#jonah would have a melt down
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“Daddy” Eli squealed as Ethan tossed him up to his shoulders.
“Careful” Jonah cautioned from where he sat on the ground watching.
“Don’t worry” Ethan grinned “we won’t have a repeat of last time.”
“If we do you’re cleaning him up” he pulled at the long grass. A nervous gesture he developed while they were out.
Noticing Ethan asked “nervous?”
“No” Jonah lied looking away afraid his face would give him away. He knew he’d always be nervous when they went out. There’d always be that fear that he’d lose someone close to him like he almost lost Ethan. A month after his old boss broke into his house the man had followed them into the park. Ethan had been hurt trying to protect him. In his mind he could still see the blood on the ground and feel it on his hands. The warmth as it seeped out…
“Baby don’t” Ethan knelt beside him “I’m still here. We’re alright.”
Leaning into him “I know. Its just….”
“I know” he sat down pulling Jonah into his arms. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
Closing his eyes he let himself relax, melting into the man beside him. “I could get used to this,” he quipped. Sitting up straight eyes alert “where’s Eli” he demanded missing his son’s high pitched squeals and delighted happy giggles.
“He’s fine” Ethan chuckled “he passed out from too much fun in the sun.”
“He’ll never sleep tonight” Jonah complained imagining an endless night of chasing after his two year old son.
“If he doesn’t I’ll be up with him” Ethan assured him “You need your sleep for that important recital tomorrow.”
Leaning back into Ethan’s arms he sighed contentedly. “Can you believe it? I might be playing with my dad in the orchestra. My music could be heard by millions of people.”
“You’ll be so famous you won’t need me” Ethan teased.
Shaking his head Jonah turned to look at him “I’ll always need you.”
“Of course” a troubled look spread across Jonah's face. “I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” A troubled look entered Ethan’s eyes at his words. Reaching for him “I have a feeling I’ve said something wrong. Tell me. Please.”
“Not wrong” sighing Ethan shook his head. “Sometimes I wish you didn’t need me but wanted me because without me there’d be this hole so large you’d never be able to fill it.”
“Oh you silly man” he chuckled “I’ve already had that hole in my life. I was broken and you put me back together again. Without you I couldn’t feel anything. You are everything I could ever need or want.”
“Are you asking me to marry you” Ethan teased eyes brimming with moisture.
“That’s exactly what I’m doing” Jonah held his hand out a ring in his palm. “Will you marry me?” He watched as Ethan’s mouth dropped open as his eyes fixed on the ring.
“Is this real” he asked sounding a little out of breath.
“Of course it’s real” grinning he said “I’ve always loved you. Never stopped even when we were apart. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way.” His fingers closed around the ring as his entire being seemed to grow dim.
As Jonah scrambled to his feet Ethan placed his hand over his. “I’ve always loved you too. Never stopped. I will always regret choosing the easy route when you needed me the most.” He put a finger over Jonah’s mouth to keep him from interrupting him. “The past doesn’t matter. Not now. We both have things we regret but now we have each other.” Pausing he held his hand out waiting for Jonah to slip the ring on his finger. “Yes I’ll marry you. Today. Tomorrow and all the tomorrows there after.” Before he had a chance to say anything else Jonah was throwing his arms around him kissing every available spot he could reach.
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Posting this and running away
"What is this?" Jonah chuckled, gesturing vaguely to the image in front of him. This was easily the weirdest thing he had seen in a while.
Leo was inside the bathtub, with no water, in the middle of the day, wearing just his boxers, head leaning back and scrolling in his ipad.
"Hey," the blonde turned his head slightly, voice all soft, "missed you."
How could Jon not melt around this man? He entered further in the bathroom, crouching down to kiss his fiancé and Leo grimaced and pulled back, causing Jonah to whine, "what the hell?"
"You don't wanna kiss me," Leo cringed, "I ate something weird and it messed with me. I just puked," he gestured vaguely to the closed toilet with his head. Jonah raised his eyebrows, surprised.
Leo didn't look sick... But now that Jon looked closer he could tell the sweat clinging to his temples and over his lip. Instead of pale, he was flushed in a slightly unnatural way, specially given how cold their bathroom was.
"Is that why you're in the tub?"
"Yeah, still feel pukey," Leo groaned and slid down in the tub, resting his feet on the opposite end and dropping his ipad to the side. Now that it was no longer blocking Jonah's view, he could tell his fiance's abs were slightly bloated, the usual line separating its quadrants all but faded, "I don't know what's wrong with my office, you'd think such a fancy building would have a decent catering."
Jonah grinned, collapsing down on his ass instead of staying crouched down and leaned in to push Leo's hair back, away from his sweaty forehead. The blonde let out a happy noise at the hair pet, "why don't you come to bed? You can feel sick in the bedroom, where it's comfy."
Leo snorted at that, turning his head so his cheek was pressed to the cold rim of the tub and going boneless as Jonah petted his hair, "bedroom feels too warm, was making me claustrophobic."
"And the bathtub is not?"
"You may question my methods, but not my results," Leo smiled, looking up at him and grabbing the ditched iPad, "I want a March wedding."
"Okay?" Jon moved on the bathroom floor, stripping the thick wool vest he was wearing over his shirt and removing his belt so he was more comfortable, throwing them on top of the sink, "why March?"
"Because I don't wanna wait until October next year," Leo pouted, turning on the screen. Before Jon could question why March and October were the only options, Leo said, "I made a pinterest board."
Jonah couldn't stop smiling, it was embarrassing and hurting his cheek muscles, "you made a pinterest board," he echoed, amused and endeared to hell and back. Leo glared at him, pushing the iPad in his hands.
"Stop looking at me with this stupid smile and look at the board," he tapped the screen, then curled up with a grimace and planted a hand on his stomach, pressing slightly and bringing up a sick burp, "god..."
"Should I move from the line of fire?" Jonah squinted at Leo, noticing the way he was gulping down.
The man shook his head, taking another gulp, "swallowing air," he cleared up, "not gagging."
"Counter intuitive if your stomach hurts, no?"
"Trying to burp," Leo cleared up with a strained voice, digging his fingers in his tummy, until another little sickly burp came up, "urgh, it's stuck."
"My husband, the romantic," Jonah teased him with an eyeroll, then scooted closer, "sit up, let me thump your back."
"Like a baby?" Leo snorted, but obeyed and let out a pleased noise as Jonah started doing exactly that. A couple pats in and he brought up a large, brassy belch.
"UUruorup- Fuck, that felt nice," he hung his head between his knees, breathing out in relief, "look at the board."
"Bossy," Jonah glared at the side of his head, then actually looked at the board. It was a collection of farmhouse weddings and hotels and event-centers... None of it looked very Leo, "uhm- these are the ones you liked?"
"You hate them," Leo sighed, "I don't know, everything I'm able to find is either those ultra girly things that only Wendy could like or, if I search for gay-wedding, it's like they're competing to see who can be more cringy."
Jonah cackled at the bitchiness, earning himself a smile, "this is nice," he leaned against the tub, all but sprawled on the bathroom floor and pointing a picture of a tall, reflective ballroom. Leo draped himself over the edge, squinting at the screen.
"That's a cathedral, Jonah," Leo said dryly, "I'm not gonna get married in a church, thanks."
Jon let out a scoff, "it's in your board!"
"As inspiration! Because I like-" he cut himself off with a nauseated gulp, "the-the tall ceilings..." Leo's voice trailed off and he raised a hand to his mouth, the other one darting up so Jonah could help him up.
Jon was up in a flash, grabbing Leo's hand to hoist him up and leaving the iPad on top of their sink, while the blonde fell to his knees before the toilet and gagged weakly over the water.
He cringed in sympathy as Leo retched and a thin dribble of colored in spit fell in the water, causing him to say in a thick, nauseated voice, "Oh god..." then gag once more, bringing up a mouthful of frothy, beige vomit. Jonah gulped down against the knot in his throat, forcing his gaze away and planted a hand on Leo's naked back. He was covered in cold sweat, muscles seizing under Jon's hand as he continued to heave for another five minutes.
Leo let another sickly burp, the groaned and collapsed forward, causing Jonah to scramble to grab him by the shoulter, "don't split your head open, Leo!"
"Uhhmm, wasn't gonna..." He scoffed, pressing his forehead to the cold porcelain, "I still feel so queasy..."
Jonah hit the flush, then combed his fingers through Leo's sweaty bangs, touching his cheek and forehead inconspicuously. He wasn't feverish and Leo let out a little snort, "I know what you're doing, Dr. Banks..." he blew out another soft burp, "I wanna go to bed but I'm all sweaty..."
"Couch?" Jonah suggested and Leo lifted up his head, considering it for a minute before nodding.
"Yeah okay, help me up..."
It was a bigger hassle than expected, as Leo washed his face and brushed his teeth, only for the toothbrush to send him into another gagging fit, but eventually they managed to move into the living room and Leo collapsed down on the cushions with a sigh, "Jon..."
"I know, I know," he grinned, sitting next to the man and planting his hand on his boyfriend's bloated belly, "tummy rub."
"You're the love of my life," Leo said in a pleased tone, eyes slipping closed as Jonah started rubbing his hand in a soft, gentle circle over his distended abs. It wasn't much of a massage, but he was afraid of putting too much pressure, with all the angry gurgling going on inside.
JD, who had been very busy chasing her toy mice, perked up at the sudden company and jumped on the couch as well, meowing and stepping on Leo's thigh in order to headbutt Jonah's chin.
"She's ignoring me," Leo groaned, pressing a hand on his stomach, "I stepped on her tail earlier."
"Well, I can't blame her," Jonah scoffed, kissing the top of JD's head, "Leo didn't mean it, baby."
As if she understood him, JD crawled on Jon's lap, nuzzling the inside of his arm and letting out a happy meow. Leo opened his eyes to glare at the cat, pouting.
"It was an accident! I was rushing in," his stomach let out a loud growl and he squirmed, gulping down, "Jon..."
"Shit, give me a second," Jonah sprung up, taking JD with him, and rushed to their kitchen, in order to grab a bowl. By the time he made it back, ten seconds later, Leo had his eyes squeezed shut and was breathing slowly through his mouth as if he was giving birth.
"Here, here, here-" Jon pushed the bowl under his chin and Leo grabbed it with sweaty fingers, but didn't immediately retch. Jonah cringed, planting JD down and moving so he wasn't directly looking at the bowl, but could help Leo hold it up, "baby?"
A nauseated hiccup shook the blonde's frame and he let out a moan, leaning forward and drooling over the bowl, "fuck..." he cleared his throat, taking a deep breath, "my stomach hurts."
Jonah frowned, not liking this one bit. He hated the strong feeling of concern, over something so dumb like food poisoning, but he couldn't help it. Leo worried him always.
"Leo, no, don't do that!" Jonah groaned, as he realized his fiancee was shoving a finger down his throat to trigger his gag reflex, "don't force it-"
Leo shook his head, pulling back his hand and burping wetly over the bowl, "I can feel it in my stomach..." his voice was thick with queasiness and he hiccupped again, his belly letting out a disgusting wet sound, "Urgh, fuck..."
"Can I h-" he never finished that sentence, as there was a sudden wet noise in the back of Leo's throat and the blonde folded in half, projectile vomiting in the bowl.
He hung over it, panting as if he had just ran a marathon, before letting out a dainty little burp and another impressive stream of sick fell from his lips. Leo let out a whimper, coughing, then sighed, "Holy fuck... I feel tons better," he said hoarsely, causing Jonah to let out a disbelieving snort.
"Are you sure?" Jon scoffed, biting down a gag of his own, his mouth watering like crazy at the gruesome sight. Leo nodded, forcing up another burp.
"Yeah... Like crazy better," he rolled his shoulders, then let out a whine, "aw angel, you look grey. Sit down, I can clean this up-"
"No, I'm o-Oo-" Jonah interrupted himself with a retch and Leo let out a little giggle, planting a kiss in the inside of his wrist, since his boyfriend was sitting on the couch's arm, and slowly getting up.
"You're fine, uh?" He chuckled quietly, grabbing the bowl and gingerly walking to the bathroom to empty it out. Jon let out a humiliated sigh, sitting down on the couch and staring at his feet. He thought he was over this, he hated when Leo was feeling sick and his body decided to attention seek.
His belly clenched and he brought up a little sickly burp, breathing out slowly against the prickles of nausea... "Hey," Leo crouched in front of him, between Jon's knees, "you're okay? Are you sure it's just sympathy sickness?"
"Yep," Jon gulped down, nodding, "are you-"
"Really, I'm fine. That's on me for being too lazy to cross the street to go to the restaurant that I know won't make me ill," Leo rolled his eyes, leaning in and hugging Jonah by the waist.
In this weird position, with his boyfriend down to his knees in the rug, it was easy for Leo to drop his face to his lap and Jonah leaned back, starting to pet the golden waves of hair, "don't take this badly," he said slowly, while Leo sat down on the ground, leaning his head back to keep getting his hair petted, "but you suck at event planning."
Leo let out an offended huff, but didn't say anything and Jonah folded in half to kiss his forehead upside down, "I'm gonna take this from you and I'll scout for a location, okay? You worry about the damn flowers or what not."
"Anything more inconsequential you wanna hand me?" Leo pouted, causing Jon to grin and kiss the tip of his nose.
"Test me and I'll put you on water duty," he teased, before falling back against the couch, "so March?"
"Yeah, March," Leo smiled, then let out a little pleased sigh as JD sniffled his hand and came to sit on his lap.
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She Calls Him Daddy [Bob Floyd x Reader]

DILF Bob Floyd
Summary: Coming home from college for winter break, the last thing you expected was to run into your best friend’s father while out shopping for new lingerie to surprise your fuck buddy with. You had always tried to hide your attraction for Mr. Floyd because he was Anna’s father. But all rules are thrown out when Bob invites you over on Christmas Eve while Anna is at her mother’s house. You’ll never be able to look at your friend’s dad the same way ever again.
Pairing: DILF Bob Floyd x Reader
Warnings: Just pure filth and smut, cursing, age difference, power imbalance
WC: 6K
Your fingers brushed along the array of pastel lace before you paused, reaching out and selecting a hanger.
It was perfect. Silky black straps with delicate lace bra cups that led to a sheer lace middle cut high on the hips in a thong. You smiled. Jonah was going to lose his goddamn mind when he saw you in this.
You turned, instantly colliding with a person who had been right behind you, their back to you, your skimpy bodysuit flying to the floor as you began to fall. But the person you had crashed into reached down instantly, catching you before you absolutely ate shit in the middle of the store floor.
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed as the man’s hands caught your waist, hauling you to standing. “Thank you!”
A gasp left your mouth as you looked up.
“Mr. Floyd.”
“Y/N.” His voice was deep, sultry. You felt your face flush with embarrassment. He leaned down and retrieved the discarded hanger and black lingerie from the floor. But instead of handing it to you, he held it up and examined it.
“I’m, uh, buying it for a friend,” you lied.
Bob Floyd’s blue eyes met yours. His tone was patient, his mouth in a hard line. “Is that so?” he asked. “Not Anna I hope.”
“No, of course not.” At the mention of Anna, your best friend and Bob Floyd’s daughter, you wanted to crumple into a million pieces. You could never tell her that her father had caught you buying lingerie or that you had literally fallen into his arms like a damsel in distress.
Even if it made you ache between your legs. Even if a part of you had been crushing on Mr. Floyd since you were sixteen.
You couldn’t even admit it to yourself that sometimes, when you slept with Jonah, your college fuck buddy, you pictured Bob Floyd’s face when you closed your eyes. Same when you had your vibrator pressed tightly against your clit beneath the covers in the privacy of your dorm single. It was Bob Floyd’s face looming in your mind as you let yourself break apart.
Bob gripped the hanger tightly. He looked at the bodysuit and then at you. You felt like you could melt from the intensity of his gaze, even if it only lasted a second. “That would look good on you,” he said, voice low and you felt your heart beating erratically in your chest. “But this would look better.” He reached out and pulled a bra and panty set from the next rack over. It was a white bra with sheer demi cups and a matching high-waisted thong with a thick waistband and tiny pearls dotting the band. Clipped onto the hanger was a lace trimmed garter.
Words escaped you. Your jaw was practically hanging on the ground.
Bob stepped closer. Somehow, it was just the two of you in the entire store. You realized you never asked why he was in a lingerie and pajama shop, so close to Christmas. Bob leaned one muscular arm against the wall to his left. “Y/N. Do you have a boyfriend?”
You shook your head.
His eyes flitted to the black one piece that you had discarded on the rack. “So why are you buying something like that?” he asked. It was almost condescending, the way he said it. “To impress someone?” Bob added after a moment.
You nodded. “Maybe.”
Bob frowned. “I don’t like it.” Yes, he had made that very clear. Now for the rest of your life you would avoid black lingerie like the plague simply because you knew Bob Floyd didn’t like it.
You wanted to please him. It was sickening how badly you wanted his approval. Perhaps because your own father couldn’t care less where you ran off to on any given day and Bob cared deeply where Anna was at all times. He was a good father. A better father than yours.
Or perhaps it was the way he was looking at you. Like he was trying to memorize you so he could chisel you from marble later.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Bob reached out, brushing your chin with his rough fingertips. You shuddered, need pulsating in your body like a pinball machine. “Don’t be,” he murmured gruffly. “I just don’t like the idea of you getting all dressed up for some boy who doesn’t know how to please you.”
You couldn’t believe that Bob Floyd of all people was looking at you like this. Like he wanted to rip off your clothes. You thought he saw you as a daughter. As just one of Anna’s little friends. He and his wife had gotten divorced nearly ten years ago. You had long known Bob Floyd as simply Anna’s dad. All of the single mothers at your school went crazy for him, but he didn’t give them a second glance. His focus was on Anna and getting her into a good college. But she had done that. She was at Brown. She was happy.
So what was he doing now?
