#johnny slaughter x connie taylor
elizajakkbeth · 1 year
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I love them a lot and I want more content of them so bad ;(
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adaptacy · 1 year
If you want requests for Johnny could you maybe do something with him x connie? Maybe he spares her and they like run away togetjer IDK literally anything with them pls
omg okay so i know a lot of people ship them and i love both of them but i have never really given connie the time of day so i am SO sorry if she is out of character but i will try my best!! i hope you enjoy <3
There was a silenced yelp from the orange-haired girl as a palm clasped over her mouth and she was tugged backwards, her back hitting someone's chest. The arm holding her was alarmingly large, and she tried to pry herself free, but she was shushed.
"Quit wigglin'. I ain't gonna hurt'ya, damn it," the attacker grumbled, pressing his palm harder against her face. Yeah right. She didn't believe a single word of that.
She squirmed more, and her head was tilted backwards, where she found one of the family members looking down at her, his eyes narrowed sternly as he shook his head.
"Quiet down if you wanna live. If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't still be breathin'. Just hold on," he directed, and Connie frowned, but she did as he asked. He had a good point; he hadn't had any issue slicing the throats of Leland or Ana, and she supposed he would've done the same with her if he wanted her dead.
Plus, she didn't have much of a choice. His arm was wrapped around her torso, preventing her from doing anything more than squirming. Connie's breath hitched as he pulled her deeper into the shed, her eyes widening as she saw the shadow of another family member through the holes in the wood.
"C'mon pretty darlin'! Come on out for us!" A female giggled, calling out for the last remaining victim. Connie looked up at the dark-haired man holding her, and he looked back down at her, shaking his head again. Well, right now it seemed like her two choices were to either die by the hands of this guy, or die by the hands of the slightly more psychotic woman outside.
She chose this guy.
And yet, when the footsteps receded and she braced herself for impact- A blunt force to her head, a stab in her gut, a knife to her throat... she felt his hands release her, and she stumbled forward, turning back to look at him.
"What the hell?" She whispered, looking the man up and down.
"I ain't lettin' 'em kill you. Made the mistake once, I ain't makin' it again. Follow me, an' be silent. 'Less you want me to kill you." He looked her up and down, and she shook her head. "Didn't think so. Be silent now."
Connie responded with nothing more than a nod, deciding her best shot was to follow now, and ask questions later.
"I still don't understand," she sighed, sitting criss-cross on a neatly arranged motel bed.
"Shouldn't you just be glad yer still kickin'?" Johnny glanced behind him at the redhead before he returned his attention to the window he was spying out of.
"I don't think they're coming," Connie murmured, picking at her fingernails.
"You don't know that."
"It's been two hours..."
"Listen here, missy." Johnny turned around with a scowl, and Connie stared him down, blinking. He wanted to get onto her, but all he could manage was a question that had been brewing in his mind. "How the hell'd you 'n your friends find us, anyways?"
"We found her car. Your house was the closest sign of life, so Leland and Ana went out one night and saw you taking a girl back. When they didn't see her leave the next day, we assumed it was you guys who took Maria," Connie explained. While she was obviously nervous being in the same room as a murderer who had killed her friends the very same day, what choice did she have but to engage with him?
Connie quite liked living, having a beating heart, and breathing. She chose that over angering this guy any day. "You damn idiots didn't have a clue what you were gettin' into, huh?"
Connie shrugged, and shook her head. "I guess not," she sighed, scooting backwards on the bed and bringing her knees to her chest. "It was so stupid of us. We didn't know what to do. We just wanted to save Maria."
"Guess you learned your lesson," Johnny mumbled, and Connie frowned. Then she scoffed, turning to look at Johnny.
"Seriously? Don't you have any remorse?" She raised her voice, losing sight of her goal to stay alive. Between his cocky attitude and her friends being dead, she was on her last straw. "You killed them. All of them. They were innocent!"
"I did what I had to," Johnny huffed, looking almost disgusted with Connie. "You're lucky I let you go."
"You didn't let me go. You're practically holding me hostage. What the hell do you want with me, anyways?" Connie growled.
"Well, I can't let you go. You'll run 'n tattle to the cops."
"Yeah, obviously. You're a murderer." Connie took in a deep breath and set her chin between her knees. "You should've killed me. Now I'm just gonna be stuck in purgatory with a cannibal."
"Listen, Darlin'-"
"Ew, don't call me that," Connie snapped.
"I am keepin' you safe, in case you didn't notice. I could'a killed ya."
