still taking turns straddling each other, trying to outpower the other, a scowl ever present on your face (although if one were to look closely, you did let a smile slip). Everyone thought you hated each other. Jonas was making himself go crazy trying to find the history between you, needing to find a solution to make you like each other as one of you leaving was not an option.
Now, everyone could see that you two were fine. Some unresolved tension, for sure. Full on hatred? Not so much.
The days passed by pretty quickly and the next thing you knew you were standing in front of Leah’s door, about to enter Alexia’s welcoming party, the one you were adamant to not show up to.
Leah then threatened to take away your PlayStation for a month to which you finally caved in with the biggest sigh and “Remember Lee, it’s not about me wanting to be friends with Alexia, okay? I literally cannot live if you revoke my PlayStation privileges!”
You entered Leah’s place with an even more sour mood than you were at training this week.
Training was fine, as always. Having Alexia there to train with you in London Colney was not fine.
(Although you couldn’t help but notice how well you and Alexia played with each other, managing to have some sort of telepathy that let you two find one another on the pitch. 
Just your damn luck.)
You made your rounds and spoke with everyone. You were less tense now, somehow having adjusted to Alexia being around.
You could see the relief in Leah and Kim’s face when they saw you weren’t trying to start fights with the new signing anymore.
So much so that they decided it was you and Alexia that had to be the one to get more beers in Leah’s pantry. You took the instructions with a scowl, Alexia trailing behind you like a lost puppy.
You entered Leah’s pantry (if one could even call it that, it was spacious, Leah had more space than one living alone would need), and you were about to tell Alexia to hold the door open and not let it shut because the handle was broken and Leah still haven’t gotten it fixed when Alexia shut the door closed.
“Guess we’re stuck here.”
After both of you had tried your luck by pulling the door handle and nothing seemed to work, you two settled on the floor, sitting on opposite ends of the room.
You were scowling at the blonde, who was looking everywhere but you, a guilty expression on her face.
“This is all your fault,” you were sulking. You both stupidly didn’t bring your phones and you couldn’t call anyone for help. “This is all your fault,” you repeated.
“I told you, I’m sorry,” Alexia mumbled, bringing her knees to her chest. You hated that she looked like a kicked puppy.
You sighed. Maybe you were being too harsh on her. “I’m surprised there hasn't been an uproar online with you leaving Barcelona,” you changed the subject.
Alexia raised an eyebrow at you, not expecting you to start another conversation apart from telling her that being stuck here was Alexia’s fault. “It hasn't been announced yet,” she clarified.
“Well, goodluck,” you felt bad for her. Just a bit. “They’re going to rip you apart for that. Unloyal, how you downgraded, and all that.”
Alexia let out a big sigh. “I know. I have prepared myself for it. The goodbye video is a good one though, it was so emotional, I even cried. I just hope people understand.”
You looked at her, you still couldn’t understand her. “I thought you loved Barça? You are quite literally a carbon copy of Leah with Arsenal.”
“I did. I do. I love the club with all my heart, you know that.”
When you didn't reply Alexia continued.
“There were a lot of factors, to put it simply. Financials, is one. I didn’t like that in order for me to receive more, someone has to get less. We won the Quadruple, we won a lot of fucking things for the club, there should be enough money going around. Anyway, I won’t go into detail because it is a lot more complicated than that. Then there was going to be changes, with Jona leaving and all. I didn’t like where it was headed.”
Alexia took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling. “I didn’t want to leave everyone behind, but I felt that it was for the best. They still have Marta and Patri so I’m leaving them in good hands.”
“Sorry to hear that,” you murmured, now feeling guilty for your behaviour towards her ever since she got here.
Alexia turned to look at you and gone were the wistful look in her eyes. She looked serene—if that was even possible after leaving the club of your life.
“Then you were also a factor, definitely,” Alexia said so softly that you might have missed it. “I didn't know why you were suddenly ignoring me, I feel like I definitely did something wrong because we were fine one day and not the next. I want to apologize for whatever it was. I really do miss you.”
You could only look at her as you processed her words. Your loud laugh broke the silence “Me? You moved to shitty Arsenal because of me? Please be serious.”
Alexia laughed at that. “Don’t call your club shitty. I think it’s quite a good club. With an interesting league.”
“If you're comparing it to Barcelona—“
“I like it here so far,” Alexia interjected. “You should be proud of your club.”
“Of course I am—”
“And you’re here so it’s definitely a bonus point.”
“No, no, wait, just pause,” you ran your hand through your hair as you took a deep breath. What the fuck was going on. You stood up and started pacing the floor, Alexia looking at you expectantly. “You,” you pointed at her. “Moved to Arsenal, to bloody London,” you waved your hand around, “because of me?” you pointed at yourself in disbelief.
“One of the reasons, yes.”
Alexia looked taken aback at your outburst, her face showing that she was amused at you. “What do you mean no?”
“No as in you're lying.”
“I’m not lying,” she rolled her eyes at you. 
“Yes, you are.”
Alexia mumbled some Catalan you didn't understand and stood up, inching closer to you. When she was about to take your hand, you immediately pulled away, “Stop,” you warned her, “you have a girlfriend.”
“What?” Now it was you who was taken aback by her outburst.
“I know all about your Spanish girlfriend,” you crossed your arms over your chest. “So cut it out.”
“I don’t have a Spanish girlfriend?” Alexia was confused and you were too, but you know she has a hot, Spanish girlfriend somewhere in Barcelona and it was igniting the rage in the pit of your stomach.
“Lucy told me that you went on a double date with her and Ona. While we were together,” you scoffed. “So not only do you have a girlfriend but you cheated.”
“What!” Alexia looked at you like you were crazy. “Cheated? Sí, I was in love with you, but we were never together?!”
Your jaw went slack at that, how could she?
“Never together- all the daily calls and texts and the I love you? Jesus, Alexia. What was all that?”
Realization seemed to dawn on her face at the same time as yours. There was a chance that… Alexia didn’t think you were together when you thought otherwise…?
“I didn’t—” Alexia sighed, shaking her head. “I thought we were friends!”
You groaned, palming your face. Oh my god. This must singlehandedly be the most humiliating point in your life. You were heartbroken over someone who didn't think you were together? “What kind of friends—”
“Okay, okay,” Alexia stepped closer to you, her hands reaching out in an attempt to touch yours. “Lo siento. I really am.” You let her touch you, Alexia immediately holding your hands and running soothing circles with her thumb.
“I didn't know you felt that way towards me, honestly,” Alexia continued. “I was trying to forget you, so I went out with someone for a bit but it was nothing serious. I—wait, was that why you stopped talking to me?”
Still feeling the embarrassment, you pulled your hands from her grip and began walking towards the door. Before you remembered that you were locked in. Great.
Alexia caught up to you, essentially blocking your path. Not that you could go anywhere anyway. 
“Y/N,” Alexia gave a small laugh and you frowned at her. What was so funny about this? “You thought we were together?”
Your frown deepend even further, hearing her say it out loud was so, so embarrassing. “Yeah, whatever, go ahead and laugh at me.”
Alexia turned serious at your tone. “I am not laughing at you. I promise,” she took your hands in hers. “I think it is… cute. We both suck at communication. I’m sorry.” Alexia brought your hands up to her lips, pressing the softest kiss to your knuckles. 
You wanted to die, in a good way. But you were still so embarrassed about this whole thing, so you remained quiet.
“I was in love with you,” Alexia clarified. “Still am. But I did not know that you feel the same—“
You groaned. “I don’t call my friends 24/7 or end everything with an ‘I love you’. Of course I was in love with you!”
“I am oblivious, I know!” Alexia laughed. “Sorry! But you never clarified things.”
“I thought it was obvious,” you pushed her shoulder halfheartedly. “If we were to date and you do those things with someone else, I would be concerned.”
“Never,” Alexia placed her hands around your waist, having you essentially pressed against her. “Sorry again about everything.”
“You should be,” you whispered, the close proximity making your heart beat wildly against your chest. “You broke my heart without knowing it.”
“Won’t ever do it again, te prometo,” Alexia rested her forehead against yours. Alexia filled all your senses and you were overcome with a wave of contentment. “Just so we are clear… you like me in a romantic sense and you want to date me, romantically, yes?”
You could only roll your eyes, grabbing her by the neck to pull her in for a kiss.
Suddenly the door flew open, causing you two to break apart. It was Leah, a bewildered look on her face with a screwdriver in hand. You didn’t even realize she was trying to open the door.
“I thought you two hated each other?!”
You opened your mouth to reply but you didn't get the chance to, not when Alexia grabbed your jaw to turn you towards her and placed her lips back on yours.
You heard Leah muttering curse words as she slammed the door shut and Alexia giggling against your lips at the same time. You were the most content you had ever been.
When you and Alexia weren’t throwing snide remarks at one another, people started to look at you weirdly, apart from Leah, obviously, who was sporting the biggest scowl on her face.
You didn't get a chance to talk to her after she caught you, your best friend prying the door open once more then left without a word, trying to act like a good host and preparing unnecessary foods and drinks for everyone. Basically, she was ignoring you.
You've known Leah all your life and you knew she was pissed that she was kept in the dark about your… developments with Alexia. To be fair, the developments did happen a few minutes before Leah got the door to open, so you didn't really have time to tell her.
Plus, you hadn't told her about how you and Alexia were sort of together but not really for a year and you knew Leah would be even more pissed that you decided to omit this from her. You loved Leah for it though. You knew she meant well. She was very protective over you.
You knew better than to approach Leah when she was like this, opting to leave her to brood in peace for a few days.
You would tell her about Alexia eventually, never really one to keep secrets from her. 
At the thought of Alexia, you instantly had a smile on your face.
You two were back to the way it was before—regular calls and texts, only this time you could meet each other for coffee in between the time you weren’t calling or texting each other.
This time, you two were on the same page. You were in love with each other. No one else. And you were dating each other—no one else.
Training became… eventful. 
Not only were you and Alexia civil, you two were making jokes with each other. At one point, you even managed to hug her discreetly, when no one was around—or so you thought anyway.
You instantly pulled back at the voice, it turned out to be Mariona, Alexia’s Spain teammate.
“Since when is La Reina a hugger?”
“Shut up, Mario,” Alexia glared at her, although you could see the small smile on her lips. “We are dating. Of course we hug. Just be thankful we were not in the middle of making out or doing something worse.”
You could only stare at Alexia in shock, mouth hanging open. Mariona was the same, she was catatonic.
Whatever you were expecting to come out of Alexia’s mouth, it wasn't that.
“I think you broke poor Mario,” a voice chimed in from the doorway. “I was the one who walked in on their making out session,” Leah continued, stepping into the room. “That was pretty traumatizing.”
Leah was looking at you with that glint in her eyes, one that told you all was well. “You still mad at me Williamson?”
Leah scoffed. “Oh please. Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because I didn’t tell you Ale and I were a thing, and because you had to walk in on me being all over her- in my defense, have you seen her? How could you not want to jump her bones—”
“Okay, nope!” Leah closed her eyes with a grimace, trying to burn the memory away. “Please, please keep it in your pants.”
You shook your head fondly at her, moving forward to engulf her in a hug. “Dinner at my place tonight?”
Leah pulled back and placed the sloppiest kiss on your cheek. “Sure, darling. I know you’ve missed me!”
“Lee! What the fuck!” Leah was giggling and you were shooting daggers at her. Alexia was looking at the both of you with amusement on her face. 
Mariona suddenly burst into laughter, taking everyone by surprise. “This is gold,” Mariona said in between her laughs. “So I am not the only one who moved countries for a girl?”
Alexia looked genuinely offended at the accusation. “I did not move here because of a girl!”
You wrapped your arms around her waist, “Oh you so did, babe. That’s okay, no one is holding it against you. I am pretty hot.”
Alexia was about to counter your statement when Mariona chimed in, an ear-splitting grin on her face, “I am going to go tell everyone about this.”
“What- no! Mario!” Alexia went to chase after the brunette who had made her exit. You could hear their voices echoing throughout the hall. “I moved here because of a lot of reasons, you know this!”
“So,” Leah kicked your shoe to get your attention. “Alexia, huh? Didn't you say she was overrated?”
“Shut up.”
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Barça Femeni x Teen!Reader (Mainly Alexia)
Based off of this request. (And also vaguely off of Lauren Daigle's song - more so just the title, but it kind of under lays the fic I guess.)
WARNINGS: Attempted Sexual Assault References (flack backs), Abusive Father (physical and emotional), drinking/drunk, slight mentions of implied sick (doesn't happen). Let me know if anything else
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The team were always suspicious about your home life and what it was actually like but you always brushed them off when they questioned and no one had tried to push further until recently.
“Y/N, we missed you last night, what happened?” Lucy asked you as she walked in, most of the team following behind her.
“Oh, sorry I was going to message but I must’ve forgotten, I felt a little sick so I thought it was best to stay home,” you told them, causing Alexia to move towards you with her hand out, which you dodge, “but I’m fine now,” you smiled at your captain and she gave you a fake smile back.
That was far from the truth but you didn’t want to tell them what happened. You were in your room making some finishing touches before you left to go out with them, when one of your Dad’s friends had walked into your room, you thought you had locked your door but you must’ve forgotten. He walked up behind you and his body was pressed against yours before he slinked his hand up under your dress and brushed his hand over your upper thigh. You snapped around and punched him before you ran, you could hear him yelling at you afterwards, and you Dad yelling at him, but all you could do was run, and to the safe place you knew no one would come looking for you. Thanking the heavens above that Jona somehow gave you a pass that meant you could go to the training grounds at all times. You quickly got changed into your training kit and took off your makeup before setting an alarm on your phone and falling asleep on one of the couches.
That day during treatment you flinched every time one of the physios touched you, and when he moved his hand up to your thigh you felt your body tense up and your breath becoming laboured, when he applied pressure to start working you bolted straight out of the room, the touch bringing back all the feelings from the night before. You found yourself in a room, full of your teammates, who all worried over but when you finally calmed back down they all left except for one, your captain. Who gave you a pointed look as you made contact with her eyes.
“I’m fine” you reiterated to her for probably the 100th time that hour.
“You know you can talk to us anytime, about anything,” Alexia reassured you.
“Si, I do, but I don’t need to because I’m fine,” she gave you a very unconvincing nod before walking out, leaving you to be by yourself. The team knew you weren’t fine. You constantly showed up to training with bruises that were slightly too dark or too big to be caused by whatever your excuse had been that time, but you were clumsy so they never really questioned it. However Alexia had kept a mental note of when they happened and what your excuses were and she couldn't help but see that there was a pattern. Then there was the incident last week when you were calling some of them and your Dad started yelling at you, and calling you names. You tried to convince them that it was because he had tripped over because you had left your boots and bag and other stuff all over the floor which caused him to stub his toe, however they all felt that it was a very poor excuse to yell at your child in such a way but you just brushed them off.
One week later you found yourself laying on a yoga mat in the gym, you were flat on your back as you stared straight up at the ceiling. Alexia had come over and placed a mat down next to yours, she didn't say anything but just laid there next to you on her back, as the team filtered out to go to the pitch for training neither of you made an effort to move. 
Several different thoughts ran through your head as you laid there next to her for quite some time. You were having an internal battle in your head of whether you opened up to her or not, maybe she would help, maybe this wasn’t normal. But maybe she would tell you it was your fault, you had a short dress on that night, that was slightly slutty, were you asking for it? Had you deserved all of it, all the yelling, the hitting.
“He-he, tried to touch me,” you blurted out, one side of the fight winning, your words caused her to bolt straight up, sitting crossed legged on her mat facing you.
“Who did? Your Dad?” she asked.
“No one of his friends,” you said, shaking your head.
“Did he?” she asked, concerned. “No, not really, I mean he put his hand up my dress, he was leaning forward into me and he touched my thigh, but I quickly moved away from him and punched him and ran, while I was running he was saying something about reporting me for hitting him, but I don’t think he did because I could hear Dad saying something about them finding out if he did because the police would show up to the house,” you said as tears started to flow out of your eyes.
“Find what out?” Alexia asked, confused, wondering what had been happening.
“That he abuses me, they would see the holes in the walls from where he would try and punch me but miss, the shattered mirror that I glued back together, it smashed because he threw it at me, but they wouldn’t see the emotional things, they would only see the physical things. The name calling, the swearing, they couldn’t see that, it would be his word against mine,” you continued as your shoulders started to shake as your cries turned into harsh heavy sobs, “I’m sorry,” you cried out as you rolled over onto your stomach, head resting in your arms as a puddle formed on the underneath you.
“Oh Nena,” Alexia sighed as she went to place a hand on your back, “please don’t touch me,” you asked and she obeyed, quickly retracting her arm, “b-but, please, s-stay” you hesitantly asked her. You felt broken, like there was something wrong with you, how didn’t you notice it wasn’t normal. You thought you had a broken home but at the same time, you never spoke about it so maybe everyone had a broken home and just didn’t talk about it, but since being at Barça you slowly started to realise that what was happening in your home wasn’t normal and wasn’t okay, but it was normal to you, to you being called an idiot, or a stupid bitch was normal, being told you were too lazy or not good enough was normal, being scared to take a step in your own home was normal. Constantly living on the edge and not feeling comfortable in your own home was normal. It was normal in your extended family as well, you came from a long line of toxic men, there was no one to show you that what you were experiencing was abnormal, until now. Men drinking until they passed out was normal. Men controlling the house was normal. Women only dated Men, even in a different universe you would never see a Woman dating a Woman in your family. But somehow Barça had shown you this wasn’t normal.
Alexia’s heart ached as she watched sobs rack your body, she just wanted to hold you tight and tell you it would all be okay, but she couldn't. She had to respect your boundaries and give you some control back.
