#john seed/mary jane
jup1ter-moon · 3 months
hello tumblr here is a list of where me and my girlfriend think magnus archives characters would grocery shop (with notes from my dear mother) jonathon sims - doesn't shop (sometimes goes to waitrose specifically for the sourdough rolls) martin - mainly aldi but loves a tesco meal deal sasha - lidl tim - boots or sainsburys gertrude - waitrose elias - refuses to shop and makes peter do it peter - iceland or sometimes heron foods (hate sainsburys because his mum would take him shopping with her as a child) michael shelly - asda gerry - co-op jared hopworth - farm foods (also, he would buy condensed milk in a tin from a corner shop and drink it while walking around. based on some horrors i witnessed from my friends boyfriend) georgie - asda melanie - co-op but she doesn't go shopping without georgie because she ends up getting into fights (she's banned from one stop) daisy - matalan food hall (or just stealing animals directly from farmers fields) basira - heron foods helen richardson - waitrose simon fairchild - costco, specifically the hot dogs mike crew - tesco express jude perry - greggs (she likes putting her hands in the shelves with the hot to go food. once brought agnes there for a date but agnes wanted to sit outside in the wind and so they went home.) oliver banks - sainsburys annabelle cane - costa coffee. for all groceries rosie - co-op (because she has short lunch breaks) or lidl ("when she finally escapes" according to my girlfriend) not!sasha - farm food but she only buys seeds and eats them in store mary - waitrose. she used to shop at asda but thought she was too high class for their self service jurgen leitner - tescos (specifically for the wine) or sometimes greggs if he's feeling brave jane prentiss - co-op or boots (my mum staunchly disagrees with this and i dont know why) john amherst - tesco but only the grimy ones
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"In that decade of butchness diluted and femme reviled, I had two lovers. Well, more than two, but only two who deserved Lover as a title the way Radclyffe Hall called Una Troubridge Wife and Una called Radclyffe (whom she knew as "John") Husband. There were not then and are not now enough words to name what we wanted to do differently, or wanted to do the old fashion way, but queerly, with each other, like John and Una. We were lovers, not wives or husbands, living yet-unnamed relationships that had not fully evolved (though we tried so hard to speed the mired-down process of that evolution).
One lover was a butchette; who can I describe this? A femmey butch, I guess. Remember we didn't talk this way then. Even reading Mary Daly together did not get in the way of our sex life. She was the most opinionated and assertive woman I've ever known, and though she did not fill out her clothes and went shopping the instant the Uniform lost its hegemony, she could lay me on my back more swiftly and skillfully than any woman has since. Though the seeds of my femme sexuality may have lain in abortive Tarzan and Jane scenes, it did not begin to blossom until our games of Sultana and captured princess. My lover oversaw that flowering: My own womanness had frightened me until the night we did Quaaludes, and I arched back off the bed dizzy with the drug and a kind of power I had never relaxed into before, and purred: "I feel like Marilyn Monroe."
To which she replied, hands full of me, "You are Marilyn Monroe."
A truly androgynous dyke could not have said such a thing.
She had committed quite a breach of lesbian-feminist etiquette (as obviously, had I). Marilyn Monroe was a faggot's heroine, not a dyke's. We were not supposed to swoon over or identify with a woman whose femininity was her appeal and then her downfall, though Judy Grahn had already reappropriated Marilyn's thigh bone (by way of a poem) to bash in her enemies' heads: Hubba. Hubba. Hubba. (We didn't know that Grahn, as a butch, was thus privy to a more intimate vision of Marilyn than any self-respecting dyke was supposed to have in those years before it came out that Marilyn had spend the early '50s getting her pussy licked by Lili St. Cyr.)
In celebrating my choice of Marilyn Monroe as spirit guide, my lover allowed my uncomfortable post-girly androgyny to cook away in the crucible of her arms, and to let me reconstitute as a femme woman. It was a very butch thing to do. And it was very brave because she was telling me I had her blessing in stepping off the path of political correctness; she was telling me that the wet truths of sex had our allegiance more fully, more instinctively than the dry truths of lesbian feminism.
I love butch women because no one else would ever have reached into that flannel-clad bundle of inarticulate erotic yearning with a mirror that reflected a sex goddess. I love butch women because no one is quite so deeply affected by femme: I felt my sexual effect for the first time, and grew and grew like Alice in Wonderland drinking her magic potion. I love butch women because it was butch sexual response that gave me my body."
-"Dagger: On Butch Women (Why I Love Butch Women)" by Carol A. Queen, On Butch and Femme: Compiled Readings (I.M. Epstein) (2017)
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inkydavinkygal · 11 months
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Willa Yukimura-McDonald, aka Miss (later Mrs.) Weatherly Chanelle: leader of the Guardeners!
Powers: Can control/manipulate weather from drawing the electromagnetic energy from the Earth's surface, bending elements.
Willa is the youngest/adopted daughter of Old McDonald, who had a fascination with asking impossible questions about the weather and the world around her. She later became a weather reporter in Storybrook.
Her name means "will; desire, and protection."
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Princess Blossom Twinkletoes, aka Flower Power: second in command of the Guardeners!
Powers: Can manipulate plant life by dancing. She can create any type of plant depending if she focuses hard enough or depends on her emotions.
Blossom is one of twelve flowering daughters of a king and queen from "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" who all came from several types of flower seeds and grew in the couple's garden. She becomes a dance teacher.
Her outfit is heavily based on hippies/disco culture. Her name means "flower-like"
She's very sensitive to very cold and hot temperatures and loud noises, among many others. She has hypersesthesia/sensory processing disorder.
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Laurie Mary-Jane Dolittle, also known as Nurse Vetico: member of the Guardeners!
