#jolene 'wolf'
ravennell · 1 year
WINNER WOLF | formula 1
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Wolves are warriors. So was Jolene. She was also a winner. So that’s what she was coming to F1 to do. Win. Fulfil a life long dream. She was just going to have to deal with everything else that came with it. Just to live the life she wanted. Find where she should be. Daniel Ricciardo x female driver OC | navigation
Introduction - 615 Words | an introduction to Jolene 'Wolfie' Pond. pt. I ALMOST THERE 2021/2022 - 47,827 Words | W Series, Reserve Driver, the start of an important relationship. Almost in Formula One. pt. II HERE SHE IS 2023 - On the Grid, Racing in Formula One, a love understood on and off track. Time to keep winning. pt. III LOVE ON TRACK 2024/2025 - Racing against the person you're closest too doesn't have to be hard. It's the rest that is. pt. IV SHE IS THE CHAMPION 2026/2027 - It's time, time to win it all. Be the best. Just like you are. Then be brave, differently. pt. V LA LUPA DI MARANELLO 2028/29/30 - Time to go back. Prove, prove you can still do it. And win it all again. For your child. pt. VI SUNSHINE, LOVE & FAMILY 2031... - It's good to know when to retire. To live your best life, with your family. As it grows.
EXTRAS - 2023 Season Results | Jolene’s 2023 Grill the Grid Answers
Connected to: Skate Fast & Sideline Style
a/n: idk if anyones reading this i’m just putting it here cause i want to but this is going to be all over the place and probably only makes sense in my brain but ah well fun! it is mostly all for me (and my friend who is reading it too), if you like it woo! but i am my own target audience
also my brain merges fandoms when hyper-fixations overlap so when i daydream these things up sometimes other characters sneak in (jolene’s friends and then with ashley in skate fast) and this time i kept them lol
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Do your OCs have pets?
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
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covenunited · 2 years
Robert Clark -> Royal Verse
the King's Counsel men is being chased by a mythical beast and could your muses help
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“Get down!” Jolene shouted, not even hesitating to jump into action. The blonde mage was an experienced huntress and knew the forest and its inhabitants like the back of her hand. She’d been tracking a flock of harpies that were edging dangerously close to the town line when one of them broke away from the rest, having seemingly locked on to prey that the others were not yet aware of. More than a little suspicious, she followed the loner for a good few minutes before finally finding what it was after.
Muttering a couple of expletives under her breath, Jolene traced the runes on her wrist to summon her arcane bow, called out a warning to the unsuspecting councilman, drew back, and let fly a powerful magical bolt aimed right for the harpy’s chest. It connected, interrupting the beast before it could utter the first note of its hypnotic song, screeching in agony and rage instead. The witch stepped out of the shadows and drew back again, putting herself between the harpy and its intended victim. It scrambled away as if to run, but Jolene could not allow it to go get reinforcements. They were likely already on their way. Jolene landed her next shot square in the middle of the monster’s forehead, killing it instantly, then turned back to the councilman. “We need to get back into the city, now! That thing has friends, and I’m willing to bet that they’re hungry for us, too!”
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Woof woof yall.
No content warnings
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You’re out in the woods one day, taking photos and going for a little hike. Stupid mental health walk or something; whatever, it’s a nice day and you’ve gotten some good shots. You’re just about to turn back when a huge brown and black wolf lopes out from a nearby thicket.
There aren’t any wolves in England though! Hunted to extinction - it’s why you feel safe bebopping around the forest alone in the daylight. So you see this big fuck-off sized “dog” and coo at the pretty puppy.
“Hello handsome boy, aren’t you just gorgeous! Will you come say hi?”
You do all the right things that you’re supposed to do with an unfamiliar dog but he just barges right through. Trots up to you, nose shoved into your crotch. You startle, bark a laugh, shove at his big stupid head.
“A little forward,” you tease, scratching under his chin, “but it’s better than biting.”
You feel all around his neck for a collar, but no luck. He must be someone’s though, huge blue eyes too intelligent and focused on your words. And his coat is so well maintained, glossy and shedded.
“Do you know how to… sit?”
An adorable head tilt, and the big dog settles onto his hind quarters.
“What a good boy!” you croon. “So smart!”
He licks at your palm and wrist as you scratch at him, huge tail thumping. A canine grin, tongue lolling out as he waits for your next command.
You hum.
“Well, guess we can check if you’re microchipped, huh? Or at least I can get you some water. See if someone recognizes you…”
You make a kissy noise at him. “Let’s go, big boy. Come.”
And to your delight, he falls into step with you. He weaves along the path ahead and behind, but always loops back to you, brushing against your thigh as if to reassure you he’s still there.
You hum as you walk, giggling when you see his ears twitch and swivel towards you. Tease that he should do better if he doesn’t like your version of Jolene.
You only cross paths with two other people on the walk, a pair of guys clearly out for a more serious hike. The dog plants himself between you and them, ears pinning back and a low growl erupting from his chest. You startle a bit, carefully burying your fingers around his scruff in case you need to grab him quickly.
“I’m guessing he doesn’t belong to either of you, then?” you ask.
One of the guys shakes his head. The other gives you an odd look. “He’s not yours?”
The dog barks, loud and rough. You shush him, explain the situation to the hikers. But the dog never stops rumbling and they quickly go on their way, keeping a wide berth.
You huff. “Don’t like men, huh?”
