nightfurmoon · 5 years
So you probably know this!! Did Alan actually say there isn't gonna be ships in the series? Bc I can't speak for anyone else, but ships aren't my thing and I'd just love me some wholesome villain content without worrying about romances... what do you think?
No actual ships, not between the main characters at least. Demencia only loves Black Hat, Black Hat loves nobody but himself, and Flug finds love disgusting, the only exception is 505. And of course, nobody dare ship 505 with anything that isn’t happiness.
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chikuto · 5 years
Can I ask how you're doin? You don't have to share anything, I just hope you're feeling okay and taking care of yourself 💚
It’s been rough, since my brother’s death I spend most time in bed being numb. The numbness is wearing off and I’m getting more emotional, but the funeral is in a few days and I’m hoping that it will be something of a threshold to cross.
This is the second sibling I’ve lost, but under very different circumstances, so dealing with a brand new type of grief is overwhelming. I am recieving a lot of support from my family and friends, as well as lovely messages from my followers online, and I appreciate it all in this tough time. 
I’ll be back and drawing comics soon
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Heya! I love your work, and congrats on your book being printed!! I have to admit, though, I really don't know anything about Christian/Marlow, could you explain this/these characters? I'm sorry if you have before, I just couldn't find anything and figured it'd be easiest to ask. ^^' Have a good day
marlow is a sweetheart! kind of a dumb thot. his name used to be christian, and he was pretty adventurous, hard, good at scraping by living on the street... until his whumper Sir captured him, and conditioned him for five years to be sweet and pretty and utterly complacent. marlow’s not with Sir anymore, he’s free, but he struggles to have literally any grasp on serious things and trauma stuff. he’s just so dumb. will cry if he gets his outfit dirty, obsesses over his looks and how well he can attract men, and has no idea just how very traumatized he is.
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kiki-kit · 7 years
Hi! So I saw those YouTube music videos made with your Gravity Falls art and I wanted to find them on your tumblr but can't, and I was wondering if you have a tag for your art? I love your Gravity Falls stuff so much. Thank you c:
yup i do! my art tag is kiki kit and the comics are all tagged lyric comic :D
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gfdeepwoods · 7 years
Hello! So, I'm new to the GF fandom and have finished the show, and I came across this very professional looking page. Could you explain what it is exactly? It looks like a fan series based off the original, is that right? I'm very curious. Thank you!
That’s right! Gravity Falls: Deep Woods is a fanmade continuation to Gravity Falls, and in this project we’re producing black and white animatics that are about 20 minutes in length each, about the same as the episodes from the show.We intent to take our story into the next summer too, where it will have an overarching storyline, but our first 3 episodes will be anthology pieces set inbetween episodes of the original summer.(Spoiler alert, we have already finished scripts for the three anthology episodes and are currently working out episodes for the next summer season)Right now though, we are only nearing the end of the first episode’s production, though we will start on episode 2 very soon!
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Whump Prompt #182
Submitted by @jojopretzel - thanks!
Character A and B have been kidnapped together. (It can be for whatever reasons – manual labour, ransom, interrogation, etc.) They don’t get to see each other terribly often, but when they do, it always seems to be through worse and worse circumstances. However, A doesn’t realise that B has been treated much worse than A, who seems to be rather favoured. B has gotten to the point where they won’t speak and can barely move about, they’re so exhausted, and A is getting more and more worried. After going quite a while without seeing each other, A finally gets to check up on B again, only to find B is in the middle of an attempt on their own life. Cue the struggle of Character A as they try to comfort Character B, assuring them that they’ll get back home alive and that B will survive – they have to survive for the people waiting for them back home.
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jojopretzalt · 3 years
uhhh follow my artfol @ jojopretzel
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nightfurmoon · 6 years
I love how in that clip with all the villains, there are SO many personalities that you can see from characters we've not even met! The thought they put into each little character gives me life
Yes!!! I appreciate this a lot! You can see how hard the crew works and how much love they put into what they do ;v;
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Ahh okay. So. I found your page via Lux's whump and-- hoooly heck it is... It's good. I sound so sadistic rn, but Lux honestly just hits me right in the feels every single time, his stuff gives me ALL the whumperflies! There are some whump things that just get me and he is.. The embodiment of them?? You're just a gem of a writer and I can't wait to read more, and sorry for the like spams I'll chill now! 💚
i’m so glad you enjoy it!!! i love whumping lux! i wasn’t even into like, slender scared traumatized characters until i made lux, i have no idea how i ended up here but i wouldn’t have it any other way! cheers to whumperflies!
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nightfurmoon · 6 years
Heya! I hopped on your Tumblr just a little bit ago and HOLY COW there's so much Villainous content I had no idea even existed?? Like I didn't know about all the codes or where to find any content, and finding you seriously made me love the series even more, I absolutely can't wait for it to become a full fledged show! I don't know Spanish so I miss just about everything, so you are a life saver - thank you so much for taking time to translate everything!!
I’m so glad to hear that!! That’s my goal! I don’t mean to sound narcissistic or anything but please share my blog to clueless English ppl! I don’t want anyone missing out on the amazing things this show has D: I want EVERYONE to enjoy and be able to support the show!!
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chikuto · 6 years
I haven't checked your Tumblr out in a while and I wanted to pop in and say that your new theme is super pretty! I might miss the Clockwork theme but the soft purple is so nice to look at~
Well its been the same for sooo long, I figured I’d update it to something brighter and cleaner!
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chikuto · 7 years
Not an ask, just wanna say, I saw a bunch of your Gravity Falls fanart and it made me want to watch the show itself. I burned through it in less than a week and fell in love, solving the mysteries and deciphering the codes, and it's thanks to you! Your art is fantastic, and I hope you get through your art block smoothly because it really is amazing
Aw thank you very much! I’m glad my stuff got some people to start watching it - Gravity Falls was such a great show
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chikuto · 7 years
Hey there, it's been a little while since Tumblr has heard from you so I wanted to see how life's going, and if you're doing well. How's it been treating ya?
At this point I assume that tumblr/twitter/the internets doesn’t really care to hear from me unless it’s a) artwork or b) a Clockwork update! I feel like I have little to offer people besides those two things. 
Life is going eghhhhh-ish? Still a constant 1v1 with depression, everything feels a bit like trying to harvest an entire field of wheat with a pair of tweezers. I still haven’t given up though. I’m eating better and getting out of bed most days, so. That’s an improvement! Fuck depression!
I think I’ll be okay.
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