Powers: Can communicate with animals. Using her helmet, she can send messages even further if her team needs backup. She can also heal others, making her the healer/nurse of the team.
Laurie is the younger daughter of Dr. John Lloyd-Dolittle (and aunt of current day Dr. Dolittle. The trait of communicating animals was passed down from many generations. She later becomes a veterinarian.
Though she loves purple and pink, she wears blue in her hero form since blue is a calming color and helps ease those animals who are injured.
Her name means "symbol of victory."
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Coral Reef, also known as Zena-Waste: member of the Guardeners!
Powers: Can manipulate water and bend the matter (turning it into ice, turning it into steam, etc). She can also use her Cadabra-Grabbers (her arm braces) to grab tons of trash.
She's the daughter of a Mermaid and a sea monster (current day aunt of the Little Mermaid). She's missing her left leg due to it being caught in a ship's blade (her tail is also affected). She has a hard time swimming and uses floats to support herself.
Her entire outfit is made from reused plastic, bags, papers, and metals.
Her name means "sea growth."
Here are my fan made group of Super Readers, taking place in the late 60s to the 70s! They used the powers of nature to protect the Earth and teach others how they can protect their Earth and be more eco-friendly!
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companion-showdown · 8 months
Showdown 2k24: Round 2
Everyone has been split into groups of 16 roughly by how well known they are and seeded within those groups to determin matches. There will be 16 polls posted every day (so two of the groups) except Friday. At the end of the round groups will be paired up and re-seeded ready for next time
the submission form for contestant propaganda is still open, you can find it here.
Day 4
Mary Shelley vs Ikalla
Claudia Winkleman vs Cinder
Hector vs Sibling Different
Ruth Leonidas vs Susan Who
Alan Turing vs Peter Summerfield
John Lennon vs Dorothy (The Wonderful Doctor of Oz)
Tom Campbell vs Barusa
Peter Cushing vs Alison Cheney
Brian the Ood vs Penelope Gate
Hattie Munroe vs Gabby Gonzalez
Splinx vs Grayla
V.M.McCrimmon vs Patience
Andy Davidson vs Dormouse
The Squire vs Weeping Angel (Origins)
Cindy Wu vs Guinevere Winchester
Child Master (The Then and the Now) vs Koschei
previous and future days under the cut
Day 1
Jamie McCrimmon vs Sergeant Benton WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon
Vicki Pallister vs Zoe Heriot WINNER: Zoe Heriot
Barbara Wright vs Steven Taylor WINNER: Barbara Wright
Victoria Waterfield vs Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: Sarah-Jane Smith
Jo Grant vs The Brigadier WINNER: Jo Grant
Ian Chesterton vs Leela WINNER: Leela
Liz Shaw vs Polly Wright WINNER: Liz Shaw
Dodo Chaplet vs Susan Foreman WINNER: Susan Foreman
Charley Pollard vs Mark Seven WINNER: Charley Pollard
Cass Fermazzi vs Molly O'Sullivan WINNER: Molly O'Sullivan
Oliver Harper vs Liv Chenka WINNER: Liv Chenka
C'rizz vs Lucie Miller WINNER: Lucie Miller
Iris Wildthyme vs Anya Kingdom WINNER: Iris Wildthyme
Erimem vs Bliss WINNER: Bliss
Hex Schofield vs Helen Sinclair WINNER: Helen Sinclair
Tania Bell vs Evelyn Smythe WINNER: Evelyn Smythe
Day 2
Bill Potts vs Nardole WINNER: Bill Potts
Wilfred Mott vs Jack Harkness WINNER: Wilfred Mott
Amy Pond vs Martha Jones WINNER: Martha Jones
Clara Oswald vs Rory Williams WINNER: Clara Oswald
Ruby Sunday vs Rose Noble WINNER: Rose Noble
Kate Stewart vs Canton Everette Deleware III WINNER: Kate Stewart
Missy vs Donna Noble WINNER: Donna Noble
Bernice Summerfield vs Marie (Alien Bodies) WINNER: Bernice Summerfield
Chris Cwej vs Business Woman WINNER: Chris Cwej
Roz Forrester vs The Mortimer family WINNER: Roz Forrester
Rosie Taylor vs Compassion WINNER: Compassion
Fitz Kreiner vs Serena WINNER: Fitz Kreiner
Badger vs Wolsey WINNER: Wolsey
Sam Jones vs Claudia Marwood WINNER: Sam Jones
Homunculette vs Anji Kapoor WINNER: Anji Kapoor
Day 3
Ace McShane vs Mags WINNER: Ace McShane
Romana I vs Nyssa WINNER: Nyssa
Romana II vs Ryan Sinclair WINNER: Romana II
Graham O'Brien vs Mel Bush WINNER: Mel Bush
Vislor Turlough vs K9 WINNER: K9
Chang Lee vs Tegan Jovanka WINNER: Tegan Jovanka
Inston-Vee Vinder vs Grace Holloway WINNER: Inston-Vee Vinder
Peri Brown vs Yasmin Khan WINNER: Yasmin Khan
Frobisher vs ARC WINNER: Frobisher
Duh vs Josie Day WINNER: Josie Day
Ssard vs Chantir WINNER: Ssard
Gus Goodman vs Izzy Sinclair WINNER: Izzy Sinclair
Rose-the-cat vs Abslom Daak WINNER: Rose-the-cat
Majenta Pryce vs Maxwell Edison WINNER: Majenta Pryce
Kroton vs Ly-Chee the Wise WINNER: Kroton
Fey Truscott-Sade vs Destrii WINNER: Destrii
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jackiestarsister · 1 day
Thoughts while rereading Jane Eyre
I first read Jane Eyre in its entirety when I was in high school, and it has remained one of my all-time favorite books! After reading the Manga Classics adaptation and seeing both the old and new editions of the stage musical, I finally reread it, or rather listened to the audiobook.