Poor thing. Maybe he was abandoned by a mean owner?
“S’alright, bud, I’ll be good to you.”
He follows you all the way back to your home. And when you open the door, shoulders right past you.
“Ah, shit,” you groan. “You weren’t supposed to come in!”
He gives you an almost betrayed look. You try not to huff in amusement.
“So help me, if you bring nasty things in this house I will shave you. Shave you. You’ll look so silly. Like an overgrown raw turkey.”
The dog turns, trots back to you. You didn’t realize just how big he is until he’s got his big paws on your shoulders. You blink, have to take a step back to brace against the weight of him. In his hind legs he’s taller than you. Really could pass for a pure bred wolf.
A big, rough tongue licks from your jaw to your forehead. You scrunch up your face but end up laying a kiss on his muzzle in return.
“Alright, you big nasty. Down you get.”
You shut and lock the door behind you, brushing leaves and dirt off.
“Okay, shower first,” you say aloud, already tugging off your clothes. “Then we’ll run into town, see if we can track down your family.”
You don’t mind the dog staring, unblinking, as you strip down right there, balling things up to avoid tracking a mess through the house. Nor do you mind him following you to the bathroom, though you do push at his snout when he licks the back of your knee. Just normal dog things, really. They don’t get people stuff like clothes or boundaries.
“Stay out of trouble, bud. I’ll be right out.”
As you wash up, you consider the merits of adopting. Only if you can’t find the dog’s actual family, that is. It’s lonely in your little house sometimes - and a bit spooky at night. A big, protective dog might be just the thing.
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trashmouth-richie · 10 months
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𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: escaping Hawkins was impossible, but he did it. when a ghost from your past shows up unexpectedly, bringing with him old memories and holding up a mirror to the train wreck life you’re living… you find it hard to trust him again.
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ no minors, depictions of poverty, child neglect/ endangerment, drug use/abuse, alcohol use/abuse, endangerment, 18+ sex working, 18+stripping, violence, smut. no use of y/n reader has a name that’s introduced in the first chapter, and another “nickname” that is lightly used throughout this series. eddie also has a nickname given by reader.
𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: this series switches pov’s between reader and eddie, thank you to @succubusmunson @joejoequinnquinn @choke-me-eddie @sweetsweetjellybean for helping me read through the first chapter, helped me brainstorm etc i love you
there are two easter eggs in this let me know if you catch em! like pokémon only not
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: here i come, but i ain’t the same
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Stupid fucking bitch.
One dial tone waned into another, a monotonous wave taunting you from the end of the receiver. Your fingers tap impatiently against the counter. How long could a phone actually ring before it stopped or someone finally answered?
Too damn long apparently. 
Giving up and counting your losses, you slam the receiver back on the wall, muttering more choice words as you skirt your hips behind the wooden bar, thumbing through the blue lined notebook schedule.   
Work was packed. More-so than any other Friday night, but since it was the beginning of graduation weekend for Hawkins High— every Sam, Dick, and Harry had wandered into the bar looking for a cheap escape and a sugary drink. 
Lucky for them, that was exactly what Queen of Hearts had on the menu. And if you talked to the right person, the luck didn’t stop there. 
“No answer?” Jolene called over her shoulder, hands full with a bottle of Jack Daniels. 
Scribbling an angry dark mark through the name Ginger on the schedule, you toss the notebook back into the drawer shutting it with your hip.
“Just rang and rang,”  you say, annoyingly jumping in to help her finish pouring three Jack & Cokes. The soda fizzes under your thumb, “and before you try to cover for her, this is the fourth time she’s done this.” 
She lets out an exaggerated sigh, taking the cans from you and tossing them into the trash.
“Really thought this one would work out,” her long legs cross behind you to slot the liquor bottle back in its designated spot, “she had kids.. poor thing needed the cash.” 
The familiar ache of neglect radiated through you, “I found a babysitter for the nights she was working, told her I’d help pay… that asshole she keeps around probably found out she was working here.” 
Jolene raises her eyebrows. Her slender fingers hold the three drinks with ease, setting them on a tray.
“Can��t believe Jackie skipped town with that rich salesman,” she sighs heavily, leaning an elbow on the sticky bar, “lucky girl, something like that would never happen to me.” 
Jealousy pings in your chest but you shake it off, “he was really dreamy huh? Those beauty marks? His hair? His ass?” You wolf whistle, “cut me a slice.” 
You weren’t jealous that Jackie was now probably driving a BMW, that her life would be nothing but luxurious from here on out, or even that her boyfriend was movie star hot. 
What made your blood boil over was the fact that she got out, and you were still stuck here like hardened gum underneath a table. 
The club was a part of you. Like an unwanted birthmark, this lifestyle was something you couldn’t get away from. Understanding at a young age, when most girls were playing with dolls, just exactly the kind of life you were destined to live, and unfortunately it wasn’t outside of these four walls.
“Your time will come,” Jolene smiled, looking into a compact and wiping a smudge of lipstick from her teeth, “you’re still young, Miss Assistant.” 
You rolled your eyes, placing the tray on her awaiting palm. Since Jackie was gone, her job was now yours.  Tacking on added responsibilities with no pay raise in sight. You found out all too soon what a fucking joke that title of ‘assistant’ actually was. 
“Told him I didn’t want it, but you know how that went.” 