"So why didn't you? Why did I have to be the one you choose to keep around as a pet?"
Johnny sighed, pressing a palm to his face. He tapped his foot, growing impatient with the bratty girl. She had a point, and a reason to be angry, but it was still hell to deal with. It wasn't like he could just tell her that he liked her spirit, that he thought she was cute, that he appreciated her ferocity-- No, this was not the right circumstance for trying to flirt with a girl. Maybe don't kill her friends next time, jackass. "I'm tired'a being the bad guy. Wanted to help someone for once," he lied, not even sounding that sure of himself.
"You didn't save the others. You had a chance to be the good guy. You really fucked that one up," Connie grumbled. "How long do you plan on holding me hostage?"
"I'm not holdin' you hostage."
"So I can leave?"
"Then I'm a hostage," Connie corrected.
"Quit sayin' that, dammit."
"Oh, I'm sorry, do you want me on my knees thanking you for what a hero you've been to me? What's your name again? Johnny?" Connie frowned, and then cleared her throat. "Oh, thank you, Johnny! Thank you for killing my friends, kidnapping me, and being a sick bastard of a cannibal. You really are my savior."
Johnny sighed, rolling his eyes. She was not the company he was expecting. Not the company he was hoping for. He had gotten himself into this situation, and yet he couldn't bring himself to pity the girl. Not with this attitude of hers. "You make a habit of talkin' back?"
"Only to serial killers."
"Fine. I wanted to save you. You ain't deservin' of the shit that yer friends went through."
"Neither were they!" Connie yelled, her voice cracking. "God damn it," she whined, pulling her knees closer to her chest as she gave away her weakness. Finally, Johnny felt a slight twinge of regret, of sympathy for the girl.
"I'm sorry," Johnny mumbled, stepping towards the girl.
"Saying sorry doesn't bring them back," she whispered, finally breaking as she let out a tense exhale, silently crying into her knees.
"I know. I-" Johnny paused. He had no clue how to reassure or comfort people. He knew how to make them cry, not how to make them stop. He awkwardly shuffled over to the bed, taking a seat on the edge of it. "I could only save one of ya. They would'a got the rest, and you too, if I tried savin' all of 'em."
Connie didn't respond, she just cried, and Johnny rolled his eyes, more so at the frustration of his own incompetence than at the fact that she was crying.
Johnny shuffled closer to her, looking her balled-up frame up and down, trying to figure out what to do. After an awkward moment of silence, he shuffled even closer.
Connie felt arms around her, and she whimpered, giving in to her needs. She leaned against his chest, crying into him, and he, albeit stiffly, hugged her as she did so. "I'm real sorry, darlin'."
Connie still didn't offer any form of a verbal reply, but she did wrap her arms around his stomach as she cried, and Johnny placed his chin on her head. He didn't know what to do, he was simply following what felt natural. And it seemed to be working.
How he was going to make this up to her, he didn't have the slightest clue. But he wanted to try. He really wanted to try.
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beastie-art · 9 months
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"You're all gurgle and no guts, I thought you were tougher than that!"
"I'm tougher than I look!"
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Found this reference on pinterest and thought of them hehehe
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thesawisfamily · 10 months
we are so back
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anaflcres · 5 months
unpopular tcm game opinions? i’ll go first
i don’t like the johnny x leland ship, shippers explain what’s appealing other than them being two attractive guys together.
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devilwearingdior · 1 year
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Maria Flores. Disappeared mysteriously during her photography trip. With no success from the law to find Maria; Ana Flores and her friends take the matter in their own hands and decide to put up their own search party; what they discover will change them forever… But what happened before Maria disappeared? This story will take the reader back to August 1973, 7 months before Maria’s disappearance. Follow the story of Olivia Green, a transfer student from California, and see everything unfold leading to the tragedy from the eyes of a new character.
First chapter will be released soon…
character list Here
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connie-taylor · 1 year
i want to see ana as the final girl so bad. need to see her absolutely kick the shit out of johnny.
i know that they all die in canon as the game takes place prior to the movie, but i can dream.
pls forgive my writing, it's been a long time since i've really dabbled in writing anything and it's 3:30am so i know there is a ton of errors probably but i needed to get this out!
ur a real one if u peep the taylor swift lyric i included too lmao
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"i've got you now, girl."
a moment ago, she was sure she was dead.
terrifingly strong hands had been wrapped around her throat, crushing her airway. she had panicked, her nails scratching desperately at her throat, drawing blood from her attacker. he had laughed loudly, taunting her as her feet kicked against the concrete wall, desperate to find footing. her vision had begun to swim before her eyes, the familiar sting of tears coating her lashes.