These were my thoughts on this reading (with spoilers):
~ Jane’s autobiography begins with the line, “There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.” I take this to mean that if she had taken a walk that day, none of the following events would have happened! John Reed would not have attacked her at that time and place, leading to her traumatic punishment, her meeting with Mr. Lloyd, and going to Lowood Institution.
~ Charlotte Bronte vividly shows the intensity of children’s emotions. I don’t think that was common in British literature at the time!
~ Jane enters and leaves the lives of the Reeds, the Thornfield residents, and the Rivers siblings in very Gothic fashions! I can imagine parts of the story being told from other characters’ perspectives to great dramatic effect.
~ Knowing the whole story, there are many seeds of foreshadowing to be found throughout the story! Great setup and payoff.
~ Jane says about Helen’s grave, “for fifteen years after her death it was only covered by a grassy mound; but now a grey marble tablet marks the spot.” Jane must have gone back to Lowood when she was about 25, and paid for a fitting monument for her first and life-changing friend!
~ Pilot seems almost like a Disney hero’s sidekick, urging the two love interests to meet each other!
~ Mr. Rochester seems to judge Jane’s character partly by observing how she treats Pilot and Adele, and the contrast against Blanche Ingram’s treatment of them!
~ If Eliza and Georgiana are supposed to represent the extremes of unfeelingness and too effusive feelings, are they basically Eleanor and Marianne Dashwood? I know Charlotte Bronte disliked Pride and Prejudice; maybe she was pushing back against Austen’s other characters too?
~ Rochester actually calls Jane the “adopted daughter” of Mrs. Fairfax and “little English mother” of Adele! I wish this familial dynamic had been brought out more.
~ The impulsive way Jane flees from Thornfield reminds me that she is still a teenager! She does not think of the fact that she has an uncle who wants to give her an inheritance, or of the solicitor’s advice to stay put until she hears news of him. She does not seek help from Mrs. Fairfax or the Leavens family to find a new situation. She might have spared herself a lot of suffering if she had formed a better plan for finding a new home and had her mail forwarded there!
~ St. John, Diana, and Mary Rivers are like a reversed reflection of John, Eliza, and Georgiana Reed—both sets of cousins, but completely opposite dynamics with Jane.
~ Jane’s relationship with St. John Rivers is waaaay more toxic than her relationship with Edward Rochester. Jane can stand her ground with Rochester, who would never force her to do anything she decidedly did not want; but she feels compelled to do whatever St. John tells her, and he urges her to do things against her own desires.
~ Rochester literally loses his eye and hand, just like Jesus says about temptation in Matthew 18:8-9!
~ Jane and Rochester’s relationship is bookended by scenes of her supporting him as he walks!
~ Were the parson and clerk who officiated Jane and Rochester’s marriage the same ones who were at the interrupted wedding?! Unless there was a change in position during the year of separation, they probably were the same ones!
~ My headcanon is that all the Thornfield servants placed bets on how long it would take Jane and Rochester to work things out. This is supported by the innkeeper’s account of how the servants observed Jane and Rochester, and John and Mary’s reactions after they finally get married!
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john-bracket · 1 year
Significant Jother Prelims!
The prelims for Jacket 4 will come in two waves after the winner’s bonus poll ends on Sunday, so get your votes in there.
First, there will be the prelims to decide between love interests for Johns/Jacks/Variants who had multiple submitted. There are eight of those matches, and they will be released throughout the day on Monday, July 10.
Then, there will be the prelims to decide which single nomination significant jothers will make the bracket. If a nomination was submitted multiple times as the only love interest, they are already in. There are 11 polls of four significant jothers, and the winner of each will make the bracket. Prelims were seeded by submission order, and those polls will be released throughout the day on Wednesday, July 12.
Match-ups below the cut!
Monday Match-ups: Who shall win the jand?
Prelim #1: Martin Blackwood (11) vs Georgie Barker (1) for Jonathan “Jon” Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Prelim #2: Jason Mendoza (5) vs Derek (1) for Janet (The Good Place)
Prelim #3: Mercymorn (2) vs Alecto (1) vs Augustine (1) vs Mercymorn + Augustine (0 but throuple rights) for John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Prelim #4: Zatanna Zatara (2) vs King Shark (2) for John Constantine (DC)
Prelim #5: Nisha Kadam (2) vs Moxxi (1) for Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Prelim #6: Brad Majors (2) vs Frank-N-Furter (1) for Janet Weiss (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Prelim #7: Shayera Hol (1) vs Mari McCabe (1) for John Stewart (DC)
Prelim #8: Rafael Solano (1) vs Michael Cordero (1) for Jane Villanueva (Jane the Virgin)
Wednesday Match-ups: I don’t have a funny name
Prelim A: Phryne Fisher for Jack Robinson (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) vs Kitty for Johnny Thirteen (Danny Phantom) vs Marguerite Baker for Jack Baker (Resident Evil) vs James “Jamey” Emerson Fletcher for Mary “Jacky” “Bloody Jack” Faber (Bloody Jack)
Prelim B: Naomi Herne for Evan Lukas (The Magnus Archives) vs Pete Tyler for Jackie Tyler (Doctor Who) vs Agnes Montague for Jack Barnabas (The Magnus Archives) vs Eric Bittle for Jack Zimmermann (Check, Please!)
