Alright, here's some random questions for you: When the pandemic is over one day, what would be the first thing you wanna see at a theatre if you could just make anything happen? What's a ship you ship that you've never seen anyone else ship? Are you good at geography? First fandom you've ever written fanfic for? What's a black sails headcanon with 0 canon basis that you just believe in?
ooooh this is a good one!!! i’ve seen posters for really cool contemporary dance stuff in the last few months, one about the fear of intimacy, another about aging I think?? and I assume they had to be cancelled or postponed and I would love to see one of those, or anything like it. And also!! There was this absolutely wild production of “Le Nozze di Figaro” at my local theatre and it was SOOOOO GOOD and high key gender, and I was planning on seeing it a second time, but then. you know. if i could make anything at all happen, then i’d probably want to see the Swedish Jesus Christ Superstar tour production live!!!
hmm. I usually drag other people into my ships the second I think of them so idk?? One of my rarepairs is Oliver Wood/Percy Weasley, but other people do that, too. In Supernatural, I ship Donna and Jody, and I weirdly don’t see the fandom talk about them as a ship, ever?? When they literally raise a bunch of teenage daughters together?? and they’re just so sweet together??? (sometimes i wonder if it’s ageism or fatphobia or the fact that they’re not conveniently attractive dudes. idk) Speaking of “not conveniently attractive dudes” - considering that Tatort has a pretty active fandom, I still think it’s upsetting how little people actually care about my Tatort Göttingen ladies. I mean??? They’re HOT they’re BADASS they’re MILFS they have such great chemistry and people continue shipping the bland white men. Weird.
I SUCK at it. In the sense of, I don’t have the first clue where everything is and what places and rivers and mountains and stuff are called. then again I’ll have weirdly specific tiny islands of knowledge on like. south German sandstone or the Rhine rectification or whatever, things that interested me when I came across them and that kinda stuck for some reason. this is especially funny because my father was a geography teacher, so it wasn’t for lack of opportunities, I just really suck at it 😅
first fandoms:
the one I’ve first written for, even before I knew what fanfic was, was........ the German telenovela Verliebt in Berlin (our own version of Ugly Betty). I was 12, I was barely on the internet, I just wrote them for my friend and we called them “theos” (short for theories, because it was mostly about how we thought it would end). When I first got properly introduced to fanfic, I wrote Harry Potter stuff. Draco/Harry and other gay ships. so. yeah. pretty cringe, if you believe in cringe culture (I don’t^^)
black sails hcs:
probably that Billy is ace?? tbh I can find justification for that in the show, so it’s not zero basis in canon, but you probably gotta have ace brain to see it xD 
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ryanbergara · 5 years
when u realise we’re gonna have new bfu content AND more watcher content
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fandomsandfeminism · 6 years
I'm curious because you actually have sensible opinions on parenting: Is there any evidence to show that exposing kids to swear words/letting them say them is harmful? I never understood the obsession, especially in America, with keeping kids and teens from using bad words
I think it comes down to a politeness thing? Like, kids don’t have a great grasp of what contexts curing is and isn’t ok yet?
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hey I just wanted to thank you for making me listen to Bat Boy with your incredible art (which I literally love more than words can describe. I've never seen someone capture the essence of something like this, I'm absolutely enamoured, with all your art, but rn specifically the bat boy art, I just wanna see your Will Roland-based character design for Edgar animated or something) I'm now super into it and can't get enough of it!!!