Apparently, he was cornering you in an upscale lingerie boutique two days before Christmas. And the worst part was, you didn’t hate it. You didn’t hate it at all.
“Y/N,” Bob said. “Wait outside. And here, wear this.” He shrugged off his wool coat, draping it over your shoulders. You drowned in it. He was far taller and larger than you and you felt like a little girl wearing her father’s clothing. “I’ll meet you in a minute.”
You did as you were told, stepping out of the store and waiting, impatiently, until Bob returned a few minutes later with two store bags in his hands.
He handed you one and you looked up with shock. “Here.”
“I, um, I can��t.”
Bob slid his hands into his pockets. “Then return it if you want,” he replied. “Or you can come over tomorrow night and I can show you what those boys at Yale never could.”
Your mouth hung open. Was he saying what you thought he was saying?
Bob smiled, for the first time during your interaction. “Tomorrow, eight o’clock.” And then he was gone, leaving you standing under the striped awning wearing his heavy coat as he disappeared into the snow.
“Isn’t Anna at her mother’s house for Christmas?”
You shook your head, turning down the hall. “No, she was there for Thanksgiving.”
“That’s right,” your mom replied, rubbing her hands together mindlessly as she followed behind you. “Are you sure you want to spend Christmas Eve at her dad’s house? What about our annual pie bake off?”
You sighed, leaning one arm on the wooden door frame to your room. “Mom, please. I’ll be back first thing in the morning, I promise. I never get to see her anymore.”
“I know sweetheart.” She put her hand on your cheek softly. “Well, have fun and be safe.”
She closed the door and you rushed over to your closet, sliding it open and pulling out the bag from the lingerie store. With bated breath, you pulled out the neatly wrapped bundle, breaking the cloth tape seal on the tissue paper.
Inside, just as you had expected, was the white set that Bob Floyd had recommended. Bra, panties, matching garter and thigh highs.
There was also a small white card. You flipped it open.
Merry Christmas, Y/N.
You couldn’t help but be disappointed. You thought there would be something else. The invitation was to spend the night, wasn’t it? Or had you somehow misinterpreted what he said?
But the lingerie sitting perfectly in the box was a different story. That was the nail in the coffin.
Quickly, you got dressed, zipping your duffle bag shut and bidding goodnight to your parents, promising to text them once you got to Anna’s.
Your heart was beating erratically in your chest for the fifteen minute drive, and you thought you might spontaneously combust the moment you pulled into the familiar driveway. It was hard to unsee the history of your friendship with Anna outlined everywhere you looked.
The two of you tanning on the front lawn in the summers. The curb where you hit your head roller skating and had to get five stitches. How many times had you parked your old car in their driveway, waiting for Anna to slide into the passenger seat? How many times had the two of you snuck out of that house late at night for parties, scantily clad and carrying water bottles full of liquor you had pilfered from Mr. Floyd’s office where he kept his alcohol stash?
You parked the car and leaned back. You were really doing this. You had been thinking about Bob Floyd ever since you were a teenager. Now, you were nineteen. You had slept with other guys. You knew exactly what you were doing.
Which is how you found yourself with an overnight bag in one hand, knocking on the all-too-familiar wooden front door as snow fell softly around you in clumps.
The heavy door swung open. Bob Floyd stood wearing a blue cable knit sweater and a pair of ironed trousers, wool socks, his hair combed back neatly, his wire glasses square on his nose. He smiled. Behind him, the house was warm. It practically glowed. “Y/N,” he said softly.
“Mr. Floyd.”
“Come in,” he said. It was a demand. He grabbed the overnight bag from your hand seamlessly, leading you through the door, one hand on your back as he guided you into the hallway that opened up to the large living room in the back of the house. “I’ll take your coat.”
You shrugged out of the Italian wool overcoat and handed it to him, standing in a pair of ivory knee-high boots and a white turtleneck dress that clung tightly to your curves. Bob’s gaze rolled over you slowly.
“Have a seat,” he said. “Do you want a drink?”
“What do you have?”
Bob returned from the hall closet. “Honey, you know better than anyone what I have. Don’t think I didn’t know the two of you were sneaking into my liquor cabinet all those years.”
You flushed, turning around halfway on the couch to peer over the back at him, mouth agape. Bob chuckled, heading for the kitchen and returning a few seconds later with two glasses and a bottle of chilled champagne. “You knew?” you asked, aghast.
He sat down on the other end of the couch, pouring a glass of champagne and handing it to you. “Of course I knew,” he said, his voice thick and rumbling.
Bob poured himself a drink and then leaned back against the couch, one arm stretched out over the back.
“You think I didn’t watch you and Anna closely?” he added as you took a sip. It fizzed on your tongue and in your throat. “I’m her father, Y/N. It’s my duty to protect her. And you.”
Protect. The word rang in your head on repeat. Your eyes flicked down to Bob’s hands. So strong and lean, with veins running on the back of his hands toward his sweater-covered arms. You squirmed unintentionally on the couch.
Bob’s blue eyes were locked on yours. But instead of looking away, you let him in. God, he was beautiful. Jonah and all the other guys you had slept with had nothing compared to Bob Floyd. The small crinkle of skin next to his eyes was the only thing that betrayed his age. He was practically flawless. You weren’t the first person to notice how drop dead gorgeous Bob Floyd was. There were whispers behind Anna’s back. But Bob Floyd didn’t date. And besides, you were twenty years younger than him. What could he possibly want with you?
“Mr. Floyd,” you said and Bob smirked.
“Y/N,” he said, deep voice punctuating the air. “You can call me Bob.”
You shook your head. “It sounds wrong.”
He reached out a hand, nudging his thumb beneath your chin. “Does it feel wrong?”
“Good girl.”
You practically whimpered. Bob’s azure eyes never left yours as he dropped his hand and rubbed his palm over his thigh in his khakis.
“Did you like my gift?”
You nodded.
“Are you wearing it now?”
Another nod. Bob’s eyes grew wider, darker. He shifted in his seat, setting his champagne glass down on the fancy wooden coffee table.
You crossed your legs, noting that Bob’s gaze followed you as you slowly lifted up one leg, crossing it over the other, adjusting yourself on the sofa a few inches closer to him.
Bob stood up, running one hand through his hair. He spun around.
“I can drive you home,” he said, “if you’d like. It’s snowing and it’s late. I realize now I didn’t ask if you wanted to come here.” He shook his head. “If you’re uncomfortable, we just pretend this never happened. You’re still Anna’s best friend, I’m still her father.”
You stood up, smoothing your dress with your hands and stepping closer. Hesitantly, you reached out, placing one hand on his chest. “I wanted to come.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “You do know you’re the hot dad that every girl in our grade had a crush on, right?” You rolled your eyes. “Anna hated it.”
Bob smirked, one hand coming up and toying with your fingertips pressed against the soft fabric of his sweater. His fingers circled your wrist, tight, and you gasped. “Is that right?” he asked, voice husky.
“What about you?” His fingers slipped past your wrist, up the sleeve of your dress, dancing lightly along the thin skin of your forearm. “Do you think of me?”
“Yes.” It was the truth. You flushed.
“When do you think of me, darlin?” he rasped. Bob shifted closer so you could feel the heat radiating off of him.
“When I'm alone,” you admitted softly. “When I touch myself.”
His fingers slid out from beneath your sleeve and you thought for a brief moment that he was going to turn you away, send you off on your merry way out into the snow with bruised pride and unseen lingerie.
But instead, Bob mumbled something underneath his breath before his eyes were piercing yours again, his hands finding their way to either side of your neck, tilting your head up toward him.
“Darlin’,” he groaned. “Trying to kill me?”
“Well you are old,” you murmured, "wouldn't be too difficult." He chuckled.
“I’m going to kiss you,” he whispered. “If you want to stop, we stop.”
You nodded, heart pounding wildly in your chest as Bob Floyd leaned down, sliding his mouth against yours, his fingers curling around your neck. You placed your hands on his arms, melting into the kiss.
Kissing Bob was like unlocking an entirely new facet of sex. His lips were soft, practically caressing yours, and his fingers pressed just deep enough into your neck and the base of your head as his tongue swirled in your mouth.
To your surprise, Bob groaned, stepping in closer, pressing his body against yours, pinning you against the wall as he towered over you, across you, every inch of your body on fire.
Bob pulled back, eyes wide, his lower half still pressed against yours, his face and shoulders leaning back a few inches. “Y/N? Do you want this?”
“Yes, Mr. Floyd.”
“Then take off your dress and get on your knees.”
Bob stepped back as you carefully lifted the hem of your white dress, pulling it up and over your head, dropping it on the ground and crossing your arms over your chest sheepishly.
He shook his head, reaching out and prying your arms off of your chest, exposing your breasts in the whisper of white mesh and lace, the dainty sheer g-string, the sheer thigh highs that you had worn to please him. “Fuck,” he murmurred, letting your arms go and trailing one fingertip over your right breast, circling the hardened nipple. You whimpered, aching for him. “God, you’re beautiful.”
Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment before they snapped open and Bob’s hand was drawn back. You sank to the floor, wetness already pooling in your panties.
“Go ahead,” Bob said, his voice almost gritty it was so hoarse. Your hands reached up for his belt, undoing the clasp clumsily before pressing ahead the button of his pants, unlooping it. Your eyes widened as your fingers wrapped around the metal zipper, tugging it down over his hard bulge. Bob groaned as your fingers drew over his cock, even through his boxers, and you tugged the waistband of his khakis down, kneeling back slightly. “You ready for my cock, darlin’?”
You nodded, skimming your fingers under the band of his boxer briefs, tugging them down as Bob’s hard cock sprang to attention. You audibly gasped and above you, Bob smirked. He was thick and impossibly long, angry red head seemingly staring at you, taunting you.
Immediately, you reached out and licked the tip with your tongue, swirling it around his leaking tip, your eyes locked on Bob’s. His hands stayed at his side like a mummy, but his blue eyes bore into yours.
You opened your mouth wider, pressing your thighs together as you leaned in, one hand on the base of his shaft while you pushed his cock into your mouth and throat, gagging around his length as his tip bashed against the back of your throat. Your eyes started to water but you kept your eyes on Bob, pulling back and gasping before taking him back into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks, sucking on him harshly.
“Fuck!” he grunted as you gagged around him, your fingers tight on the base of his cock. He reached out, threading his fingers into your hair carefully, pulling you back, wiping the frothy saliva from your lips as you kneeled at his feet, chest heaving. “You like that?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yes, Mr. Floyd.”
His eyes darkened. “Open,” he commanded and you opened your mouth as Bob fisted himself, pushing his cock all the way into your mouth and throat, fingers holding the back of your head in a gentle cradle. “Now put that pretty little mouth to good use,” he whispered, “and make me cum down your throat.”
Bob watched as you placed your hands on his hips, steadying yourself, using your head and neck to bob back and forth on his cock, sucking his length repeatedly.
Your right hand slid around the base of his cock, jerking the parts of him that wouldn’t fit into your mouth as you groaned, the vibrations sending Bob into the stratosphere. As you became more comfortable, you reached down, cupping his balls, squeezing them tightly before letting go as Bob panted above you.
Bob’s hand cradled your head and you opened wider as you felt him taking control, snapping his hips forward, thrusting his cock deep into your throat, causing you to sputter around him. “You can take it,” he murmured, pulling out a few inches before filling your mouth and throat again. “Such a good fucking girl, taking my cock. Now make me cum.”
You nodded, eyes watery, and Bob groaned, one of his hands bracing himself against the wall, the other preventing your head from hitting the wooden paneling as he drove his cock into your throat, letting out a string of curse words as you felt him stutter above you, his hot cum filling your throat and mouth, spilling out of the corners of your lips, mixing with the tears that were streaming down your cheeks.
Bob collapsed forward, resting his forehead on his arm, pushing his cock deeper into you one last time before pulling out as you swallowed his salty spend. He leaned back, panting, and swiped one thumb over your lips. “Come here.”
You stood, slightly wobbly, and inhaled sharply as Bob spun you around, placing his hands over yours against the wall. There was the sound of him pulling his pants back on, clicking the buckle, before his hands were back on your waist, thick fingers slipping into the lacy garter band, one hand traveling up and cupping your breast as he pressed against you from behind, his breath warm in your ear.
“Tell me what you want.”
Your eyes were closed. All that you could feel were Bob’s hands exploring your body. “You.” It was a whisper.
Bob spun you around until your back was against the wall and your eyes popped open. He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, tasting himself on you, his fingers wrapping around your waist.
The next minute you were in Bob’s arms, your legs wrapped around his waist, his lips still on yours as he carried you through the living room, down the hall toward the master bedroom.
You had been in Bob Floyd’s bedroom once before.
A few years back, Anna had invited you over for a sleepover when Bob was away for a work trip. Her mother was also busy, which led the two of you to stay in the house alone. Anna had suggested sleeping in Bob’s room because it had a large TV mounted over the fireplace.
But after the movie marathon and once Anna fell asleep, you snuck off to the bathroom, opening a bottle of Bob’s cologne, inhaling his scent, wondering what it would be like to smell him up close.
As he laid you down on the king bed, you caught a whiff of that familiar cologne. Duc De Vervins Houbigant. You could clearly picture the sheer green and gold bottle. You had never thought you'd get this close to him.
Bob laid you down carefully. You sat up on your elbows, looking at him as he stood at the edge of the bed. Gently, Bob placed one hand on each of your knees, spreading your legs apart, his hands smoothing over the lace of your thigh highs, up to the garter straps which he snapped against your skin. He leaned forward, pressing his mouth to your exposed stomach, kissing the skin. You felt anticipation and desire pooling between your legs as Bob’s fingers dug into your hips.
“Please,” you begged and Bob lifted his head.
“Please what?”
You wanted to blush or feel embarrassment, but you couldn’t. Not with the way that Bob was looking at you. Like you were the only person he had eyes for. “Please fuck me Mr. Floyd.”
He practically growled. Bob leaned back, standing up straight and lifting off his sweater to reveal a pair of perfect abs. He looked better than any boy you had ever fucked, even at forty, and you found your mouth watering as he removed his pants, cock hard again. Bob kicked away the discarded clothes, crawling onto the bed, hovering over you before bending over, ripping the lace of your bra down to expose your nipple, taking it into his mouth and sucking harshly as you writhed beneath him.
He licked the bud, nipping at it gently, as your hips jumped up uncontrollably, a throaty moan falling out of your mouth. Bob popped off of your nipple with a smirk, reaching beneath you and unclasping the bra, tearing it off and tossing it on the ground. His large hands massaged your bare breasts before one hand trailed down, brushing over the lace garter, fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your panties.
Bob’s thick finger slid over your slick folds and you cried out as he nudged your clit before sinking down, teasing at your opening.
He pushed his finger into your cunt as you whimpered beneath him, the only sounds in the room were your pants and the loud smack of Bob’s knuckle hitting your opening as your juices dripped down to his wrist, your walls gripping his finger tightly. “So fucking tight,” he muttered, adding a second finger, stretching you wide as you twitched below him, pressing up against the heel of his hand, desperate for more contact. “Shh,” he whispered condescendingly. “You’ll cum when I want you to.”
You let out a groan, flopping back on the bed, letting Bob finger fuck you, hard, until you could feel yourself building to an orgasm.
And then he pulled out as you gasped, raising his fingers to his lips, sucking them dry before reaching down and tearing the panties at the side, flinging them off the bed.
Bob looked down at you. His gaze was so intense your first instinct was to look away. But instead you skimmed your fingers over his bicep where he had one arm outstretched near your head. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, groaning as you wrapped your legs around his waist, your wet core brushing against his erection.
“Darlin’,” he murmured. “You’ve never been fucked properly a day in your life, have you?”
You shook your head.
Bob reached over for a condom, tearing it open and rolling it over himself seamlessly. He dropped down to his forearm, face close to yours, other hand stroking your hip gently before maneuvering his cock until the tip was pressing against your entrance. “You want to stop, we stop,” he said softly. You nodded and Bob sank into your wet pussy, filling every inch of you as you whimpered, burying your face in his chest, small grunts as he pressed further inside, holding behind your knee, sinking into you.
Once he was fully sat inside of you, Bob moaned.
“Fuck me,” he muttered, brushing the hair back from your face, fingers resting on your cheeks, thumb pushing away the small tears that had gathered at the corner of your eye. “You’re so fucking tight.” You whined as he pulled back an inch, thrusting back into you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he plunged into your wet, welcoming cunt, a low string of curses on his tongue as he felt you stretch around him, your hands on his biceps, grounding yourself to him. “That’s it, baby,” he murmured, “fucking take this cock.”
“Bob!” You screamed as he leaned back on his knees, scooping up beneath you and pulling your chest in toward him until you were straddling him on the bed, Bob holding you steady as he fucked into you, your bare breasts slapping against his chest.
He grunted. “Fuck, yes, God you feel so fucking good.”
You wound your arms around Bob’s neck, your eyes on his as he held you close, his cock brushing that small spongy part inside of you that made you start wailing in pleasure. “Yes, yes!”
“Don’t cum,” he growled and your eyes filled with tears as he slowed down, pulling you off of him.
“Get on your hands and knees,” he demanded and you turned over, scooting your ass back toward him, practically screaming as he filled you again in one thrust, his hands on your hips, pulling you back to meet his every thrust. “Good girl,” Bob said as you tipped your head down, feeling his sticky thighs press against the back of your own legs, his balls smacking your puffy, aching pussy lips.
“Please,” you begged, snaking one arm down, your fingers finding your sopping wet clit.
Bob grabbed your arm, pinning it to your stomach, pulling you up until your back was pressed against his chest, his arm tight against your chest, fingers gripping your left breast tightly. “You need to learn, Y/N,” he said, smoothing his other hand down between your legs as he continued to thrust into you from behind, “that a real man makes his woman beg, but he doesn't make her work for her orgasm. Now spread your legs for me, baby.”
You tipped your head back as Bob’s fingers brushed over where you craved them the most, instantly finding your clit, rubbing tight circles over the bud. “Fuck, oh my god, oh holy shit, yes please.”