ana had let go of johnny's hands in her last moments of consciousness, grabbing blindly at the wall and window ledge behind her. the world had begun to fade to black, and a chill crept slowly across her body. her fingers had grazed something cold - it had stung as she clasped it tight in her hand, but the pain felt miles away. her eyes fluttering shut, she had swung the object as hard as she could in a last second attempt to live. a curse and hiss of pain slipped from johnny's lips, and she felt the brute force on her neck disappear.
ana fell to the floor hard, her knees buckling beneath her as she inhaled raggedly. gasping, the world around her spun, and dizziness threatened to send her fully to the ground. but the sound of johnny to her left sent adrenaline coursing through her. she rose on shaking feet, her vision clearing slowly.
johnny was on the ground in front of her, blood pooling from the side of his neck as his hands tried unsuccessfully to stop the bleeding. he was swearing and grunting in pain, trying to get to his feet when he saw her stand.
she was faster.
ana lunged at him, grabbing the knife he had terrorized her and her friends with for days from the ground beside him before he could properly sit up. she slammed into him, the knife sliding cleanly through his shoulder as he howled in pain. his hands flew from his neck onto her shoulders, trying to shove her back, but she ripped the knife free and swung again. the skin on his hand split open, a violent red crevice marred the calloused skin.
johnny's right hand grasped at the left, gasping in pain as the knife plunged into his forearm once, twice. ana rammed the blade back against his chest once more, the blow knocking the man backward, his head slamming down onto the cold floor of the slaughterhouse with a sickening crack. she didn't stop. her mind was clouded with the acts of cruelty she had seen him inflict on her friends.
the piercing shrieks from julie, bound at the wrists, hung from the basement rafters, as the group helplessly watched johnny circle her like prey, the blade of his knife dragging across her skin slowly.
the enraged curses from danny, spit and blood spewing from him lips as he swung, held up by thick rope tied around his hands as johnny slashed at his arms, his chest, his back.
the pleading whimpers from connie, arms and feet tied behind her back on the floor, as she begged him not to beat her anymore. the sickening thud of his boots meeting her back, her torso, the nauseating snap of her ribs fracturing.
the quiet cries of sonny who tried to keep his fear and pain hidden as he curled up in the corner of the room, arms wrapped tight as he tried to self sooth, blood oozing from a wound on his thigh.
the furious threats leland had spat at johnny the entire time, and the pained sobs as johnny beat him and drove his knife deep into his shoulder.
johnny had hurt her as well. her skin showed the signs of abuse - bruises bloomed across her skin, wounds scabbed over, some still trickling blood, and her entire body ached. despite this, her pain was the furthest thing from her mind. of course, she was angry at him for hurting her, but he had hurt her friends and her sister, and that was more than enough reason to want him dead.
ana straddled his torso and drove the knife downward as quickly as she could, in between his ribs. johnny moaned in pain, blood bubbling out of his mouth as he coughed, staring at the knife in surprise. she threw her arm back and brought the knife down again and again and again. he choked on his own blood. it coated his lips and teeth as he managed a sneer up at her. he looked almost impressed.
he spit to the side, thick red blood splattered onto the floor beside him as he turned his eyes back to her. a wet, raspy chuckle came from him as he watched her raise her blood-soaked arm again.
"sure you wanna go through with this? once you watch someone die, you ain't never the same after that," he mused, coughing again, a rattle of phlegm and blood spewing from his lips. ana's chest clenched tight as his words, a white hot burst of rage flashing before her eyes.
"like you said...family first, asshole!"
coated in dirt and bruises, her face and hair damp with blood (her own? her friends? johnnys?), she knew it had to be this way. her brown eyes were wild with hatred as she shrieked, plunging the knife down one final time. she forced it down into his chest with all the strength she could muster. she was small, but the grief and fury fueled her, and she twisted the knife, putting her entire weight onto the handle, as she raised herself up on her knees. johnny inhaled sharply once, his hands raised as if to pull the knife away before they collapsed at his side. his gutteral sounds stopped with a final, deep exhale. his head lulled to the side, and the life drained from his eyes.