oh shit i’m glad to hear it lmao out here like “hey, will roland really likes this weird niche musical he did once so i looked into it and then got into it” and advertising it w/ drawings b/c like, his Look in this one sacred video we have of comfort & joy (which fucks) is amazingly fun. fangs / ears / hair = i wanna draw that
here he is Aglow
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like it’s kinda wild how to talk about What This Show Is Like b/c it’s really like, Such a mashup in like, themes and genre and musical styles.....this weird classic-classic-sci-fi nigh-magical-realism greek-tragedy-esque rock musical, where you listen to some songs and go “this is strange but in a fun way and these slap” and then inevitably we all go what! what!! w  h a t ! ! ! but then you go okay well then, and before you know it you’re beyond the weirdness trappings and accidentally invested in the earnestness you can find all in the midst of it
it’s cool my drawings are advertising lmao i really like, love the Design there natch, and truly the idea of this kid really just being a bat for 1/3 of the play is also really like, okay, how would a bat child they found in a cave like, move around?? that part sounds fun, being in strange positions and physically navigating environments and situations in an unusual manner. i’d like to crawl around lmao my forte......and so yeah it’s fun to draw him in that way too. actually just the other day i had that Drawing Concept, him in a weird Crouch Slouch. and animation would go exactly with all this “What’s A Human-Shaped Bat’s Movement” imagining.....god i wish that were me* (*being good enough at basic concepts of animation to do this half effectively)
anyways yeah i’m real glad we’re out here having fun and being ourselves....you go to look into what the hell will roland keeps talking about and then at some point later you realize now you’re just genuinely into it too, thanks a lot will
but it IS good lmao so why not. Oh To Have More Videos Of Will Performing This Role
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rainbowravioli · 6 years
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your icon is really cute! Have a great day!
Awwww thank you! That’s so sweet! I hope you have a great day too! 
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jokerchenisdifferent replied to your post: .
wait what are you doing
rip m8 did u think i was off hoeing for $£ cos i wish lmao
nah, just needed a ride home. it’s late and cold.
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1989nihil · 7 years
@jokerchenisdifferent replied to your post:
lmao welcome to the night shift. Das passiert den Besten
joa... passiert mir aber öfters als mir ehrlich gesagt lieb is >_<
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shi1498912 · 7 years
@jokerchenisdifferent repiled to your post:
lmao I love your crossed out comment because honestly I see way too many people completely misunderstanding the point of CinemaSins on this site.
Considering not even the peeps over at youtube could ever be bothered to watch Everything Wrong With CinemaSins video by CinemaSins, I felt it necessary to add that bit. It’s tumblr we are talking about after all. But genrally speaking: I am observing that people are becomming more and more offended at even the most minuscule of things just for the sake of being offended. And all the hate the CinemaSins guys get - I mean it’s reached a point where there are channels solely dedicated to shit on CS, one even called CinemaWins in an hopeless attempt to be an anti-thesis - is one of the most prominent examples of that. I mean, what ever happened to “Don’t like? Don’t watch/read/ect.”?
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crobones · 7 years
you're the only person I know that watches both GMM and One Day At A Time (btw thanks for getting me into the show!) so I have to ask you about your thoughts on this: Schneider looks exactly like a tall, buff Link
also tan, but i can see what yer talkin’ bout
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Yellow, coral, lavender
BIG 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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ryanbergara · 5 years
How does Watcher Weekly have the most chaotic energy. I just started the latest one and it's already so wild. Shane just vibin with a headband and a pen in his hair, Steven with a new hair colour and matching floral jacket, Ryan literally looking like a Ryan Bergara impersonator who'd win a Ryan Bergara lookalike contest against him... And I'm only like 2 minutes in.
Watcher Weekly is just the gift that keeps on giving truly
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winstonthequant · 5 years
Here are a couple audio clips of the potential Will character "Gar"/"Gaar"/"Garr" (an Ohnaka Transport Solutions Crew Member) from the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run queue. Again, neither confirmation nor anything otherwise has been made about this VO work so take this with a grain of salt.
It would be pretty dope if it were true though!
UPDATE: Looked through some new videos and guess what? THERE'S MORE! Also, thanks to @jokerchenisdifferent for a couple of these new snippets!
x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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jokerchenisdifferent replied to your photo: @jokerchenisdifferent totally!! if i think of...