“I do kid,” she sighs, looking down at you, her eyes sweeping over the still pink scar in your eyebrow, “I really… oh honey, you’re gonna be a busy little bee tonight!” 
You breathe heavily through your nose, dragging your hands down your face, “don’t remind me.” 
“I’ll help out wherever, ‘kay?” 
Jolene had taken you under her wing when you first walked into Queen of Hearts. Freshly eighteen almost down to the hour, naive waters brimming your eyes, forced into this life. 
Her motherly ways comforted everyone, only thirty-three but in this industry that was practically ninety. Just like you, Jolene had deep roots in this place. 
Her tall frame slinks over to the waiting guys sitting at the stage, a pleasant smile on her lips. Twirling the ends of her black hair twisted into schoolgirl pigtails, laying the charm on thick. 
Staring over at her in a forlorn gaze, you hated to think of yourself still here ten years from now, a permanent fixture to this place, like Jolene. The lemons of life were squeezed and you had made the lemonade, but it was sour, bitter.. you longed for something sweeter. 
The bubbly fantasy is popped when Mickey Fritz’ oversized hand hits the counter like he’s a toddler in a highchair.
“Hey sugar tits, I’m empty o’er here!”
Your nightmare reality comes back into view. 
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The walls at Queen of Hearts were draped in deep shades of red velour, a cozy ambiance to invite strangers and locals alike. The bar was backlit and stocked with a decent selection of polished bottles of whiskey, gin and bourbon. 
His boots clapped along the wood floor as the pair walked further inside, leaving a plume of smoke in their wake, catching on the neon lights and creating a smoked crimson haze across the dark club.
The raised stage was centered, creating an aisle on either side of it, clad with leather backed red chairs surrounding it at every angle. For a night club in the middle of Indiana, it wasn’t half bad compared to the places he was used to out East. 
A row of booths were tucked onto the left side of the club, high top tables stood crowded with drunk college students, yelling loudly and making asses of themselves to impress the working girls. 
The music blaring over the speakers was a little cliche and too “pop” for his liking—fuck, had he really turned into one of those guys, questioning what a strip club was playing for music? 
He rolls his eyes at his own false pretentiousness, turning it into a wink at a cocktail waitress carrying a tray full of plastic flutes filled with a gut rot of pink liqueur. The gold thong she was wearing sat high on her hips, matching the cheap glittery cowboy hat on her blonde curls. 
Dark eyes follow her long legs to a nearby table, a fist to his mouth as he whistles and licks his chomps.
“Damn! Can you believe this used to be the Hideout?” Jeff squawked, not so casually adjusting himself as they slid into an open booth, “that was Gareth Emerson’s twin sister, she really grew up huh, remember him?”
He didn’t.
Much like anyone else Jeff had tried to bring up since he had agreed to meet up for a drink on the occasion that they were both home, he hadn’t given high school a second thought since the night he left. 
“Nah, man,” he said, grabbing for the sticky menu on the black table top, “I don’t.”
It had been years since he had seen Jeff, and he was surprised that he had recognized him at the gas station last night when he was filling up his motorcycle. 
His own appearance hadn’t changed much, dressed a little better, wore cologne now, normal shit that came along with getting out of puberty. 
Back then Jeff still had braces, a small lisp when he got really drunk. Now, he was a grown man. Living in Phoenix with a big important job at some company, home for the weekend to visit his parents, and watch his youngest brother graduate.
There would be no visiting family or old friends for him on this trip back to Hawkins. The thought of running into anyone he knew and having that painfully awkward small talk about the ‘good old days as a Tiger!’ made him cringe, as if that ever were the case for him. 
Having left this shit hole in the middle of the night seven years ago, he took nothing with him but some saved cash, his guitar, a full tank of gas and the clothes on his back. 
The heavy ache in his chest, brim filled with remorse, was an added carry on, something that didn’t go away with the miles he had put between him and Hawkins. 
He had planned to keep this town in the rearview, but life, probably karma, had other plans. 
Back in Hawkins strictly on “business,” that's what he told Jeff when the smiley old friend grabbed him into a bear hug in the checkout line, crushing the chips he was carrying to a powder in its aluminum bag. 
Technically, it was family business. But he hadn’t mentioned that to Jeff. He didn’t want the questions, didn’t want the pity.
He barely even knew his uncle that well anyway, but being the only living relative of the deceased, he didn’t have a choice when the call came through that he had passed. 
A week. That was the timeframe he told his job that he’d be gone for. Leaving just enough time to plan the funeral, and sell the trailer. 
Coming home to the haunting shadows of Hawkins was like playing in a graveyard filled with demons of his past. Sorrow filled every dark corner, looming around him like a fog, making him unable to forget the damage left behind. 
For years it had worked out fine, he had moved on. But every now and then, he had to push his inner demons down, and still to this day, years after the fact, they kept trying to crawl back up. The shame of his past coming to the forefront.
The music changes to another upbeat song that was popular on the radio, Jeff nods along to the beat, strumming his fingers against his belly like he was playing the guitar. 
He looked over at his old highschool friend and smiled for the first time since being back here, “still play?”
Jeff stretched a wide grin across his face, chuckling a little too loud, “only in my dreams… working seventy-hour weeks doesn’t really allow me to have that kinda freedom.” He nodded and smiled a little at the waitress who was coming to take their drink orders, “so what have you been up to man? It’s been years!”