Prelim C: Anna Bates for John Bates (Downton Abbey) vs Rose DeWitt for Jack Dawson (Titanic) vs Wendy Torrance for Jack Torrance (The Shining) vs Samatha Carter for Jack O’Neill (Stargate SG-1)
Prelim D: Joan of Arc for JFK (Clone High) vs JFK for Joan of Arc (Clone High) vs Elvira for Don Juan (Moliere) vs Pocahontas for John Smith (Pocahontas)
Prelim E: Penta Roujeat for Jack Wright (Namesake) vs Jethro Bodine for Jane Hathaway (Beverly Hillbillies) vs George Jetson for Jane Jetson (The Jetsons) vs Peter Parker for Mary-Jane Watson Parker (Marvel)
Prelim F: Thor for Jane Foster (Marvel) vs David Read for Jane Read (Arthur) vs Marla Singer for Jack/The Narrator (Fight Club) vs Sophie Aubrey for Jack Aubrey (Master and Commander)
Prelim G: Jay Nakamura for Jon Kent (DC) vs Satinder Hall for Ivo Keys (Shaderunners) vs Edward Rochester for Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre) vs Co Bao for John Rambo (Rambo)
Prelim H: Rosemary for Jack/Raider (Metal Gear Solid) vs Vriska Sekret for John Egbert (Homestuck) vs Maddie Fenton for Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom) vs Minnina for Jonathan Ratker (Dracula Starring Mickey Mouse)
Prelim I: Clary Fairchild for Jonathan Christopher “Jace” Herondale (The Mortal Instruments) vs Marisol Garza for Jonathan “Jon” Cartwright (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Jo Lupo for Zane Donovan (Eureka) vs Robert Martin for Janet van de Graff (The Drowsy Chaperone)
Prelim J: Rebecca St. Claire for Jack Secord (Warehouse 13) vs David for Giovanni (Giovanni’s Room) vs Lucy Moderatz for Jack Pullman (While You Were Sleeping) vs Petra Solano for Jane “JR” Ramos (Jane the Virgin)
Prelim K: Scott Summers for Jean Gray (Marvel) vs Hessa for John the Baptist (The Wife of John the Baptist) vs Helen Wick for John Wick (John Wick) vs Patrick Bateman for Jean (American Psycho: The Musical)
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Second Bracket
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You thought I was joking about multiple brackets, didn’t ya? (My beloved edit maker @horselover107 sure wishes I was, but she has been cursed for her hubris of submitting... so many of these <3.) 
This bracket and all the rest consist of ships that I only received one nomination for (with the exception of Martha/Nine and Tyler/Hasan, who lost the prelims to make the first bracket, but will get a chance at redemption here. The seed order is decided by submitted order, so if you don’t see your ship here, don’t worry... it’s somewhere :3
The left side bouts will run on Monday, April 17th, starting at 9am CST, and dropping one every hour on the hour. The right side bouts will run on Wednesday, April 19th, same hours.
Match-ups below the cut:
Bout 1L: Martha Jones/Nine vs Gwen Cooper/Jack Harkness/Owen Harper/Ianto Jones/Toshiko Sato/Rhys Williams
Bout 2L: Donna Noble/Toshiko Sato vs Esther Drummond/Jack Harkness
Bout 3L: Jack Harkness/Clara Oswald vs Toshiko Sato/Orr
Bout 4L: Gwen Cooper/John Hart/Toshiko Sato vs Jack Harkness/Rex Matheson
Bout 5L: Jack Harkness/Martha Jones vs Suzie Costello/Ace McShane
Bout 6L: Johnny Davies/John Hart/Johnathan Penn vs Ianto Jones/Kathy Swanson
Bout 7L: Alice Carter/Sarah Jane Smith vs Suzie Costello/Rose Tyler
Bout 8L: Esther Drummond/Lois Habiba vs Ianto Jones/Rex Matheson
Bout 1R: Gwen Cooper/Suzie Costello/Toshiko Sato vs Jack Harkness/Carla/Persis
Bout 2R: Jack Harkness/River Song vs Alonso Frame/Ianto Jones
Bout 3R: Owen Harper/Ianto Jones/Toshiko Sato vs Jack Harkness/Javic Thane
Bout 4R: Gwen Cooper/Kathy Swanson vs Gwen Cooper/Mary
Bout 5R: Gwen Cooper/Syriath vs Suzie Costello/Owen Harper
Bout 6R: Owen Harper/Martha Jones vs Ianto Jones/Martha Jones
Bout 7R: Gwen Cooper/Esther Drummond vs Gwen Cooper/Toshiko Sato/Rhys Williams
Bout 8R: Norton Folgate/Jack Harkness vs Tyler Steele/Hasan
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lucasmaybury · 6 months
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Reviewing My Record Collection: 3333 Albums from A to Zuma by Stephen Fall
Featuring more than a thousand different artists, Reviewing My Record Collection: 3,333 Albums from A to Zuma examines LPs across diverse genres and sub-genres, acquired from a lifetime of loitering in charity shops and collecting records, tapes and CDs. It offers an honest opinion on the great and less great albums of the last 60-plus years, driven by an ongoing curiosity to hear everything at least once.