ana watched, her chest rising and falling as she panted, exhausted by the exertion and the pain. she felt something well up deep inside of her when she realized he was gone. she cried out - wasn't this what she wanted, to take the life of the man who lured her sister to her demise, the man who tortured and hurt her friends? she knew that it was, yet her pain remained. her heart was broken, the despair so strong she felt it physically. she didn't know if anyone else was alive, they had been separated after the first few days, and she hadn't seen them since they broke out of the basement at the house - the last she had heard was her friends fighting with the monsters who had held them captive as johnny had chased her from the home.
her stomach lurched as she shakily stood, coughing up bile and stomach acid as she staggered away from johnny's body. she wiped her mouth with the back of her arm, only to feel warmth on her lips. she glanced down at her trembling hands, and her stomach rolled again. her arm was slick with dark blood, and she quickly used the bottom of her shirt to wipe her mouth clean. the nausea remained, but there was nothing left in her to expel. the family had kept them starving and dehydrated, had weakened them in the basement. ana swallowed the lump in her throat as she stepped out of the sliding metal door of the slaughterhouse, into the downpour outside. the rain fell straight down in a heavy torrent, drenching her in seconds. the tear streaks in the blood on her face slowly disappeared as the water washed over her.
numb, her vision blurred with rain and her tears as she stumbled down the concrete steps. as her feet touched the ground, she collapsed into the mud, a sob wrenched from her chest. the dirt around her became tinged red in seconds as the blood ran off of her body. she felt a hot burning deep within her chest, as if she held an inferno inside of her. the reality out here was far too cruel to handle on her own. she felt as though she were dying. her hand clutched at her chest as she sobbed, her head lowered, wet hair obscuring the horrific landscape around her. her lip quivered, and she suddenly felt so small and so alone - this had been all her fault.
it's all your fault, ana.
her mind betrayed her, and the guilt slammed into her as she knelt in the mud, curled up, small, like a wounded animal. maria had already been gone for so long. why hadn't she gone to look for her sooner? why had she held on to any hope of finding her alive, finding her safe, somehow tucked away with a friend she made while taking photos? how stupid she felt. how did she let any of this happen? all she wanted was to find maria, to bring her home and back to the people who loved her.
instead, selfishly, she had led her friends straight into the hands of the devil.
it was as if a dam broke inside her. everything she had held in - for her mother, for herself, for her friends - since maria disappeared was ripped out of her. the reality came crashing down as she struggled to inhale, only to be met almost painfully with gasping, suffocating sobs. it was all too much. she wasn't strong enough for this. she was barely eighteen, still felt like a child. her fingers grasped at her chest as if she were attempting to tear her misery out from inside. throat raw, her battered body shuddered with each violent wail, drowned out by the sheet of rain that fell around her.
lost in insurmountable grief, she barely heard the cry of relief or the soft, uneven footsteps that approached her. barely felt the gentle hand on her exposed shoulder. faintly, ana heard worried murmurs and pained, labored breathing. she felt a million miles away from herself, hidden away in a dark corner in the back of her mind. as if she were watching a film through her own eyes. she vaguely registered the feeling of strong, wide arms wrapping around her in a warm, reassuring embrace.
her initial panic at the contact dimmed as the blood rushing in her ears began to slow, her head lifting as she squinted through the rain. several figures surrounded her, some leaned on each other, some stood alone, and two kneeled down in front of her. she couldn't focus, couldn't make out what was being said to her. the words ran together into an unintelligible mumble, but the voice was familiar, gentle, comforting. ana tried to reply, her throat hoarse, her mouth far too dry to form words. she licked her cracked lips and tried to speak again. the voices told her to save her energy, asked if she could stand. the one on her left said they thought they could carry her. she knew those voices anywhere. she blinked away the rain and tears desperate to see them, and let out another sob, this time of relief and happiness, as their faces swam into view.
her friends were alive... but what was left of them?
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xxcocothekillerxx · 11 months
Behind Locked Doors
Pairing: Johnny slaughter x FemReader
Summary: Y/N recently moved into a somewhat small town, Newt, In Texas with her father. Y/N's father thought this would be a good opportunity for them, since things got rough back in California. Little do they know the trouble that awaited them..
Warning: This series will contain 18+ content & material! NSFW situations and possibly TRIGGERING topics such as- Depression, stalking, blood & gore, manipulation, mention of kidnapping and small amounts of self-harm, such as scars/cuts.