He knew all too well about not having free time to spend the way he had wanted to. He didn’t even own a guitar anymore. The last time he saw his Warlock, it was sitting in a pawn shop in Nashville— the last of his many possessions sold to make ends meet. 
Ordering a beer, he counts his budget for this trip in his head, deciding to buy Jeff’s drink too. Maybe being back wouldn’t be so bad after a drink or two, a little liquid courage to get him through the night at least.
The pleather seat creaks beneath his weight when he leans back further into the booth, stretching his arms out wide. Trying to gain a sliver of comfort since being home. 
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Working the pole to Ginger’s song of choice, Once Bitten, Twice Shy, you found it hard to get into music you could care less about. But you didn’t have time to complain. 
Legs crossed and spinning upside down, bare besides a face full of makeup and a red thong, you pretended that you were anywhere else but there. 
How nice it would be to not have to crawl across dirty dollar bills, teasing a faceless man with your body so that he would be eager enough to slip a twenty into your g-string.
Collecting your tips from your set, you tap them against your vanity in the dressing room, counting out loud your mind already knowing how much money will be put away after bills are paid. 
The long jagged crack in your mirror served as the only looking glass you liked to look in. The warped shapes of your face looking back at you made it easier to swallow the life you were living, as if it were a fever dream, a disturbed Alice in Wonderland type reality. 
In the mirror you weren’t a dancer at Queen of Hearts. You could be a nurse, a librarian, a cook in a shitty home town restaurant who went home smelling like grease instead of men’s cologne and wearing suspicious stains. 
It could be easy, simple really. Bus tickets weren’t terribly expensive. Going to any city, a map in your hand and the saved coffee can of cash tucked into your purse. You could almost imagine the taste of the ocean. The thought of even stepping outside of Indiana was enough to power you for the rest of the night. 
As easily as the daydream came it fluttered away when the boss stepped into the dressing room. 
His eyes loomed in a dead stare, sweat pooling on his temples. The ice in his glass shifted as it melted into the whiskey. A Colombian cigar tucked into his fat mouth had an inch long ash waiting to fall. 
He wasn’t much taller than you, barely older, but his attitude and small dick made him seem eight feet tall. 
“The hell are you doing in here? Fucking Christ woman, the girls are drowning out there, those needle dick college fucks are about to swing fists and you’re in here staring at yourself?”
“Just takin’ a little break Tommy, I gotta change.” 
“I don’t need any lip from you, better watch it before I match that other scar y’ hear me?” 
His threats didn’t scare you, it was who he answered to that made you terrified. A bad report to the big boss and you’d be drinking your meals through a straw. You knew because it’s already happened. Turns out you don’t need your mouth to swing around a pole. 
“Loud and clear.” 
This type of life was the only one you had ever known. You quite literally grew up with this environment right under your nose, and everyone at the club knew it. 
The romance novels you kept in your purse were full of knights in shining armor type of men, another fallacy to your looking glass. 
The thought of anything else was only real in your daydreams. Escaping the festering wound of Hawkins was impossible, almost unheard of. No one with your background got out. 
But he did.
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Shoulder to shoulder, squeezing in sideways with grimy singles fisted in their hands, the club was stuffed to the hilt with sweaty, drunk, and extremely horny men. 
“… here!” you slam two more drinks onto the heaping tray and shove it into Wendy’s hands, “take this to those asshats and tell them we are out of triple sec, no more Long Island Ice Teas, if they want a drink they can order beer like everyone else.”
Wendy swung her hips with the Long Islands in tow over  to soften the hearts of the college boys. Batting her lashes, sitting topless on their laps and letting them tell her stories of the parties they went to, the classes they skipped and the girls they fucked. Anything to keep them from hollering and starting a fight with the locals. 
Lisa Ann was working over the business men from out of town, their briefcases shining with a matte patent leather, expensive watches adorning their wrists. Her pretty Marilyn Monroe smile on display as she brought over their drinks, tussling their hair between her pink fingernails, putty at her fingertips.  
Between the rest of you rotating between pouring drinks, collecting payments and trying to wiggle past the grabby hands of Donny, the roar of the busy hour had started to lull. 
All of you were tired and crabby, legs cramping and toes pinched in uncomfortable shoes. Jolene wiped her brow and blew out a deep breath. 
“Take fifteen,” you said to her, “I got it from here.” 
She shot you a wink and disappeared into the dressing room. 
Peeling the soles of your boots from the floor you lean your back against the shelf of liquor bottles. Working your hands on the base of your neck behind your head.
The usual crink that ached when you were stressed was flaring up again. Causing your shoulders to tense up and sending a pinched dull ache from your back up to your throbbing temples. Radiating your jaw, with a heat so fierce it could melt glass and it wasn’t even eleven o’ clock yet. 
Your eyes are pressed closed in a tight squeeze, maybe you could shut the pain out by pretending it wasn’t there.
“Tiffs just about done in room D,” Veronica chirped, her bracelets jingling in a metallic tune, “the ‘doctor’ again,” she explains with air quotes chuckling to herself.
“He’s only here on nights she’s workin’” you say exhaustedly,  “she’s his favorite.” 
Being one of the few regulars that wasn’t married, he was somehow the slimiest worm in the dirt. Tall and slender framed with icy white hair, he seemed to stare down his nose at the girls, his voice an eerily calm when he asked for Tiff, handing over the crisp fifties to secure her for the allotted amount of time. 
