#johnny gat kin
shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty Johnny Gat aesthetic: i'm pretty sure that you can, in fact, have too many guns. i saw a video of people who had gun storage built into the headboard and footboard of their bed. those people have too many guns, johnny.
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pyro-the-kin · 1 year
Saints Row - Johnny Gat
A shorter one again
A white man, with a thin build and barely any muscle. Got a bit bigger cause I would invite him to gym.
He was young, younger than us all and barely legal when he joined. I know this because I had to buy him alcohol more than once
He had a forever baby face, round and smooth features with a triangular chin and big greenish eyes.
He tried to grow a beard but only got a chin strap and some patchy mustache.
Had a big mop for hair ,light brown. In some skater boy and early 2010s boysband style.
He had some scars. I played with the idea of him doing that to himself to appear older. Which didn’t really result, he still looked young.
However, he was completely psychotic, gun loving and reckless. So we teamed up a lot and became great friends.
Appearance and Personality:
Looked as in canon
Acted as in canon
Scenes and Events:
One time, we stole a police car and followed some guy, hitting the lights to pull him over. The driver got me closer, I just said something smart and shoot the guy in the face
Car chases with shootings were fun, the Boss drove and I remember pointing the gun behind, and shooting right at the other drivers’ heads, making the cars immediately lose control.
Kinzie was weird. Her intelligence and smarts would sometimes get in the way, but still liked her craziness. Excellent fighter, although she liked explosions a bit too much and I preferred a classic shooting.
Hated Matt so much.
Random scenes:
I honestly don't know what came of me when I entered the plane's cabin, but decided to fuck it up and manage, as I always did (SR III)
I remember these last moments, of pure panic as I got surrounded. For once, I felt I was going to fail. I remember a gun pointed right at my face, and a gunshot. Except that pain never came, and instead there was a strong light, an explosion and my whole body being pulled off. (SR III)
The training simulations with the powers recently acquired were fucking cool, and I loved that rush of energy (SR IV)
~receiving the power of the Halo, it was amazing. Feeling that power course through my whole body, so hot that it almost burned but at the same time filling me with strength and energy. (SR Hell)
In the end, I think I went with choosing a new home for humanity. I tried to haggle a lot with God, asking for stuff like me meeting again with Aisha while the Earth was restored, but he said only one request was allowed. So I choose for mankind and for my friends. I think I’ve realized I had mourned enough, and had to be the bigger guy.
Pretty sure I still got some degree of Hell powers at some level. Not the same stuff, but still had my speed, strength and wings. Which was awesome, as the Boss kept his suit and we did stupid races together.
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emasculates · 1 year
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Ok so about me. I’m JJ, I’m a dude, I’m bi, I’m an uncle.
I don’t know what I like besides guys that are like me in video games. I like having fun and talking and having friends. I’m an uncle to 3, the last one is my favorite. People think I’m annoying as fuck but if I stopped, I’d stop having fun. emos dni
If I had a kin list in 2023 it would look like this:
Johnny Cage - MK
Jacob Frye - AC:S
Ian Malcolm - JP
Steve Harrington - ST
Jesse Mcree - OW
Jimmy Bending - GTARP
Leviathan - oc
With some honorable mentions to these studs
Carlos Oliveira - RE
Johnny Gat - SR
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chromaticselfship · 1 year
hi this is my selfship/cc blog. hopefully i do not abandon this immediately
cube/cube squad
i like boys (gender neutral)
interacts from mikiruma
our current "main" f/o is laszlo 🎨
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everything else under the cut
-aside from the banner. dont follow if u engage in infighting/are an lgbt or disability exclusionist, terf/anti-men, adult selfshipping w minors, under 18/not comfortable with suggestive/adult content, here to start drama, etc
-we dont always bc we usually dont care but sometimes we block ppl who share our more niche f/os. do not take this personally if it happens please we are genuinely mentally ill <3 (serious)
-i will make this blog look nice Eventually. also each guy will b tagged w their emoji
-dont have anything against anyone under 18 interacting with SFW posts, but we prefer minors don't follow. we are adults and we may make jokes and comments we are not comfortable knowingly exposing to minors
also heres everyone we may post about, our relationship & associated kintypes/self inserts
🎨 laszlo robinson, meet the robinsons (romantic || si: alastor)
🌃 tallulah robinson, meet the robinsons (platonic/familial)
🫧 cornelius robinson, meet the robinsons (platonic/comfort)
🏆 homestar runner, homestarrunnerdotcom (romantic/queerplatonic || si: sprackle)
💉 red medic, team fortress 2 (romantic || kin: red engineer)
⚜️ johnny gat, saints row (romantic || si: trip)
🥁 ash, pop'n music (romantic || kin: mzd)
🖤🏅🐂💎💥🔧 mal/svetlana/chester/manitoba/mike/vito, total drama (platonic/comfort/familial)
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not-this-guy · 2 years
are we still talking about bro kins because he kins johnny gat
i'm picturing a 20 something dave trying to explain to a 40 something bro what kins are.