Bob’s voice was throaty in your ear, his lips hot against the skin of your neck. “Cum all over my cock, baby. Fucking soak me.”
And then you were screaming, hot desire pooling in your stomach, bursting, your breath stalling as your breath caught in your throat and Bob pumped himself into you as your legs shook.
You started to fall forward but he caught you with both arms as you rode out your high on his cock, your body trembling with the aftershocks.
Bob loosened his grip on you, laying you down gently before rolling you over again, this time never letting his cock fall from between your legs as he repositioned the two of you so he was hovering above you, cock plunging into your exhausted cunt.
“So fucking beautiful,” he murmurred, head dipped down, kissing your neck as you whined. “Can you cum for me again, baby? Milk my cock.”
You were spent. But then Bob lifted his head, his gaze locked on yours, and his lips found yours, kissing you deeply, his free hand coming back between your bodies, thumb pressing gently over your clit as you whimpered into his mouth.
“That’s it,” Bob said, “right there darlin’. Want to watch you while I fucking fill you.”
He thrusted into you, hard, as his thumb slid over your clit and you found yourself shaking around him once again, crying out as Bob groaned loudly, hips stuttering, filling the condom with his hot cum as your walls massaged him, clinging to him tightly, your fingertips sliding down his sweaty and toned back, pulling him closely. Your leg was hooked around his waist and he collapsed onto you, face buried in your neck, his cock slowly softening inside of you as your heartbeat continued to rage on.
After a few seconds, Bob leaned up, pulling out of you slowly. You winced as he removed his cock, feeling empty and sore as he discarded the condom.
Bob laid back on the bed and instinctively you rolled into his side, slinging one leg over his thigh, head resting between his shoulder and arm. His fingertips stroked your side. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “Was that good for you?” you asked quietly.
Bob chuckled, and your head bounced around at the movement. “Yes, honey, it was good. It was better than good. You’re so fucking sexy.” He smoothed one hand over your waist. “I want to fuck you everywhere, every way that I can, until you can’t remember what it was like to fuck anyone else.”
You smiled. “Trust me, I’m not going to forget this.”
Bob grinned, sliding out of bed carefully. You frowned but he held out one hand. “Come on, let’s go get cleaned up.”
In the bathroom, Bob turned on the enormous two-person shower as you unclipped your thigh highs and garter, stepping into the marble shower, Bob joining you a second later, shutting the door. You stood under the hot water, letting it smooth over your skin and hair before turning to him. Bob looked at you with such an intensity you thought you might melt.
“Y/N,” he grumbled. You cocked your head to the side. “Sit down.” Bob pointed to the marble built-in seat on one side of the shower. You sat down with a frown. But then Bob sank to his knees, nudging open your legs, and you grinned. “I can’t stand it. I have to taste you.”
You leaned back with a loud moan as Bob’s sharp tongue flicked over your folds, finding your clit, circling the puffy, exhausted nerve as his large hands held your knees apart. “Mr. Floyd,” you begged and Bob looked up, eyes dark.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“You gonna make me cum again?”
Bob smirked. “As many times as I can, until you can’t even stand anymore.”
And then he was back between your legs, one finger in your cunt as his tongue flicked in circles over your clit while you leaned back, crying out when the heat started to pool in your stomach, threatening to break. “Mr. Floyd!” you screamed as you came all over his face, his lips and chin dripping with your cum when he pulled back, your thighs shaking.
Bob pulled you to standing, spinning you around until your hands were on the cool marble wall of the shower as he nudged your legs apart, rubbing his hard, massive cock against your ass cheeks before delivering a sharp slap as you gasped. “Are you clean?” he asked.
You nodded. “And I have an IUD.”
“Good.” Bob reached down, sinking into you in two quick thrusts, stuffing you impossibly deep as you groaned. “I’m going to fill you up, make you mine.” And then the two of you were gasping, panting, moaning as he fucked you from behind, your bare breasts pressing against the cool marble, Bob’s grunts loud in your ear as he lost himself inside of you. “Fucking perfect pussy,” he whispered, “so fucking tight, how does it feel to be fucked by a man, hmm princess? Could a boy ever make you feel like this?”
“Only you,” you whimpered, one cheek squished against the shower wall as Bob railed you from behind.
“Say it again.”
“Only your cock, Mr. Floyd!”
“That’s my girl,” he groaned, fingertips gripping your hips so hard you knew they’d leave bruises but you didn’t care. All you cared about was the unbelievable pleasure of having Bob Floyd fuck you senseless. “Where do you want me to cum?”
“Cum in me,” you begged. “Please?”
“Fuck.” Bob’s hips lifted and he cried out, spilling his warm cum inside of you, painting your walls, thrusting a few more times sloppily as your walls clenched around him, milking every last drop from his hard cock on his way down.
After the shower, Bob gave you a towel and you wrapped yourself up, sitting on the edge of the bed. He appeared in the doorway in a pair of pajama pants and no shirt, towel drying his hair.
“Did you bring pajamas?” he asked.
You cringed. You had brought everything else: makeup, makeup remover wipes, an extra pair of shoes, clothes for the next day. But you had forgotten pajamas. You shook your head.
Bob nodded, stepping toward a wooden chest of drawers and pulling out a long sleeved henley, handing it to you, along with a pair of boxers. You pulled them on as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest. “Are you hungry?”
You were starving. In the kitchen, Bob pulled out the makings for a grilled cheese and you sat on the counter, legs swinging against the lower cabinets, watching him prepare the sandwiches. How many times had you done the exact same thing as Anna raced around, making the two of you an afternoon snack?
Bob flipped the sandwiches in the pan and then turned to you. “What are you thinking?”
“You’re not going to tell Anna, right?”
He shook his head. “Of course not.”
“Because it doesn’t mean anything?”
Bob’s gaze hardened. “Is that what you think?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Isn’t that what you wanted? Just sex. Just tonight.”
Bob lifted the sandwiches onto plates and turned off the burner. He stepped closer, placing his large hands on your knees. You thought back to twenty minutes ago when he had done the same thing in the shower and despite the fact that you had three orgasms under your belt for the night, excitement and lust started to creep into your bloodstream again. “Y/N,” he said, voice low and slow and it made your body ripple with excitement just hearing your name on his lips. “You mean something. You’re not just some random woman. I care about you.”
Your heart lifted.
Bob’s fingers pressed tightly against your skin before lifting off. He handed you a plate. “Now eat your sandwich, please. So I can take you to bed and fuck you again.”
You bit into the sandwich and groaned. It was good. Almost as good as the feeling of being fucked by Bob Floyd.
Bob stood on the opposite side of the kitchen, casually leaning up against the counter, eating his sandwich, his eyes never leaving yours.
You finished your grilled cheese, rinsed off the plate and washed your hands. Bob did the same and you smirked at him. “Mr. Floyd?”
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Can I suck your cock again?”
Bob smiled. “Still hungry, huh?” he asked. “Go on then, get on your knees, sweetheart. Make daddy cum.”
Tag list (also reusing my list from Friend Don't aka my general Bob list so if you don't want to be tagged in Bob fics going forward just let me know!): @wkndwlff @bobfloydsbabe @teacupsandtopgun @blue-aconite @clancycucumber230 @yanna-banana @whisperofsong @marvelshauntedhouse @that1nerd-20
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Brittana: Ten Year Anniversary Gifts
Santana let out a deep relaxed sigh as the water hit her body. She really didn’t know how she ended up her. Ended up married to her best friend, living her dream in New York, and being a Mom. She never would have thought an anniversary let alone their 10 year anniversary, their day would have gone the way it did.
She almost shrieked when she felt cold hands cascading down her wet body. She melted into Brittany’s touch when the initial shock of the temperature wore off. “I didn’t even hear you sneak in, baby.”
Brittany kissed her wife's shoulder softly and hummed, “That’s the point of a sneak attack.” She kissed her neck and smiled to herself. “Do you want help washing your hair?
Santana could only nod at the request. Brittany had always loved showering with her. She wasn’t going to complain. Santana turned around in her wife's arms and kissed her gently on the lips, “I would love to return the favor after my turn.”
Over an hour later the couple was sprawled out on their bed exhausted. Brittany was teaching advanced physics at one of the local community colleges and also teaching dance at a local studio. Santana had gone into music producing with a smaller but still reputable label. She had a few of her own songs floating around itunes. She still was acting some on the side. But their family life had gotten busy. They had a rough time getting pregnant for a couple years. But now they had a beautiful 4 year old son named Jonah.
“Did you ever imagine our 10 year wedding anniversary would involve a reenactment of our wedding while being forced to have dino nuggets, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese for dinner?” Santana laughed deeply as she curled into her wife’s side.
“He really wanted to help make dinner. Since those are only things he really loves he figured we would love it too,” Brittany smiled at Santana and kissed her softly, “But I, as a good wife, know you need real food. So the chinese food should be here in about twenty minutes.”
“I wouldn’t change it for anything. I love our little family,” Santana threw her leg over Brittany’s waist and sat on her stomach. “So I know we weren’t supposed to buy each other anything since we are going to Hawaii next month…But I couldn’t resist.”
“Santana…” Brittany said with almost a warning tone in her voice, “We’re supposed to be saving money for the trip.”
“I know. But I skipped getting coffee on my way to work for two weeks,” She grabbed a loose fitting T-shirt and threw it on. “So you know it wasn’t super expensive. But it just fit….” The brunette went into her closet and pulled out a small package wrapped in brown paper.
“Can I open it?” Brittany said excitedly as she sat up. Santana was also so thoughtful and good with gifts. They were kind of her love language.
“Yes,” She handed it to Brittany and returned to sitting beside her, “It’s going to sound silly. But I wanted to explain it.”
Brittany leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, “Explain away, love.”
“I remember so clearly how traditional you wanted things for our wedding, even though we are far from it.” She watched Brittany slowly peel away the paper, “Traditional 10 year wedding gifts are tin or aluminum. I know you said your office at school feels ‘impersonal.’ So I wanted to help you fix that.”
Brittany almost cried when she saw the gift. It was a Songbird sculpted in a shadow box made of what she assumed was aluminum. “I can’t believe you thought of this…” She leaned forward and kissed her deeply, “I love it so much!” It even had their wedding date on it.
Santana put her hand on the side of Brittany’s cheek and smiled softly, “I love you so much. Happy Anniversary baby.”
Brittany smiled back at her. “I love you too…and I also didn’t listen to the no gift rule. I was going to wait until we were on vacation…But I want you to have it now.” Brittany turned quickly to dig through her bedside table. She handed Santana a small beautifully wrapped gift.
Santana took it from Brittany and opened it slowly, “We really are made for each other. We are stubborn and don’t listen,” She mumbled as she opened her gift.
“Traditional is tin,” She leaned close to Santana and kissed her cheek, “Modern is diamond.”
Santana nearly squealed when she opened the velvet box. “You got me bling!”
Brittany couldn’t help but laugh at her wife’s reaction. She was a little worried Santana would start stressing about the budget. She had gotten Santana a small tear drop pendant necklace with a small diamond in the middle. “I did get you bling,” She motioned for Santana to turn around so she could put it on her. “I love you too. So much.”
Their wedding anniversary might not have been as exciting as some people, but neither one of them would change it.
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Is it the end? ( Joel miller x reader)
summary : y/n opens up the about the past, mark starts on his plan and well a patrol leads to an ambush , y/n face the beast of the past and this time she ready to go down to make sure he can't hurt those she has come to love even if it means she might never see them again
warnings : angst as fuck some fluffy moments but this one is also heavy , mentions of abuse in the past including SA , domestic violence , facing an abuser , violence a lot
A.N : this whole chapter is a warning if any of the following could trigger please look after yourself and skip this one (you're not alone , you got this, we are all proud of you ) hopefully see you in happier fic in future
Previous part
Maybe it was the events of the night or maybe it was because it was Joel miller. She never felt this way , something her mother described as love it was all new and scary and yet it filled her with warmth , comfort and safety when the man was near her. How instinctively her body new he was close like sense searching him out and even in her most scared state she felt the rush of calm the moment his arms where touching her skin, his scent of oak and musk in her nostrils and the gruff husk to his voice all those made her feel safe , all those felt like home. The man who made her feel like she wasn’t alone again . years of living hell more hell then infected hell she’d prefer them to her ex.They had more mercy , mindless zombies had more compassion then her ex to which is she didn’t get free well she would of threw herself to them. But here she was with joel sitting on edge of his bed and she wanted to be open with him completely , not hold or hide anything.
“ i wasn’t scared because it was nigel ,it wasn’t anything to do with him it was the feeling that sent me back” she breathed out feeling the words ready to burst from her mouth like a dam every single one that needed to be said.” he wasn’t the one that was attacking me like in my head it wasn’t him, it was like i was back there back in a past so dark it felt like a black hole, sucking the life out of me every second i didn’t even feel like a person just puppet on a string or when times seemed fit the whipping boy for when he was having a bad day”she laughed dryly .
“Jonah found me i was exhausted , starving and probably on the brink of death i thought he was my knight in shining armor like stories my mama told me about as little girl , he was on a horse and everything, brought me back to his camp and i had food and warm clothe even a blanket because i refused to ruin my brothers, then after a while i found my prince was a monster with a pretty mask , one that hid the evil he truly was start slow i would talk to passers by the first time he hit me claimed it was some sort of ptsd thing then he stopped using excuse , stopped wearing the mask every time i opened my eye i hated it , hated he didn’t just kill me like he kept telling me it wasn’t something i feared anymore it was something i wished for only thing i had was that blanket, my mama made it from some wool we found , then jonah found it made his men hold me down and he burnt it right before my eyes and something snapped inside when he went let the melted material fall i grabbed his knife i cut him , i cut em all and ran with the bag on my back, then there i was falling over my own feet , starved , dehydrated and my body ready to give up until a man called out just as i hit the ground ,i woke up here in jackson and your brother as telling me i was ok , i was safe” she sniffled .
“ so when nigel hit me pushed me it wasn’t him i was seeing , smelling and hearing it was jonah like i did every single day since i was fifteen” she smiled weakly the tear that filled her waterline and once more she spent a night crying in joel millers arms feeling the weight of the past off of her shoulder.
He just held her ,tight holding only her . she didn’t need his words to tell her how strong and amazing she was that could wait. What she need was to feel safe , to truly feel protected. How much he hated the world for trying to break her , how it made her hurt in ways a person should never hurt. She needed to feel comfort and security to know that he had her, he was going to protect her no matter what . Tommy must have known more about his behavior to suggest it he wasn’t going to ask. She already told him so much but he could only imagine what else the monster had done. It didn't take rocket science to see that . He hoped his touch told her what his mouth didn’t , He meant it every sense that day he said it , she had him in every way she wanted him . More and more he felt him drawn to her seeing every side to the woman and she was still beautiful even more so like a flower blooming a bed of weeds . one he will do everything and anything to keep it flourishing . he barely slept that night , watching her sleep the way her lashes touched her cheeks , the soft even breathes that pull and pushed through the pillow plush lips . How perfect she fit in his arms like she was always meant to be there , how she should always be there and if he could it would always be that way .
Mark wanted to leave , this needed to be over with the longer he was gone the more danger they were in . Jonah promised they would be safe if he did this but it even he couldn’t trust that man’s word , he did know once this was over he was taking his wife and daughter some where else far away shit he would build a boat if he needed to . It need to end soon longer he waited the longer it would take .
“Mark we got your present” the radio crackled as he rushed off.
“ so fucker made it huh he should be able give you details of the patrols , y/n does them weekends two days from now i can’t stay”
“ two days and i get my wife back good enough for me i’ll give you a horse and your cunts back” jonah snickered.
“ two days” mark gritted his teeth before turning the channel off.
Even though it was an absolute nightmare of event the night before it was the best sleep she gotten in a long time , every single time she was a sleep in his arms she had dreams actually dreams and not nightmares that made her wake in a panicked sweat . She woke rested and calm , she was safe. Even if it was the wake of a storm she felt safe In joel millers presence . Something about the man always made her protect something wod Seem like it was made up concept .
“ hey love bird breakfast Soon” ellie voice called she didn't have to look at the teen to see the smirk that was there , feeling it was enough .
“ we'll Get up in minute go ahead” his voice god his morning Voice had her thighs clenching and her stomach In a tornado Of feeling. “ darling you wake” he rasped.
“ do I have to” she sighed nuzzling more into His chest her head bobbed at the vibration of his sleep filled laugh .
“ sadly you do , ya need to eat and get your head checked … I mean the wound On your head checked” .
“ need my head checked wouldn't hurt either” she snorted as she stretched out something was different yet the same like unspoken new Development to their friendship or whatever this was .
“ don't we all come on your grumpy when ya don't eat” he pushed her gently as he got himself up the glare she sent him was down right adorable In his eyes . Leaning down as their face so close ,Eyes locked on the each .
“ If you're good I'll Make you a cup of the good coffee” He smirked lips ghosting over her , he could easily fall into the temptation of one simple movement And he could finally feel her soft lips . Yet he pulled back as her eyes followed his confused tilt Of her head she looked like a confused puppy . The fucker was playing with her well she could match him .
“ I ain't ever been good might need a man put me in my place” she whispered in his ear before heading down the stairs almost beaming when she seen ellie Standing there. That smirk all over her face as y/n descended the stairs.
“ looked cozy up there thought i was actually going to have to go ahead”.
“ nah couldn’t leave you to walk two minutes on your own” she giggled.
“ my hero , hows your head that bruise isn’t as big as i thought it would be either , where’s joel?” .
“ here i am come on both of y’all get cranky when you don’t eat” he shot y/n a look to say whatever started was definitely not over.
The three walked easily through town til she stopped outside that alley a shiver sent through her body until she felt his hand land on her lower back and suddenly she didn’t feel so scared continuing on their journey to the mess hall.