Beads click together as she stumbles in from the back, adjusting her lipstick and holding the ripped strap of her bra, followed behind her like clockwork was the doctor, tucking his oxford shirt into his slacks. 
Your jaw felt like it was going to ignite, as if it were covered in tension rods and the gears were  cranking it tighter and tighter, sweat beginning to form on your back, “can you hand me my purse?” 
Rustling your bag from underneath the bar, Veronica hands over the canvas tote, her emerald eyes staring at you expectantly like a serpent watching its prey, “care to share those little party favors?” 
Rolling your eyes, you move your hand through the contents inside. Pushing past a checkbook, lipsticks, and the papered corner of a tampon. Finally your fingers close around the smooth unlabeled bottle. 
Two tablets land in your palm when you pop the cap, and you shake it begrudgingly to release another tablet from the bottle for Veronica.
She giggles and grabs two shot glasses, pouring bourbon into them both. 
“Only one,” you instruct, a serious look in your eyes, “I’m not picking you up from the floor later.” 
A coy little smile on her lips, she brings the shot glasses over, handing one to you, “you worry too much.” 
Placing the pill in her free palm, you clink the glasses together in a little cheer. 
“To us,” Veronica grins, “may our titties stay perky, our asses juicy, the boys pockets fat and our kitties not loosey.” 
You roll your eyes and she laughs, her lips close around the glass the same as yours, and you swallow down the liquor, wincing at the taste. 
Within fifteen minutes the temporary high coats your brain like a warm blanket, floating you to a place far away from shiny poles, 6 inch heels, and ass slaps, away from Hawkins. 
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Jeff listens intently as he explains a very bland and watered down version of how he left Hawkins and traveled east, working odd jobs. 
Skipping the part about how he lied about his age to find work, and how he spent an entire month getting his ass kicked after dishwashing shifts at some swanky restaurant outside of Raleigh. 
He explained the good stuff, how he worked part time at a tattoo shop for one of his buddies he met in Philly. His full time gig being a lead shift at a factory. 
It wasn’t that impressive, he knew that, but he couldn’t make himself give a shit what anyone thought of him. For only being twenty-three, he was proud of having a paycheck every two weeks from a legit place. 
The click of the waitresses shoes on the floor had Jeff looking up, thanking her for the drinks. She was dressed a little more conservative than the other waitresses had been, wearing a black mini skirt and a see-through red long sleeved top, showing off black sparkly stickers that covered her nipples. 
But that wasn’t what had him taking a second look. At first glance he thought maybe it was just a note written in pen, a reminder of some sort on the top of her hand, lots of people wrote on their hands right? But when she set the drinks down, reaching past them and across the table to grab a napkin, sopping up spilled beer, he almost choked on air.
It wasn’t something written in pen, or a weird unlucky shaped birthmark. The marks on her hand were two small symbols, they had faded with time and were blown out a little on the edges. 
Of course they were, because the identical marks on his hand were blurred the exact same way. Two little symbols, done on the hottest day in July. The smell of his childhood room stung his nose as he thought of that day. 
A day when you were both only thirteen. 
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The regulars were bellied up to the bar holding an aluminum can toast to their long gone friend, hollering for you to play some David Allen Coe in a final goodbye. 
Flicking through the jukebox to find “Never Even Called Me By My Name,” you were too busy to pay any attention to the toast of the deceased buddy.
Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t have been completely blindsided. 
“Clovie?” A disgustingly sweet saccharine voice laced between bubble gum pink lips sang out from behind you, tapping you simultaneously on the shoulder, “be a dolly and run the drinks over to table 8, would ya?”
“Why c—”
Tiff was already gone, the door to the dressing room swinging shut in a shower of White Diamond perfume before you could even spin around and tell her where she could shove those aforementioned drinks. 
Outside of collecting her own tips, and pleasuring the doctor, Tiff never lifted a finger to help. 
Wiping your hands on the cleanest towel you could find, your muttering goes unheard as you cross back over to the bar and grab the cracked black plastic tray set with two large overflowing mugs of draft beer. 
The ground was sticky under your boots, like walking in half dried paint, sometimes you wondered if Wendy actually served a full drink to anyone. 
Balancing the heavy tray on your palm and shoulder, you pray that it won’t snap before you’re able to place the drinks down. 
Table 8 was occupied by a guy you had seen before but couldn’t remember from where, and a long dark curly haired woman who was facing away from you. 
The smile on your face was the fakest one you could make, hoping to maybe get a good tip before Tiff could notice and take her claim. 
“Alrighty,” your customer service voice sang with a false sweet sincerity, “looks like we have two Busch Lights?” 
The guy you had greeted smiled eagerly, moving his elbows from the table allowing room for the frosty mugs to be placed. 
Your fingers work gingerly to set the ruby colored drink napkins down first. The beer was placed carefully, his greedy fingers grabbing the handle before you could barely remove your hand from it. 
The second beer started to slide on the tray, and you over corrected causing it to land with a thud on the table, sloshing the pale ale all over the table—luckily not on the woman. 
So much for a tip, huh?
Apologizing quickly, you lean across the table and reach for the paper napkins. Wiping up the mess hastily you toss the wet heap onto your tray. 