The book grapples with the catalogues – often large and unwieldy – of artists such as Abba, Arab Strap, Albert Ayler, Joan Baez, Jane Birkin, Blondie, Blur, David Bowie, James Brown, Tim Buckley, Kate Bush, The Byrds, John Cale, Can, Captain Beefheart, The Carpenters, Leonard Cohen, Julian Cope, Elvis Costello, Miles Davis, Lana Del Rey, Sandy Denny, Depeche Mode, Bob Dylan, Brian Eno, Fairport Convention, The Fall, Funkadelic, Gong, Grateful Dead, Luke Haines, Jimi Hendrix, the Human League, the Incredible String Band, the Innocence Mission, the Jesus and Mary Chain, King Crimson, The Kinks, The Knockouts, Kraftwerk, Led Zeppelin, John Lennon, Gordon Lightfoot, Julie London, Paul McCartney, Medicine Head, Joni Mitchell, The Monkees, Van Morrison, Randy Newman, Joanna Newsom, Nico, The NoMen, Angel Olsen, The Orb, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, Pavement, Peaches, Pink Floyd, Elvis Presley, The Pretenders, Dory Previn, Prince, Public Image Ltd., Pulp, R.E.M., Radiohead, Lou Reed, Jonathan Richman, the Rolling Stones, Roxy Music, Bridget St. John, The Seeds, Silver Apples, Simon & Garfunkel/Paul Simon, Nina Simone, Frank Sinatra, The Smiths/Morrissey, Smog/Bill Callahan, Sonic Youth, Spacemen 3, Sparks, Regina Spektor, Bruce Springsteen, Status Quo, Steeleye Span, Suicide, Sun Ra, T.Rex, Talking Heads, Television/Tom Verlaine, Richard Thompson, Van der Graaf Generator/Peter Hammill, Townes Van Zandt, the Velvet Underground, Loudon Wainwright III, Tom Waits, Robert Wyatt, Yes, Neil Young and Warren Zevon.
1,000+ artists! 785 footnotes! 3,333 albums reviewed!
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jacobbseedd · 7 months
I’m gonna be doing an oc master list on hear just so everyone can see it more better this is also gonna have the people relationship to .
Oc master list :
Eden gate :
Michaela Reece Campbell - Jeanine Mason
Katarina Maya Morgan - Elizabeth Gilles
Jayda Raven wright - Danielle Victoria Perry
Bryson Kai grant - max Parker
Adam Blaine Strickland - Travis fimmel
Trenton Enzo collymore - Kori Sampson
Jayla Rae ford - aj Naomi king
Renne Mia Huxley - Lauren cohen
Natalie Quinn Kramer - Katheryn winnick
Lindsey Cerys Morris - Bryce Dallas Howard
Braeden Weston Raymond - will Graham
Audrey Cara baker - Maia Michelle
Keira Beth white - Madeline peutch
Nicholas Matteo Pearce - Kyle Allen
Preston James huff - Richard harman
Darin Shane Reid - Brant daughtery
Martinez Campbell - Tom ellis
Stephanie woods - inbar lavi
Nadia Jane Sutton - Katheryn newton
Felix Micah porter - Freddy thorp
Parker Lance Dawson - Tyler Blackburn
Maliah cass Gordon - Morgan Crabtree
Kayden Lucian Morgan - Chris Evan’s
Michael trace Sullivan - will poulter
Antonio Kyson chambers - Kieron Moore
Blake chandler miller - Matthew naszka
Cassidy everly Quinn - Madeline cline
Relationship for oc :
Jacob & Michaela
John & Katarina
Jayda & Braeden
Bryson & Audrey
Adam & Natalie
Trenton & jayla
Renne & Nicholas
Lindsey & Keira
Preston & Nadia
Darin & Felix
Parker & Maliah
Cassidy &
Kayden &
Michael &
Antonio &
Blake &
Larissa Leah Palmer - Marie avgeropoulos
Terrence miles Harvey - Chris wood
Chase Luca gray - Theo James
Malcolm Jay Bryant - Ryan Guzman
Lauren grace Shaffer - Hillary Burton
Annabel Kaylyn Chavez - rose Salazar
Charles gage fisher - Pedro pascal
Elena Katie smith - Lucy hale
Izaiah Theo Farley - Federico massaro
Conner Ryder knight - Logan lerman
Robin Kelsey Norwood - Diana agron
Sean Corey Harrison - Alexander Ludwig
Aiden Nico Davenport - Rafael l Silva
Davina Brielle Ramsey - Rachel Zegler
Sage Damon Harrison - Travis van winkle not yet posted
Larissa & Conner
Terrence & Joey
Chase & Jess
Malcolm & Mary
Eli & Robin
Lauren & Earl
Charles & Adelaide
Isaiah & Skyler
Cameron & Annabel
Tammy & Sean
Aiden & Davina
Shaw &
Miner oc :
Jessica Nora miner - Rosamund pike
Calvin madden price - Tyler hoechlin
Trey Draven Sanford - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Emery cordella combs - ayo edebiri
Jayne rose Frey - Alexandra Breckenridge
Liam Cole mullens - Jesse Williams
Jessica & Calvin
Trey & Jayne
Emery & Liam
Kids oc :
Thea raine seed -
Cod oc :
Olive Maeve Rowland - Leah pipes
Makenna sky marks - Zoey deuch
Olive & soap
Makenna & konig
Red dead redemption two oc’s
Eliza Jane Evermore- Isabel may
Rdr2 relationships:
Eliza x Micah Bell
These are all my master oc list and I hope this makes it better some of my people are brother or sister with my sister oc just in case if anyone wonders why there are a last names that are the same .
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Late Blooming Girl
Uncle Beard had no teeth, I was thinking. First of all, the reason he was called Uncle Beard was quite simple: he had a long white beard growing under his chin. The reason he was thought to be toothless was that he clucked his tongue like small drops of sudden rain hitting the roof, no matter what he ate. Uncle Beard, who was an elder brother of my grandma, ran a shoe shop on the edge of Tokyo. I was set to transfer to a new primary school that autumn and my grandma took me to the shop to have the school-designed one strap low heel shoes, pretty shoes so-called Mary Jane in the 1930s, made. Lovely leather shoes strolling could been seen through the display window, Oxfords, Derbys, marshmallow heel pumps, lace-up ankle boots, and knee-high boots. Even the flat shoes with corsages made by suede for little girls pretended to be prima donnas. In a faded poster of the 1966 tune These Boots Are Made for Walkin’, Nancy Sinatra laid sexy, holding Spotted Python to her breast. Uncle Beard showed me a leather sample book. There were a variety of animals, including cows, pigs, deer, etc. and even reptiles such as crocodiles and snakes. True or not, Uncle Beard told us proudly and exaggeratedly that once a year he went to the Amazon River and Río Orinoco to catch crocodiles. “Lunch is a crocodile dish,” Grandma called everyone from the main house at the back of the shop. On the kitchen table were dishes of chicken and white fish, which appeared to be cod, fried in used rapeseed oil. The plate was garnished with tartar sauce and cut lemon, with pickled olives and plastering a heap of French fries. I had lost my appetite.