As soon as she walked in it was like all eyes were on her and they probably are few looked at her with pity , some in respect and some in pride. Tommy had a shit eating grin on his face as he almost studied the two, ellie ran off towards dina and some of the younger residents of jackson. Maria looked both worried as she took in the injuries so did the residents doctor making her roll her eyes.
“ after i eat you can poke away” she finally said .
“ oh you bet your ass you should of been brought last night” the doctor playfully glared.
“ i also need to talk to you after if you don’t mind doing it while doc does his thing”maria ask quietly.
“ course then i want the good coffee”she turned to joel.
“Fine fine come on before benny gets there before us” he chuckled moving her along as maria gave them an appraising look to only see her own husband watching with a big grin on his face.
The rest of the breakfast was same the two found ways of touching each other like a couple of love struck teenagers til she was taken to the clinic both and doc wanting to make sure the wound on her head properly taking care of . which only good thing the man could say was it was cleaned properly but it needed stitches and should of the night before .
“ so you wanted to talk to me what's up may as well distract me” she laughed nervously.
“ patrol found kid note attached erm mom was well found not far later but was too late .. couple that was gonna take him changed there mind and maura she is watching him but she too old for kid so was wondering if he could stay with you” maria explain softly and carefully.
“ how old ? “ she asked wincing and gripping the chair as she felt the skin being pulled.
“ four his names charlie , cute little thing”.
“ can i think about it after patrol this weekend i’ll give you an answer i mean its alot” she went to look at the woman.
“ yeah of course i can take your time really” maria nodded . “ are you her shadow” the woman joked.
“ something like that erm she ok”joel asked.
“ fine but i needed stitches which i tried to tell the old fool it was my idea not come here” y/n winced .
“ bad influence young lady” the man playfully chuckled cutting the thread. “ come back in a couple days to check it over keep it clean now off with you” he shooed her off.
“ and i thought you liked me” she pouted.
“ as much as a headache” the doc grumbled.
Maybe it was the way she was raised , a couple who could of easily left her to die but choose to care for a complete strangers child not once but twice and the conditions We're less dangerous than before so maybe it was something to consider . Like a sort of paying it forward help a child like she was . She could ask ellie to help watch on patrols but then again this was big what if the possibility Of jackson falling and then she was trying to survive with a child and watch if she screwed kid up.
She walked Through town watching where he was . He was playing with his toys as the elderly woman watched. The way his Eyes lit Up with the snow all around til he must of felt her eyes on him suddenly he was looking right at her and wasn't charlie it was her brother lucas the way he would play , his Little chubby cheeks that went Rosie when it was cold. Yet when she blink he was gone Charlie head tilted looking at the woman . She gave a warm smile and wave although joel could see it , he knew that feeling of seeing a person of the past in someone else .
“come On darling let's get that good coffee” he smiled softly .
“ you think I could do it, don't pretend you don't know “ she smiled weakly.
“ I was one to suggest it at meeting” he nodded .
“ you have too much faith in Me joel miller” she sighed laying her head on his shoulder As they walked .
“ nah I just know you'll know how he feels” he said wrapping his arm around her shoulder letting himself being so close.
“ I'll make my choice after patrol” she nodded although he had a feeling that she Already had her answer.
The two could feel the shift Hell a blind person could see it . They were so close and yet each waiting on the other to make that move . Each afraid of reading it wrong in so sort of way although It was just more afraid. She sat closer to him, he would touch her more letting himself get closer , each so close and so far.
They were like that the whole couple of days it was driving them both crazy just wanting to take that step joel more so .
“ you gonna grow a pair and make a move” tommy asked as they all were tired of the dance and just wanting the two to finally just get together.
“ I was thinking talking to her tonight but since you got like four of us out here I’ll have to change my plan” joel sighed although slightly relieved at the change of plan knowing it was safer in case nigel was out there .
“ well he's armed, Mark was too busy beating him to notice slimy prick taking them hence him want making it right” tommy huffed.
“ yeah well I ain't worried about them” joel huffed as she walked past on the horse .
“ you girls gonna keep chattering or will we get going” she smirked .
“ you were less mean when you didn't talk” tommy playfully narrowed his eyes at her.
“ well blame your brother is like that pardon box thing” she shrugged.
“ Pandora box sugar “ tommy snorted
“ yeah that too come on” she laughed as joel hopped on his own horse they all walked out. It wasn't a big one just check around make sure everything was safe make sure the cabin was empty and if it wasn't make sure it wasn't raiders. She sat on her horse humming away eyes looking around she wasn't scared whether nigel was armed or not , he wasn't greatest a shooting and his knife or fake knife skills well they weren’t anything to fear but she would give him on thing he was sneaky. But he wasn't around he was definitely gone she nothing was around not an animal or infected but she stalled moment she seen the prints in snow .
“ something this way” she called bolting off before anyone could grasp her words .
“ I got her” mark headed off as joel and kai the other man followed after.
She kept going and going she was ahead of group something she now regret something in her stomach told her to run but before she could even turn she was knocked off the horse hitting the ground with a thud knocking the air from her lung as the sound of footstep came towards her . The crunch in the snow was she tried to focus her vision on the blur looming over her .
“ i missed ya darling” that voice , that voice that made her stomach twist and turn , the one that made the bile rise in her throat .
“ fuck you” she gasped feeling his boot heavy on her throat.
“ aint something you should say your husband dear” he pulled her up by the hair.
She pushed and pulled out his how not caring for how it felt like her scalp was burning in his hold. One thump to her head she was out cold.
“ good job Mark shame was fer nothing huh” jonah laughed shooting the approaching man before his men put y/n on his horse and leaving the area hearing the ones approaching .
When joel finally got there was two minute later , he wanted to scold her for taking a head when he saw mark on ground and her horse empty something told him that wasn't going to happen today .
“ where is” joel crouched voice trailing off at the sight of more blood trailing off .
“ jonah took her , he said he'd give me my family back if I did” mark laughed coughing as blood stained his lips . “ settlement up … fuck up north about an hour an abandoned warehouse they stay in cold months ” mark cough and spluttered.
“ get tommy on radio now” joel growled not knowing if he should save the bastard or let him suffer. Saving him would help get y/n back . “ why didn't you ask us help stupid bastard” he pushed harder on the wound making man cry out.
“ you don't know them like I do their worse than a rabid dog” .
“ well time put rabid dog down” joel growled.
“ tommy and men on their way doc too” kai spat looking down at the man , the betrayal.
“ she dies you will regret it I don't care who you think jonah is or how bad if y/n get hurt well even devil himself will stop me” he spat .
She woke up tied up to pole in an abandoned office it seemed as she looked around .
“ well wife good to see your finally home , I may forgive you some time but this ain't that time “ he slapped her hard making her head jerk to the side with the blunt force of it .
“ you think I'm scared I got away once I can again” she laughed only to be slapped again . “ jesus you hit like a bitch” .
“ looks like I gotta train you again I got time hell might break those legs of yours” he kicked her in the stomach making her slump over gasping for air. “ would you look at that I still take your breathe away” he chuckled.
“ when I do get free I will make sure your dead this time” she growled feeling the hilt of her blade still there.
“ well our new man here will make sure you dont” he smiled whistling as nigel walked in face as smug as anything .
“ ah the guy who tried rape me I'll make sure to kill him too” she spat only the mood instantly shifted as jonah head shot to the man.
“ she liar man” nigel laughed not noticing the shift.
“ his hand will show you other wise I cut him with your knife both have matching scars now real besties” she rolled her eyes.
“ show me your hand” jonah stalked closer.
“ she lying man I didn't touch her” nigel backed up his smug smile long gone . only as jonah pulled him close seeing the same blade pattern his blade across the wound .
“ you tried take what's mine huh guess both ya need teaching “ he growled knocking man to the ground kicking him hard . Giving her time to pull the knife from her sleeve cutting the binds .
He kept kicking and kicking as the man below him stopped moving only stopping when he felt the metal touch his throat.
“ put that down sweety and I'll forgive you”.
“ only thing that's being put down is you , how dumb you think I am to think you would forgive you psychotic fuck” she pressed harder making him hiss only for him to slam his head back hitting hers he pulled out of her hold and she held on the knife.
“ I don't care if it kills me but you ain't walking out this office alive “ she stood adrenaline coursing through her veins as she jumped behind the desk as he pulled his pistol out , she smiled feeling hers in her boot pulling it out she stood only for him to be right there his gun pointing right at her. Two pulled and pushed the guns direction as she heard more shots and screaming behind her . She heard joel calling her name that all she needed to push the gun from her to him as it went off sending her ex to the ground.
“ I ain't that scared little child bride of yours I keep my promises now she took her own revolver shooting him in the head. Walking needing to get to him only door open their he was standing completely in front of her . While hers showed relief , he told different story.
“hey what's wrong” she stood confused til she followed his line of site seeing what had him so concerned the knife sticking out her stomach.
“ why don't I feel it” she said slowly slumping to the floor. As joel and tommy ran over both ignoring two dead men only focusing on her.
“ I need to stop meeting you like this” she joked looking at tommy as he torn her husband shirt off placing it around the wound .
“ hey look at me we're gonna get you to doc right” joel promised holding her hand.
“ joel hour way I don't think we can..” tommy hissed.
“ I got him , he thought was gonna be scared little girl but I got him” she smiled weakly Trying not to scream .
“ you show em who boss” tommy felt himself getting choked up .
“ we need to move her some how” joel yelled feeling a sick sense of history repeating. He couldn't watch another Person he love die in his arm not again it was good enough killing him .
Her eyes felt heavy everything felt sore and burning yet she felt weightless .
Her hand lifting weakly towards his face holding it like it was last time she was going to see maybe She would See see him again in another life more peaceful life not Filled with infected or Monsters under the guise of men . then Her hand felt and hit the ground , everything was cold and black as she watched the sequence of her life passing by most of best parts involved joel , she finally understood what those stories Meant , the ones of the Knight Saving the princess . Joel miller was her Knight and she was happy she knew a good man , she was happy to fall In love .
next part
Taglist: @harriedandharassed @vickie5446
#joelmiller#the last of us#the last of us joel#tlou joel#joel x reader#joel miller#joel miller x y/n#joel miller x you#joel miller x reader#joel miller tlou#tommy miller#ellie williams#maria miller#the last of us fanfiction#the last of us hbo
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I will never shut up abut the parallels between Jonah Magnus and the Greek myth Icarus
tma season 5 spoilers under the cut
You have the one blissful moment in which Icarus was flying and seeing all of that sea is the apocalypse, to quote tma:
"Jon: you failed Jonah: have I? Jon: some bs about how nothing escapes death Jonah: yes, I suppose I always knew that, deep down, but it was wonderful while it lasted"
In the panopticon ,in the apocalypse, he saw/knew everything, right? Well that means he saw and knew (deep down, at least) the fact that the gang were planning to kill him. And I think that he knew (again, at least deep down) the fact that he wasn't the person the eye wanted for the role of pupil. So he probably knew that, when Jon came to kill him, the eye would let him die, just like Icarus probably felt the wax holding his wings together melt and knew that there was nothing that he could do to live, so he kept flying. Just like Jonah kept taunting Jon in Mag 200.
Icarus 100% knew what would happen when he disregarded his father's warning, but it was so amazing, for one blissful moment. For example: When Jon talks to Elias in the Panopticon the first thing Elias says is "I was having the most beautiful dream". He knew that the position of the Pupil of the Eye was not made for him, and that, if Jon came along, the eye would disregard him and let The Archive take his place, but, for a little while, he could live his biggest dream.
Icarus' dad telling him to not fly to close to the sun? That's Robert Smirke telling Jonah to not answer the Eye's siren call. And in his statement, where he details being watched, the things he must have felt because it was clear proof that Jonah failed being neutral. And the sadness Robert was probably feeling, because the Regency Guys were kinda lead by Robert, and seeing all of them fall to different powers must have been awful, especially Jonah. Seeing him fail being neutral when he knew that it wouldn't end well is like Icarus' dad seeing him fall and drown, after explicitly telling him to not fly to close to the sun.
#the magnus archives#the magnus pod#jonah magnus#elias bouchard#tma elias#tma#tma podcast#icarus#robert smirke#mag 200#this man consumes my every waking thought
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Red Licorice
Chapter 10: Old Tapes and Melted Ice Cream
Scream - Soundtrack - School's Out - By The Last Hard Men -
“Everyone is a suspect until proven innocent. (Y/n), don't let your mind be fogged by a dream that might not be reality.”- Randy Meeks
Today Randy Meeks was officially (Y/n)’s hero. Not only did she get to hang out with him in the Blockbuster listening to him rant about the sucky horror movies he had to recommend to the elderly, but he had also treated her to ice cream. She was currently sitting on the counter watching the boy work at a steady pace moving the cart filled with old movie tapes in every direction to fill up the counters. There was a rush crowd recently much to her dismay. The murders and attacks from the past three days have led people in a frenzy to grasp anything in regards to scary movies or horror possible. She was especially surprised with the many students she had seen this evening tonight as well.
It wasn't too long ago school was let out early due to the alleged attack of Sidney yet again in the girls bathroom on the second floor. Upon hearing this she did grow in hysterics for her friend, but was glad there were enough eyewitnesses in the courtyard to determine her innocence. After that fight with Gale she had every right to look guilty in every way possible, but many of the students did agree that Weathers went too far with publishing a dead girl's diary and providing it to the press without a warrant. The icing on the cake was Gale being arrested not too long after (Y/n) had assaulted her, apparently Autumn had called the police and said the reporter was causing the students emotional distress and wanted her removed.
It was funny, she had always thought the girl had hated her to some degree but it turns out she had the wrong idea about Jonah and her. They saw each other as brother and sister; there were no romantic feelings in sight. It took the girl losing Casey for the other to see it.
So much has happened over the past few days and it was all weighing down on her shoulders heavily. It really did feel good to let off some steam in the light of things. Like eating butterscotch ice cream. The last time she had some was last summer with Stu—.
Oh right. Stu.
The girl was still having a hard time coming to terms with what was said in Casey’s dairy. Even if he was drunk and rambling as he had said, what would provoke him to even think such a thing or especially say it out loud in confidence. And the fact when it was published for the entire town to know his first instinct was to keep it from her instead of just apologizing. (Y/n) can deal with a lot of things concerning her best friends, but this hit the nail on the head. She honestly didn't know how or if it was possible to forgive Stu after this.
She loved him, wanted him. But she wasn't going to let him come back into her life that easily. That boy was going to have to crawl to get to the finish line of her forgiveness.
She looked up to see Randy helping another group of girls with their selection, one of them was laughing a bit too loud for whatever the boy said to cause such a sound. (Y/n) frowned, licking the ice cream with her eyes glinting with a foreign emotion. It wasn't but a minute before the boy looked over seeing the way she was staring at them, and man it left chills down his spine.
“I-I’m sorry,” Randy cut the customer off, “Is there anything else you need, I-its really busy and I and to get back to-,” He looked back over to (Y/n), paying attention to how her tongue took a long lick again of her ice cream before plump lips closed over in smooth motions. He gulped nervously, “Someone.”
The girls followed his line of gaze, seeing the Afro haired girl reading from one of the movie tapes in the pile on the front counter. They just so happened to see the girl with her ice cream as well making their skin crawl with envy.
The brunette that was flirting with Randy frowned, “Isn’t she busy enough with trying to come to terms with her and Stu Machers new relationship?”
The boy wiped his head over to the girl in shock.
“She has Stu Macher already. I heard that their relationship was a long time coming sort of thing and that Tatum and Casey simply got in the way.”
Her other friend nodded in agreement, “there are speculation that is Casey had confessed sooner that they would’ve been-”
“Is there anything else you need?” Randy’s voice was short and curt this time.
He of course couldn’t yell or tell them to shut their damn mouths, but boy was he not going to let them have the satisfaction of making fun of his friend. The girl didn’t deserve the backlash and rumors that were being caused by that Dairy, and he was sure if Casey knew about what would happen after her death the girl wouldn’t have trusted her secrets to the words on the page.
The girls huffed, snatching the tape he recommended out of his hands before quickly leaving to their own devices at the other end of the store.
It was a good thing he recommended a shitty horror flick. What's the point of watching horror if you didn't want it ‘too scary’. The point was to feel the thrill of jumping back in your seat, the adrenalin of not knowing that it was going to be you next, or the person beside you munching on popcorn.
“What's up with them?” (Y/n) asked smoothly.
Randy placed the cart beside her with a grimace on his face, “Just some girls who don't have manners.”
The girl cocked her head to the side, not seeming convinced, “ Just some girls? One seemed really interested in whatever jokes you had to offer her a few minutes ago. I'm sorry but I refuse to believe her hyena laughs were real.”
The boy snorted at the girl's tone, “Keep that up and I'll start believing that you're jealous (N/n).”
The girl bit her lips nervously, “What if I am?”
(Y/n) watched as Randy paused his action with stacking the tapes on the cart. Her heart thumped widely in agitation in response. Shit. She really wasn't thinking when the question presented itself. Was it being too forward? Maybe being at work wasn't the space to-.
The girl's thoughts were cut off from a hand being placed along her thigh. Looking up the girl could see the boy's face flushed in red, however his eyes swirled with an emotion she so craved notoriously.
“Well to answer your question,” The male smoothly took the girl's ice cream from her hand before giving a quick long lick on the left side-eyes never leaving hers, “You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”
(Y/n) quickly closed her thigh together to get the thrum of her area to cease, that look the male had given her sent her hormones into overdrive.
“Randy do you—”
The girl's question was cut off with the sound of the store's bell going off at the front. Looking over the two teens' hearts stopped in shock from Stu Macher and Billy Loomis making their way inside the store. Randy scowled slightly, not in the mood to deal with two males whose heads were too big for their own doing.
“Won’t cha look at that. Devil spawns knockin at my door,” Randy sneered.
(Y/n) pursed her lips anxiously before taking a sloppy lick of her ice cream. It was a shame, things were going so well so far between her and Randy. Did Stu and Billy just have to pop up now?