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callingallkin · 7 years
Johnny Gat from Saints Row here. Looking for everyone, mostly the Boss (any Boss, mine was female-aligned but I don't mind finding others), interact with this and I'll get back to you.
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alphaedd · 6 years
ok so i gotta shout to the internet my utterly bizarre experience of how i began kinning the right character at the right moment. somehow. when everything seemed like it was absolutely the worst character to kin at the worst moment possible
what happened was. i got my hands on a saints row game bc a friend was playing it and it seemed very fun. so here i am, sitting with saints row gat out of hell. thinking. “thats gonna be a fcking ride.” and youre probably thinking that as well just by reading this and boy it is.
i softly stare at johnny gat. i just know. i just know that if i play this game. i will fucking kin this guy and there will be no turning back.
me, a tiny boy whos barely 1m50 and not even on t yet, baby faced and scared of hurting insects
(but again i already kin future edd, alpha bro strider and gamzee makara So)
anyway. two days later, first of april. i just decide to Fuck It. and play the god damn game already. and god i have Fun. at 5 fuckin am only i bring myself to stop
i dream of fucking shit purple wings and shooting things immediatly. im Fucked.
but yea anyway i spend one more day just playing the fucking game because thats how youre supposed to spend your 20th birthday apparently. i complete the whole fucking city takeover thing despite how its my god damn first shooting game ever and in general the first time i touch a game in years
next day, today actually. im nervous as fuck bc today was, like, my first day of work. ever. ive never worked before, its my first day. and at a fuckin sewing workshop bc im a lucky asshole who got right off the bat the job i want.
so im having Anxiety™ and then
okay - what do you
“guns are great”
so im sitting here with my thoughs sounding like an incredibly manly man who loves guns for no reason at all. i proceed with getting ready significantly more chillingly because i cant anxiety with That in my head.
i get to the bus stop. im not sure i have the right bus.
“oh man youll have to run if you dont”
i just know. know about. running Right Through the Cars. just like in the fucking video game. and once again i cant anxiety with That in my head
i happen to have the right bus. i feel the embarassing internal dancing.
anyway. fast foward a few minutes, im sitting in front of a god damn sewing machine. i mean its not the first time bc my family got one too (shared between mom-auntie-me) but Come On Thats A Professional Setting Thats Not The Same
more anxiety but then i start the sewing exercises i was given and
“yknow what ? that sounds like a gun. i love it. feels so good”
point being, disaster kin not so disaster and gave me the endless confidence of a fuckboy i have always needed
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thebossisbackintown · 7 years
It's video games day, so we should celebrate Johnny Gat, the best homie.
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hazyaltcare · 3 years
random confession but every now and then im foeced to remember that people actually know my existence. except im not a normal person to them im just a character on a screen. this sounds like it comes from a place of existential crisis but right now its because someone requested specifically me to a yourfaveisadilf account & i thought it was funny + weird at the same time.
-johnny gat fictive (comments/feedback are fine)
As someone who IDs as both Bro Strider kin and as a fictive of Bro Strider, I totally get that feel. I got that same funny + weird feeling when my fictive/kin tl self wound up as the new server icon for Swordbros (popular discord server for Stridercest fans) without them even realizing it was a depiction of me.
It was all sorted out and I let 'em keep using it, but yeah, it's always weird being reminded of things like your own existence (or lack there of). Thanks for sharing.