Late that afternoon, Uncle Beard took me to a summer festival in the shopping district. Food booths lined the front of each shop in the arcade, I begged for grilled corn due to the temptation by the savoury aroma of soy sauce. We sat on a container of chilled bottled beer and nibbled on a whole corn together. I gazed at Uncle Beard’s mouth from motives of curiosity. When he opened his thin lips inside the bush of his long white beard, a reddish-black tongue glimpsed like a snake through the dark hole leading to his larynx. Then the teeth, which should not be there, especially the big front teeth, dropped the corn grains into his mouth like a bulldozer scraping sediment from a bedrock. The corn cores remained after being ground and eaten up by only his tongue rolled aimlessly away, lost in the footsteps of the festival crowd. ‘Do you want some watermelon?’ Uncle Beard said impatiently and brought two slices of watermelon out of eight equal portions into each hand, from the next booth. The droplets from the surface of watermelon, which had cooled in the icebox, evaporated in the heat of the pavement. I tried again to observe Uncle Beard, but his watermelon quickly disappeared into his long white beard. From a black hole, which might be his mouth, black seeds as small beetles jumped out vigorously one after another and died on the burnt pavement. The juice of watermelon spilled from his relax tongue stained his dry beard a pale pink.
There was a lottery at the exit of the shopping arcade. The Japanese lottery machine was a hexagonal rotating wooden box with plastic balls of about one centimetre in radius in various colours, red, blue, green, white, yellow, etc. The bettor turned a handle on the outside and the prize was determined by the colour of ball out. The first prize of the winner was a one-night trip for a couple to the hot-spring hotel in Hakone. “I hope we win the Fujiya Ryokan, where John & Yoko and Yukio Mishima used to stay,” said Uncle Beard dreamily as he stood in the queue. When it was our turn and I turned the handle of the machine in exchange for a redemption ticket, a white ball rolled out. The prize was a Hello Kitty perfume bottle-style keyring. The madam of the cosmetics shops in charge of the lottery said, “Congratulations, Kitty! you are lucky!” she smiled, hooked a ball chain on the tip of her glittery manicured forefinger and popped Hello Kitty into the palm of my hand. The liquid was noticed to be just water, coloured pink. Madame winked at Uncle Beard with her eyelashes like the wings of a swallowtail butterfly. “You should buy this girl a real perfume. Eau de Parfum named Ever Bloom would suit her. As you know, I work at a distributor of Shiseido Company. The shop is on the ground floor of the building on the corner back down this street. The next door of a book café. Do not forget!”
Even as the seasons passed, I could not adjust to my new primary school. I was a late-blooming girl who never pursued love or dreams. But I fell in love with a dreaming boy in my dream. I could only see his back in the distance. As I woke up from my dream, I was crying hugged the afterimage of his smile. I was listening to These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ on my pillow while eating an apple. Outside the window it was snowing. I thought of sexy alligator-skin boots strutting around town like a Nancy Sinatra song. I remembered the cute boy in the same class as me in the previous school. Although I had forgotten about the Hello Kitty keyring I won as prize on the day of the summer festival, and Eau de Parfum which Uncle Beard bought me. Even the scent of Ever Bloom might have remained in the back of my desk drawer, I cannot remember. I wondered if the truth or not that Uncle Beard was planning an adventure capturing black caiman and Orinoco crocodiles in Venezuela again next summer holidays. Above all, I could never forget the horrible scene, the little black creatures popped out from the dark hole inside his long white beard, then they died on the burnt pavement.
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RIContest #1: Late Blooming Girl / Hiromi Suzuki
© short story by hiromi suzuki, 2023
published in RIC Journal (May 29, 2023)
via RIC Journal
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paperbackpendulum · 2 years
Physical TBR
Last night I realized that I own 50 books that I’ve never even read. I was so excited about all of these books when I bought them but ended up getting distracted and buying even more books. My goal for the rest of this year is to not purchase any new books. I’ll still be reading from my local library, my monthly audible credits, and books that I’ve already preordered of course.