{{ Please proceed with care if you're sensitive to ANY of these topics }}
Author's Note: This is my first time really writing NSFW stories / stories in general. Tips and tricks on how to improve my writing and overall layout are welcome, though keep it respectful please. Other than that please enjoy! 💋
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CHAPTER 3: The Sunflower field
'The sun is warm and delicate as it hits your face, the cool air tickles at your skin as you lay there and your eyes flutter open. The blue sky greeting your (color) eyes and the puffy clouds slowly drifting by, song birds chirp as you lay there in the dirt and sunflowers surround you as they loom overhead. The scent of the sunflowers and fresh dirt, with a hint of cow manure, filled your nose as you gently gripped the dirt in your palms, your eyes started to slowly look around and as you did so small soft grunts and groans escaped your throat as you began to sit up. Your head felt foggy and dizzy as you sat up, your face flushed a light shade of pink as your naked body was exposed to the wind and yet you felt concealed within the sunflower field. You crossed your arms to hide your chest as you glanced around the field, only an endless ocean of yellow and an infinite blue sky greeted your eyes. Peace filled your body, a wave of comfort until you heard a loud rumbling pound on the ground behind you and suddenly the sky turned a crimson red, drops of red rain hitting your exposed body, drenching you in blood. The sunflowers started to dye around you as fear engulfed your body, with your eyes wide and the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge as you heard another loud bang of a footstep, you heard the sound of a door creek open as you spinned around trying to find the direction of the sound. Your heart nearly pumping out of your chest as you felt a tight grip on your shoulder that quickly and harshly turned you around and all you saw was a evil grin and dark wild eyes looking down on you, before everything suddenly turned black…' you jolted up in your bed, breaking into a cold sweat, your breathing was fast and quick as you gripped onto your bedsheets. Your father sat next to you with a look of shock and concern.
"Y/N?.. you alright? I heard you start to thrash around when I came up the stairs.." your father explained, his hand gently placed on your shoulder as you sat there trying to calm yourself down. You take a few more deep breaths before you finally calmed yourself and look up at your father, tears filling your eyes as you quickly give your father a tight hug. Your father stayed silent as he stroked your head in a soothing motion and gave you gentle hush's as you quietly sobbed into his chest for the rest of that morning.
Later that evening you sat at the table down in the kitchen, eating your favorite cereal and drinking some orange juice, in your brown turtleneck sweater and brown bell-bottoms fixed up with a white belt,your father watching the local News on the TV. You listened to some of the news, only bits and pieces before one topic caught your ear which quickly made you perk your head up from your cereal bowl. ' ATTENTION: Four local highschool students went missing last night. They were last seen leaving a local roller skating rink, Leland McKinney, Julie Crawford, Connie Taylor, Sonny Williams and Ana Flores. If you have any information about their whereabouts PLEASE contact your local authorities', you almost felt your heart sink to your stomach as you heard their names. You got up so quickly and so fast you felt lightheaded and sick as you ran outside, nearly breaking the door off its hinges as you threw up on the wooden porch. You felt as if the world just hit you over the head with a cruelest joke in the world. Your stomach twisted and curled thinking about it, tears started streaming down your face as your first thought went to Leland and all of your friends, you felt so happy around them and suddenly they were gone. You heard your father quickly run out the door towards you, you felt his arms wrap around you in order to comfort you but you practically felt nothing, you felt numb and cold as you stood there. Seconds felt like hours to you all of a sudden as you gently, yet shakenly, placed yourself down on the porch steps. Your father quickly went inside to grab you water, you looked over across the road at the sunflower field. A shiver trailing down your spine as you watched the petals drift in the wind.
You sat there alone for a while looking at the sunflower field as you drank the water your father had given you, feeling relaxed enough to get up and go inside. So you brought in the cup and looked towards your father, "I'm gonna go for a walk… I'll be back soon I promise" you said wanting to be alone for a while, your voice strained and scratchy from the throw up and crying. Your father reluctantly nodded his head as he understood that you needed your alone time and didn't stop you as you walked back out the door, the dried tears staining your cheeks as you once again stepped outside and headed towards the field across the road.