Mod Haze (🫁Rob)
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gatposting · 4 years
💕  tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
mMNNNN okay. tbh, i have a lot of faves but my fave of the faves is probably like,, either johnny or pierce lmao.
also matt but more bc its fun to poke fun at him lmoa
💔  tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
julius little is just a fucked up and evil keith david lmao
🍀  do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
You would think, right? but like, i don’t rlly have either,,,, gat comes p close to a comfort character but even i’m surprised i havent kinned from saints row yet LMAO
💢  what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
uuuuuuu i dunno sdnfghdn, probably SRIV’s ship cutscenes given theres like 0 screenshot potential like there is in SRTT :(
also maybe they shouldn’t have had the sex noises like they do
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semidormant · 5 years
johnny gat kins be like Who wants me 😜BITCH THE MORGUE
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pedalfuzz · 6 years
2018 Pedal Fuzz Favorites
Contributors from Pedal Fuzz have weighed in on their favorite albums of 2018. there was (thankfully) no shortage of excellent music released this year. We hope you give these artists a listen, a share, and maybe even smash that ‘buy’ button on Bandcamp or at the counter of your local record store.
***note***these are listed in order they were sent to the editor
Dustin K. Britt
Florence + The Machine, HIGH AS HOPE
Gorillaz, THE NOW NOW
Mary Lattimore, HUNDREDS OF DAYS
Neko Case, HELL-ON
Sarah Shook & The Disarmers, YEARS
Troye Sivan, BLOOM
Jon Foster
The Nels Cline 4 – Currents, Constellations – Nels Cline is one of those figures that’s always been on my peripheral. His name has floated around progressive independent music for decades. His association with Wilco didn’t cause me to go through his discography. This record just popped up this year, a little promotion from a devotee helped a lot. Seeing him play at Big Ears this past year solidified my interest.
 Currents, Constellations is fascinating, the interplay between Nels and technical wizard Julian Lage keeps pushing the music forward, sometimes noisy and sometimes jazz freak-out. It’s a perfect gateway record, not all the way jazz and not all the way progressive rock. After listening to the record for a few weeks I ordered the last two Lage records and a couple Cline ones. Julian Lage’s Modern Lore is also on my best of 2018 list.
 Similar Fashion – Portrait Of – I don’t know anything about this band. I don’t know where they come from. I have no context other than a simple post from the producer, John Dietrich of Deerhoof fame. Just that last bit of information caused me to click on the link, a task any music fan can do dozens of times in a day when the music is in front of you all the time. Another Bandcamp link, nah…I’ll pass.
 Thankfully I clicked on the link and heard a record I immediately loved. It was energetic and progressive, a little silly even. How many records reference the TV show, Scandal? One thread going through the record is this quasi-Raymond Scott feel. He’s the guy who wrote a lot of music for Looney Toons, and I love him. Imagine Bugs Bunny chasing Foghorn Leghorn through a forest while a small group of music majors raised on jazz and rock and roll score it. The best songs on the record are full of exuberance and sugared up energy.
  Oh Sees – Smote Reverser – Oh Sees have a lot of records. They might have too many records. Because they have so many records it becomes difficult to get excited about a new one. Although I listen to all of their new records I don’t buy them automatically. I feel like I need to sample them. Recently they’ve been going through this tour of the outer fringes of rock and roll subgenres. You know, last year’s record was the folk record with psychedelic touches. They’ve done the garage record with psychedelic touches. Smote Reverser is their early 70’s hard rock record with psychedelic touches.
 When trying to describe the record, I feel like I have nothing positive to say about it. At the core there’s the usual really loud Dwyer leads over the top of everything. You know they’re coming, they’re always there, it should be an annoying cliché but they sound so good. His tone is delicious. Mix in dueling drums and an interest in letting songs unfold for no particular reason, and it’s a record to fall into.
Palberta – Roach Goin’ Down – This is a punk record. It’s ragged and personal and it feels like it could fall apart at any moment. Sometimes I think the musicians are superb players, while on other songs I feel like it’s the first day of them playing their instruments. The songs are short blasts of postpunk joy that could have been made in 1980.
 While I’m enthralled with this record, and enjoyed them immensely when I saw them live in Raleigh, I worry about them. I worry that this perfect moment will be ruined if they become a little more adept at their instruments. Taking away some of the passion in their playing might neuter their effectiveness. A better scenario might be for them to break up and move onto other things leaving this batch of songs as their only work.