But you soon found yourself sitting in her lap, your body having gravitated to the warmth and safety she seemed to provide. Your hands clutched to her shirt.
“Nena, can I hug you?” She asked not wanting to do anything against your will, you nodded into her chest and she wrapped her arms around you. You suddenly felt safe, cared for, loved, it suddenly all came crashing down, this team loved you, you had never really experienced that before, and you broke down even more. You were now gasping for air as your body shook, Alexia’s concern for you was rapidly growing.
“Nena, I need you to breath, you’re going to make yourself sick,” She told you, “I-I can’t” you told her as you struggled to suck in air, “Yes, you can Nena, just in and out, focus on my chest moving up and now,” you managed to slightly calm down, but it was barely, your were still shaking and your sobs still racked your body, but you were no longer gasping for air. Alexia put her headphones over your ears and made sure to turn on the noise cancelling feature, she needed to call someone for help but didn’t want you to have to listen in, you didn’t mind, you kind of liked the quietness they provided you. She called Mapi.
Mapi, I need you and Ingrid to take me and Nena home now.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Head in the Clouds III
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: Your Champions League final
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"And, as the players come out, it's only right to talk about the controversy surrounding Barcelona's starting elven. Coach Giráldez has made the choice to field the team's sixteen-year-old star y/n l/n from the start. Bit of an odd choice as she has no previous Champion's League Final experience but Giráldez has said he's confident in her abilities to rise to the task."
Lyon is a tough opponent, you'd been warned about that. You'd been warned that they were physical and technical and had some of the best players in the world.
You knew that.
It still didn't stop you from being absolutely clattered to the ground on several occasions by Renard the moment you got the ball.
It was a bit frustrating actually.
Lyon were tough and, as Irene helps you to your feet, you know she's feeling it too.
The moments of the first half tick down until you leak into injury time. It's frustrating and clearly Renard is working overtime covering you and Aitana which is probably how it all kicked off.
Renard is covering Aitana, blocking her amazingly well while you lurk in the space she's left behind, between Gilles and Carpenter.
You haven't had much space this game so it's nice to be able to breathe with Renard so focused on not letting Aitana take the shot she's clearly winding up to.
The most she manages to get is a chip over the Lyon player, the ball about to land at your feet.
You act on instinct though, not letting it get there.
Your foot stretches out to keep it in the air.
Carpenter and Gilles start moving towards you but it's already too late.
You've twisted to face goal, foot connecting with the ball mid-air and sending it rocketing past Endler.
She didn't even move, your shot taken and executed too quickly for her to realise.
It buries itself in the top right corner and your eyes bug out of your head.
To be honest, you hadn't really realised what you'd done either. It was pure instinct, in the dying seconds of the first half and you'd scored.
Aitana gets to you first, jumping on your back and sending you both tumbling to the floor. Salma and Keira come next, also joining the pile and you tilt your head up to see Caro beaming down on you.
People say Caro doesn't smile a lot and you don't understand why they lie. Caro always smiles at you.
Irene's the one that gets everyone off, pulling you to your feet before kneeling to retie your laces.
"Good girl," She says to you, cupping your cheeks as the Basque flows into your ears," Keep it up, okay?"
Your cheeks bright red, you nod.
The backline just passes the ball between them in the last few seconds of the first half, unwilling to take the risk of Lyon somehow getting the equaliser.
You come off to raucous applause from the fans and immediately try to divert further into the stadium to queue up to get food.
"No," Lucy laughs," The staff already got your fries. No mingling today for you."
You pout a little because sometimes fans in the queue tell funny stories but Lucy's grip on you is firm as she guides you back into the locker room.
Jona is giving a speech but you're aimlessly poking at your bruises and munching on your fries so you don't pay too much attention. If it's important then someone will remind you.
Alexia's the one that walks you back out. She's saying something but you're a bit distracted by how grimy your shorts are from all the times you've been forced to the ground so you only really tune in when she hugs you.
"Huh? What?"
Alexia laughs, shaking her head fondly. "Nothing. Just go out there and keep showing Lyon who's boss."
You frown. "But Jona's our boss. They know that."
"One goal separates the two sides. A beautiful volley from l/n, assisted by Aitana. There were serious doubts about her ability to play well in a final like this but her technique and drive have been unmatched this entire game. Lyon's defence really need to kick it up a gear because I have a feeling that once she starts, it's hard for her to stop."
Lyon throws more bodies at you in this second half. It's gotten more intense, harder to take your own shots but you create a few big chances for others that Endler manages to brush away.
Renard hovers over you, clearly thinking you're more of a threat than Aitana. That's a little weird because Aitana is the best player in the world and it's strange of Renard to not treat her as the threat she is.
Silly of her because you receive the ball from Patri, skirt around and over Renard's outstretched leg, nutmegging her in the process before sending it off to Aitana to drive into the box and score.
She laughs breathlessly as she celebrates, pointing at you with a smile as the team mobs her. She gets head pats and hugs and you do too.
You don't get that. All you did was pass the ball to her so she could score. You do it all the time in training.
"Two nil up against Lyon with a goal from the best player in the world and an assist by the best youngster in the world. Lyon really needs to step it up. Renard can't mark two of the world's best on her own."
A few minutes before Ona is set to be subbed on, you go down hard.
Bacha slides in on you just before you can send a pass to where Caro is waiting. You topple over, landing on the ground with a thump. She lands on you and you groan, your ribs flaring up like they did against Chelsea.
Lucy pushes Bacha off you and says a few words in French that you don't really understand before she helps you to your feet, checking you over.
"Go take the free kick," She orders," And if someone does that again you have my permission to push them back."
You frown. "Alexia said not to do anything you've given me permission to do."
Lucy rolls her eyes. "Go and take your free kick."
That's when you're back to what you're usually doing.
Scoring goals that weren't meant to be goals.
You're at the halfway line but you've got a strong free kick so your team lines up on the edge of the box to wait for it.
At training, Jona always told you to aim for the taller players.
Irene is currently busy in a little skirmish against Diani so you try to aim for Ingrid.
Only Ingrid gets pushed over in her own skirmish and there's no head to guide the ball in.
Not that you needed it because it rockets into the goal, no matter how far away you are. It's high and bounces off the underside of the top crossbar and over the goal line.
Endler just watches it go, clearly expecting there to be a person you've picked out ready to head it home. It's clear she's planning to block the shot that was never going to come.
The stadium erupts again and this time, Salma gets to you first. She thumps you on the back and you manage your own little laugh.
"I didn't mean to do that," You say and she shakes her head.
"Doesn't matter!" She laughs," Ballon D'or here you come!"
You frown at that. During this entire season, everyone has been talking about you getting a Ballon D'or but nobody's really explained what it is.
You gather it must be a good thing though because Aitana has one and Alexia has two.
At this point, you're a little worried to confess that you don't know what it is so you just smile and nod.
"Her face makes it clear that it wasn't meant to be a shot but no one can fault her during this match! L/n is really unravelling Lyon today. With about half an hour left of this match, it's going to take a miracle to get Lyon back in this game!"
Ada Hegerberg is one of your idols. She's amazing. She's one of the greatest football players you've ever seen. In your eyes, she's up there with Pernille Harder and Vivianne Miedema and Caro.
Last year, when you got offered contracts, you almost went straight to Lyon just because they had her. If there had been two Adas at Lyon then you probably would have chosen them over Barcelona and their offering of Caro.
But there is only one Ada Hegerberg and Barcelona had Alexia and Aitana on top of Caro so that's where you went.
But, still, Ada Hegerberg is one of the greats and you're a little bit star struck as she runs past you onto the pitch.
"No," Irene says to you," We're still playing a match. You can get her autograph later."
You bite you lip. "But-"
"And no going easy on her, okay?" Irene looks sternly at you, one brow raised. It's the same look she gives her son when he's being a little silly. "We've still got a game to play."
You sigh, scuffing the dirt with your boot. "Fine."
When you first saw Ada run on, you didn't expect your first interaction to go like this.
You execute a perfect slide tackle that would make Mapi proud, steal the ball and immediately start sprinting up the other side of the pitch.
You hope she doesn't hold that against you later on because you really want to talk to her and maybe get her shirt or at least a picture with her.
But still, like Irene said, you have a match to play so you dribble around Horan and pass the ball to Patri as you make a run into the box.
That's another thing about you, you think, that Lyon wasn't prepared for. You're fast.
Very fast and Alexia says you have this uncanny ability to find space where you really shouldn't be able to.
You can find space and you can outpace your markers but you're never quite ready for a Patri cross.
She has this habit of crossing much higher than you actually are.
You only have space for so much longer so you try to guide the ball down with your head only it bounces straight onto your skull and you kind of do an odd little jump to beat Renard to it.
It's enough of a bounce to go over Endler, who has come out of her goal to stop you and roll into the goal behind her.
You hear Renard sigh behind you but you're swept away by Patri shaking you firmly by the shoulders as the rest of the team come in to congratulate you.
"It's Patri's goal really," You try to explain," She just used my head to get it in. She deserves all the credit."
As per usual, no one listens to you.
"And a fantastic header from Barcelona's youngster! You have to wonder, if this is how she fares against Lyon, is there any way to truly stop her?"
Alexia gets subbed on in the last few minutes, getting the armband and immediately starts organising everyone the way that she wants.
You've got the ball at your feet but Carpenter is closing in fast and you're running out of room on the pitch.
You cut it back to where you know Alexia is waiting, tracking back as soon as its left your foot.
You don't see the ball go in but you hear the stadium erupt.
Alexia's shirt is off and she's bowing to the crowd as you jog over.
Her arm is over your shoulder and she's jostling you with a laugh.
A kiss lands on the top of your head and you smile up at her.
"You cannot write this! Putellas coming on and within minutes scoring a goal! It's been a long road back from injury for Alexia Putellas and she was set up perfectly by Barcelona's young talent!"
The final whistle comes all too soon and you're left staring at the score in shock, eyes wide as the team celebrates around you.
A smile appears on your face after several minutes of confusion.
You've won.
You've won the Champion's League and completed a hattrick and a brace of assists.
Caro hoists you up onto her back, bouncing you up and down while you shriek and squeal with laughter.
You're passed off to the rest of the team too as the celebrations begin.
Alexia keeps you close though, holding your hand all the way up to the medal ceremony where she pushes you in front of her second last in the line.
Irene grabs you after that, wedging you onto the step below her so she could make sure you didn't fall.
You're not quite sure how to explain how you feel watching Alexia lift the trophy. In fact, you're not quite sure how to explain how you're feeling about any of this.
It's difficult to explain.
Usually, after a game, you're just hungry but all hunger has left you.
Adrenaline still pumps in your system as celebrations rage around you. You're not quite sure what's going on but one of the staff drags you away to get a weird extra trophy that they say is yours and yours alone.
You don't know what to do with it but the staff member says they'll take it back to the locker room for you so you just let them.
That's when Caro appears again. She's still smiling as she takes your shoulders and guides you over to where the Lyon girls are shuffling back inside.
"Ada!" She calls and her national teammate turns around.
Caro pushes you forward with a little laugh. "You have quite the fan."
Suddenly, shyness floods your body and you look down. "Hi, Mrs Hegerberg."
"You can call me Ada, you know."
"My Mama says you should always greet women professionally when you first meet them," You say, still not looking at her. You're still at a loss for what to say, just like you were when you first met Caro.
"She's a big fan." Thankfully, that same teammate comes to your rescue. "She was very excited to be playing against you."
You nod in confirmation before finally gaining the courage to look up. "If I find a pen, can I have your autograph please?"
"An autograph?" Ada repeats, almost in disbelief.
"I brought my autograph book with me!" You explain," It's in the locker room!"
She laughs and you suddenly feel awful.
You've just beat her. Of course she doesn't want to sign your autograph book.
"Tell you what," Ada says and you brace yourself to be rejected," I'll sign your book if we can swap shirts."
You look at Caro for permission. There's a rule that you aren't allowed to give away your shirt without adult permission. Alexia doesn't like it because sometimes you forget to put the other person's shirt on and wander around the pitch shirtless.
With Caro's permission, you sprint off to get your book and a pen.
Ada signs it and then swaps shirts with you, where Caro reminds you that you have to put on Ada's shirt before joining in on the celebrations again.
That's when Irene takes custody of you. You're still clutching your autograph book, completely star struck by the fact that you have Ada Hegerberg's signature and her shirt.
"Give me that," Irene says, gently taking your book from you," I'll look after it for you."
You nod.
That's probably the best thing. You almost lost it once so it's better Irene has it.
You end up ping-ponging around the rest of the team for the rest of the celebrations until Alexia lets you know you can bring your family down.
Everyone came for you. Your Mama and Papa and your Nana and Grandpappy and Abuela and Abuelo.
Abuelo brings you food still steaming in a container and you scoff it down as soon as you can.
"Can I take some of this home with me?" You ask him," Did you bring more?"
"I did bring more," He replies," I will pack them up before you get on the plane tomorrow."
You grin. "Thank you, Abuelo."
You get a picture with your whole family and the trophy because Ingrid tells you that's something people do when they win and you trust Ingrid.
It's a great photo and you're smiling so wide wearing Ada Hergerbeg's Lyon shirt and a Barcelona flag doubling as a cape.
Your family leaves soon after that but Nana gives you a big hug and reminds you to take a nap before dinner so you agree because Nana is smart and she used to take care of you a lot when you were younger.
Mama and Papa coo over you, saying embarrassing things like 'look at you' and 'we'll put that photo up in the restaurant'.
Then you get put back in Alexia's custody.
She grins at you.
You take a step back.
You're not the most perceptive. People do and say things that seemingly come out of nowhere but you recognise this look as what it is.
You try to dart away but Alexia's got a tight grip and in one smooth movement, you're up on one of her shoulders.
"Ale!" You squeal," Let me down!"
She's laughing though and she's not letting you down at all.
"Take it all in!" She yells up at you," It's all thanks to you!"
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ferrstappen · 11 months
Everybody wants a taste l LN4
a/n: i am in an urgent need of writing ideas I've had for MONTHS so brace yourselves I guess?? also the title ofc is from pop anthem jealous by nick Jonas.
i am also very very very stressed waiting for the standing start.
pairing: Lando Norris x actress!reader
this is angst. and some tom holland after this poll results <3
summary: Lando had never been the jealous kind, but after seeing you with many co-stars, he reaches his limit. and his girlfriend doesn't like it.
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No one would ever know Lando Norris' was reaching his limit as he stood on the sidelines of another press junket for his girlfriend's new movie: a coming of age movie that already was creating awards season buzz, and God was he proud of her, having witnessed the ten minute standing ovation she received during Cannes.
But of course the limelight wasn't only on her. No, it was on him.
Lando remembers when he was asked who he'd want to portray him if they ever did a biopic and he didn't hesitate: Tom Holland. There could be some similarities between the two, both British, chestnut curls, but now Lando's skin crawled just from hearing the name.
He had dealt with different co-stars during the almost two years of relationship; he'd seen her kiss them, fight with them, fall in love with them, but this was different, he never had to witness her naked skin pressed against someone else, placing her body on top of his, pretended noises he knew weren't real and authentic, but still, they were supposed to be just for him. All for the sake of making a point of her character being an adult now, some shit about an epiphany of being able to take control of her own life, make decisions about her body, and whatever the screenwriters wanted to portray.
And of course Lando didn't help himself.
user1: God has favorites, just check y/n having fake sex w tom holland and real sex w lando norris
user2: no but y/n and tom??? such a hot couple I NEED it to happen
user3: and what are you gonna do with lando and zendaya? lol user2: idc I just want y/n and tom to be a thing
And that was just the beginning, before the movie had even dropped, because the day of the premiere? Everything went wrong.
Sunny Los Angeles had welcomed you and Lando after landing from London, paparazzi eagerly waiting for the arrival at LAX, catching the perfect pictures of Lando placing you in front of him, holding your hand tightly and doing his best to shield your body from prying eyes who just wanted a couple of dollars.
Despite being jet lagged after spending a couple of days in your home in Monaco, there wasn't much time to catch a break because the moment the two of you set foot on the Beverly Hills Hotel, they barely let you take a shower before giving some nice, fluffy robes. Lando was first, out of nowhere two people were working on his hair while the other was applying some kind of serums and creams on his face, but he didn't care when it was time for another team to start working on you; Lando was mesmerized by the way your hair perfectly framed your face, the natural glow of your skin, the deep red of your lips.
"I don't like being so separated," Lando pouted, walking towards your seat, earning a giggle from you because he looked so funny and cozy with the big robe.
"There's not much we can do, baby. I can barely move," You searched for his eyes and that was when Lando got the idea. The hair stylists gasped when the racer sat down on the floor, circling his arms around one of your legs and resting his cheek on your thigh. "Oh, you're willing to be told off by the make up artists as well?" You asked him but your insides were dancing all over the place, your fingers quickly finding their place on his curls.
Neither of you noticed a Vogue photographer capturing the scene, with Lando's eyes closed and cheek smushed, with his arms secured around your leg, but neither realized representatives for Armani had walked in carrying Lando's tux and your body-hugging black velvet gown.
So far so good. A picture perfect young couple who loved each other very much and had photographers swooning by the way Lando fixes your earring and checks for lipstick on your teeth, and how you make sure his bow tie is leveled.
But then, they get to the red carpet.
It was an elegant affair, but still full of people and before he realized, the red carpet manager was separating you from him for an alone photo call before the one and only Tom Holland got there, cheerfully greeting you in front of the cameras, throwing a couple of jokes to make you laugh as he placed his hand on your back.