Yes I love watching Iconis and Family videos for that specific reason too! And Amphibian really turned me into an absolute Will Roland stan, I even put it on my Spotify and everything. Actually took me a bit to recognise everyone I knew in stage cause he’s such a PRESENCE
yeah honestly that performance of amphibian has it allllllllllll.....i mean maybe it doesn’t showcase EVERYTHING he can do since like i was just talking about it’s like, on the opposite end of the spectrum from his more dialed back performances which show off another realm of ability lmao but anyways like. amphibian really blows you out of the water. like who can watch that and not freak out a little bit!!!! cmon!!!! plus yeah like....ever since i heard it i’ve been thinking about jen tepper briefly mentioning the process of discussing bringing will on for bmc 2.0 and how one thing that was talked about was some particular performance of his and how like, everyone else performing with him was kind of rallying around that energy he brought...and obviously it’s not that performance of amphibian from months after the 2.0 run lmao but i like to imagine it’s something that went very similarly. like, you can see other singers reacting directly to what will’s doing and having fun because of that, and That’s Beautiful. 
it’s also funny because i nearly forget what the actual original song is like in the show lmao......this little act 2 opening sorta-duet that bops around lol......and that’s not any worse cuz both versions are great but jeez!!!!! THAT performance of amphibian!!! man i’m linking it here in case anybody doesn’t know e x a c t l y what we’re talking about cuz if you Know you KNOW
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forestlion · 4 years
10 people, 10 songs
ty for tagging me @ichbineinlesbisch
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. then tag 10 people! no skipping!
1. Lemon - Kenshi Yonezu
2. Maria Magdalena - Sandra
3. Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush
4. Blue (I'm Blue Da ba dee) - Cruise Control........
5. Sympathie - Herr Tischbein
6. Skinny Love - Gavin Mikhail
7. It's my party - Leslie Gore
8. Africa - Toto
9. Halleluja - Das Gezeichnete Ich
10. Soul Wars - AWOLNATION
Not much to say about this except... none of these songs are out of character at all. I mean, ofc they're not, they're in my favorites playlist lmao
I tag @agardenintheshire @saintssebastian @whenwinterfell @jokerchenisdifferent @bicoin @aenigmae @superhero-sappho
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17 questions
Got tagged by @navy-matte and decided to make a new post since that one was kinda long
nickname: Banana sometimes by my family but otherwise, I don’t rly have one zodiac: scorp height: 5’5” hogwarts house: Ravenclaw last thing I googled: this meme I saw in a video to send to my friend b/c I thought they would relate/find it funny
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song stuck in my head: I don’t actually have one for once! most recently it was uhhhh that one tiktok where a person is singing “even when I’m femme I’m still a them” to the tune of ‘if you’re happy and you know it’ number of followers: I had to check and apparently we’re up to 891 which is wild, even with the assumption that half are probably deactivated or abandoned blogs by now. amount of sleep: 8 or 9 is like living my best life but 7 is acceptable lucky number: 37 dream job: I love working in a museum but just not the one I’m at currently. Would love somewhere I can really share like all of my feelings about history or art or both with people. That or like, just not having one tbh? Like honestly my ideal job is not having a job and being able to pursue my interests or make art or whatever wearing: a t-shirt that says ‘flux’ and gray pj pants favorite author: Terry Pratchett favorite instrument: theremin aesthetic: 60s/70s colors/patterns, 20s/30s design, murder mysteries, retrofuture, oversized stuff so u feel like a borrower, aziraphale but femme, my friend described me as “formica academic” which is pretty accurate favorite song: Ever?? man idk. Probably something by Hozier or the Decemberists rn but I couldn’t actually say. Used to be Love Minus Zero/No Limit but not rly anymore tho I still like that favorite animal noise: uhhhhh idk, my dog snores sometimes and that is v cute random: I’ve got nothing so will use this space to tell y’all my brother’s band has an album coming out in January so you should check that out. They’re called The Pilgrimage. 
tagging @folksongsandfairytales, @jokerchenisdifferent, @roller-rink-haruno, & @oozingego if y’all want to do this <3
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jokerchenisdifferent replied to your post: wtf is anyone’s queue post lineup and frequency...
it’s just adapting to your blogging style lmao
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Tea. Spilt.
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