 New Optimism – Amazon to LeFrak – New Optimism is basically Miho Hatori, most notably of Cibo Matto fame. It was a record I didn’t know existed until I started down a random google search hole. It was one of those days where think to yourself, “Oh, I wonder what they’re doing” and then six hours have past. Not setting out to find new music by her and then there it is, was like a wonderful present. Unfortunately it’s only an EP. Unfortunately I haven’t heard anyone talk about the record at all. It came out in July and I worry it’s already buried under mounds of other new releases. Googling Hatori again I realize she has produced a full length record I didn’t know anything about. This last surprise was released in October.
 The music on Amazon to LeFrak is right in line with her work in Cibo Matto and her painfully underrated Ecdysis from 2005. The music is colorful and dancey, vibrant and a little quirky. I hope this flurry of creative continues into the New Year.
Eddie Garcia
In 2018 I listened to and focused on music from films as much or more than straight-up albums. Here are my favorites, they’re all magnificent and worthy of your time.
Favorite Film Scores & Soundtracks
Hereditary - Colin Stetson
Mandy - Jóhann Jóhannsson
Suspiria - Thom Yorke
Black Panther - Kendrick Lamar
You Were Never Really Here - Johnny Greenwood
A Star Is Born - Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper
Vox Lux - Sia / Scott Walker
Revenge - ROB
Kin - Mogwai
Thoroughbreds - Erik Friedlander
Eighth Grade - Anna Meredith
42 Grams - Takénobu
*Honorable mention* Halloween (2018) - John Carpenter. I mean, it was great to hear The Theme loud & revved up/industrialized in a theatre, but not really doing much new here if I’m being honest. Love to John Carpenter forever though!
Favorite Albums
There was much that I ‘liked’ this year in music but less that I ‘loved’ (gonna blame that partially on a shortage of deep listening time). I also had a few instances where live greatly outweighed the record, no matter how much I tried to listen. So rather than list out 40 albums, here are the ones that really affected me, so much so that I even have physical copies of 90% of these.
Sons of Kemet - Your Queen Is A Reptile
Bill Frisell - Music Is
Ohmme - Parts
The Nels Cline 4 - Currents, Constellations
The Messthetics - s/t
Mary Lattimore - Hundreds of Days - Meg Baird & Mary Lattimore - Ghost Forests
Dark Prophet Tongueless Monk - Insides
Yo La Tengo - There’s A Riot Going On
Shane Parish - Child Asleep In The Rain
Low - Double Negative
Marisa Anderson - Cloud Corner
Mind Over Mirrors - Bellowing Sun
Renata Zeiguer - Old Ghost
The Sea And Cake - Any Day
Oh Sees - Smote Reverser
Yonatan Gat - Universalists
Julian Lage - Modern Lore
***I just picked up The Hex by Richard Swift and Mattson 2 Play ‘A Love Supreme’ but as they haven’t gotten a full spin yet I can’t include but they sound mighty fine so far.
Favorite Pop Song
Kimbra - “Top Of the World”
*I don’t really listen to much modern pop music but this song slays and instantly appealed to me the first time I heard it.
Patrick Wall’s Top Ten
Knee Meets Jerk, or: In Which a Semiretired Music Critic and Journalist Offers Brief, Non-Critical and Non-Sequitur Thoughts on His Favorite Music of 2018. Because, Hey, Music Is Personal and Subjective, Right?
*Results listed in alphabetical order and subject to change.
Bad years look better when they’re gone.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt more unstable — professionally, personally, psychologically — in my life than I did in 2018. In the past eighteen months, I've moved twice — from a new home to an old home to very, very far away from home. I bounced from a solid if unexciting job to no job to high-paying but infrequent freelance jobs to steady and cool but low-paying jobs to a high-paying but stressful and wholly unfulfilling job. Commutes went from long car rides to long bike rides and long walks to long train and subway rides. As summer faded to fall and turned to bitter winter, the world just felt increasingly, incontrovertibly, ineffably doomed. New homes didn’t feel as such. Old ones seemed gone, unable to be returned to — no man, Heraclitus mused, can step twice in the same stream.
If things were roiling internally, they weren’t any better externally. The planet is doomed. The authoritarians won. The world got colder. Some of my friends got cancer. Some of them, their cancers came back. Some of my friends got sad. Some of them came to the brink of death. Some of them got help, got better. Some of them didn’t make it through the year, taken either by illness or by their own hands, their voices now silhouettes, never coming back.