The two watched as the boys made conversations here and there with a few people, probably discussing what went on in the courtyard this morning. Seeing them so carfree sent chills down her spine. How could they possibly laugh and joke around at a time like this? One was exposed for affairs with a victim and the other was accused of being a murderer. Seemed like a time to lay low rather than to draw attention to one’s self.
“Now that's in poor taste,” Randy huffed in agitation.
“What's not?” (Y/n) asked. The male pointed off in the two directions, specifically the horror genre. Her eyes narrowed in on Billy who was now being flirted with by two girls, making something within her stir haphazardly. It didn't feel right.
“If you were a suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?”
“Randy we've been over this,” The girl shivered slightly, “I was there with the killer ....the bathroom was down the hall from Sid's room. Directly contradicting the theory of him being the killer, it was a misunderstanding.”
Meeks looked over at the girl as if she had grown two heads, “Are you serious? He's got killer written all over his forehead! Are you forgetting his paper last year on how ‘Micheal Myers Could've Gotten Away With It?’”
The girl nodded in remembrance. She was there helping the boy with the paper last spring, apparently he wanted to leave the teacher frustrated and intrigued with his paper and needed help. Billy was known for being bad at English so he relied heavily on (Y/n) for her feedback. She was there reading back to back on the first details of getting rid of body parts to planting evidence on unsuspecting victims. She asked him to tone it down-for obvious reasons.
“Yes I remember, I was the one who proofread the entire thing.” Randy scoffed in response, making the girl tense slightly, “ Okay D, if he really attacked us that night then why did the police let him go?”
“Because, obviously they don't watch enough horror movies,” Randy starts to make his way to reshelf some of the tapes making the girl hop off the counter to follow, “This is standard horror movie stuff. PROM NIGHT revisited.”
(Y/n) thought about the movie for a moment. It was true, the simplest things can lead to a murder, but she couldn't help but ask, “Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?”
Randy laughed lightly looking at the girl sincerely. He honestly didn't wanna head down this road with the conversation about her childhood friend- especially after everything that happened this morning. But he couldn't sit there and let her intelligence be thwarted over guys who thought more with their dick than their own brain. “You know there's always the simplest bullshit (N/n). Especially when it comes to murdering your girlfriend. You know that's the beauty of it all, Simplicity. If it's too complicated you lose your target audience.”
The girl pursed her lips taking it in, “So what would be Billy’s reason.”
Meeks paused mouth open before closing it, looking away. His stomach was in knots, he didn't want to say what he actually thought at the moment.
“What? What were you about to say?”
The male sighed, “Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him.”
(Y/n) turned her nose in distaste. “Randy what the fuck-”
“I'm not shaming Sid, (Y/n)! I'm not! That would be shaming you as well for being virgins, but when you look at the way he's been acting not to mention the rumors about him cheating on her. I mean come on! You know he hasn't been really faithful!”
The girl leaned against the cart, her eyes glazed over, “No I didn't, I guess I really don't know either of them after all.”
Randy hesitated for a moment before placing his hand on (Y/n)’s cheek wiping the tear away before it could roll down her soft skin. “Listen (N/n), I mean it when I say that the world isn't perfect. And you can't blame yourself when people start acting differently either. “ He sat down an old tape before using his other hand to place it on the other side, he was cradling her face now. “Everyone is a suspect until proven innocent. (Y/n), don't let your mind be fogged by a dream that might not be reality”.She couldn't help her cheeks warming up from the intense gaze the boy was giving her, and for a moment her heart accelerated when she saw a flash of blonde with a huge pink smile. He was warm, warm like Casey.
“Randy I—”
“What are you two dorks doing?”
Randy and (Y/n) gasped and separated from their position at the voice. Stu looked at the two with a clear strained smile upon his face.
The girl's cheeks heated upon seeing Stu stand there leaning against one of the shelves filled with movies. His eyes were scanning her face looking for reactions. But she didn't give him any, he simply did not deserve the satisfaction of a simple glance from her. The memory of Casey’s diary was still burning in her consciousness, and it was so hard to overlook the male in front of her and everything he did during the summer behind her back.
To her, that strike to the back of his head simply wasn't enough. He needed to hurt like she was hurting at the current moment.
“Having a moment,” Randy confessed, rolling his eyes, “Something you clearly interrupted.”
Stu snapped his eyes towards his friend, “Oh really now?”
“Yes, now what do you want? Haven't you done enough today?”
Macher looked back at (Y/n) taking her in. She was currently pretending to look at the movie tapes on the cart finishing off the icecream cone in hand. It was a sight he rarely got to see anymore with her enjoying sweet treats-and here she was, only the dork beside him was the one who gave it to her in the first place. A bitter swell started at the bottom of his stomach. He should've been treating her out to ice cream—but that bitch Casey had to go and mess everything up.
Billy’s plan had backfired on him. He was supposed to be asking her to the party now, but how could he get over what he had just seen occur? They were about to fucking kiss from christ sake. His precious kissing someone he thought of being a good friend. Keyword , thought.
“Came over to ask you guys something about this afternoon, but you guys are now acting like me and Billy shot your dog.”
“Well maybe it's because our own friend has a murderer written across his forehead lollygagging in the horror section with two girls-while his girlfriend is freaking terrified of him.” Randy snorted.
A look of disbelief ran across Stus face, “What? It was just a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything.”
“You're such a little lap dog!” He retorted, “You really want to believe anything that comes out of that killer's mouth?”
“Oh-kay,” Stu mocked, waving his hands around.
“You know, I honestly don't think it's Billy. “Stu muttered watching how (Y/n) shifted back and forth on her feet. “You know, I think it's her dad. Why can't they find her pops, man?”
“Because he's probably dead. His body will come popping out in the last reel somewhere! eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeths knocked out! See, the police are always off track with this shit. Come on, man! Just like I told (N/n), if the police had watched PROM NIGHT they'd save time.” Randy huffed pushing the cart in another direction, “ There's a formula to it- a very simple one. Everybody’s a suspect!”
(Y/n) neared the two boys slowly taking in the crowd watching them overhearing the conversation., It was getting heated a little two fast for her liking. “Would you two keep it down...we're attracting unwanted attention.”
Randy nodded, cheeks a bit red before continuing-a lot softer this time, “I’m telling you, the dads a red herring. It's Billy. There's too many positions —the father, the principal, the town derelict..”
“Which is you.” Stu smiled.
Randy rolled his eyes, “The point is, while they're off investigating a dead end, Billy who has been written off as a suspect is busy planning his next hunting expedition.”
(Y/n) puffed out her cheeks thinking for a moment recalling the actions of the killer that night, the one memory that she couldn't shake was the bathroom incident. Billy had never made any moves on her before-it would add up to her. “It wouldn't make sense from my experience D…..in the bathroom..”
Meeks noticed the change of tone looking back over to the girl, “What do you mean?” He searched her face for a moment before the gears started to turn. “(Y/n)...is there something about the case you didn't tell the police?”
The girl bit her lip hard looking anywhere other than the boy's eyes for the moment. She could feel Stus eyes on her, just yesterday she told the boys about lying to the police about what the killer did to her. They're her childhood friends so it was a lot easier. But could she really tell Randy about what happened?
“(Y/n),” Randy whispered gently, “Did you lie-”
“Buzz off,” Stu stepped in between them, glaring at Randy slightly, “She obviously doesn't want to talk about it.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened slightly at Stu’s protection, she almost expected the male to throw her underneath the bus from how she was treating him. But here he was, stepping forward and telling Randy to let go of the possibility she lied to the police about what happened in the bathroom with the killer. A part of her was fearful of how Randy would look at her after-hell she was still concerned if Billy and Stu were being truthful with no judgment being tossed her way. Afterall, so many secrets have been brought to light the past few days. How much could she really take?
Randy stiffed slightly, shifting wide eyes back and forth between the two of them letting it sink in. The male felt a bit guilty from how his tone sounded a bit ago, he didn't mean to come off as judgy. He was only looking out for her best interest.
Meeks held up his hands, giving the best soft look he could muster in the girls direction, “Hey. No judgment here. If you weren't ready to say anything then dont. But I will say that we can't run away from something that can put a possible serial killer behind bars.”
“How do we know that you're not the killer?”
Randy’s body shook before turning around into Stu seeing Billy laying against one of the carts he was previously working on. Of course Billy was listening in on the conversation closely from afar and only decided now to jump in. Meeks had taken it too far by questioning his girl about that night. What right did he have to know? Afterall, Stu wouldn't want a trip down memory lane with the mistake he had made with her.
“Oh…, hi Billy.” Randy shifted uncomfortably. Even if the awkward boy showed to be uncomfortable, the two other males could tell he was still pissed at them from this morning.
“Maybe your movie freaked mind lost its reality button?” Billy suggested coily, “Huh? Huh, ever think of that?”
Randy laughed, shaking it off, “You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it! if this were a scary movie, I would be the prime suspect.”
Stu cocked his head to the side, curious, “What would be your motive?”
Randy looked behind Stu to (Y/n) again who was gently directing two girls to the other side of the store towards the rom-com or history section he couldn't tell. Maybe he would have nailed it on the head if he wasn't so distracted . Her jeans lowered on her waist a bit more, showing a bit of the black lace peeking out subtly. She finished the last of the sweet treat of a cone, giving a wave goodbye to the girls as they headed off in the direction. A slow smile etched its way onto his face.
“Its nineteen ninety five-motives are incidental,but,” He licked his lips as the girl pulled up her jeans-the lace disappearing underneath, “I promise my goal wouldn't have been to kill Sid, or Casey , or Steve-” He looked back at Stu and Billy whose eyes seemed to darken from the moment his eyes shifted over, “It would be to take revenge on whoever did her wrong.”
Stu suddenly became red in the face, forgetting where he was he was quick to step forward-.
“I'm Back! Is there something you guys really need?” (Y/n) chirped from behind.
Randy watched Stu’s expression carefully. The taller male taking a deep breath-rolling his shoulders back-exhaling then putting on his playboy award winning smile. To the average eye they wouldn't have noticed the pissed off expression a second ago, But Meeks saw it. And boy did he want to fucking run.
What the honest fuck was that?
Stu turned around to the girl, taking a movie tape from one of the shelves and messing with the spin to distract himself from the previous threat Randy had given him. “Well (N/n) in honor of school being let out early due to the killer on school grounds-”
“In honor-?”
“I'm throwing a good ole get together at my place this afternoon.” His eye twitched as her eyes shifted over to Randy instead of completely focusing on him. He would have to fix that later. Patience, Patience was the key right now. “I need two horror fanatics great at movies to set the mood….and you and Randy are perfect for the job.”
“What?” Randy squeaked.
Billy chuckled behind the boy amused with his fear, “What's the matter? Can't handle the thought of being around so many girls at once.” The male shifted his attention back over to (Y/n) hoping to get a rise out of her about Randy. She couldn't possibly think that Meeks was just the perfect one of the group. It was taking everything out of him to not simply throw it in her face that he liked Sidney first and simply moved on once Billy started dating her. He knew she couldn't handle it, that's why he refrained from saying anything about it, but the way her eyes shifted to in a familiar way he was too quick to catch-every bit of patience and sympathy started leaving him.
She was fucking jealous of the though of females around fucking Randy Meeks. When did they fucking miss this obstacle so clearly?
“He won't have to worry about that.” (Y/n) chirped lightly, she smiled at Randy placing her hands on her hips, “So what time are you picking me up?”
Randy blink, once twice, then cocked his head to the side, “What?”
She giggled, likening his nervous reaction, “What time are you picking me up? I need time to get ready, just give me an easement so I can get everything ready.”
Randy went to answer only for his left arm to be gripped tightly out of view. It honestly fucking hurt and would be likely to bruise from the overwhelming pressure and force. He knew why Billy was doing this, he wanted him to reject her. To let one of them drive her to Macher place instead. But unfortunately for Billy, Randy was sick and tired of their mind games and them getting whatever they wanted.
“Be ready by seven. I'll close up shop here and pick you up shortly after,” He smiled through the grip tightening, “Do I have to greet Miss Gia?”
“No, she'll be at work by then!” The boys watched as the girl gathered her backpack by the front counter before heading to the exit of the shop, “I'll see you at seven, don't be late! And don't forget the horror movie we discussed earlier!”
“Of course! I won't!”
With that the girl left out of the Blockbuster quickly and headed home.
Once he was sure the girl was fully down the block, Randy yanked his arm out of Billy’s hold.
“What the actual fuck is your problem?” Randy hissed, “Both of you?”
Billy simply rolled his eyes, cracking his neck, “I don't know what you're talking about?”
Randy rolled up his arm displaying the red mark that was most definitely doing to bruise his pale skin. He couldn't believe Loomis had that much strength within him to have a grip that tight on his arm. And what mental capacity gave that psychopath the green light to even place hands on him in a public place no less.
“You were trying to stop me from taking (Y/n) to the party,” Randy accused, “If you wanted her so badly you would've just just asked her out instead of going out with Sid-.”
The boy cut off once more being yanked forward by his sweatshirt and held still under a venomous glare. Billy smiled at him ruefully taking in the fearful expression as if he could eat it alive through everything he did. It was moments like this that he really revel in the power being feared could give.
Stu leaned on Randy's shoulder taking in the sight of his boyfriends dominance taking effect, hopefully this time Randy would finally get the message.
“Dont get so fucking cocky with me!” Billy spat, “We’re letting you have this one thing with her-but if you push it we won't be apologizing for what happens next.”
“Huh?” Randy shuddered, “I don't understand. You have Sid? What does it matter to me or (Y/n)?”
Stu scoffed, losing the goofy persona for a second, “It dosen’t fucking matter. It's more important that you listen carefully instead. You're picking her up from her house and bringing her to mine. No debtors, no longing glances, and most definitely no touching like whatever the fuck you were two were doing earlier.”
“We see or hear that any of that-things will get ugly. Do we make ourselves clear?” Billy snarled. The other male was slow to respond making Loomis shake him in place once more, “I said, ‘do we make ourselves clear?’”
“Yeah, Yeah, got it.” Randy uttered solemnly.
Billy smiled, smacking the boy on the face two times, pleased. “Good Kid.”
#billy loomis x black reader#billy loomis x reader#stu matcher x black reader#stu matcher x reader#sidney prescott#casey becker#randy meeks
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yes okay Jonah hauer king coming your way!
What about an little fluff fic, coming home after a hard stressful day at work, and you’ve cooked a lovely meal for the both of you (wine included) and all Jonah wants is to cuddle and relax
I’m so happy to be making content for Jonah as well!
Warnings: fluff, kissing, neck kissing
Domestic life with Jonah fell into place nicely and actually quite easily. You were worried that his newly heightened fame would put pressure on your relationship, but it actually did the opposite, the two of you were closer than ever. You still got butterflies even thinking about Jonah.
After all The Little Mermaid buzz had calmed down, Jonah was finally going to have some down time, maybe even a little mini “vacation” before his next project started. You decided to kick it all off with a nice home made dinner. You chose to make the lasagna recipe you got from your grandma; a recipe that had proven to be Jonah’s favorite over the last few years and since he wasn’t due home for a few hours, you had just enough time to make it.
After a good forty-five minutes of prep and assembly, the lasagna was finally in the oven. You set the table complete with the ‘nice candles’ for ambiance, and turned to the wine rack to get his favorite bottle, of course placed all the way at the top where only Jonah’s six foot stature could reach. You stood on your top toes, but your fingers barely grazed the bottle.
“Need some help with that?” Jonah asked, startling you directly into the wine rack. “Whoa!” He laughed as he steadied you and the wine rack. You turn around and look up at him as he flashes you his sweet smile.
“You’re early,” you said to him, placing your palm to his chest and standing on your tip toes, this time to kiss him.
“Caught an earlier flight to get back to you sooner,” Jonah replied, barely taking his lips off yours to do so. “And now, all I wanna do is get you to bed.”
You melted into his body as his hands braced your back and pressed you into him. He kissed you deeper, groaning as you pulled away. “Beddd,” Jonah whined.
“But I made us dinner,” you whined back. “Don’t you want to eat first?”
“Mmm, what if we ate it in the morning?” He asked.
You laughed against his lips just as the oven beeped three times. “It’s lasagna, Jonah.”
You took the dish out of the oven and placed it on a couple of pot holders to avoid scorching the counter tops.
“Well I guess I can make an exception for that,” Jonah said, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He placed a gentle kiss on your neck, almost making you change your mind. “But, as soon as we’re done I want you in our bed for the next…I dunno…eight days at least.”
“Sounds good to me,” you said.
And it really did.
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @wandamaximoffbae @twinkledinkle
✨ Let me know if you’d like to be added to my Jonah taglist!✨
#jonah hauer king#jonah hauer king imagine#jonah hauer king fan fiction#jonah hauer-king#jonah hauer king x reader#jonah hauer-king imagine#the little mermaid#writing#fan fiction
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The Possibility of You
Taglist: @luna2034 @hopeisrising @notagreekgal28 @mylittlemermaid221 @justagirlthatlovedtoread @freyagallileaevans @daydreamerwithnohobbies @jonahmermaid23 @jonahhauer-kingg
Ch. 9 | 2.2k words | Fluff & smut
The next week, Jonah had you stay over at his house. His father had gotten on the road again for another work trip the previous day, and his mother was on an overnight ER shift. Although the coast was crystal clear, you still felt like you were sneaking around their mansion, even as Jonah led you from the front door to his bedroom. When he closed the door behind you, you jumped slightly. Jonah came to stand in front of you, leveling you with his gaze.
"Hey, everything okay? You seem a little nervous."
Jonah's hands drifted up to your shoulder to slide off the strap of your overnight bag. You let it fall, and Jonah guided it to the floor beside his bed. His touch then skimmed over the back of your arms in a soothing manner. You wanted to close your eyes, and simply bask in his presence. It immediately comforted you. Everything was just so him. His smell encapsulated you, and his touch was setting your skin ablaze. You licked your lips with a nod.