This was a nightmare, having to listen to people say how cute the two of you looked, a perfect on and off screen pair, chemistry on and off the screen, both your names already on the shortlist for the Oscars.
Lando's skin was starting to crawl, and it didn't help that he had to re watch the scenes haunting his mind, but this time it was out for the entire world to see, and it didn't take long for his latest instagram post to be flooded of vile comments.
when are you getting replaced by tom holland??
now tom holland can play you in movie and y/n plays herself, nothing changes lmao
lando control ur woman!!!
lucky man, she sounds so pretty I almost had to leave the theatre
lando honey you can leave her I'd never do that to you
And Lando knows he shouldn't, but when your hand reaches for his when the night ends, he pretends to look for his phone; when you try to fix a messy curl, he moves his head out of your reach.
and you know your boyfriend too well.
"Baby, are you okay?" You ask him once you reach the shared hotel room.
Lando lets out a dry chuckle, but too aware of his throat closing. "Why wouldn't I be?"
But you weren't having it, not today, not on your big day, not when you just wanted rest your head on his chest and fall asleep with his arms wrapped around your frame.
"I don't know, you tell me, you're the one acting weird,"
"I am not," Lando argued, trying to take deeper breath, but failing miserably.
"Okay Lando, whatever, I don't care. You can be selfish during a very important day for me for all I care,"
Those words struck a nerve: "Me? Selfish? Are you fucking kidding me?" Now you could see his cheeks flushing, maybe even his neck gaining some red color.
You wanted to be scared, to walk away and let him cool off any unwanted feeling or thought on his head, but you couldn't.
"No, I'm not. Please illustrate me as to what happened to put you in this insufferable mood," You argued back and watched as Lando's mouth opened and closed as he undid the cuffs from his shirt, threw the suit jacket on the leather sofa and threw away the bow tie, all in just a couple of seconds.
"Am I not allowed to be upset to watch him all over you, having to look at the both of you acting like the best of friends or lovers for all I care, and then have to watch on this fucking enormous screen how you kiss him and touch him," Lando spat the words as if they were venom; he could feel his throat closing
Your eyes widened in disbelief, your brain not processing Lando's words. "Lando, you are not making any sense. Are you listening to yourself?" You were careful not to raise your voice, knowing he wasn't in a clear space of mind, but you blood was running hot too after processing what he was implying.
"Yes, I am. (Y/N), baby, I'm tired of having to watch you making out with a different guy every a couple of months, it is so tiring, and I understand that this is your job, but..." Lando was about to continue but was stopped by you, messily taking off the heavy velvet dress and heels, putting on the first pair of jeans and oversized sweater you found. "What are you doing?"
"I don't want to listen to you anymore. You are ridiculous, Lando. You're talking about my job, my career, that I've worked my ass off, and never in a million years I thought you'd be telling me this bullshit! I'm not going to entertain this, so if you can't deal with this anymore, please let me know so that I can move on," this time your throat tightened, the last words coming out broken and choked, emotions fighting to make their way; from anger to utter sadness.
"Where are you going?" Lando didn't know if he was angry with you, disappointed in himself, maybe a mix of both as he watched you grab the Chanel black backpack.
"I don't know, but let me know if you can do this or what,"
You were sure those were the last words of the unforeseen argument, but as you were grabbing the card key of the room, Lando opened his mouth.
"Maybe you can go with Tom, everyone wants you two together anyway."
Of course he needed to get the last words.
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vivwritescrappythings · 6 months
joel miller x fem!reader
Finally finishing the request for a Joel Miller fic inspired by "Jealous" by Nick Jonas for @prettyinpunk85 (I hope you like it)
You get new neighbors in Jackson, Joel doesn't like how much attention they pay to you so he decides to teach them a lesson.
tw: afab and fem reader, p in v sex, alludes to curvy reader, age gap (twenty years), exhibitionism, some dubcon, dirty talk, no use of y/n, unsafe sex (do as i say not as fanfic writes), oral (f receiving), fingering, finger sucking, jealous joel, written from joel's perspective (may be bad)
Word Count: 4.8k
Joel didn’t know what to do with himself when you’d happily announced that you had new neighbors. The house next to his in Jackson had been empty for some time, it was yours until you decided to move in with him and Ellie. He was hoping the neighbors would be a family, or maybe some older survivors. Really, someone you could be friends with, he knew you were way too extroverted for just his company.
But instead the new neighbors were his nightmare: two guys–in their twenties.
You were young for Joel, he knew that. Part of him had always attributed your interest in him to the fact that choices were limited in the zombie apocalypse. He hadn’t even known how to flirt with you, awkwardly leaving tattered books he had found during supply runs on your front porch, sometimes accompanied by wilted wildflowers. One day he had left you a bookshelf he’d built, endless hours spent in his studio sanding the wood to perfection and carving flowers into the border. You had to ask him to come over to help you move it inside.
That was over two years ago, and he still had no clue why a pretty thing like you had decided to even talk to him, let alone be with him. To be honest, no one else in Jackson understood it, either. You worked at the small bakery on Main Street and wanted to convert one of the buildings into a library. You liked to sew pretty dresses and planted superficial flowers outside of the house in the summertime. 
Joel was nothing of the sort, keeping everyone at an arm’s length aside from Tommy and Ellie. He stayed on the fringes of community events, always present but never participating. Ellie was loud enough for the both of them, boisterous and friendly and everything he wasn’t. He was happy to watch her thrive.
So the first time she asked him to go to the bakery so she could hang out with a friend, he reluctantly agreed. He’d introduced himself to you like a complete idiot, blushing when you laughed and informed him that you were neighbors. Joel had become enamored with you from the second he saw your smile, the way your eyes crinkled at the edges and your cheeks lifted. He could’ve died a happy man right there at the counter. 
From then on, he claimed that bakery visits were firmly his responsibility.
He sucked up every piece of information you gave him, starting with your favorite items at the shop and spiraling until he knew that you loved wildflowers and what books you liked to read. Joel was greedy, he wanted to know everything about you–he wanted to be the only person that knew everything about you. 
That was when he started leaving you gifts at your door, and the rest was history.
So when you swatted his hand away from the cooling cookies on the rack in the kitchen, his brown eyes regarded you with betrayal. “They’re for the neighbors,” you informed him, untying your cute, frilly little apron and hanging it on the hook he’d installed.
The neighbors.
They had already become adversaries in a war that only he knew existed. Joel sighed, heavy boots plodding against the floor until he could wrap his arms around your waist and pull your back to his chest. “Now why are you giving the neighbors my cookies?” he asked, nuzzling the tip of his nose against your temple. 
“To be friendly, Joel,” you said with a giggle, turning in his arms to look up at him. His big, scarred hands were on the small of your back, fingertips rubbing gentle circles through your shirt. He swore his heart stopped every time you looked up at him, your thick eyelashes fluttering as your lips quirked into a smile. “Something that you are unfamiliar with.”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “M’friendly,” he protested, pecking you on the lips as though it would prove his point.
“Oh yeah?” you asked, leaning up and kissing the corner of his lip once before squirming out of his grip. You retrieved one of the few plates that didn’t have a chip missing from the cabinet, transferring the cookies onto it with care. “It took you how many months to talk to me?”
Even if the question wasn’t rhetorical, he decided to treat it that way. He moved closer to you, a possessive hand curling around your waist and lips meeting your shoulder. “To prove you wrong, I’ll come with you to introduce ourselves to the neighbors.” He wanted to keep an eye on them, let them know that his pretty girlfriend was in fact taken before they got any wrong ideas.
Your brow furrowed, immediately suspicious of his motives. “Who are you and what have you done with Joel Miller?” 
He smiled, trying to be sweet and smooth like he used to be when he was younger. Before everything. “Maybe I just want to be nice, wildflower. Ever thought of that?” 
Your eyes dragging across him let him know that you weren’t convinced. The two of you stared at one another, waiting to see who would cave first. Apparently it was you. “Fine, but I know you’re up to something.”
Joel’s hand was firmly planted on the small of your back as you stepped out into the afternoon sun, the whole world looking like it was dipped in gold. You went up the rickety porch stairs first, Joel only a half step behind you as you adjusted the plate to one hand to knock on the door.
He was staring at the way the blue paint was starting to peel, thinking about how no self-respecting man would let his house fall into disrepair like that. No mind that they had only moved in a few days ago, they should’ve repainted the front door by now–it was people’s first impression whenever they walked up to the house.
It took a moment after you knocked for the door to swing open, two blonde idiots who looked like they were straight out of a magazine advertisement standing on the other side. Their blue eyes lit up when they saw you, easy smiles gracing their features like they hadn’t been battle-hardened by the outbreak.
Not like Joel was.
Joel’s fingers dug into your back, his expression hardening. They tempered their excitement when they saw him, standing so close to you that he could practically be your shadow.
He loathed the way they were looking at you, his jaw set tight and flexing beneath his beard. You were talking, he could hear the notes of your voice like you were speaking underwater–he was too focused on the dopey smiles in front of you to even pay attention to what was being said. You made them laugh, they said something back to you. Probably their names if he had to guess.
Before he even realized, you were tugging him back down their porch steps and into your shared home, flitting away to make Joel his own personal batch of cookies like nothing had happened.
Three times that week he had come home to find them loitering outside the front door or talking to you along the edge of the freshly painted picket fence. They were always showering you with compliments, be it about your cookies or the flowers you’d carefully planted in the boxes Joel had built you. They scattered whenever Joel was there, making excuses about chores that needed to get done or errands that needed to be finished.
But he knew better.
Of course, you talked about the nice boys next door over dinner, it took everything in him to not immediately scowl at the mention of them. The fact that you referred to them as boys was laughable, they were closer to your age than he was—maybe a few years difference between you at most. Nothing compared to his whopping couple decades. He tried to brush the thought away as quickly as it sprouted.
He humored you, knowing that you just thought that everyone was kind and friendly and honest because you were. That was what he loved about you.
The last straw was when he was out in the back installing a porch swing for you to read on. They were doing something, near enough to the tall fence splitting the yards that he could hear them talking as clear as day. 
Joel almost went over there to give them a piece of his mind, listening to them speculate about why you were with him. They were laughing as they bet that he couldn’t even get it up anymore, that there was no way he was taking care of you like a man was supposed to. 
He was old, angry. And you… you weren’t.
He was seething by the time they finished up and went into their house, his hands nearly shaking when he finished screwing the brackets into the roof. Back in the QZ, Joel would have probably fought them—killed them, if he was honest with himself. 
It would be easy to bust down their door and give them his retribution, he wasn’t always the domesticated beast he’d become for you. But nevertheless, he sucked it up. You would be devastated if he fought with them, as much as he would love to feel their skin split under his knuckles. He couldn’t do that to you.
It was a few evenings later that he got what he wanted: an opportunity for his revenge. You were on the porch swing with him, the two of you nestled together in the orange rays of the sunset. You both were reading, Joel’s arm tucked around your shoulders so your chin was pressed against his bicep. 
You always were fully immersed in your books, an earthquake could happen and you would have no clue. So you didn’t hear your neighbors’ back door slide open, but Joel did. 
He barely moved, didn’t bother to say a word as his broad hand moved from cupping your shoulder to gently graze around the side of your breast. It was a lazy day for the two of you, you were only dressed in one of Joel’s flannels and pajama shorts that were so loose around your thighs you may as well have never put them on.
You immediately shivered at his touch, your thumb slipping between the pages of your book to hold your place. “Joel, the neighbors,” you whispered, twisting so you could look up at him. 
“Went on a hunting trip, they’re not home,” he said loud enough for them to hear. Hopefully they would have the good sense to shut up. His thumb circled your already stiff nipple, a smirk stretching across his features conspiratorially. “C’mon, Ellie’s at a friend’s house and no one’s here—let’s test out the porch swing.”
Your lips were already parted, the heat building on the back of your neck so intense Joel could feel it through his shirt. “Joel,” you whined in the way that made him get hard as a fucking rock in his pants.
“Yeah?” he asked, suddenly playing dumb as though he hadn’t started it. 
You pouted, your brow furrowing and bottom lip jutting out as you arched your tit further into his hand. He acquiesced immediately—he always did—pinching your nipple through the well worn fabric of his flannel. His reward was a soft moan from you, your body both melting into and arching away from his. 
“What’s my girl want?” Joel asked, his voice a deep rasp as he stamped his lips against your temple. The small of your back was pressed against his oblique, your cheek squishing into his collarbone as he watched your thick thighs press together. He kept toying with your nipple, his free hand setting his book aside and pulling yours from your clutch. “C’mon, you gotta tell me. Can’t read minds.”
You huffed, you always hated it when he made you ask for what you wanted. “Joel please,” you whined, pressing your heels against the cushion that covered the wooden seat and sitting up so you were flush against him.
“Please what?” His free hand skimmed down your side, snapping the stretched-out, elastic waistband of your shorts. It made you squeak, a quiet giggle coming from your throat.
“God, please just touch me,” you whined, your impatience making him chuckle darkly. His hand moved from your waist, tracing over the pudge of your stomach and dipping into your loose sleep shorts. There was nothing beneath, just your soft skin and the curly patch of hair on your pubic bone.
“No panties? You slut,” Joel teased, his fingers traveling even further down until they sunk into your cunt. You were wet and warm, almost scalding his skin as he parted the lips of your sex to find your swollen clit. “And already so soaked.” 
You moaned, a hand winding around his bicep as your back arched. He kissed the crown of your head as he rubbed your clit between the pads of his pointer and middle fingers, slow and soft. He knew you’d complain, beg him for more. He just wondered how long it would take until you did. 
Not long at all, it was maybe half a minute when you rocked your hips impatiently against his hand. “Joel, you’re being mean.” You were loud, louder than you would ever mean to be with the threat of someone possibly catching you.
Joel chuckled, shaking his head. “Mean? Not true,” he countered, increasing the pressure he was putting on your clit. If he strained his ears he could hear how wet you were, a quiet squelching noise barely muffled by the fabric of your shorts. You pressed your hips further against his hand, your teeth digging into your lower lip to keep your noises to a minimum.
He dipped to gather more slick at your fluttering entrance, teasing it for a moment before returning to your clit. You were being so good for him, so sweet. His other hand unbuttoned the flannel you were wearing down to your navel, freeing your breast for him to knead and squeeze in his broad palm. 
Your eyebrows bunched together, your lips parting as your gaze was stuck on where his hand disappeared beneath your shorts. “Feeling good?” he asked, relishing in your moan of agreement as you nodded. 
Joel smirked, pulling his hand from your shorts. “No–oh my god,” you protested, nearly up in arms. If looks could kill, he would be struck dead. He stood, his dark eyes briefly looking over the fence to see the neighbors still on their porch, their jaws dropped to their chests.
His smile widened as he sank to his knees in front of you, your protests dropping off as you lifted your hips so he could take your shorts off. A wicked grin stretched on your features, you sucked your bottom lip back into your mouth as your gaze roved over him. You settled so your ass was almost hanging off the porch swing, spreading your legs without Joel having to direct you to do so. 
“You want me to eat this pretty pussy of yours?” he asked, rough hands smoothing along the insides of your soft thighs. Joel wasn’t a man with a weakness for pretty things, but there was something about your slick and puffy pussy dripping for him that made his heart nearly stop.
“Fuck, please, Joel.” He loved the way you begged. 
Joel pressed his mouth to the soaking mess of your sex, moaning at your salty-sweet taste on his tongue. He could never get enough of you, settling one leg over the curve of his shoulder as his other hand pressed your knee to your chest. The sun was shining in his eyes, but he didn’t let it stop him from looking up at your face. He lapped at your cunt with firm, long strokes, practically drinking from you.
In a moment of generosity, he pressed the middle and ring finger of his free hand knuckle-deep in your pussy, pulling a loud and broken moan from your chest. He was smiling into your pussy, suckling at your swollen clit as he pumped his fingers into you.
Your fingers tangled into his dark brown curls, grabbing at them in a way that sent shivers down his spine as you pulled his head flush against you. Joel loved the way your soft thighs pressed against his ears, almost muffling the sweet sounds falling from your pretty lips. Almost. Being outside had made you reckless, the promise of Ellie and the neighbors being gone letting you reach a volume that he hadn’t heard in a long time.
Of course, Joel knew better. He ate you like a starving man, proud that every sound you made was heard by the two men–boys–sitting on the other side of the fence.
His knees on the concrete ached, his back protesting being curled so he could keep his mouth pressed tightly against your weepy cunt. The pain was worth it, every second of it was worth it just to make you fall apart. Just to remind the world that you were his and his alone. 
Your head had fallen back to rest on the bench, your eyes scrunched closed as you gasped. Joel’s fingers crooked inside of you, finding the spongy spot at the front of your cunt. It made you writhe, the hand keeping you spread apart for him pinning you down and forcing you to be somewhat still as he pressed at that spot mercilessly. His eyes remained on you as much as they could, taking in every heaving breath and the way your breasts moved under the fabric of his unbuttoned shirt.
It was only moments more until you were coming apart at the seams. You’d squirmed out of his hold, your heels digging into his broad back. Your legs clamped around his head, your back nearly broken with an arch. The sound you made was almost wounded, a desperate cry of his name as your legs spasmed and you practically gushed over his hand.
He worked you through the aftershocks, your pussy fluttering deliciously around his thick fingers. Your hold on his hair loosened just enough for him to pull away, mouthing at the crease between your thigh and your cunt. You came back to yourself, breathing again as your legs relaxed to rest on his shoulder. He peppered sticky, wet kisses on your inner thighs.
“Joel, oh my god,” you sighed, scrubbing a hand over your face as you panted. A laugh left your chest, making him grin like an idiot as he rested his facial-hair covered cheek against your leg and caught his breath.