Turning to the woman to offer her a look that’ll hopefully get you in her good graces— well enough that maybe her husband would reconsider tipping, “I’ll go fetch a rag and come back with another beer free of charge sweetheart,” you start to smile sheepishly, “I’m so s—”
The eyes you were met with were the deepest shade of brown, struck with astonishment, crowded by a grove of thick lashes, a look of dismay etched into them. 
Blinking once, twice, you couldn’t register if you were truly seeing this or hallucinating. 
You hadn’t seen those eyes in years, a flash of recognition drops on your face and the perky smile fades. Heart falling to the well of your stomach, punching the air from your lungs, heat rising to the surface of your cheeks. 
In an instant, you’re brought back to many years before tonight. When those eyes were younger, full of teenage angst and rebellion. 
Hell must’ve froze over, pigs were without a doubt flying overhead: Eddie Munson had returned to Hawkins. 
taglist: @mmunson86 @sidthedollface2 @winchester-angel @mrsjellymunson @joannamuns9n @tlclick73 @mewchiili @spacedoutdaydreamer @emxxblog @maybeisthemoon @str4ngergirlw0rld @chrrymunson @insertcoolnameherethanks @kellsck @prestinalove @mandyjo8719 @onegirlmanytales @mopeymopeymouse @veravee-blog @taintedcigs @eddies-acousticguitar @oeuryale @kthomps914 @bangaveragewhitewine @lil-quinnie @corrodedcoffincumslut @definitionwanderlust @madaboutjoe @littledemondani @eiightysixbaby @usedtobecooler
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c-sharpp · 7 months
Songs that remind me of Lotf ships/platonic pairings with absolutely no explanation
Jack x Ralph:
Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake
Pork Soda - Glass Animals
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Brutus - The Buttress
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
Taking what's not yours - TV girl
The other side of paradise - Glass Animals
Ralph, you can do MUCH better than him..
Jack x Simon:
Dear fellow traveller - Sea Wolf
Savages - Marina
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
Run Boy Run - Woodkid
Boys will be bugs - Cavetown
Brutus - The Buttress
I love you so - The Walters
Space Song - beach House
Vampire Empire - Big thief
The way things go - beabadoobee
This would NEVER happen, but that doesn't stop me from loving this ship.
Ralph x Simon:
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
Cupid - Jack Stauber
Space Song - beach House
You get me so high - The neighborhood
Sex, drugs, etc - beach weather
The other side of paradise - Glass Animals
Jolene - Dolly Parton
The way things go - beabadoobee
this ship is so one sided but it's adorable.
Roger x Simon:
Arms tonite - Mother Mother
Problems - Mother Mother
Boys will be bugs - Cavetown
This side of paradise - Coyote theory
Cupid - Jack Stauber
Hidden In The Sand - Tally Hall
I love you so - The Walters
My sweet baby Simon, he doesn't deserve you. 😔🙏
Roger x Jack:
Toes - Glass Animals
Rät - Penelope Scott
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
Taking what's not yours - TV girl
Pumped up kicks - Foster the people
I / Me / Myself - Will Wood
Vampire Empire - Big thief
Hit the road Jack - Ray Charles
I ship in a (mostly) platonic way.
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rainmustfallts4 · 14 days
Project Pisces ◇ Wu G1, Part 3
⊶⊰Information⊱⊷ ⊶⊰Chronological (all)⊱⊷ ⊶⊰Chronological (Wu)⊱⊷
Such a pretty fountain c:
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Well, I can add “half-naked werewolf at the rec center using the punching bag” to my list of shit I never thought I’d see lmao
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Hmm… I think normal people would avoid this situation but we are not normal.
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Loool Todd became nosy by talking to him. I don’t know how I feel about this.
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Of course, Todd has to flirt with him which the wolf seemed receptive too. I think people just really like roses lol
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I didn’t know you could ask werewolves about werewolfing and moonwood mill 😮 neat.
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“Hey, check this out, bro!”
At least this is an actual appropriate place to do this.
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‘I’m just gonna run away before this guy gets angry and eats everyone…’
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Flirting with people is hard work, so he rewards himself with coffee so he doesn’t pass out before getting home.
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That’s it! You guys have lost all grilling privileges, I refuse to replace them again.
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Jolene prefers Porkchop over Runt and we stan.
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Nice, Todd got himself a promotion. Honestly, he’s never had to work before because of his family’s wealth. He started diving because he loves it. They have plenty of money from their parents saved up, but I wonder if it will last or if Todd will have to get a full time job 🤔
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Grim, this woman is an Olympic swimmer! She was zooming through the pool.
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I don’t even know who she is lol she just showed up at our house and started swimming. This pool has a hold on people, I swear.
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kendo413 · 2 years
Wenclair prompts
Yoko claims that Enid has been gone for Wednesday since day 1. Enid disagrees.
Yoko compiles all of Enid's early tweets, puts them to music, and it's kind of like Jolene. At first it's someone defending their territory against an invader, which is especially understandable to her wolf, but then after a couple more listens it dawns on her.
It also dawns on Wednesday, who manages to catch a few bars and finds it particularly flattering. Not only did she abandon writing time, she is nearly slinking like a predatory cat towards Enid who is doing her best impression of a deer in the headlights.
In another world, there is no Hyde to root out, no overarching mystery to solve, and Wednesday is dreadfully bored. She takes to stalking her classmates, studying their behaviors and creating her own bestiary in her spare time. Thing cannot help but point out her entries regarding Enid are nearly poetic rather than strict factual observations. Wednesday finds she can't describe Enid or her behaviors with bullet points when paragraphs are an option.