"I'm okay. I am a little nervous. Even though we've partially stayed together before, this seems a little more intimate I guess," you shrugged.
Jonah's lips quirked up, and his arms wrapped around your shoulders to bring your head to his chest. The height difference alone made you want to melt, not to mention his intoxicating scent. You looped your arms under his. The two of you stayed like this for at least a minute, with you simply enjoying the essence of him. You were the one to pull back.
"Mmm, thanks for having me over," you smiled. "Can I lay down?"
You couldn't help a yawn that touched your mouth at that exact moment. Jonah smiled.
"Of course, sleepyhead."
He kissed your forehead before releasing you. You crawled onto his bed. The mere sight of you here shouldn't turn him on as much as it did. But it was more than that- having someone in his personal space overnight was something he'd never done. Yes, he'd brought women home before when his parents weren't here, but it was only briefly. He'd never given them time to soak in their surroundings too much, or be here to pilfer through his things. He suddenly realized that you were right. It was truly the most intimate thing he'd done to date. And yet he hadn't even questioned it when he told you to come over. What was happening to him?
Shaking his head, Jonah felt the mattress dip beneath his own weight as he joined you. Maybe it's a good thing he said to himself. Maybe letting someone this close can be good. As you curled up against his chest, Jonah knew for a fact that it was. He pulled you in as far as he could, and ran his fingers through your hair. You hummed your appreciation, and Jonah couldn't help but kiss the crown of your head with a smug smile. You were so easy to please. His warmth seemed to be enough.
The two of you laid there for a while, just enjoying the other's company. It wasn't until you pulled back and peaked up at Jonah's handsome face that the peaceful trance broke. His features looked so perfect like this - relaxed with his eyes closed. At your shift in his arms, Jonah peeked one open. He smirked when your eyes darted away from his.
"Something on your mind?"
He only felt slightly guilty about the blush that colored your cheeks. Not enough to stop teasing you anytime soon.
"I was just thinking..." You trailed off.
"Thinking what? You know you can tell me, (Y/N)," Jonah's voice took on a softer tone.
You huffed a breath like you were gathering up your courage.
"I was just thinking, wondering, what it would be like to have sex in your bed," you admitted. "But I didn't want to ruin the moment," you added. "And now I've ruined it anyway," you pouted.
Jonah chuckled, and gave you a nice view of his dimples. His hand moved from your hair to lightly trace patterns on your back.
"You haven't ruined anything," he smiled. "I was thinking the same, but I wasn't going to push for it if you were too tired."
You propped your chin in your hand.
"And they say chivalry is dead," you joked.
Jonah smirked at your snide remark, but all at once, he flipped himself on top of you. You inhaled a quick breath at the sudden shift. Jonah's smirk only deepened.
"Like I said baby, I won't push you, but I'd love to take you right now in my bed," he cooed.
Your gaze was instantly drawn to his lips. Your tongue came out to wet yours, and you squirmed under him at his delicious words.
"I'd love that, too," you answered.
Why did your voice sound so breathy to your own ears? You should be embarrassed, but you couldn't bring yourself to care at the moment. Jonah smiled at your answer, and started kissing your neck. You turned your head to give him better access, reveling in his touch. He kissed and nipped his way down since he'd recently discovered you liked biting in the bedroom. He wouldn't leave any marks on you tonight- call it plausible deniability. But he couldn't wait to do it in the future. Jonah had lowered himself down to your stomach when he spoke again.
"I want to fuck you slow and sweet tonight," his breath tickled the stripe of your exposed stomach. "I want you to feel how deep I go with every stroke."
You bit your lip in anticipation. You were almost whimpering by the time Jonah got down to the waistband of your leggings. He dipped his fingers in, pulling them down your legs in one swift motion. He was pleasantly surprised to find that you'd gone without underwear for the evening. He made a show of licking his lips when you looked down at him. Your mouth was parted slightly, and your chest was already heaving.
"That's my girl," Jonah encouraged. "Always so ready for me."
Jonah couldn't resist bending down to lick one stripe up your wet heat. Your smell alone intoxicated him in a way that no one else could. You finally released your whimpers at the contact of his tongue. Jonah pulled his head up, eyeing you with pride. He knew that only he could make you come apart like this.
Reaching to shove his sweatpants down, Jonah had also gone sans underwear. He pulled his shirt over his head and eyed you hungrily as he climbed back up your body. His hands gently caressed your sides, working your cropped sweatshirt up your smooth skin. You sat up to help him take it off. The two of you took each other in in all your glory. Before you could speak, Jonah ravaged your mouth.
He coaxed you to lay back down, settling over you. You felt him ready against your thigh. His fingers explored your entrance, and he found little to no resistance with how wet you already were. It made him smile into the kiss. Without missing another beat, Jonah glanced down to line himself up, and pushed inside you. It took him a few strokes to get all the way in, but once he bottomed out, your eyes rolled back in your head.
Jonah paused, touching his forehead to yours. He waited until you got your bearings and opened your eyes again. His thumb brushed a hair away from your face. He pecked you on the lips, and nodded. You knew what it meant. Eyes on me. You nodded back with a gulp. You would do your best, but could make no promises.
Jonah's movements were slow and deliberate. A drawn out moan slipped from your lips at the perfect friction. You worked your hips up to meet his, and you swore you could feel every vein in his throbbing member. Jonah paused for another moment when he was getting too close. He lessened your frustration by capturing your lips again. His tongue mapped your mouth until he drew himself back out of you, only to drive back in in a slow, tantalizing rut. The sensation on your clit had you spiraling. Your orgasm had built up so slowly that you hadn't realized how wound up you were.
At your convulsing walls, Jonah came undone. It was the best high he'd had in a long time. When he felt himself go soft inside you he pulled out. You were panting, and Jonah laid to your side. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest. The two of you fell asleep nestled in each other's hold. You woke at an obnoxious hour in the early morning, and Jonah's arm was still tightly woven around you. At your squirming to get comfortable again, he stirred.
You stopped moving.
Jonah didn't answer you, but he grabbed your hand to settle on the bulge between his thighs. You gasped when you felt it, but quickly wrapped your hand around it. You began languid strokes, and it was soon after that Jonah pounded into you again. He had lifted your legs to settle them on his shoulders, and he hit so deep at this angle that you thought this could be the epitome of pleasure. You came with a squeal, and Jonah followed behind you. When the two of you settled to go back to sleep, Jonah put his mouth to your ear.
"You better only squeal like that for me." His tone now was dark and possessive. His voice was still deep with sleep.
"Mmm, I do, baby. Only you." You kissed his chin before your eyelids felt too heavy again.
The two of you didn't wake again until Jonah's alarm went off. He turned to hit the snooze button before you shot up in bed.
"Oh my God, is your mom here?"
You looked at him with a flustered expression. Jonah couldn't help kissing the corner of your mouth. His hand came up to cradle your neck, and he laid you back down. He tucked your head under his chin.
"No, you can relax, baby. She won't be home until 10 at least."
You gulped when you realized you hadn't even seen the numbers on his digital clock. Jonah sensed your struggle.
"It's only 6, sweetheart. That alarm is for my morning laps," he comforted you.
Your heart swelled.
"You're missing your morning laps for me?"
"Of course I am," he answered like it was obvious. "I'd much rather be here."
You nestled farther into his chest, and Jonah smiled above you. After laying in bed for another ten minutes, you decided that you were too excited to go back to sleep.
"Uhh, Jonah?"
His arms were wrapped around your waist like a vise, and there was no escaping.
He didn't open his eyes.
"I kind of have to pee. And besides, I'm too excited to sleep now," you confessed sheepishly.
The corner of Jonah's mouth lifted.
"Excited? For what?"
You tried to shrug against the mattress.
"I don't know," you whispered. "That I'm with you, I guess."
Jonah cracked an eye open at that. His smile grew larger.
"God, you're perfect," he sighed.
"I'll let you go pee on one condition," he looked down at you expectantly.
"Which is?" You quirked your brow.
"You give me a good morning kiss."
You scrunched your nose at the cheesiness.
"You drive a hard bargain, but I'll do what I must," you teased.
Raising yourself up in his arms, you cupped Jonah's cheeks, and planted a wet kiss on his lips.
"Good morning, sunshine," you whispered as you pulled back.
You thought you caught a glimpse of pink on his cheeks.
"A deal is a deal."
Jonah dramatically released you. You giggled and stole one more kiss before you skipped to the bathroom. Jonah watched you the whole way with his hands behind his head. See, this was even better than he imagined. He could get used to this.
After Jonah made you pancakes and you unabashedly stuffed your face, he walked you to your car as you got ready to leave. Once you'd set your bag in the backseat, Jonah kissed you so sweetly that it almost made your teeth ache.
"Let me know when you get home, love," he said as you were trapped in a bear hug.
You giggled. "I will."
You kissed him on his nose as you retreated. You'd never been so mushy with anyone in your life. It was almost embarrassing, but not if it was a two-way street. That's what you told yourself anyway. Pulling out of the driveway, you gave one last wave to Jonah. Your phone dinged with a Facebook notification on your drive, but you waited until you arrived home to check it.
Opening your phone after you parked, you pulled up the alert. It was a message request from someone named Joanna Stephens. You'd never heard of her. You clicked to open the message, and let your hand slip off of the door handle as you read it. It was only one sentence, but it made your adrenaline spike.
He didn't tell you the whole deal.
#the little mermaid 2023#jonah hauer king#jonah hauer king x reader#jonah hauer king x y/n#jonah hauer king imagine#jonah hauer king smut#jonah hauer king x fem reader#jonah hauer king fanfiction#jonah hauer king x smut#jonah hauer king x you#my stuff
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What Do I Do?
This is a new Jonah Hauer-King imagine that is going to have a follow up part. Requested by the amazing @musicistheway I hope this is what you wanted hun. Any other requests would be amazing and feedback always makes my day.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
@jonahhauer-kingg @melaninjoys @luna2034
Summary: It's (Y/n)'s first time attending a public event with Jonah and it's a great night for both of them. Until (Y/n)'s health suddenly takes a drastic turn for the worst and Jonah doesn't know why.

"Is this really a good idea?" (Y/n) could feel the cold slither of panic crawling up the back of her throat and a chill scratching up her back the moment they approached the crowds.
Her feet slowed down and it felt very tempting to turn around and walk away, there was still time. She could find herself a ride home and disappear without anyone knowing she had even been here in the first place. Jonah could stay and go ahead as if nothing was the matter. He could make up an excuse as to why (Y/n) wasn't with him or dismissed the subject like he did when he attended other press events and (Y/n) didn't tag along. There was still time to back out and turn around.
It was as if Jonah could hear every thought swirling around in her mind because his arm circled around her waist and he coiled her into his side with a loving kiss to her temple.
"Why wouldn't it be a good idea?"
"I'll embarrass you," (Y/n) didn't mean to say it, she truly didn't but as soon as it popped into her mind it slipped past her lips and she cringed at her own admission.
Her eyes cast down to her shoes when Jonah moved to stand in front of her but when his fingers pressed beneath her chin and tilted her head up to look at him, she felt like she was going to melt on the spot. His curls were hanging near his soft, melting eyes that were begging for an audience and his hands moved up to cup her face.
"You couldn't do that even if you tried. Everyone is gonna love you, not as much as I do though. It will be fine, I'm not leaving you alone."
(Y/n) could scarcely breathe when Jonah's lips were on hers and she felt like a puppet on a string when his arms circled around her waist, twisting them round so he was behind her and her back was glued up against his chest. His kiss stole the air from her lungs so badly that (Y/n) didn't even realise they were walking until they were suddenly approaching the crowds and a commotion of voices caught (Y/n) off guard.
They were really doing this, they were going through with this and there was no turning back now.
"You'll be fine," His words whispered against the shell of her ear made a shiver crawl down her spine and she tried her best to believe him.
This would be the first time (Y/n) would accompany Jonah to such a big event like this, or to any event and she didn't want to make the wrong impression. She might rub people up the wrong way or offend someone and (Y/n) dreaded the thought of anything thinking she wasn't good enough for Jonah.
Jonah wasn't gullable, he knew the real reason why (Y/n) was panicking and it crushed his heart when he thought about it. With his lips pressed against the back of her head and his nose buried in her hair, inhaling her scent, he could feel himself calming down as much as she was. His arms stayed tight around (Y/n)'s waist and their legs moved in rhythm, walking together like they were one person merged together.
There were a few reasons why (Y/n) didn't accompany him to events like this, the pain one was privacy.
(Y/n) wasn't in the public eye. She wasn't famous or an influencer or well known for her work or her hobbies. Privacy was something they both valued and one way to keep the level of privacy they had been used to over the years was for (Y/n) to stay home. The public didn't know who she was or what she looked like, she could walk down the street without people gawking or stopping her or trying to talk to her.
Jonah attended events like this by himself and no one asked why he didn't have a plus one. The press were bored with the same response he gave them each and every time they asked where his partner was.
'She's fine, thank you for asking.' She's at home, thank you for asking.'
That was all Jonah would say to any question, whether it was asking what job (Y/n) had, what she did, where she was or how she was doing. Nobody even knew her name, that was how private Jonah kept their lives and they both loved it that way.
But this was different.
This was the biggest movie or production that Jonah had been apart of, this was making his name known out in the world.
Usually, (Y/n) would cheer Jonah on from home. She would spam his phone with messages, congratulating him and pouring out her affections for his continued work and effort he put into every project he was part of. (Y/n) would watch the interviews and press releases and see all the photos from home and support him while he went out and answered questions and met the fans.
She knocked him off his feet when she asked if he would like her to come along with him tonight.
(Y/n) knew Jonah knew the other reason she was nervous about being here tonight.
She didn't want to embarrass him because of her health conditions.
"If I, if I start to-"
"If you feel funny, you tell me and we'll disappear for a bit and if you need to go, we go home. We're a team and we do this together, sweetheart." His lips smothered the back of her head and his fingers tapped against her waist in time with the music they could hear flooding the background.
They had been together for years, they were one in the same and Jonah knew (Y/n) inside and out. He knew what to do if she had a seizure due to her epilepsy, whether it was an absent seizure or a full blown spasming one, he knew just how to take care of her and make sure she was alright when she came back around. And he could read her blood levels and help her control her diabetes. Jonah knew what a low level was and when to administer glucose or when to give insulin.
They had a system, if they were out together with family or shopping or out in public and (Y/n) didn't feel well, Jonah could always scout out a quiet spot for them to sit in and wait for her to recover. This would be the same, he would find a quiet corner or a room if (Y/n) needed to bump up her levels or if she felt like she would have a seizure.
He knew what he was doing.
"Why don't we sit with Hailey, I could introduce you and we can order some drinks?" Jonah moved around so he was standing at (Y/n)'s side rather than being glued to her back. His hand cupped her hip and he felt her arm slip beneath his blazer and tuck into the waistband of his trousers, making him grin.
He wanted (Y/n) to feel excited and included and happy tonight, he didn't want her feeling like she was some kind of burden or embarrassment because he didn't see her like that. Never.
"I can have one drink with you to celebrate, then I'll stick to no sugar."
If (Y/n) wanted to drink alcohol, she had to measure, count and adjust her carbohydrates in food and watch her sugar intake and adjust her meds so she didn't get too much or too little insulin. Needless to say she didn't drink alcohol often. It was easier not to and it wasn't something (Y/n) was crazy about anyway so it didn't really matter.
But tonight she felt like celebrating and she'd planned to have one drink to join in the fun with Jonah before she went with a pepsi max or something soft and sugar free for the rest of the night. Plus, they already ate before they came out so (Y/n) knew her levels would be fine. It was easier to stick to a diet and eat at regular times, mostly the same times each day to help her body stay adjusted and controlled.
Drinks came crashing down on the table left, right and centre in front of everyone like they had been dropped from the sky by magic. Two waiters unloaded their trays, clashing glasses together and spilling a mixture of gin and tonic, beer and soft drinks all over the table but it only fuelled the laughter.
"Which one is mine?" (Y/n) kept her voice low before she perched her chin on Jonah's shoulder and dragged her fingertips over his thigh. No one had actually said what each drink was, they were just placed down where they thought they should be.
Jonah hovered his hand over three glasses and circled each rim with the pad of his finger like a magician about to do a trick or make soft music with the glasses. He settled on the glass closest to him which looked like flat coke with no fizz or bubbles.
(Y/n) watched him take a gulp and subsequently cringe before he shook his head and put it back down. Whatever it was, it wasn't nice.
He grabbed another glass and had a smaller taste which brought a smile back to his face and he darted his tongue out to lick his lips before he nodded and placed it down in front of (Y/n). He rubbed his fingers together before taking his thumb between his lips to lick off the excess syrup that spilt down onto his hand.
"It's rather sweet, but it's yours."
"Thank you,"
He was right, there was more syrup than soda in her coke but it was definitely sugar free, Jonah could tell the difference from one small mouthful whether something had sugar or not. He was an expert in sending drinks back when it didn't have the sugar he craved, or indeed if it had sugar which (Y/n) didn't want.
Jonah raised a brow but curved his lips into a smile when (Y/n) downed it in one like it was a race and if it had been a cocktail or beer, he would have been even more impressed.
"Can we get another coke zero please?" His fingers hooked around the glass and placed it back on the waiter's tray before he had chance to leave. There was a long wait for servers to come back round to each table and the bar was too crammed to even think about going up there for a refill. "Thirsty?"
"Hm, very." (Y/n) felt like she could drink three or four more glasses, her throat was so dry and that coke didn't help at all.
"Don't think I've ever seen you drink so much." It was good, Jonah couldn't remember the last time he'd seen (Y/n) have so many drinks and they'd only been here a couple of hours. She'd had a cocktail with him and then switched to coke and their table was bulk ordering drinks so they didn't have to wait.
But it was good, they were laughing, joking and the energy was getting extatic and it was the first time Jonah had (Y/n) by his side at an event like this. This was a good night.