“Clean these up for me,” he requested, his soaked fingertips now pressing at her bottom lip. They glistened in the afternoon sunlight, a sticky film coating the entirety of them. You narrowed your eyes at him for a moment, your bratty streak coming through before you submitted and opened your mouth to let his fingers slide against your warm tongue.
You sealed your lips around them, sucking your slick off earnestly and rolling your tongue along his digits. “What a good girl, sucking on my fingers like that,” Joel said as he stood, making eye contact with the neighbors before looking back down at you. His knees protested the movement, cracking a bit as he straightened. 
He had to check to see if they were paying attention, the blush across their faces visible from across the yard.
A hum against his fingers brought Joel’s attention back to you. You watched him through your thick eyelashes, the sight alone making him feel like he was going to blow his load.
Your hands found the tie at his sweatpants, pulling the bow apart impatiently. You let go of his fingers with a pop, your soft lips shiny with a mix of your spit and slick as you started to pull his sweatpants down. “Wanna suck your cock, Joel,” you said, almost sounding drunk on it as your fingers hooked in the elastic waist.
He couldn’t help his smirk, his hand caressing your cheek and jaw as he looked down at you. He could feel two sets of eyes burning into him as he let the silence hang for a moment. You were being so perfect for him and you didn’t even know the extent of it.
“Nuh uh, not tonight,” Joel said, stooping down to press a wet kiss to your forehead. Your whine of protest made his chest puff up with pride. 
He shook his head with a smirk, kneeling down on the cracked concrete again. His poor knees–he would certainly regret the entire escapade tomorrow. Really, he wanted to get you up on his lap and have you ride him until you were crying–but he didn’t want to risk you seeing the neighbors. Or the neighbors seeing any more of you than the back of your head.
Grabbing you by the waist, he pulled you so your entire ass was hanging off the porch swing. The only thing keeping you from falling was his hands and your legs hooking around him for some stability. You were already grabbing at him, fingers twisting in the shirt he still wore. “Want me to fuck you?” 
“Uh huh,” you panted desperately, nodding with a frantic look in your eye. “Please, Joel.”
He smiled, pushing his sweatpants down around his thighs and taking his cock into his hand. You moaned as he rubbed the tip of it along the seam of your pussy and pressed it against your clit. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered as the blunt head of his cock caught, Joel filled you with a quick slot of his hips.
Your head fell back, a whine pulling from your throat as you bore down around him. He almost lost his mind right there, no matter how many times you’d had sex you still were so tight. You both stilled, panting and gripping at one another as you become acquainted, blinking in the afternoon sun.
“God, I love this pussy,” Joel grunted, trying to talk you through it as he started thrusting gently. No matter how quiet he was in his normal life, as soon as he felt you squeezing around his cock he started running his mouth. The hinges of the swing creaked a little as it moved back and forth, his hands anchored to your hips. 
He took you slow, wanting to savor the moment as much as possible. Bitten down grunts and grit teeth were met with your sweet mewls and dulcet moans as he split you apart. One of your hands reached for his, your fingers lacing with his before he pressed your knuckles onto the cushion of the swing. “Wanna hold my hand, sweet girl?” he asked, voice borderline condescending as he did.
You nodded pathetically, gasping every time he rutted inside of you. He’d reduced you to mush, partially formed words dying against your lips as he hit home against the spot inside you that always made your breath lock up in your chest.
“Who do you belong to?” Joel asked, squeezing your hand to get you to come back down to earth. You looked a mess, completely fucked out as you blinked slowly and took a deep breath. It took you a minute to really focus on him, your hand weakly squeezing back. 
“You, Joel,” you answered, teeth scraping along your plump lower lip as you fisted the open flannel still draped around your shoulders.
He chuckled darkly, leaning down toward you as he kept up his almost machine-like pace. “Louder, be a good girl,” he murmured, pressing a wet and sloppy kiss to your throat. You clenched around him at the praise, it had always been one of your weaknesses.
“Joel, m’yours,” you gasped, words broken up by the reverb of his thrusts and the slap of his heavy balls against your ass.
He never had reason to doubt that he was who you wanted to be with, but the reassurance helped ground him. The whole week he’d been wondering if he was holding you back, if you actually wanted something else from life. But with the way you were taking his cock? The way you moaned for him? Hell, the way you looked at him was more than enough. There was no mistaking it for anything other than love. 
“That’s right, you’re mine.” You shifted under him, the angle of your spine letting him hit deeper inside of you. His hand left your waist to grab the soft cheek of your ass, keeping you steady and supported. “No one else’s, right?”
“Yeah, Joel. Just yours.” The assurance was breathy, your voice faltering in your throat as you started to go rigid. You were looking up at Joel so sweetly, tears starting to glisten in your eyes as you tugged against the fabric of his flannel that you wore on the porch swing that he built you at his house. He had a mean possessive streak, but look at you–so happy to be his.
He lost himself. He worked on pure instinct, pistoning into you as he became blind with the desire to pin you down and fill you. You whined as he slammed into you, his sweaty forehead pressing against your sternum and his hands gripping you tight. He could feel you draw up like a spring beneath him.
You lurched on a wail, your cunt clenching around him so tightly that it almost hurt as you came. Joel moaned in sympathy with you, greedily taking in every expression you made beneath him. You whimpered and mumbled unintelligibly, your grip tightening around the hand you still clasped as your limbs locked up. 
Joel lost all semblance of coordination and control, hitching up one of your thighs and driving himself deep into you. Instinct dictated his every move, overriding common sense as he grunted above you like an animal.
He thought his jaw would crack in half from how hard he was clenching it, mumbling nonsense to you through his teeth. There was a lurch deep in his stomach, his abdomen starting to flex as he fell out of his rhythm. It was only a moment more before it felt like his skin was too tight and everything was too hot and he was spilling inside you while groaning your name. 
You were so full that you were leaking around him, come dripping down his balls and splattering on the concrete. Both of you were shaking, breathing each other’s air as your foreheads pressed together. Love filled your expression, making him smile tiredly.
You felt for him, your fingertips caressing his jaw as you brought him in for a gentle kiss. You always brought him back, reminded him to be soft with you when he nearly forgot. His tongue licked into your mouth for a moment before he ducked his head and lazily sucked at your breasts, his hips grinding against yours. You both hissed.
“Want me to run a bath for us?” he asked, his voice thick as he mouthed at the skin of your sternum. 
“Yeah,” you whispered, nodding weakly as your fingers skated up from his beard to curl into his hair. It was sweaty at the nape, curling more violently than before. 
He hummed good-naturedly, pulling out of you with a groan before tucking himself back away in his sweatpants. Joel looked down at the mess he made of you, his come already running down the crack of your ass and dripping onto the concrete. He moaned at the sight, even the shitty porn magazines he’d found on supply runs didn’t compare to this.
He helped you back into your shorts, a fist closing your flannel around your chest as you both shakily stood. You were like a newborn fawn, knees knocking together as you leaned into Joel’s chest. He chuckled breathily, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and holding you close. A soft I love you was whispered against your temple, a gentle reply following from you.
Joel glanced over the fence as he walked you to the sliding glass door, a proud glint in his eye as he met the shocked stares of your new neighbors. He winked at them, squeezing you tighter before bringing you inside with him.
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delusional-dinosaurr · 6 months
Not So Sneaky (Lia Walti x Reader)
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“Vic please just pass the fucking ball” You whine at your best friend, Victoria Pelova. She chuckles in response and passes it back with a bit of flair. 
“Show off, keep it for the matches, yeah?” You smirk as she elbows you during some 1v1 practice.
“Foul! Ref!” You say rolling around on the floor pretending to be injured, quickly followed by Victoria attacking your ribs, causing you to burst out laughing.
“Alright love birds, we’ve got an important match to prepare for!” Katie helps you up from the ground after your assault from your best friend. Jonas gets you all to rotate partners and eventually you’re paired up with Lia Wälti, who you’ve been quietly crushing on since you signed for the team at the same time as Victoria during the January transfer window, both coming from Ajax. 
“Promise I won’t nutmeg you this time” You joke with Lia as you do your regular training activities. “You better not, I saw what you pulled on Katie earlier” Lia jokes in response, referencing how you nutmegged the co-captain as she was attempting to tackle you earlier on, causing her to be at the end of a lot of jokes so far today.
“Ah, who am I kidding, I can’t resist it, can I?” You wink, going to nutmeg her during your 1v1, with her expertly managing to stop it and successfully nutmegging you in the process. You fake collapsing in shock at how you’d finally been nutmegged by a teammate.
“You…you traitor!” You reach your arm out to Lia as you crawl towards her, as if you are so injured from the ‘embarrassment’ from being nutmegged.
“God you’re so dramatic” She rolls her eyes as she helps you up, instantly you feel the warmth in your body at the contact between the both of you being much closer than you have been before, your chests basically touching. You both stop and are lost looking into each other's eyes for a few moments, until Vic’s cough to your side breaks you out of your trance.
“Was I interrupting something?” Vic raises an eyebrow in your direction suspiciously.
“Nope, I was just helping Y/N up after I finally nutme-” “WOAH! What Lia was saying is that I fell over and she helped me up” You cut in, Lia looks at you even more suspicious than Vic was.
“Okay….weirdo. Y/N are we still going out tonight?” Vic asks you.
“Of course we are, you know I wouldn’t miss out on our Wednesday night date night!” You wiggle your eyebrows suggestively. 
“I’m gonna go get changed, I’ll catch you guys later” Lia rushes off.
“What’s her problem?” Katie walks over and asks, seeing Lia jogging off the pitch.
“No idea, we were just talking about mine and Vics wednesday night date night tonight?” You shrug.
“Y/N you idiot, you’ve been flirting with her and then making you and Vic sound like you’re together?” Katie smacks the back of your head. 
“Wait what? I don’t get it?” You look at her confused.
“Sorry mate, you need to work this out for yourself, not me” Katie jogs off going after Lia.
“It's okay, we're fine, we're fine.” You sigh. 
“Y/N/N maybe it's time you start dropping more hints for her. We can ditch our date night and you can always ask her out instead?” Vic suggests, you tilt your head in confusion. 
“But what about our date nights?” You ask. 
“Y/N get a grip, we can still hang out but you need to make a move” Vic says sternly. You nod and jog to the changing rooms a few minutes later to find Katie walking out giving you a supportive thumbs up. You walk in to see Lia half dressed and just pulling her shirt over her head, you manage to catch a glance at her toned stomach before panicking and turning away. 
“Oh god sorry I didn't mean to walk in on you like this” You panic, visibly flush and flustered. Lia chuckles in response and sits down on the bench, she motions for you to sit in front of her. 
“Okay right, I'm nervous as hell but I just have to get it all out. Lia I, I like you, like a lot. I don't know how it started but I've just been kinda admiring you from afar, no wait that sounded creepy. Okay maybe I did but I just, I'm not good with feelings but… I know I really do have feelings for you” You mumble really quickly, nerves getting the better of you. 
“But… What about Pelova? You seem to be very close” Lia asks with a somewhat sad expression on her face.
“Oh we aren't together, she's not my type anyway” You laugh. 
“Then.. What is your type?” Lia asks suggestively. 
You gulp, feeling a sudden rush of confidence flowing through you. 
“I'd say my type is brown hair… Likes football, plays for Arsenal, is Swiss, wears number 13–” You get stopped by the midfielders lips crashing into yours. It feels as if your body could go completely limp with how breathtaking her kiss feels, finally after all this time pining. After a few minutes you eventually break away. 
“Wow that was…” You say, again with the same flustered face as before. 
“Are you free tonight?” She asks. 
“Yep! Vic made me cancel our date night so I'd finally ask you out” You chuckle earning a glare and a shove in return. 
The next morning you wake up with a weight on your chest, Lia’s head resting on it with her hair all over her face. You gently brush her hair out of her face which slowly wakes her up.
“Good morning” You smirk.
“Good morning, I’m sorry if that was a bit much last night” Lia blushes trying to hide her face in her bed covers.
“Lia we literally had a make out session and pizza, it’s not like we had sex on the first date or anything…that’s the third date” You wink, obviously joking.
“God you’re so annoying” She rolls her eyes as she starts getting out of bed, you can’t help but admire her as she stretches, again you find your eyes roaming her body subconsciously until she breaks your focus by moving closer to you.
“You sure you want to wait until the third date?” She says positioning herself on your lap, in her shorts and sports bra.
“Uh…I…Um” You feel your face heating up as the midfielder smirks at you.
“I’m kidding…unless?” She winks, pressing her lips to yours and gently pinning you to the bed. 
It's been around six months since you and Lia finally made your relationship official, and yet it was still only you two and your families that knew about the relationship. You both decided to keep it quiet for a while as you didn't want people to know, so that you had time to figure stuff out and make sure you didn't let it have any effect on your games, as well as just having some privacy. 
Luckily all it had done was make you play better and be in a better mood, no one was suspicious until recently, you had a feeling people were noticing the longing looks you gave each other and the way you'd blush more at team events. You knew you needed to tell someone so today was going to be that day. You were driving Vic to training and she spotted something that you clearly didn't hide as well as you thought. 
“Uh… Y/N..? What is that on your neck?” She says poking your very visible hickey on your neck. You instantly blush, having vivid memories of the previous night, hearing the Swiss girl uttering your name all night.
“What are you talking about?” You panic, covering where she is pointing with your hand.
“The hickey Y/N I’m not stupid” She rolls her eyes “No wonder you’ve been less stressed, Y/N/N has been getting laaaaaid” Vic sings.
“Shut up” You groan.
“You gonna tell me who did it, so I can cover this up for you?” She tilts her head at you, motioning with the emergency makeup bag you keep in your car for you and your friends.
“I need you to promise you won't tell anyone” She nods as you pull into the car park, your phone pinging with a message from Lia, which unfortunately is connected to your car.
“One new message from Lia: I got the stuff for dinner tonight! I love you, see you at training x”
“Nevermind you didn’t need to say anything” Vic smirks, giving you a knowing look.
“Uhhhh, me and Lia have just been hanging out?” You say a bit higher pitch than usual.
“You know better than to lie to me Y/N. Why wont you tell anyone?” She sighs at you. You turn the car engine off and sigh, Vic has the makeup brushes at the ready and starts covering your hickey for you.
“Look mate, we were worried it’d change the team dynamic, especially if there’s some weird feelings with her and Caitlin still playing for the same team, and if we get distracted. Basically we’ve had a lot of time privately and it’s been so nice” You ramble.
“Well I don’t think it would or even has changed anything, Caitlin still cares about Lia, but as a friend and I highly doubt there would be any hard feelings y’know? You need to at least tell Jonas or a coach to be safe” She suggests.
“You’re right…” You both get out of your car once she is done applying makeup to your neck, and you head towards the main building, you search around for Jonas and eventually stumble upon him, stuck in conversation with your girlfriend.
“...but what I’m trying to say Jonas is, me and Y/N won’t let it affect how we play or work, if anything I think we’ve improved recently” Lia says.
“Ah Y/N! Great timing, I’m sure you’ve just overheard but Lia told me about your relationship, obviously it’s none of my business but I can tell the difference in how you two have been playing and just in general. Only positive things!” Jonas pats you on the shoulder “I have no issues with it of course, I’m happy for you both for finding each other”.
“Thanks Jonas, means a lot, like really” You give him a hug, the man being somewhat of a mentor to you over the previous year.
“Tell the team when you feel you’re ready. Remember we are a family, we support each other” He says nodding over to the groups of girls in the gym, all getting on with their own thing.
“Yeah maybe we should do it sooner rather than later, no more hiding this” You look at Lia who nods in agreement. You reach out for her hand as you both walk hand in hand into the gym to meet the others, somehow no one saw your intertwined hands. Lia decides to go on a treadmill rather than lift weights with you, so she gives you a kiss on the cheek before walking off. Jen seems to be the only one who spots it and within minutes walks over to you.
“Excuse me, what was that earlier?” Jen looks at you wide eyed.
“What?” You smirk.
“How long has this been going on for then?” She smiles, seeming proud.
“About 6 months, we’ve been pretty private with it and we wanted to make sure we were settled before saying anything” You say.
“Oi did I see Wally kiss you on the cheek? Where’s mine?” Beth comes over and slings her arm over your shoulder.
“Sorry Beth, pretty sure that’s only for her girlfriend” Jen teases.
“Since when?” Beth shouts.
“Why are we yelling over here?” Viv walks over, visibly confused and attempting to hush Beth. Lia takes the opportunity to hop off the treadmill and save you from the commotion. As she gets closer you start smiling over at her.
“Hey beautiful, you looked like you needed rescuing” She smiles reaching for your hand.
“Ah I had it under control, see?” You nod over to the girls you were talking with, who are all now gobsmacked at what they’ve seen and heard.
Later on that day you both get ready at Lia’s house, she’s wearing jeans and a crop top with a plaid shirt over the top but not buttoned up. You on the other hand went with a casual hoodie and jeans. 
“Darling, do we really have to go out with the girls tonight?” You groan seeing your girlfriend getting ready. “We could just stay at home…” you continue, trailing your finger from her chest to her abs. 
“Later, if you’re good” she kisses you hungrily and leaves the bedroom with a wink in your direction, as you audibly groan and flop back onto the bed.
“Come on! Our uber has arrived!” Lia yells from the other room.
“You mean Viv?” You chuckle getting your shoes on.
“Of course, who else?” She laughs.
You get into Viv and Beth’s car. You and Beth spend the journey singing in the back of the car whilst Viv and Lia chat at the front. After a short while you eventually park up and all walk to the venue the team had hired for the night. 