The sunflower field greeted you as you took a few feet into its embrace, the ocean of yellow and green dancing around you as the flowers bellowed in the wind. You kept walking for a good few minutes before you hit a small clearing, an abandoned old rusty car sitting slightly slanted and surrounded by smaller colorful flowers. Your breathing calmed and slowed as your body relaxed, the fresh air seeping into your lungs as you leaned up against the old car. Pulling out a book from your brown bag that you brought with you, you sat on top of the hood of the car as you flipped through the book to get to the page you last left off on. You sat there reading for awhile before you heard something ruffling within the sunflowers, you jumped slightly as a rabbit quickly hopped passed you. Your breath hitched as the animal darted past you and right back into the field, your focus quickly snapping over to where the rabbit came from as you heard more Rustling. ‘crap..’ you thought as you think it's the predator the rabbit was running from. You kept still, clutching the book close to your face as you peered over it and waited for whatever monster to pop out of the bushes. Nothing came… and you started to relax yourself again, placing the book back into your bag as you lifted yourself off the hood of the car. Walking over to where you heard the movement, you leaned over to look through the tall stems of the sunflowers. As you looked into the flowers, your eyes darted around before your eyes met.. his darken, wild eyes meeting your, that devilish grin peering back at you. You felt your heart race as you quickly backed away from him, however he followed closely in hand, his grin trying to seem friendly as I kept approaching you. “What's the matter Y/N? Not happy to see a familiar face?” he condescendingly as his voice echoed through your ears as he tilted his head at you, desperately trying to look innocent. You felt your back reach the rusty old car again “what are you doing here?!” You yelled, your heart pounding through your chest. Johnny quickly pressed his pointer finger onto your lips, his eyes seemed to darken as his gaze met yours. “Shh~ don't mean no’ harm sunflower~” he whispered, his voice deep and scratchy even slightly harmonic as he whispered, his eyes never leaving yours as he slowly pulled his hand away as he straightened himself. You felt dumbfounded as if you shouldn't be scared and concerned for your safety, your brows furrowed in confusion as you kept your back firmly against the car. “I also went for a walk…my house is that way” Johnny explained almost sarcastically, tilting his head towards the direction he came from. You still felt nervous however you let your guard down slightly as he pulled his pack of cigarettes out and picked out to light it. “Those ain't good for ya know..” you sarcastically spoke, arms now crossed. Johnny didn't seem to care in the slightest as he ignored you and lit one of the cigarettes while placing the pack of cigs back into his pocket, you huffed in annoyance by his rudeness and just sat back onto the hood of the car once again. You reluctantly signed to yourself as you sat there Silently before gently moving over and patted the hood of the car. Johnny's eyes perked up from lighting his cigarette and looked at you in slight confusion, his eyes darting from you to the hood of the car back up to you. “Ya' gonna sit with me at least?” You huffed as you looked at him, Johnny's face turning from focused on his cig to slightly surprised, however he stayed silent.
Your eyebrows raised and eyes widened as you waited for him to either speak or do something. You wanted to talk about last night with him.. how he knew your name, why he was also in the sunflower field, why he creeped in the field next to you. “I don't feel like sittin’..” Johnny protested, focusing back onto his cigarette that sat firmly in between his lips. “Do you mind if you ask ya' something sunflower?” He softly spoke, his demeanor softened as his eyes drifted to you. You felt slightly surprised as you looked at him, yet something about the situation made you feel uneasy and softly said “don't call me sunflower..”. Johnny ignores you completely and faces towards you “Why are you out here?” He questioned as he walked closer, you unconsciously leaned back as he did so but Johnny didn't take notice or simply didn't care as he came within arms length of you and the car.
“Just needed a breather..” the pain in the heart slightly returned as you remembered the news and your friends, your eyes looked towards the ground as you felt a frog in your throat. You felt Johnny's eyes on you which made you look back up to him, his face almost unamused and blank of any expression that you could tell as you stood there. Suddenly his demeanor changed from not carrying to giving a reluctant sign as he shut his eyes, a groan of annoyance soon followed as he drew his head back and combing his hair back with his hand, you questioned his actions with a slight eyebrow raise before it decided to speak. “...wanna’ talk about it sunflower?” He seemed almost hesitant as he leaned against the hood of the car, his back facing towards you but you could still see the side of his face as his side eyes you from over his shoulder. You felt your body strangely relax as you watched him, everything about him felt off, you couldn't tell what he was thinking of feeling and yet he seemed calm.
“Some friends went missin’…”. You rubbed your arm as you felt the pain in your heart grow, Johnny's eyes slightly widened from what you said, although you could tell what emotion he was expressing as you felt his demeanor darken as he stayed silent. He almost seemed as if he was hiding something from you but you couldn't honestly tell as your eyes drifted away from Johnny and back over to the sea of yellow that surrounded you, you felt his stare on you once again however you didn't care to re-meet his gaze as you hugged your knees close to your chest and continued to look at the ocean of sunflowers. Johnny's weight shifted off the hood of the car and you could see him from the side of your eye move to being in front of you, your gaze slowly drifted over to him and up to his eyes. His expression hadn't changed however he did reach his hand out towards you, you looked at him confused until you saw his expression soften and a soft sign parted his lips, “want to head into town with me?..” he spoke somewhat softly, his hand still out for you to take. You still felt uneasy about him, although being in a town with a bunch of eyes probably wouldn't hurt so you took his hand, they felt rough and yet soft at the same time as his grip became slightly tighter around your hand as he helped pull you off the hood of the car. You felt insane for taking this stranger's hand but something about him made you feel at ease almost as Johnny led you to an edge of the sunflower field, a dirt road leading to a farm looking house on one end of it, you could tell its white paint was slowly peeling off. Johnny quickly blocked the view of the house as he pointed down the other way of the road, “towns that way sunflower” he chuckled as you two walked towards town.