Wednesday won't be a slave to social media or even to technology. She literally can't - most new devices tend to implode on contact with her skin, which is only mildly pleasant.
Enid makes many iterations of gloves to try and overcome this so they can keep in contact over break.
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edsbug · 2 years
tagged by: @poetichooligan thank you🤍
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: single
favorite color(s): sage green
song stuck in my head: formidable cool by wolf alice
last song i listened to: mark chapman by måneskin
three favorite foods: mexican, chinese, italian
last thing i googled: i was looking at rings
dream trip: anywhere in italy
anything i want right now: a good nights sleep
tagging: @becca-alexa @mvnsoneddie86 @trader-jolene @bewilderedbunny @stvnhydes @bookshelf-dust @bombing-daisies @musedblues @paranoidmunson @86munsonsblog @munsonmanor (no pressure🤍)
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fungal-boy-witch-yay · 7 months
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Just gathering my monster-ified mutuals for a summoning circle
@copper-ichor (that fire lookin pixie) @unfunnyaceartist (that demon gal on the right) @catinasink (that tiny lookin goober in the middle) @alexthescaredenby (that slender man lookin goober up in the middle) @alr1ghty-aphr0d1te (big spooky wolf) @theautumnalcat (giant pumpkin thingy) and me
we’re summoning Jolene
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ravennell · 1 year
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A list of my original characters and the tags for them on my blog.
navigation | wattpad | pinterest
Jolene 'Wolfie' Pond: WINNER WOLF
Electra Deveraux: INVISIBLE
Katerina Jane Gideon: MORGANA’S SOLUTION
Valerie ‘Val’ Oswald: WATCH OUT
Coral Flint: PISCIS
Artemis Thorne: ARROW
Zara Woodhouse: VEINS OF FIRE
Robyn Stratford: WITHOUT REWARD
Imogen Kelly: TOUGH GIRL
Frankie Gilbert: FRANK/FERAL
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hannahhook7744 · 11 months
The Storm Bringer (Information and History)
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Dock of Arendelle (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Auardon (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Corona (sometimes after d3),
Dock of Neverland (sometimes after d3),
Dock of the Isle of the Lost (d1-d3).
Blackbeard (Captain)(Previously),
Hannah Hook (Captain)(Current),
René Montaudoin (Captain)(Previously).
Aaron Bog (The Treasuer),
Abi Hun (Crewmate)(Former),
Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Helmsman),
Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah (Translator)(Future),
Anna Bog (The Lawyer),
Artemis Foundling (Junior),
Atlas Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Atticus Hook (Babysitter Crewmate)(Former),
Beau Foundling (Junior),
Clarice Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Craven Bog (Junior)(Future),
Credence Foundling (Junior),
D.E Anonymous (Anonymous Helper),
Darcy Aoratos (The Medic),
Darius Foundling (Junior),
Darren Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Derrick Red (Crewmate)(Former),
Eduardo Frollo (The Cooper),
Elara Foundling (Junior),
Evelyn de la Cruz (The Prison Guard),
Fiona Foundling (The Look Out),
Francesca Delgado (The Boatswain),
Genesis Flores (The Navigator),
Greyson Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Gunner Harp (Back up Medic),
Harley Foundling (Junior),
Haul Bjorgman (The Deckhand and Translator)(Future),
Herlando Dancer (Back up Medic),
Hope Sid (The Entertainment and h.r. Representative),
Howiee Wolf (Guard),
Ian Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Ike Bog (Junior)(Future),
Issac Cipher (Front Desk Attendant),
Isaac Olympian (Crewmate)(Former),
Isaac of Maldonia (Crewmate)(Former),
James Rourke (The Rigger),
Joey Starlights (Crewmate)(Former),
John Facilier (The Gunner),
Jolene Bog (Junior)(Future),
Josh de la Cruz (The Sailmaker),
Joy Foxworth (The Back Up, Back up Kid Wrangler)(Future),
Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou (Storm Manager),
Lance Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Levi Giant (Junior),
Liberty Titan (The Backup Carpenter),
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard (1st Mate),
Luís Barbosa (The Carpenter),
Lysander Foundling (Junior),
Marcys Foundling (Junior),
Marinette Foundling (Junior),
Misty Del Rey-Silver (The Diver),
Morgan Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Moxie Frankenstein-Van Helsing (Guard),
Nadia Foundling (Junior),
Nevin Hook (Crewmate)(Former),
Noah Aoratos (The Cabin Boy),
Noor Foundling (Junior),
Parker McLeach (The Powder Monkey),
Peachy Gothel (3rd Mate),
Prometheus Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Remi de Vil (4th Mate),
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing (The Trainer), 
River Le Beak (Crewmate),
Shan Bri (The Back up Kid Wrangler),
Shania Silver (The Kid Wrangler)(Former),
Shaun Fagin (Crewmate)(Former),
Skelebar Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Skia Aoratos (2nd Mate),
T.K Sykes (Crewmate)(Former),
Terrance Foundling (Junior),
Tiger Khan (Translator),
Tim Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Toby Foundling (Junior)(Future),
Tommy Wonderful (Junior),
Treycor Fae-Aoratos (The Quartermaster),
Tyson Foundling (Junior),
Willow Hawthorne (Junior).