You and Lia are still somewhat wary of being affectionate in public, so walk side by side but not hand in hand.
Once you arrive at the club, you get yourself and the others a drink from the bar and return to find everyone crowding around some tables and having their own conversations, you take Beth and Viv their drinks first followed by Lia’s.
“Here you go, gorgeous” You pass her the drink and subtly kiss her cheek, she smiles at you, as you float around, being the social butterfly that you are.
A bit later on, after more drinks have been, well drunk, the group are getting rowdier and more daring, literally.
“Katie I dare you to do a backflip off that table” Kyra points over at the table for the Irishwoman to backflip from.
“Nope! Absolutely none of that here” Kim said, patting Kyra on the back with a chorus of boos coming from some of you. Your girlfriend approaches you in the area everyone seems to be dancing in. 
“I miss you” She says pouting. 
“Babe we’re literally at the same party with our friends, I was standing with you like 15 minutes ago” you say quietly. 
“Yeah but I always want to be with you” She frowns.
“Alright if we are still daring people to do shit, I dare Y/N to kiss Vic!” Kyra slurs. 
“I don't think that's a good idea, I've got a cold after all” Vic lies, everyone falling for it. 
“Fuck who else will she kiss then? Gotta get Y/N out there, she’s been single for way too long” Katie jokes as she makes eye contact with Lia “Wally how about you?” She asks with her usual cocky smirk on her face. 
“Sure. It's just a quick peck after all, right?” She smiles. 
“OI! Kissing is too easy, I want a dramatic kiss! Make me believe you're in a relationship or something, I don't know!” Jen pipes up sarcastically, smirking at you after finding out about you both earlier in the day.  You and Lia look at eachother and shrug as if to say ‘fuck it’. 
She leans forward and pulls you in by the hoodie covering your chest. You gulp in response, knowing that you find her even more attractive when she’s being bossy. She passionately kisses you and brings her hands up to the back of your neck whilst you rest yours on her lower back slowly drifting lower.
“Oi you two, save it for the bedroom yeah?” Katie yells to the group, you lift one hand from Lia’s back to raise a middle finger up at Katie hearing a chorus of cheers when you do so. Eventually you break apart, blushing whilst Lia is grinning at your friends who witnessed it. 
“Christ it's like you guys are dating or something” Leah says from the side, giving you a wink and head tilt to follow her. 
“Right, I'm not as dumb as these idiots, how long?” Leah asks you. 
“Around 6 months” You confess seeing a giant grin start to emerge on Leah's face. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it's just..” She interrupts you.
“Y/N I've had an idea that there was something between you for a little while, and I know it's nice to have privacy and stuff, so I understand” She hugs you, you continue chatting to the side about how you should tell Kim as soon as possible, being the team mum after all. You hear singing get louder as karaoke starts, an idea springing to mind. 
“Wait right here I've got a great idea” You say, patting Leah's shoulders and stumbling off. You yell out to Kim, who's watching the karaoke unfold. 
“Kim, I'm sorry I haven't told you sooner but me and Wally are seeing each other” You blurt out when you get to her. 
“I thought so! You guys seem happy, so I'm happy, ah I feel like a proud parent!” She hugs you tightly. “Have you told many people yet?”. 
“No… But I have an idea on how!” You pat Kim’s shoulders as you walk over to the woman running the karaoke for the team and put in your request, but not for you to sing. When it's your song you walk up to take the microphone from Steph who was just belting Untouched by the Veronica's and hand it to Leah, who nods over at your girlfriend standing alone, watching you. You hear the opening notes to Lover by Taylor Swift as you take Lia's hands into yours on the makeshift dance floor.
“This one goes out to the lovers over there” she points at you and Lia before she starts singing. 
“I love you” You mumble into her ear as you slow dance together, she responds with a loving kiss which has you both gasping for air afterwards. As you break away from your kiss you notice most of the room's eyes are focused on the two of you, knowing looks and shocked ones too, alongside cheering, whistling and the odd “Go on Y/N!”. You avert your eyes from the girls surrounding you in a circle and focus on the beauty in your arms, her eyes sparkling as she looks up at you.
After you finish dancing you're bombarded with questions from teammates, some a little inappropriate and some very sweet. 
“How long has this been going on?” Steph asks. 
“Around 6 months, we kept it quiet in an attempt to not mess with the team dynamic” You say. The questions die out and you eventually get to sit back down in a booth with your girlfriend and some of your teammates. 
“Okay Lia I hate to be the one to ask it… But Y/N is so clumsy how on earth are you able to…have y’know… Seriously” Vic slurs, your face flushing red. 
“Luckily her clumsiness doesn't affect her… Performance” Lia winks at you. Some of the girls are trying to get more details, as you decide to dismiss yourself to get yourself another drink. 
“Y’alright?” Katie asks you at the bar. 
“They're talking about my sex life so I'm here now” You chuckle, tapping your card to pay for your beer. 
“Oh what! Let's go then!” Katie drags you back over to the girls. 
“-but yeah she's so attentive and honestly, the best I've had” Lia finishes her sentence as you slide back in, groaning as they're still talking about sex. 
“Y/N we've heard it all, no need to be shy. Your turn now anyway” Jen winks jokingly, with Alessia cracking up as you slam your head down onto the table. As you lift your head back up you catch Lia yawning and give her the look of ‘home soon?’.
You walk off again to chat with some of the girls to avoid discussing your sex life, and feel your phone vibrate. 
From Lia - 
You have been good today… So how about we go home and I show you something I got for you? 
“Someones getting laid tonight” Leah smirks at your red face.
“What? No it’s just warm in here” You chuckle.
“Bullshit, I can see Lia giving you ‘the eyes’ from over there” Nodding in the direction of your lover, who was indeed giving you the eyes, causing you to look back down at your phone which Leah is also looking at. “Mate, are you stupid? Go home!” She pushes you towards where Lia is sitting.
“Lee this isn’t necessary” You groan approaching your girlfriend.
“Wally take your girlfriend home, she’s being all awkward” Leah chuckles “Have a good night ladies” she winks as she slides away from you both. 
“Right I need to take this one home as she’s a bit too drunk, you guys need a lift?” Viv comes over right on time, you both nod and help her lug Beth back to the car. The short drive eventually ends outside Lia’s house, you say your thanks and goodbyes to the couple as you head into Lia’s house. You shrug off your coat and take off your shoes, but you notice your girlfriend has run upstairs to her bedroom. 
“Oh it’s so on Wally” you mumble to yourself as you jog up the stairs, the girl waiting in her room for you.
“Eager are we?” You smirk going over to her.
“Well I did tell you you’d be rewarded so” She smirks, pushing you firmly down onto your bed. You’re usually the one ‘in charge’ but it seems Lia had a different idea tonight as she tells you to stay still. She slowly removes her jacket, putting on quite the show for you. You try to reach out to help her with her clothes but she slaps your hands away. 
“Ah ah, no touching” She tuts. 
“Right, if you don’t do something soon I’m going to eat you alive” You growl, causing a quiet moan to slip from Lia.
“Well if you weren't already saying that, then you'll definitely say it now” Lia smirks, lifting her shirt up over her head and slowly dragging her trousers down and revealing a new lacy black lingerie set that could easily kill you with how stunning she looks.
“Oh my god” You mutter.
“Now… How about we go back to how you were going to eat me alive?” Lia says suggestively, pushing you down on her bed.
“It’d be my pleasure baby” You smirk. 
WE ARE SO BACK! Will be a return to posting a bit more frequently!
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outsideratheart · 8 months
By Your Side, Always (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: We’re supercampeones!!! I’m not sure what this is but I hope you like it.
The first 45 minutes of the game you were having fun, the whole team was. Levante knew that Barcelona would make them work but tonight you and the team were putting on a world class performance. They were never a team to give up but with 7 goals scored and them not being able to find the net, they struggled to find hope and accepted their defeat. They were now fighting to keep the score at 7 and it started to get messy. 
It was clear that you had been made a target by Levante’s entire back line. You didn’t care though, you could take it. If anything you welcomed the physically because it meant you were allowed to give them a taste of their own medicine every so often. 
Alexia wished she could be on the pitch with you but she must admit it was fun being in the stand watching you play the way you were. 
“She’s showing off” Mapi said to no one in particular as she watched you dance around their left back even looking back and smirking to her once you sent the ball into the box. 
“She’s unstoppable when she’s like this” your girlfriend says. 
She regretted her choice of words not even a minute later. There were two defenders between you and the goal. You were determined to make it 8. That is until you get taken out by not one but two players. You felt one set of studs go into the outside of the ankle and another set on the inside. You truly had never felt pain like it. 
Alexia heard your outcry of pain and could do nothing but watch as you laid on the floor clutching your ankle. 
“I need you to get up. I need to go to her” Alexia stood to her feet, desperate to be by your side. 
“You can’t go onto the pitch” Mapi slowly got up, careful not to knock her knee. 
Her warning fell on deaf ears and Alexia was already rushing towards the pitch. As expected she was stopped by Jona but she stayed near the sidelines waiting for you. 
“Please get up” Alexia whispers to herself. She began to fear the worst when she sees the physio signal for a stretcher. 
“We both know she’s too stubborn to use it Alexia. Give her a few minutes and she’ll be up” Jona pats his captain’s shoulder in support. 
The coach was right. It took a little longer than Alexia would have like but you are up on your feet. It’s obvious that the injury is bad because you are using the teams physios as crutches so you don’t put any weight on your ankle. 
What is the ultimate telling sign is the way you refuse to meet Alexia’s gaze when you get to the sidelines. Nevertheless she follows you into the tunnel and waits by the door of the medical room. 
“Come with me, please” you have your back towards Alexia but she can hear the pain in your tone. 
“I’m here” 
Alexia sits on a chair beside you as the physio begins examining your ankle. At the first touch you wince and move your foot away which only makes it hurt more. He gives you a couple of minutes to compose yourself but asks to try again. Your arms hide your face as the pain becomes excruciating. The only thing stopping you from breaking completely is the soothing way Alexia is stroking her hand over your thigh. 
“They’re almost done. Try and breathe for me ok?” 
And try you did but you also failed. It was a form of panic and you knew it. 
The physios explain that they think it’s major ligament damage and that they will take you for scans once you’re back in Barcelona.  
“I’m going to give you some space. Alexia, make sure she ices it and try to get her to stay still. Give it ten minutes then she can put the boot on and use the crutches. No weight on it, understand?” 
“They studded my ankle, not my ears. Don’t speak about me as if I’m not here” you sit up quickly. At least now you understood why you needed to keep still. 
Alexia got up as the physio left. She places ice on your ankle as gently as she could before she turned out the lights. She knew that when you were overwhelmed the darkness help calm whatever you were feeling inside. 
“Whatever it is, i’ve got you. I know how you think and how you’re going to want to do this alone but that won’t happen. I won’t let it”
Alexia moves the chair so that it was closer to your head. She places a gentle kiss on the crown on your head. 
“I don’t want to talk about it” 
You turn your head away from her. That hurt Alexia but she knew it was your coping mechanism and once you’ve processed what’s happened you will be more open to talk.
Alexia had just opened her mouth when she heard a door slam and a lot of foul language. 
“That’s Lucy and if she’s in here for the reason I think then I’m going to kill her” 
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes. You weren’t in the mood for this and deep down she knew the reason why the English defender was now in lockeroom even though there is 10 minutes left, maybe less. 
“Y/N I’m coming in” technically it wasn’t a question but still she could have waited for a response. 
“Get out” you growl. 
“Oh did I interrupt something” Lucy gives you both a playful look. 
“You’re a fucking idiot Luce. I know for a fact you didn’t get subbed off because that wasn’t part of the plan so that only leaves one reason” 
“Y/N calm down” alexia begs.  
“I was defending you. They took you out. I wasn’t going to let them get away with it” Lucy met your anger and walked towards you. That was a mistake. 
“Get out!” You stand up and your own weight collapses underneath you. 
“Lucy, please” Alexia begs your England team mate who raises her hands in defeat and leaves you be. 
She then helps you back on the bed. A couple of minutes pass and you hear the final whistle following by the cheers of your team. 
“I’m not going back out. Torre can lift the trophy” 
“Y/N. You’re their captain and you scored a hattrick. It should be you up there” 
“Well I’m not going to be and you can go tell them. Go Alexia” 
She saw the look in your eyes. The look, which in the past, told her that your mind was made up and there was nothing she could do to change it. 
“Just come out when you’re ready. We don’t let moments pass by without celebrating them. You told me that” before leaving Alexia made sure she turned on the TV so that you could at least watch the trophy ceremony. 
You didn’t like what you just did but you did it anyway. Alexia has had a tough few weeks and she need this, she needed it more than you needed her. 
As instructed Marta lifts the trophy and you feel fine about it. Barcelona has a group of leaders but it just so happens that only one can wear the armband. 
The silence wasn’t comfortable and it started to put you on edge. You saw the boots and crutches by the examination table taunting you.  
Don’t let the moment pass by. 
Alexia watches Marta lift the trophy and then celebrated with the team like they do after every trophy win. She hoped you might have come out by now. 
She is near the centre circle when she hears the crowd errupt. She may have her back to the tunnel but she knows it’s you. 
“I thought you said she wasn’t coming out” Jana asks. 
“No. I said she wasn’t lifting the trophy” Alexia knew you would come out. Due to your slow pace, no thanks to the crutches, Alexia met you half way. 
You let the crutches drop to the floor as you wrap your arms around her neck. 
“I’m sorry for pushing you away. I just —“
“Needed a minute. I know. You’re here now and that’s all that matters” she lets you rest against her as your hands you the crutches. 
“Have you been crying mi amor?” She noticed the tear staines on your cheeks. 
You nod slightly and she can see that something is going on in your head because your eyes begin to well up. Alexia cups your cheek and gently wipes away the stray tear that has fallen. 
“You don’t have to wait until I’m not there to cry Y/N”
“I know” 
Side by side you walk towards your team mates who are all ready to greet you. Bruna is the first one too you, of course she is. 
“Here” she hands you the game ball “I got everyone to sign it for you” 
“Thanks B. You know I’ve got so many of these I’ve lost count. Why don’t you go give it to a fan?” The young forward takes the ball back happily and runs towards a little girl. She makes her turn around so that you can see the fan is wearing you shirt. You send her a little wave and it makes her day. 
“I don’t want to be injured” you stick your bottom lip out causing you girlfriend to chuckle slightly. 
“We’re professional football players, we never want to be injured but sometimes it happens. There’s nothing we can do about it” Alexia was full of wisdom. 
She definetly didn’t feel this way when she got hurt but you decide not reopen old wounds. 
“And these things are stupid” you wave one of your crutches around. 
“Are you going to be complaining everyday until you’re back on the pitch?” 
“Yes Alexia, I am. If you don’t like it then tough because you’re stuck with me” 
“I’m ok with that and I’m ready to return the favour because we both know I wasn’t exactly a ray of sunshine when I got injured” 
“You can say that again. I almost sent you back home to your mothers” you were teasing her and she knew it. You didn’t like being more that 5 feet away from Alexia when she was hurt. 
“We both know if I went back to my mama’s that you would be right behind me” 
You could only nod in agreement. Alexia suggests you do what will be half a lap of the pitch so you can thank you fans. It’s a slow amble but she doesn’t seem to mind. The rest of the team had walked ahead so now it was just you, Alexia, Mapi and Ingrid. 
“Does this mean we can do our physio together?” Mapi asks you. 
“No” Alexia and Ingrid say in unison. 
“Why not? We will push each other to get better” 
“And that’s the reason why. You’re too competive, you will make it into a game and we” she points to herself and Alexia “know that it’ll end badly”. 
When you are back at the hotel you are dragged into the celebrations and for the most part you don’t mind it. After a little while you realise that Alexia isn’t around and that is something you do mind. You feel yourself getting more anxious without having her calming presence beside you. 
Then you hear your phone go off. 
Come to you room. Your rehab starts now. 
When you enter your room, Alexia is standing outside the bathroom. 
“I’m going to need you to remove your clothes” Alexia says and your eyes widen. 
“Ok” you pull your shirt off in record time, the shorts however were more of a task. 
“Let me” once the injured leg was free alexia places your crutches aside “rest on me” she tells you. 
She looks up grinning like a devil which makes you shake your head. She always did have half a mind in the gutter when it came to you. 
“Maybe later” she pecks your lips and doesn’t expect for you to pull her back in for something more passionate. 
“Sure, Putellas”
She pretends to act offended at the use of her surname. Alexia then uses her strength to lift you backwards and onto the bed, something she could have done earlier. 
“I’m going to take your boot off. It might hurt” she was so gentle in the way you undid the Velcro straps. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry” she says when she hears you wince. 
“I’m ok” you reassure her even though you were far from it. 
What happens next came as a shock but a good one. Alexia lifts you up and carries you bridal style towards the bathroom where you are met with a bubble filled bath. 
“You did this for me?” 
“Yes. Although I’m going to be joining you so I guess it’s also for me” 
“Are you now?” You tease. 
Alexia nods her head in excitement with a huge smile plastered on her face. 
Your girlfriend helps you in and then lowers herself behind you. With one hand on your thigh and the other one on your abdomen, you allow yourself to relax. As you tilt your head back to rest against Alexia it gives her full access to your exposed neck and she takes advantage of the opportunity. She knows things can’t get too heated so she settles with peppering kisses on your sensitive spots. 
The two of you stay in the bath until the water becomes cold and your hands like like prunes. 
“You’re strong Y/N, you’ll be ok” Alexia says as she lays in bed with you. You have a movie on and somehow Alexia has gotten some popcorn. 