All this is to say: I have done far less critical listening this year than in the past. My time is more limited. My tastes are broader and more tolerant now than when I was a quote-unquote critic, but they’re harder to fathom. The things I connected with this year, I don’t know that I could explain why. I don’t know why Cave’s “San’Yago” spoke to me on the same level as Janelle Monae’s “Make Me Feel,” Jeff Parker’s “Blackman,” They Might Be Giants’ “Last Wave,” The Fearless Flyers’ “Ace of Aces,” Superchunk’s “What a Time to Be Alive,” The Messthetics’ “The Inner Ocean,” Fucked Up’s “Normal People.” I don’t know that I can qualify why none of the records those songs were on made the list below, or why I connected with those records in times of existential crisis. (Though, were I to give it some good, critical though, Monae’s Dirty Computer would probably grade out as the best of the year.)
How do we measure out our worst years? What defines them, shapes them? What do we reach for when everything feels bad? What do we reach for when we just need things to get better? The sensitive among us, we to turn art — the gear-minded among us, to music, in particular. But how do we code ourselves to forget, when the music we listened to — the music we connected with the most — brings us back to those places?
If you’re lucky, you get to close that part of yourself off and forget about it. If you’re luckier, you don’t. You recognize those sounds — those emotions — when you hear them again. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to close that part of yourself off and forget about it — but you’ll recognize those sounds when you heard it again. You just need to realize that you were lucky enough to have heard them in the first place.
So here are eleven records released in 2018 that I listened to that I enjoyed more than the other ones I listened to that were released in 2018. These are the records that provided some small comfort, and that will reinforce, in the years to come, that bad years look better when they’re gone. We hope.
Rafiq Bhatia, Breaking English [Anti-]
The Body, I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer [Thrill Jockey]
Khruangbin, Con Todo El Mundo [Dead Oceans]
Julian Lage, Modern Lore [Mack Avenue]
Low, Double Negative [Sub Pop]
Makaya McCraven, Universal Beings [International Anthem]
Mount Eerie, Now Only [P.W. Elverum & Sons]
Ohmme, Parts [Joyful Noise]
Miles Okazaki, Work [self-released]
Tangents, New Bodies [Temporary Residence Limited]
Ryley Walker, Deafman Glance [Dead Oceans]
Patrick Wall is an infrequent contributor to Pedal Fuzz. Sometimes, people pay him to write things. He used to live in North Carolina; he currently lives in Massachusetts. The record he actually listened to the most this year? Psychic Temple’s Plays Music for Airports.
Tom Sowders
 This year I listened to a lot of music that did not come out recently. BUT. I did have some favorites in 2018.
Eric Bachman - No Recover
The National - Cherry Tree Vol. 1
The National - Boxer Live in Brussels
Big Red Machine - S/T
Cat Power - Wanderer
The Love Language - Baby Grand
Shopping - The Official Body
Waxahatchee - Great Thunder
Speedy Ortiz - Twerp Verse
Surfbort - Friendship Music
 Lee Wallace
To make this as absolutely accurate as possible and to allow for any sudden last minute submissions, I am writing this at 8pm on New Year's Eve.
My best of 2018:
Guided By Voices - Space Gun (Rockathon Records). This has already become one of my touch stone GBV albums, in roughly the same status as Mag Earwhig! or Class Clown Spots a UFO or even Vampire on Titus. Fifteen concise psych pop rockers, not a micro second wasted.
Adrian Legg - Live (self release). Adrian is surely one of the two or three best finger style guitarists on this planet, and for nearly forty years he has been traveling and performing solo gigs at house concerts, coffee bars, pubs and anywhere ears will listen.  As wonderful as his playing and composing can be, his arduous fans know that his eloquent, story like song introductions are half of the appeal of seeing him in person. This is perhaps the first time that Legg has released a live album with these stories intact. His ruminations lately have concerned greed, materialism, racism, and the destruction of the environment, all from the perspective of a sagely septaugenarian that has traveled the world many times over, but they are as beautiful as his delicate, astounding guitar playing.
Julia Holter - Aviary (Domino Recording Co.). Holter's third album takes an extraordinary leap from the intelligent chamber pop of her previous work to spooky, other worldly avantgarde. Since so many music reviewers tend to make lazy comparisons to Kate Bush when writing about Holter, imagine if “Lionheart” had jumped straight ahead to “The Dreaming” with 21st century technology. Batshit arrangements and sonic freakouts, lysergic orchestral pile ups that come from outer space, on first listen it all sounds like a mess in places, but hang in there, your brain will thank you.
Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer (Atlantic). Composer/singer/dancer/actress/ time travel enthusiast Monae can be high on concept sometimes but she is even higher on melody, groove and astoundingly great vocal performances. I haven't yet taken the time to dissect what all of this “means” in terms of her commentary about contemporary society and what not, but it sure sounds superb. I suspect that she isn't even close to her peak yet, either.
Lilac Shadows - Brutalism (Diggup Tapes). This Durham, NC quartet has apparently done cassettes and digi downloads before but this is on a bona fide high quality vinyl LP in beautiful packaging. Flavors of “Movement”-era New Order and classic 4AD make this music nerd proud to share some geographical proximity with them. Excellent live band too.
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peachiesnake · 7 years
u think a johnny gat kin exists out there  sometimes i think im the only saints row kin 
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sparatus · 7 years
G M T U Y and V (not including Kin characters)
G: Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
man otp is such a chill term to me at this point..... i guess if i have to set any apart i’d probably define it more along the lines of comfort character in the sense of it makes me feel better when i think about it
and following that definition i think.... i think a bunch of the oc ships i have going with @ardentzer0 fit the bill like lativerse is just such a good escape verse
M:Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
uhhh..... n.... nihlus................. this is unrelated to kin shit i swear nihlus just seems like he’d be a quality friend
T:Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
uh i mean....... saren arterius is autistic and suffering severe ptsd + grieving very unhealthily for his brother, the “turian councilor’s mistress” line from lotsb was a mistranslation there is no mistress only beloved wife, clawball is The™ turian sport of choice, han’gerrel is adhd and bipolar, and the council does in fact believe you about the reapers they just say it was the geth to prevent a panic + don’t let you in on it cause frankly they don’t trust you not to spill the beans shrug emoji
U:Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
ok we’re gonna skip my mass effect faves cause i can’t pick just one lol.......
first one is master chief from halo..... i know ppl give halo a lot of shit but listen. john-117 is a good man. he always does his best and he might not socialize well but he’s gone through some Seriously Fucked-Up Shit and yet he’s just genuinely trying his hardest to do good and help humanity and i love him
second is amaimon from blue exorcist and honestly??? he’s a fucking shithead. he’s terrible. his entire motivation boils down to “i am a terrible person and i want to beat the snot out of you, just to prove i can.” he’s shit. he’s a smartass and a slacker and i love him.
ok third...... johnny gat from saints row, just cause??? he’s johnny motherfucking gat???? he’s an asshole but he’s funny and cool and probably some sort of demigod with how often he gets fatally injured and comes back like it was nothing. plus his love for aisha is so good, so pure, he truly loves her and it’s adorable
Y:What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
destiny, overwatch, black butler, bleach, bendy and the ink machine
V:Which character do you relate to most?
honestly?? jack. her character means So Much to me as a trauma survivor. like obviously my trauma wasn’t nearly as severe as hers, but i look at me2 jack and i see.... me. i see who i used to be, and who i still can be on bad days. she’s angry and vicious and devil-may-care, all of her beliefs revolve around self-preservation at all costs.... me2 jack has been through some rotten fucking shit, and she’s angry about it, and i relate to that very strongly.
and then me3..... god man her arc between 2 and 3 hits home. i started playing mass effect when i was in a pretty dark place in life, and her development in 3 was something i needed to see. in 3 she’s matured and using her trauma to help people, to protect them and fight back by making sure it never happens again. i know some people don’t like that she “settled,” but it means so much to me cause.... there’s hope. me3 jack is a jack who’s learned that there’s still something good in the galaxy, and it’s worth fighting for. there’s hope that people like me, who were heavily traumatized and feel broken inside because of it, can still find a place where they can truly be safe and loved.
basically what i’m saying here is that jack’s character arc is mine, and i’ll defend her tooth and nail.
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thebossisbackintown · 7 years
Sometimes I like to just imagine myself kissing Johnny Gat
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kin-requests-inc · 5 years
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Johnny Gat (Saints Row) Stimboard with purple, silver, black, soap, and sand cutting for Anon!
Sources: ★ ★ ★ | ★ ♥ ★ | ★ ★ ★
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