Cat’s Eye - Margret Atwood
The Edible Woman - Margret Atwood
Hag-Seed - Margret Atwood
Surfacing - Margret Atwood
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
Persuasion - Jane Austen
4321 - Paul Auster
Lore - Alexandra Bracken
Parable of the Talents - Octavia E Butler
Mind Hunter - John Douglas
A Tale of Two Worlds - Michel Faber
Voyager - Diana Gabaldon
Drums of Autumn - Diana Gabaldon
The Fiery Cross - Diana Gabaldon
A Breath of Snow and Autumn- Diana Gabaldon
An Echo in the Bone - Diana Gabaldon
Written in My Own Hearts Blood - Diana Gabaldon
Neverwhere- Neil Gaiman
Beasts of Prey - Ayana Gray
The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green
The Once and Future Witches - Alix E Harrow
Dune- Frank Herbert
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love - Bell Hooks
Island - Aldous Huxley
The Fifth Season - N.K. Jemisin
Ulysses - James Joyce
The Green Mile - Steven King
IV - Chuck Klosterman
Go Set a Watchman - Harper Lee
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
Fae Fever - Karen Marie Moning
Dream Fever - Karen Marie Moning
Shadow Fever - Karen Marie Moning
Iced - Karen Marie Moning
Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
Harrow the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
A Deadly Education - Naomi Novik
Survivor - Chuck Palahniuk
Stronghold - Melanie Rawn
Th Dragon Token - Melanie Rawn
Skybowl - Melanie Rawn
The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
The Bone Season - Samantha Shannon
The Mime Order - Samantha Shannon
Against Interpretation and Other Essays - Susan Songtag
Valley of the Dolls - Jacqueline Susann
Funny You Should Ask - Elissa Sussman
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Interior Chinatown - Charles Yu
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pinersun · 2 years
Inspiration saturday blessings
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#Inspiration saturday blessings trial
“When I get out of bed in the morning, I literally say a prayer. “‘I am overflowing with love, peace, joy, happiness, and abundance.’ Let this be your morning prayer.” Good morning blessings and prayers “Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.” – Thomas Goodwin “Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.” – Camille Pissarro “The unthankful heart discovers no mercies, but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.” – Henry Ward Beecher I am grateful and happy to be able to share this.” – Eric Idle “I have been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health. All will be in my thoughts daily.” – Lil’ Kim “I am blessed to have so many great things in my life – family, friends, and God. I have been blessed to have been in the right place at the right time.” – Buzz Aldrin “Timing has always been a key element in my life. May you wake up with a thankful heart and hope for a new day. God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect. May God bless your morning with peace and joy. May you arise today with the voice of blessings and peace in your heart.Īlways make your day a great one because it is god’s gift for a new beginning, blessing, and hope. I just have a morning wish that you stay Blessed throughout the day. May God smile on you and take good care of you today. May our lives continue to be showered with god’s amazing blessings. Today is a gift and a blessing from God smile and enjoy it. “You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.” – Andrew Jackson “You never know where a blessing can come from.” – Teena Marie “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” – Jesus Christ “God bestows his blessings without discrimination.” – F.F. “Whenever I’ve been hired to do a job, I determine in my heart to do it with all of the ability that Christ has blessed me with.”- Michael Yeagerįree Daily Blessing Quotes “God always gives us unexpected blessings.” Plus, he blessed me with a good work ethic and a drive to want to be the best.” – Benjamin Watson “God blessed me with great talent and good genetics. It’s very rewarding, and I feel grateful and blessed, and I never take it for granted.” – Jane Elliot “Nothing thrills me more than to be good at something. “If God has blessed and supplied us with an abundance of things and we see someone in need and do not help, how can we say we love that person?” – John Buttrick “We are blessed to be a blessing and we are overcomers by the victorious words that we speak out of our mouths.” – Deborah A. “If we should be blessed by some great reward, such as fame or fortune, it’s the fruit of a seed planted by us in the past.” – Bodhidharma “Find time to thank God for all the blessings you receive on a day to day basis.” – Steven Johnson “It helps as a reminder to be grateful for the gifts God has blessed me with.” – Brandon Harrison “Focus on you, your soul, spirit, blessing people with who you are, and following your heart’s passions.” – Ally Brooke I’m grateful for everything I do have and the places I’m going and the things I’ve seen.” – Leah LaBelle “Every day I feel is a blessing from God. “I think in every lesson there’s a blessing, and there are so many blessings from all the lessons I’ve had to go through in life.” – Alonzo Mourning I thank them for their patience and grace.” – Matt Lauer “I am blessed to be surrounded by the people I love. “Inspiration is some mysterious blessing which happens when the wheels are turning smoothly.” – Quentin Blake
#Inspiration saturday blessings trial
Inspiration Good morning blessings Quotes “There is a blessing hidden in every trial in life, but you have to be willing to open your heart to see them.”
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lobanhart · 4 years
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I have completed (finally!) a new commission for a wonderful @deathvalleyqueen with her children - John and Mary Jane. Thank you so much for entrusting me with this job! 💛✨ I really enjoy learning more about your cute characters. They are all so different and beautiful, and it makes me rejoice at how many talented people I see here.✨🖤
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deathvalleyqueen · 4 years
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I was lucky enough to be able to snag a commission from the lovely @pheedraws​ and she captured my little soft sleepy morning idea so well! I would absolutely recommend Phoebe to anyone looking for some stunning art!! She was a delight to work with on this. I am so grateful for my dear friend @cornfedcryptid​ for helping me be able to get this art and always being the head cheerleader of my ships and writing. 
Please accept this fluffy (and a touch angsty) oneshot that goes with this wholesome art. 
Morning Coffee 
Rating: T - low M
Word Count -  8072
TW: Very brief mention of drug use
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I am not someone who normally sleeps in as a rule, but the morning after our first night in the Ranch, Seed Ranch as it is now called I suppose, there was nothing that could have drug me out of bed with the sun. The twins did well enough with the move during the day but by the end of the evening they had let their pure displeasure for all the commotion be well known. They took turns fussing most of the night. Being very careful to take their turns, not being kind enough to give us both of them calm and sleeping at the same time 'til almost four in the morning This was obviously a coordinated effort on their part, even if they were only six weeks old. I had taken the brunt of dealing with the twins throughout the night, letting John try and get some rest as he had been doing the majority of the running in the previous few days. I thought it was the kindest thing to do, but I regretted deeply not being a far more selfish person. As much as the prospect of laying in bed all day was so very appealing to my still mostly asleep self, I knew that if I didn’t start moving soon I wasn’t ever going to. There were babies that probably were up or about to be. Not to mention a whole house that needed put together so we could actually live as comfortably as our new home should allow us to.