“I’ll be alright” 
It wasn’t how you expected the night to end. You thought you would be celebrating with your team, jumping for joy and taking advantage of the free champagne. Instead you are in bed, with you leg elevated and ice compressing the injured area. The this one commonality in the current and what come have been; you have Alexia by your side. 
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pers1st · 7 months
can't quit you - alexia putellas x reader
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pairing: alexia putellas x reader
warnings: bit suggestive, angst but happy ending
Taking a quick breath in after sleepily glancing at your phone to check the time, you shoot up in the bed that is not yours, next to the body that is not your dog's, whipping around. Your head drops as you get ever so dizzy, and you hit the nightstand next to the bed with a loud bang.
"Ow", you wince, holding your forehead tightly and pressing against it, as if that would help your pain in any way.
"Joder", a soft voice mumbles next to you as you push the covers back, revealing your still naked body. Usually, it would be dark when you left Alexia's bed, but by now, the sun had risen and you were late.
"Get up", you instruct her as you crawl out of the warmth of the bed, hastily gathering the clothes you'd left on the floor last night.
"Ale, we have training." The blonde is still laying in bed, the duvet cover all the way up to her nose as she shields herself in comfortability. She doesn't react to your words.
"Ale, we're late", you huff as you pull your sweatpants on. At that, the seemingly unconscious body shoots up, banging her head the same way you had.
"¡Joder!", she curses as she mimics your actions.
It's been two months since you last spent a night in Alexia's bed. Your relationship was a long and stable one, and when you broke the news to your teammates, every single one of them was shocked.
You and Alexia, however, weren't. Despite the two years you called yourself her girlfriend, the both of you agreed that it was time to call it quits. Time to go back to being friends. You let yourself become too comfortable, and, along with it - clingy. The two of you could never be apart, and you both know that it wasn't beneficial for you or Alexia individually.
Still, you know that, no matter what happened, you can always count on Alexia, and so the breakup felt less like a stop in your relationship and more like a shift. That's how you found yourself in her bed after a team night out, and then, just a month ago, the two of you silently agreed that whatever this was - it was okay. You had, after all, agreed to remain friends (with benefits, it seemed).
But the golden rule of it all seems to be that you don't stay over. You and Alexia agreed to spend time apart, to be on your own, and although it included late night calls and (sometimes drunken) hookups, you didn't sleep over anymore. You didn't wake up in her arms anymore. Until today.
"Ale, I don't have any training clothes", you sigh, the realization dawning on you that of course, you didn't pack an overnight bag. Why would you? You never stay over.
"So? Wear mine", Alexia shrugs, throwing a pair of shorts into your face. You duck away quickly and watch as the fabric gets caught on the lamp.
"Yeah, sure", you chuckle.
"You go to training, I'll be there once I've driven by my house."
"But that'll mean more extra laps, no? Just wear mine", Alexia huffs, seemingly unbothered by your problem. It's, however, not as easy as it used to be.
"I can't, Ale. We're not together anymore, we don't share clothes, we don't fucking fall asleep together!"
You didn't notice your voice raised until Alexia raises her eyebrows at you, wincing ever so slightly.
With her still looking at you like a deer caught in headlights, you grab your keys from her wardrobe and leave her behind, not caring to say goodbye.
Your ex-girlfriend confuses you. How does she not see the problem? How does she not see the gravity that comes with the night you spent at her flat? How does she not understand the problems this causes?
You huff in annoyance as you walk towards your car, knowing that you'll be running laps for a good half-hour after training, seeing as officially, you were supposed to be there five minutes ago. With the extra ten minutes it took to go home, and the fifteen minute drive to the training grounds, you know that Jona will have a very stern talk to you. The only hope you can cling onto is that Alexia is already there, and the fact that no one notices how weird it is for the both of you to be late on the same day, when you usually never are.
Jona's words are harsh, but they are nothing you can't handle. Alexia already finished her laps during training, it seems, as she is not with you while you round the pitch over and over again. With only two laps left, you speed up slightly, not noticing the figure sat on the bench before you finally come to a stop, reaching for your water bottle.
Keira raises her eyebrows at you silently as you take greedy gulps. It's not a particularly warm day, but the sun is beaming down on the pitch as if it is Summer and the excessive running left you dry.
"What happened? You're never late."
You know by her tone that she is hinting at something, but you shrug as the two of you begin walking towards the building.
"My alarm didn't go."
It's a lie. You didn't even set an alarm, with how exhausted you had been last night. Keira wants to say something else, you can sense it in the way she keeps looking at you and then back down, but you don't urge her to, because you don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear anything, really. You didn't speak a single word to Alexia during training, dodging her every time you were asked to partner up and not cheering her on the way you usually did.
Even now, as you joined Keira for lunch in the cafeteria after a quick shower, you lead your friend to the table furthest in the back, away from everyone else. She doesn't mind, though, instead yapping to you about everything and nothing. Aitana joins you halfway through your meal, and you quickly become the third wheel, though you can't exactly complain. Your head is dangerously close to exploding, with the speed that thoughts are racing through your head.
Maybe sleeping with Alexia after the breakup has been a bad idea. After all, you split because it seemed impossible to spend time away from each other. With the excuse of remaining "friends", you still partnered with her every time, made conversation with her about everything and nothing, ended up in her bed every evening just to escape mere minutes later and pretend nothing happened. It's a vicious cycle, and it needs to stop. And that realization is what's bothering you the most. The fact that you need to stop. The fact that you actually need to be apart from the woman you still love so dearly.
You don't notice Keira and Aitana already left until a new body appears in front of you. Glancing up, you find the one person you didn't wanted to see.
"Estas bien?", she asks, looking down at your full plate. Feeling nauseous all of a sudden, you declare your lunch finished and throw your wet hair over your shoulder.
"Sí", you mumble as you rise from your seat, beginning to walk to the tray of dirty dishes.
"Estas segura?"
"Sí, Ale", you huff, reaching around her to discard your plate.
"Okay", Alexia shrugs. "Are you coming over tonight?"
You shake your head, looking at her with a stare that, admittedly, she doesn't deserve. Alexia isn't the catalyst of this problem, anyways. It was the both of you who made this decision, silently agreeing on a plan that now seemed so foolish. How did you expect to spend every night with her, not allowing yourself to be embraced by her warmth and love, and not fall for her all over again? Alexia agreed to the breakup. She is okay with the two of you not being together again. So, why the hell aren't you?
"No, I can't tonight", you reply, though it is a total lie. You don't have plans at night, ever, because you always know where you'll be. Where you would have been. If the two of you were still together.
"Okay", Alexia says, though it sounds more like a question. You can't seem to stand in her presence for another second, as you bid her a quick, cold-hearted goodbye only to sprint away from the cafeteria and to the locker room to gather your bags and speed home.
Alexia and you agreed. You need to be alone. And you need to practice it, now that you can't drag yourself into her arms again. There is no space for you anymore.
You can't seem to sleep on your own. Before, you were so worn out from Alexia's persistence to wreck you in every possible, leaving you in a sleep so deep the only thing to get you to stir was your shrieking alarm. Now, though, you fall into bed with a thousand thoughts rummaging through your head, and you lie awake for hours, watching the sun set, watching the sun rise, all while tossing and turning around, desperate to find rest.
It's not difficult for the team to catch on. You sweat off every bit of concealer meant to hide the shadows beneath your eyes, and your movements are slow - hazy, almost. Your performance is average, at most, and no one had ever seen you perform averagely.
Alexia notices too - at least you hope, because there is no way she can just forget about you, is there? She watches you curiously, but she never says a word about your piss poor sprints, your late passes or weak shots.
Even Jona seems hesitant to say something - and that is what you're left with. Everyone looking, no one asking. Everyone noticing, no one checking. The whole situation is beginning to drive you insane - Alexia is starting to drive you insane. Though she is not the culprit of this, you can't help but feel your heart wither away every time you look at her and feel just a little bit of anger. This isn't how you want to feel about the woman you loved for such a long time.
It takes you exactly a week to end up in her bed again. Alexia doesn't ask why you are behaving the way you are, and she doesn't react to your hesitation to come over to hers again, which makes you crave her even more. You're a bit like a child, when it comes to these things. You always seem to want what you can't have, to want what doesn't want you. Her head just peeks up from between your thighs as you lean back into her cushions, eyes hazy and head spinning. Alexia is so, so good to you. The anger is long forgotten, at this point.
"Estas bien?", she asks the way she always does, and it causes you to chuckle.
"Sí, Ale. Muy bien", you huff, as she lays down next to you gently, her own body covered in beads of sweat. You push yourself up from the mattress with the last bit of strength you have left, gently straddling her lap as you lean down to capture her lips in another kiss. Realistically, you are worn out, at this point. You've been in Alexia's bed for hours, and the both of you are likely satisfied. But it is so hard to leave.
She chuckles into your lips, intertwining the both of your hands with hers as you finally steal another kiss from her.
This- it felt oddly domestic. There was a softness in her eyes that you haven't seen- or potentially just not noticed, since the two of you broke up. It makes you stop in your tracks.
"What's wrong?", she asks as you lean back on her lap, looking at this glint in her eyes that completely captures you. You can't describe it, but this feels so right- being here, in her bed, being on top of her, laughing, kissing, sharing intimacy, the look in her eyes as she gazes at your every inch, that it feels entirely wrong. These moments are over. Your relationship is over. You have to remind yourself, again and again.
"I should go", you huff silently, pressing one last kiss to her lips before climbing off of her. You almost whimper at the loss of contact, but you rise to your feet anyways, searching for your clothes on her wooden floor.
"You could stay." Alexia sits up, patting the spot next to her as she looks at you, following your every movement with her eyes.
"No, Ale. I should go", you remind her, and remind yourself, and pull your hoodie over your head.
"I'll see you tomorrow?", you ask, though it is a given. The two of you always see each other at training.
"Will you partner with me for passing?", she asks back, a chuckle on her lips.
"Why? Miss me already?"
You only catch the meaning of what you said by the time you are in her hallway, and you pull the door of her apartment close a little harsher than expected. Alexia doesn't miss you. The both of you know it.
It seems like a vicious cycle that the two of you are caught in. Every time you decide to put some distance between the two of you, it leaves you craving her even more. It almost feels like an addiction you are so badly trying to break, but you relapse every time, soaking in every second you can spend in her arms. You go over to hers a few times, indulging the attention she gives every inch of you, and then you leave her high and dry, the wall between you rising again as you dodge her during training and outside of it.
Just last night, you were in Alexia's arms, letting her take care of you the way she always does, letting her kiss every inch of you until there was nothing left and the two of you were breathless.
Today, you didn't speak a single word to her.
Unable to stand the silence in your apartment, you asked Keira to join you for dinner at home, after texting Alexia that you couldn't come tonight.
Alexia, obviously, doesn't seem to believe you as she knocks on your door furiously, all the while Taylor Swift is echoing off the walls of your kitchen quietly, with Keira sitting on the countertop, stirring the pasta every now and then. It is dark in Barcelona already, and just twenty four hours ago, you were with Alexia. Still, she is the last thing you expect when you open the door.
She is dressed in sweats, but she still looks so good. It takes you a second to actually recognize her presence.
"Alexia, I have-"
a guest.
That's what you intended to say, but the woman pushed past you already, barging through your apartment.
"We need to have a talk", she declares as she strides through your hallway. You only manage to catch up to her by the time she has noticed Keira, who looks between the two of you questioningly.
"You, out!", Alexia points to the door as Keira shakes her head, a grin on her face.
"But we haven't had dinner yet!", she protests with a chuckle, but at seeing Alexia's stern face, which isn't kidding in the least, she looks at you, pleadingly.
You shrug. No one disagrees with Alexia.
"Wow, just kicking me out? I'm hungry, you were supposed to feed me! I can't believe this", she mumbles as she pushes herself off the countertop, shaking her head in disbelief as she walks past you.
"I hope your food burns!", she yells from the hallway when Alexia sits down on the couch and you go to turn the stove off. The door crashes closed with a loud bang.
"That wasn't nice", you point out to your ex-girlfriend. Alexia is strict when it comes to football, but outside of the sport, outside of the captain-responsibility, she is the sweetest teammate, friend, girlfriend. Her behavior towards Keira makes you sense the gravity of whichever conversation she is going to have with you, and it makes anxiety tingle in your stomach.
"Sit with me", she orders, though it sounds more like a question when she looks at you and you can see the slightest bit of doubt in her eyes. Along with that softness. That glint.
You are next to her within seconds.
"Y/N, I need to know. If we are friends or not- I can't do this hot and cold", she starts, and the vulnerability in her voice makes you shudder. You didn't know that this affected her at all, she never voiced any complaints, but the way she looks at you makes you realize that this whole situation had nagged her more than she admitted.
"Why did you agree to this- whatever, if you don't want it?", you ask, not knowing how else to describe the situation, curious to know what she is asking of you. Does she not want you to come over anymore? Does she want you to be over every night?
"Because I can't..."
You allow her the time to search for whatever word she is looking for, knowing that she always struggled with English.
"Quit you. I can't quit you, and seeing you, holding you, if you are in my bed I can convince myself that this isn't real, that we didn't break up", she mumbles, her voice barely above a whisper but loud enough for you to hear. She spins your head.
She agreed to the breakup. She agreed that it would be best for the both of you when you first opened the conversation of how dependent you felt on her. In truth, the realization of how much you love Alexia had only hit you when every footballer had suddenly gotten engaged, and you realized that all you wanted was to marry Alexia. The thought was scary, and it sent you into a rabbit hole for a bit, wondering silently whatever you were going to do with yourself when Alexia decided that this relationship just didn't work anymore. Now, as you look at her, you realize that it's foolish. Calling dibs on the breakup was your worst idea yet. But Alexia agreed.
"But you- you agreed, when I broke up with you. You wanted the breakup", you look at her with a questioning gaze, lingering on the freckles on her cheeks.
"Because I don't want to hold you back, amor. If breaking up with me is what you need then I'll try to survive, somehow. But that doesn't mean I want it."
At that, you throw yourself into Alexia's arms. How have you been so stupid? How have you hurt the one and only person you have ever, truly loved, just because you were scared?
You sense Alexia's hesitancy, but after a few seconds, she wraps her arms around you, pulling you even deeper into her chest. You can feel her heartbeat, and smell her perfume, and it makes you question how you have survived the past months without being hers. Her arms feel so familiar, so comforting, that you crave nothing more than to be here - in her embrace - forever.
"I only broke up with you because I was scared. I was so scared of you ever leaving me, and-"
Alexia interrupts you.
"I could never. I could never quit you, amor. You are stuck with me forever", she mumbles into your hair as she gently rocks the two of you from side to side, her arms never loosening around you. You chuckle at her choice of words, though you do admit it is somewhat fitting.
"You'll never quit me?", you ask, a slight smile on your lips as you pull back slightly. At that, she only tightens her arms around you.
"Never. I will never quit you."
notes: this is literally horrible
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vera-dauriac · 1 year
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And here once more we have Jonas on the floor, this time with his Rodrigo. Truly, a picture of a man in his element.
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desperate-gay · 7 months
how bout a heated confession between r and kim little? i really want some kimmy fics 😔😭 my girl needs more love and attention 😔🙏🏻❤
Unexpected Confession
Kim Little x fem!reader
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“You, my dear, are one of a kind!” Leah exclaims, grasping onto your shoulders as everyone cheers you on. You smile sheepishly while collecting all of the compliments with a light blush.
Arsenal had just won 4-2 against Chelsea with you scoring two goals back to back at the end of the second half. The whole team basically jumped on you when the final whistle blew, congratulating you while spewing how amazing you were the full ninety minutes.
“Our little miss innocent also showed some of her rough side with that tackle.”
“Katie, stay away from her, we can’t handle you rubbing your card reputation on our goal scorer.” Steph says, shielding you from the Irish woman by wrapping her arms around your front so her taller form blocks your view.
“Well thank you all for the many flattery remarks, but it wasn’t-”
“Y/l/n, a talk?” Kim interrupts, nodding her head toward the empty office.
The team all stand in silence, wondering why their player of the match is getting called away by the captain.
You look at her with a confused look when she announces your last name. The both of you are extremely close and friends outside of games, so when she announces your last name, you’re taken aback.
You quickly follow Kim into the room before she shuts the door with a gentle click and closes the blinds so none of the team can snoop around.
“I told Jonas to bench you for the upcoming game against Manchester.” The midfielder states with a stoic expression and her arms crossed.
“What? Why?”
“That tackle against Reiten was dangerous. Someone could have easily gotten hurt and you need to deal with the consequences.” She explains while avoiding your gaze, not being able to keep her captain facade up if she even takes a peek at your doe eyes.
“That’s so unfair! Russo made a late tackle but she’s not getting benched!” You exclaim, getting irritated at the sudden hostility directed at you.
“Your tackle was dangerous and could’ve cost you an injury. My decision is final.” Kim’s tone warns you it’s the end of the discussion, but you’re too pissed off to give her the satisfaction of an easy win.
As she goes to walk away, you quickly run in front of the door, blocking the older girl from exiting the room. Her eyebrow raises in a silent warning matching the unimpressed look on her face.
“No. You’re not just going to walk out of here without giving me a reason as to why I’m being benched.”
“I’ve already told you-“
“Don’t give me that bullshit excuse that it’s because of my tackle. Yes, it was a little late and that’s my fault but that is no reason not to let me play next week. So tell me the real reason why. Now.”
Kim now raises her eyebrows in surprise at your sudden demanding front. You’re not even sure where it came from because the way the captain is looking at you, you wish you could melt into the floor and never come back, but you simply just gulp and stand up straighter to keep strong.