Captain Hook,
Ginny Gothel,
Harry Hook,
Maleficent’s Goons,
Mama Hook,
The Gothel Twins,
The Smee Twins,
"Creatures of the Night, Prepare to fight!"
The Storm Bringer is the name of a pirate ship that Hannah Hook and her crew own.
It served as headquarters for the pirate crew and can be seen throughout the series 'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook and Co.'
The Storm Bringer is an old pirate ship that Hannah Hook won and fixed up for her crew. Repurposing it as a safe house/boat/home for her crew and replacing the sails with three homemade sails that have a matching flag up on the crowsnest, a single red flag, and two additional crimson red flags.
Its walls are covered in artwork that she and her crew made as well as random treasures they have picked up over the years. 
The wood is mainly brown with hints of red in some places and it has many rooms that the crew share (some of these ‘rooms’ are just areas with curtains hanging up to separate them. 
It is one of the few ships on the isle that is almost fully intact and the shape its in has been described as ‘remarkable’ by the few older pirates that have stepped abroad since the ship came into Hannah Hook’s possession. 
Hannah Hook acquired the Storm Bringer from it's pervious owner, Blackbeard, in a poker game that she bested him at when she was 6.
In that game, she not only gained a ship but two new enemies (Blackbeard and his son, Barnaby) and the respect of the elder pirates on the isle.
Her first three crew members were Luke Tremaine-Westergaard and Skia Aoratos (her 1st and 2nd mate respectively) and River Le Beak (who decided to just be a crewmate) who helped her build her crew and repair the ship.
They ended up renaming the ship 'The Storm Bringer' and replacing it's old sails with ones they made themselves before tossing the ones in the storage closet.
And over the years, Hannah and her crew ended up redecorating the ship to make it feel more like home. Using art pieces they each made, rewards they'd received, and random treasures they had found to do so.
They even added on to the ship, making more rooms and making it look more intimidating and wild in the process.
(Old Design):
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(New Design):
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(Storm Bringer Contract):
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(Storm Bringer Crew Tattoo):
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(Crew Tryouts Poster):
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spookyblazecoffee · 2 years
More Holloway and Martin family headcannons!!! [They aren't really headcannons if only one of them I didn't make up]
Sexuality and gender cannons!!! [They aren't really headcannons if only one of them I didn't make up]
Ally uses She/Her pronouns, but isn't upset when people she's close to use They/Them as well. (I made her, so it's cannon)
Ally is pan and ace, and is dating Lori. She's also agender. (I made her, so it's cannon.)
Billie is a lesbian and genderfluid, she uses any pronouns. (I made them, so it's cannon)
William is straight and cisgender, he uses He/Him pronouns and supports his queer family members.
Jolene is a omnisexual transwoman and uses She/They pronouns. (I made her, so it's cannon)
Robert is bisexual and cisgender, he uses He/Him pronouns. (I made him, so it's cannon)
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covenunited · 2 years
(Don’t mind me, just listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack and thinking about how Jolene and Katie Lynne get together once a month for a double feature of both movies (singalong versions!), complete with wine, popcorn, candy, and the most outrageous disco outfits they can find. Jett usually gets dragged into it, too. You’re all welcome for this mental image~ 😘😈)
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vyrulent · 10 months
this is a multimuse roleplay blog with muses that i’ve rp’d from over the years. due to working a full time salaried job, i am a primarily queue based blog. i’m 30+ and have been rping since like 2014/15.
i'm foxxy. she/her. selective. no discord available.
( rules ) ( memes )
muse list beneath the cut:
Chloe Decker ( Lucifer ) Ebenezer Scrooge ( OUaT ) Frederick Chilton ( Hannibal ) Hadley Rockefeller ( TWD ) Jack Frost/Snow Miser ( OUaT ) Jolene July ( NOS4A2 ) Lisa-Marie Andrews ( TWD ) Russell Edgington ( True Blood ) Santiago ( Interview with the Vampire ) Simone Grove ( Why Women Kill )
Aleera de la Fuente ( Van Helsing ) Abigail Samuels ( IT deleted scene ) Amy Peterson ( Fright Night mythos ) Anna Valerious ( Van Helsing ) Ariel Triton ( The Little Mermaid ) Damien Thorn ( The Omen mythos ) Deacon Frost ( Blade mythos ) Harper-Lee Smith ( Texas Chainsaw Massacre mythos ) Kristof Lazar ( Abigail ) Lawrence Talbot ( The Wolf Man mythos ) ( HIATUS ) Lena Dupree ( Scooby Doo on Zombie Island ) Lydia Deetz ( Beetlejuice ) Sibella Dracula ( Scooby Doo & the Ghoul School ) Simone Lenoir ( Scooby Doo on Zombie Island ) Tiana Broussard ( The Princess & the Frog ) Winnie Talbot ( Scooby Doo & the Ghoul School )
Amber Davies ( Wolf Creek: Desolation Game ) Hades ( Greek mythos ) ( very low activity -- ask interaction only ) Jack Seward ( Dracula ) Lucy Westenra ( Dracula ) Micah Nicolescu/The Big Bad Wolf (The Company of Wolves/Little Red Riding Hood) Minthe ( Greek mythos ) Psyche ( Greek mythos ) Virginia Dare ( Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter & The Last American Vampire ) Zeus ( Greek mythos ) ( very low activity -- ask interaction only )
Anita Bergese
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