You two ended up talking for a little while as you walked, you felt as if you missed judged him as he gave you a small side smile and kept up conversations with you. Soon enough you two ended up back in town and stopped in front of the same and only, roller skating rink where you first met… and where your friends went missing. Johnny quickly noticed your expression change from joyful to sad as he gently placed his hand onto your shoulder trying to comfort you, you took a deep breath to calm yourself. ‘I'll find’em soon enough…’ you thought to yourself, as now you wanted to enjoy yourself. Johnny's face gave a smile before walking into the rink with you by his side, you felt yourself stare at Johnny and wondered why he was doing this for ya. Johnny and you walked in and were greeted with the same boy from before with the most dead face you could imagine, you honestly still felt bad for the kid before he spoke, “Welcome to RollerSkate Jinx, let our-'' the boy was suddenly cut off by Johnny slamming a few bucks onto the counter, his face showing his uninterest. The boys just shrugged and took the money before walking to the back, Johnny let you grab some skates before you and him walked over to a table and sat down across from him. You looked at him wondering why he didn't also grab roller shoes, “I don't skate sunflower..” he huffed, as he noticed your confusion. You nodded to yourself before looking around and noticing there's little to no people here, you assumed it's because it was still early in the day. Nonetheless you didn't let it bother you and sat there for a while talking to Johnny.
Few hours pass and you and Johnny are talking and laughing together, standing at one of the claw machines. You felt frustrated trying to get your hands on one of the teddy bears, it's fluffy brown body with a satin red bow tie and black little beady eyes almost mocking you as you try and get it, Johnny standing next to you with his arms crossed and an honestly concerned look on his face as he watched you spend nearly all your quarters on this dumb game. You crossed your fingers as you put your last quarter into the machine, the claw roaring to life and the bright rainbow colors flashing in patterns in your eyes. Determination written on your face as you gripped onto the joystick of the machine and finger hovering anxiously over the button, Johnny watched in amusement and chuckled to himself.
(Arthur side note: we're just gonna pretend Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking came out 11yrs earlier, to me the song sits well with what I was imagining but you can also play any song… anyways!)
‘Cheri Cheri Lady’ started to play over the speakers, you where too focused on getting the teddy bear that you didn't hear Johnny come up behind you and lean over you to place his arms on either side of you and his head on one side of your head, he barely made a sound as his hand gently made their way onto yours. Shyness and slightnervousness filled you as your eyes grew wide and your face quickly flushed red as Johnny helped you move the stick to the correct position, his hot breath gently hitting the back of your neck as his focus was on your hands and the bear you were trying to get. You felt overwhelmed by his actions and his words of encouragement, “I got you sunflower” he gently whispered into your ear, his grip on your hands tightened as he made your finger pressed the red bottom slowly. Your shyness quickly turned in excitement as you watch the claw pick up the teddy bear, Johnny stepped away as you eagerly awaited the teddy. You heard Johnny chuckle to himself as you quickly grab the teddy bear from behind the flap of the machine, jumping up with excitement and joy as you hugged the teddy bear close to you. “I DID IT!” you yelled at you you practically shove the teddy bear into Johnny's face, Johnny only laughed and patted your shoulder. You two kept talking for a little while longer before you ended up leaving the roller rink and we're walking down the sidewalk back to your house, you noticed a familiar face as you two walked together, however as he noticed you and thwn johnny.. his face grew an angry expression. Johnny's eyes were focused on you before his eyes traveled to were yours where, you noticed he eyes widen as he gritted his teeth. The old man angryly waddled his way up to the two of you before smacking Johnny clean in the face, “the hell ya’ thinking hanging out with her?!” Drayton spat at Johnny, not giving your presence any mind as he completely ignored you, his focus locked onto johnny like an angry parents. You watched in shock as Johnny quickly sprung back at Drayton, his teeth gritted together so harshly they looked like fangs. “Leave it old man! … I can handle this!” Johnny snapped, yet he held himself back from actually throwing a punch. You unconsciously backed up as to not get in the way of the two, Johnny noticed and only got anger at the old man. His face red hot with rage as he looked into Drayton’s cold dead and expressionless face, the staring contest between the two made you feel uneasy until the old man quickly huffed and walked away quickly before spitting on the ground. Johnny's body relaxed as he watch the old man walk away, his focus