“Do you really want to be talking to your captain like that?” She questions, cocking her head to the side while slowly walking closer to you, causing you to feel smaller and smaller at the girl's sharp gaze.
“I want the truth.” You say shakily, wiping your clammy hands up and down your tracksuit.
“I gave you the truth, but you can’t deal with it.”
“Why are you lying? Just tell me!” The rise in your voice shocks the other girl, you’re usually always the quiet, calm, and sweet person of the team but not when someone is continually being untruthful towards you.
“You could have gotten injured.” Kim admits halfheartedly, showing you she is still hiding something.
“I am fine. You have no right to take me off the team just because of something that could have happened. If you don’t tell me the real reason now, I am walking out of here and I don’t want you talking to me unless it is an explanation or an apology.”
After a minute or two of silence, you give up. With a scoff and a roll of your eyes, you begin to turn the door handle only to be stopped by an unexpected confession.
“It’s because I love you!”
Your body stays facing the door as you process what the Scottish woman has just said. You run through all the little dates the two of you had together, remembering how you were hoping it would be much more than just friendly, but also thinking that the girl just wasn’t into you like that.
“I should have never said that, it was quite inappropriate. You may leave now.” Kim sighs with one hand on her head and the other waving you off. Slowly, you begin to approach her pacing form.
“You don’t have to stay. You’re dismissed.”
“Seriously, go home. It was a mistake and I didn’t mean it.”
“I love you too.” You whisper, locking eyes with her when her head snaps up.
“You love me?” She asks in disbelief, making you smile at how quickly the older girl turns quiet.
You take a few steps forward so you’re now face to face with her. You hesitantly wrap your arms around her as your thumb smooths out the tension between her eyes.
“I do. And I’m hoping that your confession was real because if it isn’t, you will see a hole shaped me through that wall.” You joke, causing the both of you to giggle softly, breaking a little of the tension. The taller girl’s hands find a comfortable place on your hips while she continues to look at you with a smile.
“It was real. I have been in love with you for a while now and I wasn’t sure how to tell you. I guess being a jerk wasn’t the best way.” You laugh with a small shake of your head.
“No, it wasn’t, but you can make it up to me.” Your head tilts, looking at her with a bright smile. Once she starts to lean in, you do too, meeting her halfway just before she stops.
“May I?”
“You may.”
With the whisper of confirmation, Kim softly connects her lips to yours in a gentle kiss, showing you how much it means and what it means. Only ten seconds in, she goes to pull away, but you wrap your hands behind her neck and pull her back in.
“Too short.” You mumble against her slightly chapped lips, leaving her chuckling at your eagerness and pushing you closer to her by the small of your back.
Before things got too heated, you both decided to pull away even if you didn’t want to. Although the kiss ended, each other’s arms stayed hugging around the other, enjoying the closeness.
“Will you let me take you on a date, let’s say this Saturday night?”
“I don’t know, I’m supposed to go out with this one girl who constantly takes me out on non-romantic dates because she’s sure we’re just friends.” You sigh in fake disappointment, letting the midfielder roll her eyes at your antics.
You gasp when she slams her lips into yours in a quick but fierce kiss before pulling back with a satisfied look.
“Let me make it romantic.” Kim offers with a charming smile, wooing you fully into saying yes even if you don’t need convincing.
“I’d be an idiot to say no.”
After a few minutes of little kisses, giggles, and talking, the both of you go to open the door only to be met with multiple falling bodies. A sheepish Kyra, Katie, and Beth look up from the floor with guilty smiles while the rest of the team turn back around and continue in their cubbies like they also weren’t eavesdropping.
“Everyone get dressed and leave unless you want to come in extra early tomorrow for some extra laps.” Kim announces with her captain expression, making everybody scramble.
The Scottish woman watches with a stone-cold expression before turning to look at you with a soft smile. She leans over and places a lingering kiss on your cheek.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course.”
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
a bad batch
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barça femeni x teen!reader
request: here
A/N: do you guys ever wonder what showers in the diff teams lockerooms look like? is it just a big room with showers and they’re all naked together or is there cubicals? if anyone knows please enlighten me
TW: Vomit, illness, swearing
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It wasn’t your fault really, it was whoever decided that the KFC given to you was actually safe to eat. Don’t they have quality managers for that? Despite it literally having feathers on it still, it was pretty meh. Not even enjoyable chicken.
That’s how you find yourself hunched over a toilet bowl, throwing up all contents of your stomach and more. You’re sweating but cold, you definitely know you have a fever or sorts but you’re uncertain how bad.
Worse thing is, training was supposed to start in 5 minutes. No way you were getting there now, not like this.
You shoot a quick message off to Jona explaining you don’t feel well and it’s probably something you ate. He replies quickly saying the usual of taking off however long is needed to get back to full recovery.
What’s the one thing you don’t consider in all this? You’re very overprotective teammates.
You end up puking more, and passing out on the bathroom floor due to exhaustion, the cool tiles feeling magical against the heat your body radiates.
- - - - -
You’re awoken by harsh knocks on your door. Your head hurts, your throat is scratchy, you’re dizzy and delusional, you feel like shit.
You stumble toward the door, opening it to see Frido and Keira.
“Jesus.” The Englishwoman says before pressing a firm hand and against your ablaze skin.
“Jona told us you said it was a light sickness? This is bad.” She says, rushing inside with the blonde Swede behind her. You were teammates with Frido on a national level as well so she took on more of a role while you settled in Barcelona.
“Come on, you shouldn’t be standing älskling (darling). Sit down, come.” She rests her hand on your back guiding you to the couch to sit down.
“Have you eaten?” She wipes away the sweaty hair away from your forehead.
“No.” You whisper softly.
“Ok, we’ll get you to eat and then into a bath ok? If we don’t get this fever down we might have to take you to a hospital.” The words compute in your mind, you don’t want a hospital. You just have to follow what the older 2 say and you’ll be fine. That’s what you tell yourself at least.
- - - - -
After eating a couple spoons of chicken broth Keira gave you, you’re taken to the bathroom and stripped into your sports bra and bike pants.
“Get in the water älskling, you’ll feel better I promise.” Frido kisses the side of your head, helping you in the bath.
It’s cold, and you do not like it.
“Frido, cold.” You whimper, trying to get out.
“I know but you have to stay. This is needed, trust me?” Her heart breaks at the sight of you in so much discomfort. But she knows it’s for the better.
You cry, along with everything else you’re feeling now, you’re cold and not allowed to move. Keira starts to stroke through your hair whispering soft words of affirmation.
“Shh bub, stop crying. You’re ok, it’s all gonna be ok.” She looks over to her teammate who is measuring your fever.
“It’s still a bit high, 37.8. Just a little longer älskling, then you can go to sleep does that sound ok to you?” You can’t even recognise her statement, only focusing on the cold your body feels.
After a couple more minutes, the girls decide you’ve had enough time to cool down so they change you into fresh pajamas, putting you to sleep in your own room before coming up with ways to hopefully get you to feel better.
- - - - -
When you wake up again a couple hours later, you feel even worse. Every body part aches and you feel the need to throw up again. So, you muster up all the energy you have and make a bee-line to the toilet.
Luckily making it in time, you spill more contents of your stomach. Someone has tied your hair back but you can’t will yourself to move.
“Hey, relax.” The accented voice says. You do as told and fall into Caroline. When did she get here? But you do as told, not wanting to feel this way any longer.
“Feel like shit.” You mumble, exhausted.
“I know, Marta and Ingrid are also here now. We will check your temperature soon ok? Right now you just need to not stress and stay here alright?” She runs her fingers up and down the sides of your torso until Ingrid comes in.
“I’ve got the thermometer. Could you open your mouth for me?” You open it without question, and she visibly cringes at the reading when she takes a look at it.
“This is not good, this isn’t normal. Look.” She shows it to her national teammate. Who also cringes.
“Tell the others to pack her stuff, get Frido here. Tell her the temperature and we need to go to the hospital.” This is when you start to worry, even in your delirious state.
There’s commotion outside the walls of your bathroom but you can’t will yourself to care, slumped against Caro hoping you’ll feel better soon.
Frido rushes inside, picking you up off the floor. She rushes to the car and gets in the backseat. In the front is Keira and Ingrid, in another car is presumably the other couple.
- - - - -
Arriving at the emergency department, you’re immediately taken to a private room where they hook you up to machines and an IV. You try to fight them, feeling too overwhelmed by the situation but Frido takes the chance to hold your hand in hopes of calming you down.
“Deep breaths älskling, it’s not too long before they’re gone.” Her words are a comfort to your ears, and she’s right because the doctors leave soon after that.
You look down at the little thermometer on your finger, showing the temperature of your skin. 41.5°.
You cringe like all the other girls who had seen it previously. Despite your hatred for hospitals, you’re happy because it means that the pain should go away sooner.
Frido has been on the phone for a bit, and she walks over to you.
“Magda wants to speak with you.” She smiles lightly, and you take the phone holding it against your ear.
“Hi Magda.” You say, voice an octave higher than usual.
“Hey little one, heard you weren’t feeling too great. Are the girls treating you right?” You hum.
“Yeah, they’re good.” She seems content with the answer.
“Ok good, we need you healthy for the next camp. Can’t have the mini star gone.” You laugh slightly at the given nickname.
“Alright pass me back to Frido, stay well and don’t do anything stupid. Please.” She begs over-dramatically.
“Come on, I’m not that bad!” You laugh, even if it made your stomach slightly hurt.
“Sure, sure. Talk to you later little one.”
“Bye Mags.” You pass it back to the older Swede and the door to your room opens revealing Mapi and Alexia.
Alexia walks over to you, concern visible between her brows. Mapi heads straight to Ingrid. (Not a surprise).
“You don’t look well at all. I’m not sure how you managed to text Jona.” You shrug, she takes a long breath.
“We’ll talk about saying how sick you actually are later, for now you should get some rest. We’ll be here when you wake up.” You do as told, quickly falling asleep without fight.
- - - - -
Over the coming days, the girls watch over you like hawks until they’re sure you’re better and you won’t snap in half at a slight gust of wind. It got annoying, but you couldn’t really say no when they were just trying to make it easier for you.
Whenever you threw up, cried in pain or overall didn’t want to do anything. One of the girls would be there to take any anguish you had away. No matter what, Barca isn’t just a team. But also a family.
sleekswosobsession: number 1 writer for cringe ending lines
anyways i need help from you anons, i have an english short story (800 word) narrative coming up but i need ideas.. i’m a writer not creative producer. but i do know that YOU have some ideas so please give it to me. these are the topics:
1. betrayal of trust
2. consequence of bad timing
3. Individual against society
(go wild but not too wild cuz i have to give it to my teacher)
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hoe4sports · 2 months
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Leah Williamson x reader
A/N: Mentions of throwing up and nausea.
Your eyes flutter when you feel your body start to wake up. The season changing from summer to fall makes you feel relieved. You consider it a clean sheet, a desperately needed fresh start for instance. When the season changes, it marks how the world still moves forwards. It’s a blunt reminder that, everything still has to go on. It’s not summer anymore, but the light outside is the kind of light that blinds you in the fall. It takes you some adjusting to get used to the light pouring in from outside. The light peeks through the slit of your curtains revealing your apartment’s desperate need for a clean with dust particles roaming through the air.
The fall has made its appearance. Colouring the landscape into a golden shade of brown and yellow blended into a perfect combination. Before you wrap yourself in the big comforter again, you run your eyes across the window. You live fairly high up, the kind of high that makes the building sway with the wind’s despair. The pillow calls for you and you happily oblige, putting your head on the soft square.
“07:33” you parrot to yourself before obliging to your body’s call for sleep. Sleep is weighing heavily on your eyelids before you feel a startle. Moments before you feel yourself soar into to your most holy happiest place: Your body does a startle that frightens you beyond your own knowledge leaving your back feeling cold.
“07:33?? Shit, shit, shit, shit!” You yell out in frustration in the shell of an apartment that once was filled with love. The instant panic causes you to go diving off the bed and become familiar with the carpet, naturally face first. That’s when the inner chaos erupts . Your keys are nowhere to be found, but ultimately you find them on the shoe rack. Then realisation hits you; all your training bra’s are dirty. As a compromise you end up with the next best thing; A bright pink Nike swim top.
As you flee out the door, you instantly have to run back in for your phone and when you eventually get to the car feeling lightheaded from the running; you are wearing two different shoes.
The feeling of letting someone down is so painful that you’d rather be let down yourself. You hurry back into the apartment at the speed of a lightning practically jumping on one leg out into the hallway with one sneaker on your right food and the other in your hand desperately trying to get it on. You do a spin as soon as your shoes are physically on to your feet before you run out of the hallway, fly down all 16 floor and jumps into the car. By grace, you end up making it somewhat safely to your destination. The wheels of the car stops turning at 07.44, just 1 minute shy of the obligatory first breakfast with your te
Your frame moves in a rapid speed outside making a beeline for the player’s entrance across the parking lot. A few swears escapes your lips in frustration as you pass car after car. Before it happened, you were always early. The chaos of oversleeping leads to your hair being everywhere. ThTs also knew. Everyone knows that you don’t oversleep, ever. When you enter the cafeteria with your hands busy tying your hair up, Jonas gives you an apologetic look. He dosent look mad or disappointed in you, his eyes are giving you grace. The whole team is giving you grace because they all know. Even though you tried to camouflage it, hide it in the deepest of closets and put on the bravest face you could; they still all knew.
“Welcome back, girls. We are delighted to have you all back and I trust that you have all had immensely with rest. This fall, there are some changes moving into action..” The team’s coordinator announces as you attempt finding your spot. The attempt is rather unsuccessful, and it makes you sound like an elephant in a porcelain store.
You slide down next to Guro and Jessie. Sitting between the two girls makes you feel safe and seen. Guro is a natural leader. Her leadership will push you to your physical limits, but she will be the first to notice any kind of change in behaviour. She was a good choice as the Norwegian captain.
The girls share a look before Jessie pats your back which sends you into a pre spiral. Whenever people showed you kindness, your radars immediately went off, making it feel like something was wrong. You try to shake the thought, but the attempt remains unsuccessful.
“It’s okay, I’m so happy you showed up, Y/N. I’m here for you.” Guro whispered to you. The act was meant as a good deed, but it left you feeling even further confused. Guro was there when it happened, she was the first and only person you told. Your eyes move to Jessie who sends you yet another apologetic look. The look is enough to send shivers down your spine.
“..and with that, our newest signing will be coming in for practice in a few hours. Let’s all enjoy the fantastic breakfast that our amazing workers has prepared for us. Here is to a good season of growth and training!” the coordinator ends her speech. The speech stretched out for what seemed like forever, leaving you with a very obnoxious yawn. You thought that the group would be annoyed on the seemingly disrespectful motion, but instead the apologetic looks flooded like flowers at a funeral. All of the words from the coordinator had gone above and beyond your head. The anxiety was building up like a boiling kettle in your gut. It felt like your body had set off an alarm to active your entire nervoussystem. You rub your hands together for comfort, not getting any kind of relief.
The anixety gathers up in your gut, throat and eventually your headspace. Guro is the first to notice. It was obvious when everyone at your table had stood up to explore the breakfast buffet, but you got left behind. Guro looks at you with empathy in her eyes.
"Y/N? Lets get something to eat before you decide to panic"
Your visibly confused gaze shifts towards Guro.
"I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen..
" You say as you get up and Guro grabs your hand. The walk to the desk is so silent that you swear people could hear your thougts. The dishes are lined up. The first breakfast after breaks are always a big deal in the Chealsea household. Your stomach is growling for food, but all you feel is nausea. The feeling stings in you when your eyes meet the older lady. Her smile is so big and she looks so proud of her pancakes. You offer her a small smile. Reluctantly, you grab pancakes, some berries and a smoothie before you head back to the table.
At the table, the conversation is going like a whirlwind. Lucy is going on about how much she hates the cold while Sam is blabbering about the latest ring she got her partner. You stand out from the crowd, just quietly munching on the strawberries that you grabbed. The only thing you want to, is to go home and curl up in a small ball and die.
Jessie suddenly looks at Guro with a slight fright in her eyes. You look at both the girls moving your head from one side to the other. Jessie gulps. Guro gives Jessie an annoyed look. The annoyance and frustration is rapidly bulding up. You drop your fork down on your plate when your spot a familiar pair of eyes moving towards your table. Your heartrate skyrockets and you feel an instant need to throw up. Your hands go cold and you face goes red.
"Hey, im Leah and im excited to be your new teammate" she says with a stupid excited smirk on her face while reaching out her hand at you. You stare at her hand. If eyes could cut, she would be without hands.
Everyone goes silent. The whole room goes silent. Everyone saw what happend to your earlier. All of them saw the damage that was done. Everyones eyes are at you. You panic. Its a fight, freeze, flee moment. You want to yell at the top of your lungs. Cuss her out. Scream and cry and yell.
You stand up with your heart going crazy. You look Leah in her eyes. The rage is building up further. Jessie taps your hand. Your gaze meets hers. Then you look up at Leah again. You give her a stern look before you turn around and walk away. If she could walk away, why couldnt you?
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roquebr · 5 months
The Fury
Barcelona femeni x reader
Aitana Bonmáti x reader
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Summary: When all seems lost, a turnaround can be more impressive.
The rocking of the bus gives me a slight feeling of relaxation, my headphones placed carelessly in my ears, with the sound at the highest volume, hoping to hide the prevailing noise of the place.
The youngest girls on the team are very excited about today's game, it's no surprise that we are heading towards the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, simply the biggest European championship. So it's not surprising when some of them are sitting on their benches with greater concentration than the other side, which is a mess.