As I rolled over, I fully expected to stop halfway, being caught around the waist by a half asleep John. Like he had most mornings for the better part of the last decade. He would pull me back against him and nuzzle the back of my neck, softly asking me to stay with him just a little longer. Something he knew would only end up keeping me in bed for another blissful ten minutes, at least. Yet, on this morning I flopped over on my back to find a cold empty space. Instantly my half asleep brain started to panic. My hand blindly searched on his side of the bed, somehow expecting John to just appear out of thin air. As I pushed myself up, I opened my tired eyes and searched around the dim room. The curtains were still drawn, the bedroom door shut. It was quiet since the twins had come home. Quiet terrified me. I reached towards the end of the bed and pulled on an old lavender sweater that I had worn the night before as my eyes started to search around the room. The twin’s bassinets were at the end of the bed and the bathroom door was closed with the lights off. No sign of anyone inside.
I ran my hands up my face as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes trying to will myself to be more awake than I was capable of at that moment. With a huff I tossed the covers off and instantly regretted it as soon as I remembered it was mid November. While the snow hadn’t started quite yet, there was enough of a chill in the morning the I pulled up my socks as I slipped on my weather old pink bunny slippers. My first thought was ‘check the babies..they are too quiet ’, so to the end of the bed I went. Much to my shock and honestly, a bit of pure terror thrown in there too, I found both of the bassinets empty. The panic that was already there because of John’s absence swelled to the point I could feel my chest begin to grow tighter as the first rush of pure anxiety took me over. “Where...are my babies?” I snapped so not awake enough for any of this.
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wewillryesagain · 5 years
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I scrounged this up in the last 48 hours and just finished it. It's a little rough, but it's the biggest digital drawing I've ever done period. I'm planning on posting it on twitter later because I live for Ubisoft validation apparently. Anyways, hope you guys like it, I poured quite literally my heart and soul into this, and put my friends deputies in there too. It's been a rough year in FarCry terms, but I feel like from this point now, it's going to be okay. Something tells me after all the downs I've had in this fandom, it's time to go up!
Here's some of the characters featured:
Sam Aileron//Sam Rye (mine)
Nancy Drubman (cheese_clarice on Instagram)
Alice Seed (@ymmortal-blog)
Aless Rook (@baberahamlinkin)
Jane Seed (@jrsydevl)
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fanfictionsandtea · 3 years
Peaky Blinders AU where everybody smokes weed instead of tobacco
The Shelbys first discovered weed through an ex-soldier of the colonial army (East India Company).
Thomas was sceptical at first because he knew what opium could do to your body. He was scared that his brothers would get addicted to that new drug he knew little about.
John on the other side was not afraid at all. Behind Tommys back he smoked a bowl of the good Kush and immediately fell in love with Mary Jane.
He began to meet more often with the ex-soldier who was already an experienced pothead and grew his own weed in his backyard.
He also began to smoke on his own and soon discovered the medical benefits as well. After a fight the first thing he would do was not to bandage his wounds but to light up a bowl of his favourite strain.
One day Thomas and Arthur drove to Johns house to suprise him.
When he opened the door the smoke that was trapped in the room escaped in a cloud like manner. His eyes were barely open and looked very irritated.
"What happened to you?", Arthur asked perplexed.
"Oh, I know that bloody smell. John, tell me you are not smoking that fucking flower!", Thomas growled.
"Calm down, Thomas. It helps me with the pain from all the fighting."
"Really?", Arthur asked, "Do you think it could help me with my back?"
"Sure, come in."
John prepered a great bowl full of White Widow. He started laughing as Arthur coughed his soul out of his body. Arthur fell into Johns armchair. He closed his eyes and had a big smile on his face. John was happy about his positiv reaction of sudden relaxation and prepared another bowl for himself.
"John, are you fucking kidding me?", Thomas said with an agressiv voice.
"You should try it, Tommy.", Arthur replied and started coughing again.
"C´mon you´re smoking your bloody opium every second night and now your judging me for smoking some pot."
"Drugs are bloody dangerous, John!", he shouted.
"Damn, Thomas, keep it quiet.", Arthur complained.
"It´s not dangerous. Well, it´s not worse than a cigarette. Weed has a lot of medical benefits. It can help you with pain, stress and even anxiety and depression among other things. It makes all the bad thoughts go away. Try it at least before you judge me."
"Alright, prepare me a bowl."
Thomas first experience was amazing. The weed got his creative juices flowing throughout his body. He started planning to grow his own weed to be financially independent and when an idea hit him like a train. Money. He could sell weed amongst all his friends and enemies to make them dependent on him.
"Guys, we´re starting a new business."
Thomas managed to get some seeds from connection to Amsterdam. At first they only grew weed in there backyards but they expanded quickly into green house complexes specially built for their farming efforts.
Polly was facinated by the new plant. It helped her forgetting about all the bad things that had happened to her in the past. After growing her own marijuana plants she realized how much she loved gardening and began to get deeper into the art of botany especially in regards to crossing different breeds. Her weed became to known as the strongest in all of Birmingham.
Isaiah, Finn and the other boys stopped snorting snow, which Thomas saw as a big improvement of the family.
Ada and the communists natrually loved it, too. They worked together on giant publicly owned fields to support their commune.
Johns oldest boy sometimes snuck out to steel some weed from Esmes purse even though John was always ambitioned to keep children away from drugs.
"I told you a thousand times that pot is only for cannabis patients and adults!" (What up YouTube YouTube what up Jolli Olli comin atcha for CustomGrow420... go check him out)
Alfie Solomon was a bit sceptical at first but he didn´t regret trying it. After blazing he had some beautiful intimate moments with his god.
Everyone was happy and soon the weed wave spread all across the isles and beyond to all corners of the British Empire.
But one day John talked to a guy who gave him shrooms.
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