"How about a dance?" (Y/n) let her eyes flit across to the dance floor and her hand danced a little higher up Jonah's thigh while she hooked her other arm around his neck to pull him closer.
He took her by surprise when his hand cupped her jaw and his thumb traced along her chin. When she leaned in to kiss him, she felt his teeth nipping at her lower lip earning a groan in response.
"Let's dance,"
(Y/n) couldn't feel her feet moving when Jonah took her hand and led the way across the large floor towards the music. There were quite a few people dancing and lots of people swaying and shimmying in their seats, (Y/n) wouldn't have suggested dancing if no one else was up doing it too. They found themselves a spot just out of reach of anyone else just as the song began to change.
With her arms hooked together around the back of his neck, (Y/n) pushed up higher on her toes to be a bit more level with Jonah's incredible height. His hands easily fell to hold her hips, tugging her closer until every inch of her was flush against his chest and their foreheads were pressed together.
His fingers squeezed the flesh beneath her dress and turned her body from left to right in time with the beat.
She could see and feel him mumbling the lyrics quietly between them like he was passing them into (Y/n)'s lips, a secret love language no one else could hear or understand. With how close they were, it was easy for (Y/n) to tickle her nose against his and dance her lips across his, causing his tongue to reach out and wet his lips that were desperate for more.
"Thank you for bringing me,"
"I'm glad you wanted to come."
It wouldn't be a reoccuring scene, they both knew in order to keep their privacy, it would be easier and better if (Y/n) didn't attend a lot of these events. No photos had directly been taken of them yet, only a few group photos at the table so far so not a lot was given away and only Jonah's newfound friends knew her name.
But for a one off opportunity, it was a very fun and happy night for them both.
A smile burned bright on (Y/n)'s features when Jonah curled his leg around the back of hers and spun them both on his heels so they were facing the other way. A few more twists and spins had (Y/n)'s brain turning to mush and her vision dancing before her, but Jonah was all she could see, even when she closed her eyes.
She could feel his lips on hers, his lips along her jaw, down the side of her neck and his hands sliding round from her wrist to her bum. She could sense her mind starting to wander, her body beginning to burn and loosen until Jonah was leading them in every which way along the dance floor.
Then she realised she was still thirsty; achingly so. It was causing her throat to tighten and her stomach was burning but she couldn't understand why when she'd already drank so much.
They went from multiple spins and twirls to a soft sway from side to side and (Y/n) slowly raked her fingers up and down Jonah's neck until she could feel him shivering against her and his lips moved so he could bite down on her neck in response.
Both of them suddenly sensed it. The shaking.
A rhythm found them and for a few seconds or even minutes, (Y/n) lost herself in his touch and the music, until she felt his fingers digging into her flesh and his voice whispering 'are you okay' quietly in her ear. Then she felt her fingers shaking against his neck and the subtle jittering beneath her skin that must have rattled into Jonah too.
"Just a little dizzy, don't let me go." Closing her eyes, (Y/n) tucked her face deep into Jonah's neck, nuzzling the collar of his shirt out the way so she could feel and kiss his soft skin. She didn't want to stop yet, she didn't want to go and sit back down, not when dancing gave them this beautiful little bubble that she didn't want to pop.
"Seizure dizzy or sugar dizzy?" His lips pressed against the side of her head just above her ear and his nose tickled against her hair but it was soothing. It was good to feel him breathing against her hair and mumbling words into her skin like this as they continued to drift from side to side, as slow as Jonah could possibly move.
"Not sure,"
"Then we need to check your blood, sweetheart."
Jonah hissed through the last word when he felt teeth sinking into his neck, deep enough to leave a bruise but tempting enough to distract him in other ways.
"One more song." It was a bargain he knew (Y/n) couldn't refuse because they either left the dance floor now or after the next song, he wouldn't wait any longer. Not when he could feel her shaking, her skin burning and she'd admitted she was dizzy. That was a sign of an oncoming storm that they needed to sail through as managable as possible.
By the end of the song (Y/n) couldn't stand still without feeling the room moving around her. When she tried to focus on their table ahead of them, everything tilted to the left and her head was just desperate to follow and lean into Jonah to try and straighten out her vision and balance.
"I don't feel good."
Jonah stopped walking when (Y/n)'s whole body tilted to the left and almost fell into him. She couldn't keep balance and he could see her visibly sweating, she didn't look very well and he wasn't risking staying near this crowd and having everyone witness something happening. It wouldn't be pleasant for (Y/n).
He kept his arm tight around her waist, securing her into his side as he veered them around the side of the table. In a swift motion, without breaking his stride, Jonah leaned down and scooped (Y/n)'s bag up from the floor and hooked it over his shoulder. He then continued to guide (Y/n) past the table and down towards the back of the room where he knew a corridor led off to the toilets.
That would give them privacy.
One hand held (Y/n)'s waist like it was his lifeline, not daring to let his grip loosen for one second. His other hand wrapped tightly around the chain strap of (Y/n)'s bag that was bashing against his hip from his quick strides. He knew she didn't go anywhere without her insulin, glucose and blood checker.
Five feet away from the corridor, next to a large cardboard cut-out poster and a table of snacks, (Y/n) crashed.
Her head snapped back into Jonah's shoulder, her hand that had been gripping his wrist suddenly tightened and deadlocked around him and her weight crashed back into his chest.
He knew instantly that they were both going to fall, he couldn't stop either of them from going down.
His arm tightened around her waist and held her into his chest to break the fall but he couldn't stop himself from gasping and groaning loudly when the back of his head smacked into the marble floor and (Y/n) landed on top of him. Both her legs were tangled around Jonah's right leg and it hurt when she started to spasm.
Her head started to lash back into his shoulder and the side of his face and her body bashed against his chest and winded him.
It was a lot harder than it seemed for Jonah to wriggle out beneath (Y/n) but he almost cried when his wrist twisted at an odd angle when (Y/n)'s arm coiled to her chest, her fingers gripped around his wrist viciously. She couldn't help it, she'd been holding onto him when she started to seize and every muscle was now locked and spasming, she couldn't let go even if she wanted to.
"Put that over there please. I don't want people looking at her!" Jonah pointed between the attendant nearby and the cardboard poster which was conveniently large enough to cover most of their scene. He didn't want everyone looking their way and watching or God forbid, recording what was happening. They were near the corridor and secluded in the corner, with the poster in the way they would have some privacy.
The attendant did as told while Jonah scuffled along the floor behind (Y/n) and slowly rolled her onto her left side, tilting her head down as she continued to thrash against him and the floor.
His left hand smoothed over the back of her neck and he briefly leaned down to kiss her shoulder while he wrapped his right arm across her waist. This position kept (Y/n) in place in an awkward recovery position for safety and it made it easier for her to seize while holding his wrist that was beginning to ignite in pain.
"Oh, sweetheart." He continued to kiss her shoulder but he could have cried when he noticed the blood.
She was biting down on her tongue and it was starting to bleed. A slather of blood and spit was trailing down her chin, but it wasn't as much as Jonah had witnessed before. He'd seen her puncture her teeth into the middle of her tongue and cause a river of blood a while ago.
"Baby? Are you with me?" Hope flooded his voice when (Y/n) slowly started to calm after a horrid minute ticked by.
Every muscle seemed to relax but it let the shaking come back. Her head tipped forward and her aching fingers finally released Jonah's wrist and he could see her eyes fluttering behind her eyelids.
Leaning back on his heels, Jonah took a second to bend and click his wrist before he shed his blazer. He waited another few seconds, making sure (Y/n) had stopped seizing and she was conscious before he sat her up and wrapped his jacket around her shoulders, letting her lean back into his chest for support.
(Y/n) let her head fall into the crook of Jonah's neck and shoulder and she tried to smile when his arm cocooned around her waist. She could feel him dabbing at her lips with his sleeve to wipe away the blood that was staining her face and pooling in her mouth.
"I need to check your blood sugar."
He dropped his sleeve and tried to reach across for (Y/n)'s bag strap, yanking it closer so he could rummage around for the little black zip-up case that held her emergency insulin, her glucose powder and her blood checker.
But when he turned to look back at her, his eyes narrowed.
He pressed the palm of his hand against her face and twisted her head to face him before pressing a finger to her eyelid to pull it back. Her pupils were blown and her chin was ticking up and down along with very short breaths that sounded like she was trying to make a clicking sound.
Jonah had never seen (Y/n) go straight from a big spasming seizure into an absent seizure before. She'd been conscious less than a minute before slipping into this seizure, that wasn't like her at all.
"Sorry baby, but I still need to check."
It felt like he was cuddling a child close to his chest, with (Y/n) laid awkwardly between his legs, his chin now on top of her head and one arm strapped around her stomach, holding her left wrist in his hand. He was quick but careful when he punctured the needle into the tip of her index finger and smeared the blood onto the end of the device.
Her glucose was too high.
Jonah did a quick survey of his surroundings. The attendant was worriedly stood to the side of the doorway, watching closely in case he had to call for help or do something if Jonah asked. But the table and the poster were sufficiently shielding them from onlookers, although he could still hear murmurs and whispers asking what was happening and if everything was okay.
No one could see him, that was all he needed to know.
Reaching over, Jonah grabbed the hem of (Y/n)'s dress and hiked it up high until it was bunched around her waist, only just covering her underwear. He punctured the insulin needle into her upper left thigh before dropping it back in her bag. The insulin was for emergencies only, he had seen (Y/n) take both her epilepsy meds and her daily insulin today, she shouldn't be going into a hyper like this or having severe seizures.
She was fine before they came out, what had happened whilst they'd been here for her to take a bad turn like this?
When (Y/n)'s head started to tick and jutter a lot faster and higher, Jonah glanced at the watch strapped to his wrist. She had been in this absent seizure for about three minutes, but add that to the one she had right before, it was over five minutes, give or take. That was dangerous.
"You need to call an ambulance. Now."
"What do I tell them?"
"Someone's having a seizure lasting over four minutes and she's got hyperglycaemia." Jonah watched him run before he turned his attention back down to (Y/n), laid out in his arms.
She was still seizing and any seizure lasting four or five minutes without stopping was when medical attention was needed. He'd never had to call for an ambulance before, most of (Y/n)'s seizures were only thirty seconds long. The longest had been two minutes, this wasn't what Jonah was used to and he didn't like it at all.
She had far too much glucose in her body which she shouldn't have and he didn't know if the insulin he gave her was going to be enough to get her levels down or not. Hyperglycaemia was dangerous, if her body was already breaking down fat for energy due to the glucose, she could get acid in her blood and that was deadly.
"Come on baby, wake up, come back to me now." Jonah smoothed his thumb over (Y/n)'s cheek, adding more and more pressure to try and rouse her but it wasn't working. He wanted the seizure to stop, he wanted everything to stop and (Y/n) to wake up and start to feel better.
Jonah couldn't stop himself from beginning to cry when (Y/n) started to spasm. First it was her head getting more and more violent back and forth, but then it was her arms pinning to her chest and bashing into her torso so badly she was going to wind and bruise herself.
She was slipping out of the absent seizure and back into the one she'd had earlier. And all Jonah could do was twist her back onto her side in the recovery position and curl around her to hold her steady.
His tears pooled along her neck and his wet lips smothered her cheek while his hand gripped her arm.
"Baby, what do I do?"
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Hi! I love your writing so much! Can I request a Jonah one shot? Can you write something like, the reader is a famous actress and singer who is really well known, and goes to the little mermaid premiere and meets Jonah there and he’s super starstruck and they end up falling for each other?
Thank you so much love for your request! I hope you enjoy reading this and I enjoyed writing it 💖
The night was filled with excitement and anticipation as Hollywood's elite gathered for the highly anticipated premiere of "The Little Mermaid." As cameras flashed and fans clamored for a glimpse of their favorite stars, I stepped out of my car, feeling a mix of nervousness and thrill. As a renowned actress and singer, I was no stranger to red carpet events, but tonight felt different. It was as if destiny had something extraordinary in store for me.
As I walked down the red carpet, the air crackled with energy, and I couldn't help but catch glimpses of familiar faces and rising stars. Among the crowd, my eyes locked with Jonah Hauer-King, the talented actor who portrayed the film's prince. His captivating smile and kind eyes drew me in, and for a moment, time stood still.
As if pulled by an invisible force, our paths converged, and Jonah approached me with a mixture of awe and excitement on his face. "I can't believe I'm meeting you," he confessed, his voice laced with a hint of nervousness.
A blush tinted my cheeks as I replied, "The feeling is mutual. I've admired your work for so long."
We engaged in conversation, and as the night unfolded, I discovered a kindred spirit in Jonah. We laughed, exchanged stories, and shared our love for the arts. It was as if we had known each other for years, effortlessly connecting on a profound level.
Throughout the premiere, we found ourselves drawn to each other's company, seeking solace amidst the chaos of the event. We stole moments between interviews and photo sessions, our conversations filled with laughter and genuine interest. With each passing interaction, the spark between us grew stronger, undeniable and impossible to ignore.
Under the starlit sky, we found ourselves on a balcony overlooking the bustling city. The hum of the premiere faded into the background as we locked eyes, and the world seemed to melt away, leaving only the two of us in that magical moment.
"I never expected to meet someone like you tonight," Jonah admitted, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and vulnerability. "You're everything I've ever admired, and so much more."
A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I replied, "And you, Jonah, are a beacon of talent and charm. Meeting you has been an absolute joy."
In that instant, the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. The undeniable chemistry between us had ignited a flame that couldn't be extinguished. The premiere had brought us together, and now, we stood on the precipice of a love that promised to transcend the glamour and fame.
As the night wore on, we held hands, intertwining our fingers as we walked through the crowd, no longer separate entities but two souls entwined in a tapestry of fate. The world watched as we danced, laughed, and embraced the chaos of the evening, finding solace in each other's arms.
In the midst of the celebration, Jonah leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want this night to end," he confessed. "I want to explore this connection we have and see where it leads."
I nodded, my heart racing with excitement. "I feel the same way, Jonah. Let's embark on this journey together."
And with that, our love story began—a tale woven amidst the glitz and glamour of the entertainment world. From that magical night, our lives intertwined, each chapter more enchanting than the last.
As we stepped into the unknown, hand in hand, we knew that our love would be a constant amidst the chaos. With our hearts aligned and a shared passion for the arts, we were ready to face the world together, embracing the magic of love and the beauty of our intertwined destinies.
#jonah hauer king#jonah hauer king imagine#prince eric#prince eric imagine#the little mermaid#jonah hauer king x reader#prince eric live action#the little mermaid live action
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“He really needs his caffeine fix because toddlers are exhausting and TK is certain he looks as frazzled as he feels.”😫😅 poor TK!
“which actually manages to get the toddler to stop crying out of his curiosity at the new face smiling down at him”
- first of all- CUTE!
- Second of all - of course he’s monetarily stunned he’s looking at an actual angle🤭 I wish the face of Carlos Reyes would appear from above to smile reassuringly down at me when I’m having a tantrum
“He’s not sure why he’s quick to clarify as he stares at the handsome barista.” Not sure huh? Can I have a guess?
“it’s not worth explaining otherwise to strangers he’ll never cross paths with again.” UHM I have a feeling they’ll DEFINITELY be crossing “paths” again if you know what I mean. 😏
Carlos reassuring TK that he’s doing alright🥺
““That is incredibly sweet of you, thank you.” I can hear him so well!
“Carlos’s smile is warm and TK sort of wants to melt in it” Love This!!’
TK’S COFFEE ORDER I LOVE IT! I love that it’s both sweet and also extremely complicated😂 I’m so curious! Did you go with what I suggested in the tags on that post or did I just guess right?👀 I thinkI said something like ‘I don’t know all the complicated coffee orders you guys have in the US but something sweet’
“Carlos raises an eyebrow as he glances back at TK, his bottom lip drawn up between his teeth.” The face😏🫠🫠
““TK,” Carlos repeats like he’s swirling TK’s name in his mouth like a flavorful wine.”
And I Love This!!’
““Thank you,” TK breathes, so completely lost in the barista’s eyes.” Hehehehe
(Am I just copy pasting the whole thing at this point? Maybe. Not sorry)
Aaahh can just hear TK’s voice so well in everything he says!
“Who doesn’t wish they could throw tantrums and be shaken out of them by the beautiful face of Carlos Reyes and watching these two flirt shamelessly while sipping hot chocolate..”👀☕️
“”Seriously, he’s fine. He’s very cute…not unlike his big brother.”” SQUEAL
He left him his number on the cup! I love it! I love how cocky he is!!!!🥹😏🙏
“He thinks this barista might just hopefully be the death of him.”🤭 ME. TOO. !!
““Hey little brother, thank you for being the best wingman ever,” TK chuckles quietly, shaking his head. Jonah just stares curiously at TK while he drinks his hot chocolate.” CUUUUTEEE!
Jonah the little wingman!! He planned the whole thing I’m sure.😌 The little schemer😈
And happy first Advent Sunday and 1st of December. 😌🕯️🎄 I can’t wait to read the rest of the drabbles!!!!
🥹🥹🥹 hi Mar this is so sweet and you did not have to do this at all but I am sending you the biggest hug anyways
I actually changed TK’s coffee order yesterday! It was originally an iced caramel macchiato with a double shot of espresso but then I decided it needed to be more christmassy 😂 so more sugar and holiday it was!
I’m so glad you liked this Mar! You are such a wonderful friend and I’m so glad I could gift you a drabble to make you feel all warm and cozy this first day of Advent! 🥰🥰
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Hey soup. Can I get a sick Leo caretaker Luke. Maybe he has a very upset stomach and he gets sick from both ends if that’s ok. And him being embarrassed but Luke comforting him.
Despite the fact that he didn't get airsick, Leo chalked it up to that when he started feeling queasy an hour out of San Francisco's airport. It was probably nerves, he missed Jonah already.