still locked on him as he walked away. You gently placed your hand onto his shoulder as to relax him only to be greeted with Johnny snapping towards you with anger written on his face, his teeth gritted and bent into a snarl, his brows furrowed with build up rage and his eyes all seemed to dark as he looked at you like a wild animal. You quickly retracted you hand away from him in fear and backed away from his slightly, putting an arms length of distance between you before his face completely changed. Regret filling his eyes as he looked down at you, his shoulders dropped as his body relaxed and his hand reaches out in a way to say sorry. You only backed up more, confusion and fear in your eyes as your brows furrowed, Johnny sighed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“i'm.. sorry” Johnny spoke, his eyes locked onto the ground where your feet were. You could tell he felt sorry which made you relax somewhat. Johnny shit his eyes before taking a deep breath, he gave you a gentle look and took a step closer to you. It didn't take more then his one step for him you close together as he now was looking down on you, you didn't try to back away as you felt his hand land on your shoulders. He was gentle and calm as he tilted his head, giving you a ‘please forgive’ kind of expression. You signed before you gave him a nod, a smile quickly appearing onto his face. “Thank you sunflower…think I should take ya home now..” he smiled, gentle with his movements and words before turning to walked back to your house with you.
You two finally make it back to your house, your father now on the porch with his arms crossed looking over at you two at the end of the driveway. Johnny gave a wave to your father which made your father somewhat relax before walking inside to wait for you, you could tell your father was somewhat upset with you because you sad you'd only be a few hours and now the sun was starting to set. Johnny quickly, but gently, brought your attention back over to him by gripping onto you chin and lifting it to meet his gaze as he gave you a reassuring smile. “Thanks for hanging out with me sunflower.” He spoke as he backed up from you slightly, you smiled back at him as you nodded. “You're welcome.. should do it again soon” you shyly said, Johnny's face gave you a look of agreement. You stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before you two gave your goodbyes and him telling you to meet him on the dirt road to his house tomorrow, but not to go any further then the tree line. “See ya’ soon sunflower” You simply nodded before walking to the front of your door, however when you turned around to give Johnny one last wave goodbye… he was already gone.
You're father expressed worry about you being gone for so long and nervousness when he saw you with the Johnny boy, you gave him nods as you stayed silent as your mind was wondering about thinking about the day. After a little bit your father kinda gave up on speaking and went back to the couch, you went up to your room and changed into your PJ's and jumped into your bed to lay down. the stary night greeting your eyes as you looked out the window from your bed with a smile, snuggling under the sheets and your started to drift off to sleep.
‘see ya' soon sunflower’ echoing in the back of your head as you fell asleep with a smile staining on your face.
Now we got the ball rolling! Sorry this chapter took a little longer then I wanted to come out! However I hope you enjoy my series so far! Chapter 4 I hope to have out soon! 💋💋💋
Special Thanks and inspiration - @lil-spider 💋❤️
//Chapter 4//
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misfit-kaijuu · 1 year
I you’re still doing requesrs could you draw Connie Taylor x johnny slaughter from the Chaineaw mass game?!
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I don't know a thing about this game or these characters 😭 I started traditional and wanted to finish it at least! I hope it doesn't disgrace
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adaptacy · 1 year
anyways have some 30 second msg edits i made of the tcm crew
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adaptacy · 1 year
30 second edits pt.2
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anaflcres · 11 months
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Born To Die | Sonny Williams
“When I get out of here- No. When we get out of here,”
1/8 character board for my story “Born To Die”, a tcm fan fiction. coming soon.
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thesawisfamily · 11 months
TCMtober Day 12: family x victim
more incorrect tcm
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thesawisfamily · 11 months
some incorrect jonnie quotes
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anaflcres · 11 months
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Born To Die | Connie Taylor
“I’m tougher than I look!”
2/8 character boards for my upcoming tcm fic, “Born To Die”. Coming soon.
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elizajakkbeth · 1 year
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Little something something from @adaptacy ‘s first Connie n Johnny fic xx 🥴
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