Everyone has their own way of preparing, mine being to ignore everyone around me as much as possible until we get to the changing rooms, music being my escape point, I always turn to Brazilian music to be my company during these moments, it's a way of feel close to home.
— Meto o chapéu na cabeça ela perde a cabeça e me fala assim... – When the song approaches the chorus, I feel a nudge on my shoulders, I pause the song and look at the intruder who disturbed me and then I relax, yeah Alexia, she knows about my pre-game ritual and I know she wouldn't disturb me for nothing.
—Hey Ale, allright?
— Yes, sorry to bother you, but we've already arrived at the stadium and the girls are already coming down.
— I lost track, I'm going too, I'm just going to get my things — I give a small smile, thanking him for his kindness.
— I see you're a little out of tune, is everything okay? – He places one of his free hands on my shoulder, with the other holding his belongings. I don't know how she manages to balance everything like that, if it were me, my cell phone would definitely be broken on the floor by now.
— Yes, I'm just concentrating on the game, you know how it is, right?
— I understand, but if you need anything you can talk to me. – I don't answer, stopping myself from just returning a kind look.
We continued walking towards the changing rooms, greeting the workers as I passed.
I know that this nervousness is not just because of the game, but because of the desire to show more than my best on the field, having arrived at the club just under a year ago, coming straight as a standout on the Ferroviária, I knew that from the beginning I had to show more than I expected.
I've had a strong presence in many of the 37 unbeaten games played so far, I've been a regular starter, but apparently I'm not good enough to start today.
As soon as Jona announced who would start before we got on the bus, my spirits immediately dropped, I know he decided the lineup thinking about preserving some prominent athletes for possible future changes of keys, but that doesn't negate my feeling of incompetence to start on the bench.
We arrive at the locker room and I immediately head to my cubicle, my headphones that have been stored for a long time no longer deprive me of Rosalía's loud voice that emanates from the absurdly loud speaker in my ears.
I change calmly, but I decide not to wear socks or football boots for now, I'm going to interpret this as a protest for being on the bench today, a bit childish I know.
I sigh and lean my head against the wall, where my game t-shirt used to hang, I watch my happy teammates as they transform and sway to the beat of the music.
I saw my girlfriend of 1 year, we met in October 2022 at Ballon D'or, I went to the event as Marta's guest after telling her in a free conversation that I would like to have the experience of going.
We talked for just over a month and soon we were dating, excited, right, but the feeling was intense and it happened, at first it was difficult because of the distance because I was in Brazil and she was in Spain, but we got through it together, whenever I could I went to visit her. there. Unfortunately, she never managed to go to Brazil, but I will resolve that during our next “vacation”.
Jona arrives in the locker room and starts his usual motivational talk, honestly I don't feel like listening to anything, with my mind confused I just focus on going to the bench.
Sit next to Alexia with Lucy on the other side, the traditional song of the champions plays bringing a smile to my face, regardless of my wounded pride, every time this anthem plays I can't help but get emotional, it's a dream that becomes childhood reality.
The first half of the game was somewhat disappointing, Barça put pressure on Chelsea's marking but unfortunately the defense did not give in, in the 39th minute came the beginning of our fall, taking advantage of a passing error from Irene that gave Chelsea close possession of the ball. to the area, making a respectable exchange of passes until he found a partner in the area, he deceived Keira's marking and passed to Cuthbert who wasted no time in scoring. We came out at half-time with 1-0 to Chelsea.
The atmosphere in the dressing room is very different to when we arrived, the totally dead Barcelona vibe contradicts the emotion I normally feel, word after word, motivation after motivation, all falling on my deaf ears as each teammate seemed focused on acquiring each lyric. said by him.
With a wave of his hand, Jona takes me aside to talk.
— YN, where are your boots?
— It's in the bank, Jona.
He sighs lightly in annoyance, the stress in his shoulders is visible.
— Look, I know you're disappointed that I didn't start today, but please put your boots on, I'll be with you on the field in about 10 minutes.
— Great Jona, I'll put it on.
Returning to the second half, a little more excited, I ask one of the physiotherapists there to put a bandage on my ankle, Sophia is her name, as I injured my ankle during the game I always put a bandage on it to avoid future injuries.
After Sophia finishes, I put on my socks and football boots, I kiss each shin guard before putting them on.
The second half began, Barça had difficulty getting into the game, then a penalty was awarded in our favor, we celebrated along with the cheers of the fans, this would be our chance to continue in the game.
The referee goes to the Var and immediately cancels the penalty, apparently the referee interprets that Salma's offside hinders the defender, nonsense if I may say so.
At 63 minutes Jona makes 2 substitutions, bringing Alexia and Lucy. Ingrid and Ona sit next to me, respectively tired and disappointed with their performances, I give both thighs a comforting squeeze.
I wait anxiously at the edge of my bench for a while, waiting for the moment when Jona replaces me. In the 74th minute, when Ramirez, Chelsea's striker, missed the chance to expand, my heart almost exploded. Patri managed to disrupt her position well, although he still let her to finish the shot.
— Jonas!! – He doesn’t even turn around in recognition.
— Que saco mano. – I go down towards him who was on the side of the field. — Jona, am I going in now?
— Be patient, YN, go to warm up.
A frown appears on my face, but I do as I'm told, not before kicking the water bottle nearby. My companions give me sympathetic looks, which makes me more stressed.
At 78 minutes, the assistant coach says I'm ready and Jona calls me to the sidelines next to him.
— Listen to me, we need you now in this field, are you ready for this challenge. – She pauses only to give the numbers to the fourth referee who is preparing the replacement panel. — We need to decide this game at home, with our fans who came here to watch us play, with courage and love when we enter the field. I know you are ready for this challenge, show who you are and what you came for.
I can't find words, so I just listen, shaking my head with a determined look. I take the place of Mariona, who wishes me good luck, running to my position, passing my girlfriend, blinking and returning to focus on the game.
Time: 80m
In a quick run down the wing, Frido sends it to Caro who tries to finish, the goalkeeper saves but the rebound goes straight to my side, I don't miss the opportunity and send it into the goal. I see Salma grab the ball so we can restart the game, I run back to position, jumping and calling the fans to play together.
Time: 83m
Patri intercepts the ball in midfield, passes it to Aitana who dribbles the opponent, leaving her mistaken, I ask for the ball and soon receive it. I notice that the goalkeeper's left corner is free, I prepare my leg and take a strong low shot, I see the ball roll quickly as the goalkeeper tries to launch himself too late, then you see the net ripple. We changed the course of the game, but it's still not enough.
Time: 85m
Aitana is having an impressive run taking advantage of Chelsea's neglect, a defender in front of her, with options like me on the left and Caro on the right, with Salma right behind. Aita rolls the ball to me, I take a slight touch to the right and shoot with confidence, the ball takes a threatening curve and soon falls into the net, surprising the goalkeeper.
Now I allow myself to celebrate, I run close to the flag post and slide down on my knees, my teammates hugging me and pulling me everywhere, the euphoria was so much that it felt like we had won the Champions League right there. I felt like crying, I scored my first hat-trick in the Champions League
Time: 88m
We receive a free kick after the Chelsea player almost grabbed Aitana trying to take the ball away from her, Salma takes the free kick which hits Lucy's head, who aims the ball towards the goalkeeper's box. She came spinning through the air, landing perfectly at my feet, I beautifully pushed her towards the goal and fell into the hug. With every second that passed the crowd became louder and louder, if possible.
Time: 90m
The gas had not passed, it was getting stronger and stronger, now with a considerable advantage, we preferred to send the team back. Keeping score is crucial for the second leg in England. Although we are currently more focused on defense, that doesn't stop us from also attacking at every opportunity. The team's confidence increased and we played calmer, making more passes and remaining calm when under pressure.
Caro has the ball on the right wing, looks up and sees the perfect opportunity to cross.
Caro's always necessary crossing makes things easier for me, I wait for her to reach the right height before jumping and sending the bike, when I fall backwards onto the grass my pain is numbed by a very loud vibration coming from the stadium.
Barely having time for anything else, I run towards the small Chelsea fans present in the stadium, stop in front of them and place both hands on my waist, with an arrogant posture, soon my teammates come to me in pure euphoria. Many compliments reach my ears, I allow myself to embrace them as much as possible before we have to return to the starting position.
9 minutes of extra time were allowed, nothing else impressive happened during this period, the 3 characteristic whistles were heard. There were many celebrations after we greeted the rival team. I head towards the referee team who hands me the ball.
Jona hugs me congratulating me on a successful game, the team soon arrives and gives me the idea of throwing myself into the air, I try to run away but I'm not fast enough, after the desperate seconds pass I run to the fans, my spirits were high today.
I ask a member of the coaching staff to hold my ball for me, while I jump into the arms of the crowd, doing my best to sign and take as many photos with everyone as possible, the only limit being the barrier.
I feel an arm go around my waist as I sign a Mapí fan t-shirt. I look to the side and see that it is Aitana, who is already looking at me with her beautiful smile on her face, her bright eyes remind me of the constellations.
I can't help but smile with her, our passionate looks betrayed our enormous passion for each other, which doesn't go unnoticed by the public, to everyone's euphoria and my poor heart, she stands on tiptoe and gives a long kiss to the my lips. , fireworks light up in my belly.
Soon the photo of that moment would be published on many pages, one of them was the official Barça account, and certainly on many fan pages that would blow up my cell phone with notifications.
But I couldn't care less, I played an impressive game and had my girl in my arms, could I ask for more than that?.
!!The inspiration for the character to score 5 goals in 10 minutes came from Lewa, when he played for Bayern he did this feat, so I thought “why not put that in the fic?”!" ... sorry for any mistakes, english is not my main language
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Nagging II
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: You come back from national duty sick
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In all honesty, you blamed Selma.
It was all her fault. She came down with something just minutes after your match against Portugal. You were ninety percent sure she had sneezed all over your things but with no way to prove it, you blamed her from a distance.
The day you got back to Barcelona was spent hovering over your toilet bowl and throwing up all of the crappy plane food you ate earlier.
Your head pounded and you wished you had blackout blinds because even the faintest sliver of sunlight made it worse.
You sent Jona a text as soon as you could deal with the light from your phone, saying that you would be taking the next few days off.
He replied with a thumbs up and you left it at that as another wave of nausea coursed through you and you crouched over your toilet bowl.
You didn't even think about texting any of your teammates, more focussed on keeping down anything you ate.
You dimmed your lights and closed your blinds when the nausea disappeared enough for you to move before retreating back to your bathroom floor.
You don't know when you fell back asleep but the cold tiles against your cheeks were soothing and the silence felt nice in your blocked ears.
You only woke up when you felt someone nudging at your shoulder. You groaned, your eyelids feeling like they were glued together so you blindly batted at whoever was touching you
"Come on, kiddo." You recognised Lucy's voice but still refused to open your eyes, more than content to lay limp on your bathroom floor. "Up you get."
Lucy didn't seem to be taking no for an answer so you cracked open your eyelids. It was the wrong move though because as soon as you opened them, it was like your stomach realised that it was feeling sick because you had to launch yourself at the toilet as you dry heaved over the bowl.
"Or, on second thought, you can stay there," She said, nose wrinkling in disgust as you collapsed on top of your toilet," How long have you been feeling like this?"
You could barely make sense of her words as you moved to rest back against the tiled walls. Your chest rose and fell erratically as you tried to regain your breath.
"Have you eaten?"
"Jesus," You groaned," How many of there are you?"
Alexia stood in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest. She was looking at you with disapproval but you couldn't find it in yourself to care. "Have you eaten?"
You gestured to your toilet. "Does it look like I can keep anything down?"
"Have you taken some medicine, at least?"
This time, it was Lucy who answered," Does it look like she can even walk?"
Alexia sighed, bringing her fingers up to massage her temple. "How long has this been going on? Why did we have to hear about it from Jona?"
You groaned, your head pounding. "If you're going to ask me so many questions can you at least slow them down?"
A head popped around the doorway. "Is she still alive?"
"Yes, Mapi," Alexia said," She's still alive."
"Good," Mapi replied," Because Ingrid's making soup and I don't want her to waste the effort if it turns out that the kid is dead."
"God," You groaned, finally sitting upright again," It's nice to know how I rank on your list of priorities, Mapi."
Mapi scrunched her nose up at you. "You look like death warmed up. Have we got to go to the hospital?"
When Lucy and Alexia began to look like they were contemplating it, you fought back against the swirling of your stomach.
"No, no hospital," You said, getting up shakily and sagging against Lucy when she moved to help you," It's just a little sickness. Selma's already let it run its course on her. I'll be fine in a few days."
"We'll be the judge of that," Lucy said as she guided you out of your bathroom and onto the sofa.
Ingrid was at your stove, mixing up a pot of soup while Frido seemed to flutter around your entire apartment, doing all of the chores you had put off since coming back from France.
"I knew I shouldn't have let you come back here," Lucy muttered as she forced you to drink an electrolyte drink," I should have just made you come home with me."
Most of the time, you lived with Lucy while playing at Barcelona but the club still paid for an apartment for you. Your flight in last night was late and you just told Lucy you would crash at your own place and go back with her after training.
"We can deal with that later," Alexia said dismissively as she shoved a thermometer into your mouth," Leave that there!"
"I don't even own one of these," You complained around it.
"I bought one with me," Frido said as she brought over Ingrid's soup," You need to stock up on medicine too. You've got nothing."
"I don't need to stock up on anything if I've never bought any. Wh-" You were cut off by Mapi shoving a spoonful of soup into your mouth.
The older girls all talked over the top of your head.
"I can take her home with me," Lucy said," We just need to pack her a bag."
"No," Alexia said," She's sick. She shouldn't move anywhere until she's better."
"Mapi and I can stay with her tonight," Ingrid said," One of us can make sure she's okay and the other can stock up on medicine."
"She said it's a short bug," Alexia nodded," So hopefully it won't be too bad."
"I don't know..." Frido looked over at the way you pushed away Mapi and her spoon in favour of hunching over and squeezing at your head. "She's only a kid. I think at least a week."
"A week..." Alexia fell silent for a moment. "Ingrid, if you and Mapi are okay with watching over her tonight then I'll take over for tomorrow and the day after. Frido can have the next two and then Lucy..."
"If she's alright after Frido's shift I'll take her back to my place," Lucy said," And if she's not, I'll hang out here until she's well enough."
"Good," Alexia said. She grabbed one of your blankets from the dryer and threw it around your shoulders. "Does anyone have Renard's number? It would probably be best if someone told her that her protege's down for the count."
"I've got it," Lucy said before wincing," God, I'm screwed. She's going to have my head."
"Just blame Selma," You said, having enough of the girls talking about you like you weren't in the room with them," It's her fault anyway."
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greynatomy · 9 months
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leah williamson x reader
based on this request
changed the request a bit so i hope this was fine anon
You were at training when one of the coaches flagged you down.
“Hey, your phones been ringing.”
“Oh, thank you.”
Your wife, Leah, was watching you from the pitch, seeing your facial expressions go from concerned to shocked. She excuses herself from the group she was in and walks towards your form.
“What’s happening?” She stands behind you, placing her hands on your waist.
“That was the principal.”
“The principal? Of Bella’s school?”
“No, of Chewbacca’s school. Of course Bella’s school.” You answer sarcastically.
You hear your wife Breathe in deeply, a way for you to know that she’s trying to calm herself.
“What did he say?”
“Bella’s been suspended, for punching a kid.”
Leah walks away, presumably to where Jonas was to excuse the both of you. You basically had to run after Leah, as she already packed both your things and taken her boots off, leaving you to change out of your boots in the car.
You could tell she was fuming. Bella is her little girl, a mini Leah, so she was very strict on her. Picking Bella up from school, she didn’t say a word. The way her eyebrows were furrowed, you and your daughter could tell she was in a bad mood.
“Sit on the couch.” Was all Leah said once she parks the car in the garage.
Bella did as she said while you followed after your wife.
“Hey.” You softly greeted while she’s drinking a glass of water. “Don’t get mad right away. We don’t even know what happened exactly.”
“She punched a kid for crying out loud. What more is there to know?”
You pull Leah’s hair out of the ponytail it’s in to be able to run your fingers through them, calming her down a bit.
“But why would she do that? You know Bella. She’s a mini version of you. There has to be a reason why she did it.”
After Leah’s calmed down a bit more, you both head into the living room, seeing your daughter sat on the couch staring at the floor.
“Hey, Bells. How are you?” You crouch down next to her while Leah takes a seat on the other seat. Bella shrugs and you can see some tears lining her eyes. “Why don’t you tell us what happened?”
“Billy keeps messing with me. He *sniffles* he’s always shov-shoving me and laughing beca-because I’ve got you and Mama.”
“What do you mean, bubs?” Leah asks softly, scooting to the edge of her seat.
“He said it’s weird and gross to have two mums.” She bursts into tears, falling in your open arms. “I’m sorry Mummy, I’m sorry Mama. I didn’t mean to hit. He was just being so mean.”
“Hey, hey.” Leah sits on the floor, taking Bella from your arms to sit her on her lap, holding her close. “You’re okay. Me and Mummy are so proud of you for sticking up for yourself, for us, but we don’t need you to do that. We can deal with it ourselves. You’re my little girl, but you’re also so brave.” Kisses are placed on her head. “But we do not hit people, okay?”
Bella nods, pushing her face further into the crook of your wife’s neck.
“We do not hit people. We tell an adult and let them handle it. I’m glad you told us. I’ll have a talk with the principal tomorrow.”
“You’ve got the rest of the week off.” You get up from your crouched position, dusting yourself off. “How does a little movie night sound?”
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