True to their agreement, Jonah had stayed behind with Angie so they could live their two weeks of exploring Europe together and Leo had gone back home. Part of Leo was proud of their relationship, but a smaller, meaner part was simply jealous. He squashed those feelings down, Jon was over the moon hanging out with his sister and that was what mattered most.
There was a young lady sitting to his side, knocked out, and Leo pressed his forehead to the plane's wall, looking out of the window and trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in his stomach and how suffocated he felt. He wanted out of this sardine's can, but the thought of landing wasn't as reassuring as one would think. Landing meant having to stay up and in line, then wait to get his luggage, finding Luke... It just sounded tiring.
Leo's belly let out a loud, whiny noise and his cheeks turned red as he instinctively wrapped an arm around it, glancing nervously to the girl sitting next to him. She didn't even stir.
He leaned forward, leg bouncing up and down as a cramp squeezed his lower tummy and caused cold sweat to spring up. Another angry gurgle and Leo hastily undid his seatbelt, then glanced worriedly at the woman, trying to sneak past her knees without waking her up.
It was a bigger hassle than needed, but he felt a victorious rush when he managed to squeeze and jump over her, only for his middle to remind him why he was standing in the first place by letting out another disgusting whine.
Leo shuffled down the hallway to the bathroom in the back, mentally cursing his luck. The flight from Zurich had been 15 hours long, with a small stop in San Francisco and Leo couldn't believe he had survived 14 hours, only to succumb to illness in the last stretch of the trip.
His intestines seized and he rocked while sitting on the toilet, gulping down the sticky saliva and bouncing his leg in a nervous, crampy way. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the burning on them and feeling ridiculous for wanting to cry over something so silly as an upset stomach.
Once he felt more of less done, intestines not cramping as much, but definitely much more nauseous than before, Leo took his time washing his hands and face and crawling back to his seat. The woman was now awake and she threw him a startled look, but said nothing about Leo's paleness.
Lucas was standing at the end of the disembark area, holding a cardboard sign that said "Mr. Wagner" in bold, ridiculous letters and Leo could've cried from relief as he saw his friend. He was sure his mental and physical state showed on his face, because Luke's million bucks smile slipped and he frowned, lowering the sign.
"Hey- Everything o-OH okay, okay," Luke interrupted himself as Leo promptly tackled him with a hug. Lucas' was a good handful of inches taller than the blonde and Leo melted against him without a thought.
Unlike Jonah or Leo himself would've done, Luke didn't pull back at all, happy to just hug for however long Leo needed him to, but unlike Vince who'd have read him immediately, Luke still had to ask "did you and Jon fight? What's going on?"
"No," Leo shook his head, pulling back, "no, we're fine. In fact I should text him, let him know I landed."
"Good idea," Luke nodded sagely, "before he calls Interpol thinking your plane got kidnapped or something."
Leo offered him a small smile at the joke, leaning forward to he could press his forehead to Luke's shoulder as he got his phone out of his dark crossbody bag, "I feel like crap."
"Airsick?" Luke asked, sympathy coloring his words and Leo shook his head, wiping his sweaty fingers on his pants.
"No," his stomach let out a gurgle, but the airport noise drowned it out, "either I got food poisoning in San Francisco or I caught a bug, but my tummy feels gross."
Over his head, Luke let out a little amused huff at his wording, "do you need to use the bathroom? I can go ahead and take your luggage to the car, I'm in the parking lot."
"Already did," Leo's cheeks were burning with embarrassment, he had no idea how Lucas talked so openly about things, "I really just wanna go home. See my cat."
Leo texted Jonah a quick, "at the airport, call u when I get home. Love you" and pocketed his phone, rubbing his hands over his face tiredly as Luke said:
"JD has been an angel," he grabbed Leo's bag and turned it to the side to carry it, despite the thing having wheels, starting to lead their way, "I got a bunch of videos and pictures, Bella really didn't want to give her back."
"I wanna see the videos," Leo opened a genuine smile, "and why don't you and Bell get a pet anyway? It's not like you don't like animals. If Jon can do it, you can do it."
Luke snorted at the line, before shrugging, "no space, our place is too cramped."
"Oh yeah, forgot you're roleplaying as poor," Leo needled, rolling his eyes and causing Luke to wrinkle his nose at him, green eyes sparkling as if he was considering between a nice or a mean response.
He clearly settled for the former, "it's what Bell's paycheck can comfortably afford and she doesn't want my name on the lease, man. Happy wife, happy life."
"That was nearly two years ago," Leo vouched, happy to have anything but the gross feeling in his stomach to focus on. He could feel the churning inside picking up and his arms were covered with goosebumps, "she was rightfully paranoid thanks to the break up. You guys are married now, have you talked with her about it?"
Luke chewed on his bottom lip, in that way he did when he knew he had oversighted something but wasn't ready to admit it, "No? Whatever, it's not that big of a deal."
Leo let out a scoff, then groaned as they stepped out of the airport and he realized it was a chilly night, the cold breeze causing him to shudder.
Lucas paused, not commenting, but side stepping so they weren't right in front of the exit. He waited patiently as Leo took a measured breath, blowing it out through his mouth and wiped the sweat collecting over his lip.
After a minute, Leo nodded, so Luke raised a thumbs up, "you good?"
"Yeah," Leo started to walk, although he had no idea where Luke had parked, but soon the other man followed him and started to guide the way, "talk to me, take my mind off of this."
"What exactly is this?" Lucas squinted at him, all but bouncing on his feet, fiddling with his car keys. Leo never ceased to be amused by his friend's inability to stand still.
"I feel like I'm gonna barf," Leo cleared up, now that they were out of people's earshot, "and I might have a fever? Can't tell."
Without any hesitation, Luke smacked his hand against Leo's forehead, nearly hitting him with the keys. He tsked, "I don't think so, you're just clammy."
"Great," Leo grimaced as another cramp hit him, "so it's just food poisoning," he should be thankful, food poisoning meant it'd be over sooner rather than later, but Leo wasn't feeling very positive at the moment and his words came out covered in sarcasm.
Lucas snorted at Leo's clear bitterness and grabbed his shoulder, pushing him ahead and soon enough they reached Luke's dark green jeep. He put Leo's luggage in the trunk, then hesitated, chewing on his lip, "Do you want to drive? So you don't get carsick on top of it?"
"No," Leo shook his head, already walking towards the passenger side, "I'm too queasy to pay attention to the road."
"Alright, just let me know when to pull over," Luke shrugged, bouncing to his side. Not if, but when, Leo noted, entering the car and tipping his head back with a groan.
"Tell me about Europe," Lucas asked, starting to drive out, "how was everything? Jackie? Matteo?"
"It was lovely," Leo lowered his window despite the chilly night, "Matteo is super nice, I really liked him."
"He is, isn't he?" Luke smiled brightly, "too nice for Jackie."
"Nah," Leo shook his head, smiling to himself, "I love Jackie, she's so unapologetic snotty. She's herself in every occasion, I never feel like she's being nice to me just because it's polite."
Luke let out a humm and Leo squinted at him in the dark car, "What?"
"Nothing!" Luke's voice was teasing, he was clearly smiling, "nothing, nothing- Just makes you wonder why you're head over heels with Jon, uh?"
"Oh, shut up," Leo scoffed, shoving Luke's arm and then staring ahead, to the cars coming the opposite way in the two way, "Jonah was so relaxed in Switzerland..."
Before he could further elaborate in this insecurity, Luke flicked at his ear, not taking his eyes from the road, "don't go there, Leo. The guy is on vacation, of course he's relaxed. But no one can live on vacation mode, you're not being fair to yourself or with him either."
"Yeah, I guess..." Leo rubbed at his chest, uneasily and startled himself when it brought up a sudden burp. He rushed up his hand to muffle it, a second too late, but Luke didn't seem bothered in the least.
Lucas kept his eyes on the road, so Leo leaned slightly forward, wrapping his arms around his belly and rocking on his seat as a new wave of nausea washed over him. He felt so warm. He gulped down nervously and jerked as he felt a gentle touch to his elbow. Luke was holding out a bottle of water.
"Thanks..." Leo mumbled, taking a small sip and forcing himself to swallow it. It rid his mouth of the sickening sweet saliva, but did nothing to the sloshy feeling inside his belly.
"Do I need to pull over?" Luke asked, reaching blindly so he could plant a hand on Leo's trembling back. The blonde hesitated, then nodded.
"Yeah, think so..." he grimaced as his belly churned once again and he could just taste the small snack - cookies! - he had had in the San Francisco airport, "I'm sorry, I'm being such a hassle."
"You're not a hassle, you're sick, it happens," Lucas' voice was dripping with understanding, but it only made Leo want Jonah more. He hated being sick, but it was particularly bad when he was missing his fiancé.
Luke turned up the warning lights and it took a while more before he was able to safely pull over. As soon as he did, Leo unbuckled the seatbelt and leaned out the passenger side, not even making it fully out before he retched.
He didn't bring up anything, but his whole body convulsed and the blonde let out a pained moan, clutching the door as a new wave of repulsion washed over him. His stomach squeezed once more and Leo let out a groan in the back of his throat, spitting in the dust shoulder and breathing heavily against the ill feeling.
He didn't answer, only shook his head no, as if to say he wasn't nowhere near done. That seemed to do the trick, because halfway through the gesture another burp snuck up on him and he coughed up a mouthful of foul vomit.
Leo felt Luke's hand in the middle of his back, not rubbing, more like a steadying weight and he tried to focus on it, but it was to no avail. His stomach rolled once more and Leo would've fallen out of the door with a heave, wasn't it for Luke clutching the back of his shirt.
He coughed and spat, letting out a groan when finally the pain in his belly seemed to diminish.
"Leo, kid, you alright?" Lucas asked, squeezing his nape gently and Leo nodded, using the door to sit back in his seat.
"That sucked," he grumbled, his voice shot and Luke chuckled softly, passing him the water bottle.
"You feel better, though?"
"A bit," Leo swished the water around, spitting it out and then taking a tentative little sip. When his belly didn't immediately fight it, he shut the door and leaned his head back, hearing as Luke started the car back up.
In truth, Luke really didn't need Leo's input in order to have a conversation and Leo opened a small smile as he was able to clam up and just listen as his best friend started to talk to fill in the silence. It was so funny to him how Luke's track of thinking worked, how he jumped from one subject to the other and then to another without finishing either.
"You have ADHD," Leo yawned, as he saw the Welton sign appear in the horizon. He felt dizzy and clammy and desperately wanted a shower and his bed.
Luke let out a small offended noise, "no, I don't!"
"Did you get tested for it?" Leo turned slightly to look at him and saw Luke do that lip chewing thing he did, "thought so. I bet you fifty."
"Fuck off," Lucas grumbled, drumming his finger against the steering wheel, "do you want me to stop at a pharmacy first?"
"No," Leo curled up, wincing as his belly let out a growl loud enough that even Luke heard, judging by the way his eyebrows went up, "you're staying the night, right?"
He felt incredibly childish even asking that and it went against everything in him. Every molecule in Leo's body told him not to ask for company or help, but this was Luke... And Leo really didn't want to be all alone in his and Jonah's apartment for the first night, however ridiculous that seemed.
"Yeah, Bell's at Wendy's, I'm all yours," Luke shrugged, not bothered in the least, "she said they're doing something with her hair, which is always a terrible idea and means she's going to ruin her beautiful curls-"
Leo dozed off as he heard his best friend continue to ramble on.
He woke up in the parking lot of his building, with Luke shaking him awake gently. The blonde let out a groan, then opened a small, secret smile as he felt Luke wrapping his arm around his shoulder and hugging him by the waist, all but pulling him up.
He sunk against Luke's side and pressed his face to the man's arm, knees feeling weak and stomach far from settled, embarrassment causing his face to burn as they entered the elevator and his belly let out an upset growl.
"I'm fine," he yawned, not opening his eye and then sighing happily as he felt Luke hug him slightly, "you're comfy."
"Oh yeah?" Lucas sounded smug as hell and Leo scoffed, but didn't move away, too comfortable to care.
#i think i need to stop here lol#before it gets too long#leo wagner#mywriting#sickfic#emeto#emetophilia#food poisoning#upset tummy
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Have a bit of ??? - Fic before I publish it this Sunday 👐🏻 -- Carlos holds Jonah now and instead of thinking of having their own kids, TK’s heart fills with a deep fuzzy feeling of knowing exactly why any kids would run toward Carlos. Gelato is slowly melting in the bag on the floor because Carlos’ arms are ready and open to catch, his hands know how to hold people so tightly, it feels like he would never drop you. But Carlos never squeezes too tight. His hands are incapable of anything but a touch that says, you’re safe.
And yet, Carlos walks over and carefully pries off the clawing hands of Jonah and sets him on the couch TK is still crouching in front of. Jonah is confused, eyes growing moist again as he looks up at Carlos. Before he can wail again, Carlos strokes his hair and crouches down low, too.
“Jonah, do you wanna hear a secret? But you gotta promise to keep it to yourself. It’s a really, really, big secret.”
Jonah swallows a hiccup and nods.
Carlos smiles, glancing over at TK before he leans a bit closer to whisper loudly, “Okay, I trust you to keep our big secret. Your brother TK? He has a special power.”
Jonah’s blue eyes grow larger and he looks over to TK as if he could see what Carlos’ was telling him on his brother’s skin.
Carlos continues in a hushed tone. “Yes, no one can know that he has healing hands.”
“Healing…hands?” __ I tag: @@welcometololaland , @rmd-writes , @wandering-night19 ; @noxsoulmate ; @strandnreyes ; @paperstorm ; @lightningboltreader , @liminalmemories21 ; @goodways , @alrightbuckaroo @chaotictarlos @thebumblecee @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @ladytessa74 @lemonlyman-dotcom
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At the mercy of your doorstep is the saddest and sweetest fic oh my goodness it may be one of the best I've read in any fandom. Poor Louis, Florence is already tough on him and he has all these troubles with his depression and Paul's schizophrenia and being gay in a homophobic family coming down soon...but I'm happy he'll have at least one friend growing up who accepts him as he is, two friends if he still meets Jonah. And poor Lestat with the beatings and the starvations...is his horrible dad even going to let him go to school or make Gabrielle 'homeschool' him and not bother teaching him anything?* Every chapter my heart melted in a different way, Little Louis is such a darling with a voice that feels like a six year old but still SO Louis. Thank you for writing this please excuse me while I reread chapter 3 again and think about these poor sweet darlings *Louisiana is a low regulation state for homeschooling so Lestat's dad could do that, all he has to do is make Gabrielle fill an online form every year and he wouldn't have to get his sons any books or school supplies or tell the government what the children are 'learning'
😭 anon thank you sm this is such high praise ❤️
Writing from a child's perspective has been so soo interesting and heartbreaking at the same time. Children are so innocent, they view/interpret everything they see through that innocence, so it's going to be quite a ride writing the progression of Louis' maturity and understanding of the world around him and his struggles (I've gotten so attached to tiny-Louis though, I'm almost gonna be sad to have him grow up lol)
Also I'm glad he sounds like a 6yo Louis, since I worry sometimes if I'm either making him too mature or too naive in his observations.
As for Lestat, I'm still in the process of writing, still, but I see his abuse in highs and lows, if that makes sense, much like it tends to be in real life. His father flip-flops a lot, so while keeping him homeschooled would be very much in character, so would wanting to get him out of his hair. Kinda like how he either wants him to stay home and not play outside, or decides to lock him out all night (hammers for papa Lioncourt for sure 👴 🔨) Not to mention Gabrielle...without spoilers, let's just say she wouldn't exactly be much of a candidate for homeschooling anyone at this point.
Also I really want to write Loustat school mates!! so there's that lol 👀 so he probably won't be homeschooled in this story at least not at all times, BUT....let's just say his living/school situation is gonna be tough in this fic ...(along with everything else) 🫣🏃🏻♀️
Thanks for reading ❤️
PS: Louisiana's low regulations on homeschooling sounds...harrowing??? How is that even allowed :/ the fact that there's probably children currently being negatively impacted right now...
#i can't tag this yet because i'm most likely gonna be changing the title of this fic...again 😬#interview with the vampire#iwtv#iwtv fanfiction#my fic#my ask
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sneak peak of She Calls Him Daddy?🥺
Y'all really want DILF Bob don't you??? Summary for DILF Bob here.
OK here's a snippet (I have about 1.2K words written so far):
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed as the man’s hands caught your waist, hauling you to standing. “Thank you!”
A gasp left your mouth as you looked up.
“Mr. Floyd.”
“Y/N.” His voice was deep, sultry. You felt your face flush with embarrassment. He leaned down and retrieved the discarded hanger and black lingerie from the floor. But instead of handing it to you, he held it up and examined it.
“I’m, uh, buying it for a friend,” you lied.
Bob Floyd’s blue eyes met yours. His tone was patient, his mouth in a hard line. “Is that so?” he asked. “Not Anna I hope.”
“No, of course not.” At the mention of Anna, your best friend and Bob Floyd’s daughter, you wanted to crumple into a million pieces. You could never tell her that her father had caught you buying lingerie or that you had literally fallen into his arms like a damsel in distress.
Even if it made you ache between your legs. Even if a part of you had been crushing on Mr. Floyd since you were sixteen.
You couldn’t even admit it to yourself that sometimes, when you slept with Jonah, your college fuck buddy, that you pictured Bob Floyd’s face when you closed your eyes. Same when you had your vibrator pressed tightly against your clit beneath the covers in the privacy of your dorm single. It was Bob Floyd’s face looming in your mind as you let yourself break apart.
Bob gripped the hanger tightly. He looked at the bodysuit and then at you. You felt like you could melt from the intensity of his gaze, even if it only lasted a second. “That would look good on you,” he said, voice low and you felt your heart beating erratically in your chest. “But this would look better.” He reached out and pulled a bra and panty set from the next rack over. It was a white bra with sheer demi cups and a matching high-waisted thong with a thick waistband and tiny pearls dotting the band. Clipped onto the hanger was a lace trimmed garter.
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